Subject: urgent business proposal , mrs . regina rossman . # 263 sandton city johannesburg , south africa . e - mail : joel _ rosel @ mail . com attn : alhaji with due respect , trust and humility , i write you this proposal , which i believe , would be of great interest to you . i am mrs . regina rossman , the wife of late mr . joseph rossman of blessed memory , before forces loyal to major johnny paul koromah killed my husband ; he was the director general of gold and mining corporation ( g . d . m . c . ) of sierra leone . my husband was one of the people targeted by the rebel forces . on the course of the revolution in the country , prominent people were hijacked from their homes to an unknown destination . two days before his death , he managed to sneak a written message to us , explaining his condition and concerning one trunk box of valuables containing money , which he concealed under the roof . he instructed me to take our son and move out of sierra leone , immediately to any neighboring country . the powerful peace keeping force of the “ ( ecomog ) ” intervened to arrest the situation of mass killings by the rebels , which was the order of the day . eventually , it resulted into full war , i became a widow overnight , helpless situation , without a partner at the moment of calamity , and every person was running for his life . my son and i managed to escape to south africa safely with the box and some documents of property title . the cash involved inside the box was us $ 30 million ( thirty million united states dollars ) . due to fear and limited rights as a refugee , i deposited the items with a private security company in order not to raise an eyebrow over the box here in south africa in my son ’ s name joel r . rossman . be informed that the real content of the box was not disclosed . meanwhile , i want to travel out of south africa entirely with this money for investment in your country because of political and economic stability and for future benefit of my child . i want you to assist us claim this box from the security company and get the money into your private account in your country so that we can invest the money wisely . we have in mind to establish a rewarding investment and good relationship with you . concerning the money , we are prepared to give you reasonable percentage of 30 % for your kind assistance . also , we have decided to set aside 5 % of the total sum for expenses that might be incurred by the parties in the course of the transfer both locally and externally . for the interest of this business , do not hesitate to contact my son mr . joel r . rossman on the above e - mail address immediately you receive this message for more information and to enable us proceed towards concluding all our arrangements . no other person knows about this money apart from my son and i . we await your most urgent response . please we need your fax / phone numbers for esiear communication . thanking you for your co - operation and god bless you . best regard , mrs . regina rossman . http : / / xent . com / mailman / listinfo / fork