import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.title('AppMap') st.markdown('This is a simple app to help you visualize your app\'s data.') st.markdown('**Note:** This app is still in development. Please report any bugs or suggestions to [@napoles3D](') filepath = '' @st.cache def read_csv(file_path): df = pd.read_csv(file_path) return df df = read_csv(filepath) st.button('test') df=df[(df['mass']>0 )] #evitar algunos valores incompletos df=df[abs(df['lat'])>0] #evitar algunos valores incompletos year_min=int(df['year'].min()) #identificamos el valor mínimo year_max=int(df['year'].max()) #identificamos el valor máximo cols=list(df.columns) # lista con nombres de columnas en el csv # separamos en columnas col1,col2,col3 = st.columns([5,1,5]) with col1.expander('widgets'): year_range = st.slider('year range',year_min,year_max,[1800,1900],step=10) vals=st.multiselect('',cols) df1=df[(df['year']>=year_range[0] ) & (df['year']<=year_range[1] )] df2=df1[vals] with col1.expander('data'): st.dataframe(df2)