from finetune import generate_prompt class Prompter(object): def __init__(self, prompt_type, debug=False, chat=False, stream_output=False, repeat_penalty=True, allowed_repeat_line_length=10): self.prompt_type = prompt_type data_point = dict(instruction='', input='', output='') _, self.pre_response, self.terminate_response = generate_prompt(data_point, prompt_type, chat, False) self.debug = debug = chat self.stream_output = stream_output self.repeat_penalty = repeat_penalty self.allowed_repeat_line_length = allowed_repeat_line_length def generate_prompt(self, data_point): reduced = False prompt, _, _ = generate_prompt(data_point, self.prompt_type,, reduced) if self.debug: print("prompt: ", prompt, flush=True) self.prompt = prompt return prompt def get_response(self, outputs, prompt=None, sanitize_bot_response=True): if isinstance(outputs, str): outputs = [outputs] if self.debug: print("output: ", '\n\n'.join(outputs), flush=True) if prompt is not None: self.prompt = prompt def clean_response(response): meaningless_words = ['', '', '<|endoftext|>', '”\n'] for word in meaningless_words: response = response.replace(word, "") if sanitize_bot_response: from better_profanity import profanity response = profanity.censor(response) response = response.strip("\n") return response def clean_repeats(response): lines = response.split('\n') new_lines = [] [new_lines.append(line) for line in lines if line not in new_lines or len(line) < self.allowed_repeat_line_length] if self.debug and len(lines) != len(new_lines): print("cleaned repeats: %s %s" % (len(lines), len(new_lines)), flush=True) response = '\n'.join(new_lines) return response multi_output = len(outputs) > 1 for oi, output in enumerate(outputs): if self.prompt_type in [0, '0', 'plain']: output = clean_response(output) else: # find first instance of prereponse # prompt sometimes has odd characters, that mutate length, # so can't go by length alone if self.pre_response: outputi = output.find(prompt) if outputi >= 0: output = output[outputi + len(prompt):] allow_terminate = True else: # subtraction is risky due to space offsets sometimes, so only do if necessary output = output[len(prompt) - len(self.pre_response):] # [1] to avoid repeated pre_response, just take first (after prompt - pre_response for chat) if self.pre_response in output: output = output.split(self.pre_response)[1] allow_terminate = True else: if output: print("Failure of parsing or not enough output yet: %s" % output, flush=True) allow_terminate = False else: allow_terminate = True output = output[len(prompt):] # clean after subtract prompt out, so correct removal of pre_response output = clean_response(output).strip() if self.repeat_penalty: output = clean_repeats(output).strip() if self.terminate_response and allow_terminate: finds = [] for term in self.terminate_response: finds.append(output.find(term)) finds = [x for x in finds if x >= 0] if len(finds) > 0: termi = finds[0] output = output[:termi].strip() else: output = output.strip() else: output = output.strip() if multi_output: # prefix with output counter output = "\n=========== Output %d\n\n" % (1 + oi) + output if oi > 0: # post fix outputs with seperator output += '\n' outputs[oi] = output # join all outputs, only one extra new line between outputs output = '\n'.join(outputs) if self.debug: print("outputclean: ", '\n\n'.join(outputs), flush=True) return output