import streamlit as st import json import pandas as pd import requests import os import math from openai import OpenAI def call_gpt(user_needs, shelter_services, api_key): client = OpenAI(api_key = api_key) completion = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "Given two variables 'user needs' (the ideal qualities/services of a shelter) and 'shelter services' (the services offered by a shelter), return an integer 0-10 that scores how well the 'shelter services' match the 'user needs' where 0 is the best fit and 10 is the worst fit. IMPORTANT: NO MATTER WHAT, ONLY RETURN THE INTEGER (NO EXTRA WORDS, PUNCTUATION, ETC.)"}, {"role": "user", "content": f"user_needs: {user_needs}, shelter_services: {shelter_services}"} ] ) score = completion.choices[0].message.content.strip() return int(score) def get_urgency_score(user, shelter): if user == "Today": if shelter == "Immidiate": return 0 if shelter == "High": return 0.75 if shelter == "Moderate": return 1 elif user == "In the next few days": if shelter == "Immidiate": return 0.25 if shelter == "High": return 0 if shelter == "Moderate": return 0.75 elif user == "In a week or more": if shelter == "Immidiate": return 0.75 if shelter == "High": return 0.25 if shelter == "Moderate": return 0 def get_duration_score(user, shelter): if user == "Overnight": if shelter == "Overnight": return 0 if shelter == "Temporary": return 0.5 if shelter == "Transitional": return 0.75 if shelter == "Long-Term": return 1 elif user == "A month or less": if shelter == "Overnight": return 0.5 if shelter == "Temporary": return 0 if shelter == "Transitional": return 0.25 if shelter == "Long-Term": return 0.75 elif user == "A couple of months": if shelter == "Overnight": return 0.75 if shelter == "Temporary": return 0.25 if shelter == "Transitional": return 0 if shelter == "Long-Term": return 0.5 elif user == "A year or more": if shelter == "Overnight": return 1 if shelter == "Temporary": return 0.75 if shelter == "Transitional": return 0.5 if shelter == "Long-Term": return 0 def get_coordinates(zipcode: str, api_key: str) -> list: """ Get the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of an address using the OpenWeather Geocoding API. Parameters: zipcode (str): The zipcode to geocode. api_key (str): Your OpenWeather API key. Returns: list: A list containing the latitude and longitude of the address. """ base_url = "" params = { 'zip': str(zipcode) + ",US", 'appid': api_key } response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) data = response.json() return [data.get('lat'), data.get('lon')] def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): R = 6371 # Earth radius in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles. dlat = math.radians(lat2 - lat1) dlon = math.radians(lon2 - lon1) a = math.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) * math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) * math.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2 c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a)) distance = R * c return distance # Initialize session state if 'form_submitted' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.form_submitted = False if 'shelter_index' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.shelter_index = 0 # Page config st.set_page_config( page_title="ShelterSearch", layout="wide", ) st.title("ShelterSearch") if not st.session_state.form_submitted: st.write("Fill out this form") # should be updated manually annually - use zipcodebase API zipcodes = { 'San Francisco': ['94101', '94102', '94103', '94104', '94105', '94107', '94108', '94109', '94110', '94111', '94112', '94114', '94115', '94116', '94117', '94118', '94119', '94120', '94121', '94122', '94123', '94124', '94125', '94126', '94127', '94128', '94129', '94130', '94131', '94132', '94133', '94134', '94140', '94141', '94142', '94146', '94147', '94157', '94159', '94164', '94165', '94166', '94167', '94168', '94169', '94170', '94172', '94188'], 'Oakland': ['94601', '94602', '94603', '94604', '94605', '94606', '94607', '94608', '94609', '94610', '94611', '94612', '94613', '94614', '94615', '94617', '94618', '94619', '94620', '94621', '94623', '94624', '94661', '94662'], 'Berkeley': ['94701', '94702', '94703', '94704', '94705', '94706', '94707', '94708', '94709', '94710', '94712'] } city = st.selectbox("City", ['San Francisco', 'Oakland', 'Berkeley']) zipcode = st.selectbox("Zipcode", ['Unsure'] + zipcodes[city]) sex ="Sex", ["Male", "Female", "Other"]) lgbtq ="Do you identify as LGBTQ+ (some shelters serve this community specifically)", ["No", "Yes"]) domestic_violence ="Have you experienced domestic violence (some shelters serve these individuals specifically", ["No", "Yes"]) urgency ="How quickly do you need help?", ("Today", "In the next few days", "In a week or more")) duration ="How long do you need a place to stay?", ("Overnight", "A month or less", "A couple of months", "A year or more")) needs = st.text_area("Optional - Needs (tell us what you need and how we can help)") if st.button("Submit"): data = { "City": city, "Zip Code": zipcode, "Sex": sex, "LGBTQ": lgbtq, "Domestic Violence": domestic_violence, "Urgency": urgency, "Duration": duration, "Needs": needs } with open('data.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) st.session_state.form_submitted = True = data st.rerun() else: with open('data.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) shelters = pd.read_csv("database.csv") # filter city shelters = shelters[(shelters['City'] == data['City'])] # filter sex shelters = shelters[(shelters['Sex'] == data['Sex']) | (shelters['Sex'] == 'All')] # filter lgbtq if data['LGBTQ'] == 'No': shelters = shelters[(shelters['LGBTQ'] == "No")] # filter domestic violence if data['Domestic Violence'] == "No": shelters = shelters[(shelters['Domestic Violence'] == "No")] # keep track of which scores are calculated scores = [] # calculate distances between zipcodes if data['Zip Code'] != "Unsure": geocoding_api_key = os.environ['OpenWeather_API_KEY'] shelters_coordinates = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_coordinates(row['Zip Code'], geocoding_api_key), axis=1).tolist() user_coordinates = get_coordinates(data['Zip Code'], geocoding_api_key) distances = [] for coordinates in shelters_coordinates: distances.append(haversine(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], user_coordinates[0], user_coordinates[1])) max = max(distances) if (max(distances) != 0) else 1 shelters['zipcode_score'] = [d / max for d in distances] scores.append('zipcode_score') # get urgency scores urgency_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_urgency_score(data['Urgency'], row['Urgency']), axis=1).tolist() shelters['urgency_score'] = urgency_scores scores.append('urgency_score') # get duration scores duration_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_duration_score(data['Duration'], row['Duration']), axis=1).tolist() shelters['duration_score'] = duration_scores scores.append('duration_score') # services if data['Needs'] != "": OpenAI_API_KEY = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] services_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: call_gpt(data['Needs'], row['Services'], OpenAI_API_KEY), axis=1).tolist() services_scores = [s / 10 for s in services_scores] shelters['services_score'] = services_scores scores.append('services_score') # calcualte cumulative score shelters['total_score'] = shelters[scores].sum(axis=1) shelters['total_score'] = shelters['total_score'] / len(scores) shelters = shelters.sort_values(by='total_score', ascending=True) shelters = shelters.head(3) # convert pandas df into list of dicts shelters = shelters.to_dict(orient='records') # Display the current shelter information shelter = shelters[st.session_state.shelter_index] st.header(f"{shelter['Organization Name']}: {shelter['Program Name']}") st.divider() st.subheader("Shelter Summary") st.write(shelter['Summary']) st.markdown(- Phone Number: {shelter['Phone']}) st.markdown(- Address: {shelter['Address']}) st.markdown(- Open Hours: {shelter['Open Hours']}) st.divider() st.subheader("How to Receive Help") st.write("placeholder") st.divider() with st.expander("More Information"): tabs = st.tabs(["Full List of Services", "More About the Program", "More About the Organization", "Webpage Link"]) with tabs[0]: st.write(shelter['Services']) with tabs[1]: st.write(shelter['Program About']) with tabs[2]: st.write(shelter['Organization About']) with tabs[3]: st.write(shelter['Webpage']) # Create two columns col1, col2 = st.columns([1,1]) # Add buttons to each column with col1: if st.button("Previous"): if st.session_state.shelter_index > 0: st.session_state.shelter_index -= 1 st.experimental_rerun() with col2: if st.button("Next"): if st.session_state.shelter_index < len(shelters) - 1: st.session_state.shelter_index += 1 st.experimental_rerun()