import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline def load_file(): """Load text from file""" uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Files",type=['txt']) if uploaded_file is not None: if uploaded_file.type == "text/plain": raw_text = str(,"utf-8") return raw_text if __name__ == "__main__": # App title and description st.title("Answering questions from text") st.write("Upload text, pose questions, get answers") # Load file raw_text = load_file() if raw_text != None and raw_text != '': # Display text with st.expander("See text"): st.write(raw_text) # Perform question answering question_answerer = pipeline('question-answering') answer = '' question = st.text_input('Ask a question') if question != '' and raw_text != '': answer = question_answerer({ 'question': question, 'context': raw_text }) st.write(answer)