import numpy as np import gradio as gr import cv2 from model import PhysNet_Model import pandas as pd import time from physiological_indicators import PhysiologicalIndicators from utils_sig import * from face_detection import FaceDetection ## rppg signal to HR,RR,BP,HRV,BO def rppg_to_physiological_indicators(rppg,ROI1, ROI2): ''' input: rppg signal(list) output:HR,RR,BP,HRV,BO ''' indicators = PhysiologicalIndicators() HR,RR = indicators.calculate_heart_rate(rppg,30) # RR = rppg#indicators.calculate_respiratory_rate(rppg,30) BP, max_BP, min_BP = indicators.calculate_blood_pressure(rppg) HRV = indicators.calculate_heart_rate_variability(rppg,30) BO = indicators.calculate_SpO2(ROI1, ROI2) return HR,RR,BP,HRV,BO def fake_diffusion(steps): for _ in range(steps): time.sleep(1) image = np.random.random((600, 600, 3)) yield image image = "" yield image def video_to_rppg_statistic(path): ''' 静态进行video到rppg的转换 path: video file path #C:\\Users\\74314\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\gradio\\f50cc35ca9bac3568e36f1f7277a72d5e252ad37\\e0faab5f1b8c05eda32648dd635a97c4.mp4 ''' # read video from file path as frames list frames = [] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path) ret = True while ret: ret, img = # read one frame from the 'capture' object; img is (H, W, C) if ret: frames.append(img) video = np.stack(frames, axis=0) # dimensions (T, H, W, C) print(video.shape) face, ROI1, ROI2, status, face_region = face_detection_ROI(fece_detection, video) video_input = face print(print(video_input.shape)) ippg, len_ippg,face_list = model.predict_statistic(video_input) ippg_pd = pd.DataFrame({ "index":range(0,len_ippg), "rppg":ippg, }) ippg_pd.to_csv(csv_url,index=False) HR,RR,BP,HRV,BO = rppg_to_physiological_indicators(ippg, ROI1, ROI2) return ippg_pd,HR,RR,BP,HRV,BO def read_video(path): ''' input: video file path output: video frames list ''' # read video from file path as frames list frames = [] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path) ret = True while ret: ret, img = # read one frame from the 'capture' object; img is (H, W, C) if ret: frames.append(img) print(img.shape) video = np.stack(frames, axis=0) # dimensions (T, H, W, C) # import # video = # print(video.shape) return video