import streamlit as st from revChatGPT.V1 import Chatbot def main(): # Set page title and description st.set_page_config(page_title="AI Assistant: revChatGPT", page_icon=":speak_no_evil:") st.subheader("AI Assistant: revChatGPT") st.markdown("This app allows you to chat with ChatGPT using a reverse-engineered API library called [revChatGPT]( Replies from ChatGPT are streamed back to the user in real-time, which gives the user an experience similar to how ChatGPT streams back its answers.") # Add image to the sidebar st.sidebar.image("", use_column_width=True) # Create Streamlit sidebar st.sidebar.subheader("Configuration") st.sidebar.write("Create an account on [OpenAI's ChatGPT]( and save your credentials.") auth_method = st.sidebar.selectbox("Authentication method:", ["Email/Password", "Session token", "Access token"]) # Show text input widgets based on selected authentication method if auth_method == "Email/Password": email = st.sidebar.text_input("Email:") password = st.sidebar.text_input("Password:", type="password") st.sidebar.markdown("## Authentication Methods") st.sidebar.markdown("") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Email/Password") st.sidebar.write("Not supported for Google/Microsoft accounts") st.sidebar.markdown("----") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Session token") st.sidebar.write("Comes from cookies on as *\"__Secure-next-auth.session-token\"*") st.sidebar.markdown("----") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Access token") st.sidebar.write("[](") if email != "" and password != "": config = {"email": email, "password": password} else: st.write("**Please enter your email and password.**") return elif auth_method == "Session token": session_token = st.sidebar.text_input("Session token:") st.sidebar.markdown("## Authentication Methods") st.sidebar.markdown("") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Email/Password") st.sidebar.write("Not supported for Google/Microsoft accounts") st.sidebar.markdown("----") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Session token") st.sidebar.write("Comes from cookies on as *\"__Secure-next-auth.session-token\"*") st.sidebar.markdown("----") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Access token") st.sidebar.write("[](") if session_token != "": config = {"session_token": session_token} else: st.write("**Please enter your session token.**") return else: access_token = st.sidebar.text_input("Access token:") st.sidebar.markdown("## Authentication Methods") st.sidebar.markdown("") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Email/Password") st.sidebar.write("Not supported for Google/Microsoft accounts") st.sidebar.markdown("----") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Session token") st.sidebar.write("Comes from cookies on as *\"__Secure-next-auth.session-token\"*") st.sidebar.markdown("----") st.sidebar.markdown("#### Access token") st.sidebar.write("[](") if access_token != "": config = {"access_token": access_token} else: st.write("**Please enter your access token.**") return # Instantiate chatbot chatbot = Chatbot(config=config) # Get user input using text input widget user_input = st.text_input("You: ", placeholder="Ask me anything ...", key="input") if st.button("Submit", type="primary"): st.markdown("----") res_box = st.empty() for data in chatbot.ask(user_input): message = data["message"] res_box.write("ChatGPT: " + message) st.markdown("") st.markdown("---") st.markdown("") st.markdown("

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", unsafe_allow_html=True) if __name__ == "__main__": main()