import os import gradio as gr import spaces from infer_rvc_python import BaseLoader import random import logging import time import soundfile as sf PITCH_ALGO_OPT = [ "pm", "harvest", "crepe", "rmvpe", "rmvpe+", ] logging.getLogger("infer_rvc_python").setLevel(logging.ERROR) converter = BaseLoader(only_cpu=False, hubert_path=None, rmvpe_path=None) title = "
" description = "This demo is provided for educational and research purposes only. The authors and contributors of this project do not endorse or encourage any misuse or unethical use of this software. Any use of this software for purposes other than those intended is solely at the user's own risk. The authors and contributors shall not be held responsible for any damages or liabilities arising from the use of this demo inappropriately." theme = "aliabid94/new-theme" @spaces.GPU() def convert_now(audio_files, random_tag, converter): return converter( audio_files, random_tag, overwrite=False, parallel_workers=4 ) def run( audio_files, file_m, pitch_alg, pitch_lvl, file_index, index_inf, r_m_f, e_r, c_b_p, ): if not audio_files: raise ValueError("The audio pls") if isinstance(audio_files, str): audio_files = [audio_files] random_tag = "USER_"+str(random.randint(10000000, 99999999)) converter.apply_conf( tag=random_tag, file_model=file_m, pitch_algo=pitch_alg, pitch_lvl=pitch_lvl, file_index=file_index, index_influence=index_inf, respiration_median_filtering=r_m_f, envelope_ratio=e_r, consonant_breath_protection=c_b_p, resample_sr=44100 if audio_files[0].endswith('.mp3') else 0, ) time.sleep(0.3) return convert_now(audio_files, random_tag, converter) def audio_conf(): return gr.File( label="Audio files", file_count="multiple", type="filepath", container=True, ) def model_conf(): return gr.File( label="Model file", type="filepath", height=130, ) def pitch_algo_conf(): return gr.Dropdown( PITCH_ALGO_OPT, value=PITCH_ALGO_OPT[4], label="Pitch algorithm", visible=True, interactive=True, ) def pitch_lvl_conf(): return gr.Slider( label="Pitch level", minimum=-24, maximum=24, step=1, value=0, visible=True, interactive=True, ) def index_conf(): return gr.File( label="Index file", type="filepath", height=130, ) def index_inf_conf(): return gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=1, label="Index influence", value=0.75, ) def respiration_filter_conf(): return gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=7, label="Respiration median filtering", value=3, step=1, interactive=True, ) def envelope_ratio_conf(): return gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=1, label="Envelope ratio", value=0.25, interactive=True, ) def consonant_protec_conf(): return gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=0.5, label="Consonant breath protection", value=0.5, interactive=True, ) def button_conf(): return gr.Button( "Inference", variant="primary", ) def output_conf(): return gr.File( label="Result", file_count="multiple", interactive=False, ) def get_gui(theme): with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as app: gr.Markdown(title) gr.Markdown(description) aud = audio_conf() with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): model = model_conf() indx = index_conf() algo = pitch_algo_conf() algo_lvl = pitch_lvl_conf() indx_inf = index_inf_conf() res_fc = respiration_filter_conf() envel_r = envelope_ratio_conf() const = consonant_protec_conf() button_base = button_conf() output_base = output_conf() run, inputs=[ aud, model, algo, algo_lvl, indx, indx_inf, res_fc, envel_r, const, ], outputs=[output_base], ) gr.Examples( examples=[ [ ["./test.ogg"], "./model.pth", "rmvpe+", 0, "./model.index", 0.75, 3, 0.25, 0.50, ], ], fn=run, inputs=[ aud, model, algo, algo_lvl, indx, indx_inf, res_fc, envel_r, const, ], outputs=[output_base], cache_examples=False, ) return app if __name__ == "__main__": app = get_gui(theme) app.queue(default_concurrency_limit=40) app.launch( max_threads=40, share=False, show_error=True, quiet=False, debug=False, )