## TIGER Online Tool for Cas13 Efficacy Prediction Welcome to TIGER! This online tool accompanies our recent study from the labs of [David Knowles](https://daklab.github.io/) and [Neville Sanjana](http://sanjanalab.org/). TIGER's ability to make accurate on- and off-target predictions enables users to 1) design highly effective gRNAs and 2) precisely modulate transcript expression by engineered gRNA-target mismatches. If you use the TIGER Online Tool in your study, please consider citing: > **[Prediction of on-target and off-target activity of CRISPR–Cas13d guide RNAs using deep learning](http://sanjanalab.org/reprints/WesselsStirn_NBT_2023.pdf).** Wessels, H.-H.\*, Stirn, A.\*, Méndez-Mancilla, A., Kim, E. J., Hart, S. K., Knowles, D. A.#, & Sanjana, N. E.# *Nature Biotechnology* (2023). [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-023-01830-8](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-023-01830-8) Please note that this precompiled, online tool differs from the manuscript slightly. First, this version of TIGER predicts using just target and guide sequence (see [Figure 3c](http://sanjanalab.org/reprints/WesselsStirn_NBT_2023.pdf)). Second, we map TIGER's predictions to the unit interval (0,1) to make estimates more interpretable: A `Guide Score` close to 1 corresponds to high gRNA activity (i.e. desirable for on-target guides). A `Guide Score` near 0 denotes no/minimal activity (i.e. desirable for predicted off-targets to minimize the activity of these gRNAs on unintended targets). This transformation is monotonic and therefore preserves Spearman, AUROC, and AUPRC performance. These estimates (transformations of log-fold-change predictions from TIGER) appear in the `Guide Score` column of this online tool’s output. ### Using the TIGER Online Tool The tool supports two methods for transcript entry: 1) Manual entry of a single transcript 2) Uploading a FASTA file that can contain one or more transcripts. Each transcript **must** have a unique ID. The tool has three run modes: 1) Report all on-target gRNAs for each provided transcript. 2) Report the top 10 most active, on-target gRNAs for each provided transcript. This mode allows for the optional identification of off-target effects. For off-target avoidance, please note that a higher `Guide Score` (closer to 1) corresponds to *more* likely off-target effects. 3) Report the top 10 most active, on-target gRNAs for each provided transcript and their titration candidates (all possible single mismatches). A higher `Guide Score` (closer to 1) corresponds to greater transcript knockdown. The tool uses Gencode v19 (protein-coding and non-coding RNAs) to identify potential off-target transcripts. Due to computational limitations, the online tool only supports off-target predictions for the top 10 most active, on-target gRNAs per transcript. ### Future Development Plans - Off-target scanning speed improvements - Off-target scanning for titration (engineered mismatch) mode - Allow users to select more than the top ten guides per transcript - Incorporate non-scalar features (target accessibility, hybridization energies, etc...) To report bugs or to request additional features, please click the "Community" button in the top right corner of this screen and start a new discussion. Alternatively, please email [Andrew Stirn](mailto:andrew.stirn@cs.columbia.edu). #### Version You are using version 2.0 of this tool. All hugging face versions are marked with a `vX.x` tag. The code used to train this model can be found [here](https://github.com/daklab/tiger)--specifically, please see `tiger_trainer.py` therein. This GitHub repository has matching `vX.x` tags. We will increment the major number when a change causes a difference in predictions (e.g. retraining the model). We will otherwise increment the minor number (e.g. changes to the user interface, speed improvements, etc...).