{ "Calli": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "MoriCalliope_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "MoriCalliope_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Mori Calliope", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Soft": "A2.wav", "Humored": "A3.wav", "Preset 4": "A4.wav", "Preset 5": "A5.wav", "Preset 6": "A6.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "But I commissioned it long before like, I commissioned it a long time before we released it, so like, I was right in the middle of my voice lessons.", "Soft": "Sorry if the cicadas get to be loud or anything like that they're just really screeching.", "Humored": "If you're sipping every time Mori spins un alive will kill you. Ruh roh raggy, Yeah I really did get down with the spins on that one huh?", "Preset 4": "Um it's not, much of a spoiler so I wanna explain it now so that we can enjoy the song but the first part of the song, it starts out with the sound of a car right?", "Preset 5": "Oh maybe we should do something besides rapping on this stage. Let's also sing.", "Preset 6": "Yeah. But yeah I couldn't sing the highest note when I initially got the draft but I was like you know what no let's keep it." }, "cover": "calli.png" }, "Shiori": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "ShioriNovella_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "ShioriNovella_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Shiori Novella", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Shocked": "A2.wav", "Confused": "A3.wav", "Scared": "A4.wav", "Humored": "A5.wav", "Thinking": "A6.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "PlayStation was better Yeah that's true at the time. Ar Yong thank you for the S C Revelant And Christian thank you for becoming a bookworm.", "Shocked": "I didn't know I forgot I didn't realize! I didn't realize! that's more comedic though!", "Confused": "Isn't it banned in some places Oh I'm not sure. I'm not really- I really don't know. Why would it be banned? Because it has your imagination?", "Scared": "Oh no! Oh no! There's another scene! Oh! Oh! Oh no Hide your children and hide your, your people and stuff! Oh sorry!", "Humored": "Night Raven, Blitz Phantom, Rubber ton, thank you for the thing! Oh oh it starts off as an anime!", "Thinking": "I can't... It seems like there's a slope there that she could climb out of right? Oh unless he, closes it." }, "cover": "shiori.png" }, "Zeta": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "VestiaZeta_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "VestiaZeta_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Vestia Zeta", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Soft": "A2.wav", "Confused": "A3.wav", "Sarcastic": "A4.wav", "Proud": "A5.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "I think it's a good idea to have the real there because sometimes in movies sometimes they don't reload.", "Soft": "No B G M just silence just me and my voice alone.", "Confused": "Hunt the thimble what does that even mean, I mean I don't know English speakers help me out here what's hunt, the thimble?", "Sarcastic": "Surely they're not gonna be shooting in this train. It's packed with people surely they won't be shooting here.", "Proud": "Hell yeah we'll keep doing what we always do! Yeah boys!" }, "cover": "zeta.png" }, "Finana": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "FinanaRyugu_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "FinanaRyugu_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Finana Ryugu", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Soft": "A2.wav", "Humored": "A3.wav", "Preset 4": "A4.wav", "Preset 5": "A5.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "To catch up though, if you want to catch up on the stream delay I think you just have to set the playback speed to two times.", "Soft": "Um, I'm really glad we get to do a watchalong today because my arm hurts, and my body aches so I'm kind of glad I'm not doing anything intense today.", "Humored": "It's literally just a slideshow of a faded transition from each name!", "Preset 4": "Wait, do I sing in, Hold on. Do I sing Happy Birthday in Finance too? I guess so just to, lead up to the B2 off okay?", "Preset 5": "Anyway if you, wanna watch this with the Ryu Guard homies I'm pretty sure, some of you guys might be, in a group call right now watching this together so." }, "cover": "finana.png" }, "Pippa": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "PipkinPippa_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "PipkinPippa_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Pipkin Pippa", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Soft": "A2.wav", "Elevated": "A3.wav", "Preset 4": "A4.wav", "Preset 5": "A5.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "He keeps coming over and he's doing like surprise visits and like, the children are home alone and the psychiatrist comes over and like the parents come back and they're like what the fuck are you doing in our house?", "Soft": "Future as a script writer is as bright as your, perspecitve comedy, Forces I'm not trying to be a fucking script writer I'm just trying to talk to you guys about like the movie.", "Elevated": "All he wanted to do was find his nieces he never gave up hope even though they were probably dead spent five years searching for them foundwith his crazy fucking bitch in law.", "Preset 4": "Like I don't, I don't even have anybody to get drugs from even if I, even if I like did pursue that, right? I don't, I don't, I'm not, I'm not in Australia so I can't just ask Cleo.", "Preset 5": "And, just like the build up to it and everything had her fucking laughing her ass off, and she started like swerving She was laughing so hard and I'll never forget." }, "cover": "pippa.png" }, "Lia": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "AsheliaRinkou_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "AsheliaRinkou_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Ashelia Rinkou", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Angry": "A2.wav", "Questioning": "A3.wav", "Shouting": "A4.wav", "Preset 5": "A5.wav", "Preset 6": "A6.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "What the fuck do you mean mid. I I don't know. I don't know Lord of the Rings just, wasn't.", "Angry": "It's absolutely not what I fucking meant You guys are absolutely fucking disgusting I hate you all.", "Questioning": "Mascot right? Like Shy Lily has her super cute little shrimpy, right? You get the tiny little shrimpy tattooed on you, No one's ever gonna know.", "Shouting": "Maybe if I posted on Twitter and at you No I would not do that Cologne chan thank you for four months No I would no do that Oh my god, stop it!", "Preset 5": "No instead of an engagement ring I, really really really just, think I would prefer to have a womb tattoo.", "Preset 6": "Cannot, cannot say but I assure you, I assure you if you lived on the west coast anywhere on the west coast, You learned about the gold rush." }, "cover": "lia.png" }, "Dokibird": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "Dokibird_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "Dokibird_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Dokibird", "modelauthor": "dacoolkid44, Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Humored": "A2.wav", "Laughing": "A3.wav", "Cry Laughing": "A4.wav", "Tired": "A5.wav", "Bored": "A6.wav", "Surprised": "A7.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "Yeah it does look very risky I'd rather just like turn fast because it feels like, they can just shoot you better.", "Humored": "Is that, I did it guys! Welcome to the ember ship welcome welcome!", "Laughing": "Unforgiving lands of Alaska, sorry Alaska ha ha ha! What the fuck is what the fuck?", "Cry Laughing": "Ha ha sorry, oh shit that's just so funny, the care up seeds.", "Tired": "But I just I couldn't, I couldn't, be I was not I couldn't bring myself into finishing it.", "Bored": "Alright let me go look through, let me go look through the hashtag guys I didn't, I looked through a little bit but you know.", "Surprised": "What the heck a fish sword? Dude my weapon has everything it can be a watering can and a fishing pole?" }, "cover": "dokibird.png" }, "Template": { "enable": false, "gpt_model_path": "model.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "model.pth", "title": "Full Name", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "name": "audio.wav", "name": "audio.wav", "name": "audio.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "name": "", "name": "", "name": "" }, "cover": "image.png" } }