{ "courses": { "ID2225": { "en": "ID2225 Learning Machines" }, "SA2001": { "en": "SA2001 Sustainable development and research methodology in mathematics" }, "IA249X": { "en": "IA249X Degree Project in Engineering Physics" }, "II143X": { "en": "II143X Degree Project in Information and Communication Technology" }, "ID2211": { "en": "ID2211 Data Mining" }, "FEL3210": { "en": "FEL3210 Multivariable Control" }, "CH203V": { "en": "CH203V Design of Ergonomic Products" }, "CH201V": { "en": "CH201V Leadership and Sustainable Work" }, "FEP3260": { "en": "FEP3260 Fundamentals of Machine Learning Networks" }, "ML102X": { "en": "ML102X Degree Project in Innovation and Design" }, "DH2632": { "en": "DH2632 Human" }, "LT1017": { "en": "LT1017 Subject" }, "CH204V": { "en": "CH204V Change Leadership and Work Environment Improvements" }, "FSF3581": { "en": "FSF3581 Computational Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations" }, "IL2239": { "en": "IL2239 Analog" }, "CM2019": { "en": "CM2019 Ultrasound" }, "EQ2461": { "en": "EQ2461 Seminars in Information and Network Engineering" }, "EQ2845": { "en": "EQ2845 Information Theory and Source Coding" }, "AE1503": { "en": "AE1503 Environmental Systems Analysis for Teachers" }, "IH2657": { "en": "IH2657 Design of Nano Semiconductor Devices" }, "HE1039": { "en": "HE1039 Control Engineering" }, "IK2217": { "en": "IK2217 Advanced Internetworking II" }, "IK1332": { "en": "IK1332 Internet of Things" }, "ID2216": { "en": "ID2216 Developing Mobile Applications" }, "IL2219": { "en": "IL2219 Radio Electronics" }, "IK2508": { "en": "IK2508 Wireless Transmission Techniques" }, "EP2520": { "en": "EP2520 Building Networked Systems Security" }, "EA246X": { "en": "EA246X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "DA246X": { "en": "DA246X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "IK2220": { "en": "IK2220 Software Defined Networking" }, "IK2507": { "en": "IK2507 Wireless Communication Systems" }, "HI1025": { "en": "HI1025 Operating Systems" }, "MF2092": { "en": "MF2092 Rapid Prototyping" }, "IL2233": { "en": "IL2233 Embedded Intelligence" }, "IL2236": { "en": "IL2236 Embedded Many" }, "CB1040": { "en": "CB1040 Introduction to Biotechnology" }, "SH2009": { "en": "SH2009 Project work in Physics" }, "DA250X": { "en": "DA250X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "BB2485": { "en": "BB2485 Metabolic Engineering" }, "DD2356": { "en": "DD2356 Methods in High Performance Computing" }, "KF2180": { "en": "KF2180 Biopolymers" }, "MH1032": { "en": "MH1032 Practical Intercultural Competence" }, "IL2237": { "en": "IL2237 Electronic Systems Design" }, "IS2202": { "en": "IS2202 Computer Systems Architecture" }, "EF1111": { "en": "EF1111 Project in Plasma Physics" }, "AK2011": { "en": "AK2011 Technology and Ethics" }, "LT1016": { "en": "LT1016 Communication" }, "LT101X": { "en": "LT101X Degree Project in Subject" }, "LT1020": { "en": "LT1020 Special Education and Perspectives on Learning and Development" }, "FCB3071": { "en": "FCB3071 Higher Seminar in Gene Technology I" }, "LT2013": { "en": "LT2013 School Placement" }, "ID2203": { "en": "ID2203 Distributed Systems" }, "ID2012": { "en": "ID2012 Ubiquitous Computing" }, "DA240X": { "en": "DA240X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "FMF3039": { "en": "FMF3039 Trustworthy Cyber" }, "FCB3072": { "en": "FCB3072 Higher Seminar in Gene Technology II" }, "EA258X": { "en": "EA258X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "DA258X": { "en": "DA258X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "EA256X": { "en": "EA256X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "FCB3091": { "en": "FCB3091 Higher Seminar in Spatial Genomics I" }, "HU1000": { "en": "HU1000 Industrial Marketing" }, "ML1906": { "en": "ML1906 Factory Design" }, "HM1006": { "en": "HM1006 Electrical and Control Engineering" }, "ML100X": { "en": "ML100X Degree Project in Mechanical Engineering" }, "ML1213": { "en": "ML1213 Product Development and Design" }, "ML101X": { "en": "ML101X Degree Project in Industrial Business Administration and Manufacturing" }, "EQ2401": { "en": "EQ2401 Adaptive Signal Processing" }, "FCB3073": { "en": "FCB3073 Higher Seminar in Gene Technology III" }, "DD2424": { "en": "DD2424 Deep Learning in Data Science" }, "FCB3092": { "en": "FCB3092 Higher Seminar in Spatial Genomics II" }, "FCB3093": { "en": "FCB3093 Higher Seminar in Spatial Genomics III" }, "FSG3113": { "en": "FSG3113 Compressible Aerodynamics" }, "FCB3074": { "en": "FCB3074 Higher Seminar in Gene Technology IV" }, "FCB3094": { "en": "FCB3094 Higher Seminar in Spatial Genomics IV" }, "SK2712": { "en": "SK2712 Environmental physics" }, "SK2551": { "en": "SK2551 X" }, "SK2004": { "en": "SK2004 Project course in Quantum Technology" }, "FCB3081": { "en": "FCB3081 Higher Seminar in DNA" }, "IK1552": { "en": "IK1552 Internetworking" }, "SG1102": { "en": "SG1102 Mechanics" }, "IV1013": { "en": "IV1013 Introduction to Computer Security" }, "SD2711": { "en": "SD2711 Small Craft Design" }, "CM2005": { "en": "CM2005 Sports and Exercise Physiology" }, "FCB3082": { "en": "FCB3082 Higher Seminar in DNA" }, "SG2212": { "en": "SG2212 Computational Fluid Dynamics" }, "IV1201": { "en": "IV1201 Design of Global Applications" }, "II142X": { "en": "II142X Degree Project in Computer Engineering" }, "FCB3083": { "en": "FCB3083 Higher Seminar in DNA" }, "EP1200": { "en": "EP1200 Introduction to Computing Systems Engineering" }, "SF1626": { "en": "SF1626 Calculus in Several Variables" }, "SF1920": { "en": "SF1920 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "FCB3084": { "en": "FCB3084 Higher Seminar in DNA" }, "SD2465": { "en": "SD2465 Indivual Project Work" }, "EI2420": { "en": "EI2420 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation" }, "EI2400": { "en": "EI2400 Applied Antenna Theory" }, "EA275X": { "en": "EA275X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "EI2410": { "en": "EI2410 Field Theory for Guided Waves" }, "KD2910": { "en": "KD2910 Project in Chemistry" }, "MF2019": { "en": "MF2019 CAD" }, "EI2440": { "en": "EI2440 Electrotechnical Design" }, "MF2023": { "en": "MF2023 Industrial Design" }, "MF2032": { "en": "MF2032 Eco Design" }, "EJ2230": { "en": "EJ2230 Control in Electrical Energy Conversion" }, "EJ2440": { "en": "EJ2440 Electric Transportation" }, "EG2210": { "en": "EG2210 Electricity Market Analysis" }, "EH2741": { "en": "EH2741 Communication and Control in Electric Power Systems" }, "EH2745": { "en": "EH2745 Computer Applications in Power Systems" }, "EG2110": { "en": "EG2110 Power System Stability and Control" }, "EA270X": { "en": "EA270X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "EJ2311": { "en": "EJ2311 Modulation of Power Electronic Converters" }, "FAK3140": { "en": "FAK3140 Decision Theory" }, "EI2490": { "en": "EI2490 Seminar Course in Electrotechnical Design and High Voltage Equipment" }, "FCB3202": { "en": "FCB3202 Molecular Quantum Mechanics" }, "MJ2500": { "en": "MJ2500 Large Scale Solar Power" }, "MJ2426": { "en": "MJ2426 Applied Heat and Power Technology" }, "MJ2443": { "en": "MJ2443 Heating" }, "MJ1432": { "en": "MJ1432 Practical Energy Related Project" }, "ME2323": { "en": "ME2323 Research Frontiers in Industrial Management" }, "FCB3203": { "en": "FCB3203 Biocatalysis for Doctoral Students" }, "EI2610": { "en": "EI2610 Industrial Innovation Project" }, "ME211X": { "en": "ME211X Degree Project in Industrial Economics and Management" }, "AD237V": { "en": "AD237V Architecture and Gender" }, "AK1213": { "en": "AK1213 Swedish Society" }, "KH138X": { "en": "KH138X Degree Project in Chemical Engineering and Technology" }, "EA260X": { "en": "EA260X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "DD2358": { "en": "DD2358 Introduction to High Performance Computing" }, "EQ2840": { "en": "EQ2840 Information Theory and Channel Coding" }, "DM1998": { "en": "DM1998 Engineering Training Course" }, "EL2520": { "en": "EL2520 Control Theory and Practice" }, "SD2231": { "en": "SD2231 Applied Vehicle Dynamics Control" }, "DD2419": { "en": "DD2419 Project Course in Robotics and Autonomous Systems" }, "DA236X": { "en": "DA236X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "EA236X": { "en": "EA236X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "FSF3810": { "en": "FSF3810 Convexity and Optimization in Linear Spaces" }, "MG2103": { "en": "MG2103 Industrial Process Engineering" }, "EL2810": { "en": "EL2810 Machine Learning Theory" }, "EL2450": { "en": "EL2450 Hybrid and Embedded Control Systems" }, "KF200X": { "en": "KF200X Degree Project in Fibre and Polymer Technology" }, "FAK3136": { "en": "FAK3136 Intro to Theory and Science and Research Methodology" }, "SF1625": { "en": "SF1625 Calculus in One Variable" }, "FAK3138": { "en": "FAK3138 Theory of Science and Research Methodology" }, "FSF3822": { "en": "FSF3822 Applied Nonlinear Optimization" }, "FAG3170": { "en": "FAG3170 Spatial Data Analysis in Practice" }, "AF109X": { "en": "AF109X Degree Project in Civil Engineering" }, "KH1121": { "en": "KH1121 Organic Chemistry" }, "KH1122": { "en": "KH1122 Analytical Chemistry" }, "KH1130": { "en": "KH1130 Chemical Engineering and Technology" }, "KH1406": { "en": "KH1406 Swedish Writing for Engineers" }, "KH1221": { "en": "KH1221 Applied Physical Chemistry" }, "KH1222": { "en": "KH1222 Applied Chemistry" }, "KH1223": { "en": "KH1223 Biotechnology" }, "BB1190": { "en": "BB1190 Gene Technology" }, "KH1252": { "en": "KH1252 Business Administration" }, "KH1353": { "en": "KH1353 Organisational Development and Leadership for Engineers" }, "F1A5051": { "en": "F1A5051 Philosophies in Architecture 7.5 credits" }, "BB1030": { "en": "BB1030 Microbiology" }, "KD1230": { "en": "KD1230 Organic Chemistry" }, "KE1180": { "en": "KE1180 Introduction to Chemical Engineering" }, "BB1000": { "en": "BB1000 Programming in Python" }, "BB1230": { "en": "BB1230 Biochemistry" }, "CB1010": { "en": "CB1010 Project in Sustainable Development" }, "KD1270": { "en": "KD1270 Organic Chemistry" }, "KD1510": { "en": "KD1510 Chemical Equilibrium" }, "BB103X": { "en": "BB103X Degree Project in Biotechnology" }, "BB1070": { "en": "BB1070 Genetics" }, "KD1070": { "en": "KD1070 Molecular Structure" }, "KF2910": { "en": "KF2910 Project Work in Fibre and Polymer Technology" }, "FSK3912": { "en": "FSK3912 Literature course in Applied Physics or Biological Physics" }, "BB1050": { "en": "BB1050 Biotechnology" }, "KD1280": { "en": "KD1280 Chemical Analysis" }, "SF1550": { "en": "SF1550 Numerical Methods" }, "SG1115": { "en": "SG1115 Particle Dynamics with project" }, "KD1080": { "en": "KD1080 Chemical Dynamics" }, "KE1170": { "en": "KE1170 Transport Phenomena" }, "FAK3101": { "en": "FAK3101 Perspectives on Science" }, "SA120X": { "en": "SA120X Degree project in Engineering Mathematics" }, "FSG3114": { "en": "FSG3114 Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics" }, "KD200X": { "en": "KD200X Degree Project in Chemistry" }, "KA103X": { "en": "KA103X Degree Project in Engineering Chemistry" }, "KE1185": { "en": "KE1185 Chemical Engineering Systems" }, "BB2015": { "en": "BB2015 Environmental Toxicology" }, "BB2290": { "en": "BB2290 Molecular Biomedicine" }, "BB2425": { "en": "BB2425 Glycobiotechnology" }, "BB2446": { "en": "BB2446 Immunology" }, "BB2450": { "en": "BB2450 The Cell Factory" }, "BB2460": { "en": "BB2460 Biocatalysis" }, "BB2560": { "en": "BB2560 Advanced Microbiology and Metagenomics" }, "CB2080": { "en": "CB2080 Proteomics" }, "BB200X": { "en": "BB200X Degree Project in Biotechnology" }, "CK2010": { "en": "CK2010 Carbon dioxide neutral energy and transport system" }, "KE2045": { "en": "KE2045 Chemical Reaction Engineering" }, "KE2051": { "en": "KE2051 Environmental Catalysis" }, "KE2060": { "en": "KE2060 Computational Project in Chemical Engineering" }, "DD2420": { "en": "DD2420 Probabilistic Graphical Models" }, "DD2467": { "en": "DD2467 Individual Project in Theoretical Computer Science" }, "DD2411": { "en": "DD2411 Research project in Robotics" }, "SF2943": { "en": "SF2943 Time Series Analysis" }, "SF2930": { "en": "SF2930 Regression Analysis" }, "DD2437": { "en": "DD2437 Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Architectures" }, "DT2112": { "en": "DT2112 Speech Technology" }, "LS140N": { "en": "LS140N Swedish A" }, "DD2477": { "en": "DD2477 Search Engines and Information Retrieval Systems" }, "DD2401": { "en": "DD2401 Neuroscience" }, "DD2417": { "en": "DD2417 Language Engineering" }, "SF2568": { "en": "SF2568 Parallel Computations for Large" }, "DD2402": { "en": "DD2402 Advanced Individual Course in Computational Biology" }, "DT2119": { "en": "DT2119 Speech and Speaker Recognition" }, "DD2438": { "en": "DD2438 Artificial Intelligence and Multi Agent Systems" }, "DH2642": { "en": "DH2642 Interaction Programming and the Dynamic Web" }, "LS1415": { "en": "LS1415 English for Academic Studies" }, "EQ2341": { "en": "EQ2341 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" }, "DD1388": { "en": "DD1388 Program System Construction Using C" }, "FJQ3100": { "en": "FJQ3100 Micro and Nanotechnology Journal Club I" }, "BB2230": { "en": "BB2230 Project Work in Biotechnology" }, "CM2007": { "en": "CM2007 Applied Machine Learning and Data Mining for Performance Analysis" }, "MJ218X": { "en": "MJ218X Degree Project in Energy Technology" }, "MF130X": { "en": "MF130X Degree Project in Machine Design" }, "MF131X": { "en": "MF131X Degree Project in Integrated Product Development" }, "MF133X": { "en": "MF133X Degree Project in Mechatronics" }, "EF112X": { "en": "EF112X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "MJ146X": { "en": "MJ146X Degree Project in Sustainable Energy Engineering" }, "SD1120": { "en": "SD1120 Noise and Vibration Control" }, "SG1217": { "en": "SG1217 Fluid Mechanics" }, "SG1216": { "en": "SG1216 Thermodynamics" }, "SF1861": { "en": "SF1861 Optimization" }, "SE1025": { "en": "SE1025 FEM for Engineering Applications" }, "SA115X": { "en": "SA115X Degree Project in Vehicle Engineering" }, "SF1546": { "en": "SF1546 Numerical Methods" }, "SG1133": { "en": "SG1133 Mechanics I" }, "ME2073": { "en": "ME2073 Business Development Lab of Entrepreneurship Engineers" }, "ME2095": { "en": "ME2095 e" }, "ME2062": { "en": "ME2062 Technology" }, "EP2950": { "en": "EP2950 Wireless Networks" }, "EP2200": { "en": "EP2200 Queuing Theory and Teletraffic Systems" }, "ML1209": { "en": "ML1209 Computer Based Product Development Tools" }, "ME2078": { "en": "ME2078 Summer Course" }, "ML1101": { "en": "ML1101 Mechanics" }, "MJ249X": { "en": "MJ249X Degree Project in Energy Systems Analysis" }, "ML1309": { "en": "ML1309 Programming and Numerical Tools" }, "SF1904": { "en": "SF1904 Markov Processes" }, "ML1111": { "en": "ML1111 Business Control with Applied Statistics" }, "ML1502": { "en": "ML1502 Sustainabillity for Industry" }, "ME1003": { "en": "ME1003 Industrial Management" }, "SG1117": { "en": "SG1117 Engineering Mechanics" }, "MJ1112": { "en": "MJ1112 Applied Thermodynamics" }, "ML1505": { "en": "ML1505 Industrial Systems III" }, "MG1016": { "en": "MG1016 Manufacturing Technology" }, "ML150X": { "en": "ML150X Degree Project in Industrial Technology and Sustainability" }, "ML1507": { "en": "ML1507 Communicating Engineer" }, "MJ245X": { "en": "MJ245X Degree Project in Energy and Climate Studies" }, "ML1605": { "en": "ML1605 Industrial Maintenance and Reliability for Sustainable Production" }, "ML1610": { "en": "ML1610 Work Organization" }, "ML1613": { "en": "ML1613 Maintenance Management" }, "ML160X": { "en": "ML160X Degree Projekt in Industrial Technology and Production Maintenance" }, "ML1604": { "en": "ML1604 Applied Statistics" }, "DA235X": { "en": "DA235X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "ML231X": { "en": "ML231X Degree Project in Sustainable Production Development" }, "ML2304": { "en": "ML2304 Sustainable Development in Industry" }, "ML230X": { "en": "ML230X Degree Project in Sustainable Production Development" }, "ML2303": { "en": "ML2303 Digitalisation for Sustainable Production" }, "MF2112": { "en": "MF2112 Advanced Product Design" }, "MJ242X": { "en": "MJ242X Degree Project in Sustainable Buildings" }, "MF227X": { "en": "MF227X Degree Project in Industrial Design Engineering" }, "FCK3504": { "en": "FCK3504 Electrode Kinetics" }, "SF1674": { "en": "SF1674 Multivariable Calculus" }, "SG1112": { "en": "SG1112 Mechanics I" }, "SE1055": { "en": "SE1055 Strength of Materials and Solid Mechanics" }, "SF1922": { "en": "SF1922 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "AH2026": { "en": "AH2026 Railway Traffic" }, "DD1327": { "en": "DD1327 Fundamentals of Computer Science" }, "SA114X": { "en": "SA114X Degree Project in Engineering Physics" }, "SF2521": { "en": "SF2521 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations" }, "SF1678": { "en": "SF1678 Groups and Rings" }, "SF1677": { "en": "SF1677 Foundations of Analysis" }, "SF1691": { "en": "SF1691 Complex Analysis" }, "SF2701": { "en": "SF2701 Financial Mathematics" }, "FAK3153": { "en": "FAK3153 Introduction to Gender Equality" }, "FAG3164": { "en": "FAG3164 Planning Theory" }, "CK1060": { "en": "CK1060 Material and Energy Balances" }, "SF1679": { "en": "SF1679 Discrete Mathematics" }, "SF2525": { "en": "SF2525 Computational Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations and Machine Learning" }, "SF2822": { "en": "SF2822 Applied Nonlinear Optimization" }, "SF2526": { "en": "SF2526 Numerical algorithms for data" }, "AK2014": { "en": "AK2014 Decision Theory" }, "SF259X": { "en": "SF259X Degree Project in Scientific Computing" }, "ME2163": { "en": "ME2163 Leading People and Organizations in Different Contexts" }, "LS1419": { "en": "LS1419 English for Employment" }, "LS1423": { "en": "LS1423 German A" }, "LS1424": { "en": "LS1424 German B" }, "LS1465": { "en": "LS1465 Rhetoric" }, "LS2426": { "en": "LS2426 German B" }, "LS2439": { "en": "LS2439 English for Writing and Presenting a Degree Project in Science and Engineering" }, "LS2429": { "en": "LS2429 Technical Communication in English" }, "AK2203": { "en": "AK2203 Media" }, "LS1430": { "en": "LS1430 French A" }, "LS1433": { "en": "LS1433 French A" }, "LS1434": { "en": "LS1434 French B" }, "LS1440": { "en": "LS1440 Spanish A" }, "LS1443": { "en": "LS1443 Spanish A" }, "LS1448": { "en": "LS1448 Spanish B" }, "LS2449": { "en": "LS2449 Spanish B" }, "LS2436": { "en": "LS2436 French B" }, "AK1202": { "en": "AK1202 History of Science and Technology" }, "LS1451": { "en": "LS1451 Italian A" }, "AK2215": { "en": "AK2215 Water Systems in Society" }, "MJ2246": { "en": "MJ2246 Rocket Propulsion" }, "SD2432": { "en": "SD2432 Lightweight Design" }, "SD2805": { "en": "SD2805 Flight Mechanics" }, "SD2910": { "en": "SD2910 Spacecraft Dynamics" }, "SE2139": { "en": "SE2139 Fracture Mechanics" }, "SD2414": { "en": "SD2414 Fibre Composites" }, "SD2920": { "en": "SD2920 System Integration for Space Technology" }, "SG2215": { "en": "SG2215 Compressible Flow" }, "SD291X": { "en": "SD291X Degree Project in Space Technology" }, "DD2421": { "en": "DD2421 Machine Learning" }, "SF2971": { "en": "SF2971 Martingales and Stochastic Integrals" }, "AK221X": { "en": "AK221X Degree Project in History of Technology" }, "SF281X": { "en": "SF281X Degree Project in Systems Engineering" }, "SF2812": { "en": "SF2812 Applied Linear Optimization" }, "SF2842": { "en": "SF2842 Geometric Control Theory" }, "LS1481": { "en": "LS1481 Japanese A" }, "LS1483": { "en": "LS1483 Japanese A" }, "SD281X": { "en": "SD281X Degree Project in Aeronautics" }, "SD241X": { "en": "SD241X Degree Project in Lightweight Structures" }, "LS1493": { "en": "LS1493 Chinese A" }, "LS1486": { "en": "LS1486 Japanese B" }, "LS1491": { "en": "LS1491 Chinese A" }, "FLS3104": { "en": "FLS3104 Visualize your Science" }, "FLS3107": { "en": "FLS3107 Communicating Research beyond the Academy" }, "LS1704": { "en": "LS1704 Working Life Project I" }, "LS1600": { "en": "LS1600 Intercultural Competence" }, "FDS3103": { "en": "FDS3103 Introduction to Scientific Writing" }, "LS1709": { "en": "LS1709 Working Life Project II" }, "LS1502": { "en": "LS1502 Swedish A" }, "II1307": { "en": "II1307 Active Career" }, "LS1522": { "en": "LS1522 Swedish B" }, "LS2542": { "en": "LS2542 Swedish B" }, "LS1512": { "en": "LS1512 Swedish A" }, "LS1532": { "en": "LS1532 Swedish B" }, "IL1333": { "en": "IL1333 Hardware Security" }, "IE1206": { "en": "IE1206 Embedded Electronics" }, "SF1610": { "en": "SF1610 Discrete Mathematics" }, "II1305": { "en": "II1305 Project in Information and Communication Technology" }, "IS1200": { "en": "IS1200 Computer Hardware Engineering" }, "ID1019": { "en": "ID1019 Programming II" }, "AH2031": { "en": "AH2031 Railway Signalling System" }, "LS1562": { "en": "LS1562 Swedish for Higher Education and Employment" }, "SF1685": { "en": "SF1685 Calculus in One Variable" }, "AL227X": { "en": "AL227X Degree Project in Industrial Ecology" }, "IV1303": { "en": "IV1303 Modern Software Development" }, "AL250X": { "en": "AL250X Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development" }, "IX1303": { "en": "IX1303 Algebra and Geometry" }, "IF1330": { "en": "IF1330 Electrical Principles" }, "IE1332": { "en": "IE1332 Electronic Product Development" }, "IV1350": { "en": "IV1350 Object Oriented Design" }, "HE1038": { "en": "HE1038 Control Engineering" }, "FCK3103": { "en": "FCK3103 Wood Nanotechnology" }, "IE1202": { "en": "IE1202 Analog Electronics" }, "IL142X": { "en": "IL142X Degree Project in Electronics and Computer Engineering" }, "IK1203": { "en": "IK1203 Networks and Communication" }, "II2302": { "en": "II2302 Sensor Based Systems" }, "ID1217": { "en": "ID1217 Concurrent Programming" }, "DD1318": { "en": "DD1318 Programming and Scientific Computing" }, "II1302": { "en": "II1302 Projects and Project Methods" }, "LS1420": { "en": "LS1420 German A" }, "ID2010": { "en": "ID2010 Programming of Interactive Systems" }, "DH2628": { "en": "DH2628 Interaction Design Methods" }, "HI1037": { "en": "HI1037 Internet" }, "FAK3012": { "en": "FAK3012 Supplementary Course in Theory and Methodology of Science" }, "IV1023": { "en": "IV1023 Advanced Information Handling with XML" }, "EA238X": { "en": "EA238X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "DT2300": { "en": "DT2300 Sound in Interaction" }, "ML1612": { "en": "ML1612 Energy Technology in Industrial Production" }, "IK255U": { "en": "IK255U Ericsson Radio School" }, "EQ2321": { "en": "EQ2321 Speech and Audio Processing" }, "HF0021": { "en": "HF0021 Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "HF0022": { "en": "HF0022 Physics for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "HF0023": { "en": "HF0023 Chemistry for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "EA250X": { "en": "EA250X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "IK254U": { "en": "IK254U Ericsson Radio School" }, "FEG3222": { "en": "FEG3222 Electricity Market Analysis" }, "HM105L": { "en": "HM105L Structural Materials and Manufacturing" }, "FCK3304": { "en": "FCK3304 Organic and Biochemical Analytical Separations" }, "HL101X": { "en": "HL101X Degree Project in Medical Technology" }, "FSH3773": { "en": "FSH3773 Nuclear Power Safety" }, "IA150X": { "en": "IA150X Degree Project in Information and Communication Technology" }, "FEO3250": { "en": "FEO3250 Information Theory and Source Coding" }, "HI1023": { "en": "HI1023 Network Security" }, "CM1001": { "en": "CM1001 Applied Machine Learning and Data Mining" }, "KE2355": { "en": "KE2355 Resource recovery from waste" }, "KE2185": { "en": "KE2185 Separation Processes" }, "FIK3510": { "en": "FIK3510 Multiple Antenna Communications" }, "FAG3104": { "en": "FAG3104 Spatial Data Mining" }, "KD2330": { "en": "KD2330 Analytical Separations" }, "KF2190": { "en": "KF2190 Polymeric Materials" }, "MF2065": { "en": "MF2065 Innovations for the Emerging City" }, "KF2450": { "en": "KF2450 Fibre Technology" }, "KD2155": { "en": "KD2155 Solid State Chemistry" }, "KF2480": { "en": "KF2480 Chemistry of a Biorefinery" }, "KD2340": { "en": "KD2340 Molecular Thermodynamics" }, "KF2495": { "en": "KF2495 Polymer Composites" }, "CB2070": { "en": "CB2070 Molecular Quantum Mechanics" }, "KD2370": { "en": "KD2370 Photo" }, "KD1000": { "en": "KD1000 Chemical Principles for Sustainabillty" }, "CK2000": { "en": "CK2000 Food chemistry and technology" }, "BB2400": { "en": "BB2400 Bionanotechnology" }, "SD2155": { "en": "SD2155 Flow Acoustics" }, "SD2150": { "en": "SD2150 Experimental Structure Dynamics" }, "SD2225": { "en": "SD2225 Ground Vehicle Dynamics" }, "SD2313": { "en": "SD2313 Rail Vehicle Dynamics" }, "SG2211": { "en": "SG2211 Vehicle Aerodynamics" }, "EJ2400": { "en": "EJ2400 Electric Traction" }, "LT1014": { "en": "LT1014 Education" }, "HI1038": { "en": "HI1038 Computer Engineering and Internet Technology" }, "AH2173": { "en": "AH2173 Public Transport" }, "LT1011": { "en": "LT1011 Programme Integrating Course for Bridging" }, "HE1028": { "en": "HE1028 Computer Engineering" }, "FAG3165": { "en": "FAG3165 Self" }, "LT1018": { "en": "LT1018 Subject" }, "LT1015": { "en": "LT1015 Planning" }, "HF1012": { "en": "HF1012 Mathematical Statistics" }, "SD231X": { "en": "SD231X Degree Project in Rail Vehicle Engineering" }, "SD2320": { "en": "SD2320 Challenge" }, "FDD3431": { "en": "FDD3431 Graduate Course in Machine Learning" }, "AH2301": { "en": "AH2301 Transport Policy and Evaluation" }, "AF2201": { "en": "AF2201 Bridge Design" }, "HF1201": { "en": "HF1201 Sustainability and Ergonomics" }, "FDD3424": { "en": "FDD3424 Deep Learning in Data Science" }, "HI1036": { "en": "HI1036 Software Engineering" }, "FKD3411": { "en": "FKD3411 Frontiers in Enzyme Design II" }, "HI111X": { "en": "HI111X Degree Project in Computer Engineering" }, "FKD3410": { "en": "FKD3410 Current Trends in Enzyme Design" }, "FKD3413": { "en": "FKD3413 Frontiers in Enzyme Design IV" }, "AI234U": { "en": "AI234U Real Estate Valuation and Analysis" }, "SF2730": { "en": "SF2730 Topics in Mathematics V" }, "SF2955": { "en": "SF2955 Computer Intensive Methods in Mathematical Statistics" }, "SF278X": { "en": "SF278X Degree Project in Mathematics" }, "SF2972": { "en": "SF2972 Game Theory" }, "SF2704": { "en": "SF2704 Topics in Mathematics I" }, "SF2720": { "en": "SF2720 Chaotic Dynamical Systems" }, "SF2722": { "en": "SF2722 Differential Geometry" }, "ME2093": { "en": "ME2093 Technological and Industrial Change" }, "ME205X": { "en": "ME205X Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management" }, "FSF3631": { "en": "FSF3631 Classical Analysis and its applications in Mathematics" }, "MJ233X": { "en": "MJ233X Degree Project in Heat and Power Technology" }, "ME2098": { "en": "ME2098 Industrial Marketing and Networks" }, "MG1010": { "en": "MG1010 Introductory Welding Technology" }, "ML1343": { "en": "ML1343 Product Development" }, "FKD3412": { "en": "FKD3412 Frontiers in Enzyme Design III" }, "SD2702": { "en": "SD2702 Naval Design" }, "SG2224": { "en": "SG2224 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics" }, "SD2723": { "en": "SD2723 Marine Hydromechanics" }, "SE2123": { "en": "SE2123 Testing Techniques in Solid Mechanics" }, "FEK3250": { "en": "FEK3250 Microsystem Technology for PhD Students" }, "FCK3303": { "en": "FCK3303 Organic and Biochemical Analytical Separations" }, "SG213X": { "en": "SG213X Degree Project in Fluid Mechanics" }, "SD271X": { "en": "SD271X Degree Project in Naval Architecture" }, "SE2134": { "en": "SE2134 Dynamic Problems in Solid Mechanics" }, "FCK3501": { "en": "FCK3501 Environmental Catalysis" }, "SD2175": { "en": "SD2175 Numerical Methods for Acoustics and Vibration" }, "LT1056": { "en": "LT1056 Leadership for Learning and Development" }, "SE2121": { "en": "SE2121 Introduction to Biomechanics" }, "SG2222": { "en": "SG2222 Micro Fluids" }, "HM108L": { "en": "HM108L Manufacturing Processes for Design" }, "LT1057": { "en": "LT1057 School Placement" }, "SE202X": { "en": "SE202X Degree Project in Solid Mechanics" }, "DD2365": { "en": "DD2365 Advanced Computation in Fluid Mechanics" }, "DM2585": { "en": "DM2585 Artificial Intelligence in Society" }, "FSG3224": { "en": "FSG3224 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics" }, "MJ2516": { "en": "MJ2516 Sustainability perspectives for assessing and designing research" }, "SD211X": { "en": "SD211X Degree Project in Technical Acoustics" }, "FAF3408": { "en": "FAF3408 Window design" }, "FCK3306": { "en": "FCK3306 Research Frontiers in Organic Chemistry" }, "SF290X": { "en": "SF290X Degree Project in Mathematical Statistics" }, "SF250X": { "en": "SF250X Degree Project in Scientific Computing" }, "DD1354": { "en": "DD1354 Models and Simulation" }, "DH1609": { "en": "DH1609 Communication and information" }, "FDD3001": { "en": "FDD3001 Research" }, "CK1020": { "en": "CK1020 Fundamental chemistry" }, "SF291X": { "en": "SF291X Degree Project in Financial Mathematics" }, "MJ2380": { "en": "MJ2380 Introduction to Energy Systems Analysis and Applications" }, "SF280X": { "en": "SF280X Degree Project in Optimization and Systems Theory" }, "DM2720": { "en": "DM2720 Sustainable Information and Communication Technology" }, "DM2500": { "en": "DM2500 Telepresence Production" }, "AK2036": { "en": "AK2036 Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications" }, "DA231X": { "en": "DA231X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "FDD3401": { "en": "FDD3401 Neuroscience" }, "DA233X": { "en": "DA233X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "DM1580": { "en": "DM1580 Video Technology" }, "ML2302": { "en": "ML2302 Modelling" }, "FCA3001": { "en": "FCA3001 Literature course for doctoral students" }, "DM2077": { "en": "DM2077 Media Law" }, "DT2212": { "en": "DT2212 Music Acoustics" }, "DH2400": { "en": "DH2400 Physical Interaction Design and Realization" }, "AK2038": { "en": "AK2038 Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications" }, "AK2030": { "en": "AK2030 Theory and Methodology of Science" }, "DA232X": { "en": "DA232X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "DH2670": { "en": "DH2670 Haptics" }, "DH2321": { "en": "DH2321 Information Visualization" }, "DH2320": { "en": "DH2320 Introduction to Visualization and Computer Graphics" }, "FCA3002": { "en": "FCA3002 Literature course for doctoral students" }, "DD2480": { "en": "DD2480 Software Engineering Fundamentals" }, "FCB3001": { "en": "FCB3001 Higher Seminar in Industrial Biotechnology I" }, "DH2323": { "en": "DH2323 Computer Graphics and Interaction" }, "DH2650": { "en": "DH2650 Computer Game Design" }, "FCB3002": { "en": "FCB3002 Higher Seminar in Industrial Biotechnology II" }, "MJ1111": { "en": "MJ1111 Supplementary Course in Applied Thermodynamics" }, "SG1109": { "en": "SG1109 Mechanics" }, "DD2258": { "en": "DD2258 Introduction to Visualization" }, "ME1306": { "en": "ME1306 Industrial Project Management" }, "ME1316": { "en": "ME1316 Quantitative Business and Operations Analytics" }, "MH1028": { "en": "MH1028 Computational Thermodynamics for Materials Design" }, "MH1024": { "en": "MH1024 Fundamentals of Materials Science" }, "MH1031": { "en": "MH1031 Ceramic Materials" }, "KF1050": { "en": "KF1050 Polymeric Materials" }, "KD1260": { "en": "KD1260 Chemistry of Materials" }, "SF1921": { "en": "SF1921 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "FSD3120": { "en": "FSD3120 Flow Acoustics I" }, "MH1026": { "en": "MH1026 Materials Physics" }, "MH1029": { "en": "MH1029 Sustainable Process Technology" }, "FCB3003": { "en": "FCB3003 Higher Seminar in Industrial Biotechnology III" }, "FCK3317": { "en": "FCK3317 Project course Chemical Science and Engineering" }, "FEG3324": { "en": "FEG3324 Applied Optimization and mathematical Decompositions" }, "FDD3463": { "en": "FDD3463 Software Safety and Security" }, "SI2540": { "en": "SI2540 Complex Systems" }, "FAK3014": { "en": "FAK3014 The Theory and Methodology of Science" }, "FAK3024": { "en": "FAK3024 Introduction to Theory of Science and Research Methodology" }, "LS2600": { "en": "LS2600 Global Competence" }, "LS1484": { "en": "LS1484 Japanese A" }, "MH2042": { "en": "MH2042 Simulation and Modeling Toolbox" }, "FCB3004": { "en": "FCB3004 Higher Seminar in Industrial Biotechnology IV" }, "EN2911": { "en": "EN2911 Individual Project in Electric Power and Energy systems I" }, "FMJ3336": { "en": "FMJ3336 Educational Aspects in Energy Technology" }, "MH2000": { "en": "MH2000 Experimental Methods" }, "FDD3403": { "en": "FDD3403 Advanced Topics in Brain Science" }, "FCB3005": { "en": "FCB3005 Higher Seminar in Industrial Biotechnology V" }, "FAK3137": { "en": "FAK3137 Theory of Science and Research Method" }, "FAH3451": { "en": "FAH3451 Applied Statistics" }, "LS1494": { "en": "LS1494 Chinese A" }, "MH101X": { "en": "MH101X Degree Project in Materials and Process Design" }, "IA250X": { "en": "IA250X Degree Project in Information and Communication Technology" }, "CM1002": { "en": "CM1002 Electrical Engineering" }, "HI1035": { "en": "HI1035 Mobile Communications and Wireless Networks" }, "HE1043": { "en": "HE1043 Electrical Engineering" }, "HE1027": { "en": "HE1027 Electrical Principals" }, "HE111X": { "en": "HE111X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "SH204X": { "en": "SH204X Degree Project in Physics" }, "SK202X": { "en": "SK202X Degree Project in Applied Physics" }, "SI201X": { "en": "SI201X Degree Project in Theoretical Physics" }, "FCB3010": { "en": "FCB3010 Current Trends in Omics I" }, "EI1230": { "en": "EI1230 Electric Power Engineering I" }, "SH2006": { "en": "SH2006 Project Work in Physics" }, "SH2011": { "en": "SH2011 Theoretical Nuclear Physics" }, "SH2302": { "en": "SH2302 Nuclear Physics" }, "SK184N": { "en": "SK184N Environmental Physics" }, "SH1017": { "en": "SH1017 Physics for Engineering Mathematics" }, "SH2203": { "en": "SH2203 Experimental Particle Physics" }, "SH2314": { "en": "SH2314 Medical Imaging" }, "SH2381": { "en": "SH2381 Quantum Information" }, "SH2605": { "en": "SH2605 Radiation Damage in Materials" }, "SH2611": { "en": "SH2611 Small Reactors" }, "SH2613": { "en": "SH2613 Generation IV Reactors" }, "SH2612": { "en": "SH2612 Nuclear Power Safety" }, "SH2008": { "en": "SH2008 Introductory Modern Physics" }, "SH2702": { "en": "SH2702 Nuclear Reactor Technology" }, "SH2705": { "en": "SH2705 Compact Reactor Simulator" }, "SI1142": { "en": "SI1142 Mathematical Methods in Physics" }, "SI1155": { "en": "SI1155 Theoretical Physics" }, "SI1162": { "en": "SI1162 Statistical Physics" }, "SH1012": { "en": "SH1012 Modern Physics" }, "SI1200": { "en": "SI1200 Mathematical Methods in Physics" }, "SH2402": { "en": "SH2402 Astrophysics" }, "SK2403": { "en": "SK2403 Applied Photonics" }, "SI2800": { "en": "SI2800 Project Work in Physics" }, "SK2002": { "en": "SK2002 Project Work in Applied Physics" }, "SK2003": { "en": "SK2003 Project Work in Applied Physics" }, "SK2774": { "en": "SK2774 Colloids and Colloidal Principles for Applications" }, "SK1105": { "en": "SK1105 Experimental Physics" }, "SK1110": { "en": "SK1110 Electromagnetism and Waves" }, "SK1117": { "en": "SK1117 Electromagnetism and Waves" }, "SK1119": { "en": "SK1119 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics" }, "SK1120": { "en": "SK1120 Waves" }, "SK1140": { "en": "SK1140 Photography for Media" }, "SK2340": { "en": "SK2340 Fourier optics" }, "SK2350": { "en": "SK2350 Optical Measurement Techniques" }, "SK2371": { "en": "SK2371 Physics of Visual Impressions" }, "SK2411": { "en": "SK2411 Laser Physics" }, "SK2536": { "en": "SK2536 Laboratory techniques in Life Sciences" }, "SK2001": { "en": "SK2001 Project Work in Applied Physics" }, "SK2535": { "en": "SK2535 Cellular Biophysics" }, "SK2773": { "en": "SK2773 Nanothermodynamics" }, "SK2758": { "en": "SK2758 Solid State Physics" }, "SK2814": { "en": "SK2814 Microwave Engineering" }, "SK2762": { "en": "SK2762 Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces" }, "AL2300": { "en": "AL2300 Natural Resources Management Tools" }, "FCB3011": { "en": "FCB3011 Current Trends in Omics II" }, "AF1765": { "en": "AF1765 Mathematics" }, "AF1759": { "en": "AF1759 Surveying" }, "SK2901": { "en": "SK2901 Quantum Materials and Devices" }, "AF1735": { "en": "AF1735 Structural mechanics" }, "HS1007": { "en": "HS1007 Fluid Mechanics" }, "AF1745": { "en": "AF1745 Building Techniques" }, "SK2900": { "en": "SK2900 Quantum Photonics" }, "HS1013": { "en": "HS1013 Building Services and Energy" }, "AF1743": { "en": "AF1743 Form" }, "AF1753": { "en": "AF1753 Renovation" }, "AF1719": { "en": "AF1719 Building Services Engineering" }, "AF1766": { "en": "AF1766 Parametric Programming and Design" }, "SK2904": { "en": "SK2904 Quantum Materials" }, "AH1908": { "en": "AH1908 Installation" }, "AF1747": { "en": "AF1747 Structural Engineering" }, "AF1729": { "en": "AF1729 Structural Design of a House Project and" }, "SK2760": { "en": "SK2760 Chemistry of Nanomaterials" }, "CM2014": { "en": "CM2014 Simulation Methods in Medical Engineering" }, "CM2016": { "en": "CM2016 Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers" }, "CM2013": { "en": "CM2013 Signal Processing and Data Analytics in Biomedical Engineering" }, "CM2017": { "en": "CM2017 Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers" }, "MH2601": { "en": "MH2601 Combustion in Industrial Processes" }, "A11P3B": { "en": "A11P3B Architecture Project 1:3 Living, Working, Climates 16.0 credits" }, "A21P2B": { "en": "A21P2B Architecture Project 2:2 - Tectonics, Ornament, Transformation 5.0 credits" }, "HS1733": { "en": "HS1733 Concrete Structures" }, "A31T2A": { "en": "A31T2A Architecture Technology 3:2: Building, City, Process 3.0 credits" }, "A31P2D": { "en": "A31P2D Project 3:2 Urban Spaces and Landscapes 6.0 credits" }, "A21P3C": { "en": "A21P3C Architecture Project 2:3 Material, Space, Detail 12.0 credits" }, "A11IYA": { "en": "A11IYA Introduction to Architectural Practices 3.0 credits" }, "A31H2A": { "en": "A31H2A History and Theory of Architecture 3:2: Thesis, First Level 3.0 credits" }, "A31EXA": { "en": "A31EXA Degree Project in Architecture, First Cycle 15.0 credits" }, "DM250X": { "en": "DM250X Degree Project in Media Technology" }, "FCB3012": { "en": "FCB3012 Current Trends in Omics III" }, "A52SEV": { "en": "A52SEV Seminar Course, Advanced Level 5VT 3.0 credits" }, "A42D14": { "en": "A42D14 Studio Project, Advanced Level 12.0 credits" }, "A52EXA": { "en": "A52EXA Degree Project in Architecture, Second Cycle 30.0 credits" }, "A42SEV": { "en": "A42SEV Seminar Course, Advanced Level 4VT 3.0 credits" }, "A42C14": { "en": "A42C14 Studio Project, Advanced Level 12.0 credits" }, "A42O2A": { "en": "A42O2A Orientation; History, Theory and Technology of Architecture 4:2 3.0 credits" }, "A52O2A": { "en": "A52O2A Orientation; History, Theory and Technology of Architecture 5:2 3.0 credits" }, "FMF3011": { "en": "FMF3011 Literature Course in Mechatronics" }, "AG1314": { "en": "AG1314 GIS and Surveying" }, "HM1016": { "en": "HM1016 Manufacturing Process" }, "AH1030": { "en": "AH1030 Urban Development and Transport System" }, "AI1802": { "en": "AI1802 Project Management and BIM in the Built Environment" }, "SF1676": { "en": "SF1676 Differential Equations with Applications" }, "AI1128": { "en": "AI1128 Economics of the Built Environment" }, "AF1002": { "en": "AF1002 Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures" }, "EI2460": { "en": "EI2460 Batteries for Energy Storage in Electrical Systems" }, "EI1222": { "en": "EI1222 Electromagnetic Theory" }, "MJ2381": { "en": "MJ2381 Introduction to Energy Systems Analysis and Applications" }, "MJ2416": { "en": "MJ2416 Microeconomics and Energy Markets" }, "FCB3013": { "en": "FCB3013 Current Trends in Omics IV" }, "DA234X": { "en": "DA234X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "MJ2418": { "en": "MJ2418 Sustainable Energy and Environment" }, "FCK3310": { "en": "FCK3310 Research Integrity" }, "MJ2419": { "en": "MJ2419 Energy Storage Systems" }, "MF1016": { "en": "MF1016 Basic Electrical Engineering" }, "MF1044": { "en": "MF1044 Machine Components" }, "SA119X": { "en": "SA119X Degree Project in Materials Science and Engineering" }, "MJ1104": { "en": "MJ1104 Practical Introduction to Energy Technology" }, "FDD3437": { "en": "FDD3437 Artificial Neural Networks and deep Architectures" }, "SF1633": { "en": "SF1633 Differential Equations I" }, "SG1130": { "en": "SG1130 Mechanics I" }, "DD1320": { "en": "DD1320 Applied Computer Science" }, "HU1903": { "en": "HU1903 Management" }, "FCB3021": { "en": "FCB3021 Higher Seminar in Protein Science I" }, "DD132U": { "en": "DD132U Fundamentals of Computer Science" }, "MF1064": { "en": "MF1064 Modelling and Simulation in Design and Product Realization" }, "MF1039": { "en": "MF1039 Design and Product Realization" }, "MF1062": { "en": "MF1062 Design and Product Realization" }, "FCB3022": { "en": "FCB3022 Higher Seminar in Protein Science II" }, "FCB3023": { "en": "FCB3023 Higher Seminar in Protein Science III" }, "SF1523": { "en": "SF1523 Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations" }, "MF2085": { "en": "MF2085 Innovation" }, "MF223X": { "en": "MF223X Degree Project in Machine Design" }, "MF2022": { "en": "MF2022 Eco Design Project" }, "MH2300": { "en": "MH2300 Functional Materials" }, "AE1502": { "en": "AE1502 Environmental Systems Analysis for Energy and Environment" }, "MJ1145": { "en": "MJ1145 Energy Systems" }, "MG212X": { "en": "MG212X Degree Project in Production Engineering" }, "MG213X": { "en": "MG213X Degree Project in Production Engineering and Management" }, "EI1120": { "en": "EI1120 Electrical Circuit Analysis for the Environment and Energy Program" }, "KE1060": { "en": "KE1060 Material and Energy Balances" }, "AI2144": { "en": "AI2144 Corporate Finance" }, "AI2154": { "en": "AI2154 Advanced Valuation and Analysis" }, "AI2156": { "en": "AI2156 Contract Theory with Application to Property Management" }, "AI2511": { "en": "AI2511 Implementation of Development Plans" }, "AI2809": { "en": "AI2809 Construction Management" }, "AE2612": { "en": "AE2612 Hydraulic Engineering" }, "AE2610": { "en": "AE2610 Applied Hydrology" }, "MJ248X": { "en": "MJ248X Degree Project in Energy Systems Analysis" }, "AG2422": { "en": "AG2422 Spatial Planning with GIS" }, "FCB3024": { "en": "FCB3024 Higher Seminar in Protein Science IV" }, "AF2602": { "en": "AF2602 Rock Mechanics" }, "AI2805": { "en": "AI2805 Building Informatics and Logistics" }, "AF2302": { "en": "AF2302 Design of Timber" }, "AF2401": { "en": "AF2401 Building Technology" }, "AF2903": { "en": "AF2903 Road Construction and Maintenance" }, "AF2102": { "en": "AF2102 Concrete Structures" }, "AF2024": { "en": "AF2024 Finite Element Methods in Analysis and Design" }, "AF2511": { "en": "AF2511 Building Service Technologies and Systems" }, "AF2213": { "en": "AF2213 Steel and Timber Structures" }, "AI2517": { "en": "AI2517 Land Development" }, "AI206X": { "en": "AI206X Degree Project in Building and Real Estate Economics" }, "AE2507": { "en": "AE2507 Strategic Environmental Assessment" }, "AG2126": { "en": "AG2126 Theory of Science and Research Methodology for Planning and Design" }, "AI252X": { "en": "AI252X Degree Project in Real Estate Development and Land Law" }, "AD2865": { "en": "AD2865 Introduction to Urban Economics" }, "AI281X": { "en": "AI281X Degree Project in Architectural Design and Construction Project Management" }, "AG2127": { "en": "AG2127 Planning Theory and Urban Governance" }, "FCB3031": { "en": "FCB3031 Protein Engineering Forum I" }, "AF270X": { "en": "AF270X Degree Project in Architectural Lighting Design" }, "HS2009": { "en": "HS2009 Light and Space" }, "MG1012": { "en": "MG1012 Non" }, "AG212X": { "en": "AG212X Degree Project in Urban and Regional Planning" }, "AF283X": { "en": "AF283X Degree Project in Hydraulic Engineering" }, "AE2104": { "en": "AE2104 Environmental Measuring and Monitoring" }, "AE2304": { "en": "AE2304 Water and Wastewater Handling" }, "AG2141": { "en": "AG2141 Urban Infrastructure" }, "AG2148": { "en": "AG2148 Governance of Land and Water" }, "AL230X": { "en": "AL230X Degree Project in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure" }, "AG2413": { "en": "AG2413 Digital Image Processing and Applications" }, "AG2414": { "en": "AG2414 Spatial Analysis" }, "AG2425": { "en": "AG2425 Spatial Databases" }, "AG293X": { "en": "AG293X Degree Project in Geodesy" }, "AF1742": { "en": "AF1742 Business Economics and Quality Systems" }, "AF1754": { "en": "AF1754 Building Information Modeling in the Production" }, "AH2303": { "en": "AH2303 Transport and Sustainable Development" }, "AH2923": { "en": "AH2923 Global Navigation Satellite Systems" }, "AH203X": { "en": "AH203X Degree Project in Transport Science" }, "AH204X": { "en": "AH204X Degree Project in Railway and Rail Traffic" }, "FCB3032": { "en": "FCB3032 Protein Engineering Forum II" }, "AH222X": { "en": "AH222X Degree Project in Systems Analysis and Economics" }, "AD2862": { "en": "AD2862 Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Studio" }, "LS1000": { "en": "LS1000 Learn to learn languages" }, "FAE3012": { "en": "FAE3012 Presentation of Research at International Conferences" }, "MG2020": { "en": "MG2020 Modularisation of Products" }, "AG243X": { "en": "AG243X Degree Project in Geoinformatics" }, "AK2040": { "en": "AK2040 Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications" }, "MJ2510": { "en": "MJ2510 Methods of research in sustainable energy" }, "MJ2511": { "en": "MJ2511 Energy Management" }, "FCB3033": { "en": "FCB3033 Protein Engineering Forum III" }, "AF1721": { "en": "AF1721 Environmental Science and Work Science" }, "MJ2518": { "en": "MJ2518 Energy Demand and Supply Distribution Systems in the Built Environment" }, "MJ2519": { "en": "MJ2519 Energy Supply Systems for Buildings" }, "MJ2512": { "en": "MJ2512 Transformation in Energy Policy and Climate Agenda" }, "MJ2514": { "en": "MJ2514 District heating and cooling" }, "MJ2515": { "en": "MJ2515 Numerical Heat Transfer in Energy Technology" }, "ML170U": { "en": "ML170U Sustainable Leadership with Lean" }, "FCB3034": { "en": "FCB3034 Protein Engineering Forum IV" }, "AI1516": { "en": "AI1516 Law of Real Estate for Property Development and Agency" }, "AI1178": { "en": "AI1178 Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Economists" }, "AI1523": { "en": "AI1523 Compulsory Purchase and Compensation Law" }, "AI1524": { "en": "AI1524 Land Development" }, "AI1172": { "en": "AI1172 Real Estate Agency in Legislation" }, "AI1173": { "en": "AI1173 Real Estate Agency in Practice" }, "AL1300": { "en": "AL1300 Earth Science and Land Use in Practice" }, "AF1739": { "en": "AF1739 Surveying" }, "AI106X": { "en": "AI106X Degree Project in Real Estate Agency" }, "AF1007": { "en": "AF1007 Building Technology" }, "AI161X": { "en": "AI161X Degree Project in Property Development" }, "AG1421": { "en": "AG1421 Real Estate Information Technology" }, "AI1147": { "en": "AI1147 Real Estate Valuation" }, "AI1142": { "en": "AI1142 Financial Reporting and Analysis" }, "HL2027": { "en": "HL2027 3D Image Reconstruction and Analysis in Medicine 9.0 credits" }, "MF2098": { "en": "MF2098 Design Methodology in Urban Mobility" }, "HL207X": { "en": "HL207X Degree Project in Technology and Health" }, "CM2010": { "en": "CM2010 Sociocultural Perspectives to Innovative Technologies" }, "CM2011": { "en": "CM2011 Applied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence" }, "AL2134": { "en": "AL2134 Environmental Modelling" }, "AG1152": { "en": "AG1152 Safety in the making" }, "AL2130": { "en": "AL2130 Waste Management" }, "AL2156": { "en": "AL2156 Applied Ecology" }, "AL2160": { "en": "AL2160 Environmental Management" }, "AL2143": { "en": "AL2143 Cleaner Production and Industrial Environmental Technology" }, "CM1005": { "en": "CM1005 External Financial Accounting" }, "FCB3041": { "en": "FCB3041 Higher Seminar in Metabolic Engineering I" }, "FCB3042": { "en": "FCB3042 Higher Seminar in Metabolic Engineering II" }, "LD1000": { "en": "LD1000 Learn to learn online" }, "AG1323": { "en": "AG1323 GIS for the Built Environment" }, "HH1802": { "en": "HH1802 Business Finance and Organizational Structures" }, "HU1801": { "en": "HU1801 Industrial Marketing" }, "AI1134": { "en": "AI1134 Capital Markets and Financial Instruments" }, "KE200X": { "en": "KE200X Degree Project in Chemical Engineering" }, "AI1509": { "en": "AI1509 Law of Real Estate" }, "AI1177": { "en": "AI1177 Financial Econometrics" }, "AI1141": { "en": "AI1141 Credit Risk Assessment" }, "AF1740": { "en": "AF1740 Economics" }, "AI1125": { "en": "AI1125 Organization and Management" }, "AI107X": { "en": "AI107X Degree Project in Real Estate Economics" }, "AI105X": { "en": "AI105X Degree Project in Finance" }, "MF2011": { "en": "MF2011 Systems Engineering" }, "FCK3109": { "en": "FCK3109 Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer" }, "MF2024": { "en": "MF2024 Robust and Probabilistic Design" }, "MG2135": { "en": "MG2135 PLM" }, "FCB3043": { "en": "FCB3043 Higher Seminar in Metabolic Engineering III" }, "MG2100": { "en": "MG2100 Scientific Methodology for Production Engineering" }, "MG2010": { "en": "MG2010 Modern Industrial Metrology" }, "FCB3044": { "en": "FCB3044 Higher Seminar in Metabolic Engineering IV" }, "LD1002": { "en": "LD1002 Environmental Psychology and behavior analysis" }, "MG2036": { "en": "MG2036 Computer Aided Manufacturing" }, "EI2510": { "en": "EI2510 Project in Electromagnetic Engineering" }, "AH292X": { "en": "AH292X Degree Project in Geodesy" }, "MH2600": { "en": "MH2600 Combustion in industrial Processes" }, "MJ2438": { "en": "MJ2438 Modeling of Energy Systems" }, "LS142V": { "en": "LS142V Professional Rhetoric for Engineers" }, "AK2202": { "en": "AK2202 Gender and Technology" }, "AF1601": { "en": "AF1601 Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering" }, "AK1204": { "en": "AK1204 Environmental History" }, "HT100X": { "en": "HT100X Degree Project in Computer Engineering and Economics" }, "MG110X": { "en": "MG110X Degree Project in Production Engineering" }, "MH1023": { "en": "MH1023 Practical Gender Equality and Diversity Work in Scientific" }, "MF224X": { "en": "MF224X Degree Project in Mechatronics" }, "MF230X": { "en": "MF230X Degree Project in Innovation Management and Product Development" }, "AL126X": { "en": "AL126X Degree Project in Technology and Sustainable Development" }, "DD1420": { "en": "DD1420 Foundations of Machine Learning" }, "SA118X": { "en": "SA118X Degree Project in Mechanical Engineering" }, "FMJ3384": { "en": "FMJ3384 Environomical Pathways" }, "FLH3000": { "en": "FLH3000 Basic Communication and Teaching" }, "KE1090": { "en": "KE1090 Transport Processes in Chemical Systems" }, "MG2202": { "en": "MG2202 Quality Control" }, "F1A5038": { "en": "F1A5038 Foundation Course in Architectural Technology 7.5 credits" }, "MH2048": { "en": "MH2048 Advanced Course in Materials Design" }, "LS142U": { "en": "LS142U German A" }, "AL2190": { "en": "AL2190 Ecological Economics" }, "MH201X": { "en": "MH201X Degree Project in Materials and Process Design" }, "MH202X": { "en": "MH202X Degree Project in Materials and Process Design" }, "KE2910": { "en": "KE2910 Project in Chemical Engineering" }, "UCK300": { "en": "UCK300 Educational leadership" }, "CH2012": { "en": "CH2012 Evaluation and Measures of the Acoustic Work Environment and Vibrations" }, "CH2001": { "en": "CH2001 Leadership and sustainable work" }, "DD238U": { "en": "DD238U Computer Security" }, "HN205X": { "en": "HN205X Degree Project in Technology" }, "SK2320": { "en": "SK2320 Problem Solving in Optics" }, "HN2005": { "en": "HN2005 Project Work" }, "HN2015": { "en": "HN2015 Occupational Safety and Health Management and Change" }, "SF2717": { "en": "SF2717 Mathematics" }, "HN2021": { "en": "HN2021 Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications" }, "UMK704": { "en": "UMK704 School Placement III with Subject Didactics" }, "HN2018": { "en": "HN2018 Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders" }, "FMG3210": { "en": "FMG3210 Circular Economy and Industrial Systems" }, "LT200X": { "en": "LT200X Degree Project in Technology and Learning" }, "HN206X": { "en": "HN206X Degree Project in Technology" }, "MF2090": { "en": "MF2090 Internal Combustion Engines" }, "FCK3110": { "en": "FCK3110 Transport Properties of Polymers" }, "SF2718": { "en": "SF2718 Mathematics for Chemists" }, "DD1380": { "en": "DD1380 Java Programming for Python Programmers" }, "HL1204": { "en": "HL1204 Thermodynamics" }, "MG1000": { "en": "MG1000 Mechanical Workshop Practice" }, "LT1035": { "en": "LT1035 VFU" }, "UMK213": { "en": "UMK213 Mathematics Education and School Placement for Upper Secondary" }, "HL103X": { "en": "HL103X Degree Project in Medical Engineering" }, "LH231V": { "en": "LH231V Teaching and Learning in Higher Education" }, "SD2413": { "en": "SD2413 Fibre Composites" }, "AK1214": { "en": "AK1214 Environment and Society in a Changing Arctic" }, "DD2363": { "en": "DD2363 Methods in Scientific Computing" }, "FKF3440": { "en": "FKF3440 Advanced Experimental Techniques" }, "ME2084": { "en": "ME2084 Organizational Analysis and Professional Roles" }, "DIK200": { "en": "DIK200 Learning as Professional Assignments" }, "SD1105": { "en": "SD1105 Matlab" }, "FKF3450": { "en": "FKF3450 Advanced Experimental Techniques" }, "DD2352": { "en": "DD2352 Algorithms and Complexity" }, "LH221V": { "en": "LH221V Examinership" }, "DD1396": { "en": "DD1396 Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Introduction to Computer Science" }, "AF213X": { "en": "AF213X Degree Project in Concrete Structures" }, "EI2430": { "en": "EI2430 High" }, "EI2452": { "en": "EI2452 Reliability Evaluation of Electrical Power Systems" }, "EK2350": { "en": "EK2350 Microsystem Technology" }, "AF259X": { "en": "AF259X Degree Project in Fluid and Climate Technology" }, "AF233X": { "en": "AF233X Degree Project in Building Materials" }, "MG115X": { "en": "MG115X Degree Project in Product Realization and Industrial Engineering" }, "AF253X": { "en": "AF253X Degree Project in Building Services and Energy Systems" }, "LH216V": { "en": "LH216V Develop the Learning by Using Grading Criteria" }, "FIL3030": { "en": "FIL3030 Hardware Security" }, "AH101X": { "en": "AH101X Degree Project in Civil Engineering" }, "AG181X": { "en": "AG181X Degree Project in Built Environment" }, "AL130X": { "en": "AL130X Degree Project in Built Environment" }, "MF1025": { "en": "MF1025 Model Based Product Development II" }, "SH1003": { "en": "SH1003 Introductory Astronomy for Engineers" }, "ML115U": { "en": "ML115U Lean" }, "LH207V": { "en": "LH207V Doctoral Supervision" }, "FIL3200": { "en": "FIL3200 Design of Fault" }, "FAK3142": { "en": "FAK3142 Advanced Course in Research Ethics" }, "DM1999": { "en": "DM1999 Engineering Training Course" }, "AF223X": { "en": "AF223X Degree Project in Structural Engineering and Bridges" }, "ME210X": { "en": "ME210X Degree Project in Industrial Economics and Management" }, "AF243X": { "en": "AF243X Degree Project in Building Technology" }, "AF263X": { "en": "AF263X Degree Project in Soil and Rock Mechanics" }, "AF293X": { "en": "AF293X Degree Project in Highway Engineering" }, "AG2804": { "en": "AG2804 Transport" }, "MJ2645": { "en": "MJ2645 Project in Industrial Ecology" }, "AL1357": { "en": "AL1357 Environmental Economics" }, "FSG3119": { "en": "FSG3119 Integrated Course in Engineering Mechanics" }, "AG1103": { "en": "AG1103 Urban and Traffic Planning" }, "AG111X": { "en": "AG111X Degree Project in the Built Environment" }, "AG1138": { "en": "AG1138 Actors and processes in planning" }, "AH1022": { "en": "AH1022 Traffic and Road Engineering" }, "AL127X": { "en": "AL127X Degree Project in Energy and Environment" }, "AK1205": { "en": "AK1205 Science Goes Fiction" }, "KD1290": { "en": "KD1290 Chemical Analysis" }, "HL205X": { "en": "HL205X Degree Project in Medical Engineering" }, "FDS3102": { "en": "FDS3102 Writing Scientific Articles" }, "EH1010": { "en": "EH1010 Project Course in Electrical Engineering" }, "IL2240": { "en": "IL2240 Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits" }, "FSE3141": { "en": "FSE3141 Failure of Materials" }, "KF2920": { "en": "KF2920 Projekt Work in Fibre and Polymer Technology" }, "DH1623": { "en": "DH1623 Human" }, "ME1317": { "en": "ME1317 Leading People and Work" }, "HE1033": { "en": "HE1033 Communication Networks" }, "HL1014": { "en": "HL1014 Clinical Engineering" }, "CM1006": { "en": "CM1006 Clinical Chemistry and Microbiology" }, "HL2015": { "en": "HL2015 Quality and Regulatory Aspects on Medical Devices" }, "EP1100": { "en": "EP1100 Data Communications and Computer Networks" }, "HL1016": { "en": "HL1016 Medical Measurement and Monitoring" }, "HE1041": { "en": "HE1041 Microcomputer Engineering" }, "DD1360": { "en": "DD1360 Programming Paradigms" }, "AI2155": { "en": "AI2155 Urban Economics and Cost Benefit Analysis" }, "AK222X": { "en": "AK222X Degree Project in History of Science" }, "AI2508": { "en": "AI2508 Compulsory Purchase and Compensation" }, "MG1028": { "en": "MG1028 Introductory" }, "FMF3040": { "en": "FMF3040 Trustworthy Cyber" }, "AK121X": { "en": "AK121X Degree Project in History" }, "AK123X": { "en": "AK123X Degree Project in History of Science" }, "FCB3051": { "en": "FCB3051 Higher Seminar in Glycoscience I" }, "FSE3161": { "en": "FSE3161 Testing Techniques in Solid Mechanics" }, "FSE3421": { "en": "FSE3421 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials" }, "SF100X": { "en": "SF100X Degree Project in Applied Mathematics and Industrial Economics" }, "AE1501": { "en": "AE1501 Environmental System Analysis for Built Environment" }, "AL1304": { "en": "AL1304 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment" }, "MJ148X": { "en": "MJ148X Degree Project in Energy Systems" }, "MF2079": { "en": "MF2079 Mechatronics" }, "MF2103": { "en": "MF2103 Embedded Systems for Mechatronics" }, "EG2205": { "en": "EG2205 Power Generation Operation and Planning" }, "ME2017": { "en": "ME2017 Project Management" }, "FLF3014": { "en": "FLF3014 Bridging Science and Societal Needs through Design Thinking" }, "DA151X": { "en": "DA151X Degree Project in Computer Science and Industrial Management" }, "FSE3411": { "en": "FSE3411 Study of Literature" }, "ME2085": { "en": "ME2085 Transformation in Energy Systems and Industries" }, "ME2324": { "en": "ME2324 Strategic Management in Technology Shifts" }, "FEL3202": { "en": "FEL3202 Data" }, "MG2044": { "en": "MG2044 Additive Manufacturing" }, "MG2033": { "en": "MG2033 Quality Control" }, "MG1007": { "en": "MG1007 Contemporary Maintenance Techniques" }, "MG2040": { "en": "MG2040 Assembly Technology" }, "FCB3052": { "en": "FCB3052 Higher Seminar in Glycoscience II" }, "AH2401": { "en": "AH2401 Risk in Technical Systems" }, "FEL3201": { "en": "FEL3201 Data" }, "ML1205": { "en": "ML1205 Production Driven Product Design" }, "DD2448": { "en": "DD2448 Foundations of Cryptography" }, "DD2459": { "en": "DD2459 Software Reliability" }, "DD2460": { "en": "DD2460 Software Safety and Security" }, "ML1108": { "en": "ML1108 Decision Models and Impact Assessment" }, "DD2482": { "en": "DD2482 Automated Software Testing and DevOps" }, "DD2520": { "en": "DD2520 Applied Cryptography" }, "EK2210": { "en": "EK2210 Project in Microsystem Technology" }, "FAK3133": { "en": "FAK3133 Technology and Ethics" }, "DD2525": { "en": "DD2525 Language" }, "DD2481": { "en": "DD2481 Principles of Programming Languages" }, "FCB3053": { "en": "FCB3053 Higher Seminar in Glycoscience III" }, "FDT3313": { "en": "FDT3313 Speech and Hearing Functions" }, "ME2054": { "en": "ME2054 Purchasing" }, "FDT3315": { "en": "FDT3315 Speech Communication Theory" }, "MJ2141": { "en": "MJ2141 Energy Systems" }, "ME2087": { "en": "ME2087 Energy Business" }, "ME2817": { "en": "ME2817 Growth" }, "ME2088": { "en": "ME2088 Brand Portfolio Management" }, "KH0024": { "en": "KH0024 Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year II" }, "KH0025": { "en": "KH0025 Physics for Technical Preparatory Year II" }, "FCB3054": { "en": "FCB3054 Higher Seminar in Glycoscience IV" }, "MJ2437": { "en": "MJ2437 Modeling of Energy Systems" }, "AL1523": { "en": "AL1523 Digitalisation and Innovation for Sustainable Development" }, "ID2218": { "en": "ID2218 Design of Fault" }, "LS1464": { "en": "LS1464 Rhetoric" }, "AI1148": { "en": "AI1148 Real Estate Valuation for Civil Engineering and Urban Management" }, "AI151X": { "en": "AI151X Degree Project in Built Environment" }, "AF1005": { "en": "AF1005 Structural Engineering" }, "AG134X": { "en": "AG134X Degree Project in Built Environment" }, "AF102X": { "en": "AF102X Degree Project in Built Environment" }, "FMJ3412": { "en": "FMJ3412 Reproducible Research" }, "AD2EXU": { "en": "AD2EXU Degree Project in Urban Planning and Design, Second Cycle 30.0 credits" }, "ME2826": { "en": "ME2826 Social Entrepreneurship" }, "IX1304": { "en": "IX1304 Calculus" }, "IL2212": { "en": "IL2212 Embedded Software" }, "EA248X": { "en": "EA248X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "DA248X": { "en": "DA248X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "HF0024": { "en": "HF0024 Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year II" }, "HF0025": { "en": "HF0025 Physics for Technical Preparatory Year II" }, "ME2825": { "en": "ME2825 Finance for Start" }, "ME2829": { "en": "ME2829 Trendspotting and Future Thinking" }, "ME2827": { "en": "ME2827 Negotiations for Start" }, "KF2300": { "en": "KF2300 Internship module" }, "AG2130": { "en": "AG2130 Applied Urban and Regional Analysis" }, "AG2151": { "en": "AG2151 Urban Development and City Planning" }, "II2210": { "en": "II2210 Ethics and Sustainable Development for Engineers" }, "SI2520": { "en": "SI2520 Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics" }, "DD2414": { "en": "DD2414 Engineering project in Robotics" }, "FSI3075": { "en": "FSI3075 Non" }, "A52O1A": { "en": "A52O1A Orientation; History, Theory and Technology of Architecture 5 3.0 credits" }, "FCB3061": { "en": "FCB3061 Higher Seminar in Molecular Biotechnology I" }, "SI2390": { "en": "SI2390 Relativistic Quantum Physics" }, "SI2400": { "en": "SI2400 Theoretical Particle Physics" }, "ED2200": { "en": "ED2200 Energy and Fusion Research" }, "DD2557": { "en": "DD2557 Program Semantics and Analysis" }, "EG230X": { "en": "EG230X Degree Project in Electric Power Systems" }, "HI1027": { "en": "HI1027 Object Oriented Programming" }, "FCK3323": { "en": "FCK3323 General Organic Chemistry" }, "HI1029": { "en": "HI1029 Algorithms and Data Structures" }, "A52A13": { "en": "A52A13 Studio Project, Advanced Level 12.0 credits" }, "AI108V": { "en": "AI108V Project in Real Estate Agency" }, "AI2145": { "en": "AI2145 Entrepreneurship and Management" }, "FCB3062": { "en": "FCB3062 Higher Seminar in Molecular Biotechnology II" }, "KF2320": { "en": "KF2320 Internship module" }, "KF2310": { "en": "KF2310 Internship module" }, "SF1923": { "en": "SF1923 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "ME200X": { "en": "ME200X Degree Project in Industrial Economics and Management" }, "AF2513": { "en": "AF2513 Smart buildings" }, "FMF3027": { "en": "FMF3027 Systems Thinking and its Application in Embedded Systems" }, "HI1039": { "en": "HI1039 Software Development" }, "FCB3063": { "en": "FCB3063 Higher Seminar in Molecular Biotechnology III" }, "A52B13": { "en": "A52B13 Studio Project, Advanced Level 12.0 credits" }, "MG1002": { "en": "MG1002 Automation Technology" }, "ME271X": { "en": "ME271X Degree Project in Economics of Innovation and Growth" }, "ME204X": { "en": "ME204X Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management" }, "ME270X": { "en": "ME270X Degree Project in the Economics of Innovation and Growth" }, "AI1801": { "en": "AI1801 Construction Project Management" }, "FCB3064": { "en": "FCB3064 Higher Seminar in Molecular Biotechnology IV" }, "ED2246": { "en": "ED2246 Project in Fusion Physics" }, "ME2815": { "en": "ME2815 Business Model Innovation" }, "ED2210": { "en": "ED2210 Electromagnetic Waves in Dispersive Media" }, "SD221X": { "en": "SD221X Degree Project in Vehicle Engineering" }, "FLF3018": { "en": "FLF3018 Digital transformation" }, "SD261X": { "en": "SD261X Degree Project in Aerodynamics" }, "SF1935": { "en": "SF1935 Probability Theory and Statistics with Application to Machine Learning" }, "ME2816": { "en": "ME2816 Execution" }, "MG1011": { "en": "MG1011 Introductory Welding Technology" }, "MJ243X": { "en": "MJ243X Degree Project in Sustainable Buildings" }, "CK1260": { "en": "CK1260 Chemistry of Materials" }, "EQ2411": { "en": "EQ2411 Advanced Digital Communications" }, "EQ1120": { "en": "EQ1120 Discrete Time Signals and Systems" }, "MF1026": { "en": "MF1026 Model Based Product Development I" }, "MF2026": { "en": "MF2026 Project Work in Product Development" }, "MF2083": { "en": "MF2083 Internal Combustion Engines" }, "MF213X": { "en": "MF213X Degree Project in Machine Design" }, "MF214X": { "en": "MF214X Degree Project in Mechatronics" }, "DD2464": { "en": "DD2464 Bigger Advanced" }, "MF217X": { "en": "MF217X Degree Project in Industrial Design Engineering" }, "MF219X": { "en": "MF219X Degree Project in Embedded Control Systems" }, "MF220X": { "en": "MF220X Degree Project in Innovation Management and Product Development" }, "MF225X": { "en": "MF225X Degree Project in Internal Combustion Engineering" }, "MF229X": { "en": "MF229X Degree Project in Machine Design" }, "MF215X": { "en": "MF215X Degree Project in Internal Combustion Engineering" }, "SD2110": { "en": "SD2110 Introduction to Noise Control" }, "SD2905": { "en": "SD2905 Human Spaceflight" }, "ML0024": { "en": "ML0024 Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year II" }, "ML0025": { "en": "ML0025 Physics for Technical Preparatory Year II" }, "MF2081": { "en": "MF2081 Challenges for Emerging City" }, "ED2247": { "en": "ED2247 Project in Fusion Research" }, "DD2458": { "en": "DD2458 Problem Solving and Programming under Pressure" }, "MF2080": { "en": "MF2080 Challenges for the Emerging City" }, "DD1349": { "en": "DD1349 Project in Introduction to Computer Science" }, "DD1386": { "en": "DD1386 Internet Programming" }, "DD1395": { "en": "DD1395 In" }, "ME2814": { "en": "ME2814 Ideation" }, "DD2463": { "en": "DD2463 Advanced Individual Course in Computer Science" }, "DD2466": { "en": "DD2466 Second Advanced" }, "DD2465": { "en": "DD2465 Advanced" }, "DA239X": { "en": "DA239X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "ME2016": { "en": "ME2016 Project Management" }, "ME1315": { "en": "ME1315 Industrial Marketing for I" }, "ME2066": { "en": "ME2066 Strategy and Industrial Marketing" }, "ME2067": { "en": "ME2067 Industrial Transformation and Technical Changes" }, "SF1525": { "en": "SF1525 Basic Course in Numerical Methods" }, "ME2719": { "en": "ME2719 Entrepreneurship and Innovation" }, "ME2075": { "en": "ME2075 Leadership and Power in Industrial Organisations" }, "ME2083": { "en": "ME2083 Hydropower" }, "AG117V": { "en": "AG117V Bike more" }, "IE120V": { "en": "IE120V Electronics and Programming for Space Applications" }, "DA1700": { "en": "DA1700 Tutoring" }, "MF2058": { "en": "MF2058 Mechatronics" }, "EF2225": { "en": "EF2225 Project in Space Physics" }, "DD152X": { "en": "DD152X Degree Project in Computer Science" }, "EF2229": { "en": "EF2229 Project in Space Technology" }, "EF1113": { "en": "EF1113 Project in Space Technology" }, "MF134X": { "en": "MF134X Degree Project in Product Realization and Industrial Management" }, "EF1110": { "en": "EF1110 Project in Space Physics" }, "EF1112": { "en": "EF1112 Project in Space Technology" }, "MF132X": { "en": "MF132X Degree Project in Industrial Design Engineering" }, "EF2228": { "en": "EF2228 Project in Space Technology" }, "EF2227": { "en": "EF2227 Project in Space Technology" }, "EF2226": { "en": "EF2226 Project in Plasma Physics" }, "MF2076": { "en": "MF2076 Machine Design Advanced Course Part I" }, "SF1632": { "en": "SF1632 Complementary Course in Differential Equations and Transforms" }, "MF2086": { "en": "MF2086 Research Methodology in Management and Organization" }, "MH2049": { "en": "MH2049 Advanced Course in Process Science" }, "AF179X": { "en": "AF179X Degree Project in Constructional Engineering and Design" }, "DT2213": { "en": "DT2213 Musical Communication and Music Technology" }, "DM1588": { "en": "DM1588 Sensor Programming for Media Technology" }, "DM1590": { "en": "DM1590 Machine Learning for Media Technology" }, "DH1624": { "en": "DH1624 Human" }, "ME2836": { "en": "ME2836 Entrepreneurial family firms" }, "SI2360": { "en": "SI2360 Analytical Mechanics and Classical Field Theory" }, "FEI3204": { "en": "FEI3204 Antenna Theory" }, "DM2624": { "en": "DM2624 Human Centered Technology for Disabilities" }, "DT1175": { "en": "DT1175 Sound" }, "DA256X": { "en": "DA256X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "DM2556": { "en": "DM2556 Intercultural communication" }, "LT1001": { "en": "LT1001 Discrete Mathematics" }, "ME2832": { "en": "ME2832 Entrepreneurship" }, "DM2906": { "en": "DM2906 Individual Course in Media Technology" }, "DH2629": { "en": "DH2629 Interaction Design as a Reflective Practice" }, "ML116U": { "en": "ML116U Lean Production" }, "DM1902": { "en": "DM1902 Individual Course in Media Technology" }, "AK124V": { "en": "AK124V Transition" }, "CB201V": { "en": "CB201V Biocatalysis for Industrial Professionals" }, "CB202V": { "en": "CB202V Genome Medicine" }, "AI106V": { "en": "AI106V Real Estate Agency in Legislation" }, "AI107V": { "en": "AI107V Real Estate Agency in Practice" }, "AK122V": { "en": "AK122V Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development" }, "CH206V": { "en": "CH206V Design of Ergonomic Workplaces" }, "CH207V": { "en": "CH207V Chemical Risk Management" }, "CH209V": { "en": "CH209V RAMP Course" }, "CH210V": { "en": "CH210V RAMP Course" }, "CH211V": { "en": "CH211V RAMP Course" }, "CH212V": { "en": "CH212V Visual ergonomics" }, "CK101V": { "en": "CK101V Materials in a Circular Society" }, "CK201V": { "en": "CK201V Pulp Processes" }, "DD100N": { "en": "DD100N Programming Techniques" }, "FSK3551": { "en": "FSK3551 X" }, "LD1001": { "en": "LD1001 Classroom Psychology" }, "LD1003": { "en": "LD1003 Procrastination and Perfectionism" }, "LD1004": { "en": "LD1004 Psychology and Critical Thinking" }, "LS140V": { "en": "LS140V Professional written communication in English for engineers" }, "LS141V": { "en": "LS141V Professional Writing for Engineers" }, "LS1564": { "en": "LS1564 Written communication in Swedish at work for you who have Swedish as a second language" }, "LT1008": { "en": "LT1008 The Innovative Human Being" }, "LT1019": { "en": "LT1019 Gender Perspectives in Technology and Science" }, "FID3011": { "en": "FID3011 Research Course in Distributed Systems" }, "KF2905": { "en": "KF2905 Project Work in Fibre and Polymer Technology" }, "FSK3533": { "en": "FSK3533 New Super" }, "LT1029": { "en": "LT1029 Supervising School Placements Students" }, "LT1047": { "en": "LT1047 Space and sustainable development" }, "LT1058": { "en": "LT1058 Supervising school placements students" }, "ME117V": { "en": "ME117V Materials in a Circular Society" }, "SI150V": { "en": "SI150V Introductory Relativity Theory" }, "LS143V": { "en": "LS143V Practical Rhetoric for Digital Presentations" }, "AK204V": { "en": "AK204V Ethics and Sustainability" }, "AG115V": { "en": "AG115V Safety in the Making" }, "AK123V": { "en": "AK123V Stockholm" }, "SK2005": { "en": "SK2005 Project course in Optics and Photonics" }, "CB203V": { "en": "CB203V Animal Cell Culture Technology for the Production of Biologics" }, "CH208V": { "en": "CH208V Physical Risk Management" }, "MJ232X": { "en": "MJ232X Degree Project in Heat and Power Technology" }, "HL1903": { "en": "HL1903 Applied Physical Training Theory for Warfare" }, "ME2090": { "en": "ME2090 Finance" }, "ME2091": { "en": "ME2091 Behavioral Finance" }, "MG2027": { "en": "MG2027 Production Engineering" }, "FAF3412": { "en": "FAF3412 Building Physics" }, "SG1301": { "en": "SG1301 Mechanics" }, "FEI3301": { "en": "FEI3301 Waveguiding Methods" }, "LV118U": { "en": "LV118U Basic Online Coaching" }, "DM128X": { "en": "DM128X Degree Project in Media Technology" }, "LH233V": { "en": "LH233V Teaching and Learning for Challenge Driven Education in a Global Context" }, "DA150X": { "en": "DA150X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "LS1563": { "en": "LS1563 Professional Communication" }, "EF2262": { "en": "EF2262 Data Handling Systems for Satellites" }, "EF2264": { "en": "EF2264 Operation of Space Systems" }, "MF2097": { "en": "MF2097 Advanced Sketch Exercises" }, "MF2094": { "en": "MF2094 Develop Creativity" }, "LT1045": { "en": "LT1045 School placement" }, "LT1046": { "en": "LT1046 Social relations" }, "FAL3300": { "en": "FAL3300 GIS for Environmental Modelling" }, "AI118U": { "en": "AI118U Real Estate Management in the Private Sector" }, "KD2905": { "en": "KD2905 Project in Chemistry" }, "FIS3202": { "en": "FIS3202 Computer Systems Architecture" }, "ME2154": { "en": "ME2154 Supply Chain Risk Management" }, "FIL3237": { "en": "FIL3237 Electronic System Design" }, "DM2582": { "en": "DM2582 Media Lab" }, "FEO3210": { "en": "FEO3210 Information Theory" }, "SD2930": { "en": "SD2930 Project in Aerospace Engineering" }, "HL2037": { "en": "HL2037 Internship in Medical Engineering" }, "FSG3135": { "en": "FSG3135 Micro Fluid Flows" }, "FDD3557": { "en": "FDD3557 Program and Semantics and Analysis" }, "FIK3615": { "en": "FIK3615 Critical Perspectives on Engineering and Construction of ICT Systems" }, "FSG3112": { "en": "FSG3112 Turbulence" }, "FAK3154": { "en": "FAK3154 The Rise of Global Environmental Governance" }, "LS1496": { "en": "LS1496 Chinese B" }, "FSH3301": { "en": "FSH3301 Experimental Nuclear Physics" }, "BB201X": { "en": "BB201X Degree Project in Biotechnology" }, "AI124U": { "en": "AI124U Commissioned course" }, "FSH3311": { "en": "FSH3311 Theoretical Nuclear Physics" }, "LD1007": { "en": "LD1007 Study Strategies for Effective Learning" }, "FAE3006": { "en": "FAE3006 Research Communication" }, "LS143U": { "en": "LS143U French A" }, "FSH3220": { "en": "FSH3220 Medical Imaging" }, "FSH3501": { "en": "FSH3501 Radiation Damage in Materials" }, "FSK3900": { "en": "FSK3900 Nanomaterial Chemistry" }, "FSD3313": { "en": "FSD3313 Rail Vehicle Dynamics" }, "SD2935": { "en": "SD2935 Project in Aerospace Engineering" }, "FSH3000": { "en": "FSH3000 Width and Ethics in Physics" }, "FDH3011": { "en": "FDH3011 Interaction Design Research" }, "LT201X": { "en": "LT201X Degree Project in Subject" }, "FSI3090": { "en": "FSI3090 Complex Systems" }, "LD1006": { "en": "LD1006 Cognitive Psychology for Teachers" }, "FIH3601": { "en": "FIH3601 Statistical Methods in Microelectronics" }, "SK180N": { "en": "SK180N Introductory Modern Physics" }, "MJ111V": { "en": "MJ111V Circular Economy and Industrial Systems" }, "AL2115": { "en": "AL2115 Transdisciplinary Approaches for System Innovations" }, "FAK3148": { "en": "FAK3148 Introduction to Research Ethics for PhD students" }, "FAK3127": { "en": "FAK3127 The Sustainable Scientist" }, "MJ241X": { "en": "MJ241X Degree Project in Energy Technology" }, "FDD3256": { "en": "FDD3256 Methods in High" }, "FAE3007": { "en": "FAE3007 Research Communication" }, "FCK3502": { "en": "FCK3502 Chemical Reaction Engineering" }, "HT102X": { "en": "HT102X Degree Project in Medical Technology and Economics" }, "MJ240X": { "en": "MJ240X Degree Project in Energy Technology" }, "FAG3168": { "en": "FAG3168 Seminars in Planning and Decision Analysis" }, "HL2039": { "en": "HL2039 Internship in Medical Engineering" }, "FEN3250": { "en": "FEN3250 Communication and Control in Electric Power Systems" }, "FEN3251": { "en": "FEN3251 Computer Applications in Power Systems" }, "FHN3013": { "en": "FHN3013 Research Methodology in Technology and Health" }, "EA249X": { "en": "EA249X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "FIL3008": { "en": "FIL3008 Embedded Software" }, "SD2706": { "en": "SD2706 Sailing for Performance" }, "FMH3623": { "en": "FMH3623 Seminar Course in Atomic" }, "FLF3008": { "en": "FLF3008 Interview as Qualitative Research Method" }, "FSK3523": { "en": "FSK3523 Advanced Molecular Dynamics" }, "FSK3450": { "en": "FSK3450 Advanced Materials and Processing Technologies for Photonics" }, "EG2240": { "en": "EG2240 Power System Planning" }, "FSK3910": { "en": "FSK3910 Colloids and Collodial Principles for Industrial Applications" }, "ML1611": { "en": "ML1611 Automation Technology" }, "FEP3250": { "en": "FEP3250 Building Networked Systems Security" }, "FDD3457": { "en": "FDD3457 Program and Semantics and Analysis" }, "FSK3404": { "en": "FSK3404 Laser Physics" }, "FSK3421": { "en": "FSK3421 Nonlinear Optical Technology" }, "AG228U": { "en": "AG228U Advanced Course in Process Management" }, "FLF3013": { "en": "FLF3013 Continuation Course on Research Methods in Learning and IT" }, "FAG3112": { "en": "FAG3112 Spatial Analysis" }, "LS1450": { "en": "LS1450 ltalian A" }, "FMF3035": { "en": "FMF3035 System thinking and modelling of complex dynamic systems" }, "HT101X": { "en": "HT101X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering and Economics" }, "AF242X": { "en": "AF242X Degree Project in Building Technology" }, "FJH3002": { "en": "FJH3002 Topics in Computational Brain Science" }, "FAF3605": { "en": "FAF3605 Underground Excavation in Rock" }, "FDD3003": { "en": "FDD3003 Parallel Computing" }, "MJ244X": { "en": "MJ244X Degree Project in Energy and Climate Studies" }, "FAG3169": { "en": "FAG3169 Individual Literature Course in Urban and Regional Studies" }, "FAF3008": { "en": "FAF3008 Research within Civil and Architectural Engineering" }, "EA280X": { "en": "EA280X Degree Project in Electrical Engineering" }, "FEI3354": { "en": "FEI3354 Power Transformers" }, "MF2091": { "en": "MF2091 Research Project in Engineering Design" }, "FSF3812": { "en": "FSF3812 Applied Linear Optimization" }, "FAG5130": { "en": "FAG5130 Satellite Based Positioning" }, "FSF3940": { "en": "FSF3940 Probability" }, "FSF3634": { "en": "FSF3634 Probalistic number theory" }, "FDH3355": { "en": "FDH3355 Design for Human Machine Interaction" }, "BB2220": { "en": "BB2220 Project Work in Biotechnology" }, "FEJ3311": { "en": "FEJ3311 Modulation of Power Electronic Converters" }, "DT2217": { "en": "DT2217 Advanced Induvidual Course in Music Acoustics" }, "FEI3364": { "en": "FEI3364 Reliability Centred Asset Management for Power Systems" }, "LT1040": { "en": "LT1040 Programme integrating course" }, "SA1005": { "en": "SA1005 Project in Engineering Physics" }, "KD2920": { "en": "KD2920 Project in Chemistry" }, "FSF3847": { "en": "FSF3847 Convex Optimization with Engineering Applications" }, "FAI3306": { "en": "FAI3306 Financing of Entreprenurship" }, "FME3549": { "en": "FME3549 Sustainable Industry" }, "SG2226": { "en": "SG2226 Wind Energy Aerodynamics" }, "CH2008": { "en": "CH2008 Ergonomics in Challenge Driven Product Development" }, "EF2245": { "en": "EF2245 Space Physics II" }, "EF2215": { "en": "EF2215 Plasma Physics II" }, "EF2240": { "en": "EF2240 Space Physics" }, "EF2270": { "en": "EF2270 Applied Plasma Physics" }, "MJ2507": { "en": "MJ2507 AI applications in Sustainable Energy Engineering" }, "CH2013": { "en": "CH2013 Introduction to Technology" }, "FEP3370": { "en": "FEP3370 Advanced Ethical Hacking" }, "CM2020": { "en": "CM2020 Ionising Radiation Imaging" }, "MH1004": { "en": "MH1004 Engineering Materials" }, "SF1683": { "en": "SF1683 Differential Equations and Transforms" }, "SF1681": { "en": "SF1681 Linear Algebra" }, "SF1544": { "en": "SF1544 Numerical Methods" }, "KH1231": { "en": "KH1231 Chemical Engineering and Technology" }, "HL2032": { "en": "HL2032 Medical Engineering" }, "DD1301": { "en": "DD1301 Computer Introduction" }, "MH2017": { "en": "MH2017 Micro and Nanostructures" }, "ML190X": { "en": "ML190X Degree Project in Mechanical Engineering and Economics" }, "SI1336": { "en": "SI1336 Simulation and Modeling" }, "EK2380": { "en": "EK2380 Medical Sensors" }, "EJ1200": { "en": "EJ1200 Electric Power Systems" }, "KE2331": { "en": "KE2331 Pharmaceutical Technology" }, "SF1624": { "en": "SF1624 Algebra and Geometry" }, "SF1689": { "en": "SF1689 Basic Course in Mathematics" }, "EG2230": { "en": "EG2230 Electricity Pricing and Emissions" }, "II1306": { "en": "II1306 Introduction to IT" }, "MF1017": { "en": "MF1017 Basic Electrical Engineering" }, "EJ2420": { "en": "EJ2420 Seminars in Electrical Machines and Power Electronics" }, "SF2743": { "en": "SF2743 Advanced Real Analysis I" }, "ID1021": { "en": "ID1021 Algorithms and Data Structures" }, "EI2455": { "en": "EI2455 Smart Electrical Networks and Systems" }, "EI2436": { "en": "EI2436 Power Grid Technology and Substation Design" }, "KF2505": { "en": "KF2505 Polymer Materials Processing" }, "SK2500": { "en": "SK2500 Physics of Biomedical Microscopy" }, "LT2046": { "en": "LT2046 Development Project in Technology Education" }, "IV1351": { "en": "IV1351 Data Storage Paradigms" }, "SF1686": { "en": "SF1686 Calculus in Several Variable" }, "EL2425": { "en": "EL2425 Automatic Control" }, "SK2501": { "en": "SK2501 Physics of Biomedical Microscopy" }, "EL1000": { "en": "EL1000 Automatic Control" }, "DD2413": { "en": "DD2413 Social Robotics" }, "SH2007": { "en": "SH2007 Research Methodology in Physics" }, "AI2102": { "en": "AI2102 Real Estate Market Analysis and Development" }, "SF2565": { "en": "SF2565 Program Construction in C" }, "SF1690": { "en": "SF1690 Basic Course in Mathematics" }, "SF1684": { "en": "SF1684 Algebra and Geometry" }, "IE1204": { "en": "IE1204 Digital Design" }, "SH2774": { "en": "SH2774 Numerical Methods in Nuclear Engineering" }, "FSK3532": { "en": "FSK3532 Biomedicine for Engineers" }, "CM1007": { "en": "CM1007 FullStack Development and DevOps" }, "AI1145": { "en": "AI1145 Property Management with a Financial Perspective" }, "DT2470": { "en": "DT2470 Music Informatics" }, "BB2165": { "en": "BB2165 Biomolecular Structure and Function" }, "CH2004": { "en": "CH2004 Evaluation and Measures of the Physical Work Environment" }, "MH2056": { "en": "MH2056 Materials Properties I" }, "IL1331": { "en": "IL1331 VHDL Design" }, "MF1045": { "en": "MF1045 Product realization" }, "MF1063": { "en": "MF1063 Materials in Design and Product Realisation" }, "MH2053": { "en": "MH2053 Applied Thermodynamics for Material Processing" }, "ID1206": { "en": "ID1206 Operating Systems" }, "MH2252": { "en": "MH2252 Casting Processing" }, "ID1212": { "en": "ID1212 Network Programming" }, "AF2609": { "en": "AF2609 Foundation Engineering" }, "CH2010": { "en": "CH2010 Cognitive Interaction Design" }, "MH2281": { "en": "MH2281 Metal Forming" }, "AG2806": { "en": "AG2806 Environmental Aspects of the Built Environment" }, "CH2014": { "en": "CH2014 Chemical and Microbiological Risk Management in the Work Environment" }, "ME1039": { "en": "ME1039 Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship for Media and ICT" }, "EN2720": { "en": "EN2720 Ethical Hacking" }, "AF2610": { "en": "AF2610 Tunnel Engineering" }, "ID2214": { "en": "ID2214 Programming for Data Science" }, "ID1219": { "en": "ID1219 Software Evolution and Maintenance" }, "SF2725": { "en": "SF2725 The History of Mathematics" }, "AL2511": { "en": "AL2511 Resilience Thinking in Sustainable Planning" }, "EL2700": { "en": "EL2700 Model Predictive Control" }, "HS202X": { "en": "HS202X Degree Project in Architectural Lighting Design and Health" }, "FID3016": { "en": "FID3016 Data Mining" }, "ME1010": { "en": "ME1010 Organization and Knowledge" }, "EP2120": { "en": "EP2120 Internetworking" }, "ID2201": { "en": "ID2201 Distributed Systems" }, "ML0021": { "en": "ML0021 Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "MH2101": { "en": "MH2101 Metal Powder" }, "ID2209": { "en": "ID2209 Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents" }, "ME1040": { "en": "ME1040 Industrial Management for Biotechnology" }, "DD2395": { "en": "DD2395 Computer Security" }, "IK2206": { "en": "IK2206 Internet Security and Privacy" }, "HI1030": { "en": "HI1030 Database Technology" }, "IK2215": { "en": "IK2215 Advanced Internetworking" }, "IK2218": { "en": "IK2218 Protocols and Principles of the Internet" }, "AK203V": { "en": "AK203V Decision Theory for Professionals" }, "DD2367": { "en": "DD2367 Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists" }, "DD2380": { "en": "DD2380 Artificial Intelligence" }, "DD2440": { "en": "DD2440 Advanced Algorithms" }, "KF2130": { "en": "KF2130 Polymer Chemistry" }, "KF2150": { "en": "KF2150 Surface Coatings Chemistry" }, "AK2008": { "en": "AK2008 Ethics of Biotechnology" }, "HE1031": { "en": "HE1031 Economics and Organizational Theory" }, "DD2447": { "en": "DD2447 Statistical Methods in Applied Computer Science" }, "AI2808": { "en": "AI2808 Project Development and Architectural Concepts" }, "SD2810": { "en": "SD2810 Aeroelasticity" }, "SD2830": { "en": "SD2830 Aircraft Performance and Air Traffic Management" }, "MJ2523": { "en": "MJ2523 Aircraft Propulsion" }, "AK2004": { "en": "AK2004 Philosophy of Risk" }, "CE2010": { "en": "CE2010 Nuclear Chemistry" }, "EH2720": { "en": "EH2720 Management of Projects" }, "IS1300": { "en": "IS1300 Embedded Systems" }, "ME2501": { "en": "ME2501 Perspectives on Industrial Management" }, "ME2603": { "en": "ME2603 Entrepreneurship" }, "AF2003": { "en": "AF2003 Structural Engineering" }, "FDD3026": { "en": "FDD3026 Open Quantum Systems" }, "CM0001": { "en": "CM0001 Introduction to Mathematics" }, "AF2101": { "en": "AF2101 Concrete Structures" }, "AF2301": { "en": "AF2301 Building Materials" }, "HI1031": { "en": "HI1031 Distributed Information Systems" }, "HI1032": { "en": "HI1032 Communication Systems" }, "HI1033": { "en": "HI1033 Mobile Applications and Wireless Networks" }, "HI2002": { "en": "HI2002 Routing in IP Networks" }, "AI2810": { "en": "AI2810 Project Communication" }, "AI2152": { "en": "AI2152 Quantitative Methods Applied to Real Estate and Construction Management" }, "CB2100": { "en": "CB2100 Environmental Bioprocess Technology" }, "ML0022": { "en": "ML0022 Physics for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "ML0023": { "en": "ML0023 Chemistry for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "DM2800": { "en": "DM2800 Leading Complex Change Processes" }, "IK1330": { "en": "IK1330 Wireless Systems" }, "CB2010": { "en": "CB2010 Downstream processing of biological products" }, "HL2017": { "en": "HL2017 Advanced Physiology" }, "HL2018": { "en": "HL2018 Advanced Physiology" }, "EP2790": { "en": "EP2790 Security Analysis of Large" }, "CB2020": { "en": "CB2020 Clinical applications of biotechnology" }, "HL2003": { "en": "HL2003 Radiation Physics and Biology" }, "LT1048": { "en": "LT1048 Selected Topics in Mathematics" }, "DD2445": { "en": "DD2445 Complexity Theory" }, "LT1049": { "en": "LT1049 Mathematics Didactics" }, "CB2021": { "en": "CB2021 Clinical applications of biotechnology" }, "LT2043": { "en": "LT2043 School placement" }, "LT2044": { "en": "LT2044 Teaching and Learning in Technology and Engineering" }, "EP2700": { "en": "EP2700 Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks" }, "SD2925": { "en": "SD2925 System Integration for Space Technology" }, "CB2090": { "en": "CB2090 Drug Development" }, "AH2915": { "en": "AH2915 Laser Scanning Technology" }, "CM2001": { "en": "CM2001 Mobile Sports Applications and Data Mining" }, "CM2021": { "en": "CM2021 Magnetic Resonance Imaging" }, "SD2601": { "en": "SD2601 Fundamentals of Flight" }, "FLF3004": { "en": "FLF3004 Litterature Course" }, "SD2900": { "en": "SD2900 Fundamentals of Spaceflight" }, "LT2045": { "en": "LT2045 Teaching and Learning in Technology and Engineering" }, "AG2926": { "en": "AG2926 Map Projections and Reference Systems" }, "FLF3003": { "en": "FLF3003 Litterature Course" }, "SF2866": { "en": "SF2866 Applied Systems Engineering" }, "CE2385": { "en": "CE2385 Selective organic synthesis" }, "CE2020": { "en": "CE2020 Chemical Sensing" }, "CH2006": { "en": "CH2006 Advanced Measurements of Air Contamination" }, "HL2035": { "en": "HL2035 Biomechanics and Neuronics" }, "SF2832": { "en": "SF2832 Mathematical Systems Theory" }, "SF2852": { "en": "SF2852 Optimal Control Theory" }, "SF2863": { "en": "SF2863 Systems Engineering" }, "SD2125": { "en": "SD2125 Signals and Mechanical Systems" }, "FLF3005": { "en": "FLF3005 Litterature Course" }, "EP2500": { "en": "EP2500 Networked Systems Security" }, "AG2927": { "en": "AG2927 Geodata Quality and Adjustment Theory" }, "CK2130": { "en": "CK2130 Sustainable production of fuels and materials" }, "CK2310": { "en": "CK2310 Advanced Organic Chemistry" }, "EQ2222": { "en": "EQ2222 The Sustainable Information and Network Engineer" }, "HL2005": { "en": "HL2005 Implants and Biomaterials" }, "HL2034": { "en": "HL2034 Clinical Innovation and Design" }, "SF1914": { "en": "SF1914 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "MF2018": { "en": "MF2018 Tribology" }, "MJ2524": { "en": "MJ2524 Aircraft Propulsion" }, "EL1010": { "en": "EL1010 Automatic Control" }, "EQ2445": { "en": "EQ2445 Project in Multimedia Processing and Analysis" }, "EQ2425": { "en": "EQ2425 Analysis and Search of Visual Data" }, "CM2006": { "en": "CM2006 Medical Image Visualization" }, "DD2375": { "en": "DD2375 Project Course in High" }, "ML1618": { "en": "ML1618 Industrial Technology and Production" }, "ML1619": { "en": "ML1619 Industrial Maintenance and Reliability" }, "ML1609": { "en": "ML1609 Quality Technology and Improvement" }, "ML1607": { "en": "ML1607 Electrical and Control Engineering" }, "ML1608": { "en": "ML1608 Maintenance Economy for Sustainable Production" }, "ML1204": { "en": "ML1204 Machine Components" }, "HL2013": { "en": "HL2013 Radiation Therapy" }, "CM2000": { "en": "CM2000 Health and Sports Instrumentation" }, "CM2018": { "en": "CM2018 Statistics for Medical Engineering" }, "HL2016": { "en": "HL2016 Technology in Surgery" }, "ML1617": { "en": "ML1617 Intelligent Maintenance Systems" }, "ML1616": { "en": "ML1616 Industrial Project Management" }, "ML1615": { "en": "ML1615 Reliability and Maintenance in the Smart Factory" }, "ML1614": { "en": "ML1614 Project Course in Maintenance and Operations for Sustainable Production" }, "HN2020": { "en": "HN2020 Work Environment Economics" }, "ML1501": { "en": "ML1501 Industrial Systems I" }, "ML1500": { "en": "ML1500 Introduction to Industrial Technology" }, "HN2022": { "en": "HN2022 System Safety and Risk Management" }, "EP2510": { "en": "EP2510 Advanced Networked Systems Security" }, "KD2300": { "en": "KD2300 Biomedical Materials" }, "EQ2444": { "en": "EQ2444 Project in Communication Engineering" }, "SF0003": { "en": "SF0003 Introductory Course in Mathematics" }, "EP2420": { "en": "EP2420 Network Analytics" }, "KH0021": { "en": "KH0021 Mathematics for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "ML1503": { "en": "ML1503 Industrial Systems II" }, "ML1504": { "en": "ML1504 Logistics in Production" }, "DD1310": { "en": "DD1310 Programming Techniques" }, "SF1811": { "en": "SF1811 Optimization" }, "SF1915": { "en": "SF1915 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "ML1506": { "en": "ML1506 Adaption course for Industrial Technology" }, "EI2402": { "en": "EI2402 Electromagnetic compatibility" }, "ML1508": { "en": "ML1508 Dependability and Operational Maintenance" }, "MJ1401": { "en": "MJ1401 Heat Transfer" }, "ML1018": { "en": "ML1018 Fundamental Industrial Statistics" }, "ME2003": { "en": "ME2003 Research Methods in Industrial Engineering and Management" }, "ML2306": { "en": "ML2306 Industrial Analytics for Advanced Manufacturing" }, "ML2308": { "en": "ML2308 CDIO course in Sustainable Production Development" }, "CB1000": { "en": "CB1000 Sustainable development and project management" }, "KF1165": { "en": "KF1165 Materials Chemistry and Properties" }, "EF2260": { "en": "EF2260 Space Environment and Spacecraft Engineering" }, "KD2360": { "en": "KD2360 Quantum Chemistry" }, "KD2380": { "en": "KD2380 Corrosion and Surface Protection" }, "KE2070": { "en": "KE2070 Transport Phenomena" }, "KH0023": { "en": "KH0023 Chemistry for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "KH0022": { "en": "KH0022 Physics for Technical Preparatory Year I" }, "EI2433": { "en": "EI2433 Electrotechnical Modelling" }, "MJ2506": { "en": "MJ2506 Energy Technologies for Sustainable Transportation" }, "KE2351": { "en": "KE2351 Risk Analysis and Management for Chemical Engineers" }, "DD2552": { "en": "DD2552 Seminars on Theoretical Computer Science" }, "MJ2508": { "en": "MJ2508 Energy Systems for Sustainable Development" }, "MJ2509": { "en": "MJ2509 Energy in the built environment" }, "MJ2411": { "en": "MJ2411 Renewable Energy Technology" }, "MJ2405": { "en": "MJ2405 Sustainable Power Generation" }, "HI1024": { "en": "HI1024 Computer Programming" }, "ME2053": { "en": "ME2053 Logistics" }, "EQ1110": { "en": "EQ1110 Continuous Time Signals and Systems" }, "DD2528": { "en": "DD2528 Dependable Autonomous Systems" }, "EI2600": { "en": "EI2600 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Electric Power Engineering" }, "LH215V": { "en": "LH215V Learning for Sustainable Development" }, "DD2410": { "en": "DD2410 Introduction to Robotics" }, "CB206V": { "en": "CB206V Machine Learning in Biotechnology" }, "AG2116": { "en": "AG2116 City Networks in Regional Contexts" }, "MJ2460": { "en": "MJ2460 Green Building" }, "FMJ3386": { "en": "FMJ3386 Energy Storage" }, "AK2012": { "en": "AK2012 Individual Course in Philosophy" }, "EQ1270": { "en": "EQ1270 Stochastic Signals and" }, "DD2394": { "en": "DD2394 Cybersecurity Project" }, "SF2561": { "en": "SF2561 The Finite Element Method" }, "AK2055": { "en": "AK2055 Theory of Science and Research Methodology for Teachers" }, "II1303": { "en": "II1303 Signal Processing" }, "KF2110": { "en": "KF2110 Mechanical Properties of Materials" }, "ME2065": { "en": "ME2065 Operations and Supply Chain Strategy" }, "ME2064": { "en": "ME2064 Finance and Control in Industrial Organizations" }, "KH1341": { "en": "KH1341 Environmental Technology" }, "FAK3143": { "en": "FAK3143 Philosophy of Risk" }, "DD1348": { "en": "DD1348 Ethics in Introduction to Computer Science" }, "KF2140": { "en": "KF2140 Polymer Physics" }, "SF2956": { "en": "SF2956 Topological Data Analysis" }, "SF2567": { "en": "SF2567 Project Course in Scientific Computing" }, "DD2434": { "en": "DD2434 Machine Learning" }, "SD2307": { "en": "SD2307 Rail Vehicle Technology" }, "SD2725": { "en": "SD2725 Introduction to Marine Technology" }, "SF2942": { "en": "SF2942 Portfolio Theory and Risk Management" }, "SD1116": { "en": "SD1116 Design of Silent and Vibration" }, "SF2980": { "en": "SF2980 Risk Management" }, "BB2300": { "en": "BB2300 Computational Chemistry" }, "MJ2383": { "en": "MJ2383 Energy System Economics" }, "SE2137": { "en": "SE2137 Fatigue" }, "SD2230": { "en": "SD2230 Vehicle Dynamics Project Course Part" }, "MJ2503": { "en": "MJ2503 Small Scale Polygeneration" }, "AI2151": { "en": "AI2151 Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship" }, "MJ2386": { "en": "MJ2386 Energy Storage Technology" }, "MJ2505": { "en": "MJ2505 Practical Optimization of Energy Networks" }, "SD2190": { "en": "SD2190 Vehicle Acoustics and Vibration" }, "SD2111": { "en": "SD2111 Engineering Acoustics" }, "SD2416": { "en": "SD2416 Structural Optimisation and Sandwich Design" }, "KF2470": { "en": "KF2470 Pulp and Paper Processes" }, "EQ2810": { "en": "EQ2810 Estimation Theory" }, "AH2170": { "en": "AH2170 Transport Data collection and Analysis" }, "AH2307": { "en": "AH2307 Urban Modeling and Decision Support" }, "EK2370": { "en": "EK2370 Build your own Radar System" }, "ME2069": { "en": "ME2069 Managing Research and Innovation" }, "ME2072": { "en": "ME2072 Entrepreneurship for Engineers" }, "DD2370": { "en": "DD2370 Computational Methods for Electromagnetics" }, "MJ2513": { "en": "MJ2513 Circular Economy and Energy System" }, "MJ2521": { "en": "MJ2521 Integrated Energy Systems for Buildings" }, "MJ2520": { "en": "MJ2520 Energy Systems for Smart Cities" }, "MJ2517": { "en": "MJ2517 Heat pumping technologies" }, "SD2250": { "en": "SD2250 Sustainable Vehicle Design" }, "SD2222": { "en": "SD2222 Vehicle Components" }, "AD236V": { "en": "AD236V Architecture and Gender" }, "AF140V": { "en": "AF140V Basic technology for buildings" }, "SD2221": { "en": "SD2221 Vehicle System Technology" }, "AF213V": { "en": "AF213V Design of Steel Structures According to Eurocode" }, "SH2610": { "en": "SH2610 Leadership for Safe Nuclear Power Industry" }, "SA2002": { "en": "SA2002 Sustainable development and research methodology in engineering mechanics" }, "ML2300": { "en": "ML2300 Sustainable Production" }, "SD2229": { "en": "SD2229 Vehicle Dynamics Project Course Part" }, "ML2307": { "en": "ML2307 Theory of Science and Research Methodology in Sustainable Production Development" }, "EH1110": { "en": "EH1110 Global Impact of Electrical Engineering" }, "AH2029": { "en": "AH2029 Railway Signalling System" }, "AG1818": { "en": "AG1818 Geodetic Surveying" }, "MG2009": { "en": "MG2009 Advanced Manufacturing Technology" }, "SH2614": { "en": "SH2614 The Nuclear Fuel Cycle" }, "AG219V": { "en": "AG219V Complexities and Conflicts in Urban Development" }, "ME2086": { "en": "ME2086 Global Energy Markets and Systems in Transition" }, "MF2020": { "en": "MF2020 Project Work" }, "CB2442": { "en": "CB2442 Bioinformatics" }, "AG2134": { "en": "AG2134 Contemporary Urban Theory" }, "KF2460": { "en": "KF2460 Bio Fibre Chemistry" }, "DA237X": { "en": "DA237X Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering" }, "SH2701": { "en": "SH2701 Thermal" }, "SD2415": { "en": "SD2415 Process Modelling for Composite Manufacturing" }, "AG1324": { "en": "AG1324 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing" }, "EL2820": { "en": "EL2820 Modelling of Dynamical Systems" }, "EQ1220": { "en": "EQ1220 Signal Theory" }, "CM0002": { "en": "CM0002 Introduction to Computer Studies" }, "ME2094": { "en": "ME2094 Internet Marketing" }, "ME2092": { "en": "ME2092 Management of Technology Innovation and Creativity" }, "EH2030": { "en": "EH2030 Business Development and Quality Management" }, "AK205V": { "en": "AK205V Philosophy of Risk for Professionals" }, "DT2140": { "en": "DT2140 Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces" }, "ME2096": { "en": "ME2096 ICT Innovation Study Project" }, "EQ2310": { "en": "EQ2310 Digital Communications" }, "EL2620": { "en": "EL2620 Nonlinear Control" }, "ME2097": { "en": "ME2097 Strategic Management Control" }, "DT2151": { "en": "DT2151 Project in Conversational Systems" }, "EL2220": { "en": "EL2220 The Sustainable Systems and Control Engineer" }, "DD2430": { "en": "DD2430 Project Course in Data Science" }, "AL101V": { "en": "AL101V Sustainable Development for Problem Solvers" }, "EL2805": { "en": "EL2805 Reinforcement Learning" }, "EQ2300": { "en": "EQ2300 Digital Signal Processing" }, "HL1007": { "en": "HL1007 Medical Engineering" }, "DD1391": { "en": "DD1391 Programme Integrating Course in Computer Science Engineering" }, "AI1149": { "en": "AI1149 Geodata quality and time series analysis" }, "EQ2443": { "en": "EQ2443 Project in Information Engineering" }, "SK2533": { "en": "SK2533 Experimental Biophysics" }, "AK2018": { "en": "AK2018 Advanced Course in Research Ethics" }, "AK2017": { "en": "AK2017 Introduction to Research Ethics" }, "EG2340": { "en": "EG2340 Wind Power Systems" }, "EF2200": { "en": "EF2200 Plasma Physics" }, "ME2313": { "en": "ME2313 Financial Mathematics" }, "SF1918": { "en": "SF1918 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "SA1006": { "en": "SA1006 Engineering Skills in Engineering Mathematics" }, "EI2405": { "en": "EI2405 Classical Electrodynamics" }, "EF2222": { "en": "EF2222 The Sustainable Electrophysics Engineer" }, "SF1672": { "en": "SF1672 Linear Algebra" }, "SF1673": { "en": "SF1673 Analysis in one variable" }, "ME2314": { "en": "ME2314 Systems Engineering" }, "MF2030": { "en": "MF2030 Mechatronics basic Course" }, "ME2321": { "en": "ME2321 Engineering and Global Challenges" }, "II2211": { "en": "II2211 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing for Embedded Systems" }, "MF2043": { "en": "MF2043 Robust Mechatronics" }, "MF2039": { "en": "MF2039 Advanced Service Design" }, "HF1005": { "en": "HF1005 Engineering and Information Skills" }, "HL1013": { "en": "HL1013 Medical Imaging Systems" }, "EQ2855": { "en": "EQ2855 Emerging Information Technologies for Industrial Digitalization" }, "EQ2831": { "en": "EQ2831 Foundations in Digital Communications" }, "FME3518": { "en": "FME3518 Quantitative Research Methods in Industrial Economics and Management" }, "AF1764": { "en": "AF1764 Mathematics" }, "CH2009": { "en": "CH2009 Work Life and Health" }, "AF1734": { "en": "AF1734 Structural mechanics" }, "ML2305": { "en": "ML2305 Production Logistics and Supply Chains" }, "AF1744": { "en": "AF1744 Building Techniques" }, "AF1763": { "en": "AF1763 Mathematics" }, "ME2322": { "en": "ME2322 Industrial transformation and technological innovation" }, "EG112V": { "en": "EG112V Introduction and Analysis of Sustainable electric Power Systems" }, "EL2320": { "en": "EL2320 Applied Estimation" }, "EP282U": { "en": "EP282U Ethical Hacking" }, "DD2423": { "en": "DD2423 Image Analysis and Computer Vision" }, "EQ2415": { "en": "EQ2415 Machine Learning and Data Science" }, "ME2502": { "en": "ME2502 Change Project in Industrial Management" }, "AF1760": { "en": "AF1760 Introductory Mathematics" }, "EP283U": { "en": "EP283U Ethical Hacking" }, "SA1007": { "en": "SA1007 Engineering Skills" }, "DD1385": { "en": "DD1385 Software Engineering" }, "HL1015": { "en": "HL1015 Engineering in Intensvie Care and Surgery" }, "HF1011": { "en": "HF1011 Signals" }, "HE1030": { "en": "HE1030 Analog Electronics" }, "HE1037": { "en": "HE1037 Data" }, "AK2050": { "en": "AK2050 Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications" }, "EI1220": { "en": "EI1220 Electromagnetic Theory E" }, "HE1026": { "en": "HE1026 Digital Electronics" }, "HF1006": { "en": "HF1006 Linear Algebra and Calculus in One Variable" }, "SD1002": { "en": "SD1002 Vehicle Engineering" }, "EF2243": { "en": "EF2243 Solar System Physics" }, "SF1682": { "en": "SF1682 Analytical and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations" }, "SF1668": { "en": "SF1668 Mathematical and Numerical Analysis I" }, "SG1132": { "en": "SG1132 Mechanics I Inclusive Project" }, "FEP3301": { "en": "FEP3301 Computational Game Theory" }, "SF2975": { "en": "SF2975 Financial Derivatives" }, "DH2643": { "en": "DH2643 Advanced Interaction Programming" }, "SF2957": { "en": "SF2957 Statistical Machine Learning" }, "ME2722": { "en": "ME2722 Green Economics" }, "SG2225": { "en": "SG2225 Fluid Mechanics Continuation Course" }, "EI1320": { "en": "EI1320 Electromagnetic Theory" }, "DD2325": { "en": "DD2325 Applied Programming and Computer Science" }, "SD2180": { "en": "SD2180 Non" }, "MF2054": { "en": "MF2054 Modell" }, "SE2126": { "en": "SE2126 Material Mechanics" }, "SE2132": { "en": "SE2132 Applied Elasticity with FEM" }, "SG1218": { "en": "SG1218 Fluid Mechanics" }, "EI1110": { "en": "EI1110 Electrical Circuit Analysis" }, "SF1521": { "en": "SF1521 Numerical Methods and Basic Programming" }, "ME2752": { "en": "ME2752 Challenge" }, "SG2214": { "en": "SG2214 Fluid Mechanics" }, "SG2150": { "en": "SG2150 Rigid Body Dynamic" }, "EQ2330": { "en": "EQ2330 Image and Video Processing" }, "SD2166": { "en": "SD2166 Building Acoustics and Community Noise" }, "SD2165": { "en": "SD2165 Acoustical Measurements" }, "SD2140": { "en": "SD2140 Vibro Acoustics" }, "MF2059": { "en": "MF2059 Mechatronics" }, "AK2201": { "en": "AK2201 Energy and Geopolitics" }, "SG2221": { "en": "SG2221 Wave Motions and Hydrodynamic Stability" }, "SG2218": { "en": "SG2218 Turbulence" }, "EK2360": { "en": "EK2360 Hands" }, "LT1000": { "en": "LT1000 Calculus for Teachers" }, "AF1006": { "en": "AF1006 Structural Mechanics" }, "FIH3605": { "en": "FIH3605 Power Semiconductor Devices" }, "AF1301": { "en": "AF1301 Building Materials" }, "MF2068": { "en": "MF2068 Machine Dynamics" }, "AF1402": { "en": "AF1402 Building Physics" }, "A21P1C": { "en": "A21P1C Architecture Project 2:1 Structure, Place, Activity 16.0 credits" }, "EI2439": { "en": "EI2439 Power System Protection" }, "LD1005": { "en": "LD1005 Digital Presentations and Video in Teaching" }, "DD2350": { "en": "DD2350 Algorithms" }, "MF2071": { "en": "MF2071 Research Methodology in Mechatronics" }, "DM1595": { "en": "DM1595 Program Development for Interactive Media" }, "LD1008": { "en": "LD1008 Applied Behavioral Science and Learning" }, "MF2140": { "en": "MF2140 Smart Cyber" }, "ML1110": { "en": "ML1110 Mechanical Engineering" }, "SH2603": { "en": "SH2603 Radiation" }, "ML1200": { "en": "ML1200 Engineering Materials and Production" }, "ML1330": { "en": "ML1330 Financial Control in an Industrial Concept" }, "ML2200": { "en": "ML2200 Manufacturing Process" }, "ML1214": { "en": "ML1214 Solid Mechanics" }, "ML1332": { "en": "ML1332 Computer" }, "SH1014": { "en": "SH1014 Modern Physics" }, "SH1015": { "en": "SH1015 Applied Modern Physics" }, "SH2103": { "en": "SH2103 Subatomic Physics" }, "SH2204": { "en": "SH2204 Astroparticle Physics" }, "SH2306": { "en": "SH2306 Experimental Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics" }, "SH2372": { "en": "SH2372 General Relativity" }, "SH2403": { "en": "SH2403 Astrophysics" }, "SH2600": { "en": "SH2600 Nuclear Reactor Physics" }, "SH1011": { "en": "SH1011 Modern Physics" }, "ML1030": { "en": "ML1030 Industrial Economics and Organisation" }, "ML1206": { "en": "ML1206 Machine Components" }, "ML1203": { "en": "ML1203 Energy Technology" }, "ML1201": { "en": "ML1201 Strength of Materials" }, "ML1000": { "en": "ML1000 Engineering Mathematics" }, "SH2704": { "en": "SH2704 Monte Carlo Methods and Simulations in Nuclear Technology" }, "SH2706": { "en": "SH2706 Sustainable Energy Transformation Technologies" }, "SI1146": { "en": "SI1146 Vector Analysis" }, "SH2615": { "en": "SH2615 Neutron Transport Theory" }, "SI2600": { "en": "SI2600 Condensed Matter Theory" }, "SI2371": { "en": "SI2371 Special Relativity" }, "SI2530": { "en": "SI2530 Computational Physics" }, "SH2772": { "en": "SH2772 Chemistry and Physics of Nuclear Fuels" }, "SI2380": { "en": "SI2380 Advanced Quantum Mechanics" }, "SI2410": { "en": "SI2410 Quantum Field Theory" }, "SI2510": { "en": "SI2510 Statistical Mechanics" }, "SI1122": { "en": "SI1122 Thermodynamics" }, "SK1114": { "en": "SK1114 Electromagnetism and Waves" }, "SI1121": { "en": "SI1121 Thermodynamics" }, "AF2025": { "en": "AF2025 Architectural Engineering Project" }, "HL2041": { "en": "HL2041 Sports Technology" }, "SI1410": { "en": "SI1410 Basic Modeling in Biotechnology" }, "SK1104": { "en": "SK1104 Classical Physics" }, "SK1108": { "en": "SK1108 Classical physics" }, "SK1112": { "en": "SK1112 Physics I" }, "MF2077": { "en": "MF2077 Machine Design Advanced Course Part II" }, "SK1150": { "en": "SK1150 Fundamental Physics I" }, "SK1151": { "en": "SK1151 Elementary Physics" }, "SK2402": { "en": "SK2402 Fundamentals of Photonics" }, "SK2532": { "en": "SK2532 Biomedicine for Engineers" }, "SK1115": { "en": "SK1115 Electromagnetism and Waves" }, "SK1118": { "en": "SK1118 Electromagnetism and Waves" }, "IL2230": { "en": "IL2230 Hardware Architectures for Deep Learning" }, "AH1023": { "en": "AH1023 Urban and Traffic Planning" }, "IL2238": { "en": "IL2238 Fundamentals of Integrated Electronics" }, "MJ1501": { "en": "MJ1501 States and Trends" }, "IL2203": { "en": "IL2203 Digital Design and Validation using Hardware Description Languages" }, "IL2225": { "en": "IL2225 Embedded Hardware Design in ASIC and FPGA" }, "FME3547": { "en": "FME3547 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research" }, "ID2223": { "en": "ID2223 Scalable Machine Learning and Deep Learning" }, "IL2232": { "en": "IL2232 Embedded Systems Design Project" }, "ID2221": { "en": "ID2221 Data" }, "II2202": { "en": "II2202 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing" }, "ID2207": { "en": "ID2207 Modern Methods in Software Engineering" }, "ID2222": { "en": "ID2222 Data Mining" }, "MH1018": { "en": "MH1018 Transport Phenomena" }, "IH2659": { "en": "IH2659 Nanofabrication Technologies" }, "MG1024": { "en": "MG1024 Production" }, "MF2104": { "en": "MF2104 Mechatronic in Product Design" }, "IH2652": { "en": "IH2652 Methods and Instruments of Analysis" }, "MG2013": { "en": "MG2013 Advanced Welding Technology" }, "MF2084": { "en": "MF2084 Managing Research and Development" }, "AG2412": { "en": "AG2412 Geovisualisation" }, "MG2015": { "en": "MG2015 Advanced Welding Technology" }, "SK2303": { "en": "SK2303 Optical Physics" }, "IL2231": { "en": "IL2231 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing for Nanotechnology" }, "SF2705": { "en": "SF2705 Fourier Analysis" }, "IH2653": { "en": "IH2653 Simulation of Semiconductor Devices" }, "DD2496": { "en": "DD2496 Privacy Enhancing Technologies" }, "AL2121": { "en": "AL2121 Global Development and Political Ecology" }, "MG1026": { "en": "MG1026 Manufacturing Technology" }, "LS1469": { "en": "LS1469 Communicative Leadership for Engineers" }, "AG2417": { "en": "AG2417 Web and Mobile GIS" }, "SK2534": { "en": "SK2534 Molecular Biophysics" }, "DD2391": { "en": "DD2391 Cybersecurity Overview" }, "DD2497": { "en": "DD2497 Project course in System Security" }, "EP2780": { "en": "EP2780 Digital forensics and incident response" }, "DD2443": { "en": "DD2443 Parallel and Distributed Computing" }, "IK2560": { "en": "IK2560 Mobile Networks and Services" }, "DD2510": { "en": "DD2510 Cybersecurity in a Socio" }, "LL137U": { "en": "LL137U Technology for Teachers in grades" }, "LS1001": { "en": "LS1001 Working in Virtual Teams" }, "AG2411": { "en": "AG2411 GIS Architecture and Algorithms" }, "AG2421": { "en": "AG2421 A GIS Project" }, "MG2016": { "en": "MG2016 Enlarged Welding Technology for EWE" }, "ME2818": { "en": "ME2818 Design Thinking" }, "MF2087": { "en": "MF2087 Innovation Management" }, "IK2200": { "en": "IK2200 Communication System Design" }, "DD1331": { "en": "DD1331 Fundamentals of Programming" }, "MG2028": { "en": "MG2028 CAD and Other IT Tools in Industrial Processes" }, "SF1694": { "en": "SF1694 Applied Linear Algebra" }, "MH2054": { "en": "MH2054 Materials Processes I" }, "MF2088": { "en": "MF2088 Innovation and Product Development" }, "DM2601": { "en": "DM2601 Media Technology and Interaction Design" }, "DD1351": { "en": "DD1351 Logic for Computer Scientists" }, "MG2037": { "en": "MG2037 Industrial Adhesive Bonding" }, "SF1917": { "en": "SF1917 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "II2206": { "en": "II2206 Stochastic Simulation" }, "LH217V": { "en": "LH217V Leading Educational Development" }, "LH219V": { "en": "LH219V Supervision and Assessment of Degree Project Work in First and Second Cycle" }, "FAK3155": { "en": "FAK3155 Ethics of Biotechnology" }, "DM2713": { "en": "DM2713 Researchs Methods in Interactive Media Technology" }, "IK2510": { "en": "IK2510 Wireless Networks" }, "MF2089": { "en": "MF2089 Challenge Driven Innovation for Sustainable Development" }, "MH1025": { "en": "MH1025 Design" }, "MG2104": { "en": "MG2104 Manufacturing Technology and Planning" }, "EG111V": { "en": "EG111V Introduction to Sustainable Electric Power Systems" }, "LT1059": { "en": "LT1059 Being Passionate about Technology Education" }, "MF2093": { "en": "MF2093 Sustainable Consumption" }, "EP270V": { "en": "EP270V Internet of Things" }, "SK2539": { "en": "SK2539 Microscale Acoustofluidics" }, "SF2940": { "en": "SF2940 Probability Theory" }, "SF2935": { "en": "SF2935 Modern Methods of Statistical Learning" }, "SF2739": { "en": "SF2739 Partial Differential Equations" }, "DD2360": { "en": "DD2360 Applied GPU Programming" }, "KD2390": { "en": "KD2390 Selective Organic Synthesis" }, "SF2740": { "en": "SF2740 Graph Theory" }, "ME2828": { "en": "ME2828 Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries" }, "SG1140": { "en": "SG1140 Mechanics II" }, "MG2109": { "en": "MG2109 Advanced Manufacturing Technology" }, "IL2206": { "en": "IL2206 Embedded Systems" }, "EP274V": { "en": "EP274V Ethical Hacking I" }, "MF2095": { "en": "MF2095 Programming in C for Embedded Systems" }, "MG2117": { "en": "MG2117 Production" }, "SK2538": { "en": "SK2538 Data" }, "SK2537": { "en": "SK2537 Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Biomedical Research" }, "MH1030": { "en": "MH1030 Materials Design I" }, "SK2800": { "en": "SK2800 Laser Spectroscopy" }, "MF2096": { "en": "MF2096 Advanced Formgiving" }, "SK2775": { "en": "SK2775 Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy and Environment" }, "SK2772": { "en": "SK2772 Chemistry for Nanotechnology" }, "SK2770": { "en": "SK2770 Introduction to Nanotechnology" }, "SK2771": { "en": "SK2771 Solid State Physics" }, "SK2560": { "en": "SK2560 Nanophotonics and Bionanophotonics" }, "SK2811": { "en": "SK2811 Fiber" }, "SK2757": { "en": "SK2757 Project on Nanomaterials" }, "MF240V": { "en": "MF240V Cyber" }, "SK2822": { "en": "SK2822 Compound Semiconductors and Photonic Devices" }, "EP275V": { "en": "EP275V Ethical hacking II" }, "SK2906": { "en": "SK2906 Quantum Circuits" }, "AF2011": { "en": "AF2011 Structural Dynamics for Civil Engineers" }, "SK2905": { "en": "SK2905 Superconductivity and other Quantum Liquids" }, "SK2903": { "en": "SK2903 Quantum Technology" }, "SK2902": { "en": "SK2902 Light" }, "DD2485": { "en": "DD2485 Programmable Society" }, "DD2484": { "en": "DD2484 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages" }, "AF2023": { "en": "AF2023 Theory and Methodology of Science and Risk and Safety in Building Sciences" }, "MG2110": { "en": "MG2110 Advanced Metrology" }, "DA1600": { "en": "DA1600 Writing in the Engineering Profession" }, "ML0001": { "en": "ML0001 Introduction to Matemathics" }, "MF2101": { "en": "MF2101 Machine Design" }, "MH102V": { "en": "MH102V Materials in a Circular Society" }, "MG2014": { "en": "MG2014 Advanced Welding Technology" }, "MH103V": { "en": "MH103V Materials in a Circular Society" }, "DD2412": { "en": "DD2412 Deep Learning" }, "DH1622": { "en": "DH1622 Human" }, "MH2051": { "en": "MH2051 Circular Economy for Materials Processing" }, "MH2050": { "en": "MH2050 Mechanical Properties of Materials" }, "MH2100": { "en": "MH2100 Powder Metallurgy" }, "AF2203": { "en": "AF2203 Advanced Bridge Design" }, "DH2408": { "en": "DH2408 Evaluation Methods in Human" }, "MH2501": { "en": "MH2501 Economical Process Analysis and Strategy" }, "EP279V": { "en": "EP279V Cyber Security Analysis" }, "SF2868": { "en": "SF2868 Systems Engineering" }, "MF2102": { "en": "MF2102 Machine Design Project Course" }, "EP271V": { "en": "EP271V Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence" }, "AG2171": { "en": "AG2171 Futures Studies and Forecasts" }, "EN1020": { "en": "EN1020 Project Course in Electrical Engineering" }, "MH2039": { "en": "MH2039 Process Engineering" }, "FEO3350": { "en": "FEO3350 Information Theory for Statistics and Learning" }, "EP272V": { "en": "EP272V Network Analytics and Data" }, "IH262V": { "en": "IH262V Power Semiconductor Devices" }, "ML2301": { "en": "ML2301 Production Management and Development" }, "HL2029": { "en": "HL2029 Medical Engineering" }, "HL2040": { "en": "HL2040 Physiology in Extreme Environments" }, "MH2045": { "en": "MH2045 Energy and Materials Sustainability" }, "MF2113": { "en": "MF2113 Advanced Industrial Design Engineering" }, "CM2002": { "en": "CM2002 Artificial Intelligence within Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems" }, "IE1205": { "en": "IE1205 Digital Design" }, "CM2012": { "en": "CM2012 Medical Technologies in Digital Healthcare Transformation" }, "FEP3300": { "en": "FEP3300 Advanced Networked Systems Security" }, "HL1202": { "en": "HL1202 Medical Imaging Systems" }, "AF2403": { "en": "AF2403 Building Damages" }, "EF2221": { "en": "EF2221 The Sustainable Electrophysics Engineer" }, "EL2221": { "en": "EL2221 The Sustainable Systems and Control Engineer" }, "CM1004": { "en": "CM1004 Programme Integrating course in Medical Engineering" }, "EQ2223": { "en": "EQ2223 The Sustainable Information and Network Engineer" }, "EN1001": { "en": "EN1001 Global Impact of Electrical Engineering" }, "DH1621": { "en": "DH1621 A quick introduction to Human" }, "HE1040": { "en": "HE1040 Electronic Design" }, "HE1200": { "en": "HE1200 Electrical Principals and Measurement" }, "HE1201": { "en": "HE1201 Business Economics and Entrepreneurship" }, "HL1001": { "en": "HL1001 Basic Medicine" }, "HL1201": { "en": "HL1201 Medicine and Medical Engineering" }, "HL1203": { "en": "HL1203 Medical Instrumentation" }, "DM1578": { "en": "DM1578 Program Integrating Course in Media Technology" }, "MF2114": { "en": "MF2114 Design for Sustainability" }, "EL2850": { "en": "EL2850 Cyber" }, "FEP3200": { "en": "FEP3200 Networked Systems Security" }, "DM1581": { "en": "DM1581 Introduction to Media Technology" }, "DA2215": { "en": "DA2215 Theory of Science and Scientific methods in Cybersecurity" }, "DD2301": { "en": "DD2301 Program Integrating Course in Machine Learning" }, "DA2205": { "en": "DA2205 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology" }, "DD2435": { "en": "DD2435 Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems" }, "DM2679": { "en": "DM2679 Program Integrating Course in Interactive Media Technology" }, "DM2905": { "en": "DM2905 Individual Course in Media Technology" }, "DM2904": { "en": "DM2904 Individual Course in Media Technology" }, "DM2630": { "en": "DM2630 User Experience Design and Evaluation" }, "DT2215": { "en": "DT2215 Advanced Individual Course in Music Communication" }, "DH2655": { "en": "DH2655 Cooperative IT" }, "DT2216": { "en": "DT2216 Advanced Individual Course in Music Communication" }, "DH2413": { "en": "DH2413 Advanced Graphics and Interaction" }, "DD2470": { "en": "DD2470 Advanced Topics in Visualization and Computer Graphics" }, "DM2350": { "en": "DM2350 Human Perception for Information Technology" }, "DD1338": { "en": "DD1338 Algorithms and Data Structures" }, "DD1337": { "en": "DD1337 Programming" }, "IE1207": { "en": "IE1207 Analog Electronics" }, "DD2257": { "en": "DD2257 Visualization" }, "DD1390": { "en": "DD1390 Programme Integrating Course in Computer Science Engineering" }, "DD2300": { "en": "DD2300 Program Integrating Course in Computer Science" }, "AF2404": { "en": "AF2404 Building Acoustics" }, "SF1671": { "en": "SF1671 Mathematics" }, "DM2573": { "en": "DM2573 Sustainability and Media Technology" }, "DM2583": { "en": "DM2583 Big Data in Media Technology" }, "SF2741": { "en": "SF2741 Enumerative Combinatorics" }, "MF1061": { "en": "MF1061 Introduction to Design and Product Realisation" }, "DD2444": { "en": "DD2444 Project Course in Scientific Computing" }, "SF1662": { "en": "SF1662 Discrete Mathematics" }, "DM1579": { "en": "DM1579 Media Production" }, "LT1013": { "en": "LT1013 School Placement" }, "DM1135": { "en": "DM1135 Multimedia Systems and Signals" }, "A11HIB": { "en": "A11HIB History and Theory of Architecture 1: Introduction to European Architecture 7.5 credits" }, "A11INA": { "en": "A11INA Introductory Course 2.0 credits" }, "DA2210": { "en": "DA2210 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology for Computer Scientists" }, "A11IAA": { "en": "A11IAA Introduction to the Discipline of Architecture 3.0 credits" }, "A11KOB": { "en": "A11KOB Artistic Methods and Techniques 1 3.0 credits" }, "A11P1B": { "en": "A11P1B Architecture Project 1:1 Assemblies, Geometries, Scales 8.0 credits" }, "A11P2B": { "en": "A11P2B Architecture Project 1:2 Landscapes, Structures, Movements 9.0 credits" }, "A11REA": { "en": "A11REA Representation 1: Drawing and Descriptive Geometry 3.0 credits" }, "DD2415": { "en": "DD2415 Safe Robot Planning and Control" }, "A11TEB": { "en": "A11TEB Architectural Technology 1 7.5 credits" }, "A21KOB": { "en": "A21KOB Artistic Methods and Techniques 2 3.0 credits" }, "DD1367": { "en": "DD1367 Software Engineering in Project Form" }, "A21REA": { "en": "A21REA Representation 2: Fabrication and Descriptive Geometry 3.0 credits" }, "A21TEB": { "en": "A21TEB Architectural Technology 2 9.0 credits" }, "A31P1A": { "en": "A31P1A Project Studio 3:1, Urban Design 12.0 credits" }, "A31REA": { "en": "A31REA Representation 3: Processing and Presentation 3.0 credits" }, "A31SFA": { "en": "A31SFA Urban Morphology and Urban Design Theories 6.0 credits" }, "A31T1A": { "en": "A31T1A Architectural Technology 3:1 Building, City, Process 6.0 credits" }, "A42B13": { "en": "A42B13 Studio Project, Advanced Level 12.0 credits" }, "A42SEH": { "en": "A42SEH Seminar Course, Advanced Level 4HT 3.0 credits" }, "A52SEH": { "en": "A52SEH Seminar Course, Advanced Level 5HT 3.0 credits" }, "MH1027": { "en": "MH1027 Thermodynamics of Materials" }, "AL1302": { "en": "AL1302 Geoscience and Geotechnical Engineering" }, "AI1146": { "en": "AI1146 Property Management" }, "AL1301": { "en": "AL1301 Natural Resources Theory" }, "SF1512": { "en": "SF1512 Numerical Methods" }, "AI1517": { "en": "AI1517 Real Estate Law" }, "AG1137": { "en": "AG1137 Planning and Governance of Urban and Regional Development" }, "AE1105": { "en": "AE1105 Environmental Soil Chemistry" }, "DD1321": { "en": "DD1321 Applied Programming and Computer Science" }, "AL1303": { "en": "AL1303 Soil and Water" }, "SF1516": { "en": "SF1516 Numerical Methods and Basic Programming" }, "AE1601": { "en": "AE1601 Fluid Mechanics for Architecture and Built Environment" }, "AI1518": { "en": "AI1518 Real Estate Development Legislation" }, "SF1910": { "en": "SF1910 Applied Statistics" }, "AH1031": { "en": "AH1031 Transport and Society" }, "AG1817": { "en": "AG1817 Map Projections and Reference Systems" }, "AI1527": { "en": "AI1527 Introduction to the Planning and Building Process" }, "AF2901": { "en": "AF2901 Road" }, "AF2507": { "en": "AF2507 Sustainable Buildings" }, "AF2508": { "en": "AF2508 Building Service Technologies and Systems" }, "AI2507": { "en": "AI2507 Law of Real Estate Formation" }, "AD2867": { "en": "AD2867 Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Studio" }, "CB204V": { "en": "CB204V Single" }, "ID2202": { "en": "ID2202 Compilers and Execution Environments" }, "AI2807": { "en": "AI2807 Project for Construction Project Managers" }, "AI2153": { "en": "AI2153 Financial Economics with Real Estate Applications" }, "AI2148": { "en": "AI2148 Entrepreneurial Finance" }, "AG2150": { "en": "AG2150 Sustainable Planning and Design" }, "AI2127": { "en": "AI2127 Management and Leadership" }, "AI2505": { "en": "AI2505 Law and Economics for Land Use Topics" }, "AI2518": { "en": "AI2518 Infrastructure" }, "AG2129": { "en": "AG2129 Project Sustainable Urban Planning" }, "AI2519": { "en": "AI2519 Rent" }, "CH101V": { "en": "CH101V RISC" }, "AG2144": { "en": "AG2144 Sustainable Urban Mobility" }, "HS2010": { "en": "HS2010 Light and Science" }, "HS2008": { "en": "HS2008 Light and Space" }, "AE2501": { "en": "AE2501 Environmental Impact Assessment" }, "AG2142": { "en": "AG2142 Political Economy for Environmental Planners" }, "AG2143": { "en": "AG2143 Sustainable Rural and Urban Development" }, "SF2524": { "en": "SF2524 Matrix Computations for Large" }, "AE2801": { "en": "AE2801 Environmental Chemistry and Risk Assessment" }, "AE2302": { "en": "AE2302 Water Treatment Processes and Technology" }, "AG2809": { "en": "AG2809 Project Sustainable Urban Planning" }, "AE2107": { "en": "AE2107 Modelling of Water Systems" }, "AE2201": { "en": "AE2201 Environmental Dynamics" }, "AL2301": { "en": "AL2301 Applied Hydrogeology" }, "AL2608": { "en": "AL2608 Life Cycle Assessment" }, "HS2007": { "en": "HS2007 Light and Humans" }, "AD2863": { "en": "AD2863 Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Studio" }, "CH107V": { "en": "CH107V Methods for development of sustainable work" }, "CH106V": { "en": "CH106V Noise and Vibrations in Working Life" }, "CH105V": { "en": "CH105V Ergonomics" }, "DD2303": { "en": "DD2303 The Cybersecurity Engineer" }, "KH1212": { "en": "KH1212 Mathematical Statistics" }, "KH0001": { "en": "KH0001 Introductory Course in Mathematics" }, "IX1500": { "en": "IX1500 Discrete Mathematics" }, "KH0002": { "en": "KH0002 Introduction to Chemistry" }, "SF2566": { "en": "SF2566 Advanced Individual Course in Scientific Computing" }, "KH1123": { "en": "KH1123 General Chemistry" }, "KH1111": { "en": "KH1111 Mathematics" }, "KH1407": { "en": "KH1407 Practical Training for the Degree Programme in Chemical Engineering" }, "KH1150": { "en": "KH1150 Engineering Skills" }, "KH1124": { "en": "KH1124 General Chemistry" }, "AH2178": { "en": "AH2178 Research Methodology and Communication Skills" }, "KH1242": { "en": "KH1242 Sustainable Development and the Chemical Engineer" }, "KH1251": { "en": "KH1251 Electrical Measurements" }, "BB1160": { "en": "BB1160 Eucaryotic Cell Biology" }, "BB1210": { "en": "BB1210 Purification of Biomolecules" }, "KA1015": { "en": "KA1015 Chemistry for Sustainable Development" }, "KE2010": { "en": "KE2010 Industrial Energy Processes" }, "IX1501": { "en": "IX1501 Mathematical Statistics" }, "LT1041": { "en": "LT1041 Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education" }, "AF1751": { "en": "AF1751 Building Permit and Real Estate Law" }, "AF1758": { "en": "AF1758 Soil Mechanics" }, "CH202V": { "en": "CH202V Advanced Measurements of Air Contaminants in the Work Environment" }, "AH1907": { "en": "AH1907 Installation" }, "AF1746": { "en": "AF1746 Structural Engineering" }, "AF1757": { "en": "AF1757 The Building Process" }, "AF1752": { "en": "AF1752 Renovation" }, "AF1755": { "en": "AF1755 Form and Design" }, "KH1324": { "en": "KH1324 Analytical Chemistry" }, "AF2720": { "en": "AF2720 BIM" }, "KH1332": { "en": "KH1332 Chemical Engineering and Technology" }, "HS1020": { "en": "HS1020 Moisture Related Damages" }, "AF1024": { "en": "AF1024 Structural Analysis with Finite Element Methods" }, "HS1014": { "en": "HS1014 Design of Civil Engineering Constructions" }, "HS1021": { "en": "HS1021 Steel" }, "AF1718": { "en": "AF1718 Building Services Engineering" }, "AF1750": { "en": "AF1750 Building Logistics and Risk Management" }, "HS1725": { "en": "HS1725 Building Production and Leadership" }, "AL2142": { "en": "AL2142 Material and Energy Flow Accounting for Cleaner Production" }, "MJ2673": { "en": "MJ2673 Research Methodology and Theory of Science" }, "MH2504": { "en": "MH2504 Industrial Metallurgical Processes" }, "LT1042": { "en": "LT1042 Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education" }, "FEI3304": { "en": "FEI3304 Integral Equations in Electromagnetics" }, "MJ2685": { "en": "MJ2685 Smart Cities and Climate Mitigation Strategies" }, "AL2161": { "en": "AL2161 Environmental Management II" }, "SF1519": { "en": "SF1519 Numerical Methods and Basic Programming" }, "AL2181": { "en": "AL2181 Environmental System Analysis and Decision making" }, "MJ2615": { "en": "MJ2615 Introduction to Industrial Ecology" }, "HL2014": { "en": "HL2014 Safe Medical Devices" }, "MH2055": { "en": "MH2055 Materials Structures I" }, "AL2110": { "en": "AL2110 Sustainable Food Production and Consumption" }, "AI1512": { "en": "AI1512 Credit and Insolvency Law" }, "LT1043": { "en": "LT1043 Programme Integrating Course in Engineering and Education" }, "AI1108": { "en": "AI1108 Investment Analysis" }, "CK105V": { "en": "CK105V Materials in a Circular Society" }, "CK103V": { "en": "CK103V Materials in a Circular Society" }, "SF1520": { "en": "SF1520 Numerical Methods and Basic Programming" }, "SF1627": { "en": "SF1627 Mathematics for Economists" }, "AI1126": { "en": "AI1126 Introduction to the Planning and Building Process in Real Estate and Finance" }, "AI1550": { "en": "AI1550 Introduction to Swedish law" }, "SF1680": { "en": "SF1680 Seminar Course in Elementary Mathematics I" }, "AI1179": { "en": "AI1179 Corporate and Real Estate Taxation" }, "AF2611": { "en": "AF2611 Geotechnical Engineering" }, "AI1171": { "en": "AI1171 Management and Ethics" }, "AG2301": { "en": "AG2301 Traffic Data Collection and Analysis" }, "HM102V": { "en": "HM102V Healthcare Logistics" }, "CK202V": { "en": "CK202V Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Chemistry" }, "AI1175": { "en": "AI1175 Basic Statistics for Economists" }, "AI1520": { "en": "AI1520 Planning" }, "AI1170": { "en": "AI1170 Relationship" }, "AI1519": { "en": "AI1519 Land Law" }, "AI1144": { "en": "AI1144 Fundamentals of Residential Real Estate Finance" }, "AI1522": { "en": "AI1522 Property and Urban Development" }, "AI1521": { "en": "AI1521 Rent" }, "AI1174": { "en": "AI1174 Taxation of Individual Persons and Housing" }, "CM2003": { "en": "CM2003 Deep Learning Methods for Medical Image Analysis" }, "CM2015": { "en": "CM2015 Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers" }, "HE1034": { "en": "HE1034 Telecommunication" }, "KE1140": { "en": "KE1140 Engineering Chemistry" }, "EI1360": { "en": "EI1360 Electric Power Engineering II" }, "CM100V": { "en": "CM100V Medical Technology Development under the Medical Device Regulation" }, "KE0110": { "en": "KE0110 Introductory Course in Chemistry" }, "AG2302": { "en": "AG2302 Urban Mobility Summer School" }, "KA1030": { "en": "KA1030 Perspectives on Research and Innovation" }, "CK203V": { "en": "CK203V Organic Structure and Dynamics by NMR Spectroscopy" }, "CK204V": { "en": "CK204V Surfaces" }, "KE1160": { "en": "KE1160 Thermodynamics" }, "DD2366": { "en": "DD2366 Open Quantum Systems" }, "KE1175": { "en": "KE1175 Chemical Process Engineering" }, "CM2008": { "en": "CM2008 Entrepreneurship in Technology and Health" }, "DD1317": { "en": "DD1317 Programming Techniques" }, "LH225V": { "en": "LH225V Gender Theory and Gender Equality in Technical Higher Education" }, "HN2024": { "en": "HN2024 Planning and Design of Physical Work Environments" }, "KE2110": { "en": "KE2110 Applied Electrochemistry" }, "KE2195": { "en": "KE2195 Experimental Process Design" }, "CK2300": { "en": "CK2300 Batteries" }, "CH2011": { "en": "CH2011 Planning of a Scientific Project within Technology" }, "KE2325": { "en": "KE2325 Process Design for Industry and Society" }, "KD2320": { "en": "KD2320 Spectroscopic Tools for Chemistry" }, "BB2020": { "en": "BB2020 Molecular Enzymology" }, "SF1514": { "en": "SF1514 Numerical Methods" }, "KD2350": { "en": "KD2350 Surfaces" }, "BB2280": { "en": "BB2280 Molecular Modeling" }, "CM201V": { "en": "CM201V Medial Image Registration" }, "CM202V": { "en": "CM202V Medical Image Segmentation" }, "CM203V": { "en": "CM203V Introduction to Medical Image Analysis" }, "CM204V": { "en": "CM204V Quality Managment Systems and Regulatory Framework in Clinical Engineering" }, "CM205V": { "en": "CM205V Medical Technology Management and Operation in Hospital Organizations" }, "CM206V": { "en": "CM206V MT and IT Systems Integration in Hospital Organizations" }, "LH238V": { "en": "LH238V Digital Learning in Higher Education" }, "CK2020": { "en": "CK2020 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry" }, "CB1180": { "en": "CB1180 Skills for future engineers" }, "BB1300": { "en": "BB1300 Cultivation Technology" }, "BB1150": { "en": "BB1150 Biochemistry" }, "CB1020": { "en": "CB1020 Project in Mathematical Modelling" }, "CB1170": { "en": "CB1170 Biotechnology for a sustainable society" }, "CM207V": { "en": "CM207V Basic Medical Image Visualization" }, "KD1020": { "en": "KD1020 Introductory Chemistry" }, "KD1500": { "en": "KD1500 Physical Biochemistry" }, "BB1200": { "en": "BB1200 Analysis of Biomolecules" }, "SF1522": { "en": "SF1522 Numerical Computations" }, "ID129V": { "en": "ID129V Software Evolution and Maintenance" }, "MG2029": { "en": "MG2029 Production Engineering" }, "MG2038": { "en": "MG2038 Digital Factories" }, "HM1025": { "en": "HM1025 Ergonomics in Product Development" }, "CM208V": { "en": "CM208V Magnetic Resonance Imaging basic principles" }, "CM209V": { "en": "CM209V Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences" }, "CM210V": { "en": "CM210V Postprocessing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging" }, "EJ2301": { "en": "EJ2301 Power Electronics" }, "SF1687": { "en": "SF1687 Complementary Course in Differential Equations and Transforms" }, "EI2525": { "en": "EI2525 Electric Power Engineering Project" }, "EH2220": { "en": "EH2220 The Sustainable Electric Power Engineer" }, "EJ2201": { "en": "EJ2201 Electrical Machines and Drives" }, "CB2050": { "en": "CB2050 Project in molecular life science" }, "SF1693": { "en": "SF1693 Analytical and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and" }, "SF1692": { "en": "SF1692 Analytical and Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations" }, "CB1030": { "en": "CB1030 Theory and Methodology of Science with Applications in biotechnology" }, "BB2255": { "en": "BB2255 Applied Gene Technology" }, "CB2030": { "en": "CB2030 Systems biology" }, "CB2060": { "en": "CB2060 Applied programming for life science" }, "BB2520": { "en": "BB2520 Bioprocess Design" }, "AL1145": { "en": "AL1145 Strategies for Sustainable development" }, "BB2441": { "en": "BB2441 Bioinformatics" }, "AL1351": { "en": "AL1351 Energy" }, "BB2570": { "en": "BB2570 System Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment" }, "CB2040": { "en": "CB2040 Applied gene technology and large" }, "EJ2222": { "en": "EJ2222 Design of Electrical Machines" }, "MG2128": { "en": "MG2128 CAD and Other IT Tools in Industrial Processes" }, "MG2045": { "en": "MG2045 Decision" }, "MG2032": { "en": "MG2032 Automation Technology" }, "MG2043": { "en": "MG2043 Circular Manufacturing Systems" }, "CH213V": { "en": "CH213V Biomechanics and Neuronics" }, "EJ2410": { "en": "EJ2410 Hybrid Vehicle Drives" }, "EI1228": { "en": "EI1228 Electromagnetic Theory" }, "EL1020": { "en": "EL1020 Automatic Control" }, "HM1012": { "en": "HM1012 Industrial Design with Colour and Form" }, "MG2130": { "en": "MG2130 Modelling and Simulation of Industrial Processes" }, "SF1545": { "en": "SF1545 Numerical Methods" }, "MJ1150": { "en": "MJ1150 Energy and Systems" }, "AI285U": { "en": "AI285U Infrastructure" }, "AG227U": { "en": "AG227U Advanced course in process management" }, "MF2050": { "en": "MF2050 Mechatronics" }, "DD1418": { "en": "DD1418 Language Engineering with Introduction to Machine Learning" }, "DD1334": { "en": "DD1334 Database Technology" }, "MJ2627": { "en": "MJ2627 Environmental Technology" }, "AE1106": { "en": "AE1106 Geoscience" }, "AE1602": { "en": "AE1602 Hydrology" }, "AE1603": { "en": "AE1603 Fluid Mechanics for Energy and Built Environment" }, "AL2113": { "en": "AL2113 Sustainable Development in theory and practise" }, "CK205V": { "en": "CK205V Applied Electrochemistry" }, "EG2100": { "en": "EG2100 Power System Analysis" }, "EG2121": { "en": "EG2121 FACTS and HVDC in Electric Power Systems" }, "AH2171": { "en": "AH2171 Traffic Engineering and Management" }, "SF1688": { "en": "SF1688 Discrete Mathematics" }, "AH1025": { "en": "AH1025 Public Transport Systems" }, "DD1324": { "en": "DD1324 Applied Programming and Computer Science" }, "IS1500": { "en": "IS1500 Computer Organization and Components" }, "MJ1141": { "en": "MJ1141 Energy Systems and Sustainability" }, "SD2191": { "en": "SD2191 Vehicle Acoustic and Vibrations" }, "SF1900": { "en": "SF1900 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "DD2489": { "en": "DD2489 Scalable software Development with Functional Programming" }, "CK206V": { "en": "CK206V Batteries" }, "A42O1A": { "en": "A42O1A Orientation; History, Theory and Technology of Architecture 4:1 3.0 credits" }, "AF2905": { "en": "AF2905 Road" }, "EI2435": { "en": "EI2435 Power Grid Technology and Components" }, "ME1035": { "en": "ME1035 Marketing Management" }, "ME1037": { "en": "ME1037 Gender Structures and Gender Equality in Technology Work" }, "AF1737": { "en": "AF1737 Building Technology" }, "AE1801": { "en": "AE1801 Environmental Soil Chemistry" }, "MF2072": { "en": "MF2072 Research Methodology in Machine Design" }, "ME1308": { "en": "ME1308 Operations Strategy for I" }, "ME1309": { "en": "ME1309 Industrial Management Control for I" }, "ME2620": { "en": "ME2620 Technology" }, "AI1525": { "en": "AI1525 Legal Framework of the Built Environment" }, "AI2135": { "en": "AI2135 Financial Investments" }, "ME2621": { "en": "ME2621 Business Opportunity Development" }, "ME2622": { "en": "ME2622 Innovative Business Models" }, "AI1127": { "en": "AI1127 Fundamentals of Property Development and Agency" }, "AI117U": { "en": "AI117U Rent" }, "AI1531": { "en": "AI1531 Introduction to the Planning and Building Process" }, "SG1220": { "en": "SG1220 Fluid Mechanics for Engineers" }, "ED1100": { "en": "ED1100 Engineering Science" }, "ME1310": { "en": "ME1310 Economics for I" }, "ME1311": { "en": "ME1311 Corporate Finance" }, "ME1314": { "en": "ME1314 Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management" }, "KE1080": { "en": "KE1080 Chemical Engineering Principles" }, "MJ2436": { "en": "MJ2436 Decentralized Smart Energy Systems in a Global Energy System" }, "CH2015": { "en": "CH2015 Digital Health from an Entrepreneurship Perspective" }, "AH2028": { "en": "AH2028 Railway Traffic" }, "MH2052": { "en": "MH2052 Applied Thermodynamics and Kinetics" }, "MH2450": { "en": "MH2450 International Seminar in Material Processes" }, "DD1319": { "en": "DD1319 Programming Techniques" }, "SF1661": { "en": "SF1661 Perspectives on Mathematics" }, "AG1321": { "en": "AG1321 Remote Sensing Technology" }, "AL1130": { "en": "AL1130 Physics" }, "MG2122": { "en": "MG2122 Advanced CAD" }, "MG2127": { "en": "MG2127 Production Engineering" }, "MH2029": { "en": "MH2029 Extractive Metallurgy" }, "MH2046": { "en": "MH2046 Quantum Metallurgy" }, "AI2106": { "en": "AI2106 Business Cycles in Construction and Real Estate Markets" }, "SF1911": { "en": "SF1911 Statistics for Bioengineering" }, "MF2046": { "en": "MF2046 Product Innovation" }, "LT1039": { "en": "LT1039 Development and Learning in Science and Technology" }, "SG1113": { "en": "SG1113 Mechanics" }, "SE1020": { "en": "SE1020 Solid Mechanics" }, "AI2117": { "en": "AI2117 Facility Management" }, "EH2070": { "en": "EH2070 Project Management and Business Development" }, "MJ2612": { "en": "MJ2612 Teaching and Sustainable Development" }, "ME2004": { "en": "ME2004 Research Methods in Industrial Engineering and Management" }, "MJ2462": { "en": "MJ2462 Achieving Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings" }, "LT2032": { "en": "LT2032 Teaching and Assessment in Mathematics and Technology or Science" }, "SF1912": { "en": "SF1912 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "MJ2415": { "en": "MJ2415 Project in Energy Systems Analysis" }, "DH2465": { "en": "DH2465 Computer Science" }, "MJ2497": { "en": "MJ2497 Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy" }, "MJ2498": { "en": "MJ2498 Energy Resources" }, "MJ2502": { "en": "MJ2502 Industrial Dynamics of Innovation in Combined Energy Systems" }, "MJ2504": { "en": "MJ2504 Integrated Project of the Year in Sustainable Energy" }, "MJ2404": { "en": "MJ2404 Energy Conversion Systems" }, "MJ2146": { "en": "MJ2146 Energy Systems" }, "MJ2414": { "en": "MJ2414 Energy Systems Analysis in an Environomical Context" }, "DD1326": { "en": "DD1326 Applied computer science with didactics and ethics" }, "FLF3011": { "en": "FLF3011 Introduction to Research Methods in Technology and Learning" }, "KE1150": { "en": "KE1150 Engineering Chemistry" }, "SD2806": { "en": "SD2806 Transonic and supersonic aircraft aerodynamics" }, "LT2034": { "en": "LT2034 Curriculum Theory and Subject Didactics" }, "LT2035": { "en": "LT2035 Special Education" }, "LT2047": { "en": "LT2047 Selected Topics in Mathematics" }, "SF2719": { "en": "SF2719 The History of Mathematics" }, "AI2150": { "en": "AI2150 Theory of Science and Research Methods" }, "FSD3406": { "en": "FSD3406 Analysis of Advanved Composites Manufacturing" }, "KA1040": { "en": "KA1040 Perspectives on Research and Innovation" }, "ME2710": { "en": "ME2710 Applied Econometrics" }, "LT1037": { "en": "LT1037 Educational Leadership" }, "LT2048": { "en": "LT2048 Mathematics Didactics" }, "DD1368": { "en": "DD1368 Database Technology" }, "AE2503": { "en": "AE2503 Environmental Data" }, "ID1018": { "en": "ID1018 Programming I" }, "SF1916": { "en": "SF1916 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "MF1001": { "en": "MF1001 Mechanical Engineering" }, "SF1925": { "en": "SF1925 Applied Statistics" }, "SF1919": { "en": "SF1919 Probability Theory and Statistics" }, "MF1018": { "en": "MF1018 Industrial Design Prep" }, "MF1024": { "en": "MF1024 Product Development" }, "MF1040": { "en": "MF1040 Design and Product Realization Methodology" }, "MF2007": { "en": "MF2007 Dynamics and Motion Control" }, "MF2010": { "en": "MF2010 Component Design" }, "MJ2629": { "en": "MJ2629 Environmental Technology" }, "AK2209": { "en": "AK2209 Energy Systems in Society" }, "LT1051": { "en": "LT1051 Perspectives on Learning" }, "DM2730": { "en": "DM2730 Technology Enhanced Learning" }, "LT1055": { "en": "LT1055 School Placement" }, "LT1052": { "en": "LT1052 Subject" }, "LT1053": { "en": "LT1053 Subject" }, "ED2240": { "en": "ED2240 Introduction Course to Fusion Technology" }, "LT1054": { "en": "LT1054 The Teaching Process" }, "ED2235": { "en": "ED2235 Atomic Physics for Fusion" }, "LT1050": { "en": "LT1050 Teachers in Continuous Development" }, "ED1110": { "en": "ED1110 Vector Analysis" }, "AH2179": { "en": "AH2179 Applied Artificial Intelligence in Transportation" }, "SF1930": { "en": "SF1930 Statistical Learning and Data Analysis" }, "AK2210": { "en": "AK2210 Political Ecology" }, "A21AYA": { "en": "A21AYA The Discipline and Practices of Architecture 3.0 credits" }, "A31H1A": { "en": "A31H1A History and Theory of Architecture 3:1 World Architecture 6.0 credits" }, "A21HIC": { "en": "A21HIC History and Theory of Architecture 2: Architecture Modernity 9.0 credits" }, "CM1000": { "en": "CM1000 Discrete mathematics" }, "AK126V": { "en": "AK126V The Anthropocene" }, "SE2870": { "en": "SE2870 Fem for Nonlinear Problems in Solid Mechanics" }, "AK121V": { "en": "AK121V The Climate Crisis as a Societal Problem" }, "AE2401": { "en": "AE2401 Engineering Geology" }, "SF2520": { "en": "SF2520 Applied Numerical Methods" }, "SE2860": { "en": "SE2860 FEM Modelling" }, "SG2804": { "en": "SG2804 Biomechanics of Human Movement" }, "SG2227": { "en": "SG2227 Uncertainty Analysis" }, "SM2001": { "en": "SM2001 Data" }, "MJ2659": { "en": "MJ2659 Technology and Ecosystems" }, "SG2219": { "en": "SG2219 Advanced Compressible Flows" }, "SG2010": { "en": "SG2010 Project Course in Engineering Mechanics" }, "SG1120": { "en": "SG1120 Mechanics I" }, "A42A13": { "en": "A42A13 Studio Project, Advanced Level 12.0 credits" }, "II1300": { "en": "II1300 Engineering Skills" }, "AH2102": { "en": "AH2102 Logistics and Transportation" }, "AL1504": { "en": "AL1504 Sustainable Development for Computer Science and Engineering" }, "SD2709": { "en": "SD2709 Underwater Technology" }, "SD2411": { "en": "SD2411 Lightweight Structures and FEM" }, "SD2420": { "en": "SD2420 Advanced design of welded structures" }, "SD2705": { "en": "SD2705 High" }, "ID1200": { "en": "ID1200 Operating Systems" }, "AH2174": { "en": "AH2174 Traffic Simulation Modelling and Applications" }, "MJ1508": { "en": "MJ1508 Ecology and Environmental Effects" }, "SE1010": { "en": "SE1010 Solid Mechanics" }, "MJ2686": { "en": "MJ2686 Smart Cities and Climate Mitigation Strategies" }, "SE2145": { "en": "SE2145 Reliability" }, "SE2152": { "en": "SE2152 Mechanics of Fiber Networks and Materials" }, "SD2726": { "en": "SD2726 Modelling ship" }, "EH2221": { "en": "EH2221 The Sustainable Electric Power Engineer" }, "IX1307": { "en": "IX1307 Problem" }, "SD2721": { "en": "SD2721 Ship Design" }, "SD2722": { "en": "SD2722 Marine Structures" }, "AH2314": { "en": "AH2314 Individual Choice Modeling and Market Analysis" }, "AK2207": { "en": "AK2207 Energy Systems in Society" }, "EK1191": { "en": "EK1191 Measurement Technology" } }, "failed": [] }