Subject: new eprm speakers vince , thanks very much for your help helen - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince j kaminski to : helen evans cc : stinson gibner date : 10 december 1999 19 : 14 subject : re : new eprm speakers helen , i forwarded your message to my associate stinson gibner whom i can wholeheartedly recommend . vince " helen evans " on 12 / 06 / 99 10 : 29 : 39 am please respond to " helen evans " to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : new eprm speakers vince , i ' m currently looking to broaden eprm ' s speaker base and would like to find a speaker for a training course i am producing on the monte carlo technique . i was wondering if you might be able to recommend somebody new from enron who might like to speak on this subject . i ' d really appreciate any help you could give me . many thanks helen evans producer , eprm conferences & courses - attl . htm