import gradio as gr import hnswlib from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, CrossEncoder from dotenv import load_dotenv import os import gzip import io import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup load_dotenv() fernet = Fernet(os.environ.get("KEY").encode("utf-8")) #read data with"title_metadata.gz",'rb') as f: bytes_enc = pq_bytes = fernet.decrypt(bytes_enc) pq_file = io.BytesIO(pq_bytes) meta_title = pd.read_parquet(pq_file) #read data with"corpus_metadata.gz",'rb') as f: bytes_enc = pq_bytes = fernet.decrypt(bytes_enc) pq_file = io.BytesIO(pq_bytes) meta_corpus = pd.read_parquet(pq_file) #load models model = SentenceTransformer("KennethTM/MiniLM-L6-danish-encoder", device="cpu") embedding_size = model.get_sentence_embedding_dimension() crossencoder = CrossEncoder("KennethTM/MiniLM-L6-danish-reranker", device="cpu") #set up indexes title_index_path = "title.index" title_index = hnswlib.Index(space = 'cosine', dim = embedding_size) title_index.load_index(title_index_path) title_index.set_ef(40) corpus_index_path = "corpus.index" corpus_index = hnswlib.Index(space = 'cosine', dim = embedding_size) corpus_index.load_index(corpus_index_path) corpus_index.set_ef(40) #create dict with metadata and index data = {"title": {"index": title_index, "meta": meta_title, "column": "title"}, "corpus": {"index": corpus_index, "meta": meta_corpus, "column": "text_chunks"}} #init state dict state = {"query": None} #function find most similar candidates def get_hits(query, index_name, top_k, top_k_multiplier = 2): #get nearest neightbor ids query_embedding = model.encode(query) ids, _ = data[index_name]["index"].knn_query(query_embedding, k = int(top_k*top_k_multiplier)) ids = ids[0] #rerank candidates results = data[index_name]["meta"].iloc[ids].copy() column_name = data[index_name]["column"] rerank_list = [(query, i) for i in results[column_name]] results["scores"] = crossencoder.predict(rerank_list) results = results.sort_values("scores", ascending=False) results = results[:int(top_k)] return results #functions for formatting hits def format_hits(hits, index_name): if index_name == "title": formatted = "### {id}. " + hits['title'] + " ([Link til " + hits['type_label'] + "](" + hits['url'] + "))" + "\nSag ID: " + hits['id'] elif index_name == "corpus": column_name = data[index_name]["column"] formatted = "### {id}. " + hits['title'] + " ([Link til " + hits['type_label'] + "](" + hits['url'] + "))" + "\nSag ID: " + hits['id'] + "\n\n" + hits[column_name] merged = "\n\n".join([text.format(id=i+1) for i, text in enumerate(formatted)]) merged = f"## Resultater\n{merged}" return(merged) #main entry function for search def search(query, index_name, top_k): hits = get_hits(query, index_name, top_k) hits_formatted = format_hits(hits, index_name) state["query"] = query return(hits_formatted) def update_description(): return(f"Nuværende søgning: {state['query']}") def analyse_doc(id): meta_doc = meta_title.query(f"id == '{id}'") if meta_doc.empty or state["query"] is None: return("Ingen sager fundet...") html_body = meta_doc["text_html"].iloc[0] html_title = meta_doc["title"].iloc[0] html = f"\n