file_name,file_type,chunk_number,content docs/001-010,.pdf,252,"00 18.03.19 " docs/001-010,.pdf,183,"53.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,184,"TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - FLATS_G PLUS 4 N ABOVE " docs/001-010,.pdf,185,"340 " docs/001-010,.pdf,186,"54.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,187,"55.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,188,"TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - KOTHI TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,182,"PAGE NO. " docs/001-010,.pdf,189,"341 " docs/001-010,.pdf,191,"56.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,192,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FOR SINGLE STREAM " docs/001-010,.pdf,193,"REGULATOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,194,"351 " docs/001-010,.pdf,195,"57.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,196,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF FOUNDATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,190,"342 to 350 " docs/001-010,.pdf,197,"FOR SINGLE STREAM SERVICE REGULATOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,181,"DESCRIPTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,179,"INDEX " docs/001-010,.pdf,165,"MDPE PIPES " docs/001-010,.pdf,166,"335 " docs/001-010,.pdf,167,"49.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,168,"50.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,169,"TYPICAL DRAWINGS FOR BRACKET & CLAMP GI PIPE SLEEVE " docs/001-010,.pdf,170,"336 " docs/001-010,.pdf,180,"SL.NO. " docs/001-010,.pdf,171,"337 " docs/001-010,.pdf,173,"52.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,174,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION-LMC AND NONLMC TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - FLATS " docs/001-010,.pdf,175,"338 " docs/001-010,.pdf,176,"339 " docs/001-010,.pdf,177,"Page 3 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,178,"VCS Quality Services Private Limited " docs/001-010,.pdf,172,"51.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,164,"ROAD HIGHWAY CASED CROSSING FOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,198,"332 " docs/001-010,.pdf,200,"DIFFERENT PRESSURE SYSTEM " docs/001-010,.pdf,219,"64.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,220,"TYPICAL PAMPHLET " docs/001-010,.pdf,221,"379 to 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,222,"Page 4 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,223,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/001-010,.pdf,224,"INTRODUCTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,218,"367 to 378 " docs/001-010,.pdf,225,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/001-010,.pdf,227,"INTRODUCTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,228,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/001-010,.pdf,229,"Page 5 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,230,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/001-010,.pdf,231,"INTRODUCTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,232,"1.0 INTRODUCTION & SCOPE " docs/001-010,.pdf,226,"LAYING OF MDPE NETWORK, GI/Cu/MLC INSTALLATION AND MRS FABRICATION IN NCT OF DELHI, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA & RAJASTHAN GA " docs/001-010,.pdf,199,"58.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,217,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/001-010,.pdf,215,"357 to 366 " docs/001-010,.pdf,201,"353 " docs/001-010,.pdf,202,"59.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,203,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF " docs/001-010,.pdf,204,"NG DISTRIBUTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,205,"354 " docs/001-010,.pdf,206,"60.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,216,"63.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,207,"SCHEMATIC DRAWING OF HOUSING FOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,209,"355 " docs/001-010,.pdf,210,"61.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,211,"TYPICAL DRAWING FOR CRASH GUARD " docs/001-010,.pdf,212,"356 " docs/001-010,.pdf,213,"62.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,214,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MRS " docs/001-010,.pdf,208,"SINGLE SERVICE REGULATOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,233,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL), a joint venture company of Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT) plans to augment the PNG Network. It supplies natural gas to domestic & commercial consumers in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan. " docs/001-010,.pdf,163,"48.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,161,"NALLAH CROSSING " docs/001-010,.pdf,111,"UNDERGROUND CABLE CROSSING " docs/001-010,.pdf,112,"318 " docs/001-010,.pdf,113,"32.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,114,"BARRICADING " docs/001-010,.pdf,115,"319 " docs/001-010,.pdf,116,"33.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,110,"31.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,117,"CAUTION BOARD & TAPE ARRANGEMENT IN " docs/001-010,.pdf,119,"320 " docs/001-010,.pdf,120,"34.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,121,"TYPICAL TRENCH DIMENSION FOR PIPELINE " docs/001-010,.pdf,122,"321 " docs/001-010,.pdf,123,"35.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,124,"PLATE MARKER " docs/001-010,.pdf,118,"GI/RISER INSTALLATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,125,"322 " docs/001-010,.pdf,109,"315 to 317 " docs/001-010,.pdf,107,"30.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,93,"PAGE NO. " docs/001-010,.pdf,94,"STANDARD DRAWINGS " docs/001-010,.pdf,95,"26.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,96,"GAD ISOLATION VALVE " docs/001-010,.pdf,97,"307 to 308 " docs/001-010,.pdf,98,"27.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,108,"DETAIL OF RCC BRICK CHAMBER " docs/001-010,.pdf,99,"DETAIL OF PIPE TRENCH " docs/001-010,.pdf,101,"28.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,102,"DETAIL OF RCC PAVEMENT " docs/001-010,.pdf,103,"310 " docs/001-010,.pdf,104,"29.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,105,"DETAIL OF RCC VALVE CHAMBER " docs/001-010,.pdf,106,"311 to 314 " docs/001-010,.pdf,100,"309 " docs/001-010,.pdf,162,"334 " docs/001-010,.pdf,126,"36.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,128,"323 " docs/001-010,.pdf,147,"43.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,148,"TYPICAL BRICK WALL TRENCH FOR 7M " docs/001-010,.pdf,149,"ROAD CROSSING INSIDE SOCIETY " docs/001-010,.pdf,150,"330 " docs/001-010,.pdf,151,"44.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,152,"DRAIN CROSSING WITH PEDESTAL " docs/001-010,.pdf,146,"329 " docs/001-010,.pdf,153,"331 " docs/001-010,.pdf,155,"DRAIN CROSSING WITHOUT PEDESTAL " docs/001-010,.pdf,156,"332 " docs/001-010,.pdf,157,"46.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,158,"DRAIN CROSSING FOR LAYING OF SERVICE LINES " docs/001-010,.pdf,159,"333 " docs/001-010,.pdf,160,"47.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,154,"45.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,127,"RCC STONE MARKER " docs/001-010,.pdf,145,"(375X660) " docs/001-010,.pdf,143,"42.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,129,"37.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,130,"38.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,131,"POLE MARKER WITH FOUNDATION_SOCIETIES 324 POLE MARKER WITH FOUNDATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,132,"325 " docs/001-010,.pdf,133,"39.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,134,"CAUTION BOARD " docs/001-010,.pdf,144,"TYPICAL BRICK WALL TRENCH FOR SOCIETY " docs/001-010,.pdf,135,"326 " docs/001-010,.pdf,137,"HALF ROUND CONCERETE SLEEVE " docs/001-010,.pdf,138,"327 " docs/001-010,.pdf,139,"41.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,140,"TYPICAL BRICK WALL TRENCH FOR SOCIETY " docs/001-010,.pdf,141,"(660X660) " docs/001-010,.pdf,142,"328 " docs/001-010,.pdf,136,"40.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,92,"INDEX " docs/001-010,.pdf,234,"VCS Quality Services Pvt. Ltd. (VCSQSPL) is now inviting tenders on Competitive Bidding basis for Extension of PNG Pipeline Network in NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA for supplying Natural Gas to Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Customers. It is proposed to execute the annual rate contract for services PE pipeline laying and GI / CU installations in low- & high-rise segment. " docs/001-010,.pdf,236,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/001-010,.pdf,328,"33 " docs/001-010,.pdf,329,"32.0 TESTING OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS .... " docs/001-010,.pdf,330,"38 " docs/001-010,.pdf,331,"33.0 INSPECTION BY THIRD PARTY INSPECTION (TPI) AGENCIES " docs/001-010,.pdf,332,"NOMINATED BY LAND OWNING AGENCIES " docs/001-010,.pdf,333,"39 " docs/001-010,.pdf,327,"30.0 CIVIL WORKS..... " docs/001-010,.pdf,334,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/001-010,.pdf,336,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/001-010,.pdf,337,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,338,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/001-010,.pdf,339,"1.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,340,"2.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,341,"GENERAL INFORMATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,335,"Page 8 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,342,"Indraprastha Gas Ltd. is a Joint Venture Company of Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (BPCL) and Govt. of NCT of Delhi. IGL plans to install an underground Natural Gas Distribution network throughout the NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan. The objective is to supply Natural Gas to both DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL customers, and to provide compressed gas as a fuel for Automobiles. IGL is seeking Contractors to assist in meeting the above objective. " docs/001-010,.pdf,326,"32 " docs/001-010,.pdf,324,"31 " docs/001-010,.pdf,310,"... 28 " docs/001-010,.pdf,311,"22.0 PURGING..... " docs/001-010,.pdf,312,"23.0 VALVE PITS.... " docs/001-010,.pdf,313,"24.0 CONSTRUCTION OF TRENCHES AND OTHER SCOPE OF WORK IN " docs/001-010,.pdf,314,"BUILDER SEGMENT-..... " docs/001-010,.pdf,315,"25.0 ROUTE MARKERS.. " docs/001-010,.pdf,325,"29.0 RECORDING (AS-BUILT DRAWINGS). " docs/001-010,.pdf,316,"26.0 GUIDELINES: " docs/001-010,.pdf,318,".29 " docs/001-010,.pdf,319,".29 " docs/001-010,.pdf,320,"30 " docs/001-010,.pdf,321,".31 " docs/001-010,.pdf,322,"31 " docs/001-010,.pdf,323,"28.0 STANDARD OF WORK...... " docs/001-010,.pdf,317,"27.0 ASSISTANCE IN COMMISSIONING " docs/001-010,.pdf,309,"....26 ..... 27 " docs/001-010,.pdf,343,"The main scope of this Specification comprises of laying of underground Medium Density Polyethylene (MDPE) main pipelines and service pipeline. The scope covers all the activities associated with the purchasing (specified items only), laying, testing and commissioning of MDPE main pipelines and service pipelines in new & existing gas charged areas of sizes ranging from 20mm up to 180mm OD, which includes PE/GI transition fitting above ground level and above ground laying and commissioning of powder coated GI/CU pipe line, meter regulator etc. including burner conversion and commissioning. " docs/001-010,.pdf,345,"Compliance with these specifications and/ or approval of any of the Contractor's documents shall in no case relieve the Contractor of his contractual obligations. " docs/001-010,.pdf,364,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/001-010,.pdf,365,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/001-010,.pdf,366,"Prior to start of construction activity, contractor shall prepare route survey drawing in AUTO CAD / Computerized drawing (minimum size of sheet is A3) marked for proposed gas pipe line laying and submit to IGL/PMC for approval " docs/001-010,.pdf,367,"Obtaining permissions from respective land owning agencies such as MCD, NDMC, PWD, DDA, NHAI, GNN, GDA, Railway Irrigation department, DSIDC, UPSIDC, NOIDA, Greater Noida etc. for road cutting for laying of the pipelines, liaison with the concerned authorities during execution of the job, obtaining NOC from concerned authorities once the work is completed. Getting back/refund of bank guarantee/security deposits made to the agencies for laying of the pipelines. " docs/001-010,.pdf,368,"Obtaining clearances and coordination with concerned RWA of the allotted area for internal network laying and obtaining NOC from RWA after completion of work. " docs/001-010,.pdf,369,"Transportation of Free Issue Material from IGL stores to contractor stores, proper storing, and stacking, providing security, transit insurance cover during storage, laying, commissioning and handling over pipelines to owner. " docs/001-010,.pdf,363,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,370,"Obtaining the approval for optimum route and ROU from the concerned authority. " docs/001-010,.pdf,372,"Wherever required the grass/turfing, pavement, linings, drains, roads and other such 'pucca' area shall be locally removed to facilitate trenching and pipe laying works. The same is to be reinstated as original. " docs/001-010,.pdf,373,"Installation of safety/warning signs and barricading of the entire route to be trenched. Pits to be similarly barricaded along with warning signs and caution boards. " docs/001-010,.pdf,374,"To make trenches with stable slopes but restricting minimum disturbance to above ground/underground services/installation as per specifications and approved route plans keeping the trenches free from water and soil till placement of pipes. " docs/001-010,.pdf,375,"Uncoiling/stringing the MDPE pipes of required sizes (i.e. 180, 125, 63, 32 & 20 mm) pipes into trenches as per approved procedure. " docs/001-010,.pdf,376,"Joining the pipe ends with fittings of valves by approved automated electro-fusion techniques only as per tender specification. " docs/001-010,.pdf,377,"Installation of pipe fittings like elbow, tees, reducers, couplers, tapping saddles, transition fittings, valves etc., including construction of supports, valves pits, " docs/001-010,.pdf,371,"Making trial pits to determine the underground utilities/services such as existing pipelines, cables (electrical/communication), conduits, u/g drainage, sewers, tunnels, subways foundations etc. for deciding optimum feasible route and depths for laying the pipelines based on the route plans indicated by Owner. " docs/001-010,.pdf,344,"This technical specification defines the basic guidelines to develop an acceptable design and suitable construction methodology for carrying out different activities listed out in the schedule of rates of this tender. " docs/001-010,.pdf,362,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/001-010,.pdf,360,"Page 9 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,346,"DEFINITIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,347,"OWNER " docs/001-010,.pdf,348,"PMC " docs/001-010,.pdf,349,"SS " docs/001-010,.pdf,350,"TPIA " docs/001-010,.pdf,351,"EIC " docs/001-010,.pdf,361,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,352,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. IGL " docs/001-010,.pdf,354,"THIRD PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY (TO BE APPOINTED BY IGL) ENGINEER- IN CHARGE " docs/001-010,.pdf,355,"3.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,356,"SCOPE OF WORK " docs/001-010,.pdf,357,"Generally, the following shall constitute the contractor's scope of work but not limited to: " docs/001-010,.pdf,358,"Plan and prepare a schedule for execution and work implementation as per QA/QC plans to be issued by Owner/Owner's representative. Contractor has to submit the Construction/Execution procedures before commencement of work to Owner/Owner's representative for approval. " docs/001-010,.pdf,359,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/001-010,.pdf,353,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. (VCSQSPL) STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,235,"The present document covers the technical specifications for the enquiry. " docs/001-010,.pdf,308,"21.0 TESTING......... " docs/001-010,.pdf,306,"20.0 RESTORATION.. " docs/001-010,.pdf,256,"Purpose " docs/001-010,.pdf,257,"BS Prepared By " docs/001-010,.pdf,258,"MVK Checked Approved By By " docs/001-010,.pdf,259,"AD " docs/001-010,.pdf,260,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/001-010,.pdf,261,"Page 7 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,255,"DATE " docs/001-010,.pdf,262,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/001-010,.pdf,264,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/001-010,.pdf,265,"CONTENTS " docs/001-010,.pdf,266,"1.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,267,"GENERAL INFORMATION. " docs/001-010,.pdf,268,"2.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,269,"DEFINITIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,263,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,270,".3 " docs/001-010,.pdf,254,"REV. " docs/001-010,.pdf,251,"HK " docs/001-010,.pdf,237,"Page 2 of 2 " docs/001-010,.pdf,238,"Page 6 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,239,"S " docs/001-010,.pdf,240,"C " docs/001-010,.pdf,241,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/001-010,.pdf,242,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/001-010,.pdf,253,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/001-010,.pdf,243,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,245,"LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,246,"VCS-SS - PE - 0001 " docs/001-010,.pdf,247,"01 10.05.21 " docs/001-010,.pdf,248,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/001-010,.pdf,249,"RKY " docs/001-010,.pdf,250,"RKT " docs/001-010,.pdf,244,"FOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,307,".... 26 " docs/001-010,.pdf,271,".3. " docs/001-010,.pdf,273,"8.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,292,"12 " docs/001-010,.pdf,293,"13 " docs/001-010,.pdf,294,"15 " docs/001-010,.pdf,295,"14.0 LAYING.......... " docs/001-010,.pdf,296,"19 " docs/001-010,.pdf,297,"15.0 JOINTING OF POLYETHYLENE PIPE.. " docs/001-010,.pdf,291,"12.0 STRUCTURES, SERVICES AND OTHER PROPERTY.. 13.0 TRENCHING " docs/001-010,.pdf,298,".22 " docs/001-010,.pdf,300,"23 " docs/001-010,.pdf,301,"17.0 MOLING............ " docs/001-010,.pdf,302,".25 " docs/001-010,.pdf,303,"18.0 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING (HDD) .. " docs/001-010,.pdf,304,".25 " docs/001-010,.pdf,305,"19.0 CASING PIPE..... " docs/001-010,.pdf,299,"16.0 BACKFILLING ... " docs/001-010,.pdf,272,"7.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,290,"11.0 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. " docs/001-010,.pdf,288,"11 " docs/001-010,.pdf,274,"9.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,275,"SAFETY ..... " docs/001-010,.pdf,276,"10.0 ROUTE SURVEY " docs/001-010,.pdf,277,"3.0 SCOPE OF WORK..... " docs/001-010,.pdf,278,"4.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,279,"5.0 PROGRESS OF WORK.... " docs/001-010,.pdf,289,"12 " docs/001-010,.pdf,280,"6.0 APPROVALS & PERMISSIONS FOR PIPELINE LAYING REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARD.. QUALITY OF WORK " docs/001-010,.pdf,282,"MATERIAL, MANPOWER, EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY.. " docs/001-010,.pdf,283,"6 " docs/001-010,.pdf,284,"9 " docs/001-010,.pdf,285,".9 " docs/001-010,.pdf,286,"10 " docs/001-010,.pdf,287,"11 " docs/001-010,.pdf,281,".3 " docs/001-010,.pdf,378,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/001-010,.pdf,91,"DESCRIPTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,89,"VCS Quality Services Private Limited " docs/001-010,.pdf,23,"4.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,24,"5.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,25,"SS - FOR WELDED RISER & GI COPPER INSTALLATION FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE SEGMENTS OF NCT OF DELHI, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA & RAJASTHAN GA SS FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPINF FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS IN HARYANA & RAJASTHAN GA SS ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/001-010,.pdf,26,"67 to 86 " docs/001-010,.pdf,27,"87 to 115 " docs/001-010,.pdf,28,"6.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,29,"116 to 125 " docs/001-010,.pdf,30,"7.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,31,"SS-FABRICATION, SUPPLY, AND INSTALLATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,32,"OF WIRED CAGES FOR MRS " docs/001-010,.pdf,33,"126 to 138 " docs/001-010,.pdf,34,"8.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,35,"SS ISOLATION VALVE " docs/001-010,.pdf,36,"139 to 144 " docs/001-010,.pdf,37,"9.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,38,"SS-MLC PIPE " docs/001-010,.pdf,39,"145 to 149 " docs/001-010,.pdf,40,"10.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,41,"SS " docs/001-010,.pdf,22,"46 to 66 " docs/001-010,.pdf,42,"BRASS FITTINGS " docs/001-010,.pdf,21,"SS-INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/ COPPER PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,19,"07 to 45 " docs/001-010,.pdf,90,"SL.NO. " docs/001-010,.pdf,1,"VCS Quality Services Private Limited " docs/001-010,.pdf,2,"TENDER FOR " docs/001-010,.pdf,3,"LAYING OF MDPE NETWORK, GI/Cu/MLC INSTALLATION AND MRS FABRICATION IN NCT OF DELHI, UTTAR PRADESH, HARYANA & " docs/001-010,.pdf,4,"RAJASTHAN GA " docs/001-010,.pdf,5,"Tender No: IGL/ET2/CP/CP17431 Document No: VCS/C&P/CP17028/WC/MDPE/06 " docs/001-010,.pdf,6,"Technical Volume (Volume II of II) " docs/001-010,.pdf,7,"Issued: 06.04.2023 " docs/001-010,.pdf,8,"igl " docs/001-010,.pdf,9,"Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) New Delhi | India " docs/001-010,.pdf,10,"VCS Quality Services Private Limited " docs/001-010,.pdf,11,"INDEX " docs/001-010,.pdf,12,"SL.NO. " docs/001-010,.pdf,13,"DESCRIPTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,14,"01.0 2.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,15,"INTRODUCTION " docs/001-010,.pdf,16,"SS-LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/001-010,.pdf,17,"PAGE NO. " docs/001-010,.pdf,18,"05 to 06 " docs/001-010,.pdf,20,"3.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,43,"150 to 154 " docs/001-010,.pdf,379,"Page 10 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,45,"SS - GI PIPES " docs/001-010,.pdf,70,"20.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,71,"SS - HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT " docs/001-010,.pdf,72,"203 to 246 " docs/001-010,.pdf,73,"21.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,74,"PIPING SPECIFICATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,75,"247 to 252 " docs/001-010,.pdf,76,"22.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,78,"253 to 257 " docs/001-010,.pdf,79,"23.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,80,"DATA SHEET-INSTRUMENTATION " docs/001-010,.pdf,81,"258 to 261 " docs/001-010,.pdf,82,"24.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,83,"APPROVED VENDORLIST " docs/001-010,.pdf,84,"262 to 290 " docs/001-010,.pdf,85,"25.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,86,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLE " docs/001-010,.pdf,87,"291 to 306 " docs/001-010,.pdf,88,"Page 2 of 380 " docs/001-010,.pdf,44,"11.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,69,"198 to 202 " docs/001-010,.pdf,68,"SS-FLANGES AND FITTINGS " docs/001-010,.pdf,77,"DATA SHEET-MECHANICAL & PIPING " docs/001-010,.pdf,66,"192 to 195 " docs/001-010,.pdf,47,"12.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,67,"19.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,46,"155 to 160 " docs/001-010,.pdf,48,"SS-GI FITTINGS " docs/001-010,.pdf,49,"161 to 165 " docs/001-010,.pdf,50,"13.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,51,"SS-COPPER TUBE " docs/001-010,.pdf,53,"14.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,54,"SS-COPPER FITTINGS " docs/001-010,.pdf,55,"171 to 175 " docs/001-010,.pdf,52,"166 to 170 " docs/001-010,.pdf,57,"SS - FORGED FITTINGS (WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UPTO 100 MBAR(G) " docs/001-010,.pdf,65,"187 to 191 " docs/001-010,.pdf,56,"15.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,63,"18.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,62,"17.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,61,"182 to 187 " docs/001-010,.pdf,64,"SS-PURE POLYSTER POWDER COATING SS WARNING MAT " docs/001-010,.pdf,59,"16.0 " docs/001-010,.pdf,58,"176 to 181 " docs/001-010,.pdf,60,"SS-STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/011-020,.pdf,65,"All sign boards, barricades, tin sheets, lighting arrangement and protective equipment. " docs/011-020,.pdf,71,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/011-020,.pdf,72,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/011-020,.pdf,70,"Page 13 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,69,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,68,"• GI, Half Round Concrete Sleeves. (Refer enclosed drawing no 15792-10-03-33) " docs/011-020,.pdf,67,"Material required for installation of valve chambers. " docs/011-020,.pdf,66,"All minor items not mentioned in the specification but necessary for the satisfactory completion and performance of the work. " docs/011-020,.pdf,64,"Crossings. " docs/011-020,.pdf,55,"Independent store-keeper with computer, printer & stationaries has to be provided on full time basis in order to maintain ledgers as per IGL approved formats. " docs/011-020,.pdf,62,"• " docs/011-020,.pdf,61,"• " docs/011-020,.pdf,60,"Other materials: The contractor shall supply the following items wherever required: " docs/011-020,.pdf,59,"In case specified trench, depths are not achieved or if directed by Engineer-In Charge Contractor has to provide concrete casing pipes/ slabs, extra rate of PCC may be payable with prior approval of EIC/PMC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,58,"The contractor shall be responsible to arrange the supply of approved coarse sand (size 0.6 - 2 mm as per IS 383) free from any impurities like clay, mica, and soft flaky pieces, as per the instructions of EIC /Owner's representative. For supply of sand in trench for rocky terrain, no separate charges are payable and is included in rates. Also supply of sand in valve chambers, Normal surface & built up surface, if required, as per the instructions of EIC is not separately payable. " docs/011-020,.pdf,57,"Backfilling Material " docs/011-020,.pdf,56,"Contractor will be responsible for getting the regular audits done with IGL/PMC/Internal/External " docs/011-020,.pdf,54,"Contractor's store/ware-house should be located on main road/commercial locations with access to heavy vehicle. " docs/011-020,.pdf,73,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,63,"All materials required for framework, trench support and temporary trench " docs/011-020,.pdf,74,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,95,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/011-020,.pdf,76,"4.2 " docs/011-020,.pdf,97,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,96,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/011-020,.pdf,53,"All materials shall be handled safely and stored in a permanent, covered, lockable store/ ware house preferably near site in such a manner as to prevent any damage to the materials from scratching, gouging, indentation, excessive heat or by contact with any sharp objects or chemicals. The MDPE pipes and fittings shall be stored properly to protect material from sunshine, rain etc. " docs/011-020,.pdf,94,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,93,"Page 14 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,92,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,91,"If delay is more than 30 days and material is under warranty, the material will be accepted with a penalty, else the material will not be reconciled and amount of the same will be deducted from bills. Penalty shall be levied as per SCC. The contractor shall ensure that no defective material shall be returned to store at the time of closure of contract. The format for defective materials returning to stores will be made available by EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,90,"The contractor shall at the time of receipt of material physically examine all materials and notify the EIC immediately of any damage or defect noticed by the contractor. Any damage not so recorded will be deemed not to have existed at the time of receipt of material by the contractor and the cost of repair or replacement or rectification shall be borne by the contractor. Any material once issued from IGL store, if found in non-working condition at site shall be brought to the notice of EIC with PO reference in written within 15 days and after subsequent approval shall return defective material in IGL stores within 30 days. " docs/011-020,.pdf,89,"The Contractor shall collect all materials from IGL during stores working hours following all documentation procedures laid down and as directed by the EIC. The Contractor shall carry pipe in such a manner as to preclude damage during transportation and handling. PE pipes supplied in straight lengths may be carried in straight pipe racks. " docs/011-020,.pdf,88,"Acquisition, Receipt & Storage of Materials " docs/011-020,.pdf,87,"In case there is non-availability of approved equipment's, tools and tackles during the work at site, suitable penalties, as per special terms and conditions of the contract, will be levied and deducted from the running bills. " docs/011-020,.pdf,86,"Contractor must also have to arrange his own equipment for restoration work like water tanker and jumping jack compactor for compaction of backfilled trenches and roller and other required equipment/ machinery for asphalting/ road works. " docs/011-020,.pdf,85,"All vehicular type machinery shall be in good working order and shall not cause spillage of oil or grease. To avoid damage to paved surfaces, the Contractor will provide pads of timber or thick rubber under the hydraulic feet or outriggers of machinery. " docs/011-020,.pdf,84,"This will include but is not limited to the list of specialized items included in Annexure# I " docs/011-020,.pdf,83,"Equipment, Machinery & Tools " docs/011-020,.pdf,82,"Manpower with required tools/tackles and material shall be provided by contractors within scheduled time frame. " docs/011-020,.pdf,81,"The contractor shall provide the skilled labour, tools, material and equipment necessary for the proper execution of the work. " docs/011-020,.pdf,80,"Manpower " docs/011-020,.pdf,79,"Permanent markers (Refer enclosed drawingno15792-10-03-28, 29, 30, 31) • Warning Mat " docs/011-020,.pdf,78,"4.4 " docs/011-020,.pdf,77,"4.3 " docs/011-020,.pdf,75,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,52,"The supply of items as indicated in SOR but not limited to shall be strictly as per relevant technical specifications enclosed with the Tender and as per guidelines of various clauses of SCC and SOR. " docs/011-020,.pdf,30,"Carry out joint technical feasibility survey for requests received. " docs/011-020,.pdf,50,"The free issue material shall not be procured from any other source by contractor. Material reconciliation statement of free issue material duly certified by Owner and PMC shall be submitted to IGL on monthly basis. " docs/011-020,.pdf,23,"sketches and tables in soft & hard copy. " docs/011-020,.pdf,22,"4.0 " docs/011-020,.pdf,21,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,20,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,19,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,18,"Page 11 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,17,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,16,"Preparation and submission of all documents like Pit wise as graph, As-built drawings, details of crossings, utility graphs, PE cards for service line and deviation statements on completion/commissioning of work by way of drawing, " docs/011-020,.pdf,15,"Rectification of defects arising due to poor workmanship during defect liability period of pipelines/installations handed over to Owner. " docs/011-020,.pdf,14,"Handing over the completed works to owner for their operation/use purposes. " docs/011-020,.pdf,13,"Returning surplus material to Owner stores after obtaining clearance from TPIA/Consultant/ Owner, reconciliation of free issue material/consumables. " docs/011-020,.pdf,12,"Restoration of existing ground features such as grass/turfing, paving, roads, drains, concrete, floral beds, fencing, tiles, marbles, flooring masonry etc. to original condition and to match with adjoining conditions, functionally and aesthetically up to the entire satisfaction of Owner / Owner's representative /any other third party agency designated by owner and local authorities, failing which, it will be done at the risk and cost of the contractor. Obtaining No Objection Certificates for the restoration work done from the concerned authorities. " docs/011-020,.pdf,11,"Commissioning of gas in the tested PE line shall be done as per the approved procedure. " docs/011-020,.pdf,10,"Supply, fabrication & installation of Stone route marker, Pole marker with foundations, Plate markers, valve chamber etc. as per the directions of the EIC/Owner's representative. " docs/011-020,.pdf,9,"Carrying out pneumatic testing and purging as per specifications and approved procedures, providing all tools & tackles, instruments, manpower and other related accessories for carrying out the testing of pipes. " docs/011-020,.pdf,8,"Back filling and compaction by jumping jack compactor wherever required, using approved 'good' soil or using excavated earth or borrow earth as per requirement and specifications and replacement of the tiles, slabs removed during the excavation. Cleaning all unserviceable materials, debris, excess earth trenches etc. to designated disposal area. " docs/011-020,.pdf,7,"Fabrication, supply and inspection of approved quality GI sleeve and half concrete sleeves and other materials, fittings to be supplied by the contractors as per the provisions of tender. " docs/011-020,.pdf,6,"Laying pipelines by any methodology including trenchless technology methods with or without casing pipes (HDPE pipes) as per specifications and as directed by EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,5,"inspection chambers etc. as per specification & satisfaction of the EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,4,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,24,"Providing adequate manpower, minimum 2 no's each such as data entry operator, customer care executive etc. for data logging like new connection request, NG conversion request & GI tracking, attending complaints, day to day interaction with customers and residents so that work can be executed within defined time period (TAT) Turnaround Time. At present TAT period is 90 days which may vary time to time as per guidelines of PNGRB and IGL policy. Data entry operator & customer care executive should be minimum 12th pass (intermediate) with minimum experience of 2 years in relevant field. " docs/011-020,.pdf,25,"Providing adequate manpower for carrying out laying for PNG installation for emergency cases as and when required. Providing adequate manpower for material for carrying out laying for PNG installation for emergency cases as and when required, as per instruction of EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,26,"Following activities are also in contractor's scope: " docs/011-020,.pdf,27,"• " docs/011-020,.pdf,49,"4.1 " docs/011-020,.pdf,48,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,47,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,46,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,45,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/011-020,.pdf,44,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/011-020,.pdf,43,"Page 12 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,42,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,41,"Unless otherwise specified, owner will supply following material such as MDPE - pipes, fittings, valves, transition fittings, HDPE pipe as casing material to contractor (of all sizes) and all materials other than mentioned above shall be supplied by contractor as per technical specification to complete the laying of gas main pipelines and service pipelines. " docs/011-020,.pdf,40,"Material to be supplied by Owner as Free Issue. " docs/011-020,.pdf,51,"Material to be supplied by the contractor: " docs/011-020,.pdf,39,"MATERIAL, MANPOWER, EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY " docs/011-020,.pdf,37,"Providing asked manpower & material on daily wages as per instruction received from IGL " docs/011-020,.pdf,36,"Carrying out GPR and GIS survey from recognized agencies in NCT of Delhi, UP, Haryana & Rajasthan GA " docs/011-020,.pdf,35,"Any other activities not mentioned/covered explicitly above, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion/operation/ safety/ statutory/ maintenance of the works shall also be covered under the Scope of work and has to be completed by the Contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. " docs/011-020,.pdf,34,"Meter sticker and safety pamphlet Shall be provided by contactor as attached with the tender document. Pamphlet shall be of 130 GSM Imported Art Paper, A-4 size, both sides printed in colored. " docs/011-020,.pdf,33,"• Maintain new connection tracking on IGL's CRM. " docs/011-020,.pdf,32,"• Maintain and update the request and complaint status in IGL's CRM. " docs/011-020,.pdf,31,"• Attend and resolve customer complaints. " docs/011-020,.pdf,98,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,29,"• " docs/011-020,.pdf,28,"Receive Customer's request and complaints logged on IGL's CRM/Offline. " docs/011-020,.pdf,38,"Construction of trenches in builder segment as per approved drawings. " docs/011-020,.pdf,99,"The contractor shall maintain locked store preferably near at site so that all the materials are stored in such a manner so as to prevent any damage to the materials from scratching, gouging, indentation, excessive heat or by contact with any sharp objects or chemicals. The PE pipes and fittings shall be stored properly to protect material from sunshine, rain, water logging etc. The contractor shall make adequate security arrangements for the stacked material & any loss to the material on account of theft on improper storage is attributable to the contractor. " docs/011-020,.pdf,122,"Should the contractor find any discrepancy, ambiguity or conflict in or between any of the standards and the contract documents, then this should be promptly referred to the Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) for his decision, which shall be considered binding on the " docs/011-020,.pdf,101,"In case of non-submission of material reconciliation on first week of every month, applicable penalties shall be levied as per SCC from the running bills. In case if shortage in free issue material is observed at the time of quarterly physical verification by IGL, equivalent value of material found short shall be withheld from running bills, same shall be released after settlement of free issue material. " docs/011-020,.pdf,173,"On award of the contract, the contractor shall establish and submit documentary evidence for above, which will be verified by the owner before award of the work order. " docs/011-020,.pdf,172,"• One Nos. -Four-wheeler with driver, he shall be well equipped with tools and tackles for attending any emergency complaints and ongoing execution work. " docs/011-020,.pdf,171,"machines, Printers/Scanning/Xerox machines, " docs/011-020,.pdf,170,"Computers with internet facility. " docs/011-020,.pdf,169,"Telephone, Mobile Phones, Fax " docs/011-020,.pdf,168,"Contractor shall maintain a Customer Care Centre, Project Site Office, and Material Store in their allotted site with following facilities: " docs/011-020,.pdf,167,"The contractor's supervisor shall have mobile telephones to ensure that they can be contacted at all times. The contractor will also nominate one person who can be contacted if necessary in odd hours, for the duration of the works. The contractor's supervisor will have access to transport at all times to allow them to visit sites and attend meetings with Owner. Supervisor shall attend to normal day-to-day issue of work instructions, communication between Owner / Owner's representative and the contractor's supervisor. " docs/011-020,.pdf,166,"The contractor will deploy his own supervisors as directed by site engineers/EIC. These personnel will be reporting to the Site Engineer for monitoring construction standards and for ensuring that all technical requirements are met for the job being carried out. The contractor's supervisor(s) will have day-to-day liaison with the Site Engineer, and will provide the Site Engineer with technical reports and audits, and other management information as is required on work progress and construction quality standards. " docs/011-020,.pdf,165,"All construction work will be carried out as per direction of EIC, and this will be the primary point of contact between the contractor and Owner on site. All work will be issued and sanctioned through the EIC and site control exercised by Site Engineers. The contractor shall ensure that technical quality standards are maintained, that construction is carried out cost effectively and that a good customer and public image is maintained for Owner. " docs/011-020,.pdf,164,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,163,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,162,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,161,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/011-020,.pdf,160,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/011-020,.pdf,159,"Page 18 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,158,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,157,"Contractor shall designate Project Manager/ Coordinator who will be responsible to interact with EIC/Consultant/TPIA and authorized to attend review meetings, receive material, authorized to sign documents, claims and receive payments etc. Contractor shall employ a Project Manager Coordinator on company roll. Project manager / coordinator & Site Engineers on company roll. The Project Manager/ Coordinator must have qualification of BE Mech. /Diploma in Mech. Engg. With min. 2-5 years & Site Engineer must have minimum Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 3 years of work experience in gas pipe line job. He shall be single point of contact for all the works and must represent company in the review meetings. " docs/011-020,.pdf,156,"11.0 ORGANISATION STRUCTURE " docs/011-020,.pdf,155,"The contractor will be responsible for contacting the customer and making the necessary arrangements for access and appointments to carry out the work. Contractor shall maintain job card at site. Owner will not be responsible for time lost due to failed appointments or disputes with customers. " docs/011-020,.pdf,154,"Consultant/Third Party Inspection Agency and the contractor will conduct a joint survey at each probable premise/ housing colony/pockets/area to be supplied with gas. The survey record will note customer's detailed potential gas supply points, proposed regulator positions and estimates of material quantities. The contractor's representatives will make sketch of the agreed pipe routes. " docs/011-020,.pdf,153,"10.2 Service lines " docs/011-020,.pdf,174,"12.0 STRUCTURES, SERVICES AND OTHER PROPERTY " docs/011-020,.pdf,152,"The final alignment of mainlines will be worked out at site in consultations with the Owner/Owner's representatives after route survey and trial pits, at contractor cost. Any change in routing from the issued drawings due to site constraint will be notified to EIC & his specific written approval shall be obtained before carrying out the job. " docs/011-020,.pdf,175,"12.1 Location of Underground Utilities " docs/011-020,.pdf,177,"In addition, the contractor shall excavate trial pits as necessary to determine the pipe route. The number of trial pits will be agreed with the Site Engineer in advance of any excavation. In any event, trial pits shall be made at intervals of a maximum of 30 meters. Restoration of the abandoned trial pits and trenches shall be the contractor's " docs/011-020,.pdf,198,"Page 20 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,197,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,196,"The Contractor shall provide suitable access wherever necessary in the form of temporary bridges, culverts, flumes, etc., of a size and type approved by the EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,195,"The Contractor shall not use a private driveway, access track or entrance without the prior approval of the EIC in any circumstance. " docs/011-020,.pdf,194,"Wherever the pipe route crosses driveways, access tracks or entrances to private properties the Contractor shall give the owner, occupier or relevant authority at least 24 hours prior notice of intended commencement of excavation and shall be restricted to pass through. " docs/011-020,.pdf,193,"The Contractor shall comply with all local Authorities requirements to traffic and keep roads open to traffic and maintain access to and within any private property. " docs/011-020,.pdf,192,"The Work shall be executed in such a manner so as to cause a minimum inconvenience to persons using public or private roads, lanes, thoroughfares, walkways, rights-of use or passages through which the Works are to be executed. The trench shall be back filled; compacted, leveled and extra soil shall be removed immediately after laying of pipeline to avoid public inconvenience. Closure of roads, etc., shall not be permitted without the approval of the EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,191,"12.3 Interference with Traffic, Street Drainage and General Public " docs/011-020,.pdf,190,"The Contractor shall at his own cost support and protect all buildings, walls, fences or other structures and all utilities e.g. Electrical cables, Telephone Cables, Water pipelines, Sewer pipelines etc., and property which may be damaged as a result of the execution of the works. He shall also comply with the requirements in the specification relating to protective measures applicable to particular operations or kind of work. Special care shall be taken while laying of pipelines near the trees. " docs/011-020,.pdf,189,"12.2 Protection of Structures and Utilities " docs/011-020,.pdf,188,"Contractor must ensure that before starting the execution of lying of pipeline, the intimation/information must cascade to all utilities agencies seeking the information about the existing utility in the proposed route. " docs/011-020,.pdf,187,"There will be no additional payments in respect of abandoned trenches incurred because of insufficient or inadequate trial pits, or any associated loss of time or delays. " docs/011-020,.pdf,186,"It is contractor's responsibility to interact with other utility agencies regarding their existing utilities and finalize the route along with these agencies and Owner/ Owner's representative. " docs/011-020,.pdf,185,"responsibility and contractor shall ensure all open pit/ trench shall be back filled/ levelled/ restoration of pits at the time of day closing (end of day). No payments shall be made for such type of jobs. The trial pits shall be excavated to minimum depth of 1.5 meters so as to locate any utilities present in the trench. " docs/011-020,.pdf,184,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,183,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,182,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,181,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/011-020,.pdf,180,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/011-020,.pdf,179,"Page 19 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,178,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,176,"The contractor shall locate all buried utility pipes, underground cables, water mains and other obstructions intersecting or adjacent to the Works, and shall make available the necessary labour to expose and record the depth of cover over all obstructions in advance of excavation. This shall be done far enough in advance of excavation to facilitate gradual change in grade or position found necessary to clear any obstructions. " docs/011-020,.pdf,100,"The Contractor shall maintain log book at their respective stores stating issue and availability of free issue material at a given day. Further, it is mandatory that the contractor is required to undertake and submit inventory details of free issue and purchased materials on monthly basis to Owner/ Owner's representative as per the approved format of the owner. The inventory details shall be in correlation with the Daily progress chart and material reconciliation sheet. " docs/011-020,.pdf,151,"10.1 Mainlines " docs/011-020,.pdf,149,"10.0 ROUTE SURVEY " docs/011-020,.pdf,123,"contractor. " docs/011-020,.pdf,121,"The contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with the requirement of latest relevant applicable standards, this specification, Owner's Engineering Standards; relevant Oil Indian Safety Directorate (OISD) norms, PNGRB Regulations, ASME B31.8-Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems; Australian Standard 3723-Installation and Maintenance of Plastics Pipe Systems for Gas; and the American Gas Association Document Purging Principles and Practice. ISO-4437/JS: 14885 for underground polyethylene pipes and OWNER's approved procedures. " docs/011-020,.pdf,120,"REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARD " docs/011-020,.pdf,119,"In case contractor delays laying of pipeline work under a single permission, the work or part of work may be offloaded to some other contractor on his risk and cost. Any change / addition required to made to meet the requirements of the statutory authorities shall be carried out by the contractor without any extra cost to IGL. The inspection and acceptance of the work by statutory authorities shall however, not absolve the contractor from any of his responsibilities under this contract. " docs/011-020,.pdf,118,"On behalf of the Owner, contractor shall prepare in advance and submit the proposed route plan complete in all respect and well ahead of time so that the actual construction work is not delayed because of approval/inspection/permission by concerned authorities. Further, the contractor shall also coordinate with the relevant authorities for necessary approvals of these proposed pipeline route drawings/certificates. The inspection of work by statutory authorities shall be the responsibility of the contractor without any extra cost to IGL. " docs/011-020,.pdf,117,"It is the responsibility of the contractor to obtain ""No Objection Certificate"" (NOC) from land owing agencies/Statutory bodies after completion of the restoration to their satisfaction and getting released the security deposit / bank guarantees submitted by IGL for obtaining permissions on production of documentary evidence. Separate payment in running meters will be made on account of approvals/permissions as per the SOR item No. 9 based on total applied length except for GENERAL SOR item No. 4, where the rates are inclusive of liaison rates. In case of any deviation/change in the route/additional laying, IGL shall pay the additional Road Restoration Charges only after receiving of revised estimate and further to written confirmation from the concerned Owner site in- charge. " docs/011-020,.pdf,116,"authorities. The contractor shall plan and ensure that work taken up under a single permission shall be completed within the stipulated time period and revalidation process is avoided. No separate liaison charges are liable to IGL for revalidation cases. " docs/011-020,.pdf,115,"7.0 " docs/011-020,.pdf,114,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,113,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,112,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,111,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/011-020,.pdf,110,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/011-020,.pdf,109,"Page 15 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,108,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,107,"However, IGL will pay the road restoration / Departmental charges / security deposit / Bank guarantees for getting the clearances from statutory bodies. It is the contractor's responsibility to inform and co-ordinate the concerned local authorities and also other utility agencies before and after the commencement of work at site. To ensure smooth execution of the work on a day-do-day basis, the contractor has to liaison with respective " docs/011-020,.pdf,106,"Contractor has to obtain permissions from statutory bodies for laying of pipelines. Statutory bodies in this case are MCD, NDMC, PWD, NHAI, CPWD, AAI, Indian railways, DDA, GNN, GDA, Noida, G. Noida and any other government agencies who maintain the public lands and accord permissions for laying of the utilities. The contractor shall obtain demand note (road restoration charges) from these statutory bodies. Contractor shall ensure that the road restoration charges are to the minimum against the work to be carried out. IGL may return back the demand note, if the charges are not found reasonable and contractor shall not be liable for any liaison charges against the same. " docs/011-020,.pdf,105,"6.0 APPROVALS & PERMISSIONS FOR PIPELINE LAYING " docs/011-020,.pdf,104,"The contractor shall proceed with the work under the contract with due expedition and without delay. The EIC may direct in what order and at what time, the various stages or parts of the work under the contract shall be performed. Contractor has to regularly submit daily progress reports, weekly progress reports, graphs with utilities, testing reports, material consumption and inventory reports, deviation statements, completion schedule etc. " docs/011-020,.pdf,103,"PROGRESS OF WORK " docs/011-020,.pdf,102,"5.0 " docs/011-020,.pdf,124,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,150,"Planning, detailing the size, route survey drawings, identification of underground utilities, foreign pipelines, crossings, and location of valve chamber, FRS, DRS, MRS as well as service line location is in scope of contractor. " docs/011-020,.pdf,125,"Page 16 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,127,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,148,"PPE, Continuous Barricades and caution tapes along the trenches as per approved drawing in tender, Use of Safety Boots, Hand gloves, Reflective jackets, Hard hats(helmets), Safety shoes, eye and ear safety equipment, Fire extinguishers and as per the detailed scope of work in tender specifications. Contractor shall be paid as per SOR item No. 10.1; measurement sheet of laying should also include length of barricading. Refer drawing number 15792-10-03-26, 32. For further details Refer ""Special Terms and conditions of Contract"" & SOR. " docs/011-020,.pdf,147,"is taken by the Contractor. " docs/011-020,.pdf,146,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,145,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/011-020,.pdf,143,"Page 17 of 380 " docs/011-020,.pdf,142,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/011-020,.pdf,141,"Any accident causing injury to any person or damage to property or equipment shall be reported to the EIC and the cost of repair/replacement of the damage equipment shall be borne by the contractor. Where the EIC determines that the work is being performed by the Contractor in an unsafe manner, he may suspend the Work until corrective action " docs/011-020,.pdf,140,"The Contractor shall provide PPE's like helmets, safety shoes, etc. to the labour which are necessary for safe working practice. " docs/011-020,.pdf,139,"The trenches/ pits shall not be kept open in night times. However, in case the same is essential the same shall be properly barricaded with proper lighting arrangements & manned. " docs/011-020,.pdf,138,"The Contractor shall also protect all work sites with warning signs, barricades and night lighting. The Contractor shall inspect all fenced excavations daily, and maintain them in good order. " docs/011-020,.pdf,137,"Trench walls shall be battered with sufficient slope in order to minimize a trench collapse. Where there is a danger of an earth slide or collapse, the trench shall remain open for the minimum time possible with proper barricading. The Contractor is to ensure that no person enters a trench, which is of a depth of 1.5 meters or greater, unless the trench has adequate shoring or the sides are battered to such an extent as to prevent a trench collapse. " docs/011-020,.pdf,136,"The Contractor shall conform to the safety requirements outlined elsewhere in the tender document. In addition, the Contractor shall observe safe working practices in the storage and handling of cleaning fluids, flammable fluids, etc., and ensure smoking or naked flames are not permitted in the vicinity when these materials are being used. " docs/011-020,.pdf,135,"SAFETY " docs/011-020,.pdf,134,"9.0 " docs/011-020,.pdf,133,"Fusion operators and other skilled personnel shall be approved by Owner/ Owner's representative based on the test conducted at site and identification cards duly signed by IGL Sit In-charge shall be issued to them. Only those personnel who are approved by shall be allowed to execute the critical activities like electro fusion jointing of MDPE pipes & fittings. IGL may provide training and certification on chargeable basis where the cost shall be borne by Contractor. " docs/011-020,.pdf,132,"The manpower deployed on the respective activities shall be adequately trained & shall have necessary skills to execute / supervise the work. However, the assessment on the qualification of the personnel shall be at the discretion of EIC. " docs/011-020,.pdf,131,"All works carried out under this contract shall confirm to applicable standards, codes of practice, construction procedures and other technical requirements as defined in the technical specifications. " docs/011-020,.pdf,130,"QUALITY OF WORK " docs/011-020,.pdf,129,"8.0 " docs/011-020,.pdf,128,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/011-020,.pdf,2,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,126,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,144,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/011-020,.pdf,1,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,162,"For electro-fusion joining, the contractor must bring own tools, tackles and equipment's. Only, approved Jointers shall carry out fusion of all joints. Contractors shall provide the list of jointers to be used on the job and make arrangements for Qualification Testing of the jointers in presence of Owner / Owner's representative as per the standard procedures. All approved Jointers shall bear identity cards signed by Owner / Owner's representative during fusion job and shall furnish the same on demand by Owner / Owner's representative. Applicable penalties shall be levied, in case; it is found that fusion is being carried by non-qualified jointers as per the provisions made in Special Conditions of the Contract. " docs/021-030,.pdf,117,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,118,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,119,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,120,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,121,"14.2 GI Sleeve " docs/021-030,.pdf,122,"The contractor shall supply the minimum dia. Size of 2.5"" & 3″, 300 mm in length, GI sleeves (Heavy Duty reputed make) respectively for domestic & commercial / industrial installations. The material shall be inspected by TPIA / Consultant before installation. The material test certificates/ inspection reports shall be submitted at the time of submission of bill. " docs/021-030,.pdf,123,"The installation of GI sleeve for service lines shall be done by sealing the annulus between pipe and sleeve, firm fixing of the GI sleeves by concrete mix pedestal, clamping, sand filling, etc. " docs/021-030,.pdf,124,"The vertical portion of the sleeves shall be fixed to the wall of the premises in a secure manner. The Service lines shall be installed in accordance with the drawing enclosed in the tender. " docs/021-030,.pdf,125,"14.3 Half Round Concrete Sleeve " docs/021-030,.pdf,127,"14.4 Crush Guard : - (For O&M and Project) " docs/021-030,.pdf,128,"The installation of pre-cast RCC crush guard over Half Round Concrete Sleeve/ Pedestal shall be done by installing it resting on wall of building by fixing it with grouting nut and bolts in wall that may be detached during the event of leakage/testing. The material shall be inspected by TPIA / Consultant at the fabrication stage & prior to final dispatch at site for installation. The material test certificates/ inspection reports shall be submitted at the time of submission of bill. " docs/021-030,.pdf,129,"The Crush Guard shall be installed in accordance with the drawing no. 15792-10-03-33 enclosed in the tender as per instruction of EIC. " docs/021-030,.pdf,130,"14.5 " docs/021-030,.pdf,131,"LAYING OF SERVICE LINE IN OLD PROJECT AND O&M AREA: " docs/021-030,.pdf,132,"O&M area shall be defined as those areas where PE line is already charged and handed over to owner. However, Old Project area shall be defined as an area where MDPE line is already been laid by another contractor (currently not working in respective zone), only service line connectivity shall be done by the contractor. " docs/021-030,.pdf,133,"Laying of pipeline (for 20 & 32mm) in all type of surface i.e. all kinds including Kutcha, metal, concrete (PCC/RCC), bituminous, tiled, brick lined etc. after racking up of hard surface of any type by any methodology. Roads, Pavement, Footpaths etc. shall be made motor able once the pipeline is laid. Supply & installation of GI Sleeve / Half round Concrete sleeve shall be included in laying rates. The rate includes liasoning with statutory bodies and no separate rates are payable. Wherever service lines are to be laid after dismantling nallah / drain, no additional cost for dismantling and repairing shall be payable. " docs/021-030,.pdf,134,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,135,"Page 27 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,136,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,116,"Page 26 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,137,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,115,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,113,"In case of service line laying, where the excavated pit for mainline is used for laying of service line, the length of service pipe laid in the same pit and vertical pipe which rises out of the ground with transition fittings shall be paid as per SOR item no 1 to 5. The contractor shall excavate a minimum pit of size 0.5-meter x 0.5 meter (L x W) on any kind of surface along the wall at the customer premises for the service pipe which rises out of the ground with transition fittings through GI pipe sleeve/Half Round Concrete sleeve. This excavation along with other work necessary to break through the walls of the obstruction, insertion of MDPE pipe, sealing of the annulus between the pipe and the sleeve, sleeve and the wall, installation of sleeve, making of pedestal as per Drawing No 15792-20-03-18 min. Size 300 x 150 x 150 mm for GI Sleeve, min. Size 550 x 230 x 150 mm for Half Round Concrete Sleeve Drawing 15792-10-03-33 and simultaneous restoration of these pits shall be deemed included in the laying rates of pipes respectively. No separate payment of GI Sleeve / Half round concrete sleeve shall be charged to the owner. The material shall be inspected by TPIA / Consultant before installation. Also, the material test certificates, inspection reports approved by TPI/Consultant shall be submitted at the time of submission of bill. Any installation without inspection & approval may lead to penalties as per Special Conditions of Contract. " docs/021-030,.pdf,94,"13.8 Bedding " docs/021-030,.pdf,95,"The Contractor shall ensure that the pipe when placed in the trench is supported and surrounded by a bed of screened excavated soil, which shall be stone free and have a maximum grit size of 5mm, in order to ensure no damage occurs to the pipe. However, in case of rocky soil the bedding shall be done with approved good quality packing sand subject to the approval of the Site Engineer. The packing sand shall be placed to a minimum thickness of 150mm around the pipe in case of rocky terrain. " docs/021-030,.pdf,96,"Unless directed by the EIC the quantity of bedding and surrounding sand shall confirm specifications. There shall be no void space in the packing sand around the pipe. " docs/021-030,.pdf,97,"14.0 LAYING " docs/021-030,.pdf,98,"14.1 Main line " docs/021-030,.pdf,99,"Laying of MDPE pipelines shall be commenced only after ensuring proper dimensions and clean surface of the trench. The trench bottom shall be free from the presence of cuts, stones, roots, debris, stakes, rock projections up to 150 mm below underside of pipe and any other material, which could lead of perforation/tearing of the pipe wall. After ensuring above, the MDPE pipe coil shall be uncoiled smoothly through proper equipment's/care before laying pipe inside the trench ensuring no damage to pipe. " docs/021-030,.pdf,100,"The contractor must ensure that Pipe caps are provided before lowering of Pipeline. The trench after this can be released for back filling leaving adequate lengths open at the ends for jointing. " docs/021-030,.pdf,101,"Contractors shall ensure open ends of pipe placed in the trench shall be securely capped or plugged to prevent the ingress of water or other matter. The Contractor is to ensure that nothing enters inside the pipe during the laying process as this could cause a future blockage or regulator malfunction due to dust, etc. " docs/021-030,.pdf,102,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,103,"Page 25 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,104,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,105,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,106,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,107,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,108,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,109,"In case of open cuts and moiling, where two pipes are to be laid parallel in same trench or same pits, charges shall be paid as per relevant SOR items. " docs/021-030,.pdf,110,"Valves shall be installed at locations shown in the Design Plan or as directed by the EIC and joined with PE pipes by electro fusion techniques. The valves shall be placed on a concrete square block at the bottom to achieve equivalent support of the incoming and outgoing pipe. " docs/021-030,.pdf,111,"Laying graphs/As-graphs with details of depth, length, offsets from minimum three (03) fixed different references, other utility crossings, fittings, sizes of the casing pipe used for the pipeline shall be prepared on daily basis and to be submitted to IGL representative/ EIC for approval. These details will further be incorporated in to As-Built Drawings. " docs/021-030,.pdf,112,"Pipe may pass through an open drain or nallah with prior approval from EIC. Where this is permitted, the PE pipe shall be installed inside a concrete or steel sleeve for protection with no cost implications to the owner. The sleeve material shall be procured and laid by the Contractor with prior inspection and approval of the EIC for the quality of material. In general, the GI Sleeve material specification shall be confirming to IS 1239 (Heavy Duty) specification of reputed make; cost of GI sleeve shall be included in laying SOR. " docs/021-030,.pdf,114,"In case of service lines, Site In-charge shall decide either half round concrete sleeve or GI pipe sleeve shall be installed at any particular site depending upon site condition. The half round concrete sleeve shall be preferred over GI Sleeve, however in case where the installation of half round Concrete Sleeve is not possible due to technical feasibility and site conditions, GI sleeves shall be installed only after written approval from IGL Site In- charge. The rate of GI Sleeve / half round concrete sleeve shall be included in laying of 20/32 mm dia. As per SOR no 1.1 & 1.2 depending upon surface conditions. The details are mentioned below: " docs/021-030,.pdf,93,"The locations, where the pipeline has to be laid more or less parallel to an existing pipeline cable and/or other utilities in the Right-of-way the Contractor shall perform the work to the satisfaction of the Owner of the existing pipeline/cable/utility. In such locations, the Contractor shall perform work in such a way that even under the worst weather and flooding conditions, the existing pipeline/utilities remain stable and shall neither become undermined nor have the tendency to slide towards the trench. " docs/021-030,.pdf,138,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,140,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,165,"Backfilling shall be done after ensuring that appurtenance have been properly fitted and the pipe is following the trench profile at the required depth that will provide the required cover and has a bed which is free of extraneous material and which allows the pipe to rest smoothly and evenly. Dewatering shall be carried out prior to backfilling. No backfilling shall be allowed if the trench is not completely dewatered. " docs/021-030,.pdf,166,"Prior to backfilling it should be ensured that the post padding of compacted thickness 150 mm is put over and around the pipe immediately after lowering where required. " docs/021-030,.pdf,167,"Backfilling shall be carried out immediately after the post padding where required has been completed in the trench, inspected and approved by Owner/ Owner's representative, so as to provide a natural anchorage for the pipe avoiding sliding down of trench sides and pipe moment in the trench. If immediate backfilling is not possible, a padding of at least 300mm of earth, free of rock and hard lumps shall be placed over and around the pipe and coating. " docs/021-030,.pdf,168,"The backfill material shall contain no extraneous material and/or hard lumps of soil, which could damage the pipe and/or coating or leave voids in the backfilled trench. In case, it is required and directed by EIC screening of the backfill material shall be carried out with specified equipment before backfilling the trench. " docs/021-030,.pdf,169,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,170,"Page 29 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,171,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,172,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,173,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,174,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,175,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,176,"The surplus material shall be neatly crowned directly over the trench and the adjacent excavated areas on both sides of the trench to such a height which will, in Owner/Owner's representative opinion of provide adequately for future settlement of the trench backfill during the maintenance period and thereafter. The down shall be high enough to prevent the formation of the depression in the soil when backfill has settled into its permanent position should depression occur after backfill, Contractor shall be responsible for remedial work at no extra cost to Company. Surplus material, including rock left from this operation shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of landowner or authority having jurisdiction at no extra cost to Owner. " docs/021-030,.pdf,177,"Where rock, gravel, lumps of hard soil or like materials are encountered at the time of trench excavation, sufficient earth, sand or select backfill materials shall be placed around and over the pipe to form a protective cushion extending at least to a height of 150 mm above the top of the pipe. Select backfill materials for padding that area acceptable shall be soil, sand, clay or other material containing no gravel, required selected backfill material has been placed, provided the rock or lumps of hard soil. The padding earth shall not contain any stones, i.e. the earth shall be screened for sand padding of the Pipeline in order to avoid damage to the pipeline. Contractor shall carry out all these works at no extra cost to Owner. Loose rock may be returned to the trench after the required selected backfill material has been placed, provided the rock placed in the ditch will not interfere with the use of the land by landowner, or tenant. " docs/021-030,.pdf,178,"In case where hard rock is encountered or as desired by EIC / site engineer sand padding is to be provided up to height of 150 mm around the pipe. " docs/021-030,.pdf,179,"When the trench has been dug through driveways or roads, all backfilling shall be executed with sand/suitable material in layers as approved by Owner/Owner's representative and shall be thoroughly compacted. Special compaction methods as specified may be adopted. All costs incurred there upon shall be borne by the Contractor. Trenches excavated in dikes which are the properties of railways or which are parts of main roads shall be graded and backfilled in their original profile and condition. If necessary, new and/or special backfill materials shall be supplied and worked-up to. " docs/021-030,.pdf,180,"PE Warning Grid/Mat shall be placed on distribution main and service line inside premises, after backfill of the trench up to a height of 300mm on the top of the carrier pipes. The warning grid is to be unrolled centrally over the pipe section and thereafter further backfilling will commence. " docs/021-030,.pdf,181,"Backfilling activity shall include proper compaction by jumping jack compactor, wherever required and as per instruction of EIC, and watering in layers of 150mm above the warning mat. Proper crowning of not more than 150mm shall be done. All the excavated material that could be used during the Restoration process shall be stacked and kept separately and properly. Wherever Road cutting/Tiles removal/PCC cutting has been done during excavation for laying, the area shall be back filled and compacted immediately so that no inconvenience is caused to the general public. " docs/021-030,.pdf,182,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,183,"Page 30 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,164,"16.0 BACKFILLING " docs/021-030,.pdf,139,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,163,"Contractor shall arrange generator along with voltage stabilizer for power supply to fusion machine. Taking power connection form electric poles, connections without written permission from the concerned authorities or residential premises is strictly not permitted. " docs/021-030,.pdf,160,"The contractor has to supply all the consumables required for carrying fusion of the joints (like tissue paper, napkin, acetone etc.). " docs/021-030,.pdf,141,"14.6 " docs/021-030,.pdf,142,"All service lines left out initially during mainline laying and laid by same contractor within six months of gas charging of that particular area shall be paid as per SOR no 1. " docs/021-030,.pdf,143,"All service lines left out initially during mainline laying and laid by other contractor after gas charging shall be paid as per SOR 4. " docs/021-030,.pdf,144,"Construction of RCC structure for MDPE protection for drain/nallah crossing as per Dwg.- 15792-10-03-46A; payment against such executed item shall be payable as per SOR item no. 4.3. Construction of this structure shall be as per instruction of Site In-charge & in locations which are not prone to damage by heavy vehicular movement (Rates shall be irrespective of drain width). " docs/021-030,.pdf,145,"MDPE PIPE LINE LAYING (20MM / 32 MM / 63MM) IN ALREADY EXCAVATED TRENCH IN BUILDER SEGMENT " docs/021-030,.pdf,146,"Scope includes laying of MDPE pipeline in already excavated trench with or without casing insertion of the carrier pipe in casing pipe (on case to case basis) laying of warning mat electro-fusion of joints and re-installation of pre-cast slabs as per specification after instruction of EIC / Site Engineer of Owner. " docs/021-030,.pdf,147,"In Case sand filling is also required as instructed by EIC/IGL representative SOR no. 21.4 shall be applicable over and above this rate. Refer Drawing no. 15792-10-03-34, 35. " docs/021-030,.pdf,148,"15.0 JOINTING OF POLYETHYLENE PIPE " docs/021-030,.pdf,149,"The procedure for jointing of PE pipe and fittings machines is attached as Annexure #2 and as per Specification for ELECTROFUSION FOR PE PIPES AND FITTINGS. Only Bar coded into electro-fusion machine (Automatically Readable) that can read the bar code of the fittings automatically shall be used for joining of the MDPE pipes/fittings. Manual feeding Electro-fusion machines are not acceptable for jointing purpose. The contractor has to submit the certificate of calibration of Fusion machine at the time of start of work and at fixed intervals as per the instructions of Owner. Contractor shall ensure that the machines are always available at site. " docs/021-030,.pdf,150,"The contractor shall flush the Pipeline with air to remove dust, water, mud etc. before fusing the joints. Before jointing, the Contractor shall place packing sand under the pipes on both sides of the joint to keep the pipes in line and at the correct alignment during the jointing process. The jointing process shall start only after Alignment clamps with the correct size are aligned with the pipe and coupler during the electro-fusion cycle. " docs/021-030,.pdf,151,"The Contractor shall ensure that polyethylene pipe is only cut with an approved plastic pipe-cutting tool (Rotary Cutter up to 63mm/Guillotine Cutter for 63mm and above). Before fusion is attempted, the contractor shall remove the oxidized surface of the pipe using Universal Scrapper up to 63mm/Rotary Peeler for 63 mm and above before inserting into the electro-fusion coupler. The tool must remove a layer of 0.1mm to 0.4mm from the outer surface of the polyethylene pipe. No fusion will be allowed without " docs/021-030,.pdf,152,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,153,"Page 28 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,154,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,155,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,156,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,157,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,158,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,159,"clamping device and the approved cutting tools (Hack saw shall not be allowed for cutting the pipe). " docs/021-030,.pdf,161,"If, upon inspection, the EIC determines a joint is defective, Contractor shall remove the joint by an approved method. The cost of replacing joint shall be borne by the Contractor including the cost of pipe and fittings removed. " docs/021-030,.pdf,92,"Where the pipeline crosses underground utilities/structures, Contractor shall first manually excavate to a depth and in such a manner that the utilities/structures are located, then proceed with the conventional methods. " docs/021-030,.pdf,126,"The installation of Half Round Concrete sleeve for service lines shall be done by sealing the annulus between pipe and sleeve, firm fixing of the Concrete sleeves by concrete mix pedestal, clamping, sand filling, etc. Half round concrete sleeve shall be made as per attached drawing no 15792-10-03-33 or as per instruction of Site In-charge. The dimensions shown are tentative and may vary depending upon the site conditions. The material shall be inspected by TPIA / Consultant at the fabrication stage & prior to final dispatch at site for installation. " docs/021-030,.pdf,90,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,25,"payable over and above the Laying rates (of SOR No. 1) as per SOR item no 5.1. Sand padding to be done in case of Malba/Boulder or wherever required as per site conditions. " docs/021-030,.pdf,26,"Excavation in Hard Rock: " docs/021-030,.pdf,27,"Hard rock is defined as trench material with a single piece of rock, dimension exceeding 1.0 m in any direction, which requires cutting only by use of chisel/pneumatic chisel/drill or sledge hammer or removal of the same by additional excavation technique approved by EIC. Additional rates shall be payable for hard rock excavation as per the item SOR no 5.2 over and above the pipeline laying rates. Excavation through soil mixed with small boulders that have been used for a road base will not be considered as hard rock for the purpose of payment. " docs/021-030,.pdf,28,"Excavation in congested Areas: " docs/021-030,.pdf,29,"Congested area shall be defined as an area where MDPE pipeline has to be laid in narrow lanes (Less than 4.5M including footpath/drains) & houses in such locations have only one side entrance i.e. there is no back-lane between two back to back houses & pipeline has to be laid in front of the house. The rates are payable over and above the Laying rates as per relevant SOR item no 1. Such excavation shall be payable under SOR item no.- 5.3. " docs/021-030,.pdf,30,"In addition, the contractor shall excavate trial pits as necessary to determine the pipe route. The number of trial pits will be agreed with the Site Engineer in advance of any excavation. In any event, trial pits shall be made at intervals of a maximum of 30 meters. Restoration of the abandoned trial pits and trenches shall be the contractor's responsibility and contractor shall ensure all open pit/ trench shall be back filled/ levelled/ restoration of pits at the time of day closing (end of day) otherwise the rates against the same shall not be payable. No payments shall be made for such type of jobs. The trial pits shall be excavated to minimum depth of 1.5 meters so as to locate any utilities present in the trench. " docs/021-030,.pdf,31,"13.1 Depth of Trench " docs/021-030,.pdf,32,"The minimum depth of cover shall be measured from top of pipe to the top of undisturbed surface of the soil or top of the graded working strip or top of road or top of rail, whichever is lower. " docs/021-030,.pdf,33,"In case of crossing of water bodies, the minimum depth shall be measured from the top of the pipe to the bottom of Scour level. " docs/021-030,.pdf,34,"The depth of the trench will be such as to provide minimum cover as stipulated below: " docs/021-030,.pdf,35,"For Distribution and service lines " docs/021-030,.pdf,36,"Minor Water Crossing/Canal " docs/021-030,.pdf,37,"1.5 Meter " docs/021-030,.pdf,38,"Uncased/Cased Road Crossing " docs/021-030,.pdf,39,"1.2 Meter " docs/021-030,.pdf,40,"Rail/Road Cased Crossing Normal Areas " docs/021-030,.pdf,41,"1.7 Meter " docs/021-030,.pdf,42,"1.0 Meter " docs/021-030,.pdf,43,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,24,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,23,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,22,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,21,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,1,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,3,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,4,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,5,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,6,"The Contractor shall comply with all relevant road Laws. Where limits and/or speed limits have been placed in the vicinity of the Works, the Contractor shall provide for the necessary movement of plant and equipment in accordance with the requirements of the relevant authority. " docs/021-030,.pdf,7,"The Contractor shall not obstruct any drainage pipes or channels in any road but shall divert them wherever necessary and use all proper measures to provide for the free passage of water. " docs/021-030,.pdf,8,"The Contractor shall handover the completed works after proper cleaning of the site. " docs/021-030,.pdf,9,"The contractor shall conduct his operation at all times, with a view to minimize as far as practicable noise and other objectionable nuisances (e.g. oil leakage, spillage, debris etc.) " docs/021-030,.pdf,44,"Page 22 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,10,"13.0 TRENCHING " docs/021-030,.pdf,91,"The Contractor shall take conducive measures to ensure the protection of underground utilities as per the instructions of Owner or relevant authorities. " docs/021-030,.pdf,13,"Contractor shall excavate and maintain the pipeline trench on staked center line as per approved drawing taking into account the horizontal curves of the pipelines. " docs/021-030,.pdf,14,"While trenching, care shall be taken to ensure that all underground structures and utilities are disturbed to the minimum. Suitable crossing shall be provided and maintained over the ROU wherever necessary to permit general public, property owners or his tenants to cross or move stock or equipment from side of the trench or another. " docs/021-030,.pdf,15,"Trenching shall be made with sufficient slopes on sides in order to minimize collapsing of the trench. On slopes wherever there is danger of landslides, the pipeline trench shall be maintained open only for the time strictly necessary. Owner may require excavation by hand, local route and detouring and limiting the period of executing of the works. Before trench cuts through water table, proper drainage shall be ensured, both near the ditch and ROU in order to guarantee the soil stability. " docs/021-030,.pdf,16,"The Contractor shall ensure that trench bottom is maintained in the square form as far as possible, with equipment, so as to avoid/minimize the hand grading at the bottom of the trench. The Contractor shall do all such handwork in the trench as required to free the bottom of trench from loose rock, pebbles and to trim protruding roots the bottom and sidewalls of the trench. " docs/021-030,.pdf,17,"Excavation of trench/pit having PCC/RCC surface, more than 12"" in thickness or more than 12"" thick continuous asphalted multi-layer/Malba/Brick/Boulder, Additional rates are " docs/021-030,.pdf,18,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,19,"Page 21 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,20,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,11,"The schematic drawing with the details of trench is enclosed in the tender as per drawing No. 15792-10-03-27 " docs/021-030,.pdf,45,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,12,"The Contractor shall perform the excavation works so as to enable the pipe to be laid in conformity with the levels, depths, slopes, curves, dimensions and instructions shown in the Drawings, Specifications or as otherwise directed by the EIC. " docs/021-030,.pdf,47,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,71,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,72,"Where the above clearances cannot be achieved, or in other special circumstances, the EIC may approve/specify protection with concrete/MS coated pipe, etc. The protective material shall be supplied and installed by the Contractor at his cost subject to discretion of EIC. " docs/021-030,.pdf,73,"13.6 Under Ground Interferences " docs/021-030,.pdf,74,"The Contractor shall locate and expose manually all underground facilities if any during trenching. Safety barriers shall be erected along the trench to prevent any damages or accident. On locations where pipeline is laid under the existing facilities and near the approaches of the crossing, the trench shall be gradually deepened to avoid sharp bends. " docs/021-030,.pdf,75,"All sewers, drains, ditches and other natural waterways encountered while trenching shall be maintained open and functional by providing proper temporary installations if required. Suitable dewatering pumps shall be deployed to dewater, if required. " docs/021-030,.pdf,76,"Whenever it is permitted by Authorities and/or Owner to open cut paved road crossing, or where the line is routed within the road pavement, the Contractor shall remove the paving in accordance with the restrictions and requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction thereof as directed by Owner. After laying the pipeline, backfilling shall be immediately performed and all the areas affected connected with the excavation works shall be temporarily restored. " docs/021-030,.pdf,77,"In case of damage to any of above referred structures/utilities the Contractor shall be responsible for repairs/replacement at his own cost, which shall be carried out to the satisfaction of concerned authorities, resident and Owner. " docs/021-030,.pdf,78,"13.7 Others " docs/021-030,.pdf,79,"Throughout the period of execution of such work, the Contractor shall provide and use warning signs, traffic lights or lanterns, barricades, fencing, watchman etc. As required by the local authorities' jurisdiction and/or Owner. " docs/021-030,.pdf,80,"For all roads, paths, walkways etc. which are open-cut, the Contractor shall provide temporary diversions properly constructed to allow the passage of normal traffic with the minimum inconvenience and interruptions. " docs/021-030,.pdf,81,"The paving shall be resorted to its original condition after the pipeline is installed. " docs/021-030,.pdf,82,"The Contractor shall excavate to additional depth at all the points where the contour of the earth may require extra depth, or where deep trench is required at the approaches to crossings of roadways, railroads, rivers, streams, drainage and ditches without any extra cost implication to Owner. " docs/021-030,.pdf,84,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,85,"Page 24 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,86,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,87,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,88,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,89,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,46,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/021-030,.pdf,70,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,69,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/021-030,.pdf,83,"The Contractor shall excavate all such aforesaid depths as may be required at no extra cost to Owner. The trench shall be cut to a grade that will provide a firm, uniform and continuous support for the pipe. " docs/021-030,.pdf,52,"In case, the depth could not be achieved due to practical problems and the same is demonstrated, EIC after examining thoroughly and considering the codes and standards may allow the contractor to provide suitable protection by way of concrete casing pipes or slabs. " docs/021-030,.pdf,49,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/021-030,.pdf,50,"The minimum depth may be greater than as mentioned above as may be required by Government/Public authorities under jurisdictions. The Contractor shall perform such work without extra compensation, according to the requirement of concerned authorities. " docs/021-030,.pdf,51,"Also, in case of Drains/Culverts/Utilities crossing through open cut where excavation cut is more than 1.5m, the extra excavation is inclusive in the laying rates. No separate payment is chargeable for extra excavation and includes backfilling as well. " docs/021-030,.pdf,53,"13.2 Width of Trench " docs/021-030,.pdf,54,"The width of the trench shall be wide enough to provide bedding around the pipe as specified and to prevent damage to the pipe inside the trench. Unless otherwise directed by the EIC and where ground conditions permit, the minimum distance from the inside edge of the trench wall to the outside of the pipe shall be as per the Drawing no 15792- 10-03-27. " docs/021-030,.pdf,48,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/021-030,.pdf,55,"13.3 Trench Base " docs/021-030,.pdf,57,"In case trenching is done in rocky terrain, a bedding of soft soil or sand shall be provided in the trench base at no extra cost to the satisfaction of EIC. " docs/021-030,.pdf,58,"13.4 Malba " docs/021-030,.pdf,56,"The trench bottom shall be cut or trimmed to provide a uniform bedding for the pipe and shall be free from stones, metal, wood, vegetation, clods of earth or other debris before placement of the pipe. " docs/021-030,.pdf,60,"13.5 Clearances " docs/021-030,.pdf,61,"Unless otherwise approved, the following clearances shall be maintained between the external wall of the gas pipe and the external surface of other underground assets/utilities in the vicinity of the Works. " docs/021-030,.pdf,62,"• " docs/021-030,.pdf,63,"150 300 mm where the gas pipe crosses other assets/utilities, etc., for electric cables, the clearance shall be 300mm minimum or special protection shall be provided as per approval of EIC. " docs/021-030,.pdf,64,"300mm where the gas pipe is on a similar alignment to the other assets/utilities. " docs/021-030,.pdf,65,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/021-030,.pdf,66,"Page 23 of 380 " docs/021-030,.pdf,67,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/021-030,.pdf,59,"Accumulation of construction debris/building rubbish or discarded pieces of bricks/stones or excavation through soil mixed with small boulders/powdered rock due to which moiling is not possible and only open cut method can be used. " docs/021-030,.pdf,68,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,193,"Special cares shall be taken at the time of labours working in depths/lifting of the skids by hydras/ cranes considering all the safety guidelines. " docs/031-040,.pdf,188,"Land base features shown on the drawing shall match the exact distance as they were on real ground with respect to scale (1:200). " docs/031-040,.pdf,192,"The contractor has to supply the adequate materials and skilled manpower for the completion of all the civil works. The contractor shall also ensure that the work is carried out as per the details mentioned in the Schedule of rates. " docs/031-040,.pdf,191,"30.0 CIVIL WORKS " docs/031-040,.pdf,190,"The details shall be prepared in standard format using MAP INFO/AUTOCAD MAP and submitted CD RAM. Contractor shall also make the item wise material consumption report for the respective areas in a soft copy and to be submitted along with the as- built drawings. " docs/031-040,.pdf,189,"As built drawings shall be duly signed & stamped by area TPIA / Consultant. " docs/031-040,.pdf,211,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,186,"Direction of gas flow shall be indicated in each of the drawings. " docs/031-040,.pdf,185,"Proper chainage shall be mentioned on all the drawings to be referred with continuation reference. " docs/031-040,.pdf,184,"Names of roads, major landmarks and buildings should be mentioned appropriately for reference. " docs/031-040,.pdf,183,"Complete details of nallah crossings should be shown in a separate sketch. " docs/031-040,.pdf,194,"The contractor has to ensure that sample of the all the materials shall be inspected and approved by EIC before carrying out installation or erection work. The contractor has to submit the test certificates for all the materials to be used at the site. The construction shall be carried out strictly as per the drawings provided by the IGL/Consultant. The contractor shall ensure extra / surplus materials / malba shall be immediately removed from the site after completion of the job. Separate payments shall be made as per the SOR PART III. " docs/031-040,.pdf,182,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,181,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,187,"Text on the as laid drawing should be clearly visible. " docs/031-040,.pdf,195,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,205,"Equipment Details " docs/031-040,.pdf,197,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,212,"Voltage Stabilizer " docs/031-040,.pdf,180,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,210,"(Automatically readable) " docs/031-040,.pdf,209,"1 " docs/031-040,.pdf,208,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,207,"Electro Fusion Box " docs/031-040,.pdf,196,"Page 39 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,206,"Minimum Requirement (In Nos.) " docs/031-040,.pdf,203,"LAYING " docs/031-040,.pdf,202,"TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR PRE " docs/031-040,.pdf,201,"ANNEXURE # 1 " docs/031-040,.pdf,200,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,199,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,198,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,204,"Sl. No. " docs/031-040,.pdf,179,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,157,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,177,"Page 38 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,158,"Page 37 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,156,"All work carried out under this contract shall be to standards, codes of practice construction procedures and other technical requirements as defined in the technical " docs/031-040,.pdf,155,"28.0 STANDARD OF WORK " docs/031-040,.pdf,154,"Contractor shall provide the required personnel, Vehicles, labour, supervision, tools, equipment, instruments and technical assistance for performance tests and commissioning activities as per requirement / satisfaction of Owner/Owner's representative. " docs/031-040,.pdf,152,"The artwork is typical for all the markers, with Owner's logo on it. The contractor must take prior approval for the artwork from EIC before installation of Markers. The lot wise approval shall be attached with bills. " docs/031-040,.pdf,151,"For the distribution network 32mm & 20mm pipe, Stone / plate markers shall be installed as per the site conditions and directions of the Site-in-Charge. " docs/031-040,.pdf,159,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,150,"In addition to above, Pole markers with foundation (As per drawings in Tender document) shall be installed outside of individual societies/areas as per the instructions of the Owner representative. " docs/031-040,.pdf,148,"Pole markers with foundations (As per the Drawings in Tender document) shall be installed after two Stone markers. " docs/031-040,.pdf,147,"A Pole marker shall be installed near to valve chambers on Mainline & inside the pockets respectively for indication. " docs/031-040,.pdf,146,"Interval between any two Stone Route markers for mainline (180mm to 63mm) shall not be more than 50m. " docs/031-040,.pdf,145,"• " docs/031-040,.pdf,144,"• " docs/031-040,.pdf,213,"3 " docs/031-040,.pdf,149,"The entry and exit pits for laying of pipeline by HDD / Moling for Road crossings shall be marked by Pole markers or Stone markers depending upon the site conditions. " docs/031-040,.pdf,178,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,160,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,162,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,176,"Total as laid-length (size wise), bill of materials should be mentioned in each sheet. Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,175,"Technical deviations (if any) should be provided with reference to the buildings permanent structures around, and the same should be cited clearly with all the relevant details, including separate sketches/Blowups / sectioned drawings / exploded view. " docs/031-040,.pdf,174,"Details of the PE stop off valves &. Other fittings used (i.e. tees, elbows, couplers, transition fittings, etc.) should be shown with adequate information orientation &. Offsets from permanent structures in the immediate vicinity. " docs/031-040,.pdf,173,"Details & offset distances from other utilities present (e.g. MTNL, NDPL, BSES, DJB etc.) should be given in as laid drawing. If there is any change in depth of the pipeline, the same shall be clearly marked with details in the as laid drawings. The details (material, size &.Length) of additional protection provided to pipeline shall also be clearly indicated. " docs/031-040,.pdf,172,"Distance of pipeline from permanent property/structure should be provided at least every 20 mtrs. If there is any change in alignment / orientation and offset distances etc. Of the pipeline in between the above said 20 mtrs, the same shall be dearly mentioned in the as laid. Gas objects (off valves, tees, elbows, couplers, transition fittings etc.,) shall be shown as block objects (which form a single node to connect) with respect to Owner symbols / legend. The As laid drawings shall be as per the approved legends provided by EIC. " docs/031-040,.pdf,171,"Minimum three (03) offsets of every joint, from permanent structure shall be recorded on As Built. " docs/031-040,.pdf,161,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,170,"Pipeline feature shall be shown as a continuous line, breaks only at joints, fittings, valves, tee point, etc. Diameter, Pipe material, length, and location of pipeline whether on the road or footpath, should be clearly indicated. " docs/031-040,.pdf,168,"The following points shall be taken care to the preparation of as built drawings. " docs/031-040,.pdf,167,"• " docs/031-040,.pdf,166,"29.0 RECORDING (AS-BUILT DRAWINGS) " docs/031-040,.pdf,165,"Fusion Operators and other skilled personnel like plumbers, conversion techniques shall be approved by Consultant/ Owner. Simultaneously Identification Cards duly signed by Consultant/Owner shall be issued to them. The contractor shall maintain proper record for the identification cards issued to their workers. " docs/031-040,.pdf,164,"specifications. The manpower deployed on the respective work shall be adequately trained and shall have necessary skills to execute/supervise the work. However, the assessment on the qualification of the personal shall be at the discretion of EIC. " docs/031-040,.pdf,163,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,169,"The as built drawings should be in the scale of 1:200 and shall be submitted in an A-0 sheet. The drawings shall be in layers according the AUTOCAD features category. " docs/031-040,.pdf,215,"1 2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,214,"Generator (5.5 KVA) " docs/031-040,.pdf,217,"Moiling Equipment (for all sizes) " docs/031-040,.pdf,267,"22 " docs/031-040,.pdf,266,"Re-rounding Tools ( All sizes) " docs/031-040,.pdf,265,"21 " docs/031-040,.pdf,264,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,263,"Pipe Straightness " docs/031-040,.pdf,262,"20 " docs/031-040,.pdf,268,"Jumping Jack Compactor " docs/031-040,.pdf,261,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,259,"As and when required One set of all sizes As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,258,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,257,"Joining Clamps for Saddle (All sizes) " docs/031-040,.pdf,256,"19 " docs/031-040,.pdf,255,"Joining Clamps for Coupler ( All sizes " docs/031-040,.pdf,254,"18 " docs/031-040,.pdf,260,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,253,"Pipe Alignment Clamps " docs/031-040,.pdf,269,"23 " docs/031-040,.pdf,271,"24 " docs/031-040,.pdf,143,"• The installation of these markers shall be such that in between two pole markers two Stone markers are installed with spacing of 50 mtrs on either side. However, Pole markers shall be installed at all the Tapping /Branching points in the mainline. " docs/031-040,.pdf,284,"Page 40 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,283,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,282,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,281,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,280,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,270,"Roller for Asphalting " docs/031-040,.pdf,279,"As and when required As and when required As and when required 6 " docs/031-040,.pdf,277,"27 " docs/031-040,.pdf,276,"Automatic Thread cutting machine " docs/031-040,.pdf,275,"26 " docs/031-040,.pdf,274,"Water Tankers " docs/031-040,.pdf,273,"25 " docs/031-040,.pdf,272,"Calibrated Pressure Gauges (0-6 Bar) " docs/031-040,.pdf,278,"Heating Element for HDPE Butt joint along with clamping, roller and other accessories " docs/031-040,.pdf,216,"4 " docs/031-040,.pdf,252,"17 " docs/031-040,.pdf,250,"16 " docs/031-040,.pdf,231,"Tapping Tools/Allen Keys " docs/031-040,.pdf,230,"Universal Scrapers " docs/031-040,.pdf,229,"Squeeze Tools (Hydraulic) from 63 mm up to 180 mm* " docs/031-040,.pdf,228,"10 " docs/031-040,.pdf,227,"9 " docs/031-040,.pdf,226,"Rotary Peelers " docs/031-040,.pdf,232,"11 " docs/031-040,.pdf,225,"8 " docs/031-040,.pdf,223,"Squeeze Tools (Manual) up to 63 mm " docs/031-040,.pdf,222,"6 " docs/031-040,.pdf,221,"HDD Machines & Equipment (for all types & sizes) " docs/031-040,.pdf,220,"5 " docs/031-040,.pdf,219,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,218,"As and when required " docs/031-040,.pdf,224,"7 " docs/031-040,.pdf,251,"Test Ends " docs/031-040,.pdf,233,"Pipe Cutter (Round) " docs/031-040,.pdf,235,"Pipe Cutter (Guillotine) " docs/031-040,.pdf,249,"Cable and Pipe Locator " docs/031-040,.pdf,248,"15 " docs/031-040,.pdf,247,"Gas Detection Unit " docs/031-040,.pdf,246,"14 " docs/031-040,.pdf,245,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,244,"1 " docs/031-040,.pdf,234,"12 " docs/031-040,.pdf,243,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,241,"3 " docs/031-040,.pdf,240,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,239,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,238,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,237,"Pipe Cutter (ratchet type) " docs/031-040,.pdf,236,"13 " docs/031-040,.pdf,242,"Two sets of all sizes " docs/031-040,.pdf,142,"26.0 GUIDELINES: " docs/031-040,.pdf,153,"27.0 ASSISTANCE IN COMMISSIONING " docs/031-040,.pdf,140,"Owner/Owner representative before shipment of the lot at site and prior to installation at the site. The inspection of all types of markers shall be carried out lot wise. " docs/031-040,.pdf,50,"315 " docs/031-040,.pdf,49,"250 " docs/031-040,.pdf,48,"180 " docs/031-040,.pdf,47,"4 " docs/031-040,.pdf,46,"250 " docs/031-040,.pdf,45,"200 " docs/031-040,.pdf,51,"However, the size of the casing pipe may vary according to the length of the carrier pipe and requirement of laying of HDPE duct & OFC cable, if required. Also, the higher size of HDPE casing pipe shall be preferred over lower size casing pipe without any extra cost to the Owner. " docs/031-040,.pdf,44,"125 " docs/031-040,.pdf,42,"160 " docs/031-040,.pdf,41,"125 " docs/031-040,.pdf,40,"63 " docs/031-040,.pdf,39,"2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,38,"90 " docs/031-040,.pdf,37,"50 " docs/031-040,.pdf,43,"3 " docs/031-040,.pdf,36,"32 " docs/031-040,.pdf,52,"20.0 RESTORATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,54,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,68,"Payment to the restoration shall be paid as per SOR item no. 6. Further, the rate of restoration includes WBM, Asphalted/Bituminous, concrete pavement, Agra Stone/ Kota stone/ Tiles (Chequered / any other type of tiles), interlocking paver blocks, Dry brick pavements etc. and payable under relevant SOR. " docs/031-040,.pdf,67,"The Contractor is to ensure the restoration work is properly supervised and that the material used is suitable for the purpose and properly compacted. Where the required standards are not achieved, the Contractor will be required to restore the defective work. " docs/031-040,.pdf,66,"Where permanent surface restoration cannot be completed immediately, the Contractor shall provide and maintain a suitable temporary running surface for vehicular traffic and pedestrians. The Contractor will be responsible for the maintenance of all restoration carried out, for the duration of the Contract guarantee period. " docs/031-040,.pdf,65,"Turf shall be replaced in highly developed grassed area. In lesser-developed grassed areas top soil should be replaced during the restoration process. " docs/031-040,.pdf,64,"The procedure for restoration of Road/Footpath is just indicative. However, the restoration shall be done in accordance with the norms of the concerned Land owning agencies. " docs/031-040,.pdf,63,"The restored slabs or blocks should match the surrounding surface levels. Joint widths should match the existing conditions, and be filled with a dry or wet mix of mortar. " docs/031-040,.pdf,53,"Wherever the restoration to the original surface condition is in the scope of Owner or as directed by EIC, all roads, footpaths (including roads and footpaths inside colonies) shall be restored to its original condition and the same shall be done as per CPWD/IRC norms and to the satisfaction of the concerned local Authority/Third Party Agencies designated " docs/031-040,.pdf,62,"Where slabs and blocks are to be restored, the level of the compacted sub-base is to be adjusted according to the slab/block thickness. The slabs or blocks should be laid on moist bedding material, which should be graded sand, mortar or mortar mix. The slabs or blocks should be tapped into position to ensure they do not rock after lying. " docs/031-040,.pdf,60,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,59,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,58,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,57,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,56,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,55,"Page 32 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,61,"by Owner. To retard curing of the installed concrete, wet sackcloth is to be placed on the finished surface and kept damp for a period of 7 days. " docs/031-040,.pdf,69,"Note that payment for restoration will be released only after satisfactory completion and certification by Third party/Consultant. " docs/031-040,.pdf,35,"1 " docs/031-040,.pdf,33,"Min. Dia. of HDPE Casing Pipe (mm) " docs/031-040,.pdf,13,"Any damage occurred to other utilities during the moling operation shall be immediately, notified and rectified by the contractor without any cost implication to owner. " docs/031-040,.pdf,12,"The moling rates are payable as per the SOR and the moling rates are common for MDPE pipe laying with or without casing pipe through the hole. The length of the Hole (excluding the sizes of the pits on both ends) shall be considered for the measurement of Moling length. However, the extra length of casing shall be considered for material consumption purpose only. In case of moling, where partial laying is carried out in casing and rest without casing. Further, the payment for the pipeline laying in the excavated pits for Moling purpose will be made as per the SOR for normal laying. " docs/031-040,.pdf,11,"For Moling the contractor shall ensure that the size of the hole shall not be more than 20% of the size of the casing/carrier pipes whichever is applicable. After completion of Moling the hole shall be properly compacted / filled with soil by watering and by approved procedures. " docs/031-040,.pdf,10,"The Manual Moling shall be carried out as per the requirement specified by Owner / Owner's representative and approved procedures. The contractor has to carry out survey of the underground utilities before going for the Moling to avoid any damage to other utilities. No extra payment will be made for any trial/abandoned pits made during the survey. The supply of all equipment required for carrying out moling work is in contractor's scope. The type of moling to be carried out i.e. with or without casing shall be at the discretion of Owner and prior approval is to be taken before starting the Moling. " docs/031-040,.pdf,9,"17.0 MOLING " docs/031-040,.pdf,8,"The contractor shall not be entitled for payment as defined in commercial on laying and backfilling till the above activities are completed. " docs/031-040,.pdf,14,"18.0 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING (HDD) " docs/031-040,.pdf,7,"Debris and other surplus material shall be removed immediately after the back filling. " docs/031-040,.pdf,5,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,4,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,3,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,2,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,1,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,141,"The Stone Markers shall be painted before installation as per the approved procedure. Whereas the Pole marker (Markers with foundation) and plate marker are to be supplied with powder coated Golden Yellow Paint The supply of the paint as per drawing no 15792- 10-03-29 and application. The supply of paint and application as per the specification is in contractor's scope. Payment shall be paid as per relevant SOR item no.8. Contractor shall obtain the approval lot wise & before installation at site from the Consultant / TPIA. " docs/031-040,.pdf,6,"Electro-fusion of joints is to be undertaken immediately after lowering and the activity shall not be kept pending for lack of Electro-fusion jointing. The backfilling shall be considered complete only after the jointing of pipes. " docs/031-040,.pdf,34,"Max. Dia. of HDPE Casing Pipe (mm) " docs/031-040,.pdf,15,"HDD is required to be carried out by the Contractor where conventional Trenching/Moling is not possible viz. Railways, major waterways, highways, roads, congested areas etc. The Contractor shall obtain details of such crossings and the Contractor in consultation with Owner shall prepare construction drawings. Execution of the work shall be based on the Owner/Owner's representative approved drawings. The contractor has to do the thorough survey of the underground utilities before commencement of HDD to avoid the damage to the other utilities. No other extra payment will be made for any trail/abandoned pits made during the survey. The supply of all equipment required for carrying out the HDD is in contractor's scope. The HDD operation shall be carried out in accordance with API-1102. The type and availability of machines is sole responsibility of the contractor and as per the site conditions & requirements to entire satisfaction of EIC. " docs/031-040,.pdf,17,"Page 31 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,32,"MDPE Carrier Pipe Dia. size (mm) " docs/031-040,.pdf,31,"S. No. " docs/031-040,.pdf,30,"The tentative sizes of the HDPE casing pipe for Moling/Horizontal Directional Drilling shall be as follows: " docs/031-040,.pdf,29,"19.0 CASING PIPE " docs/031-040,.pdf,28,"The measurement for the payment shall be measured as per the span for which the beacon/sensing source which is attached to the reamer at the time of pulling carrier pipe for HDD. HDD profiles should be properly marked in the as built drawing in scale. " docs/031-040,.pdf,27,"Any damages occurred to other utilities during the HDD operation shall be immediately notified and rectified by the contractor without any cost implication to OWNER. " docs/031-040,.pdf,16,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,26,"As per the specification, HDD to be carried out with or without casing pipe depends on the type of crossing as per instruction of Owner/ Consultant. " docs/031-040,.pdf,24,"The type of HDD to be carried out with or without casing shall be at the discretion of Owner and prior approval is to be taken before starting the HDD. " docs/031-040,.pdf,23,"Once the work is allotted, any delay in mobilizing / non-availability of HDD machines as per site requirement and conditions shall result in levying of suitable penalties as per SCC. However, in such cases, owner shall mobilize HDD machines and carry out execution of work on the contractor's risk and cost as per SCC. " docs/031-040,.pdf,22,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,21,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,19,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,18,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,25,"The rates for HDD, as indicated in SOR item no. 2 & 3, as applicable on the site conditions, are payable as per the size of the carrier pipe and inclusive of excavation of pits, jointing, pilot boring, bentonite cleaning, reaming, insertion of carrier pipe, backfilling, compaction, etc. " docs/031-040,.pdf,70,"Contractor has to obtain the No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned local authorities/RWA after completion of the restoration work. The restoration specification specified in the tender is only a typical specification and the contractor has to carry out restoration as per the latest version CPWD/IRC/MCD specification to its original condition and also to the entire satisfaction of landowner (Private/Public). " docs/031-040,.pdf,20,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,72,"21.0 TESTING " docs/031-040,.pdf,109,"PCC to be placed below the pipe as indicated. Once PCC is set sand is to be filled and properly rammed so that pipe and pre-cast concrete blocks are firmly place. " docs/031-040,.pdf,110,"Valve will be supplied without the operating stem. Approved quality sand is to be placed in between area. The supply of sand is included in the rates. " docs/031-040,.pdf,111,"Surrounding area to be properly cleared and PCC to be placed around the location where pre-cast slab with RCC Manhole cover is placed. The RCC pre-cast slab to be laid in level and finished smooth. " docs/031-040,.pdf,112,"24.0 CONSTRUCTION OF TRENCHES AND OTHER SCOPE OF WORK IN BUILDER SEGMENT- " docs/031-040,.pdf,113,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,114,"Page 35 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,115,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,116,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,117,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,118,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,119,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,120,"24.1 Construction of dedicated trench (as per approved drawing) Trench Dimension- 0.6m x 0.66m x 1.0m (dx w x l) " docs/031-040,.pdf,121,"Scope includes excavation of trench in any type of surface, construction of brick wall, waterproofing of trench (If required), removal of surplus malba, plastering of walls, watering and curing including supply & installation of precast RCC slab covers Site cleaning and restoration of all damaged surfaces during construction activity. Contractor should submit NOC through concerned RWA/Builder/Authority. For other details please refer drawing no 15792-10-03-34 " docs/031-040,.pdf,122,"24.2 Construction of dedicated trench (as per approved drawing) " docs/031-040,.pdf,123,"Trench Dimension- 0.375m x 0.66m x 1.0m (dxwx l) " docs/031-040,.pdf,124,"Scope includes excavation of trench in any type of surface, construction of brick wall, waterproofing of trench (If required), removal of surplus malba, plastering of walls, watering and curing including supply & installation of precast RCC slab covers Site cleaning and restoration of all damaged surfaces during construction activity. Contractor should submit NOC through concerned RWA/Builder/Authority. For other details please refer drawing no.- 15792-10-03-35 " docs/031-040,.pdf,125,"24.3 Excavation of trench and installation of casing pipe by any method (Open /Moling) " docs/031-040,.pdf,139,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,71,"The expenditure incurred towards testing of the material used for restoration, as per the applicable standards, shall be borne by contractor. " docs/031-040,.pdf,138,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,137,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,136,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,135,"Page 36 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,108,"Sand bags to be placed below pipeline without disturbing the laid pipe. Gunny bags and Sand should be of approved quality. " docs/031-040,.pdf,134,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,132,"25.0 ROUTE MARKERS " docs/031-040,.pdf,131,"Note- In all of the above items 10% amount shall be withheld till availability of NOC from concerned authority. " docs/031-040,.pdf,129,"Scope includes supply and filling of coarse sand (Size 0.6 To 2.0mm) as per IS 383 free from impurity like clay, mica and soft flaky pieces in the trench as per instruction of EIC/Owners representatives. " docs/031-040,.pdf,128,"24.4 Sand Filling in any type of trenches in builder segment only; " docs/031-040,.pdf,127,"Note- In case of restoration SOR Item no. 6 shall be applicable over and above this SOR. " docs/031-040,.pdf,126,"Scope includes excavation of trench/moiling in any type of surface and installation of 6"" GI Pipe C Class as casing pipe, restoration for road crossing up-to 7.0 m inside society and obtaining NOC through concerned RWA/Builder/Authority. " docs/031-040,.pdf,133,"Route Markers shall be fabricated, supplied and installed on the ROU at regular intervals immediately after laying of the Pipeline. The installation of the type of the Permanent Marker shall be decided by the EIC depending on the site condition. The contractor shall also ensure that a sample of all type of markers shall be inspected and approved by " docs/031-040,.pdf,107,"The excavation work shall be done at a location given by Engineer-in-Charge. All care shall be taken not to damage existing facilities and surface of construction shall be restored to its original state. " docs/031-040,.pdf,130,"Note-Actual quantity (Cubic meter) of sand filling for 21.1, 21.2 & 21.3 shall be claimed in this SOR " docs/031-040,.pdf,105,"RCC Pre-Cast Slab shall conform to IS: 456. Heavy Duty RCC Manhole Cover shall be used. It shall be with raised with Lifting hooks. The RCC manhole cover shall have a clear opening as per the Construction Drawings issued to the contractor. " docs/031-040,.pdf,86,"22.0 PURGING " docs/031-040,.pdf,85,"Suitable relief valve set at 5% higher than test pressure shall be fitted at the test heads to avoid over pressurization during testing. " docs/031-040,.pdf,84,"For service lines up to a length of 15 mtrs testing will be carried out independently of the testing of the mains (if service line is laid separately after commissioning of mainline) for which the test duration may be reduced to 30 minutes at 6 bar (g) pressure. The service line testing in this case will be performed after the service line installation is complete but before the service line tee has been tapped. Also in some cases the tapping of the service tee will be delayed after the completion and purging of the main pipelines. " docs/031-040,.pdf,83,"For main line the test duration shall be minimum 24 hours for length greater than 1 km and minimum 4 hours for length shorter than 1 km. The pressure should be allowed to stabilize for a period of 30 minutes after pressurization. The holding period may then commence and continue for time period as specified above. Measuring instruments shall have been calibrated and their accuracy and sensitivity confirmed. For testing of Network, calibrated pressure gauges of suitable range shall be supplied by the contractor. The pressure gauges shall be calibrated from time to time as desired by EIC. All testing shall be witnessed and approved by the EIC or his delegated representative. Tie-in joints may be tested at working pressure following commissioning. " docs/031-040,.pdf,82,"Overall scheme drawing for pressure testing shall be prepared by the contractor and get approval from Owner/Owner representative. " docs/031-040,.pdf,81,"For main pipeline laying, the Contractor shall perform progressive pressure testing to ensure no leaks in long lengths of pipe. The test pressure shall be 6.0 bar (g), and there shall be no unaccountable pressure loss during the test period. " docs/031-040,.pdf,87,"Purging shall be carried out in accordance with the principles defined in the American Gas Association publication “Purging Principles and Practice"". " docs/031-040,.pdf,79,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/031-040,.pdf,77,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,76,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,75,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,106,"Workmanship " docs/031-040,.pdf,73,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,74,"Page 33 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,78,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,88,"The Contractor shall also provide nitrogen required for purging as per the direction of Site In-charge. Nitrogen shall be supplied in labeled, tested and certified cylinders and completed with all necessary regulators, hoses and connections, which will be in good and working condition. No separate payment shall be paid for supplying Nitrogen cylinders for purging and is included in the laying rates. Before purging cylinder should be checked for containing Nitrogen only. " docs/031-040,.pdf,80,"Pressure testing will be carried out with compressed air (free from oil and greases). Compressed air will be provided by Contractor for testing purposes and is to be included in the laying rates. " docs/031-040,.pdf,90,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/031-040,.pdf,103,"23.1 Material for Valve Pit " docs/031-040,.pdf,89,"In addition, the Contractor shall submit purging plan and get approval from Owner / Owner representative before commencing any purging work. The Plan shall include, but not be limited to the provision of the following materials and equipment: Personal Safety Equipment, Fire Extinguisher, Purging Adaptor, Purge stack with flame trap and gas " docs/031-040,.pdf,104,"23.2 " docs/031-040,.pdf,101,"Valve pits (RCC/Brick Wall) shall be constructed as per enclosed drawing 15792-20-03- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 in the document. " docs/031-040,.pdf,100,"23.0 VALVE PITS " docs/031-040,.pdf,99,"A purge stack with flame trap shall be used when purging services. Care shall be taken to ensure that the purge outlet is so located that vent gas cannot drift into buildings. " docs/031-040,.pdf,102,"Payment for the valve pit construction shall be paid as per SOR item no.19. The construction of the valve chambers shall be taken up immediately after installation of valve. " docs/031-040,.pdf,97,"sampling point, Gas sampling equipment (may be gas leak detector), squash-off tool, Polyethylene connecting pipe. " docs/031-040,.pdf,98,"The Plan shall also include the purging process along with detail on the sequence of events. The process is to also specifically mention the need to lay a wet cloth over the PE main and in contact with the ground, to disperse static electricity during the purging work. " docs/031-040,.pdf,95,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/031-040,.pdf,94,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/031-040,.pdf,93,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/031-040,.pdf,92,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/031-040,.pdf,91,"Page 34 of 380 " docs/031-040,.pdf,96,"CHERGING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,212,"MVK " docs/041-050,.pdf,213,"AD " docs/041-050,.pdf,214,"Checked Approved By " docs/041-050,.pdf,211,"HK " docs/041-050,.pdf,210,"RKT " docs/041-050,.pdf,215,"By " docs/041-050,.pdf,209,"RKY BS Prepared By " docs/041-050,.pdf,208,"Purpose " docs/041-050,.pdf,207,"DATE " docs/041-050,.pdf,201,"SS-PE-0003 " docs/041-050,.pdf,205,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/041-050,.pdf,204,"18.03.19 " docs/041-050,.pdf,203,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/041-050,.pdf,202,"01 10.05.21 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,200,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,199,"VCS " docs/041-050,.pdf,198,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,216,"Page 46 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,197,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/041-050,.pdf,196,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,195,"C " docs/041-050,.pdf,206,"REV " docs/041-050,.pdf,217,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,233,"PROGRESS OF WORK..... " docs/041-050,.pdf,219,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,242,"REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARDS........ " docs/041-050,.pdf,194,"S " docs/041-050,.pdf,241,"9.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,240,"11 " docs/041-050,.pdf,239,"PERMISSIONS / APPROVALS ………………………... " docs/041-050,.pdf,238,"8.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,237,"11 " docs/041-050,.pdf,236,"WORK SHEETS .... " docs/041-050,.pdf,235,"7.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,234,"10 " docs/041-050,.pdf,232,"6.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,231,". 10 " docs/041-050,.pdf,230,"5.0 ISSUE OF WORK INSTRUCTIONS ......... " docs/041-050,.pdf,229,"6 " docs/041-050,.pdf,228,"MATERIAL, MANPOWER EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY.. " docs/041-050,.pdf,227,"4.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,226,"4 " docs/041-050,.pdf,225,"3 " docs/041-050,.pdf,224,"3 " docs/041-050,.pdf,223,"3.0 SCOPE OF WORK ....... " docs/041-050,.pdf,222,"2.0 DEFINITIONS ..... " docs/041-050,.pdf,221,"1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION.. " docs/041-050,.pdf,220,"CONTENTS " docs/041-050,.pdf,218,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,193,"Page 45 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,160,"test " docs/041-050,.pdf,191,"It is the responsibility of the contractor to give inspection call, at least one week in advance to OWNER, to arrange for inspection by TPI nominated by land owning agencies along with the file containing all documents. Before inspection by TPI nominated by land owning agencies, contractor has to arrange for the inspection of the restored area by OWNER/Consultant/TPI and get the work certified. Contractor has to arrange for all necessary equipment, tools & tackles, labour for carrying out the inspection of the restored area. It is the responsibility of the contractor to obtain ""No Objection Certificate"" (NOC) from the TPI nominated by the land-owning agencies and further NOC from Land Owning Agencies and to get the securities/Bank Guarantees paid to them, for obtaining the permissions. " docs/041-050,.pdf,164,"Page 44 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,163,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,162,"For Cement concrete works the minimum frequency of sampling of concrete (CC cubes) shall be as follows: " docs/041-050,.pdf,161,"In addition to the above construction materials such as inter locking paver blocks, chequered cement concrete tiles, Pre-cast CC tiles, Kota/Red Stones Flooring samples shall be arranged for approval before use and if required testing shall be arranged. " docs/041-050,.pdf,159,"One test per source of supply and routine regularly as directed " docs/041-050,.pdf,158,"As per IS: 2386 " docs/041-050,.pdf,157,"Sieve analysis, clay silt and moisture contents and specific gravity " docs/041-050,.pdf,156,"es " docs/041-050,.pdf,155,"Fine Aggregat " docs/041-050,.pdf,154,"4 " docs/041-050,.pdf,165,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,153,"test " docs/041-050,.pdf,151,"supply and " docs/041-050,.pdf,150,"routine " docs/041-050,.pdf,149,"of " docs/041-050,.pdf,148,"One test per source " docs/041-050,.pdf,147,"As per IS: 2386 " docs/041-050,.pdf,146,"five " docs/041-050,.pdf,145,"samples or as per IS: 5454 " docs/041-050,.pdf,144,"required/directed " docs/041-050,.pdf,143,"Minimum " docs/041-050,.pdf,243,"12 " docs/041-050,.pdf,152,"regularly as directed " docs/041-050,.pdf,192,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,166,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/041-050,.pdf,168,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,190,"NOMINATED BY LAND OWNING AGENCIES " docs/041-050,.pdf,189,"INSPECTION (TPI) AGENCIES " docs/041-050,.pdf,188,"BY THIRD PARTY " docs/041-050,.pdf,187,"33.0 INSPECTION " docs/041-050,.pdf,186,"The cement concrete cubes shall be tested for 7 & 28 days as per relevant IS code. " docs/041-050,.pdf,185,"4+ 1 additional sample for each additional 50 Cu. M and part thereof. " docs/041-050,.pdf,184,"51 and above " docs/041-050,.pdf,183,"5 " docs/041-050,.pdf,182,"3 4 " docs/041-050,.pdf,181,"31 - 50 " docs/041-050,.pdf,167,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/041-050,.pdf,180,"4 " docs/041-050,.pdf,178,"3 " docs/041-050,.pdf,177,"2 " docs/041-050,.pdf,176,"2 " docs/041-050,.pdf,175,"1 " docs/041-050,.pdf,174,"No. of Samples " docs/041-050,.pdf,173,"1-5 6-15 " docs/041-050,.pdf,172,"1 " docs/041-050,.pdf,171,"Sr. No. Quantity of concrete in Cu. M " docs/041-050,.pdf,170,"Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,169,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 " docs/041-050,.pdf,179,"16 - 30 " docs/041-050,.pdf,244,"10.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,315,"Supply and Installation of powder coated GI pipes of ½″, ¾"" dia. between transition fittings to customers kitchen appliances including NPT threading of GI pipes, supply of proper seal outs for threads to join fittings such as elbows, tees, connectors, regulators, meters, appliances & isolation valves etc., as per laid procedures and specifications including clamping and sealing etc. The powder coated GI pipe and Fittings shall be painted after the testing of the GI installation wherever touching is required to eliminate any coating defects during installation. " docs/041-050,.pdf,246,"12 " docs/041-050,.pdf,322,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,321,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,320,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,319,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,318,"Page 49 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,317,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,316,"Supply & Installation of Copper pipes including supply of lead free solder wire and flux to join fittings MLC Pipe including supply of fittings such as elbows, tees, connectors, " docs/041-050,.pdf,314,"oven for satisfactory completion to the owner/owner's representative. " docs/041-050,.pdf,313,"Contractor shall procure all material except free issue items for installation at the outlet of PE/ GI transition fitting up to the Domestic customers ""Appliance /stove / " docs/041-050,.pdf,312,"Selection of route with the EIC/Consultant and marking the same on walls/floors between 'transition fitting' to 'cooking oven/stove/appliance', making openings and making provisions for fixing clamps. Making temporary but stable platforms/scaffolding /rope ladder etc., required for installation of pipes/fittings at all heights/multi storied flats and locations. " docs/041-050,.pdf,323,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,311,"Receipt of regulators, domestic meters, Isolation and Appliance Valve as a free issue items from Owner's stores, loading, transportation, unloads at project site. Proper storing, stacking, identification, providing security and insurance during and before installation and commissioning of pipelines. Obtaining the approval for optimum route and permission for work from the concerned authority and EIC. " docs/041-050,.pdf,309,"representative for approval. " docs/041-050,.pdf,308,"Generally the following shall constitute the Contractor's scope of work but not limited to: Plan and prepare a schedule for execution and work implementation as per QA/QC plans to be issued by Owner/Owner's representative. Contractor has to submit the Construction/Execution procedures before commencement of work to Owner / Owner's " docs/041-050,.pdf,307,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,306,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,305,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,304,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,303,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,302,"SCOPE OF WORK " docs/041-050,.pdf,301,"3.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,300,"The GI pipe from transition fittings to Regulator " docs/041-050,.pdf,310,"Contractor shall submit the QCT/procedure/drawing etc. of all the material to be procured by him for approval before procuring the items. If, QCT/procedure/drawing etc. are not approved from client/consultant then owner has the authority to refuse /reject the same lot material. " docs/041-050,.pdf,299,"REGULATOR PIECE " docs/041-050,.pdf,324,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,326,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,142,"As per IS: 3495 " docs/041-050,.pdf,140,"and " docs/041-050,.pdf,346,"Page 50 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,345,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,344,"Riser Installation in Domestic Connections: Gas available in an apartment/complex but pipeline installation pending in the concerned Tower (for " docs/041-050,.pdf,343,"➤ Fresh " docs/041-050,.pdf,342,"➤ Online Domestic connections: Gas Supply is available in the locality and pipeline is available just outside kitchen - 20 days from date of receipt of registration " docs/041-050,.pdf,341,"➤ Contractor should execute GI/Cu Installation works with following priority " docs/041-050,.pdf,340,"➤ Maintain and update the request and complaint status in IGL's portal. " docs/041-050,.pdf,339,"➤ Attend and resolve customer complaints within defined TAT. " docs/041-050,.pdf,325,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,338,"➤ Carry out joint technical feasibility survey for requests received. " docs/041-050,.pdf,336,"Any other activities not mentioned/covered explicitly above, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion/operation/safety/statutory/maintenance of the works in new & existing gas charged areas shall also be covered under the Scope of work and has to be completed by the Contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. Following activities are also in Contractor's Scope: " docs/041-050,.pdf,335,"Preparation and submission of above ground installation card for each house indicating the laid GI/Cu pipe/MLC Pipe including fittings, mentioned the reasons, if connecting, testing, etc. is not provided to the customers and deviation statements on completion /commissioning of work. " docs/041-050,.pdf,334,"Restoration of walls, flooring and other damages while executing the above ground installation up to satisfaction of properly owner. " docs/041-050,.pdf,333,"Dismantling of scaffolding/temporary structures and cleaning of site & restore the site as per its original condition. " docs/041-050,.pdf,332,"Cleaning, flushing, pneumatic testing and commissioning to the GI/Cu pipe/MLC Pipe & fittings, meters, valves etc. as per specification and hand over the same to Owner/Customer to the entire satisfaction of EIC/CONSULTANT. " docs/041-050,.pdf,331,"Submit certified copies of RFC card to Projects & O&M after uploading the details in SAP/CRM/Fleet-Port/Any other software prescribed by Client. " docs/041-050,.pdf,330,"Supply of clamps for fixing pipes, Meters wherever required, painting of pipes and fittings. Providing consumables grout material, repair/restoration of walls/floors changes for the pipes including the materials required for conversions and tools and tackles etc. shall be completed as per specification. " docs/041-050,.pdf,329,"meters, valves etc., complete as per procedures and specifications including clamping and sealing etc. " docs/041-050,.pdf,328,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,327,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,337,"➤ Receive Customer's request and complaints logged on IGL's portal/Offline. " docs/041-050,.pdf,298,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,297,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,296,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,268,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,267,"Page 47 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,266,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,265,"20 " docs/041-050,.pdf,264,"18.0 COMPLIANCE TO HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) FOR LOW RISE GI:....... " docs/041-050,.pdf,263,"19 " docs/041-050,.pdf,262,"SUBMISSION OF FINAL RECORDS....... " docs/041-050,.pdf,261,"17.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,260,"19 " docs/041-050,.pdf,259,"RESTORATION ........ " docs/041-050,.pdf,269,"1.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,258,"16.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,256,"PURGING & COMMISSIONING..... " docs/041-050,.pdf,255,"15.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,254,"18 " docs/041-050,.pdf,253,"INSPECTION...... " docs/041-050,.pdf,252,"14.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,251,"POWDER COATED GI AND COPPER ABOVE GROUND SERVICE PIPE.... 13 " docs/041-050,.pdf,250,"12.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,249,"13 " docs/041-050,.pdf,248,"PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES .... " docs/041-050,.pdf,247,"11.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,257,"18 " docs/041-050,.pdf,270,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,271,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,272,"GENERAL INFORMATION " docs/041-050,.pdf,295,"Page 48 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,294,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,293,"The riser length (excluding lateral tapping) shall be considered and averaged out among all the households, whereas the lateral piping shall be included only for one particular connection " docs/041-050,.pdf,292,"Engineer-in-charge " docs/041-050,.pdf,291,"CUMULATIVE LENGTH " docs/041-050,.pdf,290,"EIC " docs/041-050,.pdf,289,"IGL " docs/041-050,.pdf,288,"Third Party Inspection Agency to be appointed by " docs/041-050,.pdf,287,"Present <> and its entire appendix, if any " docs/041-050,.pdf,286,"VCS Quality Services Pvt. Ltd. (VCSQSPL) " docs/041-050,.pdf,285,"Indraprastha Gas limited (IGL) " docs/041-050,.pdf,284,"ΤΡΙΑ " docs/041-050,.pdf,283,"SS " docs/041-050,.pdf,282,"PMC " docs/041-050,.pdf,281,"OWNER " docs/041-050,.pdf,280,"DEFINITIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,279,"2.0 " docs/041-050,.pdf,278,"Compliance with these specifications and/or approval of any of the Contractor's documents shall in no case relive the contractor of his contractual obligations. " docs/041-050,.pdf,277,"This technical specification defines the basic guidelines to develop an acceptable design and suitable construction methodology for carrying out different activities listed out in the schedule of rates of this tender. " docs/041-050,.pdf,276,"Except domestic meter, regulator, Isolation and appliance valve, Contractor shall procure each material (Powder Coated GI fittings, Powder coated GI Pipes, Cu Pipes/MLC Pipes, Cu/Brass fittings, etc.) which is required from the out of PE/GI transition fitting up to the Domestic/Commercial Customers ""Appliance/stove/oven valve"". " docs/041-050,.pdf,275,"The scope includes installation & procurement of above ground GI/Cu pipes and associated fittings for commercial/domestic consumers. However, the piping may have to be carried out up to Appliance Valve, in case of some commercial/domestic customers required. " docs/041-050,.pdf,274,"The main scope of this contract comprises the installation of above ground pipes from the outlet of 'PE/GI transition fitting' up to the domestic/commercial Customers 'Appliance/stove/oven valve' as per the Distribution schedule placed in enclosed drawing No:15792-20-05-01 in New as well as in Existing Gas charged areas. " docs/041-050,.pdf,273,"Indraprastha Gas Limited (OWNER) is a Joint Venture Company of Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Owner plants to install an underground Natural Gas Distribution Network at NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA. The objective is to supply Natural gas to both domestic and commercial consumers and to provide compressed gas as a fuel for Automobiles. Owner is seeking Contractors to assist in meeting the above objective. " docs/041-050,.pdf,245,"RIGHT-OF-USE SERVEY AND MARKING..... " docs/041-050,.pdf,141,"when " docs/041-050,.pdf,139,"consignment or as " docs/041-050,.pdf,30,"Page 41 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,101,"course. " docs/041-050,.pdf,99,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,98,"over compacted backfilled earth. Top Surface " docs/041-050,.pdf,97,"PCC 1:5:10, 75 mm Thick laid " docs/041-050,.pdf,96,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,95,"Base Course " docs/041-050,.pdf,94,"course. " docs/041-050,.pdf,93,"40mm Thick Bituminous Concrete (as per original type) shall be laid over PCC 1:2:4, 100 mm Thick over base " docs/041-050,.pdf,92,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,91,"over compacted backfilled earth. Top Surface " docs/041-050,.pdf,90,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,89,"over compacted backfilled earth. Top Surface Tiles/Floor (as per original type) shall be laid over Cement Sand Mortar 1:6, 20mm Thick over base course, Joints shall be pointed/finished to match colour. Base Course PCC 1:5:10, 75 mm Thick laid " docs/041-050,.pdf,88,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,87,"(for Category C Roads i.e.; Roads less than 18 M width but greater than 13.70 M width.) " docs/041-050,.pdf,102,"Base Course PCC 1:5:10, 150 mm Thick laid over compacted backfilled earth. " docs/041-050,.pdf,86,"Bituminous Surface " docs/041-050,.pdf,84,"Chequered Cement Concrete Tiles/Pre- cast CC Tiles/Kota Stone Floor/Red Stone Floor " docs/041-050,.pdf,83,"5 " docs/041-050,.pdf,82,"сл " docs/041-050,.pdf,81,"4 " docs/041-050,.pdf,80,"PCC 1:5:10, 75 mm Thick laid " docs/041-050,.pdf,79,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,78,"Base Course " docs/041-050,.pdf,77,"course. " docs/041-050,.pdf,76,"Top Surface Interlocking CC Paver Blocks (as per original type) shall be laid over compacted fine sand 50 mm Thick over base " docs/041-050,.pdf,75,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,74,"Base Course PCC 1:5:10, 75 mm Thick laid over compacted backfilled earth. " docs/041-050,.pdf,73,"type) shall be laid over base course. " docs/041-050,.pdf,72,"Interlocking CC Paver Block " docs/041-050,.pdf,71,"Brick Soiling (as per original " docs/041-050,.pdf,85,"Bituminous Surface (for Category D Roads i.e.; Roads less than 13.70 M width) " docs/041-050,.pdf,103,"The specification mentioned above may be modified in line with relevant MCD/CPWD/IRC specifications. Contractor has to follow the changes as informed to them time and again. " docs/041-050,.pdf,104,"NOTE: " docs/041-050,.pdf,105,"Wherever the Bituminous portion is cut in small patches or isolated location where area of Bituminous portion is very less due to constraints like other utilities, the " docs/041-050,.pdf,136,"Frequency of Test " docs/041-050,.pdf,135,"Method of Testing As per IS: 4031 " docs/041-050,.pdf,134,"organic impurities, moisture contents and specific gravity " docs/041-050,.pdf,133,"deleterious materials, " docs/041-050,.pdf,132,"estimation of " docs/041-050,.pdf,131,"Sieve analysis, flakiness index, " docs/041-050,.pdf,130,"strength, water absorption and efflorescence " docs/041-050,.pdf,129,"Compressive " docs/041-050,.pdf,128,"compressive strength and fineness " docs/041-050,.pdf,127,"es " docs/041-050,.pdf,126,"Coarse Aggregat " docs/041-050,.pdf,125,"3 " docs/041-050,.pdf,124,"Bricks " docs/041-050,.pdf,123,"2 " docs/041-050,.pdf,122,"Cement " docs/041-050,.pdf,121,"soundness, " docs/041-050,.pdf,120,"Setting time, " docs/041-050,.pdf,106,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,107,"Page 43 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,108,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/041-050,.pdf,109,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND " docs/041-050,.pdf,110,"SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,111,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,70,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,112,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,114,"32.0 TESTING OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS " docs/041-050,.pdf,115,"For the different construction materials proposed to be used the following tests are required to be carried out for approval: " docs/041-050,.pdf,116,"Sl.No. " docs/041-050,.pdf,117,"Material " docs/041-050,.pdf,118,"Test " docs/041-050,.pdf,119,"1 " docs/041-050,.pdf,113,"surface shall be restored, same as specified for the cement concrete surface, with prior approval of EIC/TPI. " docs/041-050,.pdf,137,"Once " docs/041-050,.pdf,69,"3 " docs/041-050,.pdf,67,"Brick Soiling " docs/041-050,.pdf,31,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,29,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,28,"Remove Restraining Clamp " docs/041-050,.pdf,27,"Check Time on the Fusion Box & Press Start " docs/041-050,.pdf,26,"Let Fitting Cool for time indicated on fitting " docs/041-050,.pdf,25,"Read the Bar code with the Wand Provided " docs/041-050,.pdf,24,"Fit Leads " docs/041-050,.pdf,23,"Leads " docs/041-050,.pdf,22,"Auto Type " docs/041-050,.pdf,21,"Press End when Fusion Cycle is Complete " docs/041-050,.pdf,20,"Decide what type of leads you are using CHECK THE FUSION & COLLING OR USE BAR " docs/041-050,.pdf,19,"FIT RESTRAINING CLAMP " docs/041-050,.pdf,18,"Press Start " docs/041-050,.pdf,17,"Input Time on Fitting " docs/041-050,.pdf,32,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,16,"Manual " docs/041-050,.pdf,14,"Repeat Cleaning for other End of the Pipe " docs/041-050,.pdf,13,"When fitting is a Coupler, it must be supported " docs/041-050,.pdf,12,"Type of Fitting " docs/041-050,.pdf,11,"Remove Plastic Bag from Fitting & Push onto Pipe until Fitting Stops Mark around the Pipe with Fitting in Position " docs/041-050,.pdf,10,"Scrap Pipe to Remove Old Surface and Leave New Surface Clean & Dry " docs/041-050,.pdf,9,"of 12 Coupler 25mm " docs/041-050,.pdf,8,"Mark around End of Pipe to A Depth " docs/041-050,.pdf,7,"FUSION COUPLERS FROM 20MM TO 180MM " docs/041-050,.pdf,6,"ANNEXURE # 2 " docs/041-050,.pdf,5,"Coupler " docs/041-050,.pdf,4,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,3,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/041-050,.pdf,1,"CNERGING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,15,"Fit Leads " docs/041-050,.pdf,33,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,34,"ANNEXURE # 3 " docs/041-050,.pdf,35,"RESTORATION PROCEDURE/GUIDELINES FOR ROAD CUTS OF MCD AND OTHER LANDOWNING AGENCIES " docs/041-050,.pdf,66,"2 " docs/041-050,.pdf,65,"Base Course PCC 1:5:10, 75 mm Thick laid over compacted backfilled earth. " docs/041-050,.pdf,64,"- " docs/041-050,.pdf,63,"Top Surface PCC 1:2:4, 100 mm Thick Compacted with Plate Vibrator shall be laid over base course. " docs/041-050,.pdf,62,"Specification Recommended " docs/041-050,.pdf,61,"Surface " docs/041-050,.pdf,60,"Concrete " docs/041-050,.pdf,59,"Cement " docs/041-050,.pdf,58,"1 " docs/041-050,.pdf,57,"Surface Types " docs/041-050,.pdf,56,"Sl. No. " docs/041-050,.pdf,55,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0001 Rev No: 00 " docs/041-050,.pdf,54,"FOR LAYING OF POLYETHYLENE MAIN PIPELINES AND SERVICE PIPELINE FOR DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/041-050,.pdf,53,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/041-050,.pdf,52,"CHERGRING QUALITY " docs/041-050,.pdf,51,"Page 42 of 380 " docs/041-050,.pdf,50,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/041-050,.pdf,36,"PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE " docs/041-050,.pdf,37,"The main purpose and objective of this document is to ensure that all the work are carried out with proper specifications and standards with high quality and timely accomplishment, and the restoration of infrastructure is according to standards Aimed at achieving the original condition of the road infrastructure. " docs/041-050,.pdf,38,"DOCUMENTS/FILES TO BE MAINTAINED: " docs/041-050,.pdf,39,"The following documents shall be maintained during execution of the job and shall be handed over to OWNER/Consultant/TPI after completion of the job; " docs/041-050,.pdf,40,"• " docs/041-050,.pdf,41,"Copy of permission letter obtained from MCD. " docs/041-050,.pdf,68,"Top Surface " docs/041-050,.pdf,42,"Drawing/Sketch showing the details of stretch to be cut, highlighting the type of surfaces and its chainage/length (area) " docs/041-050,.pdf,44,"Test Certificates of the Construction materials to be used. " docs/041-050,.pdf,45,"Routine Test Certificates for construction materials during progress of job. " docs/041-050,.pdf,46,"31.0 RESTORATION OF TRENCHES/PITS: " docs/041-050,.pdf,47,"After laying pipeline, backfill material without containing extraneous material or hard lumps of soil or stones shall be filled and watered in layers of 150mm. Warning mats shall be placed as per specification. Earth shall be filled watered and compacted in layers with the help of earth compactor (Jumping jack compactor where ever space is available). After backfilling, the crown of the earth shall be between 50mm and 100mm above road surface and shall be free from sharp-edge stone and boulders. " docs/041-050,.pdf,48,"After consolidation of backfill, the surplus earth shall be removed and disposed at place directed by OWNER (at suitable locations, as per direction of MCD) " docs/041-050,.pdf,49,"Further, depending upon the Surface types of following specification shall be adopted: " docs/041-050,.pdf,43,"Stage wise Photographs of the stretch. " docs/041-050,.pdf,138,"for each " docs/041-050,.pdf,100,"40mm Thick Bituminous Concrete (as per original type) shall be laid over PCC 1:2:4, 150mm Thick over base " docs/051-060,.pdf,138,"consumer. " docs/051-060,.pdf,70,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW " docs/051-060,.pdf,69,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,68,"Page 53 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,67,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,66,"The Contractor shall collect Domestic meter, Regulators, Isolation and Appliance Valve from Owner's designated stores in between the hours to be advised by the EIC. " docs/051-060,.pdf,65,"4.7.4 Special consumable such as grease for maintenance of domestic appliances, all paints for painting of GI Pipes, Consumables such as Teflon Tapes, Solder- wire, Flux, Lacquer, Thinner, Petrol, Diesel, Fuels and Oils required are to be supplied by the contractor and are included for within the rates. 4.7.5 All minor items not expressly mentioned in the contract but which are necessary for the satisfactory completion and performance of the work under this contract. Acquisition, Receipt and Storage of Materials " docs/051-060,.pdf,64,"4.7.3 All material required for working at higher floor levels (i.e., scaffolding, Ladder, Safety Belts, Self-Locking Safety Harness Belts etc.). " docs/051-060,.pdf,63,"4.7.1 All materials required for work, NPT threading, copper pipe jointing, testing etc. 4.7.2 All signs, barricades, lights and protective equipment. " docs/051-060,.pdf,62,"The contractor shall supply the following items where required: " docs/051-060,.pdf,71,"RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,61,"Other Materials " docs/051-060,.pdf,59,"4.7 " docs/051-060,.pdf,58,"grades/class " docs/051-060,.pdf,57,"companies and required " docs/051-060,.pdf,56,"consumables shall be of reputed make " docs/051-060,.pdf,55,"• These " docs/051-060,.pdf,54,"Special Consumables such as Teflon Tapes, solder wire, flux, lacquer, thinner shall be supplied by the contractor and are included in installation rates. " docs/051-060,.pdf,53,"Consumable Items " docs/051-060,.pdf,52,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,51,"The indicative sketch of the Brackets for Meter, and GI/Copper Pipe Clamps is enclosed with the tender. No separate payment for the supply of Meter Brackets and GI/Copper clamps shall be made to the contractor. " docs/051-060,.pdf,60,"4.8 " docs/051-060,.pdf,72,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,73,"The contractor shall carry out assessment of material required for GI/Copper/MLC installation in allocated area. After approval from Owner, contractor shall place order for purchasing of GI Pipes & fittings, Copper pipes/MLC Pipes & fittings, Brass Fittings, and Reinforced Rubber hose (Technical specifications attached in the tender document) to anyone of approved vendors as per the list attached in the tender document. The contractor shall also ensure that the QCT for these materials shall be approved before the start of production activity. Once QCT is approved, contractor shall forward inspection call to the Owner depending upon the material requirement at the site. The inspection of these materials shall be carried out by Owner appointed third party inspection agency. It is contractor's responsibility for document submission, arranging dispatch clearance, handling, loading, transportation and unloading of these materials at their own respective store. " docs/051-060,.pdf,74,"Any other activity not mentioned/covered, explicitly, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion/operation/safety/statutory/maintenance of works shall also be covered under scope of work and has to be completed by contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. The Contractor shall carry free issue material in such a manner as to preclude damage using transportation and handling. " docs/051-060,.pdf,95,"The contractor shall proceed with the work under the contract with due expedition and without delay. Contractor shall assess the material requirement of the allotted area and submit the schedule plan for execution & purchasing before start of actual work. " docs/051-060,.pdf,94,"PROGRESS OF WORK " docs/051-060,.pdf,93,"The schedule of items of GI/Cu/MLC installations have been described in brief and shall be held to be completed in all respect including safety requirements as per Standard Specification of HSE, tests, inspection, QA/QC works, enabling and sundry works. The payment shall be made against completed and measured works only. No extra works whatsoever shall be considered in execution of these items. " docs/051-060,.pdf,92,"The rates to be quoted by contractor shall be inclusive of all preparatory/bye works, platform materials, labour, supervision, tools, taxes, duties, levies, salaries, wages, overheads, profits, escalations, fluctuations in exchange rates and no change in the rates shall be admissible during tenancy of the contract. " docs/051-060,.pdf,91,"All skilled personnel like jointers, conversion technicians will be approved and certified by Site In-charge. The technicians who will carry out joining of copper material and conversions will undergo a test by Owner. Those who clear the test will be issued identity cards duly signed by Site In-charge. These technicians shall be only authorized to take up respective jobs. In case it is found that contractor personnel other than authorized are carrying out these works, applicable penalty will be levied to the contractor as per contract. " docs/051-060,.pdf,90,"flats. " docs/051-060,.pdf,89,"The contractor will be required to carry out GI installation in the areas where MDPE laying is under progress. However, testing of GI installation shall be done in conjunction with laying of MDPE Service Lines to respective premises. A general scheme of distribution to domestic consumer is indicated in enclosed drawing No: 15792-20-05-02 for reference. It may vary in case of individual and multi storied " docs/051-060,.pdf,88,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,87,"6.0 " docs/051-060,.pdf,86,"5.0 ISSUE OF WORK INSTRUCTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,85,"Material reconciliation indicating issue of material, consumptions and defective material shall be submitted on every three months basis. " docs/051-060,.pdf,84,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,83,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,82,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,81,"Page 54 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,80,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,79,"The Contractor shall maintain log book at their respective stores stating issue and availability of free issue material at a given day. Further, it is mandatory that the contractor is required to undertake and submit inventory details of free issue and purchased materials on monthly basis to Owner/Owner's representative as per the approved format of the owner. The inventory details shall be in correlation with the Daily progress chart and material reconciliation sheet. " docs/051-060,.pdf,78,"The Contractor shall be required to submit inventory details of materials every month. " docs/051-060,.pdf,77,"All materials shall be stored in contractor's stores near site in such a manner so as to prevent any damage to the materials from scratching, gouging, indentation, excessive heat or by contact with any sharp objects or chemicals. " docs/051-060,.pdf,76,"Any damage not so recorded will be deemed not to have existed at the time of acceptance of material in store by the Contractor and the cost of repair or replacement or rectification shall be borne by the Contractor. " docs/051-060,.pdf,75,"The Contractor shall physically examine all materials at the time of acceptance the material in store and notify the EIC immediately of any damage or defect noticed by the Contractor. The IGL representative shall duly note any damage or defect in a site instruction book and both parties shall counter sign the entry. " docs/051-060,.pdf,50,"The Clamps, Brackets for meter, Rawal Plugs, SS-304 Screws (2"" length), Nozzles, etc. shall be approved lot wise by EIC prior to installation. Re-drilling of existing appliance (burners) nozzles is strictly not permitted. The quality of materials procured will be got approved and will be as directed by EIC. " docs/051-060,.pdf,49,"4.6 " docs/051-060,.pdf,48,"Clamps, Rawal Plugs, Screws and etc. " docs/051-060,.pdf,47,"4.5 " docs/051-060,.pdf,21,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,20,"Contractor shall procure/ purchase Powder GI Pipe & fittings, Brass fittings, Cu pipe/MLC Pipe & fittings, and Reinforced rubber hose with other material which is required to satisfactory completion/safety/statutory of the works as per tender at no extra cost to Owner. The IGL logo shall be marked on the material supplied by contractor. The contractor shall take approval from owner/owner representative for marking on the " docs/051-060,.pdf,19,"Material/Equipment & machinery to be supplied by contractor " docs/051-060,.pdf,18,"Material to be supplied as a free issue material Domestic meter, Regulator, Isolation and Appliance valve shall be supplied as a free issue material to the contractor. The contractor shall not use any other material from any other source of supply other than owner's supplied material without any written approval from EIC. " docs/051-060,.pdf,17,"MATERIAL, MANPOWER EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY " docs/051-060,.pdf,16,"All size of GI pipes & GI Fittings shall be powder coated before installation and it is in the scope of contractors. Contractor shall submit powder coating procedure to EIC/ Consultants before powder coating of pipes & Fittings. " docs/051-060,.pdf,15,"Printable material i.e. RFC book, sticker & safety Guidelines shall be provided by owner. All other printable materials like feasibility report etc. shall be in contractor's scope. " docs/051-060,.pdf,14,"Providing adequate manpower for carrying out laying for PNG installation for emergency cases as and when required. The TAT period for carrying out such emergency cases are defined in tender document. " docs/051-060,.pdf,13,"Maintain new connection tracking on IGL's portal. Providing adequate manpower, minimum 2 no's each such as data entry operator, customer care executive etc. for data logging like new connection request & GI tracking, attending complaints, day to day interaction with customers and residents so that work can be executed within defined time period (TAT) Turn Around Time. " docs/051-060,.pdf,12,"➤ Connection rates in project areas; in High Rise segment (TAT-90 Days) & low-rise segment (TAT-75 Days) " docs/051-060,.pdf,11,"➤ Underground gas pipeline available across road: i.e. Where service line has to be laid (Laying of service line up to 20m)-TAT-60 days " docs/051-060,.pdf,10,"building with less than G+14 floors) Or In case of Kothi /Bungalow, where gas pipeline is available outside the premises (where service line is already installed)- TAT-40 days " docs/051-060,.pdf,9,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,8,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,7,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,6,"4.2 " docs/051-060,.pdf,5,"4.1 " docs/051-060,.pdf,4,"4.0 " docs/051-060,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,22,"Page 51 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,96,"The EIC may direct in what order and at what time the various stages or parts of the work under the contract shall be performed. Weekly progress reports shall be submitted in the formats approved by Owner, indicating broadly the laying, testing, RFC, conversions and extra piping. " docs/051-060,.pdf,23,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,25,"RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,46,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,45,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,44,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,43,"Page 52 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,42,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,41,"The contractor shall be responsible to arrange the supply of any consumable sealant or ready mix grout material required for restoration of holes. The sealant/grout supplied by the contractor shall be compatible with the area to be restored/ rectified. No separate payment for the supply of sealant and grout shall be made to the contractor. " docs/051-060,.pdf,40,"4.4 Sealant, Grout " docs/051-060,.pdf,39,"All vehicular type machinery shall be in good working condition and shall not cause spillage of oil or grease. To avoid damage to paved surfaces, the contractor will provide pads of timber or thick rubber under the hydraulic feet or outriggers of machinery. " docs/051-060,.pdf,38,"Plant and Equipment " docs/051-060,.pdf,37,"4.3 " docs/051-060,.pdf,36,"No hiring of equipment's, tools and tackles by the contractors is allowed at the site. In case any contractor is found not in possession of enlisted required tools and tackles, penalty will be levied as per the SCC which shall be deducted from the running bills. " docs/051-060,.pdf,35,"The contractor has to submit the valid calibration certificate for Pressure gauges. Contractor shall submit the manufacturer test certificate slab test certificate for all items procured by him for approval before commencing the execution. " docs/051-060,.pdf,34,"The contractor has to ensure the availability of DG sets for continuous power supply. In case the power supply is availed at the site from societies, individual residents, contractor shall settle the claims raised by the electricity providers without any cost implication to OWNER. In case contractor doesn't settle the claims for using the electricity from societies/individual residents, on demand by the providers, OWNER will settle the claims and the same will be deducted from the contractor's bills. The progress of work shall not hamper due to non-availability of power supply. " docs/051-060,.pdf,33,"Special tools shall be required at site for carrying out drilling work in walls other than Brick or RCC (Ex. Granite, Marble, Wooden, Glass Cutting etc.) " docs/051-060,.pdf,32,"tools and " docs/051-060,.pdf,31,"material to be procured by contractor before placement of order. The Contractor shall provide labour, tools (such as Hammer Pipe Cutters, Dies for threading, Pipe wrenches, spanners, conversion torch, copper tube Cutters, tube benders, lacquering, thinner etc.) in specified numbers, all types of clamps, Plant and equipment necessary for the proper execution of the work. This will include but not limited to list of specialized tackles indicated in Annexure #1. " docs/051-060,.pdf,137,"The route of the pipeline to be installed shall be decided with consent of the consumer and Site Engineer/EIC. Contractor must ensure that the persons/workers/supervisors/ working at site shall have proper identity cards prior to entering the premises of the " docs/051-060,.pdf,29,"Piston Drill, " docs/051-060,.pdf,28,"Drill, " docs/051-060,.pdf,27,"Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,26,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 " docs/051-060,.pdf,24,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW " docs/051-060,.pdf,97,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,30,"kits, solder " docs/051-060,.pdf,154,"The contractor shall at his own cost, support and protect all buildings, walls, fences or other structures and all utilities and property which may, unless so protected, be damaged as a result of the execution of the works. He shall also comply with the requirements in the specification relating to protective measures applicable to particular operations or kind of work. " docs/051-060,.pdf,164,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,165,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,166,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,167,"Where a short piece of sleeve is used around the gas pipe, the sleeve should be embedded in the concrete with a mix of mortar and the void between the pipe and sleeve filled with a suitable sealant. The sealant should be beveled such as to prevent an accumulation of water. Supply of clamps for all sizes of the GI pipes is in contractor's scope. Contractor has to take prior approval for design/types of clamps, paintings etc. Pipe shall preferably be entered into building above ground and remain in a ventilated location. The location for entry shall be such that it can be easily routed to the usage points by the shortest practicable route. " docs/051-060,.pdf,168,"12.1 NON LMC " docs/051-060,.pdf,169,"Non LMC GI Pipe shall be defined as the GI pipe installed from transition fitting to lateral isolation valves. " docs/051-060,.pdf,171,"Riser for Bungalow /Apartments having floors up to G+3: Powder coated GI riser pipe of 1/2"" dia shall be installed from regulator isolation valve to lateral isolation valve for G+3 Apt and Individual kothi /Bungalow. Refer Drawing No. 15792-20-05- 02. " docs/051-060,.pdf,172,"Riser for Bunglow/Apartments having floors more than G+3: Powder coated GI riser pipe of 3/4"" dia shall be installed from regular isolation valve to lateral isolation valve for Apt and Individual Kothi/Bungalow having floors more than G+3. Drawing No. 15792-20-05-03 " docs/051-060,.pdf,173,"12.2 LMC " docs/051-060,.pdf,163,"Page 58 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,174,"LMC GI/CU/MLC pipe shall be defined as the GI pipe installed from lateral isolation valve to appliance valve. " docs/051-060,.pdf,176,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,177,"Supply and installations from riser (lateral isolation valve)-. The cumulative length of ½″ dia powder coated GI pipe with in 2m & Cu/MLC pipe within 2m or (GI+CU/MLC) within 4m after lateral isolation valve up to appliance valve along with installation of meter. Additional quantity above 4 meter (GI+CU/MLC) shall be payable only in case, if cumulative length exceeds 4 m. payment against additional length of (GI/Cu/MLC) shall be against item 13 of SOR. " docs/051-060,.pdf,178,"PNG CONNECTIONS IN O&M AREA (ON EXISTING RISER) " docs/051-060,.pdf,179,"Supply and installations from existing riser- The cumulative length of 1/2"" dia. " docs/051-060,.pdf,180,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,181,"Page 59 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,182,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,183,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,184,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,175,"• PNG CONNECTIONS IN PROJECT AREA " docs/051-060,.pdf,162,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,161,"Where pipe passes through the balcony and the surface is slightly elevated around the service pipe or its surrounding sleeve to prevent the accumulation of water at that point. " docs/051-060,.pdf,160,"All riser and lateral pipe shall be clamped to the building at intervals not exceeding 1.5 mtrs. Maximum distance between clamps shall be 1.0 - 1.5m when pipe goes to the straight, if any tee or fittings lies in between the pipe then clamp shall be placed 150 mm far away from center line of fittings at every sides. However, the same may be changed as per site conditions/as directed by EIC. Minimum gap between pipe & wall shall be 25 mm. The joints/ fittings of the GI installation shall be painted only after carrying out testing of the installation. " docs/051-060,.pdf,98,"Page 55 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,139,"No temporary or permanent deposit of any kind of material resulting from the work shall be permitted in the approach or any other position, which might hinder the passage and/ or natural water drainage, or any area where there is objection from " docs/051-060,.pdf,140,"consumer. " docs/051-060,.pdf,141,"The contractor shall obtain necessary permissions from land Owners and tenants and shall be responsible for all damages caused by the construction and use of such approaches, pavements, gardens, rooms, walls, roof etc., at no extra cost to Owner. " docs/051-060,.pdf,142,"Owner/Consultant and the contractor at each premises or housing colony to be supplied with gas will conduct a joint survey. The survey record will note Customer details, the potential gas supply points and proposed meter positions and estimates of material quantities. The contractor's representatives will make as sketch of the agreed pipe routes, if necessary. " docs/051-060,.pdf,143,"The contractor will be responsible for contacting the Customer and making the necessary arrangements for access and appointments to carry out the work. Owner will not be responsible for any time lost due to failed appointments or disputes with Customer. " docs/051-060,.pdf,144,"The contractor shall confine its operations within limits of the Right in use. The contractor shall restore any damage to property outside ROU. " docs/051-060,.pdf,145,"The contractor shall also carry-out all necessary preparatory work if needed to permit " docs/051-060,.pdf,146,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,147,"Page 57 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,148,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,149,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW " docs/051-060,.pdf,150,"RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,151,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,152,"the passage of men and equipment. Lights, Curbs, signs shall be provided wherever and/or required by the Owner necessary to protect the public. " docs/051-060,.pdf,153,"11.0 PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES " docs/051-060,.pdf,155,"While painting, contractor must take care of the consumer premises while carrying out the job such as spillage on floor, walls, ceilings, sun shades etc. If the same does occur, the contractor has to immediately make things to original. " docs/051-060,.pdf,156,"12.0 POWDER COATED GI AND COPPER/MLC ABOVE GROUND SERVICE PIPE " docs/051-060,.pdf,157,"The powder coated GI service pipe installation work includes all work necessary to connect from the PE/GI transition fitting on the down-stream of the PE service, to the Customers appliance, including the installation of regulator, valves, fittings, meters, clamps etc. The contractor shall be required to provide all equipment, tools and materials necessary to execute the work in an efficient and effective manner. Along with ladders, scaffolding pipe, dies, tripods, vices, fittings and Teflon tape, drills for concrete and other masonry, drills for timber, Granite, Marble Stones and laminated surfaces inside Customers property, bending tools, clamps, sleeves to facilitate the pipe passing through floors and walls, paint for marking etc. " docs/051-060,.pdf,158,"All powder coated GI risers at the outside of buildings shall be fully supported to carry the weight of piping. A flanged foot or similar device, capable of supporting the total weight of the riser, shall support risers. The riser shall be installed in a vertical line from its point of support to its highest point with a minimum of changes in direction. The threading of GI pipe shall be NPT and conforming to ANSI B 1.20.1 " docs/051-060,.pdf,159,"Contractor has to supply different types/sizes of powder coated clamps (Mild Steel) for fixing GI pipes suiting to the site conditions. The detailed cross sectional of GI Pipe Clamps/Meter brackets are as per Drawing No. 15792-20-05-05; " docs/051-060,.pdf,185,"powder coated GI Pipe within 2 m & Cu/MLC pipe within 2m or (GI+CU/MLC) within 4 m after lateral isolation valve up to appliance along with installation of meter. Additional quantity above 4 meter (GI+CU/MLC) shall be payable only in case if cumulative length exceeds 4 m. Payment against additional length of (GI/CU/MLC) shall be against item 13 of SOR. This SOR is applicable only if the riser is commissioned by other contractor or riser is commissioned by same contractor six month ago. " docs/051-060,.pdf,186,"The GI/Cu/brass fittings shall not be counted separately & shall be measured along with GI & Cu/MLC pipe. " docs/051-060,.pdf,170,"Regulator piece: Regulator Piece: Powder coated GI pipe of 1/2″ dia installed of length 1.5m from transition fitting up to inlet of regulator. Its length may very as per site situation subject to prior approval from Site In-Charge or as per instruction of EIC. The Laying of GI Pipe from the transition fittings to regulators shall be payable in the numbers as per SOR item no.11.1 " docs/051-060,.pdf,188,"The contractor shall also ensure that gas supply shall not be provided to the customer in any Concealed Piping " docs/051-060,.pdf,119,"The necessary coordination, liaison and arrangements for inspection and approval shall be the contractor's responsibility. Inspection and acceptance of the work by authority shall not relieve the contractor from any of these responsibilities under this contract. The contractor shall plan the execution of work in such a manner so that all the registered customers are attended in phased manner. However, it is the contractor's responsibility to fix a firm appointment with the consumer for carrying out the work. " docs/051-060,.pdf,118,"The contractor shall not sign/execute any agreement and/or undertaking on any such documents which amounts to be under taken by Owner. The same shall only be signed and executed by Owner; however, the contractor shall also liaison and coordinates for the same. " docs/051-060,.pdf,117,"The contractor shall work in close consultation/coordination with the EIC. " docs/051-060,.pdf,116,"Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permissions from society management, RWA, individual residents and any other concerned authority, if required, for completion of the work. Contractor must take the prior appointment from the residents for carrying out the work. " docs/051-060,.pdf,115,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,114,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,113,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,112,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,111,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,110,". " docs/051-060,.pdf,109,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,187,"Except Meter, Regulator, Isolation and appliance valve, Contractor shall procure all other materials (i.e. Pipe, fittings, clamps etc.) as per attached specification for installation and to the entire satisfaction of EIC/consultant. " docs/051-060,.pdf,107,"If measurement sheets submitted are illegible, incomplete or incorrectly booked they will be returned to the contractor. " docs/051-060,.pdf,106,"Measurement sheets shall be prepared based on the RFC cards and checked and certified by the site engineers for billing purpose. " docs/051-060,.pdf,105,"The quantities of GI/Cu/MLC pipe and other details will be checked by Owner's site engineer and the same shall be incorporated in RFC cards, signed & dated as certified, on site. The cards will then be approved by the EIC. " docs/051-060,.pdf,104,"8.0 " docs/051-060,.pdf,103,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,102,"WORK SHEETS " docs/051-060,.pdf,101,"7.0 " docs/051-060,.pdf,100,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,99,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/051-060,.pdf,120,"A log book/job card for such appointments with Consumer/any other agencies shall be maintained and the schedule/appointment once taken shall be adhered to by the contractor. PMC/EIC shall review the records every week. The contractor shall submit the detailed list of RFC/Conversions and balance work on Registrations at least once a week as per approved format. " docs/051-060,.pdf,121,"The contractor is also required to obtain a ""Labour License"" from the Assistant Labour Commissioner of respective Administration/Central Govt. " docs/051-060,.pdf,108,"PERMISSIONS / APPROVALS " docs/051-060,.pdf,123,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,189,"The Copper/MLC service pipe installation work includes all work necessary to connect downstream of the meter to the Customers appliances. The contractor shall be required to provide all equipment, tools and materials necessary to execute the work in an efficient and effective manner. Along with these, he will be required to provide ladders, scaffolding pipe, drills for concrete and other masonry, special drills for timber, Granite, Marble Stones and laminated surfaces inside Customers property, bending tools, sleeves to facilitate the pipe passing through floors and walls, etc. Copper pipes & fittings shall be provided by Contractor. " docs/051-060,.pdf,122,"It will be the contractor's responsibility to familiarize himself and comply with, " docs/051-060,.pdf,190,"During installation the Copper pipe is to be cut to proper length with tube Cutter, the burrs removed with a file, cleaning of outside surface of pipe & inside surface of fitting, applying flux to the tube and fitting around the outer/inner ends, inserting the tube in to the fitting, applying heat to the assembled joints using conventional blow torch to melt solder wire. Contractor ensure that jointing of Cu pipe & Fittings shall be done by skilled manpower. " docs/051-060,.pdf,191,"Or " docs/051-060,.pdf,192,"During installation, the MLC pipe is to be cut to proper length with pipe Cutter, correct the ovality of pipe end with a plastic reamer, cleaning of inside surface of pipe & outside surface of fitting, put the fitting nut over the pipe and slide the compression ring over the pipe. Make sure that the mouth of the nut and pipe face in same direction. Push the fitting insert into the pipe up to shoulder and use the spanner to tighten it up completely. Contractor shall ensure that jointing of MLC pipe & Fittings shall be done by skilled manpower. " docs/051-060,.pdf,193,"Contractor has to supply different types/sizes of approved clamps (PE 80/PVC) for " docs/051-060,.pdf,195,"Page 60 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,136,"10.0 RIGHT-OF-USE SERVEY AND MARKING " docs/051-060,.pdf,135,"If the contractor find any discrepancy, ambiguity or conflict in between any of the Standards and the contract documents, then this should be promptly referred to the Engineer -in-Charge (EIC) for his decision, which shall be considered binding on the contractor. " docs/051-060,.pdf,134,"The contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with this specification, Owner's Engineering Standards: ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems; Oil Indian Safety Directorate Norms (OISD), the American Gas Association Document - Purging Principles and Practice and PNGRB Guidelines. " docs/051-060,.pdf,133,"REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARDS " docs/051-060,.pdf,194,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/051-060,.pdf,131,"any other local rules, regulations or statutory requirements applicable to the work. " docs/051-060,.pdf,130,"• " docs/051-060,.pdf,129,"9.0 " docs/051-060,.pdf,128,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/051-060,.pdf,124,"Page 56 of 380 " docs/051-060,.pdf,127,"RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/051-060,.pdf,126,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW " docs/051-060,.pdf,132,"The contractor has to take responsibility of the action of supervisors, plumbers and helpers provided by him. " docs/051-060,.pdf,125,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,186,"18 " docs/061-070,.pdf,185,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,184,"Blowtorch " docs/061-070,.pdf,183,"17 " docs/061-070,.pdf,182,"3/4"", GI pipe " docs/061-070,.pdf,181,"16 " docs/061-070,.pdf,178,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,179,"Stocks and dies for NPT threading 1/2"", " docs/061-070,.pdf,177,"Drill bits for 1""pipe " docs/061-070,.pdf,174,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,187,"Soldering Iron " docs/061-070,.pdf,175,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,176,"15 " docs/061-070,.pdf,180,"3 " docs/061-070,.pdf,188,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,198,"22 " docs/061-070,.pdf,190,"Copper Pipe Bending Machine " docs/061-070,.pdf,204,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,203,"Batter Powered torches " docs/061-070,.pdf,173,"Set of files " docs/061-070,.pdf,202,"23 " docs/061-070,.pdf,201,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,200,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,189,"19 " docs/061-070,.pdf,199,"Spare blades " docs/061-070,.pdf,196,"Portable electric drill 240v, heavy duty " docs/061-070,.pdf,195,"21 " docs/061-070,.pdf,194,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,193,"Hand drill 3/8""chuck " docs/061-070,.pdf,192,"20 " docs/061-070,.pdf,191,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,197,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,172,"14 " docs/061-070,.pdf,139,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,170,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,140,"6 " docs/061-070,.pdf,205,"24 " docs/061-070,.pdf,141,"Adjustable Spanner 250 mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,142,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,143,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,144,"7 " docs/061-070,.pdf,145,"Set of combination spanner 3/16""- 11/4""AF " docs/061-070,.pdf,146,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,147,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,148,"8 " docs/061-070,.pdf,149,"Set of combination spanners 5mm-30mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,150,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,151,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,152,"9 " docs/061-070,.pdf,153,"Large tool boxes " docs/061-070,.pdf,154,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,155,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,169,"Combination pliers/mole grips " docs/061-070,.pdf,168,"13 " docs/061-070,.pdf,167,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,166,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,165,"Small hammer " docs/061-070,.pdf,164,"12 " docs/061-070,.pdf,171,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,163,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,161,"Set Philips screw drivers " docs/061-070,.pdf,160,"11 " docs/061-070,.pdf,159,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,158,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,157,"Set flat headed screw drivers " docs/061-070,.pdf,156,"10 " docs/061-070,.pdf,162,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,206,"Measuring Tape 30m " docs/061-070,.pdf,254,"Page 66 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,208,"25 " docs/061-070,.pdf,244,"34 " docs/061-070,.pdf,245,"GI Pipe Cutters 1/2"" Gas Detection Equipment Power Generator 2.5 KVA Pressure Gauge (0- 10 bar) Pressure Gauge (0-4 bar) Diaphragm Gauge (0-400m bar) Manometer (0-150m bar) " docs/061-070,.pdf,246,"35 " docs/061-070,.pdf,247,"Automatic Thread Cutting Machine " docs/061-070,.pdf,248,"36 " docs/061-070,.pdf,249,"GI Pipe Cutter " docs/061-070,.pdf,250,"As required As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,251,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,252,"211 " docs/061-070,.pdf,253,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/061-070,.pdf,255,"821 " docs/061-070,.pdf,256,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,257,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,258,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,243,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,259,"C " docs/061-070,.pdf,261,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/061-070,.pdf,262,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR WELDED " docs/061-070,.pdf,263,"RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE BUILDINGS " docs/061-070,.pdf,264,"VCS-SS-PE-0004 " docs/061-070,.pdf,265,"01 " docs/061-070,.pdf,266,"10.05.21 " docs/061-070,.pdf,267,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/061-070,.pdf,268,"RKY " docs/061-070,.pdf,269,"RKT " docs/061-070,.pdf,270,"HK " docs/061-070,.pdf,271,"00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,272,"18.03.19 " docs/061-070,.pdf,273,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/061-070,.pdf,274,"BS " docs/061-070,.pdf,260,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,242,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,241,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,240,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,209,"Wire Brush " docs/061-070,.pdf,210,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,211,"26 " docs/061-070,.pdf,212,"Portable Pipe vice & tripod " docs/061-070,.pdf,213,"Set steel twist drills 0.5-2.0mm (for " docs/061-070,.pdf,214,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,215,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,216,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,217,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,218,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,219,"27 " docs/061-070,.pdf,220,"appliance conversion) " docs/061-070,.pdf,221,"28 " docs/061-070,.pdf,222,"Set steel twist drill 1mm-10mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,223,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,224,"29 " docs/061-070,.pdf,225,"Set masonry drills 1mm-10mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,239,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,238,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,237,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,236,"As required " docs/061-070,.pdf,235,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,234,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,207,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,233,"Copper pipe cutter 12mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,231,"Hand Cleaner " docs/061-070,.pdf,230,"Lubricating Oil " docs/061-070,.pdf,229,"32 " docs/061-070,.pdf,228,"31 " docs/061-070,.pdf,227,"Graphite based grease " docs/061-070,.pdf,226,"30 " docs/061-070,.pdf,232,"33 " docs/061-070,.pdf,138,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,14,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/061-070,.pdf,136,"5 " docs/061-070,.pdf,36,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,37,"The installation from PE/GI transition fitting up to regulator shall be tested at the " docs/061-070,.pdf,38,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/061-070,.pdf,39,"Page 62 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,40,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,41,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,42,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,43,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,44,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,45,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,46,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,47,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,48,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,49,"pressure of 6.0bar (g). " docs/061-070,.pdf,35,"TESTING OF GI / COPPER/MLC INSTALLATION " docs/061-070,.pdf,50,"The GI installation from regulator outlet to Isolation valve at meter inlet (except meter) shall be tested at a pressure of 2.0 bar (g) for a hold period of 2 hours with no pressure drop. All the joints in the installation shall be checked with soap solution. " docs/061-070,.pdf,52,"The meter shall be removed while carrying out the testing and joints of the meter shall be tested on line with soap solution after completion of the work. Proper test ends shall be made along with gauges. " docs/061-070,.pdf,53,"The contractor shall supply the Calibrated Pressure Gauges/ Manometer/Diaphragm Gauges of suitable range for testing of GI/Copper/MLC Installations ranging from 0- 4 bars/0-150 m bar/0-250 m bar respectively. The calibration certificate shall be submitted before the start of the execution work. " docs/061-070,.pdf,54,"The pressure gauges shall be calibrated from time-to-time as desired by EIC but positively once in every six months. " docs/061-070,.pdf,55,"The details of testing shall be properly recorded in the GI/Copper/MLC cards. " docs/061-070,.pdf,56,"The ends/joints shall be painted only after carrying out testing of the installation. Powder coating to GI pipes shall be carried out in factory/ shop, and repair/ touching shall be carried out at site. " docs/061-070,.pdf,57,"14.0 INSPECTION " docs/061-070,.pdf,58,"The contractor to the entire satisfaction of EIC before proceeding further shall rectify any defect noticed during the various stages of inspection. Irrespective of the inspection, repair and approval at intermediate stages of work, contractor shall be responsible for making good any defects found during final inspection/guarantee period/defect liability period as defined in general condition of contract. " docs/061-070,.pdf,59,"15.0 PURGING & COMMISSIONING " docs/061-070,.pdf,60,"The rate for purging & commissioning shall be included in the GI/Cu/MLC installations. " docs/061-070,.pdf,61,"Care shall be taken to ensure that the outlet is so located that vent gas cannot drift into buildings. " docs/061-070,.pdf,62,"The commissioning of the Gl installation should be performed as follows: " docs/061-070,.pdf,63,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,64,"Ensure the method of purging is such that no pockets of air are left in any part of the Customer's piping. " docs/061-070,.pdf,65,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,51,"The GI/copper/MLC installation from Meter outlet to appliance valve (except meter) shall be tested at a pressure of 100 mbar with manometers or diaphragm gauge for a hold period of minimum 15 minutes and all the joints shall be checked with soap solution. Testing to be carried out with the entire satisfaction to TPIA/PMC. " docs/061-070,.pdf,34,"Contractor will be required to install powder coated GI pipes & GI Fittings shall submit detailed procedure of powder coating for approval to Consultant prior to supply of Gl pipes & GI fittings. After installation of the entire piping system, final touching shall be done to the satisfaction of EIC. " docs/061-070,.pdf,33,"(b) Powder coating (refer attached Specification for powder coating) " docs/061-070,.pdf,32,"The painting work shall be subject to inspection and certification by Engineer- in-Charge at all times. Painting of GI pipe shall be paid with installation of GI pipes. " docs/061-070,.pdf,275,"REV. No " docs/061-070,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,4,"fixing Copper/MLC pipes suiting to the site conditions Contractor has to take prior approval of EIC for quality of the clamps, solder, flux, lacquer, thinner etc. The approval shall be taken for every fresh lot of clamps from EIC before installation at site. " docs/061-070,.pdf,5,"All copper/MLC piping shall be clamped to the walls at intervals not exceeding 500 mm. For copper pipe the solder wire shall be of reputed company of diameter size 3.25mm, lead free as per BS 29453:1994 (Soft solder alloys) and supplied in coils. The detail specification is attached in tender for reference. Solders for use with copper tube & fittings generally melt within the temperature range 180°C- 250°C. The contractor has to furnish the certificate of confirmation of standards before start of work. " docs/061-070,.pdf,6,"• Installation of Meter " docs/061-070,.pdf,7,"Installation of domestic meters with associated inlet and outlet connections (GI/Brass fittings), on the wall with approved powder coated meter brackets and angles in new & existing gas charged areas ensure a clear gap between meter and wall. " docs/061-070,.pdf,8,"The contractor shall supply approved powder coated meter brackets and angle brackets. A sketch of the brackets is referred from the enclosed drawing for reference. It is required that one sample of each type of bracket is approved before the work is started. " docs/061-070,.pdf,9,"Firmly secure the meters on the wall with good quality Rawal Plugs, screws etc. In case the Rawal Plugs are not holding then wooden blocks or other fixing arrangements like cement etc. to be used for proper grouting. " docs/061-070,.pdf,10,"Note: Installation of meter should be done at height of approx. 04 to 06 feet. " docs/061-070,.pdf,11,"The Meter installation will be preferred in open/ventilated space so as to prevent Gas accumulation and easy dispensation of gas to atmosphere in case of any smell/leakage of gas. The Meter installations will not be provided in any fixed enclosures, cabinets (below or above the slab) or confined space in the customer premises. " docs/061-070,.pdf,12,"The Contractor shall ensure that GI installations and rubber hoses shall not be exposed to direct heat of Gas burners. The installation should have minimum clearance of about 300 mm from electric point mains& switches. Minimum distance between Appliance Valve & Gas Burners shall be 0.3 Meters. The isolation valve shall be installed after entering the customer premises/kitchen but before the meter installation. " docs/061-070,.pdf,13,"The above activities along with restoration of the area to original shall be carried out to the complete satisfaction of consumer and EIC. " docs/061-070,.pdf,15,"Page 61 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,16,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,17,"13.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,31,"Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion may call for test for paint formulations. Contractor shall arrange to have such tests performed including batch wise test of wet paints for physical and chemical analysis. All costs there shall be borne by the contractor. " docs/061-070,.pdf,30,"All painting materials including primers and thinners brought to site by contractor for application shall be procured directly from manufacturers/dealers as per specifications and shall be accompanied by manufacturer's test certificates. The contractor shall ensure that smooth finish is attained after carrying out painting. " docs/061-070,.pdf,29,"Two coats of synthetic enamel paint- canary yellow of minimum of 30 microns per coat of reputed make like Asian, Berger, and Nerolac. (No other make shall be used for painting). " docs/061-070,.pdf,28,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,27,"One coat of Primer Application (Appropriate Zinc based primer) " docs/061-070,.pdf,26,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,66,"Ensure the area is well ventilated, and free from ignition sources. " docs/061-070,.pdf,25,"(a) Painted (for scratched powder coated pipes and fittings only): " docs/061-070,.pdf,23,"Powder Coating /Painting of GI Pipes " docs/061-070,.pdf,22,"The Contractor shall provide the material such as rubber tube, jets, nozzles, clamps and conversion of burner the burner. " docs/061-070,.pdf,21,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,20,"NG Conversion " docs/061-070,.pdf,19,". " docs/061-070,.pdf,18,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,24,"The entire lengths of the pipeline along with fittings are to be painted / powder coated after proper surface preparation as follows: " docs/061-070,.pdf,67,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/061-070,.pdf,68,"Page 63 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,69,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,105,"Scope include use of Fall arrestor, Ascenders / descenders, PPE, Barricades/ Warning Boards (03 No's) connected with warning board & Caution tapes (Refer drawing no. 15792-10-05-32, 26) in areas where piping work is in progress, Use of Safety shoes, Walky talky, Hand gloves, Reflective jackets, Hard hats (helmets), eye and ear safety equipment, Fire extinguishers and as per the detailed scope of work in tender specifications. Contractor shall also prepare and submit duly certified Safety check list signed by TPIA/PMC. In case of non-compliance, penalty shall be applicable as per SCC clause. " docs/061-070,.pdf,106,"This set-up is applicable up to 4th (G+4) floor and full body safety harness with accessories shall be of KARAM or equivalent make. " docs/061-070,.pdf,107,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/061-070,.pdf,108,"Page 65 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,109,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,110,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,111,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 " docs/061-070,.pdf,112,"Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,113,"19.0 ANNEXURE 1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,114,"PROVIDED " docs/061-070,.pdf,115,"BY CONTRACTOR " docs/061-070,.pdf,116,"TOOLS & EQUIPMENT TO BE GI/COPPER WORK " docs/061-070,.pdf,117,"S. No. " docs/061-070,.pdf,118,"Hand Tools Description " docs/061-070,.pdf,119,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,120,"Pipe Wrench 250 mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,121,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,135,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,134,"2 " docs/061-070,.pdf,133,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,132,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,131,"Per Team " docs/061-070,.pdf,130,"FOR " docs/061-070,.pdf,104,"18.0 COMPLIANCE TO HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) FOR LOW RISE GI: " docs/061-070,.pdf,129,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,127,"Per Technician " docs/061-070,.pdf,126,"Adjustable Spanner 50 mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,125,"4 " docs/061-070,.pdf,124,"Pipe Wrench 450 mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,123,"3 " docs/061-070,.pdf,122,"Pipe Wrench 350 mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,128,"1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,137,"Adjustable Spanner 150 mm " docs/061-070,.pdf,103,"Extra Piping details " docs/061-070,.pdf,101,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,70,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - INSTALLATION OF ABOVE GROUD GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING & FITTINGS IN LOW " docs/061-070,.pdf,71,"RISE DOMESTIC CONNECTIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,72,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,73,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,74,"Continue to purge until gas is available at other appliances; Check availability of gas using Methane- detector " docs/061-070,.pdf,75,"Internal piping i.e. Meter Inlet, Diaphragm Meter & copper/MLC pipe shall be tested pneumatically & with soap solution from inside of each domestic connection " docs/061-070,.pdf,76,"16.0 RESTORATION " docs/061-070,.pdf,77,"Contractor has to restore the area wherever he has carried out drilling, clamping etc. to its original condition to the satisfaction of the consumer and to ensure no passage to the premises and seepage. If the work was carried out in Govt. Flats (CPWD/NDMC/Institutional areas), contractor has to restore the area according to CPWD specifications and obtain a NOC/Clearance certificate from the concerned authorities maintaining the flats, after completion of the work. " docs/061-070,.pdf,78,"The restored slabs or brickwork should match the surrounding surface levels. Joint widths should match the existing conditions and be filled with a dry or wet mix of mortar. " docs/061-070,.pdf,79,"Wherever any items of the consumer is damaged/broken during working, the same will be made good or replace to the total satisfaction of the consumer. " docs/061-070,.pdf,80,"The contractor will be responsible for the maintenance of all restoration carried out, for the duration of the contract guarantee period. " docs/061-070,.pdf,81,"The contractor is to ensure the restoration work is properly supervised, and that the material used is suitable for the purpose. Wherever the required standards are not achieved the contractor will be required to replace the defective reinstatement work. " docs/061-070,.pdf,82,"Note that Payment for GI/Copper/MLC installation will be released only after satisfactory restoration and clearing of the sites of all surplus materials etc. " docs/061-070,.pdf,83,"17.0 SUBMISSION OF FINAL RECORDS " docs/061-070,.pdf,84,"Contractor shall submit three sets each of the following documents in hard & soft copy: " docs/061-070,.pdf,85,"Total list of houses in the area allotted to him giving details of connections provided " docs/061-070,.pdf,86,"& reasons where connection could not be given completed. " docs/061-070,.pdf,100,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,99,"Page 64 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,98,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/061-070,.pdf,97,"Any other documents/records required. " docs/061-070,.pdf,96,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,95,"Test reports & calibration certificates of gauges etc. " docs/061-070,.pdf,102,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0003 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,94,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,92,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,91,"Total material consumption report. " docs/061-070,.pdf,90,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,89,"Details of houses where piping done along with materials used. " docs/061-070,.pdf,88,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,87,"• The details recorded in RFC cards of every domestic house. " docs/061-070,.pdf,93,"Material reconciliation with respect to the materials issued. " docs/061-070,.pdf,276,"DATE " docs/061-070,.pdf,351,"The main scope of this contract comprises the installation of above ground pipes from the outlet of 'PE/GI transition fitting' up to the domestic/commercial Customers 'Appliance/stove/oven valve' as per the Distribution schedule placed in enclosed drawing no. 15792-20-05-07. " docs/061-070,.pdf,278,"Prepared By " docs/061-070,.pdf,360,"ΤΡΙΑ " docs/061-070,.pdf,359,"PMC " docs/061-070,.pdf,358,"OWNER " docs/061-070,.pdf,357,"3.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,356,"DEFINITIONS " docs/061-070,.pdf,355,"Compliance with these specifications and/or approval of any of the Contractor's documents shall in no case relieve the Contractor of his contractual obligations. " docs/061-070,.pdf,354,"This technical specification defines the basic guidelines to develop an acceptable design and suitable construction methodology for carrying out different activities listed out in the schedule of rates of this tender. " docs/061-070,.pdf,353,"Except service regulator, domestic meter, meter regulator, Isolation and appliance valve, Contractor shall procure each material (Powder coated GI fittings, Powder coated GI pipes, powder coated wrought steel fittings (forged fittings), Cu/MLC pipe, Cu/Brass fittings, MS/PVC clamps using SS304/brass screws, super hold nylon raw plug anchor etc.) which is required from the outlet of PE / GI transition fitting up to the Domestic customers ""Appliance / stove/oven""). " docs/061-070,.pdf,352,"The scope includes installation & procurement of above ground GI / Cu pipes/MLC Pipes and associated fittings for Domestic Customers in High Rise Buildings above fourteen floors. " docs/061-070,.pdf,350,"Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (OWNER) is a Joint Venture Company of Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (BPCL) and Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Owner plans to extend the PNG pipeline network in NCR region for supplying natural gas to Domestic, Commercial and Industrial consumers. It is proposed to execute the work of Welded Riser & GI / Copper/MLC installations for PNG connections in High Rise Buildings in NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA. Owner is seeking Contractors to assist in meeting the above objective. " docs/061-070,.pdf,349,"INTRODUCTION " docs/061-070,.pdf,361,"EIC " docs/061-070,.pdf,348,"BUILDINGS " docs/061-070,.pdf,346,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/061-070,.pdf,345,"2.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,344,"1.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,343,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,342,"Page 68 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,341,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/061-070,.pdf,340,"19 " docs/061-070,.pdf,339,"18.0 ANNEXURE # 1 " docs/061-070,.pdf,338,"18 " docs/061-070,.pdf,337,"COMPLIANCE TO HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) HIGH RISE: " docs/061-070,.pdf,336,"17.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,347,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,335,"18 " docs/061-070,.pdf,362,"CUMULATIVE LENGTH " docs/061-070,.pdf,364,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. (VCSQSPL) " docs/061-070,.pdf,388,"Page 70 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,387,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/061-070,.pdf,386,"All vehicular type machinery shall be in good working condition and shall not cause spillage of oil or grease. To avoid damage to paved surfaces, the contractor will " docs/061-070,.pdf,385,"Plant and Equipment " docs/061-070,.pdf,384,"• " docs/061-070,.pdf,383,"No hiring of equipments, tools and tackles by the contractors is allowed at the site. In case, any contractor is found not in possession of enlisted required tools and tackles, penalty will be levied as per SCC which shall be deducted from the running bill. " docs/061-070,.pdf,382,"Contractor shall submit the manufacturer test certificate / lab test certificate for all items procured by him for approval before commencing the execution. " docs/061-070,.pdf,381,"The contractor has to ensure the availability of DG sets for continuous power supply. In case the power supply is availed at the site from societies, individual residents, contractor shall settle the claims raised by the electricity providers without any cost implication to OWNER. In case contractor doesn't settle the claims for using the electricity from societies/individual residents, on demand by the providers, OWNER will settle the claims and the same will be deducted from the contractor's bills. The progress of work shall not hamper due to non-availability of power supply. The contractor has to submit the valid calibration certificate for Pressure gauges. " docs/061-070,.pdf,380,"Special tools shall be required at site for carrying out drilling work in walls other than Brick or RCC (Ex. Granite, Marble, Wooden, Glass Cutting etc.) " docs/061-070,.pdf,379,"The Contractor shall provide labour, tools (such as Hammer Drill, Piston Drill, Pipe Cutters, Dies for threading, Pipe wrenches, spanners, conversion kits, solder torch, copper tube Cutters, tube benders, lacquering, thinner etc.) in specified numbers, all types of clamps, Plant and equipment necessary for the proper execution of the work. This will include but not limited to list of specialized tools and tackles indicated in Annexure # 1. " docs/061-070,.pdf,378,"Contractor shall procure / purchase Powder coated GI Pipe & fittings, Powder coated Wrought Steel Fittings (Forged Fittings), Brass fittings, Cu/MLC pipe & fittings and Reinforced rubber hose with other material which is required for satisfactory completion/safety / statutory of the works as per tender at no extra cost to Owner. IGL logo/IGL shall be marked on the material supplied by contractor. The contractor shall take approval from owner/owner representative for marking on the material to be procured by contractor before placement of order. " docs/061-070,.pdf,363,"Indraprastha Gas Ltd., IGL " docs/061-070,.pdf,377,"Material / Equipment & machinery to be supplied by contractor " docs/061-070,.pdf,375,"BUILDINGS " docs/061-070,.pdf,374,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,373,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/061-070,.pdf,372,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/061-070,.pdf,371,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,370,"Page 69 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,369,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/061-070,.pdf,368,"• Material to be supplied as a free issue material " docs/061-070,.pdf,367,"MATERIAL, MANPOWER, EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY " docs/061-070,.pdf,366,"The riser length (excluding lateral tapping) shall be considered and averaged out among all the households, whereas the lateral piping shall be included only for one particular connection " docs/061-070,.pdf,365,"Third Party Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. Engineer - in -charge " docs/061-070,.pdf,376,"Service Regulators, Domestic Meters, Meter Regulators, Isolation and Appliance valves shall be supplied as a free issue material to the contractor. The contractor shall not use any other material from any other source of supply other than owner's supplied material without any written approval from EIC. " docs/061-070,.pdf,334,"16.0 SUBMISSION OF FINAL RECORDS " docs/061-070,.pdf,277,"Purpose " docs/061-070,.pdf,332,"RESTORATION " docs/061-070,.pdf,303,"5.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,302,"7 " docs/061-070,.pdf,301,"3 " docs/061-070,.pdf,300,"3 " docs/061-070,.pdf,299,"ISSUE OF WORK INSTRUCTIONS.. " docs/061-070,.pdf,298,"4.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,297,"MATERIAL, MANPOWER, EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY " docs/061-070,.pdf,296,"DEFINITIONS......... " docs/061-070,.pdf,295,"3.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,294,"2.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,293,"3 " docs/061-070,.pdf,292,"INTRODUCTION " docs/061-070,.pdf,291,"1.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,290,"CONTENTS " docs/061-070,.pdf,289,"BUILDINGS " docs/061-070,.pdf,288,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/061-070,.pdf,287,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/061-070,.pdf,286,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/061-070,.pdf,285,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/061-070,.pdf,284,"Page 67 of 380 " docs/061-070,.pdf,283,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/061-070,.pdf,282,"By " docs/061-070,.pdf,281,"Approved " docs/061-070,.pdf,280,"AD " docs/061-070,.pdf,333,"17 " docs/061-070,.pdf,304,"PROGRESS OF WORK.. " docs/061-070,.pdf,305,"6.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,279,"MVK Checked By " docs/061-070,.pdf,307,"8 " docs/061-070,.pdf,306,"WORK SHEETS " docs/061-070,.pdf,330,"17 " docs/061-070,.pdf,329,"14.0 PURGING & COMMISSIONING... " docs/061-070,.pdf,328,"17 " docs/061-070,.pdf,327,"INSPECTION " docs/061-070,.pdf,326,"13.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,325,"16 " docs/061-070,.pdf,323,"12.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,322,"10 " docs/061-070,.pdf,321,"GI AND COPPER ABOVE GROUND SERVICE PIPE.. " docs/061-070,.pdf,320,"11.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,319,"10 " docs/061-070,.pdf,324,"TESTING OF GI/COPPER INSTALLATION " docs/061-070,.pdf,317,"9 " docs/061-070,.pdf,316,"8 " docs/061-070,.pdf,331,"15.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,315,"PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES: " docs/061-070,.pdf,314,"RIGHT-OF-USE SURVEY AND MARKING " docs/061-070,.pdf,313,"REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARDS. " docs/061-070,.pdf,312,"PERMISSIONS / APPROVALS ..... " docs/061-070,.pdf,311,"10.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,310,"9.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,309,"8.0 " docs/061-070,.pdf,318,".9 " docs/061-070,.pdf,308,"7.0 " docs/071-080,.pdf,157,"The requirements stated herein shall be followed for the fabrication of fillet type of welded joints of GI (IS 1239 heavy class) piping systems connected with pipe line and related facilities. " docs/071-080,.pdf,156,"• Specification for Welding " docs/071-080,.pdf,155,"of the meter to enable the internal pipe work inside the property to be isolated from the upstream gas supply network. It must be fitted in a manner that the consumer can easily operate the valve handle. " docs/071-080,.pdf,154,"A Meter Control Valve is fitted immediately upstream " docs/071-080,.pdf,149,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,152,"h. Meter Control Valve (MCV) " docs/071-080,.pdf,151,"(lateral) after TEE to facilitate online Tappings and other maintenance works. " docs/071-080,.pdf,150,"ENERGISING QUALITY: " docs/071-080,.pdf,158,"The welded pipe joints shall include the followings: " docs/071-080,.pdf,153,"- " docs/071-080,.pdf,159,"a. All line pipe joints of the Circumferential fillet welded type " docs/071-080,.pdf,171,"- " docs/071-080,.pdf,161,"Welding Consumables: " docs/071-080,.pdf,162,"The Welding electrodes shall confirm to the class AWS E 6013. All electrodes shall be purchased in sealed containers stored properly to prevent deterioration. The electrodes shall be handled with care to avoid damage. " docs/071-080,.pdf,163,"Welding Process: " docs/071-080,.pdf,164,"Welding of GI material under this specification shall be carried out using Shielded Metal Arc Welding Process (SMAW). " docs/071-080,.pdf,165,"Welding " docs/071-080,.pdf,166,"Root pass and final pass shall be done with 2.5 mm dia. Electrode. Welding to be carried out in line with PQR / WPS approved by IGL/PMC. Welding to be done by qualified welders only. " docs/071-080,.pdf,167,"Planning and Design of GI Welded Riser " docs/071-080,.pdf,168,"a. Risers and laterals must be designed to run through the optimal possible route approved by IGL representatives, taking into consideration potential meter positions, design regulations and access for future maintenance. " docs/071-080,.pdf,169,"b. The riser and associated laterals must be constructed in the most economical manner using the minimum no. of fittings, minimum pipe and considering future maintenance requirements. " docs/071-080,.pdf,170,"C. " docs/071-080,.pdf,148,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,172,"For buildings above 14 floors for ease in construction and maintenance the preferred method will be welded pipe -work laid in a purpose designed and built ventilated utilities shaft. " docs/071-080,.pdf,160,"b. Attachments of fitting and other supports pipes " docs/071-080,.pdf,147,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,135,"level. (i.e. of G + 14 orientation) " docs/071-080,.pdf,145,"Page 76 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,1,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,173,"d. Risers and laterals must be laid a minimum of 300 mm from any electrical equipment or installations. On occasions where the pipe has to cross over a cable, " docs/071-080,.pdf,121,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,122,"CNERGISING QUALITY " docs/071-080,.pdf,123,"details, the potential gas supply points and proposed meter positions and estimates of material quantities. The Contractor will make a sketch of the agreed pipe routes. " docs/071-080,.pdf,124,"The Contractor will be responsible for contacting the Customer and making the necessary arrangements for access and appointments to carry out the work. Owner will not be responsible for any time lost due to failed appointments or disputes with Customer. " docs/071-080,.pdf,125,"The Contractor shall confine its operations within limits of the Right in use. The contractor shall restore any damage to property. " docs/071-080,.pdf,126,"The Contractor shall also carry out all necessary preparatory work if needed to permit the passage of men and equipment. Lights, Curbs, signs shall be provided wherever and/or required by the Owner necessary to protect the public. " docs/071-080,.pdf,127,"10.0 PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES: " docs/071-080,.pdf,128,"The contractor shall at his own cost, support and protect all buildings, walls, fences or other structures and all utilities and property which may, unless so protected, be damaged as a result of the execution of the works. He shall also comply with the requirements in the specification relating to protective measures applicable to particular operations or kind of work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,129,"During painting, contractor must take care of the consumer premises while carrying out the job such as spillage on floor, walls, ceilings, such shades etc. If the same does occur, the contractor has to immediately make things to original. " docs/071-080,.pdf,130,"11.0 GI AND COPPER/MLC PIPE ABOVE GROUND SERVICE PIPE " docs/071-080,.pdf,131,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,132,"Definitions: " docs/071-080,.pdf,133,"a. High Rise Buildings " docs/071-080,.pdf,134,"A building having fourteen or more storey's above ground " docs/071-080,.pdf,136,"- " docs/071-080,.pdf,137,"b. Riser A riser is the vertical section of a service pipe laid up a building which supplies a number of laterals. " docs/071-080,.pdf,138,"c. Lateral-A lateral is a horizontal off-take from a riser, which supplies a single customer/dwelling. " docs/071-080,.pdf,139,"d. Service Regulator (SR) - Service Regulator is a regulator installed on a gas service line to control the pressure from 4 bar to 100 mbar that, in an emergency automatically assumes control of the pressure downstream of the station, in case that pressure exceeds a set maximum. " docs/071-080,.pdf,140,"- " docs/071-080,.pdf,141,"e. Meter Regulator (MR) Meter regulator is a pressure regulator installed in series with another pressure regulator which reduces the pressure from 100 mbar to 21mbar. " docs/071-080,.pdf,142,"f. Riser Isolation Valve (RIV) - Riser Isolation valve is fitted at the bottom of the riser to isolate the riser from the underground gas supply network. " docs/071-080,.pdf,143,"g. Lateral Isolation Valve (LIV) - Lateral Isolation Valve is fitted on horizontal riser " docs/071-080,.pdf,144,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,146,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,174,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,201,"o. Installation of Service Regulator with support and supply and installation of regulator boxes having locking arrangement with base frame, including fabrication as per attached drawing no. 15792-20-05-42. " docs/071-080,.pdf,176,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,207,"The contractor shall also ensure that gas supply shall not be provided to the customer in any Concealed Piping. " docs/071-080,.pdf,208,"The Copper/MLC service pipe installation work includes all work necessary to connect downstream of the meter (inside the kitchen) to the Customers appliances. The contractor shall be required to provide all equipment, tools and materials necessary to execute the work in an efficient and effective manner. Along with these, he will be required to provide ladders, scaffolding pipe, drills for concrete and other masonry, special drills for timber, Granite, Marble Stones and laminated surfaces, provisions for cutting glass of window inside Customers property, bending tools, sleeves to facilitate the pipe passing through floors and walls, etc. Copper pipes & fittings shall be provided by Contractor. " docs/071-080,.pdf,209,"t. During installation the Copper pipe is to be cut to proper length with tube Cutter, the burrs removed with a file, cleaning of outside surface of pipe & inside surface of fitting, applying flux to the tube and fitting around the outer/inner ends, inserting the tube in to the fitting, applying heat to the assembled joints using conventional blow torch to melt solder wire. Contractor ensure that jointing of Cu pipe & Fittings shall be done by skilled manpower. " docs/071-080,.pdf,210,"Or " docs/071-080,.pdf,211,"u. During installation, the MLC pipe is to be cut to proper length with pipe Cutter, correct the ovality of pipe end with a plastic reamer, cleaning of inside surface of pipe & outside surface of fitting, put the fitting nut over the pipe and slide the compression ring over the pipe. Make sure that the mouth of the nut and pipe face in same direction. Push the fitting insert into the pipe up to shoulder and use the spanner to tighten it up completely. Contractor ensure that jointing of Cu pipe & Fittings shall be done by skilled manpower. " docs/071-080,.pdf,212,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,213,"Page 79 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,214,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,215,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,216,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,217,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,218,"CNERGISING QUALITY " docs/071-080,.pdf,219,"v. Contractor has to supply different types/sizes of approved clamps (PE 80/PVC) for fixing Copper/MLC pipes suiting to the site conditions. Contractor has to take prior approval of EIC for quality of the clamps, solder, flux, lacquer, thinner etc. The approval shall be taken for every fresh lot of clamps from EIC before installation at site. " docs/071-080,.pdf,220,"w. All copper piping shall be clamped to the walls at intervals not exceeding 500 mm. The solder wire shall be of reputed company of diameter size 3.25mm, lead free as per BS 29453:1994 (Soft solder alloys) and supplied in coils. The detail specification is attached in tender for reference. Solders for use with copper tube & fittings generally melt within the temperature range 180°C - 250°C. The contractor has to furnish the certificate of confirmation of standards before start of work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,221,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,222,"Riser and Laterals Fabrication, Installation and Testing: - " docs/071-080,.pdf,223,"Heavy class Galvanized Iron (GI) pipes, conforming to IS 1239- Part 1 duly Polyester Powder Coated with 70 microns' thickness and Wrought Steel fittings (Forged fittings) conforming to IS-1239 Part 2 shall be used for welded riser. " docs/071-080,.pdf,224,"Powder and Galvanized (Zinc) coating shall be removed by light duty grinder or by any other suitable tool at both ends of riser pipe at about 25mm in length where welding is to be performed. " docs/071-080,.pdf,225,"Pipe and required fittings shall be first coupled with threaded (NPT) joints. The threaded joints to be made using male tapered thread and female parallel thread fittings. Teflon/PTFE Tape or any other joining compound shall not be used in threaded joints for welded riser. " docs/071-080,.pdf,226,"The entire riser assembly shall be fabricated with socket welds for threaded riser assembly. Threaded joints are permitted after first isolation valve on laterals where riser is not approachable from balcony and in case if riser is in approach of balcony within 300 mm gap from balcony laterals may be threaded with tee of welded riser on account of workability and future maintenance considerations. " docs/071-080,.pdf,227,"The Welding electrodes shall confirm to the class AWS E 6013 of reputed make such as Advani, Lincoln, ESAB or equivalent. " docs/071-080,.pdf,228,"Welding to be carried out in line with PQR / WPS approved by IGL/PMC. Welding to be done by qualified welders approved by IGL / PMC only. " docs/071-080,.pdf,229,"A riser must not be constructed so that the laterals face directly into the wall from the riser. All laterals must extend a minimum of 400 mm from the riser. " docs/071-080,.pdf,230,"Ventilation is provided to prevent gas leaks from causing the atmosphere to become unsafe. Ventilation shall be natural. It is not permitted to use mechanical ventilation to achieve the required ventilation levels. Special Safety Harness and Protective equipment's of PETZL make are mandatory for riser installation. Details would be as per approved Safety Job Procedure. Ensure that all equipment's and safety devices " docs/071-080,.pdf,231,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,206,"S. " docs/071-080,.pdf,205,"r. " docs/071-080,.pdf,204,"q. Except Service Regulator, Meter, Meter Regulator, Isolation and appliance valve, Contractor shall procure all other materials (i.e. Pipe, fittings, clamps, SS screws etc.) as per attached specification for installation and to the entire satisfaction of Owner/Owner's Representative. " docs/071-080,.pdf,203,"p. Foundation works for service regulators includes providing and laying of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC- 1:2:4) as per attached drawing no. 15792-20-03-39 and the payment shall be done as per SOR Item No. 28. " docs/071-080,.pdf,177,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,178,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,179,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,180,"ENERGISING QUALITY: " docs/071-080,.pdf,181,"this has to be done at right angles and a minimum gap of 25 mm must be maintained between the pipe and cable. Consideration may be given to wrapping the pipe with electrical insulation tape for protection against electrical short circuiting. " docs/071-080,.pdf,182,"e. Provision for access to the riser for future maintenance must be made at the design stage & involved undertaking a risk assessment for undertaking future maintenance work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,183,"f. The GI service pipe installation work includes all work necessary to connect from the PE/GI transition fitting on the down-stream of the PE service, to the Customers appliance, including the installation of service regulator, meter regulator, valves, fittings, meters, clamps etc. The contractor shall be required to provide all equipment, tools and materials necessary to execute the work in an efficient and effective manner. Along with ladders, scaffolding pipe, dies, tripods, vices, fittings and Teflon tape, drills for concrete and other masonry, drills for timber, Granite, Marble Stones and laminated surfaces inside Customers property, bending tools, clamps, sleeves to facilitate the pipe passing through floors and walls, paint for marking etc. " docs/071-080,.pdf,184,"g. All Welded GI risers at the outside of buildings shall be fully supported to carry the weight of piping. A flanged foot or similar device, capable of supporting the total weight of the riser, shall support risers. The riser shall be installed in a vertical line from its point of support to its highest point with a minimum of changes in direction. The threading of GI pipe shall be NPT and conforming to ANSI B1 20.1 " docs/071-080,.pdf,185,"h. Contractor has to supply different types/sizes of approved powder coated clamps (Mild Steel) for fixing GI pipes suiting to the site conditions. The contractor shall get approval from Owner/Owner's Representative for every fresh lot of the clamps, brackets, regulator boxes and other consumables, prior to start of installation. " docs/071-080,.pdf,186,"i. All riser and lateral pipe shall be clamped to the building at intervals not exceeding 1.5 mtrs. Maximum distance between clamps shall be 1.0 - 1.5 m when pipe goes to the straight, if any tee or fittings lies in between the pipe then clamp shall be placed 150 mm far away from center line of fittings at every sides. However, the same may be changed as per site conditions/as directed by EIC. Minimum gap between pipe & wall shall be 25 mm. The joints/ fittings of the GI installation shall be painted only after carrying out testing of the installation. " docs/071-080,.pdf,187,"j. Where pipe passes through the balcony and the surface is slightly elevated around the service pipe or its surrounding, sleeves to be provided to prevent the accumulation of water at that point. Where a short piece of sleeve is used around the gas pipe, the sleeve should be embedded in the concrete with a mix of mortar and the void between the pipe and sleeve filled with a suitable sealant. The sealant should be beveled such as to prevent an accumulation of water. Supply of clamps for all sizes of the GI pipes is in contractor's scope. Contractor has to take prior approval for design/types of clamps, paintings etc. " docs/071-080,.pdf,188,"k. Pipe shall preferably be entered into building above ground and remain in a ventilated location. The location for entry shall be such that it can be easily routed to the usage points by the shortest practicable route. " docs/071-080,.pdf,175,"Page 77 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,189,"I. " docs/071-080,.pdf,191,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,192,"Page 78 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,193,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,194,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,195,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,196,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,197,"ENERGISING QUALITY: " docs/071-080,.pdf,198,"included only for one particular connection. The payment shall be done through running meter rates as per SOR Item No. 23.1, 23.2, 23.3 and 23.4. " docs/071-080,.pdf,199,"m. The rates of GI Pipe and Copper/MLC pipe including installation of valves and fitting etc. from Lateral isolation valve till home appliances are payable as per SOR Item No. 24.1 & 24.2. " docs/071-080,.pdf,200,"n. Installation of Meter and Meter Regulators with associated inlet and outlet connections/fittings shall be connected with meter and the payment shall be done as per SOR Item No. 24.1 & 24.2. The rate also includes testing of joints till commissioning. " docs/071-080,.pdf,2,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,202,"Material for the CAGE shall be metallic. Payment shall be done as per SOR Item No. 27. " docs/071-080,.pdf,190,"For welded riser, riser length (excluding lateral tapping) shall be considered and averaged out among all the households, whereas the lateral piping shall be " docs/071-080,.pdf,3,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,30,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,5,"CHERGIING QUALITY= " docs/071-080,.pdf,89,"The necessary coordination, liaison and arrangements for inspection and approval shall be the contractor's responsibility. Inspection and acceptance of the work by authority shall not relieve the contractor from any of these responsibilities under this contract. The contractor shall plan the execution of work in such a manner so that all the registered customers are attended in phased manner. However, it is the contractor's " docs/071-080,.pdf,88,"The Contractor shall not sign/execute any agreement and/or undertaking on any such documents which amounts to be undertaken by Owner. The same shall only be signed and executed by Owner; however, the prospective bidders shall also liaison and coordinate for the same. " docs/071-080,.pdf,87,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,86,"• The Contractor shall work in close consultation/ co-ordination with the Owner/ Owner's Representative. " docs/071-080,.pdf,85,"Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permissions from society management, RWA, individual residents and any other concerned authority, if required, for completion of the work. Contractor must take the prior appointment from the residents for carrying out the work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,84,"PERMISSIONS / APPROVALS " docs/071-080,.pdf,83,"If measurement sheets submitted are illegible, incomplete or incorrectly booked, it will be returned to the contractor. " docs/071-080,.pdf,82,"Measurement sheets shall be prepared based on the RFC cards and checked and certified by the site engineers for billing purpose. " docs/071-080,.pdf,81,"The quantities of GI/Cu/MLC pipe and other details will be checked by Owner's site engineer and the same shall be incorporated in RFC cards, signed & dated as certified, on site. The cards will then be approved by the Owner/Owner's Representative. " docs/071-080,.pdf,80,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,79,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,78,". " docs/071-080,.pdf,77,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,76,"7.0 " docs/071-080,.pdf,75,"6.0 WORK SHEETS " docs/071-080,.pdf,74,"The penalty and incentives will be calculated and applied on basis of monthly target as per SCC of Tender. " docs/071-080,.pdf,73,"The EIC may direct in what order and at what time the various stages or parts of the work under the contract shall be performed. Daily and Weekly progress reports shall be submitted in the formats approved by Owner, indicating broadly the laying, testing, RFC, conversions and extra piping. " docs/071-080,.pdf,72,"Contractor shall assess the material requirement of the allotted area and submit the schedule plan for execution & purchasing before start of actual work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,71,"CHERGEING QUALITY= " docs/071-080,.pdf,70,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,69,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,68,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,67,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,66,"Page 73 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,65,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,90,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,64,"The contractor shall proceed with the work under the contract with due expedition and without delay. " docs/071-080,.pdf,91,"Page 74 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,93,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,118,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,117,"Page 75 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,116,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,115,"Owner/Owner's Representative and the contractor will conduct a joint survey at each premises or housing colony to be supplied with gas. The survey record will note Customer " docs/071-080,.pdf,114,"The contractor shall obtain necessary permissions from land Owners and tenants and shall be responsible for all damages caused by the construction and use of such approaches, pavements, gardens, rooms, walls, roof etc., at no extra cost to Owner. " docs/071-080,.pdf,113,"No temporary or permanent deposit of any kind of material resulting from the work shall be permitted in the approach or any other position, which might hinder the passage and/ or natural water drainage, or any area where there is objection from consumer. " docs/071-080,.pdf,112,"The route of the pipeline to be installed shall be decided with consent of the consumer and Owner/Owner's Representative. Contractor must that the persons/workers/supervisors/ working at site shall have proper identity cards prior to entering the premises of the consumer. " docs/071-080,.pdf,111,"ensure " docs/071-080,.pdf,110,"RIGHT-OF-USE SURVEY AND MARKING " docs/071-080,.pdf,109,"9.0 " docs/071-080,.pdf,108,"contractor. " docs/071-080,.pdf,107,"If the contractor finds any discrepancy, ambiguity or conflict in between any of the Standards and the contract documents, then this should be promptly referred to the Engineer-in-Charge (EIC) for his decision, which shall be considered binding on the " docs/071-080,.pdf,106,"The contractor shall carry out the work in accordance with this specification, Owner's Engineering Standards: ASME B31.8 - Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems; Oil Indian Safety Directorate Norms (OISD), the American Gas Association Document Purging Principles and Practice and PNGRB Guidelines. " docs/071-080,.pdf,105,"REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODES AND STANDARDS " docs/071-080,.pdf,104,"The contractor has to take responsibility of the actions of supervisors, plumbers and helpers provided by him. " docs/071-080,.pdf,103,"It will be the contractor's responsibility to familiarise himself and comply with, any other local rules, regulations or statutory requirements applicable to the work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,102,"The contractor is also required to obtain a ""Labour License"" and BOCW registration from the Assistant Labour Commissioner of respective Administration/Central Govt. " docs/071-080,.pdf,101,". " docs/071-080,.pdf,100,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,99,"A log book/job card for such appointments with Consumer/any other agencies shall be maintained and the schedule/appointment once taken shall be adhered to by the contractor. Owner/Owner's Representative shall review the records every week. The contractor shall submit the detailed list of RFC/Conversions and balance work on Registrations at least once a week as per approved format. " docs/071-080,.pdf,98,"responsibility to fix a firm appointment with the consumer for carrying out the work. " docs/071-080,.pdf,97,"8.0 " docs/071-080,.pdf,96,"CHERGIING QUALITY= " docs/071-080,.pdf,95,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,94,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,92,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,4,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,63,"PROGRESS OF WORK " docs/071-080,.pdf,61,"The schedule of items of GI/Cu installations have been described in brief and shall be held to be completed in all respect including safety requirements as per Technical specification of HSE, tests, inspection, QA/QC works, enabling and sundry works. The payment shall be made against completed and measured works only. No extra works whatsoever shall be considered in execution of these items. " docs/071-080,.pdf,31,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,29,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,28,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,27,"Page 71 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,26,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,25,"Motorized suspended platform with skilled operator shall be preferred for " docs/071-080,.pdf,24,"All material required for working at height (i.e. scaffolding, Ladder, Safety Belts). Self-Locking Safety Harness Belts PETZL make as mentioned in safety procedure are mandatory.). Contractor shall provide but not limited to ascender, descended and pulley system essentially to carry out work at height. " docs/071-080,.pdf,23,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,22,"All materials required for work, NPT threading, copper pipe jointing, testing etc. All signs, barricades, lights and protective equipment. " docs/071-080,.pdf,21,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,20,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,19,"The contractor shall supply the following items wherever required: " docs/071-080,.pdf,18,"• Other Materials " docs/071-080,.pdf,17,"These consumables shall be of reputed make companies and required grades/ class. " docs/071-080,.pdf,16,"Consumables such as Electrodes, Teflon Tapes, solder wire, flux, lacquer; thinner shall be supplied by the contractor and are included in installation rates. " docs/071-080,.pdf,15,"The indicative sketch of the Brackets for Meter, Regulator Boxes and GI/Copper Pipe Clamps is enclosed with the tender. No separate payment for the supply of Meter Brackets and GI/Copper clamps shall be made to the contractor. Consumables Items " docs/071-080,.pdf,14,"The Clamps, Brackets for meter, Nylon Rawal Plugs, SS/Brass Screws, Nozzles, etc. shall be approved lot wise by EIC prior to installation. Re-drilling of existing appliance (burners) nozzles is strictly not permitted. The quality of materials procured will be approved by Owner/Owner's representative or as directed by EIC. " docs/071-080,.pdf,13,"Clamps, Rawal Plugs, Screws and Nozzles etc. " docs/071-080,.pdf,12,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,11,"contractor. " docs/071-080,.pdf,10,"The contractor shall be responsible to arrange the supply of any consumable sealant or ready mix grout material required for restoration of holes. The sealant/grout supplied by the contractor shall be compatible with the area to be restored / rectified. No separate payment for the supply of sealant and grout shall be made to the " docs/071-080,.pdf,9,"Sealant, Grout " docs/071-080,.pdf,8,"machinery. " docs/071-080,.pdf,7,"provide pads of timber or thick rubber under the hydraulic feet or outriggers of " docs/071-080,.pdf,6,". " docs/071-080,.pdf,32,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/071-080,.pdf,62,"5.0 " docs/071-080,.pdf,33,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,35,"Special consumable such as grease for maintenance of domestic appliances, all paints for painting of GI Pipes, Regulator Boxes, Consumables such as Teflon Tapes, Solder-wire, Flux, Lacquer, Thinner, Petrol, Diesel, Fuels and Oils required are to be supplied by the contractor and are included within the rates. " docs/071-080,.pdf,60,"The rates to be quoted by contractor shall be inclusive of all preparatory/bye works, platform materials, labour, supervision, tools, taxes, duties, levies, salaries, wages, overheads, profits, escalations, fluctuations in exchange rates and no change in the rates shall be admissible during tenancy of the contract. " docs/071-080,.pdf,59,"All skilled personnel like welders, jointers, conversion technicians will be approved and certified by Owner/Owner's Representative. The technicians who will carry out welding of Risers, joining of copper material and conversions will undergo a test by Owner. Those who clear the test will be issued identity cards duly signed by Owner/Owner's representative. Approved technicians shall be only authorized to take up respective jobs. In case it is found that contractor personnel other than authorized are carrying out these works, applicable penalty will be levied to the contractor as per contract. " docs/071-080,.pdf,232,"Page 80 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,57,"• " docs/071-080,.pdf,56,". " docs/071-080,.pdf,55,"ISSUE OF WORK INSTRUCTIONS " docs/071-080,.pdf,54,"Material reconciliation indicating issue of material, consumptions and defective material shall be submitted on monthly basis. " docs/071-080,.pdf,53,"The Contractor shall maintain stock register at their respective stores stating issue and availability of free issue material at a given day. Further, it is mandatory that the contractor is required to undertake and submit inventory details of free issue and purchased materials on monthly basis to Owner/ Owner's representative as per the approved format of the owner. The inventory details shall be in correlation with the Daily progress chart and material reconciliation sheet. " docs/071-080,.pdf,52,"The Contractor shall be required to submit material reconciliation statement every month before issuing any free issue material from IGLs tore duly certified by IGL representative. " docs/071-080,.pdf,51,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/071-080,.pdf,50,"BUILDINGS " docs/071-080,.pdf,49,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,48,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/071-080,.pdf,47,"4.0 " docs/071-080,.pdf,46,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/071-080,.pdf,45,"Page 72 of 380 " docs/071-080,.pdf,44,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/071-080,.pdf,43,"All materials shall be stored in contractor's stores near site in such a manner so as to prevent any damage to the materials from scratching, gouging, indentation, excessive heat or by contact with any sharp objects or chemicals. " docs/071-080,.pdf,42,"Any damage not so recorded will be deemed not to have existed at the time of acceptance of material in store by the Contractor and the cost of repair or replacement or rectification shall be borne by the Contractor. " docs/071-080,.pdf,41,"The Contractor shall physically examine all free issue materials at the time of acceptance of the material in IGL' store. " docs/071-080,.pdf,40,"Any other activity not mentioned / covered, explicitly, but otherwise required for satisfactory completion / operation / safety / statutory / maintenance of works shall also be covered under scope of work and has to be completed by contractor within specified schedule at no extra cost to Owner. The Contractor shall carry free issue material in such a manner as to preclude damage during transportation and handling. " docs/071-080,.pdf,39,"The Contractor shall carry out assessment of material required for GI/Copper/MLC installation in allocated area. After approval from Owner, contractor shall place order for purchasing of Powder coated GI Pipes & fittings, Powder coated Wrought Steel Fittings (Forged Fittings), Copper pipes & fittings, Brass Fittings and Reinforced Rubber hose (Technical specifications attached in the tender document), MS/PVC clamps using SS304/brass screws, super hold nylon rawl plug anchor to any of the approved vendors as per the list attached in the tender document. The contractor shall also ensure that the ITP for these materials shall be approved before the start of production activity. Once ITP is approved, contractor shall forward inspection call to the Owner depending upon the material requirement at the site. The inspection of these materials shall be carried out by Owner appointed third party inspection agency. It is contractor's responsibility to submit documents, arranging dispatch clearance, handling, loading, transportation and unloading of these materials at their own respective stores. In case of any defective material found shall be returned to IGL store within one month of issue. " docs/071-080,.pdf,38,"The Contractor shall collect Service Regulators, Domestic Meter, Meter Regulators, Isolation and Appliance Valve estimated for maximum one month from Owner's designated stores in between the hours to be advised by the EIC. " docs/071-080,.pdf,37,"Acquisition, Receipt and Storage of Materials " docs/071-080,.pdf,36,"All minor items not expressly mentioned in the contract but which are necessary for the satisfactory completion and performance of the work under this contract. " docs/071-080,.pdf,34,"installation above 25th storey building. " docs/071-080,.pdf,58,"The contractor will be required to carry out GI installation as per instructions of EIC. " docs/071-080,.pdf,119,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/071-080,.pdf,120,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,162,"12 " docs/081-090,.pdf,69,"The details of testing shall be properly recorded in the GI/Copper cards. " docs/081-090,.pdf,70,"13.0 INSPECTION " docs/081-090,.pdf,71,"The contractor to the entire satisfaction of EIC before proceeding further shall rectify any defect noticed during the various stages of inspection. Irrespective of the inspection, repair and approval at intermediate stages of work, contractor shall be responsible for making good any defects found during final inspection/guarantee period/defect liability period as defined in general condition " docs/081-090,.pdf,72,"of contract. " docs/081-090,.pdf,73,"14.0 PURGING & COMMISSIONING " docs/081-090,.pdf,74,"The rate for purging & commissioning shall be included in the GI/Cu/MLC installations. " docs/081-090,.pdf,75,"Care shall be taken to ensure that the outlet is so located that vent gas cannot drift into buildings. The commissioning of the GI installation should be performed as follows: " docs/081-090,.pdf,76,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,77,"Ensure the method of purging is such that no pockets of air are left in any part of the Customer's piping. " docs/081-090,.pdf,78,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,79,"Ensure the area is well ventilated and free from ignition sources. " docs/081-090,.pdf,80,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,81,"Continue to purge until gas is available at other appliances. " docs/081-090,.pdf,82,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,83,"Internal piping i.e. Meter Inlet, Diaphragm Meter & copper pipe shall be tested pneumatically & with soap solution from inside of each domestic connection. " docs/081-090,.pdf,84,"15.0 RESTORATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,85,"Contractor has to restore the area wherever he has carried out drilling, clamping etc. to its original condition to the satisfaction of the consumer and to ensure no passage to the premises and seepage. If the work was carried out in Govt. Flats (CPWD/NDMC/Institutional areas), contractor has to restore the area according to CPWD specifications and obtain a NOC/Clearance certificate from the concerned authorities/RWA maintaining the flats, after completion of the work. " docs/081-090,.pdf,86,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,87,"Page 83 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,88,"ENERGISING QUALITY = " docs/081-090,.pdf,89,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,90,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/081-090,.pdf,68,"The pressure gauges shall be calibrated from time-to-time as desired by EIC but positively once in every six months. " docs/081-090,.pdf,67,"The contractor shall supply the Calibrated Pressure Gauges / Manometer / Diaphragm Gauges of suitable range for testing of GI/Copper/MLC Installations ranging from 0- 4bars / 0-500mbar respectively. The calibration certificate shall be submitted before the start of the execution work. " docs/081-090,.pdf,66,"a pressure of 100 mbar (g) for a holding period of 15 minutes with no pressure drop. All the joints in the installation shall be checked with soap solution. " docs/081-090,.pdf,65,"The GI/Copper/MLC installation from lateral valve to appliance valve shall be tested at " docs/081-090,.pdf,42,"b. " docs/081-090,.pdf,43,"The pipe must be sleeved in a continuous non corrosive sleeve. Joints or any other part of a joint shall not be enclosed within the sleeve. " docs/081-090,.pdf,44,"Pre-sleeved wall pieces are the preferred method for passing through walls and floors. " docs/081-090,.pdf,45,"Painting of GI Pipes & GI Fittings " docs/081-090,.pdf,46,"Contractor shall install powder coated GI pipes & GI Fittings in consultation with EIC. Contractor shall submit detailed procedure of powder coating for approval to PMC prior to supply of GI pipes. " docs/081-090,.pdf,47,"12.0 TESTING OF GI/COPPER INSTALLATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,48,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,49,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,50,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,51,"Only pretested riser shall be erected using pulley arrangement. Pretesting shall be " docs/081-090,.pdf,52,"done with compressed air at 2 bar (g) for minimum duration of 30minutes. " docs/081-090,.pdf,53,"Risers and laterals shall be Leak tested with compressed air at 2bar (g) for minimum 2hrs after vertical installation. " docs/081-090,.pdf,54,"Once testing is satisfactorily completed, uncoated portion (welded) of risers and laterals shall be painted as per painting procedure. " docs/081-090,.pdf,55,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,56,"Page 82 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,57,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,58,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/081-090,.pdf,59,"BUILDINGS " docs/081-090,.pdf,60,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,61,"CNERGISING QUALITY = " docs/081-090,.pdf,62,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,63,". " docs/081-090,.pdf,64,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,91,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,92,"BUILDINGS " docs/081-090,.pdf,93,"The restored slabs or brickwork should match the surrounding surface levels. Joint widths should match the existing conditions and be filled with a dry or wet mix of mortar. " docs/081-090,.pdf,94,"Wherever any items of the consumer are damaged/broken during working, the same will be made good or replace to the total satisfaction of the consumer. " docs/081-090,.pdf,396,"API 1104 " docs/081-090,.pdf,395,"API 5L " docs/081-090,.pdf,394,"API STANDARDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,393,"Flanges, forged, carbon and alloy steel for low temperature Service " docs/081-090,.pdf,392,"Pressure vessel plate, carbon steel for intermediate and higher temperature services " docs/081-090,.pdf,391,"Pressure vessel plate, carbon steel for intermediate and higher temperature services " docs/081-090,.pdf,390,"Mechanical testing of steel product " docs/081-090,.pdf,389,"moderate and elevated temperature " docs/081-090,.pdf,388,"ASTM A 707/A 707 M " docs/081-090,.pdf,387,"ASTM A 516 " docs/081-090,.pdf,397,"API 6D " docs/081-090,.pdf,160,"11 " docs/081-090,.pdf,384,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,383,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/081-090,.pdf,382,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,381,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,380,"Page 3 of 29 " docs/081-090,.pdf,379,"Page 89 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,378,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,377,"Piping, fitting, of wrought carbon steel and alloy steel for " docs/081-090,.pdf,376,"Carbon and alloy steel nuts for bolts for high temperature Services " docs/081-090,.pdf,375,"Alloy steel and stainless steel bolting materials for high temperature services. " docs/081-090,.pdf,385,"ASTM A 370 " docs/081-090,.pdf,398,"API 6 FA (Spec 6 FA) " docs/081-090,.pdf,399,"BS 5351 " docs/081-090,.pdf,400,"Specification for line pipe " docs/081-090,.pdf,423,"Page 4 of 29 " docs/081-090,.pdf,422,"Page 90 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,421,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,420,"The international system of Units (SI), also known as the ""Metric system"" shall be used. The international Gas union (IGU) has also recommended, generalizing the use of the SI system in all matters relating to Gas and Gas facilities. " docs/081-090,.pdf,419,"SYSTEM OF UNITS " docs/081-090,.pdf,418,"3.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,417,"In case of contradiction, the most stringent will apply " docs/081-090,.pdf,416,"Process Control Room Safety " docs/081-090,.pdf,415,"Hazardous area classification " docs/081-090,.pdf,414,"Guidelines on fire fighting, Equipment and appliances in Petroleum industry " docs/081-090,.pdf,413,"OISD-Standard-163 " docs/081-090,.pdf,412,"OISD-standard-113 " docs/081-090,.pdf,411,"OISD-GGN-115 " docs/081-090,.pdf,410,"OIL INDUSTRY SAFETY DIRECTORATE (OISD STANDARDS) " docs/081-090,.pdf,409,"Quality Management Standards " docs/081-090,.pdf,408,"Determine the impact strength of steel and energy absorbed by charpy. " docs/081-090,.pdf,407,"ISO 9001 " docs/081-090,.pdf,406,"ISO 148 " docs/081-090,.pdf,405,"ISO STANDARDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,404,"Specification of small size valves (Below 2"") " docs/081-090,.pdf,403,"Specification for fire Test for valves " docs/081-090,.pdf,402,"Specification for pipeline valves (Ball, Gate, Plug Ball and Check Valves) " docs/081-090,.pdf,401,"Specification for welding pipeline and related facilities " docs/081-090,.pdf,41,"a. " docs/081-090,.pdf,40,"Where risers or laterals pass through walls the following requirements must be observed: " docs/081-090,.pdf,39,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,38,"Pipes Passing Through Walls " docs/081-090,.pdf,122,"TOOLS & EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR FOR GI/COPPER WORK " docs/081-090,.pdf,123,"S.NO. " docs/081-090,.pdf,124,"HAND TOOLS DESCRIPTION " docs/081-090,.pdf,125,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,126,"Pipe wrench 250 mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,127,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,128,"Pipe wrench 350 mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,161,"Set Philips screw drivers " docs/081-090,.pdf,130,"Pipe wrench 450 mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,131,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,121,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,132,"Adjustable spanner 50 mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,134,"6 " docs/081-090,.pdf,135,"Adjustable spanner 250 mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,136,"PER TECHNICIAN " docs/081-090,.pdf,137,"PER TEAM " docs/081-090,.pdf,138,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,139,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,140,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,141,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,142,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,143,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,133,"5 Adjustable spanner 150 mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,120,"ANNEXURE # 1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,119,"BUILDINGS " docs/081-090,.pdf,118,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/081-090,.pdf,95,"The contractor will be responsible for the maintenance of all restoration carried out, for the duration of the contract guarantee period. " docs/081-090,.pdf,96,"The contractor is to ensure the restoration work is properly supervised, and that the material used is suitable for the purpose. Wherever the required standards are not achieved the contractor will be required to replace the defective reinstatement work. " docs/081-090,.pdf,97,"Note that Payment for GI/Copper/MLC installation will be released only after satisfactory restoration and clearing of the sites of all surplus materials etc. " docs/081-090,.pdf,98,"16.0 SUBMISSION OF FINAL RECORDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,99,"Contractor shall submit three sets each of the following documents in hard & soft copy: Total list of houses in the area allotted to him giving details of connections provided & reasons where connection could not be given/completed. " docs/081-090,.pdf,100,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,101,"The details recorded in RFC cards of every domestic house. " docs/081-090,.pdf,102,". " docs/081-090,.pdf,103,"Details of houses where piping done along with materials used. " docs/081-090,.pdf,104,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,105,"Total material consumption report. " docs/081-090,.pdf,106,"• Material reconciliation with respect to the materials issued. " docs/081-090,.pdf,107,"• Test reports & calibration certificates of gauges etc. " docs/081-090,.pdf,108,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,109,"Any other documents/records required. " docs/081-090,.pdf,110,"• Extra Piping details " docs/081-090,.pdf,111,"17.0 Compliance to Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) High Rise: " docs/081-090,.pdf,112,"Scope includes use of fall arrestor, Ascenders / descended, PPE, Barricades/ Warning Boards (03 No's) connected with warning board/Caution tapes (Refer drawing no. 15792-10-03-26 & 15792-10-03-32) in areas where piping work is in progress, Use of Safety shoes, Wacky talky, Hand gloves, Reflective jackets, Hard hats (helmets), eye and ear safety equipment, Fire extinguishers and as per the detailed scope of work in tender specifications. Contractor shall also prepare and submit duly certified Safety check list signed by TPIA/PMC. In case of non-compliance, penalty shall be applicable as per SCC clause. " docs/081-090,.pdf,113,"This set-up is applicable for more than 5th (G+5) and above including high rise. Above 4th floor full body safety harness & accessories of PETZL make is compulsory. " docs/081-090,.pdf,114,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,115,"Page 84 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,116,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,117,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,144,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,374,"Forgings, Carbon steel, for piping components " docs/081-090,.pdf,145,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,147,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,16,"• Installation of Meter " docs/081-090,.pdf,17,"Installation of domestic meters with associated inlet and outlet connections (GI/Brass fittings), on the wall with approved powder coated meter brackets and angles in new & existing gas charged areas. " docs/081-090,.pdf,18,"The contractor shall supply approved powder coated meter brackets and angle brackets. A sketch of the brackets is referred from the enclosed drawing for reference. It is required that one sample of each type of bracket is approved before the work is started. " docs/081-090,.pdf,19,"Firmly secure the meters on the wall with good quality super hold nylon anchor Rawl Plugs, SS 304/brass screws etc. In case the Rawl Plugs are not holding then wooden blocks or other fixing arrangements like cement etc. to be used for proper grouting. " docs/081-090,.pdf,20,"The Meter installation will be preferred in open/ventilated space so as to prevent Gas accumulation and easy dispensation of gas to atmosphere in case of any smell/leakage " docs/081-090,.pdf,21,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,22,"Page 81 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,23,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,24,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/081-090,.pdf,25,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,15,"For the laterals beyond eighth floor, shall be used in compliance to the material specification of SS316, fittings shall be used with brass connections conforming to IS 319, in order to account for the temperature induced stresses. " docs/081-090,.pdf,26,"BUILDINGS " docs/081-090,.pdf,28,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,29,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,30,"of gas. The Meter installations will not be provided in any fixed enclosures, cabinets (below or above the slab) or confined space in the customer premises. " docs/081-090,.pdf,31,"The contractor shall ensure that GI installations and rubber hoses shall not be exposed to direct heat of Gas burners & chimney vents. The installation should have minimum clearance of about 1 meter from electric point mains & switches. Minimum distance between Appliance Valve & Gas Burners shall be 0.3 Meters. The isolation valves shall be installed after entering the customer premises/kitchen but before the meter installation. " docs/081-090,.pdf,32,"The above activities along with restoration of the area to original shall be carried out to the complete satisfaction of consumer and EIC. " docs/081-090,.pdf,33,"Laterals " docs/081-090,.pdf,34,"The lateral extending from the riser at right- angles must extend a minimum of 400 mm from the riser before passing through a wall. " docs/081-090,.pdf,35,"Ventilation " docs/081-090,.pdf,36,"Ventilation is provided to prevent gas leaks from causing the atmosphere to become unsafe. Ventilation shall be natural. It is not permitted to use mechanical ventilation to achieve the required ventilation levels. " docs/081-090,.pdf,37,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,27,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,14,"Once testing is satisfactorily completed, uncoated portion (weldment) of risers and laterals shall be painted as per painting procedure. " docs/081-090,.pdf,13,"Risers and laterals up to Isolation Valves shall be Leak tested with compressed air @ 2 bar (g) for minimum 2 hrs after vertical installation. " docs/081-090,.pdf,12,"Only pretested riser shall be erected using pulley. Pretesting shall be done with compressed air @ 2 bar (g) for minimum duration of 30 minutes. " docs/081-090,.pdf,148,"7 " docs/081-090,.pdf,149,"Set of combination spanner 3/16""- 11/4"" AF " docs/081-090,.pdf,150,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,151,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,152,"8 " docs/081-090,.pdf,153,"Set of combination spanners 5mm 30mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,154,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,155,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,156,"9 " docs/081-090,.pdf,157,"Large tool boxes " docs/081-090,.pdf,158,"10 " docs/081-090,.pdf,159,"Set flat-headed screw drivers " docs/081-090,.pdf,1,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,2,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/081-090,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,4,"BUILDINGS " docs/081-090,.pdf,5,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,6,"used are inspected, certified by competent authority valid & suitable for use. Plumber deployed for riser installation for high rise buildings shall be certified and prequalified with medical tests as per Safety Job Procedure. " docs/081-090,.pdf,7,"• " docs/081-090,.pdf,8,"Meter & Meter Regulator Positions " docs/081-090,.pdf,9,"Meters will normally be located inside the property at approachable location. The kitchen utility balcony is the preferred place to install the meter - thereby minimizing the length of the outlet pipe work. " docs/081-090,.pdf,10,"The Meter installation will be preferred in open/ventilated space so as to prevent Gas accumulation and easy dispensation of gas to atmosphere in case of any smell/leakage of gas. The Meter installations will not be provided in any fixed enclosures, cabinets (below or above the slab) or confined space in the customer premises. " docs/081-090,.pdf,11,"Meter Regulators will be installed as per enclosed drawing 15792-20-05-07. " docs/081-090,.pdf,146,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,373,"Pipe steel black and hot dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and seamless " docs/081-090,.pdf,129,"3 " docs/081-090,.pdf,371,"ASTM A194/A194 M " docs/081-090,.pdf,240,"31 " docs/081-090,.pdf,239,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,238,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0004 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,237,"FOR WELDED RISER & GI/COPPER/MLC PIPING INSTALLATIONS FOR PNG CONNECTIONS IN HIGH RISE " docs/081-090,.pdf,236,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,235,"Page 85 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,234,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,233,"As required As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,232,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,231,"Lubricating oil " docs/081-090,.pdf,230,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,229,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,228,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,227,"Graphite based grease " docs/081-090,.pdf,226,"30 " docs/081-090,.pdf,225,"29 " docs/081-090,.pdf,224,"28 Set masonry drills 1mm-10mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,223,"866 " docs/081-090,.pdf,222,"123 " docs/081-090,.pdf,221,"27 " docs/081-090,.pdf,220,"22 " docs/081-090,.pdf,219,"Set steel twist drills 1mm-10mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,218,"Portable pipe vice & tripod " docs/081-090,.pdf,241,"Hand cleaner " docs/081-090,.pdf,242,"32 " docs/081-090,.pdf,243,"Copper pipe Cutter 12mm " docs/081-090,.pdf,244,"33 " docs/081-090,.pdf,268,"37 " docs/081-090,.pdf,267,"01 set per site " docs/081-090,.pdf,266,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,265,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,264,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,263,"01 set per site " docs/081-090,.pdf,262,"Welding Equipment " docs/081-090,.pdf,261,"37 " docs/081-090,.pdf,260,"MLC Pipe Cutter " docs/081-090,.pdf,259,"36 " docs/081-090,.pdf,258,"GI Pipe Cutter " docs/081-090,.pdf,217,"26 " docs/081-090,.pdf,257,"35 " docs/081-090,.pdf,255,"24821 " docs/081-090,.pdf,254,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,253,"2211 " docs/081-090,.pdf,252,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,251,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,250,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,249,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,248,"Diaphragm Gauge (0-400 m bar) Manometer (0-150 m bar) " docs/081-090,.pdf,247,"Gas Detection Equipment Power Generator 2.5 KVA Pressure Gauge (0-10 bar) Pressure Gauge (0-4 bar) " docs/081-090,.pdf,246,"GI Pipe Cutters 1/2"" " docs/081-090,.pdf,245,"BUILDINGS " docs/081-090,.pdf,256,"Automatic Thread cutting machine " docs/081-090,.pdf,216,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,215,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,214,"Wire brush " docs/081-090,.pdf,185,"16 " docs/081-090,.pdf,184,"3 " docs/081-090,.pdf,183,"Stocks and dies for NPT threading 1/2"", " docs/081-090,.pdf,182,"N " docs/081-090,.pdf,181,"Drill bits for 1"" pipe " docs/081-090,.pdf,180,"15 " docs/081-090,.pdf,179,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,178,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,177,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,176,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,175,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,186,"3/4"", GI Pipe " docs/081-090,.pdf,174,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,172,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,171,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,170,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,169,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,168,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,167,"Set of files " docs/081-090,.pdf,166,"14 " docs/081-090,.pdf,165,"Combination pliers/mole grips " docs/081-090,.pdf,164,"13 " docs/081-090,.pdf,372,"ASTM A234/A 234 M " docs/081-090,.pdf,163,"Small hammer " docs/081-090,.pdf,173,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,269,"Full Body Safety Harness like PETZL or Equivalent " docs/081-090,.pdf,187,"17 " docs/081-090,.pdf,189,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,213,"25 " docs/081-090,.pdf,212,"22 " docs/081-090,.pdf,211,"1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,210,"Measuring tape 30 m " docs/081-090,.pdf,209,"24 " docs/081-090,.pdf,208,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,207,"Battery powered torches " docs/081-090,.pdf,206,"23 " docs/081-090,.pdf,205,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,204,"4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,203,"Spare blades " docs/081-090,.pdf,188,"Blowtorch " docs/081-090,.pdf,202,"22 " docs/081-090,.pdf,200,"Portable electric drill 240V, heavy duty " docs/081-090,.pdf,199,"21 " docs/081-090,.pdf,198,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,197,"Hand drill 3/8"" chuck " docs/081-090,.pdf,196,"20 " docs/081-090,.pdf,195,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,194,"Copper Pipe Bending Machine " docs/081-090,.pdf,193,"19 " docs/081-090,.pdf,192,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,191,"Soldering iron " docs/081-090,.pdf,190,"18 " docs/081-090,.pdf,201,"2 " docs/081-090,.pdf,270,"03 set per site " docs/081-090,.pdf,386,"ASTM A 515 " docs/081-090,.pdf,272,"38 Motorized Suspended Platform " docs/081-090,.pdf,344,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,343,"ENERGING CLALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,342,"Page 88 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,341,"Page 2 of 29 " docs/081-090,.pdf,340,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,339,"18 " docs/081-090,.pdf,338,"18 " docs/081-090,.pdf,337,"14 " docs/081-090,.pdf,336,"13 " docs/081-090,.pdf,335,"11 " docs/081-090,.pdf,334,"8 " docs/081-090,.pdf,333,".8 " docs/081-090,.pdf,332,".8 " docs/081-090,.pdf,331,".6 " docs/081-090,.pdf,330,".6 " docs/081-090,.pdf,329,".5 " docs/081-090,.pdf,328,".5 " docs/081-090,.pdf,327,".4 " docs/081-090,.pdf,326,".3 " docs/081-090,.pdf,325,"15.0 MODIFICATION IN EXISTING MRS " docs/081-090,.pdf,324,"14.0 CONVERSION... " docs/081-090,.pdf,345,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/081-090,.pdf,346,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,347,"1.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,348,"2.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,369,"ASTM A 105/A 105 M " docs/081-090,.pdf,271,"03 set per site " docs/081-090,.pdf,368,"ASTM A 53/A 53 M " docs/081-090,.pdf,370,"ASTM A193/A 193 M " docs/081-090,.pdf,367,"ASTM STANDARDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,366,"Factory-made wrought steel butt welding fittings Process piping " docs/081-090,.pdf,365,"Gas transmissions and distribution piping system Boiler and Pressure Vessel code " docs/081-090,.pdf,364,"Pipe flanges and flanged fittings up to 24"" Valves-flanged and Butt welding ends " docs/081-090,.pdf,363,"ASME B 31.3 " docs/081-090,.pdf,362,"ASME B 16.9 " docs/081-090,.pdf,323,"13.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING AND COMMISSINING. " docs/081-090,.pdf,361,"ASME VIII, DIV-I " docs/081-090,.pdf,359,"ASME B16.34 " docs/081-090,.pdf,358,"ASME B 16.5 " docs/081-090,.pdf,356,"Minimum requirement shall be as per latest edition of following codes and standards " docs/081-090,.pdf,355,"Piping works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement of this specification and other National/international relevant applicable standards like Oil India Safety Directorate (OISD) norms, PNGRB, ASME B 31.3-Process Piping Systems, ASME B 31.8 ""Gas transmission and distribution piping systems."" " docs/081-090,.pdf,354,"GENERAL " docs/081-090,.pdf,353,"APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,352,"The present document gives the specification to be adopted for procurement of CS pipes & fittings, fabrication, erection, installation, and commissioning of MRS (Meter Regulating Skid) along with internal piping (on request) on downstream of MRS to supply Natural Gas for commercial and industrial customers in NCT of Delhi and NCR complying with OISD standards & petroleum and Natural Gas Regularly Board (PNGRB) guidelines. " docs/081-090,.pdf,351,"Indraprastha Gas Ltd. is a Joint Venture Company of Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (BPCL) and Govt. of NCT of Delhi. IGL plans to install an underground Natural Gas Distribution network throughout the NCT, NCR & Rewari Region. The objective is to supply Natural Gas to both DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL customers, and to provide compressed gas as a fuel for Automobiles. IGL is seeking Contractors to assist in meeting the above objective. " docs/081-090,.pdf,350,"GENERAL INFORMATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,349,"3.1 " docs/081-090,.pdf,360,"ASME B 31.8 " docs/081-090,.pdf,322,"12.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING.... " docs/081-090,.pdf,357,"ASME STANDARDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,285,"REV. " docs/081-090,.pdf,299,"Rev No: 00 " docs/081-090,.pdf,298,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/081-090,.pdf,297,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/081-090,.pdf,296,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,295,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,294,"Page 1 of 36 " docs/081-090,.pdf,293,"Page 87 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,292,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,291,"By " docs/081-090,.pdf,290,"Approved " docs/081-090,.pdf,289,"AD " docs/081-090,.pdf,288,"PK MVK Prepared Checked By By " docs/081-090,.pdf,287,"Purpose " docs/081-090,.pdf,286,"DATE " docs/081-090,.pdf,284,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/081-090,.pdf,283,"00 18.06.2018 " docs/081-090,.pdf,282,"INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS VCS - SS - PL - 0051 " docs/081-090,.pdf,281,"FOR " docs/081-090,.pdf,280,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,279,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/081-090,.pdf,278,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/081-090,.pdf,273,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,277,"C " docs/081-090,.pdf,276,"Page 86 of 380 " docs/081-090,.pdf,275,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/081-090,.pdf,300,"CONTENTS " docs/081-090,.pdf,301,"1.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,274,"As required " docs/081-090,.pdf,303,"2.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,302,"GENERAL INFORMATION. " docs/081-090,.pdf,321,"ERECTION OF MRS SKID " docs/081-090,.pdf,319,"10.0 FABRICATION OF MRS AND INTERNAL PIPING: " docs/081-090,.pdf,318,"SAFETY " docs/081-090,.pdf,317,"9.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,316,"WALL THICKNESS CALCULATION " docs/081-090,.pdf,315,"8.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,314,"PIPE DESIGN/ SIZING " docs/081-090,.pdf,313,"7.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,320,"11.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,311,"6.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,310,"MATERIAL SPECIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEM " docs/081-090,.pdf,309,"5.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,312,"SITE ENVIRIONMENTAL DATA/CONDITIONS. " docs/081-090,.pdf,308,"PROCESS PARAMETERS... " docs/081-090,.pdf,304,"APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS " docs/081-090,.pdf,307,"4.0 " docs/081-090,.pdf,306,"SYSTEM OF UNITS. " docs/081-090,.pdf,305,"3.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,247,"In case where MRs fabrication & installation is carried out considering twin metering and single regulation (in a single MRS), the payment against the installation of both streams shall be made as per SOR item no. 29.3 or 29.4 for one of the stream and as per SOR item no. 31 for the other stream depending upon the type and size of the CS Pipeline used for MRs fabrication. Also, in case of twin metering and twin regulation, the payment against the installation of either of the streams shall be made as per SOR item no. 29.1 to 29.5 and for loop line connecting both streams in running meter as per SOR item no. 31 depending upon the type and size of the CS pipeline used for MRS fabrication. " docs/091-100,.pdf,248,"Any preparation of the threads for installation, completion of MRS, common Header & internal piping is inclusive in rates. All the MRS shall be fabricated in the Contractors workshop and tested in presence of IGL's representative before installation. After complete " docs/091-100,.pdf,250,"Page 96 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,246,"Laying of concealed pipeline in the cavity of the walls/ceiling/basement shall be avoided. In locations where the pipeline has to be laid in a covered trench or below ground level, it should be avoided however considering the minimal alternatives/ constraints at site, the laying is possible after written approval from EIC, cold wrap & coating shall be applied on the surface of the pipe followed by Holiday test. The pipe shall be properly supported on clamps/I supports with minimum clearance of 4"" from ground level. IGL may also instruct the contractor for installation/laying of MDPE pipeline and transition fittings for such below ground sections which shall be laid in correlation of technical specification of MDPE pipeline laying and payable as per the respective pipe SOR's. " docs/091-100,.pdf,251,"Page 10 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,252,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,249,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,245,"The rates for internal piping (downstream of MRS) are payable through SOR item nos. 31 includes procurements, fabrications, welding and installation till commissioning. No separate charges are payable for any repair & modifications (on customer's request) even after installation & testing however before commissioning and are inclusive in rates. The ball valves installed in common header/Internal piping shall be payable separately through SOR item no. 30.9 to 30.11, depending upon the size of pipeline. " docs/091-100,.pdf,241,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,243,"Contractor shall carry out Hydro test for each MRS in their factory and shall carry out installation only after duly certification from IGL/IGL's representative. The test reports/certificates (DP test RT, Hydro test, NDT) issued against a single MRS shall be presented to IGL's site representative for verification and before start of installation. The format FPR DPT, RT, Hydro test, welding inspection & NDT is attached at Annexure - 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 respectively. " docs/091-100,.pdf,242,"ENERGING OUALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,240,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,239,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,238,"Page 9 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,237,"Page 95 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,253,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,236,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,235,"All (100%) root joints alignment & fit up shall be witnessed by IGL/IGL representative followed with a mandatory DP (Dry penetrate) test. In addition to the DP test. RT will be carried out in presence of IGL's representative on at least 10% of joints in single MRs using unique joint no. The dimension tolerances for piping fabrication shall be as per IGL's standards design codes and standards. " docs/091-100,.pdf,244,"For MRS, dimensions tolerance of 100% both ways against pre-defined length (refer drawings attached in tender) shall be included in fabrication & installation rates (payable as per SOR Item no. 29.1 to 29.5) and no separate charges shall be claimed in case of any additional joints, fittings etc. used for completion of installation. The bidder shall quote rates against each SOR in correlation with drawings, tentative BOM (Bill of Materials) attached in tender document. Any installation/piping in excess/ short to predefined length of MRS shall be payable/deductible through SOR item no. 31.1.3 to 31.1.5 as per size of pipe used. The length of the MRS shall be measured after installation and RFC and shall duly be certified in RFC card for payments. Contractor shall provide suitable locking arrangement in MRS with isolation valve by wire sealing as per instruction of Engineer In-charge. " docs/091-100,.pdf,254,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,263,"Removal of all foreign materials such as scale, sand, weld spatters, cutting chips etc. by wire brush, cleaning tools and blowing out the foreign material with compressed air and/or flushing out with water. " docs/091-100,.pdf,275,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,268,"All risers and lateral piping should be clamped to the building at intervals not exceeding one meter. Laying of concealed pipeline inside the cavity of the walls, ceiling, basement etc. should be avoided, Platform and cross-over shall be provided for ease of operation and maintenance of pipeline if required. All supports shall be installed strictly as per approved support drawing/instruction of engineer-in-charge. While laying the pipeline, care should be taken that valves installed on the pipeline should be approachable for easy operation and maintenance. " docs/091-100,.pdf,234,"End Preparation, alignment and fit up of the pipe length to be welded, pre heating, welding, post heating and heat treatment (if required) shall be as per IGL welding specification/design codes and standards. Pipe joints shall be butt-welded. However as per site requirement, flanged joints (if necessary) may also be used Contractor to ensure provision for locking/sealing arrangement for meter/valves to avoid misuse. " docs/091-100,.pdf,269,"11.3. Flanges Connections " docs/091-100,.pdf,270,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,271,"Page 11 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,272,"Page 97 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,273,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING " docs/091-100,.pdf,274,"FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,267,"The selection of route of installation gas pipeline connection in the premises of the industry/ commercial establishment is key to safety and integrity of gas installation and public. It should be installed above ground having in well-ventilated area and having easy approach. " docs/091-100,.pdf,266,"Pipe routing and lay-out shall be as per IGL approved pipe route, GAD, P&IDs and piping support drawings and applicable design code and standards. In case of fouling of a line with other piping, structure, equipments etc. The matter shall be brought to the notice of Engineer-in-charge and corrective action shall be taken as per his instructions. Above ground pipeline shall be laid either on MS clamps fixed on the wall or on the pipe supports with BOP more than 2 mtr height. " docs/091-100,.pdf,265,"11.2. Pipe routing and Layout " docs/091-100,.pdf,264,"Special cleaning requirements (if any), shall be carried out as per IGL specification/piping design codes/standards. " docs/091-100,.pdf,262,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,261,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,260,"Before erection, all pre-fabricated spool pieces, pipe, fittings etc. shall be cleaned inside and outside by suitable means (Mechanical or chemical). The cleaning process shall include " docs/091-100,.pdf,259,"11.1. Cleaning of piping before erection. " docs/091-100,.pdf,258,"11.0 ERECTION OF MRS SKID " docs/091-100,.pdf,257,"The branches of the pipeline shall be using standard fittings. Also, branching on common header will be payable in running meters. " docs/091-100,.pdf,256,"installation of the MRS at the allocated locations; the flange joints shall be tested online along with Meter & Regulator before commissioning. " docs/091-100,.pdf,255,"ENERGEING CLALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,189,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,210,"Wall Thickness Calculation " docs/091-100,.pdf,232,"Only E6010/E7018 electrodes of reputed make (LINCOLN, ESAB etc.) shall be used for welding of piping joints. The electrode E7018 shall be baked in mother oven before usage at site. All flanges used shall be of welded neck type. No plate flanges made by Gas cutting shall be used. Flanges dimensions, ratings, facing, face finish and manufacturing shall be as per ANSI B16.5 unless otherwise specified. All fittings shall be seamless in construction unless otherwise specified. All fittings of size 1"" and above shall have butt-welded ends and shall comply with attached piping class. " docs/091-100,.pdf,207,"Coefficient as per table 304.1.1 of ANSI 31.3 " docs/091-100,.pdf,206,"Longitudinal joint factor " docs/091-100,.pdf,205,"Design pressure (MPa) " docs/091-100,.pdf,204,"Allowable stress (MPa) " docs/091-100,.pdf,203,"Nominal wall thickness (mm) " docs/091-100,.pdf,202,"II " docs/091-100,.pdf,201,"= " docs/091-100,.pdf,200,"TSPEYCA " docs/091-100,.pdf,199,"|| || || || | || " docs/091-100,.pdf,198,"= " docs/091-100,.pdf,197,"= " docs/091-100,.pdf,276,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,196,"2xSxFxExT " docs/091-100,.pdf,195,"+ C} × (1+a) " docs/091-100,.pdf,194,"{ " docs/091-100,.pdf,193,"= " docs/091-100,.pdf,192,"t " docs/091-100,.pdf,191,"PD " docs/091-100,.pdf,190,"b) Pipes for Utilities lines have a wall thickness complying with ASME/ANSI B 31.3 code: " docs/091-100,.pdf,208,"= Corrosion allowance (mm) " docs/091-100,.pdf,209,"Negative fabrication tolerance (%) " docs/091-100,.pdf,188,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,211,"1.0 Nitrogen at 7kg/cm2 " docs/091-100,.pdf,231,"IGL may instruct the contractor to carry out survey of proposed customer and shall in turn submit the estimate for material and execution along with drawing without any changes Welder shall be qualified for proposed WPS according to the applicable codes. If the same welder is doing the similar kind of job continuously for the last six months and qualified by reputed consulting organizations like EIL/MECON/TEPL, the welder shall be allowed to work on submission of welder's qualification Certificate. " docs/091-100,.pdf,230,"After approval of plan from EIC and before start of fabrication, Contractor shall procure material and submit material test certificates (MTC'S) of all materials including pipes, fittings ball valves, consumables (incl. Electrodes) etc. for review of EIC and shall subsequently arrange their physical inspection. Contractor shall also submit documents for welding procedure specifications (WPS) for the similar kind of job for IGL's approval. " docs/091-100,.pdf,229,"or route of internal Piping and as per requirement and shall subsequently submit construction plan to IGL for Procurement of material (Pipe, fittings, consumables etc.), Inspection, Fabrication Erection Installation Testing and Commissioning of MRS, Common header & Internal Piping as enclosed at Annexure 3. The material procurement plan includes make of pipes & fittings to be procured as per the approved make list (enclosed in tender document at) for approval from EIC. " docs/091-100,.pdf,228,"ENERGEING CLALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,227,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,226,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,225,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,224,"Page 94 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,223,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,233,"Mitre joint shall not be used and the same shall be replaced with a Standard Elbow with short radius (<_1D). Piping Spools (If required), Supports etc. shall be pre-fabricated or shop fabricated. Pipe shall be supported on walls or Suitable supports (clamps, steel supports etc.) (refe drawing in tender document at Annexure - 4) and at adequate interval of space not less than 2 metres. The material and size of angles shall be MS and of minimum size 75 x 75x 8 mm. " docs/091-100,.pdf,222,"Page 8 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,220,"This part covers fabrication, erection and installation of MRS, Common header for MRS installation, internal pipeline with fittings for supply natural gas to commercials and Industrial units from MRS till customer's appliances. Work for internal Piping shall be carried out as per instructions and after allotment of work by EIC. The Indicative diagram is shown in bid documents. " docs/091-100,.pdf,219,"10.0 FABRICATION OF MRS AND INTERNAL PIPING: " docs/091-100,.pdf,218,"Jobs at customer locations are to be carried out as per safety Work Permit System of IGL- i.e, permit will be issued at site every day after ensuring all safety precautions and execution of the job to be done in presence of representatives of IGL's Technical, Fire & Safety and designated Contract Supervisor. " docs/091-100,.pdf,217,"The agency has to ensure that potential safety factors, health and environment effects are assessed before execution of the job and necessary actions required for ensuring safety of human and environment are taken care of. " docs/091-100,.pdf,216,"All required Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) for carrying out the jobs safely to be provided to the workers. " docs/091-100,.pdf,215,"SAFETY " docs/091-100,.pdf,214,"9.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,213,"resources. " docs/091-100,.pdf,212,"2.0 Above utility data may change according site condition and availability of " docs/091-100,.pdf,221,"On allotment of work, Contractor shall carry out join survey along with IGL/IGL's representative of the customer's premises for finalization of location of MRS/Common header " docs/091-100,.pdf,277,"11.4. " docs/091-100,.pdf,325,"Inspection and checking of Mechanical completion of pipeline system with the approved " docs/091-100,.pdf,279,"The assembly of the flange joint shall be done in such a way that the spiral wound gasket between the two flange faces is uniformly compressed. To achieve this bolt shall be tightened in a' proper sequence. Copper strips/ jumpers shall be installed on all flange joints in order to provide earth continuity to MRS & internal piping. " docs/091-100,.pdf,345,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,344,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,343,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,342,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,341,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,340,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,339,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,338,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,337,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,336,"• Inspection of flushing, cleaning and Hydro testing of Piping system " docs/091-100,.pdf,335,"Ensure availability of First AID Box, PPE and fire extinguishers. " docs/091-100,.pdf,334,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,333,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,332,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,331,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,330,"ENERGEING CLALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,329,"Page 13 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,328,"Page 99 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,327,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,346,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,347,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,348,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,349,". " docs/091-100,.pdf,369,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,368,"The various acceptance criteria and handover of the MRS system shall comprise of " docs/091-100,.pdf,367,"13.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING AND COMMISSINING " docs/091-100,.pdf,366,"All the MTC/TC, Inspection and test reports for mandatory as well as supplementary (wherever specified) shall be submitted to IGL. " docs/091-100,.pdf,365,"quality control inspector of related Engineering disciplines. " docs/091-100,.pdf,364,"Inspection and testing of Electrical, Civil and Instrumentation work shall be carried out by " docs/091-100,.pdf,363,"It should be ensured that the area is well ventilated and free from ignition source. " docs/091-100,.pdf,362,"The method of purging should be such that no pockets of air left in any part of the piping. " docs/091-100,.pdf,361,"Care should be taken to ensure that the purge outlet is so located that vent gas cannot drift in the building. " docs/091-100,.pdf,326,"construction drawing and work procedures for installation and erection of various equipment/pipeline " docs/091-100,.pdf,360,"After hydro testing proper dewatering and purging shall be carried out. " docs/091-100,.pdf,358,"Pressure gauge range shall be minimum1.5 times and maximum 4 times of test pressure. Before starting hydrostatic testing, testing and inspection reports shall be submitted to IGL for verification and only after getting formal clearance from IGL, testing shall be carried out. " docs/091-100,.pdf,357,"Before commencement of strength Test, calibration reports of pressure gauges and equipments shall be reviewed by IGL/IGL's representative. " docs/091-100,.pdf,356,"The test pressure should be 1.5 times of design pressure in case of Hydrostatic testing or 1.1 times or the design pressure in case of Pneumatic testing. However, test pressure and time duration may vary depending upon the application and flow. " docs/091-100,.pdf,355,"10% RT shall be done for all the Butt joints on random selection basis. Overall decisions rests with the EIC to increase %( percentage) of RT on joints, in case of any additional RT (on instruction of EIC) rates shall be payable as per SOR item no. 30.14 " docs/091-100,.pdf,354,"The entire piping system shall be subjected to hydrostatic testing or pneumatic strength testing. " docs/091-100,.pdf,353,"Verification/Inspection of all the mill and workshop test certificates applicable to related material. spare, equipment, pipe, fittings, valves, supports, paints, IJ etc. " docs/091-100,.pdf,352,"Inspection test plan shall be as per ANNEXURE-2 " docs/091-100,.pdf,351,"All welded joints shall be subjected to visual inspection according to ASME 1.3/31.8 and radiography according to API1104. " docs/091-100,.pdf,350,". " docs/091-100,.pdf,359,"The test pressure for the piping system shall be kept on hold for 4 hr with no pressure drop. For internal piping with pipe length less than 25 meters, the test pressure shall be kept on hold for 4 hrs. Whereas if length more than 25 meters, minimum test pressure duration shall be minimum 12 hr to max. 24 hrs. depending upon customer's/ site requirement. " docs/091-100,.pdf,278,"While lilting up mating flanges, care shall be taken to properly align the pipe and to check the flanges for trueness so that the faces of the, flanges can be pulled together without inducing any stresses in the pipe and the equipment. " docs/091-100,.pdf,187,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,323,"Inspection and checking of DFT of painting of equipment, pipe, pipe supports etc. " docs/091-100,.pdf,298,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,297,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,296,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,295,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,294,"Page 12 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,293,"Page 98 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,292,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,291,"The Steel Pipe and Appliances connect to Hose shall be in the same room. The length of' hose should be kept minimum but shall not exceed 1.50 meters. Hose shall be easily accessible to inspect. Hose shall not be used in conditions where ambient temperature exceeds its design temperature. Hose shall be so installed [hat it is not twisted, looped or kinked in and should be free from external pressure. Design and Construction of Hose shall " docs/091-100,.pdf,290,"Rubber Hose " docs/091-100,.pdf,289,"All the required instruments (PG, TG, flow control valves, interlocks, control panel etc..) shall be installed on the pipeline as per attached MRS Drawings, Owner's approved installations procedure, applicable design code and standards, manufacturer's installation, O&M Manual after proper calibration, testing and inspection of the instruments as per manufacturer's calibration procedures. It is mandatory to install pressure gauges on the downstream internal piping at start and end point. Any installation of additional pressure gauge will be payable as per SOR item No. 30.8 and subsequent fillet welding of sockets & installation of pressure gauge will be payable as per SOR item no. 30.13. " docs/091-100,.pdf,288,"Instruments " docs/091-100,.pdf,287,"Valve shall be installed in a position as specified in the valve manufacturer installation and O&M manual. Care shall be exercised to ensure that all hL11 bore ball valve shall be installed with the ""Gas Flow direction arrow"" marked on the valve body pointing in the right direction after written consent from EIC. " docs/091-100,.pdf,286,"11.8. " docs/091-100,.pdf,285,"11.7. " docs/091-100,.pdf,284,"11.6. Valve Installation " docs/091-100,.pdf,283,"Alter installation of the above ground MRS & Internal piping system, painting of MRS/piping shall be done after RFC with proper surface preparation and application of primer and finish coat of paints as per IGL painting specifications enclosed in Annexure I, to prevent atmospheric corrosion, the standard colour code for Natural gas piping shall be 'Canary yellow'. The gas flow direction shall be marked ""in Red"" on the MRS or Internal Piping. " docs/091-100,.pdf,282,"11.5. Painting " docs/091-100,.pdf,281,"Venting facilities shall be provided for any emergency evacuation of gas from the pipeline. Vent line shall be fitted with a flapper and shall be at 3-meter height from the nearest operating platform, with ends at open space. " docs/091-100,.pdf,280,"Vents " docs/091-100,.pdf,299,"be Type IV as per IS: 9573 (Latest revision). " docs/091-100,.pdf,300,"11.9. Supports " docs/091-100,.pdf,301,"Pipeline for PNG supply to Commercial/Industrial connection shall be adequately supported at suitable intervals as per piping design code and standard and good engineering practices. There are various types of clamp supports for supporting and suspending horizontal as well as vertical/riser pipes. The support's schematic drawing for piping are attached with the tender documents at Annexure 4. The material & size of the angle shall be MS & minimum " docs/091-100,.pdf,302,"size 75 x 75 x 8 mm. " docs/091-100,.pdf,322,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,321,"Inspection of testing and commissioning or pipeline system " docs/091-100,.pdf,320,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,319,"Inspection of Calibration of instruments " docs/091-100,.pdf,318,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,317,"Dimensional checking of equipment, pipe, fitting and valves etc. " docs/091-100,.pdf,316,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,315,"Visual Inspection of installation of carious equipments, instruments and their associated components, electrical equipment's, pipe fitting and valves etc. " docs/091-100,.pdf,314,"Ensure availability of Work Permit and Fire permit " docs/091-100,.pdf,324,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,313,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,311,"12.2. Execution Inspection " docs/091-100,.pdf,310,"Dye-penetrate test shall be done after root welding for all the butt & Socket weld joints. As per the instruction of EIC/PMC, Radiography test may be performed randomly on joints for 10% (percentage) on random selection basis. " docs/091-100,.pdf,309,"All materials, items and their parts shall be subjected to all mandatory as well supplementary (wherever specified) inspection, testing and checks called for in the respective codes/standards/data sheets/IGL approved manufacturer's QAP of Vendor at manufacturer's workshop/factory as well construction site. All fit-ups shall be checked for proper Root gap, surface cleaning and orientation etc. before starting the welding and inspected by IGL / IGL's representative. " docs/091-100,.pdf,308,"as " docs/091-100,.pdf,307,"12.1. Material Inspection " docs/091-100,.pdf,306,"12.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING " docs/091-100,.pdf,305,"All the required Electrical equipments shall be installed as per Owner's approved installation procedure, applicable design code (OISI). 149) and standards, manufacturer's installation / O&M Manual after proper calibration, testing and inspection of the equipments as per manufacturer's calibration procedures. " docs/091-100,.pdf,304,"11.10. Electrical Equipments " docs/091-100,.pdf,303,"--- " docs/091-100,.pdf,312,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,186,"8.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,137,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,184,"Page 7 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,65,"Page 5 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,64,"Page 91 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,63,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,62,"specifications. " docs/091-100,.pdf,61,"Over and above these specifications and materials, please refer below the " docs/091-100,.pdf,60,"- " docs/091-100,.pdf,59,"Note: " docs/091-100,.pdf,58,"The size of orifice of rubber gasket (washer) shall be 5mm for G4, 8mm for G6, 10mm for G10 & G16 and 13mm for G25 Diaphragm meter. " docs/091-100,.pdf,57,"The size of orifice of restricting orifice plate shall be 11 mm for G10/G16/G25, 13mm for G40 and 15mm for G65 RPD meter. " docs/091-100,.pdf,56,"11 " docs/091-100,.pdf,55,"As per enclosed " docs/091-100,.pdf,54,"Type-4 as per IS:9573 " docs/091-100,.pdf,53,"AS per PMS " docs/091-100,.pdf,52,"ANSI B 16.20 " docs/091-100,.pdf,51,"Same as Pipe (Ring A 105) " docs/091-100,.pdf,50,"ΝΑ " docs/091-100,.pdf,49,"A 105/A 216 Gr WCB " docs/091-100,.pdf,48,"ASTM A234 Gr WPB " docs/091-100,.pdf,47,"High Nitrile Synthetic Rubber Grade 215 " docs/091-100,.pdf,66,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,46,"SS 304 " docs/091-100,.pdf,67,"6.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,69,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,89,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,88,"Relative humidity " docs/091-100,.pdf,87,"* " docs/091-100,.pdf,86,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,85,"Seismic Zone " docs/091-100,.pdf,84,"* " docs/091-100,.pdf,83,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,81,"(Min/Max.)º1.7°C/48.5°C " docs/091-100,.pdf,80,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,79,"Wind " docs/091-100,.pdf,78,"Rain fall " docs/091-100,.pdf,77,"Temperature " docs/091-100,.pdf,76,"Typical " docs/091-100,.pdf,75,"Environmental/ climatic conditions for various sites are given below " docs/091-100,.pdf,74,"SITE ENVIRIONMENTAL DATA/CONDITIONS " docs/091-100,.pdf,73,"2. All stud bolts and nuts shall hot have dipped galvanized as per ASTM A53. " docs/091-100,.pdf,72,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,71,"For Piping material refer ""PMS-1C1"" " docs/091-100,.pdf,70,"1. " docs/091-100,.pdf,68,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,45,"ASTM A105/ A 105 " docs/091-100,.pdf,44,"ASTM A106 Gr. B (Seamless)/API 5L Gr.B/ IS-ASTM A 53/A53 M Gr.B/ 1239Heavy " docs/091-100,.pdf,43,"Spiral Wound Gasket (washer) Nuts and Bolts Rubber hose Painting " docs/091-100,.pdf,18,"5.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,17,"19 barg " docs/091-100,.pdf,16,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,15,"0 - 45°C " docs/091-100,.pdf,14,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,13,"0.1 barg-4 bar (Variable) " docs/091-100,.pdf,12,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,11,"Operating temp " docs/091-100,.pdf,10,"Out let pressure " docs/091-100,.pdf,370,"Page 14 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,9,": Max. 4 barg " docs/091-100,.pdf,8,"PROCESS PARAMETERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,7,"Inlet pressure " docs/091-100,.pdf,6,"4.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,5,"Rev No: 00 " docs/091-100,.pdf,4,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/091-100,.pdf,3,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,1,"ENERGING OUALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,19,"Design Pressure " docs/091-100,.pdf,20,"Design temp. (min/max) " docs/091-100,.pdf,21,"Hydro test Pressure (MRS) " docs/091-100,.pdf,22,"Pneumatic Leak Test " docs/091-100,.pdf,42,"Insulating gasket " docs/091-100,.pdf,41,"Insulation " docs/091-100,.pdf,40,"Ball Valves " docs/091-100,.pdf,39,"(washer) Fittings " docs/091-100,.pdf,38,"Rubber Gasket " docs/091-100,.pdf,37,"Orifice* plate " docs/091-100,.pdf,36,"Restricting " docs/091-100,.pdf,35,"Flanges " docs/091-100,.pdf,34,"Pipes " docs/091-100,.pdf,90,"90% " docs/091-100,.pdf,33,"Materials to be used for piping system shall comply with the minimum requirements of relevant standards & codes. " docs/091-100,.pdf,31,": Natural Gas " docs/091-100,.pdf,30,": Up to 250 m³/hr (at 2 barg 750 SCMH) " docs/091-100,.pdf,29,": 6 bar for minimum 4 hrs. " docs/091-100,.pdf,28,"minimum test duration of 4 hrs. " docs/091-100,.pdf,27,": 1.5 x Design Pressure (Hydrostatic Test) with " docs/091-100,.pdf,26,"0/+60°C " docs/091-100,.pdf,25,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,24,"Process Fluid " docs/091-100,.pdf,23,"Flow (m³/hr) " docs/091-100,.pdf,32,"MATERIAL SPECIFICATION OF PIPING SYSTEM " docs/091-100,.pdf,185,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,91,"Elevation from Mean Sea Level " docs/091-100,.pdf,93,"205 met. " docs/091-100,.pdf,160,"Wall Thickness Calculation " docs/091-100,.pdf,159,"8.4 " docs/091-100,.pdf,158,"☐ Plastic and PRP pipes: 0 mm " docs/091-100,.pdf,157,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,156,"☐ Carbon steel and ferrite alloys in classed calculated following ANSI B 31.3 : 1.6 mm Stainless steel: 0 mm " docs/091-100,.pdf,155,"☐ Carbon steel and ferrite alloys in classes calculated following ANSI B 31.8 : 1.6 mm " docs/091-100,.pdf,154,"The minimum corrosion allowances used to calculate wall thickness as follows: " docs/091-100,.pdf,153,"8.3 Corrosion Allowance " docs/091-100,.pdf,152,"ANSI B 31.3 for classes covering utilities lines. " docs/091-100,.pdf,151,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,150,"Wall thickness of pipe shall be calculated as specified in the applicable sections of: ㅁ ANSI B 31.8 for classes covering the main process and auxiliary gas lines. " docs/091-100,.pdf,149,"The wall thickness of pipe shall be as follows: " docs/091-100,.pdf,148,"Wall Thickness " docs/091-100,.pdf,147,"8.2 " docs/091-100,.pdf,146,"☐ AG= Above Ground " docs/091-100,.pdf,145,"U= Underground " docs/091-100,.pdf,144,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,143,"A letter designing the underground: " docs/091-100,.pdf,142,"Fourth part: " docs/091-100,.pdf,161,"a) Pipes for natural gas shall comply with ASME/ANSI B 31.8 code. Pipe wall thickness will be calculated as follows: " docs/091-100,.pdf,141,"same material but presenting some differences related to the handled fluid. " docs/091-100,.pdf,162,"PD " docs/091-100,.pdf,164,"F " docs/091-100,.pdf,183,"Page 93 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,182,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,181,"corrosion allowance (mm) " docs/091-100,.pdf,180,"temperature de-rating factor 1.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,179,"1.0 for API 5L (seamless or ERW or SAW) " docs/091-100,.pdf,178,"longitudinal joint factor " docs/091-100,.pdf,177,"design factor = 0.40 " docs/091-100,.pdf,176,"minimum yield strength (Mpa) " docs/091-100,.pdf,175,"design pressure (MPa) " docs/091-100,.pdf,174,"nominal wall thickness (mm) " docs/091-100,.pdf,173,"2xSxFxExT " docs/091-100,.pdf,172,"+ C " docs/091-100,.pdf,171,"= " docs/091-100,.pdf,170,"|| || " docs/091-100,.pdf,169,"|| || || || || || " docs/091-100,.pdf,168,"= " docs/091-100,.pdf,167,"EC " docs/091-100,.pdf,166,"T " docs/091-100,.pdf,165,"TPSE " docs/091-100,.pdf,163,"Р " docs/091-100,.pdf,140,"A sequential number to differentiate two or more piping classes of the same rating and " docs/091-100,.pdf,139,"Third part: " docs/091-100,.pdf,138,"ENERGEING CLALITY " docs/091-100,.pdf,112,"ANSI " docs/091-100,.pdf,111,"6= 600 lbs " docs/091-100,.pdf,110,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,109,"18.75 bar g PRESSURE 49.00 bar g " docs/091-100,.pdf,108,"ANSI " docs/091-100,.pdf,107,"3= 300 lbs " docs/091-100,.pdf,106,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,105,"PRESSURE " docs/091-100,.pdf,104,"1= 1500 lbs ANSI " docs/091-100,.pdf,103,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,102,"A figure designating the material: " docs/091-100,.pdf,101,"First parts: " docs/091-100,.pdf,100,"Each Class is named by a code consisting in three of four parts: " docs/091-100,.pdf,99,"Coding of Piping Classes " docs/091-100,.pdf,98,"8.1 " docs/091-100,.pdf,97,"PIPE DESIGN/ SIZING " docs/091-100,.pdf,96,"7.0 " docs/091-100,.pdf,95,"* " docs/091-100,.pdf,94,"Hazardous Area Classification " docs/091-100,.pdf,113,"- PRESSURE - 98.00 bar g " docs/091-100,.pdf,114,"• " docs/091-100,.pdf,115,"9 = 900 lbs ANSI " docs/091-100,.pdf,116,"Second part: " docs/091-100,.pdf,136,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/091-100,.pdf,135,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/091-100,.pdf,134,"Page 92 of 380 " docs/091-100,.pdf,133,"Page 6 of 29 " docs/091-100,.pdf,132,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/091-100,.pdf,131,"V= PVC " docs/091-100,.pdf,130,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,129,"S=Stainless steel " docs/091-100,.pdf,128,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,92,": " docs/091-100,.pdf,127,"P= Plastic (HDPE) " docs/091-100,.pdf,125,"G= Galvanized " docs/091-100,.pdf,124,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,123,"F= Fiberglass reinforced plastic/epoxy (FRP) " docs/091-100,.pdf,122,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,121,"C= Carbon steel " docs/091-100,.pdf,120,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,119,"A= Allot steel " docs/091-100,.pdf,118,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,117,"A letter designing the material: " docs/091-100,.pdf,126,"☐ " docs/091-100,.pdf,82,"* " docs/091-100,.pdf,371,"Page 100 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,216,"Bare " docs/101-110,.pdf,23,"13.2. System Check " docs/101-110,.pdf,22,"Following are the minimum required pre-commissioning checks but not limited to: " docs/101-110,.pdf,21,"The emergency management plan is available. " docs/101-110,.pdf,20,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,19,"• All the statutory permits are available. " docs/101-110,.pdf,18,"Fire fighting system and PPE are readily available. " docs/101-110,.pdf,17,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,16,"• All the consumables, tools and tackles, utilities, etc. bare available. " docs/101-110,.pdf,15,"to pre-commissioning of MRS and associated facilities (piping, valves, instrumentation, electrical system) shall be mechanically completed to be ready for commissioning " docs/101-110,.pdf,14,"Prior " docs/101-110,.pdf,24,"13.3. " docs/101-110,.pdf,13,"A schedule of required activities for pre- commissioning/commissioning/ performance guarantee test/handover shall be readily available. " docs/101-110,.pdf,11,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,10,"IGL representative shall carry out the following minimum check (including other relevant checks as may consider described by manufacturer of meter, regulator, valves, etc. to ensure that the MRS has been mechanically completed in all respect for pre-commissioning. " docs/101-110,.pdf,9,"13.1. Pre-Commissioning " docs/101-110,.pdf,8,"Commissioning/Start-up " docs/101-110,.pdf,7,"Pre commissioning " docs/101-110,.pdf,6,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,5,"the following 2 stages. " docs/101-110,.pdf,4,"ENERGING OUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,2,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,12,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,1,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,25,"Checking of piping /Mechanical System " docs/101-110,.pdf,27,"Checking of utilities " docs/101-110,.pdf,49,"A pre-start up safety review shall be carried out of the entire piping system before permitting natural gas into the new facility. " docs/101-110,.pdf,48,"13.7. Safety Review before start-up of commissioning " docs/101-110,.pdf,47,"Records in triplicate shall be prepared and submitted by the contractor to the IGL/IGL's representative for each piping system/ facilities for the test performed. " docs/101-110,.pdf,46,"13.6. Test Records " docs/101-110,.pdf,45,"The insertion operation should start immediately after drying is complete. The contractor shall submit a detailed purging procedure for approval of IGL/IGL's representative prior to its implementation. During the insertion operation, the air left in the piping system shall be replaced by nitrogen before admitting the natural gas into the pipe system. The maximum allowable oxygen content inside the piping system shall be less than 1% by volume. No extra payment shall be made for nitrogen cylinders and is included in SOR. " docs/101-110,.pdf,44,"13.5. Insertion " docs/101-110,.pdf,43,"air. " docs/101-110,.pdf,42,"After pneumatic test are completed, the pressure is released gradually without damaging the equipment, facilities and maintaining personnel safety measures. All vents and drains shall be kept opened till the entire system is completely drained. After draining, the system shall be completely dried using dry " docs/101-110,.pdf,41,"13.4. Completion of Testing and Drying " docs/101-110,.pdf,40,"Any joint found leakage during the pressure test shall be re-tested to the specified pressure after repair. " docs/101-110,.pdf,26,"The entire facilities/system shall be checked against the IGL's/IGL's representative latest approved P & Id, GADs and other relevant design specified and codes. " docs/101-110,.pdf,39,"Pneumatic testing shall be carried out a pressure of 6 bar g by means of compressed air. The test pressure shall be maintained to permit through inspection of all joints for leakage or signs of failure. " docs/101-110,.pdf,37,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,36,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,35,"Page 101 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,34,"Page 15 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,33,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,32,"Pressure Testing " docs/101-110,.pdf,31,"The entire MRS and associated facilities shall be flushed and air cleaned to ensure readiness of the system for pneumatic test. Chemical cleaning may also be considered as per site requirements " docs/101-110,.pdf,30,"Air Flushing " docs/101-110,.pdf,29,"Pneumatic testing " docs/101-110,.pdf,28,"Checking of all relevant utilities like, service water, compressed air, nitrogen, power, power back-up system etc.. to facilitate commissioning and safety. " docs/101-110,.pdf,38,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,50,"The following minimum safety review is envisaged: Availability of all relevant design documents, welding " docs/101-110,.pdf,156,"polyami " docs/101-110,.pdf,158,"de/ C " docs/101-110,.pdf,185,"pack " docs/101-110,.pdf,186,"M.I.O " docs/101-110,.pdf,187,"not possible " docs/101-110,.pdf,188,"epoxy primer " docs/101-110,.pdf,189,"50(μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,190,"recoatable 60 (μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,191,"recoatable 80 (μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,192,"Bare " docs/101-110,.pdf,193,"T up to 650C " docs/101-110,.pdf,194,"201 W " docs/101-110,.pdf,184,"blasting is " docs/101-110,.pdf,195,"carbon steel to " docs/101-110,.pdf,197,"be " docs/101-110,.pdf,198,"welded " docs/101-110,.pdf,199,"Welding primer two " docs/101-110,.pdf,200,"componen ts epoxy 20 (μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,201,"3rd " docs/101-110,.pdf,202,"6 to 9 months after welding procedur " docs/101-110,.pdf,203,"e " docs/101-110,.pdf,204,"HB M.I.O Epoxy Modified " docs/101-110,.pdf,205,"HB " docs/101-110,.pdf,206,"M.I.O " docs/101-110,.pdf,196,"Sa 2.5 min. " docs/101-110,.pdf,157,"primer " docs/101-110,.pdf,183,"240μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,181,"Epoxy HB U/C. " docs/101-110,.pdf,159,"polyami de U/C " docs/101-110,.pdf,160,"PU finish " docs/101-110,.pdf,161,"255μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,162,"recoat " docs/101-110,.pdf,163,"ferritic " docs/101-110,.pdf,164,"75(μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,165,"50 (μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,166,"alloys " docs/101-110,.pdf,167,"recoata ble " docs/101-110,.pdf,168,"able 50(μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,182,"PU finish 50μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,169,"80(μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,171,"Zinc " docs/101-110,.pdf,172,"As above " docs/101-110,.pdf,173,"201P " docs/101-110,.pdf,174,"but site touch-up " docs/101-110,.pdf,175,"T up to 650C " docs/101-110,.pdf,176,"blast)S03 " docs/101-110,.pdf,177,"rich " docs/101-110,.pdf,178,"only when " docs/101-110,.pdf,179,"two " docs/101-110,.pdf,180,"Epox y " docs/101-110,.pdf,170,"Sa3 (spot " docs/101-110,.pdf,207,"cleaning of weld With " docs/101-110,.pdf,51,"Availability of all relevant design documents, welding. " docs/101-110,.pdf,53,"Once all pre-requisite activities (safety and pre-commissioning) test have been completed, clearance for commissioning the system shall be obtained from IGL/IGL's representative. " docs/101-110,.pdf,127,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,126,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,125,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,124,"Page 19 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,123,"Page 105 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,122,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,121,"meters shall be applicable and payable through SOR item no. 33.8 only. " docs/101-110,.pdf,120,"modifications and no separate payments is applicable for additional pipe/fitting used and payable as per SOR Item no 33.7 only. In case erected length after modification is more than 3.00 mtrs of original length of MRS, then the running " docs/101-110,.pdf,119,"ENERGING OUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,118,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,128,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,117,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,115,"Page 104 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,114,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,113,"Page 18 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,112,"Modifications/replacements (of meter or regulator or both) in MRS using threaded fittings/ flanged end (same size or bigger) shall be payable through SOR Item 33.1 to 33.6 depending upon the types and unit of meters and regulators replaced, the rates include all as above along with testing of joints till re- commissioning. Wherever, there is modifications in MRS which can be carried out only through welding for same length of MRS or bigger upto 3.00 mtrs in addition to MRS length, the work is payable only through no. or joints welded tor completion of " docs/101-110,.pdf,111,"It includes taking shutdown of existing MRS, dismantling meters/ regulators, replacement/Fixing of meters/regulators with associated inlet and outlet connections/fittings supply of pipes & fittings, pipe cutting, threading, welding & firmly fixing with approved meter clamps/ brackets and other supports by proper grouting. Restoring the area to the original condition as per the specifications and complete satisfaction of consumer. " docs/101-110,.pdf,110,"15.0 MODIFICATION IN EXISTING MRS " docs/101-110,.pdf,109,"All consumables (Nozzles, greases etc..), changing or repairing of any items damaged during conversion arc in contractor's scope, the contractor will have to provide both pin gauges and standard sized nozzles, The payment will be released by IGL only after submission of necessary documents i.e. JMR card of the individual commercial/ industrial connection. " docs/101-110,.pdf,108,"Cleaning and performing minor maintenance of appliances, during the tenure of the contract. Attend all complaints related to proper working of appliances, testing for gas escapes, soundness and performance of appliances. Instructing & educating customer for safe use of natural gas and for fixing of safety and conversion labels. Contractor must attend the complaints regarding appliances, leakage, fire etc. till the total area is handed over to Owner's operation and maintenance. " docs/101-110,.pdf,107,"The changing of nozzles and associated controls in accordance with manufactures instructions for canteen, T-type, RV, imported burners/ovens/grills/hotplate etc.. the and imported burners/ovens/grills/hotplate. The contractor shall supply the Reinforced rubber hoses at the time of conversions, Minimum size 8 mm dia. per connection 1.5 meters with fixing clamps, however the size may vary for type of burners converted on NG. The contractor has to supply all types of nozzles/jets required for all types or appliances including canteen, T-type, RV, imported burners, Grills, Ovens, without any extra charges to IGL, all activities are inclusive and are payable through SOR. Item no. 34. " docs/101-110,.pdf,106,"-- " docs/101-110,.pdf,116,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,105,"The work in this section shall be carried out along with the internal piping or on request i.e. case to case basis and includes: " docs/101-110,.pdf,129,"ANNEXURE - 01 " docs/101-110,.pdf,131,"Paint Substrate " docs/101-110,.pdf,153,"carbon steel & " docs/101-110,.pdf,152,"201 " docs/101-110,.pdf,151,"ероху " docs/101-110,.pdf,150,"High Build " docs/101-110,.pdf,149,"Ероху Sealer " docs/101-110,.pdf,148,"eithyl " docs/101-110,.pdf,147,"T up to 65°C " docs/101-110,.pdf,146,"Bare " docs/101-110,.pdf,145,"Zinc rich " docs/101-110,.pdf,144,"DFT " docs/101-110,.pdf,130,"PAINT SYSTEM FOR ABOVE GROUND PIPING " docs/101-110,.pdf,143,"Total " docs/101-110,.pdf,141,"inal " docs/101-110,.pdf,140,"5th " docs/101-110,.pdf,139,"4th coat " docs/101-110,.pdf,138,"3rd coat " docs/101-110,.pdf,137,"2 nd coat " docs/101-110,.pdf,136,"1st Coat " docs/101-110,.pdf,135,"Surface preparations " docs/101-110,.pdf,134,"Nom " docs/101-110,.pdf,133,"system Nr. " docs/101-110,.pdf,132,"Exposure conditions " docs/101-110,.pdf,142,"coat " docs/101-110,.pdf,52,"13.8. Commissioning " docs/101-110,.pdf,104,"Conversion of Burners & supply of Rubber Hose " docs/101-110,.pdf,102,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,75,"1 " docs/101-110,.pdf,74,"Sr. No " docs/101-110,.pdf,73,"Gas Charging in gas train burner " docs/101-110,.pdf,72,". " docs/101-110,.pdf,71,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,70,"From safety point of view gas should be taken to the burners, section wise namely: Gas charging in internal piping " docs/101-110,.pdf,69,"GAS CHARGING IN INTERNAL PIPING " docs/101-110,.pdf,68,"Commissioning of MRS system shall be considered completed and acceptable when the piping system is charged with natural gas at operating pressure and the MRS system is operated at normal operating conditions with all instruments/controls working satisfactorily at normal operating conditions. " docs/101-110,.pdf,67,"The pipeline system shall be slowly charged with natural gas and pressurized gradually up to its operating conditions / parameters. " docs/101-110,.pdf,66,"The contractor shall obtain the IGL/IGL's representative approval of his commissioning procedure prior to starting commissioning operation. " docs/101-110,.pdf,76,"2 " docs/101-110,.pdf,65,"The pipeline system shall be slowly charged with natural gas and pressurized gradually up to its operating conditions/parameters. " docs/101-110,.pdf,63,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,62,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,61,"FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,60,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING " docs/101-110,.pdf,59,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,58,"Page 16 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,57,"Page 102 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,56,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,55,"The commissioning operation shall be controlled and supervised by authorize personnel who are fully known to their responsibilities during commissioning. " docs/101-110,.pdf,54,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,64,"• " docs/101-110,.pdf,103,"14.0 CONVERSION " docs/101-110,.pdf,77,"Activities " docs/101-110,.pdf,79,"Crack open the MRS outlet valve and raise the section pressure to 1 or 2 bar g or as required " docs/101-110,.pdf,101,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,100,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,99,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,98,"Page 103 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,97,"Page 17 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,96,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,95,"Open the MRS outlet valve fully and observe the system for 5- 10 minutes " docs/101-110,.pdf,94,"6 " docs/101-110,.pdf,93,"5 " docs/101-110,.pdf,92,"Close the pressure gauge tapping valve completely " docs/101-110,.pdf,78,"Confirm the closure of gas train inlet " docs/101-110,.pdf,91,"percentage. It should match feed gas composition " docs/101-110,.pdf,89,"do " docs/101-110,.pdf,88,"atmosphere should not increase more than 2% if required, venting/draining intermittently " docs/101-110,.pdf,87,"in " docs/101-110,.pdf,86,"concentration " docs/101-110,.pdf,85,"Crack open the pressure gauge tapping valve near gas train Intel valve and vent out nitrogen " docs/101-110,.pdf,84,"3 " docs/101-110,.pdf,83,"Do not inhale nitrogen gas Ensure No spark. No naked flame. Methane " docs/101-110,.pdf,82,"Keep valve key ON position and a man with walky- talky " docs/101-110,.pdf,81,"Observe carefully closing mark " docs/101-110,.pdf,80,"Precautions " docs/101-110,.pdf,90,"Measure methane " docs/101-110,.pdf,154,"silicate " docs/101-110,.pdf,208,"U/C 80μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,210,"PU finish 230μm 50μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,342,"Internal " docs/101-110,.pdf,343,"BUZLU " docs/101-110,.pdf,344,"MRS " docs/101-110,.pdf,345,"PELaying MRS " docs/101-110,.pdf,346,"fue " docs/101-110,.pdf,347,"Laying " docs/101-110,.pdf,348,"Work " docs/101-110,.pdf,349,"S.No Allotted " docs/101-110,.pdf,350,"Type of work " docs/101-110,.pdf,351,"for " docs/101-110,.pdf,352,"Page 108 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,353,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,354,"Page 22 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,355,"PE Laying MRS " docs/101-110,.pdf,356,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,357,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,358,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/101-110,.pdf,359,"Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,360,"ANNEXURE - 03 " docs/101-110,.pdf,361,"ENERGISING CLALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,362,"1. SUITORI DAWNNU AIG POGATHE ONLY DENGAN " docs/101-110,.pdf,341,"PE " docs/101-110,.pdf,340,"Availability of Materal " docs/101-110,.pdf,339,"Route Survey Feasibility Status " docs/101-110,.pdf,338,"CONSTRUCTION PLAN " docs/101-110,.pdf,316,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,317,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,318,"RW(min 10%) " docs/101-110,.pdf,319,"Hydro/Pneumatic " docs/101-110,.pdf,320,"7 " docs/101-110,.pdf,321,"Hydro/Pneumatic Testing " docs/101-110,.pdf,322,"testing of entire pipeline " docs/101-110,.pdf,323,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,324,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,325,"W " docs/101-110,.pdf,363,"TWAS SODOW/STORS OT " docs/101-110,.pdf,326,"Legend: " docs/101-110,.pdf,328,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,329,"Page 107 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,330,"Page 21 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,331,"ENERGISING CLALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,332,"☐ ☐ " docs/101-110,.pdf,333,"Schedule of completion " docs/101-110,.pdf,334,"Under " docs/101-110,.pdf,335,"Contractors Scope " docs/101-110,.pdf,336,"Any Deviation " docs/101-110,.pdf,337,"ANNEXURE-3 " docs/101-110,.pdf,327,"P- Perform, R-Review, RW- Random Witness (min 10%), W-Witness, TPI- Third Party Inspector " docs/101-110,.pdf,364,"HE DECIDAS DURING ACTUAL ON IT SEE " docs/101-110,.pdf,365,"FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING " docs/101-110,.pdf,366,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,393,"- " docs/101-110,.pdf,394,"05 " docs/101-110,.pdf,395,"Cleat " docs/101-110,.pdf,396,"INDRAPRASTHIA GAS LIMITED " docs/101-110,.pdf,397,"Project: " docs/101-110,.pdf,398,"DP TEST REPORT " docs/101-110,.pdf,399,"REPORT NO. " docs/101-110,.pdf,400,"DATE " docs/101-110,.pdf,401,"MRS Nu " docs/101-110,.pdf,402,"PITE MATERIAL " docs/101-110,.pdf,392,"ANNEXURE " docs/101-110,.pdf,403,"IS. No " docs/101-110,.pdf,405,"SEGMENT " docs/101-110,.pdf,406,"INSPECTED BY " docs/101-110,.pdf,407,"REMARKS " docs/101-110,.pdf,408,"CONTRACTOR'S (Name & Signature] " docs/101-110,.pdf,409,"ΤΡΙΑ (Name & Signature) " docs/101-110,.pdf,410,"PMC (Name & Signature] " docs/101-110,.pdf,411,"IGL (Name & Signature) " docs/101-110,.pdf,412,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,413,"Page 24 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,414,"Page 110 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,404,"JOINT NO. " docs/101-110,.pdf,315,"Review of films " docs/101-110,.pdf,391,"Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,389,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,367,"24 " docs/101-110,.pdf,368,"וד " docs/101-110,.pdf,369,"Π " docs/101-110,.pdf,370,"TYPE-3 (CEILING MOUNTED) " docs/101-110,.pdf,371,"TYPE-1 " docs/101-110,.pdf,372,"(WALL MOUNTED) " docs/101-110,.pdf,373,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/101-110,.pdf,374,"Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,375,"LING ATH " docs/101-110,.pdf,376,"Ms VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/101-110,.pdf,390,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/101-110,.pdf,377,"CITY GAS DISTRIES PROJECT IN " docs/101-110,.pdf,379,"TYPICAL INTERNAL PIPING SUPPORT " docs/101-110,.pdf,380,"7 " docs/101-110,.pdf,381,"J " docs/101-110,.pdf,382,"TYPE-1 " docs/101-110,.pdf,383,"(GROUND BASED) " docs/101-110,.pdf,384,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,385,"Page 23 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,386,"Page 109 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,387,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,388,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,378,"NCT OF DELHI & NOR " docs/101-110,.pdf,209,"Epoxy Modifie " docs/101-110,.pdf,314,"Radiography " docs/101-110,.pdf,312,"RW(min 10%) " docs/101-110,.pdf,238,"Heat " docs/101-110,.pdf,239,"Heat " docs/101-110,.pdf,240,"202 " docs/101-110,.pdf,241,"As above " docs/101-110,.pdf,242,"T up to 65°C " docs/101-110,.pdf,243,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,244,"but site " docs/101-110,.pdf,245,"Sa3 (spot blast) " docs/101-110,.pdf,246,"touch-up " docs/101-110,.pdf,247,"Zinc ethyl silicate primer 75(μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,237,"30μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,248,"resist. Silico ne " docs/101-110,.pdf,250,"Silico " docs/101-110,.pdf,251,"135μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,252,"ne " docs/101-110,.pdf,253,"Acryli C " docs/101-110,.pdf,254,"Acryli с " docs/101-110,.pdf,255,"White " docs/101-110,.pdf,256,"White " docs/101-110,.pdf,257,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/101-110,.pdf,258,"Page 20 of 29 " docs/101-110,.pdf,259,"Page 106 of 380 " docs/101-110,.pdf,249,"resist. " docs/101-110,.pdf,260,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/101-110,.pdf,236,"30μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,234,"White " docs/101-110,.pdf,211,"d U/C 80μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,212,"coat " docs/101-110,.pdf,213,"Touch- " docs/101-110,.pdf,214,"up " docs/101-110,.pdf,215,"If needed " docs/101-110,.pdf,217,"202 " docs/101-110,.pdf,218,"carbon " docs/101-110,.pdf,219,"T up to 650C " docs/101-110,.pdf,220,"Sa3 " docs/101-110,.pdf,221,"steel & " docs/101-110,.pdf,235,"alloys " docs/101-110,.pdf,222,"ferritic " docs/101-110,.pdf,224,"Heat resist. Silicon " docs/101-110,.pdf,225,"Heat " docs/101-110,.pdf,226,"resist. " docs/101-110,.pdf,227,"Silicon " docs/101-110,.pdf,228,"e " docs/101-110,.pdf,229,"e " docs/101-110,.pdf,230,"135μm " docs/101-110,.pdf,231,"Acrylic " docs/101-110,.pdf,232,"Acrylic " docs/101-110,.pdf,233,"White " docs/101-110,.pdf,223,"Zinc rich ethyl silicate primer 75(μm) " docs/101-110,.pdf,313,"6 " docs/101-110,.pdf,261,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/101-110,.pdf,263,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/101-110,.pdf,290,"Welders " docs/101-110,.pdf,291,"Document " docs/101-110,.pdf,292,"3 " docs/101-110,.pdf,293,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,294,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,295,"R " docs/101-110,.pdf,296,"qualification Test " docs/101-110,.pdf,297,"verification/ witness " docs/101-110,.pdf,298,"4 " docs/101-110,.pdf,299,"DP Test " docs/101-110,.pdf,289,"/approval " docs/101-110,.pdf,300,"DP rest on root " docs/101-110,.pdf,302,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,303,"R/W (in case " docs/101-110,.pdf,304,"of new " docs/101-110,.pdf,305,"welder " docs/101-110,.pdf,306,"ст " docs/101-110,.pdf,307,"5 " docs/101-110,.pdf,308,"Welding Inspection " docs/101-110,.pdf,309,"Visual inspection " docs/101-110,.pdf,310,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,311,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,301,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,262,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/101-110,.pdf,288,"Specification " docs/101-110,.pdf,286,"P " docs/101-110,.pdf,264,"Rev No: 00 " docs/101-110,.pdf,265,"ANNEXURE " docs/101-110,.pdf,266,"02 " docs/101-110,.pdf,267,"S " docs/101-110,.pdf,268,"Particulars " docs/101-110,.pdf,269,"Type of Inspection " docs/101-110,.pdf,270,"% of Inspection " docs/101-110,.pdf,271,"Scope " docs/101-110,.pdf,272,"r. " docs/101-110,.pdf,273,"Material Test " docs/101-110,.pdf,287,"R " docs/101-110,.pdf,274,"1 " docs/101-110,.pdf,276,"TC verification (Raw Material) " docs/101-110,.pdf,277,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,278,"Contractor " docs/101-110,.pdf,279,"IGL/TPI " docs/101-110,.pdf,280,"verification " docs/101-110,.pdf,281,"Document " docs/101-110,.pdf,282,"Welding Procedure " docs/101-110,.pdf,283,"2 " docs/101-110,.pdf,284,"verification " docs/101-110,.pdf,285,"100% " docs/101-110,.pdf,275,"Certificate " docs/101-110,.pdf,155,"Sa3 " docs/111-120,.pdf,61,"Page 112 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,62,"Page 26 of 29 " docs/111-120,.pdf,260,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/111-120,.pdf,96,"Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,95,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/111-120,.pdf,94,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/111-120,.pdf,93,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/111-120,.pdf,92,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,91,"Page 27 of 29 " docs/111-120,.pdf,90,"Page 113 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,89,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/111-120,.pdf,88,"IGL (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,87,"PMC (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,86,"THA (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,85,"CONTRACTOR'S (Name & Signature] " docs/111-120,.pdf,84,"INSPECTION REMARKS " docs/111-120,.pdf,97,"ANNEXURE " docs/111-120,.pdf,83,"NO " docs/111-120,.pdf,81,"FIT UP CHECK " docs/111-120,.pdf,80,"HEAT NO LENGTH NO " docs/111-120,.pdf,79,"S " docs/111-120,.pdf,78,"SIZE " docs/111-120,.pdf,77,"S. No " docs/111-120,.pdf,76,"JOINT " docs/111-120,.pdf,75,"FITTING " docs/111-120,.pdf,74,"PIPE " docs/111-120,.pdf,73,"PITE MATERIAL. " docs/111-120,.pdf,72,"DATE " docs/111-120,.pdf,71,"REPORT NO. " docs/111-120,.pdf,70,"INDRAPRASTILA GAS LIMITED " docs/111-120,.pdf,69,"Client: Proje MIRS NO " docs/111-120,.pdf,82,"WELDER VISUAL " docs/111-120,.pdf,98,"- " docs/111-120,.pdf,99,"09 " docs/111-120,.pdf,100,"NDT REPORT " docs/111-120,.pdf,129,"MALING " docs/111-120,.pdf,128,"STILL MARS " docs/111-120,.pdf,127,"(TYPICALING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOR INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS) " docs/111-120,.pdf,126,"ANNEXURE -10 " docs/111-120,.pdf,125,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,124,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/111-120,.pdf,123,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/111-120,.pdf,122,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,121,"Page 114 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,120,"Page 28 of 29 " docs/111-120,.pdf,119,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/111-120,.pdf,118,"Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,117,"Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,116,"(Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,115,"(Name & " docs/111-120,.pdf,114,"(Name & " docs/111-120,.pdf,113,"TPLA " docs/111-120,.pdf,112,"CONTRACTOR's (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,111,"IGL " docs/111-120,.pdf,110,"PMC " docs/111-120,.pdf,109,"INSPECTED BY REMARKS " docs/111-120,.pdf,108,"SEGMENT " docs/111-120,.pdf,107,"JOINT NO " docs/111-120,.pdf,106,"SIZE " docs/111-120,.pdf,105,"S. No. " docs/111-120,.pdf,104,"DATE SITE " docs/111-120,.pdf,103,"REPORT NO. " docs/111-120,.pdf,102,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/111-120,.pdf,101,"Client: Project: " docs/111-120,.pdf,68,"WELDING INSPECTION REPORT " docs/111-120,.pdf,67,"ANNEXURE 08 " docs/111-120,.pdf,66,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,65,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/111-120,.pdf,33,"ANNEXURE " docs/111-120,.pdf,34,"- " docs/111-120,.pdf,35,"07 " docs/111-120,.pdf,36,"HYDROTEST REPORT " docs/111-120,.pdf,37,"Client: " docs/111-120,.pdf,38,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/111-120,.pdf,39,"Project: " docs/111-120,.pdf,40,"REPORT NO. " docs/111-120,.pdf,41,"DATE " docs/111-120,.pdf,42,"SITE " docs/111-120,.pdf,43,"PRESSURE " docs/111-120,.pdf,44,"PRESSURE " docs/111-120,.pdf,45,"S. No " docs/111-120,.pdf,46,"TIME " docs/111-120,.pdf,47,"PRESSURE (kg/cm2) " docs/111-120,.pdf,48,"TEMPERATU RE (deg C) " docs/111-120,.pdf,49,"RELEASED " docs/111-120,.pdf,50,"(kg/cm2) " docs/111-120,.pdf,51,"DROPPED/INC REMARKS REASED " docs/111-120,.pdf,52,"PMC " docs/111-120,.pdf,53,"IGL " docs/111-120,.pdf,54,"CONTRACTOR'S (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,55,"ΤΡΙΑ (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,56,"(Name & " docs/111-120,.pdf,57,"(Name & " docs/111-120,.pdf,58,"Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,59,"Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,261,"Page 120 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,60,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/111-120,.pdf,32,"Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,130,"INDACOMM MRS " docs/111-120,.pdf,31,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/111-120,.pdf,29,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/111-120,.pdf,63,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/111-120,.pdf,3,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/111-120,.pdf,4,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0051 " docs/111-120,.pdf,5,"Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,6,"ANNEXURE " docs/111-120,.pdf,7,"- 06 " docs/111-120,.pdf,8,"RADIOGRAPHY TEST REPORT " docs/111-120,.pdf,9,"REPORT NO. " docs/111-120,.pdf,10,"Client: Project: " docs/111-120,.pdf,11,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/111-120,.pdf,12,"DATE " docs/111-120,.pdf,13,"SITE " docs/111-120,.pdf,14,"S. No " docs/111-120,.pdf,15,"JOINT [NO. " docs/111-120,.pdf,16,"PIPE SIZE " docs/111-120,.pdf,17,"WELDING REPORT NO " docs/111-120,.pdf,18,"RADIOGRAPHY " docs/111-120,.pdf,19,"REPORT NO " docs/111-120,.pdf,20,"REMARKS " docs/111-120,.pdf,21,"CONTRACTORS (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,22,"TPIA (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,23,"PMC (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,24,"IGL (Name & Signature) " docs/111-120,.pdf,25,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/111-120,.pdf,26,"Page 25 of 29 " docs/111-120,.pdf,27,"Page 111 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,28,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,30,"FOR INSTALLATION OF MRS & INTERNAL PIPING FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS " docs/111-120,.pdf,131,"THE SLAVICELINK ABCIVE ROUND " docs/111-120,.pdf,64,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/111-120,.pdf,133,"STATION " docs/111-120,.pdf,226,"Check that the pipe ends to be jointed are cut square to the axis of the pipe and any burrs removed. " docs/111-120,.pdf,225,"Ensure there is sufficient space to permit access to the jointing area. In a trench, a minimum clearance of 150 mm is required. " docs/111-120,.pdf,224,"• " docs/111-120,.pdf,223,"Preparation " docs/111-120,.pdf,222,"1.2 ELECTRO FUSION JOINTING METHOD / PROCEDURE " docs/111-120,.pdf,221,"Protection against adverse weather conditions. " docs/111-120,.pdf,220,"Pipe cutters with saw and saw guide. " docs/111-120,.pdf,219,"Pipe clamps for restraining, aligning and re-rounding the pipes in the fusion process are to be used. " docs/111-120,.pdf,218,"A mechanical pipe surface preparation tool is to be used before fusion is attempted. The tool is to be capable of removing the oxidized surface of the pipe in excess of the insertion depth. The tool is to remove a layer of surface material 0.2 to 0.4 mm thick from the outer surface of the pipe preferably in a continuous strip of swarf over that length and round of the pipe. " docs/111-120,.pdf,217,"WARNING: Control boxes are not intrinsically safe and must therefore not be taken into the trench. " docs/111-120,.pdf,216,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,215,"PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/111-120,.pdf,214,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE " docs/111-120,.pdf,227,"Wipe pipe ends using clean lint-free material to remove traces of dirt or mud, etc... Mark the area over which the oxidized pipe surface is to be removed, i.e. In excess of the insertion depth, on each pipe to be joined by placing the socket of the bagged fitting alongside the pipe end. Trace a line round the circumference at the appropriate distance from the end of the pipe using a felt tip pen or similar. " docs/111-120,.pdf,213,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,211,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/111-120,.pdf,210,"Note that extension leads are not to be used on the control box outlet connections. " docs/111-120,.pdf,209,"The control box input supply to be from a nominal 240V generator, which is normally of approximately 5kVA capacity. The nominal output of the generator is to be 240V +15%, I 0% between no load and full load. Control boxes are to include safety devices to prevent excessive voltages being present at the control box output. The safety device shall operate in less than 0.5s. " docs/111-120,.pdf,208,"Equipment " docs/111-120,.pdf,207,"1.1.5 The equipment and procedures following relate to fittings with center stops. If fittings without center stops are used, the maximum insertion depth must be clearly marked on the pipe ends prior to joining (felt tip pen). " docs/111-120,.pdf,206,"1.1.4 Sometimes coiled pipes may be too oval to fit into couplers, or the end of the pipe may make the alignment of the ends impossible. In such circumstances the use of a mechanical pipe straightener or rounding tool is necessary. " docs/111-120,.pdf,205,"1.1.3 The maximum gap between eccentrically located pipe and fitting i.e. Pipe touching fitting at one point, must not exceed 2% of the pipe OD. " docs/111-120,.pdf,204,"Eccentrically Located " docs/111-120,.pdf,203,"Max gap 2% of pipe OD " docs/111-120,.pdf,202,"Concentrically Located " docs/111-120,.pdf,201,"O " docs/111-120,.pdf,200,"Max gap 1% of pipe OD " docs/111-120,.pdf,199,"1.1.2 The effectiveness of this technique depends on attention to the preparation of the jointing surfaces, in particular the removal of the oxidized surface of the pipe over the socket depth and ensuring the jointing surfaces area clean. Also, the pipe should be checked for ovality. If ovality causes a gap between concentrically located pipe and the fitting to exceed 1% of the pipe OD, the pipe must be re- rounded to ensure correct welding. If the gap still exceeds 1% of the pipe OD after re-rounding then a check should be made of the pipe OD dimensions to determine if it meets specification. " docs/111-120,.pdf,212,"Page 118 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,229,"• " docs/111-120,.pdf,230,"• " docs/111-120,.pdf,231,"Connect the electro fusion control box input leads to the generator. " docs/111-120,.pdf,259,"Records of appropriate servicing and calibration shall be kept. " docs/111-120,.pdf,258,"RECORDS " docs/111-120,.pdf,132,"INCHCOMM APPLIANCE " docs/111-120,.pdf,257,"1.3 " docs/111-120,.pdf,256,"Note 3: If the fusion cycle terminates before completion of the countdown, check for faults as indicated by the control box warning lights and check that there is adequate fuel in the generator. DO NOT attempt a second fusion cycle within one hour I cooling of joint at Ambient Temperature of the first attempt. " docs/111-120,.pdf,255,"If a satisfactory joint has been made, the joint is to be left in the clamps for the cooling time specified on the fitting or the automatic control box. " docs/111-120,.pdf,254,"On completion of the heating cycle, the melt indicators should have risen. If there is no apparent move in the melt indicators, the joint should be cut out and a fresh joint made (See note 3below). " docs/111-120,.pdf,253,"Press the start button on the control box and check that the heating cycle is proceeding as indicated on the display. " docs/111-120,.pdf,252,"Note 2: Gloves and goggles should be worn during the Fusion process. " docs/111-120,.pdf,251,"Note 1: Automatic control boxes are available which obviate the need to enter the fusion time. " docs/111-120,.pdf,250,"If required by the control box enter the fusion jointing time into the control box timer. The jointing time is indicated on the fitting. Check the correct time is shown on the control box display. " docs/111-120,.pdf,249,"Connect the control box output leads to the fitting terminals and check that they have been fully inserted. " docs/111-120,.pdf,248,"Switch on the control box. " docs/111-120,.pdf,247,"Check that there is sufficient fuel for the generator to finish the joint. Start the generator and check that it is functioning correctly. " docs/111-120,.pdf,246,"Using the pipe clamps, secure the pipes so that they cannot move during the fusion cycle. Check that the pipe ends and the fitting are correctly aligned. " docs/111-120,.pdf,245,"Insert the pipe ends into the fitting so that they are in contact with the center stop. " docs/111-120,.pdf,244,"Check that the pipe clamps are of the correct size for the pipes to be jointed. " docs/111-120,.pdf,243,"Note that while Iso-propanol is a suitable cleaner, its use is subject to local Health and Safety Regulations. " docs/111-120,.pdf,242,"Acetone. Ensure the prepared surfaces are completely dry before proceeding. " docs/111-120,.pdf,241,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,240,"PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/111-120,.pdf,239,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE " docs/111-120,.pdf,238,"ENERGETING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,237,"Page 119 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,236,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/111-120,.pdf,235,"Remove the fitting from its packing and clean the scraped area of the pipe surface and the bore of the fitting with a disposable wipe impregnated with Iso-propanol I " docs/111-120,.pdf,234,"Note that the prepared pipe surface should not be touched by hand. " docs/111-120,.pdf,233,"A mechanical scraper could be used however; there is a considerable risk that the end preparation will not be adequate with the use of such a tool. " docs/111-120,.pdf,232,"Check that the reset stop button, if fitted on the control box, is in the correct mode. Using the pipe end preparation tool, remove the entire surface of the pipe uniformly, preferably in continuous swarf over the area identified, i.e. In excess of the insertion depth. " docs/111-120,.pdf,198,"1.1.1 For electro fusion fitting jointing, an electrical resistance element is incorporated in the socket of the fitting which, when connected to an appropriate power supply, melts and fuses the materials of the pipe and fitting together. " docs/111-120,.pdf,197,"1.1 ELECTRO FUSION FITTING JOINTING " docs/111-120,.pdf,228,"Note that the fitting should not to be removed from the packaging at this stage. " docs/111-120,.pdf,195,"1.0 " docs/111-120,.pdf,163,"ELECTRO FUSION FITTING JOINTING " docs/111-120,.pdf,162,"1.1 " docs/111-120,.pdf,161,"3 " docs/111-120,.pdf,160,"ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPE " docs/111-120,.pdf,159,"1.0 " docs/111-120,.pdf,158,"CONTENTS " docs/111-120,.pdf,157,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,156,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/111-120,.pdf,155,"ENERGOING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,154,"C " docs/111-120,.pdf,153,"Page 116 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,152,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/111-120,.pdf,150,"AD " docs/111-120,.pdf,149,"MVK " docs/111-120,.pdf,164,"3 " docs/111-120,.pdf,148,"BS Prepared By " docs/111-120,.pdf,146,"DATE " docs/111-120,.pdf,145,"REV. " docs/111-120,.pdf,144,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/111-120,.pdf,143,"19.06.18 " docs/111-120,.pdf,142,"00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,141,"VCS-SS - PE - 0002 " docs/111-120,.pdf,140,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/111-120,.pdf,139,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. " docs/111-120,.pdf,138,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,137,"Page 29 of 29 " docs/111-120,.pdf,196,"ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPE " docs/111-120,.pdf,136,"Page 115 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,135,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights " docs/111-120,.pdf,134,"Camoter's Hope " docs/111-120,.pdf,147,"Purpose " docs/111-120,.pdf,165,"1.2 " docs/111-120,.pdf,151,"Checked Approved By By " docs/111-120,.pdf,166,"ELECTRO FUSION JOINTING METHOD / PROCEDURE. " docs/111-120,.pdf,194,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/111-120,.pdf,193,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/111-120,.pdf,191,"Page 117 of 380 " docs/111-120,.pdf,190,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/111-120,.pdf,189,"9 " docs/111-120,.pdf,188,"1.11 BENDING-BACK............. " docs/111-120,.pdf,187,"8 " docs/111-120,.pdf,186,"1.10 SQUEEZE-OFF .... " docs/111-120,.pdf,185,"8 " docs/111-120,.pdf,184,"8 " docs/111-120,.pdf,183,"1.9 STOPPING THE GAS FLOW... " docs/111-120,.pdf,182,"1.8 TRAINING…............. " docs/111-120,.pdf,181,"8 " docs/111-120,.pdf,180,"RECORDS... " docs/111-120,.pdf,192,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/111-120,.pdf,170,"5 " docs/111-120,.pdf,178,"6 " docs/111-120,.pdf,177,"ELECTRO FUSION SADDLE JOINTING METHOD/ PROCEDURE... " docs/111-120,.pdf,176,"1.6 " docs/111-120,.pdf,175,"6 " docs/111-120,.pdf,174,"ELECTRO FUSION SADDLE JOINTING............. " docs/111-120,.pdf,173,"1.5 " docs/111-120,.pdf,172,"6 " docs/111-120,.pdf,171,"1.4 TRAINING............... " docs/111-120,.pdf,168,"1.3 " docs/111-120,.pdf,169,"RECORDS... " docs/111-120,.pdf,167,"4 " docs/111-120,.pdf,179,"1.7 " docs/121-130,.pdf,103,"Auto Type Leads " docs/121-130,.pdf,92,"Mark around End of Pipe to A Depth " docs/121-130,.pdf,91,"Coupler " docs/121-130,.pdf,94,"Scrap Pipe to Remove Old Surface and Leave New Surface Clean & Dry " docs/121-130,.pdf,93,"of 1/2 Coupler 25mm " docs/121-130,.pdf,95,"Remove Plastic Bag from Fitting & Push onto Pipe until Fitting Stops Mark around the Pipe with Fitting in Position " docs/121-130,.pdf,100,"Manual " docs/121-130,.pdf,97,"When fitting is a Coupler, it must be supported " docs/121-130,.pdf,98,"Repeat Cleaning for other End of the Pipe " docs/121-130,.pdf,99,"Fit Leads " docs/121-130,.pdf,90,"FUSION COUPLERS FROM 20MM TO 180MM " docs/121-130,.pdf,101,"FIT RESTRAINING CLAMP " docs/121-130,.pdf,102,"Decide what type of leads you are using CHECK THE FUSION & COLLING OR USE BAR " docs/121-130,.pdf,96,"Type of " docs/121-130,.pdf,73,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,83,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,88,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,87,"PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/121-130,.pdf,86,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE " docs/121-130,.pdf,85,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,84,"Page 124 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,82,"While it is not the prime function of a saddle tee, controlling the flow in a service may be achieved by opening up on an installed saddle tee and winding down the internal tapping tool to shut off the flow into the service pipe. " docs/121-130,.pdf,81,"Bending back of the pipe may be performed where the pipe has been severed damaged and stopping the gas flow is imperative. Its application is of a temporary nature, and will provide relief until a permanent repair can be affected. The section of pipe, which has been bent back, will have to be replaced because of the damage caused by the severe ness of the bend back operation. The need for any bend back operation is most likely to occur as a consequence of damage caused to a PE service pipe. " docs/121-130,.pdf,80,"BENDING-BACK " docs/121-130,.pdf,79,"1.11 " docs/121-130,.pdf,78,"While not essential it would be good practice to fit a reinforcing stainless steel band do not squeeze again adhesive tape around the pipe upon the completion of a squeezing operation. " docs/121-130,.pdf,75,"PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/121-130,.pdf,77,"A complete stop may not always be obtainable because of wrinkling of the inside of the pipe. If a complete stop is required then a second squeeze can be used, with an intermediate vent to remove the gas which passes the first squeeze from say the trench area. A second squeeze-off procedure should be a minimum of three pipe diameters and right angles to the initial squeeze. " docs/121-130,.pdf,76,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,74,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE " docs/121-130,.pdf,89,"ANNEXURE # 1 " docs/121-130,.pdf,104,"Fit Leads " docs/121-130,.pdf,133,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,106,"Press End when Fusion Cycle is Complete " docs/121-130,.pdf,137,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/121-130,.pdf,136,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,72,"Page 123 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,135,"Page 1 of 13 " docs/121-130,.pdf,134,"Page 126 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,132,"By " docs/121-130,.pdf,131,"By " docs/121-130,.pdf,130,"AD " docs/121-130,.pdf,129,"MVK Checked Approved " docs/121-130,.pdf,128,"BS Prepared By " docs/121-130,.pdf,127,"Purpose " docs/121-130,.pdf,126,"DATE " docs/121-130,.pdf,125,"REV " docs/121-130,.pdf,124,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/121-130,.pdf,123,"00 18.06.18 " docs/121-130,.pdf,122,"- " docs/121-130,.pdf,121,"VCS-SS – PL - 0052 " docs/121-130,.pdf,107,"Read the Bar code with the Wand Provided " docs/121-130,.pdf,108,"Press Start " docs/121-130,.pdf,109,"Let Fitting Cool for time indicated on fitting " docs/121-130,.pdf,110,"Remove Restraining " docs/121-130,.pdf,111,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,112,"Page 125 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,105,"Input Time on Fitting " docs/121-130,.pdf,113,"Check Time on the " docs/121-130,.pdf,115,"S " docs/121-130,.pdf,116,"C " docs/121-130,.pdf,117,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,118,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/121-130,.pdf,119,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI " docs/121-130,.pdf,120,"& NCR " docs/121-130,.pdf,114,"Fusion Box & Press Start " docs/121-130,.pdf,71,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,8,"Identify pipe and appropriate fitting markings. " docs/121-130,.pdf,69,"The hydraulic machines should have a spring return for the jack and locking to prevent accidental release of pressure during operation. All squeeze-off machines should be fitted with check plate or stops to avoid over compression of the pipe. " docs/121-130,.pdf,33,"Remove the two halves of fitting from its packing and clean the scraped area of the pipe surface and the bore of the fitting with a disposable wipe impregnated with Iso-propanol / Acetone. Ensure the prepared surfaces are completely dry before proceeding. " docs/121-130,.pdf,32,"Check that the reset stop button, if fitted on the control box, is in the correct mode. " docs/121-130,.pdf,31,"Connect the electro fusion control box input leads to the generator. " docs/121-130,.pdf,30,"Remove the surface of the pipe to a depth of 0.2 to 0.4 mm over the full area marked using a suitable tool. Remove the swarf. " docs/121-130,.pdf,29,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,28,"PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/121-130,.pdf,27,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE " docs/121-130,.pdf,26,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,25,"Page 121 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,24,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,23,"Without removing the fitting from its packaging, place it over the required position on the main. Mark the pipe surface all around and clear of the saddle base area using a felt tip pen or similar. " docs/121-130,.pdf,22,"Clean the pipe over the general area on which the saddle is to be assembled using clean, disposable lint-free material. " docs/121-130,.pdf,21,"Expose the pipe onto which the tapping tee is to be assembled, ensuring there is sufficient clear space around the pipe. In a trench, a minimum clearance of 150 mm is required. " docs/121-130,.pdf,19,"Methods of holding the tapping tee saddle during the fusion cycle are used namely, top loading and under clamping. The general parameters are similar. In some cases, if the manufacturer's procedure for holding the fitting is provided, then the same should be followed during the fusion cycle. " docs/121-130,.pdf,34,"Note again that while Iso-propanol is a suitable cleaner, its use is subject to local Health and Safety Regulations. " docs/121-130,.pdf,18,"The success of the technique depends on effective preparation of the jointing surfaces, in particular the removal of the oxidized surface of the pipe over the area equivalent to the area of the saddle base, and cleaning of the pipe surfaces. " docs/121-130,.pdf,16,"ELECTRO FUSION SADDLE JOINTING " docs/121-130,.pdf,15,"Note that some form of assessment and certification should be associated with the training. The certificate should detail the pipe and fitting size range. And the equipment used. A register of successful participants should be kept. " docs/121-130,.pdf,14,"1.6 " docs/121-130,.pdf,13,"1.5 " docs/121-130,.pdf,12,"Inspect for and identify joints of acceptable quality. " docs/121-130,.pdf,11,"• " docs/121-130,.pdf,10,"Make satisfactory electro fusion fitting joints from pipes and fittings of different sizes. " docs/121-130,.pdf,9,"Carry out pre-jointing machine and equipment checks. " docs/121-130,.pdf,7,"Understand the principles of electro fusion fitting jointing. " docs/121-130,.pdf,6,"It is necessary that operators, inspection and supervisory personnel acquire the skills of electro fusion fitting fusion. The necessary training should be carried out by a qualified instructor with the objective of enabling participants to; " docs/121-130,.pdf,5,"TRAINING " docs/121-130,.pdf,4,"1.4 " docs/121-130,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,138,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,17,"With electro fusion saddle jointing, an electrical resistance element is incorporated in the base of the saddle which, when connected to the appropriate power supply, melts and fuses the material of the fitting and the pipe together. " docs/121-130,.pdf,35,"Position the fitting base onto the prepared pipe surface, and bring the lower saddle into position then gradually and evenly tighten the nuts until the upper saddle makes firm contact with the scraped pipe. " docs/121-130,.pdf,36,"Check that there is sufficient fuel for the generator to complete the joint. Start the generator and check that it is functioning correctly. " docs/121-130,.pdf,37,"Switch on the control box if applicable. " docs/121-130,.pdf,68,"It will be seen the squeeze-off equipment comprises two bars to apply pressure to the outside of the pipe. The bars are brought together, either manually or hydraulically, squeezing the pipe material together until a seal is formed where the upper and lower walls meet. " docs/121-130,.pdf,67,"To control the gas flow a special tool may be used to squeeze the pipe walls together. Hydraulic jacks are used to supply the necessary force to compress the pipe walls for sizes 90 mm and above. " docs/121-130,.pdf,66,"• " docs/121-130,.pdf,65,"1.10 SQUEEZE-OFF " docs/121-130,.pdf,64,"In the operation of a distribution system there is a periodic need to stop the gas flow for either routine or emergency maintenance. The flow may be stopped through the use of installed fittings such as valves. Where installed fittings are not available or the use of such would cause significant supply disruption, then one of the following methods may be employed. " docs/121-130,.pdf,63,"STOPPING THE GAS FLOW " docs/121-130,.pdf,62,"Note that some form of assessment and certification should be associated with the training. The certificate should detail the pipe and fitting size range and the equipment used. A register of successful participants should be kept. " docs/121-130,.pdf,61,"AS PER 1.6 " docs/121-130,.pdf,60,"TRAINING " docs/121-130,.pdf,59,"Records of appropriate servicing and calibration of Electro Fusion machines/ joints shall be kept. " docs/121-130,.pdf,58,"RECORDS " docs/121-130,.pdf,57,"Note 5: DO NOT attempt to tap the main with the integral cutter for at least 10 minutes after completion of the cooling cycle. " docs/121-130,.pdf,56,"Note 4: The connection of the service pipe to the fitting outlet should be carried out in accordance with the procedure of the appropriate section of this Item. " docs/121-130,.pdf,55,"faults as indicated by the control box warning lights and check that there is adequate fuel in the generator. DO NOT attempt a second fusion cycle within one hour of the first attempt. " docs/121-130,.pdf,54,"1.9 " docs/121-130,.pdf,53,"1.8 " docs/121-130,.pdf,52,"1.7 " docs/121-130,.pdf,38,"Connect the control box output leads to the fitting terminals and check that they have been fully inserted. " docs/121-130,.pdf,39,"If required by the control box, enter the fusion jointing time into the control box timer. The jointing time is indicated on the fitting. Check the correct time is shown on the control box display. " docs/121-130,.pdf,40,"Note 1: Automatic control boxes are available which obviate the need to enter the fusion time. " docs/121-130,.pdf,41,"Note 2: Gloves and goggles should be worn during the jointing process. " docs/121-130,.pdf,42,"Press the start button on the control box and check that the heating cycle is proceeding as indicated on the display. " docs/121-130,.pdf,43,"On completion of the heating cycle, the melt indicators, where incorporated should have risen. If there is no apparent move in the melt indicators, a new saddle joint should be made. Cut the tee of the faulty joint from its base. " docs/121-130,.pdf,70,"Where the pipe walls are compressed the polyethylene pipe will be severely deformed in the regions of maximum compression. The pipe will eventually regain its original shall after squeezing but there will be some reduction in the pressure bearing properties. " docs/121-130,.pdf,44,"If a satisfactory joint has been made, the joint is to be left in the clamps for the cooling time specified on the fitting label or by the automatic control box. " docs/121-130,.pdf,46,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,47,"Page 122 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,48,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,49,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE " docs/121-130,.pdf,50,"PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/121-130,.pdf,51,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PE-0002 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,45,"Note 3: If the fusion cycle terminates before completion of the countdown, check for " docs/121-130,.pdf,139,"1.0 " docs/121-130,.pdf,268,"Cement to be used for civil & structural work shall be of 43 grade/53 grade ordinary Portland Cement confirming to IS: 88112/IS: 12269 respectively. " docs/121-130,.pdf,141,"2.0 " docs/121-130,.pdf,242,"Page 4 of 13 " docs/121-130,.pdf,241,"Page 129 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,240,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,239,"Welding of heavy duty handle with black color Teflon covers for opening and closing the door to the locking arrangement. " docs/121-130,.pdf,238,"In the MRS Cage,following materials need to be used: " docs/121-130,.pdf,237,"The cage shall cover the MRS from all four sides and top also. Door is to be provided of the size 2400x1000 mm to approach the MRS. Wall mounted installation doors will be of size by 600x600 mm. " docs/121-130,.pdf,236,"The contractor has to complete all site jobs in one day at one site (Site jobs i.e. grouting of MRS cage /structure, fastening, installation, finishing, final painting, removal and disposal of waste items) after completion of jobs from customer's premises. " docs/121-130,.pdf,235,"The contractor shall inform well in advance after completion of cage fabrication at the workshop, the date of installation of cage to the IGL representative in order to arrange a shutdown of MRS at the customer's premises. " docs/121-130,.pdf,234,"All necessary PPE's (personal protective equipment) required for carrying out jobs at sites as per the safety norms of IGL shall be provided by the contractor to their welder and helpers. " docs/121-130,.pdf,233,"All loading and unloading related jobs are to be carried out by the contractor. Contractor shall arrange own transport for movement of welding equipment, generator and man power. " docs/121-130,.pdf,232,"under contractor's scope. " docs/121-130,.pdf,231,"Transportation and installation of fabricated structure/ fencing on different sites is " docs/121-130,.pdf,230,"All activities related to offsite fabrication of structure will be carried out contractor's work shop. Only after complete fabrication and painting (red oxide primer plus two coat of Canary yellow paint on wire mesh and green bus colour paint on angle and flats). The structure will be installed to different sites of Delhi and NCR and is within the scope of contractor. " docs/121-130,.pdf,229,"For fabrication of fencing (cage) structure, all the essential jobs viz. cutting, welding, grinding, finishing, painting including all materials like Angle, channel, wire net, support sheet, hardware, electrode, grinding, wheel, gas cylinder, paint, primer, grouting, equipment, tools, generator for power welding machine, accessory etc.isunder contractor's scope. " docs/121-130,.pdf,228,"At certain MRS skids where cages are already in place but require little modification shall also be in contractor's scope and payment shall be made accordingly. " docs/121-130,.pdf,227,"As per the requirement of fabrication & installation of fencing, the contractor will visit different sites for measurement /accessibility of the jobs. Once the measurement is done, fabrication and installation of fencing in proper size with reference to the skid, is the responsibility of the contractor. " docs/121-130,.pdf,226,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,212,"3 " docs/121-130,.pdf,213,"Wire mesh " docs/121-130,.pdf,214,"MS " docs/121-130,.pdf,215,"75 X 30 X 4 " docs/121-130,.pdf,216,"The MRS shall be enclosed by MS wire net fencing. The fencing shall be supported by adequate angle iron frame work and shall have iron bracings of the angle iron frames. Framework of gates of the MRS skid shall be made up of M.S. plate and angles. Angles are jointed with nuts and bolts. The corner of the fencing joints must be permanent (welded). The complete fencing work shall be painted with two coats of primer and two coats of suitable weatherproof plaint. " docs/121-130,.pdf,217,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,243,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,218,"Page 128 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,220,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,221,"• " docs/121-130,.pdf,222,". " docs/121-130,.pdf,223,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/121-130,.pdf,224,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR " docs/121-130,.pdf,225,"MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/121-130,.pdf,219,"Page 3 of 13 " docs/121-130,.pdf,211,"25 X 4 " docs/121-130,.pdf,244,"3.0 " docs/121-130,.pdf,246,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR " docs/121-130,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION ELECTRO FUSION FOR PE PIPES & FITTINGS " docs/121-130,.pdf,277,"Page 5 of 13 " docs/121-130,.pdf,276,"Page 130 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,275,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,274,"Water used for Civil & structural work shall be cleaned and free from injurious amount of oil, acids Alkalis, organic matters or other harmful substances which " docs/121-130,.pdf,273,"Water " docs/121-130,.pdf,272,"Coarse & fine aggregates for civil & structural work shall confirm in all respects to IS: 383 latest. " docs/121-130,.pdf,271,"Aggregate " docs/121-130,.pdf,270,"All steel bars, sections, plates and other miscellaneous steel materials shall be free from rust, oil, mud, paint or other coatings. Reinforcement bars to be used for civil & Structural work shall be of high strength deformed steel bars of grade FE 415 confirming to IS: 1786. " docs/121-130,.pdf,269,"Steel " docs/121-130,.pdf,267,"Cement " docs/121-130,.pdf,266,"Bricks for masonry work shall confirm to IS: 1077 specification for common burn clay building bricks and crushing strength not less than 75 kg/cm². Specific requirement like dimensions, tolerances and other common requirements shall confirm to IS: 1077. Bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corners and shall be well burn, sound hard, tough and uniform in color. These shall be free from cracks, chips, flaws and Florence. All tests shall confirm as per the requirements of IS 5454 and IS 3495. Water absorption shall not more than 20% by its dry weight when soaked in cold water for 24 hours. " docs/121-130,.pdf,265,"• Brick " docs/121-130,.pdf,264,"Material Specifications " docs/121-130,.pdf,263,"Civil & Structural Works Material Specifications " docs/121-130,.pdf,262,"Synthetic enamel paint " docs/121-130,.pdf,261,"• " docs/121-130,.pdf,247,"MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/121-130,.pdf,248,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,249,"Installation of single entry key type lock (Harrison make 8 mm 5 lever lock with computerize key only). " docs/121-130,.pdf,250,"Bolting of roof fame and side frame by 10 MM HT bolt and nut & washer and welded " docs/121-130,.pdf,251,"after fastening. " docs/121-130,.pdf,252,"Installation charges also includes providing 2 seats of welding machine, two welder teams And DG sets for site work. " docs/121-130,.pdf,245,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/121-130,.pdf,253,"The complete cage should be well grouted and stable. " docs/121-130,.pdf,255,"Civil, Structural & finishing works contents " docs/121-130,.pdf,256,"Civil & Structural Works " docs/121-130,.pdf,257,"• " docs/121-130,.pdf,258,"Plain and reinforced cement concrete " docs/121-130,.pdf,259,"• " docs/121-130,.pdf,260,"Structural steel works " docs/121-130,.pdf,254,"TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION " docs/121-130,.pdf,140,"DEFINATIONS. " docs/121-130,.pdf,210,"MS " docs/121-130,.pdf,208,"2 " docs/121-130,.pdf,172,"SS " docs/121-130,.pdf,171,"Manufacturer " docs/121-130,.pdf,170,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/121-130,.pdf,169,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/121-130,.pdf,168,"Owner " docs/121-130,.pdf,167,"DEFINATIONS " docs/121-130,.pdf,166,"1.0 " docs/121-130,.pdf,165,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,164,"Page 2 of 13 " docs/121-130,.pdf,163,"13 " docs/121-130,.pdf,162,".12 " docs/121-130,.pdf,161,"11 " docs/121-130,.pdf,160,"8 " docs/121-130,.pdf,159,".7 " docs/121-130,.pdf,158,"5 " docs/121-130,.pdf,157,".3 " docs/121-130,.pdf,156,".3 " docs/121-130,.pdf,142,"SCOPE OF WORK.. " docs/121-130,.pdf,143,"3.0 " docs/121-130,.pdf,144,"TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION. " docs/121-130,.pdf,145,"4.0 " docs/121-130,.pdf,146,"STRUCTURE STEEL WORKS " docs/121-130,.pdf,147,"CONTENTS " docs/121-130,.pdf,173,"Third Party Inspection Agency PMC " docs/121-130,.pdf,148,"5.0 PAINTING ON METAL WORK: PAINTING SHALL BE DONE TO MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION,.. " docs/121-130,.pdf,150,"- " docs/121-130,.pdf,151,"01 " docs/121-130,.pdf,152,"DRAWING- 02. " docs/121-130,.pdf,153,"DRAWING- 03. " docs/121-130,.pdf,154,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/121-130,.pdf,155,"Page 127 of 380 " docs/121-130,.pdf,149,"DRAWING " docs/121-130,.pdf,209,"Flat " docs/121-130,.pdf,174,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). " docs/121-130,.pdf,176,"Means the present <> and its appendix, if any. " docs/121-130,.pdf,207,"40 X 40 X 5 " docs/121-130,.pdf,206,"MS " docs/121-130,.pdf,205,"Angle " docs/121-130,.pdf,204,"1 " docs/121-130,.pdf,203,"Materi al " docs/121-130,.pdf,202,"Dimensions/size (mm) " docs/121-130,.pdf,201,"Item " docs/121-130,.pdf,200,"Sr. No. " docs/121-130,.pdf,199,"Material for wall Mounted cages used shall be as follows: " docs/121-130,.pdf,198,"75 X 30 X 4 " docs/121-130,.pdf,197,"MS " docs/121-130,.pdf,196,"50 X 6 " docs/121-130,.pdf,195,"Wire mesh " docs/121-130,.pdf,194,"3 " docs/121-130,.pdf,193,"MS " docs/121-130,.pdf,192,"Flat " docs/121-130,.pdf,191,"2 " docs/121-130,.pdf,177,"Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. " docs/121-130,.pdf,178,"Means the Project Management Consultant " docs/121-130,.pdf,179,"2.0 SCOPE OF WORK " docs/121-130,.pdf,180,"Installation of single entry key lock arrangement in MRS and wall mounting meter installation Including structure fabrication, supply and installation with material and hardware, single key lock etc. " docs/121-130,.pdf,181,"Material for MRS cages used shall be as follows: " docs/121-130,.pdf,182,"Sr. No. " docs/121-130,.pdf,175,"Means the Manufacturer of the Steel Reinforced Rubber Hose. " docs/121-130,.pdf,183,"Item " docs/121-130,.pdf,185,"al " docs/121-130,.pdf,186,"Dimensions/size (mm) " docs/121-130,.pdf,187,"1 " docs/121-130,.pdf,188,"Angle " docs/121-130,.pdf,189,"MS " docs/121-130,.pdf,190,"65 X 65 X6 " docs/121-130,.pdf,184,"Materi " docs/121-130,.pdf,1,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/121-130,.pdf,20,"ELECTRO FUSION SADDLE JOINTING METHOD/ PROCEDURE " docs/131-140,.pdf,62,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,194,"1.0 INTENT OF SPECIFICATION... " docs/131-140,.pdf,195,"3 " docs/131-140,.pdf,196,"2.0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,197,"SCOPE OF WORKS. " docs/131-140,.pdf,198,"3.0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,199,"DEFINITIONS.. " docs/131-140,.pdf,200,"4.0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,201,"MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR ISOLATION VALVES. " docs/131-140,.pdf,202,".3 " docs/131-140,.pdf,203,"5.0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,193,"Description " docs/131-140,.pdf,204,"DATA SHEET OF ISOLATION VALVE " docs/131-140,.pdf,206,"Rev. 0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,207,"Page 140 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,4,"may be deleterious to concrete, masonry or steel. Potable water shall be considered satisfactory. " docs/131-140,.pdf,5,"Tests on water samples shall be carried out in accordance with IS: 3025 and they will fulfill all the guide lines and requirements given in IS: 456:2000. " docs/131-140,.pdf,6,"Excavation & Backfilling for foundation, pits, walls etc. " docs/131-140,.pdf,7,"Excavation shall be carried out to true line and levels in all types of soil and shall be carried out for all lifts as required by the work. " docs/131-140,.pdf,8,"The Contractor shall provide suitable drainage arrangement to keep the pits dry. Contractor shall also carry out all de-watering required within the quoted rate. " docs/131-140,.pdf,205,".5 " docs/131-140,.pdf,9,"If excavation is made in excess of the depth required, the contractor shall at his own expenses fill up the required level with lean concrete of mix 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand: 10 aggregate) or as decided by site-in-charge. " docs/131-140,.pdf,192,"Sr.No. " docs/131-140,.pdf,190,"TABLE OF CONTENTS " docs/131-140,.pdf,168,"Flat 50-5 " docs/131-140,.pdf,169,"SKID CAGING DRAWING- 03 " docs/131-140,.pdf,170,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,171,"Page 138 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,172,"-0002 " docs/131-140,.pdf,173,"Page 13 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,174,"COD " docs/131-140,.pdf,175,"ENERGING " docs/131-140,.pdf,176,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/131-140,.pdf,177,"15792/03-CD-MC-DS-001 " docs/131-140,.pdf,191,"Page No. " docs/131-140,.pdf,178,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ISOLATION VALVE " docs/131-140,.pdf,180,"Rev. " docs/131-140,.pdf,181,"Date " docs/131-140,.pdf,182,"Issued for Approval Subject of revision " docs/131-140,.pdf,183,"RKY " docs/131-140,.pdf,184,"RKT " docs/131-140,.pdf,185,"HK Author Checked Approved " docs/131-140,.pdf,186,"Page 139 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,187,"ENERGING " docs/131-140,.pdf,188,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/131-140,.pdf,189,"15792/03-CD-MC-DS-001 " docs/131-140,.pdf,179,"0 09.03.2021 " docs/131-140,.pdf,167,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,10,"The contractor shall make necessary arrangements for lighting, fencing and other suitable measures for protection against risk of accidents due to open excavation at his own expense. " docs/131-140,.pdf,12,"No excavated material shall be deposited within 1.5M of edge of excavation. The contractor shall not undertake any concreting in foundation until the excavation pit is approved by the site-in-charge. " docs/131-140,.pdf,39,"All finished steel unless otherwise specified shall be well and clearly rolled to dimensions and weight as specified by ISI subject to permissible tolerances as per IS-1852-1973. " docs/131-140,.pdf,61,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,41,"All structural steel girders, channels, plates and other rolled section shall confirm to IS: 2062 grade-A Pipes shall confirm to IS: 1161 - YST 240 MPa. " docs/131-140,.pdf,42,"Electrodes required for metal arc welding shall be covered electrodes conforming IS 814 1970. 88 " docs/131-140,.pdf,43,"to " docs/131-140,.pdf,44,"- " docs/131-140,.pdf,45,"Fabrication Steel section as required shall be straightened and cut to square and exact lengths. Cut ends exposed to view shall be finished smooth. No two pieces shall be otherwise welded or joined to make up the required length of the number. If straightening, flattening or bending is necessary, shall be done in process that " docs/131-140,.pdf,46,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,47,"Page 132 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,48,"Page 7 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,38,"Steel works " docs/131-140,.pdf,49,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,51,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/131-140,.pdf,52,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR " docs/131-140,.pdf,53,"MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,54,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,55,"will not damage the material or impair its strength. Shearing, flame cutting or chipping shall be done carefully and accurately. Finished member shall be free from undue twists, bends, wrapping, distortion or other irregularities. Holes, where required shall be drilled to required size and not made nor enlarged by burning. Holes shall have their axis perpendicular to surface bored through. Any fabricated assembly shall be without the member being strained or forced into position and components shall meet at perfect angles. Where practicable, welds should preferably be made in flat position. Welds shall be free from cracks, discontinuity in welding or other defects categorized as such in relevant standards. Welds will be inspected and cost of the same shall be " docs/131-140,.pdf,56,"deemed to be included in the quoted rates. A defective weld, harmful to structural strength, shall be cut out and re-welded. All welds shall be cleaned of slag and other deposits after completion. " docs/131-140,.pdf,57,"All structural steel works for canopy and other structures shall have butt welds between adjacent surfaces ground smooth. Items concealed from view need not require grinding of welds. Architectural metal work shall be well formed to shape and size with sharp lines, angles and true curves. Drilling and punches shall produce clean true line and surface. All site connections shall be preferably by permanent bolts. Welding at Site shall be done with the prior permission of engineer-in-charge. Exposed weld shall be ground smooth, exposed surfaces shall have smooth finish. Joints shall be milled to close fit and corner joints shall be well formed and in true alignment. Work shall be accurately fastened in place. " docs/131-140,.pdf,58,"Painting shall be as described under the head “Painting”. " docs/131-140,.pdf,59,"Painting on Metal Work: Painting shall be done to meet the following specification, " docs/131-140,.pdf,60,"ON STEEL MEMBERS " docs/131-140,.pdf,50,"5.0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,11,"All shoring and strutting required holding the sides of excavation from collapse are included in the quoted rates. " docs/131-140,.pdf,37,"Structure steel works " docs/131-140,.pdf,35,"shall maintain at site of work adequate quantities to ensure conformity of work. Wet aggregate delivered to site shall be stored for 24 hrs to facilitate drying before being to be used. " docs/131-140,.pdf,13,"The contractor shall not back fill around any work until it has been approved by the site-in-charge. " docs/131-140,.pdf,14,"Backfilling shall be carried out of selected earth coming out of excavation. Backfilling shall be carried out in layers of 150 mm and compacted to achieve 95% maximum dry density of the soil being used. Any surplus earth generated shall be transported to areas designated by the Engineer-in-charge. " docs/131-140,.pdf,15,"Sand filling in Plinth/Foundations " docs/131-140,.pdf,16,"Filling shall be carried out in layers not exceeding 15 cams and shall be compacted mechanically or by saturation to specified grade and level and to obtain 90% laboratory maximum dry density or as specified in schedule of rates. " docs/131-140,.pdf,17,"Compaction by flooding may be accepted at the discretion of the Engineer-in- charge, provide the required compaction is achieved. " docs/131-140,.pdf,18,"The Contractor shall not commence filling in around any work until it has been permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. " docs/131-140,.pdf,19,"Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete. " docs/131-140,.pdf,20,"The cement and steel reinforcement is in the contractor's scope of supply. Engineer-in-charge may require tests to be carried out by the contractor's as a part of his quoted rates to ensure conformity with the relevant standards. Engineer-in-charge may rejects such of the cement supplied in the event of either unsatisfactory tests or in the event of deterioration due to age, bad storage etc. Decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final in this regard. " docs/131-140,.pdf,21,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,22,"Page 131 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,36,"Admixtures shall be used only with the specific permission of Engineer-in- charge and where used shall be conforming to the instruction of the manufacturer of such extent as being undesirable the engineer-in-charge may reject the work totally and his decision shall be binding on the contractor. No extra payment shall be made for rectifying these defects. All burs and uneven faces shall be rubbed smooth by carborundum stone. The Surface of non-shuttered faces shall be smoothed with a wooden float to give a finish equal to that of the rubbed down shuttered faces. Concealed concrete faces shall be left as from the shuttering except that honey combed surface shall be made good as detailed above. The floating I shall not be executed to the extent of bringing excess fine material to the surfaces. The top faces of slab intended to be covered with screed, granolithic or similar surface shall be left with a rough finish. Sides and soffits to be later covered with plaster shall be suitably roughened. " docs/131-140,.pdf,23,"Page 6 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,25,"4.0 " docs/131-140,.pdf,26,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/131-140,.pdf,27,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR " docs/131-140,.pdf,28,"MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,29,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,30,"Water used for concreting work shall be suitable for drinking and shall conform to IS: 456:2000. It shall be free from injurious substances. " docs/131-140,.pdf,31,"Source of Coarse and find aggregates shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge. " docs/131-140,.pdf,32,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,33,"Contractor shall store each type and grade of aggregate separately. " docs/131-140,.pdf,34,"He " docs/131-140,.pdf,24,"ENERGISINO QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,166,"MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,40,"Material shall be free from cracks, surface, flaws, laminations, rough and imperfect edges and other harmful defects like excessive rust, scaling and pitting etc. Structural steel work shall conform to requirements depending upon the designation of steel that is being selected to be used for particular structural function as specified in drawings. " docs/131-140,.pdf,164,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,89,"Synthetic Enamel Paint " docs/131-140,.pdf,90,"The shop coated surface shall be rubbed down thoroughly with abrasive paper to remove dust, rust. Other foreign matters and degreased cleaned with warm fresh water and air dried. " docs/131-140,.pdf,91,"Primer coat of red-oxide zinc chromate primer conforming to IS: 2074 shall be applied by brushing/spraying over the shop coat in a manner so as to ensure a continuous and uniform film throughout. " docs/131-140,.pdf,92,"Final Paint " docs/131-140,.pdf,93,"After the primer is hard dry the surface shall be dusted off and one coat of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour and shade (conforming to IS: 2932) shall be applied by brushing/spraying. The coats are applied after " docs/131-140,.pdf,94,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,95,"Page 134 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,96,"Page 9 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,97,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,98,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/131-140,.pdf,88,"For new work, three or more coats shall be applied till the surface presents a smooth and uniform finish through which the plaster does nit show. The finished dry surface shall not show any signs of cracking and peeling nor shall it come off readily on the hand when rubbed. " docs/131-140,.pdf,99,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,101,"drying one after another to give a uniform surface. Paints can be diluted/thinning by means of thinner only as per the requirements of the finished paint surface. " docs/131-140,.pdf,102,"LIST OF APPROVED MAKES FOR CIVIL WORK " docs/131-140,.pdf,103,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,104,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,105,"Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)-ACC,DLF,JK, & Sarvshaktiman " docs/131-140,.pdf,106,"Pozolona Portland cement (PPC) - Ultratech " docs/131-140,.pdf,107,"Steel (Tor Steel) - Sail, Tisco & Rathi " docs/131-140,.pdf,108,"Bolts - Unbrako, TVS & GKW " docs/131-140,.pdf,109,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,110,"Steel (Structural Steel) - Sail & Tisco " docs/131-140,.pdf,100,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,111,"ESAB, Advani, D&H " docs/131-140,.pdf,87,"Each coat shall be allowed to dry before the next one is applied. Further each coat shall be inspected and approved by the engineer-in-charge before the subsequent coat is applied. No portion of the surface shall be left out initially to be patched up later on. " docs/131-140,.pdf,85,"Application: " docs/131-140,.pdf,165,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR " docs/131-140,.pdf,63,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,64,"Surface preparation as per grade St 2 according to Swedish Standard SIS055900. " docs/131-140,.pdf,65,"Two coats of zinc phosphate in phenolic alkyd medium (DFT 35u / coat) " docs/131-140,.pdf,66,"Two coats of synthetic enamel (DFT 25u / coat) conforming to IS: 2932-1974. " docs/131-140,.pdf,67,"Surface Preparation & Primer " docs/131-140,.pdf,68,"One coat of primer shall be applied on shop. The shop coated surface shall be rubbed down thoroughly with abrasive paper to remove dust, rust, other foreign matters and degreased cleaned with warm fresh water and air dried. " docs/131-140,.pdf,69,"Primer coat of zinc phosphate primer shall be applied by brushing/spraying over the shop coat in a manner so as to ensure a continuous and uniform film throughout. " docs/131-140,.pdf,70,"Final Paint " docs/131-140,.pdf,71,"After the primer is hard dry, the surface shall be dusted of and one coat of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour and shade (conforming to IS: " docs/131-140,.pdf,86,"The white wash shall be applied with moonj brushes to the specified number of coats. The operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brush given from the top downward, another from the bottom upwards over the first stroke, and similarly one stroke horizontally from the right and another from the left before it dries. " docs/131-140,.pdf,72,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,75,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,76,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/131-140,.pdf,77,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,78,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,79,"2932) shall be applied by brushing/ spraying to achieve the required DFT. Second coat will be applied after drying of previous one to give a uniform surface. Paints can be diluted by means of thinner as approved by paint manufacturer only. " docs/131-140,.pdf,80,"White Washing with Whiting. " docs/131-140,.pdf,81,"Preparation of mix: " docs/131-140,.pdf,82,"Whiting (ground white chalk) shall be dissolved in sufficient quantity of warm water and thoroughly stirred to form thin slurry which shall then be screened through a clean coarse cloth. Two kg of gum (DDL) and 0.4 kg of copper sulphate dissolved separately in hot water shall be added for every cum of the slurry which shall then be diluted with water to the consistency of milk so as to make a wash ready for use. " docs/131-140,.pdf,83,"Preparation of surface " docs/131-140,.pdf,84,"Before new work is white washed, the surface shall be thoroughly brushed free from mortar droppings and foreign matter. " docs/131-140,.pdf,73,"Page 133 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,112,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,74,"Page 8 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,114,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,142,"25mmx4nm " docs/131-140,.pdf,143,"40х40х5лл " docs/131-140,.pdf,144,"009 " docs/131-140,.pdf,145,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,146,"019- " docs/131-140,.pdf,147,"Anchor Fr " docs/131-140,.pdf,148,"Bell " docs/131-140,.pdf,149,"-009 " docs/131-140,.pdf,150,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/131-140,.pdf,151,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR " docs/131-140,.pdf,141,"-009- " docs/131-140,.pdf,152,"MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,154,"Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,155,"009 " docs/131-140,.pdf,157,"WALL MOUNTED 2 BAR MRS CAGING DRAWING- 02 " docs/131-140,.pdf,158,"Page 137 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,159,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,160,"Page 12 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,161,"Openable Gate " docs/131-140,.pdf,162,"Openable Gate " docs/131-140,.pdf,113,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,163,"Typical Cage Druvery " docs/131-140,.pdf,153,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 " docs/131-140,.pdf,140,"30x75x " docs/131-140,.pdf,156,"009 " docs/131-140,.pdf,138,"Page 136 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,116,"Electrodes " docs/131-140,.pdf,139,"Page 11 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,115,"• " docs/131-140,.pdf,117,"GI / MS Pipes (IS: 1239,IS: 3589) - Tata, Jindal, Prakash,Surya & TISCO Paint " docs/131-140,.pdf,118,"Asian Paints,ICI, Shalimar & Berger " docs/131-140,.pdf,119,"Construction Chemicals - CICO, FOSROC, ROFFE, ST, MC & Pidilite " docs/131-140,.pdf,121,"Vitreous Tiles - Diamond, Granamite, Spartek & Somani (gravity) Grout ACC, Roffe, Fosroc & Unitile " docs/131-140,.pdf,122,"- " docs/131-140,.pdf,123,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,124,"Page 10 of 13 " docs/131-140,.pdf,125,"Page 135 of 380 " docs/131-140,.pdf,126,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/131-140,.pdf,120,"Ceramic Tiles - Kajaria,Orient, Bell & Somani " docs/131-140,.pdf,127,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION-FABRICATION, SUPPLY " docs/131-140,.pdf,135,"- " docs/131-140,.pdf,134,"DRAWING " docs/131-140,.pdf,137,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/131-140,.pdf,132,"XX " docs/131-140,.pdf,133,"REENABLE GATE " docs/131-140,.pdf,130,"Rev No: 00 " docs/131-140,.pdf,129,"DOCNO: VCS-SS-PL-0052 " docs/131-140,.pdf,128,"AND INSTALLATION OF WIRDED CAGES FOR MRS IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/131-140,.pdf,131,"X X " docs/131-140,.pdf,136,"01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,287,"Page 147 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,281," Color of pipes " docs/141-150,.pdf,286,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/141-150,.pdf,285,"The test shall be carried out in accordance with clause 5.4.1 of the ISO 17484-1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,284," Long-term pressure strength " docs/141-150,.pdf,283,"5 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES " docs/141-150,.pdf,282,"The outer layer of pipes shall be yellow. " docs/141-150,.pdf,272,"Means the Manufacturer of the MLC pipe " docs/141-150,.pdf,279," Metallic materials " docs/141-150,.pdf,278,"Adhesives are not considered as stress-bearing layers. " docs/141-150,.pdf,273,"Means the present <> and all its appendix, if any. " docs/141-150,.pdf,277,"Materials intended for the stress-bearing layers and inner layers shall conform to the material requirements of the reference product standard(s) specified in Annex A of ISO 17484-1. The pipe manufacturer shall declare the reference material standard applicable to his product, as listed in Annex A of ISO 17484-1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,276," General " docs/141-150,.pdf,275,"4 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR MLC PIPE " docs/141-150,.pdf,288,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - MLC PIPE " docs/141-150,.pdf,274,"Third Party Inspection Means the Inspection Agency to be Approved by IGL & Agency appointed by vendor. " docs/141-150,.pdf,280,"Aluminium materials used shall be in accordance with EN 573-3. " docs/141-150,.pdf,289,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0014 Rev No: 00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,300,"Parameter " docs/141-150,.pdf,291," Strength of the joint line of M-pipe " docs/141-150,.pdf,308,"1 500 h/(23 ± 2) °C 80 °C " docs/141-150,.pdf,307,"Conditioning Temperature Pressure Conditioning Temperature Cone test PE or PE-X " docs/141-150,.pdf,271,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL) " docs/141-150,.pdf,306,"No delamination " docs/141-150,.pdf,305,"Resistance to gas constituents " docs/141-150,.pdf,304,"No delamination " docs/141-150,.pdf,303,"≥ 20 h " docs/141-150,.pdf,302,"Reference " docs/141-150,.pdf,301,"Value " docs/141-150,.pdf,299,"Requirements " docs/141-150,.pdf,298,"Characteristic " docs/141-150,.pdf,297,"Tests " docs/141-150,.pdf,296,"Pipes shall fulfil the requirements for physical properties as given in the table below. " docs/141-150,.pdf,295,"5.1.2 Physical properties " docs/141-150,.pdf,294,"When tested in accordance with ISO 13480, the crack growth rate of the outer layer shall be less than 10 mm/day. The test shall be carried out on pipe produced from material used for the outer layer. This test shall be performed as per EN331 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,293," Resistance to slow crack growth of the outer layer (cone test) for M-pipes " docs/141-150,.pdf,292,"When the outside diameter of the pipe is increased by 10%, no failures relative to the joint line of the metal layer shall occur. The test shall be carried out in accordance with Annex B of ISO 17484-1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,290,"ENERGIBING QUALITY " docs/141-150,.pdf,270,"SS " docs/141-150,.pdf,245,"MECHANICAL PROPERTIES... " docs/141-150,.pdf,268,"Owner " docs/141-150,.pdf,246,"6 " docs/141-150,.pdf,243,"DEFINITIONS. " docs/141-150,.pdf,242,"5 " docs/141-150,.pdf,241,"4 " docs/141-150,.pdf,240,"3 " docs/141-150,.pdf,239,"SCOPE OF WORKS. " docs/141-150,.pdf,238,"2 " docs/141-150,.pdf,237,"INTENT OF SPECIFICATION.. " docs/141-150,.pdf,236,"1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,235,"CONTENTS " docs/141-150,.pdf,234,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - MLC PIPE " docs/141-150,.pdf,233,"ENERGEING QUALITY " docs/141-150,.pdf,232,"Page 145 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,231,"By " docs/141-150,.pdf,230,"Checked Approved By " docs/141-150,.pdf,309,"0.4 PD " docs/141-150,.pdf,229,"HK " docs/141-150,.pdf,247,"FITTINGS... " docs/141-150,.pdf,269,"Manufacturer " docs/141-150,.pdf,248,"7 " docs/141-150,.pdf,250,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0014 " docs/141-150,.pdf,267,"DEFINITIONS " docs/141-150,.pdf,266,"All codes and standard for manufacture, testing, inspection etc. shall be of latest edition. " docs/141-150,.pdf,265,"The scope will include manufacture/ supply, inspection/ testing/ marking/ packaging/ handling and dispatch of MLC pipe, as indicated in the Material Requisition & Schedule of Rates, meeting all the requirements as laid down in manufacturing standard ISO 17484-1 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,264,"SCOPE OF WORKS " docs/141-150,.pdf,263,"The intent of this specification is to establish minimum requirements to manufacture and supply of Multi-Layer Composite (MLC) Pipe used for supply of natural gas. " docs/141-150,.pdf,262,"3 " docs/141-150,.pdf,261,"2.1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,260,"2 " docs/141-150,.pdf,259,"INTENT OF SPECIFICATION " docs/141-150,.pdf,258,"1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,257,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0014 Rev No: 00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,256,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - MLC PIPE " docs/141-150,.pdf,255,"ENERGIBING QUALITY " docs/141-150,.pdf,254,"333 334 5 " docs/141-150,.pdf,253,"Page 146 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,252,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/141-150,.pdf,251,"Rev No: 00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,249,"MARKINGS.. " docs/141-150,.pdf,310,"1 500 h/(23 ± 2) °C (23 ±2) °C " docs/141-150,.pdf,362,"Markings Legend shall be repeated at intervals of 1M and should be of different color from that of external pipe surface & shall include: " docs/141-150,.pdf,312,"10% expansion " docs/141-150,.pdf,372,"Wrapping with polythene & Gunny sheet & tied with plastic strips " docs/141-150,.pdf,371,"pipe " docs/141-150,.pdf,370,"200 mtrs. coil " docs/141-150,.pdf,369,"MLC " docs/141-150,.pdf,368," Packaging " docs/141-150,.pdf,367,"v) Standard reference number ""ISO 17484"" " docs/141-150,.pdf,366,"iv) Material designation: Layer construction and type of material required; description from outside to inside e.g. PEX-AL-PEX or PE80-PEX. " docs/141-150,.pdf,365,"iii) Design pressure (Pd) in Bar(g). " docs/141-150,.pdf,364,"ii) Owner's name as IGL to be marked on each pipe " docs/141-150,.pdf,363,"i) Manufacturer's name or trade mark. " docs/141-150,.pdf,361,"MARKINGS " docs/141-150,.pdf,360,"7 " docs/141-150,.pdf,359,"Fittings shall comply with the requirements given in Table 3 of ISO 17484-1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,358," Fitness for purpose " docs/141-150,.pdf,357,"The fittings for multilayer pipes shall be able to make a mechanical connection with the multilayer pipe by pressing or clamping. " docs/141-150,.pdf,356," Construction " docs/141-150,.pdf,355,"ENERGIBING QUALITY " docs/141-150,.pdf,373,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/141-150,.pdf,354,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0014 Rev No: 00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,374,"Page 149 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,376,"C " docs/141-150,.pdf,228,"RKT " docs/141-150,.pdf,392,"Page 150 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,391,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/141-150,.pdf,390,"By " docs/141-150,.pdf,389,"Checked Approved By " docs/141-150,.pdf,388,"AD " docs/141-150,.pdf,387,"MVK " docs/141-150,.pdf,386,"BS Prepared By " docs/141-150,.pdf,385,"Purpose " docs/141-150,.pdf,384,"DATE " docs/141-150,.pdf,383,"REV " docs/141-150,.pdf,382,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/141-150,.pdf,381,"00 18.06.18 " docs/141-150,.pdf,380,"VPC-SS-PE-0009 " docs/141-150,.pdf,379,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - BRASS FITTINGS " docs/141-150,.pdf,378,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/141-150,.pdf,377,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/141-150,.pdf,375,"S " docs/141-150,.pdf,311,"Annex C of ISO 17484-1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,353,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - MLC PIPE " docs/141-150,.pdf,351,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/141-150,.pdf,329,"(23 ± 2) °C " docs/141-150,.pdf,328,"Annex B of ISO 17484-1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,327,"10 % (by cone with 15° angle) " docs/141-150,.pdf,326,"Expansion Temperature " docs/141-150,.pdf,325,"No cracks or delamination " docs/141-150,.pdf,324,"Delamination: P-pipes " docs/141-150,.pdf,323,"ISO 11357-6 " docs/141-150,.pdf,322,"(200 ± 2) ˚Ca " docs/141-150,.pdf,321,"Temperature " docs/141-150,.pdf,320,"Oxidation induction time (OIT) ≥ 20 min " docs/141-150,.pdf,319,"Annex D of ISO 17484-1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,318,"0.25 year 3% " docs/141-150,.pdf,317,"at 110°C Strain " docs/141-150,.pdf,316,"outer layer " docs/141-150,.pdf,315,"0.5 year " docs/141-150,.pdf,314,"At 100° or " docs/141-150,.pdf,313,"Thermal durability of the outer No visual cracks in layer of M-pipes " docs/141-150,.pdf,330,"Temperature " docs/141-150,.pdf,352,"Page 148 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,331,"(23 ± 2)°C " docs/141-150,.pdf,333,"Peel strength ≥ 15 N/ " docs/141-150,.pdf,350,"The reference in ISO 17484-1 clause 6 to ISO 10838 (all parts) and ISO 14531-3 should be replaced by ISO 17885, Plastic piping systems - Mechanical fittings for pressure piping systems - Specification, except clause 9.3, Fitting assemblies. " docs/141-150,.pdf,349,"Fittings shall comply with the requirements of clause 6 of ISO 17484-1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,348," General " docs/141-150,.pdf,347,"FITTINGS " docs/141-150,.pdf,346,"Test may be carried out at 210 °C providing that there is clear correlation with the results at (200 ± 2) °C. In case of dispute, the reference temperature shall be (200 ± 2) °˚C. " docs/141-150,.pdf,345,"Annex F of ISO 17484-1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,344,"60 days (23 ± 2) °C " docs/141-150,.pdf,343,"(+60 ± 2) °C 10 THT " docs/141-150,.pdf,342,"Number of cycles Odorant Exposure time Temperature " docs/141-150,.pdf,341,"observer " docs/141-150,.pdf,340,"No perception of THT smell by experienced " docs/141-150,.pdf,339,"a " docs/141-150,.pdf,338,"Odorant permeability " docs/141-150,.pdf,337,"cm " docs/141-150,.pdf,336,"Annex E of ISO 17484-1 " docs/141-150,.pdf,335,"Cycling test " docs/141-150,.pdf,334,"(-20±2)°C/ " docs/141-150,.pdf,332,"Delamination: M-pipes " docs/141-150,.pdf,227,"AS Prepared By " docs/141-150,.pdf,244,"MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR MLC PIPE. " docs/141-150,.pdf,225,"DATE " docs/141-150,.pdf,81,"Pressure " docs/141-150,.pdf,80,"3.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,79,"Design condition " docs/141-150,.pdf,78,"3.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,77,"0-45 " docs/141-150,.pdf,76,"4 bar (g) " docs/141-150,.pdf,75,"Natural Gas " docs/141-150,.pdf,74,"DATA " docs/141-150,.pdf,73,"Temperature (°C) " docs/141-150,.pdf,72,"Operating condition " docs/141-150,.pdf,71,"DESCRIPTION PROCESS DATA " docs/141-150,.pdf,82,"6 bar (g) " docs/141-150,.pdf,70,"2.02 " docs/141-150,.pdf,67,"2.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,66,"Fluid " docs/141-150,.pdf,65,"1.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,64,"1.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,63,"S.NO " docs/141-150,.pdf,62,"DATA SHEET - ISOLATION VALVE " docs/141-150,.pdf,61,"15792/03-CD-MC-DS-001 " docs/141-150,.pdf,60,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/141-150,.pdf,59,"ENERGING " docs/141-150,.pdf,58,"Page 142 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,57,"Rev. 0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,68,"2.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,83,"3.02 " docs/141-150,.pdf,84,"Temperature (°C) " docs/141-150,.pdf,85,"-5 to 60 " docs/141-150,.pdf,110,"Ball material " docs/141-150,.pdf,109,"4.06 " docs/141-150,.pdf,108,"NA " docs/141-150,.pdf,107,"UTS - Min. 345 Mpa & Elongation 25 % " docs/141-150,.pdf,106,"Hard Chrome / Nickel Plated (*), Forged Brass (ASTM B 283, Alloy UNSC37700) with Teflon Seat. " docs/141-150,.pdf,105,"UTS Min. 345 Mpa & Elongation 25 % " docs/141-150,.pdf,104,"Total body shall be of Forged Brass (ASTM B 283, Alloy UNSC37700) with hard Nickel / Chrome Plated. " docs/141-150,.pdf,103,"End connection should be NPT Female (conforming to ANSI B1.20.1). " docs/141-150,.pdf,102,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,101,"The material is required for Domestic Natural Gas Service. " docs/141-150,.pdf,100,"Isolation Ball Valve, Full Bore with NPT (Confirming to ANSI B1.20.1) Female Threaded Ends (both inlet & outlet) for natural gas application with operating knob and locking arrangement, sealing wire and lead seal (without Key). Valve full open/close position shall be at 90°. " docs/141-150,.pdf,99,"1½"" & 2"" " docs/141-150,.pdf,98,"Body material " docs/141-150,.pdf,97,"4.05 " docs/141-150,.pdf,96,"End connection " docs/141-150,.pdf,95,"4.04 " docs/141-150,.pdf,94,"Pressure Rating " docs/141-150,.pdf,93,"4.03 " docs/141-150,.pdf,92,"Туре " docs/141-150,.pdf,91,"4.02 " docs/141-150,.pdf,90,"12"", 3/4"" & 1"" " docs/141-150,.pdf,89,"Size " docs/141-150,.pdf,88,"4.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,87,"VALVE DATA " docs/141-150,.pdf,86,"4.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,56,"v) Maximum turning torque to operate the valve as per EN331 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,111,"4.07 " docs/141-150,.pdf,55,"iv) Vendor shall submit Model Number along with catalogues in English language along with un-priced bids. " docs/141-150,.pdf,53,"ii) Valve shall be capable of withstanding, without deformation or leakage, a min. bending moment as per EN331 (latest edition) as applied to a pipe being connected to the valve. " docs/141-150,.pdf,24,"Please Refer Data Sheet " docs/141-150,.pdf,23,"MATERIAL SPECIFICATION FOR ISOLATION VALVES " docs/141-150,.pdf,22,"4.0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,21,"Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. " docs/141-150,.pdf,20,"Means the Manufacturer of the isolation ball valves Means the present <> and all its appendix, if any. " docs/141-150,.pdf,19,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL) " docs/141-150,.pdf,18,"Third Party Inspection Agency " docs/141-150,.pdf,17,"SS " docs/141-150,.pdf,16,"Manufacturer " docs/141-150,.pdf,15,"Owner " docs/141-150,.pdf,14,"DEFINITIONS " docs/141-150,.pdf,25,"4.1.1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,13,"All codes and standard for manufacture, testing, inspection etc. shall be of latest edition. Owner/Owner's Representative reserves the right to delete or order additional quantities during execution of order, based on unit rates and other terms & conditions in the original order. " docs/141-150,.pdf,11,"SCOPE OF WORKS " docs/141-150,.pdf,10,"The intent of this specification is to establish minimum requirements to manufacture and supply of Isolation Ball Valves used for supply of natural gas to domestic & commercial connections. " docs/141-150,.pdf,9,"3.0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,8,"2.2. " docs/141-150,.pdf,7,"2.1. " docs/141-150,.pdf,6,"2.0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,5,"INTENT OF SPECIFICATION " docs/141-150,.pdf,4,"1.0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,3,"15792/03-CD-MC-DS-001 " docs/141-150,.pdf,2,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/141-150,.pdf,1,"ENERGING " docs/141-150,.pdf,12,"The scope of the tenderer will include manufacture/ supply, inspection/testing/ marking/ packaging/handling and despatch of Isolation Ball Valves, as indicated in the Material Requisition & Schedule of Rates, meeting all the requirements as laid down in manufacturing standard EN331 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,26,"Markings " docs/141-150,.pdf,27,"4.1.2. " docs/141-150,.pdf,28,"Rev. 0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,52,"The body of the valves shall be capable of withstanding, without deformation or leakage, a min. torque as per EN331 (latest edition) as applied to a pipe being connected to the valve. " docs/141-150,.pdf,51,"Mechanical Strength " docs/141-150,.pdf,50,"This test shall be carried out as per EN331 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,49,"Temperature resistance test " docs/141-150,.pdf,48,"Valves shall be leak tightness tested in closed position and shall not leak to atmosphere in open and closed position when subjected progressively to internal air pressure of first 0.006 barg and then to at least 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure (MOP) of the valve. This test shall be performed as per EN331 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,47,"Gas Tightness " docs/141-150,.pdf,46,"i) " docs/141-150,.pdf,45,"4.1.5. " docs/141-150,.pdf,44,"4.1.4. " docs/141-150,.pdf,43,"4.1.3. " docs/141-150,.pdf,42,"15792/03-CD-MC-DS-001 " docs/141-150,.pdf,226,"Purpose " docs/141-150,.pdf,41,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/141-150,.pdf,40,"ENERGING " docs/141-150,.pdf,39,"Page 141 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,38,"Packed in cardboard boxes of standard design, & surrounded by polyester band & mentioned description & weight Packed in cardboard boxes of standard design, & surrounded by polyester band & mentioned description & weight " docs/141-150,.pdf,37,"20 per box " docs/141-150,.pdf,36,"Isolation valve 1"",1*1/2"",2"" " docs/141-150,.pdf,35,"100 nos. per box " docs/141-150,.pdf,34,"Isolation valve 1/2"", 3/4"", " docs/141-150,.pdf,33,"Packaging " docs/141-150,.pdf,32,"iii) Embossing on valves shall be ""EN 331"" only. " docs/141-150,.pdf,31,"ii) Rate working pressure in Bar(g). " docs/141-150,.pdf,30,"i) Manufacturer's name or trade mark, Model designation. " docs/141-150,.pdf,29,"Markings shall be provided & shall include: " docs/141-150,.pdf,54,"iii) The valves shall be capable of withstanding impact without breakage or leakage as per EN331 (latest edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,112,"Stem " docs/141-150,.pdf,69,"Pressure " docs/141-150,.pdf,114,"4.08 " docs/141-150,.pdf,213,"6666 " docs/141-150,.pdf,214,"2. Data/Information as marked shall be provided by Vendor / Manufacturer for review and approval by Client / PMC. " docs/141-150,.pdf,215,"3. Nickel-Chrome Plating thickness shall be 10 micron ± 2 micron on valve body and ball. " docs/141-150,.pdf,216,"Page 144 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,217,"S " docs/141-150,.pdf,218,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/141-150,.pdf,219,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/141-150,.pdf,220,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - MLC PIPE " docs/141-150,.pdf,221,"VPC-SS-PE-0014 " docs/141-150,.pdf,222,"00 22.04.21 " docs/141-150,.pdf,223,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/141-150,.pdf,212,"1. All Tests shall be carried out as per EN-331 (Latest Edition). " docs/141-150,.pdf,183,"As per EN331 (latest edition) " docs/141-150,.pdf,181,"7.8 bar(g) Air " docs/141-150,.pdf,180,"Turning Torque Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,179,"6.07 " docs/141-150,.pdf,178,"Torque Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,177,"6.06 " docs/141-150,.pdf,176,"Bending Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,175,"6.05 " docs/141-150,.pdf,174,"Tensile Strength Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,173,"6.04 " docs/141-150,.pdf,172,"Test medium " docs/141-150,.pdf,171,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,182,"As per EN331 (latest edition) As per EN331 (latest edition) " docs/141-150,.pdf,170,"Test Pressure " docs/141-150,.pdf,211,"* (Note-3) " docs/141-150,.pdf,209,"NOTE: " docs/141-150,.pdf,187,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,188,"6.09 " docs/141-150,.pdf,189,"Fire Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,190,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,191,"Visual and dimensional " docs/141-150,.pdf,192,"6.10 " docs/141-150,.pdf,193,"Note " docs/141-150,.pdf,194,"7.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,195,"7.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,196,"examination " docs/141-150,.pdf,113,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,210,"Rev. 0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,197,"As per QAP " docs/141-150,.pdf,199,"Material certificates " docs/141-150,.pdf,200,"EN-10204, 3.2 Certificate " docs/141-150,.pdf,201,"7.02 " docs/141-150,.pdf,202,"All testing certificates " docs/141-150,.pdf,203,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,204,"NICKEL-CHROME " docs/141-150,.pdf,205,"8.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,206,"PLATING " docs/141-150,.pdf,184,"As per EN331 (latest edition) " docs/141-150,.pdf,207,"8.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,208,"Body, Ball etc. " docs/141-150,.pdf,198,"Unless otherwise stated all tests will be witnessed by the purchaser QUALITY CONTROL " docs/141-150,.pdf,186,"Antistatic Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,169,"Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,167,"Functional/Pneumatic " docs/141-150,.pdf,138,"5.03 " docs/141-150,.pdf,137,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,136,"Primer " docs/141-150,.pdf,135,"5.02 " docs/141-150,.pdf,134,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,133,"Surface preparation " docs/141-150,.pdf,132,"5.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,131,"PAINTING " docs/141-150,.pdf,130,"5.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,129,"Operator " docs/141-150,.pdf,128,"4.13 " docs/141-150,.pdf,139,"Finish " docs/141-150,.pdf,127,"Extension stem " docs/141-150,.pdf,125,"Antistatic " docs/141-150,.pdf,124,"4.11 " docs/141-150,.pdf,123,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,122,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,121,"Anti blow out " docs/141-150,.pdf,120,"4.10 " docs/141-150,.pdf,119,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,118,"Fire safe " docs/141-150,.pdf,117,"4.09 " docs/141-150,.pdf,116,"Seat & seal " docs/141-150,.pdf,115,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,126,"4.12 " docs/141-150,.pdf,168,"6.03 " docs/141-150,.pdf,140,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,142,"Insulation " docs/141-150,.pdf,166,"Test medium " docs/141-150,.pdf,165,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,164,"Test Pressure " docs/141-150,.pdf,163,"15792/03-CD-MC-DS-001 " docs/141-150,.pdf,162,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/141-150,.pdf,161,"ENERGING " docs/141-150,.pdf,160,"Page 143 of 380 " docs/141-150,.pdf,159,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,158,"7.8 bar(g) " docs/141-150,.pdf,157,"Hydrostatic Seat Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,224,"REV " docs/141-150,.pdf,156,"Test Medium " docs/141-150,.pdf,141,"5.04 " docs/141-150,.pdf,155,"Test Pressure " docs/141-150,.pdf,153,"arrangement with Lever type Handle " docs/141-150,.pdf,152,"Knob and locking " docs/141-150,.pdf,151,"type Handle " docs/141-150,.pdf,150,"arrangement with Butterfly " docs/141-150,.pdf,149,"Knob and locking " docs/141-150,.pdf,148,"Rev. 0 " docs/141-150,.pdf,147,"6.02 " docs/141-150,.pdf,146,"6.01 " docs/141-150,.pdf,145,"TEST " docs/141-150,.pdf,144,"6.00 " docs/141-150,.pdf,143,"* " docs/141-150,.pdf,154,"Hydrostatic Shell Test " docs/141-150,.pdf,185,"6.08 " docs/151-160,.pdf,133,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,100,"RESISTANCE TO DEZINCIFICATION " docs/151-160,.pdf,131,"S " docs/151-160,.pdf,109,"All fittings shall be leak tested at 6 bars for a period of 10 seconds and no leakage is permitted. " docs/151-160,.pdf,108,"11.0 PNEUMATIC PRESSURE TEST " docs/151-160,.pdf,107,"All fittings shall be leak tightness tested at 1.5x25 bars for a period of 15 minutes and no leakage is permitted. This test shall be performed on each size of the fittings. " docs/151-160,.pdf,106,"10.0 HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST " docs/151-160,.pdf,105,"The fittings shall be free from internal fins, blow holes, skin defects etc. or other irregularities which might restrict the free flow of fluid, and shall be designed that resistance to the flow of fluid through the fittings is minimized. " docs/151-160,.pdf,104,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECT " docs/151-160,.pdf,103,"A stress corrosion resistance is to be carried out as per method defined in ISO 6957 using test solution of pH9.5 but without pickling. " docs/151-160,.pdf,102,"STRESS CORROSION RESISTANCE TEST " docs/151-160,.pdf,101,"The fittings shall be manufactured from alloys containing more than 10% Zinc. So fittings shall be required to be resistant to dezincification. It shall be carried out as per Cl. 5.5 of EN 1254 -1. " docs/151-160,.pdf,134,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/151-160,.pdf,99,"9.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,98,"8.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,97,"7.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,96,"exceed 1.0 mg/dm² when tested in accordance with the specification. This test shall be carried out as per clause no. 5.4 of EN 1254 -1. " docs/151-160,.pdf,95,"The internal surface of brass capillary fittings for soldering or brazing shall not contain any detrimental film nor present a carbon level high enough to allow the formation of such a film during installation. The maximum total carbon level on internal surfaces shall not " docs/151-160,.pdf,94,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0009 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,93,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - BRASS FITTINGS " docs/151-160,.pdf,110,"12.0 MARKING " docs/151-160,.pdf,132,"C " docs/151-160,.pdf,111,"Each fittings shall be embossed with IGL's logo, manufacturers name and trade mark BS 864 / EN 1254 Part- I and designation of fittings. " docs/151-160,.pdf,113,"13.0 PACKAGING " docs/151-160,.pdf,130,"Page 154 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,129,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,128,"For any control test or examination required under the supervision of TPIA/owner/owner's representative, latter shall be informed in writing one (1) week in advance by vender about inspection date & place along with production schedule. " docs/151-160,.pdf,127,"Vendor shall prepare and submit the detail drawings of required brass fitting for approval by IGL/VCSQSPL before starting production. " docs/151-160,.pdf,126,"Even after third party inspection, IGL reserves the right to select a sample of tube randomly from each manufacturing batch and have these independently tested. If the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in IGL Technical specification, then IGL reserves the rights to reject all production supplied from the batch. " docs/151-160,.pdf,125,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval/ license from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test/ inspection reports as per IGL Technical Specification, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/151-160,.pdf,124,"IGL representative or third party inspection agency appointed by IGL shall carry out random inspection during manufacturing/ final inspection. " docs/151-160,.pdf,123,"• " docs/151-160,.pdf,122,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0009 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,121,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - BRASS FITTINGS " docs/151-160,.pdf,120,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,119,"Page 153 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,118,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,117,"Inspection shall be carried out as per design codes/standards, IGL Technical Specification and Inspection Plan/ Vendor's detailed QAP duly approved by owner/owner's representative. " docs/151-160,.pdf,116,". " docs/151-160,.pdf,115,"14.0 INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,114,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Bidder shall submit the packaging details during QAP and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/151-160,.pdf,112,"Each packing containing fittings shall carry the following stamped or written in indelible ink. " docs/151-160,.pdf,135,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI PIPES " docs/151-160,.pdf,150,"CONTENTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,137,"00 REV. No " docs/151-160,.pdf,161,"6.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,162,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,163,"7.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,164,"GALVANIZING... " docs/151-160,.pdf,165,"9.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,166,"MARKING " docs/151-160,.pdf,167,"10.0 INSPECTION / DOCUMENTS. " docs/151-160,.pdf,168,"11.0 PACKAGING " docs/151-160,.pdf,169,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,170,"Page 156 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,171,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,172,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,173,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,174,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,175,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,176,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,177,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,178,"5 " docs/151-160,.pdf,92,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,160,"END CONNECTION OF PIPE.. " docs/151-160,.pdf,136,"VPC-SS - PE - 0005 " docs/151-160,.pdf,159,"5.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,157,"4.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,138,"20.06.18 " docs/151-160,.pdf,179,"5 " docs/151-160,.pdf,139,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/151-160,.pdf,140,"DATE " docs/151-160,.pdf,141,"Purpose " docs/151-160,.pdf,142,"BS Prepared By " docs/151-160,.pdf,143,"MVK Checked Approved By By " docs/151-160,.pdf,144,"AD " docs/151-160,.pdf,145,"Copyright VCS Quality- All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,146,"Page 155 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,147,"ENERGEING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,148,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI PIPES " docs/151-160,.pdf,149,"1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE... " docs/151-160,.pdf,151,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0005 " docs/151-160,.pdf,152,"Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,153,"2.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,154,"DEFINITIONS.. " docs/151-160,.pdf,155,"3.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,156,"MATERIAL... " docs/151-160,.pdf,158,"DIMENSIONS, THICKNESS & DIMENSIONALTOLERANCES.... " docs/151-160,.pdf,91,"Page 152 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,19,"STRESS CORROSION RESISTANCE TEST. " docs/151-160,.pdf,89,"6.0 CARBON IN BORE " docs/151-160,.pdf,24,"11.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,25,"PNEUMATIC PRESSURE TEST " docs/151-160,.pdf,26,"12.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,27,"MARKING. " docs/151-160,.pdf,28,"13.0 PACKAGING. " docs/151-160,.pdf,29,"14.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,30,"INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS. " docs/151-160,.pdf,31,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,32,"Page 151 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,33,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0009 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,34,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,35,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,36,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,37,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,38,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,39,"3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,40,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,41,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,42,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,23,"HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST. " docs/151-160,.pdf,43,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,22,"10.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,20,"9.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,180,"6 " docs/151-160,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - BRASS FITTINGS " docs/151-160,.pdf,3,"CONTENTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,4,"1.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,5,"SCOPE " docs/151-160,.pdf,6,"2.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,7,"MATERIAL " docs/151-160,.pdf,8,"3.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,9,"DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES " docs/151-160,.pdf,10,"4.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,11,"END CONNECTION..... " docs/151-160,.pdf,12,"5.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,13,"CHEMICAL PROPERTIES " docs/151-160,.pdf,14,"6.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,15,"CARBON IN BORE... " docs/151-160,.pdf,16,"7.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,17,"8.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,18,"RESISTANCE TO DEZINCIFICATION " docs/151-160,.pdf,21,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECT " docs/151-160,.pdf,90,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,44,".4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,46,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,70,"0.20 " docs/151-160,.pdf,71,"0.02 " docs/151-160,.pdf,72,"The minimum wall thickness of a fitting shall be in accordance as given below (Ref Table 3 " docs/151-160,.pdf,73,"of EN 1254 Part 1) " docs/151-160,.pdf,74,"Nominal Dia mm D " docs/151-160,.pdf,75,"12 " docs/151-160,.pdf,76,"4.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,77,"END CONNECTION " docs/151-160,.pdf,78,"Minimum Wall thickness (mm) Brass 1.1 " docs/151-160,.pdf,79,"End connection of the fitting must be capable of end feeding to the NPT x 12 mm. Internal solder ring type fitting is not acceptable. " docs/151-160,.pdf,80,"5.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,81,"CHEMICAL PROPERTIES " docs/151-160,.pdf,82,"Chemical composition of Brass shall be as mentioned in EN 1254 PART I. Dezincification- resistant brass material CuZn36Pb2As or CW602N. " docs/151-160,.pdf,83,"322 " docs/151-160,.pdf,84,"Cu " docs/151-160,.pdf,85,"Pb " docs/151-160,.pdf,86,"As " docs/151-160,.pdf,87,"61.0-63.0 % 01.7-02.8% 0.02 -0.15% " docs/151-160,.pdf,88,"Remaining is zinc. " docs/151-160,.pdf,69,"+ 0.15 +0.06 " docs/151-160,.pdf,45,"4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,68,"Resulting Diametrical difference Max (mm) Min (mm) " docs/151-160,.pdf,66,"end (mm) +.0.04 -.0.05 " docs/151-160,.pdf,47,".4 " docs/151-160,.pdf,48,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,49,"1.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,50,"SCOPE " docs/151-160,.pdf,51,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - BRASS FITTINGS " docs/151-160,.pdf,52,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0009 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,53,"2.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,54,"This specification covers the requirements for Brass Capillary fittings (End feed fittings). Unless modified by this specification, requirement of BS 864 / EN 1254 Part 1 shall be valid. " docs/151-160,.pdf,55,"MATERIAL " docs/151-160,.pdf,56,"The material used for the manufacturer of Brass Capillary Fittings shall conform to EN 1254-1 (latest), Half Hard. " docs/151-160,.pdf,57,"Material used for the solder should conform to BS EN 29453 and should be lead free. Solder material shall be generally melting within the temperature range 180 ° C to 250 °C. " docs/151-160,.pdf,58,"3.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,59,"• " docs/151-160,.pdf,60,"Threading on the Brass fittings shall be done as per BS21. " docs/151-160,.pdf,61,"DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES " docs/151-160,.pdf,62,"Dimensions tolerances of various types of brass capillary fittings (End feed fittings). shall be as per EN 1254 Part 1. " docs/151-160,.pdf,63,"The tolerances at the end shall be as per EN 1254 Part I in nominal diameter which is as follows (Ref. table 2) " docs/151-160,.pdf,64,"Diameter D " docs/151-160,.pdf,65,"12 mm " docs/151-160,.pdf,67,"Tolerance on the mean diameter with respect to the nominal Outside Dia of male Inside Dia of socket (mm) " docs/151-160,.pdf,181,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,232,"GALVANIZING " docs/151-160,.pdf,183,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI PIPES " docs/151-160,.pdf,257,"Each packing containing pipes shall carry the following embossed, stamped or written by indelible ink. " docs/151-160,.pdf,256,"Each pipe shall be embossed with IGL's logo, manufacturer's name or trademark, size designation, class of pipe at the interval of not more than 1 meters. " docs/151-160,.pdf,255,"MARKING " docs/151-160,.pdf,254,"9.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,253,"Hydrostatic pressure test shall be carried out at a pressure of 5 Mpa for the duration of at least 3 second and shall not show any leakage in the pipe. Vendor to submit the internal pressure test certificate for the same. Owner Representative or Third party Inspection Agency appointed by Owner shall witness finish goods testing as per the sample procedure specified in IS: 1239 (Part-1) – latest edition. " docs/151-160,.pdf,252,"PRESSURE TEST " docs/151-160,.pdf,251,"d) Criteria for conformity: As per IS: 4736 1986 with latest amendments. " docs/151-160,.pdf,250,"8.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,249,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0005 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,248,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI PIPES " docs/151-160,.pdf,258,"• " docs/151-160,.pdf,247,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,245,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,244,"c) The sample found conforming to above requirements shall then be tested for mass of zinc coating in accordance with Clause 5.1 of IS: 4736 - 1986 with latest amendment. " docs/151-160,.pdf,243,"latest " docs/151-160,.pdf,242,"- " docs/151-160,.pdf,241,"b) The sample selected according to Clause 6.1 & 6.2 of IS: 4736- edition. " docs/151-160,.pdf,240,"a) All materials of the same type in coating bath having uniform coating characteristics shall be grouped together to continue a lot. Each lot shall be tested separately for the various requirements of the specification. The number of units to be selected from each lot for this purpose shall be IS: 4711 1995 with latest amendment. " docs/151-160,.pdf,239,"Samplings " docs/151-160,.pdf,238,"Freedom from defect: The zinc coating on internal & external surfaces shall be uniform adhered, reasonably smooth & free from such imperfections as flux, ash & drop inclusions, bare patches, black spots, pimples, lumpiness runs, rust stains, bulky white deposits & blisters. Rejection & acceptance for these defects shall be as per Appendix - A of IS 2629: 1985 with latest amendments. " docs/151-160,.pdf,237,"Uniformity of galvanized coating: The galvanized coating when determined on a 100 mm long test piece in accordance with IS 2633: 1986 with latest amendment shall withstand 5 one minute dips. " docs/151-160,.pdf,236,"Mass of zinc coating: Minimum mass of zinc coating determined as per IS: 6745 shall be 360gms/m². " docs/151-160,.pdf,246,"Page 158 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,235,"Galvanizing bath: The molten metal in the galvanizing bath shall contain not less than 98.5% by mass of zinc. " docs/151-160,.pdf,259,"Manufacturers name or trademark. " docs/151-160,.pdf,261,"Class of pipe -Heavy. " docs/151-160,.pdf,182,"1.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,283,"Page 160 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,282,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,280,"11.0 PACKAGING " docs/151-160,.pdf,279,"randomly from each manufacturing batch & have these independently tested. Should the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in Owner technical specification, then Owner reserves the right to reject all production supplied from the batch. " docs/151-160,.pdf,278,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0005 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,277,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI PIPES " docs/151-160,.pdf,276,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,275,"Page 159 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,274,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,260,"• " docs/151-160,.pdf,273,"Even after third party inspection, Owner reserves the right to select a sample of pipes " docs/151-160,.pdf,271,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval / licence from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test / inspection reports as per Owner Tech. Spec. & specified code for 100% material, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/151-160,.pdf,270,"The manufacturer shall have a valid licence to use ISI monogram for manufacturing of pipe in accordance with the requirement of IS: 1239. " docs/151-160,.pdf,269,"Owner Representative or Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by Owner shall carry out stage wise inspection during manufacturing / final inspection. " docs/151-160,.pdf,268,"Inspection shall be carried out as per Owner Technical Specification. " docs/151-160,.pdf,267,"10.0 INSPECTION / DOCUMENTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,266,"Each pipe conforming to this standard shall also be marked with BIS standard mark. " docs/151-160,.pdf,265,"Lot number / Batch no. of production. " docs/151-160,.pdf,264,". " docs/151-160,.pdf,263,"Indian standard mark (ISI). " docs/151-160,.pdf,262,"• " docs/151-160,.pdf,272,"For any control, test or examination required under the supervision of TPIA/Owner/Owner's representative, latter shall be informed in writing one (1) week in advance by vendor about inspection date and place along with production schedule. " docs/151-160,.pdf,234,"Zinc conforming to any grade specified in IS: 13229- 1991 with latest amendment shall be used for the purpose of galvanizing. " docs/151-160,.pdf,281,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Bidder shall submit the packaging details during QAP and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/151-160,.pdf,186,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) plans to augment PNG network. It supplies natural gas to domestic & commercial consumers in the city of NCT Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA. " docs/151-160,.pdf,205,"Nominal Diameter DN " docs/151-160,.pdf,204,"The dimensions & nominal mass of tubes shall be in accordance with Table 5 subject to the tolerances permitted in CL.8.1 & 9 of IS 1239 (Part-I) 2004 ( Latest edition ). Length of each pipe shall be 6 mtrs with + 6, - 0 mm tolerance. However, pipe length shall be considered 6 m. only for measurement / payment purpose. " docs/151-160,.pdf,203,"DIMENSIONS, THICKNESS & DIMENSIONALTOLERANCES " docs/151-160,.pdf,202,"The material used for the manufacturing of GI pipes confirming to IS 1239 (Part -1): 2004 (Latest edition). " docs/151-160,.pdf,201,"MATERIAL " docs/151-160,.pdf,200,"4.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,199,"3.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,233,"Pipes shall be galvanized to meet the requirement of IS: 4736 - 1986 with latest amendment. " docs/151-160,.pdf,197,"GTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,196,"Third Party Inspection Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. Agency " docs/151-160,.pdf,195,"and all " docs/151-160,.pdf,194,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). Means the Manufacturer of the GI pipe. Means the present <> its appendix, if any. " docs/151-160,.pdf,193,"SS " docs/151-160,.pdf,192,"Manufacturer " docs/151-160,.pdf,191,"Owner " docs/151-160,.pdf,190,"DEFINITIONS " docs/151-160,.pdf,189,"2.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,188,"This specification covers the requirements for GI pipes of heavy steel tube. Unless modified by this specification, requirements of IS 1239 (Part-I): 2004 (Latest edition) shall be valid. " docs/151-160,.pdf,187,"This present document covers the technical specification for the procurement of GI Pipes used in high pressure natural gas transportation and distribution systems. It describes the general requirements, controls, tests, QA/QC examination and final acceptance criteria which need to be fulfilled. " docs/151-160,.pdf,185,"INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE " docs/151-160,.pdf,184,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0005 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,206,"15 mm " docs/151-160,.pdf,207,"20 mm " docs/151-160,.pdf,198,"Means the present <> and its entire appendix, if any. " docs/151-160,.pdf,209,"Heavy " docs/151-160,.pdf,231,"On visual examination the outside & inside surfaces of pipes shall be smooth & free from defects such as cracks etc. " docs/151-160,.pdf,230,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/151-160,.pdf,208,"Grade " docs/151-160,.pdf,229,"7.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,228,"6.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,227,"GI Pipes shall be supplied with plain end. " docs/151-160,.pdf,226,"END CONNECTION OF PIPE " docs/151-160,.pdf,224,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0005 Rev No: 00 " docs/151-160,.pdf,223,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI PIPES " docs/151-160,.pdf,222,"ENERGING QUALITY " docs/151-160,.pdf,221,"Page 157 of 380 " docs/151-160,.pdf,225,"5.0 " docs/151-160,.pdf,219,"1.87 " docs/151-160,.pdf,210,"Heavy " docs/151-160,.pdf,211,"Outer Dia. (Max. / Min.) " docs/151-160,.pdf,220,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/151-160,.pdf,213,"27.3 mm / 26.5 mm " docs/151-160,.pdf,214,"Thickness (mm) " docs/151-160,.pdf,212,"21.8 mm / 21.0 mm " docs/151-160,.pdf,216,"3.2 " docs/151-160,.pdf,217,"Nominal weight (Kg/m) " docs/151-160,.pdf,218,"1.44 " docs/151-160,.pdf,215,"3.2 " docs/161-170,.pdf,126,"Samplings " docs/161-170,.pdf,133,"d. " docs/161-170,.pdf,127,"a. " docs/161-170,.pdf,128,"All materials of the same type in coating bath having uniform coating characteristics shall be grouped together to continue a lot. Each lot shall be tested separately for the various requirements of the specification. The number of units to be selected from each lot for this purpose shall be given in Table 2 of IS 4759 - latest edition. " docs/161-170,.pdf,129,"b. The sample selected according to Column 1 & 2 of Table 2, IS: 4759 - latest edition shall be tested for visual requirements as per Clause 6.2 of IS:4759 - latest edition " docs/161-170,.pdf,130,"C. " docs/161-170,.pdf,131,"The sample found conforming to above requirements shall then be tested for mass of zinc coating in accordance with Clause 9.2 of IS: 4759 – latest edition. " docs/161-170,.pdf,132,"- " docs/161-170,.pdf,134,"Criteria for conformity: As per Clause 8.3 of IS: 4759-latestedition. " docs/161-170,.pdf,144,"10.0 COMPRESSION TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,136,"Test procedure shall be as per Clause 9 of IS: 4759-latestedition. " docs/161-170,.pdf,137,"9.0 PRESSURE TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,138,"Vendor shall carry out pneumatic pressure test as per Clause 11.1b of 1879 - 1987 with latest amendments on each & every fittings. Vendor to submit the Internal Quality control certificate for the same. Owner shall witness pneumatic testing as per the sampling procedure specified in 1879 - 1987 with latest amendments. " docs/161-170,.pdf,139,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,140,"Page 164 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,141,"ENERGIBING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,142,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI FITTINGS " docs/161-170,.pdf,143,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0006 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,145,"This test shall be conducted to judge the malleability of the pipe fittings & shall be carried out as per Clause 12 of 1879 - 1987 with latest amendments. " docs/161-170,.pdf,135,"e. " docs/161-170,.pdf,125,"Freedom from defect: The zinc coating shall be uniform adhered, reasonably smooth & free from such imperfections as flux, ash bare patches, black spots, pimples, lumpiness runs, rust stains, bulky white deposits &blisters. " docs/161-170,.pdf,196,"7.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,123,"Galvanizing bath: The molten metal in the galvanizing bath shall contain not less than 98.5% by mass of zinc. " docs/161-170,.pdf,102,"THREADS " docs/161-170,.pdf,146,"11.0 SAMPLING " docs/161-170,.pdf,103,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,104,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,105,"Threads shall be NPT type and conforming to ASME B1.20.1. " docs/161-170,.pdf,106,"Outlets of fittings shall be threaded to dimensions & the tolerances as specified in ASME B1.20.1. " docs/161-170,.pdf,107,"All internal & external threads shall be tapered. " docs/161-170,.pdf,108,"For checking conformity of threads gauging practice in accordance with ASME B1.20.1 " docs/161-170,.pdf,109,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,110,"Page 163 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,124,"Coating requirements: Mass of coating shall be 610 - 700gms/m2. " docs/161-170,.pdf,111,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI FITTINGS " docs/161-170,.pdf,113,"ENEROBNO QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,114,"shall be followed. " docs/161-170,.pdf,115,"Chamfering: The outlet of fittings shall have chamfer. " docs/161-170,.pdf,116,"7.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,117,"8.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,118,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/161-170,.pdf,119,"On visual examination, the outside & inside surfaces of fittings shall be smooth & free from any defects such as cracks, injurious flaws, fine sand depth etc. " docs/161-170,.pdf,120,"GALVANIZING " docs/161-170,.pdf,121,"Fittings shall be galvanized to meet the requirement of IS: 4759–1996with latest amendments. " docs/161-170,.pdf,122,"Zinc conforming to any grade specified in IS: 13229-1991 with latest amendments shall be used for the purpose of galvanizing. " docs/161-170,.pdf,112,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0006 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,147,"Owner Representative of Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by Owner shall witness the tests as per clause 14 of 1879 - 1987 with latest amendments. However, vendor to perform 100% inspection of visual, dimensional & pressure test. Vendor shall furnish Internal test certificates at the time of final inspection to the Owner. " docs/161-170,.pdf,172,"REV " docs/161-170,.pdf,149,"Each fitting shall be embossed/Laser printed with IGL's logo, manufacturer's name or trademark and the size designation. " docs/161-170,.pdf,177,"AD " docs/161-170,.pdf,178,"Checked Approved By " docs/161-170,.pdf,179,"By " docs/161-170,.pdf,180,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,181,"Page 166 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,182,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,183,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER TUBE " docs/161-170,.pdf,184,"1.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,185,"2.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,176,"MVK " docs/161-170,.pdf,186,"3.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,188,"SCOPE " docs/161-170,.pdf,189,"MATERIAL " docs/161-170,.pdf,190,"DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES.. " docs/161-170,.pdf,191,"MANUFACTURE " docs/161-170,.pdf,192,"5.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,193,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS. " docs/161-170,.pdf,194,"6.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,195,"HYDROSTATIC TEST ........ " docs/161-170,.pdf,101,"6.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,187,"4.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,175,"BS Prepared By " docs/161-170,.pdf,174,"Purpose " docs/161-170,.pdf,173,"DATE " docs/161-170,.pdf,150,"Each packing containing fittings shall carry the following embossed/Laser printed, stamped or written by indelible ink. " docs/161-170,.pdf,151,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,152,"Manufacturer's name or trademark. " docs/161-170,.pdf,153,"• Designation of fittings. " docs/161-170,.pdf,154,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,155,"Lot number. " docs/161-170,.pdf,156,"Each fitting conforming to this standard shall also be marked with BIS standard mark. 13.0 PACKAGING " docs/161-170,.pdf,158,"14.0 INSPECTION/DOCUMENTS " docs/161-170,.pdf,159,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,160,"Inspection shall be carried out as per Owner Technical Specification. " docs/161-170,.pdf,161,"Owner Representative or Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by Owner shall carry out stage wise inspection during manufacturing / final inspection. " docs/161-170,.pdf,162,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval / license from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test / Inspection reports as per Owner Tech Spec. & specified code for 100% material, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/161-170,.pdf,163,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,164,"Page 165 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,165,"C " docs/161-170,.pdf,166,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,167,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/161-170,.pdf,168,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER TUBE " docs/161-170,.pdf,169,"VPC-SS-PE-0008 " docs/161-170,.pdf,170,"00 18.06.18 " docs/161-170,.pdf,171,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/161-170,.pdf,148,"12.0 MARKING " docs/161-170,.pdf,100,"Weights of various types of fittings shall be as specified in sections 2 to 10 of S 1879 - 1987 with latest amendments, as applicable. " docs/161-170,.pdf,29,"MATERIAL. " docs/161-170,.pdf,98,"Elbows, Tees, Sockets and caps shall be of reinforced type. " docs/161-170,.pdf,51,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,50,"Page 162 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,49,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,48,"14.0 INSPECTION / DOCUMENTS.. " docs/161-170,.pdf,47,"13.0 PACKAGING. " docs/161-170,.pdf,46,"12.0 MARKING. " docs/161-170,.pdf,45,"SAMPLING. " docs/161-170,.pdf,44,"11.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,43,"COMPRESSION TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,52,".3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,42,"10.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,40,"9.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,39,"GALVANIZING " docs/161-170,.pdf,38,"8.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,37,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS. " docs/161-170,.pdf,36,"7.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,35,"THREADS. " docs/161-170,.pdf,34,"6.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,33,"WEIGHT " docs/161-170,.pdf,32,"5.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,41,"PRESSURE TEST. " docs/161-170,.pdf,53,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,54,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,55,".3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,76,"Manufacturer " docs/161-170,.pdf,75,"Owner " docs/161-170,.pdf,74,"DEFINATIONS " docs/161-170,.pdf,73,"This specification covers the requirements for Malleable Cast Iron Fittings unless modified by this specification, requirements of IS 1879 latest edition shall be valid. " docs/161-170,.pdf,72,"This present document covers the technical specification for the procurement of GI fittings used in high pressure natural gas transportation and distribution systems. It describes the general requirements, controls, tests, QA/QC examination and final acceptance criteria which need to be fulfilled. " docs/161-170,.pdf,71,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) plans to augment PNG network. It supplies natural gas to domestic & commercial consumers in the city of NCT Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA. " docs/161-170,.pdf,70,"2.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,69,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0006 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,68,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI FITTINGS " docs/161-170,.pdf,67,"SCOPE " docs/161-170,.pdf,66,"1.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,65,"ENEROISMO QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,64,".5 " docs/161-170,.pdf,63,".5 " docs/161-170,.pdf,62,".5 " docs/161-170,.pdf,61,".5 " docs/161-170,.pdf,60,".5 " docs/161-170,.pdf,59,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,58,".4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,57,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,56,".3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,31,"DIMENSIONS THICKNESS & DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES. " docs/161-170,.pdf,30,"4.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,197,"DRIFT EXPANDING TEST. " docs/161-170,.pdf,28,"3.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,2,"9 " docs/161-170,.pdf,1,"C " docs/161-170,.pdf,79,"Means the present <> and its appendix, if any. " docs/161-170,.pdf,80,"SS " docs/161-170,.pdf,81,"Third Party Inspection Agency " docs/161-170,.pdf,82,"Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. " docs/161-170,.pdf,83,"3.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,84,"4.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,85,"5.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,86,"MATERIAL " docs/161-170,.pdf,87,"The material used for the manufacturing of GI fittings shall conform to ISI 14329 with latest amendments Grade BM 300. " docs/161-170,.pdf,88,"DIMENSIONS THICKNESS & DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES " docs/161-170,.pdf,89,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,90,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,91,"• " docs/161-170,.pdf,92,"- " docs/161-170,.pdf,93,"1995 " docs/161-170,.pdf,94,"Dimensions of various types of fittings shall be as specified in sections 2 to 10 of IS 1879 1987 with latest amendments, as applicable. " docs/161-170,.pdf,95,"Wall thickness of fittings and tolerances on them shall be as given in Table 1.2 of S 1879 1987 with latest amendments, " docs/161-170,.pdf,96,"- " docs/161-170,.pdf,97,"In case of reducing fittings, the dimensions at each outlet shall be those appropriate to the nominal size of the outlet. " docs/161-170,.pdf,3,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,99,"WEIGHT " docs/161-170,.pdf,4,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/161-170,.pdf,6,"VPC-SS-PE-0006 " docs/161-170,.pdf,27,"DEFINATIONS.. " docs/161-170,.pdf,26,"2.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,25,"SCOPE " docs/161-170,.pdf,24,"1.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,23,"CONTENTS " docs/161-170,.pdf,22,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0006 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,21,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - GI FITTINGS " docs/161-170,.pdf,20,"ENERGISING QUALITY ALITY = " docs/161-170,.pdf,19,"Page 161 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,18,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,17,"By " docs/161-170,.pdf,16,"By " docs/161-170,.pdf,15,"Approved " docs/161-170,.pdf,14,"Checked " docs/161-170,.pdf,13,"AD " docs/161-170,.pdf,12,"MVK " docs/161-170,.pdf,11,"BS Prepared By " docs/161-170,.pdf,10,"Purpose " docs/161-170,.pdf,9,"DATE " docs/161-170,.pdf,8,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/161-170,.pdf,7,"00 18.06.18 REV. No " docs/161-170,.pdf,5,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION -GI FITTINGS " docs/161-170,.pdf,198,"8.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,157,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Packing size shall be approved by owner/owner's representative before packing the material. The vendor shall submit the packaging details during QAP and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/161-170,.pdf,200,"9.0 CARBON CONTENT TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,274,"Copper tubes to be tested for carbon content test to ensure a carbon level to avoid the formation of carbon film during installation. Max. Carbon level shall be permitted as per clause 6.5 of BS EN1057. " docs/161-170,.pdf,273,"CARBON CONTENT TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,272,"Copper tubes to be tested for carbon film test & the manufacturer will certify that the tubes meet the requirement of clause 8.5 of BS EN 1057. " docs/161-170,.pdf,271,"CARBON FILM TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,270,"Drift expanding test shall be carried out as per EN 1057. The O.D. of the tube end shall be expanded by 30% using a conical mandrel (at angle 45º) with no wrinkles, cracks, break or any form of defect should occur on the tube during & after the test. " docs/161-170,.pdf,269,"DRIFT EXPANDING TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,268,"Hydrostatic test shall be carried out minimum 35 bar pressure for a period of 10 second as per EN 1057 (latest). " docs/161-170,.pdf,267,"HYDROSTATIC TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,266,"any flaw or blow hole which may not be visible to the naked eye. The manufacturer must have in-house Eddy Current testing facilities to supply to IGL. IGL reserves the right to witness the Eddy Current facility at the manufacturer's factory premises. " docs/161-170,.pdf,265,"9.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,275,"10.0 MARKING " docs/161-170,.pdf,264,"8.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,262,"6.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,261,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0008 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,260,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER TUBE " docs/161-170,.pdf,259,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,258,"Page 168 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,257,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,256,"probe & an electromagnetic field is created around the peripheral of the tube to detect " docs/161-170,.pdf,255,"All tubes will be supplied 100% Eddy Current tested as per ASTM E243 and BS EN 1057. Eddy Current testing is a computer aided test, wherein the tube passes through a " docs/161-170,.pdf,254,"The tubes shall be free from internal & external fins, flaws, skin defects, blow holes etc. or other irregularities which might restrict the free flow of fluid and shall be so designed that resistance to the flow of fluid through the tubes is minimized. " docs/161-170,.pdf,253,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/161-170,.pdf,263,"7.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,276,"Each tube shall be permanently marked every meter with IGL's Logo, manufactures name & size and specification of the tube. " docs/161-170,.pdf,277,"Each packing containing tubes shall carry the following, stamped or written in indelible ink. " docs/161-170,.pdf,278,"• Manufacturers name or trademark " docs/161-170,.pdf,77,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). " docs/161-170,.pdf,199,"CARBON FILM TEST " docs/161-170,.pdf,299,"Page 170 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,298,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,297,"of " docs/161-170,.pdf,296,"required under the supervision " docs/161-170,.pdf,295,"For any control test or examination TPIA/owner/owner's representative, latter shall be informed in writing one (1) week in advance by vendor about inspection date & place along with production schedule. " docs/161-170,.pdf,294,"Even after third party inspection, IGL reserves the right to select a sample of tube randomly from each manufacturing batch and have these independently tested. Should the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in IGL Technical specification, then IGL reserves the rights to reject all production supplied from the batch. " docs/161-170,.pdf,293,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval/ license from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test/ inspection reports as per IGL Technical Specification and specified code for 100% material, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/161-170,.pdf,292,"stage wise inspection during manufacturing/ final inspection. " docs/161-170,.pdf,291,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0008 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,290,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER TUBE " docs/161-170,.pdf,289,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,288,"Page 169 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,287,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,286,"IGL representative or third party inspection agency appointed by IGL shall carry out " docs/161-170,.pdf,285,"Inspection shall be carried out as per IGL Technical Specifications, relevant codes/standard and Inspection Plan/ QAP. Vendor to prepare detailed QAP and submit the same for approval of IGL / IGL's Authorized Representative. " docs/161-170,.pdf,284,"12.0 INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/161-170,.pdf,283,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Packing size shall be approved by owner/owner's representative before packing the material. The vendor shall submit the packaging details during QAP and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/161-170,.pdf,282,"11.0 PACKAGING " docs/161-170,.pdf,281,"No. of the standard (EN1057) " docs/161-170,.pdf,280,"Lot number. " docs/161-170,.pdf,279,"Designation of tubes (OD x wall thk) " docs/161-170,.pdf,252,"The tubes shall be solid drawn by the process of melting, extrusion and thereafter Bright annealing. The ends shall be cut clean & square with the axis of the tube in no case shall tubes be redrawn from old or used tubes. " docs/161-170,.pdf,251,"MANUFACTURE " docs/161-170,.pdf,78,"Means the Manufacturer of the GI fittings. " docs/161-170,.pdf,249,"The mean outside Diameter of the tube shall not vary from the specified outside diameter by more than the amount of tolerances specified in table 4 of BS EN 1057. The tolerance on the wall thickness shall be as specified in table 5 of BS EN 1057. " docs/161-170,.pdf,223,"SCOPE " docs/161-170,.pdf,222,"1.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,221,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/161-170,.pdf,220,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,219,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,218,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,217,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,216,"4 " docs/161-170,.pdf,215,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,214,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,224,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER TUBE " docs/161-170,.pdf,213,".3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,211,"_ " docs/161-170,.pdf,209,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0008 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,208,"Page 167 of 380 " docs/161-170,.pdf,207,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/161-170,.pdf,206,"CONTENTS " docs/161-170,.pdf,205,"INSPECTION/DOCUMENTS. " docs/161-170,.pdf,204,"12.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,203,"PACKAGING " docs/161-170,.pdf,202,"11.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,250,"The length of the tube shall be 3 m. Allowable tolerance shall be (-0, +0.5 mm). " docs/161-170,.pdf,212,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,225,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0008 Rev No: 00 " docs/161-170,.pdf,210,"3 " docs/161-170,.pdf,227,"This specification covers the requirements for 12 mm OD X 0.6 mm wall thickness Copper tube, Half Hard. Unless modified by this specification, requirement of BS EN 1057 (latest), Half Hard, shall be valid, with the recommended changes in physical properties to suit wrinkle free bend ability. " docs/161-170,.pdf,247,": Min 99.9% " docs/161-170,.pdf,248,": 0.015 to 0.040% " docs/161-170,.pdf,226,"2.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,246,"DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES " docs/161-170,.pdf,245,"Phosphorus Percentage " docs/161-170,.pdf,244,"Copper Percentage including silver " docs/161-170,.pdf,201,"10.0 MARKING " docs/161-170,.pdf,242,"composition: " docs/161-170,.pdf,241,"In Each heat one no. of the copper tube will be tested for chemical properties to confirm to non-arsenical Cu DHP/CW024A as per BS EN 1057 to have the following chemical " docs/161-170,.pdf,240,"Chemical Properties: " docs/161-170,.pdf,239,"c. Hardness 53 to 80 on HV scale. " docs/161-170,.pdf,243,"- " docs/161-170,.pdf,237,"4.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,228,"MATERIAL " docs/161-170,.pdf,236,"3.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,235,"30% (min) " docs/161-170,.pdf,234,"- " docs/161-170,.pdf,233,"b. Elongation " docs/161-170,.pdf,232,"a. Ultimate Tensile Strength-235 N/ " docs/161-170,.pdf,231,"Mechanical Properties: " docs/161-170,.pdf,229,"The material used for the manufacturer of Copper tube shall confirm to BS EN 1057(latest), Grade Cu DHP or CW024A. " docs/161-170,.pdf,238,"5.0 " docs/161-170,.pdf,230,"- " docs/171-180,.pdf,248,"PRESSURE TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,247,"e) Test procedure shall be as per Clause 9 of IS 4759: 1996. All galvanizing test results shall be included in the Manufacturer's Test Certificate. " docs/171-180,.pdf,246,"d) Criteria for conformity: As per Clause 8.3 of IS 4759: 1996. " docs/171-180,.pdf,245,"c) The sample found conforming to above requirements shall then be tested for mass of zinc coating in accordance with Clause 9.2 of IS 4759: 1996. " docs/171-180,.pdf,241,"Freedom from defects: The zinc coating shall be uniformly adhered, reasonably smooth & free from such imperfections as flux, ash bare patches, black spots, pimples, lumpiness runs, rust strains, bulky white deposits & blisters; otherwise the pipes shall be liable for rejection. " docs/171-180,.pdf,243,"a) All materials of the same type in a coating bath having uniform coating characteristics shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. Each lot shall be tested separately for the various requirements of the specification. The number of units to be selected from each lot for this purpose shall be as given in Table 2 of IS 4759: 1996. " docs/171-180,.pdf,242,"Sampling Plan for galvanizing " docs/171-180,.pdf,240,"Coating requirements: Mass of coating shall be 610 gms/ m2. In case of pipe nipples (manufactured in accordance with the requirements of IS 1239 Part 1: 2004), the mass of coating of 400 gms/m2 shall also be acceptable. " docs/171-180,.pdf,239,"Galvanized Bath: The molten metal in the galvanizing bath shall contain not less than 98.5% by mass of zinc. " docs/171-180,.pdf,249,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,238,"Zinc conforming to any grade specified in IS 209: 1992 or IS 13229: 1991 shall be used for the purpose of galvanizing. " docs/171-180,.pdf,244,"b) The sample selected according to Column 1 & 2 of Table 2, IS 4759: 1996 shall be tested for visual requirements as per Para 8 of IS 4759: 1996. Vendor shall have appropriate correspondence between galvanizing lot number and pipe manufacturing lot number for identification / traceability. " docs/171-180,.pdf,250,"Page 179 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,261,"Each fitting shall be embossed / Laser Printed with IGL's logo, manufacturer's name or trademark and the size designation. " docs/171-180,.pdf,252,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - FORGED FITTINGS (WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UP TO 100 MBAR (G) " docs/171-180,.pdf,237,"Fittings shall be galvanized to meet the requirements of IS 4759: 1996. " docs/171-180,.pdf,49,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,48,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,47,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,46,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,262,"Each packing containing fittings shall carry the following embossed, stamped or written by indelible ink. " docs/171-180,.pdf,251,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,260,"11.0 MARKING " docs/171-180,.pdf,258,"10.0 SAMPLING " docs/171-180,.pdf,257,"As per IS 1239 Part 2: 1992. " docs/171-180,.pdf,256,"COMPRESSION TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,255,"Pneumatic pressure test shall be carried out on each & every fittings as per procedure given in IS 1239 Part 2: 1992. " docs/171-180,.pdf,254,"9.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,253,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0012 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,259,"Owner Representative of Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by Owner shall witness the tests as per procedure for sampling plan given in IS 4711: 1974. However, vendor to perform 100% inspection of visual, dimensional & pressure test. Vendor shall furnish Internal test certificates at the time of final inspection to the Owner. " docs/171-180,.pdf,236,"8.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,212,"Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. " docs/171-180,.pdf,234,"7.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,203,"SPECIFICATION FOR POWDER COATING " docs/171-180,.pdf,204,"Owner " docs/171-180,.pdf,205,"Manufacturer " docs/171-180,.pdf,206,"SS " docs/171-180,.pdf,207,"Third Party Inspection Agency " docs/171-180,.pdf,208,"MATERIAL " docs/171-180,.pdf,209,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). " docs/171-180,.pdf,210,"Means the Manufacturer of the Steel Reinforced Rubber Hose. " docs/171-180,.pdf,211,"Means the present <> and its appendix, if any. " docs/171-180,.pdf,50,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,213,"The material used for the manufacturing of wrought steel fittings shall confirm to IS 1387: 1967 generally, and IS 1239 Part 2: 1992 " docs/171-180,.pdf,214,"DIMENSIONS & TOLERANCES " docs/171-180,.pdf,215,"Dimensions of various types of fittings shall be as specified in the table 1 to 31 of IS 1239 Part 2: 1992. " docs/171-180,.pdf,216,"Wall thickness on fittings & tolerances on them shall be as given in table 1 to 31 of IS 1239 Part 2: 1992. " docs/171-180,.pdf,217,"In case of reducing fittings, the dimensions at each outlet shall be those appropriate to the nominal size of the outlet. " docs/171-180,.pdf,218,"THREADS " docs/171-180,.pdf,219,"• Outlet of fittings shall be threaded to dimensions & the tolerances as specified in IS 554: 1999. " docs/171-180,.pdf,233,"On visual examination the outside & inside surfaces of fittings shall be smooth & free from defects such as cracks, injurious flows, fine sand depth, etc. Other workmanship shall be as per Clause 14 of IS 1239 Part 2: 1992. " docs/171-180,.pdf,232,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,231,"Chamfering: The outlet of fittings shall have chamfer. The chamfer shall have an included angle of 900 ± 50 for internal threads & 700 ± 100 for external threads. " docs/171-180,.pdf,230,"2003 shall be followed. " docs/171-180,.pdf,229,"6.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,228,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0012 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,235,"GALVANIZING " docs/171-180,.pdf,227,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - FORGED FITTINGS (WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UP TO 100 MBAR (G) " docs/171-180,.pdf,225,"Page 178 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,224,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,223,"For checking conformity of threads gauging practice in accordance with IS 8999: " docs/171-180,.pdf,222,"• " docs/171-180,.pdf,221,"After threading, the pipe body may be hot dip galvanized as per normal practice followed by cold galvanizing (spraying) of the threaded portions. The threaded portions shall be protected using end caps, etc. " docs/171-180,.pdf,220,"All internal & external threads shall be tapered. " docs/171-180,.pdf,226,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,51,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,75,"Copper Percentage including silver " docs/171-180,.pdf,53,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,90,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,91,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER FITTINGS " docs/171-180,.pdf,92,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0007 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,93,"6.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,94,"7.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,95,"8.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,96,"9.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,97,"any flaw or blow hole which may not be visible to the naked eye. The manufacturer must have in-house Eddy Current testing facilities to supply to IGL. IGL reserves the right to witness the Eddy Current facility at the manufacturer's factory premises. " docs/171-180,.pdf,98,"HYDROSTATIC TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,99,"Hydrostatic test shall be carried out minimum 35 bar pressure for a period of 10 second as per EN 1057 (latest). " docs/171-180,.pdf,100,"DRIFT EXPANDING TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,101,"Drift expanding test shall be carried out as per EN 1057. The O.D. of the tube end shall be expanded by 30% using a conical mandrel (at angle 45º) with no wrinkles, cracks, break or any form of defect should occur on the tube during & after the test. " docs/171-180,.pdf,102,"CARBON FILM TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,103,"Copper tubes to be tested for carbon film test & the manufacturer will certify that the tubes meet the requirement of clause 8.5 of BS EN 1057. " docs/171-180,.pdf,104,"CARBON CONTENT TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,105,"Copper tubes to be tested for carbon content test to ensure a carbon level to avoid the formation of carbon film during installation. Max. Carbon level shall be permitted as per clause 6.5 of BS EN1057. " docs/171-180,.pdf,106,"10.0 MARKING " docs/171-180,.pdf,120,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,119,"Page 174 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,118,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,117,"IGL representative or third party inspection agency appointed by IGL shall carry out " docs/171-180,.pdf,116,"Inspection shall be carried out as per IGL Technical Specifications, relevant codes/standard and Inspection Plan/ QAP. Vendor to prepare detailed QAP and submit the same for approval of IGL / IGL's Authorized Representative. " docs/171-180,.pdf,115,"12.0 INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,89,"Page 173 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,114,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Packing size shall be approved by owner/owner's representative before packing the material. The vendor shall submit the packaging details during QAP and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/171-180,.pdf,112,"No. of the standard (EN1057) " docs/171-180,.pdf,111,"Lot number. " docs/171-180,.pdf,110,"Designation of tubes (OD x wall thk) " docs/171-180,.pdf,109,"• Manufacturers name or trademark " docs/171-180,.pdf,108,"Each packing containing tubes shall carry the following, stamped or written in indelible ink. " docs/171-180,.pdf,107,"Each tube shall be permanently marked every meter with IGL's Logo, manufactures name & size and specification of the tube. " docs/171-180,.pdf,113,"11.0 PACKAGING " docs/171-180,.pdf,88,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,87,"probe & an electromagnetic field is created around the peripheral of the tube to detect " docs/171-180,.pdf,86,"All tubes will be supplied 100% Eddy Current tested as per ASTM E243 and BS EN 1057. Eddy Current testing a computer aided test, wherein the tube passes through a " docs/171-180,.pdf,67,"a. Ultimate Tensile Strength-250N/ " docs/171-180,.pdf,66,"Mechanical Properties: " docs/171-180,.pdf,65,"- " docs/171-180,.pdf,64,"The material used for the manufacturer of Copper tube shall confirm to BS EN 1057(latest), Grade Cu DHP or CW024A. " docs/171-180,.pdf,63,"MATERIAL " docs/171-180,.pdf,62,"This specification covers the requirements for 12 mm OD X 0.6 mm wall thickness Copper tube, Half Hard. Unless modified by this specification, requirement of BS EN 1057 (latest), Half Hard, shall be valid, with the recommended changes in physical properties to suit wrinkle free bend ability. " docs/171-180,.pdf,68,"b. Elongation - 30% (min) " docs/171-180,.pdf,61,"2.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,59,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER FITTINGS " docs/171-180,.pdf,58,"SCOPE " docs/171-180,.pdf,57,"1.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,56,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,55,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,54,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,60,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0007 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,52,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,69,"3.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,71,"5.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,85,"The tubes shall be free from internal & external fins, flaws, skin defects, blow holes etc. or other irregularities which might restrict the free flow of fluid and shall be so designed that resistance to the flow of fluid through the tubes is minimized. " docs/171-180,.pdf,84,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,83,"The tubes shall be solid drawn by the process of melting, extrusion and thereafter Bright annealing. The ends shall be cut clean & square with the axis of the tube in no case shall tubes be redrawn from old or used tubes. " docs/171-180,.pdf,82,"MANUFACTURE " docs/171-180,.pdf,81,"The length of the tube shall be 3 m. Allowable tolerance shall be (-0, +0.5 mm). " docs/171-180,.pdf,80,"The mean outside Diameter of the tube shall not vary from the specified outside diameter by more than the amount of tolerances specified in table 4 of BS EN 1057. The tolerance on the wall thickness shall be as specified in table 5 of BS EN 1057. " docs/171-180,.pdf,70,"4.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,79,": 0.015 to 0.040% " docs/171-180,.pdf,77,"DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES " docs/171-180,.pdf,76,"Phosphorus Percentage " docs/171-180,.pdf,202,"5.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,74,"In Each heat one no. of the copper tube will be tested for chemical properties to confirm to non-arsenical Cu - DHP / CW024A as per BS EN 1057 to have the following chemical composition: " docs/171-180,.pdf,73,"Chemical Properties: " docs/171-180,.pdf,72,"c. Hardness - 75 to 100 on HV scale. " docs/171-180,.pdf,78,"Min 99.9% " docs/171-180,.pdf,201,"4.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,176,"12.0 PACKAGING " docs/171-180,.pdf,199,"2.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,26,"6.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,25,"5.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,24,"4.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,23,"3.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,22,"2.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,21,"SCOPE " docs/171-180,.pdf,20,"1.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,19,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER FITTINGS " docs/171-180,.pdf,18,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,17,"Page 171 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,16,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,15,"By " docs/171-180,.pdf,14,"Checked Approved By " docs/171-180,.pdf,13,"AD " docs/171-180,.pdf,12,"MVK " docs/171-180,.pdf,11,"BS Prepared By " docs/171-180,.pdf,10,"Purpose " docs/171-180,.pdf,125,"Even after third party inspection, IGL reserves the right to select a sample of tube randomly from each manufacturing batch and have these independently tested. Should the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in IGL Technical specification, then IGL reserves the rights to reject all production supplied from the batch. " docs/171-180,.pdf,124,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval/ license from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test/ inspection reports as per IGL Technical Specification and specified code for 100% material, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/171-180,.pdf,123,"stage wise inspection during manufacturing/ final inspection. " docs/171-180,.pdf,122,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0007 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,121,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER FITTINGS " docs/171-180,.pdf,1,"C " docs/171-180,.pdf,27,"MATERIAL " docs/171-180,.pdf,2,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,4,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - COPPER FITTINGS " docs/171-180,.pdf,5,"VPC-SS-PE-0007 " docs/171-180,.pdf,6,"00 18.06.18 " docs/171-180,.pdf,7,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/171-180,.pdf,8,"REV. No " docs/171-180,.pdf,9,"DATE " docs/171-180,.pdf,3,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/171-180,.pdf,126,"For any control test or examination TPIA/owner/owner's representative, latter shall be informed in writing one (1) week in advance by vendor about inspection date & place along with production schedule. " docs/171-180,.pdf,28,"DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES..... " docs/171-180,.pdf,30,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS. _ " docs/171-180,.pdf,42,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,263,"• " docs/171-180,.pdf,264,"• " docs/171-180,.pdf,265,"Manufacturer's name or trade mark. " docs/171-180,.pdf,266,"Designation of fittings. " docs/171-180,.pdf,267,"• Lot number. " docs/171-180,.pdf,268,"Each fitting conforming to this standard shall also be marked with BIS standard mark. " docs/171-180,.pdf,269,"12.0 PACKAGING " docs/171-180,.pdf,270,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Packing size shall be approved by owner / owner's representative before packing the material. The vendor shall submit the packaging details during QAP and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/171-180,.pdf,271,"13.0 INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,272,". " docs/171-180,.pdf,273,"Inspection shall be carried out as per Owner Technical Specification. " docs/171-180,.pdf,274,"Owner Representative or Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by Owner shall carry out stage wise inspection during manufacturing / final inspection. " docs/171-180,.pdf,275,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval / license from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test / Inspection reports as per Owner Tech Spec. & specified code for 100% material, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/171-180,.pdf,276,"Even after third party inspection, Owner reserves the rights to select a sample of fittings randomly from each manufacturing batch & have these independently " docs/171-180,.pdf,277,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,278,"Page 180 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,31,"HYDROSTATIC TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,32,"7.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,33,"DRIFT EXPANDING TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,34,"8.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,35,"CARBON FILM TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,36,"9.0 CARBON CONTENT TEST. " docs/171-180,.pdf,29,"MANUFACTURE " docs/171-180,.pdf,37,"10.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,39,"11.0 PACKAGING " docs/171-180,.pdf,40,"12.0 INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,41,"CONTENTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,45,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,44,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0007 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,43,"Page 172 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,38,"MARKING " docs/171-180,.pdf,127,"required under the supervision " docs/171-180,.pdf,128,"of " docs/171-180,.pdf,129,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,167,"7.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,168,"GALVANIZING. " docs/171-180,.pdf,169,"8.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,170,"PRESSURE TEST. " docs/171-180,.pdf,171,"9.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,172,"COMPRESSION TEST " docs/171-180,.pdf,173,"10.0 SAMPLING " docs/171-180,.pdf,174,"11.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,175,"MARKING " docs/171-180,.pdf,177,"13.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,178,"INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS. " docs/171-180,.pdf,179,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,180,"Page 177 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,181,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0012 " docs/171-180,.pdf,182,"Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,183,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,184,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,198,"This specification covers the requirements for Wrought Steel Fittings for Natural Gas for use at pressures up to 100 mbar (g). Unless modified by this specification, all the requirements of IS 1239 Part 2: 1992 and the latest editions of the standards mentioned herein this specification, including all revisions, shall apply. " docs/171-180,.pdf,197,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) plans to augment PNG network. It supplies natural gas to domestic & commercial consumers in the city of NCT Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan Ga. " docs/171-180,.pdf,196,"SCOPE " docs/171-180,.pdf,195,"1.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,194,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0012 Rev No: 00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,193,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - FORGED FITTINGS (WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UP TO 100 MBAR (G) " docs/171-180,.pdf,166,"FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,192,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,190,"5 " docs/171-180,.pdf,189,"5 " docs/171-180,.pdf,188,"4 " docs/171-180,.pdf,187,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,186,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,185,"3 " docs/171-180,.pdf,191,"5 5 5 " docs/171-180,.pdf,165,"6.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,164,"-----------………… " docs/171-180,.pdf,163,"THREADS " docs/171-180,.pdf,143,"REV " docs/171-180,.pdf,142,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/171-180,.pdf,141,"18.06.18 " docs/171-180,.pdf,140,"00 " docs/171-180,.pdf,139,"VPC-SS-PE-0012 " docs/171-180,.pdf,138,"(WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UP TO 100 MBAR (G) " docs/171-180,.pdf,144,"DATE " docs/171-180,.pdf,137,"FORGED FITTINGS " docs/171-180,.pdf,135,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/171-180,.pdf,134,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/171-180,.pdf,133,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,132,"S " docs/171-180,.pdf,131,"C " docs/171-180,.pdf,130,"Page 175 of 380 " docs/171-180,.pdf,136,"- " docs/171-180,.pdf,200,"3.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,145,"Purpose " docs/171-180,.pdf,147,"MVK " docs/171-180,.pdf,162,"5.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,161,"DIMENSIONS & TOLERANCES " docs/171-180,.pdf,160,"MATERIAL " docs/171-180,.pdf,159,"SPECIFICATION FOR POWDER COATING " docs/171-180,.pdf,158,"4.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,157,"3.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,146,"BS Prepared By " docs/171-180,.pdf,156,"2.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,154,"1.0 " docs/171-180,.pdf,153,"CONTENTS " docs/171-180,.pdf,152,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - FORGED FITTINGS (WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UP TO 100 MBAR (G) " docs/171-180,.pdf,151,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/171-180,.pdf,149,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/171-180,.pdf,148,"AD Checked Approved By By " docs/171-180,.pdf,155,"SCOPE. " docs/171-180,.pdf,150,"Page 176 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,114,"Adhesion " docs/181-190,.pdf,277,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,100,"The Minimum thickness so lining & cover shall be 2 mm & 1 mm respectively. " docs/181-190,.pdf,99,"The Nominal bore size of the hose shall be accordance to table # 1 of IS 9573: 1998 shall be as given above table. It shall be tested/ checked as method defined in IS 4143. " docs/181-190,.pdf,98,"95 " docs/181-190,.pdf,97,"radius(mm) " docs/181-190,.pdf,96,"Minimum bend " docs/181-190,.pdf,95,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0010 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,94,"7.9 " docs/181-190,.pdf,93,"Minimum base diameter(mm) " docs/181-190,.pdf,92,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/181-190,.pdf,91,"8mm " docs/181-190,.pdf,90,"base (mm) " docs/181-190,.pdf,89,"Nominal " docs/181-190,.pdf,88,"5.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,87,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,101,"Length of hose shall be as defined in M.R. & the tolerances on length shall be permitted ±1%. " docs/181-190,.pdf,86,"Page 184 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,84,"• Bore size " docs/181-190,.pdf,83,"DIMENSIONS & TOLERANCES " docs/181-190,.pdf,82,"The whole shall be consolidated by wrapping or any other suitable method and uniformly vulcanized to give good adhesion between reinforcement plies and the rubber lining of the cover. " docs/181-190,.pdf,81,"Cover: It shall be manufactured out of synthetic rubber compound resistant to abrasion, weather and natural gas. The cover color shall be orange. " docs/181-190,.pdf,80,"4.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,79,"It shall have wire reinforcement in braided form in between " docs/181-190,.pdf,78,"- " docs/181-190,.pdf,77,"Reinforcement material: the lining & cover. " docs/181-190,.pdf,76,"butadiene rubber (NBR) or chloroprene rubber (CR) compound. It shall be smooth in bore, uniform in thickness and free from air blisters, porosity and splits. " docs/181-190,.pdf,75,"- " docs/181-190,.pdf,74,"Lining: It shall be nitrile " docs/181-190,.pdf,73,"- " docs/181-190,.pdf,72,"MATERIAL " docs/181-190,.pdf,71,"3.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,85,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,102,"FEATURES " docs/181-190,.pdf,103,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,104,"Mechanical properties " docs/181-190,.pdf,136,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,135,"The hose shall comply to the requirement of Clause no. 5.5.7 of IS 9573. " docs/181-190,.pdf,134,"Grip strength test " docs/181-190,.pdf,133,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,132,"It shall be carried out as per Clause 5.5.2 of IS 9573. The minimum burst pressure shall be 5 Mpa. " docs/181-190,.pdf,131,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0010 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,130,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/181-190,.pdf,129,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,128,"Page 185 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,127,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,126,"• Bursting pressure " docs/181-190,.pdf,125,"All hoses shall be leak tightness tested at 2 MPa for a period of 1 minutes and no leakage is permitted. This test shall be performed on each size of the hoses as per clause no. of IS 9573: 1978. " docs/181-190,.pdf,124,"Hydro static test " docs/181-190,.pdf,123,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,122,"It shall be carried out as per clause no. 5.5.of IS 9573: 1978 " docs/181-190,.pdf,121,"• Ozone resistance " docs/181-190,.pdf,120,"The hose shall be capable of being bent empty to the radius 95 mm without flattening and suffering structural damages. " docs/181-190,.pdf,105,"Tensile Strength (Lining & Cover) at break " docs/181-190,.pdf,106,"- " docs/181-190,.pdf,107,"10 MPa (minimum) " docs/181-190,.pdf,108,"Elongation (Lining & Cover) in at break (%) " docs/181-190,.pdf,109,"200 & 250 respectively (minimum) " docs/181-190,.pdf,110,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,70,"Wire Reinforced hose for domestic / commercial installations " docs/181-190,.pdf,111,"Resistance of Lining to n-pentane " docs/181-190,.pdf,113,"The n-pentane absorbed and the n-pentane extractable matter as determined Clause no. of IS 9573: 1998 shall not exceed 10% & 5% respectively to the initial mass of lining. " docs/181-190,.pdf,115,"The minimum adhesion between rubber lining & reinforcement, between layers of reinforcement and between reinforcement & cover shall be 2KN/m. " docs/181-190,.pdf,116,"Low temperature flexibility " docs/181-190,.pdf,117,"Flexible hose is conditioned at - 40 °C for at least 5 hrs. and then bent at 180° around a mandrel with a diameter 12 times the nominal bore diameter of the hose, no cracks or breaks shall be shown. " docs/181-190,.pdf,118,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,119,"Flexibility of Hose " docs/181-190,.pdf,112,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,69,"Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. " docs/181-190,.pdf,68,"Means the present <> and its appendix, if any. " docs/181-190,.pdf,67,"Means the Manufacturer of the Steel Reinforced Rubber Hose. " docs/181-190,.pdf,30,"3.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,29,"SPECIFICATION FOR POWDER COATING " docs/181-190,.pdf,28,"2.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,27,"SCOPE. " docs/181-190,.pdf,26,"1.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,25,"CONTENTS " docs/181-190,.pdf,24,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/181-190,.pdf,23,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,22,"Page 182 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,21,"Copyright VCS Quality- All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,20,"By " docs/181-190,.pdf,19,"Checked Approved By " docs/181-190,.pdf,18,"AD " docs/181-190,.pdf,17,"MVK " docs/181-190,.pdf,16,"BS Prepared By " docs/181-190,.pdf,15,"Purpose " docs/181-190,.pdf,14,"DATE " docs/181-190,.pdf,278,"Page 190 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - FORGED FITTINGS (WROUGHT STEEL FITTINGS) FOR USE AT PRESSURE UP TO 100 MBAR (G) " docs/181-190,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0012 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,4,"tested. Should the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in Owner technical specification, then Owner reserves the rights to reject all production supplied from the batch. " docs/181-190,.pdf,5,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,31,"MATERIAL " docs/181-190,.pdf,6,"Page 181 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,8,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,9,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/181-190,.pdf,10,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/181-190,.pdf,11,"VPC-SS-PE-0010 " docs/181-190,.pdf,12,"00 18.06.18 REV. No " docs/181-190,.pdf,13,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/181-190,.pdf,7,"C " docs/181-190,.pdf,137,"Burning behavior " docs/181-190,.pdf,32,"4.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,34,"5.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,66,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). " docs/181-190,.pdf,65,"Agency Type 4 " docs/181-190,.pdf,64,"Third Party Inspection " docs/181-190,.pdf,63,"PTS " docs/181-190,.pdf,62,"Manufacturer " docs/181-190,.pdf,61,"Owner " docs/181-190,.pdf,60,"SPECIFICATION FOR POWDER COATING " docs/181-190,.pdf,59,"2.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,58,"This specification covers the requirements for steel reinforced rubber hose unless modified by this specification, requirements of IS: 9573 shall be valid. " docs/181-190,.pdf,57,"This present document covers the technical specification for the procurement of steel reinforced rubber hose, Type 4 used in distribution systems. It describes the general requirements, controls, tests, QA/QC examination and final acceptance criteria which need to be fulfilled. " docs/181-190,.pdf,55,"SCOPE " docs/181-190,.pdf,54,"1.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,53,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0010 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,52,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/181-190,.pdf,51,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,50,"5 " docs/181-190,.pdf,49,"5 " docs/181-190,.pdf,35,"FEATURES " docs/181-190,.pdf,36,"6.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,37,"MARKING. " docs/181-190,.pdf,38,"7.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,39,"PACKAGING...... " docs/181-190,.pdf,40,"8.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,33,"DIMENSIONS & TOLERANCES " docs/181-190,.pdf,41,"INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS... " docs/181-190,.pdf,43,"Page 183 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,44,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0010 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,45,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,46,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,47,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,48,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,42,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,138,"6.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,56,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) plans to augment PNG network. It supplies natural gas to domestic & commercial consumers in the city of NCT Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA. " docs/181-190,.pdf,140,"MARKING " docs/181-190,.pdf,241,"(ASTM D-5870) " docs/181-190,.pdf,240,"GT = 0/100 " docs/181-190,.pdf,239,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,238,"Cross Hatch Adhesion " docs/181-190,.pdf,237,"95% " docs/181-190,.pdf,236,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,235,"Gloss60º " docs/181-190,.pdf,234,"Glossy/Satin 86 " docs/181-190,.pdf,233,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,232,"Film Type " docs/181-190,.pdf,231,"3.0 TESTING " docs/181-190,.pdf,230,"50-60 Microns " docs/181-190,.pdf,229,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,228,"Coating Thickness " docs/181-190,.pdf,227,"180°C to 200°C for 10 mm (Metal Temperature) " docs/181-190,.pdf,226,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,225,"Backing Schedule " docs/181-190,.pdf,211,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,212,"1.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,213,"SCOPE " docs/181-190,.pdf,214,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - PURE POLYSTER POWDER COATING " docs/181-190,.pdf,215,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0011 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,216,"2.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,242,"Cylindrical bending Test " docs/181-190,.pdf,217,"This Specification specifies the requirements for powder coating (Pure Polyester) of GI Pipes & fitting suitable to use for carrying Natural Gas directly expose to sunlight. " docs/181-190,.pdf,219,"Powder Material " docs/181-190,.pdf,220,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,221,"Pure Polyester. " docs/181-190,.pdf,222,"Application " docs/181-190,.pdf,223,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,224,"Electrostatic Spraying (40 - 90 KV Manual/ Automatic) " docs/181-190,.pdf,218,"SPECIFICATION FOR POWDER COATING " docs/181-190,.pdf,210,".4 " docs/181-190,.pdf,243,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,245,"(ASTM D-522) 5mm Rod dia " docs/181-190,.pdf,276,"Manufacturers name or trademark. " docs/181-190,.pdf,139,"The burning test shall be carried out on hose as per clause no. 5.5.8 of IS9573. The hose at least shall not burn till 45second. " docs/181-190,.pdf,275,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,274,"Each fitting shall be embossed with manufacture's name or trademark and the size designation. Each packing containing fittings shall carry the following stamped or written by indelible ink. " docs/181-190,.pdf,273,"MARKING " docs/181-190,.pdf,272,"4.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,271,"1000 Hrs(min) " docs/181-190,.pdf,270,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,269,"Humidity Resistance " docs/181-190,.pdf,268,"(DIN 53161) " docs/181-190,.pdf,267,"Passes " docs/181-190,.pdf,266,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,265,"Porosity " docs/181-190,.pdf,264,"(ASTM B-117) " docs/181-190,.pdf,263,"1000 Hrs (min) " docs/181-190,.pdf,262,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,261,"Salt Spray Resistance " docs/181-190,.pdf,246,"Enrichsen cupping (min) " docs/181-190,.pdf,247,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,249,"Pencil Hardness(mm) " docs/181-190,.pdf,250,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,251,"2H " docs/181-190,.pdf,252,"Scratch Resistance " docs/181-190,.pdf,244,"Passes " docs/181-190,.pdf,253,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,255,"(Kg. Mm) " docs/181-190,.pdf,256,"Impact Resistance " docs/181-190,.pdf,257,": " docs/181-190,.pdf,258,"Direct 150 " docs/181-190,.pdf,259,"Kg. Min(ASTM D- 2794) " docs/181-190,.pdf,260,"Indirect 150 " docs/181-190,.pdf,254,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,209,".3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,248,"8 Passes " docs/181-190,.pdf,207,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,171,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,170,"C " docs/181-190,.pdf,169,"Page 187 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,168,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,167,"of " docs/181-190,.pdf,166,"For any control test or examination required under the supervision TPIA/owner/owner's representative, latter shall be informed in writing one (1) week in advance by vender about inspection date & place along with production schedule. " docs/181-190,.pdf,165,"Vendor shall prepare and submit the detail drawings of required steel reinforced rubber hose for approval by IGL/VCSQSPL before starting production. " docs/181-190,.pdf,164,"Even after third party inspection, IGL reserves the right to select a sample of hose randomly from each manufacturing batch and have these independently tested. If the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in IGL Technical specification, then IGL reserves the rights to reject all production supplied from the batch. " docs/181-190,.pdf,163,"specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test/ inspection reports as per IGL Technical Specification, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/181-190,.pdf,162,"• " docs/181-190,.pdf,161,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0010 Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,160,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/181-190,.pdf,159,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,158,"Page 186 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,157,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,155,"IGL representative or third party inspection agency appointed by IGL shall carry out random inspection during manufacturing/ final inspection. " docs/181-190,.pdf,154,"For all tests purposes, the minimum time between vulcanization & testing shall be 16h. " docs/181-190,.pdf,141,"Each hose shall be indelibly marked as follows: " docs/181-190,.pdf,142,"Manufacturer's name or trade mark., if any " docs/181-190,.pdf,208,"3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,143,". Nominal bore " docs/181-190,.pdf,144,"Batch no. Lot no. " docs/181-190,.pdf,145,"• Month and year of manufacturer " docs/181-190,.pdf,172,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/181-190,.pdf,146,"Type of hose i.e. Type 4 " docs/181-190,.pdf,148,"7.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,149,"8.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,150,"PACKAGING " docs/181-190,.pdf,151,"Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the material being procured. Bidder shall submit the packaging details during offer and also complied with at the time of delivery. " docs/181-190,.pdf,152,"INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/181-190,.pdf,153,"Inspection shall be carried out as per design codes/standards, IGL Technical Specification and Inspection Plan/ Vendor's detailed QAP duly approved by owner/owner's representative. " docs/181-190,.pdf,147,"BIS marking " docs/181-190,.pdf,173,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PURE POLYSTER POWDER " docs/181-190,.pdf,156,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval/ license from " docs/181-190,.pdf,175,"VPC-SS-PE-0011 " docs/181-190,.pdf,193,"SCOPE " docs/181-190,.pdf,194,"2.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,195,"SPECIFICATION FOR POWDER COATING. " docs/181-190,.pdf,196,"3.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,198,"4.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,199,"MARKING.. " docs/181-190,.pdf,192,"1.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,200,"5.0 " docs/181-190,.pdf,202,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,203,"Page 189 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,174,"COATING " docs/181-190,.pdf,204,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0011 " docs/181-190,.pdf,206,".3 " docs/181-190,.pdf,205,"Rev No: 00 " docs/181-190,.pdf,201,"INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS. " docs/181-190,.pdf,191,"CONTENTS " docs/181-190,.pdf,197,"TESTING " docs/181-190,.pdf,182,"DATE " docs/181-190,.pdf,190,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - PURE POLYSTER POWDER COATING " docs/181-190,.pdf,176,"00 18.06.18 " docs/181-190,.pdf,179,"MVK " docs/181-190,.pdf,180,"AD " docs/181-190,.pdf,181,"REV " docs/181-190,.pdf,177,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/181-190,.pdf,183,"Purpose " docs/181-190,.pdf,178,"BS " docs/181-190,.pdf,185,"Checked Approved By " docs/181-190,.pdf,186,"By " docs/181-190,.pdf,187,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/181-190,.pdf,188,"Page 188 of 380 " docs/181-190,.pdf,189,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/181-190,.pdf,184,"Prepared By " docs/191-200,.pdf,108,"300 mm ± 5 mm " docs/191-200,.pdf,107,"Thickness " docs/191-200,.pdf,109,"1 mm (Minimum) " docs/191-200,.pdf,110,"Negative tolerance on thickness is not allowed. " docs/191-200,.pdf,111,"Marking " docs/191-200,.pdf,112,"a. Marking on the Mat shall be approved by owner. The warning Mat shall be provided with Chainage marking and the warning mat must be engraved with “Caution: High pressure gas pipeline below"" in both English and Hindi along with IGL's Logo at a frequency of every meter. " docs/191-200,.pdf,121,"a. Colour- Fast test " docs/191-200,.pdf,117,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,114,"Page 194 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,115,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - WARNING MAT " docs/191-200,.pdf,116,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0013 Rev No: 00 " docs/191-200,.pdf,122,"Test specimen 100 mm to 150 mm wide shall be immersed in a 20% solution of ammonium sulphide at 15 to 20 °C temperature for 15 days. The colour fastness shall be evaluated by comparing the test specimen with a sample specimen. The comparison shall be made by placing the two specimens on a white back ground in day light, but without exposing them directly to sun light. Test shall be accepted satisfactory, if the colour of the strip remains intact. " docs/191-200,.pdf,118,"5.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,119,"Tests " docs/191-200,.pdf,106,"Warning Mat shall have following dimensions: Width " docs/191-200,.pdf,120,"from Owner/Owner's representative. " docs/191-200,.pdf,113,"b. Vendor shall submit proposed Artwork to be marked on the Mat for the approval Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/191-200,.pdf,105,"Dimensions " docs/191-200,.pdf,91,"Standard test method for tensile properties of plastics. " docs/191-200,.pdf,103,"Colour " docs/191-200,.pdf,87,"Means the Manufacturer of the Steel Reinforced Rubber Hose. " docs/191-200,.pdf,123,"b. Other tests shall be carried out as per relevant national / international standard enclosed in QAP. " docs/191-200,.pdf,86,"Shall mean Indraprastha Gas Ltd. (IGL). " docs/191-200,.pdf,88,"Means the present <> and its appendix, if any. " docs/191-200,.pdf,89,"Means the Inspection Agency to be appointed by IGL. " docs/191-200,.pdf,90,"High Density Polyethylene Films " docs/191-200,.pdf,92,"• " docs/191-200,.pdf,93,"Material " docs/191-200,.pdf,94,"Raw material of the warning mat shall be Virgin material. " docs/191-200,.pdf,95,"The material grade of Warning Mat shall be HDPE with warning sticker / stamp. " docs/191-200,.pdf,96,"a. " docs/191-200,.pdf,97,"Mechanical properties " docs/191-200,.pdf,98,"b. " docs/191-200,.pdf,99,"Tensile strength at break (Machine direction) " docs/191-200,.pdf,100,"300 Kgf/cm2(minimum) " docs/191-200,.pdf,101,"Elongation in machine & Transverse direction (%)- 300 (minimum) " docs/191-200,.pdf,102,"C. " docs/191-200,.pdf,104,"The Mat shall be of bright golden yellow colour. This colour must not take any appreciable alteration in the course of time. " docs/191-200,.pdf,124,"Packing " docs/191-200,.pdf,156,"07. " docs/191-200,.pdf,126,"QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) " docs/191-200,.pdf,148,"Elongation at Break " docs/191-200,.pdf,149,"04. " docs/191-200,.pdf,150,"% " docs/191-200,.pdf,151,"05. " docs/191-200,.pdf,152,"(in Transverse direction) Elongation at Break (in Transverse direction) " docs/191-200,.pdf,153,"% " docs/191-200,.pdf,154,"06. " docs/191-200,.pdf,155,"Color bleeding " docs/191-200,.pdf,157,"Dimensional stability " docs/191-200,.pdf,158,"% change " docs/191-200,.pdf,159,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/191-200,.pdf,160,"Page 195 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,161,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/191-200,.pdf,162,"FOR " docs/191-200,.pdf,163,"SEAMLESS FITTINGS AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN " docs/191-200,.pdf,85,"FEATURES " docs/191-200,.pdf,164,"400MM (16"")} " docs/191-200,.pdf,147,"Kg/cm² " docs/191-200,.pdf,125,"The warning mat shall be delivered in rolls of 50meters. Packing size to be mentioned to ensure uniformity in delivery conditions of the materials being procured. Bidder shall submit the packing details during offer and also compiled with at the time of delivery. " docs/191-200,.pdf,146,"(in machine direction) Tensile strength at Break (in Transverse direction) " docs/191-200,.pdf,144,"Kg/cm² " docs/191-200,.pdf,127,"Manufacturer shall prepare detailed QAP and submit for the approval from Owner / Owner's representative. " docs/191-200,.pdf,128,"6.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,129,"DEFECT LIABILITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,130,"7.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,131,"Defect liability period shall be as per the commercial volume I of II " docs/191-200,.pdf,132,"APPENDIX - I " docs/191-200,.pdf,133,"Vendor to submit the following Data along with BID. " docs/191-200,.pdf,134,"UNIT " docs/191-200,.pdf,135,"DATA " docs/191-200,.pdf,136,"REMARKS " docs/191-200,.pdf,137,"SR.NO. " docs/191-200,.pdf,138,"DESCRIPTION " docs/191-200,.pdf,139,"01. " docs/191-200,.pdf,140,"Average gravimetric Thickness " docs/191-200,.pdf,141,"mm " docs/191-200,.pdf,142,"Tensile strength at Break " docs/191-200,.pdf,143,"02. " docs/191-200,.pdf,145,"03. " docs/191-200,.pdf,84,"- " docs/191-200,.pdf,16,"Colour " docs/191-200,.pdf,82,"IS 10889 " docs/191-200,.pdf,24,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/191-200,.pdf,25,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/191-200,.pdf,26,"- " docs/191-200,.pdf,27,"VPC-SS-PE-0013 " docs/191-200,.pdf,28,"WARNING MAT " docs/191-200,.pdf,29,"00 18.06.18 REV. No " docs/191-200,.pdf,30,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/191-200,.pdf,23,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,31,"BS " docs/191-200,.pdf,33,"Purpose " docs/191-200,.pdf,34,"Prepared By " docs/191-200,.pdf,35,"MVK Checked Approved By " docs/191-200,.pdf,36,"AD " docs/191-200,.pdf,37,"By " docs/191-200,.pdf,38,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/191-200,.pdf,39,"Page 192 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,32,"DATE " docs/191-200,.pdf,22,"C " docs/191-200,.pdf,21,"Page 191 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,20,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/191-200,.pdf,165,"TOTAL " docs/191-200,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0011 Rev No: 00 " docs/191-200,.pdf,4,"Designation of fitting. " docs/191-200,.pdf,5,"Lot number. " docs/191-200,.pdf,6,"Each fitting conforming to this standard shall also be marked with BIS standard mark. " docs/191-200,.pdf,7,"5.0 INSPECTION/ DOCUMENTS " docs/191-200,.pdf,8,"Inspection shall be carried out as per OWNER Technical Specification. " docs/191-200,.pdf,9,"OWNER representative or Third Party Inspection Agency appointed by OWNER shall carry out stage wise inspection during manufacturing/final inspection. " docs/191-200,.pdf,10,"Vendor shall furnish all the material test certificates, proof of approval/ license from specified authority as per specified standard, if relevant, internal test inspection reports as per OWNER Tech Spec. &- specified code for 100% material, at the time of final inspection of each supply lot of material. " docs/191-200,.pdf,11,"Even after third party inspection, OWNER/ OWNER REPRESENTATIVE reserves the rights to select a sample of fittings randomly from each manufacturing batch & have these independently tested. Should the results of these tests fall outside the limits specified in OWNER technical specification, then OWNER/ OWNER REPRESENTATIVE Reserves the rights to reject all production supplied from the batch. (ASTM D-2247) " docs/191-200,.pdf,12,"Weathering " docs/191-200,.pdf,13,"(sun test with water " docs/191-200,.pdf,14,"immersion, " docs/191-200,.pdf,15,"150K.lux) " docs/191-200,.pdf,17,"Xenon " docs/191-200,.pdf,18,":60-70% Gloss retention after 1000Hrs. " docs/191-200,.pdf,19,": Light colour as approved by OWNER/CONSULTANT " docs/191-200,.pdf,40,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,41,"1.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,42,"SCOPE " docs/191-200,.pdf,43,"2.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,65,"4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,66,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - WARNING MAT " docs/191-200,.pdf,67,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0013 Rev No: 00 " docs/191-200,.pdf,68,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,69,"1.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,70,"2.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,71,"SCOPE " docs/191-200,.pdf,72,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) plans to augment the PNG Network. It supplies natural gas to domestic & commercial consumers in the city of NCT Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana & Rajasthan GA. " docs/191-200,.pdf,73,"The present document covers the technical specifications for the procurement of Warning Mat. Warning mats shall be laid in the ground above the gas main line in order to indicate their presence. " docs/191-200,.pdf,74,"DEFINATIONS " docs/191-200,.pdf,75,"Owner " docs/191-200,.pdf,76,"Manufacturer " docs/191-200,.pdf,77,"SS " docs/191-200,.pdf,78,"3.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,79,"4.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,80,"Third Party Inspection Agency " docs/191-200,.pdf,81,"REFERENCE CODE " docs/191-200,.pdf,64,"4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,83,"ASTM D 638 " docs/191-200,.pdf,63,"4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,61,"3 " docs/191-200,.pdf,44,"DEFINATIONS. " docs/191-200,.pdf,45,"3.0 REFERENCE CODE. " docs/191-200,.pdf,46,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - WARNING MAT " docs/191-200,.pdf,47,"4.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,48,"FEATURES " docs/191-200,.pdf,49,"5.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,50,"QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA) " docs/191-200,.pdf,51,"6.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,52,"DEFECT LIABILITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,53,"7.0 APPENDIX I " docs/191-200,.pdf,54,"- " docs/191-200,.pdf,55,"CONTENTS " docs/191-200,.pdf,56,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/191-200,.pdf,57,"Page 193 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,58,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PE-0013 Rev No: 00 " docs/191-200,.pdf,59,".3 " docs/191-200,.pdf,60,".3 " docs/191-200,.pdf,62,".3 " docs/191-200,.pdf,166,"07 " docs/191-200,.pdf,305,"Cu+Ni 15 " docs/191-200,.pdf,168,"DOCUMENT NO " docs/191-200,.pdf,274,"A370 " docs/191-200,.pdf,275,"Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products. " docs/191-200,.pdf,276,"MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY (MSS) " docs/191-200,.pdf,277,"SP-25 " docs/191-200,.pdf,278,"Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions. " docs/191-200,.pdf,279,"SP-97 " docs/191-200,.pdf,280,"Forged Carbon Steel Branch Outlet Fittings- " docs/191-200,.pdf,272,"Welding and Brazing Qualifications. " docs/191-200,.pdf,281,"Socket Welding, Threaded and Butt Welding Ends " docs/191-200,.pdf,283,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/191-200,.pdf,284,"FOR SEAMLESS FITTINGS " docs/191-200,.pdf,285,"AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN " docs/191-200,.pdf,286,"400MM(16"")} " docs/191-200,.pdf,287,"Page 199 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,288,"Document No. " docs/191-200,.pdf,289,"Rev " docs/191-200,.pdf,282,"In case of conflict between various requirements of this specification and the requirements " docs/191-200,.pdf,271,"Section IX " docs/191-200,.pdf,270,"Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels. " docs/191-200,.pdf,269,"Steel Line Blanks. " docs/191-200,.pdf,252,"REFERENCE DOCUMENTS " docs/191-200,.pdf,253,"Reference has been made in this specification to the latest edition (edition enforce at the time of issue of enquiry unless specified otherwise) of the following Codes, Standards and Specification. " docs/191-200,.pdf,254,"AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) " docs/191-200,.pdf,255,"B31.4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,256,"B 31.8 " docs/191-200,.pdf,257,"Pipeline Transportation system for liquid Hydrocarbon & other liquids. " docs/191-200,.pdf,258,"Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems. " docs/191-200,.pdf,259,"B16.5 " docs/191-200,.pdf,260,"B16.9 " docs/191-200,.pdf,261,"B 16.11 " docs/191-200,.pdf,262,"B 16.48 " docs/191-200,.pdf,263,"Section VIII " docs/191-200,.pdf,264,": " docs/191-200,.pdf,265,"Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitting. " docs/191-200,.pdf,266,": " docs/191-200,.pdf,267,"Factory made Wrought Butt Weld Fittings. " docs/191-200,.pdf,268,"Forged Steel Fittings, Socket welding and Threaded. " docs/191-200,.pdf,290,"SS-PL-025 " docs/191-200,.pdf,291,"0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,292,"Page 4 of 7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,293,"3.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,316,"4.1 " docs/191-200,.pdf,317,"4.2 " docs/191-200,.pdf,318,"4.3 " docs/191-200,.pdf,319,"4.4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,320,"4.5 " docs/191-200,.pdf,321,"Flanges such as weld neck flanges and blind flanges shall conform to the requirements of ASME B 16.5. " docs/191-200,.pdf,322,"Spectacle blind and spacer & blind shall conform to the requirements of ASME B 16.48. " docs/191-200,.pdf,323,"Fittings such as tees, elbows, reducers, etc. shall be seamless type and shall conform to ASME B 16.9 for sizes DN 50mm (2”) to DN 400mm (16"") (both sizes included) and ASME B 16.11 for sizes DN 15mm (1½"") &below. " docs/191-200,.pdf,324,"Fittings such as weldolets, sockolets, nippolets, etc. shall be manufactured in accordance with MSS-SP-97. " docs/191-200,.pdf,325,"Repair by Welding on flanges and fitting is not permitted. " docs/191-200,.pdf,326,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR SEAMLESS FITTINGS AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN 400MM(16"")} " docs/191-200,.pdf,327,"Page 200 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,328,"Document No. " docs/191-200,.pdf,329,"Rev " docs/191-200,.pdf,330,"SS-PL-025 " docs/191-200,.pdf,331,"0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,332,"Page 5 of 7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,315,"DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE " docs/191-200,.pdf,251,"This Technical specification specifies the minimum requirements for the design, manufacture and supply of following carbon steel flanges (such as welding neck flanges, blind flanges, spectacle blinds, spacers and blind etc) and seamless fittings (such as tees, elbows, reducers, caps, outlets etc) size DN up to 400 mm (16"") to be installed in onshore pipeline systems handling non-sour hydrocarbons in liquid or gaseous phase including Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). " docs/191-200,.pdf,314,"4.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,312,"For flanges and fittings specified to be used for Gas service or LPG service, Hardness test shall be carried out as per ASTM A 370 for each heat of steel used. A full thickness cross section shall be taken for this purpose and the maximum hardness of base metal, Weld metal and heat affected zone shall not exceed 248 HV10. " docs/191-200,.pdf,294,"of above referred Codes and Standards, more stringent requirement shall apply unless otherwise agreed by Purchaser. " docs/191-200,.pdf,295,"MATERIALS " docs/191-200,.pdf,296,"The Material of flanges & fittings shall be as indicated in purchase requisition. In addition, the material shall also meet the requirements specified hereinafter. " docs/191-200,.pdf,297,"3.1 " docs/191-200,.pdf,298,"The Carbon Steel used for the manufacture of flanges and fittings shall be fully killed. " docs/191-200,.pdf,299,"3.2 " docs/191-200,.pdf,300,"The carbon equivalent (CE) shall not exceeding 0.45, based on check analysis calculated in accordance with following. " docs/191-200,.pdf,301,"CE=C+ " docs/191-200,.pdf,302,"+ " docs/191-200,.pdf,303,"Mn Cr+ Mo+V 6 5 " docs/191-200,.pdf,304,"+ " docs/191-200,.pdf,306,"3.3 " docs/191-200,.pdf,307,"3.4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,308,"3.5 " docs/191-200,.pdf,309,"For flanges and fittings specified to be used for gas service or LPG service, Charpy V-notch test shall be conducted on each heat of steel. Unless specified otherwise, the Charpy V-notch test shall be conducted at 0° C in accordance with the impact test provisions of ASTM A 370 for flanges and MSS-SP-75 for all fittings. " docs/191-200,.pdf,310,"The average absorbed impact energy values of three full-sized specimens shall be 27 joules. The minimum impact energy value of any one specimen of the three specimens analyzed as above shall not be less than 22 Joules. " docs/191-200,.pdf,311,"When Low Temperature Carbon Steel (LTCS) materials are specified for flanges and fittings in Purchase Requisition, the Charpy V-notch test requirements of applicable material standard shall be complied with. " docs/191-200,.pdf,313,"In case of RTJ (Ring Type Joint) flanges, the groove hardness shall be minimum 140 BHN. Ring Joint flanges shall have octagonal section of Ring joint. " docs/191-200,.pdf,167,"SHEETS " docs/191-200,.pdf,250,"2.0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,248,"7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,190,"ASME " docs/191-200,.pdf,191,"American Society of Mechanical Engineers " docs/191-200,.pdf,192,"ASTM " docs/191-200,.pdf,193,"American Society for Testing and Materials " docs/191-200,.pdf,194,"ΑΡΙ " docs/191-200,.pdf,195,"American Petroleum Institute " docs/191-200,.pdf,196,"BHN " docs/191-200,.pdf,189,"ABBREVIATIONS: " docs/191-200,.pdf,197,"Brinell hardness number " docs/191-200,.pdf,199,"MSS-SP " docs/191-200,.pdf,200,"RTJ " docs/191-200,.pdf,201,"SSPC " docs/191-200,.pdf,202,"CE " docs/191-200,.pdf,203,"LTCS " docs/191-200,.pdf,204,"LPG " docs/191-200,.pdf,205,"Heat Affected Zone " docs/191-200,.pdf,198,"HAZ " docs/191-200,.pdf,188,"Page 196 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,187,"APPR " docs/191-200,.pdf,186,"CHK " docs/191-200,.pdf,169,"SS " docs/191-200,.pdf,170,"PL " docs/191-200,.pdf,171,"025 " docs/191-200,.pdf,172,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/191-200,.pdf,173,"FOR " docs/191-200,.pdf,174,"SEAMLESS FITTINGS " docs/191-200,.pdf,175,"AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN 400MM(16”)} " docs/191-200,.pdf,176,"0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,177,"10.07.2017 " docs/191-200,.pdf,178,"ISSUED AS STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/191-200,.pdf,179,"BS " docs/191-200,.pdf,180,"MV " docs/191-200,.pdf,181,"AD " docs/191-200,.pdf,182,"REV " docs/191-200,.pdf,183,"DATE " docs/191-200,.pdf,184,"DESCRIPTION " docs/191-200,.pdf,185,"PREP " docs/191-200,.pdf,206,"Manufacturers Standardization Society - Standard Practice " docs/191-200,.pdf,207,"Ring Type Joint " docs/191-200,.pdf,208,"Steel Structures Painting Council " docs/191-200,.pdf,209,"Carbon Equivalent " docs/191-200,.pdf,231,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR SEAMLESS FITTINGS AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN " docs/191-200,.pdf,232,"400MM(16"")} " docs/191-200,.pdf,233,"Page 198 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,234,"Document No. " docs/191-200,.pdf,235,"Rev " docs/191-200,.pdf,236,"SS-PL-025 " docs/191-200,.pdf,237,"0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,238,"Page 3 of 7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,239,"4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,240,"4 " docs/191-200,.pdf,241,"5 " docs/191-200,.pdf,242,"5 " docs/191-200,.pdf,243,"6 " docs/191-200,.pdf,244,"7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,245,"7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,246,"7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,247,"7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,230,"CONTENTS " docs/191-200,.pdf,249,"1.0 SCOPE " docs/191-200,.pdf,229,"10.0 DOCUMENTATION.. " docs/191-200,.pdf,227,"8.0 TEST CERTIFICATES. " docs/191-200,.pdf,210,"Low Temperature Carbon Steel Liquefied Petroleum Gas " docs/191-200,.pdf,211,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR SEAMLESS FITTINGS " docs/191-200,.pdf,212,"AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN " docs/191-200,.pdf,213,"400MM(16"")} " docs/191-200,.pdf,214,"Page 197 of 380 " docs/191-200,.pdf,215,"Document No. " docs/191-200,.pdf,216,"Rev " docs/191-200,.pdf,217,"SS-PL-025 " docs/191-200,.pdf,218,"0 " docs/191-200,.pdf,219,"Page 2 of 7 " docs/191-200,.pdf,220,"1.0 SCOPE " docs/191-200,.pdf,221,"2.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. " docs/191-200,.pdf,222,"3.0 MATERIALS. " docs/191-200,.pdf,223,"4.0 DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE. " docs/191-200,.pdf,224,"5.0 INSPECTION AND TESTS. " docs/191-200,.pdf,225,"6.0 PAINTING " docs/191-200,.pdf,226,"7.0 MARKING " docs/191-200,.pdf,228,"9.0 PACKING & SHIPPING.. " docs/191-200,.pdf,273,"AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) " docs/191-200,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/191-200,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION - PURE POLYSTER POWDER COATING " docs/201-210,.pdf,324,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,102,"5. " docs/201-210,.pdf,103,"6. " docs/201-210,.pdf,104,"7. " docs/201-210,.pdf,105,"8. " docs/201-210,.pdf,106,"GENERALREQUIREMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,107,"TRAINING " docs/201-210,.pdf,108,"TOOL BOX TALKS " docs/201-210,.pdf,109,"INCIDENT/ACCIDENT AND NEAR-MISS REPORTING, INVESTIGATION AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,110,"FOLLOW UP " docs/201-210,.pdf,111,"HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (HIRA) " docs/201-210,.pdf,112,"сл " docs/201-210,.pdf,113,"5 " docs/201-210,.pdf,114,"9. " docs/201-210,.pdf,115,"6 " docs/201-210,.pdf,116,"10. " docs/201-210,.pdf,117,"SITE HSE INSPECTION/AUDIT " docs/201-210,.pdf,101,"4. " docs/201-210,.pdf,100,"3. " docs/201-210,.pdf,99,"2. " docs/201-210,.pdf,98,"SCOPE " docs/201-210,.pdf,82,"Checked By " docs/201-210,.pdf,83,"Approved By " docs/201-210,.pdf,84,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,85,"Page 203 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,86,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,87,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,88,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,118,"6 " docs/201-210,.pdf,89,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,91,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,92,"3 3 4 4 " docs/201-210,.pdf,93,"455 " docs/201-210,.pdf,94,"APPLICABLE SYSTEMS ANDPROCEDURES " docs/201-210,.pdf,95,"REFERENCES " docs/201-210,.pdf,96,"RESPONSIBILITY & ORGANISATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,97,"1. " docs/201-210,.pdf,90,"Contents " docs/201-210,.pdf,119,"11. " docs/201-210,.pdf,120,"FIRST AID FACILITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,121,"7 " docs/201-210,.pdf,143,"SCOPE " docs/201-210,.pdf,144,"This specification establishes the Health, safety and Environment (HSE) aspects to be complied with by the contractor during construction at site. " docs/201-210,.pdf,145,"APPLICABLE SYSTEMS ANDPROCEDURES " docs/201-210,.pdf,146,"The reference standard for setting Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Systems and procedures will be as linked below " docs/201-210,.pdf,147,"- " docs/201-210,.pdf,148,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,149,"Guidelines issued by PNGRB. " docs/201-210,.pdf,142,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,150,"ISO 9001 " docs/201-210,.pdf,152,"2008 For Quality System. " docs/201-210,.pdf,153,"- " docs/201-210,.pdf,154,"ISO 14001 " docs/201-210,.pdf,155,"- " docs/201-210,.pdf,156,"2004 " docs/201-210,.pdf,157,"- " docs/201-210,.pdf,158,"For Environmental Management System " docs/201-210,.pdf,151,"- " docs/201-210,.pdf,141,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,140,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,139,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,122,"12. " docs/201-210,.pdf,123,"FITNESS TO WORK " docs/201-210,.pdf,124,"8 " docs/201-210,.pdf,125,"13. " docs/201-210,.pdf,126,"PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS " docs/201-210,.pdf,127,"9 " docs/201-210,.pdf,128,"14. " docs/201-210,.pdf,129,"EQUIPMENT LIST AND INSPECTION CERTIFICATE " docs/201-210,.pdf,130,"11 " docs/201-210,.pdf,131,"15. " docs/201-210,.pdf,132,"HSE REQUIREMENTS AT SITE " docs/201-210,.pdf,133,"11 " docs/201-210,.pdf,134,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,135,"Page 204 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,136,"ENERGIESING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,137,"1. " docs/201-210,.pdf,138,"2. " docs/201-210,.pdf,81,"Prepared By " docs/201-210,.pdf,80,"AD " docs/201-210,.pdf,79,"MVK " docs/201-210,.pdf,78,"No " docs/201-210,.pdf,21,"NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,22,"All finished wrought weld ends subject to welding in field, shall be 100% tested for lamination type defects by ultrasonic test. Any lamination larger than 6.35 mm shall not be acceptable. " docs/201-210,.pdf,23,"The Purchaser reserves the right to perform stage wise inspection and witness tests as indicated above, at the Manufacturer's works, prior to shipment. The Manufacturer shall give reasonable notice of date and time for such inspection and shall provide reasonable access and facilities required for inspection, to the Purchaser's Inspector. " docs/201-210,.pdf,24,"The Purchaser reserves the right to require additional testing, at any time, to confirm Or further investigate a suspected fault. All costs incurred shall be for the Manufacturer's account. In no case shall any action of the Purchaser, or his Inspector, relieve the Manufacturer of his responsibility for material, design, quality, or Performance of the materials concerned. Inspection and tests performed/witnessed by the Purchaser's Inspector shall in no way relieve the Manufacturer of his obligation to perform the required inspection and tests. " docs/201-210,.pdf,25,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR SEAMLESS FITTINGS AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN 400MM(16"")} " docs/201-210,.pdf,26,"Page 201 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,27,"Document No. " docs/201-210,.pdf,20,"Dimensional checks shall be carried out on finished products as per ASME B 16.5 for flanges, ASME B 16.48 for spacers and blinds and ASME B 16.9/MSS-SP-97 as applicable for fittings and as per this specification. " docs/201-210,.pdf,28,"Rev " docs/201-210,.pdf,30,"0 " docs/201-210,.pdf,31,"Page 6 of 7 " docs/201-210,.pdf,32,"6.0 PAINTING " docs/201-210,.pdf,33,"7.0 " docs/201-210,.pdf,34,"Once all inspection and test have been carried out all external surface shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove grease, dust & rust. Standard mill coating shall be applied on external surface to protect against corrosion during transmit and storage. The coating shall be removable type in field. " docs/201-210,.pdf,35,"MARKING " docs/201-210,.pdf,36,"All Flanges & fittings shall be stamped with the requirements of applicable dimensional manufacturing standard. The marking shall also include following: " docs/201-210,.pdf,29,"SS-PL-025 " docs/201-210,.pdf,19,"All flanges and fittings shall be visually inspected. The internal and external surface of the flanges and fittings shall be free from any strikes, gauges and other detrimental defects. " docs/201-210,.pdf,18,"VISUAL INSPECTION AND DIMENSIONAL CHECK " docs/201-210,.pdf,17,"Chemical composition and mechanical tests including yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, impact test, elongation and hardness shall be carried out for each heat of steel used as per the applicable standard as referred to in this specification. " docs/201-210,.pdf,325,"Page 210 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,1,"4.6 " docs/201-210,.pdf,2,"4.7 " docs/201-210,.pdf,3,"4.8 " docs/201-210,.pdf,4,"5.0 " docs/201-210,.pdf,5,"5.1 " docs/201-210,.pdf,6,"5.2 " docs/201-210,.pdf,7,"5.3 " docs/201-210,.pdf,8,"5.4 " docs/201-210,.pdf,9,"All butt weld ends shall be beveled as per ASME B 16.5/ASME B 16.9/MSS-SP-97 as applicable " docs/201-210,.pdf,10,"Type, face and finish of flanges shall be as specified in purchase requisition. The interpretation of range of face finish shall be as follows: " docs/201-210,.pdf,11,"Serrated Finish/125 AARH 63 AARH " docs/201-210,.pdf,12,"Serration with 125 to 250µ in AARH. 32 to 63μ in AARH. " docs/201-210,.pdf,13,"Flanges and fittings manufactured from bar stock are not acceptable. " docs/201-210,.pdf,14,"INSPECTION AND TESTS " docs/201-210,.pdf,15,"The Manufacture shall perform all inspections and tests in accordance with the requirements of this specification and the relevant codes, at his works, prior to shipment. Such inspection and testing shall include, but not be limited to, the following: " docs/201-210,.pdf,16,"TESTING OF MATERIALS " docs/201-210,.pdf,37,"• PO Number. " docs/201-210,.pdf,159,"(OSHAS) 18001-2007 -For occupational health and safety management Systems. " docs/201-210,.pdf,38,"· " docs/201-210,.pdf,40,"8.0 " docs/201-210,.pdf,62,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,63,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,64,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 " docs/201-210,.pdf,65,"Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,66,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/201-210,.pdf,67,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,68,"FOR " docs/201-210,.pdf,61,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,69,"HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,71,"00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,72,"20.06.2018 " docs/201-210,.pdf,73,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/201-210,.pdf,74,"PK " docs/201-210,.pdf,75,"REV. " docs/201-210,.pdf,76,"DATE " docs/201-210,.pdf,77,"Purpose " docs/201-210,.pdf,70,"VPC-SS - PL - 0021 " docs/201-210,.pdf,60,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,59,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,58,"Page 7 of 7 " docs/201-210,.pdf,41,"9.0 " docs/201-210,.pdf,42,"TEST CERTIFICATES " docs/201-210,.pdf,43,"Manufacture who intends bidding for fittings must possess the records of a successful proof test, in accordance with the provision of ASME 16.9/MSS-SP-75, as applicable. Manufacturer shall furnish the following certificates: " docs/201-210,.pdf,44,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,45,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,46,"Test certificates relevant to the chemical analysis and mechanical properties, including hardness of the materials used for manufacture of flanges and fittings in accordance with the requirement of relevant standards and this specification. " docs/201-210,.pdf,47,"Test reports on radiography, ultrasonic and magnetic particle examination. Certificates for each fitting stating that it is capable of withstanding without leakage a test pressure, which results in a hoop stress equivalent to 100% of the specified minimum yield strength for the pipe with which the fitting is to be attached without impairment of serviceability. " docs/201-210,.pdf,48,"PACKING & SHIPPING " docs/201-210,.pdf,49,"Ends of all fittings and weld neck flanges shall be suitable protected to avoid any damage during transit. Metallic or high impact plastic bevel protected shall be provided for flanges and fittings. Flanges face shall be suitably protected to avoid any damage during transit. " docs/201-210,.pdf,50,"10.0 DOCUMENTATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,51,"The Manufacturer shall supply documentation in accordance with the Vendor Data Requirements List (VDRL) as attached with Purchase Order. " docs/201-210,.pdf,52,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR SEAMLESS FITTINGS AND FLANGES {SIZE UPTO DN 400MM(16"")} " docs/201-210,.pdf,53,"Page 202 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,54,"Document No. " docs/201-210,.pdf,55,"Rev " docs/201-210,.pdf,56,"SS-PL-025 " docs/201-210,.pdf,57,"0 " docs/201-210,.pdf,39,"Item Code. " docs/201-210,.pdf,160,"The Occupational Health & Safety Assurance Standard (OHSAS) 18001-2007 gives requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system. It enables an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance. It provides a basis for an organization to specify its OH&S performance criteria and design the management system. " docs/201-210,.pdf,323,"Ensure person involved in working at height are trained in emergency rescue " docs/201-210,.pdf,162,"Organization structure of the proposed CGD project includes a position for developing, installing and maintaining (with assistance by a specialist entity) Quality Assurance (QA) and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) systems in line with ISO 9001-2008, OHSAS 18001-2007 and ISO 14001- 2004 Standards. " docs/201-210,.pdf,253,"The Site HSE Inspections/Audit shall be planned by the Contractor. " docs/201-210,.pdf,252,"All Site HSE checklists/Inspection reports shall incorporate a follow-up procedure to ensure that any recorded HSE violations have been promptly attended to in a satisfactory manner. " docs/201-210,.pdf,251,"SITE HSE INSPECTION/AUDIT " docs/201-210,.pdf,250,"10. " docs/201-210,.pdf,249,"The Contractor shall prepare and implement comprehensive HIRA as part of the HSE Management Plan prior to Commencement of the work or services and during the execution of the work also. " docs/201-210,.pdf,248,"9. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (HIRA) " docs/201-210,.pdf,247,"Electric shock " docs/201-210,.pdf,254,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,246,"Concealed utilities (i.e. electric cable Telephone cable, water line, Drainage line} " docs/201-210,.pdf,244,"Material falling From height " docs/201-210,.pdf,243,"Person Fall from height " docs/201-210,.pdf,242,"Working at height is a critical activity. Following hazards are associated with Working at height: " docs/201-210,.pdf,241,"Key Risks Identification and Management Risks " docs/201-210,.pdf,240,"All incidents/accidents, including investigation results and recommendations, shall be discussed in the Site HSE meeting and shall be brought to the notice of employees in toolbox meetings. " docs/201-210,.pdf,239,"Follow-up " docs/201-210,.pdf,238,"Investigation shall begin promptly after the occurrence of the incidents/accidents. The completed incidents/accidents investigation report shall be submitted to the Contractor Site Manager within 7 days of the occurrence. A copy shall be submitted to Owner/Consultant. " docs/201-210,.pdf,245,"Slips, trips and falls " docs/201-210,.pdf,255,"Page 208 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,256,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,257,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,274,"One roll of adhesive plaster (6 cm x 1in). " docs/201-210,.pdf,273,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,272,"One pair of scissors " docs/201-210,.pdf,271,"One (200 ml) bottle of mercurochrome (2 per cent) solution in water. (viii) One (200 ml) bottle of salt-volatile having the dose and mode of administration indicated on the label. " docs/201-210,.pdf,270,"One (200 ml) bottle of certified solution (1 per cent) or a suitable antiseptic solution. " docs/201-210,.pdf,269,"Twelve (15 gin) packets of sterilized cottonwood. " docs/201-210,.pdf,268,"Twelve large size sterilized burn dressings. " docs/201-210,.pdf,267,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,266,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,265,"Twelve large size sterilized dressings. " docs/201-210,.pdf,264,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,263,"• Twelve medium size sterilized dressings. " docs/201-210,.pdf,262,"Twenty-four small sterilized dressings. " docs/201-210,.pdf,261,"The contractor shall provide the first aid box at all the sites. The content of the first aid box shall include the following items: " docs/201-210,.pdf,260,"11. FIRST AID FACILITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,259,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,258,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,237,"All incidents/accidents must be reviewed and analyzed to establish root causes and type of injury, trends and practices. " docs/201-210,.pdf,275,"Two rolls of adhesive plaster (2 cm. x 1in). " docs/201-210,.pdf,236,"Incident/Accident Investigation " docs/201-210,.pdf,234,"8.3. " docs/201-210,.pdf,211,"Contractor's Site Supervisor for specific work location shall conduct a tool box at the commencement of work on daily basis. If different team is working in different area, separate tool box talk covering location and hazard involved shall be carried out. " docs/201-210,.pdf,210,"TOOL BOX TALKS " docs/201-210,.pdf,209,"8. " docs/201-210,.pdf,208,"7. " docs/201-210,.pdf,207,"The Contractor shall ensure that their Personnel have been given the necessary HSE and work-related skills training in compliance with regulatory requirements prior to engaging the personnel for the work. " docs/201-210,.pdf,206,"The Contractor duties shall include conducting HSE training for all activities and personnel involved. " docs/201-210,.pdf,205,"TRAINING " docs/201-210,.pdf,212,"Each toolbox meeting shall cover the following agenda: " docs/201-210,.pdf,204,"6. " docs/201-210,.pdf,202,"5.11. The contractor shall provide one four wheeler at site during working hour to meet any contingency. " docs/201-210,.pdf,201,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,200,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,199,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,198,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,197,"Page 206 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,196,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,203,"5.12. The contractor shall adhere consistently to all provisions of HSE. In case of non- compliance or continuous failure the owner/owner representative may impose stoppage of work for the serious HSE violation. All works shall be carried out in presence of Owner/Owner's Representative only. " docs/201-210,.pdf,213,"Discuss safety issues of previous day " docs/201-210,.pdf,214,"Brief description of activities planned for the day &associated hazard " docs/201-210,.pdf,215,"Information & resources required to put controls in place " docs/201-210,.pdf,233,"8.2. " docs/201-210,.pdf,232,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,231,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,230,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,229,"ENERGISING OUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,228,"Page 207 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,227,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,226,"All incidents/accidents must be reported immediately. A report should be prepared by the Supervisor and submitted to the Site Manager within 12 hours of the occurrence and shall serve as a source for education of employee to prevent reoccurrence of similar incident/accident. " docs/201-210,.pdf,225,"Incident/Accident and Near-Misreporting " docs/201-210,.pdf,224,"INVESTIGATION AND FOLLOW UP " docs/201-210,.pdf,223,"8.1. " docs/201-210,.pdf,222,"REPORTING, " docs/201-210,.pdf,220,"INCIDENT/ACCIDENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,219,"Tool box talk report shall be prepared and kept at site within one hour of talk and it must be signed by all attendee to ensure participation of all in the talk. Tool box report shall be submitted to CONSULTANT/ OWNER " docs/201-210,.pdf,218,"It is the responsibility of supervisor to convey PPE requirement to all workers and ensure compliance of the same and shall be checked during tool box talk before embarking on work. " docs/201-210,.pdf,217,"Requirements Open " docs/201-210,.pdf,216,"Location specific hazard and instructions. " docs/201-210,.pdf,235,"Contractor shall submit the Initial report of all Accidents/Incidents within 12 Owner / Consultant and detail report within 24 hrs. For serious incidents and near misses, with the potential for fatality, serious injury or significant environmental or material damage, Contractor shall notify Owner/Consultant without delay and within twenty-four (24) hours. " docs/201-210,.pdf,276,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,221,"AND NEAR-MISS " docs/201-210,.pdf,278,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,184,"5. " docs/201-210,.pdf,185,"GENERALREQUIREMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,186,"5.1. The contractor should follow HSE policy of owner as applicable to construction site. " docs/201-210,.pdf,187,"5.2. The contractor shall ensure that HSE requirements are clearly understood & faithfully implemented at all level, at each site. " docs/201-210,.pdf,188,"5.3. The contractor shall organize safety awareness programs regularly. " docs/201-210,.pdf,189,"5.4. The contractor shall ensure his participation in every HSE meeting called by owner/owner representative. " docs/201-210,.pdf,190,"5.5. The contractor shall conduct daily tool box talk. " docs/201-210,.pdf,183,"ம் " docs/201-210,.pdf,191,"5.6. Contractor shall ensure that their safety supervisor must always be present at site. " docs/201-210,.pdf,193,"5.8. Working after sunset is strictly prohibited. " docs/201-210,.pdf,194,"5.9. Hygiene requirement must be met on site by providing fresh drinking water at each site " docs/201-210,.pdf,195,"5.10. The contractor shall submit Monthly HSE reports (Form attached in ANNEXURES). " docs/201-210,.pdf,322,"Ensure that equipment shall have facility of emergency rescue operation. " docs/201-210,.pdf,161,"OHSAS 18001 is compatible with the ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environmental) management systems standards. This facilitates integration of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management systems by an organization. " docs/201-210,.pdf,321,"Ensure that equipment shall be used as per approved standard for working at height. " docs/201-210,.pdf,320,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,192,"5.7. Contractor shall take sufficient care in moving his plants, equipment's and materials from one place to another place so that they do not cause any damage to any person or the property of the owner or any third party. " docs/201-210,.pdf,182,"Health, Safety and Environment activities at site shall be under Contractor's scope. Contractor shall be responsible for implementation of HSE provisions. The nominated or designated safety engineer/ officer shall assist and perform day to day HSE work as per his advice. " docs/201-210,.pdf,181,"RESPONSIBILITY & ORGANISATION " docs/201-210,.pdf,180,"Reporting Formats " docs/201-210,.pdf,277,"Twelve pieces of sterilized eye pads in separate sealed packets. " docs/201-210,.pdf,163,"Documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) will be prepared by the Owner/Owner's representative for CGD entity for QA and HSE, for application across the organization. Development of the SOPs and implementation of the same at construction sites, control rooms, regional and corporate offices will be followed by an internal audit to verify conformance. " docs/201-210,.pdf,164,"The CGD Network operating entity will thereafter regularly monitor, through periodic internal and mandatory external audits, effective implementation of the SOPs at the construction sites, control rooms regional and corporate offices as per systems and procedures. " docs/201-210,.pdf,165,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,166,"Page 205 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,167,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,168,"3. " docs/201-210,.pdf,169,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,170,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,171,"REFERENCES " docs/201-210,.pdf,172,"This document should be read in conjunction with following. " docs/201-210,.pdf,173,"General Condition of Contract (GCC) " docs/201-210,.pdf,174,"Special Condition of Contract (SCC) " docs/201-210,.pdf,175,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,177,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,178,"Job Specifications " docs/201-210,.pdf,179,"Relevant IS codes, OSHAS standard " docs/201-210,.pdf,319,"Ensure that persons are physically & mentally fit for working at height. " docs/201-210,.pdf,318,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,176,"4. " docs/201-210,.pdf,316,"Carry out tool box talk before starting of the work. " docs/201-210,.pdf,295,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/201-210,.pdf,294,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/201-210,.pdf,293,"Page 209 of 380 " docs/201-210,.pdf,292,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/201-210,.pdf,291,"All the content shall be kept in clearly marked and easy to remove cartons stored in such a manner that there is no rattling or spilling over even when the container is being moved Whenever applicable the cartons shall bear instructions for use, dosage etc. " docs/201-210,.pdf,290,"One copy of first-aid leaflet issued by the Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and Labor Institutes, Government of India, Bombay. " docs/201-210,.pdf,289,"• Kidney tray. " docs/201-210,.pdf,288,"Two packets of safety pins. " docs/201-210,.pdf,287,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,285,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,284,"• One tourniquet. " docs/201-210,.pdf,283,"Six triangular bandages. " docs/201-210,.pdf,282,"Twelve roller bandages 5 cowhide. " docs/201-210,.pdf,281,"Twelve roller bandages 10 cm wide. " docs/201-210,.pdf,280,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,317,"Carry out site specific risk assessment and identify risk control measures for specific site work. (Ref doc). " docs/201-210,.pdf,279,"One polythene wash bottle (500 cc) for washing eyes. " docs/201-210,.pdf,296,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/201-210,.pdf,297,"ENERGEING QUALITY " docs/201-210,.pdf,286,"A supply of suitable splints. " docs/201-210,.pdf,299,"FITNESS TO WORK " docs/201-210,.pdf,314,"12.2. Other Requirements: " docs/201-210,.pdf,315,"Contractor to ensure that persons involved in working at height are trained, certified and having Valid I Card. " docs/201-210,.pdf,298,"12. " docs/201-210,.pdf,313,"General check about fear of Heights. " docs/201-210,.pdf,312,"Blood Group (One time Test). " docs/201-210,.pdf,311,"Physical Examination- to confirm the person is physically fit. " docs/201-210,.pdf,309,"Blood Sugar (fasting &PP). " docs/201-210,.pdf,308,"• " docs/201-210,.pdf,307,"• Vision Check. " docs/201-210,.pdf,310,"And other general tests. " docs/201-210,.pdf,305,"• Blood Pressure. " docs/201-210,.pdf,304,"History of Epilepsy. " docs/201-210,.pdf,300,"The objective of Medical Assessment for Fitness to Work (FTW) is to assess health of employees in relation to their specific jobs such as working at height, to ensure they could perform required task without risk to health and safety. " docs/201-210,.pdf,303,"Below specific requirements are must for Medical examination of Contractors employees working at height: " docs/201-210,.pdf,301,"The Contractors workers (as per the above category) shall under go through FTW prior to start work at site. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure compliance to this requirement. " docs/201-210,.pdf,306,"• ECG+ any History of any Seizures. " docs/201-210,.pdf,302,"12.1. Medical Examination requirement for working at height " docs/211-220,.pdf,273,"Scaffold material: Safe handling, and storage. " docs/211-220,.pdf,279,"The User shall ensure that acceptance of the scaffold has been properly carried out; green Tag is issued and provide notification of any alterations. Work from tagged scaffolds only. Comply with special conditions/additional controls noted on the access tag. " docs/211-220,.pdf,278,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,277,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,275,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,274,"Scaffold User " docs/211-220,.pdf,271,"Permissible structural load criteria. " docs/211-220,.pdf,272,"Any other risk that may be entailed by erection, dismantling and alteration operations. " docs/211-220,.pdf,280,"It shall observe all restrictions on use (particularly permissible loads). " docs/211-220,.pdf,276,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,281,"Its requirements should be taken into consideration in the specifications during erection. " docs/211-220,.pdf,289,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,283,"Do not use unstable objects or makeshift devices to increase the working height of the scaffolds. " docs/211-220,.pdf,284,"Use portable ladders as a means of increasing the working height only after the competent person has determined that the stability of the structure has not been compromised, and adequate fall protection is in place. " docs/211-220,.pdf,285,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,286,"Page 218 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,287,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,288,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,290,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,291,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,292,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,270,"Safety measures applicable in the event of a change in weather conditions. " docs/211-220,.pdf,294,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,293,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,282,"Use scaffolds only for their intended purpose. " docs/211-220,.pdf,269,"Measures designed to prevent the risk of falling person's and objects. " docs/211-220,.pdf,251,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,267,"Understanding the erection, dismantling and alteration plans for the scaffolding " docs/211-220,.pdf,243,"removed by qualified & " docs/211-220,.pdf,295,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,244,"authorised scaffolders? " docs/211-220,.pdf,245,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,246,"Page 217 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,247,"Mid & top guard rails in place? " docs/211-220,.pdf,248,"Valid Scafftag at scaffold entrance: GREEN - SAFE RED = DO NOT USE " docs/211-220,.pdf,249,"OR " docs/211-220,.pdf,250,"Base plates/ wheel brakes in place and working well? " docs/211-220,.pdf,252,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,253,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,268,"Ensure PPEs and Safety at work during erection,dismantling and alteration of the scaffolding. " docs/211-220,.pdf,254,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,256,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,257,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,258,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,259,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,260,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,261,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,262,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,263,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,264,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,265,"The erection contractor shall ensure that the scaffolding is erected in compliance with the OHSAS/IS standards. Worksite specifications and considerations shall be incorporated into any such plan. " docs/211-220,.pdf,266,"Ensure availability of competent staff and certified material all the time. Scaffolding may be erected, dismantled or altered only under the supervision of a competent individual who has received adequate specific training for the intended operations, specifically including the following: " docs/211-220,.pdf,255,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,296,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,337,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,298,"Use designed access means to descend or ascend a scaffold (stairs, attached ladder, or specially designed end frames). Do not uses cross bracing or side rail " docs/211-220,.pdf,329,"A freestanding scaffold shall be considered safe when the total height is equal to or less than four times the minimum or least base dimension. Rules for use " docs/211-220,.pdf,330,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,331,"Do not extend the base to increase the height. " docs/211-220,.pdf,332,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,333,"Brace each frame level as per the manufacturer's instructions. " docs/211-220,.pdf,334,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,335,"Do not raise work surfaces by placing decks on rails or midribs. " docs/211-220,.pdf,336,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,338,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,339,"Do not climb on the guardrails or other structural components. " docs/211-220,.pdf,340,"Observe the manufacturer's guidelines governing the installation of brackets, material hoists etc. " docs/211-220,.pdf,328,"They are moved as the work being carried out progresses. No fresh acceptance is required after each move, but the workstation shall be verified (working distance, brakes applied) " docs/211-220,.pdf,341,"Stay clear of power lines and observe safety distances. (If any) " docs/211-220,.pdf,343,"The following safety tips are as guidelines in avoiding job-site situations that could prove dangerous to scaffold workmen. " docs/211-220,.pdf,344,"• The Scaffold to the Building: Scaffolding should be tied to the structure using heavy wire or tie-in devices. The first vertical tie should be at the maximum height of 4 times the narrowest base dimension. Additional ties are not to exceed 26 feet vertically. Maximum horizontal distance between ties is not to exceed 30feet. " docs/211-220,.pdf,345,"• Don't Overload Scaffolding: Follow the safe load capacities as given by the scaffold manufacturer. There's a limit even to what steel cansupport.A4-to- 1-safetyfactor must be figured on scaffolding. " docs/211-220,.pdf,346,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,347,"Use Metal Catwalks, Platforms; where available. If wood plank is used, it must be scaffold grade or better. Inspect thoroughly before every job to make sure it is free from breaks, knots, and cracks or warp age. Decking should be full width. " docs/211-220,.pdf,348,"All working platform must be constructed with the specific requirement of job. " docs/211-220,.pdf,349,"• If the working platform is not permanent then safety belt must be used. " docs/211-220,.pdf,350,"• There shall be firm foundation for all scaffoldings. All scaffolding shall be made of sound material. " docs/211-220,.pdf,351,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,352,"Page 220 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,242,"Erected, modified or " docs/211-220,.pdf,342,"Scaffold safety " docs/211-220,.pdf,326,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,325,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,324,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,299,"Keep only the tools and materials on the platform that are necessary to perform the task. Control all slipping and tripping hazards by removing or securing the tools/materials. " docs/211-220,.pdf,300,"Do not modify or remove a scaffold system/component or status tag. " docs/211-220,.pdf,301,"Notify supervision immediately if a scaffold is damaged, weakened, or otherwise deficient. " docs/211-220,.pdf,302,"Scaffold users/ Scaffold erectors shall use IS and EN standard double lanyard safety harness with absorbent. " docs/211-220,.pdf,303,"Inspection Points " docs/211-220,.pdf,304,"To ensure the integrity and proper installation of scaffolding, a certain number of points shall be inspected. Inspection of these points ensures a basic level of safety. Following fundamental inspection points are as follows: " docs/211-220,.pdf,305,"• Environment and location " docs/211-220,.pdf,306,"• Supports and soleplates " docs/211-220,.pdf,307,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,308,"Structure and posts " docs/211-220,.pdf,309,"Decks " docs/211-220,.pdf,310,"• Scaffold Capacity Standards " docs/211-220,.pdf,311,". " docs/211-220,.pdf,312,"Working levels " docs/211-220,.pdf,313,"• Access " docs/211-220,.pdf,314,"• Signs and signage " docs/211-220,.pdf,315,"Mobile Scaffolding " docs/211-220,.pdf,316,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,317,"Mobile scaffolds are identical in design to fixed scaffolds, except that their tubular structure is lighter and in terms of support, the wheels do not offer the same load-bearing area as footplates on fixed scaffolds. " docs/211-220,.pdf,318,"Erection is simple and shall be carried out using personal protective equipment. Lastly, during erection, dismantling and use, the brakes shall also be applied. Care should be taken to ensure that mobile scaffolds are installed on flat surfaces. " docs/211-220,.pdf,319,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,320,"Page 219 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,321,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,322,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,323,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,297,"Do not straddles, stand on, or work outside of the guardrail. " docs/211-220,.pdf,241,"Ladder secured? " docs/211-220,.pdf,327,"Mobile scaffolds are highly practical for short jobs at relatively low heights. • Acceptance is carried out after erection has been completed. " docs/211-220,.pdf,239,"Safe access? " docs/211-220,.pdf,87,"360 " docs/211-220,.pdf,86,"566 " docs/211-220,.pdf,85,"Retractable type fall arresters " docs/211-220,.pdf,84,"Slings " docs/211-220,.pdf,83,"3 " docs/211-220,.pdf,82,"2 " docs/211-220,.pdf,81,"365 " docs/211-220,.pdf,80,"Energy absorbers " docs/211-220,.pdf,79,"1 " docs/211-220,.pdf,78,"EN Standard " docs/211-220,.pdf,77,"Name of equipment's " docs/211-220,.pdf,76,"Sr. No. " docs/211-220,.pdf,88,"4 " docs/211-220,.pdf,75,"Quality Standards " docs/211-220,.pdf,73,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,72,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,71,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,70,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,69,"Page 212 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,68,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,67,": Industrial Safety belts and harness " docs/211-220,.pdf,66,": Ear protectors. " docs/211-220,.pdf,65,": Eye protectors " docs/211-220,.pdf,64,"IS 5983 - 1978 IS 9167 - 1979 IS 3521 - 1983 " docs/211-220,.pdf,63,"sole " docs/211-220,.pdf,62,"direct molding " docs/211-220,.pdf,74,"Technical Standard for working at height equipment's shall be as per following standard: " docs/211-220,.pdf,61,": Leather Safety footwear having " docs/211-220,.pdf,89,"Guide Type fall arresters on a rigid " docs/211-220,.pdf,91,"5 " docs/211-220,.pdf,117,"363 " docs/211-220,.pdf,116,"Fall arrester system " docs/211-220,.pdf,115,"13 " docs/211-220,.pdf,114,"12278 " docs/211-220,.pdf,113,"Pulleys " docs/211-220,.pdf,112,"12 " docs/211-220,.pdf,111,"354 " docs/211-220,.pdf,110,"813 " docs/211-220,.pdf,109,"361 " docs/211-220,.pdf,108,"795 " docs/211-220,.pdf,107,"341 " docs/211-220,.pdf,106,"Lanyards " docs/211-220,.pdf,90,"353-1 " docs/211-220,.pdf,105,"Sit harness " docs/211-220,.pdf,103,"Anchor device Type-A/B " docs/211-220,.pdf,102,"Descended device " docs/211-220,.pdf,101,"11 " docs/211-220,.pdf,100,"10 " docs/211-220,.pdf,99,"9 " docs/211-220,.pdf,98,"8 " docs/211-220,.pdf,97,"7 " docs/211-220,.pdf,96,"892 " docs/211-220,.pdf,95,"Dynamic mountaineering rope " docs/211-220,.pdf,94,"6 " docs/211-220,.pdf,93,"362 " docs/211-220,.pdf,92,"Connectors " docs/211-220,.pdf,104,"Fall arrester harness " docs/211-220,.pdf,60,": Code of practice for selection, care and repair of Safety footwear " docs/211-220,.pdf,59,": Industrial and Safety rubber knee boots " docs/211-220,.pdf,58,"IS 11226 - 1985 " docs/211-220,.pdf,26,"Hand Gloves (as per job requirement) Other PPES shall be as per job requirementlike Work at height- Full body harness (PETZL or equivalent make), Life line, Safety Net Arc Welding Welding face shield Grinding Grinding face shield Height work Full Body harness (above 2 meters) Contractor to ensure proper use and selection of protective clothing / equipment for specialized jobs. " docs/211-220,.pdf,25,"- " docs/211-220,.pdf,24,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,23,"• Safety Glasses " docs/211-220,.pdf,22,"Safety shoes/footwear " docs/211-220,.pdf,21,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,20,"Coverall " docs/211-220,.pdf,19,"Safety Helmet " docs/211-220,.pdf,18,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,240,"Ladders at proper angle to platform? " docs/211-220,.pdf,16,"The contractors shall provide sufficient numbers of following personnel protective equipment's (PPES) to workmen and supervisors/engineers to use them properly at work site. " docs/211-220,.pdf,15,"PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS " docs/211-220,.pdf,27,"PPE's to be used shall be as per following Specification: " docs/211-220,.pdf,14,"Ensure that equipment used is within Safe working load mentioned on equipment. Ensure all tools are secured or kept in Tool kit / bag and there are no loose objects or tools. " docs/211-220,.pdf,12,"In case of any part of equipment is found damaged or defective, it will be destroyed. ""Working at height equipment's shall never being repaired"". The Records, showing reasons for all the defective and damaged material shall be available and shall be stored separately at Contractor's yards. " docs/211-220,.pdf,11,"13. " docs/211-220,.pdf,10,"Life cycle of equipment shall be checked " docs/211-220,.pdf,9,"Quality conformance shall be carried out prior to start of work for working at height equipment's. " docs/211-220,.pdf,8,"Ensure that all equipment and safety devices used are inspected, certified by competent authority & valid & suitable for use. " docs/211-220,.pdf,7,"operation. " docs/211-220,.pdf,6,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,5,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,4,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,3,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,2,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,13,"Ensure that Personnel Protective Equipment are inspected & in good condition " docs/211-220,.pdf,28,"IS 2925 1984 " docs/211-220,.pdf,29,": Industrial Safety Helmets. " docs/211-220,.pdf,30,"IS : 4770 " docs/211-220,.pdf,57,"IS 6519 - 1971 " docs/211-220,.pdf,56,"IS 5557 - 1969 " docs/211-220,.pdf,55,": Rubber knee boots " docs/211-220,.pdf,54,": Leather safety boots and shoes " docs/211-220,.pdf,53,": Industrial Safety Gloves (Leather& Cotton) " docs/211-220,.pdf,52,"1975 " docs/211-220,.pdf,51,"- " docs/211-220,.pdf,50,"IS: 3738 " docs/211-220,.pdf,49,"1986 " docs/211-220,.pdf,48,"1973 " docs/211-220,.pdf,47,"(Part - I & " docs/211-220,.pdf,46,"- " docs/211-220,.pdf,45,"IS 1989 " docs/211-220,.pdf,44,"I) " docs/211-220,.pdf,43,"- " docs/211-220,.pdf,42,"(Part " docs/211-220,.pdf,41,"IS: 6994 " docs/211-220,.pdf,40,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,39,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,38,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,37,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,36,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,35,"Page 211 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,34,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,33,": Rubber gloves for electrical purposes " docs/211-220,.pdf,32,"1968 " docs/211-220,.pdf,31,"- " docs/211-220,.pdf,118,"14 " docs/211-220,.pdf,119,"Work positioning belt " docs/211-220,.pdf,17,"Following five numbers of Personnel protective equipment's are identified as MANDATORY for all. " docs/211-220,.pdf,121,"14. EQUIPMENT LIST AND INSPECTION CERTIFICATE " docs/211-220,.pdf,207,"Closely boarded, planked or plated. " docs/211-220,.pdf,206,"Every working platform more than 1.8 mtr. High from which a person is likely to fall shall be of steel plates/planks/cage and shall be: " docs/211-220,.pdf,205,"15.6.3 Working Platform " docs/211-220,.pdf,204,"While climbing up or climbing down, one of the hooks of lanyard must be locked alternatively all the time. " docs/211-220,.pdf,203,"Full body harness lanyard must be anchored with a strong member. " docs/211-220,.pdf,202,"Ensure that full body harness must be worn by the workmen while working at height. " docs/211-220,.pdf,201,"Ensure that the full body harness must be inspected prior tousle. " docs/211-220,.pdf,200,"15.6.2 Full Body Harness " docs/211-220,.pdf,199,"When vertical lifelines are used, each worker shall be attached to a separate lifeline. " docs/211-220,.pdf,198,"Lanyards and vertical life line shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds (22.2kN). " docs/211-220,.pdf,197,"system, which maintains safety factor of at least two. " docs/211-220,.pdf,196,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,208,"At least 700 mm wide if the platform is used as a footing only and not for the deposit/ keeping of materials. " docs/211-220,.pdf,195,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,193,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,192,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,191,"Page 215 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,190,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,189,"Horizontal/Vertical lifelines shall be designed, installed, and used, under the supervision of a qualified person, as part of a complete personal fall arrest " docs/211-220,.pdf,188,"Horizontal or vertical life line shall be used while working on suspended platform or similar type of platform or working at thereof/edge " docs/211-220,.pdf,187,"15.6.1 Lifeline " docs/211-220,.pdf,186,"Connections between safety net panels shall be as strong as integral net components and shall be spaced not more than 6 inches (15 cm) apart. " docs/211-220,.pdf,185,"Each safety net (or section of it) shall have a border rope for webbing with a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds (22.2kN). " docs/211-220,.pdf,184,"The maximum size of each safety net mesh opening shall not exceed 36 square inches (230 cm) nor be longer than 6 inches (15 cm) on any side, and the opening, measured center-to-center of mesh ropes or webbing, shall not be longer than 6 inches (15 cm). All mesh crossings shall be secured to prevent enlargement of the mesh opening. " docs/211-220,.pdf,183,"Materials, scrap pieces, equipment, and tools which have fallen into the safety net shall be removed as soon as possible from the net and at least before the next work shift. " docs/211-220,.pdf,182,"Defective nets shall not be used. Safety nets shall be inspected at least once a week for wear, damage, and other deterioration. Defective components shall be removed from service. Safety nets shall also be inspected after any occurrence which could affect the integrity of the safety net system. " docs/211-220,.pdf,194,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,209,"At least 900 mm wide if the platform is used for the deposit of materials. " docs/211-220,.pdf,210,"At least 1100 mm wide if the platform is used for the support of higher platform. " docs/211-220,.pdf,211,"Two metal/planks shall not have 25 mm gap between them the distance between two consecutive transoms or other supports on which a platform rests shall be fixed with due regards to the anticipated load and the nature of platform flooring. As a general rule such transoms shall not be placed more than 1.0 mtr. apart. " docs/211-220,.pdf,120,"358 " docs/211-220,.pdf,238,"Full decking at all working levels? " docs/211-220,.pdf,237,"Kickboards/ toeboards in place? " docs/211-220,.pdf,236,"This refers to the company involved in the installation (erection, dismantling and alteration) and/or design of the scaffolding on behalf of CONTRACTOR. " docs/211-220,.pdf,235,"Scaffold Contractor " docs/211-220,.pdf,234,"Inspection is repeated at the frequency of 7 days. Issues scaffold tag (Green Tag) before its first use. " docs/211-220,.pdf,233,"the first time and is repeated after any alterations. " docs/211-220,.pdf,232,"Acceptance is carried out prior to the scaffold being made available for " docs/211-220,.pdf,231,"Clear display of details of permissible loads on the scaffold. " docs/211-220,.pdf,229,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,228,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,227,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,226,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,225,". Materials used for the scaffold are in a proper condition and in throughout the time it is in place. " docs/211-220,.pdf,224,"The permissible loads per deck and the working distance between the scaffold and the work surface are examined. " docs/211-220,.pdf,223,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,222,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,221,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,220,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/211-220,.pdf,219,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,218,"Page 216 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,217,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,216,"The scaffold erected complies with legislation. " docs/211-220,.pdf,215,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,214,"This is the competent individual who shall inspect scaffolding prior to each use and perform full inspections as per the Inspection procedure. He will accept the Scaffold after ensuring the followings; " docs/211-220,.pdf,213,"Scaffold Inspector (Project Field Officer) " docs/211-220,.pdf,212,"15.6.4 Scaffold " docs/211-220,.pdf,181,"Determined that the identified net and net installation were in compliance and the signature of the person making the determination and certification. The most recent certification record for each net and net installation shall be available at the jobsite for inspection. " docs/211-220,.pdf,180,"Safety nets shall be installed with sufficient clearance under them to prevent contact with the surface or structures below when subjected to an impact force. Safety nets and safety net installations shall be drop-tested at the jobsite after initial installation and before being used as a fall protection system, whenever relocated, after major repair, and at 6-month intervals if left in one place. If drop test not possible designated competent person shall certify that the net and net installation is in compliance with the requirement by preparing a certification record prior to the net being used as a fall protection system. The certification record must include an identification. " docs/211-220,.pdf,230,"Existence and proper installation of collective protective equipment and means of access. " docs/211-220,.pdf,178,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,147,"PETZL system or equivalent system/metallic scaffold should comply with relevant IS/EN/BS standard. " docs/211-220,.pdf,146,"scaffolding as a working platform and full body harness with self-locking arrangement. Full body harness with self-locking arrangement shall be used for ascending/descending/work rest. " docs/211-220,.pdf,145,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,144,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,143,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/211-220,.pdf,142,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,141,"Page 213 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,140,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,139,"For Work at Height: Contractor shall provide PETZL or equivalent system/metallic " docs/211-220,.pdf,138,"Contractor may conduct survey to assess the requirement of GI riser for high rise building. " docs/211-220,.pdf,137,"Once in a day " docs/211-220,.pdf,136,"Monthly " docs/211-220,.pdf,148,"Only certified trained plumber undergone practical training on work at height shall be deployed. " docs/211-220,.pdf,135,"Once in a Year " docs/211-220,.pdf,133,"Nylon tie line for tools " docs/211-220,.pdf,132,"Extension board (without cable Joint with Socket) with Circuit Breaker " docs/211-220,.pdf,131,"Once in Month " docs/211-220,.pdf,130,"Once in six Month " docs/211-220,.pdf,129,"Fire Extinguisher (10 Kg.) " docs/211-220,.pdf,128,"First Aid Box " docs/211-220,.pdf,126,"Full body harness " docs/211-220,.pdf,125,"Inspection/Calibration Date Once in six Month " docs/211-220,.pdf,124,"Item " docs/211-220,.pdf,123,"List of Tools and Tackles " docs/211-220,.pdf,179,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/211-220,.pdf,122,"Equipment list must be made available and must be certified for safety as per the requirement of Factory Act. Tools and Tackles should be calibrated from the approved agency only. " docs/211-220,.pdf,134,"15. HSE REQUIREMENTS AT SITE " docs/211-220,.pdf,149,"15.1. Any working at height related activities has to be carried out with Permit system. " docs/211-220,.pdf,127,"Rope Grab fall arrestor " docs/211-220,.pdf,151,"Working at Height is performing work at height where workers can fall 1.8m or more from where they stand or sit to perform work. This includes gaining access to working at height if there is a risk of falling 1.8m or more. " docs/211-220,.pdf,150,"Work at Height " docs/211-220,.pdf,177,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/211-220,.pdf,175,"ENERGEING CUALITY " docs/211-220,.pdf,174,"Page 214 of 380 " docs/211-220,.pdf,176,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,172,"13 feet " docs/211-220,.pdf,171,"8 feet 10 feet. " docs/211-220,.pdf,170,"Minimum required horizontal distance of outer edge of net from the edge of the working| surface " docs/211-220,.pdf,169,"More than 10 feet " docs/211-220,.pdf,168,"feet " docs/211-220,.pdf,167,"More than 5 feet up to 10 " docs/211-220,.pdf,166,"Up to 5 feet " docs/211-220,.pdf,165,"plan of net " docs/211-220,.pdf,173,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/211-220,.pdf,163,"from " docs/211-220,.pdf,164,"Vertical working level to horizontal " docs/211-220,.pdf,153,"• " docs/211-220,.pdf,155,"Working on top of vehicles/tankers or building more than 1.8 m high Risk of Working at Height " docs/211-220,.pdf,156,"Fall from height " docs/211-220,.pdf,157,"Falling objects " docs/211-220,.pdf,154,"Working on temporary platform more than 1.8mhigh " docs/211-220,.pdf,159,"All Working at Height shall comply with Working at Height Procedures Safety Net System. " docs/211-220,.pdf,160,"""Safety net systems"" Safety net systems and their use shall comply with the following provisions. " docs/211-220,.pdf,161,"Safety nets shall be installed as close as practicable under the walking/working surface on which workers are working, but in no case more than 30 feet (9.1 m) below such level. When nets are used on bridges or similar kind, the potential fall area from the walking/working surface to the net shall be un obstructed. " docs/211-220,.pdf,162,"distance " docs/211-220,.pdf,158,"Safety net, fall arrest system and two lanyard full body harness when working at height While working at height, all loose tools shall be kept inside a container and good housekeeping shall be maintained. " docs/211-220,.pdf,152,"Examples of Working at Height are: " docs/221-230,.pdf,376,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,377,"emergency routes, garages or passages for person's or vehicles. " docs/221-230,.pdf,368,"Page 27 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,375,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,374,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,373,"Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,372,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 " docs/221-230,.pdf,371,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,370,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,369,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,362,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,366,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,365,"Gas stores must not be set up in critical areas such as stairways, corridors, " docs/221-230,.pdf,364,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,363,"Don't keep LPG cylinder in confine/below ground area. " docs/221-230,.pdf,361,"Store gas cylinders in ventilated area. " docs/221-230,.pdf,360,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,359,"Never use oil or grease on the regulator of a cylinder valve. " docs/221-230,.pdf,356,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,358,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,357,"Use cylinder trolley / cage for the transportation of gas cylinders at site. " docs/221-230,.pdf,367,"Page 229 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,378,"Never transport by rolling them on the ground or use them as rollers or supports. " docs/221-230,.pdf,80,"Tools and materials must not be hand carried by persons ascending or descending ladders. Where applicable light tools should be carried in pockets, tool belts or shoulder bags, provided they do not impair movement and are held securely. " docs/221-230,.pdf,91,"The following check list specifies the main points to remember when using ladders: " docs/221-230,.pdf,68,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,69,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,355,"Gas cylinders must be capped and operated upright. " docs/221-230,.pdf,70,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,71,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,72,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,73,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,74,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,75,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,76,"Ladders with metal reinforced, Damaged or rotten stiles, Missed footing on ladder rungs must not be used. " docs/221-230,.pdf,77,"Over-reaching and over-balancing is not allowed. " docs/221-230,.pdf,78,"Every time before use, the user will carry out inspection of ladder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,79,"If the work to be done necessitates the use of both hands, a safety belt must be used. " docs/221-230,.pdf,81,"Rungs, stiles, or treads to be checked for bending, twisting or signs of abuse or undue wear. " docs/221-230,.pdf,82,"Feet to be fitted with various types of bases and in good order. Synthetic non-slip, wooden or metal. " docs/221-230,.pdf,83,"Non-slip stair treads mats of stepladders, should be fitted and in good condition. " docs/221-230,.pdf,84,"In case of moving ladders fitted with wheels, Hinges and locking devices to be secure and in good working order. " docs/221-230,.pdf,85,"All portable ladders must be in good condition as per the site norms. " docs/221-230,.pdf,86,"Ladder shall extend 3' to 4'above the point of Landing and topmost 3 rungs shall not be used. " docs/221-230,.pdf,87,"• Ladder is checked visually for defects before every use. " docs/221-230,.pdf,88,"Ladders shall not be used in a horizontal position as runways or scaffoldings. " docs/221-230,.pdf,89,"Ladders shall not be placed in front of a door that opens toward the ladder unless the door is locked, blocked or guarded. " docs/221-230,.pdf,90,"15.6.6 User Ladder Safety Checklist " docs/221-230,.pdf,379,"Never attempt to repair cylinder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,354,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,326,"Cylinders must be placed where they are unlikely to be damaged by stray electric currents or falling objects. " docs/221-230,.pdf,352,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,324,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,323,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,322,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,321,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,320,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,319,"Page 228 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,318,"Page 26 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,317,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,316,"prevent " docs/221-230,.pdf,315,"contact with sparks, flames and metals platter. " docs/221-230,.pdf,325,". " docs/221-230,.pdf,314,"Cylindersmustbekeptfarenoughawayfromtheweldingorcuttingoperationsto " docs/221-230,.pdf,312,"Long lengths of hose should be avoided, but;- " docs/221-230,.pdf,311,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,310,"Gas cylinders must be secured in the vertical position to prevent them being knocked or pulled over. " docs/221-230,.pdf,309,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,308,"15.6. Gas Cutting " docs/221-230,.pdf,307,"Do not over load electrical appliances and cable, shocked pined. " docs/221-230,.pdf,306,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,305,"earthed/grounding. " docs/221-230,.pdf,67,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,304,"machine is provided with ON/OFF switch and is " docs/221-230,.pdf,313,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,353,"Gas cylinders must be secured to prevent them from falling over. " docs/221-230,.pdf,327,"• Cylinders must not be taken into confined spaces. " docs/221-230,.pdf,329,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,351,"Gas cylinders must not be stored together with flammable materials. " docs/221-230,.pdf,350,"Gas cylinders must be stored protected from excessive heat, fire, dangerous corrosion, mechanical damage or access by unauthorized. " docs/221-230,.pdf,349,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,348,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,347,"The handling of gas cylinders must comply with local legislation and TE's regulations as per particulars given below: " docs/221-230,.pdf,346,"Gas Cylinders " docs/221-230,.pdf,345,"15.6.1. " docs/221-230,.pdf,344,"Place a fire extinguisher nearby welding premises. " docs/221-230,.pdf,343,"Check that flash back arrester used for the purpose is of approved make/specification only. " docs/221-230,.pdf,342,"Check the entire hose length if it is cracked or worn out cut that length of hose or replace the hose. " docs/221-230,.pdf,328,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,341,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,339,"Check for leaks around regulators, hoses/fittings & nozzle with soap solution. " docs/221-230,.pdf,338,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,337,"Check the regulator and torches that they are inspected prior to every use. " docs/221-230,.pdf,336,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,335,"Ensure cylinder is far away from fall of sparks and hot metal. " docs/221-230,.pdf,334,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,333,"Ensure that flash back arresters are installed with torch and NRV (Non return valve) on the gas cylinders side. " docs/221-230,.pdf,332,"Check the cylinder and its valve or leakage and move out any leaking cylinder immediately. " docs/221-230,.pdf,331,"The torch must always be lit from a lighter provided for the purpose. There should be no attempt to light it from hot metal. " docs/221-230,.pdf,330,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,340,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,66,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,6,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,64,"Page 222 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,392,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,391,"Wheel guard properly fitted imposition. " docs/221-230,.pdf,390,"Proper earthling of the body in case of metallic body. " docs/221-230,.pdf,389,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,388,"Socket pin provided at supply end and On/off switch in working condition. " docs/221-230,.pdf,387,"Power supply cable of adequate current carrying capacity shall be used and it should be in good workable condition without abrasions, cuts or puncture in outer insulation. " docs/221-230,.pdf,386,"After expiry date, grinding wheel must be condemned, broken in to pieces. " docs/221-230,.pdf,385,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,384,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,383,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,393,"Machine body without any damage like cricket. " docs/221-230,.pdf,382,". Grinding wheels should be stored in dry place. " docs/221-230,.pdf,380,"Leaking regulators, cylinder valves, hose pipes or other equipment should be taken out of service. " docs/221-230,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,3,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,4,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,5,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,7,"Scaffolding material shall be inspected and used, only if found in good condition. " docs/221-230,.pdf,8,"Provide metal base plate is used under all upright or standard scaffoldings. Correct type of couplers shall be used for all connections. " docs/221-230,.pdf,9,"Plumb and level scaffoldings as erection proceeds, so that braces will fit without forcing. " docs/221-230,.pdf,10,"Fasten all braces securely. " docs/221-230,.pdf,381,"15.7. Grinding Operation " docs/221-230,.pdf,11,"• Working platforms shall be provided with guards. This should consist of top rail, mid rail, and toe board. The toe board shall be of minimum height 100 mm, while the mid rail and top rail shall be at heights of 600 mm and 1200 mm respectively. " docs/221-230,.pdf,394,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,396,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,303,"• Make sure that welding " docs/221-230,.pdf,417,"Page 28 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,416,"Page 230 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,415,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,414,"Use of helmet, face shield or safety goggles (where face shield is not possible.) and hand gloves. " docs/221-230,.pdf,413,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,412,"PPES: " docs/221-230,.pdf,411,"Don't chip off grinding/cutting wheel for achieving fast cutting rate. " docs/221-230,.pdf,410,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,409,"Put OFF the main switch, while machine is not in use (tea breakneck.). " docs/221-230,.pdf,395,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,408,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,406,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,405,"Don't grind small, unstable object without fixing it in the vice. " docs/221-230,.pdf,404,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,403,"Don't fit over size wheel than recommended size by machine/wheel manufacturer. " docs/221-230,.pdf,402,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,401,"Don't use portable grinding machine as bench grinder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,400,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,399,"Grinding wheel without manufacturer's stickers having size, speed and expiry date must be condemned. " docs/221-230,.pdf,398,"Grinding wheel must be of suitable size as per the speed of grinding machine. " docs/221-230,.pdf,397,"Moving part (wheel) must be properly fixed to the machine with the help of spanner. " docs/221-230,.pdf,407,"Don't over press the grinding wheel against the job for fast removal of metal. " docs/221-230,.pdf,12,"Do not use ladders or makeshift devices on top of scaffoldings to increase the height. " docs/221-230,.pdf,13,"• Shall be placed at least 75 deg. to the floor. " docs/221-230,.pdf,14,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,42,"Right angle Coupler " docs/221-230,.pdf,43,"Foot te " docs/221-230,.pdf,44,"Window the " docs/221-230,.pdf,45,"Guard-rail " docs/221-230,.pdf,46,"Sleeve Coupler " docs/221-230,.pdf,47,"Lodger " docs/221-230,.pdf,48,"to ledger brace " docs/221-230,.pdf,49,"Standards Ledgers " docs/221-230,.pdf,50,"Base plates " docs/221-230,.pdf,51,"Sole boardi " docs/221-230,.pdf,41,"Facade brace " docs/221-230,.pdf,52,"15.6.5 Ladders " docs/221-230,.pdf,54,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,55,". " docs/221-230,.pdf,56,"Fall protection is not needed when climbing up or down ladders less than 20 feet/6.1 meters, using 3 points of contacts. " docs/221-230,.pdf,57,"Portable ladders, steps and trestles should only be used for light duties of short duration. Otherwise, properly constructed means of access should be provided. " docs/221-230,.pdf,58,"Aluminum ladders can generate sparks when struck against rusty iron, so it must be used in Hazardous Areas with special care. " docs/221-230,.pdf,59,"Aluminum ladders must not be used in areas where they might be splashed with acids or Utilities Area " docs/221-230,.pdf,60,"alkalis " docs/221-230,.pdf,61,"; " docs/221-230,.pdf,62,"e.g. " docs/221-230,.pdf,63,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,53,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,40,"Swivel coupler " docs/221-230,.pdf,39,"Joint pin " docs/221-230,.pdf,38,"Transoms " docs/221-230,.pdf,15,"Fall arrestor to be used where ever applicable. " docs/221-230,.pdf,16,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,17,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,18,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,19,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,20,"The following safety tips are as guidelines in avoiding job-site situations " docs/221-230,.pdf,21,"that could prove dangerous to scaffold workmen. " docs/221-230,.pdf,22,"Don't Ride Moving Scaffold; and remember scaffold units are limited in height to 4* times " docs/221-230,.pdf,23,"Their narrowest base dimension (unless base is widened by outriggers or more end frames; or tied into building.) Always keep casters locked. (except tore-spot) " docs/221-230,.pdf,24,"Don't Climb Braces: Use the steps provided on most steel scaffolds to climb up to or down from work levels. Use scaffold climbing ladders where required. " docs/221-230,.pdf,25,"Protect Working Levels: Use overhead canopies to protect workers on lower " docs/221-230,.pdf,26,"work levels when work is being done overhead. Rope off un safe areas underneath scaffold or provide wire mesh around work area. " docs/221-230,.pdf,27,"Use Double Guard Rails; and toe board so exposed side sat platform heights of 1.8 meter or more. " docs/221-230,.pdf,28,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,29,"Page 221 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,30,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,31,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,32,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,33,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,34,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,35,"Illustration of a Sample Independent Scaffold " docs/221-230,.pdf,36,"Right angle coupler " docs/221-230,.pdf,37,"Toe-board " docs/221-230,.pdf,65,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,302,"Ensure welding holder, cable and its lugs in good condition and use only industrial power socket and plugs (3 Pin) to avoid electricity risk. " docs/221-230,.pdf,229,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,300,"Place a fire extinguisher nearby welding premises. " docs/221-230,.pdf,166,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,165,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,164,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,163,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,162,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,161,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,160,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,159,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,158,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,157,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,167,"All roof-work operations should be pre-planned and properly supervised. " docs/221-230,.pdf,156,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,154,"15.2. Roof work " docs/221-230,.pdf,153,"Color code of the year shall be painted on one style only and equal to one rung spacing. " docs/221-230,.pdf,152,"15.6.9 Color code and inspection " docs/221-230,.pdf,151,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,150,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,149,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,148,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,147,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,146,"Page 22 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,145,"Page 224 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,155,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,168,"Roof work should only be undertaken by workers who are physically and psychologically fit and have the necessary knowledge and experience for such work. Work on roofs shouldn't be carried on in weather condition that threaten the safety of workers. " docs/221-230,.pdf,169,"Crawling boards, walkways and roof ladders should be securely fastened to a firm structure. " docs/221-230,.pdf,170,"Roofing brackets should fit the slope of the roof and be securely supported. Where it is necessary for a person to kneel or crouch near the edge of the roof, necessary precautions should be taken. " docs/221-230,.pdf,193,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,192,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,191,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,190,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,189,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,188,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,187,"Page 23 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,186,"Page 225 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,185,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,184,"work. " docs/221-230,.pdf,183,"Only authorized electrical engineer / electricians are permitted to do the electrical " docs/221-230,.pdf,182,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,181,"15.3. Electrical Safety " docs/221-230,.pdf,180,"reason. " docs/221-230,.pdf,179,"A minimum of two boards should be provided so that it is not necessary for a person to stand on a fragile roof to move a board or a ladder, or for any other " docs/221-230,.pdf,178,"When spanning across the supports for the roof covering to support those workers. " docs/221-230,.pdf,177,"suitable roof ladders or crawling boards strong enough and " docs/221-230,.pdf,176,"Where workers are required to work on or near roofs or other places covered with fragile material, through which they are liable to fall, they should be provided with " docs/221-230,.pdf,175,"During extensive work on the roof, strong barriers or guardrails and toe-boards should be provided to stop a person from falling off thereof. " docs/221-230,.pdf,174,"When work is being carried out on sloping roofs, sufficient and suitable crawling boards or roof ladders should be provided and firmly secured imposition. " docs/221-230,.pdf,173,"Roofs with a pitch of more than 10 should be treated as sloping. " docs/221-230,.pdf,172,"All covers for openings in roofs should be of substantial construction and be secured imposition. " docs/221-230,.pdf,171,"On a large roof where work have to be carried out at or near the edge, a simple barrier consisting of crossed scaffold tubes supporting a tubing guardrail may be provided. " docs/221-230,.pdf,144,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,194,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,143,"For these types of jobs, a work platform such as a scaffold is required. The safe working position from a ladder is to have both thighs and hips within the styles. " docs/221-230,.pdf,141,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,113,". " docs/221-230,.pdf,112,"15.6.7 Donor " docs/221-230,.pdf,111,"Leaning to onside " docs/221-230,.pdf,110,"At a shallow angle, or use horizontally as a plank or bridge " docs/221-230,.pdf,109,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,108,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,107,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,106,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,104,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,103,"Page 223 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,114,"Drop things from ladder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,102,"Page 21 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,100,"Against a slippery or unstable surface " docs/221-230,.pdf,99,"In front of a door which may be opened " docs/221-230,.pdf,98,"In high wind " docs/221-230,.pdf,97,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,96,"On top of movable objects " docs/221-230,.pdf,95,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,94,"On sloping ground " docs/221-230,.pdf,92,"Do not erect: " docs/221-230,.pdf,93,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,301,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,101,"Copyright VCS Project - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,115,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,116,"Straddle from the ladder to a nearby foothold.. " docs/221-230,.pdf,117,"Allow more than one person up a ladder at time. " docs/221-230,.pdf,140,"Activities involving heavy manual labour. " docs/221-230,.pdf,139,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,138,"Carrying tools (other than those which might clip onto a tool belt) up to an elevated level. " docs/221-230,.pdf,137,"A ladder is considered to be suitable for access of personnel to an elevated area only. No significant works may be carried out from a ladder. In particular, activities such as those below may not be carried out on ladder: " docs/221-230,.pdf,136,"15.6.8 Activities Allowed on Ladder " docs/221-230,.pdf,135,"Inspect a ladder immediately after any fall or overload. " docs/221-230,.pdf,134,"Always Return ladders to store as soon as they are finished with. " docs/221-230,.pdf,133,"Missing fastenings or rivets, guide or latching hooks. " docs/221-230,.pdf,132,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,131,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,130,"Any sign of warping. " docs/221-230,.pdf,129,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,128,"A defective rope or associated fitting (rope operated extension ladders). " docs/221-230,.pdf,127,"A defective stile side member. " docs/221-230,.pdf,126,"No ladder should be used if it has: A missing, loose or defective rung or tread. " docs/221-230,.pdf,125,"Slide down ladder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,124,"Over-reach (generally always keep hips within the stiles). " docs/221-230,.pdf,123,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,122,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,121,"Use a makeshift or 'home-made 'ladder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,120,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,119,"Use a ladder which is too short. " docs/221-230,.pdf,118,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,142,"Activities requiring reaching or stretching such that the body is no longer centered over the ladder. " docs/221-230,.pdf,195,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,105,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,197,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,272,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,271,"If mains power is used, the work piece must be positively earthed using a well- " docs/221-230,.pdf,270,"The return lead must be attached to the work place as close as reasonably practicable to the welding point. " docs/221-230,.pdf,269,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,268,"Insulated electrode holders and cable lugs / protectors must be used. " docs/221-230,.pdf,267,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,266,"Welding leads and return leads must be protected against physical damage. " docs/221-230,.pdf,265,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,264,"The metal frames and cases of mains-powered welding rectifiers, transformers and voltage regulators and of engine driven welding machines must be positively earthed locally throughout the work. " docs/221-230,.pdf,263,"15.5. Welding " docs/221-230,.pdf,273,"Page 227 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,262,"Hand tools should not be allowed to lie down on benches, scaffoldings etc. from where they can fall. They should be properly stored. " docs/221-230,.pdf,260,"Chipping should always be done away from self. " docs/221-230,.pdf,259,"Wrenches should not be pushed but pulled. Chisels struck by others should be held by tongs and not by hands. " docs/221-230,.pdf,258,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,257,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,256,"Insulated and non-conducting tools shall be tested for electrical resistance. " docs/221-230,.pdf,255,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,254,"be replaced. To avoid slippage, grease and oil should be wiped off. " docs/221-230,.pdf,253,"The handles of tools should be intact and properly tightened. Split handles should " docs/221-230,.pdf,252,"The weight, size & type of tool should be selected to suit the job carried out. " docs/221-230,.pdf,251,"All electrical tools must be inspected at regular intervals by an authorized electrical person and record to be maintained. " docs/221-230,.pdf,261,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,274,"Page 25 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,275,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,276,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/221-230,.pdf,299,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,196,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,298,"Remove all combustible material from welding area to avoid fire. " docs/221-230,.pdf,297,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,296,"• Ensure that welding cables are in order. " docs/221-230,.pdf,295,"Ensure that welding machine is in order and approved by site engineer. " docs/221-230,.pdf,294,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,293,"Welders working with electrodes fed from different phases of a three-phase supply should not work in close proximity to one another. " docs/221-230,.pdf,291,"The welder must always disconnect the electrode holder from the supply before attempting to replace an electrode. " docs/221-230,.pdf,290,"Dry, non-conductive gloves should be worn. " docs/221-230,.pdf,289,"Welders must not wear metal rings, bracelets or necklaces during the work as induced currents from the welding equipment might heat these. " docs/221-230,.pdf,288,"Electric arc welding should not be carried out on equipment suspended from a crane because of the risk of damage to lifting wires from uncontrolled stray currents. " docs/221-230,.pdf,287,"Bolted joints in pipelines and structures must not be relied upon to provide adequate electrical continuity for welding currents. " docs/221-230,.pdf,286,"protected earth wire connected at both ends by bolted lugs or secure screw clamps. " docs/221-230,.pdf,285,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,284,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,283,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,282,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,281,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,280,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,279,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,278,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/221-230,.pdf,277,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,250,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,249,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,292,"The welder should not lean against an earthed conductor whilst manipulating live electrodes. " docs/221-230,.pdf,247,"Defective tools are to return to store. " docs/221-230,.pdf,219,"All electrical equipment's, motors, transformers, welding machines, etc. to be provided with earth connections. " docs/221-230,.pdf,218,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,217,"Assess overhead power line hazard and keep safe distance from it. " docs/221-230,.pdf,216,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,215,"down power cables adjacent to secondary cables of welding machine. " docs/221-230,.pdf,214,"Do the cable laying as per standard specifications and requirement; do not lay " docs/221-230,.pdf,213,"Never tamper with any electrical wiring or apparatus. " docs/221-230,.pdf,212,"Never use a fuse heavier than the capacity of the circuit. Also never attempt to bridge abuse. " docs/221-230,.pdf,211,"When using electrical equipment in an environment with electrical conductivity (e.g. in confined spaces like case pipes, containers, towers) the voltage used may at maximum be 24 Volt AC. (fed from a safety low voltage transformer) " docs/221-230,.pdf,210,"Assume that all circuits are live until they have been thoroughly checked and proven dead. Never work on a live circuit. " docs/221-230,.pdf,220,"15.4. Power & Hand Tool Operation " docs/221-230,.pdf,209,"All electrical machines, tools and appliances must be inspected by a competent person (e.g. electrician) to ensure that all equipment's are in safe condition and working faultlessly. To confirm that the inspection was conducted the equipment must be labeled or marked clearly and registered. The documentation must be submitted to TE for records. " docs/221-230,.pdf,207,"Each electrical power tools and electrical equipment must be under protection of earth leakage/residual current protective device (ELCB/RCCB). " docs/221-230,.pdf,206,"The installations must be inspected regularly by a competent person (e.g. electrical engineer/supervisor) to ensure that they are in safe condition and working faultlessly. " docs/221-230,.pdf,205,"All temporary electrical installations carried out on the site must be in accordance with the local regulations and specifications. " docs/221-230,.pdf,204,"To switch-off electrical supply in case of an emergency must be enabled at all times. " docs/221-230,.pdf,202,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,201,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,198,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,200,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,248,". " docs/221-230,.pdf,199,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,208,"Portable power tools used on site must have protective insulation (""double insulation""). " docs/221-230,.pdf,221,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,203,"Do not use extension cords or electric hand tools with exposed wires. " docs/221-230,.pdf,223,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,244,"AlltoolsandTacklesmustbeexamineddailybeforecommencingworkandrecordtobemaint " docs/221-230,.pdf,222,"All portable tools are to be connected through control bus with ELCB. " docs/221-230,.pdf,243,"No cable should run under the ground. It must run overhead at a 2 m height to avoid pinch point and creating trip hazard " docs/221-230,.pdf,242,"Do not tie electric cords to metal rods or nails. " docs/221-230,.pdf,240,"Do not ever insert free ends of wires into sockets and hold them in place with matchsticks / other means. Always use industrial three pin plugs. " docs/221-230,.pdf,239,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,238,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,237,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,236,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,235,"Examine electric cable for defects before use. " docs/221-230,.pdf,234,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,241,"Check the RPM rating of grinding wheels. The RPM rating must be greater than or same to that of the driver. Wheel guard should be used in proper position before grinding. Also proper PPEs must be ensured (goggles &hand gloves). " docs/221-230,.pdf,246,"• " docs/221-230,.pdf,224,"All contractors should ensure proper Earthling of all electrical equipment's used by " docs/221-230,.pdf,225,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/221-230,.pdf,233,"them. Suitable earthling pits must be made if required. " docs/221-230,.pdf,227,"Page 24 of 44 " docs/221-230,.pdf,228,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/221-230,.pdf,226,"Page 226 of 380 " docs/221-230,.pdf,245,"ain ed. " docs/221-230,.pdf,232,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/221-230,.pdf,230,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/221-230,.pdf,231,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,118,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,119,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,120,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,121,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,122,"ongoing training sessions. " docs/231-240,.pdf,123,"These situations may demand adequate rescue and relief measure to handle such events quickly and effectively. " docs/231-240,.pdf,124,"In an emergency, or on hearing the alarm, every supervisor shall ensure the following; " docs/231-240,.pdf,125,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,134,"No one is permitted to return to work until notification has been received from the CONTRACTOR representative that it is safe to dose. " docs/231-240,.pdf,127,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,128,"All equipment vehicles and tools are shut down (all sources of ignition). " docs/231-240,.pdf,129,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,130,"All men are evacuated to a pre-determined Muster point. " docs/231-240,.pdf,131,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,132,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,135,"15.12.1. Emergency Preparedness " docs/231-240,.pdf,133,"A roll call is taken and every man is accounted for. " docs/231-240,.pdf,117,"Page 31 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,136,"The basic and essential features of any emergency Preparedness are to analyses and plan for the potential risk. This includes; " docs/231-240,.pdf,126,"All work is stopped atone. " docs/231-240,.pdf,108,"Violation of the Rules and Regulations might result in removing the person(s) concerned from the premises and denying the person(s) concerned from any future access to the site. The site in-charge will judge whether permanent removal of the individual from the premises is justified depending on the seriousness of the violation(s). All Indian laws shall be complied with at all the time. " docs/231-240,.pdf,115,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,96,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,97,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,98,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,137,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,99,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,100,"Horseplay, Fight, Practical jokes, Aggressive or abnormal behavior is prohibited. " docs/231-240,.pdf,101,"Individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted entry to the " docs/231-240,.pdf,102,"site. " docs/231-240,.pdf,103,"Safety helmet, safety shoes, ear plug or ear muff, hand gloves, safety goggles, safety harness &clothing for body protection are mandatory in the plant or work site. " docs/231-240,.pdf,104,"Use other personal protective equipment as displayed in plan/site. " docs/231-240,.pdf,105,"It is strictly not allowed to use non-intrinsically safe equipment or instruments in the operational area of site. " docs/231-240,.pdf,106,"All vehicles for use on the site shall conform to the requirements of the Vehicle Entry Permit. Maximum Speed limit inside complex is 10km/Hr. " docs/231-240,.pdf,107,"In case of Emergency dial appropriate agency like Fire, Hospital, Security etc as displayed. " docs/231-240,.pdf,109,"15.12. Site Emergency Preparedness and Response " docs/231-240,.pdf,110,"The CONTRACTOR shall establish, what are the arrangements in the event of an " docs/231-240,.pdf,111,"emergency. " docs/231-240,.pdf,112,"The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that their Personnel are familiar with the essential emergency equipment, the use of which shall be demonstrated and practiced in drills. " docs/231-240,.pdf,113,"The CONTRACTOR shall check the emergency procedures and the location and condition of the emergency equipment. " docs/231-240,.pdf,114,"The CONTRACTOR personnel will be instructed of the actions to take in the event of serious personal injury, gas or toxic release, fire, explosion, heavy rains, wind storms, chemical spillage, land slide, scaffolding or structure collapse, critical damage to operating equipment, etc. and other emergency situations during the induction training and other " docs/231-240,.pdf,116,"Page 233 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,138,"Establishing and maintaining effective communications. " docs/231-240,.pdf,162,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,140,"Liaison with local emergency services and authorities. " docs/231-240,.pdf,166,"The CONTRACTOR shall pay due regard to the environment by preserving air, water, soil, animal and plant life from adverse effects of the CONTRACTOR's activities and minimizing any nuisance which may arise from such operations. " docs/231-240,.pdf,167,"All waste generated by the CONTRACTOR shall be contained and disposed of in accordance with the legal requirement on waste management. " docs/231-240,.pdf,168,"15.15. Labor Welfare &Legal Requirement " docs/231-240,.pdf,169,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,170,"All mandatory provisions with regard to safety as prescribed under contract Labor (Abolition & Regulation) Act 1970 and Rules made there under are applicable. " docs/231-240,.pdf,171,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,172,"Workmen " docs/231-240,.pdf,173,"compensation " docs/231-240,.pdf,174,"maintained. " docs/231-240,.pdf,175,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,176,"insurance and " docs/231-240,.pdf,177,"registration " docs/231-240,.pdf,178,"under ESI should be " docs/231-240,.pdf,179,"Time to time, all rules and regulations suggested by safety committee of site must be followed and implemented " docs/231-240,.pdf,180,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,181,"Page 33 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,95,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,182,"Page 235 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,183,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,165,"15.14. Environment " docs/231-240,.pdf,164,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,163,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,161,"ENERGEING CUALITY: " docs/231-240,.pdf,141,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,142,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,143,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,144,"Action Procedure (evacuation routes and assembly pointed.). " docs/231-240,.pdf,145,"Appointment of key personnel and specifying their duties and responsibility. " docs/231-240,.pdf,146,"Emergency Response Drills " docs/231-240,.pdf,147,"15.12.2. Emergency Response Drills " docs/231-240,.pdf,148,"Effectiveness and comprehensiveness of Emergency Response Plan must be tested on a regular basis. Drills which reflect the conditions induced from the more likely emergency occurrences must be conducted. CONTRACTOR should conduct such drill on periodic basis. All emergency drills, exercises and responses to actual incidents shall be fully documented and followed by a complete review and when necessary, procedure revision process. " docs/231-240,.pdf,149,"Initiate any required procedural changes, and initiate the dissemination of any lessons learned through the Site HSE communication system. " docs/231-240,.pdf,139,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,150,"15.13. Road Safety Norms " docs/231-240,.pdf,152,"For roadside working site to be barricaded.. " docs/231-240,.pdf,153,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,154,"Only eligible driver can drive required vehicle inside site " docs/231-240,.pdf,155,"• Speed limit norms of site must be followed " docs/231-240,.pdf,156,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,157,"No riding or travelling on the back of open end vehicle, fork lift or trailers should be done. " docs/231-240,.pdf,158,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,159,"Page 234 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,160,"Page 32 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,151,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,94,"Discrimination on the basis of race, sex or national origin is prohibited. " docs/231-240,.pdf,44,"The equipment/plant to be pressure tested must be subjected to thorough It may be necessary to 100% inspect all " docs/231-240,.pdf,92,"Gambling or any other form of betting games is prohibited. " docs/231-240,.pdf,26,"Pressuring equipment shall not be left unattended at any time during the test. " docs/231-240,.pdf,27,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,28,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,29,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,30,"Pressuring equipment shall be isolated from the equipment under test and where practicable disconnected, when the test pressure has been reached. " docs/231-240,.pdf,31,"Care must be taken to ensure that materials of construction have the required ductility at the test temperature to prevent brittle fracture. " docs/231-240,.pdf,32,"A safety valve should be fitted to the equipment/system being tested, set to relieve at a pressure that will prevent over pressurization. " docs/231-240,.pdf,33,"Sufficient venting / draining points shall be provided in order to prevent trapping of pressurizing medium behind non-return valves, check valves, between isolation " docs/231-240,.pdf,34,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,35,"Page 231 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,36,"Page 29 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,37,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,38,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,39,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,40,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,41,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,42,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,43,"valves, or within dead legs of the pressure envelope. " docs/231-240,.pdf,45,"examination " docs/231-240,.pdf,25,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,46,"prior to testing. " docs/231-240,.pdf,24,"Pressuring equipment shall be provided with suitably calibrated pressure control/regulator devices " docs/231-240,.pdf,22,"The area shall be cordoned off (using tape, shields or barriers, etc.) at an adequate distance from the equipment to be tested, as specified on the Permit to Work " docs/231-240,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,184,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,4,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,6,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,7,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,8,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,9,"All electrical equipment and tools used by the contractors and their employees shall " docs/231-240,.pdf,10,"be properly checked by contractor's supervisor before use. " docs/231-240,.pdf,11,"All power tools must have proper guard at all-time. " docs/231-240,.pdf,12,"Leads/cables must be placed so that they do not create a trippig hazard. " docs/231-240,.pdf,13,"15.9. Pressure / Leak Testing " docs/231-240,.pdf,14,"Hydrostatic and Pneumatic Test " docs/231-240,.pdf,15,"Access to the test area shall be limited to essential personnel only. before the test commences compliance is required with the following points: " docs/231-240,.pdf,16,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,17,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,18,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,19,"Persons supervising pressure or leak tests must have sufficient knowledge and experience of testing to fully understand the hazards of the activity " docs/231-240,.pdf,20,"and the precaution, which must be taken. " docs/231-240,.pdf,21,"Effective communication, including formal procedures, must be established between sites whenever the test envelope extends beyond one site, for example, pipelines. " docs/231-240,.pdf,23,"Warning signs shall be posted at access ways, at other strategic positions, and on the equipment to be tested (including the doors of test workshops or other designated areas. " docs/231-240,.pdf,93,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,47,"welds using visual, radio graphic or other NDT techniques. " docs/231-240,.pdf,49,"The gas supply must be isolated when test pressure has been achieved. " docs/231-240,.pdf,73,"• Always use stairs, handrails & walkover platforms. " docs/231-240,.pdf,74,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,75,"Never carry sharp or pointed tools in pockets. " docs/231-240,.pdf,76,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,77,"Alcoholic beverages will not be consumed, brought into, or manufactured on the work sites or inside the plant. " docs/231-240,.pdf,78,"Drugs/intoxicant substances will not be used, brought into, or manufacture don't he site or plant. " docs/231-240,.pdf,79,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,80,"Page 232 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,81,"Page 30 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,82,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,83,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,84,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,85,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,86,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,87,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,88,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,89,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,90,"Cigarette, beedi smoking is not allowed except in the designated smoking booths. " docs/231-240,.pdf,91,"Firearms, explosives, knives or other types of weapons will not be allowed on the site. " docs/231-240,.pdf,72,"Never walk on the pipes, equipment, structure etc. " docs/231-240,.pdf,48,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,71,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,69,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,50,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,51,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,52,"The pressure envelope must contain sufficient vents, to a safe location. De-pressurization after pneumatic testing must be gradual. " docs/231-240,.pdf,53,"15.10. " docs/231-240,.pdf,54,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,55,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,56,"Barricades and Warning Signs " docs/231-240,.pdf,57,"Area where work is being carried out above man height or below 1' ground depth must be barricaded. Linked barrier with link chains must be provided by the " docs/231-240,.pdf,58,"contractor for cordoning the area at ground level, during GI work. " docs/231-240,.pdf,59,"Follow the instruction of all types of warning signs like ""NO SMOKING” “NOENTRY"" ""DANGER"" ""Work at height"", ""Inconvenience to member of public regretted/work in progress"","" " docs/231-240,.pdf,60,"Name of the Contractor and contact details"" " docs/231-240,.pdf,61,"15.11. " docs/231-240,.pdf,62,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,63,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,64,"• " docs/231-240,.pdf,65,"Basic Safety Rules For The Construction Site " docs/231-240,.pdf,66,"The construction site shall be considered a restricted area and unauthorized entry into the site is strictly prohibited. Anyone found trespassing should be asked to leave the site immediately. " docs/231-240,.pdf,67,"All persons of CLIENT/Consultant/Contractor shall be responsible for their own safety in plant or work sites. " docs/231-240,.pdf,68,"Nobody authorized to touch any valve, switch, or interfere with plant/site activities. " docs/231-240,.pdf,70,"Children below 18 years are not allowed inside plant / worksite. " docs/231-240,.pdf,185,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,288,"Opening properly covered or barricaded " docs/231-240,.pdf,187,"ANNEXURES " docs/231-240,.pdf,305,"Valid not work permit " docs/231-240,.pdf,306,"Flashback arrester provided for cylinders " docs/231-240,.pdf,307,"Power cable not crossing the welding cable " docs/231-240,.pdf,308,"Adequate earthing provided " docs/231-240,.pdf,309,"No combustible materials kept near " docs/231-240,.pdf,310,"welding & cutting works " docs/231-240,.pdf,311,"Gas cylinder chained upright & kept in trolleys " docs/231-240,.pdf,312,"Cables and hoses not obstructing " docs/231-240,.pdf,313,"Screens or shields used " docs/231-240,.pdf,314,"Flammable materials protected Fire extinguisher (s) accessible Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,315,"SCAFFOLDING " docs/231-240,.pdf,316,"Fully decked platform " docs/231-240,.pdf,317,"Guard and intermediate rails in place " docs/231-240,.pdf,318,"Toe boards in place & tied properly " docs/231-240,.pdf,319,"Adequate shoring " docs/231-240,.pdf,320,"Adequate access " docs/231-240,.pdf,321,"Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,322,"LADDERS " docs/231-240,.pdf,323,"Extension side rails I m above " docs/231-240,.pdf,304,"Welding Cutting " docs/231-240,.pdf,324,"Top of landing " docs/231-240,.pdf,303,"Item " docs/231-240,.pdf,301,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,281,"Safety Helmets " docs/231-240,.pdf,282,"Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,283,"EXCAVATIONS / OPENINGS " docs/231-240,.pdf,284,"Excavation permit " docs/231-240,.pdf,285,"Excavated earth kept away from edge " docs/231-240,.pdf,286,"Dewatering pump kept away from edge " docs/231-240,.pdf,287,"Safe access into excavated area " docs/231-240,.pdf,289,"Excavations shored " docs/231-240,.pdf,290,"Excavations barricaded " docs/231-240,.pdf,291,"Overnight lighting provided " docs/231-240,.pdf,292,"Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,293,"Action " docs/231-240,.pdf,294,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,295,"Page 36 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,296,"Page 238 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,297,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,298,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,299,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,300,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,302,"MONTHLY CHECKLIST CUM COMPLIANCE REPORT REGARDING HSE (2/6) " docs/231-240,.pdf,325,"Properly secured at top & bottom " docs/231-240,.pdf,326,"Angle " docs/231-240,.pdf,327,"Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,352,"Signals observed and understood " docs/231-240,.pdf,353,"Qualified operators " docs/231-240,.pdf,354,"Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,355,"MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,356,"Proper instruction " docs/231-240,.pdf,357,"Saftey devices " docs/231-240,.pdf,358,"Proper cords " docs/231-240,.pdf,359,"Inspections and maintenance " docs/231-240,.pdf,360,"Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,361,"VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC " docs/231-240,.pdf,362,"Rules and regulations observed " docs/231-240,.pdf,363,"Inspection and maintenance " docs/231-240,.pdf,364,"Licensed drivers " docs/231-240,.pdf,365,"Others " docs/231-240,.pdf,366,"Remark Action " docs/231-240,.pdf,367,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,368,"Page 38 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,369,"Page 240 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,2,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,351,"Singh/ barricades provided " docs/231-240,.pdf,350,"Outriggers used " docs/231-240,.pdf,349,"maintained " docs/231-240,.pdf,348,"Inspection and maintenance logs " docs/231-240,.pdf,328,"70° from horizontal " docs/231-240,.pdf,329,"Yes " docs/231-240,.pdf,330,"No " docs/231-240,.pdf,331,"Remark " docs/231-240,.pdf,332,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,333,"Page 239 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,334,"Action " docs/231-240,.pdf,335,"Page 37 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,336,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,280,"Safety Belts " docs/231-240,.pdf,337,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,339,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,340,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,341,"MONTHLY CHECKLIST CUM COMPLIANCE REPORT REGARDING HSE (3/6) " docs/231-240,.pdf,342,"Item " docs/231-240,.pdf,343,"HOISTS, CRANES AND DERRICKS " docs/231-240,.pdf,344,"Yes " docs/231-240,.pdf,345,"No " docs/231-240,.pdf,346,"Condition of cables and sheaves OK " docs/231-240,.pdf,347,"Condition of slings, chains, hooks and eyes OK " docs/231-240,.pdf,338,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,186,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,279,"Respiratory Masks etc. " docs/231-240,.pdf,277,"Safety Shoes provided " docs/231-240,.pdf,211,"1978 " docs/231-240,.pdf,212,":Eye protectors " docs/231-240,.pdf,213,"IS 9167 - 1979 " docs/231-240,.pdf,214,":Ear protectors. " docs/231-240,.pdf,215,"IS 3521 - 1983 " docs/231-240,.pdf,216,":Industrial Safety belts and harness " docs/231-240,.pdf,217,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,218,"Page 34 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,219,"Page 236 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,220,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,221,"Project : " docs/231-240,.pdf,222,"Date : " docs/231-240,.pdf,223,"Activity Description " docs/231-240,.pdf,224,"Procedure/ W.I./ " docs/231-240,.pdf,225,"Guidelines " docs/231-240,.pdf,226,"PREPARED BY " docs/231-240,.pdf,227,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,228,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,229,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,210,"- " docs/231-240,.pdf,230,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,209,"IS: 5983 " docs/231-240,.pdf,207,":Leather Safety footwear having direct molding " docs/231-240,.pdf,188,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,189,"ANNEXURE - A " docs/231-240,.pdf,190,"RELEVANT IS-CODES FOR PERSONNEL PROTECTION " docs/231-240,.pdf,191,"IS: 2925 - 1984 " docs/231-240,.pdf,192,":Industrial Safety Helmets " docs/231-240,.pdf,193,"IS: 4770 - 1968 " docs/231-240,.pdf,194,": Rubber gloves for electrical purposes " docs/231-240,.pdf,195,"IS 6994 - 1973 " docs/231-240,.pdf,196,":Industrial Safety Gloves (Leather & Cotton) " docs/231-240,.pdf,197,"(Part - I) " docs/231-240,.pdf,198,"IS 1989-1986 " docs/231-240,.pdf,199,"- " docs/231-240,.pdf,200,"(Part I & III) " docs/231-240,.pdf,201,"IS 3738 - 1975 " docs/231-240,.pdf,202,"IS 6519 - 1971 " docs/231-240,.pdf,203,"IS: 11226 - 1985 " docs/231-240,.pdf,204,":Leather safety boots and shoes " docs/231-240,.pdf,205,":Rubber knee boots " docs/231-240,.pdf,206,":Code of practice for selection, care and repair of Safety footwear " docs/231-240,.pdf,208,"sole " docs/231-240,.pdf,231,"ANNEXURE - B " docs/231-240,.pdf,232,"FORMAT - 1.0 " docs/231-240,.pdf,233,"1.0 HEALTHY, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) PLAN " docs/231-240,.pdf,258,"MONTHLY CHECKLIST CUM COMPLIANCE REPORT REGARDING HSE (1/6) " docs/231-240,.pdf,259,"Contractor: " docs/231-240,.pdf,260,"Owner: " docs/231-240,.pdf,261,"Inspection By: " docs/231-240,.pdf,262,"Note: write 'NC' (Not Concern) wherever any of the items are not applicable " docs/231-240,.pdf,263,"Item " docs/231-240,.pdf,264,"Yes " docs/231-240,.pdf,265,"No " docs/231-240,.pdf,266,"Remarks " docs/231-240,.pdf,267,"HOUSEKEEPING " docs/231-240,.pdf,268,"Waste containers provided and used Sanitary facilities adequate and Clean Passageways and Walkways Clear General neatness of working areas " docs/231-240,.pdf,269,"Proper Material Storage " docs/231-240,.pdf,270,"Wooden Boards properly stacked and nails removed " docs/231-240,.pdf,271,"Cords, leads out of walk and traffic ways " docs/231-240,.pdf,272,"Scraps removed from the work site Other " docs/231-240,.pdf,273,"PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,274,"Goggles Shields " docs/231-240,.pdf,275,"Face protection " docs/231-240,.pdf,276,"Hearing protection " docs/231-240,.pdf,257,"Date: " docs/231-240,.pdf,256,"Project: " docs/231-240,.pdf,255,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/231-240,.pdf,254,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/231-240,.pdf,234,"Contractor: " docs/231-240,.pdf,235,"Owner: " docs/231-240,.pdf,236,"(To be prepared & submitted by each Construction Agency) " docs/231-240,.pdf,237,"Code of Conformance " docs/231-240,.pdf,238,"Performing Function " docs/231-240,.pdf,239,"Checker " docs/231-240,.pdf,240,"Approver " docs/231-240,.pdf,241,"Performanc " docs/231-240,.pdf,242,"e " docs/231-240,.pdf,278,"Hand protection " docs/231-240,.pdf,243,"Audit Function Customer Review/ " docs/231-240,.pdf,245,"Requirements " docs/231-240,.pdf,246,"REVIEWED BY " docs/231-240,.pdf,247,"APPROVED BY " docs/231-240,.pdf,248,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/231-240,.pdf,249,"Page 237 of 380 " docs/231-240,.pdf,250,"Page 35 of 44 " docs/231-240,.pdf,251,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,252,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/231-240,.pdf,253,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/231-240,.pdf,244,"Audit " docs/231-240,.pdf,1,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/231-240,.pdf,5,"15.8. 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" docs/241-250,.pdf,282,"MATERIAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,281,"DIMENSION STANDARD " docs/241-250,.pdf,280,"RATING AND/OR " docs/241-250,.pdf,303,"E46 " docs/241-250,.pdf,304,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,305,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,306,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,330,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,329,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,328,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,327,"E16 " docs/241-250,.pdf,326,"ELBOWS 16 LR " docs/241-250,.pdf,325,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,324,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,323,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,322,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,321,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,320,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,279,"END CONNECTION " docs/241-250,.pdf,319,"E22.6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,317,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,316,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,315,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,314,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,313,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,312,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,311,"E30 " docs/241-250,.pdf,310,"ELBOWS 30 LR " docs/241-250,.pdf,309,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,308,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,307,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,318,"ELBOWS 22.5 LR " docs/241-250,.pdf,278,"SIZE FROM- THRU " docs/241-250,.pdf,277,"CODE " docs/241-250,.pdf,276,"SHORT " docs/241-250,.pdf,247,"19.00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,246,"AG " docs/241-250,.pdf,245,"60 " docs/241-250,.pdf,244,"AG " docs/241-250,.pdf,243,"19.00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,242,"NG " docs/241-250,.pdf,241,"0 to 60 " docs/241-250,.pdf,240,"NG " docs/241-250,.pdf,239,"150#-RF " docs/241-250,.pdf,238,"PRESSURE bar g " docs/241-250,.pdf,237,"TEMPERATURE ° C " docs/241-250,.pdf,248,"CARBON STEEL " docs/241-250,.pdf,236,"SHEET 1 OF 6 REV O " docs/241-250,.pdf,234,"1C1 " docs/241-250,.pdf,233,"SPECIFICATION NO " docs/241-250,.pdf,232,"SPECIFICATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,231,"PIPING " docs/241-250,.pdf,230,"BASIC MATERIAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,229,"PRIMARY FLANGE RATING " docs/241-250,.pdf,228,"BASIC PIPING SPECIFICATION DATAS " docs/241-250,.pdf,227,"Page 246 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,226,"Page 44 of 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,225,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/241-250,.pdf,224,"SUB- " docs/241-250,.pdf,235,"MAXIMUM DESIGN CONDITIONS " docs/241-250,.pdf,331,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,249,"CORROSION ALLOWACE " docs/241-250,.pdf,251,"X-RAYS " docs/241-250,.pdf,275,"ITEM " docs/241-250,.pdf,274,"REMARKS " docs/241-250,.pdf,273,"REV O " docs/241-250,.pdf,272,"SHEET 2 OF 6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,271,"1C1 " docs/241-250,.pdf,270,"SPECIFICATION NO " docs/241-250,.pdf,269,"PIPING SPECIFICATIONS " docs/241-250,.pdf,268,"Page 247 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,267,"AD APPROVED " docs/241-250,.pdf,266,"ADE CHECKER " docs/241-250,.pdf,265,"MD AUTHOR " docs/241-250,.pdf,250,"1.6 mm " docs/241-250,.pdf,264,"20.06.2017 DATE " docs/241-250,.pdf,262,"REV " docs/241-250,.pdf,261,"FIRST ISSUE " docs/241-250,.pdf,260,"0 " docs/241-250,.pdf,259,"FLUIDS " docs/241-250,.pdf,258,"ANSI B 31.8 " docs/241-250,.pdf,257,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,256,"100% " docs/241-250,.pdf,255,"AG: ACTUATING GAS " docs/241-250,.pdf,254,"NG: NATURAL GAS " docs/241-250,.pdf,253,"CODE " docs/241-250,.pdf,252,"SIZE RANGE " docs/241-250,.pdf,263,"DESCRIPTION " docs/241-250,.pdf,223,"1 COPY " docs/241-250,.pdf,332,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,334,"REDUCERS " docs/241-250,.pdf,414,"THRD " docs/241-250,.pdf,413,"ANSI B1-20-1 " docs/241-250,.pdf,412,"COUPLINGS " docs/241-250,.pdf,411,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,410,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,409,"ANSI B16-11 " docs/241-250,.pdf,408,"1500# " docs/241-250,.pdf,407,"FNPT " docs/241-250,.pdf,406,"1/2"" - 1.1/2"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,405,"CF " docs/241-250,.pdf,404,"FULL " docs/241-250,.pdf,403,"SEAMLESS-LG-100mm " docs/241-250,.pdf,402,"ASTM A 106 Gr. 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B " docs/241-250,.pdf,358,"TEES RED " docs/241-250,.pdf,357,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,356,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,355,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,354,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,353,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,352,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,351,"T " docs/241-250,.pdf,350,"TEES EQUAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,349,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,348,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,359,"TR " docs/241-250,.pdf,347,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,345,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,344,"3/4""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,343,"RE " docs/241-250,.pdf,342,"REDUCERS " docs/241-250,.pdf,341,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,340,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,339,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,338,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,337,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,336,"3/4""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,335,"RC " docs/241-250,.pdf,346,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,333,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,360,"3/4""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,362,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,387,"ANSI B36-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,386,"80 " docs/241-250,.pdf,385,"BOTH ENDS PLAIN " docs/241-250,.pdf,384,"1/2"" - 1.1/2"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,383,"NBEP " docs/241-250,.pdf,382,"NIPPLES " docs/241-250,.pdf,381,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,380,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,379,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,378,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,377,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,361,"BW ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,376,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,373,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,372,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,371,"MANUFACTURER " docs/241-250,.pdf,370,"SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,369,"BW - ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,368,"1.1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,367,"WEL " docs/241-250,.pdf,366,"WELDOLETS " docs/241-250,.pdf,365,"SEAMLESS " docs/241-250,.pdf,364,"ASTM A 234 WPB " docs/241-250,.pdf,363,"ANSI B16-9 " docs/241-250,.pdf,374,"CAPS " docs/241-250,.pdf,443,"THRU " docs/241-250,.pdf,222,"1 COPY " docs/241-250,.pdf,220,"SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR WITH SEAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,79,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/241-250,.pdf,78,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,77,"ENERGIESING QUALITY " docs/241-250,.pdf,76,"Page 40 of 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,75,"Page 242 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,74,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/241-250,.pdf,73,"Green belt protection. " docs/241-250,.pdf,72,"materials done properly " docs/241-250,.pdf,71,"Disposal of surplus earth stripping materials, Oily rags and combustible " docs/241-250,.pdf,70,"Waster from Canteen office, sanitation etc. disposed properly " docs/241-250,.pdf,69,"Lubricant Waste/ Engine oils properly disposed " docs/241-250,.pdf,68,"off as per agreed proceeding " docs/241-250,.pdf,67,"Seawater used for hydrotesting disposed " docs/241-250,.pdf,66,"Cleaning liquid of pipes disposed off properly " docs/241-250,.pdf,65,"Chemical and other Effluents properly disposed " docs/241-250,.pdf,64,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,63,"Other " docs/241-250,.pdf,62,"All openings covered " docs/241-250,.pdf,61,"No body under working area " docs/241-250,.pdf,60,"No loose material at height " docs/241-250,.pdf,59,"Illumination " docs/241-250,.pdf,58,"Safety belts tied properly " docs/241-250,.pdf,57,"Safety nets " docs/241-250,.pdf,80,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,81,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,82,"MONTHLY CHECKLIST CUM COMPLIANCE REPORT REGARDING HSE (6/6) " docs/241-250,.pdf,83,"Item " docs/241-250,.pdf,107,"Page 41 of 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,106,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/241-250,.pdf,105,"Signature Of Resident Engineer with Seal " docs/241-250,.pdf,104,"Remark Action " docs/241-250,.pdf,103,"No " docs/241-250,.pdf,102,"Yes " docs/241-250,.pdf,101,"SWL " docs/241-250,.pdf,100,"No one under the suspended load Stay rope " docs/241-250,.pdf,99,"Ladder & platform welding inspected " docs/241-250,.pdf,98,"No loose materials at height " docs/241-250,.pdf,97,"Protecting the slings from sharp edges " docs/241-250,.pdf,56,"Erection plan " docs/241-250,.pdf,96,"Tag line for guiding the load " docs/241-250,.pdf,94,"Slings/ D shackle checked " docs/241-250,.pdf,93,"ERECTION " docs/241-250,.pdf,92,"Provision of cretches for children " docs/241-250,.pdf,91,"workmen & staff " docs/241-250,.pdf,90,"Availability of potable drinking waters for " docs/241-250,.pdf,89,"Measures for dealing with illness " docs/241-250,.pdf,88,"Arrangements of medical facility " docs/241-250,.pdf,87,"Proper sanitation at site, office and labour camps " docs/241-250,.pdf,86,"Availability of First Aid facilities " docs/241-250,.pdf,85,"Hygienic conditions at labour camps OL " docs/241-250,.pdf,84,"HEALTH CHECK " docs/241-250,.pdf,95,"Signal Man " docs/241-250,.pdf,55,"WORKING AT HEIGHT " docs/241-250,.pdf,54,"Other " docs/241-250,.pdf,53,"Fire extinguiHSErs nearby " docs/241-250,.pdf,24,"Ground fault circuit interruptors " docs/241-250,.pdf,23,"ELCB's provided " docs/241-250,.pdf,22,"Proper wiring &earthing " docs/241-250,.pdf,21,"ELECTRICAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,20,"Other " docs/241-250,.pdf,19,"Hydrants clear " docs/241-250,.pdf,18,"No smoking in prohibited areas " docs/241-250,.pdf,17,"Fire extinguishers checked " docs/241-250,.pdf,16,"Personnel instructed " docs/241-250,.pdf,15,"Fire Prevention " docs/241-250,.pdf,14,"In accordance with electrical requirements Other " docs/241-250,.pdf,25,"Protection against damage " docs/241-250,.pdf,13,"General nemeses " docs/241-250,.pdf,11,"Fire-aid equipment " docs/241-250,.pdf,10,"Fire extinguishers provided " docs/241-250,.pdf,9,"Emergency instruction posted " docs/241-250,.pdf,8,"TEMPORARY FACILITIES " docs/241-250,.pdf,7,"Item " docs/241-250,.pdf,6,"MONTHLY CHECKLIST CUM COMPLIANCE REPORT REGARDING HSE (4/6) " docs/241-250,.pdf,5,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/241-250,.pdf,4,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,3,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,2,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/241-250,.pdf,1,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,12,"Secured against storm damage " docs/241-250,.pdf,108,"Page 243 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,26,"Prevention of tripping hazards " docs/241-250,.pdf,28,"Light poles secured " docs/241-250,.pdf,52,"Proper storage " docs/241-250,.pdf,51,"Containers clearly identified " docs/241-250,.pdf,50,"FLAMMABLE GASES AND LIQUIDS " docs/241-250,.pdf,49,"Other " docs/241-250,.pdf,48,"Passageways clear " docs/241-250,.pdf,47,"Properly stored or stacked " docs/241-250,.pdf,46,"HANDLING AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS " docs/241-250,.pdf,45,"Action " docs/241-250,.pdf,44,"Remark " docs/241-250,.pdf,43,"No " docs/241-250,.pdf,42,"Yes " docs/241-250,.pdf,27,"Proper electrical cable joints " docs/241-250,.pdf,41,"Item " docs/241-250,.pdf,39,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/241-250,.pdf,38,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,37,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,36,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/241-250,.pdf,35,"Page 39 of 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,34,"Remark Action " docs/241-250,.pdf,33,"Page 241 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,32,"Copyright VCS Quality - 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" docs/241-250,.pdf,188,"OWNER. " docs/241-250,.pdf,187,"To: " docs/241-250,.pdf,186,"Date: " docs/241-250,.pdf,185,"ANY OTHER COMMENT BY SAFETY OFFICER " docs/241-250,.pdf,184,"LOSS OF MANHOURS AND IMPACT ON SITE WORKS " docs/241-250,.pdf,183,"SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENT IN THE WORKING CONDITION IF ANY " docs/241-250,.pdf,182,"COMMENTS FROM MEDICAL PRACTITIONER WHO ATTENDED THE VICITIM/INJURED " docs/241-250,.pdf,181,"NATURE OF INJURY / DAMAGE " docs/241-250,.pdf,180,"BRIEF DESCRIPTION & CAUSE OF A ACCIDENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,179,"LOCATION.. " docs/241-250,.pdf,178,"DATE & TIME OF ACCIDENT. " docs/241-250,.pdf,177,"SUB-CONTRACTOR M/S.. " docs/241-250,.pdf,176,"FATHER'S NAME. " docs/241-250,.pdf,174,"Date: " docs/241-250,.pdf,173,"_Supplementary to report No. " docs/241-250,.pdf,172,"SUPPLEMENTARY ACCIDENT, INCIDENT&NEAR MISS REPORT " docs/241-250,.pdf,171,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,170,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,169,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/241-250,.pdf,168,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,192,"1 COPY " docs/241-250,.pdf,193,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/241-250,.pdf,194,"Page 43 of 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,195,"Page 245 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,219,"Το " docs/241-250,.pdf,218,"OWNER. " docs/241-250,.pdf,217,"Date: " docs/241-250,.pdf,216,"INTIMATION TO LOCAL AUTHORITIES " docs/241-250,.pdf,215,"MEDICAL AID PROVIDED / ACTIONS TAKEN " docs/241-250,.pdf,214,"NATURE OF INJURY / DAMAGE " docs/241-250,.pdf,213,"CAUSE OF ACCIDENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,212,"BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,211,"LOCATION... " docs/241-250,.pdf,210,"DATE & TIME OF ACCIDENT. " docs/241-250,.pdf,209,"CONTRACTOR M/S...... " docs/241-250,.pdf,167,"Contractor: " docs/241-250,.pdf,208,"FATHER'S NAME... " docs/241-250,.pdf,206,"COTRACTOR_ " docs/241-250,.pdf,205,"Date: " docs/241-250,.pdf,204,"Name of Site: " docs/241-250,.pdf,203,"Report No. " docs/241-250,.pdf,202,"(To be submitted by Contractor after every accident within 2 hours of accident) " docs/241-250,.pdf,201,"ACCIDENT REPORT " docs/241-250,.pdf,200,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,199,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,198,"FOR HEALTH, SAFETY AND " docs/241-250,.pdf,197,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,196,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/241-250,.pdf,207,"NAME OF THE INJURED. " docs/241-250,.pdf,166,"Site: " docs/241-250,.pdf,165,"Project: " docs/241-250,.pdf,164,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/241-250,.pdf,135,"Whether workmen " docs/241-250,.pdf,134,"Y/N " docs/241-250,.pdf,133,"compensation policy taken " docs/241-250,.pdf,132,"Whether workmen " docs/241-250,.pdf,131,"programs conducted at site " docs/241-250,.pdf,130,"Number of HSE awareness " docs/241-250,.pdf,129,"organised at site " docs/241-250,.pdf,128,"Number of HSE meeting " docs/241-250,.pdf,127,"Workmen) " docs/241-250,.pdf,126,"Total strength (Staff – " docs/241-250,.pdf,125,"Cumulative " docs/241-250,.pdf,136,"Y/N " docs/241-250,.pdf,124,"This Month " docs/241-250,.pdf,122,"Status as on:. " docs/241-250,.pdf,121,"Report No : " docs/241-250,.pdf,120,"for the month of: " docs/241-250,.pdf,119,"Name of safety officer_ " docs/241-250,.pdf,118,"Name of work: " docs/241-250,.pdf,117,"Name of the Contractor: " docs/241-250,.pdf,116,"Project: " docs/241-250,.pdf,115,"Actual work start date : " docs/241-250,.pdf,114,"Monthly Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Report (To be submitted by each Contractor) " docs/241-250,.pdf,113,"DOCNO: VPC-SS-PL-0021 Rev No: 00 " docs/241-250,.pdf,112,"ENVIRONMENT " docs/241-250,.pdf,123,"Item " docs/241-250,.pdf,110,"STANDARD SPECIFICATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,137,"compensation policy valid " docs/241-250,.pdf,139,"Y/N " docs/241-250,.pdf,163,"Page 42 of 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,162,"(Signature and Name) " docs/241-250,.pdf,161,"Safety Officer/RCM " docs/241-250,.pdf,160,"Page 244 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,159,"Copyright VCS Quality - All rights reserved " docs/241-250,.pdf,158,"1 COPY " docs/241-250,.pdf,157,"1 COPY RCM/SITE-IN-CHARGE " docs/241-250,.pdf,156,"1 COPY " docs/241-250,.pdf,155,"OWNER... " docs/241-250,.pdf,154,"To: " docs/241-250,.pdf,153,"Date: " docs/241-250,.pdf,138,"Whether workmen " docs/241-250,.pdf,152,"Remark " docs/241-250,.pdf,150,"resolved and paid to " docs/241-250,.pdf,149,"Compensation cases " docs/241-250,.pdf,148,"Compensation cases raised with insurance " docs/241-250,.pdf,147,"Man-hour loss due to fire and accident " docs/241-250,.pdf,146,"Total man-hours worked " docs/241-250,.pdf,145,"Total No. of accident " docs/241-250,.pdf,144,"Other accident (non loss time) " docs/241-250,.pdf,143,"Accident (Other than Fatal) " docs/241-250,.pdf,142,"Number of Loss Time " docs/241-250,.pdf,141,"Number of Fatal Accident " docs/241-250,.pdf,140,"registered under ESI Act " docs/241-250,.pdf,151,"workmen " docs/241-250,.pdf,444,"SCHED. " docs/241-250,.pdf,375,"C " docs/241-250,.pdf,446,"F " docs/241-250,.pdf,562,"FULL BORE " docs/241-250,.pdf,563,"WRENCH OPERATED. " docs/241-250,.pdf,564,"ASTM A 216 WCB/A 234 " docs/241-250,.pdf,565,"WPB/A 395 with ENP ( FIRE SAFE " docs/241-250,.pdf,566,"75 microns) " docs/241-250,.pdf,567,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,568,"4""-8"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,569,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,570,"150# " docs/241-250,.pdf,571,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,572,"FULL BORE " docs/241-250,.pdf,573,"ASTM A 216 WCB " docs/241-250,.pdf,574,"GEAR OPERATED " docs/241-250,.pdf,575,"BALL: " docs/241-250,.pdf,576,"ASTM A 216 WCB/A 234 " docs/241-250,.pdf,577,"WPB/A 395 with ENP (FIRE SAFE " docs/241-250,.pdf,578,"75 microns) " docs/241-250,.pdf,579,"GLOBE " docs/241-250,.pdf,580,"VGL " docs/241-250,.pdf,561,"BALL: " docs/241-250,.pdf,581,"1/2""-1 1/2"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,560,"ASTM A 216 WCB " docs/241-250,.pdf,558,"(75 microns) " docs/241-250,.pdf,539,"MATERIAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,540,"BALL " docs/241-250,.pdf,541,"VBA " docs/241-250,.pdf,542,"1/2"" - 11/2"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,543,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,544,"600# " docs/241-250,.pdf,545,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,546,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,547,"FULL BORE " docs/241-250,.pdf,548,"VALVES " docs/241-250,.pdf,549,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,550,"WRENCH OPERATED. " docs/241-250,.pdf,551,"BALL: " docs/241-250,.pdf,552,"FIRE SAFE " docs/241-250,.pdf,553,"2""-3"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,554,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,555,"150# " docs/241-250,.pdf,556,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,557,"ASTM A218 WCB/A 234 WPA/A 395 WITH ENP " docs/241-250,.pdf,559,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,582,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,583,"600# " docs/241-250,.pdf,585,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,610,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,611,"HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,612,"VALVES " docs/241-250,.pdf,613,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,614,"VERTICAL INSTALLATION FLOW UPWARDS " docs/241-250,.pdf,615,"TRIM: " docs/241-250,.pdf,616,"2""-18"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,617,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,618,"150# " docs/241-250,.pdf,619,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,620,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,621,"ASTM A182 F6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,622,"HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION " docs/241-250,.pdf,623,"ASTM A 216 WCB " docs/241-250,.pdf,624,"VERTICAL INSTALLATION FLOW UPWARDS " docs/241-250,.pdf,625,"Page 250 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,626,"TRIM: " docs/241-250,.pdf,627,"ASTM A182 F6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,445,"WN FLANGES " docs/241-250,.pdf,609,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,608,"600# " docs/241-250,.pdf,607,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,606,"1/2"" 11/2"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,586,"HANDWHEEL " docs/241-250,.pdf,587,"VALVES " docs/241-250,.pdf,588,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,589,"FIRE SAFE " docs/241-250,.pdf,590,"TRIM: " docs/241-250,.pdf,591,"ASTM A182 F6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,592,"REV O " docs/241-250,.pdf,593,"REMARKS " docs/241-250,.pdf,594,"2""-8"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,538,"DIMENSION STANDARD " docs/241-250,.pdf,595,"FLGD RF:ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,597,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,598,"BODY: " docs/241-250,.pdf,599,"HANDWHEEL " docs/241-250,.pdf,600,"ASTM A 216 WCB " docs/241-250,.pdf,601,"FIRE SAFE " docs/241-250,.pdf,602,"TRIM: " docs/241-250,.pdf,603,"ASTM A 182 F6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,604,"SWING CHECK " docs/241-250,.pdf,605,"VCH " docs/241-250,.pdf,596,"150# " docs/241-250,.pdf,537,"RATING AND/OR SCHED. " docs/241-250,.pdf,584,"ANSI B16-10 " docs/241-250,.pdf,535,"FROM- THRU " docs/241-250,.pdf,470,"ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,471,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,472,"DRIP RINGS " docs/241-250,.pdf,473,"JACK-SCREWS AND PLUGS " docs/241-250,.pdf,474,"DR " docs/241-250,.pdf,475,"1""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,476,"150# RF " docs/241-250,.pdf,477,"MANUF STD. " docs/241-250,.pdf,478,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,479,"3/4"" FNPT OUTLET CONNECTION " docs/241-250,.pdf,480,"SPECTACLE BLINDS " docs/241-250,.pdf,481,"SB " docs/241-250,.pdf,482,"1""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,483,"150# RF " docs/241-250,.pdf,484,"ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,485,"ASTM A 515 GR 70 " docs/241-250,.pdf,486,"RESTRICTION ORIFICES " docs/241-250,.pdf,487,"RO " docs/241-250,.pdf,488,"1""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,468,"1""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,489,"150# RF " docs/241-250,.pdf,467,"FB " docs/241-250,.pdf,465,"150# RF SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,447,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,536,"END CONNECTION " docs/241-250,.pdf,448,"ORIFICE " docs/241-250,.pdf,449,"FLANGES " docs/241-250,.pdf,450,"SPECIFICATION NO " docs/241-250,.pdf,451,"1C1 " docs/241-250,.pdf,452,"SHEET 3 OF 6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,453,"REV O " docs/241-250,.pdf,454,"REMARKS " docs/241-250,.pdf,455,"150# RF SEE PIPE " docs/241-250,.pdf,456,"ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,457,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,458,"WN to match with 1C1 pipe " docs/241-250,.pdf,459,"COMPLETE WITH GASKET " docs/241-250,.pdf,460,"FO " docs/241-250,.pdf,461,"1"" 12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,462,"ANSI B16-36 " docs/241-250,.pdf,463,"ASTM A 105 " docs/241-250,.pdf,464,"BOLTS, NUTS " docs/241-250,.pdf,466,"BLIND FLANGES " docs/241-250,.pdf,490,"ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,469,"150# RF " docs/241-250,.pdf,522,"4.5 mm THK " docs/241-250,.pdf,516,"ASTM A194 GR 2H " docs/241-250,.pdf,517,"WINDING " docs/241-250,.pdf,518,"MSS SP 44 " docs/241-250,.pdf,519,"ANSI 304 " docs/241-250,.pdf,520,"Page 249 of 380 " docs/241-250,.pdf,521,"FILLING PURE " docs/241-250,.pdf,523,"GRAPHITE " docs/241-250,.pdf,524,"CENTERING RING " docs/241-250,.pdf,525,"CS " docs/241-250,.pdf,526,"PIPING " docs/241-250,.pdf,527,"SPECIFICATIONS " docs/241-250,.pdf,528,"SPECIFICATION NO " docs/241-250,.pdf,529,"1C1 " docs/241-250,.pdf,530,"SHEET 4 OF 6 " docs/241-250,.pdf,531,"ITEM " docs/241-250,.pdf,532,"SHORT " docs/241-250,.pdf,491,"ASTM A240 GR 304 " docs/241-250,.pdf,533,"SIZE " docs/241-250,.pdf,534,"CODE " docs/241-250,.pdf,514,"WOUND " docs/241-250,.pdf,513,"SPIRAL " docs/241-250,.pdf,515,"HEXAGONAL NUTS " docs/241-250,.pdf,512,"API 601 " docs/241-250,.pdf,492,"MONOLITHIC INSULATING " docs/241-250,.pdf,493,"IJ " docs/241-250,.pdf,494,"2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,495,"BW- ANSI B16-25 " docs/241-250,.pdf,496,"JOINTS " docs/241-250,.pdf,497,"150# " docs/241-250,.pdf,498,"ANSI B16-5 " docs/241-250,.pdf,499,"PIPE PUPS: ASTM A 106 Gr.B " docs/241-250,.pdf,501,"STUD BOLTS " docs/241-250,.pdf,502,"B " docs/241-250,.pdf,503,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,500,"REFER DATA SHEET " docs/241-250,.pdf,505,"ANSI B18.2.1 " docs/241-250,.pdf,506,"ASTM A 193 B 7 " docs/241-250,.pdf,507,"ANSI B18.2.2 " docs/241-250,.pdf,508,"GASKETS " docs/241-250,.pdf,509,"G " docs/241-250,.pdf,510,"1/2""-12"" " docs/241-250,.pdf,504,"150# RF " docs/241-250,.pdf,511,"150# RF " docs/251-260,.pdf,269,"PRESSURE (Barg) " docs/251-260,.pdf,264,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,270,"0-60 °C " docs/251-260,.pdf,265,"DESIGN CONDITION " docs/251-260,.pdf,268,"TEMPERATURE (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,267,"A/G " docs/251-260,.pdf,263,"04 barg " docs/251-260,.pdf,271,"19 barg " docs/251-260,.pdf,266,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,262,"PRESSURE (Barg) " docs/251-260,.pdf,295,"- BODY MATERIAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,3,"1/2"" 3/4"" 1"" 1.1/2"" 2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,4,"1/2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,5,"3/4"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,6,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,7,"1"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,8,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,9,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,272,"II SPECIFICATION " docs/251-260,.pdf,10,"1.1/2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,11,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,2,"SPECIFICATIONS " docs/251-260,.pdf,273,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,293,"FLANGED (RF) " docs/251-260,.pdf,275,"ANSI B 16.10 " docs/251-260,.pdf,12,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,296,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,294,"ANSI B 16.5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,292,"SWING CHECK " docs/251-260,.pdf,291,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,290,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,289,"END CONNECTION " docs/251-260,.pdf,288,"TYPE " docs/251-260,.pdf,287,"150# " docs/251-260,.pdf,274,"DIMENSIONAL STANDARD " docs/251-260,.pdf,286,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,284,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,283,"1C1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,282,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,281,"PIPE CLASS " docs/251-260,.pdf,280,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,279,"API 6D " docs/251-260,.pdf,278,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,277,"CONSTRUCTION DESIGN " docs/251-260,.pdf,276,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,285,"RATING " docs/251-260,.pdf,13,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,57,"3"" 4"" 6"" 8"" 10"" 12"" 14"" 16"" 18"" 20"" 24"" 28"" 30"" 32"" 36"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,15,"А " docs/251-260,.pdf,41,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,42,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,43,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,44,"XXX " docs/251-260,.pdf,45,"X X " docs/251-260,.pdf,46,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,47,"LEGEND " docs/251-260,.pdf,48,"X:CONCENTRIC AND ECCENTRIC REDUCERS-BW " docs/251-260,.pdf,49,"Page 251 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,50,"PIPING SPECIFICATIONS " docs/251-260,.pdf,51,"SPECIFICATION NO " docs/251-260,.pdf,52,"1C1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,53,"SHEET 6 OF 6 REV O " docs/251-260,.pdf,54,"BRANCH CHART " docs/251-260,.pdf,55,"BRANCH SIZE " docs/251-260,.pdf,56,"1/2"" 3/4"" 1"" 1.1/2"" 2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,58,"1/2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,59,"3/4"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,60,"TR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,297,"ASTM A 350 Gr. LF2/ASTM A352 or LCB or Equivalent/Superior " docs/251-260,.pdf,61,"1"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,40,"○ X X X " docs/251-260,.pdf,14,"X " docs/251-260,.pdf,39,"6"" 8"" 10"" 12"" 14"" 16"" 18"" 20"" 24"" 28"" 30"" 32"" 36"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,37,"3"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,16,"10"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,17,"12"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,18,"LARGE " docs/251-260,.pdf,19,"SIZE " docs/251-260,.pdf,20,"14"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,21,"16"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,22,"18"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,23,"20"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,24,"24"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,25,"28"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,26,"30"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,27,"32"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,28,"36"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,29,"42"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,30,"NOWN " docs/251-260,.pdf,31,"REDUCERS CHART " docs/251-260,.pdf,32,"SMALL SIZE " docs/251-260,.pdf,33,"SPECIFICATION NO " docs/251-260,.pdf,34,"1C1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,35,"SHEET 5 OF 6 " docs/251-260,.pdf,36,"REV O " docs/251-260,.pdf,38,"4"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,298,"WEDGE " docs/251-260,.pdf,781,"2 Vendor to specify * " docs/251-260,.pdf,300,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,798,"Document No.: 15792-PL-IC-DS-001 " docs/251-260,.pdf,799,"Rev. " docs/251-260,.pdf,370,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,369,"Test pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,368,"HYDROSTATIC SEAT TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,367,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,366,"1.5 x Design Pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,365,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,364,"Test pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,363,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,362,"Page 2 of 2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,361,"DATA SHEET No. VCS-DS-PL-0024 " docs/251-260,.pdf,360,"DATA SHEET - CHECK VALVES (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,359,"HYDROSTATIC SHELL TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,358,"III. TEST: " docs/251-260,.pdf,357,"(1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,356,"DATA SHEET FOR CHECK VALVES " docs/251-260,.pdf,355,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/251-260,.pdf,354,"Page 255 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,353,"REMARKS " docs/251-260,.pdf,352,"APP AD " docs/251-260,.pdf,797,"Page 260 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,351,"MD " docs/251-260,.pdf,796,"APPD " docs/251-260,.pdf,794,"22.04.2021 ND UM PRPD CHKD " docs/251-260,.pdf,773,"44 Model No. " docs/251-260,.pdf,774,"MISC. " docs/251-260,.pdf,775,"45 " docs/251-260,.pdf,776,"46 " docs/251-260,.pdf,777,"47 " docs/251-260,.pdf,778,"Notes: " docs/251-260,.pdf,779,"1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,780,"** As per site requirement. " docs/251-260,.pdf,62,"TR TR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,782,"3 " docs/251-260,.pdf,783,"Tag no. is to be finalised later. " docs/251-260,.pdf,784,"Horizontal/Vertical " docs/251-260,.pdf,785,"4 Tagplate (SS 316) stamped with instrument tag number and service in 10mm characters shall be attached via SS wire (1 mm). Vendor shall provide detailed GA drawing along with all parts name and MOC for the slam shut valve along with data sheet. " docs/251-260,.pdf,786,"5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,787,"Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,788,"CLIENT: " docs/251-260,.pdf,789,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/251-260,.pdf,790,"PROJECT: " docs/251-260,.pdf,791,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,792,"REV. " docs/251-260,.pdf,793,"DATE " docs/251-260,.pdf,795,"KP " docs/251-260,.pdf,350,"PK " docs/251-260,.pdf,349,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,348,"18.06.2018 " docs/251-260,.pdf,321,"At least 2.0 D for size below 6"" & 300mm for 6"" and above size valves Suitable to Connecting pipe material in terms of strength and thickness A/G " docs/251-260,.pdf,320,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,319,"PRIMER " docs/251-260,.pdf,318,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,317,"- SURFACE PREPARATION " docs/251-260,.pdf,316,"PAINTING (Refer Annexure II of PTS) " docs/251-260,.pdf,315,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,314,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,313,"GRAPHITE " docs/251-260,.pdf,312,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,311,"ASTM A 182 F6 " docs/251-260,.pdf,310,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,309,"ASTM A 350 Gr. LF2/ASTM A182 F6 or Equivalent " docs/251-260,.pdf,308,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,307,"ASTM A 350 Gr. LF2/ASTM A182 F6 or Equivalent " docs/251-260,.pdf,306,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,305,"- MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION " docs/251-260,.pdf,304,"- LENGTH " docs/251-260,.pdf,303,"PUPS (Applicable only for BW end) " docs/251-260,.pdf,302,"GASKET " docs/251-260,.pdf,301,"HINGE PIN " docs/251-260,.pdf,322,"SA 2.5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,323,"Type of paint, DFT " docs/251-260,.pdf,324,"and total DFT shall " docs/251-260,.pdf,325,"be as per paint " docs/251-260,.pdf,347,"CHK " docs/251-260,.pdf,346,"BY " docs/251-260,.pdf,345,"REV " docs/251-260,.pdf,344,"DATE " docs/251-260,.pdf,343,"NO " docs/251-260,.pdf,342,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,341,"INSULATION " docs/251-260,.pdf,340,"minimum " docs/251-260,.pdf,339,"300 microns " docs/251-260,.pdf,338,"table. Final Paint DFT " docs/251-260,.pdf,299,"- DISC " docs/251-260,.pdf,337,"painting " docs/251-260,.pdf,335,"shall " docs/251-260,.pdf,334,"Final shade of valve " docs/251-260,.pdf,333,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,332,"FINISH " docs/251-260,.pdf,331,"environment " docs/251-260,.pdf,330,"corrosive " docs/251-260,.pdf,329,"suitable for highly " docs/251-260,.pdf,328,"AS ISO 12944-5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,327,"Choose from table " docs/251-260,.pdf,326,"system number " docs/251-260,.pdf,336,"be as per atached " docs/251-260,.pdf,63,"1.1/2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,154,"STEM " docs/251-260,.pdf,65,"TR " docs/251-260,.pdf,191,": SA 2.5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,192,": 30 - 40 μm " docs/251-260,.pdf,193,": 30 - 40 μm " docs/251-260,.pdf,194,"300 μm (min.) : No " docs/251-260,.pdf,195,"DATE " docs/251-260,.pdf,196,"REV " docs/251-260,.pdf,197,"BY " docs/251-260,.pdf,198,"CHK APP " docs/251-260,.pdf,199,"REMARK " docs/251-260,.pdf,200,"18.06.2018 " docs/251-260,.pdf,201,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,202,"PK " docs/251-260,.pdf,203,"MD " docs/251-260,.pdf,204,"AD " docs/251-260,.pdf,205,"Page 253 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,206,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/251-260,.pdf,207,"DATA SHEET FOR MANUAL GLOBE VALVES (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,208,"DATA SHEET FOR MANUAL GLOBE VALVES ABOVE GROUND SERVICE (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,209,"DATA SHEET NO. VCS-DS-PL-0022 " docs/251-260,.pdf,210,"Page 2 OF 2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,211,"III. VALVE INSPECTION AND TESTING " docs/251-260,.pdf,190,"INSULATION " docs/251-260,.pdf,212,"SHELL TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,189,"Final Paint DFT " docs/251-260,.pdf,187,"Primer " docs/251-260,.pdf,167,": BS 1873 " docs/251-260,.pdf,168,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,169,"HIGH RESISTANCE TO VIBRATIONS " docs/251-260,.pdf,170,"AND HIGH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE " docs/251-260,.pdf,171,": UNIDIRECTIONAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,172,": GLAND TYPE-BOLTED BONNET-NON ROTATING STEM " docs/251-260,.pdf,173,": STRAIGHT THROUGH GLOBE " docs/251-260,.pdf,174,": FLANGED RF - ANSI B16.5, 150# " docs/251-260,.pdf,175,": ANSI B16.10 " docs/251-260,.pdf,261,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,176,"Below 2"" ASTM 105 " docs/251-260,.pdf,177,"2""& above " docs/251-260,.pdf,178,"ASTM or ASTM A 216 Gr WCB " docs/251-260,.pdf,179,": ASTM 216 Gr. WCB +STELLITED or Equivalent/Superior " docs/251-260,.pdf,180,": ASTM 216 Gr. WCB +STELLITED or Equivalent/Superior " docs/251-260,.pdf,181,": ASTM A182 F6 or Equivalent/Superior " docs/251-260,.pdf,182,": ASTM A182 F6 or Equivalent/Superior " docs/251-260,.pdf,183,": GRAPHITE or Equivalent/Superior " docs/251-260,.pdf,184,": GRAPHITE or Equivalent/Superior Wrench Upto 4"", Gear for above 4"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,185,": NO " docs/251-260,.pdf,186,"Surface preparation " docs/251-260,.pdf,188,"Finish " docs/251-260,.pdf,166,"-20 to 60 (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,213,"BACKSEAT TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,215,": SEE API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,241,"REMARK " docs/251-260,.pdf,242,"Page 254 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,243,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/251-260,.pdf,244,"DATA SHEET FOR MANUAL GLOBE VALVES (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,245,"I. PROCESS DATA " docs/251-260,.pdf,246,"- FLUID " docs/251-260,.pdf,247,"FLUID SYMBOL " docs/251-260,.pdf,248,"DATA SHEET - CHECK VALVES (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,249,"DATA SHEET No. VCS-DS-PL-0024 " docs/251-260,.pdf,250,"Page 1 of 2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,251,"Natural Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,252,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,253,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,254,"NG " docs/251-260,.pdf,255,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,256,"OPERATING CONDITION " docs/251-260,.pdf,257,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,258,"A/G " docs/251-260,.pdf,259,"TEMPERATURE (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,260,"0-50 °C " docs/251-260,.pdf,772,"43 Make " docs/251-260,.pdf,240,"CHK APP MD AD " docs/251-260,.pdf,214,": SEE API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,239,"PK " docs/251-260,.pdf,237,"BY " docs/251-260,.pdf,216,"LOW-PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,217,": SEE API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,218,"HIGH-PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,219,"VISUAL EXAMINATION OF CASTINGS " docs/251-260,.pdf,220,": SEE API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,221,": SEE API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,222,"HIGH-PRESSURE PNEUMATIC SHELL TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,223,": SEE API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,224,"FIRE SAFE TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,225,": N/A " docs/251-260,.pdf,226,"IV. QUALITY CONTROL " docs/251-260,.pdf,227,"MATERIAL CERTIFICATES " docs/251-260,.pdf,228,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,229,"EN 10204 3.1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,230,"ALL NECESSARY CERTIFICATES " docs/251-260,.pdf,231,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,232,"ALL TEST CERTIFICATE INCLUDING FIRE SAFE. ANTISTATIC, PHYSICAL, IMPACT, CHEMICAL, PAINTING ETC. " docs/251-260,.pdf,233,"NOTE: " docs/251-260,.pdf,234,"1 Unless otherwise stated, all tests will be witnessed by the purchaser. 2 For detail of Painting, refer Painting Table " docs/251-260,.pdf,235,"DATE 18.06.2018 " docs/251-260,.pdf,236,"REV " docs/251-260,.pdf,238,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,64,"W TR " docs/251-260,.pdf,165,"19 Barg " docs/251-260,.pdf,163,"PAINTING " docs/251-260,.pdf,91,"FE " docs/251-260,.pdf,92,"£ĽWWW33 " docs/251-260,.pdf,93,"TR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,94,"TR TR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,95,"TRITR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,96,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,97,"TR TR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,98,"W BW TR TR T " docs/251-260,.pdf,99,"WWWWW|BW BW TR| TRT " docs/251-260,.pdf,100,"W BW BW BW TR TR " docs/251-260,.pdf,101,"T " docs/251-260,.pdf,102,"14"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,103,"16"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,104,"18"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,105,"SIZE " docs/251-260,.pdf,106,"20"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,107,"24"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,108,"Ꮓ " docs/251-260,.pdf,109,"28"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,110,"30"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,111,"32"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,90,"W W W " docs/251-260,.pdf,112,"36"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,89,"12"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,87,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,66,"T " docs/251-260,.pdf,67,"2"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,68,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,69,"3"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,70,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,71,"4"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,72,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,73,"HEADER " docs/251-260,.pdf,74,"Н " docs/251-260,.pdf,75,"6"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,76,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,77,"8"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,78,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,79,"Α " docs/251-260,.pdf,80,"10"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,81,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,82,"WWWWWW " docs/251-260,.pdf,83,"TR " docs/251-260,.pdf,84,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,85,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,86,"W " docs/251-260,.pdf,88,"Ꭰ " docs/251-260,.pdf,164,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,113,"LEGEND " docs/251-260,.pdf,115,"TR REDUCING TEE-BW " docs/251-260,.pdf,141,"TYPE " docs/251-260,.pdf,142,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,143,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,144,"PATTERN " docs/251-260,.pdf,145,"END CONNECTION " docs/251-260,.pdf,146,"FACE TO FACE " docs/251-260,.pdf,147,"BODY MATERIAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,148,"DISC MATERIAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,149,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,150,"SEAT " docs/251-260,.pdf,151,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,152,"TRIM " docs/251-260,.pdf,153,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,155,"GASKET " docs/251-260,.pdf,156,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,157,"PACKING " docs/251-260,.pdf,158,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,159,"OPERATOR " docs/251-260,.pdf,160,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,161,"EXTENSION STEM " docs/251-260,.pdf,162,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,140,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,114,"T: TEE EQUAL-BW " docs/251-260,.pdf,139,"CONSTRUCTION DESIGN " docs/251-260,.pdf,137,"II. VALVE DATA " docs/251-260,.pdf,116,"W: WELDOLET-BW " docs/251-260,.pdf,117,"BW BRANCH WELD-CHECK IF REINFORCING PLATE IS NECESSARY ACCORDING ANSI B 31.8 " docs/251-260,.pdf,118,"Page 252 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,119,"DATA SHEET FOR MANUAL GLOBE VALVES ABOVE GROUND SERVICE (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,120,"DATA SHEET NO. VCS-DS-PL-0022 " docs/251-260,.pdf,121,"Page 1 OF 2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,122,"I. PROCESS DATA " docs/251-260,.pdf,123,"PIPE CLASS " docs/251-260,.pdf,124,"FLUID " docs/251-260,.pdf,125,"1C1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,126,"Natural Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,127,"Fluid Symbol " docs/251-260,.pdf,128,":NG " docs/251-260,.pdf,129,"OPERATING CONDITIONS " docs/251-260,.pdf,130,"Pressure (barg) " docs/251-260,.pdf,131,"Temperature (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,132,": 4 Barg " docs/251-260,.pdf,133,": 03 to 48 (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,134,"DESIGN CONDITIONS " docs/251-260,.pdf,135,"Pressure (barg) " docs/251-260,.pdf,136,"Temperature (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,138,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,771,"Installation " docs/251-260,.pdf,428,"NG " docs/251-260,.pdf,769,"Not Required Required Required " docs/251-260,.pdf,499,"GENERAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,500,"1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,501,"Tag Number " docs/251-260,.pdf,502,"2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,503,"Quantity " docs/251-260,.pdf,504,"3 Ambient Temperature " docs/251-260,.pdf,505,"% of Governing Component in Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,506,"4 " docs/251-260,.pdf,507,"Service " docs/251-260,.pdf,508,"5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,509,"Purpose " docs/251-260,.pdf,510,"6 " docs/251-260,.pdf,511,"7 " docs/251-260,.pdf,512,"8 " docs/251-260,.pdf,513,"9 " docs/251-260,.pdf,514,"Sensor Type " docs/251-260,.pdf,515,"10 " docs/251-260,.pdf,516,"Power Supply " docs/251-260,.pdf,517,"11 " docs/251-260,.pdf,518,"Alarm Limit " docs/251-260,.pdf,519,"12 " docs/251-260,.pdf,498,"GAS DETECTOR " docs/251-260,.pdf,520,"Enclosure Material " docs/251-260,.pdf,497,"MISC. " docs/251-260,.pdf,495,"Page 257 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,474,"100 MICRON " docs/251-260,.pdf,475,"ASTM A193-B7/ASTM A194 2H (GALVANISED) " docs/251-260,.pdf,476,"SS-304 SPIRAL WOUND, GRAPHITE FILLED, 4.5MM THK. WITH CS OUTER RING " docs/251-260,.pdf,477,"III TESTS ☐ " docs/251-260,.pdf,478,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,479,"HYDROSTATIC BODY TEST: " docs/251-260,.pdf,480,"Test pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,481,"Test Duration " docs/251-260,.pdf,482,": 1.5 x Design Pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,483,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,484,"1/2 HR " docs/251-260,.pdf,485,"NOTES:- " docs/251-260,.pdf,486,"1 Unless otherwise stated, all tests will be witnessed by the purchaser/authorised inspector " docs/251-260,.pdf,487,"2 Net opening area of element shall be minimum 3 times X sectional area of inlet " docs/251-260,.pdf,488,"3 Strainer body casting shall be defect free and shall be MPI/DP tested. " docs/251-260,.pdf,489,"DATE 17.07.2018 " docs/251-260,.pdf,490,"REV " docs/251-260,.pdf,491,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,492,"BY ADE " docs/251-260,.pdf,493,"CHK APP RNR AD " docs/251-260,.pdf,494,"REMARKS ISSUED FOR REVIEW " docs/251-260,.pdf,496,"TABLE " docs/251-260,.pdf,473,"SS-304, CYLINDRICAL WIRE MESH WITH PERFORATED SHEET " docs/251-260,.pdf,521,"13 " docs/251-260,.pdf,523,"14 " docs/251-260,.pdf,549,"21 " docs/251-260,.pdf,550,"Hooter " docs/251-260,.pdf,551,"22 " docs/251-260,.pdf,552,"23 " docs/251-260,.pdf,553,"24 " docs/251-260,.pdf,554,"Allowable Hooter Sound Limit " docs/251-260,.pdf,555,"Make/Model " docs/251-260,.pdf,556,"Required " docs/251-260,.pdf,557,"8A max* " docs/251-260,.pdf,558,"LED's for alarm status (Power On, Failure, Gas Detection) Required, Integral " docs/251-260,.pdf,559,"Max. 85 dBA " docs/251-260,.pdf,560,"25 " docs/251-260,.pdf,561,"Dimensions " docs/251-260,.pdf,562,"* " docs/251-260,.pdf,563,"* " docs/251-260,.pdf,564,"26 " docs/251-260,.pdf,565,"Weight " docs/251-260,.pdf,566,"27 " docs/251-260,.pdf,567,"28 " docs/251-260,.pdf,568,"S.NO " docs/251-260,.pdf,569,"TAG NUMBER " docs/251-260,.pdf,548,"Alarm Indication " docs/251-260,.pdf,522,"Enclosure Protection " docs/251-260,.pdf,547,"20 " docs/251-260,.pdf,545,"18 " docs/251-260,.pdf,524,"Response time " docs/251-260,.pdf,525,"15 " docs/251-260,.pdf,526,"Accuracy " docs/251-260,.pdf,527,"16 Electrical Connection size " docs/251-260,.pdf,528,"Mounting Accessories " docs/251-260,.pdf,529,"GAS DETECTOR " docs/251-260,.pdf,530,"To be provided later " docs/251-260,.pdf,531,"As per SOR " docs/251-260,.pdf,532,"- 5 to 50 Deg.C " docs/251-260,.pdf,533,"Natural Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,534,"Gas Detection in CGD application 94.5% Methane " docs/251-260,.pdf,535,"IR Absorption Sensor " docs/251-260,.pdf,536,"24 VDC " docs/251-260,.pdf,537,"10% LEL " docs/251-260,.pdf,538,"Aluminium / CPVC " docs/251-260,.pdf,539,"IP42 or Better " docs/251-260,.pdf,540,"T905 Seconds " docs/251-260,.pdf,541,"± 1% " docs/251-260,.pdf,542,"3/4"" NPT " docs/251-260,.pdf,543,"17 " docs/251-260,.pdf,544,"Wattage " docs/251-260,.pdf,546,"19 Relay Output " docs/251-260,.pdf,570,"LOCATION " docs/251-260,.pdf,472,"ASTM A105 " docs/251-260,.pdf,470,"FLANGED (RF) AS PER ASME B16.5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,402,"REV 0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,401,"DATE 18.06.18 " docs/251-260,.pdf,400,": TEST CERTIFICATES INCLUDING, FIRE SAFE, ANTISTATIC, PHYSICAL IMPACT, CHEMICAL, PAINTING " docs/251-260,.pdf,399,"ALL TEST CERTIFICATES " docs/251-260,.pdf,398,"EN 10204-3.1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,397,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,396,"MATERIAL CERTIFICATES " docs/251-260,.pdf,395,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,394,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,393,"IV. QUALITY CONTROL " docs/251-260,.pdf,392,"YES " docs/251-260,.pdf,391,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,390,"API 6FA " docs/251-260,.pdf,389,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,388,"EXAMINATION TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,387,"VISUAL AND DIMENSIONAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,386,"FIRE TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,385,"API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,384,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,383,"LEAK TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,382,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,403,"BY " docs/251-260,.pdf,381,"API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,404,"PK " docs/251-260,.pdf,406,"APP AD " docs/251-260,.pdf,427,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,426,"Natural Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,425,"OPERATING CONDITION " docs/251-260,.pdf,424,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,423,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,422,"FLUID SYMBOL " docs/251-260,.pdf,421,"FLUID " docs/251-260,.pdf,420,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,419,"I. PROCESS DATA: " docs/251-260,.pdf,418,"Page 1 of 2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,417,"VCS-DS-PL-023 " docs/251-260,.pdf,416,"DATA SHEET No. : " docs/251-260,.pdf,415,"FOR ABOVE GROUND (A/G) SERVICES " docs/251-260,.pdf,414,"Y-TYPE STRAINER " docs/251-260,.pdf,413,"DATA SHEET (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,412,"CLIENT: INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/251-260,.pdf,411,"ENERGISING QUALITY " docs/251-260,.pdf,410,"FOR CHECK VALVES (1C1) " docs/251-260,.pdf,409,"DATA SHEET " docs/251-260,.pdf,408,"Page 256 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,407,"REMARKS " docs/251-260,.pdf,405,"CHK MD " docs/251-260,.pdf,471,"ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB " docs/251-260,.pdf,380,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,378,"API 598 " docs/251-260,.pdf,449,"19 " docs/251-260,.pdf,450,"ASME B16.5, B16.9, B16.11, B16.20, B18.2.1 & B18.2.2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,451,"AS PER CODES AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION DOC. NO. 14588-CD-SS-001, PMS 1C1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,452,"150# " docs/251-260,.pdf,453,"Y-TYPE " docs/251-260,.pdf,454,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,455,"TYPE " docs/251-260,.pdf,456,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,457,"SIZE " docs/251-260,.pdf,458,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,459,"END CONNECTION " docs/251-260,.pdf,460,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,461,"BODY MATERIAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,462,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,463,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,464,"CAP/PLUG " docs/251-260,.pdf,465,"SCREEN MESH " docs/251-260,.pdf,466,"FILTRATION SIZE " docs/251-260,.pdf,467,"STUD BOLTS / NUTS " docs/251-260,.pdf,468,"GASKET " docs/251-260,.pdf,469,"1"" " docs/251-260,.pdf,447,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,379,"LOW PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,446,"ANSI PRESSURE RATING " docs/251-260,.pdf,444,"CONSTRUCTION DESIGN " docs/251-260,.pdf,377,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,376,"HIGH PRESSURE CLOSURE TEST " docs/251-260,.pdf,375,"6 barg " docs/251-260,.pdf,374,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,373,"Test pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,372,"AIR SEAT TEST: " docs/251-260,.pdf,371,"1.1 x Design Pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,430,": " docs/251-260,.pdf,431,"ΝΑ " docs/251-260,.pdf,432,"TEMPERATURE (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,433,"0 to 60 " docs/251-260,.pdf,434,"PRESSURE (Barg) " docs/251-260,.pdf,435,"04 " docs/251-260,.pdf,436,"DESIGN CONDITION " docs/251-260,.pdf,437,"FLOW RATE (m³/hr) " docs/251-260,.pdf,438,"TEMPERATURE (°C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,439,"PRESSURE (Barg) " docs/251-260,.pdf,440,"II. STRAINER DATA: " docs/251-260,.pdf,441,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,442,"- " docs/251-260,.pdf,443,"DIMENSIONAL STANDARD " docs/251-260,.pdf,445,"PIPE CLASS " docs/251-260,.pdf,770,"42 " docs/251-260,.pdf,571,"QTY " docs/251-260,.pdf,573,"1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,698,"8 " docs/251-260,.pdf,699,"9 " docs/251-260,.pdf,700,"Flow Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,701,"Fluid " docs/251-260,.pdf,702,"Min. / Nor. / Max. " docs/251-260,.pdf,703,"SLAM SHUT VALVE " docs/251-260,.pdf,704,"To be provided later (Note-3) " docs/251-260,.pdf,705,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,706,"Down stream pressure protection " docs/251-260,.pdf,707,"State " docs/251-260,.pdf,708,"Natural Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,709,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,710,"4 barg " docs/251-260,.pdf,711,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,712,"10 Inlet Pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,713,"11 Pressure Drop at Various Flow Rates " docs/251-260,.pdf,714,"12 Shut Off Pressure " docs/251-260,.pdf,715,"13 Temperature: Operating / Maximum " docs/251-260,.pdf,716,"14 " docs/251-260,.pdf,717,"15 " docs/251-260,.pdf,718,"16 " docs/251-260,.pdf,697,"7 " docs/251-260,.pdf,719,"Oper S.G Cp/Cv " docs/251-260,.pdf,696,"6 " docs/251-260,.pdf,694,"5 " docs/251-260,.pdf,673,"UM " docs/251-260,.pdf,674,"KP " docs/251-260,.pdf,675,"REV. " docs/251-260,.pdf,676,"DATE " docs/251-260,.pdf,677,"PRPD | CHKD " docs/251-260,.pdf,678,"APPD " docs/251-260,.pdf,679,"Page 259 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,680,"Document No.: 15792-PL-IC-DS-001 " docs/251-260,.pdf,681,"Rev. " docs/251-260,.pdf,682,"OPTIONS " docs/251-260,.pdf,683,"VALVE BODY " docs/251-260,.pdf,684,"VALVE DATA " docs/251-260,.pdf,685,"PROCESS DATA " docs/251-260,.pdf,686,"GENERAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,687,"1 Tag No. " docs/251-260,.pdf,688,"2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,689,"Inlet Line No. " docs/251-260,.pdf,690,"3 " docs/251-260,.pdf,691,"Outlet Line No. " docs/251-260,.pdf,692,"4 " docs/251-260,.pdf,693,"Line Size & Schedule " docs/251-260,.pdf,695,"Service " docs/251-260,.pdf,672,"ND " docs/251-260,.pdf,720,"Kg or Cg Min. " docs/251-260,.pdf,722,"18 Predicted Sound Level (dBA) " docs/251-260,.pdf,748,"* Less than 40 m/sec " docs/251-260,.pdf,749,"Slam Shut " docs/251-260,.pdf,750,"*, As per PMS " docs/251-260,.pdf,751,"RF, 125 250 AARH " docs/251-260,.pdf,752,"ASTM A216 Gr. WCB or better " docs/251-260,.pdf,753,"SS 316 / Brass* " docs/251-260,.pdf,754,"SS 316 / Brass* " docs/251-260,.pdf,755,"Class VI as per FCI 70.2 Less than 2 secs " docs/251-260,.pdf,756,"33 Pilot Operated " docs/251-260,.pdf,757,"34 Manual Reset " docs/251-260,.pdf,758,"35 Failure Position " docs/251-260,.pdf,759,"36 Limit Switch " docs/251-260,.pdf,760,"37 Valve Position Indicator (Local) " docs/251-260,.pdf,761,"38 " docs/251-260,.pdf,762,"Radiography " docs/251-260,.pdf,763,"39 Charpy V-Notch " docs/251-260,.pdf,764,"40 Impulse Tubing/Fittings " docs/251-260,.pdf,765,"41 Pressure Indicator " docs/251-260,.pdf,766,"Integral Pilot Required " docs/251-260,.pdf,767,"Required Close " docs/251-260,.pdf,768,"Required " docs/251-260,.pdf,747,"* Less than 85 dBA " docs/251-260,.pdf,721,"17 Kg or Cg Selected " docs/251-260,.pdf,746,"* " docs/251-260,.pdf,744,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,723,"19 " docs/251-260,.pdf,724,"Valve Setpoint " docs/251-260,.pdf,725,"20 Inlet Velocity (meters/second) " docs/251-260,.pdf,726,"21 " docs/251-260,.pdf,727,"22 Type of Valve " docs/251-260,.pdf,728,"23 " docs/251-260,.pdf,729,"Body Size " docs/251-260,.pdf,730,"24 End Conn: Flgd. Size & Rating 25 Facing & Finish " docs/251-260,.pdf,731,"26 Body Material " docs/251-260,.pdf,732,"27 Trim Material " docs/251-260,.pdf,733,"28 Other Wetted Parts " docs/251-260,.pdf,734,"29 Leakage Class " docs/251-260,.pdf,735,"30 Closing Time " docs/251-260,.pdf,736,"31 " docs/251-260,.pdf,737,"32 " docs/251-260,.pdf,738,"Mol Wt. Compress. Factor Kg or Cg Max. " docs/251-260,.pdf,739,"Adjustable Range " docs/251-260,.pdf,740,"Port Size " docs/251-260,.pdf,741,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,742,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,743,"** " docs/251-260,.pdf,745,"* " docs/251-260,.pdf,572,"MAKE/MODEL " docs/251-260,.pdf,671,"22.04.2021 " docs/251-260,.pdf,669,"PROJECT: " docs/251-260,.pdf,599,"PROCESS DATA " docs/251-260,.pdf,600,"GENERAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,601,"1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,602,"Tag Numbers " docs/251-260,.pdf,603,"2 " docs/251-260,.pdf,604,"Quantity " docs/251-260,.pdf,605,"3 " docs/251-260,.pdf,606,"Service " docs/251-260,.pdf,607,"4 " docs/251-260,.pdf,608,"Enclosure Certification " docs/251-260,.pdf,609,"5 Operation: Direct/Pilot " docs/251-260,.pdf,610,"6 Operating Mode NC/NO/UNIVERSAL " docs/251-260,.pdf,611,"7 " docs/251-260,.pdf,612,"8 " docs/251-260,.pdf,613,"9 " docs/251-260,.pdf,614,"Max. operating pressure (Kg/Cm2g) |Design Pressure (Kg/Cm2g) " docs/251-260,.pdf,615,"10 Design Temperature (Deg.C) 11 Ambient Temperature (Deg.C) " docs/251-260,.pdf,616,"12 " docs/251-260,.pdf,617,"13 " docs/251-260,.pdf,618,"14 " docs/251-260,.pdf,619,"15 " docs/251-260,.pdf,598,"VALVE " docs/251-260,.pdf,620,"16 Body Size/ Rating " docs/251-260,.pdf,597,"SOLENOID " docs/251-260,.pdf,595,"Document No.: 15792-PL-IC-DS-001 " docs/251-260,.pdf,574,"To be provided later " docs/251-260,.pdf,575,"As per SOR " docs/251-260,.pdf,576,"Notes: * TBD " docs/251-260,.pdf,577,"12 " docs/251-260,.pdf,578,"34 " docs/251-260,.pdf,579,"Vendor to specifiy.* " docs/251-260,.pdf,580,"Tagplate (SS 316) stamped with instrument tag number and service in 10mm characters shall be attached via SS wire (1 mm). " docs/251-260,.pdf,581,"Calibration certificates shall be provided by the Vendor. " docs/251-260,.pdf,582,"Gas detector shall be installed above piping arramgement at a maximum distance of 30 cm from ceiling. " docs/251-260,.pdf,583,"CLIENT: " docs/251-260,.pdf,584,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/251-260,.pdf,585,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,586,"PROJECT: " docs/251-260,.pdf,587,"REV. " docs/251-260,.pdf,588,"22.04.2021 DATE " docs/251-260,.pdf,589,"ND " docs/251-260,.pdf,590,"UM " docs/251-260,.pdf,591,"KP " docs/251-260,.pdf,592,"PRPD CHKD " docs/251-260,.pdf,593,"APPD " docs/251-260,.pdf,594,"Page 258 of 380 " docs/251-260,.pdf,596,"Rev. " docs/251-260,.pdf,670,"0 " docs/251-260,.pdf,621,"17 Body Material " docs/251-260,.pdf,623,"19 " docs/251-260,.pdf,648,"3 " docs/251-260,.pdf,649,"Tag no. is to be finalised later. " docs/251-260,.pdf,650,"SOLENOID VALVE " docs/251-260,.pdf,651,"To be provided later (Note-2) As per SOR " docs/251-260,.pdf,652,"Natural Gas " docs/251-260,.pdf,653,"IP65 " docs/251-260,.pdf,654,"Direct " docs/251-260,.pdf,655,"NO " docs/251-260,.pdf,656,"-20 to 60 " docs/251-260,.pdf,657,"- 5 to 50 Deg C " docs/251-260,.pdf,658,"As per SOR 150#, Socket Weld SS 316 / Brass* " docs/251-260,.pdf,659,"SS 316 " docs/251-260,.pdf,660,"Brass* " docs/251-260,.pdf,661,"230 VAC " docs/251-260,.pdf,662,"H Required " docs/251-260,.pdf,663,"1/2"" NPTF " docs/251-260,.pdf,664,"Required " docs/251-260,.pdf,665,"< 1 sec " docs/251-260,.pdf,666,"4 Tagplate (SS 316) stamped with instrument tag number and service in 10mm characters shall be attached via SS wire (1 mm). " docs/251-260,.pdf,667,"CLIENT: " docs/251-260,.pdf,668,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/251-260,.pdf,647,"2 Vendor to specify * " docs/251-260,.pdf,622,"18 Trim Material " docs/251-260,.pdf,646,"**As per site requirement " docs/251-260,.pdf,644,"Notes: " docs/251-260,.pdf,624,"20 " docs/251-260,.pdf,625,"21 Style of Coil " docs/251-260,.pdf,626,"22 Coil Voltage " docs/251-260,.pdf,627,"23 Coil Insulation Class " docs/251-260,.pdf,628,"24 " docs/251-260,.pdf,629,"Electrical Connection " docs/251-260,.pdf,630,"25 Cable Entry " docs/251-260,.pdf,631,"26 " docs/251-260,.pdf,632,"Manual Reset " docs/251-260,.pdf,429,"FLOW RATE (m³/hr) " docs/251-260,.pdf,633,"27 Close Time " docs/251-260,.pdf,634,"28 " docs/251-260,.pdf,635,"29 " docs/251-260,.pdf,636,"30 " docs/251-260,.pdf,637,"31 " docs/251-260,.pdf,638,"MISC. " docs/251-260,.pdf,639,"32 Make " docs/251-260,.pdf,640,"33 Model No. " docs/251-260,.pdf,641,"34 " docs/251-260,.pdf,642,"35 " docs/251-260,.pdf,643,"36 " docs/251-260,.pdf,645,"1 " docs/251-260,.pdf,448,"-20 to 65 " docs/251-260,.pdf,1,"PIPING " docs/261-270,.pdf,190,"13. Jindal Saw Ltd. (Kosi Works), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,133,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,134,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,135,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,137,"Page 3 " docs/261-270,.pdf,138,"MECHANICAL & FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT " docs/261-270,.pdf,139,"i) Pipe Carbon Steel To Indian Standards " docs/261-270,.pdf,140,"1. A.S.T. Pipes Pvt. Ltd. (AST Group) " docs/261-270,.pdf,141,"2. Advance Steel Tube Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,142,"3. Apl Apollo Tubes Ltd. (Er. Bihar Tubes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,143,"4. Asian Mills Pvt. Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,132,"BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,144,"5. Asrani Tubes Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,146,"7. Essar Steel Limited (Er Hazira Pipes Mill) " docs/261-270,.pdf,147,"8. Gaurang Products Pvt Ltd. (Ast Group) " docs/261-270,.pdf,148,"9. Goodluck Steel Tubes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,149,"10. Hi-Tech Pipes Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,150,"11. Indus Tube Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,151,"12. Jindal Industries Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,152,"13. Jindal Pipes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,153,"14. Jindal Saw Ltd (Kosi Works) " docs/261-270,.pdf,154,"15. Jotindra Steel & Tube Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,155,"16. Lalit Pipes And Pipes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,145,"6. Dadu Pipes (P) Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,131,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR " docs/261-270,.pdf,130,".28 " docs/261-270,.pdf,129,".23 " docs/261-270,.pdf,106,"INDEX " docs/261-270,.pdf,107,"- 23 + " docs/261-270,.pdf,108,"1. " docs/261-270,.pdf,109,"Mechanical & Fire Fighting Equipment.... " docs/261-270,.pdf,110,"2. " docs/261-270,.pdf,111,"Civil & Structure.. " docs/261-270,.pdf,112,"3. " docs/261-270,.pdf,113,"Electrical...... " docs/261-270,.pdf,114,"4. " docs/261-270,.pdf,115,"5. " docs/261-270,.pdf,116,"Shop & Field Painting.. " docs/261-270,.pdf,117,"Instrumentation... " docs/261-270,.pdf,118,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,119,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,120,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,121,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,122,"Page 2 " docs/261-270,.pdf,123,"Page 2 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,124,"Page 263 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,125,".3 " docs/261-270,.pdf,126,"19 " docs/261-270,.pdf,127,"20 " docs/261-270,.pdf,128,"222 " docs/261-270,.pdf,156,"17. Maharashtra Seamless Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,105,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,157,"18. Man Industries (India) Ltd. - Pithampur " docs/261-270,.pdf,159,"20. Mukat Tanks & Vessels Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,187,"10. Ismt Ltd. Ahmedngr, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,188,"11. Ismt Ltd. Baramati, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,189,"12. Jindal Pipes Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,296,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,295,"Page 267 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,294,"Page 6 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,293,"3. Larsen & Toubro Limited (M/s Audco India Limited, Chennai) " docs/261-270,.pdf,292,"2. Aksons & Mechanical Enterprises, Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,291,"1. Advance Valves Pvt. Ltd., Noida " docs/261-270,.pdf,290,"b) Check Valves " docs/261-270,.pdf,186,"8. Ilva Lamiere E Tubi Srl (Enq To Ilva Spa, Italy 9. Inox Tech. Spa, Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,289,"22. Hawa Engineers Limited, Ahmedabad 23. JC Valvulas India Pvt Ltd (JCVIPL) " docs/261-270,.pdf,287,"20. Steel Strong Valves India Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,286,"19. Shalimar Valves Pvt Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,285,"18. Sakhi Engineers Pvt Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,284,"17. Petrochemical Engineering Enterprises, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,283,"16. Oswal Industries Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,282,"15. NSSL Ltd. (Neco Schubert & Salzerltd) " docs/261-270,.pdf,281,"14. Leader Valves Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,280,"13. Guru Industrial Valves Pvt Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,279,"12. Fouress Engg (I) Ltd (Aurangabad) " docs/261-270,.pdf,278,"11. Econo Valves Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,288,"21. Petro Valves Pvt. Limited, Ahmedabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,185,"7. Hyundai Rb Co. Ltd. South Korea " docs/261-270,.pdf,184,"6. Eisenbau Kramer Gmbh, Germany " docs/261-270,.pdf,183,"5. Eew Korea Co. Ltd. (Korea), Korea " docs/261-270,.pdf,160,"21. Nezone Tubes Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,161,"22. North Eastern Tubes Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,162,"23. Pratibha Industries Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,163,"24. Pratibha Pipes & Structural Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,164,"25. Psl Ltd (Chennai) " docs/261-270,.pdf,165,"26. Psl Ltd (V1, V2 & Nc) " docs/261-270,.pdf,166,"27. Rama Steel Tubes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,167,"28. Ratnamani Metals And Tubes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,168,"29. Ravindra Tubes Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,169,"30. Samshi Pipe Industries Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,170,"31. Surya Roshni Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,171,"32. Swastik Pipes Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,172,"Page 3 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,173,"Page 264 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,174,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,175,"33. Utkarsh Tubes & Pipes Ltd. (Formly Bmw) " docs/261-270,.pdf,176,"34. Welspun Corp. Limited (Dahej) " docs/261-270,.pdf,177,"35. Zenith Birla (India) Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,178,"ii) Pipe & Tubulars To A.P.I. Standards " docs/261-270,.pdf,179,"1. Arcelormittal Tubular Products Roman Sa, Romania " docs/261-270,.pdf,180,"2. Bhel (Trichy), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,181,"3. Dalmine Spa (Enquiry To Tenaris), UAE " docs/261-270,.pdf,182,"4. Eewkorea Co. Ltd (Germany), Korea " docs/261-270,.pdf,158,"19. Man Industries (India) Ltd. Anjar " docs/261-270,.pdf,277,"10. BHEL (Trichy), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,104,"Page 262 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,102,"29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,53,"Yes " docs/261-270,.pdf,54,"a) Snubber " docs/261-270,.pdf,55,"c) Gauge Saver " docs/261-270,.pdf,56,"e) Vaccum Protection " docs/261-270,.pdf,57,"Yes " docs/261-270,.pdf,58,"* " docs/261-270,.pdf,59,"SL. NO. " docs/261-270,.pdf,60,"TAG NO. RANGE " docs/261-270,.pdf,61,"* " docs/261-270,.pdf,62,"NOTES: " docs/261-270,.pdf,52,"g) Two valve manifold 19 Quantity :- " docs/261-270,.pdf,63,"PRESSURE kg/cm2 " docs/261-270,.pdf,65,"OP. MAX. DES. MIN MAX DES. " docs/261-270,.pdf,66,"* " docs/261-270,.pdf,67,"0-40 " docs/261-270,.pdf,68,"49 " docs/261-270,.pdf,69,"65 " docs/261-270,.pdf,70,"Natural Gas " docs/261-270,.pdf,71,"SERVICE " docs/261-270,.pdf,72,"|e,f,g " docs/261-270,.pdf,73,"OPTIONS " docs/261-270,.pdf,74,"'*' Venodr to furnish " docs/261-270,.pdf,64,"TEMPERATURE °C " docs/261-270,.pdf,51,"f) Solid front " docs/261-270,.pdf,50,"d) Liquid Filled casing " docs/261-270,.pdf,49,"b) Syphon " docs/261-270,.pdf,191,"14. Jindal Saw Ltd. (Nashik Works), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,27,"WP to IP 65 as per IEC 60529 / IS 2147 Armour - Flexible Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,28,"Capillary Length:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,29,"Bourdon " docs/261-270,.pdf,30,"9 Element Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,31,"SS316 " docs/261-270,.pdf,32,"Flushing/Filling connection with:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,33,"10 Socket Material " docs/261-270,.pdf,34,"SS316 " docs/261-270,.pdf,35,"16 Over Range Protection:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,36,"130% of FSD " docs/261-270,.pdf,37,"11 Accuracy:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,38,"+/-1% of FSD " docs/261-270,.pdf,39,"17 Blow Out Protection:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,40,"12 Zero adjustment:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,41,"Micropointer " docs/261-270,.pdf,42,"13 Connection:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,43,"1/2"" NPT(M) " docs/261-270,.pdf,44,"Connection Location:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,45,"Bottom " docs/261-270,.pdf,46,"14 Movement:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,47,"SS316 " docs/261-270,.pdf,48,"18 Options :- " docs/261-270,.pdf,75,"1 Since the natural gas is saturated with water and has corrosive constituents CO2-2.08%, the wetted parts of the instruments shall be suitable for that accordingly. " docs/261-270,.pdf,103,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,76,"2 Vendor shall furnish Make and Model No. with product catalogues along with the offer. " docs/261-270,.pdf,78,"4 Make of the PG shall be Waree / A N Instruments / General Instruments. " docs/261-270,.pdf,12,"6 Window Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,11,"5 Bezel Ring:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,10,"4 Case Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,9,"Colour:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,8,"3 Dial Size:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,7,"2 Mounting:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,6,"15 Diaphargm Seal:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,5,"Direct " docs/261-270,.pdf,4,"1 Type:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,3,"UNITS: Flow<-> Liquid- m*3/hr Gas- Sm*3/hr Steam- kg/hr Pressure-> kg/cm*2 G " docs/261-270,.pdf,13,"7 Enclosure:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,2,"Temperature<-> OC Level/Length<-> mm " docs/261-270,.pdf,92,"Page 261 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,93,"THOUT " docs/261-270,.pdf,94,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR " docs/261-270,.pdf,95,"BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,96,"TOTAL SHEETS " docs/261-270,.pdf,97,"DOCUMENT NO " docs/261-270,.pdf,98,"VCS " docs/261-270,.pdf,99,"VL " docs/261-270,.pdf,100,"001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,101,"29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,1,"DATA SHEET-PRESSURE GAUGE " docs/261-270,.pdf,14,"8 Pressure Element:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,15,"Local " docs/261-270,.pdf,16,"150 mm " docs/261-270,.pdf,79,"DEVIATION " docs/261-270,.pdf,80,"NO DEVIATION " docs/261-270,.pdf,81,"VENDOR'S SIGNATURE WITH SEAL " docs/261-270,.pdf,82,"DATE 18.06.2018 " docs/261-270,.pdf,83,"REV " docs/261-270,.pdf,84,"BY " docs/261-270,.pdf,85,"0 " docs/261-270,.pdf,86,"PK " docs/261-270,.pdf,87,"CHK MD " docs/261-270,.pdf,88,"APP AD " docs/261-270,.pdf,89,"REMARKS " docs/261-270,.pdf,90,"DATA SHEET FOR PRESSURE " docs/261-270,.pdf,91,"GUAGE " docs/261-270,.pdf,26,"Capillary Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,25,"Facing & Finish:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,24,"Process Connection: Size & Rating " docs/261-270,.pdf,23,"Others Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,22,"Wetted Parts Material:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,21,"Type:- " docs/261-270,.pdf,20,"Shatterproof glass " docs/261-270,.pdf,19,"Beyonet type SS316/Screwed " docs/261-270,.pdf,18,"SS316 " docs/261-270,.pdf,17,"White with black inscriptions " docs/261-270,.pdf,77,"3 Above data-sheet is typical for all Pressure Gauges used in the respective P&ID.Vendor shall submit the individual data sheet of each pressure gauge . " docs/261-270,.pdf,276,"AV Valves Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,136,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,274,"9. " docs/261-270,.pdf,348,"7. Cameron (Malaysia) SDN BHD, Malaysia " docs/261-270,.pdf,349,"8. Dafram S.P.A., Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,350,"9. Fangyuan Valve Group Co. Ltd., China " docs/261-270,.pdf,351,"10. Franz Schuck GmbH, Germany " docs/261-270,.pdf,352,"11. O.M.S. Saleri (Italy) " docs/261-270,.pdf,353,"12. Pibi Viesse S.P.A (Italy) " docs/261-270,.pdf,354,"13. Nuovo Pignone (Italy) " docs/261-270,.pdf,355,"14. Perar S.P.A (Italy) " docs/261-270,.pdf,356,"15. Pietro Fiorentini (Italy) " docs/261-270,.pdf,357,"16. Cooper Cameron Valv Italy SRL-FRM, Itly " docs/261-270,.pdf,347,"Boteli Valve Group Co. Ltd., China " docs/261-270,.pdf,358,"17. Petrol Valves SRL " docs/261-270,.pdf,360,"19. Petro Valves Pvt. Limited, Ahmedabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,361,"20. Hawa Engineers Limited, Ahmedabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,362,"21. JC VALVULAS INDIA PVT LTD " docs/261-270,.pdf,363,"vi) Flow Tee " docs/261-270,.pdf,364,"1. Coprosider SPA, Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,365,"2. GEA Energy System India Limited, Chennai " docs/261-270,.pdf,366,"3. Multitex Filteration " docs/261-270,.pdf,367,"4. Pipeline Engineering, UK " docs/261-270,.pdf,368,"5. Scomark Engg. Limited (U.K.) " docs/261-270,.pdf,369,"6. Skeltonhall Limited, Engaland (U.K.) " docs/261-270,.pdf,359,"18. Tormene Gas Technology S.P.A (VALVITALIA) " docs/261-270,.pdf,346,"6. " docs/261-270,.pdf,345,"5. Virgo Engineers Ltd., Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,344,"4. Oswal Industries Ltd., Gandhi nagar " docs/261-270,.pdf,321,"2. Fisher Sanmar Ltd., Chennai " docs/261-270,.pdf,322,"3. Larsen & Toubro Ltd., New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,323,"4. Nordstrom Valves, USA " docs/261-270,.pdf,324,"5. Serck Audco Valves, UK " docs/261-270,.pdf,325,"6. Sumitomo Corporation India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,326,"7. Z Corporation, Korea " docs/261-270,.pdf,327,"8. Hawa Valves (India) Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,328,"9. Steel Strong Valves India Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,329,"10. Econo Valves " docs/261-270,.pdf,330,"11. Flow-Serve PTE (Mfr. SERCK), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,331,"d) Ball Valves " docs/261-270,.pdf,332,"1. Hawa Valves (India) Pvt. Ltd, Navi Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,333,"Page 7 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,334,"Page 268 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,335,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,336,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,337,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,338,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,339,"Page 7 " docs/261-270,.pdf,340,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,341,"2. " docs/261-270,.pdf,342,"Larsen & Toubro, Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,343,"3. Microfinish Valves Pvt. Ltd., Noida " docs/261-270,.pdf,370,"7. Technospecial SPA, Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,320,"1. Breda Energia Sesto Industria Spa, Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,371,"8. Tectubi SPA, Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,373,"10. Pipefit Engineers Pvt. Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,401,"16. MS Fittings " docs/261-270,.pdf,402,"17. R.N. Gupta & Co. Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,403,"18. R.P. Engineering Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,404,"19. Sanghvi Forgings & Engineering Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,405,"20. Shri Ganesh Forgings Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,406,"21. Uma Shankar Khandelwal & Co., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,407,"22. Sawan Engineers, Baroda " docs/261-270,.pdf,408,"23. Stewarts & Lloyds of India Ltd., Kolkata " docs/261-270,.pdf,409,"24. Engineering Services Enterprises " docs/261-270,.pdf,410,"25. Pipefit Engineers Pvt. Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,400,"15. Kunj Forgings Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,411,"26. Vivial Forge Pvt. Ltd. " docs/261-270,.pdf,413,"28. United Forge Private Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,414,"29. Lal Metal " docs/261-270,.pdf,415,"30. Jai Auto Pvt.Ltd, Ghaziabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,416,"Page 9 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,417,"Page 270 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,418,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,419,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,420,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,421,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,422,"Page 9 " docs/261-270,.pdf,412,"27. Anandmayee Forgings Pvt. Ltd, Sahibabad (UP to 10""-300#) " docs/261-270,.pdf,399,"14. JAV Forgings (P) Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,398,"13. Chaudhry Hammer Works Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,397,"12. S&G, Faridabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,374,"vii) Split Tee " docs/261-270,.pdf,375,"1) Ipsco, Canda " docs/261-270,.pdf,376,"2) TD Willamsons, USA " docs/261-270,.pdf,377,"Page 8 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,378,"Page 269 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,379,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,380,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,381,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,382,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,383,"Page 8 " docs/261-270,.pdf,384,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,385,"viii) Flanges " docs/261-270,.pdf,386,"1. Aditya Forge Ltd., Vadodara " docs/261-270,.pdf,387,"2. Amforge Industries Ltd., Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,388,"3. CD Engineering Co., Ghaziabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,389,"4. Echjay Forgings Pvt. Ltd. (Bombay), Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,390,"5. Echjay Industries Ltd., Rajkot " docs/261-270,.pdf,391,"6. Forge & Forge Pvt. Ltd., Rajkot " docs/261-270,.pdf,275,"Panchavati Valves (Mumbai) " docs/261-270,.pdf,393,"8. JK Forgings, New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,394,"9. Metal Forgings Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,395,"10. Perfect Marketings Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,396,"11. Sky Forge, Faridabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,372,"9. RMA Germany " docs/261-270,.pdf,319,"c) Plug Valves " docs/261-270,.pdf,392,"7. Golden Iron & Steel Works, New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,317,"21. Steel Strong Valves India Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,246,"9. Man Industries (India) Ltd. Anjar, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,245,"8. Man Industeries (I) Ltd. (Pithampur), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,244,"7. Lalit Pipes and Pipes Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,243,"6. Jindal Saw Ltd (Kosi Works), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,242,"5. Inox Tech. Spa, Italy " docs/261-270,.pdf,241,"4. Hyundai Rb Co. Ltd., South Korea " docs/261-270,.pdf,240,"3. Eisenbau Kramer Gmbh, Germany " docs/261-270,.pdf,239,"1. Eew Korea Co. Ltd. (Germany), Korea 2. Eew Korea Co. Ltd. (Korea), Korea " docs/261-270,.pdf,238,"iv) Pipe Carbon Steel (Welded) To ASTM Stds " docs/261-270,.pdf,237,"20. Yangzhou Chengde Steel Pipe Co. Ltd Dubai (UAE) " docs/261-270,.pdf,247,"10. Mukat Tanks & Vessels Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,236,"19. Vallourec Andmannesmann Tubes France " docs/261-270,.pdf,234,"17. Tubos Reunidos Sa Spain " docs/261-270,.pdf,233,"16. Sumitomo Metal Ind. Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,232,"14. Ratnadeep Metal Tubes Ltd., India 15. Staineest Tubes Pvt Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,231,"13. Products Tubulares S.A.U, Spain " docs/261-270,.pdf,230,"12. Maharashtra Seamless Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,229,"11. Mahalaxmi Seamless Limited, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,228,"10. Klt Automotive And Tubular Products Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,227,"9. Jindal Sdaw Ltd (Nashik Works) India " docs/261-270,.pdf,226,"8. Jfe Steel Corporation, UAE " docs/261-270,.pdf,225,"7. Ismt Ltd. Baramati India " docs/261-270,.pdf,235,"18. Valcovny Trub Chomutov, Czech Republic " docs/261-270,.pdf,248,"Page 5 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,249,"Page 266 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,250,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,273,"8. " docs/261-270,.pdf,318,"22. Hawa Engineers Limited, Ahmedabad " docs/261-270,.pdf,272,"Ornate Valves (Mumbai) " docs/261-270,.pdf,271,"7. " docs/261-270,.pdf,270,"Niton Valve (Mumbai) " docs/261-270,.pdf,269,"6. " docs/261-270,.pdf,268,"Neco Schuber & Salzer Ltd. (New Delhi) " docs/261-270,.pdf,267,"5. " docs/261-270,.pdf,266,"L&T (New Delhi) " docs/261-270,.pdf,265,"4. " docs/261-270,.pdf,264,"3. KSB Pumps (New Delhi) " docs/261-270,.pdf,263,"BDK (New Delhi) " docs/261-270,.pdf,262,"2. " docs/261-270,.pdf,261,"1. Datre Corpn (Calcutta) " docs/261-270,.pdf,260,"a) Globe Valves " docs/261-270,.pdf,259,"v) Valve " docs/261-270,.pdf,257,"12. Sumitomo Metal India Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,256,"11. Ratnamani Metals And Tubes Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,255,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,254,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,253,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,252,"Page 5 " docs/261-270,.pdf,251,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,224,"6. Ismt Ltd. Ahmedngr, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,223,"5. Heavy Metals & Tubes Limited (Mehsana), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,258,"13. Tata Steel Uk Limited " docs/261-270,.pdf,221,"3. Changshu Seamless Steel Tube Co. Ltd., China " docs/261-270,.pdf,194,"17. Man Industries (I) Ltd. (Pithampur), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,193,"16. Maharashtra Seamless Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,192,"15. Lalit Pipes And Pipes Ltd. India " docs/261-270,.pdf,297,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,298,"Page 6 " docs/261-270,.pdf,299,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,300,"4. AV valves Ltd., Agra " docs/261-270,.pdf,301,"5. BDK engineering India Ltd., Hubli " docs/261-270,.pdf,302,"6. BHEL, OFE&OE Group, New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,303,"7. Datre Coroportion Limited, Calcutta " docs/261-270,.pdf,304,"8. Leader Valves Ltd., Jalandhar " docs/261-270,.pdf,305,"9. Neco schubert &Salzer Ltd., New Delhi " docs/261-270,.pdf,306,"10. Niton Valves Industries (P) Ltd., Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,307,"11. Precision Engg.Co., Mumbai " docs/261-270,.pdf,309,"13. Fouress Engg (I) Ltd (Aurangabad) " docs/261-270,.pdf,310,"14. KSB Pumps Ltd (Coimbattore), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,311,"15. NSSL Ltd. (Neco Schubert & SalzerLtd) " docs/261-270,.pdf,312,"16. Oswal Industries Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,313,"17. Panchvati Valves & Flanges Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,314,"18. Petrochemical Engineering Enterprises, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,222,"4. Dalmine Spa (Enquiry To Tenaris), UAE " docs/261-270,.pdf,315,"19. Sakhi Engineers Pvt Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,316,"20. Shalimar Valves Pvt Ltd " docs/261-270,.pdf,195,"18. Mukat Tanks & Vessels Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,196,"19. Pratibha Industries Limited, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,308,"12. Econo Valves Pvt Ltd, India " docs/261-270,.pdf,198,"21. Siderca S.A.I.C (Enquiry Totenaris), UAE " docs/261-270,.pdf,218,"iii) Pipe/Tube CS (Seamless) To ASTM Stds " docs/261-270,.pdf,219,"1. Arcelormittal Tubular Products Roman Sa, Romania " docs/261-270,.pdf,197,"20. Ratnamani Metals And Tubes Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,220,"2. Bhel (Trichy), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,217,"31. Welspun Corp Limited (Dahej), India " docs/261-270,.pdf,216,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,215,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,213,"Page 4 " docs/261-270,.pdf,212,"01 " docs/261-270,.pdf,211,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/261-270,.pdf,210,"Rev " docs/261-270,.pdf,209,"Document No. " docs/261-270,.pdf,214,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/261-270,.pdf,207,"Page 4 of 29 " docs/261-270,.pdf,206,"29. Valcovny Trub Chomutov, Czech Republic 30. Vallourec And Mannesmann Tubes, France " docs/261-270,.pdf,205,"28. Umran Steel Pipe Inc (Turkey), Turkey " docs/261-270,.pdf,199,"22. Sumitomo Metal Ind. Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,204,"27. Tubos Reunidos Sa Spain " docs/261-270,.pdf,203,"26. Tubos De Acero De Mexico Sa (Enq. Tenaris), UAE " docs/261-270,.pdf,202,"25. Tata Steel UK Limited (Formerly C702) " docs/261-270,.pdf,200,"23. Surya Roshni Ltd., India " docs/261-270,.pdf,208,"Page 265 of 380 " docs/261-270,.pdf,201,"24. Swastik Pipes Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,98,"2. Indian Poly Pipes, Calcutta " docs/271-280,.pdf,99,"3. Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Jalgaon " docs/271-280,.pdf,100,"4. Kirti Industries (India) Ltd., Indore " docs/271-280,.pdf,101,"5. " docs/271-280,.pdf,102,"Ori Plast Limited, Calcutta " docs/271-280,.pdf,103,"6. " docs/271-280,.pdf,111,"12. Himalayan Pipe Industries " docs/271-280,.pdf,105,"7. " docs/271-280,.pdf,106,"Sangir Plastics (P) Ltd., Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,107,"8. Veekay Plast, Jaipur " docs/271-280,.pdf,108,"9. Kisan Irrigation " docs/271-280,.pdf,97,"1. Climax Synthetics (P) Ltd., Vadodra " docs/271-280,.pdf,110,"11. Manikya Plastichem (P) Ltd " docs/271-280,.pdf,109,"10. Dutron Polymers Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,104,"Phoel Industries Limited, Delhi " docs/271-280,.pdf,96,"xv) HDPE PIPES " docs/271-280,.pdf,86,"Page 12 " docs/271-280,.pdf,94,"4. Bina Enterprises, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,78,"3. D&H " docs/271-280,.pdf,79,"Page 11 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,112,"13. Dura Line India Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,80,"Page 272 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,81,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,82,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,83,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,95,"5. Shree Vijay Wire & Cable Industries " docs/271-280,.pdf,84,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,87,"xvi) Cold Applied Tapes " docs/271-280,.pdf,88,"1. Denso GmbH " docs/271-280,.pdf,89,"2. Raychem " docs/271-280,.pdf,90,"xiv) Warning Mat " docs/271-280,.pdf,91,"1. Sparco Multiplast Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad " docs/271-280,.pdf,92,"2. Singhal Industries, Ahemdabad " docs/271-280,.pdf,93,"3. Puja Packing, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,85,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,113,"xvi) Heat Shrinkable Sleeve/Fibreglass Reinforce Sleeve " docs/271-280,.pdf,136,"7. Multitex Filtration Engineers India " docs/271-280,.pdf,115,"2. Canusa " docs/271-280,.pdf,135,"6. Burgess Manning, USA " docs/271-280,.pdf,137,"8. Triveni Plenty Engg. Ltd. (New Delhi) " docs/271-280,.pdf,138,"9. Siirtec International Contractor S.P.A (Italy) " docs/271-280,.pdf,139,"10. Flashpoint, Pune, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,140,"11. Filteration Engineers (I) Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,141,"12. Gujarat Otofilt, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,142,"13. Tormene Gas Technology " docs/271-280,.pdf,143,"14. Ultrafilter (India) Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,144,"15. Ravi Techno Systems Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,145,"16. Siirtec Nigi S.P.A " docs/271-280,.pdf,146,"17. Filtan Filter Anlagenbau Gmbh " docs/271-280,.pdf,147,"18. Fairley Arlon BV " docs/271-280,.pdf,148,"19. PECO Facet " docs/271-280,.pdf,77,"2. Böhler " docs/271-280,.pdf,149,"20. EPE Epenstenner GMBH " docs/271-280,.pdf,134,"5. ABB, Faridabad " docs/271-280,.pdf,114,"1. Seal for life " docs/271-280,.pdf,133,"4. Forain S.r.l., Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,131,"2. Perry Equipment, USA " docs/271-280,.pdf,116,"3. CYG Changtong New Material Co. Ltd., China " docs/271-280,.pdf,117,"xviii) Strainers " docs/271-280,.pdf,118,"1. Bombay Chemical Equipments " docs/271-280,.pdf,119,"2. Gujarat Auto filed " docs/271-280,.pdf,120,"Page 12 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,121,"Page 273 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,122,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,123,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,124,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,125,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,126,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,127,"3. Multitex Filtration Engineering Limited " docs/271-280,.pdf,128,"4. Grand Prix Engineering Limited " docs/271-280,.pdf,129,"xix) DRY GAS FILTER & FILTER SEPERATOR " docs/271-280,.pdf,130,"1. Grand Prix Fab (Pvt.) Ltd. (New Delhi) " docs/271-280,.pdf,132,"3. Faudi Filter, Germany " docs/271-280,.pdf,76,"1. Lincon, " docs/271-280,.pdf,24,"19. Vivial Forge Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,74,"5. TVC " docs/271-280,.pdf,19,"14. Leader Valves Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,20,"15. R.N. Gupta & Co. Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,21,"16. Exten Engg Pvt Ltd " docs/271-280,.pdf,22,"17. Sivananda Pipe & Fittings Ltd " docs/271-280,.pdf,23,"18. Jindal Forging " docs/271-280,.pdf,25,"20. United Forge Private Limited " docs/271-280,.pdf,26,"x) Gaskets " docs/271-280,.pdf,27,"1. IGP Engineers (P) Ltd., Madras " docs/271-280,.pdf,28,"2. Madras Industrial Products, Madras " docs/271-280,.pdf,30,"4. Banco Products (P) Ltd., Vadodara " docs/271-280,.pdf,31,"5. Goodrich Gaskets Pvt Ltd " docs/271-280,.pdf,32,"6. Starflex Sealing India Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,33,"7. Teekay Meta Flex Pvt Ltd " docs/271-280,.pdf,34,"8. UNIKLINGER Ltd " docs/271-280,.pdf,35,"9. HEM Engg. Corp. " docs/271-280,.pdf,18,"13. Eby Fasteners, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,36,"10. Unique Industrial Packing Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,17,"12. Sawan Engineers, Baroda " docs/271-280,.pdf,15,"10. Sky Forge, Faridabad " docs/271-280,.pdf,150,"21. Filtrex srl " docs/271-280,.pdf,1,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,2,"ix) Fittings " docs/271-280,.pdf,3,"1. " docs/271-280,.pdf,4,"Commercial Supplying Agency, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,5,"2. Dee Development Engineers Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,6,"3. Eby Industries, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,7,"4. Flash Forge Pvt. Ltd., Vishakhapatnam " docs/271-280,.pdf,8,"5. Gujarat Infra Pipes Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara " docs/271-280,.pdf,9,"6. " docs/271-280,.pdf,10,"7. " docs/271-280,.pdf,11,"M.S. Fittings Mfg. Co. Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata " docs/271-280,.pdf,12,"Stewarts & Lloyds of India Ltd., Kolkata " docs/271-280,.pdf,13,"8. Teekay Tubes Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,14,"9. Pipe Fit, Baroda " docs/271-280,.pdf,16,"11. S&G, Faridabad " docs/271-280,.pdf,75,"xiii) Welding Electrodes " docs/271-280,.pdf,37,"Page 10 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,39,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,59,"11. Hardwin Fasteners Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,60,"12. J.J. Industries, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,61,"13. Multi Fasteners Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,62,"14. Nexo Industries, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,63,"15. Pacific Forging & Fasteners Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,64,"16. Pioneer Nuts & Bolts Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,65,"17. Precision Auto Engineers, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,66,"18. President Engineering Works, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,67,"19. Sandeep Engineering Works, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,68,"20. Syndicate Engineering Industries, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,69,"xii) Stud Bolts with Nuts " docs/271-280,.pdf,70,"1. Multi Thread Fasteners, Baroda " docs/271-280,.pdf,71,"2. Darukhanwala " docs/271-280,.pdf,72,"3. Precision Engineers, Baroda " docs/271-280,.pdf,73,"4. Unbrako " docs/271-280,.pdf,58,"10. Fasteners & Allied Products Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,38,"Page 271 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,57,"9. Deepak Fasteners Limited, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,55,"7. Capital Industries, Bombay " docs/271-280,.pdf,40,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,41,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,42,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,43,"Page 10 " docs/271-280,.pdf,44,"xi) Fasteners " docs/271-280,.pdf,45,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,46,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,47,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,48,"Page 11 " docs/271-280,.pdf,49,"1. Nireka Engg. Co. (P) Ltd., Calcutta " docs/271-280,.pdf,50,"2. Precision Taps & Dies, Bombay " docs/271-280,.pdf,51,"3. AEP Company, Vithal Udyoug Nagar " docs/271-280,.pdf,52,"4. Fix Fit Fasteners, Calcutta " docs/271-280,.pdf,53,"5. Precision Engg. Industries, Baroda " docs/271-280,.pdf,54,"6. Echjay Forgings Pvt. Ltd., Bombay " docs/271-280,.pdf,56,"8. Boltmaster India Pvt Ltd, India " docs/271-280,.pdf,151,"22. Petromar Engineered Soln " docs/271-280,.pdf,29,"3. Dikson & Company, Bombay " docs/271-280,.pdf,153,"24. Eurofiltec " docs/271-280,.pdf,291,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,292,"Page 16 " docs/271-280,.pdf,293,"L- Junction Box: " docs/271-280,.pdf,294,"1. Exprotecta " docs/271-280,.pdf,295,"2. Flexpro " docs/271-280,.pdf,296,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,297,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,298,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,299,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,300,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,301,"Page 17 " docs/271-280,.pdf,302,"3. FELP Control Gears " docs/271-280,.pdf,303,"M- Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) Anodes:- " docs/271-280,.pdf,368,"Page 280 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,367,"Page 19 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,366,"Any materials not fully specified in these specifications and which may be offered for use in the works shall be subject to approval of Engineer, without which it shall not be used anywhere in the construction works. " docs/271-280,.pdf,365,"Goodlass, Nerolac Paint(Nerolac), Berger Paints " docs/271-280,.pdf,364,"ICI Paint (Deluxe), Asian Paint (Apcolite), Shalimar Paint (Superlac), " docs/271-280,.pdf,363,"SAIL/TATA/RINL / IISCO / ESSAR / ISPAT TATA/JINDAL / SURYA / SWASTIK " docs/271-280,.pdf,362,"Makes/Brands/Manufactures " docs/271-280,.pdf,361,"Paint Ist Quality only " docs/271-280,.pdf,360,"3 " docs/271-280,.pdf,359,"Synthetic Enamel " docs/271-280,.pdf,290,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,358,"Tubes ISI Marked " docs/271-280,.pdf,289,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,287,"Page 277 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,264,"1. Erico Europa " docs/271-280,.pdf,265,"E- Petroleum Coke Breeze: " docs/271-280,.pdf,266,"1. Goa Carbon, Goa " docs/271-280,.pdf,267,"2. India carbon, Durgapur (WB) " docs/271-280,.pdf,268,"F- Mg/Zn Anod: " docs/271-280,.pdf,269,"1. Scientific Metal Engineers Karaikudi " docs/271-280,.pdf,270,"2. Cortech International Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,271,"3. Titanor Component Ltd., Goa " docs/271-280,.pdf,272,"G- Pin brazing: " docs/271-280,.pdf,273,"1. BAC " docs/271-280,.pdf,274,"2. Safetrack " docs/271-280,.pdf,275,"H- Cable Lugs: " docs/271-280,.pdf,276,"1. Ismail, Ranchi " docs/271-280,.pdf,277,"2. Dowels, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,278,"|- Cable Glands: " docs/271-280,.pdf,279,"1. Flexpro Electrical Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 2. Flame proof Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 3. Baliga Lighting Equipment Ltd., Chennai " docs/271-280,.pdf,280,"J- BACKFIL: " docs/271-280,.pdf,281,"1. India Carbon " docs/271-280,.pdf,282,"2. Goa Carbon " docs/271-280,.pdf,283,"K- Polarization cell: " docs/271-280,.pdf,284,"1. Mc Miller " docs/271-280,.pdf,285,"2. Krik Engineering " docs/271-280,.pdf,286,"Page 16 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,288,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,357,"2 " docs/271-280,.pdf,356,"Structural Steel " docs/271-280,.pdf,355,"Structural Steel " docs/271-280,.pdf,325,"For procuring bought out items from vendors other than those listed above, the same may be acceptable subject to the following: - " docs/271-280,.pdf,324,"1) " docs/271-280,.pdf,323,"NOTE: " docs/271-280,.pdf,322,"8. X-Tech, Vizag " docs/271-280,.pdf,321,"7. Sievert, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,320,"6. RTD, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,319,"5. Inter Ocean Shipping Co., New Delhi " docs/271-280,.pdf,318,"4. Perfect Metal Testing & Inspection Agency, Calcutta " docs/271-280,.pdf,317,"3. Corrosion Control Services, Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,316,"2. GEECY Industrial Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai " docs/271-280,.pdf,315,"1. NDT Services, Ahmedabad " docs/271-280,.pdf,314,"xxxii) NDT Agency " docs/271-280,.pdf,313,"8. Underground Pipeline & NDTS Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,312,"7. MITCORR Cathodic Protection Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,311,"6. Corrtech International Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,310,"5. Cathodic Control Company Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,309,"4. Cathodic Technology Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,308,"3. Universal Corrosion Prevention India " docs/271-280,.pdf,307,"2. Caltech Engineering Services " docs/271-280,.pdf,306,"1. Raychem-RPG Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,305,"xxxi) Temporary/Permanent Cathodic Protection Agency " docs/271-280,.pdf,304,"1. Titanor Components Ltd., Goa " docs/271-280,.pdf,152,"23. Plenty Filter " docs/271-280,.pdf,326,"a) The vendor/ supplier of bought out item(s) is a manufacturer/ supplier of said item(s) for intended services and the sizes being offered is in their regular manufacturing supply range. b) The vendor/supplier should not be in the Holiday list of CLIENT / VCS / other PSU. c) Should have supplied at least one single random length (i.e. 5.5 meters to 6.5 meters) for item assorted pipes / tubes and for other items, which are to be supplied in quantity on number-basis (other than assorted pipes / tubes) minimum 01 (One) number of same or higher in terms of size and rating as required for intended services. The bidder should enclose documentary evidences i.e. PO copies, Inspection Certificate etc. for the above, along with their bids. " docs/271-280,.pdf,327,"Page 17 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,328,"Page 278 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,330,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,354,"1 " docs/271-280,.pdf,353,"Products " docs/271-280,.pdf,352,"Items/Name of " docs/271-280,.pdf,351,"Sl. No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,350,"1. STRUCTURE " docs/271-280,.pdf,349,"Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in the Schedule of Items, Contractor has to use materials as listed below, of only these brand names/Company's names, which are mentioned in the RECOMMENDED list for structural items thereon. " docs/271-280,.pdf,348,"(STRUCTURE) " docs/271-280,.pdf,347,"LIST OF MATERIALS OF RECOMMENDED BRAND AND/OR MANUFACTURE " docs/271-280,.pdf,346,"Page 19 " docs/271-280,.pdf,345,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,344,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,263,"D- Thermit Weld Material " docs/271-280,.pdf,343,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,341,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,340,"Page 279 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,339,"Page 18 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,338,"The details of vendors indicated in this list are based on the information available with VCS, Contractor shall verify capabilities of each vendor for producing the required quantity with. PMC does not guarantee any responsibility on the performance of the vendor. It is the contractor's responsibility to verify the correct status of vendor and quality control of each parties and also to expedite the material in time. " docs/271-280,.pdf,337,"For any other item(s) for which the vendor list is not provided, bidders can supply those item(s) from vendors/ suppliers who have earlier supplied same item(s) for the intended services in earlier projects and the item(s) offered is in their regular manufacturing/ supply range. The bidder is not required to enclose documentary evidences (PO copies, Inspection Certificate etc.) along with their offer, however in case of successful bidder, these documents shall be required to be submitted by them within 30 days from date of Placement of Order for approval to CLIENT/VCS. " docs/271-280,.pdf,336,"3) " docs/271-280,.pdf,335,"2) " docs/271-280,.pdf,334,"Page 18 " docs/271-280,.pdf,333,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,332,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,331,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,342,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,262,"3. Krick " docs/271-280,.pdf,329,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,260,"1. Mc Miller, USA " docs/271-280,.pdf,182,"xxii) Brass Valves " docs/271-280,.pdf,183,"1. Universal srl, Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,184,"2. Tiemme Raccorderie Sede, Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,185,"4. Enolgas Bonimu s.a.s., Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,186,"5. Fratelli Fortis s.r.l, Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,187,"6. Giacomo Climbrio, Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,188,"7. Parker Hannifin S.P.A., USA " docs/271-280,.pdf,189,"8. Singapore Valve & Amp; Fittings Pte Limited, Singapore /Bengaluru " docs/271-280,.pdf,190,"9. Rubinetterie Utensilerie Bonomi (RUB), Italy " docs/271-280,.pdf,191,"10. Zhegiang Valogin Technology Co. Ltd., China, " docs/271-280,.pdf,192,"11. Ningbo Zhiqing Industrial Co. Ltd., China, " docs/271-280,.pdf,193,"12. Zhejiang Dunan Valve Co. Ltd., " docs/271-280,.pdf,194,"13. Ningbo Huaping, China. " docs/271-280,.pdf,195,"xxiii) GI Pipe: " docs/271-280,.pdf,196,"1. Swastik Pipe Ltd. (Authorised Distributor M/s Hareesh Steel & Pipe) " docs/271-280,.pdf,197,"2. Jindal Industries Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,198,"3. Vishal Pipes Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,199,"4. Indus Tubes Ltd. (Authorised Distributor M/s Hareesh Steel & Pipe) " docs/271-280,.pdf,200,"5. Advance Steel Tubes Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,201,"6. Good Luck Tubes Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,202,"7. Surya Roshni Limited " docs/271-280,.pdf,203,"8. APL Apollo Tubes Limited " docs/271-280,.pdf,204,"9. Jindal Pipes Limited " docs/271-280,.pdf,181,"8. Plasson. " docs/271-280,.pdf,180,"7. Friatech, " docs/271-280,.pdf,179,"6. Agru, " docs/271-280,.pdf,178,"5. Banides, " docs/271-280,.pdf,155,"XX) FILTER ELEMENT " docs/271-280,.pdf,261,"2. Borin, USA " docs/271-280,.pdf,154,"25. PTI Technologies Inc " docs/271-280,.pdf,156,"1. Peco - Facet " docs/271-280,.pdf,157,"2. " docs/271-280,.pdf,158,"Velcon " docs/271-280,.pdf,159,"3. Pall Filterite " docs/271-280,.pdf,160,"- " docs/271-280,.pdf,161,"4. Burgress Manning " docs/271-280,.pdf,162,"Page 13 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,163,"Page 274 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,205,"Page 14 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,164,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,166,"Page 13 " docs/271-280,.pdf,167,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,169,"1. AliAxis, " docs/271-280,.pdf,170,"2. Geroge Fischer, " docs/271-280,.pdf,171,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,172,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,173,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,174,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,175,"Page 14 " docs/271-280,.pdf,176,"3. Al-Aziz, " docs/271-280,.pdf,177,"4. Kimplas, " docs/271-280,.pdf,165,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,206,"Page 275 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,168,"xxi) MDPE Fittings & MDPE Valves " docs/271-280,.pdf,208,"xxiv) Casting Gl Fittings " docs/271-280,.pdf,236,"1. Super Seal Flexible Hose Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,237,"2. Suraksha Products Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,238,"3. Vansh Industries " docs/271-280,.pdf,239,"4. T & L Gases " docs/271-280,.pdf,240,"xxix) Corrugated Flexible Metal Hoses (Anaconda) " docs/271-280,.pdf,241,"1. KPC Flex Tubes " docs/271-280,.pdf,242,"2. Vestas Hose Division " docs/271-280,.pdf,243,"3. Alpha Flexi Tubes " docs/271-280,.pdf,244,"4. Chandan Enterprises " docs/271-280,.pdf,245,"Page 15 of 29 " docs/271-280,.pdf,246,"Page 276 of 380 " docs/271-280,.pdf,235,"xxviii) Steel Re-inforced Rubber Hose (Type-4) " docs/271-280,.pdf,247,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR " docs/271-280,.pdf,249,"xxx) List of Manufacturer/Vendor of CP Equipment/Material " docs/271-280,.pdf,250,"A- Cable: " docs/271-280,.pdf,252,"2. Raychem-RPG Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,253,"3. Cable corporation of India Ltd., New Delhi " docs/271-280,.pdf,254,"B- Spark Gap Arrestor / Surge Diverter: " docs/271-280,.pdf,255,"1. DHEN, Germany " docs/271-280,.pdf,256,"2. " docs/271-280,.pdf,207,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,259,"C- Cu/CuSO4 Reference Cells " docs/271-280,.pdf,257,"Mc Miller " docs/271-280,.pdf,258,"3. Dairy land electrical industries " docs/271-280,.pdf,248,"BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/271-280,.pdf,234,"5. Umesh Enterprises " docs/271-280,.pdf,251,"1. Netco cable industries pvt. Ltd, " docs/271-280,.pdf,233,"4. Saumya Electricals Industries " docs/271-280,.pdf,212,"4. Jinan Meide Casting Co. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,210,"2. Jupiter Metal Industries Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,209,"1. Sarin Industries Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,213,"5. Green Malleable Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,214,"Document No. " docs/271-280,.pdf,216,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/271-280,.pdf,217,"01 " docs/271-280,.pdf,218,"Page 15 " docs/271-280,.pdf,219,"xxv) Forged GI Fittings (for High Rise Segment) " docs/271-280,.pdf,220,"1. Jainsons Industries Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,221,"2. B.M. Meters Pvt. Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,215,"Rev " docs/271-280,.pdf,223,"1. Jay Banas " docs/271-280,.pdf,232,"3. Chokhawala Distributors- Brass Adaptor " docs/271-280,.pdf,231,"2. Paras Industries Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,230,"1. Chandan Enterprises " docs/271-280,.pdf,222,"xxvi) Copper Tubes " docs/271-280,.pdf,229,"xxvii) Brass Fittings " docs/271-280,.pdf,228,"Steel & pipes) " docs/271-280,.pdf,211,"3. Jainsons Industries Ltd. " docs/271-280,.pdf,227,"5. Mercure Metal & Alloys Pvt. Ltd. (Authorised Distributors: M/s 5hills alloys Pvt. Ltd & Hreesh " docs/271-280,.pdf,226,"4. Paras Industries " docs/271-280,.pdf,224,"2. Mehta Tubes Limited- Trade Mark ""MEXFLOW"" " docs/271-280,.pdf,225,"3. Rajco Metal (Tubes & Fittings) " docs/281-290,.pdf,106,"Push Buttons " docs/281-290,.pdf,121,"1. Connectwell " docs/281-290,.pdf,107,"1. BCH " docs/281-290,.pdf,108,"2. Alstom Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,109,"3. L&T " docs/281-290,.pdf,110,"4. Siemens Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,111,"5. Telemenchanique & Controls (India) Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,112,"6. Vaishno Electricals " docs/281-290,.pdf,113,"Switches-Control " docs/281-290,.pdf,114,"1. BCH " docs/281-290,.pdf,120,"Terminals Blocks " docs/281-290,.pdf,116,"3. Alstom " docs/281-290,.pdf,117,"4. Kaycee Industries Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,118,"5. L&T " docs/281-290,.pdf,119,"6. Siemens Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,105,"6. Control and Switchgear " docs/281-290,.pdf,115,"2. Easum Reyrolle Relays & Devices Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,96,"7. Schneider " docs/281-290,.pdf,103,"4. Schneider " docs/281-290,.pdf,87,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,122,"2. Controls & Switchgear Co. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,88,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,89,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,90,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,91,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,92,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,93,"Page 22 " docs/281-290,.pdf,94,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,95,"6. MDS Switchgear Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,86,"Page 282 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,97,"8. Siemens Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,98,"9. HPL " docs/281-290,.pdf,99,"Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCBs) " docs/281-290,.pdf,100,"1. ABB " docs/281-290,.pdf,101,"2. Andrew yule " docs/281-290,.pdf,102,"3. Larsen & Toubro " docs/281-290,.pdf,104,"5. Siemens " docs/281-290,.pdf,123,"3. Elmex Controls Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,148,"11. Nagano Keiki Seisakusho Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,125,"NOTE :- Item/Vendor, which are not listed above, shall be subject to prior approval from Client/Consultant. " docs/281-290,.pdf,149,"12. Hirlekar Precision, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,150,"13. Waaree Instruments Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,151,"14. Walchandnagar Industries Ltd (Tiwac Divn) " docs/281-290,.pdf,152,"15. Wika Alexander Wiegand & Co GmbH " docs/281-290,.pdf,153,"16. Wika Instruments India Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,154,"17. Ashcroft India Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,155,"2. TEMPERATURE GAUGES " docs/281-290,.pdf,156,"1. AN Instruments Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,157,"2. Badotherm Process Instruments B.V. " docs/281-290,.pdf,158,"3. Bourdon Haenni S.A. " docs/281-290,.pdf,159,"4. Dresser Inc. " docs/281-290,.pdf,160,"5. General Instruments Consortium " docs/281-290,.pdf,161,"6. H. Guru Instruments (South India) Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,162,"7. Nagano Keiki Seisakusho Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,163,"8. Solartron ISA " docs/281-290,.pdf,85,"Page 21 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,164,"9. Walchandnagar Industries Ltd (Tiwac Divn) " docs/281-290,.pdf,147,"10. Manometer (India) Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,124,"4. Essen Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,146,"9. H. Guru Instruments (South India) Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,144,"7. Forbes Marshall (Hyd) Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,126,"Page 22 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,127,"Page 283 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,128,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR " docs/281-290,.pdf,129,"BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,130,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,131,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,132,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,133,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,134,"Page 23 " docs/281-290,.pdf,135,"INSTRUMENTATION " docs/281-290,.pdf,136,"LIST OF MATERIALS OF RECOMMENDED BRAND AND/ OR MANUFACTURE " docs/281-290,.pdf,137,"1. PRESSURE GAUGES " docs/281-290,.pdf,138,"1. AN Instruments Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,139,"2. Badotherm Process Instruments B.V. " docs/281-290,.pdf,140,"3. Baumer Bourdon Haenni S.A.S " docs/281-290,.pdf,142,"5. Budenberg Gauge Co Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,143,"6. Dresser Inc " docs/281-290,.pdf,145,"8. General Instrument Consortium " docs/281-290,.pdf,84,"5. Legrand " docs/281-290,.pdf,31,"20. NICCO " docs/281-290,.pdf,82,"3. Havell's India Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,21,"10. Rallison. " docs/281-290,.pdf,22,"11. Suyog " docs/281-290,.pdf,23,"12. Netco " docs/281-290,.pdf,24,"13. Uniflex " docs/281-290,.pdf,25,"14. Paramount " docs/281-290,.pdf,26,"15. Gloster " docs/281-290,.pdf,27,"16. Associated cables Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,28,"17. CMI " docs/281-290,.pdf,29,"18. Gemscab " docs/281-290,.pdf,30,"19. Industrial cables " docs/281-290,.pdf,32,"21. Polycab " docs/281-290,.pdf,33,"22. Torrent " docs/281-290,.pdf,34,"Cable Gland " docs/281-290,.pdf,35,"- " docs/281-290,.pdf,36,"1. Baliga " docs/281-290,.pdf,37,"2. Comet " docs/281-290,.pdf,38,"3. Flexpro " docs/281-290,.pdf,20,"9. Ravin " docs/281-290,.pdf,39,"4. Flameproof " docs/281-290,.pdf,19,"8. Ecko " docs/281-290,.pdf,17,"6. Elkay Telelinks " docs/281-290,.pdf,165,"10. Wika Alexander Wiegand & Co GmbH " docs/281-290,.pdf,1,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR " docs/281-290,.pdf,2,"BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,3,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,4,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,5,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,6,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,7,"Page 20 " docs/281-290,.pdf,8,"ELECTRICAL " docs/281-290,.pdf,9,"LIST OF MATERIALS OF RECOMMENDED BRAND AND/ OR MANUFACTURE " docs/281-290,.pdf,10,"Cable LT Power and Control " docs/281-290,.pdf,11,"- " docs/281-290,.pdf,12,"1. Cords Cable Industries Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,13,"2. Universal Cable Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,14,"3. KEI Industries Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,15,"4. Havells. " docs/281-290,.pdf,16,"5. Delton " docs/281-290,.pdf,18,"7. Evershine Electricals " docs/281-290,.pdf,40,"5. FCG " docs/281-290,.pdf,41,"6. Electro Werke " docs/281-290,.pdf,42,"7. Dowels " docs/281-290,.pdf,65,"3. Jef Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,66,"Flame proof LDB's/ JB,s/Control Station/ switches " docs/281-290,.pdf,67,"1. FCG " docs/281-290,.pdf,68,"2. Sudhir " docs/281-290,.pdf,69,"3. Prompt Engineering Works " docs/281-290,.pdf,70,"4. Flame Proof equipments pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,71,"5. Baliga Lighting Equipments Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,72,"6. Flexpro Electricals Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,73,"Indicating Lamps " docs/281-290,.pdf,74,"1. Alstom Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,75,"2. BCH " docs/281-290,.pdf,76,"3. L&T Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,77,"4. Siemens Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,78,"5. Vaishno Electricals " docs/281-290,.pdf,79,"Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) and Lighting DB " docs/281-290,.pdf,80,"1. ABB " docs/281-290,.pdf,81,"2. Hagger " docs/281-290,.pdf,64,"2. Indiana Grating Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,63,"1. Rukmani Electrical & Components Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,62,"Earthing Materials " docs/281-290,.pdf,61,"3. M-Seal " docs/281-290,.pdf,43,"Page 20 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,44,"Page 281 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,45,"8. CCI " docs/281-290,.pdf,46,"Cable Lugs " docs/281-290,.pdf,47,"- " docs/281-290,.pdf,48,"1. Dowels " docs/281-290,.pdf,49,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,50,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,83,"4. Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,51,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,53,"2. Jainson " docs/281-290,.pdf,54,"3. Ismal " docs/281-290,.pdf,55,"Cable - Tray " docs/281-290,.pdf,56,"1. Ercon Composites " docs/281-290,.pdf,57,"2. Yamuna Power & Infrastructure Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,58,"Cable Termination and Jointing Kit " docs/281-290,.pdf,59,"1. CCI " docs/281-290,.pdf,60,"2. Raychem " docs/281-290,.pdf,52,"Page 21 " docs/281-290,.pdf,166,"11. Wika Instruments India Pvt Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,141,"4. British Rototherm Co Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,168,"Page 23 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,316,"7. CMI Limited " docs/281-290,.pdf,317,"8. Cords Cable Industries Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,318,"9. Elkay Telelinks (P) Ltd., India " docs/281-290,.pdf,319,"10. Udey Pyrocables Pvt Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,320,"11. Goyolene Fibres (I) Pvt Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,321,"12. Netco Cable Industries Pvt Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,322,"13. Nicco Corporation Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,323,"14. Paramount Communications Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,324,"15. Polycab Wires Pvt Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,325,"16. Radiant Cables Pvt Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,326,"17. Reliance Engineers Ltd., India " docs/281-290,.pdf,327,"18. Suyog Electricals Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,328,"19. Thermo Cables Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,329,"14. SS FITTINGS, INSTRUMENT VALVES & MANIFOLDS " docs/281-290,.pdf,330,"1. Parker " docs/281-290,.pdf,331,"2. Swagelok Co " docs/281-290,.pdf,332,"3. Aura Inc. " docs/281-290,.pdf,333,"4. Hoke " docs/281-290,.pdf,334,"5. Excelsior Engg Works, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,335,"Page 27 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,336,"Page 288 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,337,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,338,"6. Swastic Engineering Works, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,339,"7. Comfit & Valves Pvt.Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,340,"8. Arya Crafts & Engg.Pvt. Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,315,"6. KEI Industries Ltd INDIA " docs/281-290,.pdf,341,"9. DK lok " docs/281-290,.pdf,314,"5. Delton Cables Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,312,"3. Associated Flexibles & Wires (Pvt) Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,287,"10. Rockwell Automation (I) Ltd., Ghaziabad " docs/281-290,.pdf,288,"11. Honeywell Automation Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,289,"12. Rittal " docs/281-290,.pdf,290,"13. Pyrotech Elcronics Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,291,"14. Positronics Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,292,"15. Electronics Corporation of India Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,293,"Page 26 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,294,"Page 287 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,295,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,296,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,297,"Page 26 " docs/281-290,.pdf,298,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,299,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,300,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,301,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,302,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,303,"Page 27 " docs/281-290,.pdf,304,"12. JUNCTION BOXES AND CABLES GLANDS " docs/281-290,.pdf,305,"1. Ex-Protecta " docs/281-290,.pdf,306,"2. Flameproof Control Gears " docs/281-290,.pdf,307,"3. Baliga " docs/281-290,.pdf,308,"4. Flexpro Electricals " docs/281-290,.pdf,309,"13. CONTROL AND SIGNAL CABLES " docs/281-290,.pdf,310,"1. Associated Cables " docs/281-290,.pdf,311,"2. Brook " docs/281-290,.pdf,313,"4. Universal Cables Ltd, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,286,"9. GE Fanuc Systems Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi " docs/281-290,.pdf,342,"15. SS TUBES " docs/281-290,.pdf,344,"2. Parker " docs/281-290,.pdf,374,"16. Mark-chem Incorporated, Mumbai (for phosphating chemicals only) " docs/281-290,.pdf,375,"Page 28 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,376,"Page 289 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,377,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,378,"17. VCM Polyurethane Paint (for polyurethane Paint only) " docs/281-290,.pdf,379,"Foreign Vendors For Overseas Products " docs/281-290,.pdf,380,"1. Sigma Coating, Singapore " docs/281-290,.pdf,381,"2. Ameron, USA " docs/281-290,.pdf,382,"3. Kansai Paint, Japan " docs/281-290,.pdf,383,"4. Hempel Paint, USA " docs/281-290,.pdf,384,"5. Valspar Corporation, USA " docs/281-290,.pdf,385,"6. Courtaulds Coating, UK. " docs/281-290,.pdf,167,"12. Pyro Electric, Goa " docs/281-290,.pdf,387,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,388,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,389,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,390,"Page 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,391,"Notes: " docs/281-290,.pdf,392,"1. Bidder can select equipment of two different makes, selected from this VENDOR LIST and mention the same in the checklist for technical evaluation attached with the tender. The offered bid must include filled datasheet indicating make, model, size, rating of offered instrument/ equipment duly supported by sizing calculation of offered equipment (wherever applicable). " docs/281-290,.pdf,393,"2. Vendors who have already supplied above equipment in other terminals of any CGD, shall also be considered qualified for this tender provided the supplied equipment are commissioned and running successfully and they have not been put on holiday. " docs/281-290,.pdf,394,"3. Equipment / Instruments of any make which is offered by one bidder and acceptable to any CGD shall be accepted for other bidder also. After placement of order, on request of the successful bidder list of other qualified makes for a particular item (for which successful bidder wants to change the vendor) shall be provided. " docs/281-290,.pdf,395,"4. Bidder shall take prior approval of the make/model no of the offered item and it shall be from the list given above. However additional vendors will be considered in exceptional cases, provided they have supplied for similar application to reputed gas transmission/distribution companies, in quantities at least half the numbers being supplied for this tender, and working satisfactorily for minimum 6 months. Documentary evidence substantiating above shall be submitted for taking approval. " docs/281-290,.pdf,396,"Note: Above mentioned vendor list is tentative and further addition/deletion may be done as per discretion of IGL/VCS. " docs/281-290,.pdf,397,"Page 29 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,398,"Page 290 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,373,"15. Courtaulds Coating & Sealants India (Pvt.) Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,343,"1. Swagelok Co. " docs/281-290,.pdf,372,"14. Sunil Paints and Varnishes Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,370,"12. Bombay Paints Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,345,"3. Sandvik " docs/281-290,.pdf,346,"4. Heavy metal & tubes LTD " docs/281-290,.pdf,347,"5. Nuclear Fuel Complex, India " docs/281-290,.pdf,348,"6. Scorodite " docs/281-290,.pdf,349,"7. Ratnamani Metal & Tube Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,350,"8. Jindal Saw " docs/281-290,.pdf,351,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,352,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,353,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,354,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,355,"Page 28 " docs/281-290,.pdf,356,"SHOP & FIELD PAINTING " docs/281-290,.pdf,357,"LIST OF MATERIALS OF RECOMMENDED BRAND AND/ OR MANUFACTURE " docs/281-290,.pdf,358,"Indian Vendors " docs/281-290,.pdf,359,"1. Asian Paints (I) Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,360,"2. Berger Paints Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,361,"3. Goodlass Nerlolac Paints Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,362,"4. Jenson And Nicholson Paint Ltd & chokuGu Jenson & Nicholson Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,363,"5. Shalimar Paints Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,364,"6. Sigma Coating, Mumabai " docs/281-290,.pdf,365,"7. CDC Carboline Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,366,"8. Premier Products Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,367,"9. Coromandel Paints & Chemicals Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,368,"10. Anupam Enterprises " docs/281-290,.pdf,369,"11. Grand Polycoats " docs/281-290,.pdf,371,"13. Vanaprabha Esters & Glycer, Mumbai " docs/281-290,.pdf,285,"8. Control & Automation, New Delhi " docs/281-290,.pdf,386,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,283,"6. ABB Instruments Ltd., New Delhi " docs/281-290,.pdf,198,"6. FMG " docs/281-290,.pdf,199,"7. Common " docs/281-290,.pdf,200,"8. Metreg " docs/281-290,.pdf,201,"9. Raychem RPG " docs/281-290,.pdf,202,"10. Vemmtec " docs/281-290,.pdf,203,"5. TURBINE FLOW METER " docs/281-290,.pdf,204,"1. Daniel " docs/281-290,.pdf,205,"2. Elster Instromet " docs/281-290,.pdf,206,"3. Itron " docs/281-290,.pdf,207,"4. RMG " docs/281-290,.pdf,208,"5. " docs/281-290,.pdf,209,"Rockwin " docs/281-290,.pdf,210,"6. ELECTRONIC VOLUME CORRECTOR " docs/281-290,.pdf,211,"1. Elgas " docs/281-290,.pdf,212,"2. Itron " docs/281-290,.pdf,213,"3. Plum " docs/281-290,.pdf,214,"Page 24 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,215,"Page 285 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,216,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,217,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,218,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR " docs/281-290,.pdf,219,"BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,220,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,221,"Rev " docs/281-290,.pdf,222,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,197,"5. Itron " docs/281-290,.pdf,196,"Dresser " docs/281-290,.pdf,195,"4. " docs/281-290,.pdf,194,"3. Romet " docs/281-290,.pdf,284,"7. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,169,"Page 284 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,170,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,171,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,172,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,173,"Page 24 " docs/281-290,.pdf,174,"13. Ashcroft India Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,175,"3. TEMPERATURE ELEMENTS, THERMO-WELLS " docs/281-290,.pdf,176,"1. ABB Automation Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,177,"2. Altop Industries Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,178,"3. Bourdon Haenni S.A. " docs/281-290,.pdf,179,"4. Detriv Instrumentation & Electronics Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,223,"01 " docs/281-290,.pdf,180,"5. General Instruments Consortium " docs/281-290,.pdf,182,"7. Tecnomatic S.P.A " docs/281-290,.pdf,183,"8. Tempsen Instrument India Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,184,"9. Thermo Electric Co. Inc. " docs/281-290,.pdf,185,"10. Thermo-Couple Products Co " docs/281-290,.pdf,186,"11. Thermo-Electra B.V. " docs/281-290,.pdf,187,"12. Wika Alexander Wiegand & Co GmbH " docs/281-290,.pdf,188,"13. Altop Industries Ltd., Baroda " docs/281-290,.pdf,189,"14. Nagman Sensors (Pvt.) Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,190,"15. Pyro Electric, Goa " docs/281-290,.pdf,191,"4. POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT FLOW METERS " docs/281-290,.pdf,192,"1. RMG (Germany) " docs/281-290,.pdf,193,"2. Elster Instromet " docs/281-290,.pdf,181,"6. Japan Thermowell Co Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,224,"Page 25 " docs/281-290,.pdf,230,"4. Canalta Controls, Canada " docs/281-290,.pdf,226,"7. ORIFICES (METER RUN, FLOW CONDITIONER, ORIFICE PLATE AND ASSEMBLY) " docs/281-290,.pdf,258,"Document No. " docs/281-290,.pdf,259,"VCS-VL-001 " docs/281-290,.pdf,260,"2. Larson & Toubro Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,261,"3. Lesser GmbH & Co KG " docs/281-290,.pdf,262,"4. Mekaster Engg Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,263,"5. Tyco Sanmar Ltd. (New Delhi) " docs/281-290,.pdf,264,"6. Anderson Greenwood Crosby " docs/281-290,.pdf,265,"7. BHEL (Trichy) " docs/281-290,.pdf,266,"8. Curtiss Wright Flow Control Corporation " docs/281-290,.pdf,267,"9. Dresser Inc. " docs/281-290,.pdf,268,"10. Fukui Seisakusho Co. Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,269,"11. " docs/281-290,.pdf,270,"12. Nakakita Seisakusho Co Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,271,"13. Nuovo Pignone S.P.A (Italy) (GE Oil co) " docs/281-290,.pdf,272,"14. Parcol S.P.A " docs/281-290,.pdf,273,"15. Safety Systems UK Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,274,"16. Tai Milano S.P.A " docs/281-290,.pdf,275,"17. Weir Valves & Controls France " docs/281-290,.pdf,276,"18. Bliss Anand Pvt Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,277,"11. CONTROL PANEL & ACCESSORIES " docs/281-290,.pdf,278,"1. Keltron Controls Ltd., Kerala " docs/281-290,.pdf,280,"3. Industrial Controls & Appliances Pvt. Ltd., " docs/281-290,.pdf,281,"4. Alstom System Ltd., Noida " docs/281-290,.pdf,225,"4. Pietro Fiorentini " docs/281-290,.pdf,282,"5. Emerson Process Management (I) Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,257,"LIST OF RECOMMENDED VENDORS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS " docs/281-290,.pdf,256,"Page 286 of 380 " docs/281-290,.pdf,279,"2. Elechmec Corporation Ltd., Mumbai " docs/281-290,.pdf,254,"1. Keystone Valves (India) Pvt. Ltd. " docs/281-290,.pdf,255,"Page 25 of 29 " docs/281-290,.pdf,227,"1. Emerson " docs/281-290,.pdf,229,"3. Pietro Fiorentini S.P.A (Italy) " docs/281-290,.pdf,228,"2. FMC, USA " docs/281-290,.pdf,232,"1. ABB Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,233,"2. Honeywell " docs/281-290,.pdf,234,"3. Fuji Electric Instruments Co Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,235,"4. Yokogawa " docs/281-290,.pdf,236,"5. Invensys India Pvt.Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,237,"9. PRESSURE REGULATOR AND SLAM SHUT VALVE " docs/281-290,.pdf,238,"1. Pietro Fiorentini S.P.A. (Italy) " docs/281-290,.pdf,239,"2. Emerson " docs/281-290,.pdf,240,"3. RMG-Regel Messtechnik (Germany " docs/281-290,.pdf,231,"8. FIELD INSTRUMENTS (P, DP, F, L, T) " docs/281-290,.pdf,242,"5. Schlumberger (USA) " docs/281-290,.pdf,241,"4. Mokveld Valves BV (Netherlands) " docs/281-290,.pdf,252,"15. Dresser Inc, USA (upto 8"" size, 300# class only) " docs/281-290,.pdf,251,"14. Tormene Gas Technology " docs/281-290,.pdf,250,"13. Samson AG Mess-und Regeltechnik " docs/281-290,.pdf,249,"12. Richards Industries (Formerly Treloar) " docs/281-290,.pdf,253,"10. PRESSURE SAFETY VALVES " docs/281-290,.pdf,247,"10. Kaye & Macdonald Inc. " docs/281-290,.pdf,246,"9. ESME Valves Ltd " docs/281-290,.pdf,245,"8. Nirmal Industrial Controls Pvt Ltd. (up to 6"" size only) " docs/281-290,.pdf,244,"7. Instromet International NV " docs/281-290,.pdf,243,"6. Gorter Controls B V (Netherlands) " docs/281-290,.pdf,248,"11. Nuovo Pignone S.P.A (Italy) (GE Oil Co.) " docs/291-300,.pdf,280,"Dimesion & visual Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,271,"INSPECTION BY " docs/291-300,.pdf,278,"20 " docs/291-300,.pdf,277,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,276,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,275,"RMTC " docs/291-300,.pdf,274,"ISO 17484-1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,273,"TPIA " docs/291-300,.pdf,272,"Manufacturer " docs/291-300,.pdf,279,"2.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,266,"Prepared by: AS " docs/291-300,.pdf,269,"CERTIFICATE " docs/291-300,.pdf,268,"ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA AND " docs/291-300,.pdf,267,"Checked by: RKT " docs/291-300,.pdf,265,"Date: 22.04.2021 " docs/291-300,.pdf,264,"QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN MULTI LAYER COMPOSITE (MLC) PIPE " docs/291-300,.pdf,263,"ISO 17484-1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,262,"Each Batch " docs/291-300,.pdf,261,"Raw Materials " docs/291-300,.pdf,260,"1.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,270,"FORMAT OF RECORD " docs/291-300,.pdf,281,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,294,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,283,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,259,"PROCEDURE " docs/291-300,.pdf,305,"One sample per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,304,"Resistance to gas constituents " docs/291-300,.pdf,303,"5.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,302,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,301,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,300,"IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,299,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,298,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,297,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,282,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,296,"Resistance to slow crack growth of the outer layer " docs/291-300,.pdf,293,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,292,"IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,291,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,290,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,289,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,288,"Long-term pressure strength " docs/291-300,.pdf,287,"3.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,286,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,285,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,284,"IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,295,"4.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,258,"QUANTUM OF CHECK / TEST " docs/291-300,.pdf,231,"Documentation & " docs/291-300,.pdf,256,"INSPECTION AND TESTING " docs/291-300,.pdf,229,"Documentation " docs/291-300,.pdf,228,"6.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,227,"& Colour Coding " docs/291-300,.pdf,226,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,225,"Inspection report " docs/291-300,.pdf,224,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,223,"Visual Inspection & Colour Coding as applicable " docs/291-300,.pdf,222,"Coating " docs/291-300,.pdf,221,"5.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,220,"Rust Preventive " docs/291-300,.pdf,230,"& IC " docs/291-300,.pdf,219,"Painting " docs/291-300,.pdf,217,"ΤΡΙΑ. " docs/291-300,.pdf,216,"witnessed by " docs/291-300,.pdf,215,"report " docs/291-300,.pdf,214,"H(Note-1) " docs/291-300,.pdf,213,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,212,"are " docs/291-300,.pdf,211,"Stamping of accepted Items " docs/291-300,.pdf,210,"Final Stamping " docs/291-300,.pdf,209,"4.3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,208,"Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,218,"5.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,257,"NO. " docs/291-300,.pdf,306,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,233,"Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,255,"SR. " docs/291-300,.pdf,254,"QAP NO: 15792/VPC-PE-SS-0014-QAP " docs/291-300,.pdf,253,"Page 296 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,252,"4. For orders placed on stockist, items shall be accepted based on manufacturer's TC with EN310204 type 3.2 certification from VCS / OWNER approved suppliers. " docs/291-300,.pdf,251,"3. Acceptance Norms for all the activities shall be as per PO/PR/STANDARDS referred there in /Job Specification /Approved Documents. " docs/291-300,.pdf,250,"2. This document describes the generic test requirements. Any additional test or Inspection scope if specified in contract documents shall also be Applicable (unless otherwise agreed upon). " docs/291-300,.pdf,249,"1. For Non NACE & Non Hydrogen service Carbon Steel Flanges, Spectacle Blinds & Drip Rings up to size 24""-300ANSI Class Will be accepted on review of Supplier Test Certificates. Supplier Test Certificate to be reviewed by TPIA. " docs/291-300,.pdf,248,"NOTES (As applicable): " docs/291-300,.pdf,247,"W-Witness (Give due notice, work may proceed after scheduled date). PR- PURCHASE REQUISITION " docs/291-300,.pdf,246,"R - Review, " docs/291-300,.pdf,232,"Review of Stage " docs/291-300,.pdf,245,"RW-Random Witness (As specified or 10% [min.1 no. of each size and type of Bulk item]), " docs/291-300,.pdf,243,"H Hold (Do not proceed without approval), " docs/291-300,.pdf,242,"Legend: " docs/291-300,.pdf,241,"Page 295 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,240,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,239,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,238,"Supplier TC & IC " docs/291-300,.pdf,237,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,236,"Inspection Reports / Test Reports & Issue of IC " docs/291-300,.pdf,235,"Certificate(IC) " docs/291-300,.pdf,234,"6.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,244,"P - Perform, " docs/291-300,.pdf,307,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,336,"Delamination:M-pipes " docs/291-300,.pdf,309,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,384,"CERTIFICATE " docs/291-300,.pdf,383,"REMARKS " docs/291-300,.pdf,382,"Approved by: HK " docs/291-300,.pdf,381,"FORMAT OF RECORD " docs/291-300,.pdf,380,"PROCEDURE " docs/291-300,.pdf,379,"INSPECTION BY " docs/291-300,.pdf,378,"ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA AND " docs/291-300,.pdf,377,"Checked by: RKT " docs/291-300,.pdf,376,"Prepared by: RKY " docs/291-300,.pdf,375,"Date: 09.03.2021 " docs/291-300,.pdf,374,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/291-300,.pdf,373,"QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN " docs/291-300,.pdf,372,"Rev. 0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,371,"QAP NO: 15792/03-CD-MC-QAP-001 " docs/291-300,.pdf,370,"QUANTUM OF CHECK/TEST " docs/291-300,.pdf,369,"INSPECTION AND TESTING " docs/291-300,.pdf,368,"NO. " docs/291-300,.pdf,367,"SR. " docs/291-300,.pdf,366,"Page 1 of 1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,364,"REMARKS " docs/291-300,.pdf,363,"Approved by: HK " docs/291-300,.pdf,385,"Manufacturer " docs/291-300,.pdf,386,"TPIA " docs/291-300,.pdf,387,"1.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,388,"Raw Material " docs/291-300,.pdf,410,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,409,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,408,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,407,"Gas Tightness Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,406,"2.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,405,"Final Product: " docs/291-300,.pdf,404,"2.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,403,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,402,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,401,"MATERIAL TEST CERTIFICATE " docs/291-300,.pdf,362,"Rev. 0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,400,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,398,"MATERIAL TEST CERTIFICATE " docs/291-300,.pdf,397,"As per ASTM B 283 (ALLOY UNS C37700) / EN 331 As per EN 331 / Manufacturer's Standard " docs/291-300,.pdf,396,"As per ASTM B 283 (ALLOY UNS C37700) / EN 331 As per EN 331 / Manufacturer's Standard " docs/291-300,.pdf,395,"One in each heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,394,"Seat & Stem Seal " docs/291-300,.pdf,393,"1.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,392,"(Chemical/Physical Requirement) " docs/291-300,.pdf,391,"One in each heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,390,"1.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,389,"Metallic Parts " docs/291-300,.pdf,399,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,361,"At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note & MTC. " docs/291-300,.pdf,360,"6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,359,"All reference Codes/ Standards, Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor / supplier for reference of TPIA at the time of Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,331,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,330,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,329,"One sample per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,328,"Delamination:P-pipes " docs/291-300,.pdf,327,"8.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,326,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,325,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,324,"TC " docs/291-300,.pdf,323,"ISO 11357-6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,322,"ISO 11357-6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,332,"IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,321,"One sample per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,319,"7.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,318,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,317,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,316,"TC " docs/291-300,.pdf,315,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,314,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,313,"One sample per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,312,"Thermal durability of the outer layer of M-pipes " docs/291-300,.pdf,311,"6.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,310,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,320,"Oxidation induction time (OIT) " docs/291-300,.pdf,308,"TC " docs/291-300,.pdf,333,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,335,"9.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,358,"5 " docs/291-300,.pdf,357,"Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent condition shall be applicable. Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time. " docs/291-300,.pdf,356,"4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,355,"3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,354,"The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements; however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per PTS/ SS. The TPIA shall use this QAP for inspection against subject tender and may consider this document as approved. " docs/291-300,.pdf,353,"2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,352,"1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,351,"Notes:- " docs/291-300,.pdf,350,"LEGEND: R - Review, W - Witness, H - Hold, P - Perform, TPIA - Third Party Inspection Agency. " docs/291-300,.pdf,349,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,334,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,348,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,346,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,345,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,344,"One sample per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,343,"10.0 Odorant permeability " docs/291-300,.pdf,342,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,341,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,340,"IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,339,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,338,"ISO 17484-1/PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,337,"One sample per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,347,"TC " docs/291-300,.pdf,365,"Page 297 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,644,"One sample at every hour & As per relevant Stand. " docs/291-300,.pdf,412,"W = Ten nos. per size " docs/291-300,.pdf,678,"2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,677,"1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,676,"ΤΡΙΑ " docs/291-300,.pdf,675,"VENDOR " docs/291-300,.pdf,674,"FORMAT OF RECORD " docs/291-300,.pdf,673,"ACCEPTA NCE NORMS " docs/291-300,.pdf,672,"REFERENCE DOCUMENTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,671,"QUANTUM OF CHECK " docs/291-300,.pdf,670,"TYPE OF CHECK " docs/291-300,.pdf,679,"3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,669,"CLASSIFICATION " docs/291-300,.pdf,667,"CHARACHTERISTICS " docs/291-300,.pdf,666,"S.No. " docs/291-300,.pdf,665,"COMPONENTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,664,"GI PIPES CONFORMING TO IS:1239 (PART-1):2004 (Latest edition) " docs/291-300,.pdf,663,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES " docs/291-300,.pdf,662,"Page 299 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,661,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,660,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,659,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,668,"OPERATIONS " docs/291-300,.pdf,680,"3.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,681,"3.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,682,"3.3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,703,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,702,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,701,"POROSITY " docs/291-300,.pdf,700,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,699,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,698,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,697,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,696,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,695,"1000 Hrs (MIN.) " docs/291-300,.pdf,694,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,693,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,692,"SALT SPRAY RESISTANCE " docs/291-300,.pdf,691,"POWDER COATING TEST " docs/291-300,.pdf,690,"11 " docs/291-300,.pdf,689,"10 " docs/291-300,.pdf,688,"9 " docs/291-300,.pdf,687,"8 " docs/291-300,.pdf,686,"7 " docs/291-300,.pdf,685,"6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,684,"4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,683,"3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,658,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,704,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,657,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,655,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,628,"HYDRAULIC " docs/291-300,.pdf,627,"LEAK TEST " docs/291-300,.pdf,626,"2.4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,625,"Std. " docs/291-300,.pdf,624,"APPLICABLE " docs/291-300,.pdf,623,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,622,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,621,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,620,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,629,"Critical " docs/291-300,.pdf,619,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,617,"As Per Relevant " docs/291-300,.pdf,616,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,615,"TENSILE STRENGTH, ELONGATION & BEND TEST/ FLATTENING TEST AS " docs/291-300,.pdf,614,"PHYSICAL PROPERTIES " docs/291-300,.pdf,613,"2.3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,612,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,611,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,610,"Р " docs/291-300,.pdf,609,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,618,"Lab. Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,630,"Leak Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,631,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,632,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,654,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,653,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,652,"OVERALL FINISH, PAINTING & MARKING " docs/291-300,.pdf,651,"2.6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,650,"FINISH, PAINTING " docs/291-300,.pdf,649,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,648,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,647,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,646,"IS: 4736 & IS: 2633 " docs/291-300,.pdf,645,"IS: 4736 " docs/291-300,.pdf,643,"& Uniformity " docs/291-300,.pdf,642,"& MASS " docs/291-300,.pdf,641,"Mass of Zinc Coating " docs/291-300,.pdf,640,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,639,"ZINC COATING UNIFORMITY " docs/291-300,.pdf,638,"GALVANIZING " docs/291-300,.pdf,637,"2.5 " docs/291-300,.pdf,636,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,635,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,634,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,633,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,656,"& MARKING " docs/291-300,.pdf,705,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,706,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,707,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,777,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./Tender Spec " docs/291-300,.pdf,776,"100% by MFR. " docs/291-300,.pdf,775,"Leak Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,774,"Critical " docs/291-300,.pdf,773,"LEAK TEST (HYDRAULIC TEST) " docs/291-300,.pdf,772,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,771,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,770,"GALV. REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,769,"IS 4736 " docs/291-300,.pdf,778,"IS:1239/P .0. " docs/291-300,.pdf,768,"IS 4736 " docs/291-300,.pdf,766,"GALV. TEST(LAB Test) " docs/291-300,.pdf,765,"Critical " docs/291-300,.pdf,764,"MASS OF ZINC COATING, UNIFORMITY & ADHESION TEST " docs/291-300,.pdf,763,"FINISHED PRODUCT " docs/291-300,.pdf,762,"4.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,761,"APPLICABLE) " docs/291-300,.pdf,760,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,759,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,758,"Physical IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,767,"AS PER IS: 4736 " docs/291-300,.pdf,779,"IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,780,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,781,"RW (Min 10% per lot by TPIA) " docs/291-300,.pdf,802,"Page 300 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,801,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,800,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,799,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,798,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,797,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,796,"Random as per IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,795,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,794,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,793,"Coating Thickness " docs/291-300,.pdf,792,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,791,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,790,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,789,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./Tender Spec EN 10204 " docs/291-300,.pdf,788,"VENDOR'S IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,787,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./Tender Spec., EN 10204 " docs/291-300,.pdf,786,"All TC " docs/291-300,.pdf,785,"Review " docs/291-300,.pdf,784,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,783,"REVIEW OF ALL TEST CERTIFICATE I REPORTS & " docs/291-300,.pdf,782,"Spec./Tender Spec " docs/291-300,.pdf,757,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,756,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,755,"Critical " docs/291-300,.pdf,754,"Random As Per IS 4711 " docs/291-300,.pdf,728,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,727,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,726,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,725,"60-70% " docs/291-300,.pdf,724,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,723,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,722,"Hrs.(Sun Test with Water Impression, Xenon 150 K lux) " docs/291-300,.pdf,721,"3.4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,720,"COATING TEST " docs/291-300,.pdf,719,"RETENTION AFTER 1000 " docs/291-300,.pdf,718,"POWDER " docs/291-300,.pdf,717,"WEATHERING GLOSS " docs/291-300,.pdf,716,"R R " docs/291-300,.pdf,715,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,714,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,713,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,712,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,711,"1000 Hrs (MIN.) " docs/291-300,.pdf,710,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,709,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,708,"HUMIDITY RESISTANCE " docs/291-300,.pdf,729,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,608,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,730,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,732,"COLOUR " docs/291-300,.pdf,753,"Lab Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,752,"PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (TENSILE STRENGTH, ELONGATION & BEND TEST/ FLATTENING TEST AS " docs/291-300,.pdf,751,"W " docs/291-300,.pdf,750,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,749,"Dimensional IR " docs/291-300,.pdf,748,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,747,"IS:1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,746,"Random As Per IS:4711 " docs/291-300,.pdf,745,"Visual & Measurement. " docs/291-300,.pdf,744,"Critical " docs/291-300,.pdf,743,"FINAL INSPECTION " docs/291-300,.pdf,742,"FINISH DIMENSIONS " docs/291-300,.pdf,741,"4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,740,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,739,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,738,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,737,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,736,"IS: 13871 " docs/291-300,.pdf,735,"CANARY YELLOW " docs/291-300,.pdf,734,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,733,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,731,"3.5 " docs/291-300,.pdf,411,"TEST REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,607,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,605,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,481,"As per P.O./ SS " docs/291-300,.pdf,480,"Final Documentation " docs/291-300,.pdf,479,"6.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,478,"W = Ten nos. per size per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,477,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,476,"INSPECTION REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,475,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,474,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,473,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,482,"As per P.O./SS " docs/291-300,.pdf,472,"Marking " docs/291-300,.pdf,470,"per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,469,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,468,"INSPECTION REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,467,"As per Approved Drawing " docs/291-300,.pdf,466,"W = Ten nos. per size " docs/291-300,.pdf,465,"As per Approved Drawing " docs/291-300,.pdf,464,"(Min. length of engagement, OD, wall thk.) " docs/291-300,.pdf,463,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,462,"4.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,471,"5.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,483,"EN 10204 3.2 CERTIFICATE " docs/291-300,.pdf,484,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,485,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,506,"S.NO. " docs/291-300,.pdf,505,"GI PIPES CONFORMING TO IS:1239 (PART-1):2004 (Latest edition) " docs/291-300,.pdf,504,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES " docs/291-300,.pdf,503,"Page 1 of 1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,502,"Page 298 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,501,"All Tests shall be carried out as per EN-331 (Latest Edition). " docs/291-300,.pdf,500,"9 " docs/291-300,.pdf,499,"At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note & MTC. " docs/291-300,.pdf,498,"8 " docs/291-300,.pdf,497,"All reference Codes/ Standards, Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor/supplier for reference of TPIA/IGL at the time of Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,496,"7 " docs/291-300,.pdf,495,"Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time " docs/291-300,.pdf,494,"Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier/Sub vendor shall issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner/Owner's representative and TPIA to organize Inspection. Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent condition shall be applicable. " docs/291-300,.pdf,493,"6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,492,"5 " docs/291-300,.pdf,491,"4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,490,"The Above Testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements, however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per Standard Specification (SS) The supplier shall submit their own detailed QAP prepared on the basis of above / Standard specification for approval of Owner/Owner's representative. Owner/Owner representative shall review/approve all the documents related to QAP/Quality manuals/Drawings etc. submitted by supplier. " docs/291-300,.pdf,489,"3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,488,"2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,487,"1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,486,"LEGEND: R - Review, W - Witness, H - Hold, P - Perform, TPIA - Third Party Inspection Agency, CA - Control Authority ( Owner/Owner's representative) Notes: - " docs/291-300,.pdf,461,"Dimension Tolerances " docs/291-300,.pdf,507,"COMPONENTS /OPERATIONS " docs/291-300,.pdf,460,"WTen nos. per size per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,458,"INSPECTION REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,432,"Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,431,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,430,"W = One no. per size per " docs/291-300,.pdf,429,"TEST REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,428,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,427,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,426,"per Size " docs/291-300,.pdf,425,"One no. per Heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,424,"Turning Torque Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,433,"2.4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,423,"2.3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,421,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,420,"TEST REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,419,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,418,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,417,"One no. per Heat per Size " docs/291-300,.pdf,416,"Bending Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,415,"2.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,414,"per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,413,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,422,"W = One no. per size per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,434,"Temperature Resistance Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,435,"One no. per Heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,436,"per Size " docs/291-300,.pdf,457,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,456,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,455,"Free from defects) " docs/291-300,.pdf,454,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,453,"3.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,452,"Visual Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,451,"W = One no. per size per Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,450,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,449,"TEST REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,448,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,447,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,446,"per Size " docs/291-300,.pdf,445,"One no. per Heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,444,"Flow Capacity Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,443,"2.5 " docs/291-300,.pdf,442,"Lot " docs/291-300,.pdf,441,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,440,"W = One no. per size per " docs/291-300,.pdf,439,"TEST REPORT " docs/291-300,.pdf,438,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,437,"As per EN 331 " docs/291-300,.pdf,459,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,508,"CHARACHTERISTICS " docs/291-300,.pdf,509,"CLASSIFICATION " docs/291-300,.pdf,510,"TYPE OF CHECK " docs/291-300,.pdf,579,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,578,"IS: 1239 / P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,577,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,576,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,575,"Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,574,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,573,"SURFACE DEFECT " docs/291-300,.pdf,207,"Items which " docs/291-300,.pdf,572,"IN PROCESS INSPECTION " docs/291-300,.pdf,580,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,571,"2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,569,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,568,"T.C. " docs/291-300,.pdf,567,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,566,"IS: 1239 / P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,565,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,564,"Visual & Measurement " docs/291-300,.pdf,563,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,562,"VISUAL & DIMENSIONS " docs/291-300,.pdf,561,"Duty Class C) " docs/291-300,.pdf,570,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,581,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,582,"2.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,583,"PIPE MANUFECTURING " docs/291-300,.pdf,604,"2.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,603,"END TYPE & DIMENSIONS " docs/291-300,.pdf,602,"END PREPARATION " docs/291-300,.pdf,601,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,600,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,599,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,598,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,597,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,596,"As Per Relevant Std. " docs/291-300,.pdf,595,"Measurement " docs/291-300,.pdf,594,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,593,"MASS (Kg/ Mtr.) " docs/291-300,.pdf,592,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,591,"IIR " docs/291-300,.pdf,590,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,589,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,588,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,587,"As Per Relevant Std. " docs/291-300,.pdf,586,"Measurement " docs/291-300,.pdf,585,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,584,"DIMENSIONS (O.D., THK., LENGTH etc.) " docs/291-300,.pdf,560,"(T.S., Y.S., % Elongation) " docs/291-300,.pdf,559,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,558,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,557,"T.C. " docs/291-300,.pdf,531,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,530,"IDENTIFICATION " docs/291-300,.pdf,529,"Raw Material Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,528,"1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,527,"11 " docs/291-300,.pdf,526,"10 " docs/291-300,.pdf,525,"9 " docs/291-300,.pdf,524,"8 " docs/291-300,.pdf,523,"7 " docs/291-300,.pdf,522,"6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,521,"S " docs/291-300,.pdf,520,"4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,519,"3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,518,"2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,517,"1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,516,"ΤΡΙΑ " docs/291-300,.pdf,515,"VENDOR " docs/291-300,.pdf,514,"FORMAT OF RECORD " docs/291-300,.pdf,513,"ACCEPTANCE NORMS " docs/291-300,.pdf,512,"REFERENCE DOCUMENTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,511,"QUANTUM OF CHECK " docs/291-300,.pdf,532,"Co-relation with MTC. " docs/291-300,.pdf,606,"Visual & Measurement " docs/291-300,.pdf,533,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,535,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,556,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,555,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,554,"(Steel Tube Heavy " docs/291-300,.pdf,553,"One Per Heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,552,"Lab. Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,551,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,550,"PHYSICAL PROPERTIES " docs/291-300,.pdf,549,"RAW MATERIAL " docs/291-300,.pdf,548,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,547,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,546,"T.C. " docs/291-300,.pdf,545,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,544,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,543,"One Per Heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,542,"Chem. Analysis " docs/291-300,.pdf,541,"Major " docs/291-300,.pdf,540,"CHEMICAL COMPOSITION " docs/291-300,.pdf,539,"1.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,538,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,537,"P " docs/291-300,.pdf,536,"T.C. " docs/291-300,.pdf,534,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/291-300,.pdf,206,"Stamping of " docs/291-300,.pdf,69,"VDR " docs/291-300,.pdf,204,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,74,"Mechanical Run Test " docs/291-300,.pdf,73,"MRT " docs/291-300,.pdf,72,"WPS " docs/291-300,.pdf,71,"Inter Granular Corrosion " docs/291-300,.pdf,70,"IGC " docs/291-300,.pdf,68,"Inspection Certificate " docs/291-300,.pdf,67,"IC " docs/291-300,.pdf,66,"UT " docs/291-300,.pdf,65,"Intermediate Heat Treatment " docs/291-300,.pdf,64,"IHT " docs/291-300,.pdf,63,"TPI or TPIA " docs/291-300,.pdf,62,"Ingress Protection " docs/291-300,.pdf,61,"IP " docs/291-300,.pdf,60,"TC " docs/291-300,.pdf,59,"Inspection and Test Plan " docs/291-300,.pdf,58,"ITP " docs/291-300,.pdf,57,"SSCC " docs/291-300,.pdf,56,"Hydrogen Induced Cracking " docs/291-300,.pdf,55,"HIC " docs/291-300,.pdf,54,"RT " docs/291-300,.pdf,53,"Heat Treatment " docs/291-300,.pdf,75,"WPQ " docs/291-300,.pdf,76,"NDT " docs/291-300,.pdf,77,"Non Destructive Testing " docs/291-300,.pdf,78,"MPT/MT " docs/291-300,.pdf,100,"Heat Treatment, " docs/291-300,.pdf,99,"Procedure " docs/291-300,.pdf,98,"1.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,97,"ΤΡΙΑ " docs/291-300,.pdf,96,"SUPPLIER " docs/291-300,.pdf,95,"SUB SUPPLIER " docs/291-300,.pdf,94,"RECORD " docs/291-300,.pdf,93,"OF CHECK " docs/291-300,.pdf,92,"CHARACTERISTICS " docs/291-300,.pdf,91,"QUANTUM " docs/291-300,.pdf,52,"HT " docs/291-300,.pdf,90,"SCOPE OF INSPECTION " docs/291-300,.pdf,88,"STAGE/ " docs/291-300,.pdf,87,"SL. NO. " docs/291-300,.pdf,86,"3.0 INSPECTION AND TEST REQUIREMENTS: " docs/291-300,.pdf,85,"PO/PR/ Standards referred there in/ Job specifications /Approved documents. " docs/291-300,.pdf,84,"REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: " docs/291-300,.pdf,83,"This Inspection and Test Plan covers the minimum testing requirements of Flanges, Spectacle blinds& Drip Rings. " docs/291-300,.pdf,82,"SCOPE: " docs/291-300,.pdf,81,"2.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,80,"1.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,79,"Page 292 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,89,"ACTIVITY " docs/291-300,.pdf,51,"PMI " docs/291-300,.pdf,50,"Fluid Control Research Institute " docs/291-300,.pdf,49,"FCRI " docs/291-300,.pdf,21,"Carbon Equivalent " docs/291-300,.pdf,20,"DFT " docs/291-300,.pdf,19,"CE " docs/291-300,.pdf,18,"ABBREVIATIONS " docs/291-300,.pdf,17,"Page 291 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,16,"APPR " docs/291-300,.pdf,15,"CHK " docs/291-300,.pdf,14,"PREP " docs/291-300,.pdf,13,"DESCRIPTION " docs/291-300,.pdf,12,"DATE " docs/291-300,.pdf,22,"Dry Film Thickness " docs/291-300,.pdf,11,"REV " docs/291-300,.pdf,9,"ADE " docs/291-300,.pdf,8,"GS " docs/291-300,.pdf,7,"ISSUED AS STANDARD " docs/291-300,.pdf,6,"24.05.2017 " docs/291-300,.pdf,5,"0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,4,"INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN - FLANGES SPECTACLE BLINDS & DRIP RINGS " docs/291-300,.pdf,3,"VCS-SD-ITP-003 " docs/291-300,.pdf,2,"RINGS " docs/291-300,.pdf,1,"INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN - FLANGES SPECTACLE BLINDS & DRIP " docs/291-300,.pdf,205,"RW " docs/291-300,.pdf,10,"AD " docs/291-300,.pdf,101,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,23,"NPSH " docs/291-300,.pdf,25,"PESO " docs/291-300,.pdf,48,"PR " docs/291-300,.pdf,47,"Electronics Regional Test Laboratory " docs/291-300,.pdf,46,"ERTL " docs/291-300,.pdf,45,"De-hydrogen Heat Treatment " docs/291-300,.pdf,44,"DHT " docs/291-300,.pdf,43,"Dye Penetrant Testing " docs/291-300,.pdf,42,"DPT " docs/291-300,.pdf,41,"Magnetic Particle Testing " docs/291-300,.pdf,40,"Welders Performance Qualification " docs/291-300,.pdf,39,"Welding Procedure Specification " docs/291-300,.pdf,24,"PO " docs/291-300,.pdf,38,"Vendor Data Requirement " docs/291-300,.pdf,36,"Third Party Inspection Agency " docs/291-300,.pdf,35,"Test Certificate " docs/291-300,.pdf,34,"Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking " docs/291-300,.pdf,33,"Radiography Testing " docs/291-300,.pdf,31,"Purchase Requisition " docs/291-300,.pdf,30,"Procedure Qualification Record " docs/291-300,.pdf,29,"Petroleum Explosive Safety Organization " docs/291-300,.pdf,28,"Purchase Order " docs/291-300,.pdf,27,"Net Positive Suction Head " docs/291-300,.pdf,26,"PQR " docs/291-300,.pdf,37,"Ultrasonic Testing " docs/291-300,.pdf,102,"1.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,32,"Positive Material Identification " docs/291-300,.pdf,104,"Documented Procedures " docs/291-300,.pdf,177,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,176,"NDT Reports " docs/291-300,.pdf,175,"PR/Purchase Specification " docs/291-300,.pdf,174,"NDT as applicable Surface & Internal Imperfections " docs/291-300,.pdf,173,"3.6 " docs/291-300,.pdf,172,"As per " docs/291-300,.pdf,171,"H(Note-1) " docs/291-300,.pdf,170,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,169,"Test Reports " docs/291-300,.pdf,168,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,178,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,167,"and Other test as applicable " docs/291-300,.pdf,165,"Testing " docs/291-300,.pdf,164,"3.5 " docs/291-300,.pdf,163,"Destructive " docs/291-300,.pdf,162,"Specification " docs/291-300,.pdf,161,"(As applicable " docs/291-300,.pdf,160,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,159,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,158,"Test Reports " docs/291-300,.pdf,157,"PR/Purchase " docs/291-300,.pdf,156,"Chemical Composition " docs/291-300,.pdf,166,"Mechanical, Impact, IGC " docs/291-300,.pdf,155,"3.4 " docs/291-300,.pdf,179,"Galvanizing " docs/291-300,.pdf,181,"Integrity Of Galvanised Coating " docs/291-300,.pdf,203,"Inspection report " docs/291-300,.pdf,103,"NDT and Other " docs/291-300,.pdf,202,"Spec. " docs/291-300,.pdf,201,"Chemical Check " docs/291-300,.pdf,200,"PMI Check " docs/291-300,.pdf,199,"4.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,198,"As Per VCS " docs/291-300,.pdf,197,"H(Note-1) " docs/291-300,.pdf,196,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,195,"Inspection report " docs/291-300,.pdf,180,"3.7 " docs/291-300,.pdf,194,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,192,"2. Dimensions 3.Hardness " docs/291-300,.pdf,191,"1.Visual " docs/291-300,.pdf,190,"Final Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,189,"4.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,188,"Page 294 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,186,"4.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,185,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,184,"Inspection Report " docs/291-300,.pdf,183,"(If Applicable) " docs/291-300,.pdf,182,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,193,"4. Marking etc " docs/291-300,.pdf,154,"Product Analysis " docs/291-300,.pdf,187,"Final Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,152,"H(Note-1) " docs/291-300,.pdf,126,"3.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,125,"Page 293 of 380 " docs/291-300,.pdf,124,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,123,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,122,"Test Certificates " docs/291-300,.pdf,121,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,120,"Chemical & Mechanical Properties " docs/291-300,.pdf,119,"Raw Material Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,118,"2.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,117,"Material Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,127,"In Process Inspection " docs/291-300,.pdf,116,"2.0 " docs/291-300,.pdf,113,"WPS,PQR &WPQ " docs/291-300,.pdf,112,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,111,"Welding Parameters & Qualification Record " docs/291-300,.pdf,110,"WPS,PQR & WPQ " docs/291-300,.pdf,109,"1.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,108,"Procedures " docs/291-300,.pdf,107,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,153,"As per " docs/291-300,.pdf,106,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,105,"Procedure Documents " docs/291-300,.pdf,115,"W-New R- Existing " docs/291-300,.pdf,128,"3.1 " docs/291-300,.pdf,114,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,130,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,149,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,150,"Test Reports " docs/291-300,.pdf,129,"Welding/Forging Forging Welding Parameters " docs/291-300,.pdf,151,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,148,"Mechanical, Impact, IGC and Other test as applicable " docs/291-300,.pdf,147,"Test Samples " docs/291-300,.pdf,146,"3.3 " docs/291-300,.pdf,145,"Identification of " docs/291-300,.pdf,143,"Treatment etc. as applicable " docs/291-300,.pdf,142,"Stabilization Heat " docs/291-300,.pdf,141,"R " docs/291-300,.pdf,140,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,144,"Product Chemical, " docs/291-300,.pdf,138,"Solution Annealing, " docs/291-300,.pdf,137,"Heat Treatment " docs/291-300,.pdf,136,"3.2 " docs/291-300,.pdf,131,"Inspection Reports " docs/291-300,.pdf,132,"H " docs/291-300,.pdf,135,"HT chart " docs/291-300,.pdf,139,"100% " docs/291-300,.pdf,133,"Stress Relieving, " docs/291-300,.pdf,134,"Normalising, Tempering, " docs/301-310,.pdf,383,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,384,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,385,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,386,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,387,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,389,"12 " docs/301-310,.pdf,390,"Documentation " docs/301-310,.pdf,391,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,395,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,394,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,393,"Inspection Report Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,382,"As per EN 1057/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,392,"As per EN 1057/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,388,"As per EN 1057/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,381,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,372,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,379,"Visual Inspection (Free from defect) Marking " docs/301-310,.pdf,365,"As per EN 1057/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,366,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,364,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,396,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,367,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,368,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,369,"Dimensional Inspection (O.D, Wilthk, Length " docs/301-310,.pdf,370,"etc.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,371,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,373,"As per EN 1057/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,374,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,375,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,376,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,377,"10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,378,"11 " docs/301-310,.pdf,380,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,397,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,419,"FORMAT " docs/301-310,.pdf,399,"P-PERFORM " docs/301-310,.pdf,418,"|(As per EN 1057/ PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,420,"OF " docs/301-310,.pdf,421,"INSPECTIO " docs/301-310,.pdf,422,"TPIA/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,423,"CLIENT REMARKS " docs/301-310,.pdf,424,"Raw material: Chemical Requirement " docs/301-310,.pdf,417,"VENDOR " docs/301-310,.pdf,425,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,427,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,428,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,429,"Cu Ag Min 99.9% " docs/301-310,.pdf,363,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,431,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,430,"MTC " docs/301-310,.pdf,426,"Material grade Cu-DHP/ CW 024A " docs/301-310,.pdf,398,"LEGENDS H-HOLD W-WITNESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,416,"PROCEDURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,414,"DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,400,"TPIA- THIRD PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY " docs/301-310,.pdf,401,"CA-CONTROL AUTHOIRTY " docs/301-310,.pdf,402,"1. The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements; however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per specification. " docs/301-310,.pdf,403,"2. The supplier shall submit their own detailed ITP prepared on the basis of above I Technical specification for approval of Owner/Owner's representative. " docs/301-310,.pdf,404,"3. Owner/Owner representative shall review/approve all the documents related to ITP / Quality manuals / Drawings etc. submitted by supplier " docs/301-310,.pdf,405,"4.Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier / Sub vendor issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner / Owner's representative and TPIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,415,"QUANTUM OF CHECK " docs/301-310,.pdf,406,"5. Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent " docs/301-310,.pdf,408,"7. All reference Codes / Standards. Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor I supplier for reference of TPIA/ IGL at the time of inspection. " docs/301-310,.pdf,409,"8. At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note, dispatch clearance note & MTC. " docs/301-310,.pdf,410,"Page 303 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,411,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES COPPER FITTINGS " docs/301-310,.pdf,412,"|ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,413,"SR. No " docs/301-310,.pdf,407,"6. Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time. " docs/301-310,.pdf,362,"Eddy current test " docs/301-310,.pdf,313,"MTC " docs/301-310,.pdf,360,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,309,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,310,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,311,"Final product: Chemical Requirement " docs/301-310,.pdf,312,"Cu + Ag: Min 99.9% P: 0.0015% TO 0.040% " docs/301-310,.pdf,314,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,315,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,308,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,316,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,318,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,319,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,320,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,321,"UTS- Min. 250 N/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,322,"Physical test (Tensile, Elongation, Hardness etc.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,323,"Elongation Min 30% Hardness- " docs/301-310,.pdf,317,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,324,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,307,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,305,"Raw material: Chemical Requirement " docs/301-310,.pdf,292,"8. At the time of deleivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note, dispatch clearance note & MTC. Page 302 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,432,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,293,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES COPPER TUBE " docs/301-310,.pdf,294,"SR. No DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,295,"ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,296,"QUANTUM CHECK " docs/301-310,.pdf,306,"Material grade Cu-DHP/CW 024A " docs/301-310,.pdf,297,"OF " docs/301-310,.pdf,299,"(As per EN 1057/ PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,300,"VENDOR " docs/301-310,.pdf,301,"FORMAT OF RECORD " docs/301-310,.pdf,302,"INSPECTIO " docs/301-310,.pdf,303,"TPIA/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,304,"CLIENT REMARKS " docs/301-310,.pdf,298,"PROCEDURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,361,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,325,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,327,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,346,"Drift expanding test " docs/301-310,.pdf,347,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,348,"16 " docs/301-310,.pdf,349,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,350,"As per EN 1057/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,351,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,345,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,352,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,354,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,355,"Hydrostatic test " docs/301-310,.pdf,356,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,357,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,358,"Min 35 bar/ 10 second " docs/301-310,.pdf,359,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,353,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,326,"75 to 100 HV " docs/301-310,.pdf,344,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,342,"As per EN 1057/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,328,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,329,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,330,"14 " docs/301-310,.pdf,331,"Carbon film tets " docs/301-310,.pdf,332,"Maximum Residual carbon- 0.20 mm/ sq. dm " docs/301-310,.pdf,333,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,343,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,334,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,336,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,337,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,338,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,339,"Carbon content test " docs/301-310,.pdf,340,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,341,"As per EN 1057 " docs/301-310,.pdf,335,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,433,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,535,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,435,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,527,"VENDO " docs/301-310,.pdf,528,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,529,"Raw material: Chemical/ Physical " docs/301-310,.pdf,530,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,531,"INSPECTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,532,"TPIA/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,526,"OF " docs/301-310,.pdf,533,"CLIENT REMARKS " docs/301-310,.pdf,291,"7. All reference Codes / Standards documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor I supplier for reference of TPIA / IGL at the time of inspection. " docs/301-310,.pdf,536,"Requirement " docs/301-310,.pdf,537,"As per EN 2164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,538,"As per EN 12164/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,539,"MTC " docs/301-310,.pdf,540,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,534,"Preferably witness " docs/301-310,.pdf,541,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,525,"FORMAT RECORD " docs/301-310,.pdf,523,"OF PROCEDURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,509,"2. " docs/301-310,.pdf,510,"3. " docs/301-310,.pdf,511,"The supplier shall submit their own detailed ITP prepared on the basis of above I Technical specification for approval of Owner / Owner's representative. Owner/Owner representative shall review/approve all the documents related to ITP / Quality manuals / Drawings etc. submitted by supplier " docs/301-310,.pdf,512,"4. " docs/301-310,.pdf,513,"Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier / Sub vendor issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner / Owner's representative and TPIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,514,"5. Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent 6. Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time. " docs/301-310,.pdf,524,"|ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (As per EN 1057/ PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,515,"7. All reference Codes / Standards. Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor I supplier for reference of TPIA/ IGL at the time of inspection. " docs/301-310,.pdf,517,"Page 304 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,518,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES BRASS FITTINGS " docs/301-310,.pdf,519,"SR. " docs/301-310,.pdf,520,"DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,521,"No " docs/301-310,.pdf,522,"QUANTUM CHECK " docs/301-310,.pdf,516,"8. At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note, dispatch clearance note & MTC. " docs/301-310,.pdf,508,"1. " docs/301-310,.pdf,542,"by CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,544,"Final product " docs/301-310,.pdf,563,"Stress corrosion resistance test " docs/301-310,.pdf,564,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,565,"As per EN 2164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,566,"As per ISO 1254/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,567,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,568,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,562,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,569,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,571,"Hydrostatic pressure test " docs/301-310,.pdf,572,"As per EN 2164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,573,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,574,"Min 37.5 bar @ 15 min. " docs/301-310,.pdf,575,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,576,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,570,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,543,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,561,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,559,"As per EN 2164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,545,"As per EN 2164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,546,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,547,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,548,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,549,"Resistance dezincification " docs/301-310,.pdf,550,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,560,"As per ISO 6957/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,551,"As per EN 6957 " docs/301-310,.pdf,553,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,554,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,555,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,556,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,557,"Carbon bore test " docs/301-310,.pdf,558,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,552,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,507,"The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements; however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per specification. " docs/301-310,.pdf,506,"CA-CONTROL AUTHOIRTY " docs/301-310,.pdf,505,"LEGENDS H-HOLD " docs/301-310,.pdf,454,"15 " docs/301-310,.pdf,455,"Hydrostatic pressure test " docs/301-310,.pdf,456,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,457,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,458,"As per ISO 6957/PTS Min 37.5 bar @ 15 min. " docs/301-310,.pdf,459,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,453,"As per EN 6957 " docs/301-310,.pdf,460,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,462,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,463,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,464,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,465,"Pneumatic pressure test " docs/301-310,.pdf,466,"16 " docs/301-310,.pdf,467,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,461,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,468,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,452,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,450,"14 " docs/301-310,.pdf,436,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,437,"P: 0.0015% TO 0.040% " docs/301-310,.pdf,438,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,439,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,440,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,441,"Carbon in bore tests (Carbon film test, " docs/301-310,.pdf,451,"Stress corrosion resistance test " docs/301-310,.pdf,442,"13 " docs/301-310,.pdf,444,"one in each heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,445,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,446,"As per EN 1254/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,447,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,448,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,449,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,443,"carbon content test) " docs/301-310,.pdf,469,"Min 6 bar @ 10 second " docs/301-310,.pdf,470,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,471,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,491,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,492,"As per EN 1254/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,493,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,494,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,495,"10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,496,"Documentation " docs/301-310,.pdf,490,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,497,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,499,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,500,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,501,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,502,"W-WITNESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,503,"P-PERFORM " docs/301-310,.pdf,504,"TPIA-THIRD PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY " docs/301-310,.pdf,498,"As per EN 1254/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,489,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,488,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,487,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,472,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,473,"|Dimensional Inspection (O.D, Wll thk, Length " docs/301-310,.pdf,474,"etc.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,475,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,476,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,477,"As per EN 1254/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,478,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,479,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,480,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,481,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,482,"19 " docs/301-310,.pdf,483,"Visual Inspection (Free from defect) Marking " docs/301-310,.pdf,484,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,485,"As per EN 1254 " docs/301-310,.pdf,486,"As per EN 1254/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,434,"Final product: Chemical Requirement " docs/301-310,.pdf,290,"6. Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time. " docs/301-310,.pdf,188,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,288,"4. Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier / Sub vendor issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner/Owner's representative and TPIA to organize Inspection " docs/301-310,.pdf,92,"IS: 4711 " docs/301-310,.pdf,93,"MARKING " docs/301-310,.pdf,94,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,95,"IS: 1239 / P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,96,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,97,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,91,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,98,"WORKMANSHIP " docs/301-310,.pdf,100,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,101,"IS: 4711 " docs/301-310,.pdf,102,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,103,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,104,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,105,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,99,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,106,"PERFORMANCE OF INSTRUMENTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,90,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,88,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,74,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,75,"IS: 13871/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,76,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,77,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,78,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,79,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,89,"IDENTIFICATION & " docs/301-310,.pdf,80,"IMPACT RESISTANCE " docs/301-310,.pdf,82,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,83,"AS PER IS: 13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,84,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,85,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,86,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,87,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,81,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,73,"AS PER IS: 13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,107,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,109,"EACH INSTRUMENT " docs/301-310,.pdf,128,"7. All reference Codes / Standards. Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor I supplier for reference of TPIA / IGL at the time of inspection. " docs/301-310,.pdf,129,"8. At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note, dispatch clearance note & MTC. " docs/301-310,.pdf,130,"Page 301 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,131,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES GI FITTINGS " docs/301-310,.pdf,132,"SR. " docs/301-310,.pdf,133,"CHARACTERISTICS " docs/301-310,.pdf,127,"6. Owner/Owner'srepresentativeincluding TPIAwillhavetherighttoinspectanyactivityofmanufacturingatanytime. " docs/301-310,.pdf,134,"No " docs/301-310,.pdf,136,"COMPONENT " docs/301-310,.pdf,137,"QUANTUM OF CHECK " docs/301-310,.pdf,138,"REF. DOC. " docs/301-310,.pdf,139,"INSPECTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,140,"ACCEPTANCE NORMS " docs/301-310,.pdf,141,"RECORD " docs/301-310,.pdf,135,"DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,108,"CALIBERATION " docs/301-310,.pdf,126,"5. Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used in case of conflict between specifications more stringent condition shall be applicable. " docs/301-310,.pdf,124,"2. The supplier shall submit their own detailed ITP prepared on the basis of above I Technical specification for approval of Owner/ Owner's representative. " docs/301-310,.pdf,110,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,111,"IS: 1239/P.O. Spec./PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,112,"CALIBERATI ON CERTIFICATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,113,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,114,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,115,"LEGENDS " docs/301-310,.pdf,125,"3. Owner/Owner representative shall review / approve all the documents related to ITP / Quality manuals / Drawings etc. submitted by supplier 4.Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier / Sub vendor issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner/Owner's representative and TPIA to organize Inspection " docs/301-310,.pdf,116,"H-HOLD " docs/301-310,.pdf,118,"R-REVIEW W-WITNESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,119,"TC-TEST " docs/301-310,.pdf,120,"CERTIFICATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,121,"INSPECTIONR EPORT CA-CONTROL AUTHOIRTY TPIA - THIRD PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY " docs/301-310,.pdf,122,"IIR-INTERNAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,123,"1. The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements; however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per Particular Technical specifications (PTS). " docs/301-310,.pdf,117,"P-PERFORMANCE " docs/301-310,.pdf,72,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,71,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,70,"SCRATCH RESISTANCE " docs/301-310,.pdf,19,"11 " docs/301-310,.pdf,20,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,21,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,22,"AS PER IS: 4711/IS:13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,23,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,24,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,18,"10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,25,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,27,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,28,"CROSS HATCH ADHESION " docs/301-310,.pdf,29,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,30,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,31,"AS PER IS: 13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,32,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,26,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,33,"IS: 13871/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,17,"9 " docs/301-310,.pdf,15,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1,"S.No " docs/301-310,.pdf,2,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,3,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,4,"4.2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,5,"4.3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,6,"4.4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,16,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,7,"4.5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,9,"GI PIPES CONFORMING TO IS:1239 (PART-1):2004 (Latest edition) " docs/301-310,.pdf,10,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,11,"GLOSS 60 DEG. " docs/301-310,.pdf,12,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,13,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,14,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,8,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES " docs/301-310,.pdf,34,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,35,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,36,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,56,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,57,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,58,"POWDER " docs/301-310,.pdf,59,"PENCIL HARDNESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,60,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,61,"COATING " docs/301-310,.pdf,55,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,62,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,64,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,65,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,66,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,67,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,68,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,69,"TEST " docs/301-310,.pdf,63,"AS PER IS: 13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,54,"IS: 13871/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,53,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,52,"AS PER IS: 13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,37,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,38,"CYLINDRICAL BENDING " docs/301-310,.pdf,39,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,40,"TEST " docs/301-310,.pdf,41,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,42,"AS PER IS: 13871 " docs/301-310,.pdf,43,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,44,"IS: 13871/ " docs/301-310,.pdf,45,"IR " docs/301-310,.pdf,46,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,47,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,48,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,49,"ENRICHSEN CUPPING " docs/301-310,.pdf,50,"VISUAL " docs/301-310,.pdf,51,"Major " docs/301-310,.pdf,142,"MANUF. TPIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,143,"CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,144,"REMARKS " docs/301-310,.pdf,145,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,237,"Powder Coating " docs/301-310,.pdf,238,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,239,"Coating " docs/301-310,.pdf,240,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,241,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,242,"IS: 13871/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,236,"9 " docs/301-310,.pdf,243,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,245,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,246,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,247,"Visual, Dimensions, " docs/301-310,.pdf,248,"Finish, " docs/301-310,.pdf,249,"weld bevel, Bore, " docs/301-310,.pdf,250,"10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,244,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,251,"Final inspection " docs/301-310,.pdf,235,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,233,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,219,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,220,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,221,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,222,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,223,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,224,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,234,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,225,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,227,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,228,"Integrity of galvanized coating " docs/301-310,.pdf,229,"As listed in IS 4759 " docs/301-310,.pdf,230,"IS 4736/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,231,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,232,"Inspection/Lab Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,226,"Galvanizing " docs/301-310,.pdf,252,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,253,"Marking, Powder Coating Thickness* " docs/301-310,.pdf,254,"IS 1879 " docs/301-310,.pdf,274,"As per the terms and conditions of the PO & PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,275,"As per the terms and conditions of the PO & PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,276,"Compliance certificate " docs/301-310,.pdf,277,"*60 Microns Minimum " docs/301-310,.pdf,278,"LEGENDSH-HOLD " docs/301-310,.pdf,279,"P-PERFORMANCE " docs/301-310,.pdf,273,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,280,"REPORT " docs/301-310,.pdf,282,"W-WITNESS TC-TEST CERTIFICATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,283,"IIR-INTERNAL INSPECTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,284,"CA-CONTROL AUTHOIRTY TPIA-THIRD PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY " docs/301-310,.pdf,285,"1. The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements, however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per Particular Technical specifications(PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,286,"2. The supplier shall submit their own detailed ITP prepared on the basis of above I Technical specification for approval of Owner / Owner's representative " docs/301-310,.pdf,287,"3. Owner/Owner representative shall review / approve all the documents related to ITP / Quality manuals / Drawings etc. submitted by supplier " docs/301-310,.pdf,281,"R-REVIEW " docs/301-310,.pdf,272,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,271,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,270,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,255,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,256,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,257,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,258,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,259,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,260,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,261,"11 " docs/301-310,.pdf,262,"Marking " docs/301-310,.pdf,263,"12 " docs/301-310,.pdf,264,"Documentation " docs/301-310,.pdf,265,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,266,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,267,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,268,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,269,"PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,218,"IS 1879 " docs/301-310,.pdf,289,"5. Special manufacturing procedure shave to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent condition shall be applicable. " docs/301-310,.pdf,217,"ASME B1.20.1/NPT " docs/301-310,.pdf,215,"Alignments of Thread " docs/301-310,.pdf,164,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,165,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,166,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,167,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,168,"Cleaning and Flushing " docs/301-310,.pdf,169,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,163,"TC " docs/301-310,.pdf,170,"Descaling/Peel off " docs/301-310,.pdf,172,"IS 14329/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,173,"IS 14329/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,174,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,175,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,176,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,177,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,171,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,178,"Destructive Testing (Tensile, " docs/301-310,.pdf,162,"IS 14329/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,160,"IS: 14329 Grade BM 300 " docs/301-310,.pdf,146,"Chemical composition of material " docs/301-310,.pdf,147,"Test Bar " docs/301-310,.pdf,148,"Marking and correlation with TC " docs/301-310,.pdf,149,"IS: 14329 Grade BM 300 " docs/301-310,.pdf,150,"PO, Material specification " docs/301-310,.pdf,151,"IS 14329/PO, Material specifications " docs/301-310,.pdf,161,"PO, Material specification " docs/301-310,.pdf,152,"Mill TC " docs/301-310,.pdf,154,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,155,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,156,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,157,"Chemical composition of Final product " docs/301-310,.pdf,158,"Chemical properties " docs/301-310,.pdf,159,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,153,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,179,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,180,"Mechanical Properties " docs/301-310,.pdf,181,"Elongation & Hardness) " docs/301-310,.pdf,201,"As per sampling " docs/301-310,.pdf,202,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,203,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,204,"Pneumatic " docs/301-310,.pdf,205,"IS 1879 " docs/301-310,.pdf,206,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,200,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,207,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,209,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,210,"procedure of IS 1839 " docs/301-310,.pdf,211,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,212,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,213,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,214,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,208,"Pressure Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,199,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,198,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,197,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,182,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,183,"IS 14329 " docs/301-310,.pdf,184,"IS 14329/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,185,"IS 14329/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,186,"Lab Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,187,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,577,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,189,"RW " docs/301-310,.pdf,190,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,191,"Compression Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,192,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,193,"Malleability " docs/301-310,.pdf,194,"Three samples per Heat " docs/301-310,.pdf,195,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,196,"IS 1879/ PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,216,"Fitting " docs/301-310,.pdf,578,"Preferably witness by CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,606,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,580,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,963,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,964,"B " docs/301-310,.pdf,965,"с " docs/301-310,.pdf,966,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,967,"E (Min.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,968,"F (Min.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,962,"SIZE " docs/301-310,.pdf,969,"REV DATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,971,"OWNER: " docs/301-310,.pdf,972,"1/2"" " docs/301-310,.pdf,973,"1/2"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,974,"1/2"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,975,"+1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,976,"0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,970,"VIEW A-A " docs/301-310,.pdf,977,"25 " docs/301-310,.pdf,961,"0 19.05.18 " docs/301-310,.pdf,959,"Steel, Nickel Plated " docs/301-310,.pdf,945,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,946,"Ball " docs/301-310,.pdf,947,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,948,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,949,"Stem " docs/301-310,.pdf,950,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,960,"DIMENSION TABLE " docs/301-310,.pdf,951,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,953,"NBR " docs/301-310,.pdf,954,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,955,"Handle " docs/301-310,.pdf,956,"Steel, Nickel Plated " docs/301-310,.pdf,957,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,958,"Stem Nut " docs/301-310,.pdf,952,"O-Ring " docs/301-310,.pdf,944,"PTFE " docs/301-310,.pdf,978,"±1.0 56 " docs/301-310,.pdf,980,"DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,999,"31 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1000,"62 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1001,"16.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1002,"16.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1003,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. NOIDA, U.P. CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/301-310,.pdf,1004,"TITLE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,998,"x 14 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,1005,"1"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,1007,"+1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1008,"±1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1009,"GA DRAWING OF ISOLATION VALVE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1010,"1"" " docs/301-310,.pdf,1011,"38 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1012,"76 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1006,"1"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,979,"ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,997,"x 14 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,995,"3/4"" " docs/301-310,.pdf,981,"SUBJECT OF REVISION " docs/301-310,.pdf,982,"PRED CHKD APPD " docs/301-310,.pdf,983,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/301-310,.pdf,984,"NEW DELHI " docs/301-310,.pdf,985,"US ADE AD " docs/301-310,.pdf,986,"15.5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,996,"PROJECT: " docs/301-310,.pdf,987,"15.5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,989,"x 14 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,990,"PMC: " docs/301-310,.pdf,991,"3/4"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,992,"3/4"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,993,"+1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,994,"±1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,988,"x 14 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,579,"Pneumatic pressure test " docs/301-310,.pdf,942,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,941,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,890,"Page 307 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,891,"SCALE: NTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,892,"CAD FILE DATE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,893,"DRG. NO. " docs/301-310,.pdf,894,"15792 /03-CD-MC-DR-001 " docs/301-310,.pdf,895,"REV " docs/301-310,.pdf,889,"GA DRAWING OF ISOLATION VALVE " docs/301-310,.pdf,896,"0 SHEET 1 OF 1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,898,"A- " docs/301-310,.pdf,899,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,900,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,901,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,902,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,903,"F " docs/301-310,.pdf,897,"A- " docs/301-310,.pdf,904,"6543 " docs/301-310,.pdf,888,"(NOTE-3) (NOTE-3) " docs/301-310,.pdf,886,"22.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,872,"x 11.5 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,873,"x 11.5 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,874,"(NOTE-3) (NOTE-3) " docs/301-310,.pdf,875,"PROJECT: " docs/301-310,.pdf,876,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. NOIDA, U.P. CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/301-310,.pdf,877,"2"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,887,"22.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,878,"2"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,880,"2"" " docs/301-310,.pdf,881,"66' " docs/301-310,.pdf,882,"±1.0 110 " docs/301-310,.pdf,883,"TITLE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,884,"x 11.5 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,885,"x 11.5 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,879,"+1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,905,"ე " docs/301-310,.pdf,906,"A/F " docs/301-310,.pdf,907,"MEDIUM " docs/301-310,.pdf,927,"(Refer Data Sheet of Isolation Valve attached in PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,928,"0°C TO 65°C " docs/301-310,.pdf,929,"Knob and Locking Arrangement with Butterfly type Handle " docs/301-310,.pdf,930,"Body Forged Brass (ASTM B 283, Alloy UNSC37700) with Hard Nickel/ Chrome Plated. " docs/301-310,.pdf,931,"Ball Forged Brass (ASTM B 283, Alloy UNSC37700) with Hard Nickel/ Chrome Plated. " docs/301-310,.pdf,932,"MATERIAL LIST " docs/301-310,.pdf,926,"MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,933,"Item " docs/301-310,.pdf,935,"Material " docs/301-310,.pdf,936,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,937,"Body " docs/301-310,.pdf,938,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,939,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,940,"End Cap " docs/301-310,.pdf,934,"Part " docs/301-310,.pdf,925,"OPERATOR " docs/301-310,.pdf,924,"DESIGN TEMPERATURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,923,"6 bar(g) " docs/301-310,.pdf,908,"END CONNECTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,909,"TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS " docs/301-310,.pdf,910,"NATURAL GAS " docs/301-310,.pdf,911,"1/2"", 3/4"", 1"" NPT(F) at both Inlet and Outlet " docs/301-310,.pdf,912,"NOTE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,913,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/301-310,.pdf,914,"2. ALL NPT THREADS SHALL BE AS PER ASME B1.20.1. " docs/301-310,.pdf,915,"3. ALL DIMENSIONS MARKED ""*"" SHALL BE PROVIDED BY VENDOR. " docs/301-310,.pdf,916,"4. DIMENSIONS MENTIONED IN TABLE ARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. 5. GA DRAWING AS SHOWN IS INDICATIVE ONLY. ACTUAL SHAPE " docs/301-310,.pdf,917,"/ SIZE SHALL BE AS PER VENDOR'S OWN GA DRAWING. " docs/301-310,.pdf,918,"OPERATING PRESSURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,919,"OPERATING TEMPERATURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,920,"DESIGN PRESSURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,921,"4 bar(g) " docs/301-310,.pdf,922,"0°с то 45°C " docs/301-310,.pdf,1013,"x 11.5 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,871,"21.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1014,"x 11.5 TPI " docs/301-310,.pdf,1016,"18.5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1108,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,1109,"ں " docs/301-310,.pdf,1110,"B " docs/301-310,.pdf,1111,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,1112,"1▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬2 3 4 5 6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1113,"100.00 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1107,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,1114,"FGL " docs/301-310,.pdf,1116,"100.10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1117,"150 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1118,"50 MM (COVER TO REINF.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,1119,"PCC 1:5:10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1120,"100 @300 C/C BOTHWAYS " docs/301-310,.pdf,1121,"RCC PAVEMENT DETAIL " docs/301-310,.pdf,1115,"100 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1122,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1106,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1104,"DRG. NO.15792-10-03-16 REV-0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1090,"B " docs/301-310,.pdf,1091,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1092,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,1093,"PROJECT: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1094,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/301-310,.pdf,1095,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,1105,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1096,"TITLE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1098,"DATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1099,"1:20 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1100,"DETAILS OF PIPE TRENCH " docs/301-310,.pdf,1101,"CAD FILES DATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1102,"CAD " docs/301-310,.pdf,1103,"A3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1097,"SCALE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1089,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,1123,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1125,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1144,"SCALE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1145,"DATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1146,"1:10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1147,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,1148,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-17 REV-0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1149,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1143,"STANDARD DETAIL OF RCC PAVEMENT " docs/301-310,.pdf,1150,"CAD " docs/301-310,.pdf,1152,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1153,"ليا " docs/301-310,.pdf,1154,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,1155,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,1156,"B " docs/301-310,.pdf,1157,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,1151,"A3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1124,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1142,"TITLE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1140,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1126,"SAND FILL " docs/301-310,.pdf,1127,"150 THK. PAVEMENT " docs/301-310,.pdf,1128,"CONC. M-20 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1129,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1130,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1131,"Page 310 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1141,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/301-310,.pdf,1132,"OWNER: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1134,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1135,"NOTES:- " docs/301-310,.pdf,1136,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1137,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1138,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/301-310,.pdf,1139,"NEW DELHI " docs/301-310,.pdf,1133,"PMC: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1088,"NEW DELHI " docs/301-310,.pdf,1087,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/301-310,.pdf,1086,"PMC: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1035,"645 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1036,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1037,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1038,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1039,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1040,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1034,"645 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1041,"の " docs/301-310,.pdf,1043,"Φ " docs/301-310,.pdf,1044,"544 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1045,"Φ " docs/301-310,.pdf,1046,"の " docs/301-310,.pdf,1047,"Φ " docs/301-310,.pdf,1048,"PRECAST RCC PANEL " docs/301-310,.pdf,1042,"Φ " docs/301-310,.pdf,1049,"544 x 645 x 80 THK. WITH LIFTING HOOKS " docs/301-310,.pdf,1033,"645 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1031,"LIFTING HOOK " docs/301-310,.pdf,1017,"SCALE: NTS DRG. NO. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1018,"CAD FILE DATE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1019,"REV " docs/301-310,.pdf,1020,"15792 /03-CD-MC-DR-002 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1021,"0 SHEET 1 OF 1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1022,"Page 308 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1032,"800 X 40 DEEP RECESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,1023,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,1025,"0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1026,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,1027,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,1028,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1029,"PRECAST RCC PANEL " docs/301-310,.pdf,1030,"544x645x80 THK. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1024,"B " docs/301-310,.pdf,1050,"150 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1051,"400 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1052,"150 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1072,"009 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1073,"75 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1074,"(IN SLOPE) " docs/301-310,.pdf,1075,"150 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1076,"-100 THK. PCC 1:4:8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1077,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1071,"SCALE 1:10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1078,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1080,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1081,"NOTES:- " docs/301-310,.pdf,1082,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1083,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1084,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1085,"OWNER: " docs/301-310,.pdf,1079,"Page 309 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1070,"SECTION 1-1 THRU PIPE TRENCH (PIPE TRENCH BY OTHERS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,1069,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1068,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1053,"75 3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1054,"375 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1055,"TOP OF PAVEMENT " docs/301-310,.pdf,1056,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1057,"EDGE FLAT ALL ROUND " docs/301-310,.pdf,1058,"80x6 THK. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1059,"SAND FILL " docs/301-310,.pdf,1060,"G.A. PLAN OF COVER SLAB " docs/301-310,.pdf,1061,"FLOOR OF PIPE TRENCH- " docs/301-310,.pdf,1062,"(IN SLOPE) " docs/301-310,.pdf,1063,"75 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1064,"4. " docs/301-310,.pdf,1065,"ব " docs/301-310,.pdf,1066,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1067,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,1015,"18.5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,870,"21.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,943,"Ball Seat " docs/301-310,.pdf,868,"53' " docs/301-310,.pdf,673,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,674,"PTS & IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,675,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,676,"Cl. of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,677,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,678,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,672,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,679,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,681,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,682,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,683,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,684,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,685,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,686,"Cl. 5.5.2 of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,680,"Cl. 5.5.1 of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,687,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,671,"Shall not exceed 10% absorbed & 5% extractable as per Cl. No. 5.2 of PTS Min. Adhesion shall be 2 KN/m as Cl. No. 5.3 of PTS Conditioned at -40 deg for 50 hours and bent at 180 deg around mandrel of dia 12 times the Nominal Bore of hose as per Cl no. 5.4 of PTS Bend empty to radius 95 mm without Flattening & suffering structural damages. " docs/301-310,.pdf,669,"one (1) per batch one (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,655,"Resistance of Lining to n-pentane " docs/301-310,.pdf,656,"one (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,657,"Adhesion Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,658,"one (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,659,"2.3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,660,"Low Temperature Flexibility Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,670,"Tensile Strength = 10Mpa (Min.) El (Lining & Cover) is 200 & 250 resp. (Min.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,661,"2.4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,663,"Flexibility of hose at 1.5 x design " docs/301-310,.pdf,664,"2.5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,665,"Final Inspection " docs/301-310,.pdf,666,"pressure " docs/301-310,.pdf,667,"2.6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,668,"Ozone Resistance Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,662,"One (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,654,"2.2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,688,"Cl. 5.5.3 of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,690,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,709,"Cl. No. 5.9 of PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,710,"Cl. 5.5.2 of IS 9573 Cl. 5.5.7 of IS 9573 & Annex A of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,711,"Inspection Report Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,712,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,713,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,714,"Witness by CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,708,"one (1) per batch one (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,715,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,717,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,718,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,719,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,720,"one (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,721,"Shall not burn till 45 sec. as per Cl. No. " docs/301-310,.pdf,722,"Cl. 5.5.8 of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,716,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,689,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,707,"Grip Strength test Burning Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,705,"2.9 " docs/301-310,.pdf,691,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,692,"Witness by CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,693,"2.7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,694,"Hydrostatic/ Proof Pr. Test " docs/301-310,.pdf,695,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,696,"Cl. No 5.9 of PTS 2MPa for 1 min. as per Cl. No. 5.7 of PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,706,"2.10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,697,"Cl. 5.5.4 of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,699,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,700,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,701,"Witness by CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,702,"Cl. 5.5.1 of IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,703,"2.8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,704,"Burst test " docs/301-310,.pdf,698,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,653,"one (1) per batch " docs/301-310,.pdf,652,"Mechanical Properties " docs/301-310,.pdf,869,"±1.0 96 " docs/301-310,.pdf,599,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,600,"11 " docs/301-310,.pdf,601,"Documentation " docs/301-310,.pdf,602,"As per EN 12164 PO/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,603,"As per EN 1254/ PTS As per EN 1254/PTS As per EN 1254 PO/PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,604,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,598,"Marking " docs/301-310,.pdf,605,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,608,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,609,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,610,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,611,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,612,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,613,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,607,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,614,"H " docs/301-310,.pdf,597,"10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,595,"Dimensional Inspection (O.D, Wll thk, Length etc.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,581,"Preferably witness " docs/301-310,.pdf,582,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,583,"As per EN 12164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,584,"Min 6 bar @ 15 second " docs/301-310,.pdf,585,"Test Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,586,"by CA " docs/301-310,.pdf,596,"As per EN 12164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,587,"Р " docs/301-310,.pdf,589,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,590,"Visual Inspection (Free from defect) " docs/301-310,.pdf,591,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,592,"As per EN 12164 " docs/301-310,.pdf,593,"9 " docs/301-310,.pdf,594,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,588,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,615,"LEGENDS H-HOLD W-WITNESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,616,"P-PERFORM " docs/301-310,.pdf,617,"TPIA-THIRD PARTY INSPECTION AGENCY " docs/301-310,.pdf,637,"Chemical &Mech. Test of material or Steel Reinforced Rubber Hose (Lining, Reinforced material & cover) " docs/301-310,.pdf,638,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,639,"2. " docs/301-310,.pdf,640,"Final Product " docs/301-310,.pdf,641,"IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,642,"INSPECTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,636,"Raw Material " docs/301-310,.pdf,643,"ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (As per EN 1057/ PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,645,"CERTIFICATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,646,"TPIA/ CLIEN REMARKS " docs/301-310,.pdf,647,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,648,"IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,649,"MTC " docs/301-310,.pdf,650,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,644,"VENDOR " docs/301-310,.pdf,635,"QUANTUM OF CHECK PROCEDURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,634,"TEST PARAMETERS " docs/301-310,.pdf,633,"QUALITY CONTROL TABLES STEEL REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE " docs/301-310,.pdf,618,"CA-CONTROL AUTHOIRTY " docs/301-310,.pdf,619,"1. The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements; however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per specification. " docs/301-310,.pdf,620,"2. The supplier shall submit their own detailed ITP prepared on the basis of above I Technical specification for approval of Owner / Owner's representative. " docs/301-310,.pdf,621,"3. Owner/Owner representative shall review/ approve all the documents related to ITP / Quality manuals / Drawings etc. submitted by supplier " docs/301-310,.pdf,622,"4. " docs/301-310,.pdf,623,"Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier / Sub vendor issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner / Owner's representative and TPIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,624,"5. Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent " docs/301-310,.pdf,625,"6. Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time. " docs/301-310,.pdf,626,"7. All reference Codes / Standards. Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor I supplier for reference of TPIA/ IGL at the time of inspection. " docs/301-310,.pdf,627,"8. " docs/301-310,.pdf,628,"At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note, dispatch clearance note & MTC. " docs/301-310,.pdf,629,"Page 305 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,630,"SR. No " docs/301-310,.pdf,631,"DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,632,"1. " docs/301-310,.pdf,723,"5.10 " docs/301-310,.pdf,724,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,651,"2.1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,726,"W " docs/301-310,.pdf,818,"Body " docs/301-310,.pdf,819,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,820,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,821,"End Cap " docs/301-310,.pdf,822,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,823,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,817,"1 " docs/301-310,.pdf,824,"Ball Seat " docs/301-310,.pdf,826,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,827,"Ball " docs/301-310,.pdf,828,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,829,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,830,"Stem " docs/301-310,.pdf,831,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,825,"PTFE " docs/301-310,.pdf,832,"6 " docs/301-310,.pdf,816,"Material " docs/301-310,.pdf,814,"Item " docs/301-310,.pdf,800,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/301-310,.pdf,801,"2. ALL NPT THREADS SHALL BE AS PER ASME B1.20.1. " docs/301-310,.pdf,802,"3. ALL DIMENSIONS MARKED ""*"" SHALL BE PROVIDED BY VENDOR. " docs/301-310,.pdf,803,"4. DIMENSIONS MENTIONED IN TABLE ARE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. " docs/301-310,.pdf,804,"5. GA DRAWING AS SHOWN IS INDICATIVE ONLY. ACTUAL SHAPE " docs/301-310,.pdf,805,"/ SIZE SHALL BE AS PER VENDOR'S OWN GA DRAWING. " docs/301-310,.pdf,815,"Part " docs/301-310,.pdf,806,"DESIGN TEMPERATURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,808,"MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION (Refer Data Sheet of Isolation Valve attached in PTS) " docs/301-310,.pdf,809,"0°C TO 65°C " docs/301-310,.pdf,810,"Knob and Locking Arrangement with Lever type Handle " docs/301-310,.pdf,811,"Body Forged Brass (ASTM B 283, Alloy UNSC37700) with Hard Nickel/ Chrome Plated. " docs/301-310,.pdf,812,"Ball Forged Brass (ASTM B 283, Alloy UNSC37700) with Hard Nickel/ Chrome Plated. " docs/301-310,.pdf,813,"MATERIAL LIST " docs/301-310,.pdf,807,"OPERATOR " docs/301-310,.pdf,799,"NOTE: " docs/301-310,.pdf,834,"NBR " docs/301-310,.pdf,836,"Packing Nut " docs/301-310,.pdf,855,"H " docs/301-310,.pdf,856,"ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,857,"DESCRIPTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,858,"SUBJECT OF REVISION " docs/301-310,.pdf,859,"US ADE AD " docs/301-310,.pdf,860,"PRED CHKD APPD " docs/301-310,.pdf,854,"G " docs/301-310,.pdf,861,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/301-310,.pdf,863,"PMC: " docs/301-310,.pdf,864,"VIEW A-A " docs/301-310,.pdf,865,"1-1/2""NPT(F) 1-1/2"" NPT(F) " docs/301-310,.pdf,866,"+1.0 " docs/301-310,.pdf,867,"1-1/2"" " docs/301-310,.pdf,725,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,862,"NEW DELHI " docs/301-310,.pdf,835,"7 " docs/301-310,.pdf,853,"F (Min.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,851,"OWNER: " docs/301-310,.pdf,837,"Brass " docs/301-310,.pdf,838,"8 " docs/301-310,.pdf,839,"Lever Handle " docs/301-310,.pdf,840,"Steel, Nickel Plated. " docs/301-310,.pdf,841,"9 " docs/301-310,.pdf,842,"Stem Nut " docs/301-310,.pdf,852,"E (Min.) " docs/301-310,.pdf,843,"Steel, Nickel Plated " docs/301-310,.pdf,845,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,846,"B " docs/301-310,.pdf,847,"DIMENSION TABLE " docs/301-310,.pdf,848,"CDE " docs/301-310,.pdf,849,"0 19.05.18 " docs/301-310,.pdf,850,"REV DATE " docs/301-310,.pdf,844,"SIZE " docs/301-310,.pdf,798,"6 bar(g) " docs/301-310,.pdf,833,"O-Ring " docs/301-310,.pdf,796,"4 bar(g) " docs/301-310,.pdf,746,"Marking " docs/301-310,.pdf,747,"Documentation " docs/301-310,.pdf,748,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,749,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,750,"As per Cl. No. 6.0 of PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,751,"PTS & IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,744,"5 " docs/301-310,.pdf,752,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,754,"As per Cl. No. 7.0 of PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,755,"PTS & IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,756,"term & conditions of P.O & PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,757,"Inspection Report As per term & conditions of P.O 3.2 Certification as & PTS per EN 1024 " docs/301-310,.pdf,758,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,759,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,753,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,743,"4 " docs/301-310,.pdf,742,"3 " docs/301-310,.pdf,741,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,727,"2.11 " docs/301-310,.pdf,797,"0°C TO 45°C " docs/301-310,.pdf,728,"2.12 " docs/301-310,.pdf,729,"Visual & dimensional check Cover color- Orange " docs/301-310,.pdf,730,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,731,"Cl. No. 4.0 of PTS & IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,732,"IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,733,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,734,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,735,"R " docs/301-310,.pdf,736,"100% " docs/301-310,.pdf,737,"Cl. No. 5.2.3 of PTS " docs/301-310,.pdf,738,"PTS & IS 9573 " docs/301-310,.pdf,739,"Inspection Report " docs/301-310,.pdf,740,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,760,"P " docs/301-310,.pdf,761,"H " docs/301-310,.pdf,745,"End Fittings (Adaptors, nuts, washer) " docs/301-310,.pdf,762,"LEGENDSH-HOLD " docs/301-310,.pdf,781,"654 " docs/301-310,.pdf,782,"A- " docs/301-310,.pdf,783,"E " docs/301-310,.pdf,784,"2 " docs/301-310,.pdf,786,"F " docs/301-310,.pdf,787,"MEDIUM " docs/301-310,.pdf,780,"006 " docs/301-310,.pdf,788,"END CONNECTION " docs/301-310,.pdf,790,"OPERATING PRESSURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,791,"OPERATING TEMPERATURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,792,"DESIGN PRESSURE " docs/301-310,.pdf,793,"NATURAL GAS " docs/301-310,.pdf,794,"1-1/2"", 2"" NPT(F) at " docs/301-310,.pdf,795,"both Inlet and Outlet " docs/301-310,.pdf,789,"TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS " docs/301-310,.pdf,779,"✓ " docs/301-310,.pdf,785,"D " docs/301-310,.pdf,769,"4. " docs/301-310,.pdf,765,"TPIA- THIRD PARTY INSPECTIONAGENCY " docs/301-310,.pdf,766,"CA-CONTROL AUTHOIRTY " docs/301-310,.pdf,767,"1. The above testing and acceptance criteria are minimum requirements; however, manufacturer shall ensure that the product shall also comply to the additional requirements as per specification. 2. The supplier shall submit their own detailed ITP prepared on the basis of above I Technical specification for approval of Owner / Owner's representative. " docs/301-310,.pdf,768,"3. Owner/Owner representative shall review/ approve all the documents related to ITP / Quality manuals / Drawings etc. submitted by supplier " docs/301-310,.pdf,763,"W-WITNESS " docs/301-310,.pdf,770,"Contractor shall in coordination with Supplier / Sub vendor issue detailed Production and Inspection schedule indicating the dates and the locations to facilitate Owner/Owner's representative and TPIA " docs/301-310,.pdf,771,"5. Special manufacturing procedures have to be specially approved or only previously approved procedures have to be used, in case of conflict between specifications more stringent " docs/301-310,.pdf,772,"6. Owner/Owner's representative including TPIA will have the right to inspect any activity of manufacturing at any time. " docs/301-310,.pdf,773,"7. " docs/301-310,.pdf,774,"8. " docs/301-310,.pdf,775,"All reference Codes / Standards. Documents, P.O. Copies shall be arranged by vendor I supplier for reference of TPIA/ IGL at the time of inspection. " docs/301-310,.pdf,776,"At the time of delivery of material in stores, vendor will submit copy of all related document of inspection along with release note, dispatch clearance note & MTC " docs/301-310,.pdf,777,"Page 306 of 380 " docs/301-310,.pdf,778,"A " docs/301-310,.pdf,764,"P-PERFORM " docs/311-320,.pdf,98,"VALVE PIT PLAN " docs/311-320,.pdf,99,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,109,"250 " docs/311-320,.pdf,100,"SCREED CONC. 1:2:4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,96,"+ " docs/311-320,.pdf,95,"TYP) " docs/311-320,.pdf,97,"-Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,101,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,107,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,103,"75 THK. PCC (1:4:8). " docs/311-320,.pdf,104,"Y10 @ 150 C/C SECTION 1-1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,105,"(SCALE 1:15) " docs/311-320,.pdf,106,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,94,"INLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,108,"RCC WORK " docs/311-320,.pdf,102,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,93,"'30 " docs/311-320,.pdf,78,"300 DEEP " docs/311-320,.pdf,91,"RCC WALL " docs/311-320,.pdf,110,"300 TYP " docs/311-320,.pdf,76,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,77,"SUMP 300x300x " docs/311-320,.pdf,79,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) BOTTOM REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,80,"175 " docs/311-320,.pdf,81,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,82,"175 " docs/311-320,.pdf,83,"Y10 @ 150 CIC " docs/311-320,.pdf,84,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,85,"1:100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,86,"8 NOS.Y16 @ BARS " docs/311-320,.pdf,87,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,88,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,89,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,90,"MANHOLE FRME (560 DIA) AND COVER MEDIUM DUTY AS PER IS:1726 " docs/311-320,.pdf,92,"VEALVE " docs/311-320,.pdf,111,"(TYP) " docs/311-320,.pdf,145,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,113,"AT CENTRE REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,133,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF MS RUNGS (SCALE 1:10) " docs/311-320,.pdf,134,"Page 312 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,135,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,136,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,137,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING " docs/311-320,.pdf,138,"3. CLEAR COVER TO MAIN REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE (a) SLAB 20mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,139,"4. GRADE OF CONCRETE USED SHALL BE M-25 CONFORMING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,140,"5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF (GRADE Fe 415) CONFORMING TO IS:1786. " docs/311-320,.pdf,141,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,142,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,143,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,144,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,146,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,75,"DRG. No. 15792-20-03-20 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,147,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,132,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,112,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) " docs/311-320,.pdf,131,"Y16 MS RUNGS (PAINTED @ 300 C/C STAGGERED EMBEDDED IN M-25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,129,"75 THK. LEAN CONC.1:5:10 (TYP.) 300x300x150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,114,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,115,"SECTION A-A " docs/311-320,.pdf,116,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,117,"150 150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,118,"145 " docs/311-320,.pdf,119,"175 100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,120,"FGL " docs/311-320,.pdf,121,"1:2 CEMENT MORTAR JOINT (20 THK.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,122,"-16 THK. CEMENT PLASTER " docs/311-320,.pdf,123,"1:3 WITH WATER PROOFING COMPOUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,124,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,125,"-Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,126,"SEALING WITH 1:2 (CEMENT MORTAR ) " docs/311-320,.pdf,127,"OUTLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,128,"CASTING PIPE (TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,130,"PEDRSTAL (PCC 1:2:4) " docs/311-320,.pdf,74,"01-07-2014 DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,3,"300 DEEP " docs/311-320,.pdf,72,"CAD FILE " docs/311-320,.pdf,19,"75 THK. PCC (1:4:8). " docs/311-320,.pdf,20,"Y10 @ 150 C/C SECTION 1-1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,21,"(SCALE 1:15) " docs/311-320,.pdf,22,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,23,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,24,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,25,"RCC WALL " docs/311-320,.pdf,26,"INLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,27,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,28,"100 150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,29,"RCC WORK " docs/311-320,.pdf,30,"250 " docs/311-320,.pdf,31,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,32,"300 TYP " docs/311-320,.pdf,33,"VALVE " docs/311-320,.pdf,18,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,34,"MANHOLE FRME (560 DIA) AND COVER MEDIUM DUTY AS PER IS:1726 " docs/311-320,.pdf,17,"-SCREED CONC. 1:2:4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,15,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,665,"DATE OF COMMENCEMENT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,148,"STANDARD DETAIL OF RCC VALVE CHAMBER (TYPE-2) CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,1,"SUMP " docs/311-320,.pdf,2,"300x300x " docs/311-320,.pdf,4,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,5,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,6,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,7,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) BOTTOM REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,8,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,9,"8 NOS.Y16 @ BARS " docs/311-320,.pdf,10,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,11,"50 " docs/311-320,.pdf,12,"(TYP) " docs/311-320,.pdf,13,"-Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,14,"VALVE PIT PLAN " docs/311-320,.pdf,16,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,73,"AS SHOWN " docs/311-320,.pdf,35,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) AT CENTRE REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,37,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,57,"4. GRADE OF CONCRETE USED SHALL BE M-25 CONFORMING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,58,"5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF (GRADE Fe 415) CONFORMING TO IS:1786. " docs/311-320,.pdf,59,"Y16 MS RUNGS (PAINTED @ 300 C/C STAGGERED EMBEDDED IN M-25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,60,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,61,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF MS RUNGS (SCALE 1:10) " docs/311-320,.pdf,62,"Page 311 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,63,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,64,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,65,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,66,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,67,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,68,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,69,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,70,"STANDARD DETAIL OF RCC VALVE CHAMBER (TYPE-1) CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,71,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,56,"3. CLEAR COVER TO MAIN REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE (a) SLAB 20mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,36,"220 " docs/311-320,.pdf,55,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING " docs/311-320,.pdf,53,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,38,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,39,"SECTION A-A " docs/311-320,.pdf,40,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,41,"150 150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,42,"FGL " docs/311-320,.pdf,43,"1:2 CEMENT MORTAR JOINT (20 THK.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,44,"-16 THK. CEMENT PLASTER " docs/311-320,.pdf,45,"1:3 WITH WATER PROOFING COMPOUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,46,"Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,47,"-Y10 @ 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,48,"SEALING WITH 1:2 (CEMENT MORTAR) " docs/311-320,.pdf,49,"OUTLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,50,"CASTING PIPE (TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,51,"-75 THK. LEAN CONC.1:5:10 300x300x150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,52,"PEDRSTAL (PCC 1:2:4) " docs/311-320,.pdf,54,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,149,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,664,"CONTRACTOR NAME: " docs/311-320,.pdf,524,"WARNING TAPE- " docs/311-320,.pdf,353,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,352,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,351,"Y16 MS RUNGS (PAINTED @ 300 C/C STAGGERED EMBEDDED IN M-25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,350,"75 THK. LEAN CONC.1:5:10 300x300x150 PEDRSTAL (PCC 1:2:4) " docs/311-320,.pdf,349,"CASTING PIPE (TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,348,"BRICK WORK " docs/311-320,.pdf,347,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,354,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,346,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,344,"SEALING WITH 1:2 (CEMENT MORTAR) " docs/311-320,.pdf,343,"345 " docs/311-320,.pdf,342,"-16 THK, CEMENT PLASTER 1:3 WITH WATER PROOFING COMPOUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,341,"1:2 CEMENT MORTAR JOINT (20 THK.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,340,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,339,"W " docs/311-320,.pdf,338,"FGL " docs/311-320,.pdf,345,"OUTLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,337,"Page 315 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,355,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,357,"3. CLEAR COVER TO MAIN REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE (a) SLAB 20mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,373,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,372,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,371,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,370,"01-07-2014 DATE DRG. No. 15792-20-03-24 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,369,"CAD FILE " docs/311-320,.pdf,368,"STANDARD DETAIL OF BRICK VALVE CHAMBER (TYPE-1) CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,367,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,356,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING " docs/311-320,.pdf,366,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,364,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,363,"AS SHOWN " docs/311-320,.pdf,362,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,361,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,360,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,359,"5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF (GRADE Fe 415) CONFORMING TO IS:1786. " docs/311-320,.pdf,358,"4. GRADE OF CONCRETE USED SHALL BE M-25 CONFORMING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,365,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,374,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,336,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF MS RUNGS (SCALE 1:10) " docs/311-320,.pdf,334,"220 " docs/311-320,.pdf,313,"SCREED CONC. 1:2:4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,312,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,311,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,310,"VALVE PIT PLAN (SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,309,"1:100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,308,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,307,"(SCALE 1:15) " docs/311-320,.pdf,314,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,306,"Y10 @ 150 CIC SECTION 1-1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,304,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,303,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,302,"BARS " docs/311-320,.pdf,301,"8 NOS.Y16 " docs/311-320,.pdf,300,"300x300x 300 DEEP " docs/311-320,.pdf,299,"SUMP " docs/311-320,.pdf,298,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,305,"75 THK. PCC (1:4:8). " docs/311-320,.pdf,335,"250 " docs/311-320,.pdf,315,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) BOTTOM REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,317,"- AND COVER MEDIUM DUTY AS PER IS:1726 " docs/311-320,.pdf,333,"SECTION A-A (SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,332,"CONC. GROUT 100x230x75 " docs/311-320,.pdf,331,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,330,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) AT CENTRE REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,329,"-VALVE " docs/311-320,.pdf,328,"(TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,327,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,316,"MANHOLE FRME (560 DIA) " docs/311-320,.pdf,326,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,324,"W " docs/311-320,.pdf,323,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,322,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,321,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,320,"H< 1500 " docs/311-320,.pdf,319,"INLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,318,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,325,"345 " docs/311-320,.pdf,375,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) BOTTOM REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,376,"(1) " docs/311-320,.pdf,377,"SUMP 300x300x " docs/311-320,.pdf,434,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,433,"5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF (GRADE Fe 415) CONFORMING TO IS:1786. " docs/311-320,.pdf,432,"4. GRADE OF CONCRETE USED SHALL BE M-25 CONFORMING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,431,"3. CLEAR COVER TO MAIN REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE (a) SLAB 20mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,430,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING " docs/311-320,.pdf,429,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,428,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,435,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,427,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,425,"Y16 MS RUNGS (PAINTED @ 300 C/C STAGGERED EMBEDDED IN M-25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,424,"300x300x150 PEDRSTAL (PCC 1:2:4) " docs/311-320,.pdf,423,"75 THK, LEAN CONC, 1:5:10 " docs/311-320,.pdf,422,"CASTING PIPE (TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,421,"OUTLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,420,"SEALING WITH 1:2 (CEMENT MORTAR) " docs/311-320,.pdf,419,"Page 316 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,426,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,418,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF MS RUNGS (SCALE 1:10) " docs/311-320,.pdf,436,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,438,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,454,"VALVE PIT PLAN (SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,453,"1:100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,452,"$LOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,451,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,450,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,449,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,448,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,437,"AS SHOWN " docs/311-320,.pdf,447,"300 DEEP " docs/311-320,.pdf,445,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,444,"01-07-2014 DATE DRG. No. 15792-20-03-25 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,443,"CAD FILE " docs/311-320,.pdf,442,"STANDARD DETAIL OF BRICK VALVE CHAMBER (TYPE-2) CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,441,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,440,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,439,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,446,"SUMP 300x300x " docs/311-320,.pdf,417,"250 " docs/311-320,.pdf,416,"BRICK WORK " docs/311-320,.pdf,415,"SECTION A-A (SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,393,"VARIABLE " docs/311-320,.pdf,392,"LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,391,"INLET " docs/311-320,.pdf,390,"* " docs/311-320,.pdf,389,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,388,"SCREED CONC. 1:2:4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,387,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,394,"H<2000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,386,"VALVE PIT PLAN " docs/311-320,.pdf,384,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,383,"(SCALE 1:15) " docs/311-320,.pdf,382,"Y10 @ 150 CIC SECTION 1-1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,381,"75 THK. PCC (1:4:8). " docs/311-320,.pdf,380,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,379,"8 NOS.Y16 BARS " docs/311-320,.pdf,378,"300 DEEP " docs/311-320,.pdf,385,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,395,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,396,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,397,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,414,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,413,"575 " docs/311-320,.pdf,412,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,411,"-16 THK. CEMENT PLASTER 1:3 WITH WATER PROOFING COMPOUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,410,"1:2 CEMENT MORTAR JOINT (20 THK.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,409,"FGL " docs/311-320,.pdf,408,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,407,"3451 " docs/311-320,.pdf,406,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) AT CENTRE REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,405,"-VALVE " docs/311-320,.pdf,404,"345 " docs/311-320,.pdf,403,"230' " docs/311-320,.pdf,402,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,401,"145 " docs/311-320,.pdf,400,"MANHOLE FRME (560 DIA) AND COVER MEDIUM DUTY AS PER IS:1726 " docs/311-320,.pdf,399,"NARAME " docs/311-320,.pdf,398,"CONC. GROUT 100x230x75 " docs/311-320,.pdf,297,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,455,"8 NOS.Y16 " docs/311-320,.pdf,296,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,294,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,191,"145 " docs/311-320,.pdf,190,"AT CENTRE REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,189,"Y10@150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) " docs/311-320,.pdf,188,"300 TYP " docs/311-320,.pdf,187,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,186,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,185,"(SCALE 1:15) " docs/311-320,.pdf,192,"100 175 " docs/311-320,.pdf,184,"Y10 @ 150 G/C SECTION 1-1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,182,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,181,"SCREED CONC. 1:2:4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,180,"VALVE PIT PLAN (SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,179,"(TYP) " docs/311-320,.pdf,178,"INLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,177,"30 " docs/311-320,.pdf,176,"-Y10 @ 150 G/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,183,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,175,"VEALVE " docs/311-320,.pdf,193,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,195,"SECTION A-A " docs/311-320,.pdf,211,"Y16 MS RUNGS (PAINTED @ 300 C/C STAGGERED EMBEDDED IN M-25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,210,"PEDRSTAL (PCC 1:2:4) " docs/311-320,.pdf,209,"75 THK. LEAN CONC. 1:5:10 (TYP.) 300x300x150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,208,"CASTING PIPE (TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,207,"OUTLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,206,"SEALING WITH 1:2 (CEMENT MORTAR) " docs/311-320,.pdf,205,"-Y10 2.150 GIC " docs/311-320,.pdf,194,"175 100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,204,"Y10 3 150 C/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,202,"-16 THK. CEMENT PLASTER " docs/311-320,.pdf,201,"1:2 CEMENT MORTAR JOINT (20 THK.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,200,"FGL " docs/311-320,.pdf,199,"150 150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,198,"250 " docs/311-320,.pdf,197,"RCC WORK " docs/311-320,.pdf,196,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,203,"1:3 WITH WATER PROOFING COMPOUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,212,"CLIENT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,174,"RCC WALL " docs/311-320,.pdf,172,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,151,"01.07.14 " docs/311-320,.pdf,150,"AS SHOWN " docs/311-320,.pdf,525,"хро " docs/311-320,.pdf,526,"-GRADED ROU LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,527,"-CABLE " docs/311-320,.pdf,528,"-CONC. SLAB OR HDPE SHEET AS PER PTS " docs/311-320,.pdf,529,"3000 3000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,152,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,530,"-GRADED ROU LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,532,"EXISTING CABLE- " docs/311-320,.pdf,533,"WARNING TAPE- " docs/311-320,.pdf,534,"D " docs/311-320,.pdf,535,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,536,"PIPE DIA (+) 500 mm (MIN.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,537,"CONC, SLAB OR HDPE SHEET " docs/311-320,.pdf,523,"COVER AS PER PTS " docs/311-320,.pdf,531,"WELL COMPACTED BLACK FILL " docs/311-320,.pdf,173,"(TYP) " docs/311-320,.pdf,153,"DRG. No 15792 -20-03-21 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,155,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,171,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,170,"Y10 (2 150 GIG " docs/311-320,.pdf,169,"Y10 @ 150 G/C " docs/311-320,.pdf,168,"8 NOS.Y16 @ BARS " docs/311-320,.pdf,167,"- AND COVER MEDIUM DUTY AS PER IS:1726 " docs/311-320,.pdf,166,"MANHOLE FRME (560 DIA) " docs/311-320,.pdf,165,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) BOTTOM REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,154,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,164,"175 " docs/311-320,.pdf,162,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,161,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,160,"175 " docs/311-320,.pdf,159,"75 THK. PCC (1:4:8). " docs/311-320,.pdf,158,"300 DEEP " docs/311-320,.pdf,157,"300x300x " docs/311-320,.pdf,156,"SUMP " docs/311-320,.pdf,163,"Y10 2 150 G/G " docs/311-320,.pdf,213,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF MS RUNGS (SCALE 1:10) " docs/311-320,.pdf,214,"RCC VALVE CHAMBERS SIZES 1M x 1M " docs/311-320,.pdf,215,"Page 313 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,272,"S.NO. DRAWING TITLE " docs/311-320,.pdf,271,"REFERENCE DRAWINGS " docs/311-320,.pdf,270,"SECTION B-B " docs/311-320,.pdf,269,"-2THK MS PLATE ALL ROUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,268,"FY10 G.I.M.S. HOOK " docs/311-320,.pdf,267,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,266,"900/1150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,273,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/311-320,.pdf,265,"-700/950- " docs/311-320,.pdf,263,"SECTION A-A (SKETCH-2) " docs/311-320,.pdf,262,"600/850- " docs/311-320,.pdf,261,"SECTION C-C " docs/311-320,.pdf,260,"PLAN VIEW (SKETCH-3) " docs/311-320,.pdf,259,"-600/850- " docs/311-320,.pdf,258,"-700/950- " docs/311-320,.pdf,257,"-900/1150- " docs/311-320,.pdf,264,"600/850- " docs/311-320,.pdf,256,"Page 314 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,274,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,276,"FOR SKETCH 2: " docs/311-320,.pdf,293,"0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,292,"15792-20-03-23 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,291,"15792 " docs/311-320,.pdf,290,"REV " docs/311-320,.pdf,289,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/311-320,.pdf,288,"JOB NO. " docs/311-320,.pdf,287,"SIZE " docs/311-320,.pdf,275,"FOR SKETCH 1: " docs/311-320,.pdf,286,"10F1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,283,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF RCC PRE-CAST VALVE CHAMBER WITH FRAME & COVER " docs/311-320,.pdf,282,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. B-10, IInd FLOOR, BAJAJ BHAWAN, SECTOR-03, NOIDA - 201301 " docs/311-320,.pdf,281,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,280,"TITLE " docs/311-320,.pdf,279,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,278,"CLIENT " docs/311-320,.pdf,277,"FOR SKETCH 3: " docs/311-320,.pdf,284,"SCALE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,255,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,254,"10 " docs/311-320,.pdf,253,"12 " docs/311-320,.pdf,231,"Y12@100c/c- " docs/311-320,.pdf,230,"ORG. NG. 1992-20-43-2 REV " docs/311-320,.pdf,229,"CAD FILE " docs/311-320,.pdf,228,"STANDARD DETAIL OF RCC VALVE CHAMBER (TYPE-1) " docs/311-320,.pdf,227,"PNG PROJECT DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,226,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,225,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,232,"(TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,224,"5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF (GRADE Fe 415) CONFORMING TO IS:1786. " docs/311-320,.pdf,222,"3. CLEAR COVER TO MAIN REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE (a) SLAB 20mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,221,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING " docs/311-320,.pdf,220,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,219,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,218,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,217,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,216,"|PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,223,"4. GRADE OF CONCRETE USED SHALL BE M-25 CONFORMING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,233,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,234,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,235,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,252,"13 " docs/311-320,.pdf,251,"1200ABOVE SIZE 160mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,250,"000 UP TO SIZE 125mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,249,"-SAND FILLING " docs/311-320,.pdf,248,"L100THK P.C.C.(1:4:8) " docs/311-320,.pdf,247,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,246,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,245,"C " docs/311-320,.pdf,244,"EX " docs/311-320,.pdf,243,"SECTION A-A " docs/311-320,.pdf,242,"-CI FRAME " docs/311-320,.pdf,241,"SFRC COVER " docs/311-320,.pdf,240,"12 " docs/311-320,.pdf,239,"PLAN VIEW (SKETCH-1) " docs/311-320,.pdf,238,"600/850 " docs/311-320,.pdf,237,"150- " docs/311-320,.pdf,236,"1400/1850- " docs/311-320,.pdf,295,"15792-20-03-22 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,456,"BARS " docs/311-320,.pdf,285,"TOTAL NO. OF SHTS: " docs/311-320,.pdf,458,"SCREED CONC. 1:2:4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,562,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,561,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,560,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,559,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,558,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,557,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,556,"5. APPROVAL OF THE CROSSING SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM CONCERNED AUTHORITIES. " docs/311-320,.pdf,563,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,555,"4. IN CASE OF ARMOURED OFC CABLE, C.P. BONDING IS TO BE PROVIDED BETWEEN PIPELINE AND CABLE ARMOUR. IN CASE OF UNARMOURED CABLE, ARRANGEMENT FOR SHIELDING (BY PROVIDING CASING ON EITHER SIDE OF THE PIPELINE OR CABLE) SHALL BE CONSIDERED. " docs/311-320,.pdf,553,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. " docs/311-320,.pdf,552,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,551,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,550,"8 " docs/311-320,.pdf,549,"Page 318 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,548,"6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,547,"5 " docs/311-320,.pdf,554,"3. A MODIFIED PIPELINE WARNING SIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED CLOSE TO THE CROSSING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,546,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,564,"TYPICAL UNDERGROUND CABLE " docs/311-320,.pdf,566,"SCALE " docs/311-320,.pdf,582,"D " docs/311-320,.pdf,581,"ں " docs/311-320,.pdf,580,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,579,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,578,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,577,"D " docs/311-320,.pdf,576,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,565,"CROSSING DETAILS " docs/311-320,.pdf,575,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,573,"7 " docs/311-320,.pdf,572,"DRG. NO.15792-10-03-24 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,571,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,570,"CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,569,"CAD FILES DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,568,"1:2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,567,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,574,"8 " docs/311-320,.pdf,583,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,545,"3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,543,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,681,"✓ TYP. " docs/311-320,.pdf,682,"1500 " docs/311-320,.pdf,683,"ELEVATION A-A " docs/311-320,.pdf,684,"(03)L50x50x6-625LG. " docs/311-320,.pdf,685,"B/S 03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,686,"06 " docs/311-320,.pdf,687,"6000 N.T.S. " docs/311-320,.pdf,680,"TYP. " docs/311-320,.pdf,688,"100ROD-200LG. " docs/311-320,.pdf,690,"CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,691,"06 " docs/311-320,.pdf,692,"CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,693,"04 " docs/311-320,.pdf,694,"CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,695,"(03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,696,"03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,689,"FOR TINNING CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,544,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,679,"03 B/S " docs/311-320,.pdf,677,"TYP. " docs/311-320,.pdf,542,"SECTION X-X " docs/311-320,.pdf,541,"£ OF PIPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,540,"☐ ☐ ☐ " docs/311-320,.pdf,539,"CARRIER PIPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,538,"AS PER PTS " docs/311-320,.pdf,666,"DATE OF COMPLETION: " docs/311-320,.pdf,667,"EMERGENCY PHONE NOS.: " docs/311-320,.pdf,678,"✓ TYP. " docs/311-320,.pdf,668,"(02 " docs/311-320,.pdf,670,"TO BE PRINTED ON ITEM NO. 01 " docs/311-320,.pdf,671,"CLIENT LOGO " docs/311-320,.pdf,672,"CLEAR " docs/311-320,.pdf,673,"05 " docs/311-320,.pdf,674,"FLAT 40x3- 950LG. " docs/311-320,.pdf,675,"06 " docs/311-320,.pdf,676,"04 " docs/311-320,.pdf,669,"02 " docs/311-320,.pdf,584,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,585,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,586,"3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,644,"07 " docs/311-320,.pdf,643,"06 " docs/311-320,.pdf,642,"PL. 1.6THK. 1500x1000LG. " docs/311-320,.pdf,641,"6000 N.T.S. " docs/311-320,.pdf,640,"6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,639,"5 " docs/311-320,.pdf,638,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,645,"06 " docs/311-320,.pdf,637,"3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,635,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,634,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,633,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,632,"ں " docs/311-320,.pdf,631,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,630,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,629,"8 " docs/311-320,.pdf,636,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,628,"7 " docs/311-320,.pdf,646,"CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,648,"06 " docs/311-320,.pdf,662,"LAYING OF NATURAL GAS PIPELINE " docs/311-320,.pdf,661,"WORK IN PROGRESS " docs/311-320,.pdf,660,"CAUTION " docs/311-320,.pdf,659,"IN BLACK " docs/311-320,.pdf,658,"IN RED " docs/311-320,.pdf,657,"ELEVATION B-B " docs/311-320,.pdf,656,"800 " docs/311-320,.pdf,647,"01 " docs/311-320,.pdf,655,"03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,653,"CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,652,"TYP " docs/311-320,.pdf,651,"(04 " docs/311-320,.pdf,650,"CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,663,"CLIENT: OWNER'S NAME " docs/311-320,.pdf,457,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,649,"(04 " docs/311-320,.pdf,654,"03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,627,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-26 REV-0 " docs/311-320,.pdf,626,"CAD FLE DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,625,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,603,"7 " docs/311-320,.pdf,602,"Page 319 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,601,"6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,600,"5 " docs/311-320,.pdf,599,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,598,"3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,597,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,604,"8 " docs/311-320,.pdf,596,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,594,"CAUTION || BOARDS " docs/311-320,.pdf,593,"WARNING TAPE CAUTION TAPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,592,"6000 N.T.S. " docs/311-320,.pdf,591,"II BOARDS " docs/311-320,.pdf,590,"CAUTION " docs/311-320,.pdf,589,"6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,587,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,595,"SCHEMATIC LAYOUT OF CAUTION BOARDS AND BARRICADING " docs/311-320,.pdf,605,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,606,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,607,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE " docs/311-320,.pdf,624,"SCALE " docs/311-320,.pdf,623,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,622,"CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,621,"BARRICADING " docs/311-320,.pdf,620,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,619,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,618,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,617,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,616,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,615,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,614,"D " docs/311-320,.pdf,613,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,612,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,611,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,610,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,609,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,608,"DRAWINGS. " docs/311-320,.pdf,697,"02 " docs/311-320,.pdf,698,"800 " docs/311-320,.pdf,588,"5 " docs/311-320,.pdf,700,"ELEVATION B-B " docs/311-320,.pdf,515,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,514,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD. (IGL) NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,513,"5. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF (GRADE Fe 415) CONFORMING TO IS:1786. " docs/311-320,.pdf,512,"4. GRADE OF CONCRETE USED SHALL BE M-25 CONFORMING. " docs/311-320,.pdf,511,"3. CLEAR COVER TO MAIN REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE (a) SLAB 20mm " docs/311-320,.pdf,510,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING " docs/311-320,.pdf,509,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,516,"PNG PROJECT DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,508,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,506,"CLIENT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,505,"Y16 MS RUNGS (PAINTED @ 300 C/C STAGGERED EMBEDDED IN M-25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,504,"75 THK. LEAN CONC.1:5:10 300x300x150 PEDRSTAL (PCC 1:2:4) " docs/311-320,.pdf,503,"BRICK WORK " docs/311-320,.pdf,502,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,500,"CASTING PIPE (TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,499,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,507,"|PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,498,"OUTLET LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,517,"STANDARD DETAIL OF BRICK VALVE CHAMBER (TYPE-1) " docs/311-320,.pdf,519,"TITLE: " docs/311-320,.pdf,781,"NEW DELHI " docs/311-320,.pdf,782,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/311-320,.pdf,783,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/311-320,.pdf,784,"E " docs/311-320,.pdf,785,"TITLE: CAUTION BOARD & TAPE ARRANGEMENT IN G.I./ RISER INSTALLATION " docs/311-320,.pdf,786,"SCALE " docs/311-320,.pdf,787,"DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,518,"PROJECT: " docs/311-320,.pdf,788,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/311-320,.pdf,790,"7 " docs/311-320,.pdf,791,"CAD " docs/311-320,.pdf,792,"A3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,793,"8 " docs/311-320,.pdf,522,"ں " docs/311-320,.pdf,521,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,520,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,789,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-26A " docs/311-320,.pdf,497,"SEALING WITH 1:2 (CEMENT MORTAR) " docs/311-320,.pdf,496,"345 " docs/311-320,.pdf,495,"16 THK. CEMENT PLASTER 1:3 WITH WATER PROOFING COMPOUND " docs/311-320,.pdf,699,"(02 " docs/311-320,.pdf,473,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,459,"SLOPE " docs/311-320,.pdf,460,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,461,"75 THK. PCC (1:4:8). Y10 2, 150 G/C SECTION 1-1 (SCALE 1:15) " docs/311-320,.pdf,462,"150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,463,"Y10 @ 150 C/C (BOTHWAYS) " docs/311-320,.pdf,474,"460 " docs/311-320,.pdf,464,"BOTTOM REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,466,"220 " docs/311-320,.pdf,467,"INLET " docs/311-320,.pdf,468,"LEVEL " docs/311-320,.pdf,469,"H<1500 " docs/311-320,.pdf,470,"VARIABLE " docs/311-320,.pdf,471,"مه " docs/311-320,.pdf,472,"100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,465,"MANHOLE FRME (560 DIA) AND COVER MEDIUM DUTY AS PER IS:1726 " docs/311-320,.pdf,475,"CONC. GROUT 100x230x75 " docs/311-320,.pdf,476,"345 " docs/311-320,.pdf,477,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,494,"1:2 CEMENT MORTAR JOINT (20 THK.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,493,"230 " docs/311-320,.pdf,492,"W " docs/311-320,.pdf,491,"FGL " docs/311-320,.pdf,490,"Page 317 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,489,"BRICK VALVE CHAMBERS SIZES 1M x 1M " docs/311-320,.pdf,488,"TYPICAL DETAILS OF MS RUNGS (SCALE 1:10) " docs/311-320,.pdf,487,"250 " docs/311-320,.pdf,486,"150 150 " docs/311-320,.pdf,485,"(SCALE 1:20) " docs/311-320,.pdf,484,"SECTION A-A " docs/311-320,.pdf,483,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,482,"AT CENTRE REINF. " docs/311-320,.pdf,481,"Y10@150 C/C (BOTHWAYS)| " docs/311-320,.pdf,480,"-VALVE " docs/311-320,.pdf,479,"(TYP.) " docs/311-320,.pdf,478,"300 " docs/311-320,.pdf,780,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/311-320,.pdf,779,"PMC: " docs/311-320,.pdf,501,"480 " docs/311-320,.pdf,777,"Page 320 of 380 " docs/311-320,.pdf,721,"800 " docs/311-320,.pdf,723,"9.20 " docs/311-320,.pdf,724,"14.72 " docs/311-320,.pdf,725,"3. " docs/311-320,.pdf,726,"TYP " docs/311-320,.pdf,727,"L50x50x6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,728,"625 " docs/311-320,.pdf,720,"ISMC 100 " docs/311-320,.pdf,729,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,731,"11,25 " docs/311-320,.pdf,732,"4. " docs/311-320,.pdf,733,"L50x50x6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,734,"1500 " docs/311-320,.pdf,735,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,736,"4.50 " docs/311-320,.pdf,737,"13.50 " docs/311-320,.pdf,730,"4,50 " docs/311-320,.pdf,719,"2. " docs/311-320,.pdf,718,"12.56 20.10 " docs/311-320,.pdf,717,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,702,"7 " docs/311-320,.pdf,703,"NOTES:- " docs/311-320,.pdf,704,"8 " docs/311-320,.pdf,705,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/311-320,.pdf,706,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. " docs/311-320,.pdf,707,"Item Mkd. " docs/311-320,.pdf,708,"Section " docs/311-320,.pdf,709,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/311-320,.pdf,710,"Total " docs/311-320,.pdf,711,"Width Length Item Qty. Weight Weight " docs/311-320,.pdf,712,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,713,"B " docs/311-320,.pdf,714,"(All Marks) Kgs./M,M2 In Kgs. " docs/311-320,.pdf,715,"1. " docs/311-320,.pdf,778,"OWNER: " docs/311-320,.pdf,701,"1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,716,"PL. 1.6 THK. 1600 1000 " docs/311-320,.pdf,738,"D " docs/311-320,.pdf,739,"L50x50x6-1600LG. " docs/311-320,.pdf,722,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,741,"Flat 3Thk. " docs/311-320,.pdf,761,"4.50 " docs/311-320,.pdf,762,"14.40 " docs/311-320,.pdf,740,"5. " docs/311-320,.pdf,764,"Grand Total (Kg) 74.74 " docs/311-320,.pdf,765,"1500 " docs/311-320,.pdf,766,"CLEAR " docs/311-320,.pdf,767,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,760,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,768,"PLAN VIEW " docs/311-320,.pdf,770,"2 " docs/311-320,.pdf,771,"3 " docs/311-320,.pdf,772,"4 " docs/311-320,.pdf,773,"03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,774,"A " docs/311-320,.pdf,775,"5 " docs/311-320,.pdf,776,"6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,769,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,759,"1600 " docs/311-320,.pdf,763,"02 " docs/311-320,.pdf,757,"7. " docs/311-320,.pdf,750,"100 Rod " docs/311-320,.pdf,758,"L50x50x6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,749,"6. " docs/311-320,.pdf,748,"(05 " docs/311-320,.pdf,747,"03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,753,"0.62 " docs/311-320,.pdf,746,"0.03 " docs/311-320,.pdf,745,"0.94 " docs/311-320,.pdf,744,"1 " docs/311-320,.pdf,743,"40 " docs/311-320,.pdf,754,"0.74 " docs/311-320,.pdf,752,"6 " docs/311-320,.pdf,751,"200 " docs/311-320,.pdf,755,"04 " docs/311-320,.pdf,756,"L50x50x6-1500LG. " docs/311-320,.pdf,742,"900 " docs/321-330,.pdf,643,"100mm THK. PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,619,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,644,"BRICK WALL " docs/321-330,.pdf,645,"SAND. FILL " docs/321-330,.pdf,646,"RCC PIPE HALF ROUND 150 MM- " docs/321-330,.pdf,647,"TOP OF BASEMENT/- EXISTING RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,648,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,642,"12MM THK. PLASTER IN 1:4- " docs/321-330,.pdf,649,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,650,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,651,"100 @ 150 C/C " docs/321-330,.pdf,652,"PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,618,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,640,"100 @ 150 C/C- " docs/321-330,.pdf,639,"G.A PLAN OF COVER SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,653,"20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,620,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,621,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,622,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,623,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,624,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,625,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,626,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,627,"PRECAST RCC SLAB- " docs/321-330,.pdf,641,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,628,"LIFTING HOOK- " docs/321-330,.pdf,630,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,631,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,632,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,633,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,634,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,635,"360 " docs/321-330,.pdf,636,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,637,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,638,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,629,"ں " docs/321-330,.pdf,654,"60 " docs/321-330,.pdf,677,"Page 328 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,656,"25 " docs/321-330,.pdf,676,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,678,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,679,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,680,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,681,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,682,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,683,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,675,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,684,"TYPICAL BRICK WALL TRENCH " docs/321-330,.pdf,686,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,687,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,688,"1:16 " docs/321-330,.pdf,689,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,690,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,617,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,691,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,685,"(0.66 X 0.66 X 1.0) " docs/321-330,.pdf,655,"20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,674,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,672,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/321-330,.pdf,657,"SECTION 1-1 THRU PIPE TRENCH " docs/321-330,.pdf,658,"DETAIL - Y SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,659,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,660,"SECTION 2-2 SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,661,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,662,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,663,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,673,"LIFTING HOOK SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,664,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,666,"60 " docs/321-330,.pdf,692,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-34 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,667,"90 " docs/321-330,.pdf,668,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,669,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,670,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,671,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,665,"120 ROD- " docs/321-330,.pdf,616,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,544,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,614,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,547,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,548,"R45 " docs/321-330,.pdf,549,"|| " docs/321-330,.pdf,550,"#H " docs/321-330,.pdf,551,"R75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,552,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,553,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,554,"90 " docs/321-330,.pdf,555,"=== " docs/321-330,.pdf,556,"R95 " docs/321-330,.pdf,557,"R115 " docs/321-330,.pdf,558,"== " docs/321-330,.pdf,559,"40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,560,"REINF. LAYER " docs/321-330,.pdf,561,"-HALF ROUND MS PLATE 10 THK. " docs/321-330,.pdf,562,"115 " docs/321-330,.pdf,563,"69 " docs/321-330,.pdf,564,"-80 HYD BARS " docs/321-330,.pdf,565,"(5 NOS) " docs/321-330,.pdf,546,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,566,"BOTH WAYS " docs/321-330,.pdf,545,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,542,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,524,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,693,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,525,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,526,"CAUTION BOARD " docs/321-330,.pdf,527,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,528,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,529,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,530,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,531,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,532,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-32 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,533,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,534,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,535,"ليا " docs/321-330,.pdf,536,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,537,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,538,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,539,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,540,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,541,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,543,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,567,"180 " docs/321-330,.pdf,568,"40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,569,"25 " docs/321-330,.pdf,594,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,595,"DETAIL-A " docs/321-330,.pdf,596,"SCALE 1:1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,597,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,598,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,599,"Page 327 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,600,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,601,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,602,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,603,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,604,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,605,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,606,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,607,"1:5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,608,"HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/321-330,.pdf,609,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,611,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,612,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,613,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,593,"14 " docs/321-330,.pdf,592,"14 " docs/321-330,.pdf,591,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,590,"5. CONCRETE SLEEVE TO BE CLAMPED TO WALL WITH 100 ANCHOR BOLTS. " docs/321-330,.pdf,570,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,571,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,572,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,573,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,574,"40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,575,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,576,"40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,577,"90 " docs/321-330,.pdf,578,"ISOMETRIC VIEW " docs/321-330,.pdf,615,"ليا " docs/321-330,.pdf,579,"40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,581,"по " docs/321-330,.pdf,582,"75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,583,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,584,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,585,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,586,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,587,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/321-330,.pdf,588,"3. GRADE OF CONCRETE SHALL BE M25. " docs/321-330,.pdf,589,"4. REINFORCEMENT IS HYD. TO IS:1786. " docs/321-330,.pdf,580,"12 " docs/321-330,.pdf,694,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,749,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,696,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,784,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,783,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,782,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,781,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,780,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,779,"ں " docs/321-330,.pdf,778,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,777,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,776,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,775,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,774,"ليا " docs/321-330,.pdf,773,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,772,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,771,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,770,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,769,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,768,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-35 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,785,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,786,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,787,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,788,"PRECAST RCC SLAB- " docs/321-330,.pdf,806,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,805,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,804,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,803,"TOP OF BASEMENT/- EXISTING RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,802,"SAND FILL " docs/321-330,.pdf,801,"RCC PIPE HALF ROUND 150 MM- " docs/321-330,.pdf,800,"-12MM THK. PLASTER IN 1:4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,799,"-100mm THK. PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,767,"CAD FILES DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,798,"BRICK WALL- " docs/321-330,.pdf,796,"360 " docs/321-330,.pdf,795,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,794,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,793,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,792,"100 @ 150 C/C- " docs/321-330,.pdf,791,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,790,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,789,"LIFTING HOOK- " docs/321-330,.pdf,797,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,766,"TYPICAL BRICK WALL TRENCH (0.375 X 0.66 X 1.0) " docs/321-330,.pdf,765,"1:16 " docs/321-330,.pdf,764,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,740,"SECTION 2-2 SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,739,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,738,"DETAIL - Y SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,737,"SECTION 1-1 THRU PIPE TRENCH " docs/321-330,.pdf,736,"25 " docs/321-330,.pdf,735,"PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,734,"100 @ 150 C/C " docs/321-330,.pdf,733,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,741,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,732,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,730,"TOP OF BASEMENT/- EXISTING RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,729,"SAND FILL " docs/321-330,.pdf,728,"RCC PIPE HALF ROUND 150 MM- " docs/321-330,.pdf,727,"BRICK WALL- " docs/321-330,.pdf,726,"20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,725,"60 " docs/321-330,.pdf,724,"20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,523,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,731,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,807,"12MM THK. PLASTER IN 1:4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,742,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,744,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,763,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,762,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,761,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,760,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,759,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,758,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,757,"Page 329 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,756,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,743,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,755,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,753,"LIFTING HOOK SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,752,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/321-330,.pdf,751,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,750,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,748,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,747,"90 " docs/321-330,.pdf,746,"60 " docs/321-330,.pdf,745,"120 ROD- " docs/321-330,.pdf,754,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,695,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,808,"SECTION 1-1 THRU PIPE TRENCH " docs/321-330,.pdf,810,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,719,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,720,"G.A PLAN OF COVER SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,721,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,722,"-100mm THK. PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,723,"12MM THK. PLASTER IN 1:4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,866,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,865,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,864,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,863,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,862,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,861,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-43 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,860,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,859,"1:16 " docs/321-330,.pdf,858,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,857,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,856,"TYPICAL BRICK WALL TRENCH UPTO 7M (ROAD CROSSING) INSIDE SOCIETY CAD A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,855,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,718,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,717,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,716,"360 " docs/321-330,.pdf,715,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,697,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,698,"ليا " docs/321-330,.pdf,699,"ں " docs/321-330,.pdf,700,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,701,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,702,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,703,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,704,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,854,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,705,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,707,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,708,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,709,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,710,"PRECAST RCC SLAB- " docs/321-330,.pdf,711,"LIFTING HOOK- " docs/321-330,.pdf,712,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,713,"100 @ 150 C/C- " docs/321-330,.pdf,714,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,706,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,853,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,852,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,851,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,828,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,827,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,826,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,825,"SECTION 2-2 SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,824,"100 @ 150 C/C " docs/321-330,.pdf,823,"PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,822,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,821,"SECTION 1-1 THRU PIPE TRENCH " docs/321-330,.pdf,829,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,820,"660 " docs/321-330,.pdf,818,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,817,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,816,"TOP OF BASEMENT/ EXISTING RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,815,"G.A PLAN OF COVER SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,814,"RCC PIPE HALF ROUND 150 MM- " docs/321-330,.pdf,813,"SAND FILL " docs/321-330,.pdf,812,"BRICK WALL- " docs/321-330,.pdf,811,"I " docs/321-330,.pdf,819,"230 " docs/321-330,.pdf,809,"-100mm THK. PRECAST RCC SLAB " docs/321-330,.pdf,830,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,832,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,850,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,849,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,848,"Page 330 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,847,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,846,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,845,"SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,844,"LIFTING HOOK " docs/321-330,.pdf,843,"90 " docs/321-330,.pdf,831,"120 ROD " docs/321-330,.pdf,842,"60 " docs/321-330,.pdf,840,"20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,839,"60 " docs/321-330,.pdf,838,"20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,837,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,836,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/321-330,.pdf,835,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,834,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,833,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,841,"DETAIL - Y SCALE 1:8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,522,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,610,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-33 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,138,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,166,"ں " docs/321-330,.pdf,167,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,168,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,169,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,170,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,171,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,172,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,173,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,174,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,175,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,176,"TYP. " docs/321-330,.pdf,177,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,178,"IGL " docs/321-330,.pdf,165,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,179,"GAS PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,181,"AL " docs/321-330,.pdf,182,"B▼ " docs/321-330,.pdf,183,"18 " docs/321-330,.pdf,184,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,185,"600 " docs/321-330,.pdf,186,"50 " docs/321-330,.pdf,187,"850 " docs/321-330,.pdf,188,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,189,"500 " docs/321-330,.pdf,190,"PLAIN VIEW " docs/321-330,.pdf,191,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,192,"TYP. " docs/321-330,.pdf,193,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,180,"SECTION A-A " docs/321-330,.pdf,164,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,163,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,162,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,133,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,134,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,135,"Page 322 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,136,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,137,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,497,"13.50 " docs/321-330,.pdf,139,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,140,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE " docs/321-330,.pdf,141,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,142,"DRAWINGS. " docs/321-330,.pdf,143,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,144,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,145,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,146,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,147,"PROJECT: " docs/321-330,.pdf,148,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,149,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,150,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,151,"PLATE MARKER " docs/321-330,.pdf,152,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,153,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,154,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,155,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,156,"1:2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,157,"CAD FIES DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,158,"DRG. NO 15792 -10-03-28 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,159,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,160,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,161,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,194,"BEFORE EXCAVATION " docs/321-330,.pdf,132,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,195,"PLEASE CONTACT " docs/321-330,.pdf,197,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,231,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,232,"1:10 " docs/321-330,.pdf,233,"CAD FILES DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,234,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,235,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,236,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-29 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,237,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,238,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,239,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,240,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,241,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,242,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,243,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,230,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,244,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,246,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,247,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,248,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,249,"1100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,250,"400 " docs/321-330,.pdf,251,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,252,"HOLD POSTS- " docs/321-330,.pdf,253,"400 " docs/321-330,.pdf,254,"HOLE TO BORED WITH " docs/321-330,.pdf,255,"AUGUR POST AND FILL FILL WITH 1:2:4 CONCRETE MIX WITHOUT USE OF SHUTTERING " docs/321-330,.pdf,256,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,257,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,258,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,245,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,229,"SKETCH FOR STONE MARKER " docs/321-330,.pdf,228,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,227,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,198,"- 100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,199,"SECTION B-B " docs/321-330,.pdf,200,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,201,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,202,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,203,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,204,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,205,"600 " docs/321-330,.pdf,206,"50 " docs/321-330,.pdf,207,"850 " docs/321-330,.pdf,208,"| " docs/321-330,.pdf,209,"GOLDEN YELLOW " docs/321-330,.pdf,210,"PAINT " docs/321-330,.pdf,211,"ISOMETRIC VIEW " docs/321-330,.pdf,212,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,213,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,214,"Page 323 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,215,"850 " docs/321-330,.pdf,216,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,217,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,218,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,219,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,220,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,221,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,222,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/321-330,.pdf,223,"3. ALL TEXT SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN BLACK COLOR. " docs/321-330,.pdf,224,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,225,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,226,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,196,"PH: " docs/321-330,.pdf,259,"FGL " docs/321-330,.pdf,131,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,129,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,36,"SOFT GRADED SOIL LAYER " docs/321-330,.pdf,37,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,38,"PIPE OD " docs/321-330,.pdf,39,"300 (MIN.) 500 (MAX.) " docs/321-330,.pdf,40,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,41,"PIPE OD " docs/321-330,.pdf,42,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,43,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,44,"700 " docs/321-330,.pdf,45,"MIN. COVER 1000 " docs/321-330,.pdf,46,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,47,"250 " docs/321-330,.pdf,48,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,35,"WARNING MAT " docs/321-330,.pdf,49,"REINSTATE SURFACE " docs/321-330,.pdf,51,"COMPATIBLE WITH EXISTING " docs/321-330,.pdf,52,"AGGREGATE 40mm AND BELOW (WELL GRADED) " docs/321-330,.pdf,53,"SUITABLE EXCAVATED " docs/321-330,.pdf,54,"MATERIAL " docs/321-330,.pdf,55,"WARNING MAT " docs/321-330,.pdf,56,"AS PER SPEC. " docs/321-330,.pdf,57,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,58,"PIPE OD " docs/321-330,.pdf,59,"300 (MIN.) " docs/321-330,.pdf,60,"500 (MAX.) " docs/321-330,.pdf,61,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,62,"700 " docs/321-330,.pdf,63,"PIPE OD " docs/321-330,.pdf,50,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/321-330,.pdf,34,"MATERIAL " docs/321-330,.pdf,33,"EXCAVATED " docs/321-330,.pdf,32,"SUITABLE " docs/321-330,.pdf,3,"ں " docs/321-330,.pdf,4,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,5,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,6,"APPROVED BACK FILL " docs/321-330,.pdf,7,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,8,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,9,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,10,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,11,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,12,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,13,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/321-330,.pdf,14,"SUITABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL " docs/321-330,.pdf,15,"WARNING MAT " docs/321-330,.pdf,16,"SOFT GRADED " docs/321-330,.pdf,17,"SOIL LAYER " docs/321-330,.pdf,18,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,19,"PIPE OD " docs/321-330,.pdf,20,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,21,"300 (MIN.) " docs/321-330,.pdf,22,"500 (MAX.) " docs/321-330,.pdf,23,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,24,"700 " docs/321-330,.pdf,25,"MIN. COVER 1000 " docs/321-330,.pdf,26,"GZI " docs/321-330,.pdf,27,"PIPE OD 75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,28,"150 " docs/321-330,.pdf,29,"TRENCH IN ROCKY STRATA " docs/321-330,.pdf,30,"TYPICAL SECTION " docs/321-330,.pdf,31,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,64,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,130,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,65,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,67,"SUB-BASE " docs/321-330,.pdf,101,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,102,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,103,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,104,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,105,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,106,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,107,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,108,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,109,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,110,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,111,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,112,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,113,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,100,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,114,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,116,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,117,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,118,"250 " docs/321-330,.pdf,119,"300 " docs/321-330,.pdf,120,"WARNING " docs/321-330,.pdf,121,"HIGH PRESSURE " docs/321-330,.pdf,122,"GAS PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,123,"-RED " docs/321-330,.pdf,124,"-BLACK " docs/321-330,.pdf,125,"IGL MUST BE GIVEN NOTICE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION IN THE VICINITY OF THIS PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,126,"EMERGENCY PHONE NOS. " docs/321-330,.pdf,127,"M.S PLATE 3.0 MM (MIN.) THK. " docs/321-330,.pdf,128,"POWDER COATED GOLDEN YELLOW " docs/321-330,.pdf,115,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,99,"DRG. NO 15792 -10-03-27 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,98,"CAD FILES DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,97,"1:10 " docs/321-330,.pdf,68,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,69,"TRENCH IN NORMAL SOIL TYPICAL SECTION " docs/321-330,.pdf,70,"TRENCH RESTORATION DETAIL " docs/321-330,.pdf,71,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,72,"TYPICAL SECTION " docs/321-330,.pdf,73,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,74,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,75,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,76,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,77,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,78,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,79,"Page 321 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,80,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,81,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,82,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,83,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,84,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/321-330,.pdf,85,"3. FOR ALL PIPELINE TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE LAND UNDER JURISDICTION OF GOVT. OF INDIA, THE MIN COVER TO BE ADOPTED SHALL BE 1000MM IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVT. OF INDIA PETROLEUM PIPELINE (ACQUISITION OF RIGHT OF USER IN LAND) ACT NO. 50, 1962 AND AMENDMENT ACT NO. 13 OF 1977. ANY EXTRA COVER REQUIREMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS. " docs/321-330,.pdf,86,"4. MIN. COVER REQUIREMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF CONCERNED AUTHORITIES WHEREVER REQUIRED. " docs/321-330,.pdf,87,"5. EXTRA COVER REQUIREMENT SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AT ALL OVER BE NOS AND HORIZONTAL BE NOS WHEREVER NECESSARY. " docs/321-330,.pdf,88,"6. FOR MINIMUM COVER REQUIREMENT AT PIPELINE CROSSING ROADS, RAILWAY TRACKS, RIVER MARSHY AREAS, ETC., REFER RELEVANT STANDARDS. " docs/321-330,.pdf,89,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,90,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,91,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,92,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,93,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,94,"TYPICAL TRENCH DIMENSIONS FOR PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,95,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,96,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,66,"MIN. COVER 1000 " docs/321-330,.pdf,260,"RED " docs/321-330,.pdf,261,"WARNING " docs/321-330,.pdf,262,"HIGH PRESSURE " docs/321-330,.pdf,427,"800 " docs/321-330,.pdf,428,"02 " docs/321-330,.pdf,429,"☑TYP. " docs/321-330,.pdf,430,"TYP " docs/321-330,.pdf,431,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,432,"03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,433,"07) L50x50x6-1600LG. " docs/321-330,.pdf,434,"(02 " docs/321-330,.pdf,435,"03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,436,"IN RED " docs/321-330,.pdf,437,"✓ TYP. " docs/321-330,.pdf,438,"04 L50x50x6-1500LG. " docs/321-330,.pdf,439,"02 " docs/321-330,.pdf,426,"02 " docs/321-330,.pdf,440,"03 L50x50x6-625LG. " docs/321-330,.pdf,442,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,443,"PLAN VIEW " docs/321-330,.pdf,444,"03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,445,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,446,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,447,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,448,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,449,"ELEVATION B-B " docs/321-330,.pdf,450,"1000 " docs/321-330,.pdf,451,"CAUTION " docs/321-330,.pdf,452,"WORK IN PROGRESS " docs/321-330,.pdf,453,"LAYING OF NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CLIENT: OWNER'S NAME " docs/321-330,.pdf,454,"CONTRACTOR NAME: " docs/321-330,.pdf,441,"1500 CLEAR " docs/321-330,.pdf,425,"137°2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,424,"03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,423,"(03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,394,"(01 " docs/321-330,.pdf,395,"PL. 1.6THK. 1500x1000LG. " docs/321-330,.pdf,396,"100ROD-200LG. " docs/321-330,.pdf,397,"06 " docs/321-330,.pdf,398,"FOR TINNING CAUTION TAPE " docs/321-330,.pdf,399,"FLAT 40x3- " docs/321-330,.pdf,400,"05 " docs/321-330,.pdf,401,"950LG. " docs/321-330,.pdf,402,"(06 " docs/321-330,.pdf,403,"04 " docs/321-330,.pdf,404,"04 " docs/321-330,.pdf,405,"TYP " docs/321-330,.pdf,406,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,407,"✓ TYP. " docs/321-330,.pdf,408,"TYP. " docs/321-330,.pdf,409,"LV " docs/321-330,.pdf,410,"ں " docs/321-330,.pdf,411,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,412,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,413,"02) " docs/321-330,.pdf,414,"03 B/S " docs/321-330,.pdf,415,"07 " docs/321-330,.pdf,416,"1500 " docs/321-330,.pdf,417,"ELEVATION A-A " docs/321-330,.pdf,418,"B/S 03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,419,"06 " docs/321-330,.pdf,420,"06 " docs/321-330,.pdf,421,"04 " docs/321-330,.pdf,422,"01 " docs/321-330,.pdf,455,"IN BLACK " docs/321-330,.pdf,393,"- " docs/321-330,.pdf,456,"DATE OF COMMENCEMENT: " docs/321-330,.pdf,458,"EMERGENCY PHONE NOS.: " docs/321-330,.pdf,492,"4. " docs/321-330,.pdf,493,"L50x50x6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,494,"1500 " docs/321-330,.pdf,495,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,521,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,520,"PROJECT: " docs/321-330,.pdf,519,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,518,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,517,"Grand Total (Kg) 74.74 " docs/321-330,.pdf,516,"14.40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,515,"4.50 " docs/321-330,.pdf,514,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,513,"1600 " docs/321-330,.pdf,491,"CLIENT LOGO " docs/321-330,.pdf,512,"L50x50x6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,510,"0.74 " docs/321-330,.pdf,509,"0.62 " docs/321-330,.pdf,508,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,507,"200 " docs/321-330,.pdf,506,"100 Rod " docs/321-330,.pdf,505,"6. " docs/321-330,.pdf,504,"0.03 " docs/321-330,.pdf,503,"0.94 " docs/321-330,.pdf,502,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,501,"900 40 " docs/321-330,.pdf,500,"Flat 3Thk. " docs/321-330,.pdf,499,"5. " docs/321-330,.pdf,498,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,511,"7. " docs/321-330,.pdf,490,"4,50 11,25 " docs/321-330,.pdf,489,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,488,"625 " docs/321-330,.pdf,459,"TO BE PRINTED ON ITEM NO. 01 " docs/321-330,.pdf,460,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,461,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,462,"Page 326 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,463,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,464,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,465,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,466,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/321-330,.pdf,467,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. " docs/321-330,.pdf,468,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,469,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,470,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/321-330,.pdf,471,"Item Mkd. " docs/321-330,.pdf,472,"Section " docs/321-330,.pdf,473,"Width Length Item Qty. Weight Weight " docs/321-330,.pdf,474,"Total " docs/321-330,.pdf,475,"(All Marks) Kgs./M,M2 In Kgs. " docs/321-330,.pdf,476,"1. " docs/321-330,.pdf,477,"PL. 1.6 THK. 1600 1000 " docs/321-330,.pdf,478,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,479,"12.56 20.10 " docs/321-330,.pdf,480,"2. " docs/321-330,.pdf,481,"ISMC 100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,482,"800 " docs/321-330,.pdf,483,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,484,"9.20 " docs/321-330,.pdf,485,"14.72 " docs/321-330,.pdf,486,"3. " docs/321-330,.pdf,487,"L50x50x6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,457,"DATE OF COMPLETION: " docs/321-330,.pdf,392,"06 " docs/321-330,.pdf,391,"07 " docs/321-330,.pdf,390,"06 " docs/321-330,.pdf,296,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,297,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,298,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,299,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,300,"POLE MARKER WITH FOUNDATION (INDIVIDUAL SOCIETIES / AREAS) CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,301,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,302,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,303,"1:10 " docs/321-330,.pdf,304,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,305,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-30 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,306,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,307,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,308,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,295,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,309,"ليا " docs/321-330,.pdf,311,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,312,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,313,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,314,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,315,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,316,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,317,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,318,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,319,"1100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,320,"400 " docs/321-330,.pdf,321,"100 " docs/321-330,.pdf,322,"400 " docs/321-330,.pdf,323,"HOLD POSTS- " docs/321-330,.pdf,310,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,294,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,293,"3. SCHEME FOR POWDER COATING AND COLORING: ONE COAT OF PRIMER & TWO COATS OF SPECIFIED PAINTS. ALL LETTERS EXCEPT 'WARNING' TO BE PAINTED BLACK. 4. APPROVAL OF WARNING MARKER DESIGN SHALL BE OBTAINED BEFORE THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. " docs/321-330,.pdf,292,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. WARNING TEXT AND MARKER SIZES ARE INDICATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL BY OWNER / OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE FABRICATION. " docs/321-330,.pdf,263,"GAS PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,264,"THIS SOCIETY IS CHARGED WITH HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,265,"COMPANY MUST BE GIVEN NOTICE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION IN THE VICINITY OF THE PIPELINE EMERGENCY PHONE NO. ..... " docs/321-330,.pdf,266,"-10MM " docs/321-330,.pdf,267,"BLACK LETTER " docs/321-330,.pdf,268,"POWDER COATED " docs/321-330,.pdf,269,"GOLDEN YELLOW " docs/321-330,.pdf,270,"TEXT IN REGIONAL LANGUAGE " docs/321-330,.pdf,271,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,272,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,273,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,274,"FIXING DETAILS " docs/321-330,.pdf,275,"-3 mm THK, MS PLATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,276,"3"" Dia, MS PIPE " docs/321-330,.pdf,277,"3mm (Min.) THK. " docs/321-330,.pdf,278,"-PEDESTAL " docs/321-330,.pdf,279,"-400x400x700 " docs/321-330,.pdf,280,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,281,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,282,"3 V 25-75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,283,"SA 40x40x6 (TYP.). " docs/321-330,.pdf,284,"3 V 25-75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,285,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,286,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,287,"Page 324 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,288,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,289,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,290,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,291,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,324,"HOLE TO BORED WITH " docs/321-330,.pdf,325,"AUGUR POST AND FILL FILL WITH 1:2:4 CONCRETE MIX WITHOUT USE OF SHUTTERING " docs/321-330,.pdf,326,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,327,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,361,"3. SCHEME FOR POWDER COATING AND COLORING: ONE COAT OF PRIMER & TWO COATS OF SPECIFIED PAINTS. ALL LETTERS EXCEPT 'WARNING' TO BE PAINTED BLACK. 4. APPROVAL OF WARNING MARKER DESIGN SHALL BE OBTAINED BEFORE THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. " docs/321-330,.pdf,362,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/321-330,.pdf,363,"NEW DELHI " docs/321-330,.pdf,364,"PMC: " docs/321-330,.pdf,365,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/321-330,.pdf,366,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/321-330,.pdf,367,"TITLE: " docs/321-330,.pdf,368,"SCALE " docs/321-330,.pdf,369,"DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,370,"1:10 " docs/321-330,.pdf,371,"POLE MARKER WITH FOUNDATION " docs/321-330,.pdf,372,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,373,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-31 REV-0 " docs/321-330,.pdf,374,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,375,"CAD " docs/321-330,.pdf,376,"A3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,377,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,378,"ليا " docs/321-330,.pdf,379,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,380,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,381,"B " docs/321-330,.pdf,382,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,383,"A " docs/321-330,.pdf,384,"1 " docs/321-330,.pdf,385,"2 " docs/321-330,.pdf,386,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,387,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,388,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,389,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,360,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. WARNING TEXT AND MARKER SIZES ARE INDICATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL BY OWNER / OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE FABRICATION. " docs/321-330,.pdf,2,"D " docs/321-330,.pdf,359,"NOTES:- " docs/321-330,.pdf,357,"7 " docs/321-330,.pdf,328,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,329,"FGL " docs/321-330,.pdf,330,"WARNING " docs/321-330,.pdf,331,"HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE " docs/321-330,.pdf,332,"RED " docs/321-330,.pdf,333,"COMPANY MUST BE GIVEN NOTICE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION IN THE VICINITY OF THE PIPELINE EMERGENCY PHONE NO............ " docs/321-330,.pdf,334,"-10MM " docs/321-330,.pdf,335,"BLACK LETTER " docs/321-330,.pdf,336,"POWDER COATED " docs/321-330,.pdf,337,"GOLDEN YELLOW " docs/321-330,.pdf,338,"TEXT IN REGIONAL LANGUAGE " docs/321-330,.pdf,339,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,340,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,341,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,342,"FIXING DETAILS " docs/321-330,.pdf,343,"-3 mm THK, MS PLATE " docs/321-330,.pdf,344,"3"" Dia, MS PIPE " docs/321-330,.pdf,345,"3mm (Min.) THK. " docs/321-330,.pdf,346,"-PEDESTAL " docs/321-330,.pdf,347,"-400x400x700 " docs/321-330,.pdf,348,"3 " docs/321-330,.pdf,349,"4 " docs/321-330,.pdf,350,"3 V 25-75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,351,"SA 40x40x6 (TYP.). " docs/321-330,.pdf,352,"3 V 25-75 " docs/321-330,.pdf,353,"5 " docs/321-330,.pdf,354,"6 " docs/321-330,.pdf,355,"Page 325 of 380 " docs/321-330,.pdf,356,"OWNER: " docs/321-330,.pdf,358,"8 " docs/321-330,.pdf,1,"E " docs/321-330,.pdf,496,"4.50 " docs/331-340,.pdf,614,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,466,"REGULATOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,467,"PVC SLEEVE- " docs/331-340,.pdf,468,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,469,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,470,"4. " docs/331-340,.pdf,471,"-LMC " docs/331-340,.pdf,472,"-VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,473,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,474,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,475,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,476,"-BRASS UNION CONNECTOR/G.I./Cu FITTING " docs/331-340,.pdf,477,"COPPER COUPLER/G.I. SOCKET " docs/331-340,.pdf,478,"-G.I./Cu ELBOWS " docs/331-340,.pdf,479,"-G.I./Cu PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,480,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,481,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,482,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,483,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/331-340,.pdf,484,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,465,"NON LMC- " docs/331-340,.pdf,464,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,463,"(TYP.) " docs/331-340,.pdf,462,"1.5M " docs/331-340,.pdf,442,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,443,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,444,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,445,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,446,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,447,"TITLE: " docs/331-340,.pdf,448,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,449,"G.I. PIPE SLEEVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,450,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,485,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION/METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,451,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,453,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,454,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,455,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,456,"DRG. NO. 15792-20-03-18 REV-0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,457,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,458,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,459,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,460,"ں " docs/331-340,.pdf,461,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,452,"1:10 " docs/331-340,.pdf,441,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,486,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,488,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,512,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,513,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,514,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,515,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,516,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,517,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,91,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,90,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,89,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,88,"BUILDING WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,87,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,86,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,85,"PE SERVICE PIPE GAS CHARGED UNCHARGED " docs/331-340,.pdf,84,"PE TAPPING SADEL / TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,83,"MDPE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,82,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,81,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,80,"CRUSH GUARD " docs/331-340,.pdf,79,"T.F " docs/331-340,.pdf,511,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,510,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/331-340,.pdf,509,"Page 338 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,508,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,489,"BRASS ADAPTER " docs/331-340,.pdf,490,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,491,"-BRICK WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,492,"CRUSH GUARD " docs/331-340,.pdf,493,"TRANSITION FITTING " docs/331-340,.pdf,494,"G.I. PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,495,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,496,"PE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,497,"1.5M " docs/331-340,.pdf,487,"8. TAPPING SHALL BE LEFT NEAR OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.. " docs/331-340,.pdf,498,"(TYP.) " docs/331-340,.pdf,500,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,501,"PE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,666,"SOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,502,"-G.I./HALF ROUND " docs/331-340,.pdf,503,"CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,504,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,505,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,506,"FINISHED FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,507,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,499,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,78,"-G.I PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,440,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,438,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,374,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,375,"VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,376,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,377,"TITLE: " docs/331-340,.pdf,378,"TYPICAL DRAWING FOR BRACKET & CLAMPS " docs/331-340,.pdf,379,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,380,"15792-20-05-05 " docs/331-340,.pdf,381,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,382,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,383,"SIGN. " docs/331-340,.pdf,384,"PMC " docs/331-340,.pdf,385,"IGL " docs/331-340,.pdf,386,"NTS " docs/331-340,.pdf,387,"DRG. NO. " docs/331-340,.pdf,388,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,389,"A4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,390,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,391,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,392,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,373,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,372,"CLIENT: " docs/331-340,.pdf,371,"TYPE-3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,370,"Page 336 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,350,"3MM THK STRIPS " docs/331-340,.pdf,351,"OF 20mm WIDTH " docs/331-340,.pdf,352,"TYPE-1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,353,"PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,354,"TYPE-2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,355,"(APPROX) " docs/331-340,.pdf,356,"MS CLAMPS FOR GI PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,357,"NOTES " docs/331-340,.pdf,358,"3MM THK. " docs/331-340,.pdf,393,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,359,"30MM WIDTH " docs/331-340,.pdf,361,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/331-340,.pdf,362,"2. CLAMP, REGULATOR BOX AND METER BRACKET ARE TO BE MADE AS PER DIRECTION AND APPROVAL OF EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,363,"3. CLAMPS/BOXES BRACKETS TO " docs/331-340,.pdf,364,"TIGHTLY SECURED TO THE WALL WITH PROPER ROWEL PLUGS, SCREWS ETC. WOODEN BLOCK TO BE USED IN CASE ROWEL PLUGS DO NOT HOLD. PROPER THE AREA. " docs/331-340,.pdf,365,"4. ALL CLAMPS SHOULD BE POWDER COATED AS PER STANDARD SPECIFICATION PROVIDED WITH TENDER DOCUMENTS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,366,"5. CLAMPS ON PIPES TO BE FIXED AT MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 1.5 mtrs AND AT BENDS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,367,"METERS " docs/331-340,.pdf,368,"ANGLE BRACKETS 50x50mm " docs/331-340,.pdf,369,"FOR NON DOMESTIC METERS " docs/331-340,.pdf,360,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,439,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,394,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,613,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION/METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,419,"150 " docs/331-340,.pdf,420,"G.I. PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,421,"1.5M " docs/331-340,.pdf,422,"150 " docs/331-340,.pdf,423,"150 " docs/331-340,.pdf,424,"PEDESTAL " docs/331-340,.pdf,425,"G.I. PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,426,"PE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,427,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,428,"G.I./HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE (SEE NOTE-4) " docs/331-340,.pdf,429,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,430,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,431,"Page 337 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,432,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,433,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,434,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,435,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/331-340,.pdf,436,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,437,"3. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED WHILE DETAIL ENGINEERING. 4. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITION. " docs/331-340,.pdf,418,"R " docs/331-340,.pdf,417,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,416,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,415,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,543,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,396,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,397,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,398,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,399,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,400,"G.I. SLEEVE 2.5"" TO 3"" DIA " docs/331-340,.pdf,401,"PEDESTAL " docs/331-340,.pdf,402,"CONC. 1:3:6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,403,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,395,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,404,"SAND FILL INSIDE " docs/331-340,.pdf,406,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,407,"DETAIL ""A"" " docs/331-340,.pdf,408,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,409,"PEDESTAL 300x150x300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,410,"""A"" " docs/331-340,.pdf,411,"T.F " docs/331-340,.pdf,412,"F--! " docs/331-340,.pdf,413,"PE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,414,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,405,"150 " docs/331-340,.pdf,77,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,76,"1000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,75,"550 " docs/331-340,.pdf,712,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,713,"JELBOW SI " docs/331-340,.pdf,714,"UNION " docs/331-340,.pdf,715,"34"" HEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,716,"R-REGULATOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,717,"JANEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,718,"OLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,719,"G. PIPE 1.8M " docs/331-340,.pdf,720,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,721,"PEDESTAL- " docs/331-340,.pdf,722,"CRASH GUARD " docs/331-340,.pdf,723,"T.F " docs/331-340,.pdf,724,"CIRIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,725,"21 BAR " docs/331-340,.pdf,726,"QJJJC PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,727,"BOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,728,"1/2"" HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,729,"VALVE 1/2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,730,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,711,"HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,710,"G.I.PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,709,"BOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,708,"34'x1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,688,"FIRST FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,689,"-UNEQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,690,"34""x12""* " docs/331-340,.pdf,691,"HEX- " docs/331-340,.pdf,692,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,693,"SOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,694,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,695,"UNEQUAL TEE 344""x1/7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,696,"PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,731,"MTHEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,697,"HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,699,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,700,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,701,"PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,702,"1 HEX- " docs/331-340,.pdf,703,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,704,"UNEQUAL TEE 34""x1/2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,705,"34MT ELBOW " docs/331-340,.pdf,706,"-UNEQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,707,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,698,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,687,"1/2 PLUG- " docs/331-340,.pdf,732,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,734,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,523,"GAD FILE DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,524,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,525,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,526,"DRG. NO. 15792-20-05-01 REV-0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,527,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,528,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,529,"ں " docs/331-340,.pdf,530,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,531,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,532,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,533,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,534,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,535,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,536,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,537,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,538,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,539,"THIRD FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,540,"1/2"" ELBOW " docs/331-340,.pdf,541,"1PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,522,"TDATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,521,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,520,"TITLE: TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION (NON LMC & LMC) " docs/331-340,.pdf,519,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,735,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,736,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,737,"အ " docs/331-340,.pdf,738,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,739,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,740,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,741,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,742,"SOLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,743,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,733,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,744,"GAD FILE " docs/331-340,.pdf,746,"TITLE: TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - FLATS GR. + 4 FLOORS & ABOVE (UPTO 13 FLOORS) CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,747,"GHALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE QE NOTE- " docs/331-340,.pdf,748,"f- " docs/331-340,.pdf,749,"PE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,750,"TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - FLATS GR. + 4 FLOORS & ABOVE (UPTO 13 FLOORS) " docs/331-340,.pdf,751,"Je 3 4 195 196 DRC. NO. 15792 209068083 REVO 8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,752,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,753,"Page 340 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,518,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,745,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,686,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,685,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,684,"SABOCKET " docs/331-340,.pdf,50,"NLT.S. " docs/331-340,.pdf,49,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,48,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,47,"TITLE: DRAIN CROSSING FOR LAYING OF SERVICE LINES WHERE PEDESTAL IS POSSIBLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,46,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,45,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,44,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,43,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,42,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/331-340,.pdf,41,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,40,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,39,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,38,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,37,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,36,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,35,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,34,"Page 331 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,33,"WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,32,"BUILDING " docs/331-340,.pdf,51,"CAD FILES DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,52,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-44 REV-0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,53,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,54,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,74,"NAALAH WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,73,"BUILDING WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,72,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,71,"700 " docs/331-340,.pdf,70,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,69,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,68,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,67,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,66,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,31,"-HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,65,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,63,"ں " docs/331-340,.pdf,62,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,61,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,60,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,59,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,58,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,57,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,56,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,55,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,64,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,30,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,29,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,28,"PE TAPPING SADEL/TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,3,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,2,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,1,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,667,"UNGQUAL TEE 34""x1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,668,"PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,669,"HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,670,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,671,"SOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,672,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,4,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,673,"SECOND FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,675,"UNEQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,676,"34""x17"" " docs/331-340,.pdf,677,"1T HEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,678,"POLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,679,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,680,"PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,681,"UNEQUAL TEE 3/4""x1/2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,682,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,683,"NEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,674,"1/ PLUG D " docs/331-340,.pdf,349,"PE/PVC CLAMPS FOR COPPER PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,5,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,7,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,27,"PE SERVICE PIPE GAS CHARGED/ UNCHARGED " docs/331-340,.pdf,26,"MDPE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,25,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,24,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,23,"WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,22,"NAALAH " docs/331-340,.pdf,21,"-T.F " docs/331-340,.pdf,20,"CRUSH GUARD " docs/331-340,.pdf,19,"-G.I PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,6,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,18,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,16,"1000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,15,"BUILDING WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,14,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,13,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,12,"300_ " docs/331-340,.pdf,11,"700 " docs/331-340,.pdf,10,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,9,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,8,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,17,"550 " docs/331-340,.pdf,348,"TYPE-2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,542,"-1/HEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,346,"BRACKET FOR METERS " docs/331-340,.pdf,137,"BUILDING WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,138,"DRAIN " docs/331-340,.pdf,139,"WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,140,"100@100 C/C- " docs/331-340,.pdf,141,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,142,"CONCERTE " docs/331-340,.pdf,143,"RCC SLAB " docs/331-340,.pdf,144,"BUILDING WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,145,"DRAIN WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,146,"SIDE VIEW SCHEME " docs/331-340,.pdf,147,"100 " docs/331-340,.pdf,148,"PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,149,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,136,"300 " docs/331-340,.pdf,150,"PE SERVICE PIPE GAS CHARGED/ UNCHARGED " docs/331-340,.pdf,152,"MDPE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,153,"PE TAPPING SADEL / TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,154,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,155,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,156,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,157,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,158,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,159,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,160,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,161,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/331-340,.pdf,162,"2. THE GRADE OF CONCRETE FOR RCC WORKS SHALL BE M25 CONFORMING TO IS-456. " docs/331-340,.pdf,163,"3. REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE HYSD BARS OF GRADE FE415 CONFORMING TO IS-1786. " docs/331-340,.pdf,164,"100@100 C/C " docs/331-340,.pdf,151,"-MDPE ELBOW " docs/331-340,.pdf,135,"MDPE ELBOW " docs/331-340,.pdf,134,"-T.F " docs/331-340,.pdf,133,"CRUSH GUARD/PADESTAL " docs/331-340,.pdf,104,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,105,"TITLE: DRAIN CROSSING FOR LAYING OF SERVICE LINES WHERE PEDESTAL NOT POSSIBLE CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,106,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,107,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,108,"N.T.S. " docs/331-340,.pdf,109,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,110,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,111,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-45 REV-0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,112,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,113,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,114,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,115,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,116,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,117,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,118,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,119,"וי " docs/331-340,.pdf,120,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,121,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,122,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,123,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,124,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,125,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,126,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,127,"BUILDING WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,128,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,129,"G.I PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,130,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,131,"RCC COVER SLAB " docs/331-340,.pdf,132,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,165,"200 " docs/331-340,.pdf,166,"A 10,09,2018 " docs/331-340,.pdf,167,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,168,"REVISED AS PER NEW INPUT & ISSUED FOR REVIEW " docs/331-340,.pdf,202,"15792 " docs/331-340,.pdf,203,"15792-10-03-46A " docs/331-340,.pdf,204,"1 OF 1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,205,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,206,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,207,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,208,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,209,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,210,"Page 333 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,211,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,212,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,213,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,214,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,215,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,216,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,217,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,218,"500 " docs/331-340,.pdf,219,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,220,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,221,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,222,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,223,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,224,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,225,"1000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,226,"BUILDING " docs/331-340,.pdf,227,"WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,228,"NAALAH " docs/331-340,.pdf,229,"WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,230,"800 " docs/331-340,.pdf,201,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,103,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,200,"DRAWING NUMBER SHEET REV. " docs/331-340,.pdf,198,"SIZE " docs/331-340,.pdf,169,"KK " docs/331-340,.pdf,170,"AN MO/RKB " docs/331-340,.pdf,171,"1 21.08.2018 REV. DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,172,"US " docs/331-340,.pdf,173,"AN MO/RKB " docs/331-340,.pdf,174,"PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,175,"200 " docs/331-340,.pdf,176,"CLIENT: " docs/331-340,.pdf,177,"RCC SLAB " docs/331-340,.pdf,178,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,179,"75 " docs/331-340,.pdf,180,"PROJECT: " docs/331-340,.pdf,181,"ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION " docs/331-340,.pdf,182,"DESCRIPTION " docs/331-340,.pdf,183,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/331-340,.pdf,184,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,185,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,186,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,187,"50 " docs/331-340,.pdf,188,"75 " docs/331-340,.pdf,189,"50 " docs/331-340,.pdf,190,"75 " docs/331-340,.pdf,191,"50 " docs/331-340,.pdf,192,"TITLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,193,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,194,"DRAIN CROSSING FOR LAYING OF SERVICE LINES " docs/331-340,.pdf,195,"NTS " docs/331-340,.pdf,196,"TYPICAL SECTION OF COVER SLAB " docs/331-340,.pdf,197,"100@100 C/C " docs/331-340,.pdf,199,"CLIENT JOB NO. " docs/331-340,.pdf,231,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,102,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,100,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,648,"BOCKET " docs/331-340,.pdf,649,"-UNEQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,650,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,651,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,652,"1 PLUG- " docs/331-340,.pdf,653,"HEX- " docs/331-340,.pdf,654,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,655,"4567 " docs/331-340,.pdf,656,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,657,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,658,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. " docs/331-340,.pdf,659,"3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/331-340,.pdf,660,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,647,"1 HEX- NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,661,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION/METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,663,"8. METER CLAMP SHALL BE APPROVED FROM OWNER/ OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.. " docs/331-340,.pdf,664,"THIRD FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,665,"-UNEQUAL TEE 344""x12 " docs/331-340,.pdf,612,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,611,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/331-340,.pdf,610,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,609,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,608,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,607,"TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION-FLATS GR. +3 FLOORS " docs/331-340,.pdf,606,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,605,"-HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,604,"GLUCA PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,603,"-C PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,662,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/331-340,.pdf,646,"1/2 PLUG- " docs/331-340,.pdf,645,"SOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,644,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,615,"8. METER CLAMP SHALL BE APPROVED FROM OWNER/ OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.. " docs/331-340,.pdf,616,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,617,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,618,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,619,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,620,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,621,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,622,"အ " docs/331-340,.pdf,623,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT TITLE: TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - FLATS GR. +3 FLOORS " docs/331-340,.pdf,624,"SONE " docs/331-340,.pdf,625,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,626,"CAD FILE " docs/331-340,.pdf,627,"= 35 6 DRD NO:15 12:20-05-02 REV " docs/331-340,.pdf,628,"Page 339 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,629,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,630,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,631,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,632,"ں " docs/331-340,.pdf,633,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,634,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,635,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,636,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/331-340,.pdf,637,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,638,"BOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,639,"REDUCER " docs/331-340,.pdf,640,"FOURTH FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,641,"34° ELBOW " docs/331-340,.pdf,642,"DB 1/2 PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,643,"SHEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,602,"1/2 HEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,601,"SLEEVE CE NOTE- " docs/331-340,.pdf,600,"-GHALF ROUND CONCRETE " docs/331-340,.pdf,599,"VALVE 1/ " docs/331-340,.pdf,565,"1/BQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,564,"1/2 PLUG- " docs/331-340,.pdf,563,"FIRST FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,562,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,561,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,560,"*BOCKET " docs/331-340,.pdf,559,"1/22° PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,558,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,557,"NEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,556,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,555,"12 EQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,554,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,553,"1 HEX- " docs/331-340,.pdf,552,"1 EQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,551,"1/2 PLUG- " docs/331-340,.pdf,550,"SECOND FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,549,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,548,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,547,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,546,"HEX- " docs/331-340,.pdf,545,"1° EQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,92,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,93,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,94,"Page 332 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,95,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,96,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,97,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,98,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/331-340,.pdf,99,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,566,"12 HEX- " docs/331-340,.pdf,101,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,567,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,569,"1 EQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,598,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,597,"21 MBAR " docs/331-340,.pdf,596,"GUI. PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,595,"+--PEPIES " docs/331-340,.pdf,594,"T.F. " docs/331-340,.pdf,593,"CRASH GUARD " docs/331-340,.pdf,592,"PEDESTAL " docs/331-340,.pdf,591,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,590,"MIOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,589,"G.I. PIPE 1.8M " docs/331-340,.pdf,588,"R-REGULATOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,587,"12 HEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,586,"1/2 UNION " docs/331-340,.pdf,585,"1/2"" HEX NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,584,"ELBOW 1/ " docs/331-340,.pdf,583,"1 M/F ELBOW- " docs/331-340,.pdf,582,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,581,"HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,580,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,579,"1/2 EQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,578,"1/2 EQUAL TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,577,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/331-340,.pdf,576,"1PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,575,"NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,574,"HEX " docs/331-340,.pdf,573,"1/HEX- NIPPLE " docs/331-340,.pdf,572,"1/2 PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,571,"VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,570,"ISOLATION " docs/331-340,.pdf,568,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,232,"1000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,233,"550 " docs/331-340,.pdf,234,"PE TAPPING " docs/331-340,.pdf,325,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,326,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,327,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,329,"TITLE: " docs/331-340,.pdf,330,"ROAD/HIGHWAY CASED CROSSING FOR MDPE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,331,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,332,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,333,"1:2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,334,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,335,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-04-23 REV-0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,336,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,337,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,338,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,339,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,340,"E " docs/331-340,.pdf,341,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,342,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,343,"TYPE-1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,344,"8"" " docs/331-340,.pdf,345,"9 " docs/331-340,.pdf,297,"2 " docs/331-340,.pdf,296,"1 " docs/331-340,.pdf,295,"TYPICAL SECTION " docs/331-340,.pdf,294,"REFER NOTE-5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,293,"-CARRIER PIPE MDPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,324,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,292,"-MEDIAN " docs/331-340,.pdf,323,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,321,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,299,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,347,"(DOMESTIC) " docs/331-340,.pdf,298,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,300,"BITUMINOUS " docs/331-340,.pdf,301,"ROAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,302,"1000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,303,"-DRAIN " docs/331-340,.pdf,304,"1500 " docs/331-340,.pdf,305,"MIN. " docs/331-340,.pdf,306,"3000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,307,"ROAD ROW LINE OR FENCE " docs/331-340,.pdf,308,"www.PERMANENT MARKER " docs/331-340,.pdf,309,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,310,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,311,"Page 335 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,312,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,313,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,314,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,315,"3. ROAD/HIGHWAY CROSSING SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION TO THE ENTIRE SATISFACTION OF OWNER AND CONCERNED AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. " docs/331-340,.pdf,316,"4. REFER API RP 1102 FOR OTHER DESIGN AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. " docs/331-340,.pdf,544,"1/2"" PLUG " docs/331-340,.pdf,317,"5. ANGLE OF INTERSECTION BETWEEN PIPELINE AND THE ROAD/HIGHWAY SHALL BE AS CLOSE TO 90° AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN 30°. " docs/331-340,.pdf,318,"6. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE ACTUAL DIMENSION WITH RESPECT TO SURVEY DETAILS OF EACH ROAD/HIGHWAY CROSSING AND PREPARE DETAILED DRAWINGS FOR INDIVIDUAL CROSSING TAKE ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE AND CLIENT'S APPROVAL BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF " docs/331-340,.pdf,319,"CONSTRUCTION. " docs/331-340,.pdf,320,"7. THE CASING PIPE SHALL BE OF SIZE MAINTAINED AS PER T.S. FOR PE LAYING. " docs/331-340,.pdf,322,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,291,"ROAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,328,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,289,"-DRAIN " docs/331-340,.pdf,259,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/331-340,.pdf,258,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,257,"NOTES:- " docs/331-340,.pdf,256,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,255,"PMC: " docs/331-340,.pdf,254,"OWNER: " docs/331-340,.pdf,253,"6 " docs/331-340,.pdf,252,"5 " docs/331-340,.pdf,251,"Page 334 of 380 " docs/331-340,.pdf,250,"PASSAGE " docs/331-340,.pdf,249,"FOR WATER " docs/331-340,.pdf,248,"-HUME PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,247,"WALL " docs/331-340,.pdf,246,"BUILDING " docs/331-340,.pdf,245,"4 " docs/331-340,.pdf,244,"3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,243,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,242,"HDPE CASING " docs/331-340,.pdf,241,"-MDPE PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,240,"T.F " docs/331-340,.pdf,239,"CRUSH GUARD " docs/331-340,.pdf,290,"BITUMINOUS " docs/331-340,.pdf,237,"-ISOLATION VALVE " docs/331-340,.pdf,236,"PE SERVICE PIPE GAS CHARGED UNCHARGED " docs/331-340,.pdf,235,"SADEL / TEE " docs/331-340,.pdf,260,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/331-340,.pdf,261,"NEW DELHI " docs/331-340,.pdf,238,"-G.I PIPE " docs/331-340,.pdf,263,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/331-340,.pdf,286,"CASING PIPE OF " docs/331-340,.pdf,287,"HDPE MATERIAL " docs/331-340,.pdf,288,"3000 " docs/331-340,.pdf,285,"PAVEMENT " docs/331-340,.pdf,284,"RROW LINE " docs/331-340,.pdf,283,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,282,"ں " docs/331-340,.pdf,281,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,280,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,262,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/331-340,.pdf,278,"B " docs/331-340,.pdf,277,"0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,276,"D " docs/331-340,.pdf,279,"A " docs/331-340,.pdf,274,"8 " docs/331-340,.pdf,273,"7 " docs/331-340,.pdf,272,"DRG. NO. 15792-10-03-46 REV-0 " docs/331-340,.pdf,271,"A3 " docs/331-340,.pdf,270,"CAD " docs/331-340,.pdf,269,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,268,"NɩT.S. " docs/331-340,.pdf,267,"DATE " docs/331-340,.pdf,264,"TITLE: " docs/331-340,.pdf,266,"SCALE " docs/331-340,.pdf,275,"ليا " docs/331-340,.pdf,265,"NALLAH CROSSING FOR LAYING OF SERVICE LINES " docs/341-350,.pdf,34,"୮ " docs/341-350,.pdf,33,"VALVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,32,"G.I.PIPE 1.0M " docs/341-350,.pdf,28,"ISOLATION- " docs/341-350,.pdf,30,"R-REGULATOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,29,"ELBOW 1/2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,27,"21 MBAR " docs/341-350,.pdf,31,"ISOLATION " docs/341-350,.pdf,35,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,47,"Cu PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,37,"PEDESTAL " docs/341-350,.pdf,38,"T.F.- " docs/341-350,.pdf,39,"f - PEPIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,40,"CRASH GUARD " docs/341-350,.pdf,41,"HOL PRE " docs/341-350,.pdf,42,"VALVE 1/2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,43,"-G.I.HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE (SEE NOTE-6) " docs/341-350,.pdf,44,"SECOND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,45,"FIRST FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,46,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,48,"G.IЛCu PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,36,"GROUND LEVEL- " docs/341-350,.pdf,25,"1/2 HEX NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,14,"1/2"" HEX NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,23,"1/2"" UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,49,"1/2"" HEX " docs/341-350,.pdf,1,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,2,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,3,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,4,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,5,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,6,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,7,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,8,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,9,"1/2 ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,24,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,10,"1/2"" SOCKET- " docs/341-350,.pdf,12,"1/2"" EQUAL TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,13,"1/2"" M/F ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,15,"1/2"" HEX NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,16,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,17,"1/2"" PLUG " docs/341-350,.pdf,18,"HEX NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,19,"ISOLATION VALVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,20,"1/2"" PLUG " docs/341-350,.pdf,21,"/HEX " docs/341-350,.pdf,22,"NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,11,"1/2"" EQUAL TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,50,"NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,83,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,52,"NIPPLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,123,"1.5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,122,"1.0M " docs/341-350,.pdf,121,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,120,"GUARD " docs/341-350,.pdf,119,"CRUSH- " docs/341-350,.pdf,118,"@ " docs/341-350,.pdf,117,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,116,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,115,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,124,"(TYP.) (TYP.) " docs/341-350,.pdf,114,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,112,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,111,"20 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,110,"20 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,109,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,108,"G " docs/341-350,.pdf,107,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,106,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,105,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,104,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,113,"C " docs/341-350,.pdf,125,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,126,"TF " docs/341-350,.pdf,127,"G.I PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,148,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,147,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,146,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,145,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,144,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,143,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,142,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,141,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,140,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,139,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,138,"Page 342 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,137,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,136,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,135,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,134,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,133,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,132,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,131,"INDICATIVE RISER ARRANGEMENT IN GR+4 & ABOVE BUILDING (METER INSTALLED INSIDE THE KITCHEN) " docs/341-350,.pdf,130,"SLEEVE (SEE NOTE - 5) " docs/341-350,.pdf,129,"G.I/HALF ROUND CONCRETE " docs/341-350,.pdf,128,"❘ PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,103,"9. FROM TRANSITION FITTING TO THE ISOLATION VALVE, SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN THE OUTSIDE KITCHEN PIPING. " docs/341-350,.pdf,102,"8. TAPPING SHALL BE LEFT NEAR OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. " docs/341-350,.pdf,101,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1,5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,100,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,73,"TYPICAL SCHEMATIC CONNECTION - KOTHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,72,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,71,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,70,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,69,"အ " docs/341-350,.pdf,68,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,67,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,66,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,65,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,64,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,63,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,62,"XXXXXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,61,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,60,"8. METER CLAMP SHALL BE APPROVED FROM OWNER/ OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.. " docs/341-350,.pdf,59,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,58,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION/METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,57,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,56,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,55,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,54,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,53,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,74,"SOLE " docs/341-350,.pdf,51,"1/2 HEX " docs/341-350,.pdf,75,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,77,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,99,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,98,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,97,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,96,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,95,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,94,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,93,"TYP. " docs/341-350,.pdf,92,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,91,"G " docs/341-350,.pdf,90,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,89,"NOTE-8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,88,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,87,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,86,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,85,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,84,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,82,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,81,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,80,"Page 341 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,79,"IB3 194 195 196 DRG. NO 15729205084 REV-DO 8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,78,"CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,76,"GAD FILE " docs/341-350,.pdf,26,"G.L PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,333,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,150,"1:4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,577,"PE SERVICE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,578,"GAS CHARGED " docs/341-350,.pdf,579,"UNCHARGED " docs/341-350,.pdf,580,"་་ ོ " docs/341-350,.pdf,581,"TRANSITION- FITTING " docs/341-350,.pdf,582,"G.I./HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,583,"PE-TAPPING " docs/341-350,.pdf,576,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,584,"SADEL / TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,586,"UG NX " docs/341-350,.pdf,587,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,588,"5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,589,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,590,"G.I. PIPE MDPE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,591,"GROUND LEVEL XXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,592,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,585,"AG " docs/341-350,.pdf,593,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,575,"日 " docs/341-350,.pdf,573,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,557,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,558,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,559,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,560,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,561,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,562,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,563,"NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,574,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,564,"LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,566,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,567,"PRESSURE REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,568,"(R) " docs/341-350,.pdf,569,"f " docs/341-350,.pdf,570,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,571,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,572,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,565,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,556,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,594,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,596,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,617,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,618,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,619,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,620,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,621,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,622,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,623,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,616,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,624,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,626,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,627,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,628,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,629,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,630,"NɩT.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,631,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,632,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,625,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,595,"- ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,615,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,613,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,597,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,598,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,599,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,600,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,601,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,602,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,603,"- ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,614,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,604,"SINGLE REGULATOR & DOUBLE CONNECTION ON GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,606,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,607,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,608,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,609,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,610,"Page 348 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,611,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,612,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,605,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,555,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,554,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,553,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,496,"5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,497,"G.I. PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,498,"MDPE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,499,"GROUND LEVEL XXXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,500,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,501,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,502,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,495,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,503,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,505,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,506,"ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,507,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,508,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,509,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,510,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,511,"FIRST FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,504,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,512,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,494,"UG XXXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,492,"SADEL/TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,476,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,477,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,478,"NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,479,"T " docs/341-350,.pdf,480,"LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,481,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,482,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,493,"AG " docs/341-350,.pdf,483,"3.0M " docs/341-350,.pdf,485,"TRANSITION- FITTING " docs/341-350,.pdf,486,"PE SERVICE PIPE GAS CHARGED I " docs/341-350,.pdf,487,"UNCHARGED " docs/341-350,.pdf,488,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,489,"G.I./HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,490,"-PE-TAPPING " docs/341-350,.pdf,491,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,484,"PRESSURE REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,513,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,514,"-ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,515,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,537,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,538,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,539,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,540,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,541,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG FOR FLAT " docs/341-350,.pdf,542,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,543,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,536,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,544,"NɩT.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,546,"CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,547,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,548,"DRG. NO. 15792-20-05-12 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,549,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,550,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,551,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,552,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,545,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,535,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,534,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,533,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,516,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,517,"SINGLE REGULATOR & SINGLE CONNECTION ON GROUND FLOOR & FIRST FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,518,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,519,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,520,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,521,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,522,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,523,"Page 347 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,524,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,525,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,526,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,527,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,528,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,529,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,530,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,531,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,532,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,633,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,475,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,634,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-13 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,636,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,738,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,739,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,740,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,741,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,742,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,743,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,744,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,737,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,745,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,747,"9. FROM TRANSITION FITTING TO THE ISOLATION VALVE, SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN THE OUTSIDE KITCHEN PIPING. 10. AT THE TIME OF MEASURING LENGTH OF G.I./COPPER PIPE, G.I./COPPER FITTINGS SHALL BE COUNTED IN THE PIPE LENGTH. " docs/341-350,.pdf,748,"VALVE- " docs/341-350,.pdf,749,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,750,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,751,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,752,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,753,"CRASH GUARD- " docs/341-350,.pdf,746,"8. TAPPING SHALL BE LEFT NEAR OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. " docs/341-350,.pdf,754,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,736,"REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,734,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,718,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,719,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-14 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,720,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,721,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,722,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,723,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,724,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,735,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,725,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,727,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,728,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,729,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,730,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,731,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,732,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,733,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,726,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,717,"CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,755,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,757,"T.F.- " docs/341-350,.pdf,778,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,779,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,780,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,781,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION " docs/341-350,.pdf,782,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,783,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,784,"N.T.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,777,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,785,"CAD FILE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,787,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-15 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,788,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,789,"CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,790,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,791,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,792,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,793,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,786,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,756,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,776,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,774,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,758,"G.I PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,759,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,760,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,761,"G.I./ HALF ROUND " docs/341-350,.pdf,762,"CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,763,"INDICATIVE RISER ARRANGEMENT IN BUILDING, " docs/341-350,.pdf,764,"IF METER INSTALLED AT GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,775,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,765,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,767,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,768,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,769,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,770,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,771,"Page 350 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,772,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,773,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,766,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,716,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,715,"N.T.S " docs/341-350,.pdf,714,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,657,"PE SERVICE PIPE GAS CHARGED I " docs/341-350,.pdf,658,"UNCHARGED " docs/341-350,.pdf,659,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,660,"G.I./HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,661,"-PE-TAPPING " docs/341-350,.pdf,662,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,663,"SADEL/TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,656,"TRANSITION- FITTING " docs/341-350,.pdf,664,"AG " docs/341-350,.pdf,666,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,667,"5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,668,"G.I. PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,669,"MDPE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,670,"GROUND LEVEL XXXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,671,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,672,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,665,"UG XXXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,673,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,655,"PRESSURE REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,653,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,637,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,638,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,639,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,640,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,641,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,642,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,643,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,654,"3.0M " docs/341-350,.pdf,644,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,646,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,647,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,648,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,649,"NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,650,"T " docs/341-350,.pdf,651,"LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,652,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,645,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,674,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,675,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,676,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,698,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,699,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,700,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,701,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,702,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,703,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,704,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,697,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,705,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,707,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,708,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,709,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,710,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,711,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,712,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG FOR KOTHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,713,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,706,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,696,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,695,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,694,"Page 349 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,677,"ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,678,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,679,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,680,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,681,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,682,"FIRST FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,683,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,684,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,685,"-ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,686,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,687,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,688,"SINGLE REGULATOR & SINGLE CONNECTION ON GROUND FLOOR & FIRST FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,689,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,690,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,691,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,692,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,693,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,635,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,474,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,473,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,472,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,253,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,254,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,255,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,256,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,257,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,258,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,259,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,252,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,260,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,262,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,263,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,264,"8. TAPPING SHALL BE LEFT NEAR OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. " docs/341-350,.pdf,265,"9. FROM TRANSITION FITTING TO THE ISOLATION VALVE, SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN THE OUTSIDE KITCHEN PIPING. 10. AT THE TIME OF MEASURING LENGTH OF G.I./COPPER PIPE, G.I./COPPER FITTINGS SHALL BE COUNTED IN THE PIPE LENGTH. " docs/341-350,.pdf,266,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. " docs/341-350,.pdf,267,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,268,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,261,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,269,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,251,"IF METER IS INSTALLED AT EACH FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,249,"CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,233,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,234,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,235,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,236,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,237,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,238,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,239,"REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,250,"INDICATIVE RISER ARRANGEMENT IN BUILDING, " docs/341-350,.pdf,240,"VALVE- " docs/341-350,.pdf,242,"CRASH GUARD- " docs/341-350,.pdf,243,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,244,"T.F.- " docs/341-350,.pdf,245,"G.I PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,246,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,247,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,248,"G.I./ HALF ROUND " docs/341-350,.pdf,241,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,232,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,270,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,272,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,293,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,294,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,295,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,296,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,297,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,298,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,299,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,292,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,300,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,302,"PRESSURE REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,303,"_ _ _ _ -- " docs/341-350,.pdf,304,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,305,"TRANSITION- " docs/341-350,.pdf,306,"FITTING " docs/341-350,.pdf,307,"G.I./HALF ROUND CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,308,"1.5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,301,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,271,"Page 344 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,291,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,289,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,273,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,274,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,275,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,276,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,277,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,278,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,279,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,290,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,280,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,282,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,283,"N.T.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,284,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION " docs/341-350,.pdf,285,"CAD FILE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,286,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,287,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-08 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,288,"CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,281,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,231,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,230,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,229,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,172,"CRASH GUARD- " docs/341-350,.pdf,173,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,174,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,175,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,176,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,177,"C " docs/341-350,.pdf,178,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,171,"VALVE- " docs/341-350,.pdf,179,"T.F.- " docs/341-350,.pdf,181,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,182,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,183,"G.I./ HALF ROUND " docs/341-350,.pdf,184,"CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,185,"INDICATIVE RISER ARRANGEMENT IN BUILDING, " docs/341-350,.pdf,186,"IF METER IS INSTALLED AT TOP OF FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,187,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,180,"G.I PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,188,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,170,"REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,168,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,151,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,152,"CAD FLE DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,153,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-06 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,154,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,155,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,156,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,157,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,169,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,158,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,160,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,161,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,162,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,163,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,164,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,166,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,167,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,159,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,189,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,190,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,191,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,213,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,214,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,215,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,216,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,217,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,218,"N.T.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,219,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION " docs/341-350,.pdf,212,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,220,"CAD FILE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,222,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-07 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,223,"CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,224,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,225,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,226,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,227,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,228,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,221,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,211,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,210,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,209,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,192,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,193,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,194,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,195,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,196,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,197,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,198,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,199,"8. TAPPING SHALL BE LEFT NEAR OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. " docs/341-350,.pdf,200,"9. FROM TRANSITION FITTING TO THE ISOLATION VALVE, SHALL BE CONSIDERED IN THE OUTSIDE KITCHEN PIPING. 10. AT THE TIME OF MEASURING LENGTH OF G.I./COPPER PIPE, G.I./COPPER FITTINGS SHALL BE COUNTED IN THE PIPE LENGTH. " docs/341-350,.pdf,201,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. " docs/341-350,.pdf,202,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/341-350,.pdf,203,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,204,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,205,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,206,"Page 343 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,207,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,208,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,309,"3.0M " docs/341-350,.pdf,310,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,311,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,312,"G.I. PIPE MDPE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,415,"AG " docs/341-350,.pdf,416,"UG XXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,417,"G.I. PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,418,"MDPE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,419,"GROUND LEVEL XXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,420,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,421,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,414,"SADEL / TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,422,"5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,424,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,425,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,426,"UNION ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,427,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,428,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,429,"300 MM " docs/341-350,.pdf,430,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,423,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,431,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,413,"-PE-TAPPING " docs/341-350,.pdf,411,"G.I./HALF ROUND " docs/341-350,.pdf,395,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,396,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,397,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,398,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,399,"- ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,400,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,401,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,412,"CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/341-350,.pdf,402,"UNION ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,404,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,405,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,406,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,407,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,408,"PRESSURE REGULATOR- " docs/341-350,.pdf,409,"тр " docs/341-350,.pdf,410,"TRANSITION- FITTING " docs/341-350,.pdf,403,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,432,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,433,"ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,434,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,456,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,457,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,458,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,459,"NɩT.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,460,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,461,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,462,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,455,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,463,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-11 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,465,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,466,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,467,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,468,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,469,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,470,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,471,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,464,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,454,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,453,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,452,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,435,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,436,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,437,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,438,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,439,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,440,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,441,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,442,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,443,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,444,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,445,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,446,"FOUR CONNECTIONS ON GROUND FLOOR " docs/341-350,.pdf,447,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,448,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,449,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,450,"Page 346 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,451,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,394,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,149,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,393,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,391,"1 " docs/341-350,.pdf,334,"3.0M " docs/341-350,.pdf,335,"15 NB " docs/341-350,.pdf,336,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,337,"__ " docs/341-350,.pdf,338,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,339,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,340,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,332,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,341,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,343,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,344,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,345,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,346,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,347,"__ " docs/341-350,.pdf,348,"-ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,349,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,342,"-ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,350,"FOUR CONNECTIONS - TWO EACH ON GROUND FLOOR & FIRST FLOOR UPTO GR. + 3 FLOORS ONLY " docs/341-350,.pdf,331,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,329,"ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,313,"AG UG XX " docs/341-350,.pdf,314,"GROUND LEVEL TXXXXX " docs/341-350,.pdf,315,"-PE-TAPPING " docs/341-350,.pdf,316,"SADEL/TEE " docs/341-350,.pdf,317,"PE PIPE " docs/341-350,.pdf,318,"5M " docs/341-350,.pdf,319,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,330,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,320,"METER " docs/341-350,.pdf,322,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,323,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,324,"12M " docs/341-350,.pdf,325,"ELBOW " docs/341-350,.pdf,326,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,327,"UNION " docs/341-350,.pdf,328,"12M 12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,321,"12mm COPPER TUBE " docs/341-350,.pdf,351,"4 " docs/341-350,.pdf,352,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,353,"3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,375,"DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,376,"NɩT.S. " docs/341-350,.pdf,377,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/341-350,.pdf,378,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION CAD " docs/341-350,.pdf,379,"A3 " docs/341-350,.pdf,380,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-10 REV-0 " docs/341-350,.pdf,381,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,374,"SCALE " docs/341-350,.pdf,382,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,384,"E " docs/341-350,.pdf,385,"D " docs/341-350,.pdf,386,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,387,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,388,"ں " docs/341-350,.pdf,389,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,390,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,383,"ليا " docs/341-350,.pdf,373,"TITLE: " docs/341-350,.pdf,372,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/341-350,.pdf,371,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/341-350,.pdf,354,"5 " docs/341-350,.pdf,355,"6 " docs/341-350,.pdf,356,"Page 345 of 380 " docs/341-350,.pdf,357,"7 " docs/341-350,.pdf,358,"NOTES:- " docs/341-350,.pdf,359,"8 " docs/341-350,.pdf,360,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. 3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/341-350,.pdf,361,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,362,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION / METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. " docs/341-350,.pdf,363,"6. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. 7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/341-350,.pdf,364,"A " docs/341-350,.pdf,365,"B " docs/341-350,.pdf,366,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. FOR LMC AND NON-LMC " docs/341-350,.pdf,367,"OWNER: " docs/341-350,.pdf,368,"PMC: " docs/341-350,.pdf,369,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/341-350,.pdf,370,"NEW DELHI " docs/341-350,.pdf,392,"2 " docs/341-350,.pdf,165,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,502,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,368,"(30X30X4) " docs/351-360,.pdf,226,"18 " docs/351-360,.pdf,227,"LIV " docs/351-360,.pdf,228,"G.I SADDLE- " docs/351-360,.pdf,229,"-1.5 M. " docs/351-360,.pdf,230,"G.I PIPE " docs/351-360,.pdf,231,"TEE- " docs/351-360,.pdf,232,"UNION " docs/351-360,.pdf,233,"RIV " docs/351-360,.pdf,234,".2 M.- " docs/351-360,.pdf,225,"PVC SLEEVE- " docs/351-360,.pdf,235,"19 " docs/351-360,.pdf,237,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,238,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,239,"G60 " docs/351-360,.pdf,240,"METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,241,"BRICK WALL " docs/351-360,.pdf,242,"FIRST FLOOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,243,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,244,"T.F.- " docs/351-360,.pdf,245,"MDPE LINE " docs/351-360,.pdf,236,"25 NB " docs/351-360,.pdf,224,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,223,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,222,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,201,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,202,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,203,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,204,"0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,205,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,206,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/351-360,.pdf,207,"E " docs/351-360,.pdf,208,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,209,"DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,210,"NUT.S. " docs/351-360,.pdf,211,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,212,"TITLE: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM DESCRIBING DIFFERENT PRESSURE SYSTEM (SR TO APPLIANCE IN KITCHEN) CAD A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,213,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-40 REV-0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,214,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,215,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,216,"ليا " docs/351-360,.pdf,217,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,218,"ں " docs/351-360,.pdf,219,"1.0 M. " docs/351-360,.pdf,220,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,221,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,246,"-G.I.CONCRETE SLEEVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,200,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,247,"(SEE NOTE-9) " docs/351-360,.pdf,249,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,275,"No. " docs/351-360,.pdf,276,"1. " docs/351-360,.pdf,277,"COPPER COUPLER " docs/351-360,.pdf,278,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,279,"90 DEG. ELBOW G.I.(1/2""-M/F END) " docs/351-360,.pdf,280,"3. " docs/351-360,.pdf,281,"METER CONTROL VALVE (1/2"") " docs/351-360,.pdf,282,"4. " docs/351-360,.pdf,283,"BRASS DISCONNECTING UNION (1/2""x12mm) " docs/351-360,.pdf,274,"QTY. REMARK " docs/351-360,.pdf,284,"01 " docs/351-360,.pdf,286,"G.I./Cu ELBOW (12mm) " docs/351-360,.pdf,287,"6. " docs/351-360,.pdf,288,"G.I./Cu TUBE(12mm) " docs/351-360,.pdf,289,"7. " docs/351-360,.pdf,290,"PVC. CLIP " docs/351-360,.pdf,291,"8. " docs/351-360,.pdf,292,"BRASS DISCONNECTING UNION (3/4""x12mm) " docs/351-360,.pdf,293,"9. " docs/351-360,.pdf,294,"METER REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,285,"6. " docs/351-360,.pdf,273,"MATERIAL DESCRIPTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,272,"BR. " docs/351-360,.pdf,271,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/351-360,.pdf,250,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,251,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,252,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,253,"17 " docs/351-360,.pdf,254,"1) " docs/351-360,.pdf,255,"21 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,256,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,257,"-G.I./CU. PIPE " docs/351-360,.pdf,258,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,259,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,260,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,261,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,262,"2. THE SIZES SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL " docs/351-360,.pdf,263,"BE DECIDED AT THE TIME OF DETAIL ENGINEERING. " docs/351-360,.pdf,264,"3. PIPING DOWNSTREAM METER SHALL BE COPPER IN CASE METER IS INSTALLED WITHIN THE KITCHEN. " docs/351-360,.pdf,265,"4. TENTATIVE RISER LENGTH (FROM OUTLET OF TRANSITION FITTING A TO INLET OF ISOLATION VALVE) SHALL BE 1.5M. ANY CHANGES IN RISER LENGTH SHALL BE AFTER APPROVAL FROM EIC. " docs/351-360,.pdf,266,"5. G.I. INSTALLATION/METER INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. 8. IF COPPER PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN BRASS FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF METER OR IF G.I. PIPE GOES TO THE APPLIANCE VALVE THEN G.I. FITTING SHALL BE USED AT THE OUTLET OF THE METER. " docs/351-360,.pdf,267,"7. MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN CLAMPS SHALL BE 1.5M WHEN PIPE GOES IN THE STRAIGHT LENGTH, IF ANY TEE OR ANY FITTING IS USED IN BETWEEN THE PIPE THEN CLAMP SHALL BE PLACED 150 MM AWAY FROM CENTER LINE OF THE FITTING AT EVERY SIDE. HOWEVER, THE SAME MAY BE CHANGED AS PER SITE CONDITIONS/AS DIRECTED BY EIC. " docs/351-360,.pdf,268,"8. TAPPING SHALL BE LEFT NEAR OUTSIDE THE KITCHEN AS DIRECTED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,269,"9. G.I CONCRETE SLEEVE INSTALLATION SHALL BE DECIDED BY OWNER/OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AS PER SITE CONDITIONS. 10.REGULATOR TO BE FIXED NEAR THE METER AS PER INSTRUMENT AS PER INSTRUCTION OF EIC. " docs/351-360,.pdf,270,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,248,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,295,"10. " docs/351-360,.pdf,199,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/351-360,.pdf,197,"Page 353 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,128,"ں " docs/351-360,.pdf,129,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,130,"ليا " docs/351-360,.pdf,131,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,132,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,133,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,134,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,135,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,136,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,127,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,137,"4 bar " docs/351-360,.pdf,139,"(PE) " docs/351-360,.pdf,140,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,141,"(PE) " docs/351-360,.pdf,142,"TO NEXT LOOP " docs/351-360,.pdf,143,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,144,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,145,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,146,"100 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,147,"(TYPICAL) " docs/351-360,.pdf,138,"SR " docs/351-360,.pdf,126,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,125,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,124,"0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,721,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,722,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,723,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/351-360,.pdf,724,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/351-360,.pdf,725,"METERING & REGULATING STATION SHEET REV. 15792-30-05-24 1 OF 1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,726,"SIZE " docs/351-360,.pdf,727,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,728,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,729,"NTS " docs/351-360,.pdf,730,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/351-360,.pdf,731,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,732,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,733,"Ic " docs/351-360,.pdf,500,"XXXXXX\\ " docs/351-360,.pdf,499,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,498,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,497,"2. REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,496,"1. METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,495,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/351-360,.pdf,494,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,123,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,148,"TO APPLIANCE " docs/351-360,.pdf,198,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,149,"21 mbar " docs/351-360,.pdf,151,"BLDG-2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,178,"BLDG-4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,179,"BLDG-29 " docs/351-360,.pdf,180,"BLDG-30 " docs/351-360,.pdf,181,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,182,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,183,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,184,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,185,"LOOP-2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,186,"LOOP-3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,177,"BLDG-3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,187,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,189,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,190,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,191,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE " docs/351-360,.pdf,192,"DRAWING. " docs/351-360,.pdf,193,"LOOP-4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,493,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,194,"OWNER: " docs/351-360,.pdf,195,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,196,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,188,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,176,"BLDG-2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,175,"BLDG-1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,174,"100 mbar (PE NETWORK) " docs/351-360,.pdf,152,"BLDG-3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,153,"BLDG-4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,154,"BLDG-29 " docs/351-360,.pdf,155,"BLDG-30 " docs/351-360,.pdf,156,"☑ " docs/351-360,.pdf,158,"100 mbar (PE NETWORK) " docs/351-360,.pdf,159,"区区 " docs/351-360,.pdf,160,"BLDG-2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,161,"BLDG-3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,162,"BLDG-4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,163,"100 mbar (PE NETWORK) " docs/351-360,.pdf,164,"☑ " docs/351-360,.pdf,165,"BLDG-29 " docs/351-360,.pdf,166,"BLDG-30 " docs/351-360,.pdf,167,"☑ ☑ " docs/351-360,.pdf,168,"BLDG-1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,169,"BLDG-2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,170,"BLDG-3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,171,"☑ ☑ BLDG-4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,172,"BLDG-29 " docs/351-360,.pdf,173,"BLDG-30 " docs/351-360,.pdf,150,"BLDG-1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,296,"METER INLET UNION (3/4""x3/4"") " docs/351-360,.pdf,297,"11. " docs/351-360,.pdf,298,"GAB METER (2.5 m3/hr) " docs/351-360,.pdf,423,"RCC BLOCK(PL1) " docs/351-360,.pdf,424,"2"" TH. RADIUM PATTI COLOR AS PER SPECS. " docs/351-360,.pdf,425,"800 M.S. PIPE " docs/351-360,.pdf,426,"WITH ORANGE METALLIC PAINT " docs/351-360,.pdf,427,"XX " docs/351-360,.pdf,428,"800 M.S. PIPE WITH ORANGE METALLIC PAINT " docs/351-360,.pdf,429,"CLIENT " docs/351-360,.pdf,430,"PROJECT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,431,"TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,422,"200x200x10TH 2MM PLATE EMBEDDED IN " docs/351-360,.pdf,432,"RCC (1:1.5:3) " docs/351-360,.pdf,434,"SCALE: " docs/351-360,.pdf,435,"Page 356 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,436,"REFERENCE DRAWINGS " docs/351-360,.pdf,437,"S.NO. " docs/351-360,.pdf,438,"DRAWING TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,439,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/351-360,.pdf,440,"ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND LEVEL ARE IN METERS. " docs/351-360,.pdf,441,"NOTES :- " docs/351-360,.pdf,442,"1. " docs/351-360,.pdf,433,"VIEW A-A " docs/351-360,.pdf,421,"600 " docs/351-360,.pdf,420,"WALL MOUNTED MRS CAGE " docs/351-360,.pdf,419,"EXISTING BOUNDARY WALL " docs/351-360,.pdf,398,"SHEET REV. " docs/351-360,.pdf,399,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,400,"NTS " docs/351-360,.pdf,401,"15792 -20-05-42 " docs/351-360,.pdf,402,"1 OF 1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,403,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,404,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,405,"14 " docs/351-360,.pdf,406,"13 " docs/351-360,.pdf,407,"12 " docs/351-360,.pdf,408,"RCC M25 CONC. " docs/351-360,.pdf,409,"(TYP) " docs/351-360,.pdf,410,"300 " docs/351-360,.pdf,411,"300 " docs/351-360,.pdf,412,"1980 " docs/351-360,.pdf,413,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,414,"R200 " docs/351-360,.pdf,415,"600 " docs/351-360,.pdf,416,"780 " docs/351-360,.pdf,417,"600 " docs/351-360,.pdf,418,"PLAN DETAIL OF CRASH GUARD " docs/351-360,.pdf,443,"2. " docs/351-360,.pdf,397,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/351-360,.pdf,444,"3. " docs/351-360,.pdf,446,"5. " docs/351-360,.pdf,472,"16) " docs/351-360,.pdf,473,"(14 " docs/351-360,.pdf,474,"13 " docs/351-360,.pdf,475,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,476,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,477,"METER ADAPTORS " docs/351-360,.pdf,491,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,490,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,489,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/351-360,.pdf,471,"12 " docs/351-360,.pdf,488,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/351-360,.pdf,486,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,485,"DIAPHRAGM-1"" " docs/351-360,.pdf,484,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-01 " docs/351-360,.pdf,483,"9 " docs/351-360,.pdf,482,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,481,"(10) " docs/351-360,.pdf,480,"24 " docs/351-360,.pdf,479,"DIAPHRAGM METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,478,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,487,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/351-360,.pdf,470,"REDUCER 1 1/2""X1""- " docs/351-360,.pdf,469,"20 " docs/351-360,.pdf,468,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,447,"FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/351-360,.pdf,448,"REINFORCING BAR SHALL BE HIGH " docs/351-360,.pdf,449,"STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS OF GRADE Fe 500 CONFORMING TO IS:1786-2008. THE CEMENT USED SHALL BE ORDINARY PORTLAND CEMENT (OPC) GRADE 43 OR 53 CONFORMING TO IS: 8112 AND IS: 12269. ALL DIM TO BE CHECKED AND CORRELATED WITH SUPPLIER DRG. BEFORE EXECUTION. " docs/351-360,.pdf,450,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/351-360,.pdf,451,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. B-10, IInd FLOOR, BAJAJ BHAWAN, " docs/351-360,.pdf,452,"SECTOR-03, NOIDA - 201301 " docs/351-360,.pdf,453,"PNG PROJECT DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,454,"CRASH GUARD " docs/351-360,.pdf,455,"FOR PROTECTION OF WALL MOUNTED MRS CAGE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,456,"TOTAL NO. OF SHTS: " docs/351-360,.pdf,457,"10F1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,458,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,459,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,460,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,461,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,462,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/351-360,.pdf,463,"XXXXXX\\ " docs/351-360,.pdf,464,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,465,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,466,"GAS INLET @ " docs/351-360,.pdf,467,"4 BAR " docs/351-360,.pdf,445,"4. " docs/351-360,.pdf,396,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,395,"SIZE " docs/351-360,.pdf,394,"CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF HOUSING FOR SINGLE SERVICE REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,324,"4. " docs/351-360,.pdf,325,"19. " docs/351-360,.pdf,326,"COPPER EQUAL TEE " docs/351-360,.pdf,327,"20. " docs/351-360,.pdf,328,"25mm OD. PVC. PIPE AS PER IS-4986 " docs/351-360,.pdf,329,"21. " docs/351-360,.pdf,330,"RAWAL PLUGS " docs/351-360,.pdf,331,"22 " docs/351-360,.pdf,332,"WOOD SCREW " docs/351-360,.pdf,323,"LATERAL VALVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,333,"23. " docs/351-360,.pdf,335,"5555555 " docs/351-360,.pdf,336,"01 " docs/351-360,.pdf,337,"OPTIONAL " docs/351-360,.pdf,338,"INDICATIVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,339,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,340,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,341,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,342,"Page 354 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,343,"THIS IS THE GENERAL LAYOUT. OWNER: " docs/351-360,.pdf,334,"TEFLON TAPE " docs/351-360,.pdf,322,"18. " docs/351-360,.pdf,321,"d " docs/351-360,.pdf,320,"METER CLAMP " docs/351-360,.pdf,299,"12 " docs/351-360,.pdf,300,"METER OUTLET UNION (3/4""x12mm) " docs/351-360,.pdf,301,"13. " docs/351-360,.pdf,302,"METER BRACKET " docs/351-360,.pdf,303,"55558 8555555 " docs/351-360,.pdf,304,"01 " docs/351-360,.pdf,305,"02 " docs/351-360,.pdf,306,"3m " docs/351-360,.pdf,307,"INDICATIVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,308,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,309,"01 " docs/351-360,.pdf,310,"14. " docs/351-360,.pdf,311,"BRASS ADAPTER(1/4""x12mm) " docs/351-360,.pdf,312,"15. " docs/351-360,.pdf,313,"FLUX " docs/351-360,.pdf,314,"18. " docs/351-360,.pdf,315,"SOLDER WIRE " docs/351-360,.pdf,316,"01 " docs/351-360,.pdf,317,"15 gm " docs/351-360,.pdf,318,"20 gms " docs/351-360,.pdf,319,"17. " docs/351-360,.pdf,344,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/351-360,.pdf,345,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,346,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,347,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/351-360,.pdf,373,"3. WIRE MESH AND MS ANGLE/ PLATES SHOULD BE PAINTED WITH PRIMER & GOLDEN YELLOW PAINT OF REPUTED MAKE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,374,"WIRE MESH-(25X25X4) " docs/351-360,.pdf,375,"BOLT " docs/351-360,.pdf,376,"LOCKING SYSTEM " docs/351-360,.pdf,377,"4"" TO BE GROUTED " docs/351-360,.pdf,378,"TOTAL HEIGHT 7"" " docs/351-360,.pdf,379,"360 " docs/351-360,.pdf,380,"Page 355 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,381,"A 18.01.2017 " docs/351-360,.pdf,382,"0 12.12.2016 " docs/351-360,.pdf,383,"REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,384,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,385,"PROJECT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,386,"TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,387,"ISSUED FOR TENDER " docs/351-360,.pdf,388,"DK " docs/351-360,.pdf,389,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,390,"MD GS DK MD GS PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,391,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/351-360,.pdf,392,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,393,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,372,"PROVIDED AT BOTTOM OF SERVICE REGULATOR. " docs/351-360,.pdf,720,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/351-360,.pdf,371,"2. 40mm GROUTING WITH NON SHRINKAGE COMPOUND SHALL BE " docs/351-360,.pdf,369,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,348,"TITLE: " docs/351-360,.pdf,349,"TYPICAL DOMESTIC CONNECTION LAYOUT OF NG DISTRIBUTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,350,"SONE " docs/351-360,.pdf,351,"DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,352,"GAD FILE " docs/351-360,.pdf,353,"N.T " docs/351-360,.pdf,354,"DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,355,"CAD " docs/351-360,.pdf,356,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,357,"DRG. NO.15792-20-05-07 REV-0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,358,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,359,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,360,"E " docs/351-360,.pdf,361,"LATCH " docs/351-360,.pdf,362,"(AS PER SUIT AT SITE) " docs/351-360,.pdf,363,"M.S. SHEET, 4mm THK. " docs/351-360,.pdf,364,"360 " docs/351-360,.pdf,365,"099 " docs/351-360,.pdf,366,"240 " docs/351-360,.pdf,367,"240 " docs/351-360,.pdf,492,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/351-360,.pdf,370,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,719,"TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,157,"LOOP-1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,717,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,34,"OWNER: " docs/351-360,.pdf,35,"-LOW PRESSURE MDPE LINE (100 Bar) " docs/351-360,.pdf,36,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,37,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,38,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,39,"Page 351 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,40,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,41,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,42,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,43,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,44,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/351-360,.pdf,45,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,46,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,47,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,48,"0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,49,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,50,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/351-360,.pdf,33,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. " docs/351-360,.pdf,51,"TITLE: " docs/351-360,.pdf,32,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,30,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,718,"PROJECT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,14,"MDPE LINE (4 Bar) " docs/351-360,.pdf,15,"UNION- " docs/351-360,.pdf,16,"PURGING " docs/351-360,.pdf,17,"VALVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,18,"280 " docs/351-360,.pdf,19,"SERVICE REG. VALVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,20,"-3/4"" TRANSITION " docs/351-360,.pdf,21,"FITTING " docs/351-360,.pdf,22,"INLET " docs/351-360,.pdf,23,"UNION " docs/351-360,.pdf,24,"OUTLET. " docs/351-360,.pdf,25,"-1"" PIPE " docs/351-360,.pdf,26,"PURGING VALVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,27,"SERVICE REG. VALVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,28,"-1"" TRANSITION FITTING " docs/351-360,.pdf,29,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,31,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,52,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FOR SINGLE STREAM REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,53,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,54,"DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,77,"G.L. " docs/351-360,.pdf,78,"75 " docs/351-360,.pdf,79,"160 " docs/351-360,.pdf,80,"280 " docs/351-360,.pdf,81,"160 " docs/351-360,.pdf,82,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,83,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,84,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,85,"600 " docs/351-360,.pdf,86,"-1:1.5:3 (M20) CONCRETE " docs/351-360,.pdf,87,"S.A " docs/351-360,.pdf,88,"450 " docs/351-360,.pdf,89,"75 " docs/351-360,.pdf,90,"-50MM THICK COMPACTED PAD " docs/351-360,.pdf,91,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,92,"-FOR 1"" TF " docs/351-360,.pdf,93,"100 " docs/351-360,.pdf,76,"225 " docs/351-360,.pdf,75,"225 " docs/351-360,.pdf,74,"FOR 3/4"" TF " docs/351-360,.pdf,73,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,55,"1:4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,56,"CAD FILE DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,57,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-05-37 REV-0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,58,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,59,"CAD " docs/351-360,.pdf,60,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,61,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,62,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,12,"575 " docs/351-360,.pdf,63,"ليا " docs/351-360,.pdf,65,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,66,"ں " docs/351-360,.pdf,67,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,68,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,69,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,70,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,71,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,72,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,64,"ليا " docs/351-360,.pdf,11,"ليا " docs/351-360,.pdf,10,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,9,"ں " docs/351-360,.pdf,525,"Ic " docs/351-360,.pdf,526,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,527,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,528,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,529,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,530,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/351-360,.pdf,531,"XXXXXXX\\ " docs/351-360,.pdf,532,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,533,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,534,"GAS INLET @ " docs/351-360,.pdf,535,"4 BAR " docs/351-360,.pdf,536,"7A " docs/351-360,.pdf,537,"(18) " docs/351-360,.pdf,538,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,539,"13 " docs/351-360,.pdf,540,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,541,"(18) " docs/351-360,.pdf,524,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,523,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,522,"1 OF 1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,521,"SHEET REV. " docs/351-360,.pdf,503,"PROJECT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,504,"TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,505,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,506,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,507,"MD AD " docs/351-360,.pdf,508,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/351-360,.pdf,509,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,510,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,542,"9 " docs/351-360,.pdf,511,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/351-360,.pdf,513,"METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/351-360,.pdf,514,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/351-360,.pdf,515,"Page 357 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,516,"SIZE " docs/351-360,.pdf,517,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,518,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,519,"NTS " docs/351-360,.pdf,520,"15792-30-05-21 " docs/351-360,.pdf,512,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/351-360,.pdf,94,"150 " docs/351-360,.pdf,543,"9 " docs/351-360,.pdf,545,"DIAPHRAGM " docs/351-360,.pdf,568,"XXXXXXX\\ " docs/351-360,.pdf,569,"A 14.07.2018 REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,570,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,571,"PROJECT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,572,"TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,573,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,574,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,575,"MD AD " docs/351-360,.pdf,501,"A 14.07.2018 REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,1,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,2,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,3,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,4,"4 " docs/351-360,.pdf,5,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,6,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,7,"B " docs/351-360,.pdf,8,"3/4"" PIPE " docs/351-360,.pdf,567,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,566,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,565,"2. REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,564,"1. METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,546,"METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,547,"17A) " docs/351-360,.pdf,548,"(7A) " docs/351-360,.pdf,549,"(12) " docs/351-360,.pdf,550,"METER ADAPTORS " docs/351-360,.pdf,551,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,552,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-02 " docs/351-360,.pdf,553,"DIAPHRAGM-1-1/2"" " docs/351-360,.pdf,544,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,554,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,556,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/351-360,.pdf,557,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/351-360,.pdf,558,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,559,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,560,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/351-360,.pdf,561,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,562,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,563,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/351-360,.pdf,555,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/351-360,.pdf,95,"50 " docs/351-360,.pdf,13,"MEDIUM PRESSURE " docs/351-360,.pdf,97,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,657,"Ic " docs/351-360,.pdf,658,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,659,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,660,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,661,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,662,"REDUCER 3""X2""- " docs/351-360,.pdf,663,"0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,664,"GAS INLET @ " docs/351-360,.pdf,665,"4 BAR " docs/351-360,.pdf,666,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/351-360,.pdf,667,"XXX " docs/351-360,.pdf,668,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,669,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,670,"8A " docs/351-360,.pdf,671,"FLANGE " docs/351-360,.pdf,672,"16 " docs/351-360,.pdf,673,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,656,"1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,674,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,655,"Page 359 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,653,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/351-360,.pdf,636,"A 14.07.2018 REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,637,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,638,"PROJECT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,639,"TITLE " docs/351-360,.pdf,640,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,641,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,642,"MD AD " docs/351-360,.pdf,643,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/351-360,.pdf,644,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,645,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,646,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/351-360,.pdf,647,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/351-360,.pdf,648,"METERING & REGULATING STATION SHEET REV. 15792-30-05-23 1 OF 1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,649,"SIZE " docs/351-360,.pdf,650,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,651,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,652,"NTS " docs/351-360,.pdf,654,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,675,"8B " docs/351-360,.pdf,676,"Regulator " docs/351-360,.pdf,677,"2 " docs/351-360,.pdf,700,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/351-360,.pdf,701,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,702,"4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/351-360,.pdf,703,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,704,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,705,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/351-360,.pdf,706,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,707,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,708,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/351-360,.pdf,709,"1. METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,710,"2. REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,711,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,712,"A 14.07.2018 " docs/351-360,.pdf,713,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/351-360,.pdf,714,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,715,"MD AD " docs/351-360,.pdf,96,"G.L. " docs/351-360,.pdf,699,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/351-360,.pdf,698,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,697,"Page 360 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,696,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,678,"6A " docs/351-360,.pdf,679,"(7A) " docs/351-360,.pdf,680,"8A " docs/351-360,.pdf,681,"5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,682,"12 " docs/351-360,.pdf,683,"(20) " docs/351-360,.pdf,684,"METERIN " docs/351-360,.pdf,685,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,635,"XXXXXX\\ " docs/351-360,.pdf,686,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,688,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,689,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,690,"15 " docs/351-360,.pdf,691,"15 " docs/351-360,.pdf,692,"15 " docs/351-360,.pdf,693,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-04 " docs/351-360,.pdf,694,"RPD METER-3"" " docs/351-360,.pdf,695,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,687,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,634,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,716,"REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/351-360,.pdf,632,"3. ISOLATION VALVE " docs/351-360,.pdf,120,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,121,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,122,"E " docs/351-360,.pdf,576,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/351-360,.pdf,577,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,578,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,579,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/351-360,.pdf,580,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/351-360,.pdf,581,"METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/351-360,.pdf,582,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/351-360,.pdf,583,"Page 358 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,584,"SIZE " docs/351-360,.pdf,585,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,586,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,587,"NTS " docs/351-360,.pdf,588,"15792-30-05-22 " docs/351-360,.pdf,589,"SHEET REV. " docs/351-360,.pdf,119,"A3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,118,"CAD " docs/351-360,.pdf,117,"DRG. NO. 15792 -20-03-39 REV-0 " docs/351-360,.pdf,116,"CAD FILE: DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,633,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,99,"Page 352 of 380 " docs/351-360,.pdf,100,"7 " docs/351-360,.pdf,101,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,102,"8 " docs/351-360,.pdf,103,"1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,104,"2. FOLLOW WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONLY. DO NOT SCALE THE " docs/351-360,.pdf,105,"DRAWING. " docs/351-360,.pdf,590,"1 OF 1 1 " docs/351-360,.pdf,106,"OWNER: " docs/351-360,.pdf,108,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/351-360,.pdf,109,"NEW DELHI " docs/351-360,.pdf,110,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/351-360,.pdf,111,"PROJECT: CITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT " docs/351-360,.pdf,112,"TITLE: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF FOUNDATION FOR SINGLE STREAM SERVICE REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,113,"SCALE " docs/351-360,.pdf,114,"DATE " docs/351-360,.pdf,115,"1:5 " docs/351-360,.pdf,107,"PMC: " docs/351-360,.pdf,591,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,98,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,593,"D " docs/351-360,.pdf,615,"17B) " docs/351-360,.pdf,616,"20 " docs/351-360,.pdf,617,"NOTES:- " docs/351-360,.pdf,618,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/351-360,.pdf,619,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/351-360,.pdf,621,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,622,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,623,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/351-360,.pdf,624,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/351-360,.pdf,625,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/351-360,.pdf,626,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-03 " docs/351-360,.pdf,627,"DIAPHRAGM-2"" " docs/351-360,.pdf,628,"A " docs/351-360,.pdf,629,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/351-360,.pdf,630,"1. METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,631,"2. REGULATOR " docs/351-360,.pdf,592,"Ic " docs/351-360,.pdf,614,"8. " docs/351-360,.pdf,613,"DIAPHRAGM METER " docs/351-360,.pdf,620,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/351-360,.pdf,611,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,594,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/351-360,.pdf,612,"METER ADAPTORS " docs/351-360,.pdf,596,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,597,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,598,"GAS INLET @ " docs/351-360,.pdf,599,"4 BAR " docs/351-360,.pdf,600,"11 " docs/351-360,.pdf,601,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,602,"10 " docs/351-360,.pdf,595,"XXXXXX\\ " docs/351-360,.pdf,604,"3 " docs/351-360,.pdf,605,"(20 " docs/351-360,.pdf,610,"7A " docs/351-360,.pdf,606,"9 " docs/351-360,.pdf,607,"9 " docs/351-360,.pdf,608,"REDUCER 1 1/2""X2""- " docs/351-360,.pdf,609,"6 " docs/351-360,.pdf,603,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,661,"165 " docs/361-370,.pdf,662,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,663,"127 " docs/361-370,.pdf,664,"Total Supply Part " docs/361-370,.pdf,665,"0 " docs/361-370,.pdf,666,"2333 " docs/361-370,.pdf,667,"3282 " docs/361-370,.pdf,671," " docs/361-370,.pdf,669,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/361-370,.pdf,670,"BOM No-03 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-23-Diaphragm 2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,672,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,673,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,674,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,675,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,676,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,660,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,668,"Page 368 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,659,"1-1/2"" NPT(F) End 1-1/2"" NPT(F) End " docs/361-370,.pdf,640,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,657,"21 " docs/361-370,.pdf,639,"MS Clamps Y-Type strainer " docs/361-370,.pdf,641,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,642,"25 900 " docs/361-370,.pdf,643,"25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,644,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,645,"100 " docs/361-370,.pdf,646,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,647,"1-1/2"" 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,648,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,649,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,650,"325 " docs/361-370,.pdf,651,"108 " docs/361-370,.pdf,652,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,653,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,654,"165 " docs/361-370,.pdf,655,"20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,656,"Globe Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,658,"CS Blind Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,677,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,697,"Length of fittings " docs/361-370,.pdf,679,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,703,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,704,"Inlet 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,705,"225 150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,706,"400 " docs/361-370,.pdf,707,"Outlet 1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,708,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,709,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,710,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,711,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,712,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,713,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,714,"2100 300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,715,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,716,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,717,"200 " docs/361-370,.pdf,638,"CS Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,718,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,702,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,701,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,700,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,699,"1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,680,"7A " docs/361-370,.pdf,681,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,682,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,683,"Diaphragam Meter G 4,6,10,16,25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,684,"Item Description " docs/361-370,.pdf,685,"TF " docs/361-370,.pdf,686,"GI Sleeve " docs/361-370,.pdf,687,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,678,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,688,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,690,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,691,"Size 32mmx1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,692,"1-1/2""X1ft 1""(F)x1""(F) 1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,693,"Quantity 1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,694,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,695,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,696,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,698,"Procurement Scope " docs/361-370,.pdf,689,"Regulator " docs/361-370,.pdf,637,"CS Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,356,"TITLE " docs/361-370,.pdf,635,"Spectacle Blind " docs/361-370,.pdf,377,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,376,"(4A) " docs/361-370,.pdf,375,"XXXXXX " docs/361-370,.pdf,374,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,373,"(9A " docs/361-370,.pdf,372,"12A) " docs/361-370,.pdf,371,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,370,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,369,"GAS INLET " docs/361-370,.pdf,368,"REDUCER 3""X2"". " docs/361-370,.pdf,367,"M " docs/361-370,.pdf,366,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,365,"Ic " docs/361-370,.pdf,364,"A " docs/361-370,.pdf,363,"REV. " docs/361-370,.pdf,362,"SHE SCALE ORGANINO NUMBER SOFT " docs/361-370,.pdf,361,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/361-370,.pdf,378,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,360,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/361-370,.pdf,379,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-12 3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,381,"Page 366 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,719,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,397,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/361-370,.pdf,396,"A 17.07.2018 " docs/361-370,.pdf,395,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,394,"2. REGULATOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,393,"1. METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,392,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,391,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,390,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,389,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/361-370,.pdf,388,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,387,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,386,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/361-370,.pdf,385,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/361-370,.pdf,384,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/361-370,.pdf,383,"NOTES:- " docs/361-370,.pdf,382,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,380,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,359,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,358,"NEW DELHI " docs/361-370,.pdf,357,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/361-370,.pdf,618,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,619,"1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,620,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,621,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,622,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/361-370,.pdf,623,"1""(M)x1/2""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,624,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,625,"14 " docs/361-370,.pdf,626,"Isolation Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,627,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,628,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,629,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,630,"16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,631,"17 " docs/361-370,.pdf,632,"17A " docs/361-370,.pdf,633,"18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,634,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,617,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,616,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,615,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,614,"CS Socket " docs/361-370,.pdf,355,"PROJECT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,354,"PMC: " docs/361-370,.pdf,353,"REV. DATE CLIENT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,352,"MD AD " docs/361-370,.pdf,351,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,350,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/361-370,.pdf,349,"A 17.07.2018 " docs/361-370,.pdf,348,"Page 365 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,636,"Angel Clamps " docs/361-370,.pdf,347,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,345,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,607,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,608,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,609,"4"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,610,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,611,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,612,"Pressure Gauge Dail 4"" (range 0-1 Bar) " docs/361-370,.pdf,613,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,346,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,720,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,474,"100 " docs/361-370,.pdf,722,"CS Reducing Socket/Socket " docs/361-370,.pdf,572,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,573,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,574,"225 " docs/361-370,.pdf,575,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,576,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,577,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,578,"Inlet 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,579,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,580,"Regulator " docs/361-370,.pdf,581,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,571,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,582,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,584,"400 " docs/361-370,.pdf,585,"Outlet 1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,586,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,587,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,588,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,589,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,590,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,591,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,592,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,593,"2100 " docs/361-370,.pdf,583,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,570,"1-1/2""X1ft " docs/361-370,.pdf,569,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,568,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,545,"4579 " docs/361-370,.pdf,546,"100 " docs/361-370,.pdf,547,"0 " docs/361-370,.pdf,548,"Page 367 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,549,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/361-370,.pdf,550,"BOM NO-02 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-22-Diaphragm 1""-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,551," " docs/361-370,.pdf,552,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,553,"Item Description " docs/361-370,.pdf,554,"TF " docs/361-370,.pdf,555,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,556,"GI Sleeve " docs/361-370,.pdf,557,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,558,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,559,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,560,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,561,"Size 32mmx1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,562,"Quantity 1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,563,"Length of fittings " docs/361-370,.pdf,564,"Procurement Scope " docs/361-370,.pdf,565,"1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,566,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,567,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,594,"200 " docs/361-370,.pdf,544,"225 " docs/361-370,.pdf,595,"7A " docs/361-370,.pdf,597,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,915,"Y-Type strainer " docs/361-370,.pdf,914,"20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,913,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,912,"18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,911,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,910,"MS Clamps " docs/361-370,.pdf,909,"17 " docs/361-370,.pdf,908,"75 " docs/361-370,.pdf,907,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,906,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,916,"Globe Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,905,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,903,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,902,"Angel Clamps " docs/361-370,.pdf,901,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,900,"191 " docs/361-370,.pdf,899,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,898,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,897,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,896,"4"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,895,"Pressure Gauge Dial 4"" (Range 0-4 bar) CS Blind Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,894,"14 " docs/361-370,.pdf,904,"16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,917,"Spectacle Blind " docs/361-370,.pdf,918,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,919,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,598,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,599,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,600,"Diaphragam Meter G 4,6,10,16,25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,601,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,602,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,603,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,604,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,935,"Page 370 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,934,"452 " docs/361-370,.pdf,933,"5422 " docs/361-370,.pdf,932,"1115 " docs/361-370,.pdf,931,"0 " docs/361-370,.pdf,930,"Total Supply Part " docs/361-370,.pdf,929,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,928,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,927,"2 x 3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,926,"Reducer " docs/361-370,.pdf,925,"21 " docs/361-370,.pdf,924,"165 " docs/361-370,.pdf,923,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,922,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,921,"241 " docs/361-370,.pdf,920,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,596,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,893,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,543,"Total Supply Part " docs/361-370,.pdf,541,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,794,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,793,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,792,"2"" 2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,791,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,790,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,789,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,788,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,787,"1-1/2"" (Thread on one End) " docs/361-370,.pdf,786,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,785,"2"" x 1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,795,"203 152 " docs/361-370,.pdf,784,"127 " docs/361-370,.pdf,782,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,781,"324 " docs/361-370,.pdf,780,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,779,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,778,"152 " docs/361-370,.pdf,777,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,776,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,775,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,486,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,487,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,783,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,796,"0 " docs/361-370,.pdf,797,"2149 " docs/361-370,.pdf,798,"677 " docs/361-370,.pdf,475,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,476,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,477,"2100 " docs/361-370,.pdf,478,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,479,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,480,"325 " docs/361-370,.pdf,481,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,482,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,483,"500 " docs/361-370,.pdf,484,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,485,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,810," " docs/361-370,.pdf,809,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,808,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,807,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,806,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,805,"1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,804,"Procurement Scope " docs/361-370,.pdf,803,"Length of fittings " docs/361-370,.pdf,802,"BOM NO-04 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-24-RPD 3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,801,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/361-370,.pdf,800,"Page 369 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,799,"3377 " docs/361-370,.pdf,488,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,542,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,489,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,491,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,519,"1/2""(M)x1/2""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,520,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,521,"25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,522,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,523,"50 " docs/361-370,.pdf,524,"25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,525,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,526,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,527,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,528,"1-1/2"" X1FT " docs/361-370,.pdf,518,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,529,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,531,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,532,"1"" NPT(F)End " docs/361-370,.pdf,533,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,534,"127 127 " docs/361-370,.pdf,535,"23 " docs/361-370,.pdf,536,"CS Blind Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,537,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,538,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,539,"24 " docs/361-370,.pdf,540,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,530,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,517,"1/2"" NPT(F)End " docs/361-370,.pdf,516,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,515,"1/2"" (M)x1/2"" (M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,492,"14 " docs/361-370,.pdf,493,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,494,"16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,495,"17 " docs/361-370,.pdf,496,"18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,497,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,498,"20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,499,"21 " docs/361-370,.pdf,500,"22 " docs/361-370,.pdf,501,"Pressure Gauge Dail 4"" (range 0-1 Bar) " docs/361-370,.pdf,502,"CS Socket " docs/361-370,.pdf,503,"CS Hex Nipple Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,504,"Isolation Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,505,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/361-370,.pdf,506,"Spectacle Blind " docs/361-370,.pdf,507,"Angel Clamps " docs/361-370,.pdf,508,"GI Sleeve " docs/361-370,.pdf,509,"MS Clamps Y Type Strainer " docs/361-370,.pdf,510,"Globe Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,511,"4"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,512,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,513,"1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,514,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,490,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,721,"9 " 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" docs/361-370,.pdf,415,"15792-30-05-29 " docs/361-370,.pdf,414,"NTS " docs/361-370,.pdf,413,"A3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,412,"SCALE " docs/361-370,.pdf,411,"SIZE " docs/361-370,.pdf,421,"Item Description " docs/361-370,.pdf,410,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/361-370,.pdf,408,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/361-370,.pdf,407,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/361-370,.pdf,406,"TITLE " docs/361-370,.pdf,405,"PROJECT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,404,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,403,"PMC: " docs/361-370,.pdf,402,"NEW DELHI " docs/361-370,.pdf,401,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/361-370,.pdf,400,"REV. DATE CLIENT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,399,"MD AD " docs/361-370,.pdf,409,"METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/361-370,.pdf,422,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,423,"TF " docs/361-370,.pdf,424,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,447,"Size " docs/361-370,.pdf,446,"BOM No-01 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-21-Diaphragm 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,445,"FABRICATION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MRS " docs/361-370,.pdf,444,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/361-370,.pdf,443,"CS Socket " docs/361-370,.pdf,442,"G-4,6,10,16,25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,441,"Diaphragam Meter " docs/361-370,.pdf,440,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,439,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,438,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,437,"CS Reducer " docs/361-370,.pdf,436,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,435,"Regulator " docs/361-370,.pdf,434,"Brass Isolation Valve CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,433,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,432,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,431,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,430,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,429,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,428,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,427,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,426,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,425,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,398,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,448,"Quantity " docs/361-370,.pdf,774,"120 " docs/361-370,.pdf,772,"25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,744,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,743,"14 " docs/361-370,.pdf,742,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,741,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,740,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,739,"Y-Type strainer " docs/361-370,.pdf,738,"CS Pipe MS Clamps " docs/361-370,.pdf,737,"Reducer " docs/361-370,.pdf,736,"CS Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,735,"Angel Clamps " docs/361-370,.pdf,745,"16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,734,"Spectacle Blind " docs/361-370,.pdf,732,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/361-370,.pdf,731,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,730,"CS Socket " docs/361-370,.pdf,729,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,728,"4"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,727,"Pressure Gauge Dail 4"" (range 0-1 Bar) " docs/361-370,.pdf,726,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,725,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,724,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,723,"2""(F)x1""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,733,"Isolation Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,746,"17 " docs/361-370,.pdf,747,"CS Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,748,"17A " docs/361-370,.pdf,771,"900 " docs/361-370,.pdf,770,"25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,769,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,768,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,767,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,766,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,765,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,764,"1""(M)x1/2""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,763,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,762,"1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,761,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,760,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,759,"Total Supply Part " docs/361-370,.pdf,758,"CS Blind Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,757,"23 " docs/361-370,.pdf,756,"Globe Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,755,"22 " docs/361-370,.pdf,754,"21 " docs/361-370,.pdf,753,"20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,752,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,751,"18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,750,"17B " docs/361-370,.pdf,749,"CS Flange " docs/361-370,.pdf,773,"200 " docs/361-370,.pdf,891,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,449,"32mmx1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,451,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,862,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,861,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,860,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/361-370,.pdf,859,"8B " docs/361-370,.pdf,858,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,857,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,856,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/361-370,.pdf,855,"8A " docs/361-370,.pdf,854,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,853,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,863,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,852,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/361-370,.pdf,850,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,849,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,848,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,847,"7A " docs/361-370,.pdf,846,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,845,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,844,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,843,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,842,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,841,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,851,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,864,"CS Ball Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,865,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,866,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,889,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/361-370,.pdf,888,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,887,"25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,886,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,885,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,884,"Socolet " docs/361-370,.pdf,883,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,882,"800 " docs/361-370,.pdf,881,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,880,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,879,"3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,878,"RPD Meter & NRV Assembly " docs/361-370,.pdf,877,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,876,"356 " docs/361-370,.pdf,875,"152 " docs/361-370,.pdf,874,"540 " docs/361-370,.pdf,873,"1719 " docs/361-370,.pdf,872,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,871,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,870,"1200 " docs/361-370,.pdf,869,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,868,"300 " docs/361-370,.pdf,867,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,840,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,450,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,839,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,837,"Inlet 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,473,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,472,"1-1/2""x1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,471,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,470,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,469,"1-1/2"" (Threaded on one end " docs/361-370,.pdf,468,"400 " docs/361-370,.pdf,467,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,466,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,465,"150 " docs/361-370,.pdf,464,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,344,"2. REGULATOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,463,"225 " docs/361-370,.pdf,461,"2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,460,"1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,459,"1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,458,"1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,457,"Length of fittings " docs/361-370,.pdf,456,"IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,455,"Procurement Scope " docs/361-370,.pdf,454,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,453,"Outlet 1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,452,"Inlet 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,462,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,811,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,812,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,813,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,836,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,835,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/361-370,.pdf,834,"2 " docs/361-370,.pdf,833,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,832,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,831,"1-1/2""X1ft " docs/361-370,.pdf,830,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,829,"Quantity " docs/361-370,.pdf,828,"Size 32mmx1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,827,"CS Elbow " docs/361-370,.pdf,826,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,825,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,824,"Regulator " docs/361-370,.pdf,823,"CS Pipe " docs/361-370,.pdf,822,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/361-370,.pdf,821,"GI Sleeve " docs/361-370,.pdf,820,"TF " docs/361-370,.pdf,819,"Item Description " docs/361-370,.pdf,818,"7 " docs/361-370,.pdf,817,"6A " docs/361-370,.pdf,816,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,815,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,814,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,838,"Outlet 2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,343,"1. METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,606,"1-1/2""(F)x1""(F) " docs/361-370,.pdf,341,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,108,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,109,"4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/361-370,.pdf,110,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,111,"18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,112,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,113,"METER RV MIM " docs/361-370,.pdf,114,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,115,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,116,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,117,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,118,"15) " docs/361-370,.pdf,119,"Page 362 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,120,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,121,"(16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,122,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,123,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/361-370,.pdf,124,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,107,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/361-370,.pdf,106,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/361-370,.pdf,105,"NOTES:- " docs/361-370,.pdf,104,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,86,"XXX " docs/361-370,.pdf,87,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,88,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,89,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,90,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,91,"Regulator " docs/361-370,.pdf,92,"8A " docs/361-370,.pdf,93,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,125,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,94,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,96,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,97,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-05 " docs/361-370,.pdf,98,"RPD METER-2” " docs/361-370,.pdf,99,"A " docs/361-370,.pdf,100,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,101,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,102,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,103,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,95,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,85,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/361-370,.pdf,126,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,128,"2. REGULATOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,151,"1 OF 1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,152,"A " docs/361-370,.pdf,153,"1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,154,"Ic " docs/361-370,.pdf,155,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,156,"GAS INLET " docs/361-370,.pdf,157,"M " docs/361-370,.pdf,158,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,159,"XXXXXX\ " docs/361-370,.pdf,160,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,161,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,162,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,163,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,164,"(20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,165,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,166,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,167,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,150,"SHEET REV. " docs/361-370,.pdf,149,"15792-30-05-25 " docs/361-370,.pdf,148,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/361-370,.pdf,147,"NTS " docs/361-370,.pdf,129,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,130,"A 14.07.2018 " docs/361-370,.pdf,131,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/361-370,.pdf,132,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,133,"MD AD " docs/361-370,.pdf,134,"REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,135,"PMC: " docs/361-370,.pdf,136,"PROJECT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,127,"1. METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,137,"TITLE " docs/361-370,.pdf,139,"NEW DELHI " docs/361-370,.pdf,140,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,141,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/361-370,.pdf,142,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/361-370,.pdf,143,"METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/361-370,.pdf,144,"SIZE " docs/361-370,.pdf,145,"SCALE " docs/361-370,.pdf,146,"A3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,138,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/361-370,.pdf,168,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-06 " docs/361-370,.pdf,84,"4 BAR " docs/361-370,.pdf,82,"(20) " docs/361-370,.pdf,8,"GROUND LEVEL " docs/361-370,.pdf,7,"B " docs/361-370,.pdf,6,"4 BAR " docs/361-370,.pdf,5,"GAS INLET @ " docs/361-370,.pdf,4,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,3,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,2,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,1,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,29,"NRV " docs/361-370,.pdf,30,"(10) " docs/361-370,.pdf,31,"Page 361 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,32,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,33,"NOTES:- " docs/361-370,.pdf,34,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/361-370,.pdf,35,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/361-370,.pdf,36,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,37,"4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/361-370,.pdf,9,"TXXXXX\ " docs/361-370,.pdf,10,"A " docs/361-370,.pdf,11,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,12,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,342,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,605,"CS Reducing Socket/Socket " docs/361-370,.pdf,28,"RPD METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,27,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,26,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,25,"RPD METER-1 1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,24,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-04A " docs/361-370,.pdf,23,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,38,"(20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,22,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,20,"8A " docs/361-370,.pdf,19,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,18,"Regulator " docs/361-370,.pdf,17,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,16,"16) " docs/361-370,.pdf,15,"FLANGE " docs/361-370,.pdf,14,"(8A) " docs/361-370,.pdf,13,"FLANGE 1 1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,21,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,83,"GAS INLET @ " docs/361-370,.pdf,39,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,41,"H " docs/361-370,.pdf,65,"A3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,66,"NTS " docs/361-370,.pdf,67,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/361-370,.pdf,68,"SHEET 15792-30-05-24A 1 OF 1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,69,"REV. A " docs/361-370,.pdf,70,"C " docs/361-370,.pdf,71,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,72,"G " docs/361-370,.pdf,73,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,74,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,75,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,76,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,77,"(7A " docs/361-370,.pdf,78,"8A " docs/361-370,.pdf,79,"FLANGE 1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,80,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,81,"0 " docs/361-370,.pdf,64,"SCALE " docs/361-370,.pdf,63,"SIZE " docs/361-370,.pdf,62,"METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/361-370,.pdf,61,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/361-370,.pdf,42,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,43,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/361-370,.pdf,44,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,45,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,46,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,47,"B " docs/361-370,.pdf,48,"1. METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,49,"2. REGULATOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,40,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,51,"A 01.08.2018 REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,53,"DK MD AD PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,54,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/361-370,.pdf,55,"NEW DELHI " docs/361-370,.pdf,56,"PMC: " docs/361-370,.pdf,57,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,58,"PROJECT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,59,"TITLE " docs/361-370,.pdf,60,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/361-370,.pdf,52,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/361-370,.pdf,169,"DIAPHRAGM-1"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,50,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,171,"(8A " docs/361-370,.pdf,281,"12 " docs/361-370,.pdf,282,"88 " docs/361-370,.pdf,283,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,284,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,285,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,286,"RPD METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,287,"NRV " docs/361-370,.pdf,288,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,289,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,290,"(15) " docs/361-370,.pdf,291,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,292,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,293,"RPD METER-2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,294,"Page 364 of 380 " docs/361-370,.pdf,295,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,296,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,297,"(14) " docs/361-370,.pdf,280,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,279,"15) " docs/361-370,.pdf,278,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,277,"13 " docs/361-370,.pdf,259,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,260,"(18) " docs/361-370,.pdf,261,"NOTES:- " docs/361-370,.pdf,262,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/361-370,.pdf,263,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/361-370,.pdf,264,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/361-370,.pdf,265,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,266,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,298,"A 14.07.2018 " docs/361-370,.pdf,267,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/361-370,.pdf,269,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,270,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,271,"1. METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,272,"2. REGULATOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,273,"\ ( MY IM ( L. " docs/361-370,.pdf,274,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,275,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,276,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,268,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,258,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,299,"REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,301,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,325,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,326,"XXXXXX " docs/361-370,.pdf,327,"(6A) " docs/361-370,.pdf,328,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,329,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,330,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,331,"(9A " docs/361-370,.pdf,332,"(9B) " docs/361-370,.pdf,333,"NOTES:- " docs/361-370,.pdf,334,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/361-370,.pdf,335,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/361-370,.pdf,336,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/361-370,.pdf,337,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,338,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,170,"(17 " docs/361-370,.pdf,340,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,339,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/361-370,.pdf,324,"M " docs/361-370,.pdf,323,"GAS INLET " docs/361-370,.pdf,322,"이 " docs/361-370,.pdf,321,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,302,"MD AD " docs/361-370,.pdf,303,"(17 " docs/361-370,.pdf,304,"PMC: " docs/361-370,.pdf,305,"PROJECT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,306,"TITLE " docs/361-370,.pdf,307,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/361-370,.pdf,308,"NEW DELHI " docs/361-370,.pdf,309,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,300,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/361-370,.pdf,310,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/361-370,.pdf,312,"STAS SCALE DRAWING SUNDER SITE " docs/361-370,.pdf,313,"REV. " docs/361-370,.pdf,315,"Ic " docs/361-370,.pdf,316,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,317,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,318,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,319,"(7 A " docs/361-370,.pdf,320,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,311,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/361-370,.pdf,257,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,314,"A " docs/361-370,.pdf,255,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,194,"11. IN CASE OF SPACE CONSTRAINT, FLANGE END Y-TYPE STRAINER MAY BE INSTALLED VERTICALLY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,195,"MATERIAL SUPPLIED BY IGL " docs/361-370,.pdf,196,"1. METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,197,"2. REGULATOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,198,"1. DESIGN MAY BE CUSTOMIZED/ MODIFIED AS PER AVAILABLE SPACE AT SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,199,"METER ADAPTORS " docs/361-370,.pdf,200,"METER ADAPTORS " docs/361-370,.pdf,201,"METER ADAPTORS " docs/361-370,.pdf,193,"10. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE PROVISION FOR LOCKING/SEALING ARRANGEMENT FOR METERS/VALVE TO AVOID MISUSE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,202,"A 14.07.2018 " docs/361-370,.pdf,204,"DIAPHRAGM METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,205,"DIAPHRAGM METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,206,"REV DATE CLIENT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,207,"ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTION " docs/361-370,.pdf,208,"DK PREP. CHKD. APPD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,209,"MD AD " docs/361-370,.pdf,210,"18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,211,"16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,203,"DIAPHRAGM METER " docs/361-370,.pdf,212,"16 " docs/361-370,.pdf,192,"9. APART FROM FREE ISSUE MATERIAL BALANCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. " docs/361-370,.pdf,190,"5. ALL MATERIALS EXCEPT BELOW MENTIONED IS IN CONTRACTOR' SCOPE. 6. ANY ADDITIONAL ITEM REQUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY WITHOUT ANY COST/TIME IMPLICATION. 7. ANY ADDITIONAL SUPPORT/CLAMPS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION OF MRS SKID SHALL BE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. " docs/361-370,.pdf,174,"(18 " docs/361-370,.pdf,173,"(19) " docs/361-370,.pdf,256,"(12) " docs/361-370,.pdf,172,"14) " docs/361-370,.pdf,175,"9 " docs/361-370,.pdf,176,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,177,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-07 " docs/361-370,.pdf,178,"DIAPHRAGM-1-1/2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,191,"8. GIVEN BOM IS INDICATIVE ONLY. INDICATIVE ITEM MAY VERY DURING ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ON SITE. " docs/361-370,.pdf,179,"(20 " docs/361-370,.pdf,181,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,182,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,183,"9A " docs/361-370,.pdf,184,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-08 " docs/361-370,.pdf,185,"DIAPHRAGM-2"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,186,"NOTES:- " docs/361-370,.pdf,188,"2. CS FITTINGS SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A105. " docs/361-370,.pdf,189,"3. NPT THREADS SHALL CONFIRM TO ANSI B1.20.1 4. WELDING OF PIPES & FITTINGS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT AS PER API 1104. " docs/361-370,.pdf,180,"17A " docs/361-370,.pdf,213,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED (IGL) " docs/361-370,.pdf,187,"1. CS PIPE SHALL CONFIRM TO ASTM A106 Gr B. " docs/361-370,.pdf,215,"PMC: " docs/361-370,.pdf,237,"D " docs/361-370,.pdf,238,"(15) " docs/361-370,.pdf,239,"M " docs/361-370,.pdf,240,"GAS INLET " docs/361-370,.pdf,241,"GROUND FLOOR " docs/361-370,.pdf,242,"XXXXXI " docs/361-370,.pdf,243,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,244,"3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,236,"(8A) " docs/361-370,.pdf,246,"4 " docs/361-370,.pdf,248,"8 " docs/361-370,.pdf,249,"6A " docs/361-370,.pdf,250,"REFER B.O.M. NO.-09 " docs/361-370,.pdf,251,"RPD METER-3"" " docs/361-370,.pdf,214,"NEW DELHI " docs/361-370,.pdf,252,"19 " docs/361-370,.pdf,254,"15 " docs/361-370,.pdf,253,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,247,"5 " docs/361-370,.pdf,235,"6 " docs/361-370,.pdf,245,"8A) " docs/361-370,.pdf,233,"11 " docs/361-370,.pdf,217,"PROJECT: " docs/361-370,.pdf,220,"INSTALLATION OF INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL CONNECTION IN NCT OF DELHI & NCR " docs/361-370,.pdf,221,"SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM " docs/361-370,.pdf,222,"METERING & REGULATING STATION " docs/361-370,.pdf,223,"DRAWING NUMBER " docs/361-370,.pdf,224,"SIZE " docs/361-370,.pdf,234,"10 " docs/361-370,.pdf,226,"A3 " docs/361-370,.pdf,225,"SCALE " docs/361-370,.pdf,216,"M/s. VCS QUALITY SERVICES PVT. LTD. " docs/361-370,.pdf,228,"15792-30-05-26 " docs/361-370,.pdf,229,"SHEET REV. " docs/361-370,.pdf,219,"TITLE " docs/361-370,.pdf,230,"1 OF 1 1 " docs/361-370,.pdf,231,"A " docs/361-370,.pdf,232,"Ic " docs/361-370,.pdf,227,"NTS " docs/361-370,.pdf,218,"Page 363 of 380 " docs/371-380,.pdf,680,"12 " docs/371-380,.pdf,679,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,678,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/371-380,.pdf,675,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,676,"11 " docs/371-380,.pdf,681,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/371-380,.pdf,674,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,673,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,677,"CS Hex Nipple /Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,682,"1/2""(M)x1/2""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,689,"584 " docs/371-380,.pdf,684,"150 200 " docs/371-380,.pdf,685,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,686,"900 " docs/371-380,.pdf,687,"100 " docs/371-380,.pdf,688,"1520 " docs/371-380,.pdf,690,"800 " docs/371-380,.pdf,691,"75 " docs/371-380,.pdf,692,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,693,"13 " docs/371-380,.pdf,696,"16 " docs/371-380,.pdf,672,"RPD Meter & NRV Assembly " docs/371-380,.pdf,695,"15 " docs/371-380,.pdf,694,"14 " docs/371-380,.pdf,683,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,671,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,652,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,669,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,642,"CS Hex Nipple /Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,643,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,697,"17 " docs/371-380,.pdf,644,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,645,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,646,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,647,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,648,"Outlet 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,649,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,650,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,651,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,653,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,654,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,655,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,656,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,657,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,658,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,659,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,660,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,661,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,662,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,663,"8A " docs/371-380,.pdf,664,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,665,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,666,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,667,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,668,"CS Ball valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,670,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,698,"Pressure Gauge Dail 4"" (range 0- " docs/371-380,.pdf,739,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,700,"CS Blind Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,732,"Size " docs/371-380,.pdf,733,"Quantity " docs/371-380,.pdf,734,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,735,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,736,"1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,737,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,738,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,740,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,741,"TF " docs/371-380,.pdf,742,"32mmx1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,743,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,744,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,745,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,746,"GI Sleeves " docs/371-380,.pdf,747,"1-1/2""X1ft " docs/371-380,.pdf,748,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,749,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,750,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,751,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,752,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,753,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,754,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,755,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,756,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,757,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,641,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,758,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,731,"BOM No-11 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-28-Diaphragm Meter-2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,699,"4 Bar) " docs/371-380,.pdf,730,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,728,"S " docs/371-380,.pdf,701,"Angel Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,702,"Socolet " docs/371-380,.pdf,703,"Globe Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,704,"4"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,705,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,706,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,707,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,708,"152 " docs/371-380,.pdf,709,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,710,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,711,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,712,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,713,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,714,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,715,"203 " docs/371-380,.pdf,716,"18 " docs/371-380,.pdf,717,"Spectacle Blind " docs/371-380,.pdf,718,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,719,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,720,"120 " docs/371-380,.pdf,721,"Total Supply Part " docs/371-380,.pdf,722,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,723,"450 " docs/371-380,.pdf,724,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,725,"4679 " docs/371-380,.pdf,726,"Page 376 of 380 " docs/371-380,.pdf,727," " docs/371-380,.pdf,729,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,640,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,556,"1728 " docs/371-380,.pdf,638,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,550,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,551,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,552,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,553,"600 " docs/371-380,.pdf,554,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,555,"100 " docs/371-380,.pdf,557,"108 " docs/371-380,.pdf,558,"152 " docs/371-380,.pdf,559,"712 " docs/371-380,.pdf,560,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,561,"11 " docs/371-380,.pdf,562,"12 " docs/371-380,.pdf,549,"CS Ball Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,563,"13 " docs/371-380,.pdf,565,"15 " docs/371-380,.pdf,566,"16 " docs/371-380,.pdf,567,"17 " docs/371-380,.pdf,568,"18 " docs/371-380,.pdf,569,"19 " docs/371-380,.pdf,570,"RPD Meter & NRV Assembly " docs/371-380,.pdf,571,"Socolet " docs/371-380,.pdf,572,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/371-380,.pdf,573,"Pressure Gauge Dial 4"" (Range 0-4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,574,"bar) " docs/371-380,.pdf,575,"CS Blind Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,576,"Angel Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,564,"14 " docs/371-380,.pdf,548,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,547,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,546,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,759,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,520,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,521,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,522,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,523,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,524,"Outlet 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,525,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,526,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,527,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,528,"6A " docs/371-380,.pdf,529,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,530,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,531,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,532,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,533,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,534,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,535,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,536,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,537,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,538,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,539,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,540,"8A " docs/371-380,.pdf,541,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,542,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,543,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,544,"8B " docs/371-380,.pdf,545,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,577,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,639,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,578,"Globe Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,580,"Reducer " docs/371-380,.pdf,612,"558 " docs/371-380,.pdf,613,"4687 " docs/371-380,.pdf,614,"602 " docs/371-380,.pdf,615,"S " docs/371-380,.pdf,616," " docs/371-380,.pdf,617,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,618,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,619,"BOM No-10 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-27- RPD 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,620,"Size " docs/371-380,.pdf,621,"Quantity " docs/371-380,.pdf,622,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,623,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,611,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,624,"1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,626,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,627,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,628,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,629,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,630,"D D " docs/371-380,.pdf,631,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,632,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,633,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,634,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,635,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,636,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,637,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,625,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,610,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,609,"165 " docs/371-380,.pdf,608,"241 " docs/371-380,.pdf,581,"Total Supply Part " docs/371-380,.pdf,582,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,583,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,584,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,585,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,586,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,587,"1""(M)x1/2""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,588,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,589,"4"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,590,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,591,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,592,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,593,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,594,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/371-380,.pdf,595,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,596,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,597,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,598,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,599,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,600,"3"" x 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,601,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,602,"Page 375 of 380 " docs/371-380,.pdf,603,"800 " docs/371-380,.pdf,604,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,605,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,606,"191 " docs/371-380,.pdf,607,"75 " docs/371-380,.pdf,579,"Spectacle Blind " docs/371-380,.pdf,760,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,930,"A large quantity of LPG is stored in liquefied form in a cylinder. With PNG, it is safer since PNG installation inside your premises contains only a limited quantity of natural gas at low pressure i.e. 21 millibar (mbar). " docs/371-380,.pdf,762,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,917,"Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) thanks you for having opted for a PNG connection in your kitchen and we are sure that this smart decision will bring in a complete change in the way cooking happens in your home. Knowing fully well that Piped Natural Gas is the obvious choice for us to make, wouldn't it be apt if we called PNG as Positively Natural Gas! " docs/371-380,.pdf,918,"By choosing PNG, you have already made a wise decision. After all, who doesn't want to enhance the comfort and improve one's lifestyle for the years to come? From today onwards, you will experience the versatility and performance of this reliable energy source. " docs/371-380,.pdf,919,"At IGL, it will always be our endeavour to match up to your expectations and provide you all the services connected with your PNG connection at your doorstep. The pipeline network of IGL is today spread across Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Rewari and Gurugram. Due to its inherent benefits, PNG has today become the most preferred cooking fuel across the region. Apart from domestic kitchens, we are also supplying gas to all the leading hotels, restaurants and hospitals in the region. " docs/371-380,.pdf,920,"Benefits of PNG " docs/371-380,.pdf,921,"As a formal introduction to the smart fuel that you will be using from now onwards, we would like to take you through its benefits. PNG has several distinctions to its credit- of being a pollution-free fuel, easily accessible minus storage troubles and being easily available at very competitive rates. " docs/371-380,.pdf,922,"Uninterrupted supply " docs/371-380,.pdf,923,"The source of PNG supply in Delhi is the famous Hazira-Bijaipur-Jagdishpur (HBJ) pipeline of GAIL (India) Limited. PNG offers the convenience of ensuring continuous and adequate supply of PNG at all times, without any problem of storing gas in cylinders. " docs/371-380,.pdf,924,"Unmatched convenience " docs/371-380,.pdf,925,"• " docs/371-380,.pdf,926,"Over the years, you have been used to the task of booking an LPG cylinder refill, time and again. Then starts the wait for the deliveryman to deliver the cylinder. Switching over to PNG renders this entire exercise unnecessary. PNG also eliminates the tedious routine of checking LPG refill cylinder for any suspected leakage, or it being underweight, at the time of delivery. Moreover, you will be spared the inconvenience of connecting and disconnecting the LPG cylinder when out of gas. Precious space, occupied by LPG cylinders is also saved. Safety " docs/371-380,.pdf,927,". " docs/371-380,.pdf,928,". " docs/371-380,.pdf,916,"Welcome to family of satisfied PNG users!!! " docs/371-380,.pdf,929,"The combustible mixture of natural gas and air does not ignite if the mixture is leaner than 5% and richer than 15% of the air-fuel ratio required for ignition. This narrow inflammability range makes PNG one of the safest fuels in the world. Natural gas is lighter than air. Therefore, in case of a leakage, it just rises and disperses into thin air given adequate ventilation. But LPG being heavier will settle at the bottom near the floor surface. " docs/371-380,.pdf,931,"On leakage, LPG expands 250 times, which is not the case with PNG. Supply in PNG can be switched off through appliance valve (inside the kitchen) and isolation valve (outside kitchen premises), which fully cuts off the gas supply. Billing " docs/371-380,.pdf,932,". You will be charged only for the quantity of PNG used with no possibility of any pilferage as the billing is done according to the meter. A unique feature is that the user gets to pay only after consumption of gas. The domestic consumer pays the PNG bill only once in every two months. The user pays the gas consumption charges based on the exact consumption reading provided by the meter installed at his premises. The bill will be delivered at your doorstep or customer can opt for e billing.. " docs/371-380,.pdf,933,"Customer support " docs/371-380,.pdf,934,"Round-the-clock customer support is assured through 24 hrs number 1800 102 5109(Toll Free) backed by control rooms, which are manned by engineers and trained technicians. Thus, complaints, if any, are promptly redressed. " docs/371-380,.pdf,935,"A versatile fuel " docs/371-380,.pdf,936,"⚫ " docs/371-380,.pdf,937,"Natural gas is being used predominantly as a versatile fuel in many major cities catering to domestic and commercial applications, as a cooking fuel, for water heating, space heating, air conditioning, etc. " docs/371-380,.pdf,938,"Environment friendly " docs/371-380,.pdf,939,". " docs/371-380,.pdf,940,"Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels, and helps improve the quality of air, especially when used in place of other more polluting energy sources. Its combustion results in virtually no atmospheric emissions of sulphur dioxide (S02), and far lower emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), reactive hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide, than combustion of other fossil fuels. " docs/371-380,.pdf,941,"In fact, when natural gas burns completely, it gives out carbon dioxide and water vapour. These are the very components that we exhale! " docs/371-380,.pdf,942,"Points to note " docs/371-380,.pdf,519,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,915,"Dear IGL Customer, " docs/371-380,.pdf,914,"INDRAPRASTHA GAS LIMITED " docs/371-380,.pdf,913,"igl " docs/371-380,.pdf,886,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,887,"Reducer " docs/371-380,.pdf,888,"3"" X 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,889,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,890,"11 " docs/371-380,.pdf,891,"MS Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,892,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,893,"12 " docs/371-380,.pdf,894,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,895,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,896,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,897,"12A " docs/371-380,.pdf,898,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,899,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,900,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,901,"13 " docs/371-380,.pdf,902,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,903,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/371-380,.pdf,904,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,905,"75 " docs/371-380,.pdf,906,"Total Supply Part " docs/371-380,.pdf,907,"875 " docs/371-380,.pdf,908,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,909,"1402 " docs/371-380,.pdf,910,"Page 378 of 380 " docs/371-380,.pdf,911,"900 " docs/371-380,.pdf,912,"100 " docs/371-380,.pdf,943,"As you join the family of PNG users, we also wish to bring a few important points to your kind notice for your safety regarding PNG installation in your area and your premises. " docs/371-380,.pdf,885,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,944,"1. Always give prior information to IGL on below mentioned numbers before carrying out/ seeing any digging activities like water boring, underground electric, telecom cable laying work in your society or nearby area. " docs/371-380,.pdf,946,"3. As pipeline inside your kitchen is carrying highly inflammable gas hence you are hereby advised that under no circumstances it should be opened/ modified/ dismantled by any non-IGL technician as this may lead to fatal accident. Always call IGL PNG customer care for any defect/ modification work in your PNG installation and stove for your own safety. " docs/371-380,.pdf,978,"बिलिंग " docs/371-380,.pdf,979,"आपसे केवल पीएनजी की मात्रा के लिए शुल्क लिया जाएगा, जिसमें किसी भी चोरी की कोई संभावना नहीं है, क्योंकि मीटर के अनुसार बिलिंग की जाती है एक अनोखी विशेषता यह है कि उपयोगकर्ता को गैस की खपत के बाद भुगतान करना पड़ता है। घरेलू उपभोक्ताओं को प्रत्येक दो माह में पीएनजी बिल का भुगतान करना होता है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,980,"• उपयोगकर्ता अपने परिसर में स्थापित मीटर द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए सटीक खपत आंकड़े के आधार पर गैस उपभोग के शुल्क का भुगतान करता है, बिल आपके दरवाजे पर उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा या ग्राहक ई-बिलिंग के लिए विकल्प चुन सकते हैं। " docs/371-380,.pdf,981,"कस्टमर सपोर्ट " docs/371-380,.pdf,982,""" " docs/371-380,.pdf,983,"नियंत्रण कक्ष द्वारा समर्थित 24 घंटे चालू रहने वाले नंबर 18001025109/18001805109 (24 X 7) टोल फ्री) द्वारा हमेशा उपभोक्ता सहायता का आश्वासन दिया जाता है, जहां इंजीनियर्स और प्रशिक्षित तकनीशियन मौजूद रहते हैं। इसलिए यदि कोई शिकायत है, तो उसे तुरंत निपटाया जाता है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,984,"एक बहुमुखी ईधन " docs/371-380,.pdf,985,"⋅ " docs/371-380,.pdf,986,"प्राकृतिक गैस का इस्तेमाल पूरी दुनिया में मुख्यतः एक बहुमुखी ईंधन के रूप में किया जाता है, जो घरेलू और वाणिज्यिक अनुप्रयोगों जैसे खाना पकाने वाले ईंधन के रूप में, पानी गर्म करने, स्थान को गर्म करने, एयर कंडीशनिंग आदि की जरूरतों में प्रयोग होती है। पर्यावरण अनुकूल " docs/371-380,.pdf,987,"• " docs/371-380,.pdf,988,"• " docs/371-380,.pdf,989,"प्राकृतिक गैस एक साफ ज्वलनशील जीवाश्म ईंधन में से एक है, और हवा की गुणवत्ता को सुधारने में मदद करती है, विशेषकर तब जब अन्य प्रदूषणकारी ऊर्जा स्रोतों के स्थान पर इसका इस्तेमाल होता है। इसके दहन के परिणामस्वरूप सल्फर डाई ऑक्साइड (एसओट) का लगभग कोई वायुमंडलीय उत्सर्जन नहीं होता है और अन्य जीवाश्म ईंधनों के दहन की तुलना में इसमें कार्बन मोनोक्साइड (सीओ), क्रियाशील हाइड्रोकार्बन और कार्बन डाईऑक्साइड का बहुत कम उत्सर्जन होता है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,977,"• रिसाव होने पर, एलपीजी 250 गुना तक बढ़ जाती है, जबकि पीएनजी के साथ ऐसा नहीं होता है। पीएनजी में आपूर्ति को एप्लाइंस वाल्व (रसोई के अंदर) और आइसोलेशन वाल्व (रसोई परिसर के बाहर) के जरिये बंद किया जा सकता है, जो पूरी तरह से गैस की आपूर्ति को बंद कर देती है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,990,"वास्तव में, जब नेचुरल गैस पूर्ण रूप से जलती है, तो यह कार्बन डाईऑक्साइड और जल वाष्प छोड़ती है। यह वही घटक है जिन्हें हम सांस द्वारा बाहर छोड़ते हैं। " docs/371-380,.pdf,992,"आप पीएनजी उपयोगकर्ताओं के परिवार में शामिल हो रहे हैं. हम आपके क्षेत्र और आपके परिसर में पीएनजी स्थापना के संबंध में आपकी सुरक्षा के लिए कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं को आपके ध्यान में लाना चाहते हैं। " docs/371-380,.pdf,993,"1. अपनी सोसायटी या नजदीकी क्षेत्र में कोई भी खुदाई गतिविधि जैसे वाटर बोरिंग, अंडरग्राउंड इलेक्ट्रिक, टेलीकॉम केबल बिछाने का काम आदि करने से पहले या दिखाई देने पर हमेशा आईजीएल को नीचे बताए गए नंबरों पर पूर्व सूचना दें। " docs/371-380,.pdf,994,"2. किसी भी गैस रिसाव या बदबू आने के मामले में कृपया आईजीएल को नीचे बताए गए आपतकालीन / कंट्रोल रूम नंबर पर सूचित करें। " docs/371-380,.pdf,995,"3. आपकी रसोई के अंदर पाइप लाइन अत्यधिक ज्वलनशील गैस ले जा रही है, इसलिए आपको यह सलाह दी जाती है कि किसी भी परिस्थिति में किसी भी गैर आईजीएल तकनीशियन द्वारा इसे खोला जाना / संशोधित करना/ तोड़ा नहीं जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि इससे घातक दुर्घटना हो सकती है। अपनी स्वयं की सुरक्षा के लिए अपनी पीएनजी स्थापना और स्टोव में किसी भी दोष / संशोधन कार्य के लिए हमेशा आईजीएल पीएनजी कस्टमर केयर को फोन करें। " docs/371-380,.pdf,996,"4. हमेशा अपने परिसर में प्रवेश करने वाले व्यक्तियों के आईडी कार्ड की जांच करें और आईजीएल कर्मचारियों की पहचान ठीक से करें किसी भी संदेह के मामले में कृपया नीचे बताए गए नंबर पर संपर्क करें। " docs/371-380,.pdf,997,"5. अपनी स्वयं की सुरक्षा के लिए हमेशा अपनी रसोई घर और आस-पास के इलाकों को अच्छी तरह हवादार बनाए रखें। " docs/371-380,.pdf,998,"6. अपने क्षेत्र में ऐसी किसी गतिविधि की अनुमति न दें जो आग लगने का कारण हो सकती हैं, जैसे आईजीएल उच्च दबाव पाइपलाइन के नजदीक अनाधिकृत चाय की दुकान, कपड़े प्रेस करने की दुकान कचड़ा जलाना या धूम्रपान करना। " docs/371-380,.pdf,999,"7. आईजीएल उच्च दबाव गैस पाइपलाइन का उपयोग वाहनों को बांधने, जानवरों को बाधने, कपड़े सुखाने की रस्सी बाधने आदि के लिए न करें क्योंकि इससे भारी गैस रिसाव हो सकता है और आग लग सकती है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,1000,"8. बाथरूम में किसी भी सीमित स्थान पर पीएनजी गैस गीजर इकाई स्थापित न करें। इससे घातक दुर्घटना हो सकती है " docs/371-380,.pdf,1001,"पीएनजी के प्रसन्न और सुरक्षित अनुभव के लिए हम आपको शुभकामना देते हैं। शुभकामनाएं " docs/371-380,.pdf,1002,"कस्टमर केयर - 18001025109/18001805109 (24x7 टोल फ्री) आपतकालीन लीकेज नंबर 1800 111817 / 155216 " docs/371-380,.pdf,1003,"कृपया भविष्य के संदर्भों के लिए यह उपयोगी जानकारी प्राप्त करें " docs/371-380,.pdf,991,"कृपया ध्यान दें " docs/371-380,.pdf,976,"एलपीजी की बहुत अधिक मात्रा को तरल रूप में एक सिलेंडर में भरा जाता है। पीएनजी के साथ, यह सुरक्षित है क्योंकि आपके परिसर में स्थापित पीएनजी निम्न दबाव यानि 21 मिलीबार ( एमबार) पर केवल सीमित मात्रा में नेचुरल गैस की आपूर्ति करती है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,975,"नेचुरल गैस हवा से भी हल्की होती है। इसलिए रिसाव के मामले में यह फैलती है और पर्याप्त हवादार माहौल में वायु में मिल जाती है। लेकिन एलपीजी भारी होने के कारण सतह के नजदीक नीचे ही रह जाएगी। " docs/371-380,.pdf,974,"नेचुरल गैस और वायु का ज्वलनशील मिश्रण नहीं जलता है, यदि यह मिश्रण जलने के लए आवश्यक वायु-ईंधन अनुपात के 5 प्रतिशत से कम पतला और 15 प्रतिशत से अधिक गाढ़ा होता है। यह संकीर्ण प्रज्वलन सीमा पीएनजी को दुनिया में सबसे सुरक्षित ईंधन में से एक बनाती है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,947,"4. Always check ID cards of persons entering your premises and ensure identity of IGL staff properly. In case of any doubt please contact on below mentioned number. " docs/371-380,.pdf,948,"5. Always keep your kitchen, home and surrounding areas well ventilated for your own safety. " docs/371-380,.pdf,949,"6. Do not allow activities which may lead to fire in your area like unauthorized tea stalls, cloth ironing shops garbage burning and smoking near IGL high pressure pipeline. " docs/371-380,.pdf,950,"7. Also do not use IGL high pressure gas pipeline for chaining vehicles, tying pets, tying cloth drying ropes as this may lead to heavy gas leakage and fire. 8. Never install PNG gas geyser unit inside bathroom on in any confined space. It may result into fatal accident. " docs/371-380,.pdf,951,"We wish you a happy and safe experience of using PNG. Best wishes " docs/371-380,.pdf,952,"Customer Care - 1800 102 5109/1800 180 5109 (24×7 Toll Free) Emergency leakage no. 1800 111 817 /155216 " docs/371-380,.pdf,953,"Please retain this helpful information for future references " docs/371-380,.pdf,954,"igl " docs/371-380,.pdf,955,"इन्द्रप्रस्थ गैस लिमिटेड " docs/371-380,.pdf,956,"प्रिय आईजीएल ग्राहक, " docs/371-380,.pdf,957,"संतुष्ट पीएनजी उपयोगकर्ताओं के परिवार में आपका स्वागत है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,958,"इंद्रप्रस्थ गैस लिमिटेड (आईजीएल) अपनी रसोई में पीएनजी कनेक्शन लगवाने के लिए आपको धन्यवाद देता है और हम इस बात को लेकर आश्वस्त हैं कि यह स्मार्ट निर्णय आपके घर में खाना पकाने के तरीके में पूरी तरह से बदलाव लेकर लाएगा। अच्छी तरह से यह ज्ञात तो है ही कि पाइप्ड नेचुरल गैस हमारे लिए उपयुक्त विकल्प है, इसलिए यदि हम पीएनजी को पॉजिटिवली नेचुरल गैस कहें तो क्या यह उपयुक्त नहीं होगा! " docs/371-380,.pdf,959,"पीएनजी का चयन कर आपने पहले ही एक बुद्धिमता पूर्ण निर्णय लिया है। आखिरकार, कौन आने वाले वर्षों के लिए आराम बढ़ाना और जीवनशैली में सुधार करना नहीं चाहता है? आज से ही, आप इस विश्वसनीय ऊर्जा स्रोत की बहुमुखी प्रतिभा और प्रदर्शन का अनुभव हासिल करेंगे। " docs/371-380,.pdf,960,"आईजीएल में हमारा हमेशा यह प्रयास रहेगा कि हम आपकी उम्मीदों पर खरा उत्तरें और आपके पीएनजी कनेक्शन से जुड़ी सभी सेवाओं को आपके दरवाजे पर उपलब्ध कराएं। " docs/371-380,.pdf,961,"1998 में इसकी शुरुआत हुई और आज आईजीएल का पाइपलाइन नेटवर्क दिल्ली, नोएडा, ग्रेटर नोएडा, गाजियाबाद, रेवाड़ी और गुरुग्राम में फैला है। अपने अंतर्निहित लाभों के कारण, पीएनजी आज पूरे क्षेत्र में सबसे पसंदीदा खाना पकाने का ईंधन बन गया है। घरेलू किचन के अलावा, हम क्षेत्र में सभी प्रमुख होटलों, रेस्टॉरेंट्स और अस्पतालों में भी गैस की आपूर्ति करते हैं। " docs/371-380,.pdf,962,"पीएनजी के लाभ " docs/371-380,.pdf,963,"स्मार्ट ईंधन के औपचारिक परिचय के रूप में, जिसका आप अभी से उपयोग करना शुरू करेंगे, हम आपको इसके लाभों के बारे में बताना चाहते हैं। पीएनजी के बहुत सारे लाभ है, यह एक प्रदूषण मुक्त ईंधन हैं, आसानी से सुलभ भंडारण की समस्या से मुक्ति और बहुत ही प्रतिस्पर्धी कीमतों पर आसानी से उपलब्ध । " docs/371-380,.pdf,964,"निर्वाध आपूर्ति " docs/371-380,.pdf,965,""" " docs/371-380,.pdf,966,"दिल्ली में पीएनजी आपूर्ति का स्रोत गेल (इंडिया) लिमिटेड की प्रसिद्ध हजीरा बीजापुर- जगदीशपुर (एचबीजे) पाइपलाइन है। पीएनजी, सिलेंडर में गैस स्टोर करने की जरूरत के बिना हर समय पीएनजी की निरंतर और पर्याप्त आपूर्ति सुनिश्चित करने की सुविधा प्रदान " docs/371-380,.pdf,967,"करता है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,968,"बेजोड़ सुविधा " docs/371-380,.pdf,969,". " docs/371-380,.pdf,970,"कई वर्षों से आपको एलपीजी सिलेंडर रिफिल को समय पर और बार-बार बुक करना पड़ता है। इसके बाद शुरू होता है सिलेंडर की आपूर्ति के लिए आपूर्तिकर्ता व्यक्ति के लिए इंतजार । पीएनजी को अपनाने से यह सारी कवायद खत्म हो जाती है। पीएनजी आपूर्ति के समय एलपीजी रिफिल सिलेंडर से किसी भी संदिग्ध रिसाव और वजन जांचने की कठिन प्रक्रिया को भी समाप्त करती है। इसके अलावा गैस खत्म होने पर एलपीजी सिलेंडर को लगना और हटाने की असुविधा से भी यह बचा लेगी। एलपीजी सिलेंडर द्वारा घेरे जाने वाले अनमोल स्थान को भी यह बचाती है। " docs/371-380,.pdf,971,"सुरक्षा " docs/371-380,.pdf,972,"• " docs/371-380,.pdf,973,"• " docs/371-380,.pdf,945,"2. In case of any gas leakage or smell please inform IGL on emergency/control room numbers mentioned below. " docs/371-380,.pdf,884,"3"" X 3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,883,"Tee " docs/371-380,.pdf,882,"9A " docs/371-380,.pdf,794,"9A " docs/371-380,.pdf,795,"Tee " docs/371-380,.pdf,796,"2"" X 1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,797,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,798,"9B " docs/371-380,.pdf,799,"Tee " docs/371-380,.pdf,800,"2"" X 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,801,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,802,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,803,"MS Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,804,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,805,"11 " docs/371-380,.pdf,793,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,806,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,808,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,809,"Total Supply Part " docs/371-380,.pdf,810,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,811,"800 " docs/371-380,.pdf,812,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,813,"1600 " docs/371-380,.pdf,814,"Page 377 of 380 " docs/371-380,.pdf,815," " docs/371-380,.pdf,816,"S " docs/371-380,.pdf,817,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,818,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,819,"BOM No-12 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-29-RPD Meter-3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,807,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/371-380,.pdf,792,"2"" X 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,791,"Tee " docs/371-380,.pdf,790,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,763,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,764,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,765,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,766,"6A " docs/371-380,.pdf,767,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,768,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,769,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,770,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,771,"450 " docs/371-380,.pdf,772,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,773,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,774,"200 " docs/371-380,.pdf,775,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,776,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,777,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,778,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,779,"450 " docs/371-380,.pdf,780,"7A " docs/371-380,.pdf,781,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,782,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,783,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,784,"100 " docs/371-380,.pdf,785,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,786,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,787,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,788,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,789,"750 " docs/371-380,.pdf,820,"Size " docs/371-380,.pdf,821,"Quantity " docs/371-380,.pdf,822,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,823,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,855,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,856,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,857,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,858,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,859,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,860,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,861,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,862,"450 " docs/371-380,.pdf,863,"6A " docs/371-380,.pdf,864,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,865,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,866,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,867,"200 " docs/371-380,.pdf,868,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,869,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,870,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,871,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,872,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,873,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,874,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,875,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,876,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,877,"800 " docs/371-380,.pdf,878,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,879,"Tee " docs/371-380,.pdf,880,"3"" X 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,881,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,854,"Outlet 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,761,"Outlet 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,853,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,851,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,824,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,825,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,826,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,827,"3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,828,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,829,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,830,"TF " docs/371-380,.pdf,831,"GI Sleeves " docs/371-380,.pdf,832,"32mmx1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,833,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,834,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,835,"1-1/2""X1ft " docs/371-380,.pdf,836,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,837,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,838,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,839,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,840,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,841,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,842,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,843,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,844,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,845,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,846,"4A " docs/371-380,.pdf,847,"CS WNRF FLANGE " docs/371-380,.pdf,848,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,849,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,850,"152 " docs/371-380,.pdf,852,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,518,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,361,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,516,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,162,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,163,"CS Pipe (Threaded) " docs/371-380,.pdf,164,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,165,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,166,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,167,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,168,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,169,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,170,"8A " docs/371-380,.pdf,171,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,172,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,173,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,174,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,161,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,175,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,177,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,178,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,179,"Diaphragam Meter G 1.6, 2.5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,180,"11 " docs/371-380,.pdf,181,"CS Socket " docs/371-380,.pdf,182,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,183,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,184,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,185,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,186,"12 " docs/371-380,.pdf,187,"Pressure Gauge Dail 4"" (range 0-1 Bar) " docs/371-380,.pdf,188,"4"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,189,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,176,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,190,"13 " docs/371-380,.pdf,160,"1-1/2""x1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,158,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,130,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,131,"BOM NO-06 ONLY FOR MRS- REF Drawing No.15792-30-05-26-Diaphragm 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,132,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,133,"Size " docs/371-380,.pdf,134,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,135,"Quantity D " docs/371-380,.pdf,136,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,137,"1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,138,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,139,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,140,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,141,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,142,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,159,"CS Reducer " docs/371-380,.pdf,143,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,145,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,146,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,147,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/371-380,.pdf,148,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,149,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,150,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,151,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,152,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,153,"Outlet 1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,154,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,155,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,156,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,157,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,144,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,191,"CS Socket " docs/371-380,.pdf,192,"1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,193,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,228,"64 " docs/371-380,.pdf,229,"1800 " docs/371-380,.pdf,230,"216 " docs/371-380,.pdf,231,"127 " docs/371-380,.pdf,232,"500 " docs/371-380,.pdf,233,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,234,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,235,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,236,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,237,"50 " docs/371-380,.pdf,238,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,239,"80 " docs/371-380,.pdf,240,"108 " docs/371-380,.pdf,227,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,241,"127 " docs/371-380,.pdf,243,"3940 " docs/371-380,.pdf,244,"407 " docs/371-380,.pdf,245,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,246,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,247,"BOM NO-07 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-26-Diaphragm 1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,248,"igt " docs/371-380,.pdf,249,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,250," " docs/371-380,.pdf,251,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,252,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,253,"D " 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docs/371-380,.pdf,218,"MS Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,219,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,220,"21 " docs/371-380,.pdf,221,"Globe Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,222,"1"" NPT(F)End " docs/371-380,.pdf,129,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,256,"Quantity D " docs/371-380,.pdf,128,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,126,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,33,"igl " docs/371-380,.pdf,34,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,35,"Size 32mmx1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,36,"Quantity " docs/371-380,.pdf,37,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,38,"1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,39,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,40,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,41,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,42,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,43,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,44,"1-1/2"" X1FT " docs/371-380,.pdf,45,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,32,"BOM NO-05 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-25- RPD 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,46,"1""(F)x1""(F) 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,48,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,49,"150 300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,50,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,51,"Outlet 2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,52,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,53,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,54,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,55,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,56,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,57,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,58,"400 " docs/371-380,.pdf,59,"900 " docs/371-380,.pdf,60,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,47,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,61,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,31,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,29,"CS Hex Nipple/Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,1," " docs/371-380,.pdf,2,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,3,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,4,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,5,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,6,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,7,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,8,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,9,"7A " docs/371-380,.pdf,10,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,11,"8A " docs/371-380,.pdf,12,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,13,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,30,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/371-380,.pdf,14,"11 " docs/371-380,.pdf,16,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,17,"TF " docs/371-380,.pdf,18,"GI Sleeve " docs/371-380,.pdf,19,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,20,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,21,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,22,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,23,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,24,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,25,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,26,"CS WNRF Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,27,"CS Ball valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,28,"RPD Meter & NRV Assembly " docs/371-380,.pdf,15,"12 " docs/371-380,.pdf,62,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,63,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,64,"10 " docs/371-380,.pdf,98,"Spectacle Blind " docs/371-380,.pdf,99,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,100,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,101,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,102,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,103,"20 " docs/371-380,.pdf,104,"MS Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,105,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,106,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,107,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,108,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,109,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,110,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,97,"Globe Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,111,"Total Supply Part " docs/371-380,.pdf,113,"152 " docs/371-380,.pdf,114,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,115,"219 " docs/371-380,.pdf,116,"203 " docs/371-380,.pdf,117,"120 " docs/371-380,.pdf,118,"0 " docs/371-380,.pdf,119,"575 " 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docs/371-380,.pdf,443,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,444,"15 " docs/371-380,.pdf,445,"16 " docs/371-380,.pdf,446,"17 " docs/371-380,.pdf,447,"17A " docs/371-380,.pdf,448,"18 " docs/371-380,.pdf,449,"19 " docs/371-380,.pdf,450,"Spectacle Blind " docs/371-380,.pdf,437,"CS Reducing Bush " docs/371-380,.pdf,451,"Angel Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,421,"2 " docs/371-380,.pdf,419,"300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,391,"1""(F)x1""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,392,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,393,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,394,"225 150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,395,"Inlet 1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,396,"5 " docs/371-380,.pdf,397,"Regulator " docs/371-380,.pdf,398,"Outlet 1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,399,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,400,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,401,"400 " docs/371-380,.pdf,402,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,403,"7 " docs/371-380,.pdf,420,"2""(F)x1""(F) 1-1/2""(F)x2""(F) " docs/371-380,.pdf,404,"CS Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,406,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,407,"6 " docs/371-380,.pdf,408,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,409,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,410,"1800 300 " docs/371-380,.pdf,411,"8 " docs/371-380,.pdf,412,"Diaphragam Meter G 4,6,10,16,25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,413,"9 " docs/371-380,.pdf,414,"CS Reducing Socket/Socket " docs/371-380,.pdf,415,"9A " docs/371-380,.pdf,416,"CS Reducing Socket/Socket " docs/371-380,.pdf,417,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,418,"IGL " docs/371-380,.pdf,405,"CS Elbow " docs/371-380,.pdf,452,"CS Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,453,"CS Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,454,"CS Blind Flange " docs/371-380,.pdf,488,"BILL OF MATERIAL " docs/371-380,.pdf,489,"BOM NO-09 MRS- Ref Drawing No.15792-30-05-27-RPD 3"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,490,"igl " docs/371-380,.pdf,491,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,492," " docs/371-380,.pdf,493,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,494,"Size " docs/371-380,.pdf,495,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,496,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,497,"D D " docs/371-380,.pdf,498,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,499,"Quantity D " docs/371-380,.pdf,500,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,487,"Page 374 of 380 " 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docs/371-380,.pdf,369,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,370,"Item Description " docs/371-380,.pdf,371,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,357,"254 " docs/371-380,.pdf,372,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,374,"Brass Isolation Valve " docs/371-380,.pdf,375,"4 " docs/371-380,.pdf,376,"CS Hex Nipple /Pipe " docs/371-380,.pdf,377,"1""(M)x1""(M) " docs/371-380,.pdf,378,"Length of fittings " docs/371-380,.pdf,379,"Size " docs/371-380,.pdf,380,"D " docs/371-380,.pdf,381,"Quantity D " docs/371-380,.pdf,382,"Procurement Scope " docs/371-380,.pdf,383,"1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,384,"1"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,385,"1-1/2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,386,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,373,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,356,"120 " docs/371-380,.pdf,355,"150 " docs/371-380,.pdf,354,"25 " docs/371-380,.pdf,325,"Spectacle Blind " docs/371-380,.pdf,326,"2"" " docs/371-380,.pdf,327,"1 " docs/371-380,.pdf,328,"16 " docs/371-380,.pdf,329,"Angle Clamps " docs/371-380,.pdf,330,"3 " docs/371-380,.pdf,331,"17 " docs/371-380,.pdf,332,"CS Flange " 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