import numpy as np import cv2 from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import ColorJitter class FlowAugmentor: def __init__(self, crop_size, min_scale=-0.2, max_scale=0.5, do_flip=True, no_eraser_aug=True, ): # spatial augmentation params self.crop_size = crop_size self.min_scale = min_scale self.max_scale = max_scale self.spatial_aug_prob = 0.8 self.stretch_prob = 0.8 self.max_stretch = 0.2 # flip augmentation params self.do_flip = do_flip self.h_flip_prob = 0.5 self.v_flip_prob = 0.1 # photometric augmentation params self.photo_aug = ColorJitter(brightness=0.4, contrast=0.4, saturation=0.4, hue=0.5 / 3.14) self.asymmetric_color_aug_prob = 0.2 if no_eraser_aug: # we disable eraser aug since no obvious improvement is observed in our experiments self.eraser_aug_prob = -1 else: self.eraser_aug_prob = 0.5 def color_transform(self, img1, img2): """ Photometric augmentation """ # asymmetric if np.random.rand() < self.asymmetric_color_aug_prob: img1 = np.array(self.photo_aug(Image.fromarray(img1)), dtype=np.uint8) img2 = np.array(self.photo_aug(Image.fromarray(img2)), dtype=np.uint8) # symmetric else: image_stack = np.concatenate([img1, img2], axis=0) image_stack = np.array(self.photo_aug(Image.fromarray(image_stack)), dtype=np.uint8) img1, img2 = np.split(image_stack, 2, axis=0) return img1, img2 def eraser_transform(self, img1, img2, bounds=[50, 100]): """ Occlusion augmentation """ ht, wd = img1.shape[:2] if np.random.rand() < self.eraser_aug_prob: mean_color = np.mean(img2.reshape(-1, 3), axis=0) for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 3)): x0 = np.random.randint(0, wd) y0 = np.random.randint(0, ht) dx = np.random.randint(bounds[0], bounds[1]) dy = np.random.randint(bounds[0], bounds[1]) img2[y0:y0 + dy, x0:x0 + dx, :] = mean_color return img1, img2 def spatial_transform(self, img1, img2, flow, occlusion=None): # randomly sample scale ht, wd = img1.shape[:2] min_scale = np.maximum( (self.crop_size[0] + 8) / float(ht), (self.crop_size[1] + 8) / float(wd)) scale = 2 ** np.random.uniform(self.min_scale, self.max_scale) scale_x = scale scale_y = scale if np.random.rand() < self.stretch_prob: scale_x *= 2 ** np.random.uniform(-self.max_stretch, self.max_stretch) scale_y *= 2 ** np.random.uniform(-self.max_stretch, self.max_stretch) scale_x = np.clip(scale_x, min_scale, None) scale_y = np.clip(scale_y, min_scale, None) if np.random.rand() < self.spatial_aug_prob: # rescale the images img1 = cv2.resize(img1, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) img2 = cv2.resize(img2, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) flow = cv2.resize(flow, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) flow = flow * [scale_x, scale_y] if occlusion is not None: occlusion = cv2.resize(occlusion, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if self.do_flip: if np.random.rand() < self.h_flip_prob: # h-flip img1 = img1[:, ::-1] img2 = img2[:, ::-1] flow = flow[:, ::-1] * [-1.0, 1.0] if occlusion is not None: occlusion = occlusion[:, ::-1] if np.random.rand() < self.v_flip_prob: # v-flip img1 = img1[::-1, :] img2 = img2[::-1, :] flow = flow[::-1, :] * [1.0, -1.0] if occlusion is not None: occlusion = occlusion[::-1, :] # In case no cropping if img1.shape[0] - self.crop_size[0] > 0: y0 = np.random.randint(0, img1.shape[0] - self.crop_size[0]) else: y0 = 0 if img1.shape[1] - self.crop_size[1] > 0: x0 = np.random.randint(0, img1.shape[1] - self.crop_size[1]) else: x0 = 0 img1 = img1[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] img2 = img2[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] flow = flow[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] if occlusion is not None: occlusion = occlusion[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] return img1, img2, flow, occlusion return img1, img2, flow def __call__(self, img1, img2, flow, occlusion=None): img1, img2 = self.color_transform(img1, img2) img1, img2 = self.eraser_transform(img1, img2) if occlusion is not None: img1, img2, flow, occlusion = self.spatial_transform( img1, img2, flow, occlusion) else: img1, img2, flow = self.spatial_transform(img1, img2, flow) img1 = np.ascontiguousarray(img1) img2 = np.ascontiguousarray(img2) flow = np.ascontiguousarray(flow) if occlusion is not None: occlusion = np.ascontiguousarray(occlusion) return img1, img2, flow, occlusion return img1, img2, flow class SparseFlowAugmentor: def __init__(self, crop_size, min_scale=-0.2, max_scale=0.5, do_flip=False, no_eraser_aug=True, ): # spatial augmentation params self.crop_size = crop_size self.min_scale = min_scale self.max_scale = max_scale self.spatial_aug_prob = 0.8 self.stretch_prob = 0.8 self.max_stretch = 0.2 # flip augmentation params self.do_flip = do_flip self.h_flip_prob = 0.5 self.v_flip_prob = 0.1 # photometric augmentation params self.photo_aug = ColorJitter(brightness=0.3, contrast=0.3, saturation=0.3, hue=0.3 / 3.14) self.asymmetric_color_aug_prob = 0.2 if no_eraser_aug: # we disable eraser aug since no obvious improvement is observed in our experiments self.eraser_aug_prob = -1 else: self.eraser_aug_prob = 0.5 def color_transform(self, img1, img2): image_stack = np.concatenate([img1, img2], axis=0) image_stack = np.array(self.photo_aug(Image.fromarray(image_stack)), dtype=np.uint8) img1, img2 = np.split(image_stack, 2, axis=0) return img1, img2 def eraser_transform(self, img1, img2): ht, wd = img1.shape[:2] if np.random.rand() < self.eraser_aug_prob: mean_color = np.mean(img2.reshape(-1, 3), axis=0) for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 3)): x0 = np.random.randint(0, wd) y0 = np.random.randint(0, ht) dx = np.random.randint(50, 100) dy = np.random.randint(50, 100) img2[y0:y0 + dy, x0:x0 + dx, :] = mean_color return img1, img2 def resize_sparse_flow_map(self, flow, valid, fx=1.0, fy=1.0): ht, wd = flow.shape[:2] coords = np.meshgrid(np.arange(wd), np.arange(ht)) coords = np.stack(coords, axis=-1) coords = coords.reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.float32) flow = flow.reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.float32) valid = valid.reshape(-1).astype(np.float32) coords0 = coords[valid >= 1] flow0 = flow[valid >= 1] ht1 = int(round(ht * fy)) wd1 = int(round(wd * fx)) coords1 = coords0 * [fx, fy] flow1 = flow0 * [fx, fy] xx = np.round(coords1[:, 0]).astype(np.int32) yy = np.round(coords1[:, 1]).astype(np.int32) v = (xx > 0) & (xx < wd1) & (yy > 0) & (yy < ht1) xx = xx[v] yy = yy[v] flow1 = flow1[v] flow_img = np.zeros([ht1, wd1, 2], dtype=np.float32) valid_img = np.zeros([ht1, wd1], dtype=np.int32) flow_img[yy, xx] = flow1 valid_img[yy, xx] = 1 return flow_img, valid_img def spatial_transform(self, img1, img2, flow, valid): # randomly sample scale ht, wd = img1.shape[:2] min_scale = np.maximum( (self.crop_size[0] + 1) / float(ht), (self.crop_size[1] + 1) / float(wd)) scale = 2 ** np.random.uniform(self.min_scale, self.max_scale) scale_x = np.clip(scale, min_scale, None) scale_y = np.clip(scale, min_scale, None) if np.random.rand() < self.spatial_aug_prob: # rescale the images img1 = cv2.resize(img1, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) img2 = cv2.resize(img2, None, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) flow, valid = self.resize_sparse_flow_map(flow, valid, fx=scale_x, fy=scale_y) if self.do_flip: if np.random.rand() < 0.5: # h-flip img1 = img1[:, ::-1] img2 = img2[:, ::-1] flow = flow[:, ::-1] * [-1.0, 1.0] valid = valid[:, ::-1] margin_y = 20 margin_x = 50 y0 = np.random.randint(0, img1.shape[0] - self.crop_size[0] + margin_y) x0 = np.random.randint(-margin_x, img1.shape[1] - self.crop_size[1] + margin_x) y0 = np.clip(y0, 0, img1.shape[0] - self.crop_size[0]) x0 = np.clip(x0, 0, img1.shape[1] - self.crop_size[1]) img1 = img1[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] img2 = img2[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] flow = flow[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] valid = valid[y0:y0 + self.crop_size[0], x0:x0 + self.crop_size[1]] return img1, img2, flow, valid def __call__(self, img1, img2, flow, valid): img1, img2 = self.color_transform(img1, img2) img1, img2 = self.eraser_transform(img1, img2) img1, img2, flow, valid = self.spatial_transform(img1, img2, flow, valid) img1 = np.ascontiguousarray(img1) img2 = np.ascontiguousarray(img2) flow = np.ascontiguousarray(flow) valid = np.ascontiguousarray(valid) return img1, img2, flow, valid