import streamlit as st from st_audiorec import st_audiorec import os from datetime import datetime # Placeholder function to simulate processing and generating a medical note def process_audio_and_generate_note(audio_data_path): # In a real scenario, this function would likely perform operations such as: # 1. Converting the audio data into a suitable format for analysis. # 2. Performing speech recognition on the audio to extract text. # 3. Using the extracted text to generate a medical note. # Here, we'll simulate this with a placeholder return value. # IMPORTANT: Assume processing is done here, and we no longer need the audio file return "Path to generated medical consultation note in Word format" # Ensure the directory exists audio_dir_path = "meddictate/data/audio" os.makedirs(audio_dir_path, exist_ok=True) st.title('MedDictate: Medical Consultation Note Generator') # Display instructions and initiate the audio recorder component st.write("Click the button below to start and stop recording:") wav_audio_data = st_audiorec() # This initiates the audio recorder # Store the audio data in session state if received from the recorder if wav_audio_data is not None: st.session_state.audio_bytes = wav_audio_data # Button to submit the recording for processing if 'audio_bytes' in st.session_state and st.session_state.audio_bytes: if st.button('Process Recording', key='process_recording'): # Construct a filename with a timestamp to avoid overwriting existing files timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S") filename = f"recorded_audio_{timestamp}.wav" audio_file_path = os.path.join(audio_dir_path, filename) # Save the audio data to a WAV file with open(audio_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(st.session_state.audio_bytes) # Process the audio data generated_note_path = process_audio_and_generate_note(audio_file_path) # After processing, delete the audio file as it's no longer needed os.remove(audio_file_path) st.write('Processing complete. Your medical consultation note is ready for download.') st.download_button('Download Medical Note', generated_note_path, 'medical_note.docx') else: # Prompt to record if no audio data is found st.warning('Please click the record button above to start recording your audio.')