import gradio as gr from model import Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline() labels = {"plastic": "플라스틱", "glass": "유리", "metal": "금속", "paper": "종이", "cardboard": "골판지", "trash": "쓰레기"} models = {"ResNet152 (Pretrained, latest)": "resnet152_0902", "ResNet152 (Pretrained)": "resnet152_0813", "ResNet50 (Pretrained)": "resnet50_0810"} is_webcam = False def predict(model, file_input, webcam_input): image = webcam_input if is_webcam else file_input if image == None: return [None, None, None] pred = pipeline.predict_image(models[model], image) return [{labels[key]: value for key, value in}, f"{pred.duration}ms ({pred.duration / 1000}s)", pred.heatmap] def set_input_type(value): global is_webcam if value == "파일": is_webcam = False return [gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False)] else: is_webcam = True return [gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True)] with gr.Blocks(title="🌿 Trash AI") as demo: gr.Markdown('

🌿 Trash AI

') gr.Markdown('

딥러닝 기반 쓰레기 이미지 분류 모델 데모

') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): model_select = gr.Dropdown(label="모델 선택", choices=list(models.keys()), value=list(models.keys())[0]) input_select = gr.Dropdown(label="입력 유형", choices=["파일", "웹캠"], value="파일") file_input = gr.Image(label="입력 이미지", type="pil", source="upload") webcam_input = gr.Image(label="입력 이미지", type="pil", source="webcam", visible=False) with gr.Row(): classify = gr.Button("분류") gr.Examples(["images/cocacola.jpg", "images/samdasoo.jpg", "images/sprite.jpg", "images/box.jpg", "images/tissue.jpg"], file_input) with gr.Column(): output = gr.Label(label="결과") duration = gr.Label(label="소요 시간") heatmap = gr.Image(label="히트맵") input_select.change(set_input_type, [input_select], [file_input, webcam_input]), [model_select, file_input, webcam_input], [output, duration, heatmap]) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(share=True)