import numpy as np import gradio as gr import math demo = gr.Blocks() def estimate(input_img): threshold = 0.9 img = Image.fromarray(input_img.astype('uint8'),'RGB') (w, h) = img.size image_intrinsics = np.array([[w + h, 0, w // 2], [0, w + h, h // 2], [0, 0, 1]]) res = img2pose_model.predict([transform(img)])[0] all_bboxes = res["boxes"].cpu().numpy().astype('float') poses = [] bboxes = [] for i in range(len(all_bboxes)): if res["scores"][i] > threshold: bbox = all_bboxes[i] pose_pred = res["dofs"].cpu().numpy()[i].astype('float') pose_pred = pose_pred.squeeze() poses.append(pose_pred) bboxes.append(bbox) trans_vertices = renderer.transform_vertices(img, poses) img = renderer.render(img, trans_vertices, alpha=1) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) for bbox in bboxes: plt.gca().add_patch(patches.Rectangle((bbox[0], bbox[1]), bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1],linewidth=3,edgecolor='b',facecolor='none')) plt.imshow(img) pose_pred[0] = math.degrees(pose_pred[0]) pose_pred[1] = math.degrees(pose_pred[1]) pose_pred[2] = math.degrees(pose_pred[2]) listToStr = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in pose_pred]) return img,pose_pred[0],pose_pred[1],pose_pred[2],pose_pred[3],pose_pred[4],pose_pred[5] def estimate_crowd(input_img): threshold = 0.5 img = Image.fromarray(input_img.astype('uint8'),'RGB') (w, h) = img.size image_intrinsics = np.array([[w + h, 0, w // 2], [0, w + h, h // 2], [0, 0, 1]]) res = img2pose_model.predict([transform(img)])[0] all_bboxes = res["boxes"].cpu().numpy().astype('float') poses = [] bboxes = [] for i in range(len(all_bboxes)): if res["scores"][i] > threshold: bbox = all_bboxes[i] pose_pred = res["dofs"].cpu().numpy()[i].astype('float') pose_pred = pose_pred.squeeze() poses.append(pose_pred) bboxes.append(bbox) #render_plot(img.copy(), poses, bboxes) n = str((len(bboxes))) (w, h) = img.size image_intrinsics = np.array([[w + h, 0, w // 2], [0, w + h, h // 2], [0, 0, 1]]) trans_vertices = renderer.transform_vertices(img, poses) img = renderer.render(img, trans_vertices, alpha=1) return img, n with demo: gr.Markdown("Head Pose Estimation in Crowd") with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("What is Head Pose Estimation?"): gr.Markdown( """ ### Head pose estimation in crowd (HPECS) is a task of estimating the head pose of people in the crowd scenes. Six degrees of freedom of head pose is the freedom of movement of the head pose in three-dimensional space. 6DoF is the abbreviation of six degrees of freedoms. 6DoF of head pose records the rotational motion such as pitch, yaw and roll , and translational motions of the head pose including up/down, left/right and front/back. 6DoF of 3D head pose is being regressed as it can harvest more versatile spatial information which able to track the movement of object even in a still image. """ ) gr.Image("/content/gdrive/MyDrive/project_folder/img2pose/6DoF.gif",size=20) with gr.TabItem("Head Pose Estimation"): gr.Markdown( """ ### Please insert image with single head """ ) image = gr.inputs.Image() text_button = gr.Button("Estimate") with gr.Row(): outputs=[gr.outputs.Image(),gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="Yaw"), gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="Pitch"), gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="Roll"), gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="tx"), gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="ty"), gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="tz")] with gr.TabItem("Estimate Head Pose in Crowd"): gr.Markdown( """ ### Please insert crowd scene image """ ) image_input = gr.Image() with gr.Row(): image_output = [gr.outputs.Image(),gr.outputs.Textbox(type="auto", label="Number of head pose estimated"), ] image_button = gr.Button("Estimate"), inputs=image, outputs=outputs), inputs=image_input, outputs=image_output) demo.launch()