import io import os import shutil import zipfile import gradio as gr import requests from huggingface_hub import create_repo, upload_folder, whoami from convert import convert_full_checkpoint MODELS_DIR = "models/" CKPT_FILE = MODELS_DIR + "model.ckpt" HF_MODEL_DIR = MODELS_DIR + "diffusers_model" ZIP_FILE = MODELS_DIR + "" def download_ckpt(url, out_path): with open(out_path, "wb") as out_file: with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: r.raise_for_status() for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): out_file.write(chunk) def zip_model(model_path, zip_path): with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED) as zip_file: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(model_path): for file in files: zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.relpath( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(model_path, "..") ), ) def download_checkpoint_and_config(ckpt_url, config_url): ckpt_url = ckpt_url.strip() config_url = config_url.strip() if not ckpt_url.startswith("http://") and not ckpt_url.startswith("https://"): raise ValueError("Invalid checkpoint URL") if config_url.startswith("http://") or config_url.startswith("https://"): response = requests.get(config_url) response.raise_for_status() config_file = io.BytesIO(response.content) elif config_url != "": raise ValueError("Invalid config URL") else: config_file = open("original_config.yaml", "r") download_ckpt(ckpt_url, CKPT_FILE) return CKPT_FILE, config_file def convert_and_download(ckpt_url, config_url, scheduler_type, extract_ema): shutil.rmtree(MODELS_DIR, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(HF_MODEL_DIR) ckpt_path, config_file = download_checkpoint_and_config(ckpt_url, config_url) convert_full_checkpoint( ckpt_path, config_file, scheduler_type=scheduler_type, extract_ema=(extract_ema == "EMA"), output_path=HF_MODEL_DIR, ) zip_model(HF_MODEL_DIR, ZIP_FILE) return ZIP_FILE def convert_and_upload( ckpt_url, config_url, scheduler_type, extract_ema, token, model_name ): shutil.rmtree(MODELS_DIR, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(HF_MODEL_DIR) try: ckpt_path, config_file = download_checkpoint_and_config(ckpt_url, config_url) username = whoami(token)["name"] repo_name = f"{username}/{model_name}" repo_url = create_repo(repo_name, token=token, exist_ok=True) convert_full_checkpoint( ckpt_path, config_file, scheduler_type=scheduler_type, extract_ema=(extract_ema == "EMA"), output_path=HF_MODEL_DIR, ) upload_folder(repo_id=repo_name, folder_path=HF_MODEL_DIR, token=token, commit_message=f"Upload diffusers weights") except Exception as e: return f"#### Error: {e}" return f"#### Success! Model uploaded to [{repo_url}]({repo_url})" TTILE_IMAGE = """
""" TITLE = """

Convert Stable Diffusion `.ckpt` files to Hugging Face Diffusers 🔥

""" with gr.Blocks() as interface: gr.HTML(TTILE_IMAGE) gr.HTML(TITLE) gr.Markdown("We will perform all of the checkpoint surgery for you, and create a clean diffusers model!") gr.Markdown("This converter will also remove any pickled code from third-party checkpoints.") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=50): gr.Markdown("### 1. Paste a URL to your .ckpt file") ckpt_url = gr.Textbox( max_lines=1, label="URL to .ckpt", placeholder="", ) with gr.Column(scale=50): gr.Markdown("### (Optional) paste a URL to your .yaml file") config_url = gr.Textbox( max_lines=1, label="URL to .yaml", placeholder="", ) gr.Markdown( "**If you don't provide a config file, we'll try to use" " [v1-inference.yaml](*" ) with gr.Accordion("Advanced Settings"): scheduler_type = gr.Dropdown( label="Choose a scheduler type (if not sure, keep the PNDM default)", choices=["PNDM", "K-LMS", "Euler", "EulerAncestral", "DDIM"], value="PNDM", ) extract_ema = gr.Radio( label=( "EMA weights usually yield higher quality images for inference." " Non-EMA weights are usually better to continue fine-tuning." ), choices=["EMA", "Non-EMA"], value="EMA", interactive=True, ) gr.Markdown("### 2. Choose what to do with the converted model") model_choice = gr.Radio( show_label=False, choices=[ "Download the model as an archive", "Host the model on the Hugging Face Hub", # "Submit a PR with the model for an existing Hub repository", ], type="index", value="Download the model as an archive", interactive=True, ) download_panel = gr.Column(visible=True) upload_panel = gr.Column(visible=False) # pr_panel = gr.Column(visible=False) model_choice.change( fn=lambda i: gr.update(visible=(i == 0)), inputs=model_choice, outputs=download_panel, ) model_choice.change( fn=lambda i: gr.update(visible=(i == 1)), inputs=model_choice, outputs=upload_panel, ) # model_choice.change( # fn=lambda i: gr.update(visible=(i == 2)), # inputs=model_choice, # outputs=pr_panel, # ) with download_panel: gr.Markdown("### 3. Convert and download") down_btn = gr.Button("Convert") output_file = gr.File( label="Download the converted model", type="binary", interactive=False, visible=True, ) fn=convert_and_download, inputs=[ckpt_url, config_url, scheduler_type, extract_ema], outputs=output_file, ) with upload_panel: gr.Markdown("### 3. Convert and host on the Hub") gr.Markdown( "This will create a new repository if it doesn't exist yet, and upload the model to the Hugging Face Hub.\n\n" "Paste a WRITE token from [](" " and make up a model name." ) up_token = gr.Textbox( max_lines=1, label="Hugging Face token", ) up_model_name = gr.Textbox( max_lines=1, label="Hub model name (e.g. `artistic-diffusion-v1`)", placeholder="my-awesome-model", ) upload_btn = gr.Button("Convert and upload") with gr.Box(): output_text = gr.Markdown() fn=convert_and_upload, inputs=[ ckpt_url, config_url, scheduler_type, extract_ema, up_token, up_model_name, ], outputs=output_text, ) # with pr_panel: # gr.Markdown("### 3. Convert and submit as a PR") # gr.Markdown( # "This will open a Pull Request on the original model repository, if it already exists on the Hub.\n\n" # "Paste a write-access token from [](" # " and paste an existing model id from the Hub in the `username/model-name` form." # ) # pr_token = gr.Textbox( # max_lines=1, # label="Hugging Face token", # ) # pr_model_name = gr.Textbox( # max_lines=1, # label="Hub model name (e.g. `diffuser/artistic-diffusion-v1`)", # placeholder="diffuser/my-awesome-model", # ) # # btn = gr.Button("Convert and open a PR") # output = gr.Markdown(label="Output") interface.queue(concurrency_count=1) interface.launch()