Subject: re : thank you for the e - mail . joe , he is a research assistant of prof . darrell duffie from stanford and i met him in this capacity . a very bright fellow . i could not assess his commercial skills but he has enough common sense to identify the winner ( as his interest in enron demonstrates ) . vince joseph p hirl @ enron _ development 12 / 17 / 99 08 : 05 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : thank you for the e - mail . vince , thanks for the note and the voice mail this morning . do you have any thoughts / comments on this person ' s abilities ? joe vince j kaminski @ ect 12 / 18 / 99 07 : 25 am to : joseph p hirl / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : subject : re : thank you for the e - mail . joe , i am forwarding you the information about the student from stanford of japanese ancestry interested in enron . he lives currently in california . vince kaminski - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 12 / 17 / 99 03 : 23 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski 10 / 20 / 99 07 : 07 am to : hoshino @ leland . stanford . edu cc : celeste roberts / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , greg whalley / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : thank you for the e - mail . taiichi , thank you for your messsage . i shall forward to our analyst / associate program and a few other units of enron . vince kaminski hoshino @ leland . stanford . edu on 10 / 19 / 99 09 : 14 : 05 am please respond to hoshino @ leland . stanford . edu to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , vkaminski @ aol . com cc : subject : thank you for the e - mail . dear vince kaminski thank you so much for the kind invitation for the meeting . i have been always inspired by and having respect for the recent revolutionary achievements of enron in the energy markets my former employer mckinsey tokyo in fact featured your company * s success in the last quarterly , and it clearly states ( in japanese though ) that the quantitative research capability at enron is now at the world * s top level , which has been always behind the scene . i am extremely honored to receive the email from you and in fact interested in knowing the opportunity of working in the energy field ; however , very unfortunately i will have to come back to japan , or at least to the east asian region , upon graduation due to an inevitable family reason . my wife * s father passed away recently and an old mother - in - law is now left alone without relatives . i understand that enron has not yet embarked on the next big project of freeing the outdated japanese energy market , ( which by the way i strongly hope ) so i may not have a very good chance of making contribution at your company right now . lastly , if you need a staff in tokyo in some future who understands both the risk management analytics at the f 622 level and the local language and business custome better than average , please contact me any time . i will be happy to assist as much as possible . yours sincerely , / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ taiichi hoshino ph . d . candidate engineering economic systems & operations research graduate school of engineering stanford university the shadows apt # 171 750 north shoreline blvd . mountain view ca 94043 tel / fax ) 650 - 960 - 1993 / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~