import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import spacy LIST_RELATIONS = ["RelatedTo", "FormOf", "IsA", "PartOf", "HasA", "UserFor", "CapableOf", "AtLocation", "Causes", "HasSubevent", "HasFirstSubevent", "HasLastSubevent", "HasPrerequisite", "HasProperty", "MotivatedByGoal", "ObstructedBy", "Desires", "CreatedBy", "Synonym", "Antonym", "DistinctFrom", "DerivedFrom", "SymbolOf", "DefinedAs", "MannerOf", "LocatedNear", "HasContext", "SimilarTo", "EtymologicallyRelatedTo", "EtymologicallyDerivedFrom", "CausesDesire", "MadeOf", "ReceivesAction", "ExternalURL"] nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") nlp.add_pipe( "concepcy", config={ "relations_of_interest": LIST_RELATIONS, "filter_missing_text": True, "filter_edge_weight": 2, } ) def greet(text, relations, to_enrich): doc = nlp(text) outs0, outs1 = [], [] if "document" in to_enrich: outs0 = [] for relation in relations: for r in doc._.get(relation.lower()).values(): outs0.extend([[relation, elt["text"]] for elt in r]) if "token" in to_enrich: for token in doc: for relation in relations: rels = token._.get(relation.lower()) if len(rels) > 0: print(rels) print([[token.text, relation, r["text"]] for r in rels]) outs1.extend([[token.text, relation, r["text"]] for r in rels]) return pd.DataFrame(outs0, columns=["relation", "text"]), pd.DataFrame(outs1, columns=["word", "relation", "text"]) iface = gr.Interface( fn=greet, title="Playground for concepCy", description="This demo enables you to play around with SpaCy's concepCy wrapper, a wrapper for ConceptNet!" "To get started: enter a piece of text, check the relations you are interested in and if you want to " "retrieve relations at a document-level and/or token-level.\n" "Relations will be displayed as tables on the right hand side! Have fun!\n", inputs=[ gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter sentence here...", lines=5, value="I love eating pizzas"), gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=LIST_RELATIONS, value=["IsA"]), gr.CheckboxGroup(choices=["document", "token"], value=["document"]) ], outputs=[ gr.Dataframe(headers=["relation", "text"], label="Document-level relations"), gr.Dataframe(headers=["word", "relation", "text"], label="Token-level relations") ] ) iface.launch()