import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load your DataFrame from the specified CSV file df = pd.read_csv("TIMES_WorldUniversityRankings_2024.csv") # Define the columns you want to display in the app, including 'rank'. display_columns_university = [ 'name', 'location', 'rank', 'scores_teaching', 'scores_research', 'scores_citations' ] display_columns_country = [ 'name', 'rank', 'scores_teaching', 'scores_research', 'scores_citations' ] st.title('University Data Search') # Setup tabs tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4 = st.tabs(["University Search", "Country Search", "Rankings", "Top 10 Country Chart"]) with tab1: university_name = st.selectbox('Select University', df['name'].unique()) selected_uni = df[df['name'] == university_name][display_columns_university] if not selected_uni.empty: st.table(selected_uni.reset_index(drop=True)) with tab2: country_name = st.selectbox('Select Country', df['location'].unique()) selected_country = df[df['location'] == country_name][display_columns_country] if not selected_country.empty: st.table(selected_country.reset_index(drop=True)) with tab3: metric = st.selectbox('Select a metric for ranking:', ['scores_teaching', 'scores_research', 'scores_citations'], key='metric_select') num_results = st.slider('Number of results to display:', min_value=5, max_value=50, value=10, key='num_results_slider') ranking_df = df.sort_values(by=metric, ascending=False)[['name', 'location', metric]].head(num_results) st.write(f"Top {num_results} Universities by {metric.replace('scores_', '').title()}:") st.table(ranking_df) # Calculate country distribution and show it within the rankings tab, not sidebar country_count = ranking_df['location'].value_counts() st.subheader('Country Distribution') for country, count in country_count.items(): st.write(f"{country}: {count}") with tab4: # Calculate the average score for each university df['average_score'] = (df['scores_teaching'] + df['scores_research'] + df['scores_citations']) / 3 # Group by 'location' and calculate the mean of 'average_score' for each country average_scores_by_country = df.groupby('location')['average_score'].mean().reset_index() # Get the top 10 countries by average score top_countries = average_scores_by_country.nlargest(10, 'average_score') # Plotting fig, ax = plt.subplots()['location'], top_countries['average_score'], color='blue') ax.set_xlabel('Country') ax.set_ylabel('Average Score') ax.set_title('Top 10 Countries by Average University Score') ax.set_xticklabels(top_countries['location'], rotation=45, ha='right') st.pyplot(fig)