import numpy as np import pycocotools.mask as mask_util import cv2 class GenericMask: """ Attribute: polygons (list[ndarray]): list[ndarray]: polygons for this mask. Each ndarray has format [x, y, x, y, ...] mask (ndarray): a binary mask """ def __init__(self, mask_or_polygons, height, width): self._mask = self._polygons = self._has_holes = None self.height = height self.width = width m = mask_or_polygons if isinstance(m, dict): # RLEs assert "counts" in m and "size" in m if isinstance(m["counts"], list): # uncompressed RLEs h, w = m["size"] assert h == height and w == width m = mask_util.frPyObjects(m, h, w) self._mask = mask_util.decode(m)[:, :] return if isinstance(m, list): # list[ndarray] self._polygons = [np.asarray(x).reshape(-1) for x in m] return if isinstance(m, np.ndarray): # assumed to be a binary mask assert m.shape[1] != 2, m.shape assert m.shape == (height, width), m.shape self._mask = m.astype("uint8") return raise ValueError("GenericMask cannot handle object {} of type '{}'".format(m, type(m))) @property def mask(self): if self._mask is None: self._mask = self.polygons_to_mask(self._polygons) return self._mask @property def polygons(self): if self._polygons is None: self._polygons, self._has_holes = self.mask_to_polygons(self._mask) return self._polygons @property def has_holes(self): if self._has_holes is None: if self._mask is not None: self._polygons, self._has_holes = self.mask_to_polygons(self._mask) else: self._has_holes = False # if original format is polygon, does not have holes return self._has_holes def mask_to_polygons(self, mask): # cv2.RETR_CCOMP flag retrieves all the contours and arranges them to a 2-level # hierarchy. External contours (boundary) of the object are placed in hierarchy-1. # Internal contours (holes) are placed in hierarchy-2. # cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE flag gets vertices of polygons from contours. mask = np.ascontiguousarray(mask) # some versions of cv2 does not support incontiguous arr #res = cv2.findContours(mask.astype("uint8"), cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) res = cv2.findContours(mask.astype("uint8"), cv2.RETR_CCOMP, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) hierarchy = res[-1] if hierarchy is None: # empty mask return [], False has_holes = (hierarchy.reshape(-1, 4)[:, 3] >= 0).sum() > 0 res = res[-2] res = [x.flatten() for x in res] # These coordinates from OpenCV are integers in range [0, W-1 or H-1]. # We add 0.5 to turn them into real-value coordinate space. A better solution # would be to first +0.5 and then dilate the returned polygon by 0.5. res = [x + 0.5 for x in res if len(x) >= 6] return res, has_holes def polygons_to_mask(self, polygons): rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(polygons, self.height, self.width) rle = mask_util.merge(rle) return mask_util.decode(rle)[:, :] def area(self): return self.mask.sum() def bbox(self): p = mask_util.frPyObjects(self.polygons, self.height, self.width) p = mask_util.merge(p) bbox = mask_util.toBbox(p) bbox[2] += bbox[0] bbox[3] += bbox[1] return bbox