Subject: gpcm summary 1999 this has been a great year for rbac and gpcm . during the year we have doubled to 10 the number of gpcm licensees . this means we ' ve also doubled the number of wonderful people we ' ve trained and are supporting . and , i sincerely mean it when i say it has been a real pleasure working with you all . one of the things we stress when we are selling gpcm is that it takes a strong commitment on the part of the licensee , a commitment to find skilled and dedicated people to make optimal use of this sophisticated tool . and , i ' m happy to report that we have that quality in the gpcm teams we work with . next year we have some big challenges . we will be converting the system from office 97 to office 2000 and will also need to make sure it will run in the windows 2000 environment . we will be adding new flexibility in defining our transportation zone price curves to enable users , especially pipeline users , to test variations of pricing strategies for their impacts on basis and utilization . we will be adding a capability for modeling future ft contracting . we will upgrade our existing database comparison program to allow you to select those items you want to have automatically updated in your own databases . we will continue to work with rdi to improve pipeline and storage infrastructure representations , to provide interfaces between gasdat and gpcm , and to give you regular optional updates for your own databases . we are beginning to plan out a new website dedicated to gpcm licensees ( and possibly prospects ) . we have acquired gpcm . rbac . com and gpcm . net for this purpose . in making these various changes , we look also to you , our existing licensees , for enhancement and improvement ideas . we are planning to conduct interviews of our licensees during the next 30 - 60 days to find out what you like , but also what you would like to see improved , as well as some new ideas for gpcm . i would like to thank the following people for their contributions to gpcm during 1999 . o liam leahy for his excellent marketing , sales , and planning support o charles carr for his quality work on our website and support with subtle visual basic programming issues o richard berman for thorough research on design tools and skilled windows programming o richard mcbride for continuing support and development of his emnet optimization program o aaron and james brooks for design and production of the powerpoint pipeline maps now available in gpcm o mike farina and rdi for their continuing improvement of the gpcm data and gasdat database o gpcm users who have found data bugs and reported them to use so that we could get them corrected o gpcm users who have suggested new features which would make gpcm a better product o gpcm users who have given us sales leads during the year o gpcm users who have used gpcm to help their companies make better plans and decisions , which is , after all , the purpose for which it was designed we hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and look forward to an even better year 2000 . bob brooks