Subject: legal advice * this message was transferred with a trial version of communigate ( tm ) pro * we all need a good attorney to call in today ' s society . keeping ahead of the legal issues in our life was just simply more than we could bear . we needed legal advice and we needed it right away . unfortunately , being middle class , put us in the wrong income bracket to have such a necessity . now all of this has changed . think about the issues that can suddenly come up in your personal life : monday : the dog bit the mailman - do you know what to do ? tuesday : the building inspector drops by and announces that the permits on file with their office do not allow your garage conversion . " what now , " you think to yourself . wednesday : you ' ve been considering home - schooling your children for some time . now your daughter announces that she is being picked on yet again , and simply will not attend another day . what are the legal ramifications of home schooling your children ? thursday : speeding ticket goes to warrant for your 17 - year - old son . you haven ' t a clue how to handle it . friday : your ex - spouse has missed another child support payment . . . who do you call ? and what about all the other things : received a traffic ticket you thought was unjustified ? paid a bill you knew was unfair ? lost a security deposit ? bought a home or purchased a car ? signed an employment contract ? had difficulty collecting an insurance claim ? had trouble with your credit report ? been involved in a landlord or property dispute ? been involved in a separation or divorce ? had to collect child support ? prepared a will or wanted to ? in your personal life , you need legal representation available to you all the time . but most of us never have it because we can ' t afford it . now there is a program that not only provides quality legal help , but it provides it 24 hours a day , with an attorney helping you the same day you call them - and it is for a small monthly fee . no kidding . somewhere between twenty and forty dollars a month , depending upon the plan you choose . click here not interested ? take your em ail out of our data base by visitng the site and following removal instructions 126