import gradio as gr import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatAnyscale from Hypothesis_Test_Agent.Hypothesis_Agent import infer_hypothesis from EDA_Agent.EDA import infer_EDA from Basic_Inf_Agent.Basic_Inference_Agent import infer_basic print(os.getcwd()) def run_agent(data_path:str = '', provider:str = 'Mistral', agent_type:str = 'EDA', query:str = '', layers:str ='', temp:float = 0.1): df = pd.read_csv(data_path) df.to_csv('./df.csv', index=False) if provider.lower() == 'mistral': llm = ChatAnyscale(model_name='mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1', temperature=temp) if agent_type == 'Data Explorer': EDA_response, EDA_image = infer_EDA(user_input=query, llm=llm, df=df) return EDA_response, EDA_image if agent_type == 'Hypothesis Tester': hypothesis_response = infer_hypothesis(user_input=query, llm=llm, df=df) return hypothesis_response, None if agent_type == 'Basic Inference': basic_response = infer_basic(user_input=query, df=df, llm=llm) return basic_response, None return None demo = gr.Interface ( run_agent, [ gr.UploadButton(label="Upload your CSV!"), gr.Radio(["Mistral","GPT"],label="Select Your LLM"), gr.Radio(["Data Explorer", "Hypothesis Tester", "Basic Inference", "Super Inference"], label="Choose Your Agent"), gr.Text(label="Query", info="Your input to the Agent. Be descriptive!"), gr.Text(label="Architecture", info="Specify the layer by layer architecture only for Super Inference Agent"), gr.Slider(label="Model Temperature", info="Slide right to make your model more creative!") ], [ gr.Text(label="Agent Output", info="This might take a while to generate since agent debugs its errors too ..."), gr.Image(label="Graph") ] ) demo.launch(share=True)