## v0.1.4 (2024-05-02) ### Added - Introduced the RAGAS evaluation tool for assessing the performance of the RAG application, comparing the baseline with the MultiQueryRetriever strategy. - Saved the RAGAS test set in csv for later evaluation and comparison. - Updated `chainlit.md` Tech Touch section. ## v0.1.3 (2024-05-02) ### Added - Rebranded the project to DeepPDF AI, focusing on interacting with PDF documents using AI. - Introduced a comprehensive guide and technical details in `chainlit.md`. - Added Docker support for easy deployment, including Dockerfile adjustments and user permissions setup. - Updated `README.md` with installation, usage, and acknowledgements sections. - Enhanced the application's backend with new imports and configurations in `app.py`. - Updated `requirements.txt` to include `uvicorn` for ASGI support. ## v0.1.2 (2024-05-01) ### Added - Introduced a Chainlit application for interactive chat-based query handling using LangChain, OpenAI, and Qdrant technologies. - Implemented document loading, tokenization, document splitting, embedding, and vector storage functionalities. - Added Dockerfile for containerized deployment of the Chainlit application. - Included a welcome guide in `chainlit.md` and updated `requirements.txt` with precise versioning for dependencies. ## v0.1.1 (2024-05-01) ### Added - Implemented MultiQueryRetriever strategy for improved context retrieval in the PDF RAG QA application. ## v0.1.0 (2024-05-01) ### Added - Introduced a Jupyter notebook for PDF RAG QA application, including environment setup, data loading, chunking, embedding, vector storing, and response generation using langchain, qdrant-client, tiktoken, pymupdf, and OpenAI's GPT models.