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import streamlit as st
from transformers import pipeline
st.title('Sentiment Analyser')
st.header('Step 1 - Select a language model')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
selection = "N/A"
with col1:
selection = st.radio("Pick one of the four pre-trained models below:",
key = "modelChoice",
options = ["DistilBERT", "Toxicity-Classifier", "SiEBERT", "Twitter-roBERTa"],
pipe = pipeline('sentiment-analysis')
if selection == "DistilBERT":
pipe = pipeline(model = "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english")
if selection == "Toxicity-Classifier":
pipe = pipeline(model = "unitary/toxic-bert")
if selection == "Twitter-roBERTa":
pipe = pipeline(model = "cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment-latest")
if selection == "SiEBERT":
pipe = pipeline(model = "siebert/sentiment-roberta-large-english")
with col2:
st.caption('DistilBERT - One of the most popular and widely-used language models. Labels text as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. Developed by Hugging Face.')
st.caption('Toxicity-Classifier - A model trained to classify tweets under different toxicity-related categories.')
st.caption('SiEBERT - A model trained on diverse text sources to improve generalization. Labels text as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. Developed by siebert.')
st.caption('Twitter-roBERTa - A model trained on over 124M tweets. Labels text as POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or NEUTRAL. Developed by cardiffnlp.')
st.header('Step 2 - Enter some text')
text = st.text_area('The sentiment of the text entered here will be determined based on the model you chose above.',
value = "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.")
st.header('Step 3 - View your results')
if text:
st.write('Model used: ', selection)
out = pipe(text)