var Godot = (() => { var _scriptDir = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : undefined; return ( function(moduleArg = {}) { // Support for growable heap + pthreads, where the buffer may change, so JS views // must be updated. function GROWABLE_HEAP_I8() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAP8; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_U8() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAPU8; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_I16() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAP16; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_U16() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAPU16; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_I32() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAP32; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_U32() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAPU32; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_F32() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAPF32; } function GROWABLE_HEAP_F64() { if (wasmMemory.buffer != HEAP8.buffer) { updateMemoryViews(); } return HEAPF64; } var Module = moduleArg; var readyPromiseResolve, readyPromiseReject; Module["ready"] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { readyPromiseResolve = resolve; readyPromiseReject = reject; }); [ "__emscripten_thread_init", "__emscripten_thread_exit", "__emscripten_thread_crashed", "__emscripten_thread_mailbox_await", "__emscripten_tls_init", "_pthread_self", "checkMailbox", "establishStackSpace", "invokeEntryPoint", "PThread", "__Z14godot_web_mainiPPc", "__emwebxr_on_input_event", "__emwebxr_on_simple_event", "___indirect_function_table", "_main", "onRuntimeInitialized" ].forEach(prop => { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module["ready"], prop)) { Object.defineProperty(Module["ready"], prop, { get: () => abort("You are getting " + prop + " on the Promise object, instead of the instance. Use .then() to get called back with the instance, see the MODULARIZE docs in src/settings.js"), set: () => abort("You are setting " + prop + " on the Promise object, instead of the instance. Use .then() to get called back with the instance, see the MODULARIZE docs in src/settings.js") }); } }); var moduleOverrides = Object.assign({}, Module); var arguments_ = []; var thisProgram = "./this.program"; var quit_ = (status, toThrow) => { throw toThrow; }; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window == "object"; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts == "function"; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = typeof process == "object" && typeof process.versions == "object" && typeof process.versions.node == "string"; var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE && !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER; if (Module["ENVIRONMENT"]) { throw new Error("Module.ENVIRONMENT has been deprecated. To force the environment, use the ENVIRONMENT compile-time option (for example, -sENVIRONMENT=web or -sENVIRONMENT=node)"); } var ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD = Module["ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD"] || false; var scriptDirectory = ""; function locateFile(path) { if (Module["locateFile"]) { return Module["locateFile"](path, scriptDirectory); } return scriptDirectory + path; } var read_, readAsync, readBinary; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL) { if ((typeof process == "object" && typeof require === "function") || typeof window == "object" || typeof importScripts == "function") throw new Error("not compiled for this environment (did you build to HTML and try to run it not on the web, or set ENVIRONMENT to something - like node - and run it someplace else - like on the web?)"); if (typeof read != "undefined") { read_ = read; } readBinary = f => { if (typeof readbuffer == "function") { return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f)); } let data = read(f, "binary"); assert(typeof data == "object"); return data; }; readAsync = (f, onload, onerror) => { setTimeout(() => onload(readBinary(f))); }; if (typeof clearTimeout == "undefined") { globalThis.clearTimeout = id => {}; } if (typeof setTimeout == "undefined") { globalThis.setTimeout = f => (typeof f == "function") ? f() : abort(); } if (typeof scriptArgs != "undefined") { arguments_ = scriptArgs; } else if (typeof arguments != "undefined") { arguments_ = arguments; } if (typeof quit == "function") { quit_ = (status, toThrow) => { setTimeout(() => { if (!(toThrow instanceof ExitStatus)) { let toLog = toThrow; if (toThrow && typeof toThrow == "object" && toThrow.stack) { toLog = [ toThrow, toThrow.stack ]; } err(`exiting due to exception: ${toLog}`); } quit(status); }); throw toThrow; }; } if (typeof print != "undefined") { if (typeof console == "undefined") console = /** @type{!Console} */ ({}); console.log = /** @type{!function(this:Console, ...*): undefined} */ (print); console.warn = console.error = /** @type{!function(this:Console, ...*): undefined} */ (typeof printErr != "undefined" ? printErr : print); } } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { scriptDirectory = self.location.href; } else if (typeof document != "undefined" && document.currentScript) { scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src; } if (_scriptDir) { scriptDirectory = _scriptDir; } if (scriptDirectory.startsWith("blob:")) { scriptDirectory = ""; } else { scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(0, scriptDirectory.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } if (!(typeof window == "object" || typeof importScripts == "function")) throw new Error("not compiled for this environment (did you build to HTML and try to run it not on the web, or set ENVIRONMENT to something - like node - and run it someplace else - like on the web?)"); { read_ = url => { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false); xhr.send(null); return xhr.responseText; }; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { readBinary = url => { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.send(null); return new Uint8Array(/** @type{!ArrayBuffer} */ (xhr.response)); }; } readAsync = (url, onload, onerror) => { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status == 200 || (xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response)) { onload(xhr.response); return; } onerror(); }; xhr.onerror = onerror; xhr.send(null); }; } } else { throw new Error("environment detection error"); } var out = Module["print"] || console.log.bind(console); var err = Module["printErr"] || console.error.bind(console); Object.assign(Module, moduleOverrides); moduleOverrides = null; checkIncomingModuleAPI(); if (Module["arguments"]) arguments_ = Module["arguments"]; legacyModuleProp("arguments", "arguments_"); if (Module["thisProgram"]) thisProgram = Module["thisProgram"]; legacyModuleProp("thisProgram", "thisProgram"); if (Module["quit"]) quit_ = Module["quit"]; legacyModuleProp("quit", "quit_"); assert(typeof Module["memoryInitializerPrefixURL"] == "undefined", "Module.memoryInitializerPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead"); assert(typeof Module["pthreadMainPrefixURL"] == "undefined", "Module.pthreadMainPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead"); assert(typeof Module["cdInitializerPrefixURL"] == "undefined", "Module.cdInitializerPrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead"); assert(typeof Module["filePackagePrefixURL"] == "undefined", "Module.filePackagePrefixURL option was removed, use Module.locateFile instead"); assert(typeof Module["read"] == "undefined", " option was removed (modify read_ in JS)"); assert(typeof Module["readAsync"] == "undefined", "Module.readAsync option was removed (modify readAsync in JS)"); assert(typeof Module["readBinary"] == "undefined", "Module.readBinary option was removed (modify readBinary in JS)"); assert(typeof Module["setWindowTitle"] == "undefined", "Module.setWindowTitle option was removed (modify emscripten_set_window_title in JS)"); assert(typeof Module["TOTAL_MEMORY"] == "undefined", "Module.TOTAL_MEMORY has been renamed Module.INITIAL_MEMORY"); legacyModuleProp("asm", "wasmExports"); legacyModuleProp("read", "read_"); legacyModuleProp("readAsync", "readAsync"); legacyModuleProp("readBinary", "readBinary"); legacyModuleProp("setWindowTitle", "setWindowTitle"); var PROXYFS = "PROXYFS is no longer included by default; build with -lproxyfs.js"; var WORKERFS = "WORKERFS is no longer included by default; build with -lworkerfs.js"; var FETCHFS = "FETCHFS is no longer included by default; build with -lfetchfs.js"; var ICASEFS = "ICASEFS is no longer included by default; build with -licasefs.js"; var JSFILEFS = "JSFILEFS is no longer included by default; build with -ljsfilefs.js"; var OPFS = "OPFS is no longer included by default; build with -lopfs.js"; var NODEFS = "NODEFS is no longer included by default; build with -lnodefs.js"; assert(ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER || ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE, "Pthreads do not work in this environment yet (need Web Workers, or an alternative to them)"); assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE, "node environment detected but not enabled at build time. Add `node` to `-sENVIRONMENT` to enable."); assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL, "shell environment detected but not enabled at build time. Add `shell` to `-sENVIRONMENT` to enable."); var wasmBinary; if (Module["wasmBinary"]) wasmBinary = Module["wasmBinary"]; legacyModuleProp("wasmBinary", "wasmBinary"); if (typeof WebAssembly != "object") { abort("no native wasm support detected"); } var wasmMemory; var wasmModule; var ABORT = false; var EXITSTATUS; /** @type {function(*, string=)} */ function assert(condition, text) { if (!condition) { abort("Assertion failed" + (text ? ": " + text : "")); } } var HEAP, /** @type {!Int8Array} */ HEAP8, /** @type {!Uint8Array} */ HEAPU8, /** @type {!Int16Array} */ HEAP16, /** @type {!Uint16Array} */ HEAPU16, /** @type {!Int32Array} */ HEAP32, /** @type {!Uint32Array} */ HEAPU32, /** @type {!Float32Array} */ HEAPF32, /* BigInt64Array type is not correctly defined in closure /** not-@type {!BigInt64Array} */ HEAP64, /* BigUInt64Array type is not correctly defined in closure /** not-t@type {!BigUint64Array} */ HEAPU64, /** @type {!Float64Array} */ HEAPF64; function updateMemoryViews() { var b = wasmMemory.buffer; Module["HEAP8"] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(b); Module["HEAP16"] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(b); Module["HEAPU8"] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(b); Module["HEAPU16"] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(b); Module["HEAP32"] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(b); Module["HEAPU32"] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(b); Module["HEAPF32"] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(b); Module["HEAPF64"] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(b); Module["HEAP64"] = HEAP64 = new BigInt64Array(b); Module["HEAPU64"] = HEAPU64 = new BigUint64Array(b); } assert(!Module["STACK_SIZE"], "STACK_SIZE can no longer be set at runtime. Use -sSTACK_SIZE at link time"); assert(typeof Int32Array != "undefined" && typeof Float64Array !== "undefined" && Int32Array.prototype.subarray != undefined && Int32Array.prototype.set != undefined, "JS engine does not provide full typed array support"); var INITIAL_MEMORY = Module["INITIAL_MEMORY"] || 33554432; legacyModuleProp("INITIAL_MEMORY", "INITIAL_MEMORY"); assert(INITIAL_MEMORY >= 5242880, "INITIAL_MEMORY should be larger than STACK_SIZE, was " + INITIAL_MEMORY + "! (STACK_SIZE=" + 5242880 + ")"); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { wasmMemory = Module["wasmMemory"]; } else { if (Module["wasmMemory"]) { wasmMemory = Module["wasmMemory"]; } else { wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ "initial": INITIAL_MEMORY / 65536, "maximum": 2147483648 / 65536, "shared": true }); if (!(wasmMemory.buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer)) { err("requested a shared WebAssembly.Memory but the returned buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer, indicating that while the browser has SharedArrayBuffer it does not have WebAssembly threads support - you may need to set a flag"); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { err("(on node you may need: --experimental-wasm-threads --experimental-wasm-bulk-memory and/or recent version)"); } throw Error("bad memory"); } } } updateMemoryViews(); INITIAL_MEMORY = wasmMemory.buffer.byteLength; assert(INITIAL_MEMORY % 65536 === 0); function writeStackCookie() { var max = _emscripten_stack_get_end(); assert((max & 3) == 0); if (max == 0) { max += 4; } GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((max) >> 2)] = 34821223; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((max) + (4)) >> 2)] = 2310721022; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((0) >> 2)] = 1668509029; } function checkStackCookie() { if (ABORT) return; var max = _emscripten_stack_get_end(); if (max == 0) { max += 4; } var cookie1 = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((max) >> 2)]; var cookie2 = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((max) + (4)) >> 2)]; if (cookie1 != 34821223 || cookie2 != 2310721022) { abort(`Stack overflow! Stack cookie has been overwritten at ${ptrToString(max)}, expected hex dwords 0x89BACDFE and 0x2135467, but received ${ptrToString(cookie2)} ${ptrToString(cookie1)}`); } if (GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((0) >> 2)] != 1668509029) /* 'emsc' */ { abort("Runtime error: The application has corrupted its heap memory area (address zero)!"); } } (function() { var h16 = new Int16Array(1); var h8 = new Int8Array(h16.buffer); h16[0] = 25459; if (h8[0] !== 115 || h8[1] !== 99) throw "Runtime error: expected the system to be little-endian! (Run with -sSUPPORT_BIG_ENDIAN to bypass)"; })(); var __ATPRERUN__ = []; var __ATINIT__ = []; var __ATMAIN__ = []; var __ATEXIT__ = []; var __ATPOSTRUN__ = []; var runtimeInitialized = false; var runtimeExited = false; function preRun() { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD); if (Module["preRun"]) { if (typeof Module["preRun"] == "function") Module["preRun"] = [ Module["preRun"] ]; while (Module["preRun"].length) { addOnPreRun(Module["preRun"].shift()); } } callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPRERUN__); } function initRuntime() { assert(!runtimeInitialized); runtimeInitialized = true; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; checkStackCookie(); if (!Module["noFSInit"] && !FS.init.initialized) FS.init(); FS.ignorePermissions = false; TTY.init(); SOCKFS.root = FS.mount(SOCKFS, {}, null); callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATINIT__); } function preMain() { checkStackCookie(); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATMAIN__); } function exitRuntime() { assert(!runtimeExited); checkStackCookie(); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; ___funcs_on_exit(); callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATEXIT__); FS.quit(); TTY.shutdown(); IDBFS.quit(); PThread.terminateAllThreads(); runtimeExited = true; } function postRun() { checkStackCookie(); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return; if (Module["postRun"]) { if (typeof Module["postRun"] == "function") Module["postRun"] = [ Module["postRun"] ]; while (Module["postRun"].length) { addOnPostRun(Module["postRun"].shift()); } } callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPOSTRUN__); } function addOnPreRun(cb) { __ATPRERUN__.unshift(cb); } function addOnInit(cb) { __ATINIT__.unshift(cb); } function addOnPreMain(cb) { __ATMAIN__.unshift(cb); } function addOnExit(cb) { __ATEXIT__.unshift(cb); } function addOnPostRun(cb) { __ATPOSTRUN__.unshift(cb); } assert(Math.imul, "This browser does not support Math.imul(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill"); assert(Math.fround, "This browser does not support Math.fround(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill"); assert(Math.clz32, "This browser does not support Math.clz32(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill"); assert(Math.trunc, "This browser does not support Math.trunc(), build with LEGACY_VM_SUPPORT or POLYFILL_OLD_MATH_FUNCTIONS to add in a polyfill"); var runDependencies = 0; var runDependencyWatcher = null; var dependenciesFulfilled = null; var runDependencyTracking = {}; function getUniqueRunDependency(id) { var orig = id; while (1) { if (!runDependencyTracking[id]) return id; id = orig + Math.random(); } } function addRunDependency(id) { runDependencies++; Module["monitorRunDependencies"]?.(runDependencies); if (id) { assert(!runDependencyTracking[id]); runDependencyTracking[id] = 1; if (runDependencyWatcher === null && typeof setInterval != "undefined") { runDependencyWatcher = setInterval(() => { if (ABORT) { clearInterval(runDependencyWatcher); runDependencyWatcher = null; return; } var shown = false; for (var dep in runDependencyTracking) { if (!shown) { shown = true; err("still waiting on run dependencies:"); } err(`dependency: ${dep}`); } if (shown) { err("(end of list)"); } }, 1e4); } } else { err("warning: run dependency added without ID"); } } function removeRunDependency(id) { runDependencies--; Module["monitorRunDependencies"]?.(runDependencies); if (id) { assert(runDependencyTracking[id]); delete runDependencyTracking[id]; } else { err("warning: run dependency removed without ID"); } if (runDependencies == 0) { if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) { clearInterval(runDependencyWatcher); runDependencyWatcher = null; } if (dependenciesFulfilled) { var callback = dependenciesFulfilled; dependenciesFulfilled = null; callback(); } } } /** @param {string|number=} what */ function abort(what) { Module["onAbort"]?.(what); what = "Aborted(" + what + ")"; err(what); ABORT = true; EXITSTATUS = 1; /** @suppress {checkTypes} */ var e = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(what); readyPromiseReject(e); throw e; } var dataURIPrefix = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"; /** * Indicates whether filename is a base64 data URI. * @noinline */ var isDataURI = filename => filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix); /** * Indicates whether filename is delivered via file protocol (as opposed to http/https) * @noinline */ var isFileURI = filename => filename.startsWith("file://"); function createExportWrapper(name) { return function() { assert(runtimeInitialized, `native function \`${name}\` called before runtime initialization`); assert(!runtimeExited, `native function \`${name}\` called after runtime exit (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)`); var f = wasmExports[name]; assert(f, `exported native function \`${name}\` not found`); return f.apply(null, arguments); }; } var wasmBinaryFile; wasmBinaryFile = "godot.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm"; if (!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)) { wasmBinaryFile = locateFile(wasmBinaryFile); } function getBinarySync(file) { if (file == wasmBinaryFile && wasmBinary) { return new Uint8Array(wasmBinary); } if (readBinary) { return readBinary(file); } throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed"; } function getBinaryPromise(binaryFile) { if (!wasmBinary && (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER)) { if (typeof fetch == "function") { return fetch(binaryFile, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(response => { if (!response["ok"]) { throw `failed to load wasm binary file at '${binaryFile}'`; } return response["arrayBuffer"](); }).catch(() => getBinarySync(binaryFile)); } } return Promise.resolve().then(() => getBinarySync(binaryFile)); } function instantiateArrayBuffer(binaryFile, imports, receiver) { return getBinaryPromise(binaryFile).then(binary => WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, imports)).then(instance => instance).then(receiver, reason => { err(`failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: ${reason}`); if (isFileURI(wasmBinaryFile)) { err(`warning: Loading from a file URI (${wasmBinaryFile}) is not supported in most browsers. See`); } abort(reason); }); } function instantiateAsync(binary, binaryFile, imports, callback) { if (!binary && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming == "function" && !isDataURI(binaryFile) && typeof fetch == "function") { return fetch(binaryFile, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(response => { /** @suppress {checkTypes} */ var result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, imports); return result.then(callback, function(reason) { err(`wasm streaming compile failed: ${reason}`); err("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"); return instantiateArrayBuffer(binaryFile, imports, callback); }); }); } return instantiateArrayBuffer(binaryFile, imports, callback); } function createWasm() { var info = { "env": wasmImports, "wasi_snapshot_preview1": wasmImports }; /** @param {WebAssembly.Module=} module*/ function receiveInstance(instance, module) { wasmExports = instance.exports; registerTLSInit(wasmExports["_emscripten_tls_init"]); wasmTable = wasmExports["__indirect_function_table"]; assert(wasmTable, "table not found in wasm exports"); addOnInit(wasmExports["__wasm_call_ctors"]); wasmModule = module; removeRunDependency("wasm-instantiate"); return wasmExports; } addRunDependency("wasm-instantiate"); var trueModule = Module; function receiveInstantiationResult(result) { assert(Module === trueModule, "the Module object should not be replaced during async compilation - perhaps the order of HTML elements is wrong?"); trueModule = null; receiveInstance(result["instance"], result["module"]); } if (Module["instantiateWasm"]) { try { return Module["instantiateWasm"](info, receiveInstance); } catch (e) { err(`Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: ${e}`); readyPromiseReject(e); } } instantiateAsync(wasmBinary, wasmBinaryFile, info, receiveInstantiationResult).catch(readyPromiseReject); return {}; } function legacyModuleProp(prop, newName, incomming = true) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, prop)) { Object.defineProperty(Module, prop, { configurable: true, get() { let extra = incomming ? " (the initial value can be provided on Module, but after startup the value is only looked for on a local variable of that name)" : ""; abort(`\`Module.${prop}\` has been replaced by \`${newName}\`` + extra); } }); } } function ignoredModuleProp(prop) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, prop)) { abort(`\`Module.${prop}\` was supplied but \`${prop}\` not included in INCOMING_MODULE_JS_API`); } } function isExportedByForceFilesystem(name) { return name === "FS_createPath" || name === "FS_createDataFile" || name === "FS_createPreloadedFile" || name === "FS_unlink" || name === "addRunDependency" || name === "FS_createLazyFile" || name === "FS_createDevice" || name === "removeRunDependency"; } function missingGlobal(sym, msg) { if (typeof globalThis !== "undefined") { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, sym, { configurable: true, get() { warnOnce(`\`${sym}\` is not longer defined by emscripten. ${msg}`); return undefined; } }); } } missingGlobal("buffer", "Please use HEAP8.buffer or wasmMemory.buffer"); missingGlobal("asm", "Please use wasmExports instead"); function missingLibrarySymbol(sym) { if (typeof globalThis !== "undefined" && !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globalThis, sym)) { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, sym, { configurable: true, get() { var msg = `\`${sym}\` is a library symbol and not included by default; add it to your library.js __deps or to DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE on the command line`; var librarySymbol = sym; if (!librarySymbol.startsWith("_")) { librarySymbol = "$" + sym; } msg += ` (e.g. -sDEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE='${librarySymbol}')`; if (isExportedByForceFilesystem(sym)) { msg += ". Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-sFORCE_FILESYSTEM) can export this for you"; } warnOnce(msg); return undefined; } }); } unexportedRuntimeSymbol(sym); } function unexportedRuntimeSymbol(sym) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Module, sym)) { Object.defineProperty(Module, sym, { configurable: true, get() { var msg = `'${sym}' was not exported. add it to EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS (see the Emscripten FAQ)`; if (isExportedByForceFilesystem(sym)) { msg += ". Alternatively, forcing filesystem support (-sFORCE_FILESYSTEM) can export this for you"; } abort(msg); } }); } } function dbg(text) { console.warn.apply(console, arguments); } /** @constructor */ function ExitStatus(status) { = "ExitStatus"; this.message = `Program terminated with exit(${status})`; this.status = status; } var terminateWorker = worker => { worker.terminate(); worker.onmessage = e => { var cmd = e["data"]["cmd"]; err(`received "${cmd}" command from terminated worker: ${worker.workerID}`); }; }; var killThread = pthread_ptr => { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "Internal Error! killThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!"); assert(pthread_ptr, "Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in killThread!"); var worker = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr]; delete PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr]; terminateWorker(worker); __emscripten_thread_free_data(pthread_ptr); PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(worker), 1); worker.pthread_ptr = 0; }; var cancelThread = pthread_ptr => { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "Internal Error! cancelThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!"); assert(pthread_ptr, "Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in cancelThread!"); var worker = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr]; worker.postMessage({ "cmd": "cancel" }); }; var cleanupThread = pthread_ptr => { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "Internal Error! cleanupThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!"); assert(pthread_ptr, "Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in cleanupThread!"); var worker = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr]; assert(worker); PThread.returnWorkerToPool(worker); }; var zeroMemory = (address, size) => { GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().fill(0, address, address + size); return address; }; var spawnThread = threadParams => { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "Internal Error! spawnThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!"); assert(threadParams.pthread_ptr, "Internal error, no pthread ptr!"); var worker = PThread.getNewWorker(); if (!worker) { return 6; } assert(!worker.pthread_ptr, "Internal error!"); PThread.runningWorkers.push(worker); PThread.pthreads[threadParams.pthread_ptr] = worker; worker.pthread_ptr = threadParams.pthread_ptr; var msg = { "cmd": "run", "start_routine": threadParams.startRoutine, "arg": threadParams.arg, "pthread_ptr": threadParams.pthread_ptr }; worker.postMessage(msg, threadParams.transferList); return 0; }; var runtimeKeepaliveCounter = 0; var keepRuntimeAlive = () => noExitRuntime || runtimeKeepaliveCounter > 0; var withStackSave = f => { var stack = stackSave(); var ret = f(); stackRestore(stack); return ret; }; var MAX_INT53 = 9007199254740992; var MIN_INT53 = -9007199254740992; var bigintToI53Checked = num => (num < MIN_INT53 || num > MAX_INT53) ? NaN : Number(num); /** @type{function(number, (number|boolean), ...(number|boolean))} */ var proxyToMainThread = function(index, sync) { var numCallArgs = arguments.length - 2; var outerArgs = arguments; return withStackSave(() => { var serializedNumCallArgs = numCallArgs * 2; var args = stackAlloc(serializedNumCallArgs * 8); var b = ((args) >> 3); for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) { var arg = outerArgs[2 + i]; if (typeof arg == "bigint") { HEAP64[b + 2 * i] = 1n; HEAP64[b + 2 * i + 1] = arg; } else { HEAP64[b + 2 * i] = 0n; GROWABLE_HEAP_F64()[b + 2 * i + 1] = arg; } } return __emscripten_run_on_main_thread_js(index, serializedNumCallArgs, args, sync); }); }; function _proc_exit(code) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(0, 1, code); EXITSTATUS = code; if (!keepRuntimeAlive()) { PThread.terminateAllThreads(); Module["onExit"]?.(code); ABORT = true; } quit_(code, new ExitStatus(code)); } /** @param {boolean|number=} implicit */ var exitJS = (status, implicit) => { EXITSTATUS = status; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { assert(!implicit); exitOnMainThread(status); throw "unwind"; } if (!keepRuntimeAlive()) { exitRuntime(); } if (keepRuntimeAlive() && !implicit) { var msg = `program exited (with status: ${status}), but keepRuntimeAlive() is set (counter=${runtimeKeepaliveCounter}) due to an async operation, so halting execution but not exiting the runtime or preventing further async execution (you can use emscripten_force_exit, if you want to force a true shutdown)`; readyPromiseReject(msg); err(msg); } _proc_exit(status); }; var _exit = exitJS; var ptrToString = ptr => { assert(typeof ptr === "number"); ptr >>>= 0; return "0x" + ptr.toString(16).padStart(8, "0"); }; var handleException = e => { if (e instanceof ExitStatus || e == "unwind") { return EXITSTATUS; } checkStackCookie(); if (e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) { if (_emscripten_stack_get_current() <= 0) { err("Stack overflow detected. You can try increasing -sSTACK_SIZE (currently set to 5242880)"); } } quit_(1, e); }; var PThread = { unusedWorkers: [], runningWorkers: [], tlsInitFunctions: [], pthreads: {}, nextWorkerID: 1, debugInit() { function pthreadLogPrefix() { var t = 0; if (runtimeInitialized && typeof _pthread_self != "undefined" && !runtimeExited) { t = _pthread_self(); } return "w:" + (Module["workerID"] || 0) + ",t:" + ptrToString(t) + ": "; } var origDbg = dbg; dbg = message => origDbg(pthreadLogPrefix() + message); }, init() { PThread.debugInit(); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { PThread.initWorker(); } else { PThread.initMainThread(); } }, initMainThread() { var pthreadPoolSize = 8; while (pthreadPoolSize--) { PThread.allocateUnusedWorker(); } addOnPreRun(() => { addRunDependency("loading-workers"); PThread.loadWasmModuleToAllWorkers(() => removeRunDependency("loading-workers")); }); }, initWorker() { PThread["receiveObjectTransfer"] = PThread.receiveObjectTransfer; PThread["threadInitTLS"] = PThread.threadInitTLS; PThread["setExitStatus"] = PThread.setExitStatus; noExitRuntime = false; }, setExitStatus: status => EXITSTATUS = status, terminateAllThreads__deps: [ "$terminateWorker" ], terminateAllThreads: () => { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD, "Internal Error! terminateAllThreads() can only ever be called from main application thread!"); for (var worker of PThread.runningWorkers) { terminateWorker(worker); } for (var worker of PThread.unusedWorkers) { terminateWorker(worker); } PThread.unusedWorkers = []; PThread.runningWorkers = []; PThread.pthreads = []; }, returnWorkerToPool: worker => { var pthread_ptr = worker.pthread_ptr; delete PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr]; PThread.unusedWorkers.push(worker); PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(worker), 1); worker.pthread_ptr = 0; __emscripten_thread_free_data(pthread_ptr); }, receiveObjectTransfer(data) {}, threadInitTLS() { PThread.tlsInitFunctions.forEach(f => f()); }, loadWasmModuleToWorker: worker => new Promise(onFinishedLoading => { worker.onmessage = e => { var d = e["data"]; var cmd = d["cmd"]; if (d["targetThread"] && d["targetThread"] != _pthread_self()) { var targetWorker = PThread.pthreads[d["targetThread"]]; if (targetWorker) { targetWorker.postMessage(d, d["transferList"]); } else { err(`Internal error! Worker sent a message "${cmd}" to target pthread ${d["targetThread"]}, but that thread no longer exists!`); } return; } if (cmd === "checkMailbox") { checkMailbox(); } else if (cmd === "spawnThread") { spawnThread(d); } else if (cmd === "cleanupThread") { cleanupThread(d["thread"]); } else if (cmd === "killThread") { killThread(d["thread"]); } else if (cmd === "cancelThread") { cancelThread(d["thread"]); } else if (cmd === "loaded") { worker.loaded = true; onFinishedLoading(worker); } else if (cmd === "alert") { alert(`Thread ${d["threadId"]}: ${d["text"]}`); } else if ( === "setimmediate") { worker.postMessage(d); } else if (cmd === "callHandler") { Module[d["handler"]](...d["args"]); } else if (cmd) { err(`worker sent an unknown command ${cmd}`); } }; worker.onerror = e => { var message = "worker sent an error!"; if (worker.pthread_ptr) { message = `Pthread ${ptrToString(worker.pthread_ptr)} sent an error!`; } err(`${message} ${e.filename}:${e.lineno}: ${e.message}`); throw e; }; assert(wasmMemory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory, "WebAssembly memory should have been loaded by now!"); assert(wasmModule instanceof WebAssembly.Module, "WebAssembly Module should have been loaded by now!"); var handlers = []; var knownHandlers = [ "onExit", "onAbort", "print", "printErr" ]; for (var handler of knownHandlers) { if (Module.hasOwnProperty(handler)) { handlers.push(handler); } } worker.workerID = PThread.nextWorkerID++; worker.postMessage({ "cmd": "load", "handlers": handlers, "urlOrBlob": Module["mainScriptUrlOrBlob"] || _scriptDir, "wasmMemory": wasmMemory, "wasmModule": wasmModule, "workerID": worker.workerID }); }), loadWasmModuleToAllWorkers(onMaybeReady) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { return onMaybeReady(); } let pthreadPoolReady = Promise.all(; pthreadPoolReady.then(onMaybeReady); }, allocateUnusedWorker() { var worker; var pthreadMainJs = locateFile("godot.web.template_debug.wasm32.worker.js"); worker = new Worker(pthreadMainJs); PThread.unusedWorkers.push(worker); }, getNewWorker() { if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length == 0) { err("Tried to spawn a new thread, but the thread pool is exhausted.\n" + "This might result in a deadlock unless some threads eventually exit or the code explicitly breaks out to the event loop.\n" + "If you want to increase the pool size, use setting `-sPTHREAD_POOL_SIZE=...`." + "\nIf you want to throw an explicit error instead of the risk of deadlocking in those cases, use setting `-sPTHREAD_POOL_SIZE_STRICT=2`."); PThread.allocateUnusedWorker(); PThread.loadWasmModuleToWorker(PThread.unusedWorkers[0]); } return PThread.unusedWorkers.pop(); } }; Module["PThread"] = PThread; var callRuntimeCallbacks = callbacks => { while (callbacks.length > 0) { callbacks.shift()(Module); } }; var establishStackSpace = () => { var pthread_ptr = _pthread_self(); var stackHigh = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((pthread_ptr) + (52)) >> 2)]; var stackSize = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((pthread_ptr) + (56)) >> 2)]; var stackLow = stackHigh - stackSize; assert(stackHigh != 0); assert(stackLow != 0); assert(stackHigh > stackLow, "stackHigh must be higher then stackLow"); _emscripten_stack_set_limits(stackHigh, stackLow); stackRestore(stackHigh); writeStackCookie(); }; Module["establishStackSpace"] = establishStackSpace; function exitOnMainThread(returnCode) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(1, 0, returnCode); _exit(returnCode); } /** * @param {number} ptr * @param {string} type */ function getValue(ptr, type = "i8") { if (type.endsWith("*")) type = "*"; switch (type) { case "i1": return GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((ptr) >> 0)]; case "i8": return GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((ptr) >> 0)]; case "i16": return GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[((ptr) >> 1)]; case "i32": return GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((ptr) >> 2)]; case "i64": return HEAP64[((ptr) >> 3)]; case "float": return GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[((ptr) >> 2)]; case "double": return GROWABLE_HEAP_F64()[((ptr) >> 3)]; case "*": return GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((ptr) >> 2)]; default: abort(`invalid type for getValue: ${type}`); } } var wasmTableMirror = []; var wasmTable; var getWasmTableEntry = funcPtr => { var func = wasmTableMirror[funcPtr]; if (!func) { if (funcPtr >= wasmTableMirror.length) wasmTableMirror.length = funcPtr + 1; wasmTableMirror[funcPtr] = func = wasmTable.get(funcPtr); } assert(wasmTable.get(funcPtr) == func, "JavaScript-side Wasm function table mirror is out of date!"); return func; }; var invokeEntryPoint = (ptr, arg) => { runtimeKeepaliveCounter = 0; var result = getWasmTableEntry(ptr)(arg); checkStackCookie(); function finish(result) { if (keepRuntimeAlive()) { PThread.setExitStatus(result); } else { __emscripten_thread_exit(result); } } finish(result); }; Module["invokeEntryPoint"] = invokeEntryPoint; var noExitRuntime = Module["noExitRuntime"] || false; var registerTLSInit = tlsInitFunc => PThread.tlsInitFunctions.push(tlsInitFunc); /** * @param {number} ptr * @param {number} value * @param {string} type */ function setValue(ptr, value, type = "i8") { if (type.endsWith("*")) type = "*"; switch (type) { case "i1": GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((ptr) >> 0)] = value; break; case "i8": GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((ptr) >> 0)] = value; break; case "i16": GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[((ptr) >> 1)] = value; break; case "i32": GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((ptr) >> 2)] = value; break; case "i64": HEAP64[((ptr) >> 3)] = BigInt(value); break; case "float": GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[((ptr) >> 2)] = value; break; case "double": GROWABLE_HEAP_F64()[((ptr) >> 3)] = value; break; case "*": GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((ptr) >> 2)] = value; break; default: abort(`invalid type for setValue: ${type}`); } } var warnOnce = text => { warnOnce.shown ||= {}; if (!warnOnce.shown[text]) { warnOnce.shown[text] = 1; err(text); } }; var UTF8Decoder = typeof TextDecoder != "undefined" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : undefined; /** * Given a pointer 'idx' to a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string in the given * array that contains uint8 values, returns a copy of that string as a * Javascript String object. * heapOrArray is either a regular array, or a JavaScript typed array view. * @param {number} idx * @param {number=} maxBytesToRead * @return {string} */ var UTF8ArrayToString = (heapOrArray, idx, maxBytesToRead) => { var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead; var endPtr = idx; while (heapOrArray[endPtr] && !(endPtr >= endIdx)) ++endPtr; if (endPtr - idx > 16 && heapOrArray.buffer && UTF8Decoder) { return UTF8Decoder.decode(heapOrArray.buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer ? heapOrArray.slice(idx, endPtr) : heapOrArray.subarray(idx, endPtr)); } var str = ""; while (idx < endPtr) { var u0 = heapOrArray[idx++]; if (!(u0 & 128)) { str += String.fromCharCode(u0); continue; } var u1 = heapOrArray[idx++] & 63; if ((u0 & 224) == 192) { str += String.fromCharCode(((u0 & 31) << 6) | u1); continue; } var u2 = heapOrArray[idx++] & 63; if ((u0 & 240) == 224) { u0 = ((u0 & 15) << 12) | (u1 << 6) | u2; } else { if ((u0 & 248) != 240) warnOnce("Invalid UTF-8 leading byte " + ptrToString(u0) + " encountered when deserializing a UTF-8 string in wasm memory to a JS string!"); u0 = ((u0 & 7) << 18) | (u1 << 12) | (u2 << 6) | (heapOrArray[idx++] & 63); } if (u0 < 65536) { str += String.fromCharCode(u0); } else { var ch = u0 - 65536; str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | (ch >> 10), 56320 | (ch & 1023)); } } return str; }; /** * Given a pointer 'ptr' to a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string in the * emscripten HEAP, returns a copy of that string as a Javascript String object. * * @param {number} ptr * @param {number=} maxBytesToRead - An optional length that specifies the * maximum number of bytes to read. You can omit this parameter to scan the * string until the first 0 byte. If maxBytesToRead is passed, and the string * at [ptr, ptr+maxBytesToReadr[ contains a null byte in the middle, then the * string will cut short at that byte index (i.e. maxBytesToRead will not * produce a string of exact length [ptr, ptr+maxBytesToRead[) N.B. mixing * frequent uses of UTF8ToString() with and without maxBytesToRead may throw * JS JIT optimizations off, so it is worth to consider consistently using one * @return {string} */ var UTF8ToString = (ptr, maxBytesToRead) => { assert(typeof ptr == "number", `UTF8ToString expects a number (got ${typeof ptr})`); return ptr ? UTF8ArrayToString(GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), ptr, maxBytesToRead) : ""; }; var ___assert_fail = (condition, filename, line, func) => { abort(`Assertion failed: ${UTF8ToString(condition)}, at: ` + [ filename ? UTF8ToString(filename) : "unknown filename", line, func ? UTF8ToString(func) : "unknown function" ]); }; var ___call_sighandler = (fp, sig) => getWasmTableEntry(fp)(sig); var ___emscripten_init_main_thread_js = tb => { __emscripten_thread_init(tb, /*is_main=*/ !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER, /*is_runtime=*/ 1, /*can_block=*/ !ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB, /*default_stacksize=*/ 2097152, /*start_profiling=*/ false); PThread.threadInitTLS(); }; var ___emscripten_thread_cleanup = thread => { if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) cleanupThread(thread); else postMessage({ "cmd": "cleanupThread", "thread": thread }); }; function pthreadCreateProxied(pthread_ptr, attr, startRoutine, arg) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(2, 1, pthread_ptr, attr, startRoutine, arg); return ___pthread_create_js(pthread_ptr, attr, startRoutine, arg); } var ___pthread_create_js = (pthread_ptr, attr, startRoutine, arg) => { if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer == "undefined") { err("Current environment does not support SharedArrayBuffer, pthreads are not available!"); return 6; } var transferList = []; var error = 0; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && (transferList.length === 0 || error)) { return pthreadCreateProxied(pthread_ptr, attr, startRoutine, arg); } if (error) return error; var threadParams = { startRoutine: startRoutine, pthread_ptr: pthread_ptr, arg: arg, transferList: transferList }; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { threadParams.cmd = "spawnThread"; postMessage(threadParams, transferList); return 0; } return spawnThread(threadParams); }; var PATH = { isAbs: path => path.charAt(0) === "/", splitPath: filename => { var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/; return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1); }, normalizeArray: (parts, allowAboveRoot) => { var up = 0; for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var last = parts[i]; if (last === ".") { parts.splice(i, 1); } else if (last === "..") { parts.splice(i, 1); up++; } else if (up) { parts.splice(i, 1); up--; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { for (;up; up--) { parts.unshift(".."); } } return parts; }, normalize: path => { var isAbsolute = PATH.isAbs(path), trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === "/"; path = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter(p => !!p), !isAbsolute).join("/"); if (!path && !isAbsolute) { path = "."; } if (path && trailingSlash) { path += "/"; } return (isAbsolute ? "/" : "") + path; }, dirname: path => { var result = PATH.splitPath(path), root = result[0], dir = result[1]; if (!root && !dir) { return "."; } if (dir) { dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1); } return root + dir; }, basename: path => { if (path === "/") return "/"; path = PATH.normalize(path); path = path.replace(/\/$/, ""); var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlash === -1) return path; return path.substr(lastSlash + 1); }, join: function() { var paths =; return PATH.normalize(paths.join("/")); }, join2: (l, r) => PATH.normalize(l + "/" + r) }; var initRandomFill = () => { if (typeof crypto == "object" && typeof crypto["getRandomValues"] == "function") { return view => (view.set(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(view.byteLength))), view); } else abort("no cryptographic support found for randomDevice. consider polyfilling it if you want to use something insecure like Math.random(), e.g. put this in a --pre-js: var crypto = { getRandomValues: (array) => { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = (Math.random()*256)|0 } };"); }; var randomFill = view => (randomFill = initRandomFill())(view); var PATH_FS = { resolve: function() { var resolvedPath = "", resolvedAbsolute = false; for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) { var path = (i >= 0) ? arguments[i] : FS.cwd(); if (typeof path != "string") { throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings"); } else if (!path) { return ""; } resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath; resolvedAbsolute = PATH.isAbs(path); } resolvedPath = PATH.normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split("/").filter(p => !!p), !resolvedAbsolute).join("/"); return ((resolvedAbsolute ? "/" : "") + resolvedPath) || "."; }, relative: (from, to) => { from = PATH_FS.resolve(from).substr(1); to = PATH_FS.resolve(to).substr(1); function trim(arr) { var start = 0; for (;start < arr.length; start++) { if (arr[start] !== "") break; } var end = arr.length - 1; for (;end >= 0; end--) { if (arr[end] !== "") break; } if (start > end) return []; return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1); } var fromParts = trim(from.split("/")); var toParts = trim(to.split("/")); var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length); var samePartsLength = length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) { samePartsLength = i; break; } } var outputParts = []; for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) { outputParts.push(".."); } outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength)); return outputParts.join("/"); } }; var FS_stdin_getChar_buffer = []; var lengthBytesUTF8 = str => { var len = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c <= 127) { len++; } else if (c <= 2047) { len += 2; } else if (c >= 55296 && c <= 57343) { len += 4; ++i; } else { len += 3; } } return len; }; var stringToUTF8Array = (str, heap, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) => { assert(typeof str === "string", `stringToUTF8Array expects a string (got ${typeof str})`); if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0)) return 0; var startIdx = outIdx; var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { var u = str.charCodeAt(i); if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) { var u1 = str.charCodeAt(++i); u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | (u1 & 1023); } if (u <= 127) { if (outIdx >= endIdx) break; heap[outIdx++] = u; } else if (u <= 2047) { if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx) break; heap[outIdx++] = 192 | (u >> 6); heap[outIdx++] = 128 | (u & 63); } else if (u <= 65535) { if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx) break; heap[outIdx++] = 224 | (u >> 12); heap[outIdx++] = 128 | ((u >> 6) & 63); heap[outIdx++] = 128 | (u & 63); } else { if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx) break; if (u > 1114111) warnOnce("Invalid Unicode code point " + ptrToString(u) + " encountered when serializing a JS string to a UTF-8 string in wasm memory! (Valid unicode code points should be in range 0-0x10FFFF)."); heap[outIdx++] = 240 | (u >> 18); heap[outIdx++] = 128 | ((u >> 12) & 63); heap[outIdx++] = 128 | ((u >> 6) & 63); heap[outIdx++] = 128 | (u & 63); } } heap[outIdx] = 0; return outIdx - startIdx; }; /** @type {function(string, boolean=, number=)} */ function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) { var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy) + 1; var u8array = new Array(len); var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length); if (dontAddNull) u8array.length = numBytesWritten; return u8array; } var FS_stdin_getChar = () => { if (!FS_stdin_getChar_buffer.length) { var result = null; if (typeof window != "undefined" && typeof window.prompt == "function") { result = window.prompt("Input: "); if (result !== null) { result += "\n"; } } else if (typeof readline == "function") { result = readline(); if (result !== null) { result += "\n"; } } if (!result) { return null; } FS_stdin_getChar_buffer = intArrayFromString(result, true); } return FS_stdin_getChar_buffer.shift(); }; var TTY = { ttys: [], init() {}, shutdown() {}, register(dev, ops) { TTY.ttys[dev] = { input: [], output: [], ops: ops }; FS.registerDevice(dev, TTY.stream_ops); }, stream_ops: { open(stream) { var tty = TTY.ttys[stream.node.rdev]; if (!tty) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(43); } stream.tty = tty; stream.seekable = false; }, close(stream) { stream.tty.ops.fsync(stream.tty); }, fsync(stream) { stream.tty.ops.fsync(stream.tty); }, read(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) { /* ignored */ if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.get_char) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(60); } var bytesRead = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var result; try { result = stream.tty.ops.get_char(stream.tty); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } if (result === null || result === undefined) break; bytesRead++; buffer[offset + i] = result; } if (bytesRead) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return bytesRead; }, write(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) { if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.put_char) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(60); } try { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { stream.tty.ops.put_char(stream.tty, buffer[offset + i]); } } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } if (length) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return i; } }, default_tty_ops: { get_char(tty) { return FS_stdin_getChar(); }, put_char(tty, val) { if (val === null || val === 10) { out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } else { if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val); } }, fsync(tty) { if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) { out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } }, ioctl_tcgets(tty) { return { c_iflag: 25856, c_oflag: 5, c_cflag: 191, c_lflag: 35387, c_cc: [ 3, 28, 127, 21, 4, 0, 1, 0, 17, 19, 26, 0, 18, 15, 23, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }; }, ioctl_tcsets(tty, optional_actions, data) { return 0; }, ioctl_tiocgwinsz(tty) { return [ 24, 80 ]; } }, default_tty1_ops: { put_char(tty, val) { if (val === null || val === 10) { err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } else { if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val); } }, fsync(tty) { if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) { err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0)); tty.output = []; } } } }; var alignMemory = (size, alignment) => { assert(alignment, "alignment argument is required"); return Math.ceil(size / alignment) * alignment; }; var mmapAlloc = size => { abort("internal error: mmapAlloc called but `emscripten_builtin_memalign` native symbol not exported"); }; var MEMFS = { ops_table: null, mount(mount) { return MEMFS.createNode(null, "/", 16384 | 511, /* 0777 */ 0); }, createNode(parent, name, mode, dev) { if (FS.isBlkdev(mode) || FS.isFIFO(mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } MEMFS.ops_table ||= { dir: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr, lookup: MEMFS.node_ops.lookup, mknod: MEMFS.node_ops.mknod, rename: MEMFS.node_ops.rename, unlink: MEMFS.node_ops.unlink, rmdir: MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir, readdir: MEMFS.node_ops.readdir, symlink: MEMFS.node_ops.symlink }, stream: { llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek } }, file: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr }, stream: { llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek, read:, write: MEMFS.stream_ops.write, allocate: MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate, mmap: MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap, msync: MEMFS.stream_ops.msync } }, link: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr, readlink: MEMFS.node_ops.readlink }, stream: {} }, chrdev: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr }, stream: FS.chrdev_stream_ops } }; var node = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev); if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) { node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node; node.stream_ops =; node.contents = {}; } else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) { node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.node; node.stream_ops =; node.usedBytes = 0; node.contents = null; } else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) { node.node_ops =; node.stream_ops =; } else if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) { node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.node; node.stream_ops =; } node.timestamp =; if (parent) { parent.contents[name] = node; parent.timestamp = node.timestamp; } return node; }, getFileDataAsTypedArray(node) { if (!node.contents) return new Uint8Array(0); if (node.contents.subarray) return node.contents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes); return new Uint8Array(node.contents); }, expandFileStorage(node, newCapacity) { var prevCapacity = node.contents ? node.contents.length : 0; if (prevCapacity >= newCapacity) return; var CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024; newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, (prevCapacity * (prevCapacity < CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX ? 2 : 1.125)) >>> 0); if (prevCapacity != 0) newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, 256); var oldContents = node.contents; node.contents = new Uint8Array(newCapacity); if (node.usedBytes > 0) node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes), 0); }, resizeFileStorage(node, newSize) { if (node.usedBytes == newSize) return; if (newSize == 0) { node.contents = null; node.usedBytes = 0; } else { var oldContents = node.contents; node.contents = new Uint8Array(newSize); if (oldContents) { node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, Math.min(newSize, node.usedBytes))); } node.usedBytes = newSize; } }, node_ops: { getattr(node) { var attr = {}; = FS.isChrdev(node.mode) ? : 1; attr.ino =; attr.mode = node.mode; attr.nlink = 1; attr.uid = 0; attr.gid = 0; attr.rdev = node.rdev; if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) { attr.size = 4096; } else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) { attr.size = node.usedBytes; } else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) { attr.size =; } else { attr.size = 0; } attr.atime = new Date(node.timestamp); attr.mtime = new Date(node.timestamp); attr.ctime = new Date(node.timestamp); attr.blksize = 4096; attr.blocks = Math.ceil(attr.size / attr.blksize); return attr; }, setattr(node, attr) { if (attr.mode !== undefined) { node.mode = attr.mode; } if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) { node.timestamp = attr.timestamp; } if (attr.size !== undefined) { MEMFS.resizeFileStorage(node, attr.size); } }, lookup(parent, name) { throw FS.genericErrors[44]; }, mknod(parent, name, mode, dev) { return MEMFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev); }, rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name) { if (FS.isDir(old_node.mode)) { var new_node; try { new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name); } catch (e) {} if (new_node) { for (var i in new_node.contents) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(55); } } } delete old_node.parent.contents[]; old_node.parent.timestamp =; = new_name; new_dir.contents[new_name] = old_node; new_dir.timestamp = old_node.parent.timestamp; old_node.parent = new_dir; }, unlink(parent, name) { delete parent.contents[name]; parent.timestamp =; }, rmdir(parent, name) { var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name); for (var i in node.contents) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(55); } delete parent.contents[name]; parent.timestamp =; }, readdir(node) { var entries = [ ".", ".." ]; for (var key of Object.keys(node.contents)) { entries.push(key); } return entries; }, symlink(parent, newname, oldpath) { var node = MEMFS.createNode(parent, newname, 511 | /* 0777 */ 40960, 0); = oldpath; return node; }, readlink(node) { if (!FS.isLink(node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } return; } }, stream_ops: { read(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) { var contents = stream.node.contents; if (position >= stream.node.usedBytes) return 0; var size = Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes - position, length); assert(size >= 0); if (size > 8 && contents.subarray) { buffer.set(contents.subarray(position, position + size), offset); } else { for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i]; } return size; }, write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) { assert(!(buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer)); if (buffer.buffer === GROWABLE_HEAP_I8().buffer) { canOwn = false; } if (!length) return 0; var node = stream.node; node.timestamp =; if (buffer.subarray && (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray)) { if (canOwn) { assert(position === 0, "canOwn must imply no weird position inside the file"); node.contents = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length); node.usedBytes = length; return length; } else if (node.usedBytes === 0 && position === 0) { node.contents = buffer.slice(offset, offset + length); node.usedBytes = length; return length; } else if (position + length <= node.usedBytes) { node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position); return length; } } MEMFS.expandFileStorage(node, position + length); if (node.contents.subarray && buffer.subarray) { node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position); } else { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { node.contents[position + i] = buffer[offset + i]; } } node.usedBytes = Math.max(node.usedBytes, position + length); return length; }, llseek(stream, offset, whence) { var position = offset; if (whence === 1) { position += stream.position; } else if (whence === 2) { if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { position += stream.node.usedBytes; } } if (position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } return position; }, allocate(stream, offset, length) { MEMFS.expandFileStorage(stream.node, offset + length); stream.node.usedBytes = Math.max(stream.node.usedBytes, offset + length); }, mmap(stream, length, position, prot, flags) { if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(43); } var ptr; var allocated; var contents = stream.node.contents; if (!(flags & 2) && contents.buffer === GROWABLE_HEAP_I8().buffer) { allocated = false; ptr = contents.byteOffset; } else { if (position > 0 || position + length < contents.length) { if (contents.subarray) { contents = contents.subarray(position, position + length); } else { contents =, position, position + length); } } allocated = true; ptr = mmapAlloc(length); if (!ptr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(48); } GROWABLE_HEAP_I8().set(contents, ptr); } return { ptr: ptr, allocated: allocated }; }, msync(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) { MEMFS.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, 0, length, offset, false); return 0; } } }; /** @param {boolean=} noRunDep */ var asyncLoad = (url, onload, onerror, noRunDep) => { var dep = !noRunDep ? getUniqueRunDependency(`al ${url}`) : ""; readAsync(url, arrayBuffer => { assert(arrayBuffer, `Loading data file "${url}" failed (no arrayBuffer).`); onload(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)); if (dep) removeRunDependency(dep); }, event => { if (onerror) { onerror(); } else { throw `Loading data file "${url}" failed.`; } }); if (dep) addRunDependency(dep); }; var FS_createDataFile = (parent, name, fileData, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) => { FS.createDataFile(parent, name, fileData, canRead, canWrite, canOwn); }; var preloadPlugins = Module["preloadPlugins"] || []; var FS_handledByPreloadPlugin = (byteArray, fullname, finish, onerror) => { if (typeof Browser != "undefined") Browser.init(); var handled = false; preloadPlugins.forEach(plugin => { if (handled) return; if (plugin["canHandle"](fullname)) { plugin["handle"](byteArray, fullname, finish, onerror); handled = true; } }); return handled; }; var FS_createPreloadedFile = (parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite, onload, onerror, dontCreateFile, canOwn, preFinish) => { var fullname = name ? PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent, name)) : parent; var dep = getUniqueRunDependency(`cp ${fullname}`); function processData(byteArray) { function finish(byteArray) { preFinish?.(); if (!dontCreateFile) { FS_createDataFile(parent, name, byteArray, canRead, canWrite, canOwn); } onload?.(); removeRunDependency(dep); } if (FS_handledByPreloadPlugin(byteArray, fullname, finish, () => { onerror?.(); removeRunDependency(dep); })) { return; } finish(byteArray); } addRunDependency(dep); if (typeof url == "string") { asyncLoad(url, processData, onerror); } else { processData(url); } }; var FS_modeStringToFlags = str => { var flagModes = { "r": 0, "r+": 2, "w": 512 | 64 | 1, "w+": 512 | 64 | 2, "a": 1024 | 64 | 1, "a+": 1024 | 64 | 2 }; var flags = flagModes[str]; if (typeof flags == "undefined") { throw new Error(`Unknown file open mode: ${str}`); } return flags; }; var FS_getMode = (canRead, canWrite) => { var mode = 0; if (canRead) mode |= 292 | 73; if (canWrite) mode |= 146; return mode; }; var IDBFS = { dbs: {}, indexedDB: () => { if (typeof indexedDB != "undefined") return indexedDB; var ret = null; if (typeof window == "object") ret = window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; assert(ret, "IDBFS used, but indexedDB not supported"); return ret; }, DB_VERSION: 21, DB_STORE_NAME: "FILE_DATA", mount: function(mount) { return MEMFS.mount.apply(null, arguments); }, syncfs: (mount, populate, callback) => { IDBFS.getLocalSet(mount, (err, local) => { if (err) return callback(err); IDBFS.getRemoteSet(mount, (err, remote) => { if (err) return callback(err); var src = populate ? remote : local; var dst = populate ? local : remote; IDBFS.reconcile(src, dst, callback); }); }); }, quit: () => { Object.values(IDBFS.dbs).forEach(value => value.close()); IDBFS.dbs = {}; }, getDB: (name, callback) => { var db = IDBFS.dbs[name]; if (db) { return callback(null, db); } var req; try { req = IDBFS.indexedDB().open(name, IDBFS.DB_VERSION); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (!req) { return callback("Unable to connect to IndexedDB"); } req.onupgradeneeded = e => { var db = /** @type {IDBDatabase} */ (; var transaction =; var fileStore; if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME)) { fileStore = transaction.objectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); } else { fileStore = db.createObjectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); } if (!fileStore.indexNames.contains("timestamp")) { fileStore.createIndex("timestamp", "timestamp", { unique: false }); } }; req.onsuccess = () => { db = /** @type {IDBDatabase} */ (req.result); IDBFS.dbs[name] = db; callback(null, db); }; req.onerror = e => { callback(; e.preventDefault(); }; }, getLocalSet: (mount, callback) => { var entries = {}; function isRealDir(p) { return p !== "." && p !== ".."; } function toAbsolute(root) { return p => PATH.join2(root, p); } var check = FS.readdir(mount.mountpoint).filter(isRealDir).map(toAbsolute(mount.mountpoint)); while (check.length) { var path = check.pop(); var stat; try { stat = FS.stat(path); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (FS.isDir(stat.mode)) { check.push.apply(check, FS.readdir(path).filter(isRealDir).map(toAbsolute(path))); } entries[path] = { "timestamp": stat.mtime }; } return callback(null, { type: "local", entries: entries }); }, getRemoteSet: (mount, callback) => { var entries = {}; IDBFS.getDB(mount.mountpoint, (err, db) => { if (err) return callback(err); try { var transaction = db.transaction([ IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME ], "readonly"); transaction.onerror = e => { callback(; e.preventDefault(); }; var store = transaction.objectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); var index = store.index("timestamp"); index.openKeyCursor().onsuccess = event => { var cursor =; if (!cursor) { return callback(null, { type: "remote", db: db, entries: entries }); } entries[cursor.primaryKey] = { "timestamp": cursor.key }; cursor.continue(); }; } catch (e) { return callback(e); } }); }, loadLocalEntry: (path, callback) => { var stat, node; try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path); node = lookup.node; stat = FS.stat(path); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (FS.isDir(stat.mode)) { return callback(null, { "timestamp": stat.mtime, "mode": stat.mode }); } else if (FS.isFile(stat.mode)) { node.contents = MEMFS.getFileDataAsTypedArray(node); return callback(null, { "timestamp": stat.mtime, "mode": stat.mode, "contents": node.contents }); } else { return callback(new Error("node type not supported")); } }, storeLocalEntry: (path, entry, callback) => { try { if (FS.isDir(entry["mode"])) { FS.mkdirTree(path, entry["mode"]); } else if (FS.isFile(entry["mode"])) { FS.writeFile(path, entry["contents"], { canOwn: true }); } else { return callback(new Error("node type not supported")); } FS.chmod(path, entry["mode"]); FS.utime(path, entry["timestamp"], entry["timestamp"]); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } callback(null); }, removeLocalEntry: (path, callback) => { try { var stat = FS.stat(path); if (FS.isDir(stat.mode)) { FS.rmdir(path); } else if (FS.isFile(stat.mode)) { FS.unlink(path); } } catch (e) { return callback(e); } callback(null); }, loadRemoteEntry: (store, path, callback) => { var req = store.get(path); req.onsuccess = event => callback(null,; req.onerror = e => { callback(; e.preventDefault(); }; }, storeRemoteEntry: (store, path, entry, callback) => { try { var req = store.put(entry, path); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } req.onsuccess = event => callback(); req.onerror = e => { callback(; e.preventDefault(); }; }, removeRemoteEntry: (store, path, callback) => { var req = store.delete(path); req.onsuccess = event => callback(); req.onerror = e => { callback(; e.preventDefault(); }; }, reconcile: (src, dst, callback) => { var total = 0; var create = []; Object.keys(src.entries).forEach(function(key) { var e = src.entries[key]; var e2 = dst.entries[key]; if (!e2 || e["timestamp"].getTime() != e2["timestamp"].getTime()) { create.push(key); total++; } }); var remove = []; Object.keys(dst.entries).forEach(function(key) { if (!src.entries[key]) { remove.push(key); total++; } }); if (!total) { return callback(null); } var errored = false; var db = src.type === "remote" ? src.db : dst.db; var transaction = db.transaction([ IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME ], "readwrite"); var store = transaction.objectStore(IDBFS.DB_STORE_NAME); function done(err) { if (err && !errored) { errored = true; return callback(err); } } transaction.onerror = e => { done(this.error); e.preventDefault(); }; transaction.oncomplete = e => { if (!errored) { callback(null); } }; create.sort().forEach(path => { if (dst.type === "local") { IDBFS.loadRemoteEntry(store, path, (err, entry) => { if (err) return done(err); IDBFS.storeLocalEntry(path, entry, done); }); } else { IDBFS.loadLocalEntry(path, (err, entry) => { if (err) return done(err); IDBFS.storeRemoteEntry(store, path, entry, done); }); } }); remove.sort().reverse().forEach(path => { if (dst.type === "local") { IDBFS.removeLocalEntry(path, done); } else { IDBFS.removeRemoteEntry(store, path, done); } }); } }; var ERRNO_MESSAGES = { 0: "Success", 1: "Arg list too long", 2: "Permission denied", 3: "Address already in use", 4: "Address not available", 5: "Address family not supported by protocol family", 6: "No more processes", 7: "Socket already connected", 8: "Bad file number", 9: "Trying to read unreadable message", 10: "Mount device busy", 11: "Operation canceled", 12: "No children", 13: "Connection aborted", 14: "Connection refused", 15: "Connection reset by peer", 16: "File locking deadlock error", 17: "Destination address required", 18: "Math arg out of domain of func", 19: "Quota exceeded", 20: "File exists", 21: "Bad address", 22: "File too large", 23: "Host is unreachable", 24: "Identifier removed", 25: "Illegal byte sequence", 26: "Connection already in progress", 27: "Interrupted system call", 28: "Invalid argument", 29: "I/O error", 30: "Socket is already connected", 31: "Is a directory", 32: "Too many symbolic links", 33: "Too many open files", 34: "Too many links", 35: "Message too long", 36: "Multihop attempted", 37: "File or path name too long", 38: "Network interface is not configured", 39: "Connection reset by network", 40: "Network is unreachable", 41: "Too many open files in system", 42: "No buffer space available", 43: "No such device", 44: "No such file or directory", 45: "Exec format error", 46: "No record locks available", 47: "The link has been severed", 48: "Not enough core", 49: "No message of desired type", 50: "Protocol not available", 51: "No space left on device", 52: "Function not implemented", 53: "Socket is not connected", 54: "Not a directory", 55: "Directory not empty", 56: "State not recoverable", 57: "Socket operation on non-socket", 59: "Not a typewriter", 60: "No such device or address", 61: "Value too large for defined data type", 62: "Previous owner died", 63: "Not super-user", 64: "Broken pipe", 65: "Protocol error", 66: "Unknown protocol", 67: "Protocol wrong type for socket", 68: "Math result not representable", 69: "Read only file system", 70: "Illegal seek", 71: "No such process", 72: "Stale file handle", 73: "Connection timed out", 74: "Text file busy", 75: "Cross-device link", 100: "Device not a stream", 101: "Bad font file fmt", 102: "Invalid slot", 103: "Invalid request code", 104: "No anode", 105: "Block device required", 106: "Channel number out of range", 107: "Level 3 halted", 108: "Level 3 reset", 109: "Link number out of range", 110: "Protocol driver not attached", 111: "No CSI structure available", 112: "Level 2 halted", 113: "Invalid exchange", 114: "Invalid request descriptor", 115: "Exchange full", 116: "No data (for no delay io)", 117: "Timer expired", 118: "Out of streams resources", 119: "Machine is not on the network", 120: "Package not installed", 121: "The object is remote", 122: "Advertise error", 123: "Srmount error", 124: "Communication error on send", 125: "Cross mount point (not really error)", 126: "Given log. name not unique", 127: "f.d. invalid for this operation", 128: "Remote address changed", 129: "Can access a needed shared lib", 130: "Accessing a corrupted shared lib", 131: ".lib section in a.out corrupted", 132: "Attempting to link in too many libs", 133: "Attempting to exec a shared library", 135: "Streams pipe error", 136: "Too many users", 137: "Socket type not supported", 138: "Not supported", 139: "Protocol family not supported", 140: "Can't send after socket shutdown", 141: "Too many references", 142: "Host is down", 148: "No medium (in tape drive)", 156: "Level 2 not synchronized" }; var ERRNO_CODES = { "EPERM": 63, "ENOENT": 44, "ESRCH": 71, "EINTR": 27, "EIO": 29, "ENXIO": 60, "E2BIG": 1, "ENOEXEC": 45, "EBADF": 8, "ECHILD": 12, "EAGAIN": 6, "EWOULDBLOCK": 6, "ENOMEM": 48, "EACCES": 2, "EFAULT": 21, "ENOTBLK": 105, "EBUSY": 10, "EEXIST": 20, "EXDEV": 75, "ENODEV": 43, "ENOTDIR": 54, "EISDIR": 31, "EINVAL": 28, "ENFILE": 41, "EMFILE": 33, "ENOTTY": 59, "ETXTBSY": 74, "EFBIG": 22, "ENOSPC": 51, "ESPIPE": 70, "EROFS": 69, "EMLINK": 34, "EPIPE": 64, "EDOM": 18, "ERANGE": 68, "ENOMSG": 49, "EIDRM": 24, "ECHRNG": 106, "EL2NSYNC": 156, "EL3HLT": 107, "EL3RST": 108, "ELNRNG": 109, "EUNATCH": 110, "ENOCSI": 111, "EL2HLT": 112, "EDEADLK": 16, "ENOLCK": 46, "EBADE": 113, "EBADR": 114, "EXFULL": 115, "ENOANO": 104, "EBADRQC": 103, "EBADSLT": 102, "EDEADLOCK": 16, "EBFONT": 101, "ENOSTR": 100, "ENODATA": 116, "ETIME": 117, "ENOSR": 118, "ENONET": 119, "ENOPKG": 120, "EREMOTE": 121, "ENOLINK": 47, "EADV": 122, "ESRMNT": 123, "ECOMM": 124, "EPROTO": 65, "EMULTIHOP": 36, "EDOTDOT": 125, "EBADMSG": 9, "ENOTUNIQ": 126, "EBADFD": 127, "EREMCHG": 128, "ELIBACC": 129, "ELIBBAD": 130, "ELIBSCN": 131, "ELIBMAX": 132, "ELIBEXEC": 133, "ENOSYS": 52, "ENOTEMPTY": 55, "ENAMETOOLONG": 37, "ELOOP": 32, "EOPNOTSUPP": 138, "EPFNOSUPPORT": 139, "ECONNRESET": 15, "ENOBUFS": 42, "EAFNOSUPPORT": 5, "EPROTOTYPE": 67, "ENOTSOCK": 57, "ENOPROTOOPT": 50, "ESHUTDOWN": 140, "ECONNREFUSED": 14, "EADDRINUSE": 3, "ECONNABORTED": 13, "ENETUNREACH": 40, "ENETDOWN": 38, "ETIMEDOUT": 73, "EHOSTDOWN": 142, "EHOSTUNREACH": 23, "EINPROGRESS": 26, "EALREADY": 7, "EDESTADDRREQ": 17, "EMSGSIZE": 35, "EPROTONOSUPPORT": 66, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT": 137, "EADDRNOTAVAIL": 4, "ENETRESET": 39, "EISCONN": 30, "ENOTCONN": 53, "ETOOMANYREFS": 141, "EUSERS": 136, "EDQUOT": 19, "ESTALE": 72, "ENOTSUP": 138, "ENOMEDIUM": 148, "EILSEQ": 25, "EOVERFLOW": 61, "ECANCELED": 11, "ENOTRECOVERABLE": 56, "EOWNERDEAD": 62, "ESTRPIPE": 135 }; var FS = { root: null, mounts: [], devices: {}, streams: [], nextInode: 1, nameTable: null, currentPath: "/", initialized: false, ignorePermissions: true, ErrnoError: class extends Error { constructor(errno) { super(ERRNO_MESSAGES[errno]); = "ErrnoError"; this.errno = errno; for (var key in ERRNO_CODES) { if (ERRNO_CODES[key] === errno) { this.code = key; break; } } } }, genericErrors: {}, filesystems: null, syncFSRequests: 0, lookupPath(path, opts = {}) { path = PATH_FS.resolve(path); if (!path) return { path: "", node: null }; var defaults = { follow_mount: true, recurse_count: 0 }; opts = Object.assign(defaults, opts); if (opts.recurse_count > 8) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(32); } var parts = path.split("/").filter(p => !!p); var current = FS.root; var current_path = "/"; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var islast = (i === parts.length - 1); if (islast && opts.parent) { break; } current = FS.lookupNode(current, parts[i]); current_path = PATH.join2(current_path, parts[i]); if (FS.isMountpoint(current)) { if (!islast || (islast && opts.follow_mount)) { current = current.mounted.root; } } if (!islast || opts.follow) { var count = 0; while (FS.isLink(current.mode)) { var link = FS.readlink(current_path); current_path = PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.dirname(current_path), link); var lookup = FS.lookupPath(current_path, { recurse_count: opts.recurse_count + 1 }); current = lookup.node; if (count++ > 40) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(32); } } } } return { path: current_path, node: current }; }, getPath(node) { var path; while (true) { if (FS.isRoot(node)) { var mount = node.mount.mountpoint; if (!path) return mount; return mount[mount.length - 1] !== "/" ? `${mount}/${path}` : mount + path; } path = path ? `${}/${path}` :; node = node.parent; } }, hashName(parentid, name) { var hash = 0; for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { hash = ((hash << 5) - hash + name.charCodeAt(i)) | 0; } return ((parentid + hash) >>> 0) % FS.nameTable.length; }, hashAddNode(node) { var hash = FS.hashName(,; node.name_next = FS.nameTable[hash]; FS.nameTable[hash] = node; }, hashRemoveNode(node) { var hash = FS.hashName(,; if (FS.nameTable[hash] === node) { FS.nameTable[hash] = node.name_next; } else { var current = FS.nameTable[hash]; while (current) { if (current.name_next === node) { current.name_next = node.name_next; break; } current = current.name_next; } } }, lookupNode(parent, name) { var errCode = FS.mayLookup(parent); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } var hash = FS.hashName(, name); for (var node = FS.nameTable[hash]; node; node = node.name_next) { var nodeName =; if ( === && nodeName === name) { return node; } } return FS.lookup(parent, name); }, createNode(parent, name, mode, rdev) { assert(typeof parent == "object"); var node = new FS.FSNode(parent, name, mode, rdev); FS.hashAddNode(node); return node; }, destroyNode(node) { FS.hashRemoveNode(node); }, isRoot(node) { return node === node.parent; }, isMountpoint(node) { return !!node.mounted; }, isFile(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 32768; }, isDir(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 16384; }, isLink(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 40960; }, isChrdev(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 8192; }, isBlkdev(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 24576; }, isFIFO(mode) { return (mode & 61440) === 4096; }, isSocket(mode) { return (mode & 49152) === 49152; }, flagsToPermissionString(flag) { var perms = [ "r", "w", "rw" ][flag & 3]; if ((flag & 512)) { perms += "w"; } return perms; }, nodePermissions(node, perms) { if (FS.ignorePermissions) { return 0; } if (perms.includes("r") && !(node.mode & 292)) { return 2; } else if (perms.includes("w") && !(node.mode & 146)) { return 2; } else if (perms.includes("x") && !(node.mode & 73)) { return 2; } return 0; }, mayLookup(dir) { if (!FS.isDir(dir.mode)) return 54; var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "x"); if (errCode) return errCode; if (!dir.node_ops.lookup) return 2; return 0; }, mayCreate(dir, name) { try { var node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name); return 20; } catch (e) {} return FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx"); }, mayDelete(dir, name, isdir) { var node; try { node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name); } catch (e) { return e.errno; } var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx"); if (errCode) { return errCode; } if (isdir) { if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) { return 54; } if (FS.isRoot(node) || FS.getPath(node) === FS.cwd()) { return 10; } } else { if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) { return 31; } } return 0; }, mayOpen(node, flags) { if (!node) { return 44; } if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) { return 32; } else if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) { if (FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags) !== "r" || (flags & 512)) { return 31; } } return FS.nodePermissions(node, FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags)); }, MAX_OPEN_FDS: 4096, nextfd() { for (var fd = 0; fd <= FS.MAX_OPEN_FDS; fd++) { if (!FS.streams[fd]) { return fd; } } throw new FS.ErrnoError(33); }, getStreamChecked(fd) { var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } return stream; }, getStream: fd => FS.streams[fd], createStream(stream, fd = -1) { if (!FS.FSStream) { FS.FSStream = /** @constructor */ function() { this.shared = {}; }; FS.FSStream.prototype = {}; Object.defineProperties(FS.FSStream.prototype, { object: { /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ get() { return this.node; }, /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ set(val) { this.node = val; } }, isRead: { /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ get() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 1; } }, isWrite: { /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ get() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 0; } }, isAppend: { /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ get() { return (this.flags & 1024); } }, flags: { /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ get() { return this.shared.flags; }, /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ set(val) { this.shared.flags = val; } }, position: { /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ get() { return this.shared.position; }, /** @this {FS.FSStream} */ set(val) { this.shared.position = val; } } }); } stream = Object.assign(new FS.FSStream, stream); if (fd == -1) { fd = FS.nextfd(); } stream.fd = fd; FS.streams[fd] = stream; return stream; }, closeStream(fd) { FS.streams[fd] = null; }, chrdev_stream_ops: { open(stream) { var device = FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev); stream.stream_ops = device.stream_ops;; }, llseek() { throw new FS.ErrnoError(70); } }, major: dev => ((dev) >> 8), minor: dev => ((dev) & 255), makedev: (ma, mi) => ((ma) << 8 | (mi)), registerDevice(dev, ops) { FS.devices[dev] = { stream_ops: ops }; }, getDevice: dev => FS.devices[dev], getMounts(mount) { var mounts = []; var check = [ mount ]; while (check.length) { var m = check.pop(); mounts.push(m); check.push.apply(check, m.mounts); } return mounts; }, syncfs(populate, callback) { if (typeof populate == "function") { callback = populate; populate = false; } FS.syncFSRequests++; if (FS.syncFSRequests > 1) { err(`warning: ${FS.syncFSRequests} FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work`); } var mounts = FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount); var completed = 0; function doCallback(errCode) { assert(FS.syncFSRequests > 0); FS.syncFSRequests--; return callback(errCode); } function done(errCode) { if (errCode) { if (!done.errored) { done.errored = true; return doCallback(errCode); } return; } if (++completed >= mounts.length) { doCallback(null); } } mounts.forEach(mount => { if (!mount.type.syncfs) { return done(null); } mount.type.syncfs(mount, populate, done); }); }, mount(type, opts, mountpoint) { if (typeof type == "string") { throw type; } var root = mountpoint === "/"; var pseudo = !mountpoint; var node; if (root && FS.root) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(10); } else if (!root && !pseudo) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false }); mountpoint = lookup.path; node = lookup.node; if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(10); } if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(54); } } var mount = { type: type, opts: opts, mountpoint: mountpoint, mounts: [] }; var mountRoot = type.mount(mount); mountRoot.mount = mount; mount.root = mountRoot; if (root) { FS.root = mountRoot; } else if (node) { node.mounted = mount; if (node.mount) { node.mount.mounts.push(mount); } } return mountRoot; }, unmount(mountpoint) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false }); if (!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } var node = lookup.node; var mount = node.mounted; var mounts = FS.getMounts(mount); Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach(hash => { var current = FS.nameTable[hash]; while (current) { var next = current.name_next; if (mounts.includes(current.mount)) { FS.destroyNode(current); } current = next; } }); node.mounted = null; var idx = node.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount); assert(idx !== -1); node.mount.mounts.splice(idx, 1); }, lookup(parent, name) { return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent, name); }, mknod(path, mode, dev) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; var name = PATH.basename(path); if (!name || name === "." || name === "..") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } var errCode = FS.mayCreate(parent, name); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } if (!parent.node_ops.mknod) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent, name, mode, dev); }, create(path, mode) { mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 438; /* 0666 */ mode &= 4095; mode |= 32768; return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0); }, mkdir(path, mode) { mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 511; /* 0777 */ mode &= 511 | 512; mode |= 16384; return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0); }, mkdirTree(path, mode) { var dirs = path.split("/"); var d = ""; for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) { if (!dirs[i]) continue; d += "/" + dirs[i]; try { FS.mkdir(d, mode); } catch (e) { if (e.errno != 20) throw e; } } }, mkdev(path, mode, dev) { if (typeof dev == "undefined") { dev = mode; mode = 438; } /* 0666 */ mode |= 8192; return FS.mknod(path, mode, dev); }, symlink(oldpath, newpath) { if (!PATH_FS.resolve(oldpath)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } var lookup = FS.lookupPath(newpath, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; if (!parent) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } var newname = PATH.basename(newpath); var errCode = FS.mayCreate(parent, newname); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } if (!parent.node_ops.symlink) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } return parent.node_ops.symlink(parent, newname, oldpath); }, rename(old_path, new_path) { var old_dirname = PATH.dirname(old_path); var new_dirname = PATH.dirname(new_path); var old_name = PATH.basename(old_path); var new_name = PATH.basename(new_path); var lookup, old_dir, new_dir; lookup = FS.lookupPath(old_path, { parent: true }); old_dir = lookup.node; lookup = FS.lookupPath(new_path, { parent: true }); new_dir = lookup.node; if (!old_dir || !new_dir) throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); if (old_dir.mount !== new_dir.mount) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(75); } var old_node = FS.lookupNode(old_dir, old_name); var relative = PATH_FS.relative(old_path, new_dirname); if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } relative = PATH_FS.relative(new_path, old_dirname); if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(55); } var new_node; try { new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name); } catch (e) {} if (old_node === new_node) { return; } var isdir = FS.isDir(old_node.mode); var errCode = FS.mayDelete(old_dir, old_name, isdir); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } errCode = new_node ? FS.mayDelete(new_dir, new_name, isdir) : FS.mayCreate(new_dir, new_name); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } if (!old_dir.node_ops.rename) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } if (FS.isMountpoint(old_node) || (new_node && FS.isMountpoint(new_node))) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(10); } if (new_dir !== old_dir) { errCode = FS.nodePermissions(old_dir, "w"); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } } FS.hashRemoveNode(old_node); try { old_dir.node_ops.rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name); } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { FS.hashAddNode(old_node); } }, rmdir(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; var name = PATH.basename(path); var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name); var errCode = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, true); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } if (!parent.node_ops.rmdir) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(10); } parent.node_ops.rmdir(parent, name); FS.destroyNode(node); }, readdir(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); var node = lookup.node; if (!node.node_ops.readdir) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(54); } return node.node_ops.readdir(node); }, unlink(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); var parent = lookup.node; if (!parent) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } var name = PATH.basename(path); var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name); var errCode = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, false); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } if (!parent.node_ops.unlink) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(10); } parent.node_ops.unlink(parent, name); FS.destroyNode(node); }, readlink(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path); var link = lookup.node; if (!link) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } if (!link.node_ops.readlink) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent), link.node_ops.readlink(link)); }, stat(path, dontFollow) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow }); var node = lookup.node; if (!node) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } if (!node.node_ops.getattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } return node.node_ops.getattr(node); }, lstat(path) { return FS.stat(path, true); }, chmod(path, mode, dontFollow) { var node; if (typeof path == "string") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow }); node = lookup.node; } else { node = path; } if (!node.node_ops.setattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } node.node_ops.setattr(node, { mode: (mode & 4095) | (node.mode & ~4095), timestamp: }); }, lchmod(path, mode) { FS.chmod(path, mode, true); }, fchmod(fd, mode) { var stream = FS.getStreamChecked(fd); FS.chmod(stream.node, mode); }, chown(path, uid, gid, dontFollow) { var node; if (typeof path == "string") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow }); node = lookup.node; } else { node = path; } if (!node.node_ops.setattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } node.node_ops.setattr(node, { timestamp: }); }, lchown(path, uid, gid) { FS.chown(path, uid, gid, true); }, fchown(fd, uid, gid) { var stream = FS.getStreamChecked(fd); FS.chown(stream.node, uid, gid); }, truncate(path, len) { if (len < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } var node; if (typeof path == "string") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); node = lookup.node; } else { node = path; } if (!node.node_ops.setattr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(63); } if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(31); } if (!FS.isFile(node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(node, "w"); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } node.node_ops.setattr(node, { size: len, timestamp: }); }, ftruncate(fd, len) { var stream = FS.getStreamChecked(fd); if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } FS.truncate(stream.node, len); }, utime(path, atime, mtime) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); var node = lookup.node; node.node_ops.setattr(node, { timestamp: Math.max(atime, mtime) }); }, open(path, flags, mode) { if (path === "") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } flags = typeof flags == "string" ? FS_modeStringToFlags(flags) : flags; mode = typeof mode == "undefined" ? 438 : /* 0666 */ mode; if ((flags & 64)) { mode = (mode & 4095) | 32768; } else { mode = 0; } var node; if (typeof path == "object") { node = path; } else { path = PATH.normalize(path); try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !(flags & 131072) }); node = lookup.node; } catch (e) {} } var created = false; if ((flags & 64)) { if (node) { if ((flags & 128)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(20); } } else { node = FS.mknod(path, mode, 0); created = true; } } if (!node) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) { flags &= ~512; } if ((flags & 65536) && !FS.isDir(node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(54); } if (!created) { var errCode = FS.mayOpen(node, flags); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } } if ((flags & 512) && !created) { FS.truncate(node, 0); } flags &= ~(128 | 512 | 131072); var stream = FS.createStream({ node: node, path: FS.getPath(node), flags: flags, seekable: true, position: 0, stream_ops: node.stream_ops, ungotten: [], error: false }); if ( {; } if (Module["logReadFiles"] && !(flags & 1)) { if (!FS.readFiles) FS.readFiles = {}; if (!(path in FS.readFiles)) { FS.readFiles[path] = 1; } } return stream; }, close(stream) { if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if (stream.getdents) stream.getdents = null; try { if (stream.stream_ops.close) { stream.stream_ops.close(stream); } } catch (e) { throw e; } finally { FS.closeStream(stream.fd); } stream.fd = null; }, isClosed(stream) { return stream.fd === null; }, llseek(stream, offset, whence) { if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if (!stream.seekable || !stream.stream_ops.llseek) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(70); } if (whence != 0 && whence != 1 && whence != 2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } stream.position = stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream, offset, whence); stream.ungotten = []; return stream.position; }, read(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) { assert(offset >= 0); if (length < 0 || position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(31); } if (! { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } var seeking = typeof position != "undefined"; if (!seeking) { position = stream.position; } else if (!stream.seekable) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(70); } var bytesRead =, buffer, offset, length, position); if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesRead; return bytesRead; }, write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) { assert(offset >= 0); if (length < 0 || position < 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(31); } if (!stream.stream_ops.write) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } if (stream.seekable && stream.flags & 1024) { FS.llseek(stream, 0, 2); } var seeking = typeof position != "undefined"; if (!seeking) { position = stream.position; } else if (!stream.seekable) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(70); } var bytesWritten = stream.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn); if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesWritten; return bytesWritten; }, allocate(stream, offset, length) { if (FS.isClosed(stream)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); } if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && !FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(43); } if (!stream.stream_ops.allocate) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(138); } stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream, offset, length); }, mmap(stream, length, position, prot, flags) { if ((prot & 2) !== 0 && (flags & 2) === 0 && (stream.flags & 2097155) !== 2) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(2); } if (!stream.stream_ops.mmap) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(43); } return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream, length, position, prot, flags); }, msync(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) { assert(offset >= 0); if (!stream.stream_ops.msync) { return 0; } return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags); }, munmap: stream => 0, ioctl(stream, cmd, arg) { if (!stream.stream_ops.ioctl) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(59); } return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream, cmd, arg); }, readFile(path, opts = {}) { opts.flags = opts.flags || 0; opts.encoding = opts.encoding || "binary"; if (opts.encoding !== "utf8" && opts.encoding !== "binary") { throw new Error(`Invalid encoding type "${opts.encoding}"`); } var ret; var stream =, opts.flags); var stat = FS.stat(path); var length = stat.size; var buf = new Uint8Array(length);, buf, 0, length, 0); if (opts.encoding === "utf8") { ret = UTF8ArrayToString(buf, 0); } else if (opts.encoding === "binary") { ret = buf; } FS.close(stream); return ret; }, writeFile(path, data, opts = {}) { opts.flags = opts.flags || 577; var stream =, opts.flags, opts.mode); if (typeof data == "string") { var buf = new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data) + 1); var actualNumBytes = stringToUTF8Array(data, buf, 0, buf.length); FS.write(stream, buf, 0, actualNumBytes, undefined, opts.canOwn); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.byteLength, undefined, opts.canOwn); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported data type"); } FS.close(stream); }, cwd: () => FS.currentPath, chdir(path) { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); if (lookup.node === null) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } if (!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(54); } var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node, "x"); if (errCode) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode); } FS.currentPath = lookup.path; }, createDefaultDirectories() { FS.mkdir("/tmp"); FS.mkdir("/home"); FS.mkdir("/home/web_user"); }, createDefaultDevices() { FS.mkdir("/dev"); FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1, 3), { read: () => 0, write: (stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) => length }); FS.mkdev("/dev/null", FS.makedev(1, 3)); TTY.register(FS.makedev(5, 0), TTY.default_tty_ops); TTY.register(FS.makedev(6, 0), TTY.default_tty1_ops); FS.mkdev("/dev/tty", FS.makedev(5, 0)); FS.mkdev("/dev/tty1", FS.makedev(6, 0)); var randomBuffer = new Uint8Array(1024), randomLeft = 0; var randomByte = () => { if (randomLeft === 0) { randomLeft = randomFill(randomBuffer).byteLength; } return randomBuffer[--randomLeft]; }; FS.createDevice("/dev", "random", randomByte); FS.createDevice("/dev", "urandom", randomByte); FS.mkdir("/dev/shm"); FS.mkdir("/dev/shm/tmp"); }, createSpecialDirectories() { FS.mkdir("/proc"); var proc_self = FS.mkdir("/proc/self"); FS.mkdir("/proc/self/fd"); FS.mount({ mount() { var node = FS.createNode(proc_self, "fd", 16384 | 511, /* 0777 */ 73); node.node_ops = { lookup(parent, name) { var fd = +name; var stream = FS.getStreamChecked(fd); var ret = { parent: null, mount: { mountpoint: "fake" }, node_ops: { readlink: () => stream.path } }; ret.parent = ret; return ret; } }; return node; } }, {}, "/proc/self/fd"); }, createStandardStreams() { if (Module["stdin"]) { FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdin", Module["stdin"]); } else { FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdin"); } if (Module["stdout"]) { FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdout", null, Module["stdout"]); } else { FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdout"); } if (Module["stderr"]) { FS.createDevice("/dev", "stderr", null, Module["stderr"]); } else { FS.symlink("/dev/tty1", "/dev/stderr"); } var stdin ="/dev/stdin", 0); var stdout ="/dev/stdout", 1); var stderr ="/dev/stderr", 1); assert(stdin.fd === 0, `invalid handle for stdin (${stdin.fd})`); assert(stdout.fd === 1, `invalid handle for stdout (${stdout.fd})`); assert(stderr.fd === 2, `invalid handle for stderr (${stderr.fd})`); }, staticInit() { [ 44 ].forEach(code => { FS.genericErrors[code] = new FS.ErrnoError(code); FS.genericErrors[code].stack = ""; }); FS.nameTable = new Array(4096); FS.mount(MEMFS, {}, "/"); FS.createDefaultDirectories(); FS.createDefaultDevices(); FS.createSpecialDirectories(); FS.filesystems = { "MEMFS": MEMFS, "IDBFS": IDBFS }; }, init(input, output, error) { assert(!FS.init.initialized, "FS.init was previously called. If you want to initialize later with custom parameters, remove any earlier calls (note that one is automatically added to the generated code)"); FS.init.initialized = true; Module["stdin"] = input || Module["stdin"]; Module["stdout"] = output || Module["stdout"]; Module["stderr"] = error || Module["stderr"]; FS.createStandardStreams(); }, quit() { FS.init.initialized = false; _fflush(0); for (var i = 0; i < FS.streams.length; i++) { var stream = FS.streams[i]; if (!stream) { continue; } FS.close(stream); } }, findObject(path, dontResolveLastLink) { var ret = FS.analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink); if (!ret.exists) { return null; } return ret.object; }, analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink) { try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink }); path = lookup.path; } catch (e) {} var ret = { isRoot: false, exists: false, error: 0, name: null, path: null, object: null, parentExists: false, parentPath: null, parentObject: null }; try { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true }); ret.parentExists = true; ret.parentPath = lookup.path; ret.parentObject = lookup.node; = PATH.basename(path); lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink }); ret.exists = true; ret.path = lookup.path; ret.object = lookup.node; =; ret.isRoot = lookup.path === "/"; } catch (e) { ret.error = e.errno; } return ret; }, createPath(parent, path, canRead, canWrite) { parent = typeof parent == "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent); var parts = path.split("/").reverse(); while (parts.length) { var part = parts.pop(); if (!part) continue; var current = PATH.join2(parent, part); try { FS.mkdir(current); } catch (e) {} parent = current; } return current; }, createFile(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite) { var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent == "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name); var mode = FS_getMode(canRead, canWrite); return FS.create(path, mode); }, createDataFile(parent, name, data, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) { var path = name; if (parent) { parent = typeof parent == "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent); path = name ? PATH.join2(parent, name) : parent; } var mode = FS_getMode(canRead, canWrite); var node = FS.create(path, mode); if (data) { if (typeof data == "string") { var arr = new Array(data.length); for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) arr[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); data = arr; } FS.chmod(node, mode | 146); var stream =, 577); FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.length, 0, canOwn); FS.close(stream); FS.chmod(node, mode); } }, createDevice(parent, name, input, output) { var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent == "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name); var mode = FS_getMode(!!input, !!output); if (!FS.createDevice.major) FS.createDevice.major = 64; var dev = FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++, 0); FS.registerDevice(dev, { open(stream) { stream.seekable = false; }, close(stream) { if (output?.buffer?.length) { output(10); } }, read(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) { /* ignored */ var bytesRead = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var result; try { result = input(); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } if (result === null || result === undefined) break; bytesRead++; buffer[offset + i] = result; } if (bytesRead) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return bytesRead; }, write(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { try { output(buffer[offset + i]); } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } } if (length) { stream.node.timestamp =; } return i; } }); return FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev); }, forceLoadFile(obj) { if (obj.isDevice || obj.isFolder || || obj.contents) return true; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") { throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread."); } else if (read_) { try { obj.contents = intArrayFromString(read_(obj.url), true); obj.usedBytes = obj.contents.length; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(29); } } else { throw new Error("Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest."); } }, createLazyFile(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite) { /** @constructor */ function LazyUint8Array() { this.lengthKnown = false; this.chunks = []; } LazyUint8Array.prototype.get = /** @this{Object} */ function LazyUint8Array_get(idx) { if (idx > this.length - 1 || idx < 0) { return undefined; } var chunkOffset = idx % this.chunkSize; var chunkNum = (idx / this.chunkSize) | 0; return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset]; }; LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter = function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter) { this.getter = getter; }; LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength = function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"HEAD", url, false); xhr.send(null); if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status); var datalength = Number(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-length")); var header; var hasByteServing = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges")) && header === "bytes"; var usesGzip = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")) && header === "gzip"; var chunkSize = 1024 * 1024; if (!hasByteServing) chunkSize = datalength; var doXHR = (from, to) => { if (from > to) throw new Error("invalid range (" + from + ", " + to + ") or no bytes requested!"); if (to > datalength - 1) throw new Error("only " + datalength + " bytes available! programmer error!"); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", url, false); if (datalength !== chunkSize) xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + from + "-" + to); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; if (xhr.overrideMimeType) { xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); } xhr.send(null); if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status); if (xhr.response !== undefined) { return new Uint8Array(/** @type{Array} */ (xhr.response || [])); } return intArrayFromString(xhr.responseText || "", true); }; var lazyArray = this; lazyArray.setDataGetter(chunkNum => { var start = chunkNum * chunkSize; var end = (chunkNum + 1) * chunkSize - 1; end = Math.min(end, datalength - 1); if (typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] == "undefined") { lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] = doXHR(start, end); } if (typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] == "undefined") throw new Error("doXHR failed!"); return lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum]; }); if (usesGzip || !datalength) { chunkSize = datalength = 1; datalength = this.getter(0).length; chunkSize = datalength; out("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed"); } this._length = datalength; this._chunkSize = chunkSize; this.lengthKnown = true; }; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") { if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) throw "Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc"; var lazyArray = new LazyUint8Array; Object.defineProperties(lazyArray, { length: { get: /** @this{Object} */ function() { if (!this.lengthKnown) { this.cacheLength(); } return this._length; } }, chunkSize: { get: /** @this{Object} */ function() { if (!this.lengthKnown) { this.cacheLength(); } return this._chunkSize; } } }); var properties = { isDevice: false, contents: lazyArray }; } else { var properties = { isDevice: false, url: url }; } var node = FS.createFile(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite); if (properties.contents) { node.contents = properties.contents; } else if (properties.url) { node.contents = null; node.url = properties.url; } Object.defineProperties(node, { usedBytes: { get: /** @this {FSNode} */ function() { return this.contents.length; } } }); var stream_ops = {}; var keys = Object.keys(node.stream_ops); keys.forEach(key => { var fn = node.stream_ops[key]; stream_ops[key] = function forceLoadLazyFile() { FS.forceLoadFile(node); return fn.apply(null, arguments); }; }); function writeChunks(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) { var contents = stream.node.contents; if (position >= contents.length) return 0; var size = Math.min(contents.length - position, length); assert(size >= 0); if (contents.slice) { for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i]; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { buffer[offset + i] = contents.get(position + i); } } return size; } = (stream, buffer, offset, length, position) => { FS.forceLoadFile(node); return writeChunks(stream, buffer, offset, length, position); }; stream_ops.mmap = (stream, length, position, prot, flags) => { FS.forceLoadFile(node); var ptr = mmapAlloc(length); if (!ptr) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(48); } writeChunks(stream, GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), ptr, length, position); return { ptr: ptr, allocated: true }; }; node.stream_ops = stream_ops; return node; }, absolutePath() { abort("FS.absolutePath has been removed; use PATH_FS.resolve instead"); }, createFolder() { abort("FS.createFolder has been removed; use FS.mkdir instead"); }, createLink() { abort("FS.createLink has been removed; use FS.symlink instead"); }, joinPath() { abort("FS.joinPath has been removed; use PATH.join instead"); }, mmapAlloc() { abort("FS.mmapAlloc has been replaced by the top level function mmapAlloc"); }, standardizePath() { abort("FS.standardizePath has been removed; use PATH.normalize instead"); } }; var SYSCALLS = { DEFAULT_POLLMASK: 5, calculateAt(dirfd, path, allowEmpty) { if (PATH.isAbs(path)) { return path; } var dir; if (dirfd === -100) { dir = FS.cwd(); } else { var dirstream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(dirfd); dir = dirstream.path; } if (path.length == 0) { if (!allowEmpty) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(44); } return dir; } return PATH.join2(dir, path); }, doStat(func, path, buf) { var stat = func(path); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((buf) >> 2)] =; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (4)) >> 2)] = stat.mode; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((buf) + (8)) >> 2)] = stat.nlink; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (12)) >> 2)] = stat.uid; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (16)) >> 2)] = stat.gid; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (20)) >> 2)] = stat.rdev; HEAP64[(((buf) + (24)) >> 3)] = BigInt(stat.size); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (32)) >> 2)] = 4096; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (36)) >> 2)] = stat.blocks; var atime = stat.atime.getTime(); var mtime = stat.mtime.getTime(); var ctime = stat.ctime.getTime(); HEAP64[(((buf) + (40)) >> 3)] = BigInt(Math.floor(atime / 1e3)); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((buf) + (48)) >> 2)] = (atime % 1e3) * 1e3; HEAP64[(((buf) + (56)) >> 3)] = BigInt(Math.floor(mtime / 1e3)); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((buf) + (64)) >> 2)] = (mtime % 1e3) * 1e3; HEAP64[(((buf) + (72)) >> 3)] = BigInt(Math.floor(ctime / 1e3)); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((buf) + (80)) >> 2)] = (ctime % 1e3) * 1e3; HEAP64[(((buf) + (88)) >> 3)] = BigInt(stat.ino); return 0; }, doMsync(addr, stream, len, flags, offset) { if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(43); } if (flags & 2) { return 0; } var buffer = GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().slice(addr, addr + len); FS.msync(stream, buffer, offset, len, flags); }, varargs: undefined, get() { assert(SYSCALLS.varargs != undefined); var ret = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((+SYSCALLS.varargs) >> 2)]; SYSCALLS.varargs += 4; return ret; }, getp() { return SYSCALLS.get(); }, getStr(ptr) { var ret = UTF8ToString(ptr); return ret; }, getStreamFromFD(fd) { var stream = FS.getStreamChecked(fd); return stream; } }; function ___syscall__newselect(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(3, 1, nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout); try { assert(nfds <= 64, "nfds must be less than or equal to 64"); var total = 0; var srcReadLow = (readfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((readfds) >> 2)] : 0), srcReadHigh = (readfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((readfds) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0); var srcWriteLow = (writefds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((writefds) >> 2)] : 0), srcWriteHigh = (writefds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((writefds) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0); var srcExceptLow = (exceptfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((exceptfds) >> 2)] : 0), srcExceptHigh = (exceptfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((exceptfds) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0); var dstReadLow = 0, dstReadHigh = 0; var dstWriteLow = 0, dstWriteHigh = 0; var dstExceptLow = 0, dstExceptHigh = 0; var allLow = (readfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((readfds) >> 2)] : 0) | (writefds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((writefds) >> 2)] : 0) | (exceptfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((exceptfds) >> 2)] : 0); var allHigh = (readfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((readfds) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0) | (writefds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((writefds) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0) | (exceptfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((exceptfds) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0); var check = function(fd, low, high, val) { return (fd < 32 ? (low & val) : (high & val)); }; for (var fd = 0; fd < nfds; fd++) { var mask = 1 << (fd % 32); if (!(check(fd, allLow, allHigh, mask))) { continue; } var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); var flags = SYSCALLS.DEFAULT_POLLMASK; if (stream.stream_ops.poll) { var timeoutInMillis = -1; if (timeout) { var tv_sec = (readfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((timeout) >> 2)] : 0), tv_usec = (readfds ? GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((timeout) + (4)) >> 2)] : 0); timeoutInMillis = (tv_sec + tv_usec / 1e6) * 1e3; } flags = stream.stream_ops.poll(stream, timeoutInMillis); } if ((flags & 1) && check(fd, srcReadLow, srcReadHigh, mask)) { fd < 32 ? (dstReadLow = dstReadLow | mask) : (dstReadHigh = dstReadHigh | mask); total++; } if ((flags & 4) && check(fd, srcWriteLow, srcWriteHigh, mask)) { fd < 32 ? (dstWriteLow = dstWriteLow | mask) : (dstWriteHigh = dstWriteHigh | mask); total++; } if ((flags & 2) && check(fd, srcExceptLow, srcExceptHigh, mask)) { fd < 32 ? (dstExceptLow = dstExceptLow | mask) : (dstExceptHigh = dstExceptHigh | mask); total++; } } if (readfds) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((readfds) >> 2)] = dstReadLow; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((readfds) + (4)) >> 2)] = dstReadHigh; } if (writefds) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((writefds) >> 2)] = dstWriteLow; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((writefds) + (4)) >> 2)] = dstWriteHigh; } if (exceptfds) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((exceptfds) >> 2)] = dstExceptLow; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((exceptfds) + (4)) >> 2)] = dstExceptHigh; } return total; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } var SOCKFS = { mount(mount) { Module["websocket"] = (Module["websocket"] && ("object" === typeof Module["websocket"])) ? Module["websocket"] : {}; Module["websocket"]._callbacks = {}; Module["websocket"]["on"] = /** @this{Object} */ function(event, callback) { if ("function" === typeof callback) { this._callbacks[event] = callback; } return this; }; Module["websocket"].emit = /** @this{Object} */ function(event, param) { if ("function" === typeof this._callbacks[event]) { this._callbacks[event].call(this, param); } }; return FS.createNode(null, "/", 16384 | 511, /* 0777 */ 0); }, createSocket(family, type, protocol) { type &= ~526336; var streaming = type == 1; if (streaming && protocol && protocol != 6) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(66); } var sock = { family: family, type: type, protocol: protocol, server: null, error: null, peers: {}, pending: [], recv_queue: [], sock_ops: SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops }; var name = SOCKFS.nextname(); var node = FS.createNode(SOCKFS.root, name, 49152, 0); node.sock = sock; var stream = FS.createStream({ path: name, node: node, flags: 2, seekable: false, stream_ops: SOCKFS.stream_ops }); = stream; return sock; }, getSocket(fd) { var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (!stream || !FS.isSocket(stream.node.mode)) { return null; } return stream.node.sock; }, stream_ops: { poll(stream) { var sock = stream.node.sock; return sock.sock_ops.poll(sock); }, ioctl(stream, request, varargs) { var sock = stream.node.sock; return sock.sock_ops.ioctl(sock, request, varargs); }, read(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) { /* ignored */ var sock = stream.node.sock; var msg = sock.sock_ops.recvmsg(sock, length); if (!msg) { return 0; } buffer.set(msg.buffer, offset); return msg.buffer.length; }, write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) { /* ignored */ var sock = stream.node.sock; return sock.sock_ops.sendmsg(sock, buffer, offset, length); }, close(stream) { var sock = stream.node.sock; sock.sock_ops.close(sock); } }, nextname() { if (!SOCKFS.nextname.current) { SOCKFS.nextname.current = 0; } return "socket[" + (SOCKFS.nextname.current++) + "]"; }, websocket_sock_ops: { createPeer(sock, addr, port) { var ws; if (typeof addr == "object") { ws = addr; addr = null; port = null; } if (ws) { if (ws._socket) { addr = ws._socket.remoteAddress; port = ws._socket.remotePort; } else { var result = /ws[s]?:\/\/([^:]+):(\d+)/.exec(ws.url); if (!result) { throw new Error("WebSocket URL must be in the format ws(s)://address:port"); } addr = result[1]; port = parseInt(result[2], 10); } } else { try { var runtimeConfig = (Module["websocket"] && ("object" === typeof Module["websocket"])); var url = "ws:#".replace("#", "//"); if (runtimeConfig) { if ("string" === typeof Module["websocket"]["url"]) { url = Module["websocket"]["url"]; } } if (url === "ws://" || url === "wss://") { var parts = addr.split("/"); url = url + parts[0] + ":" + port + "/" + parts.slice(1).join("/"); } var subProtocols = "binary"; if (runtimeConfig) { if ("string" === typeof Module["websocket"]["subprotocol"]) { subProtocols = Module["websocket"]["subprotocol"]; } } var opts = undefined; if (subProtocols !== "null") { subProtocols = subProtocols.replace(/^ +| +$/g, "").split(/ *, */); opts = subProtocols; } if (runtimeConfig && null === Module["websocket"]["subprotocol"]) { subProtocols = "null"; opts = undefined; } var WebSocketConstructor; { WebSocketConstructor = WebSocket; } ws = new WebSocketConstructor(url, opts); ws.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(23); } } var peer = { addr: addr, port: port, socket: ws, dgram_send_queue: [] }; SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.addPeer(sock, peer); SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.handlePeerEvents(sock, peer); if (sock.type === 2 && typeof != "undefined") { peer.dgram_send_queue.push(new Uint8Array([ 255, 255, 255, 255, "p".charCodeAt(0), "o".charCodeAt(0), "r".charCodeAt(0), "t".charCodeAt(0), (( & 65280) >> 8), ( & 255) ])); } return peer; }, getPeer(sock, addr, port) { return sock.peers[addr + ":" + port]; }, addPeer(sock, peer) { sock.peers[peer.addr + ":" + peer.port] = peer; }, removePeer(sock, peer) { delete sock.peers[peer.addr + ":" + peer.port]; }, handlePeerEvents(sock, peer) { var first = true; var handleOpen = function() { Module["websocket"].emit("open",; try { var queued = peer.dgram_send_queue.shift(); while (queued) { peer.socket.send(queued); queued = peer.dgram_send_queue.shift(); } } catch (e) { peer.socket.close(); } }; function handleMessage(data) { if (typeof data == "string") { var encoder = new TextEncoder; data = encoder.encode(data); } else { assert(data.byteLength !== undefined); if (data.byteLength == 0) { return; } data = new Uint8Array(data); } var wasfirst = first; first = false; if (wasfirst && data.length === 10 && data[0] === 255 && data[1] === 255 && data[2] === 255 && data[3] === 255 && data[4] === "p".charCodeAt(0) && data[5] === "o".charCodeAt(0) && data[6] === "r".charCodeAt(0) && data[7] === "t".charCodeAt(0)) { var newport = ((data[8] << 8) | data[9]); SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.removePeer(sock, peer); peer.port = newport; SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.addPeer(sock, peer); return; } sock.recv_queue.push({ addr: peer.addr, port: peer.port, data: data }); Module["websocket"].emit("message",; } if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { peer.socket.on("open", handleOpen); peer.socket.on("message", function(data, isBinary) { if (!isBinary) { return; } handleMessage((new Uint8Array(data)).buffer); }); peer.socket.on("close", function() { Module["websocket"].emit("close",; }); peer.socket.on("error", function(error) { sock.error = 14; Module["websocket"].emit("error", [, sock.error, "ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused" ]); }); } else { peer.socket.onopen = handleOpen; peer.socket.onclose = function() { Module["websocket"].emit("close",; }; peer.socket.onmessage = function peer_socket_onmessage(event) { handleMessage(; }; peer.socket.onerror = function(error) { sock.error = 14; Module["websocket"].emit("error", [, sock.error, "ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused" ]); }; } }, poll(sock) { if (sock.type === 1 && sock.server) { return sock.pending.length ? (64 | 1) : 0; } var mask = 0; var dest = sock.type === 1 ? SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, sock.dport) : null; if (sock.recv_queue.length || !dest || (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING) || (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED)) { mask |= (64 | 1); } if (!dest || (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.OPEN)) { mask |= 4; } if ((dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING) || (dest && dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED)) { mask |= 16; } return mask; }, ioctl(sock, request, arg) { switch (request) { case 21531: var bytes = 0; if (sock.recv_queue.length) { bytes = sock.recv_queue[0].data.length; } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((arg) >> 2)] = bytes; return 0; default: return 28; } }, close(sock) { if (sock.server) { try { sock.server.close(); } catch (e) {} sock.server = null; } var peers = Object.keys(sock.peers); for (var i = 0; i < peers.length; i++) { var peer = sock.peers[peers[i]]; try { peer.socket.close(); } catch (e) {} SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.removePeer(sock, peer); } return 0; }, bind(sock, addr, port) { if (typeof sock.saddr != "undefined" || typeof != "undefined") { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } sock.saddr = addr; = port; if (sock.type === 2) { if (sock.server) { sock.server.close(); sock.server = null; } try { sock.sock_ops.listen(sock, 0); } catch (e) { if (!( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; if (e.errno !== 138) throw e; } } }, connect(sock, addr, port) { if (sock.server) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(138); } if (typeof sock.daddr != "undefined" && typeof sock.dport != "undefined") { var dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, sock.dport); if (dest) { if (dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CONNECTING) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(7); } else { throw new FS.ErrnoError(30); } } } var peer = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.createPeer(sock, addr, port); sock.daddr = peer.addr; sock.dport = peer.port; throw new FS.ErrnoError(26); }, listen(sock, backlog) { if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(138); } }, accept(listensock) { if (!listensock.server || !listensock.pending.length) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } var newsock = listensock.pending.shift(); =; return newsock; }, getname(sock, peer) { var addr, port; if (peer) { if (sock.daddr === undefined || sock.dport === undefined) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(53); } addr = sock.daddr; port = sock.dport; } else { addr = sock.saddr || 0; port = || 0; } return { addr: addr, port: port }; }, sendmsg(sock, buffer, offset, length, addr, port) { if (sock.type === 2) { if (addr === undefined || port === undefined) { addr = sock.daddr; port = sock.dport; } if (addr === undefined || port === undefined) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(17); } } else { addr = sock.daddr; port = sock.dport; } var dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, addr, port); if (sock.type === 1) { if (!dest || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(53); } else if (dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CONNECTING) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(buffer)) { offset += buffer.byteOffset; buffer = buffer.buffer; } var data; if (buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer) { data = new Uint8Array(new Uint8Array(buffer.slice(offset, offset + length))).buffer; } else { data = buffer.slice(offset, offset + length); } if (sock.type === 2) { if (!dest || dest.socket.readyState !== dest.socket.OPEN) { if (!dest || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED) { dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.createPeer(sock, addr, port); } dest.dgram_send_queue.push(data); return length; } } try { dest.socket.send(data); return length; } catch (e) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(28); } }, recvmsg(sock, length) { if (sock.type === 1 && sock.server) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(53); } var queued = sock.recv_queue.shift(); if (!queued) { if (sock.type === 1) { var dest = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, sock.dport); if (!dest) { throw new FS.ErrnoError(53); } if (dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSING || dest.socket.readyState === dest.socket.CLOSED) { return null; } throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } throw new FS.ErrnoError(6); } var queuedLength = ||; var queuedOffset = || 0; var queuedBuffer = ||; var bytesRead = Math.min(length, queuedLength); var res = { buffer: new Uint8Array(queuedBuffer, queuedOffset, bytesRead), addr: queued.addr, port: queued.port }; if (sock.type === 1 && bytesRead < queuedLength) { var bytesRemaining = queuedLength - bytesRead; = new Uint8Array(queuedBuffer, queuedOffset + bytesRead, bytesRemaining); sock.recv_queue.unshift(queued); } return res; } } }; var getSocketFromFD = fd => { var socket = SOCKFS.getSocket(fd); if (!socket) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8); return socket; }; var Sockets = { BUFFER_SIZE: 10240, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: 10485760, nextFd: 1, fds: {}, nextport: 1, maxport: 65535, peer: null, connections: {}, portmap: {}, localAddr: 4261412874, addrPool: [ 33554442, 50331658, 67108874, 83886090, 100663306, 117440522, 134217738, 150994954, 167772170, 184549386, 201326602, 218103818, 234881034 ] }; var inetPton4 = str => { var b = str.split("."); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var tmp = Number(b[i]); if (isNaN(tmp)) return null; b[i] = tmp; } return (b[0] | (b[1] << 8) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[3] << 24)) >>> 0; }; /** @suppress {checkTypes} */ var jstoi_q = str => parseInt(str); var inetPton6 = str => { var words; var w, offset, z, i; /* */ var valid6regx = /^((?=.*::)(?!.*::.+::)(::)?([\dA-F]{1,4}:(:|\b)|){5}|([\dA-F]{1,4}:){6})((([\dA-F]{1,4}((?!\3)::|:\b|$))|(?!\2\3)){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})$/i; var parts = []; if (!valid6regx.test(str)) { return null; } if (str === "::") { return [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; } if (str.startsWith("::")) { str = str.replace("::", "Z:"); } else { str = str.replace("::", ":Z:"); } if (str.indexOf(".") > 0) { str = str.replace(new RegExp("[.]", "g"), ":"); words = str.split(":"); words[words.length - 4] = jstoi_q(words[words.length - 4]) + jstoi_q(words[words.length - 3]) * 256; words[words.length - 3] = jstoi_q(words[words.length - 2]) + jstoi_q(words[words.length - 1]) * 256; words = words.slice(0, words.length - 2); } else { words = str.split(":"); } offset = 0; z = 0; for (w = 0; w < words.length; w++) { if (typeof words[w] == "string") { if (words[w] === "Z") { for (z = 0; z < (8 - words.length + 1); z++) { parts[w + z] = 0; } offset = z - 1; } else { parts[w + offset] = _htons(parseInt(words[w], 16)); } } else { parts[w + offset] = words[w]; } } return [ (parts[1] << 16) | parts[0], (parts[3] << 16) | parts[2], (parts[5] << 16) | parts[4], (parts[7] << 16) | parts[6] ]; }; /** @param {number=} addrlen */ var writeSockaddr = (sa, family, addr, port, addrlen) => { switch (family) { case 2: addr = inetPton4(addr); zeroMemory(sa, 16); if (addrlen) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((addrlen) >> 2)] = 16; } GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[((sa) >> 1)] = family; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (4)) >> 2)] = addr; GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((sa) + (2)) >> 1)] = _htons(port); break; case 10: addr = inetPton6(addr); zeroMemory(sa, 28); if (addrlen) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((addrlen) >> 2)] = 28; } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((sa) >> 2)] = family; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (8)) >> 2)] = addr[0]; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (12)) >> 2)] = addr[1]; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (16)) >> 2)] = addr[2]; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (20)) >> 2)] = addr[3]; GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((sa) + (2)) >> 1)] = _htons(port); break; default: return 5; } return 0; }; var DNS = { address_map: { id: 1, addrs: {}, names: {} }, lookup_name(name) { var res = inetPton4(name); if (res !== null) { return name; } res = inetPton6(name); if (res !== null) { return name; } var addr; if (DNS.address_map.addrs[name]) { addr = DNS.address_map.addrs[name]; } else { var id =; assert(id < 65535, "exceeded max address mappings of 65535"); addr = "172.29." + (id & 255) + "." + (id & 65280); DNS.address_map.names[addr] = name; DNS.address_map.addrs[name] = addr; } return addr; }, lookup_addr(addr) { if (DNS.address_map.names[addr]) { return DNS.address_map.names[addr]; } return null; } }; function ___syscall_accept4(fd, addr, addrlen, flags, d1, d2) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(4, 1, fd, addr, addrlen, flags, d1, d2); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); var newsock = sock.sock_ops.accept(sock); if (addr) { var errno = writeSockaddr(addr,, DNS.lookup_name(newsock.daddr), newsock.dport, addrlen); assert(!errno); } return; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } var inetNtop4 = addr => (addr & 255) + "." + ((addr >> 8) & 255) + "." + ((addr >> 16) & 255) + "." + ((addr >> 24) & 255); var inetNtop6 = ints => { var str = ""; var word = 0; var longest = 0; var lastzero = 0; var zstart = 0; var len = 0; var i = 0; var parts = [ ints[0] & 65535, (ints[0] >> 16), ints[1] & 65535, (ints[1] >> 16), ints[2] & 65535, (ints[2] >> 16), ints[3] & 65535, (ints[3] >> 16) ]; var hasipv4 = true; var v4part = ""; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (parts[i] !== 0) { hasipv4 = false; break; } } if (hasipv4) { v4part = inetNtop4(parts[6] | (parts[7] << 16)); if (parts[5] === -1) { str = "::ffff:"; str += v4part; return str; } if (parts[5] === 0) { str = "::"; if (v4part === "") v4part = ""; if (v4part === "") v4part = "1"; str += v4part; return str; } } for (word = 0; word < 8; word++) { if (parts[word] === 0) { if (word - lastzero > 1) { len = 0; } lastzero = word; len++; } if (len > longest) { longest = len; zstart = word - longest + 1; } } for (word = 0; word < 8; word++) { if (longest > 1) { if (parts[word] === 0 && word >= zstart && word < (zstart + longest)) { if (word === zstart) { str += ":"; if (zstart === 0) str += ":"; } continue; } } str += Number(_ntohs(parts[word] & 65535)).toString(16); str += word < 7 ? ":" : ""; } return str; }; var readSockaddr = (sa, salen) => { var family = GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[((sa) >> 1)]; var port = _ntohs(GROWABLE_HEAP_U16()[(((sa) + (2)) >> 1)]); var addr; switch (family) { case 2: if (salen !== 16) { return { errno: 28 }; } addr = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (4)) >> 2)]; addr = inetNtop4(addr); break; case 10: if (salen !== 28) { return { errno: 28 }; } addr = [ GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (8)) >> 2)], GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (12)) >> 2)], GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (16)) >> 2)], GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((sa) + (20)) >> 2)] ]; addr = inetNtop6(addr); break; default: return { errno: 5 }; } return { family: family, addr: addr, port: port }; }; /** @param {boolean=} allowNull */ var getSocketAddress = (addrp, addrlen, allowNull) => { if (allowNull && addrp === 0) return null; var info = readSockaddr(addrp, addrlen); if (info.errno) throw new FS.ErrnoError(info.errno); info.addr = DNS.lookup_addr(info.addr) || info.addr; return info; }; function ___syscall_bind(fd, addr, addrlen, d1, d2, d3) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(5, 1, fd, addr, addrlen, d1, d2, d3); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); var info = getSocketAddress(addr, addrlen); sock.sock_ops.bind(sock, info.addr, info.port); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_chdir(path) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(6, 1, path); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); FS.chdir(path); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_chmod(path, mode) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(7, 1, path, mode); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); FS.chmod(path, mode); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_connect(fd, addr, addrlen, d1, d2, d3) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(8, 1, fd, addr, addrlen, d1, d2, d3); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); var info = getSocketAddress(addr, addrlen); sock.sock_ops.connect(sock, info.addr, info.port); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_faccessat(dirfd, path, amode, flags) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(9, 1, dirfd, path, amode, flags); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); assert(flags === 0); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path); if (amode & ~7) { return -28; } var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true }); var node = lookup.node; if (!node) { return -44; } var perms = ""; if (amode & 4) perms += "r"; if (amode & 2) perms += "w"; if (amode & 1) perms += "x"; if (perms && /* otherwise, they've just passed F_OK */ FS.nodePermissions(node, perms)) { return -2; } return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_fchmod(fd, mode) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(10, 1, fd, mode); try { FS.fchmod(fd, mode); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_fcntl64(fd, cmd, varargs) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(11, 1, fd, cmd, varargs); SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); switch (cmd) { case 0: { var arg = SYSCALLS.get(); if (arg < 0) { return -28; } while (FS.streams[arg]) { arg++; } var newStream; newStream = FS.createStream(stream, arg); return newStream.fd; } case 1: case 2: return 0; case 3: return stream.flags; case 4: { var arg = SYSCALLS.get(); stream.flags |= arg; return 0; } case 12: { var arg = SYSCALLS.getp(); var offset = 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((arg) + (offset)) >> 1)] = 2; return 0; } case 13: case 14: return 0; } return -28; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_fstat64(fd, buf) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(12, 1, fd, buf); try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, stream.path, buf); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_ftruncate64(fd, length) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(13, 1, fd, length); length = bigintToI53Checked(length); try { if (isNaN(length)) return 61; FS.ftruncate(fd, length); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } var stringToUTF8 = (str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) => { assert(typeof maxBytesToWrite == "number", "stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) is missing the third parameter that specifies the length of the output buffer!"); return stringToUTF8Array(str, GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), outPtr, maxBytesToWrite); }; function ___syscall_getcwd(buf, size) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(14, 1, buf, size); try { if (size === 0) return -28; var cwd = FS.cwd(); var cwdLengthInBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(cwd) + 1; if (size < cwdLengthInBytes) return -68; stringToUTF8(cwd, buf, size); return cwdLengthInBytes; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_getdents64(fd, dirp, count) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(15, 1, fd, dirp, count); try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); stream.getdents ||= FS.readdir(stream.path); var struct_size = 280; var pos = 0; var off = FS.llseek(stream, 0, 1); var idx = Math.floor(off / struct_size); while (idx < stream.getdents.length && pos + struct_size <= count) { var id; var type; var name = stream.getdents[idx]; if (name === ".") { id =; type = 4; } else if (name === "..") { var lookup = FS.lookupPath(stream.path, { parent: true }); id =; type = 4; } else { var child = FS.lookupNode(stream.node, name); id =; type = FS.isChrdev(child.mode) ? 2 : FS.isDir(child.mode) ? 4 : FS.isLink(child.mode) ? 10 : 8; } assert(id); HEAP64[((dirp + pos) >> 3)] = BigInt(id); HEAP64[(((dirp + pos) + (8)) >> 3)] = BigInt((idx + 1) * struct_size); GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((dirp + pos) + (16)) >> 1)] = 280; GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[(((dirp + pos) + (18)) >> 0)] = type; stringToUTF8(name, dirp + pos + 19, 256); pos += struct_size; idx += 1; } FS.llseek(stream, idx * struct_size, 0); return pos; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_getsockname(fd, addr, addrlen, d1, d2, d3) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(16, 1, fd, addr, addrlen, d1, d2, d3); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); var errno = writeSockaddr(addr,, DNS.lookup_name(sock.saddr || ""),, addrlen); assert(!errno); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_getsockopt(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen, d1) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(17, 1, fd, level, optname, optval, optlen, d1); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); if (level === 1) { if (optname === 4) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((optval) >> 2)] = sock.error; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((optlen) >> 2)] = 4; sock.error = null; return 0; } } return -50; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_ioctl(fd, op, varargs) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(18, 1, fd, op, varargs); SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); switch (op) { case 21509: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; return 0; } case 21505: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; if (stream.tty.ops.ioctl_tcgets) { var termios = stream.tty.ops.ioctl_tcgets(stream); var argp = SYSCALLS.getp(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((argp) >> 2)] = termios.c_iflag || 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((argp) + (4)) >> 2)] = termios.c_oflag || 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((argp) + (8)) >> 2)] = termios.c_cflag || 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((argp) + (12)) >> 2)] = termios.c_lflag || 0; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[(((argp + i) + (17)) >> 0)] = termios.c_cc[i] || 0; } return 0; } return 0; } case 21510: case 21511: case 21512: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; return 0; } case 21506: case 21507: case 21508: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; if (stream.tty.ops.ioctl_tcsets) { var argp = SYSCALLS.getp(); var c_iflag = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((argp) >> 2)]; var c_oflag = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((argp) + (4)) >> 2)]; var c_cflag = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((argp) + (8)) >> 2)]; var c_lflag = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((argp) + (12)) >> 2)]; var c_cc = []; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { c_cc.push(GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[(((argp + i) + (17)) >> 0)]); } return stream.tty.ops.ioctl_tcsets(stream.tty, op, { c_iflag: c_iflag, c_oflag: c_oflag, c_cflag: c_cflag, c_lflag: c_lflag, c_cc: c_cc }); } return 0; } case 21519: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; var argp = SYSCALLS.getp(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((argp) >> 2)] = 0; return 0; } case 21520: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; return -28; } case 21531: { var argp = SYSCALLS.getp(); return FS.ioctl(stream, op, argp); } case 21523: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; if (stream.tty.ops.ioctl_tiocgwinsz) { var winsize = stream.tty.ops.ioctl_tiocgwinsz(stream.tty); var argp = SYSCALLS.getp(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[((argp) >> 1)] = winsize[0]; GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((argp) + (2)) >> 1)] = winsize[1]; } return 0; } case 21524: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; return 0; } case 21515: { if (!stream.tty) return -59; return 0; } default: return -28; } } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_listen(fd, backlog) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(19, 1, fd, backlog); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); sock.sock_ops.listen(sock, backlog); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_lstat64(path, buf) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(20, 1, path, buf); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.lstat, path, buf); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_mkdirat(dirfd, path, mode) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(21, 1, dirfd, path, mode); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path); path = PATH.normalize(path); if (path[path.length - 1] === "/") path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); FS.mkdir(path, mode, 0); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_mknodat(dirfd, path, mode, dev) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(22, 1, dirfd, path, mode, dev); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path); switch (mode & 61440) { case 32768: case 8192: case 24576: case 4096: case 49152: break; default: return -28; } FS.mknod(path, mode, dev); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_newfstatat(dirfd, path, buf, flags) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(23, 1, dirfd, path, buf, flags); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); var nofollow = flags & 256; var allowEmpty = flags & 4096; flags = flags & (~6400); assert(!flags, `unknown flags in __syscall_newfstatat: ${flags}`); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path, allowEmpty); return SYSCALLS.doStat(nofollow ? FS.lstat : FS.stat, path, buf); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_openat(dirfd, path, flags, varargs) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(24, 1, dirfd, path, flags, varargs); SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs; try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path); var mode = varargs ? SYSCALLS.get() : 0; return, flags, mode).fd; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_poll(fds, nfds, timeout) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(25, 1, fds, nfds, timeout); try { var nonzero = 0; for (var i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { var pollfd = fds + 8 * i; var fd = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((pollfd) >> 2)]; var events = GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((pollfd) + (4)) >> 1)]; var mask = 32; var stream = FS.getStream(fd); if (stream) { mask = SYSCALLS.DEFAULT_POLLMASK; if (stream.stream_ops.poll) { mask = stream.stream_ops.poll(stream, -1); } } mask &= events | 8 | 16; if (mask) nonzero++; GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((pollfd) + (6)) >> 1)] = mask; } return nonzero; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_readlinkat(dirfd, path, buf, bufsize) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(26, 1, dirfd, path, buf, bufsize); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path); if (bufsize <= 0) return -28; var ret = FS.readlink(path); var len = Math.min(bufsize, lengthBytesUTF8(ret)); var endChar = GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[buf + len]; stringToUTF8(ret, buf, bufsize + 1); GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[buf + len] = endChar; return len; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_recvfrom(fd, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(27, 1, fd, buf, len, flags, addr, addrlen); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); var msg = sock.sock_ops.recvmsg(sock, len); if (!msg) return 0; if (addr) { var errno = writeSockaddr(addr,, DNS.lookup_name(msg.addr), msg.port, addrlen); assert(!errno); } GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().set(msg.buffer, buf); return msg.buffer.byteLength; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_renameat(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(28, 1, olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath); try { oldpath = SYSCALLS.getStr(oldpath); newpath = SYSCALLS.getStr(newpath); oldpath = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(olddirfd, oldpath); newpath = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(newdirfd, newpath); FS.rename(oldpath, newpath); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_rmdir(path) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(29, 1, path); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); FS.rmdir(path); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_sendto(fd, message, length, flags, addr, addr_len) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(30, 1, fd, message, length, flags, addr, addr_len); try { var sock = getSocketFromFD(fd); var dest = getSocketAddress(addr, addr_len, true); if (!dest) { return FS.write(, GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), message, length); } return sock.sock_ops.sendmsg(sock, GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), message, length, dest.addr, dest.port); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_socket(domain, type, protocol) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(31, 1, domain, type, protocol); try { var sock = SOCKFS.createSocket(domain, type, protocol); assert( < 64); return; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_stat64(path, buf) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(32, 1, path, buf); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, path, buf); } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_statfs64(path, size, buf) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(33, 1, path, size, buf); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); assert(size === 64); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (4)) >> 2)] = 4096; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (40)) >> 2)] = 4096; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (8)) >> 2)] = 1e6; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (12)) >> 2)] = 5e5; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (16)) >> 2)] = 5e5; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (20)) >> 2)] = FS.nextInode; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (24)) >> 2)] = 1e6; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (28)) >> 2)] = 42; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (44)) >> 2)] = 2; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buf) + (36)) >> 2)] = 255; return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_symlink(target, linkpath) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(34, 1, target, linkpath); try { target = SYSCALLS.getStr(target); linkpath = SYSCALLS.getStr(linkpath); FS.symlink(target, linkpath); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } function ___syscall_unlinkat(dirfd, path, flags) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(35, 1, dirfd, path, flags); try { path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path); path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path); if (flags === 0) { FS.unlink(path); } else if (flags === 512) { FS.rmdir(path); } else { abort("Invalid flags passed to unlinkat"); } return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return -e.errno; } } var nowIsMonotonic = 1; var __emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic = () => nowIsMonotonic; var maybeExit = () => { if (runtimeExited) { return; } if (!keepRuntimeAlive()) { try { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) __emscripten_thread_exit(EXITSTATUS); else _exit(EXITSTATUS); } catch (e) { handleException(e); } } }; var callUserCallback = func => { if (runtimeExited || ABORT) { err("user callback triggered after runtime exited or application aborted. Ignoring."); return; } try { func(); maybeExit(); } catch (e) { handleException(e); } }; var __emscripten_thread_mailbox_await = pthread_ptr => { if (typeof Atomics.waitAsync === "function") { var wait = Atomics.waitAsync(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), ((pthread_ptr) >> 2), pthread_ptr); assert(wait.async); wait.value.then(checkMailbox); var waitingAsync = pthread_ptr + 128;, ((waitingAsync) >> 2), 1); } }; Module["__emscripten_thread_mailbox_await"] = __emscripten_thread_mailbox_await; var checkMailbox = () => { var pthread_ptr = _pthread_self(); if (pthread_ptr) { __emscripten_thread_mailbox_await(pthread_ptr); callUserCallback(__emscripten_check_mailbox); } }; Module["checkMailbox"] = checkMailbox; var __emscripten_notify_mailbox_postmessage = (targetThreadId, currThreadId, mainThreadId) => { if (targetThreadId == currThreadId) { setTimeout(checkMailbox); } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { postMessage({ "targetThread": targetThreadId, "cmd": "checkMailbox" }); } else { var worker = PThread.pthreads[targetThreadId]; if (!worker) { err(`Cannot send message to thread with ID ${targetThreadId}, unknown thread ID!`); return; } worker.postMessage({ "cmd": "checkMailbox" }); } }; var webgl_enable_ANGLE_instanced_arrays = ctx => { var ext = ctx.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays"); if (ext) { ctx["vertexAttribDivisor"] = (index, divisor) => ext["vertexAttribDivisorANGLE"](index, divisor); ctx["drawArraysInstanced"] = (mode, first, count, primcount) => ext["drawArraysInstancedANGLE"](mode, first, count, primcount); ctx["drawElementsInstanced"] = (mode, count, type, indices, primcount) => ext["drawElementsInstancedANGLE"](mode, count, type, indices, primcount); return 1; } }; var webgl_enable_OES_vertex_array_object = ctx => { var ext = ctx.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object"); if (ext) { ctx["createVertexArray"] = () => ext["createVertexArrayOES"](); ctx["deleteVertexArray"] = vao => ext["deleteVertexArrayOES"](vao); ctx["bindVertexArray"] = vao => ext["bindVertexArrayOES"](vao); ctx["isVertexArray"] = vao => ext["isVertexArrayOES"](vao); return 1; } }; var webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_buffers = ctx => { var ext = ctx.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers"); if (ext) { ctx["drawBuffers"] = (n, bufs) => ext["drawBuffersWEBGL"](n, bufs); return 1; } }; var webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance = ctx => !!(ctx.dibvbi = ctx.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance")); var webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance = ctx => !!(ctx.mdibvbi = ctx.getExtension("WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance")); var webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw = ctx => !!(ctx.multiDrawWebgl = ctx.getExtension("WEBGL_multi_draw")); var getEmscriptenSupportedExtensions = function(ctx) { var supportedExtensions = [ "ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "EXT_blend_minmax", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query", "EXT_frag_depth", "EXT_shader_texture_lod", "EXT_sRGB", "OES_element_index_uint", "OES_fbo_render_mipmap", "OES_standard_derivatives", "OES_texture_float", "OES_texture_half_float", "OES_texture_half_float_linear", "OES_vertex_array_object", "WEBGL_color_buffer_float", "WEBGL_depth_texture", "WEBGL_draw_buffers", "EXT_color_buffer_float", "EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2", "EXT_texture_norm16", "WEBGL_clip_cull_distance", "EXT_color_buffer_half_float", "EXT_float_blend", "EXT_texture_compression_bptc", "EXT_texture_compression_rgtc", "EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic", "KHR_parallel_shader_compile", "OES_texture_float_linear", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc", "WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb", "WEBGL_debug_renderer_info", "WEBGL_debug_shaders", "WEBGL_lose_context", "WEBGL_multi_draw" ]; return (ctx.getSupportedExtensions() || []).filter(ext => supportedExtensions.includes(ext)); }; var GL = { counter: 1, buffers: [], programs: [], framebuffers: [], renderbuffers: [], textures: [], shaders: [], vaos: [], contexts: {}, offscreenCanvases: {}, queries: [], samplers: [], transformFeedbacks: [], syncs: [], stringCache: {}, stringiCache: {}, unpackAlignment: 4, recordError: function recordError(errorCode) { if (!GL.lastError) { GL.lastError = errorCode; } }, getNewId: table => { var ret = GL.counter++; for (var i = table.length; i < ret; i++) { table[i] = null; } return ret; }, getSource: (shader, count, string, length) => { var source = ""; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { var len = length ? GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((length) + (i * 4)) >> 2)] : undefined; source += UTF8ToString(GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((string) + (i * 4)) >> 2)], len); } return source; }, createContext: (/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ canvas, webGLContextAttributes) => { if (webGLContextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer) webGLContextAttributes["preserveDrawingBuffer"] = true; var ctx = (webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion > 1) ? canvas.getContext("webgl2", webGLContextAttributes) : (canvas.getContext("webgl", webGLContextAttributes)); if (!ctx) return 0; var handle = GL.registerContext(ctx, webGLContextAttributes); return handle; }, enableOffscreenFramebufferAttributes: webGLContextAttributes => { webGLContextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer = true; webGLContextAttributes.preserveDrawingBuffer = true; }, createOffscreenFramebuffer: context => { var gl = context.GLctx; var fbo = gl.createFramebuffer(); gl.bindFramebuffer(36160, /*GL_FRAMEBUFFER*/ fbo); context.defaultFbo = fbo; context.defaultFboForbidBlitFramebuffer = false; if (gl.getContextAttributes().antialias) { context.defaultFboForbidBlitFramebuffer = true; } context.defaultColorTarget = gl.createTexture(); context.defaultDepthTarget = gl.createRenderbuffer(); GL.resizeOffscreenFramebuffer(context); gl.bindTexture(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ context.defaultColorTarget); gl.texParameteri(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ 10241, /*GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER*/ 9728); /*GL_NEAREST*/ gl.texParameteri(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ 10240, /*GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER*/ 9728); /*GL_NEAREST*/ gl.texParameteri(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ 10242, /*GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S*/ 33071); /*GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE*/ gl.texParameteri(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ 10243, /*GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T*/ 33071); /*GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE*/ gl.texImage2D(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ 0, 6408, /*GL_RGBA*/ gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height, 0, 6408, /*GL_RGBA*/ 5121, /*GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE*/ null); gl.framebufferTexture2D(36160, /*GL_FRAMEBUFFER*/ 36064, /*GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0*/ 3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ context.defaultColorTarget, 0); gl.bindTexture(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ null); var depthTarget = gl.createRenderbuffer(); gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ context.defaultDepthTarget); gl.renderbufferStorage(36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ 33189, /*GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16*/ gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height); gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(36160, /*GL_FRAMEBUFFER*/ 36096, /*GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT*/ 36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ context.defaultDepthTarget); gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ null); var vertices = [ -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1 ]; var vb = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(34962, /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/ vb); gl.bufferData(34962, /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/ new Float32Array(vertices), 35044); /*GL_STATIC_DRAW*/ gl.bindBuffer(34962, /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/ null); context.blitVB = vb; var vsCode = "attribute vec2 pos;" + "varying lowp vec2 tex;" + "void main() { tex = pos * 0.5 + vec2(0.5,0.5); gl_Position = vec4(pos, 0.0, 1.0); }"; var vs = gl.createShader(35633); /*GL_VERTEX_SHADER*/ gl.shaderSource(vs, vsCode); gl.compileShader(vs); var fsCode = "varying lowp vec2 tex;" + "uniform sampler2D sampler;" + "void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, tex); }"; var fs = gl.createShader(35632); /*GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER*/ gl.shaderSource(fs, fsCode); gl.compileShader(fs); var blitProgram = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(blitProgram, vs); gl.attachShader(blitProgram, fs); gl.linkProgram(blitProgram); context.blitProgram = blitProgram; context.blitPosLoc = gl.getAttribLocation(blitProgram, "pos"); gl.useProgram(blitProgram); gl.uniform1i(gl.getUniformLocation(blitProgram, "sampler"), 0); gl.useProgram(null); context.defaultVao = undefined; if (gl.createVertexArray) { context.defaultVao = gl.createVertexArray(); gl.bindVertexArray(context.defaultVao); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(context.blitPosLoc); gl.bindVertexArray(null); } }, resizeOffscreenFramebuffer: context => { var gl = context.GLctx; if (context.defaultColorTarget) { var prevTextureBinding = gl.getParameter(32873); /*GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D*/ gl.bindTexture(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ context.defaultColorTarget); gl.texImage2D(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ 0, 6408, /*GL_RGBA*/ gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight, 0, 6408, /*GL_RGBA*/ 5121, /*GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE*/ null); gl.bindTexture(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ prevTextureBinding); } if (context.defaultDepthTarget) { var prevRenderBufferBinding = gl.getParameter(36007); /*GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING*/ gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ context.defaultDepthTarget); gl.renderbufferStorage(36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ 33189, /*GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16*/ gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight); gl.bindRenderbuffer(36161, /*GL_RENDERBUFFER*/ prevRenderBufferBinding); } }, blitOffscreenFramebuffer: context => { var gl = context.GLctx; var prevScissorTest = gl.getParameter(3089); /*GL_SCISSOR_TEST*/ if (prevScissorTest) gl.disable(3089); /*GL_SCISSOR_TEST*/ var prevFbo = gl.getParameter(36006); /*GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING*/ if (gl.blitFramebuffer && !context.defaultFboForbidBlitFramebuffer) { gl.bindFramebuffer(36008, /*GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER*/ context.defaultFbo); gl.bindFramebuffer(36009, /*GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER*/ null); gl.blitFramebuffer(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height, 0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height, 16384, /*GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT*/ 9728); } else { gl.bindFramebuffer(36160, /*GL_FRAMEBUFFER*/ null); var prevProgram = gl.getParameter(35725); /*GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM*/ gl.useProgram(context.blitProgram); var prevVB = gl.getParameter(34964); /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING*/ gl.bindBuffer(34962, /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/ context.blitVB); var prevActiveTexture = gl.getParameter(34016); /*GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE*/ gl.activeTexture(33984); /*GL_TEXTURE0*/ var prevTextureBinding = gl.getParameter(32873); /*GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D*/ gl.bindTexture(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ context.defaultColorTarget); var prevBlend = gl.getParameter(3042); /*GL_BLEND*/ if (prevBlend) gl.disable(3042); /*GL_BLEND*/ var prevCullFace = gl.getParameter(2884); /*GL_CULL_FACE*/ if (prevCullFace) gl.disable(2884); /*GL_CULL_FACE*/ var prevDepthTest = gl.getParameter(2929); /*GL_DEPTH_TEST*/ if (prevDepthTest) gl.disable(2929); /*GL_DEPTH_TEST*/ var prevStencilTest = gl.getParameter(2960); /*GL_STENCIL_TEST*/ if (prevStencilTest) gl.disable(2960); /*GL_STENCIL_TEST*/ function draw() { gl.vertexAttribPointer(context.blitPosLoc, 2, 5126, /*GL_FLOAT*/ false, 0, 0); gl.drawArrays(5, /*GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP*/ 0, 4); } if (context.defaultVao) { var prevVAO = gl.getParameter(34229); /*GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING*/ gl.bindVertexArray(context.defaultVao); draw(); gl.bindVertexArray(prevVAO); } else { var prevVertexAttribPointer = { buffer: gl.getVertexAttrib(context.blitPosLoc, 34975), /*GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING*/ size: gl.getVertexAttrib(context.blitPosLoc, 34339), /*GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE*/ stride: gl.getVertexAttrib(context.blitPosLoc, 34340), /*GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE*/ type: gl.getVertexAttrib(context.blitPosLoc, 34341), /*GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE*/ normalized: gl.getVertexAttrib(context.blitPosLoc, 34922), /*GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED*/ pointer: gl.getVertexAttribOffset(context.blitPosLoc, 34373) }; var maxVertexAttribs = gl.getParameter(34921); /*GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS*/ var prevVertexAttribEnables = []; for (var i = 0; i < maxVertexAttribs; ++i) { var prevEnabled = gl.getVertexAttrib(i, 34338); /*GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED*/ var wantEnabled = i == context.blitPosLoc; if (prevEnabled && !wantEnabled) { gl.disableVertexAttribArray(i); } if (!prevEnabled && wantEnabled) { gl.enableVertexAttribArray(i); } prevVertexAttribEnables[i] = prevEnabled; } draw(); for (var i = 0; i < maxVertexAttribs; ++i) { var prevEnabled = prevVertexAttribEnables[i]; var nowEnabled = i == context.blitPosLoc; if (prevEnabled && !nowEnabled) { gl.enableVertexAttribArray(i); } if (!prevEnabled && nowEnabled) { gl.disableVertexAttribArray(i); } } gl.bindBuffer(34962, /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/ prevVertexAttribPointer.buffer); gl.vertexAttribPointer(context.blitPosLoc, prevVertexAttribPointer.size, prevVertexAttribPointer.type, prevVertexAttribPointer.normalized, prevVertexAttribPointer.stride, prevVertexAttribPointer.offset); } if (prevStencilTest) gl.enable(2960); /*GL_STENCIL_TEST*/ if (prevDepthTest) gl.enable(2929); /*GL_DEPTH_TEST*/ if (prevCullFace) gl.enable(2884); /*GL_CULL_FACE*/ if (prevBlend) gl.enable(3042); /*GL_BLEND*/ gl.bindTexture(3553, /*GL_TEXTURE_2D*/ prevTextureBinding); gl.activeTexture(prevActiveTexture); gl.bindBuffer(34962, /*GL_ARRAY_BUFFER*/ prevVB); gl.useProgram(prevProgram); } gl.bindFramebuffer(36160, /*GL_FRAMEBUFFER*/ prevFbo); if (prevScissorTest) gl.enable(3089); }, /*GL_SCISSOR_TEST*/ registerContext: (ctx, webGLContextAttributes) => { var handle = _malloc(8); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((handle) + (4)) >> 2)] = _pthread_self(); var context = { handle: handle, attributes: webGLContextAttributes, version: webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion, GLctx: ctx }; if (ctx.canvas) ctx.canvas.GLctxObject = context; GL.contexts[handle] = context; if (typeof webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault == "undefined" || webGLContextAttributes.enableExtensionsByDefault) { GL.initExtensions(context); } if (webGLContextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer) GL.createOffscreenFramebuffer(context); return handle; }, makeContextCurrent: contextHandle => { GL.currentContext = GL.contexts[contextHandle]; Module.ctx = GLctx = GL.currentContext?.GLctx; return !(contextHandle && !GLctx); }, getContext: contextHandle => GL.contexts[contextHandle], deleteContext: contextHandle => { if (GL.currentContext === GL.contexts[contextHandle]) { GL.currentContext = null; } if (typeof JSEvents == "object") { JSEvents.removeAllHandlersOnTarget(GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas); } if (GL.contexts[contextHandle] && GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas) { GL.contexts[contextHandle].GLctx.canvas.GLctxObject = undefined; } _free(GL.contexts[contextHandle].handle); GL.contexts[contextHandle] = null; }, initExtensions: context => { context ||= GL.currentContext; if (context.initExtensionsDone) return; context.initExtensionsDone = true; var GLctx = context.GLctx; webgl_enable_ANGLE_instanced_arrays(GLctx); webgl_enable_OES_vertex_array_object(GLctx); webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_buffers(GLctx); webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance(GLctx); webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance(GLctx); if (context.version >= 2) { GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt = GLctx.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2"); } if (context.version < 2 || !GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt) { GLctx.disjointTimerQueryExt = GLctx.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query"); } webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw(GLctx); getEmscriptenSupportedExtensions(GLctx).forEach(ext => { if (!ext.includes("lose_context") && !ext.includes("debug")) { GLctx.getExtension(ext); } }); } }; var __emscripten_proxied_gl_context_activated_from_main_browser_thread = contextHandle => { GLctx = Module.ctx = GL.currentContext = contextHandle; GL.currentContextIsProxied = true; }; var proxiedJSCallArgs = []; var __emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js = (index, callingThread, numCallArgs, args) => { numCallArgs /= 2; proxiedJSCallArgs.length = numCallArgs; var b = ((args) >> 3); for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) { if (HEAP64[b + 2 * i]) { proxiedJSCallArgs[i] = HEAP64[b + 2 * i + 1]; } else { proxiedJSCallArgs[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F64()[b + 2 * i + 1]; } } var func = proxiedFunctionTable[index]; assert(func.length == numCallArgs, "Call args mismatch in _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js"); PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = callingThread; var rtn = func.apply(null, proxiedJSCallArgs); PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = 0; assert(typeof rtn != "bigint"); return rtn; }; function __emscripten_runtime_keepalive_clear() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(36, 1); noExitRuntime = false; runtimeKeepaliveCounter = 0; } var __emscripten_thread_set_strongref = thread => {}; var __emscripten_throw_longjmp = () => { throw Infinity; }; function __gmtime_js(time, tmPtr) { time = bigintToI53Checked(time); var date = new Date(time * 1e3); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((tmPtr) >> 2)] = date.getUTCSeconds(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (4)) >> 2)] = date.getUTCMinutes(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (8)) >> 2)] = date.getUTCHours(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (12)) >> 2)] = date.getUTCDate(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (16)) >> 2)] = date.getUTCMonth(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (20)) >> 2)] = date.getUTCFullYear() - 1900; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (24)) >> 2)] = date.getUTCDay(); var start = Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); var yday = ((date.getTime() - start) / (1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24)) | 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (28)) >> 2)] = yday; } var isLeapYear = year => year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0); var MONTH_DAYS_LEAP_CUMULATIVE = [ 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 ]; var MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR_CUMULATIVE = [ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 ]; var ydayFromDate = date => { var leap = isLeapYear(date.getFullYear()); var monthDaysCumulative = (leap ? MONTH_DAYS_LEAP_CUMULATIVE : MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR_CUMULATIVE); var yday = monthDaysCumulative[date.getMonth()] + date.getDate() - 1; return yday; }; function __localtime_js(time, tmPtr) { time = bigintToI53Checked(time); var date = new Date(time * 1e3); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((tmPtr) >> 2)] = date.getSeconds(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (4)) >> 2)] = date.getMinutes(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (8)) >> 2)] = date.getHours(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (12)) >> 2)] = date.getDate(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (16)) >> 2)] = date.getMonth(); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (20)) >> 2)] = date.getFullYear() - 1900; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (24)) >> 2)] = date.getDay(); var yday = ydayFromDate(date) | 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (28)) >> 2)] = yday; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (36)) >> 2)] = -(date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60); var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1); var summerOffset = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset(); var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset(); var dst = (summerOffset != winterOffset && date.getTimezoneOffset() == Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset)) | 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tmPtr) + (32)) >> 2)] = dst; } var stringToNewUTF8 = str => { var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1; var ret = _malloc(size); if (ret) stringToUTF8(str, ret, size); return ret; }; var __tzset_js = (timezone, daylight, tzname) => { var currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear(); var winter = new Date(currentYear, 0, 1); var summer = new Date(currentYear, 6, 1); var winterOffset = winter.getTimezoneOffset(); var summerOffset = summer.getTimezoneOffset(); var stdTimezoneOffset = Math.max(winterOffset, summerOffset); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((timezone) >> 2)] = stdTimezoneOffset * 60; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((daylight) >> 2)] = Number(winterOffset != summerOffset); function extractZone(date) { var match = date.toTimeString().match(/\(([A-Za-z ]+)\)$/); return match ? match[1] : "GMT"; } var winterName = extractZone(winter); var summerName = extractZone(summer); var winterNamePtr = stringToNewUTF8(winterName); var summerNamePtr = stringToNewUTF8(summerName); if (summerOffset < winterOffset) { GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((tzname) >> 2)] = winterNamePtr; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((tzname) + (4)) >> 2)] = summerNamePtr; } else { GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((tzname) >> 2)] = summerNamePtr; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((tzname) + (4)) >> 2)] = winterNamePtr; } }; var _abort = () => { abort("native code called abort()"); }; var runtimeKeepalivePush = () => { runtimeKeepaliveCounter += 1; }; var _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing = (mode, value) => { Browser.mainLoop.timingMode = mode; Browser.mainLoop.timingValue = value; if (!Browser.mainLoop.func) { err("emscripten_set_main_loop_timing: Cannot set timing mode for main loop since a main loop does not exist! Call emscripten_set_main_loop first to set one up."); return 1; } if (!Browser.mainLoop.running) { runtimeKeepalivePush(); Browser.mainLoop.running = true; } if (mode == 0) { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = function Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_setTimeout() { var timeUntilNextTick = Math.max(0, Browser.mainLoop.tickStartTime + value - _emscripten_get_now()) | 0; setTimeout(Browser.mainLoop.runner, timeUntilNextTick); }; Browser.mainLoop.method = "timeout"; } else if (mode == 1) { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = function Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_rAF() { Browser.requestAnimationFrame(Browser.mainLoop.runner); }; Browser.mainLoop.method = "rAF"; } else if (mode == 2) { if (typeof Browser.setImmediate == "undefined") { if (typeof setImmediate == "undefined") { var setImmediates = []; var emscriptenMainLoopMessageId = "setimmediate"; /** @param {Event} event */ var Browser_setImmediate_messageHandler = event => { if ( === emscriptenMainLoopMessageId || === emscriptenMainLoopMessageId) { event.stopPropagation(); setImmediates.shift()(); } }; addEventListener("message", Browser_setImmediate_messageHandler, true); Browser.setImmediate = /** @type{function(function(): ?, ...?): number} */ (function Browser_emulated_setImmediate(func) { setImmediates.push(func); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) { if (Module["setImmediates"] === undefined) Module["setImmediates"] = []; Module["setImmediates"].push(func); postMessage({ target: emscriptenMainLoopMessageId }); } else postMessage(emscriptenMainLoopMessageId, "*"); }); } else { Browser.setImmediate = setImmediate; } } Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = function Browser_mainLoop_scheduler_setImmediate() { Browser.setImmediate(Browser.mainLoop.runner); }; Browser.mainLoop.method = "immediate"; } return 0; }; var _emscripten_get_now; _emscripten_get_now = () => performance.timeOrigin +; var runtimeKeepalivePop = () => { assert(runtimeKeepaliveCounter > 0); runtimeKeepaliveCounter -= 1; }; /** * @param {number=} arg * @param {boolean=} noSetTiming */ var setMainLoop = (browserIterationFunc, fps, simulateInfiniteLoop, arg, noSetTiming) => { assert(!Browser.mainLoop.func, "emscripten_set_main_loop: there can only be one main loop function at once: call emscripten_cancel_main_loop to cancel the previous one before setting a new one with different parameters."); Browser.mainLoop.func = browserIterationFunc; Browser.mainLoop.arg = arg; /** @type{number} */ var thisMainLoopId = (() => Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop)(); function checkIsRunning() { if (thisMainLoopId < Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop) { runtimeKeepalivePop(); maybeExit(); return false; } return true; } Browser.mainLoop.running = false; Browser.mainLoop.runner = function Browser_mainLoop_runner() { if (ABORT) return; if (Browser.mainLoop.queue.length > 0) { var start =; var blocker = Browser.mainLoop.queue.shift(); blocker.func(blocker.arg); if (Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers) { var remaining = Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers; var next = remaining % 1 == 0 ? remaining - 1 : Math.floor(remaining); if (blocker.counted) { Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers = next; } else { next = next + .5; Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers = (8 * remaining + next) / 9; } } Browser.mainLoop.updateStatus(); if (!checkIsRunning()) return; setTimeout(Browser.mainLoop.runner, 0); return; } if (!checkIsRunning()) return; Browser.mainLoop.currentFrameNumber = Browser.mainLoop.currentFrameNumber + 1 | 0; if (Browser.mainLoop.timingMode == 1 && Browser.mainLoop.timingValue > 1 && Browser.mainLoop.currentFrameNumber % Browser.mainLoop.timingValue != 0) { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); return; } else if (Browser.mainLoop.timingMode == 0) { Browser.mainLoop.tickStartTime = _emscripten_get_now(); } if (Browser.mainLoop.method === "timeout" && Module.ctx) { warnOnce("Looks like you are rendering without using requestAnimationFrame for the main loop. You should use 0 for the frame rate in emscripten_set_main_loop in order to use requestAnimationFrame, as that can greatly improve your frame rates!"); Browser.mainLoop.method = ""; } Browser.mainLoop.runIter(browserIterationFunc); checkStackCookie(); if (!checkIsRunning()) return; if (typeof SDL == "object"); Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); }; if (!noSetTiming) { if (fps && fps > 0) { _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(0, 1e3 / fps); } else { _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(1, 1); } Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); } if (simulateInfiniteLoop) { throw "unwind"; } }; /** @param {number=} timeout */ var safeSetTimeout = (func, timeout) => { runtimeKeepalivePush(); return setTimeout(() => { runtimeKeepalivePop(); callUserCallback(func); }, timeout); }; var Browser = { mainLoop: { running: false, scheduler: null, method: "", currentlyRunningMainloop: 0, func: null, arg: 0, timingMode: 0, timingValue: 0, currentFrameNumber: 0, queue: [], pause() { Browser.mainLoop.scheduler = null; Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop++; }, resume() { Browser.mainLoop.currentlyRunningMainloop++; var timingMode = Browser.mainLoop.timingMode; var timingValue = Browser.mainLoop.timingValue; var func = Browser.mainLoop.func; Browser.mainLoop.func = null; setMainLoop(func, 0, false, Browser.mainLoop.arg, true); _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(timingMode, timingValue); Browser.mainLoop.scheduler(); }, updateStatus() { if (Module["setStatus"]) { var message = Module["statusMessage"] || "Please wait..."; var remaining = Browser.mainLoop.remainingBlockers; var expected = Browser.mainLoop.expectedBlockers; if (remaining) { if (remaining < expected) { Module["setStatus"](message + " (" + (expected - remaining) + "/" + expected + ")"); } else { Module["setStatus"](message); } } else { Module["setStatus"](""); } } }, runIter(func) { if (ABORT) return; if (Module["preMainLoop"]) { var preRet = Module["preMainLoop"](); if (preRet === false) { return; } } callUserCallback(func); Module["postMainLoop"]?.(); } }, isFullscreen: false, pointerLock: false, moduleContextCreatedCallbacks: [], workers: [], init() { if (Browser.initted) return; Browser.initted = true; var imagePlugin = {}; imagePlugin["canHandle"] = function imagePlugin_canHandle(name) { return !Module.noImageDecoding && /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|bmp)$/i.test(name); }; imagePlugin["handle"] = function imagePlugin_handle(byteArray, name, onload, onerror) { var b = new Blob([ byteArray ], { type: Browser.getMimetype(name) }); if (b.size !== byteArray.length) { b = new Blob([ (new Uint8Array(byteArray)).buffer ], { type: Browser.getMimetype(name) }); } var url = URL.createObjectURL(b); assert(typeof url == "string", "createObjectURL must return a url as a string"); var img = new Image; img.onload = () => { assert(img.complete, `Image ${name} could not be decoded`); var canvas = /** @type {!HTMLCanvasElement} */ (document.createElement("canvas")); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); preloadedImages[name] = canvas; URL.revokeObjectURL(url); onload?.(byteArray); }; img.onerror = event => { err(`Image ${url} could not be decoded`); onerror?.(); }; img.src = url; }; preloadPlugins.push(imagePlugin); var audioPlugin = {}; audioPlugin["canHandle"] = function audioPlugin_canHandle(name) { return !Module.noAudioDecoding && name.substr(-4) in { ".ogg": 1, ".wav": 1, ".mp3": 1 }; }; audioPlugin["handle"] = function audioPlugin_handle(byteArray, name, onload, onerror) { var done = false; function finish(audio) { if (done) return; done = true; preloadedAudios[name] = audio; onload?.(byteArray); } function fail() { if (done) return; done = true; preloadedAudios[name] = new Audio; onerror?.(); } var b = new Blob([ byteArray ], { type: Browser.getMimetype(name) }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(b); assert(typeof url == "string", "createObjectURL must return a url as a string"); var audio = new Audio; audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", () => finish(audio), false); audio.onerror = function audio_onerror(event) { if (done) return; err(`warning: browser could not fully decode audio ${name}, trying slower base64 approach`); function encode64(data) { var BASE = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; var PAD = "="; var ret = ""; var leftchar = 0; var leftbits = 0; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { leftchar = (leftchar << 8) | data[i]; leftbits += 8; while (leftbits >= 6) { var curr = (leftchar >> (leftbits - 6)) & 63; leftbits -= 6; ret += BASE[curr]; } } if (leftbits == 2) { ret += BASE[(leftchar & 3) << 4]; ret += PAD + PAD; } else if (leftbits == 4) { ret += BASE[(leftchar & 15) << 2]; ret += PAD; } return ret; } audio.src = "data:audio/x-" + name.substr(-3) + ";base64," + encode64(byteArray); finish(audio); }; audio.src = url; safeSetTimeout(() => { finish(audio); }, 1e4); }; preloadPlugins.push(audioPlugin); function pointerLockChange() { Browser.pointerLock = document["pointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"] || document["mozPointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"] || document["webkitPointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"] || document["msPointerLockElement"] === Module["canvas"]; } var canvas = Module["canvas"]; if (canvas) { canvas.requestPointerLock = canvas["requestPointerLock"] || canvas["mozRequestPointerLock"] || canvas["webkitRequestPointerLock"] || canvas["msRequestPointerLock"] || (() => {}); canvas.exitPointerLock = document["exitPointerLock"] || document["mozExitPointerLock"] || document["webkitExitPointerLock"] || document["msExitPointerLock"] || (() => {}); canvas.exitPointerLock = canvas.exitPointerLock.bind(document); document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); document.addEventListener("mozpointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); document.addEventListener("webkitpointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); document.addEventListener("mspointerlockchange", pointerLockChange, false); if (Module["elementPointerLock"]) { canvas.addEventListener("click", ev => { if (!Browser.pointerLock && Module["canvas"].requestPointerLock) { Module["canvas"].requestPointerLock(); ev.preventDefault(); } }, false); } } }, createContext(/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement} */ canvas, useWebGL, setInModule, webGLContextAttributes) { if (useWebGL && Module.ctx && canvas == Module.canvas) return Module.ctx; var ctx; var contextHandle; if (useWebGL) { var contextAttributes = { antialias: false, alpha: false, majorVersion: (typeof WebGL2RenderingContext != "undefined") ? 2 : 1 }; if (webGLContextAttributes) { for (var attribute in webGLContextAttributes) { contextAttributes[attribute] = webGLContextAttributes[attribute]; } } if (typeof GL != "undefined") { contextHandle = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes); if (contextHandle) { ctx = GL.getContext(contextHandle).GLctx; } } } else { ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); } if (!ctx) return null; if (setInModule) { if (!useWebGL) assert(typeof GLctx == "undefined", "cannot set in module if GLctx is used, but we are a non-GL context that would replace it"); Module.ctx = ctx; if (useWebGL) GL.makeContextCurrent(contextHandle); Module.useWebGL = useWebGL; Browser.moduleContextCreatedCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback()); Browser.init(); } return ctx; }, destroyContext(canvas, useWebGL, setInModule) {}, fullscreenHandlersInstalled: false, lockPointer: undefined, resizeCanvas: undefined, requestFullscreen(lockPointer, resizeCanvas) { Browser.lockPointer = lockPointer; Browser.resizeCanvas = resizeCanvas; if (typeof Browser.lockPointer == "undefined") Browser.lockPointer = true; if (typeof Browser.resizeCanvas == "undefined") Browser.resizeCanvas = false; var canvas = Module["canvas"]; function fullscreenChange() { Browser.isFullscreen = false; var canvasContainer = canvas.parentNode; if ((document["fullscreenElement"] || document["mozFullScreenElement"] || document["msFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitCurrentFullScreenElement"]) === canvasContainer) { canvas.exitFullscreen = Browser.exitFullscreen; if (Browser.lockPointer) canvas.requestPointerLock(); Browser.isFullscreen = true; if (Browser.resizeCanvas) { Browser.setFullscreenCanvasSize(); } else { Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(canvas); } } else { canvasContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(canvas, canvasContainer); canvasContainer.parentNode.removeChild(canvasContainer); if (Browser.resizeCanvas) { Browser.setWindowedCanvasSize(); } else { Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(canvas); } } Module["onFullScreen"]?.(Browser.isFullscreen); Module["onFullscreen"]?.(Browser.isFullscreen); } if (!Browser.fullscreenHandlersInstalled) { Browser.fullscreenHandlersInstalled = true; document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", fullscreenChange, false); document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", fullscreenChange, false); document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", fullscreenChange, false); document.addEventListener("MSFullscreenChange", fullscreenChange, false); } var canvasContainer = document.createElement("div"); canvas.parentNode.insertBefore(canvasContainer, canvas); canvasContainer.appendChild(canvas); canvasContainer.requestFullscreen = canvasContainer["requestFullscreen"] || canvasContainer["mozRequestFullScreen"] || canvasContainer["msRequestFullscreen"] || (canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullscreen"] ? () => canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullscreen"](Element["ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT"]) : null) || (canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullScreen"] ? () => canvasContainer["webkitRequestFullScreen"](Element["ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT"]) : null); canvasContainer.requestFullscreen(); }, requestFullScreen() { abort("Module.requestFullScreen has been replaced by Module.requestFullscreen (without a capital S)"); }, exitFullscreen() { if (!Browser.isFullscreen) { return false; } var CFS = document["exitFullscreen"] || document["cancelFullScreen"] || document["mozCancelFullScreen"] || document["msExitFullscreen"] || document["webkitCancelFullScreen"] || (() => {}); CFS.apply(document, []); return true; }, nextRAF: 0, fakeRequestAnimationFrame(func) { var now =; if (Browser.nextRAF === 0) { Browser.nextRAF = now + 1e3 / 60; } else { while (now + 2 >= Browser.nextRAF) { Browser.nextRAF += 1e3 / 60; } } var delay = Math.max(Browser.nextRAF - now, 0); setTimeout(func, delay); }, requestAnimationFrame(func) { if (typeof requestAnimationFrame == "function") { requestAnimationFrame(func); return; } var RAF = Browser.fakeRequestAnimationFrame; RAF(func); }, safeSetTimeout(func, timeout) { return safeSetTimeout(func, timeout); }, safeRequestAnimationFrame(func) { runtimeKeepalivePush(); return Browser.requestAnimationFrame(() => { runtimeKeepalivePop(); callUserCallback(func); }); }, getMimetype(name) { return { "jpg": "image/jpeg", "jpeg": "image/jpeg", "png": "image/png", "bmp": "image/bmp", "ogg": "audio/ogg", "wav": "audio/wav", "mp3": "audio/mpeg" }[name.substr(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)]; }, getUserMedia(func) { window.getUserMedia ||= navigator["getUserMedia"] || navigator["mozGetUserMedia"]; window.getUserMedia(func); }, getMovementX(event) { return event["movementX"] || event["mozMovementX"] || event["webkitMovementX"] || 0; }, getMovementY(event) { return event["movementY"] || event["mozMovementY"] || event["webkitMovementY"] || 0; }, getMouseWheelDelta(event) { var delta = 0; switch (event.type) { case "DOMMouseScroll": delta = event.detail / 3; break; case "mousewheel": delta = event.wheelDelta / 120; break; case "wheel": delta = event.deltaY; switch (event.deltaMode) { case 0: delta /= 100; break; case 1: delta /= 3; break; case 2: delta *= 80; break; default: throw "unrecognized mouse wheel delta mode: " + event.deltaMode; } break; default: throw "unrecognized mouse wheel event: " + event.type; } return delta; }, mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, mouseMovementX: 0, mouseMovementY: 0, touches: {}, lastTouches: {}, calculateMouseCoords(pageX, pageY) { var rect = Module["canvas"].getBoundingClientRect(); var cw = Module["canvas"].width; var ch = Module["canvas"].height; var scrollX = ((typeof window.scrollX != "undefined") ? window.scrollX : window.pageXOffset); var scrollY = ((typeof window.scrollY != "undefined") ? window.scrollY : window.pageYOffset); assert((typeof scrollX != "undefined") && (typeof scrollY != "undefined"), "Unable to retrieve scroll position, mouse positions likely broken."); var adjustedX = pageX - (scrollX + rect.left); var adjustedY = pageY - (scrollY +; adjustedX = adjustedX * (cw / rect.width); adjustedY = adjustedY * (ch / rect.height); return { x: adjustedX, y: adjustedY }; }, setMouseCoords(pageX, pageY) { const {x: x, y: y} = Browser.calculateMouseCoords(pageX, pageY); Browser.mouseMovementX = x - Browser.mouseX; Browser.mouseMovementY = y - Browser.mouseY; Browser.mouseX = x; Browser.mouseY = y; }, calculateMouseEvent(event) { if (Browser.pointerLock) { if (event.type != "mousemove" && ("mozMovementX" in event)) { Browser.mouseMovementX = Browser.mouseMovementY = 0; } else { Browser.mouseMovementX = Browser.getMovementX(event); Browser.mouseMovementY = Browser.getMovementY(event); } if (typeof SDL != "undefined") { Browser.mouseX = SDL.mouseX + Browser.mouseMovementX; Browser.mouseY = SDL.mouseY + Browser.mouseMovementY; } else { Browser.mouseX += Browser.mouseMovementX; Browser.mouseY += Browser.mouseMovementY; } } else { if (event.type === "touchstart" || event.type === "touchend" || event.type === "touchmove") { var touch = event.touch; if (touch === undefined) { return; } var coords = Browser.calculateMouseCoords(touch.pageX, touch.pageY); if (event.type === "touchstart") { Browser.lastTouches[touch.identifier] = coords; Browser.touches[touch.identifier] = coords; } else if (event.type === "touchend" || event.type === "touchmove") { var last = Browser.touches[touch.identifier]; last ||= coords; Browser.lastTouches[touch.identifier] = last; Browser.touches[touch.identifier] = coords; } return; } Browser.setMouseCoords(event.pageX, event.pageY); } }, resizeListeners: [], updateResizeListeners() { var canvas = Module["canvas"]; Browser.resizeListeners.forEach(listener => listener(canvas.width, canvas.height)); }, setCanvasSize(width, height, noUpdates) { var canvas = Module["canvas"]; Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(canvas, width, height); if (!noUpdates) Browser.updateResizeListeners(); }, windowedWidth: 0, windowedHeight: 0, setFullscreenCanvasSize() { if (typeof SDL != "undefined") { var flags = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((SDL.screen) >> 2)]; flags = flags | 8388608; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((SDL.screen) >> 2)] = flags; } Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(Module["canvas"]); Browser.updateResizeListeners(); }, setWindowedCanvasSize() { if (typeof SDL != "undefined") { var flags = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((SDL.screen) >> 2)]; flags = flags & ~8388608; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((SDL.screen) >> 2)] = flags; } Browser.updateCanvasDimensions(Module["canvas"]); Browser.updateResizeListeners(); }, updateCanvasDimensions(canvas, wNative, hNative) { if (wNative && hNative) { canvas.widthNative = wNative; canvas.heightNative = hNative; } else { wNative = canvas.widthNative; hNative = canvas.heightNative; } var w = wNative; var h = hNative; if (Module["forcedAspectRatio"] && Module["forcedAspectRatio"] > 0) { if (w / h < Module["forcedAspectRatio"]) { w = Math.round(h * Module["forcedAspectRatio"]); } else { h = Math.round(w / Module["forcedAspectRatio"]); } } if (((document["fullscreenElement"] || document["mozFullScreenElement"] || document["msFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitFullscreenElement"] || document["webkitCurrentFullScreenElement"]) === canvas.parentNode) && (typeof screen != "undefined")) { var factor = Math.min(screen.width / w, screen.height / h); w = Math.round(w * factor); h = Math.round(h * factor); } if (Browser.resizeCanvas) { if (canvas.width != w) canvas.width = w; if (canvas.height != h) canvas.height = h; if (typeof != "undefined") {"width");"height"); } } else { if (canvas.width != wNative) canvas.width = wNative; if (canvas.height != hNative) canvas.height = hNative; if (typeof != "undefined") { if (w != wNative || h != hNative) {"width", w + "px", "important");"height", h + "px", "important"); } else {"width");"height"); } } } } }; var _emscripten_cancel_main_loop = () => { Browser.mainLoop.pause(); Browser.mainLoop.func = null; }; var _emscripten_check_blocking_allowed = () => { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) return; warnOnce("Blocking on the main thread is very dangerous, see"); }; var _emscripten_date_now = () =>; var _emscripten_err = str => err(UTF8ToString(str)); var _emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime = () => { runtimeKeepalivePush(); throw "unwind"; }; function _emscripten_force_exit(status) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(37, 1, status); __emscripten_runtime_keepalive_clear(); _exit(status); } /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glActiveTexture(x0) { GLctx.activeTexture(x0); } var _emscripten_glActiveTexture = _glActiveTexture; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glAttachShader = (program, shader) => { GLctx.attachShader(GL.programs[program], GL.shaders[shader]); }; var _emscripten_glAttachShader = _glAttachShader; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glBeginTransformFeedback(x0) { GLctx.beginTransformFeedback(x0); } var _emscripten_glBeginTransformFeedback = _glBeginTransformFeedback; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindBuffer = (target, buffer) => { if (target == 35051) /*GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER*/ { GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding = buffer; } else if (target == 35052) /*GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER*/ { GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding = buffer; } GLctx.bindBuffer(target, GL.buffers[buffer]); }; var _emscripten_glBindBuffer = _glBindBuffer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindBufferBase = (target, index, buffer) => { GLctx.bindBufferBase(target, index, GL.buffers[buffer]); }; var _emscripten_glBindBufferBase = _glBindBufferBase; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindBufferRange = (target, index, buffer, offset, ptrsize) => { GLctx.bindBufferRange(target, index, GL.buffers[buffer], offset, ptrsize); }; var _emscripten_glBindBufferRange = _glBindBufferRange; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindFramebuffer = (target, framebuffer) => { GLctx.bindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer ? GL.framebuffers[framebuffer] : GL.currentContext.defaultFbo); }; var _emscripten_glBindFramebuffer = _glBindFramebuffer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindRenderbuffer = (target, renderbuffer) => { GLctx.bindRenderbuffer(target, GL.renderbuffers[renderbuffer]); }; var _emscripten_glBindRenderbuffer = _glBindRenderbuffer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindTexture = (target, texture) => { GLctx.bindTexture(target, GL.textures[texture]); }; var _emscripten_glBindTexture = _glBindTexture; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBindVertexArray = vao => { GLctx.bindVertexArray(GL.vaos[vao]); }; var _emscripten_glBindVertexArray = _glBindVertexArray; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glBlendColor(x0, x1, x2, x3) { GLctx.blendColor(x0, x1, x2, x3); } var _emscripten_glBlendColor = _glBlendColor; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glBlendEquation(x0) { GLctx.blendEquation(x0); } var _emscripten_glBlendEquation = _glBlendEquation; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glBlendFunc(x0, x1) { GLctx.blendFunc(x0, x1); } var _emscripten_glBlendFunc = _glBlendFunc; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glBlendFuncSeparate(x0, x1, x2, x3) { GLctx.blendFuncSeparate(x0, x1, x2, x3); } var _emscripten_glBlendFuncSeparate = _glBlendFuncSeparate; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glBlitFramebuffer(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9) { GLctx.blitFramebuffer(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9); } var _emscripten_glBlitFramebuffer = _glBlitFramebuffer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBufferData = (target, size, data, usage) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { if (data && size) { GLctx.bufferData(target, GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), usage, data, size); } else { GLctx.bufferData(target, size, usage); } } else { GLctx.bufferData(target, data ? GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().subarray(data, data + size) : size, usage); } }; var _emscripten_glBufferData = _glBufferData; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glBufferSubData = (target, offset, size, data) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { size && GLctx.bufferSubData(target, offset, GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), data, size); return; } GLctx.bufferSubData(target, offset, GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().subarray(data, data + size)); }; var _emscripten_glBufferSubData = _glBufferSubData; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glCheckFramebufferStatus(x0) { return GLctx.checkFramebufferStatus(x0); } var _emscripten_glCheckFramebufferStatus = _glCheckFramebufferStatus; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glClear(x0) { GLctx.clear(x0); } var _emscripten_glClear = _glClear; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glClearBufferfv = (buffer, drawbuffer, value) => { GLctx.clearBufferfv(buffer, drawbuffer, GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), value >> 2); }; var _emscripten_glClearBufferfv = _glClearBufferfv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glClearColor(x0, x1, x2, x3) { GLctx.clearColor(x0, x1, x2, x3); } var _emscripten_glClearColor = _glClearColor; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glClearDepthf(x0) { GLctx.clearDepth(x0); } var _emscripten_glClearDepthf = _glClearDepthf; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glColorMask = (red, green, blue, alpha) => { GLctx.colorMask(!!red, !!green, !!blue, !!alpha); }; var _emscripten_glColorMask = _glColorMask; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glCompileShader = shader => { GLctx.compileShader(GL.shaders[shader]); }; var _emscripten_glCompileShader = _glCompileShader; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glCompressedTexImage2D = (target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, imageSize, data) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding || !imageSize) { GLctx.compressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, imageSize, data); } else { GLctx.compressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), data, imageSize); } return; } GLctx.compressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, data ? GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().subarray((data), (data + imageSize)) : null); }; var _emscripten_glCompressedTexImage2D = _glCompressedTexImage2D; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glCopyBufferSubData(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) { GLctx.copyBufferSubData(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4); } var _emscripten_glCopyBufferSubData = _glCopyBufferSubData; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glCreateProgram = () => { var id = GL.getNewId(GL.programs); var program = GLctx.createProgram(); = id; program.maxUniformLength = program.maxAttributeLength = program.maxUniformBlockNameLength = 0; program.uniformIdCounter = 1; GL.programs[id] = program; return id; }; var _emscripten_glCreateProgram = _glCreateProgram; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glCreateShader = shaderType => { var id = GL.getNewId(GL.shaders); GL.shaders[id] = GLctx.createShader(shaderType); return id; }; var _emscripten_glCreateShader = _glCreateShader; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glCullFace(x0) { GLctx.cullFace(x0); } var _emscripten_glCullFace = _glCullFace; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteBuffers = (n, buffers) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var id = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buffers) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; var buffer = GL.buffers[id]; if (!buffer) continue; GLctx.deleteBuffer(buffer); = 0; GL.buffers[id] = null; if (id == GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding) GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding = 0; if (id == GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding = 0; } }; var _emscripten_glDeleteBuffers = _glDeleteBuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteFramebuffers = (n, framebuffers) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var id = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((framebuffers) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; var framebuffer = GL.framebuffers[id]; if (!framebuffer) continue; GLctx.deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer); = 0; GL.framebuffers[id] = null; } }; var _emscripten_glDeleteFramebuffers = _glDeleteFramebuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteProgram = id => { if (!id) return; var program = GL.programs[id]; if (!program) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } GLctx.deleteProgram(program); = 0; GL.programs[id] = null; }; var _emscripten_glDeleteProgram = _glDeleteProgram; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteQueries = (n, ids) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var id = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ids) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; var query = GL.queries[id]; if (!query) continue; GLctx.deleteQuery(query); GL.queries[id] = null; } }; var _emscripten_glDeleteQueries = _glDeleteQueries; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteRenderbuffers = (n, renderbuffers) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var id = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((renderbuffers) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; var renderbuffer = GL.renderbuffers[id]; if (!renderbuffer) continue; GLctx.deleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); = 0; GL.renderbuffers[id] = null; } }; var _emscripten_glDeleteRenderbuffers = _glDeleteRenderbuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteShader = id => { if (!id) return; var shader = GL.shaders[id]; if (!shader) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } GLctx.deleteShader(shader); GL.shaders[id] = null; }; var _emscripten_glDeleteShader = _glDeleteShader; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteSync = id => { if (!id) return; var sync = GL.syncs[id]; if (!sync) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } GLctx.deleteSync(sync); = 0; GL.syncs[id] = null; }; var _emscripten_glDeleteSync = _glDeleteSync; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteTextures = (n, textures) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var id = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((textures) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; var texture = GL.textures[id]; if (!texture) continue; GLctx.deleteTexture(texture); = 0; GL.textures[id] = null; } }; var _emscripten_glDeleteTextures = _glDeleteTextures; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDeleteVertexArrays = (n, vaos) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var id = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((vaos) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; GLctx.deleteVertexArray(GL.vaos[id]); GL.vaos[id] = null; } }; var _emscripten_glDeleteVertexArrays = _glDeleteVertexArrays; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glDepthFunc(x0) { GLctx.depthFunc(x0); } var _emscripten_glDepthFunc = _glDepthFunc; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDepthMask = flag => { GLctx.depthMask(!!flag); }; var _emscripten_glDepthMask = _glDepthMask; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glDisable(x0) { GLctx.disable(x0); } var _emscripten_glDisable = _glDisable; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDisableVertexAttribArray = index => { GLctx.disableVertexAttribArray(index); }; var _emscripten_glDisableVertexAttribArray = _glDisableVertexAttribArray; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDrawArrays = (mode, first, count) => { GLctx.drawArrays(mode, first, count); }; var _emscripten_glDrawArrays = _glDrawArrays; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDrawArraysInstanced = (mode, first, count, primcount) => { GLctx.drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, primcount); }; var _emscripten_glDrawArraysInstanced = _glDrawArraysInstanced; var tempFixedLengthArray = []; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDrawBuffers = (n, bufs) => { var bufArray = tempFixedLengthArray[n]; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { bufArray[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((bufs) + (i * 4)) >> 2)]; } GLctx.drawBuffers(bufArray); }; var _emscripten_glDrawBuffers = _glDrawBuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDrawElements = (mode, count, type, indices) => { GLctx.drawElements(mode, count, type, indices); }; var _emscripten_glDrawElements = _glDrawElements; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glDrawElementsInstanced = (mode, count, type, indices, primcount) => { GLctx.drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, indices, primcount); }; var _emscripten_glDrawElementsInstanced = _glDrawElementsInstanced; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glEnable(x0) { GLctx.enable(x0); } var _emscripten_glEnable = _glEnable; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glEnableVertexAttribArray = index => { GLctx.enableVertexAttribArray(index); }; var _emscripten_glEnableVertexAttribArray = _glEnableVertexAttribArray; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glEndTransformFeedback() { GLctx.endTransformFeedback(); } var _emscripten_glEndTransformFeedback = _glEndTransformFeedback; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glFenceSync = (condition, flags) => { var sync = GLctx.fenceSync(condition, flags); if (sync) { var id = GL.getNewId(GL.syncs); = id; GL.syncs[id] = sync; return id; } return 0; }; var _emscripten_glFenceSync = _glFenceSync; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glFinish() { GLctx.finish(); } var _emscripten_glFinish = _glFinish; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glFramebufferRenderbuffer = (target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer) => { GLctx.framebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, GL.renderbuffers[renderbuffer]); }; var _emscripten_glFramebufferRenderbuffer = _glFramebufferRenderbuffer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glFramebufferTexture2D = (target, attachment, textarget, texture, level) => { GLctx.framebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget, GL.textures[texture], level); }; var _emscripten_glFramebufferTexture2D = _glFramebufferTexture2D; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glFramebufferTextureLayer = (target, attachment, texture, level, layer) => { GLctx.framebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, GL.textures[texture], level, layer); }; var _emscripten_glFramebufferTextureLayer = _glFramebufferTextureLayer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glFrontFace(x0) { GLctx.frontFace(x0); } var _emscripten_glFrontFace = _glFrontFace; var __glGenObject = (n, buffers, createFunction, objectTable) => { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var buffer = GLctx[createFunction](); var id = buffer && GL.getNewId(objectTable); if (buffer) { = id; objectTable[id] = buffer; } else { GL.recordError(1282); } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((buffers) + (i * 4)) >> 2)] = id; } }; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGenBuffers = (n, buffers) => { __glGenObject(n, buffers, "createBuffer", GL.buffers); }; var _emscripten_glGenBuffers = _glGenBuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGenFramebuffers = (n, ids) => { __glGenObject(n, ids, "createFramebuffer", GL.framebuffers); }; var _emscripten_glGenFramebuffers = _glGenFramebuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGenQueries = (n, ids) => { __glGenObject(n, ids, "createQuery", GL.queries); }; var _emscripten_glGenQueries = _glGenQueries; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGenRenderbuffers = (n, renderbuffers) => { __glGenObject(n, renderbuffers, "createRenderbuffer", GL.renderbuffers); }; var _emscripten_glGenRenderbuffers = _glGenRenderbuffers; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGenTextures = (n, textures) => { __glGenObject(n, textures, "createTexture", GL.textures); }; var _emscripten_glGenTextures = _glGenTextures; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glGenVertexArrays(n, arrays) { __glGenObject(n, arrays, "createVertexArray", GL.vaos); } var _emscripten_glGenVertexArrays = _glGenVertexArrays; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glGenerateMipmap(x0) { GLctx.generateMipmap(x0); } var _emscripten_glGenerateMipmap = _glGenerateMipmap; var readI53FromI64 = ptr => GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((ptr) >> 2)] + GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ptr) + (4)) >> 2)] * 4294967296; var readI53FromU64 = ptr => GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((ptr) >> 2)] + GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((ptr) + (4)) >> 2)] * 4294967296; var writeI53ToI64 = (ptr, num) => { GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((ptr) >> 2)] = num; var lower = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((ptr) >> 2)]; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((ptr) + (4)) >> 2)] = (num - lower) / 4294967296; var deserialized = (num >= 0) ? readI53FromU64(ptr) : readI53FromI64(ptr); var offset = ((ptr) >> 2); if (deserialized != num) warnOnce(`writeI53ToI64() out of range: serialized JS Number ${num} to Wasm heap as bytes lo=${ptrToString(GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[offset])}, hi=${ptrToString(GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[offset + 1])}, which deserializes back to ${deserialized} instead!`); }; var webglGetExtensions = function $webglGetExtensions() { var exts = getEmscriptenSupportedExtensions(GLctx); exts = exts.concat( => "GL_" + e)); return exts; }; var emscriptenWebGLGet = (name_, p, type) => { if (!p) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } var ret = undefined; switch (name_) { case 36346: ret = 1; break; case 36344: if (type != 0 && type != 1) { GL.recordError(1280); } return; case 34814: case 36345: ret = 0; break; case 34466: var formats = GLctx.getParameter(34467); /*GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS*/ ret = formats ? formats.length : 0; break; case 33309: if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) { GL.recordError(1282); /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */ return; } ret = webglGetExtensions().length; break; case 33307: case 33308: if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) { GL.recordError(1280); return; } ret = name_ == 33307 ? 3 : 0; break; } if (ret === undefined) { var result = GLctx.getParameter(name_); switch (typeof result) { case "number": ret = result; break; case "boolean": ret = result ? 1 : 0; break; case "string": GL.recordError(1280); return; case "object": if (result === null) { switch (name_) { case 34964: case 35725: case 34965: case 36006: case 36007: case 32873: case 34229: case 36662: case 36663: case 35053: case 35055: case 36010: case 35097: case 35869: case 32874: case 36389: case 35983: case 35368: case 34068: { ret = 0; break; } default: { GL.recordError(1280); return; } } } else if (result instanceof Float32Array || result instanceof Uint32Array || result instanceof Int32Array || result instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) { switch (type) { case 0: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((p) + (i * 4)) >> 2)] = result[i]; break; case 2: GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((p) + (i * 4)) >> 2)] = result[i]; break; case 4: GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[(((p) + (i)) >> 0)] = result[i] ? 1 : 0; break; } } return; } else { try { ret = | 0; } catch (e) { GL.recordError(1280); err(`GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet${type}v: Unknown object returned from WebGL getParameter(${name_})! (error: ${e})`); return; } } break; default: GL.recordError(1280); err(`GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGet${type}v: Native code calling glGet${type}v(${name_}) and it returns ${result} of type ${typeof (result)}!`); return; } } switch (type) { case 1: writeI53ToI64(p, ret); break; case 0: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = ret; break; case 2: GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[((p) >> 2)] = ret; break; case 4: GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((p) >> 0)] = ret ? 1 : 0; break; } }; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetFloatv = (name_, p) => emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 2); var _emscripten_glGetFloatv = _glGetFloatv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetInteger64v = (name_, p) => { emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 1); }; var _emscripten_glGetInteger64v = _glGetInteger64v; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetIntegerv = (name_, p) => emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, 0); var _emscripten_glGetIntegerv = _glGetIntegerv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetProgramInfoLog = (program, maxLength, length, infoLog) => { var log = GLctx.getProgramInfoLog(GL.programs[program]); if (log === null) log = "(unknown error)"; var numBytesWrittenExclNull = (maxLength > 0 && infoLog) ? stringToUTF8(log, infoLog, maxLength) : 0; if (length) GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((length) >> 2)] = numBytesWrittenExclNull; }; var _emscripten_glGetProgramInfoLog = _glGetProgramInfoLog; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetProgramiv = (program, pname, p) => { if (!p) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } if (program >= GL.counter) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } program = GL.programs[program]; if (pname == 35716) { var log = GLctx.getProgramInfoLog(program); if (log === null) log = "(unknown error)"; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = log.length + 1; } else if (pname == 35719) /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH */ { if (!program.maxUniformLength) { for (var i = 0; i < GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, 35718); /*GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS*/ ++i) { program.maxUniformLength = Math.max(program.maxUniformLength, GLctx.getActiveUniform(program, i).name.length + 1); } } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = program.maxUniformLength; } else if (pname == 35722) /* GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH */ { if (!program.maxAttributeLength) { for (var i = 0; i < GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, 35721); /*GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES*/ ++i) { program.maxAttributeLength = Math.max(program.maxAttributeLength, GLctx.getActiveAttrib(program, i).name.length + 1); } } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = program.maxAttributeLength; } else if (pname == 35381) /* GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCK_MAX_NAME_LENGTH */ { if (!program.maxUniformBlockNameLength) { for (var i = 0; i < GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, 35382); /*GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS*/ ++i) { program.maxUniformBlockNameLength = Math.max(program.maxUniformBlockNameLength, GLctx.getActiveUniformBlockName(program, i).length + 1); } } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = program.maxUniformBlockNameLength; } else { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, pname); } }; var _emscripten_glGetProgramiv = _glGetProgramiv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetShaderInfoLog = (shader, maxLength, length, infoLog) => { var log = GLctx.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[shader]); if (log === null) log = "(unknown error)"; var numBytesWrittenExclNull = (maxLength > 0 && infoLog) ? stringToUTF8(log, infoLog, maxLength) : 0; if (length) GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((length) >> 2)] = numBytesWrittenExclNull; }; var _emscripten_glGetShaderInfoLog = _glGetShaderInfoLog; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetShaderiv = (shader, pname, p) => { if (!p) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } if (pname == 35716) { var log = GLctx.getShaderInfoLog(GL.shaders[shader]); if (log === null) log = "(unknown error)"; var logLength = log ? log.length + 1 : 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = logLength; } else if (pname == 35720) { var source = GLctx.getShaderSource(GL.shaders[shader]); var sourceLength = source ? source.length + 1 : 0; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = sourceLength; } else { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((p) >> 2)] = GLctx.getShaderParameter(GL.shaders[shader], pname); } }; var _emscripten_glGetShaderiv = _glGetShaderiv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetString = name_ => { var ret = GL.stringCache[name_]; if (!ret) { switch (name_) { case 7939: /* GL_EXTENSIONS */ ret = stringToNewUTF8(webglGetExtensions().join(" ")); break; case 7936: /* GL_VENDOR */ case 7937: /* GL_RENDERER */ case 37445: /* UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL */ case 37446: /* UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL */ var s = GLctx.getParameter(name_); if (!s) { GL.recordError(1280); } ret = s ? stringToNewUTF8(s) : 0; break; case 7938: /* GL_VERSION */ var glVersion = GLctx.getParameter(7938); if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) glVersion = `OpenGL ES 3.0 (${glVersion})`; else { glVersion = `OpenGL ES 2.0 (${glVersion})`; } ret = stringToNewUTF8(glVersion); break; case 35724: /* GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION */ var glslVersion = GLctx.getParameter(35724); var ver_re = /^WebGL GLSL ES ([0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]?)(?:$| .*)/; var ver_num = glslVersion.match(ver_re); if (ver_num !== null) { if (ver_num[1].length == 3) ver_num[1] = ver_num[1] + "0"; glslVersion = `OpenGL ES GLSL ES ${ver_num[1]} (${glslVersion})`; } ret = stringToNewUTF8(glslVersion); break; default: GL.recordError(1280); } GL.stringCache[name_] = ret; } return ret; }; var _emscripten_glGetString = _glGetString; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetStringi = (name, index) => { if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) { GL.recordError(1282); return 0; } var stringiCache = GL.stringiCache[name]; if (stringiCache) { if (index < 0 || index >= stringiCache.length) { GL.recordError(1281); /*GL_INVALID_VALUE*/ return 0; } return stringiCache[index]; } switch (name) { case 7939: /* GL_EXTENSIONS */ var exts = webglGetExtensions().map(stringToNewUTF8); stringiCache = GL.stringiCache[name] = exts; if (index < 0 || index >= stringiCache.length) { GL.recordError(1281); /*GL_INVALID_VALUE*/ return 0; } return stringiCache[index]; default: GL.recordError(1280); /*GL_INVALID_ENUM*/ return 0; } }; var _emscripten_glGetStringi = _glGetStringi; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetSynciv = (sync, pname, bufSize, length, values) => { if (bufSize < 0) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } if (!values) { GL.recordError(1281); /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return; } var ret = GLctx.getSyncParameter(GL.syncs[sync], pname); if (ret !== null) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((values) >> 2)] = ret; if (length) GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((length) >> 2)] = 1; } }; var _emscripten_glGetSynciv = _glGetSynciv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetUniformBlockIndex = (program, uniformBlockName) => GLctx.getUniformBlockIndex(GL.programs[program], UTF8ToString(uniformBlockName)); var _emscripten_glGetUniformBlockIndex = _glGetUniformBlockIndex; /** @noinline */ var webglGetLeftBracePos = name => name.slice(-1) == "]" && name.lastIndexOf("["); var webglPrepareUniformLocationsBeforeFirstUse = program => { var uniformLocsById = program.uniformLocsById, uniformSizeAndIdsByName = program.uniformSizeAndIdsByName, i, j; if (!uniformLocsById) { program.uniformLocsById = uniformLocsById = {}; program.uniformArrayNamesById = {}; for (i = 0; i < GLctx.getProgramParameter(program, 35718); /*GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS*/ ++i) { var u = GLctx.getActiveUniform(program, i); var nm =; var sz = u.size; var lb = webglGetLeftBracePos(nm); var arrayName = lb > 0 ? nm.slice(0, lb) : nm; var id = program.uniformIdCounter; program.uniformIdCounter += sz; uniformSizeAndIdsByName[arrayName] = [ sz, id ]; for (j = 0; j < sz; ++j) { uniformLocsById[id] = j; program.uniformArrayNamesById[id++] = arrayName; } } } }; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glGetUniformLocation = (program, name) => { name = UTF8ToString(name); if (program = GL.programs[program]) { webglPrepareUniformLocationsBeforeFirstUse(program); var uniformLocsById = program.uniformLocsById; var arrayIndex = 0; var uniformBaseName = name; var leftBrace = webglGetLeftBracePos(name); if (leftBrace > 0) { arrayIndex = jstoi_q(name.slice(leftBrace + 1)) >>> 0; uniformBaseName = name.slice(0, leftBrace); } var sizeAndId = program.uniformSizeAndIdsByName[uniformBaseName]; if (sizeAndId && arrayIndex < sizeAndId[0]) { arrayIndex += sizeAndId[1]; if ((uniformLocsById[arrayIndex] = uniformLocsById[arrayIndex] || GLctx.getUniformLocation(program, name))) { return arrayIndex; } } } else { GL.recordError(1281); } /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */ return -1; }; var _emscripten_glGetUniformLocation = _glGetUniformLocation; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glLinkProgram = program => { program = GL.programs[program]; GLctx.linkProgram(program); program.uniformLocsById = 0; program.uniformSizeAndIdsByName = {}; }; var _emscripten_glLinkProgram = _glLinkProgram; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glPixelStorei = (pname, param) => { if (pname == 3317) /* GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT */ { GL.unpackAlignment = param; } GLctx.pixelStorei(pname, param); }; var _emscripten_glPixelStorei = _glPixelStorei; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glReadBuffer(x0) { GLctx.readBuffer(x0); } var _emscripten_glReadBuffer = _glReadBuffer; var computeUnpackAlignedImageSize = (width, height, sizePerPixel, alignment) => { function roundedToNextMultipleOf(x, y) { return (x + y - 1) & -y; } var plainRowSize = width * sizePerPixel; var alignedRowSize = roundedToNextMultipleOf(plainRowSize, alignment); return height * alignedRowSize; }; var colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat = format => { var colorChannels = { 5: 3, 6: 4, 8: 2, 29502: 3, 29504: 4, 26917: 2, 26918: 2, 29846: 3, 29847: 4 }; return colorChannels[format - 6402] || 1; }; var heapObjectForWebGLType = type => { type -= 5120; if (type == 0) return GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(); if (type == 1) return GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(); if (type == 2) return GROWABLE_HEAP_I16(); if (type == 4) return GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(); if (type == 6) return GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(); if (type == 5 || type == 28922 || type == 28520 || type == 30779 || type == 30782) return GROWABLE_HEAP_U32(); return GROWABLE_HEAP_U16(); }; var heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap = heap => 31 - Math.clz32(heap.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); var emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData = (type, format, width, height, pixels, internalFormat) => { var heap = heapObjectForWebGLType(type); var shift = heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap); var byteSize = 1 << shift; var sizePerPixel = colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat(format) * byteSize; var bytes = computeUnpackAlignedImageSize(width, height, sizePerPixel, GL.unpackAlignment); return heap.subarray(pixels >> shift, pixels + bytes >> shift); }; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glReadPixels = (x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { if (GLctx.currentPixelPackBufferBinding) { GLctx.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels); } else { var heap = heapObjectForWebGLType(type); GLctx.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, heap, pixels >> heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap)); } return; } var pixelData = emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type, format, width, height, pixels, format); if (!pixelData) { GL.recordError(1280); /*GL_INVALID_ENUM*/ return; } GLctx.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixelData); }; var _emscripten_glReadPixels = _glReadPixels; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glRenderbufferStorage(x0, x1, x2, x3) { GLctx.renderbufferStorage(x0, x1, x2, x3); } var _emscripten_glRenderbufferStorage = _glRenderbufferStorage; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) { GLctx.renderbufferStorageMultisample(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4); } var _emscripten_glRenderbufferStorageMultisample = _glRenderbufferStorageMultisample; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glScissor(x0, x1, x2, x3) { GLctx.scissor(x0, x1, x2, x3); } var _emscripten_glScissor = _glScissor; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glShaderSource = (shader, count, string, length) => { var source = GL.getSource(shader, count, string, length); GLctx.shaderSource(GL.shaders[shader], source); }; var _emscripten_glShaderSource = _glShaderSource; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glTexImage2D = (target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) { GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels); } else if (pixels) { var heap = heapObjectForWebGLType(type); GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, heap, pixels >> heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap)); } else { GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, null); } return; } GLctx.texImage2D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels ? emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData(type, format, width, height, pixels, internalFormat) : null); }; var _emscripten_glTexImage2D = _glTexImage2D; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glTexImage3D = (target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels) => { if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) { GLctx.texImage3D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels); } else if (pixels) { var heap = heapObjectForWebGLType(type); GLctx.texImage3D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, heap, pixels >> heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap)); } else { GLctx.texImage3D(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, null); } }; var _emscripten_glTexImage3D = _glTexImage3D; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glTexParameterf(x0, x1, x2) { GLctx.texParameterf(x0, x1, x2); } var _emscripten_glTexParameterf = _glTexParameterf; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glTexParameteri(x0, x1, x2) { GLctx.texParameteri(x0, x1, x2); } var _emscripten_glTexParameteri = _glTexParameteri; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glTexStorage2D(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) { GLctx.texStorage2D(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4); } var _emscripten_glTexStorage2D = _glTexStorage2D; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glTexSubImage3D = (target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels) => { if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) { GLctx.texSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels); } else if (pixels) { var heap = heapObjectForWebGLType(type); GLctx.texSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, heap, pixels >> heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap)); } else { GLctx.texSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, null); } }; var _emscripten_glTexSubImage3D = _glTexSubImage3D; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glTransformFeedbackVaryings = (program, count, varyings, bufferMode) => { program = GL.programs[program]; var vars = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) vars.push(UTF8ToString(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((varyings) + (i * 4)) >> 2)])); GLctx.transformFeedbackVaryings(program, vars, bufferMode); }; var _emscripten_glTransformFeedbackVaryings = _glTransformFeedbackVaryings; var webglGetUniformLocation = location => { var p = GLctx.currentProgram; if (p) { var webglLoc = p.uniformLocsById[location]; if (typeof webglLoc == "number") { p.uniformLocsById[location] = webglLoc = GLctx.getUniformLocation(p, p.uniformArrayNamesById[location] + (webglLoc > 0 ? `[${webglLoc}]` : "")); } return webglLoc; } else { GL.recordError(1282); } }; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform1f = (location, v0) => { GLctx.uniform1f(webglGetUniformLocation(location), v0); }; var _emscripten_glUniform1f = _glUniform1f; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform1i = (location, v0) => { GLctx.uniform1i(webglGetUniformLocation(location), v0); }; var _emscripten_glUniform1i = _glUniform1i; var miniTempWebGLIntBuffers = []; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform1iv = (location, count, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniform1iv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), value >> 2, count); return; } if (count <= 288) { var view = miniTempWebGLIntBuffers[count - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { view[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((value) + (4 * i)) >> 2)]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 4) >> 2); } GLctx.uniform1iv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), view); }; var _emscripten_glUniform1iv = _glUniform1iv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform1ui = (location, v0) => { GLctx.uniform1ui(webglGetUniformLocation(location), v0); }; var _emscripten_glUniform1ui = _glUniform1ui; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform1uiv = (location, count, value) => { count && GLctx.uniform1uiv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), GROWABLE_HEAP_U32(), value >> 2, count); }; var _emscripten_glUniform1uiv = _glUniform1uiv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform2f = (location, v0, v1) => { GLctx.uniform2f(webglGetUniformLocation(location), v0, v1); }; var _emscripten_glUniform2f = _glUniform2f; var miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers = []; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform2fv = (location, count, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniform2fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), value >> 2, count * 2); return; } if (count <= 144) { var view = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[2 * count - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < 2 * count; i += 2) { view[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i)) >> 2)]; view[i + 1] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 4)) >> 2)]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 8) >> 2); } GLctx.uniform2fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), view); }; var _emscripten_glUniform2fv = _glUniform2fv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform2iv = (location, count, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniform2iv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), value >> 2, count * 2); return; } if (count <= 144) { var view = miniTempWebGLIntBuffers[2 * count - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < 2 * count; i += 2) { view[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((value) + (4 * i)) >> 2)]; view[i + 1] = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 4)) >> 2)]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 8) >> 2); } GLctx.uniform2iv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), view); }; var _emscripten_glUniform2iv = _glUniform2iv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform3fv = (location, count, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniform3fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), value >> 2, count * 3); return; } if (count <= 96) { var view = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[3 * count - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < 3 * count; i += 3) { view[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i)) >> 2)]; view[i + 1] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 4)) >> 2)]; view[i + 2] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 8)) >> 2)]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 12) >> 2); } GLctx.uniform3fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), view); }; var _emscripten_glUniform3fv = _glUniform3fv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform4f = (location, v0, v1, v2, v3) => { GLctx.uniform4f(webglGetUniformLocation(location), v0, v1, v2, v3); }; var _emscripten_glUniform4f = _glUniform4f; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniform4fv = (location, count, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniform4fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), value >> 2, count * 4); return; } if (count <= 72) { var view = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[4 * count - 1]; var heap = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(); value >>= 2; for (var i = 0; i < 4 * count; i += 4) { var dst = value + i; view[i] = heap[dst]; view[i + 1] = heap[dst + 1]; view[i + 2] = heap[dst + 2]; view[i + 3] = heap[dst + 3]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 16) >> 2); } GLctx.uniform4fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), view); }; var _emscripten_glUniform4fv = _glUniform4fv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniformBlockBinding = (program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding) => { program = GL.programs[program]; GLctx.uniformBlockBinding(program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding); }; var _emscripten_glUniformBlockBinding = _glUniformBlockBinding; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniformMatrix3fv = (location, count, transpose, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniformMatrix3fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), !!transpose, GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), value >> 2, count * 9); return; } if (count <= 32) { var view = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[9 * count - 1]; for (var i = 0; i < 9 * count; i += 9) { view[i] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i)) >> 2)]; view[i + 1] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 4)) >> 2)]; view[i + 2] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 8)) >> 2)]; view[i + 3] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 12)) >> 2)]; view[i + 4] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 16)) >> 2)]; view[i + 5] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 20)) >> 2)]; view[i + 6] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 24)) >> 2)]; view[i + 7] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 28)) >> 2)]; view[i + 8] = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32()[(((value) + (4 * i + 32)) >> 2)]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 36) >> 2); } GLctx.uniformMatrix3fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), !!transpose, view); }; var _emscripten_glUniformMatrix3fv = _glUniformMatrix3fv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUniformMatrix4fv = (location, count, transpose, value) => { if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { count && GLctx.uniformMatrix4fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), !!transpose, GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), value >> 2, count * 16); return; } if (count <= 18) { var view = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[16 * count - 1]; var heap = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(); value >>= 2; for (var i = 0; i < 16 * count; i += 16) { var dst = value + i; view[i] = heap[dst]; view[i + 1] = heap[dst + 1]; view[i + 2] = heap[dst + 2]; view[i + 3] = heap[dst + 3]; view[i + 4] = heap[dst + 4]; view[i + 5] = heap[dst + 5]; view[i + 6] = heap[dst + 6]; view[i + 7] = heap[dst + 7]; view[i + 8] = heap[dst + 8]; view[i + 9] = heap[dst + 9]; view[i + 10] = heap[dst + 10]; view[i + 11] = heap[dst + 11]; view[i + 12] = heap[dst + 12]; view[i + 13] = heap[dst + 13]; view[i + 14] = heap[dst + 14]; view[i + 15] = heap[dst + 15]; } } else { var view = GROWABLE_HEAP_F32().subarray((value) >> 2, (value + count * 64) >> 2); } GLctx.uniformMatrix4fv(webglGetUniformLocation(location), !!transpose, view); }; var _emscripten_glUniformMatrix4fv = _glUniformMatrix4fv; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glUseProgram = program => { program = GL.programs[program]; GLctx.useProgram(program); GLctx.currentProgram = program; }; var _emscripten_glUseProgram = _glUseProgram; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glVertexAttrib4f(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) { GLctx.vertexAttrib4f(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4); } var _emscripten_glVertexAttrib4f = _glVertexAttrib4f; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glVertexAttribDivisor = (index, divisor) => { GLctx.vertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor); }; var _emscripten_glVertexAttribDivisor = _glVertexAttribDivisor; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glVertexAttribI4ui(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) { GLctx.vertexAttribI4ui(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4); } var _emscripten_glVertexAttribI4ui = _glVertexAttribI4ui; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glVertexAttribIPointer = (index, size, type, stride, ptr) => { GLctx.vertexAttribIPointer(index, size, type, stride, ptr); }; var _emscripten_glVertexAttribIPointer = _glVertexAttribIPointer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var _glVertexAttribPointer = (index, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr) => { GLctx.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, !!normalized, stride, ptr); }; var _emscripten_glVertexAttribPointer = _glVertexAttribPointer; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ function _glViewport(x0, x1, x2, x3) { GLctx.viewport(x0, x1, x2, x3); } var _emscripten_glViewport = _glViewport; var _emscripten_num_logical_cores = () => navigator["hardwareConcurrency"]; var getHeapMax = () => 2147483648; var growMemory = size => { var b = wasmMemory.buffer; var pages = (size - b.byteLength + 65535) / 65536; try { wasmMemory.grow(pages); updateMemoryViews(); return 1; } /*success*/ catch (e) { err(`growMemory: Attempted to grow heap from ${b.byteLength} bytes to ${size} bytes, but got error: ${e}`); } }; var _emscripten_resize_heap = requestedSize => { var oldSize = GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().length; requestedSize >>>= 0; if (requestedSize <= oldSize) { return false; } var maxHeapSize = getHeapMax(); if (requestedSize > maxHeapSize) { err(`Cannot enlarge memory, requested ${requestedSize} bytes, but the limit is ${maxHeapSize} bytes!`); return false; } var alignUp = (x, multiple) => x + (multiple - x % multiple) % multiple; for (var cutDown = 1; cutDown <= 4; cutDown *= 2) { var overGrownHeapSize = oldSize * (1 + .2 / cutDown); overGrownHeapSize = Math.min(overGrownHeapSize, requestedSize + 100663296); var newSize = Math.min(maxHeapSize, alignUp(Math.max(requestedSize, overGrownHeapSize), 65536)); var replacement = growMemory(newSize); if (replacement) { return true; } } err(`Failed to grow the heap from ${oldSize} bytes to ${newSize} bytes, not enough memory!`); return false; }; var JSEvents = { removeAllEventListeners() { while (JSEvents.eventHandlers.length) { JSEvents._removeHandler(JSEvents.eventHandlers.length - 1); } JSEvents.deferredCalls = []; }, registerRemoveEventListeners() { if (!JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered) { __ATEXIT__.push(JSEvents.removeAllEventListeners); JSEvents.removeEventListenersRegistered = true; } }, inEventHandler: 0, deferredCalls: [], deferCall(targetFunction, precedence, argsList) { function arraysHaveEqualContent(arrA, arrB) { if (arrA.length != arrB.length) return false; for (var i in arrA) { if (arrA[i] != arrB[i]) return false; } return true; } for (var i in JSEvents.deferredCalls) { var call = JSEvents.deferredCalls[i]; if (call.targetFunction == targetFunction && arraysHaveEqualContent(call.argsList, argsList)) { return; } } JSEvents.deferredCalls.push({ targetFunction: targetFunction, precedence: precedence, argsList: argsList }); JSEvents.deferredCalls.sort((x, y) => x.precedence < y.precedence); }, removeDeferredCalls(targetFunction) { for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.deferredCalls.length; ++i) { if (JSEvents.deferredCalls[i].targetFunction == targetFunction) { JSEvents.deferredCalls.splice(i, 1); --i; } } }, canPerformEventHandlerRequests() { if (navigator.userActivation) { return navigator.userActivation.isActive; } return JSEvents.inEventHandler && JSEvents.currentEventHandler.allowsDeferredCalls; }, runDeferredCalls() { if (!JSEvents.canPerformEventHandlerRequests()) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.deferredCalls.length; ++i) { var call = JSEvents.deferredCalls[i]; JSEvents.deferredCalls.splice(i, 1); --i; call.targetFunction.apply(null, call.argsList); } }, eventHandlers: [], removeAllHandlersOnTarget: (target, eventTypeString) => { for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.eventHandlers.length; ++i) { if (JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].target == target && (!eventTypeString || eventTypeString == JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].eventTypeString)) { JSEvents._removeHandler(i--); } } }, _removeHandler(i) { var h = JSEvents.eventHandlers[i];, h.eventListenerFunc, h.useCapture); JSEvents.eventHandlers.splice(i, 1); }, registerOrRemoveHandler(eventHandler) { if (! { err("registerOrRemoveHandler: the target element for event handler registration does not exist, when processing the following event handler registration:"); console.dir(eventHandler); return -4; } if (eventHandler.callbackfunc) { eventHandler.eventListenerFunc = function(event) { ++JSEvents.inEventHandler; JSEvents.currentEventHandler = eventHandler; JSEvents.runDeferredCalls(); eventHandler.handlerFunc(event); JSEvents.runDeferredCalls(); --JSEvents.inEventHandler; };, eventHandler.eventListenerFunc, eventHandler.useCapture); JSEvents.eventHandlers.push(eventHandler); JSEvents.registerRemoveEventListeners(); } else { for (var i = 0; i < JSEvents.eventHandlers.length; ++i) { if (JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].target == && JSEvents.eventHandlers[i].eventTypeString == eventHandler.eventTypeString) { JSEvents._removeHandler(i--); } } } return 0; }, getTargetThreadForEventCallback(targetThread) { switch (targetThread) { case 1: return 0; case 2: return PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread; default: return targetThread; } }, getNodeNameForTarget(target) { if (!target) return ""; if (target == window) return "#window"; if (target == screen) return "#screen"; return target?.nodeName || ""; }, fullscreenEnabled() { return document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled; } }; var maybeCStringToJsString = cString => cString > 2 ? UTF8ToString(cString) : cString; var specialHTMLTargets = [ 0, typeof document != "undefined" ? document : 0, typeof window != "undefined" ? window : 0 ]; /** @suppress {duplicate } */ var findEventTarget = target => { target = maybeCStringToJsString(target); var domElement = specialHTMLTargets[target] || (typeof document != "undefined" ? document.querySelector(target) : undefined); return domElement; }; var findCanvasEventTarget = findEventTarget; var setCanvasElementSizeCallingThread = (target, width, height) => { var canvas = findCanvasEventTarget(target); if (!canvas) return -4; if (!canvas.controlTransferredOffscreen) { var autoResizeViewport = false; if (canvas.GLctxObject?.GLctx) { var prevViewport = canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.getParameter(2978); autoResizeViewport = (prevViewport[0] === 0 && prevViewport[1] === 0 && prevViewport[2] === canvas.width && prevViewport[3] === canvas.height); } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; if (autoResizeViewport) { canvas.GLctxObject.GLctx.viewport(0, 0, width, height); } } else { return -4; } if (canvas.GLctxObject) GL.resizeOffscreenFramebuffer(canvas.GLctxObject); return 0; }; function setCanvasElementSizeMainThread(target, width, height) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(38, 1, target, width, height); return setCanvasElementSizeCallingThread(target, width, height); } var _emscripten_set_canvas_element_size = (target, width, height) => { var canvas = findCanvasEventTarget(target); if (canvas) { return setCanvasElementSizeCallingThread(target, width, height); } return setCanvasElementSizeMainThread(target, width, height); }; var _emscripten_set_main_loop = (func, fps, simulateInfiniteLoop) => { var browserIterationFunc = getWasmTableEntry(func); setMainLoop(browserIterationFunc, fps, simulateInfiniteLoop); }; var _emscripten_supports_offscreencanvas = () => 0; function _emscripten_webgl_destroy_context(contextHandle) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(39, 1, contextHandle); if (GL.currentContext == contextHandle) GL.currentContext = 0; GL.deleteContext(contextHandle); } var _emscripten_webgl_do_commit_frame = () => { if (!GL.currentContext || !GL.currentContext.GLctx) { return -3; } if (GL.currentContext.defaultFbo) { GL.blitOffscreenFramebuffer(GL.currentContext); return 0; } if (!GL.currentContext.attributes.explicitSwapControl) { return -3; } return 0; }; function _emscripten_webgl_create_context_proxied(target, attributes) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(40, 1, target, attributes); return _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context(target, attributes); } var emscripten_webgl_power_preferences = [ "default", "low-power", "high-performance" ]; var _emscripten_webgl_do_create_context = (target, attributes) => { assert(attributes); var a = attributes >> 2; var powerPreference = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (24 >> 2)]; var contextAttributes = { "alpha": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (0 >> 2)], "depth": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (4 >> 2)], "stencil": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (8 >> 2)], "antialias": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (12 >> 2)], "premultipliedAlpha": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (16 >> 2)], "preserveDrawingBuffer": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (20 >> 2)], "powerPreference": emscripten_webgl_power_preferences[powerPreference], "failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat": !!GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (28 >> 2)], majorVersion: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (32 >> 2)], minorVersion: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (36 >> 2)], enableExtensionsByDefault: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (40 >> 2)], explicitSwapControl: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (44 >> 2)], proxyContextToMainThread: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (48 >> 2)], renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[a + (52 >> 2)] }; var canvas = findCanvasEventTarget(target); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { if (contextAttributes.proxyContextToMainThread === 2 || (!canvas && contextAttributes.proxyContextToMainThread === 1)) { if (typeof OffscreenCanvas == "undefined") { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((attributes) + (52)) >> 2)] = 1; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((attributes) + (20)) >> 2)] = 1; } return _emscripten_webgl_create_context_proxied(target, attributes); } } if (!canvas) { return 0; } if (contextAttributes.explicitSwapControl && !contextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer) { contextAttributes.renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer = true; } var contextHandle = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes); return contextHandle; }; function _emscripten_webgl_enable_extension(contextHandle, extension) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(41, 1, contextHandle, extension); var context = GL.getContext(contextHandle); var extString = UTF8ToString(extension); if (extString.startsWith("GL_")) extString = extString.substr(3); if (extString == "ANGLE_instanced_arrays") webgl_enable_ANGLE_instanced_arrays(GLctx); if (extString == "OES_vertex_array_object") webgl_enable_OES_vertex_array_object(GLctx); if (extString == "WEBGL_draw_buffers") webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_buffers(GLctx); if (extString == "WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance") webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance(GLctx); if (extString == "WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance") webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance(GLctx); if (extString == "WEBGL_multi_draw") webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw(GLctx); var ext = context.GLctx.getExtension(extString); return !!ext; } var _emscripten_webgl_make_context_current_calling_thread = contextHandle => { var success = GL.makeContextCurrent(contextHandle); if (success) GL.currentContextIsProxied = false; return success ? 0 : -5; }; var ENV = {}; var getExecutableName = () => thisProgram || "./this.program"; var getEnvStrings = () => { if (!getEnvStrings.strings) { var lang = ((typeof navigator == "object" && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0]) || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8"; var env = { "USER": "web_user", "LOGNAME": "web_user", "PATH": "/", "PWD": "/", "HOME": "/home/web_user", "LANG": lang, "_": getExecutableName() }; for (var x in ENV) { if (ENV[x] === undefined) delete env[x]; else env[x] = ENV[x]; } var strings = []; for (var x in env) { strings.push(`${x}=${env[x]}`); } getEnvStrings.strings = strings; } return getEnvStrings.strings; }; var stringToAscii = (str, buffer) => { for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { assert(str.charCodeAt(i) === (str.charCodeAt(i) & 255)); GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((buffer++) >> 0)] = str.charCodeAt(i); } GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((buffer) >> 0)] = 0; }; var _environ_get = function(__environ, environ_buf) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(42, 1, __environ, environ_buf); var bufSize = 0; getEnvStrings().forEach((string, i) => { var ptr = environ_buf + bufSize; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((__environ) + (i * 4)) >> 2)] = ptr; stringToAscii(string, ptr); bufSize += string.length + 1; }); return 0; }; var _environ_sizes_get = function(penviron_count, penviron_buf_size) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(43, 1, penviron_count, penviron_buf_size); var strings = getEnvStrings(); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((penviron_count) >> 2)] = strings.length; var bufSize = 0; strings.forEach(string => bufSize += string.length + 1); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((penviron_buf_size) >> 2)] = bufSize; return 0; }; function _fd_close(fd) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(44, 1, fd); try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); FS.close(stream); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return e.errno; } } function _fd_fdstat_get(fd, pbuf) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(45, 1, fd, pbuf); try { var rightsBase = 0; var rightsInheriting = 0; var flags = 0; { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); var type = stream.tty ? 2 : FS.isDir(stream.mode) ? 3 : FS.isLink(stream.mode) ? 7 : 4; } GROWABLE_HEAP_I8()[((pbuf) >> 0)] = type; GROWABLE_HEAP_I16()[(((pbuf) + (2)) >> 1)] = flags; HEAP64[(((pbuf) + (8)) >> 3)] = BigInt(rightsBase); HEAP64[(((pbuf) + (16)) >> 3)] = BigInt(rightsInheriting); return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return e.errno; } } /** @param {number=} offset */ var doReadv = (stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) => { var ret = 0; for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { var ptr = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((iov) >> 2)]; var len = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((iov) + (4)) >> 2)]; iov += 8; var curr =, GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), ptr, len, offset); if (curr < 0) return -1; ret += curr; if (curr < len) break; if (typeof offset !== "undefined") { offset += curr; } } return ret; }; function _fd_read(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(46, 1, fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum); try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); var num = doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((pnum) >> 2)] = num; return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return e.errno; } } function _fd_seek(fd, offset, whence, newOffset) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(47, 1, fd, offset, whence, newOffset); offset = bigintToI53Checked(offset); try { if (isNaN(offset)) return 61; var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence); HEAP64[((newOffset) >> 3)] = BigInt(stream.position); if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0) stream.getdents = null; return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return e.errno; } } /** @param {number=} offset */ var doWritev = (stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) => { var ret = 0; for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { var ptr = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((iov) >> 2)]; var len = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((iov) + (4)) >> 2)]; iov += 8; var curr = FS.write(stream, GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), ptr, len, offset); if (curr < 0) return -1; ret += curr; if (typeof offset !== "undefined") { offset += curr; } } return ret; }; function _fd_write(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(48, 1, fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum); try { var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd); var num = doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((pnum) >> 2)] = num; return 0; } catch (e) { if (typeof FS == "undefined" || !( === "ErrnoError")) throw e; return e.errno; } } function _getaddrinfo(node, service, hint, out) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(49, 1, node, service, hint, out); var addrs = []; var canon = null; var addr = 0; var port = 0; var flags = 0; var family = 0; var type = 0; var proto = 0; var ai, last; function allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, canon, addr, port) { var sa, salen, ai; var errno; salen = family === 10 ? 28 : 16; addr = family === 10 ? inetNtop6(addr) : inetNtop4(addr); sa = _malloc(salen); errno = writeSockaddr(sa, family, addr, port); assert(!errno); ai = _malloc(32); GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ai) + (4)) >> 2)] = family; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ai) + (8)) >> 2)] = type; GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ai) + (12)) >> 2)] = proto; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((ai) + (24)) >> 2)] = canon; GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((ai) + (20)) >> 2)] = sa; if (family === 10) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ai) + (16)) >> 2)] = 28; } else { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ai) + (16)) >> 2)] = 16; } GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((ai) + (28)) >> 2)] = 0; return ai; } if (hint) { flags = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((hint) >> 2)]; family = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((hint) + (4)) >> 2)]; type = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((hint) + (8)) >> 2)]; proto = GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((hint) + (12)) >> 2)]; } if (type && !proto) { proto = type === 2 ? 17 : 6; } if (!type && proto) { type = proto === 17 ? 2 : 1; } if (proto === 0) { proto = 6; } if (type === 0) { type = 1; } if (!node && !service) { return -2; } if (flags & ~(1 | 2 | 4 | 1024 | 8 | 16 | 32)) { return -1; } if (hint !== 0 && (GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((hint) >> 2)] & 2) && !node) { return -1; } if (flags & 32) { return -2; } if (type !== 0 && type !== 1 && type !== 2) { return -7; } if (family !== 0 && family !== 2 && family !== 10) { return -6; } if (service) { service = UTF8ToString(service); port = parseInt(service, 10); if (isNaN(port)) { if (flags & 1024) { return -2; } return -8; } } if (!node) { if (family === 0) { family = 2; } if ((flags & 1) === 0) { if (family === 2) { addr = _htonl(2130706433); } else { addr = [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]; } } ai = allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, null, addr, port); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((out) >> 2)] = ai; return 0; } node = UTF8ToString(node); addr = inetPton4(node); if (addr !== null) { if (family === 0 || family === 2) { family = 2; } else if (family === 10 && (flags & 8)) { addr = [ 0, 0, _htonl(65535), addr ]; family = 10; } else { return -2; } } else { addr = inetPton6(node); if (addr !== null) { if (family === 0 || family === 10) { family = 10; } else { return -2; } } } if (addr != null) { ai = allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, node, addr, port); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((out) >> 2)] = ai; return 0; } if (flags & 4) { return -2; } node = DNS.lookup_name(node); addr = inetPton4(node); if (family === 0) { family = 2; } else if (family === 10) { addr = [ 0, 0, _htonl(65535), addr ]; } ai = allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, null, addr, port); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((out) >> 2)] = ai; return 0; } var _getnameinfo = (sa, salen, node, nodelen, serv, servlen, flags) => { var info = readSockaddr(sa, salen); if (info.errno) { return -6; } var port = info.port; var addr = info.addr; var overflowed = false; if (node && nodelen) { var lookup; if ((flags & 1) || !(lookup = DNS.lookup_addr(addr))) { if (flags & 8) { return -2; } } else { addr = lookup; } var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(addr, node, nodelen); if (numBytesWrittenExclNull + 1 >= nodelen) { overflowed = true; } } if (serv && servlen) { port = "" + port; var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(port, serv, servlen); if (numBytesWrittenExclNull + 1 >= servlen) { overflowed = true; } } if (overflowed) { return -12; } return 0; }; var GodotRuntime = { get_func: function(ptr) { return wasmTable.get(ptr); }, error: function() { err.apply(null, Array.from(arguments)); }, print: function() { out.apply(null, Array.from(arguments)); }, malloc: function(p_size) { return _malloc(p_size); }, free: function(p_ptr) { _free(p_ptr); }, getHeapValue: function(p_ptr, p_type) { return getValue(p_ptr, p_type); }, setHeapValue: function(p_ptr, p_value, p_type) { setValue(p_ptr, p_value, p_type); }, heapSub: function(p_heap, p_ptr, p_len) { const bytes = p_heap.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; return p_heap.subarray(p_ptr / bytes, p_ptr / bytes + p_len); }, heapSlice: function(p_heap, p_ptr, p_len) { const bytes = p_heap.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; return p_heap.slice(p_ptr / bytes, p_ptr / bytes + p_len); }, heapCopy: function(p_dst, p_src, p_ptr) { const bytes = p_src.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; return p_dst.set(p_src, p_ptr / bytes); }, parseString: function(p_ptr) { return UTF8ToString(p_ptr); }, parseStringArray: function(p_ptr, p_size) { const strings = []; const ptrs = GodotRuntime.heapSub(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), p_ptr, p_size); ptrs.forEach(function(ptr) { strings.push(GodotRuntime.parseString(ptr)); }); return strings; }, strlen: function(p_str) { return lengthBytesUTF8(p_str); }, allocString: function(p_str) { const length = GodotRuntime.strlen(p_str) + 1; const c_str = GodotRuntime.malloc(length); stringToUTF8(p_str, c_str, length); return c_str; }, allocStringArray: function(p_strings) { const size = p_strings.length; const c_ptr = GodotRuntime.malloc(size * 4); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(c_ptr >> 2) + i] = GodotRuntime.allocString(p_strings[i]); } return c_ptr; }, freeStringArray: function(p_ptr, p_len) { for (let i = 0; i < p_len; i++) {[(p_ptr >> 2) + i]); }; }, stringToHeap: function(p_str, p_ptr, p_len) { return stringToUTF8Array(p_str, GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), p_ptr, p_len); } }; var GodotConfig = { canvas: null, locale: "en", canvas_resize_policy: 2, virtual_keyboard: false, persistent_drops: false, on_execute: null, on_exit: null, init_config: function(p_opts) { GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy = p_opts["canvasResizePolicy"]; GodotConfig.canvas = p_opts["canvas"]; GodotConfig.locale = p_opts["locale"] || GodotConfig.locale; GodotConfig.virtual_keyboard = p_opts["virtualKeyboard"]; GodotConfig.persistent_drops = !!p_opts["persistentDrops"]; GodotConfig.on_execute = p_opts["onExecute"]; GodotConfig.on_exit = p_opts["onExit"]; if (p_opts["focusCanvas"]) { GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); } }, locate_file: function(file) { return Module["locateFile"](file); }, clear: function() { GodotConfig.canvas = null; GodotConfig.locale = "en"; GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy = 2; GodotConfig.virtual_keyboard = false; GodotConfig.persistent_drops = false; GodotConfig.on_execute = null; GodotConfig.on_exit = null; } }; var GodotFS = { ENOENT: 44, _idbfs: false, _syncing: false, _mount_points: [], is_persistent: function() { return GodotFS._idbfs ? 1 : 0; }, init: function(persistentPaths) { GodotFS._idbfs = false; if (!Array.isArray(persistentPaths)) { return Promise.reject(new Error("Persistent paths must be an array")); } if (!persistentPaths.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } GodotFS._mount_points = persistentPaths.slice(); function createRecursive(dir) { try { FS.stat(dir); } catch (e) { if (e.errno !== GodotFS.ENOENT) { GodotRuntime.error(e); } FS.mkdirTree(dir); } } GodotFS._mount_points.forEach(function(path) { createRecursive(path); FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, path); }); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { FS.syncfs(true, function(err) { if (err) { GodotFS._mount_points = []; GodotFS._idbfs = false; GodotRuntime.print(`IndexedDB not available: ${err.message}`); } else { GodotFS._idbfs = true; } resolve(err); }); }); }, deinit: function() { GodotFS._mount_points.forEach(function(path) { try { FS.unmount(path); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.print("Already unmounted", e); } if (GodotFS._idbfs && IDBFS.dbs[path]) { IDBFS.dbs[path].close(); delete IDBFS.dbs[path]; } }); GodotFS._mount_points = []; GodotFS._idbfs = false; GodotFS._syncing = false; }, sync: function() { if (GodotFS._syncing) { GodotRuntime.error("Already syncing!"); return Promise.resolve(); } GodotFS._syncing = true; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { FS.syncfs(false, function(error) { if (error) { GodotRuntime.error(`Failed to save IDB file system: ${error.message}`); } GodotFS._syncing = false; resolve(error); }); }); }, copy_to_fs: function(path, buffer) { const idx = path.lastIndexOf("/"); let dir = "/"; if (idx > 0) { dir = path.slice(0, idx); } try { FS.stat(dir); } catch (e) { if (e.errno !== GodotFS.ENOENT) { GodotRuntime.error(e); } FS.mkdirTree(dir); } FS.writeFile(path, new Uint8Array(buffer)); } }; var GodotOS = { request_quit: function() {}, _async_cbs: [], _fs_sync_promise: null, atexit: function(p_promise_cb) { GodotOS._async_cbs.push(p_promise_cb); }, cleanup: function(exit_code) { const cb = GodotConfig.on_exit; GodotFS.deinit(); GodotConfig.clear(); if (cb) { cb(exit_code); } }, finish_async: function(callback) { GodotOS._fs_sync_promise.then(function(err) { const promises = []; GodotOS._async_cbs.forEach(function(cb) { promises.push(new Promise(cb)); }); return Promise.all(promises); }).then(function() { return GodotFS.sync(); }).then( function(err) { setTimeout(function() { callback(); }, 0); }); } }; var GodotAudio = { ctx: null, input: null, driver: null, interval: 0, init: function(mix_rate, latency, onstatechange, onlatencyupdate) { const opts = {}; if (mix_rate) { opts["sampleRate"] = mix_rate; } const ctx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(opts); GodotAudio.ctx = ctx; ctx.onstatechange = function() { let state = 0; switch (ctx.state) { case "suspended": state = 0; break; case "running": state = 1; break; case "closed": state = 2; break; } onstatechange(state); }; ctx.onstatechange(); GodotAudio.interval = setInterval(function() { let computed_latency = 0; if (ctx.baseLatency) { computed_latency += GodotAudio.ctx.baseLatency; } if (ctx.outputLatency) { computed_latency += GodotAudio.ctx.outputLatency; } onlatencyupdate(computed_latency); }, 1e3); GodotOS.atexit(GodotAudio.close_async); return ctx.destination.channelCount; }, create_input: function(callback) { if (GodotAudio.input) { return 0; } function gotMediaInput(stream) { try { GodotAudio.input = GodotAudio.ctx.createMediaStreamSource(stream); callback(GodotAudio.input); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error("Failed creating input.", e); } } if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ "audio": true }).then(gotMediaInput, function(e) { GodotRuntime.error("Error getting user media.", e); }); } else { if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; } if (!navigator.getUserMedia) { GodotRuntime.error("getUserMedia not available."); return 1; } navigator.getUserMedia({ "audio": true }, gotMediaInput, function(e) { GodotRuntime.print(e); }); } return 0; }, close_async: function(resolve, reject) { const ctx = GodotAudio.ctx; GodotAudio.ctx = null; if (!ctx) { resolve(); return; } if (GodotAudio.interval) { clearInterval(GodotAudio.interval); GodotAudio.interval = 0; } if (GodotAudio.input) { GodotAudio.input.disconnect(); GodotAudio.input = null; } let closed = Promise.resolve(); if (GodotAudio.driver) { closed = GodotAudio.driver.close(); } closed.then(function() { return ctx.close(); }).then(function() { ctx.onstatechange = null; resolve(); }).catch(function(e) { ctx.onstatechange = null; GodotRuntime.error("Error closing AudioContext", e); resolve(); }); } }; function _godot_audio_has_worklet() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(50, 1); return (GodotAudio.ctx && GodotAudio.ctx.audioWorklet) ? 1 : 0; } function _godot_audio_init(p_mix_rate, p_latency, p_state_change, p_latency_update) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(51, 1, p_mix_rate, p_latency, p_state_change, p_latency_update); const statechange = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_state_change); const latencyupdate = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_latency_update); const mix_rate = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(p_mix_rate, "i32"); const channels = GodotAudio.init(mix_rate, p_latency, statechange, latencyupdate); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_mix_rate, GodotAudio.ctx.sampleRate, "i32"); return channels; } function _godot_audio_input_start() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(52, 1); return GodotAudio.create_input(function(input) { input.connect(GodotAudio.driver.get_node()); }); } function _godot_audio_input_stop() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(53, 1); if (GodotAudio.input) { const tracks = GodotAudio.input["mediaStream"]["getTracks"](); for (let i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { tracks[i]["stop"](); } GodotAudio.input.disconnect(); GodotAudio.input = null; } } function _godot_audio_is_available() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(54, 1); if (!(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)) { return 0; } return 1; } function _godot_audio_resume() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(55, 1); if (GodotAudio.ctx && GodotAudio.ctx.state !== "running") { GodotAudio.ctx.resume(); } } var GodotAudioWorklet = { promise: null, worklet: null, ring_buffer: null, create: function(channels) { const path = GodotConfig.locate_file(""); GodotAudioWorklet.promise = GodotAudio.ctx.audioWorklet.addModule(path).then(function() { GodotAudioWorklet.worklet = new AudioWorkletNode(GodotAudio.ctx, "godot-processor", { "outputChannelCount": [ channels ] }); return Promise.resolve(); }); GodotAudio.driver = GodotAudioWorklet; }, start: function(in_buf, out_buf, state) { GodotAudioWorklet.promise.then(function() { const node = GodotAudioWorklet.worklet; node.connect(GodotAudio.ctx.destination); node.port.postMessage({ "cmd": "start", "data": [ state, in_buf, out_buf ] }); node.port.onmessage = function(event) { GodotRuntime.error(; }; }); }, start_no_threads: function(p_out_buf, p_out_size, out_callback, p_in_buf, p_in_size, in_callback) { function RingBuffer() { let wpos = 0; let rpos = 0; let pending_samples = 0; const wbuf = new Float32Array(p_out_size); function send(port) { if (pending_samples === 0) { return; } const buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), p_out_buf, p_out_size); const size = buffer.length; const tot_sent = pending_samples; out_callback(wpos, pending_samples); if (wpos + pending_samples >= size) { const high = size - wpos; wbuf.set(buffer.subarray(wpos, size)); pending_samples -= high; wpos = 0; } if (pending_samples > 0) { wbuf.set(buffer.subarray(wpos, wpos + pending_samples), tot_sent - pending_samples); } port.postMessage({ "cmd": "chunk", "data": wbuf.subarray(0, tot_sent) }); wpos += pending_samples; pending_samples = 0; } this.receive = function(recv_buf) { const buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), p_in_buf, p_in_size); const from = rpos; let to_write = recv_buf.length; let high = 0; if (rpos + to_write >= p_in_size) { high = p_in_size - rpos; buffer.set(recv_buf.subarray(0, high), rpos); to_write -= high; rpos = 0; } if (to_write) { buffer.set(recv_buf.subarray(high, to_write), rpos); } in_callback(from, recv_buf.length); rpos += to_write; }; this.consumed = function(size, port) { pending_samples += size; send(port); }; } GodotAudioWorklet.ring_buffer = new RingBuffer; GodotAudioWorklet.promise.then(function() { const node = GodotAudioWorklet.worklet; const buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSlice(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), p_out_buf, p_out_size); node.connect(GodotAudio.ctx.destination); node.port.postMessage({ "cmd": "start_nothreads", "data": [ buffer, p_in_size ] }); node.port.onmessage = function(event) { if (!GodotAudioWorklet.worklet) { return; } if (["cmd"] === "read") { const read =["data"]; GodotAudioWorklet.ring_buffer.consumed(read, GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.port); } else if (["cmd"] === "input") { const buf =["data"]; if (buf.length > p_in_size) { GodotRuntime.error("Input chunk is too big"); return; } GodotAudioWorklet.ring_buffer.receive(buf); } else { GodotRuntime.error(; } }; }); }, get_node: function() { return GodotAudioWorklet.worklet; }, close: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (GodotAudioWorklet.promise === null) { return; } const p = GodotAudioWorklet.promise; p.then(function() { GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.port.postMessage({ "cmd": "stop", "data": null }); GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.disconnect(); GodotAudioWorklet.worklet.port.onmessage = null; GodotAudioWorklet.worklet = null; GodotAudioWorklet.promise = null; resolve(); }).catch(function(err) { GodotRuntime.error(err); }); }); } }; function _godot_audio_worklet_create(channels) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(56, 1, channels); try { GodotAudioWorklet.create(channels); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error("Error starting AudioDriverWorklet", e); return 1; } return 0; } function _godot_audio_worklet_start(p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_state) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(57, 1, p_in_buf, p_in_size, p_out_buf, p_out_size, p_state); const out_buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), p_out_buf, p_out_size); const in_buffer = GodotRuntime.heapSub(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), p_in_buf, p_in_size); const state = GodotRuntime.heapSub(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), p_state, 4); GodotAudioWorklet.start(in_buffer, out_buffer, state); } function _godot_audio_worklet_state_add(p_state, p_idx, p_value) { return Atomics.add(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), (p_state >> 2) + p_idx, p_value); } function _godot_audio_worklet_state_get(p_state, p_idx) { return Atomics.load(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), (p_state >> 2) + p_idx); } function _godot_audio_worklet_state_wait(p_state, p_idx, p_expected, p_timeout) { Atomics.wait(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), (p_state >> 2) + p_idx, p_expected, p_timeout); return Atomics.load(GROWABLE_HEAP_I32(), (p_state >> 2) + p_idx); } function _godot_js_config_canvas_id_get(p_ptr, p_ptr_max) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(58, 1, p_ptr, p_ptr_max); GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(`#${}`, p_ptr, p_ptr_max); } function _godot_js_config_locale_get(p_ptr, p_ptr_max) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(59, 1, p_ptr, p_ptr_max); GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(GodotConfig.locale, p_ptr, p_ptr_max); } var GodotDisplayCursor = { shape: "default", visible: true, cursors: {}, set_style: function(style) { = style; }, set_shape: function(shape) { GodotDisplayCursor.shape = shape; let css = shape; if (shape in GodotDisplayCursor.cursors) { const c = GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; css = `url("${c.url}") ${c.x} ${c.y}, default`; } if (GodotDisplayCursor.visible) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_style(css); } }, clear: function() { GodotDisplayCursor.set_style(""); GodotDisplayCursor.shape = "default"; GodotDisplayCursor.visible = true; Object.keys(GodotDisplayCursor.cursors).forEach(function(key) { URL.revokeObjectURL(GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[key]); delete GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[key]; }); }, lockPointer: function() { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; if (canvas.requestPointerLock) { canvas.requestPointerLock(); } }, releasePointer: function() { if (document.exitPointerLock) { document.exitPointerLock(); } }, isPointerLocked: function() { return document.pointerLockElement === GodotConfig.canvas; } }; var GodotEventListeners = { handlers: [], has: function(target, event, method, capture) { return GodotEventListeners.handlers.findIndex(function(e) { return === target && e.event === event && e.method === method && e.capture === capture; }) !== -1; }, add: function(target, event, method, capture) { if (GodotEventListeners.has(target, event, method, capture)) { return; } function Handler(p_target, p_event, p_method, p_capture) { = p_target; this.event = p_event; this.method = p_method; this.capture = p_capture; } GodotEventListeners.handlers.push(new Handler(target, event, method, capture)); target.addEventListener(event, method, capture); }, clear: function() { GodotEventListeners.handlers.forEach(function(h) {, h.method, h.capture); }); GodotEventListeners.handlers.length = 0; } }; var GodotDisplayScreen = { desired_size: [ 0, 0 ], hidpi: true, getPixelRatio: function() { return GodotDisplayScreen.hidpi ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1; }, isFullscreen: function() { const elem = document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; if (elem) { return elem === GodotConfig.canvas; } return document.fullscreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullscreen; }, hasFullscreen: function() { return document.fullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled; }, requestFullscreen: function() { if (!GodotDisplayScreen.hasFullscreen()) { return 1; } const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; try { const promise = (canvas.requestFullscreen || canvas.msRequestFullscreen || canvas.mozRequestFullScreen || canvas.mozRequestFullscreen || canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen).call(canvas); if (promise) { promise.catch(function() {}); } } catch (e) { return 1; } return 0; }, exitFullscreen: function() { if (!GodotDisplayScreen.isFullscreen()) { return 0; } try { const promise = document.exitFullscreen(); if (promise) { promise.catch(function() {}); } } catch (e) { return 1; } return 0; }, _updateGL: function() { const gl_context_handle = _emscripten_webgl_get_current_context(); const gl = GL.getContext(gl_context_handle); if (gl) { GL.resizeOffscreenFramebuffer(gl); } }, updateSize: function() { const isFullscreen = GodotDisplayScreen.isFullscreen(); const wantsFullWindow = GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy === 2; const noResize = GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy === 0; const dWidth = GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size[0]; const dHeight = GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size[1]; const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; let width = dWidth; let height = dHeight; if (noResize) { if (canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) { GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [ canvas.width, canvas.height ]; GodotDisplayScreen._updateGL(); return 1; } return 0; } const scale = GodotDisplayScreen.getPixelRatio(); if (isFullscreen || wantsFullWindow) { width = window.innerWidth * scale; height = window.innerHeight * scale; } const csw = `${width / scale}px`; const csh = `${height / scale}px`; if ( !== csw || !== csh || canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height) { canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; = csw; = csh; GodotDisplayScreen._updateGL(); return 1; } return 0; } }; var GodotDisplayVK = { textinput: null, textarea: null, available: function() { return GodotConfig.virtual_keyboard && "ontouchstart" in window; }, init: function(input_cb) { function create(what) { const elem = document.createElement(what); = "none"; = "absolute"; = "-1"; = "transparent"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "hidden"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "none"; elem.readonly = true; elem.disabled = true; GodotEventListeners.add(elem, "input", function(evt) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(elem.value); input_cb(c_str, elem.selectionEnd);; }, false); GodotEventListeners.add(elem, "blur", function(evt) { = "none"; elem.readonly = true; elem.disabled = true; }, false); GodotConfig.canvas.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", elem); return elem; } GodotDisplayVK.textinput = create("input"); GodotDisplayVK.textarea = create("textarea"); GodotDisplayVK.updateSize(); }, show: function(text, type, start, end) { if (!GodotDisplayVK.textinput || !GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { return; } if ( !== "" || !== "") { GodotDisplayVK.hide(); } GodotDisplayVK.updateSize(); let elem = GodotDisplayVK.textinput; switch (type) { case 0: elem.type = "text"; elem.inputmode = ""; break; case 1: elem = GodotDisplayVK.textarea; break; case 2: elem.type = "text"; elem.inputmode = "numeric"; break; case 3: elem.type = "text"; elem.inputmode = "decimal"; break; case 4: elem.type = "tel"; elem.inputmode = ""; break; case 5: elem.type = "email"; elem.inputmode = ""; break; case 6: elem.type = "password"; elem.inputmode = ""; break; case 7: elem.type = "url"; elem.inputmode = ""; break; default: elem.type = "text"; elem.inputmode = ""; break; } elem.readonly = false; elem.disabled = false; elem.value = text; = "block"; elem.focus(); elem.setSelectionRange(start, end); }, hide: function() { if (!GodotDisplayVK.textinput || !GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { return; } [ GodotDisplayVK.textinput, GodotDisplayVK.textarea ].forEach(function(elem) { elem.blur(); = "none"; elem.value = ""; }); }, updateSize: function() { if (!GodotDisplayVK.textinput || !GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { return; } const rect = GodotConfig.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); function update(elem) { = `${rect.left}px`; = `${}px`; = `${rect.width}px`; = `${rect.height}px`; } update(GodotDisplayVK.textinput); update(GodotDisplayVK.textarea); }, clear: function() { if (GodotDisplayVK.textinput) { GodotDisplayVK.textinput.remove(); GodotDisplayVK.textinput = null; } if (GodotDisplayVK.textarea) { GodotDisplayVK.textarea.remove(); GodotDisplayVK.textarea = null; } } }; var GodotDisplay = { window_icon: "", getDPI: function() { const dpi = Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio * 96); return dpi >= 96 ? dpi : 96; } }; function _godot_js_display_alert(p_text) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(60, 1, p_text); window.alert(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text)); } function _godot_js_display_canvas_focus() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(61, 1); GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); } function _godot_js_display_canvas_is_focused() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(62, 1); return document.activeElement === GodotConfig.canvas; } function _godot_js_display_clipboard_get(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(63, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); try { navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function(result) { const ptr = GodotRuntime.allocString(result); func(ptr);; }).catch(function(e) {}); } catch (e) {} } function _godot_js_display_clipboard_set(p_text) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(64, 1, p_text); const text = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text); if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) { return 1; } navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch(function(e) { GodotRuntime.error("Setting OS clipboard is only possible from an input callback for the Web platform. Exception:", e); }); return 0; } function _godot_js_display_cursor_is_hidden() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(65, 1); return !GodotDisplayCursor.visible; } function _godot_js_display_cursor_is_locked() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(66, 1); return GodotDisplayCursor.isPointerLocked() ? 1 : 0; } function _godot_js_display_cursor_lock_set(p_lock) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(67, 1, p_lock); if (p_lock) { GodotDisplayCursor.lockPointer(); } else { GodotDisplayCursor.releasePointer(); } } function _godot_js_display_cursor_set_custom_shape(p_shape, p_ptr, p_len, p_hotspot_x, p_hotspot_y) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(68, 1, p_shape, p_ptr, p_len, p_hotspot_x, p_hotspot_y); const shape = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_shape); const old_shape = GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; if (p_len > 0) { const png = new Blob([ GodotRuntime.heapSlice(GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), p_ptr, p_len) ], { type: "image/png" }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(png); GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape] = { url: url, x: p_hotspot_x, y: p_hotspot_y }; } else { delete GodotDisplayCursor.cursors[shape]; } if (shape === GodotDisplayCursor.shape) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotDisplayCursor.shape); } if (old_shape) { URL.revokeObjectURL(old_shape.url); } } function _godot_js_display_cursor_set_shape(p_string) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(69, 1, p_string); GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_string)); } function _godot_js_display_cursor_set_visible(p_visible) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(70, 1, p_visible); const visible = p_visible !== 0; if (visible === GodotDisplayCursor.visible) { return; } GodotDisplayCursor.visible = visible; if (visible) { GodotDisplayCursor.set_shape(GodotDisplayCursor.shape); } else { GodotDisplayCursor.set_style("none"); } } function _godot_js_display_desired_size_set(width, height) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(71, 1, width, height); GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [ width, height ]; GodotDisplayScreen.updateSize(); } function _godot_js_display_fullscreen_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(72, 1, callback); const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); function change_cb(evt) { if ( === canvas) { func(GodotDisplayScreen.isFullscreen()); } } GodotEventListeners.add(document, "fullscreenchange", change_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(document, "mozfullscreenchange", change_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(document, "webkitfullscreenchange", change_cb, false); } function _godot_js_display_fullscreen_exit() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(73, 1); return GodotDisplayScreen.exitFullscreen(); } function _godot_js_display_fullscreen_request() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(74, 1); return GodotDisplayScreen.requestFullscreen(); } function _godot_js_display_has_webgl(p_version) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(75, 1, p_version); if (p_version !== 1 && p_version !== 2) { return false; } try { return !!document.createElement("canvas").getContext(p_version === 2 ? "webgl2" : "webgl"); } catch (e) {} /* Not available */ return false; } function _godot_js_display_is_swap_ok_cancel() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(76, 1); const win = ([ "Windows", "Win64", "Win32", "WinCE" ]); const plat = navigator.platform || ""; if (win.indexOf(plat) !== -1) { return 1; } return 0; } function _godot_js_display_notification_cb(callback, p_enter, p_exit, p_in, p_out) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(77, 1, callback, p_enter, p_exit, p_in, p_out); const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const notif = [ p_enter, p_exit, p_in, p_out ]; [ "mouseover", "mouseleave", "focus", "blur" ].forEach(function(evt_name, idx) { GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, evt_name, function() { func(notif[idx]); }, true); }); } function _godot_js_display_pixel_ratio_get() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(78, 1); return GodotDisplayScreen.getPixelRatio(); } function _godot_js_display_screen_dpi_get() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(79, 1); return GodotDisplay.getDPI(); } function _godot_js_display_screen_size_get(width, height) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(80, 1, width, height); const scale = GodotDisplayScreen.getPixelRatio(); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(width, window.screen.width * scale, "i32"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(height, window.screen.height * scale, "i32"); } function _godot_js_display_setup_canvas(p_width, p_height, p_fullscreen, p_hidpi) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(81, 1, p_width, p_height, p_fullscreen, p_hidpi); const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "contextmenu", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }, false); GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "webglcontextlost", function(ev) { alert("WebGL context lost, please reload the page"); ev.preventDefault(); }, false); GodotDisplayScreen.hidpi = !!p_hidpi; switch (GodotConfig.canvas_resize_policy) { case 0: GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [ canvas.width, canvas.height ]; break; case 1: GodotDisplayScreen.desired_size = [ p_width, p_height ]; break; default: = "absolute"; = 0; = 0; break; } GodotDisplayScreen.updateSize(); if (p_fullscreen) { GodotDisplayScreen.requestFullscreen(); } } function _godot_js_display_size_update() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(82, 1); const updated = GodotDisplayScreen.updateSize(); if (updated) { GodotDisplayVK.updateSize(); } return updated; } function _godot_js_display_touchscreen_is_available() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(83, 1); return "ontouchstart" in window; } function _godot_js_display_tts_available() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(84, 1); return "speechSynthesis" in window; } function _godot_js_display_vk_available() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(85, 1); return GodotDisplayVK.available(); } function _godot_js_display_vk_cb(p_input_cb) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(86, 1, p_input_cb); const input_cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_input_cb); if (GodotDisplayVK.available()) { GodotDisplayVK.init(input_cb); } } function _godot_js_display_vk_hide() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(87, 1); GodotDisplayVK.hide(); } function _godot_js_display_vk_show(p_text, p_type, p_start, p_end) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(88, 1, p_text, p_type, p_start, p_end); const text = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text); const start = p_start > 0 ? p_start : 0; const end = p_end > 0 ? p_end : start;, p_type, start, end); } function _godot_js_display_window_blur_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(89, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); GodotEventListeners.add(window, "blur", function() { func(); }, false); } function _godot_js_display_window_icon_set(p_ptr, p_len) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(90, 1, p_ptr, p_len); let link = document.getElementById("-gd-engine-icon"); const old_icon = GodotDisplay.window_icon; if (p_ptr) { if (link === null) { link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "icon"; = "-gd-engine-icon"; document.head.appendChild(link); } const png = new Blob([ GodotRuntime.heapSlice(GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), p_ptr, p_len) ], { type: "image/png" }); GodotDisplay.window_icon = URL.createObjectURL(png); link.href = GodotDisplay.window_icon; } else { if (link) { link.remove(); } GodotDisplay.window_icon = null; } if (old_icon) { URL.revokeObjectURL(old_icon); } } function _godot_js_display_window_size_get(p_width, p_height) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(91, 1, p_width, p_height); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_width, GodotConfig.canvas.width, "i32"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_height, GodotConfig.canvas.height, "i32"); } function _godot_js_display_window_title_set(p_data) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(92, 1, p_data); document.title = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_data); } function _godot_js_eval(p_js, p_use_global_ctx, p_union_ptr, p_byte_arr, p_byte_arr_write, p_callback) { const js_code = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_js); let eval_ret = null; try { if (p_use_global_ctx) { const global_eval = eval; eval_ret = global_eval(js_code); } else { eval_ret = eval(js_code); } } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(e); } switch (typeof eval_ret) { case "boolean": GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_union_ptr, eval_ret, "i32"); return 1; case "number": GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_union_ptr, eval_ret, "double"); return 3; case "string": GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_union_ptr, GodotRuntime.allocString(eval_ret), "*"); return 4; case "object": if (eval_ret === null) { break; } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(eval_ret) && !(eval_ret instanceof Uint8Array)) { eval_ret = new Uint8Array(eval_ret.buffer); } else if (eval_ret instanceof ArrayBuffer) { eval_ret = new Uint8Array(eval_ret); } if (eval_ret instanceof Uint8Array) { const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); const bytes_ptr = func(p_byte_arr, p_byte_arr_write, eval_ret.length); GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().set(eval_ret, bytes_ptr); return 29; } break; } return 0; } var IDHandler = { _last_id: 0, _references: {}, get: function(p_id) { return IDHandler._references[p_id]; }, add: function(p_data) { const id = ++IDHandler._last_id; IDHandler._references[id] = p_data; return id; }, remove: function(p_id) { delete IDHandler._references[p_id]; } }; var GodotFetch = { onread: function(id, result) { const obj = IDHandler.get(id); if (!obj) { return; } if (result.value) { obj.chunks.push(result.value); } obj.reading = false; obj.done = result.done; }, onresponse: function(id, response) { const obj = IDHandler.get(id); if (!obj) { return; } let chunked = false; response.headers.forEach(function(value, header) { const v = value.toLowerCase().trim(); const h = header.toLowerCase().trim(); if (h === "transfer-encoding" && v === "chunked") { chunked = true; } }); obj.status = response.status; obj.response = response; obj.reader = response.body.getReader(); obj.chunked = chunked; }, onerror: function(id, err) { GodotRuntime.error(err); const obj = IDHandler.get(id); if (!obj) { return; } obj.error = err; }, create: function(method, url, headers, body) { const obj = { request: null, response: null, reader: null, error: null, done: false, reading: false, status: 0, chunks: [] }; const id = IDHandler.add(obj); const init = { method: method, headers: headers, body: body }; obj.request = fetch(url, init); obj.request.then(GodotFetch.onresponse.bind(null, id)).catch(GodotFetch.onerror.bind(null, id)); return id; }, free: function(id) { const obj = IDHandler.get(id); if (!obj) { return; } IDHandler.remove(id); if (!obj.request) { return; } obj.request.then(function(response) { response.abort(); }).catch(function(e) {}); }, /* nothing to do */ read: function(id) { const obj = IDHandler.get(id); if (!obj) { return; } if (obj.reader && !obj.reading) { if (obj.done) { obj.reader = null; return; } obj.reading = true;, id)).catch(GodotFetch.onerror.bind(null, id)); } } }; function _godot_js_fetch_create(p_method, p_url, p_headers, p_headers_size, p_body, p_body_size) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(93, 1, p_method, p_url, p_headers, p_headers_size, p_body, p_body_size); const method = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_method); const url = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_url); const headers = GodotRuntime.parseStringArray(p_headers, p_headers_size); const body = p_body_size ? GodotRuntime.heapSlice(GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), p_body, p_body_size) : null; return GodotFetch.create(method, url, { const idx = hv.indexOf(":"); if (idx <= 0) { return []; } return [ hv.slice(0, idx).trim(), hv.slice(idx + 1).trim() ]; }).filter(function(v) { return v.length === 2; }), body); } function _godot_js_fetch_free(id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(94, 1, id);; } function _godot_js_fetch_http_status_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(95, 1, p_id); const obj = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!obj || !obj.response) { return 0; } return obj.status; } function _godot_js_fetch_is_chunked(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(96, 1, p_id); const obj = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!obj || !obj.response) { return -1; } return obj.chunked ? 1 : 0; } function _godot_js_fetch_read_chunk(p_id, p_buf, p_buf_size) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(97, 1, p_id, p_buf, p_buf_size); const obj = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!obj || !obj.response) { return 0; } let to_read = p_buf_size; const chunks = obj.chunks; while (to_read && chunks.length) { const chunk = obj.chunks[0]; if (chunk.length > to_read) { GodotRuntime.heapCopy(GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), chunk.slice(0, to_read), p_buf); chunks[0] = chunk.slice(to_read); to_read = 0; } else { GodotRuntime.heapCopy(GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), chunk, p_buf); to_read -= chunk.length; chunks.pop(); } } if (!chunks.length) {; } return p_buf_size - to_read; } function _godot_js_fetch_read_headers(p_id, p_parse_cb, p_ref) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(98, 1, p_id, p_parse_cb, p_ref); const obj = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!obj || !obj.response) { return 1; } const cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_parse_cb); const arr = []; obj.response.headers.forEach(function(v, h) { arr.push(`${h}:${v}`); }); const c_ptr = GodotRuntime.allocStringArray(arr); cb(arr.length, c_ptr, p_ref); GodotRuntime.freeStringArray(c_ptr, arr.length); return 0; } function _godot_js_fetch_state_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(99, 1, p_id); const obj = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!obj) { return -1; } if (obj.error) { return -1; } if (!obj.response) { return 0; } if (obj.reader) { return 1; } if (obj.done) { return 2; } return -1; } var GodotInputGamepads = { samples: [], get_pads: function() { try { const pads = navigator.getGamepads(); if (pads) { return pads; } return []; } catch (e) { return []; } }, get_samples: function() { return GodotInputGamepads.samples; }, get_sample: function(index) { const samples = GodotInputGamepads.samples; return index < samples.length ? samples[index] : null; }, sample: function() { const pads = GodotInputGamepads.get_pads(); const samples = []; for (let i = 0; i < pads.length; i++) { const pad = pads[i]; if (!pad) { samples.push(null); continue; } const s = { standard: pad.mapping === "standard", buttons: [], axes: [], connected: pad.connected }; for (let b = 0; b < pad.buttons.length; b++) { s.buttons.push(pad.buttons[b].value); } for (let a = 0; a < pad.axes.length; a++) { s.axes.push(pad.axes[a]); } samples.push(s); } GodotInputGamepads.samples = samples; }, init: function(onchange) { GodotInputGamepads.samples = []; function add(pad) { const guid = GodotInputGamepads.get_guid(pad); const c_id = GodotRuntime.allocString(; const c_guid = GodotRuntime.allocString(guid); onchange(pad.index, 1, c_id, c_guid);;; } const pads = GodotInputGamepads.get_pads(); for (let i = 0; i < pads.length; i++) { if (pads[i]) { add(pads[i]); } } GodotEventListeners.add(window, "gamepadconnected", function(evt) { if (evt.gamepad) { add(evt.gamepad); } }, false); GodotEventListeners.add(window, "gamepaddisconnected", function(evt) { if (evt.gamepad) { onchange(evt.gamepad.index, 0); } }, false); }, get_guid: function(pad) { if (pad.mapping) { return pad.mapping; } const ua = navigator.userAgent; let os = "Unknown"; if (ua.indexOf("Android") >= 0) { os = "Android"; } else if (ua.indexOf("Linux") >= 0) { os = "Linux"; } else if (ua.indexOf("iPhone") >= 0) { os = "iOS"; } else if (ua.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0) { os = "MacOSX"; } else if (ua.indexOf("Windows") >= 0) { os = "Windows"; } const id =; const exp1 = /vendor: ([0-9a-f]{4}) product: ([0-9a-f]{4})/i; const exp2 = /^([0-9a-f]+)-([0-9a-f]+)-/i; let vendor = ""; let product = ""; if (exp1.test(id)) { const match = exp1.exec(id); vendor = match[1].padStart(4, "0"); product = match[2].padStart(4, "0"); } else if (exp2.test(id)) { const match = exp2.exec(id); vendor = match[1].padStart(4, "0"); product = match[2].padStart(4, "0"); } if (!vendor || !product) { return `${os}Unknown`; } return os + vendor + product; } }; var GodotInputDragDrop = { promises: [], pending_files: [], add_entry: function(entry) { if (entry.isDirectory) { GodotInputDragDrop.add_dir(entry); } else if (entry.isFile) { GodotInputDragDrop.add_file(entry); } else { GodotRuntime.error("Unrecognized entry...", entry); } }, add_dir: function(entry) { GodotInputDragDrop.promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const reader = entry.createReader(); reader.readEntries(function(entries) { for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { GodotInputDragDrop.add_entry(entries[i]); } resolve(); }); })); }, add_file: function(entry) { GodotInputDragDrop.promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { entry.file(function(file) { const reader = new FileReader; reader.onload = function() { const f = { "path": file.relativePath || file.webkitRelativePath, "name":, "type": file.type, "size": file.size, "data": reader.result }; if (!f["path"]) { f["path"] = f["name"]; } GodotInputDragDrop.pending_files.push(f); resolve(); }; reader.onerror = function() { GodotRuntime.print("Error reading file"); reject(); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }, function(err) { GodotRuntime.print("Error!"); reject(); }); })); }, process: function(resolve, reject) { if (GodotInputDragDrop.promises.length === 0) { resolve(); return; } GodotInputDragDrop.promises.pop().then(function() { setTimeout(function() { GodotInputDragDrop.process(resolve, reject); }, 0); }); }, _process_event: function(ev, callback) { ev.preventDefault(); if (ev.dataTransfer.items) { for (let i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.items.length; i++) { const item = ev.dataTransfer.items[i]; let entry = null; if ("getAsEntry" in item) { entry = item.getAsEntry(); } else if ("webkitGetAsEntry" in item) { entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry(); } if (entry) { GodotInputDragDrop.add_entry(entry); } } } else { GodotRuntime.error("File upload not supported"); } new Promise(GodotInputDragDrop.process).then(function() { const DROP = `/tmp/drop-${parseInt(Math.random() * (1 << 30), 10)}/`; const drops = []; const files = []; FS.mkdir(DROP.slice(0, -1)); GodotInputDragDrop.pending_files.forEach(elem => { const path = elem["path"]; GodotFS.copy_to_fs(DROP + path, elem["data"]); let idx = path.indexOf("/"); if (idx === -1) { drops.push(DROP + path); } else { const sub = path.substr(0, idx); idx = sub.indexOf("/"); if (idx < 0 && drops.indexOf(DROP + sub) === -1) { drops.push(DROP + sub); } } files.push(DROP + path); }); GodotInputDragDrop.promises = []; GodotInputDragDrop.pending_files = []; callback(drops); if (GodotConfig.persistent_drops) { GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotInputDragDrop.remove_drop(files, DROP); resolve(); }); } else { GodotInputDragDrop.remove_drop(files, DROP); } }); }, remove_drop: function(files, drop_path) { const dirs = [ drop_path.substr(0, drop_path.length - 1) ]; files.forEach(function(file) { FS.unlink(file); let dir = file.replace(drop_path, ""); let idx = dir.lastIndexOf("/"); while (idx > 0) { dir = dir.substr(0, idx); if (dirs.indexOf(drop_path + dir) === -1) { dirs.push(drop_path + dir); } idx = dir.lastIndexOf("/"); } }); dirs.sort(function(a, b) { const al = (a.match(/\//g) || []).length; const bl = (b.match(/\//g) || []).length; if (al > bl) { return -1; } else if (al < bl) { return 1; } return 0; }).forEach(function(dir) { FS.rmdir(dir); }); }, handler: function(callback) { return function(ev) { GodotInputDragDrop._process_event(ev, callback); }; } }; var GodotIME = { ime: null, active: false, getModifiers: function(evt) { return (evt.shiftKey + 0) + ((evt.altKey + 0) << 1) + ((evt.ctrlKey + 0) << 2) + ((evt.metaKey + 0) << 3); }, ime_active: function(active) { function focus_timer() { = true; GodotIME.ime.focus(); } if (GodotIME.ime) { if (active) { = "block"; setInterval(focus_timer, 100); } else { = "none"; GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); = false; } } }, ime_position: function(x, y) { if (GodotIME.ime) { = `${x}px`; = `${y}px`; } }, init: function(ime_cb, key_cb, code, key) { function key_event_cb(pressed, evt) { const modifiers = GodotIME.getModifiers(evt); GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(evt.code, code, 32); GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(evt.key, key, 32); key_cb(pressed, evt.repeat, modifiers); evt.preventDefault(); } function ime_event_cb(event) { if (GodotIME.ime) { if (event.type === "compositionstart") { ime_cb(0, null); GodotIME.ime.innerHTML = ""; } else if (event.type === "compositionupdate") { const ptr = GodotRuntime.allocString(; ime_cb(1, ptr);; } else if (event.type === "compositionend") { const ptr = GodotRuntime.allocString(; ime_cb(2, ptr);; GodotIME.ime.innerHTML = ""; } } } const ime = document.createElement("div"); ime.className = "ime"; = "none"; = 0; = "fixed"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "2px"; = "2px"; = "none"; ime.contentEditable = "true"; GodotEventListeners.add(ime, "compositionstart", ime_event_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(ime, "compositionupdate", ime_event_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(ime, "compositionend", ime_event_cb, false); GodotEventListeners.add(ime, "keydown", key_event_cb.bind(null, 1), false); GodotEventListeners.add(ime, "keyup", key_event_cb.bind(null, 0), false); ime.onblur = function() { = "none"; GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); = false; }; GodotConfig.canvas.parentElement.appendChild(ime); GodotIME.ime = ime; }, clear: function() { if (GodotIME.ime) { GodotIME.ime.remove(); GodotIME.ime = null; } } }; var GodotInput = { getModifiers: function(evt) { return (evt.shiftKey + 0) + ((evt.altKey + 0) << 1) + ((evt.ctrlKey + 0) << 2) + ((evt.metaKey + 0) << 3); }, computePosition: function(evt, rect) { const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; const rw = canvas.width / rect.width; const rh = canvas.height / rect.height; const x = (evt.clientX - rect.x) * rw; const y = (evt.clientY - rect.y) * rh; return [ x, y ]; } }; function _godot_js_input_drop_files_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(100, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const dropFiles = function(files) { const args = files || []; if (!args.length) { return; } const argc = args.length; const argv = GodotRuntime.allocStringArray(args); func(argv, argc); GodotRuntime.freeStringArray(argv, argc); }; const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "dragover", function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }, false); GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "drop", GodotInputDragDrop.handler(dropFiles)); } function _godot_js_input_gamepad_cb(change_cb) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(101, 1, change_cb); const onchange = GodotRuntime.get_func(change_cb); GodotInputGamepads.init(onchange); } function _godot_js_input_gamepad_sample() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(102, 1); GodotInputGamepads.sample(); return 0; } function _godot_js_input_gamepad_sample_count() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(103, 1); return GodotInputGamepads.get_samples().length; } function _godot_js_input_gamepad_sample_get(p_index, r_btns, r_btns_num, r_axes, r_axes_num, r_standard) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(104, 1, p_index, r_btns, r_btns_num, r_axes, r_axes_num, r_standard); const sample = GodotInputGamepads.get_sample(p_index); if (!sample || !sample.connected) { return 1; } const btns = sample.buttons; const btns_len = btns.length < 16 ? btns.length : 16; for (let i = 0; i < btns_len; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_btns + (i << 2), btns[i], "float"); } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_btns_num, btns_len, "i32"); const axes = sample.axes; const axes_len = axes.length < 10 ? axes.length : 10; for (let i = 0; i < axes_len; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_axes + (i << 2), axes[i], "float"); } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_axes_num, axes_len, "i32"); const is_standard = sample.standard ? 1 : 0; GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_standard, is_standard, "i32"); return 0; } function _godot_js_input_key_cb(callback, code, key) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(105, 1, callback, code, key); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); function key_cb(pressed, evt) { const modifiers = GodotInput.getModifiers(evt); GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(evt.code, code, 32); GodotRuntime.stringToHeap(evt.key, key, 32); func(pressed, evt.repeat, modifiers); evt.preventDefault(); } GodotEventListeners.add(GodotConfig.canvas, "keydown", key_cb.bind(null, 1), false); GodotEventListeners.add(GodotConfig.canvas, "keyup", key_cb.bind(null, 0), false); } function _godot_js_input_mouse_button_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(106, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; function button_cb(p_pressed, evt) { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const pos = GodotInput.computePosition(evt, rect); const modifiers = GodotInput.getModifiers(evt); if (p_pressed) { GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); } if (func(p_pressed, evt.button, pos[0], pos[1], modifiers)) { evt.preventDefault(); } } GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "mousedown", button_cb.bind(null, 1), false); GodotEventListeners.add(window, "mouseup", button_cb.bind(null, 0), false); } function _godot_js_input_mouse_move_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(107, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; function move_cb(evt) { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const pos = GodotInput.computePosition(evt, rect); const rw = canvas.width / rect.width; const rh = canvas.height / rect.height; const rel_pos_x = evt.movementX * rw; const rel_pos_y = evt.movementY * rh; const modifiers = GodotInput.getModifiers(evt); func(pos[0], pos[1], rel_pos_x, rel_pos_y, modifiers); } GodotEventListeners.add(window, "mousemove", move_cb, false); } function _godot_js_input_mouse_wheel_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(108, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); function wheel_cb(evt) { if (func(evt["deltaX"] || 0, evt["deltaY"] || 0)) { evt.preventDefault(); } } GodotEventListeners.add(GodotConfig.canvas, "wheel", wheel_cb, false); } function _godot_js_input_paste_cb(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(109, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); GodotEventListeners.add(window, "paste", function(evt) { const text = evt.clipboardData.getData("text"); const ptr = GodotRuntime.allocString(text); func(ptr);; }, false); } function _godot_js_input_touch_cb(callback, ids, coords) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(110, 1, callback, ids, coords); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); const canvas = GodotConfig.canvas; function touch_cb(type, evt) { if (type === 0) { GodotConfig.canvas.focus(); } const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const touches = evt.changedTouches; for (let i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { const touch = touches[i]; const pos = GodotInput.computePosition(touch, rect); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(coords + (i * 2) * 8, pos[0], "double"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(coords + (i * 2 + 1) * 8, pos[1], "double"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(ids + i * 4, touch.identifier, "i32"); } func(type, touches.length); if (evt.cancelable) { evt.preventDefault(); } } GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "touchstart", touch_cb.bind(null, 0), false); GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "touchend", touch_cb.bind(null, 1), false); GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "touchcancel", touch_cb.bind(null, 1), false); GodotEventListeners.add(canvas, "touchmove", touch_cb.bind(null, 2), false); } function _godot_js_input_vibrate_handheld(p_duration_ms) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(111, 1, p_duration_ms); if (typeof navigator.vibrate !== "function") { GodotRuntime.print("This browser does not support vibration."); } else { navigator.vibrate(p_duration_ms); } } function _godot_js_is_ime_focused() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(112, 1); return; } function _godot_js_os_download_buffer(p_ptr, p_size, p_name, p_mime) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(113, 1, p_ptr, p_size, p_name, p_mime); const buf = GodotRuntime.heapSlice(GROWABLE_HEAP_I8(), p_ptr, p_size); const name = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_name); const mime = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_mime); const blob = new Blob([ buf ], { type: mime }); const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; = name; = "none"; document.body.appendChild(a);; a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } function _godot_js_os_execute(p_json) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(114, 1, p_json); const json_args = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_json); const args = JSON.parse(json_args); if (GodotConfig.on_execute) { GodotConfig.on_execute(args); return 0; } return 1; } function _godot_js_os_finish_async(p_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(115, 1, p_callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); GodotOS.finish_async(func); } function _godot_js_os_fs_is_persistent() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(116, 1); return GodotFS.is_persistent(); } function _godot_js_os_fs_sync(callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(117, 1, callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(callback); GodotOS._fs_sync_promise = GodotFS.sync(); GodotOS._fs_sync_promise.then(function(err) { func(); }); } function _godot_js_os_has_feature(p_ftr) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(118, 1, p_ftr); const ftr = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_ftr); const ua = navigator.userAgent; if (ftr === "web_macos") { return (ua.indexOf("Mac") !== -1) ? 1 : 0; } if (ftr === "web_windows") { return (ua.indexOf("Windows") !== -1) ? 1 : 0; } if (ftr === "web_android") { return (ua.indexOf("Android") !== -1) ? 1 : 0; } if (ftr === "web_ios") { return ((ua.indexOf("iPhone") !== -1) || (ua.indexOf("iPad") !== -1) || (ua.indexOf("iPod") !== -1)) ? 1 : 0; } if (ftr === "web_linuxbsd") { return ((ua.indexOf("CrOS") !== -1) || (ua.indexOf("BSD") !== -1) || (ua.indexOf("Linux") !== -1) || (ua.indexOf("X11") !== -1)) ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } function _godot_js_os_hw_concurrency_get() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(119, 1); const concurrency = navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 1; return concurrency < 2 ? concurrency : 2; } function _godot_js_os_request_quit_cb(p_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(120, 1, p_callback); GodotOS.request_quit = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); } function _godot_js_os_shell_open(p_uri) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(121, 1, p_uri);, "_blank"); } var GodotPWA = { hasUpdate: false, updateState: function(cb, reg) { if (!reg) { return; } if (! { return; } if (reg.waiting) { GodotPWA.hasUpdate = true; cb(); } GodotEventListeners.add(reg, "updatefound", function() { const installing = reg.installing; GodotEventListeners.add(installing, "statechange", function() { if (installing.state === "installed") { GodotPWA.hasUpdate = true; cb(); } }); }); } }; function _godot_js_pwa_cb(p_update_cb) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(122, 1, p_update_cb); if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) { const cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_update_cb); navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(GodotPWA.updateState.bind(null, cb)); } } function _godot_js_pwa_update() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(123, 1); if ("serviceWorker" in navigator && GodotPWA.hasUpdate) { navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(function(reg) { if (!reg || !reg.waiting) { return; } reg.waiting.postMessage("update"); }); return 0; } return 1; } var GodotRTCDataChannel = { connect: function(p_id, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } ref.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; ref.onopen = function(event) { p_on_open(); }; ref.onclose = function(event) { p_on_close(); }; ref.onerror = function(event) { p_on_error(); }; ref.onmessage = function(event) { let buffer; let is_string = 0; if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = new Uint8Array(; } else if ( instanceof Blob) { GodotRuntime.error("Blob type not supported"); return; } else if (typeof === "string") { is_string = 1; const enc = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); buffer = new Uint8Array(enc.encode(; } else { GodotRuntime.error("Unknown message type"); return; } const len = buffer.length * buffer.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const out = GodotRuntime.malloc(len); GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().set(buffer, out); p_on_message(out, len, is_string);; }; }, close: function(p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } ref.onopen = null; ref.onmessage = null; ref.onerror = null; ref.onclose = null; ref.close(); }, get_prop: function(p_id, p_prop, p_def) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); return (ref && ref[p_prop] !== undefined) ? ref[p_prop] : p_def; } }; function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_close(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(124, 1, p_id); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } GodotRTCDataChannel.close(p_id); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_connect(p_id, p_ref, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(125, 1, p_id, p_ref, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close); const onopen = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_open).bind(null, p_ref); const onmessage = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_message).bind(null, p_ref); const onerror = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_error).bind(null, p_ref); const onclose = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_close).bind(null, p_ref); GodotRTCDataChannel.connect(p_id, onopen, onmessage, onerror, onclose); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_destroy(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(126, 1, p_id); GodotRTCDataChannel.close(p_id); IDHandler.remove(p_id); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_get_buffered_amount(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(127, 1, p_id); return GodotRTCDataChannel.get_prop(p_id, "bufferedAmount", 0); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_id_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(128, 1, p_id); return GodotRTCDataChannel.get_prop(p_id, "id", 65535); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_negotiated(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(129, 1, p_id); return GodotRTCDataChannel.get_prop(p_id, "negotiated", 65535); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_ordered(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(130, 1, p_id); return GodotRTCDataChannel.get_prop(p_id, "ordered", true); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_label_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(131, 1, p_id); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref || !ref.label) { return 0; } return GodotRuntime.allocString(ref.label); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_packet_lifetime_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(132, 1, p_id); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return 65535; } if (ref["maxPacketLifeTime"] !== undefined) { return ref["maxPacketLifeTime"]; } else if (ref["maxRetransmitTime"] !== undefined) { return ref["maxRetransmitTime"]; } return 65535; } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_retransmits_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(133, 1, p_id); return GodotRTCDataChannel.get_prop(p_id, "maxRetransmits", 65535); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_protocol_get(p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref || !ref.protocol) { return 0; } return GodotRuntime.allocString(ref.protocol); } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_ready_state_get(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(134, 1, p_id); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return 3; } switch (ref.readyState) { case "connecting": return 0; case "open": return 1; case "closing": return 2; case "closed": default: return 3; } } function _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_send(p_id, p_buffer, p_length, p_raw) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(135, 1, p_id, p_buffer, p_length, p_raw); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return 1; } const bytes_array = new Uint8Array(p_length); for (let i = 0; i < p_length; i++) { bytes_array[i] = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(p_buffer + i, "i8"); } if (p_raw) { ref.send(bytes_array.buffer); } else { const string = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(bytes_array); ref.send(string); } return 0; } var GodotRTCPeerConnection = { ConnectionState: { new: 0, connecting: 1, connected: 2, disconnected: 3, failed: 4, closed: 5 }, ConnectionStateCompat: { new: 0, checking: 1, connected: 2, completed: 2, disconnected: 3, failed: 4, closed: 5 }, IceGatheringState: { new: 0, gathering: 1, complete: 2 }, SignalingState: { stable: 0, "have-local-offer": 1, "have-remote-offer": 2, "have-local-pranswer": 3, "have-remote-pranswer": 4, closed: 5 }, create: function(config, onConnectionChange, onSignalingChange, onIceGatheringChange, onIceCandidate, onDataChannel) { let conn = null; try { conn = new RTCPeerConnection(config); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(e); return 0; } const id = IDHandler.add(conn); if ("connectionState" in conn && conn["connectionState"] !== undefined) { conn.onconnectionstatechange = function(event) { if (!IDHandler.get(id)) { return; } onConnectionChange(GodotRTCPeerConnection.ConnectionState[conn.connectionState] || 0); }; } else { conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(event) { if (!IDHandler.get(id)) { return; } onConnectionChange(GodotRTCPeerConnection.ConnectionStateCompat[conn.iceConnectionState] || 0); }; } conn.onicegatheringstatechange = function(event) { if (!IDHandler.get(id)) { return; } onIceGatheringChange(GodotRTCPeerConnection.IceGatheringState[conn.iceGatheringState] || 0); }; conn.onsignalingstatechange = function(event) { if (!IDHandler.get(id)) { return; } onSignalingChange(GodotRTCPeerConnection.SignalingState[conn.signalingState] || 0); }; conn.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (!IDHandler.get(id)) { return; } const c = event.candidate; if (!c || !c.candidate) { return; } const candidate_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(c.candidate); const mid_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(c.sdpMid); onIceCandidate(mid_str, c.sdpMLineIndex, candidate_str);;; }; conn.ondatachannel = function(event) { if (!IDHandler.get(id)) { return; } const cid = IDHandler.add(; onDataChannel(cid); }; return id; }, destroy: function(p_id) { const conn = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!conn) { return; } conn.onconnectionstatechange = null; conn.oniceconnectionstatechange = null; conn.onicegatheringstatechange = null; conn.onsignalingstatechange = null; conn.onicecandidate = null; conn.ondatachannel = null; IDHandler.remove(p_id); }, onsession: function(p_id, callback, session) { if (!IDHandler.get(p_id)) { return; } const type_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(session.type); const sdp_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(session.sdp); callback(type_str, sdp_str);;; }, onerror: function(p_id, callback, error) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } GodotRuntime.error(error); callback(); } }; function _godot_js_rtc_pc_close(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(136, 1, p_id); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } ref.close(); } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_create(p_config, p_ref, p_on_connection_state_change, p_on_ice_gathering_state_change, p_on_signaling_state_change, p_on_ice_candidate, p_on_datachannel) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(137, 1, p_config, p_ref, p_on_connection_state_change, p_on_ice_gathering_state_change, p_on_signaling_state_change, p_on_ice_candidate, p_on_datachannel); const wrap = function(p_func) { return GodotRuntime.get_func(p_func).bind(null, p_ref); }; return GodotRTCPeerConnection.create(JSON.parse(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_config)), wrap(p_on_connection_state_change), wrap(p_on_signaling_state_change), wrap(p_on_ice_gathering_state_change), wrap(p_on_ice_candidate), wrap(p_on_datachannel)); } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_datachannel_create(p_id, p_label, p_config) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(138, 1, p_id, p_label, p_config); try { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return 0; } const label = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_label); const config = JSON.parse(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_config)); const channel = ref.createDataChannel(label, config); return IDHandler.add(channel); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(e); return 0; } } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_destroy(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(139, 1, p_id); GodotRTCPeerConnection.destroy(p_id); } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_ice_candidate_add(p_id, p_mid_name, p_mline_idx, p_sdp) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(140, 1, p_id, p_mid_name, p_mline_idx, p_sdp); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } const sdpMidName = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_mid_name); const sdpName = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_sdp); ref.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate({ "candidate": sdpName, "sdpMid": sdpMidName, "sdpMlineIndex": p_mline_idx })); } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_local_description_set(p_id, p_type, p_sdp, p_obj, p_on_error) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(141, 1, p_id, p_type, p_sdp, p_obj, p_on_error); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } const type = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_type); const sdp = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_sdp); const onerror = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_error).bind(null, p_obj); ref.setLocalDescription({ "sdp": sdp, "type": type }).catch(function(error) { GodotRTCPeerConnection.onerror(p_id, onerror, error); }); } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_offer_create(p_id, p_obj, p_on_session, p_on_error) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(142, 1, p_id, p_obj, p_on_session, p_on_error); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } const onsession = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session).bind(null, p_obj); const onerror = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_error).bind(null, p_obj); ref.createOffer().then(function(session) { GodotRTCPeerConnection.onsession(p_id, onsession, session); }).catch(function(error) { GodotRTCPeerConnection.onerror(p_id, onerror, error); }); } function _godot_js_rtc_pc_remote_description_set(p_id, p_type, p_sdp, p_obj, p_session_created, p_on_error) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(143, 1, p_id, p_type, p_sdp, p_obj, p_session_created, p_on_error); const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } const type = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_type); const sdp = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_sdp); const onerror = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_error).bind(null, p_obj); const onsession = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_session_created).bind(null, p_obj); ref.setRemoteDescription({ "sdp": sdp, "type": type }).then(function() { if (type !== "offer") { return Promise.resolve(); } return ref.createAnswer().then(function(session) { GodotRTCPeerConnection.onsession(p_id, onsession, session); }); }).catch(function(error) { GodotRTCPeerConnection.onerror(p_id, onerror, error); }); } function _godot_js_set_ime_active(p_active) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(144, 1, p_active); GodotIME.ime_active(p_active); } function _godot_js_set_ime_cb(p_ime_cb, p_key_cb, code, key) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(145, 1, p_ime_cb, p_key_cb, code, key); const ime_cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_ime_cb); const key_cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_key_cb); GodotIME.init(ime_cb, key_cb, code, key); } function _godot_js_set_ime_position(p_x, p_y) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(146, 1, p_x, p_y); GodotIME.ime_position(p_x, p_y); } function _godot_js_tts_get_voices(p_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(147, 1, p_callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); try { const arr = []; const voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); for (let i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { arr.push(`${voices[i].lang};${voices[i].name}`); } const c_ptr = GodotRuntime.allocStringArray(arr); func(arr.length, c_ptr); GodotRuntime.freeStringArray(c_ptr, arr.length); } catch (e) {} } function _godot_js_tts_is_paused() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(148, 1); return window.speechSynthesis.paused; } function _godot_js_tts_is_speaking() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(149, 1); return window.speechSynthesis.speaking; } function _godot_js_tts_pause() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(150, 1); window.speechSynthesis.pause(); } function _godot_js_tts_resume() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(151, 1); window.speechSynthesis.resume(); } function _godot_js_tts_speak(p_text, p_voice, p_volume, p_pitch, p_rate, p_utterance_id, p_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(152, 1, p_text, p_voice, p_volume, p_pitch, p_rate, p_utterance_id, p_callback); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); function listener_end(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(1, /*TTS_UTTERANCE_ENDED*/, 0); } function listener_start(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(0, /*TTS_UTTERANCE_STARTED*/, 0); } function listener_error(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(2, /*TTS_UTTERANCE_CANCELED*/, 0); } function listener_bound(evt) { evt.currentTarget.cb(3, /*TTS_UTTERANCE_BOUNDARY*/, evt.charIndex); } const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(GodotRuntime.parseString(p_text)); utterance.rate = p_rate; utterance.pitch = p_pitch; utterance.volume = p_volume / 100; utterance.addEventListener("end", listener_end); utterance.addEventListener("start", listener_start); utterance.addEventListener("error", listener_error); utterance.addEventListener("boundary", listener_bound); = p_utterance_id; utterance.cb = func; const voice = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_voice); const voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); for (let i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { if (voices[i].name === voice) { utterance.voice = voices[i]; break; } } window.speechSynthesis.resume(); window.speechSynthesis.speak(utterance); } function _godot_js_tts_stop() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(153, 1); window.speechSynthesis.cancel(); window.speechSynthesis.resume(); } var GodotWebSocket = { _onopen: function(p_id, callback, event) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(ref.protocol); callback(c_str);; }, _onmessage: function(p_id, callback, event) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } let buffer; let is_string = 0; if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = new Uint8Array(; } else if ( instanceof Blob) { GodotRuntime.error("Blob type not supported"); return; } else if (typeof === "string") { is_string = 1; const enc = new TextEncoder("utf-8"); buffer = new Uint8Array(enc.encode(; } else { GodotRuntime.error("Unknown message type"); return; } const len = buffer.length * buffer.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; const out = GodotRuntime.malloc(len); GROWABLE_HEAP_U8().set(buffer, out); callback(out, len, is_string);; }, _onerror: function(p_id, callback, event) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } callback(); }, _onclose: function(p_id, callback, event) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(event.reason); callback(event.code, c_str, event.wasClean ? 1 : 0);; }, send: function(p_id, p_data) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref || ref.readyState !== ref.OPEN) { return 1; } ref.send(p_data); return 0; }, bufferedAmount: function(p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return 0; } return ref.bufferedAmount; }, create: function(socket, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close) { const id = IDHandler.add(socket); socket.onopen = GodotWebSocket._onopen.bind(null, id, p_on_open); socket.onmessage = GodotWebSocket._onmessage.bind(null, id, p_on_message); socket.onerror = GodotWebSocket._onerror.bind(null, id, p_on_error); socket.onclose = GodotWebSocket._onclose.bind(null, id, p_on_close); return id; }, close: function(p_id, p_code, p_reason) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (ref && ref.readyState < ref.CLOSING) { const code = p_code; const reason = p_reason; ref.close(code, reason); } }, destroy: function(p_id) { const ref = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (!ref) { return; } GodotWebSocket.close(p_id, 3001, "destroyed"); IDHandler.remove(p_id); ref.onopen = null; ref.onmessage = null; ref.onerror = null; ref.onclose = null; } }; function _godot_js_websocket_buffered_amount(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(154, 1, p_id); return GodotWebSocket.bufferedAmount(p_id); } function _godot_js_websocket_close(p_id, p_code, p_reason) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(155, 1, p_id, p_code, p_reason); const code = p_code; const reason = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_reason); GodotWebSocket.close(p_id, code, reason); } function _godot_js_websocket_create(p_ref, p_url, p_proto, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(156, 1, p_ref, p_url, p_proto, p_on_open, p_on_message, p_on_error, p_on_close); const on_open = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_open).bind(null, p_ref); const on_message = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_message).bind(null, p_ref); const on_error = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_error).bind(null, p_ref); const on_close = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_close).bind(null, p_ref); const url = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_url); const protos = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_proto); let socket = null; try { if (protos) { socket = new WebSocket(url, protos.split(",")); } else { socket = new WebSocket(url); } } catch (e) { return 0; } socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; return GodotWebSocket.create(socket, on_open, on_message, on_error, on_close); } function _godot_js_websocket_destroy(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(157, 1, p_id); GodotWebSocket.destroy(p_id); } function _godot_js_websocket_send(p_id, p_buf, p_buf_len, p_raw) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(158, 1, p_id, p_buf, p_buf_len, p_raw); const bytes_array = new Uint8Array(p_buf_len); let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < p_buf_len; i++) { bytes_array[i] = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(p_buf + i, "i8"); } let out = bytes_array.buffer; if (!p_raw) { out = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(bytes_array); } return GodotWebSocket.send(p_id, out); } var GodotJSWrapper = { proxies: null, cb_ret: null, MyProxy: function(val) { const id = IDHandler.add(this); GodotJSWrapper.proxies.set(val, id); let refs = 1; this.ref = function() { refs++; }; this.unref = function() { refs--; if (refs === 0) { IDHandler.remove(id); GodotJSWrapper.proxies.delete(val); } }; this.get_val = function() { return val; }; this.get_id = function() { return id; }; }, get_proxied: function(val) { const id = GodotJSWrapper.proxies.get(val); if (id === undefined) { const proxy = new GodotJSWrapper.MyProxy(val); return proxy.get_id(); } IDHandler.get(id).ref(); return id; }, get_proxied_value: function(id) { const proxy = IDHandler.get(id); if (proxy === undefined) { return undefined; } return proxy.get_val(); }, variant2js: function(type, val) { switch (type) { case 0: return null; case 1: return !!GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(val, "i64"); case 2: return GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(val, "i64"); case 3: return GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(val, "double"); case 4: return GodotRuntime.parseString(GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(val, "*")); case 24: return GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(val, "i64")); default: return undefined; } }, js2variant: function(p_val, p_exchange) { if (p_val === undefined || p_val === null) { return 0; } const type = typeof (p_val); if (type === "boolean") { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_exchange, p_val, "i64"); return 1; } else if (type === "number") { if (Number.isInteger(p_val)) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_exchange, p_val, "i64"); return 2; } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_exchange, p_val, "double"); return 3; } else if (type === "string") { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(p_val); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_exchange, c_str, "*"); return 4; } const id = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied(p_val); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(p_exchange, id, "i64"); return 24; } }; function _godot_js_wrapper_create_cb(p_ref, p_func) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(159, 1, p_ref, p_func); const func = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_func); let id = 0; const cb = function() { if (!GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(id)) { return undefined; } GodotJSWrapper.cb_ret = null; const args = Array.from(arguments); const argsProxy = new GodotJSWrapper.MyProxy(args); func(p_ref, argsProxy.get_id(), args.length); argsProxy.unref(); const ret = GodotJSWrapper.cb_ret; GodotJSWrapper.cb_ret = null; return ret; }; id = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied(cb); return id; } function _godot_js_wrapper_create_object(p_object, p_args, p_argc, p_convert_callback, p_exchange, p_lock, p_free_lock_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(160, 1, p_object, p_args, p_argc, p_convert_callback, p_exchange, p_lock, p_free_lock_callback); const name = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_object); if (typeof (window[name]) === "undefined") { return -1; } const convert = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_convert_callback); const freeLock = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_free_lock_callback); const args = new Array(p_argc); for (let i = 0; i < p_argc; i++) { const type = convert(p_args, i, p_exchange, p_lock); const lock = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(p_lock, "*"); args[i] = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(type, p_exchange); if (lock) { freeLock(p_lock, type); } } try { const res = new window[name](...args); return GodotJSWrapper.js2variant(res, p_exchange); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(`Error calling constructor ${name} with args:`, args, "error:", e); return -1; } } function _godot_js_wrapper_interface_get(p_name) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(161, 1, p_name); const name = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_name); if (typeof (window[name]) !== "undefined") { return GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied(window[name]); } return 0; } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_call(p_id, p_method, p_args, p_argc, p_convert_callback, p_exchange, p_lock, p_free_lock_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(162, 1, p_id, p_method, p_args, p_argc, p_convert_callback, p_exchange, p_lock, p_free_lock_callback); const obj = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(p_id); if (obj === undefined) { return -1; } const method = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_method); const convert = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_convert_callback); const freeLock = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_free_lock_callback); const args = new Array(p_argc); for (let i = 0; i < p_argc; i++) { const type = convert(p_args, i, p_exchange, p_lock); const lock = GodotRuntime.getHeapValue(p_lock, "*"); args[i] = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(type, p_exchange); if (lock) { freeLock(p_lock, type); } } try { const res = obj[method](...args); return GodotJSWrapper.js2variant(res, p_exchange); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(`Error calling method ${method} on:`, obj, "error:", e); return -1; } } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_get(p_id, p_exchange, p_prop) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(163, 1, p_id, p_exchange, p_prop); const obj = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(p_id); if (obj === undefined) { return 0; } if (p_prop) { const prop = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_prop); try { return GodotJSWrapper.js2variant(obj[prop], p_exchange); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(`Error getting variable ${prop} on object`, obj); return 0; } } return GodotJSWrapper.js2variant(obj, p_exchange); } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_getvar(p_id, p_type, p_exchange) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(164, 1, p_id, p_type, p_exchange); const obj = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(p_id); if (obj === undefined) { return -1; } const prop = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(p_type, p_exchange); if (prop === undefined || prop === null) { return -1; } try { return GodotJSWrapper.js2variant(obj[prop], p_exchange); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(`Error getting variable ${prop} on object`, obj, e); return -1; } } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_set(p_id, p_name, p_type, p_exchange) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(165, 1, p_id, p_name, p_type, p_exchange); const obj = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(p_id); if (obj === undefined) { return; } const name = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_name); try { obj[name] = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(p_type, p_exchange); } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(`Error setting variable ${name} on object`, obj); } } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_set_cb_ret(p_val_type, p_val_ex) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(166, 1, p_val_type, p_val_ex); GodotJSWrapper.cb_ret = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(p_val_type, p_val_ex); } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_setvar(p_id, p_key_type, p_key_ex, p_val_type, p_val_ex) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(167, 1, p_id, p_key_type, p_key_ex, p_val_type, p_val_ex); const obj = GodotJSWrapper.get_proxied_value(p_id); if (obj === undefined) { return -1; } const key = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(p_key_type, p_key_ex); try { obj[key] = GodotJSWrapper.variant2js(p_val_type, p_val_ex); return 0; } catch (e) { GodotRuntime.error(`Error setting variable ${key} on object`, obj); return -1; } } function _godot_js_wrapper_object_unref(p_id) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(168, 1, p_id); const proxy = IDHandler.get(p_id); if (proxy !== undefined) { proxy.unref(); } } var GodotWebGL2 = {}; function _godot_webgl2_glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR(target, attachment, texture, level, samples, base_view_index, num_views) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(169, 1, target, attachment, texture, level, samples, base_view_index, num_views); const context = GL.currentContext; if (typeof context.oculusMultiviewExt === "undefined") { const /** OCULUS_multiview */ ext = context.GLctx.getExtension("OCULUS_multiview"); if (!ext) { GodotRuntime.error("Trying to call glFramebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR() without the OCULUS_multiview extension"); return; } context.oculusMultiviewExt = ext; } const /** OCULUS_multiview */ ext = context.oculusMultiviewExt; ext.framebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR(target, attachment, GL.textures[texture], level, samples, base_view_index, num_views); } function _godot_webgl2_glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(target, attachment, texture, level, base_view_index, num_views) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(170, 1, target, attachment, texture, level, base_view_index, num_views); const context = GL.currentContext; if (typeof context.multiviewExt === "undefined") { const /** OVR_multiview2 */ ext = context.GLctx.getExtension("OVR_multiview2"); if (!ext) { GodotRuntime.error("Trying to call glFramebufferTextureMultiviewOVR() without the OVR_multiview2 extension"); return; } context.multiviewExt = ext; } const /** OVR_multiview2 */ ext = context.multiviewExt; ext.framebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(target, attachment, GL.textures[texture], level, base_view_index, num_views); } function _godot_webgl2_glGetBufferSubData(target, offset, size, data) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(171, 1, target, offset, size, data); const gl_context_handle = _emscripten_webgl_get_current_context(); const gl = GL.getContext(gl_context_handle); if (gl) { gl.GLctx["getBufferSubData"](target, offset, GROWABLE_HEAP_U8(), data, size); } } var GodotWebXR = { gl: null, session: null, gl_binding: null, layer: null, space: null, frame: null, pose: null, view_count: 1, input_sources: [ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], touches: [ , , , , ], onsimpleevent: null, orig_requestAnimationFrame: null, requestAnimationFrame: callback => { if (GodotWebXR.session && { const onFrame = function(time, frame) { GodotWebXR.frame = frame; GodotWebXR.pose = frame.getViewerPose(; callback(time); GodotWebXR.frame = null; GodotWebXR.pose = null; }; GodotWebXR.session.requestAnimationFrame(onFrame); } else { GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame(callback); } }, monkeyPatchRequestAnimationFrame: enable => { if (GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame === null) { GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame = Browser.requestAnimationFrame; } Browser.requestAnimationFrame = enable ? GodotWebXR.requestAnimationFrame : GodotWebXR.orig_requestAnimationFrame; }, pauseResumeMainLoop: () => { Browser.mainLoop.pause(); runtimeKeepalivePush(); window.setTimeout(function() { runtimeKeepalivePop(); Browser.mainLoop.resume(); }, 0); }, getLayer: () => { const new_view_count = (GodotWebXR.pose) ? GodotWebXR.pose.views.length : 1; let layer = GodotWebXR.layer; if (layer && GodotWebXR.view_count === new_view_count) { return layer; } if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.gl_binding) { return null; } const gl =; layer = GodotWebXR.gl_binding.createProjectionLayer({ textureType: new_view_count > 1 ? "texture-array" : "texture", colorFormat: gl.RGBA8, depthFormat: gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT24 }); GodotWebXR.session.updateRenderState({ layers: [ layer ] }); GodotWebXR.layer = layer; GodotWebXR.view_count = new_view_count; return layer; }, getSubImage: () => { if (!GodotWebXR.pose) { return null; } const layer = GodotWebXR.getLayer(); if (layer === null) { return null; } return GodotWebXR.gl_binding.getViewSubImage(layer, GodotWebXR.pose.views[0]); }, getTextureId: texture => { if ( !== undefined) { return; } const id = GL.getNewId(GL.textures); = id; GL.textures[id] = texture; return id; }, addInputSource: input_source => { let name = -1; if (input_source.targetRayMode === "tracked-pointer" && input_source.handedness === "left") { name = 0; } else if (input_source.targetRayMode === "tracked-pointer" && input_source.handedness === "right") { name = 1; } else { for (let i = 2; i < 16; i++) { if (!GodotWebXR.input_sources[i]) { name = i; break; } } } if (name >= 0) { GodotWebXR.input_sources[name] = input_source; = name; if (input_source.targetRayMode === "screen") { let touch_index = -1; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (!GodotWebXR.touches[i]) { touch_index = i; break; } } if (touch_index >= 0) { GodotWebXR.touches[touch_index] = input_source; input_source.touch_index = touch_index; } } } return name; }, removeInputSource: input_source => { if ( !== undefined) { const name =; if (name >= 0 && name < 16) { GodotWebXR.input_sources[name] = null; } if (input_source.touch_index !== undefined) { const touch_index = input_source.touch_index; if (touch_index >= 0 && touch_index < 5) { GodotWebXR.touches[touch_index] = null; } } return name; } return -1; }, getInputSourceId: input_source => { if (input_source !== undefined) { return; } return -1; }, getTouchIndex: input_source => { if (input_source.touch_index !== undefined) { return input_source.touch_index; } return -1; } }; function _godot_webxr_get_bounds_geometry(r_points) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(172, 1, r_points); if (! || ! { return 0; } const point_count =; if (point_count === 0) { return 0; } const buf = GodotRuntime.malloc(point_count * 3 * 4); for (let i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { const point =[i]; GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + ((i * 3) + 0) * 4, point.x, "float"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + ((i * 3) + 1) * 4, point.y, "float"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + ((i * 3) + 2) * 4, point.z, "float"); } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_points, buf, "i32"); return point_count; } function _godot_webxr_get_color_texture() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(173, 1); const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.getTextureId(subimage.colorTexture); } function _godot_webxr_get_depth_texture() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(174, 1); const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return 0; } if (!subimage.depthStencilTexture) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.getTextureId(subimage.depthStencilTexture); } function _godot_webxr_get_frame_rate() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(175, 1); if (!GodotWebXR.session || GodotWebXR.session.frameRate === undefined) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.session.frameRate; } function _godot_webxr_get_projection_for_view(p_view, r_transform) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(176, 1, p_view, r_transform); if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.pose) { return false; } const matrix = GodotWebXR.pose.views[p_view].projectionMatrix; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_transform + (i * 4), matrix[i], "float"); } return true; } function _godot_webxr_get_render_target_size(r_size) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(177, 1, r_size); const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return false; } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_size + 0, subimage.viewport.width, "i32"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_size + 4, subimage.viewport.height, "i32"); return true; } function _godot_webxr_get_supported_frame_rates(r_frame_rates) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(178, 1, r_frame_rates); if (!GodotWebXR.session || GodotWebXR.session.supportedFrameRates === undefined) { return 0; } const frame_rate_count = GodotWebXR.session.supportedFrameRates.length; if (frame_rate_count === 0) { return 0; } const buf = GodotRuntime.malloc(frame_rate_count * 4); for (let i = 0; i < frame_rate_count; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(buf + (i * 4), GodotWebXR.session.supportedFrameRates[i], "float"); } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_frame_rates, buf, "i32"); return frame_rate_count; } function _godot_webxr_get_transform_for_view(p_view, r_transform) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(179, 1, p_view, r_transform); if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.pose) { return false; } const views = GodotWebXR.pose.views; let matrix; if (p_view >= 0) { matrix = views[p_view].transform.matrix; } else { matrix = GodotWebXR.pose.transform.matrix; } for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_transform + (i * 4), matrix[i], "float"); } return true; } function _godot_webxr_get_velocity_texture() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(180, 1); const subimage = GodotWebXR.getSubImage(); if (subimage === null) { return 0; } if (!subimage.motionVectorTexture) { return 0; } return GodotWebXR.getTextureId(subimage.motionVectorTexture); } function _godot_webxr_get_view_count() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(181, 1); if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.pose) { return 1; } const view_count = GodotWebXR.pose.views.length; return view_count > 0 ? view_count : 1; } function _godot_webxr_get_visibility_state() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(182, 1); if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.session.visibilityState) { return 0; } return GodotRuntime.allocString(GodotWebXR.session.visibilityState); } var _godot_webxr_initialize = function(p_session_mode, p_required_features, p_optional_features, p_requested_reference_spaces, p_on_session_started, p_on_session_ended, p_on_session_failed, p_on_input_event, p_on_simple_event) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(183, 1, p_session_mode, p_required_features, p_optional_features, p_requested_reference_spaces, p_on_session_started, p_on_session_ended, p_on_session_failed, p_on_input_event, p_on_simple_event); GodotWebXR.monkeyPatchRequestAnimationFrame(true); const session_mode = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_session_mode); const required_features = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_required_features).split(",").map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s !== ""); const optional_features = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_optional_features).split(",").map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s !== ""); const requested_reference_space_types = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_requested_reference_spaces).split(",").map(s => s.trim()); const onstarted = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session_started); const onended = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session_ended); const onfailed = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_session_failed); const oninputevent = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_input_event); const onsimpleevent = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_on_simple_event); const session_init = {}; if (required_features.length > 0) { session_init["requiredFeatures"] = required_features; } if (optional_features.length > 0) { session_init["optionalFeatures"] = optional_features; } navigator.xr.requestSession(session_mode, session_init).then(function(session) { GodotWebXR.session = session; session.addEventListener("end", function(evt) { onended(); }); session.addEventListener("inputsourceschange", function(evt) { evt.added.forEach(GodotWebXR.addInputSource); evt.removed.forEach(GodotWebXR.removeInputSource); }); [ "selectstart", "selectend", "squeezestart", "squeezeend" ].forEach((input_event, index) => { session.addEventListener(input_event, function(evt) { GodotWebXR.frame = evt.frame; oninputevent(index, GodotWebXR.getInputSourceId(evt.inputSource)); GodotWebXR.frame = null; }); }); session.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function(evt) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString("visibility_state_changed"); onsimpleevent(c_str);; }); GodotWebXR.onsimpleevent = onsimpleevent; const gl_context_handle = _emscripten_webgl_get_current_context(); const gl = GL.getContext(gl_context_handle).GLctx; = gl; gl.makeXRCompatible().then(function() { GodotWebXR.gl_binding = new XRWebGLBinding(session, gl); GodotWebXR.getLayer(); function onReferenceSpaceSuccess(reference_space, reference_space_type) { = reference_space; reference_space.onreset = function(evt) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString("reference_space_reset"); onsimpleevent(c_str);; }; GodotWebXR.pauseResumeMainLoop(); window.setTimeout(function() { const reference_space_c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(reference_space_type); const enabled_features_c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(Array.from(session.enabledFeatures).join(",")); onstarted(reference_space_c_str, enabled_features_c_str);;; }, 0); } function requestReferenceSpace() { const reference_space_type = requested_reference_space_types.shift(); session.requestReferenceSpace(reference_space_type).then(refSpace => { onReferenceSpaceSuccess(refSpace, reference_space_type); }).catch(() => { if (requested_reference_space_types.length === 0) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString("Unable to get any of the requested reference space types"); onfailed(c_str);; } else { requestReferenceSpace(); } }); } requestReferenceSpace(); }).catch(function(error) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(`Unable to make WebGL context compatible with WebXR: ${error}`); onfailed(c_str);; }); }).catch(function(error) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(`Unable to start session: ${error}`); onfailed(c_str);; }); }; function _godot_webxr_is_session_supported(p_session_mode, p_callback) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(184, 1, p_session_mode, p_callback); const session_mode = GodotRuntime.parseString(p_session_mode); const cb = GodotRuntime.get_func(p_callback); if (navigator.xr) { navigator.xr.isSessionSupported(session_mode).then(function(supported) { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(session_mode); cb(c_str, supported ? 1 : 0);; }); } else { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString(session_mode); cb(c_str, 0);; } } function _godot_webxr_is_supported() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(185, 1); return !!navigator.xr; } var _godot_webxr_uninitialize = function() { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(186, 1); if (GodotWebXR.session) { GodotWebXR.session.end().catch( e => {}); } GodotWebXR.session = null; GodotWebXR.gl_binding = null; GodotWebXR.layer = null; = null; GodotWebXR.frame = null; GodotWebXR.pose = null; GodotWebXR.view_count = 1; GodotWebXR.input_sources = new Array(16); GodotWebXR.touches = new Array(5); GodotWebXR.onsimpleevent = null; GodotWebXR.monkeyPatchRequestAnimationFrame(false); GodotWebXR.pauseResumeMainLoop(); }; function _godot_webxr_update_input_source(p_input_source_id, r_target_pose, r_target_ray_mode, r_touch_index, r_has_grip_pose, r_grip_pose, r_has_standard_mapping, r_button_count, r_buttons, r_axes_count, r_axes, r_has_hand_data, r_hand_joints, r_hand_radii) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(187, 1, p_input_source_id, r_target_pose, r_target_ray_mode, r_touch_index, r_has_grip_pose, r_grip_pose, r_has_standard_mapping, r_button_count, r_buttons, r_axes_count, r_axes, r_has_hand_data, r_hand_joints, r_hand_radii); if (!GodotWebXR.session || !GodotWebXR.frame) { return 0; } if (p_input_source_id < 0 || p_input_source_id >= GodotWebXR.input_sources.length || !GodotWebXR.input_sources[p_input_source_id]) { return false; } const input_source = GodotWebXR.input_sources[p_input_source_id]; const frame = GodotWebXR.frame; const space =; const target_pose = frame.getPose(input_source.targetRaySpace, space); if (!target_pose) { return false; } const target_pose_matrix = target_pose.transform.matrix; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_target_pose + (i * 4), target_pose_matrix[i], "float"); } let target_ray_mode = 0; switch (input_source.targetRayMode) { case "gaze": target_ray_mode = 1; break; case "tracked-pointer": target_ray_mode = 2; break; case "screen": target_ray_mode = 3; break; default: } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_target_ray_mode, target_ray_mode, "i32"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_touch_index, GodotWebXR.getTouchIndex(input_source), "i32"); let has_grip_pose = false; if (input_source.gripSpace) { const grip_pose = frame.getPose(input_source.gripSpace, space); if (grip_pose) { const grip_pose_matrix = grip_pose.transform.matrix; for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_grip_pose + (i * 4), grip_pose_matrix[i], "float"); } has_grip_pose = true; } } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_has_grip_pose, has_grip_pose ? 1 : 0, "i32"); let has_standard_mapping = false; let button_count = 0; let axes_count = 0; if (input_source.gamepad) { if (input_source.gamepad.mapping === "xr-standard") { has_standard_mapping = true; } button_count = Math.min(input_source.gamepad.buttons.length, 10); for (let i = 0; i < button_count; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_buttons + (i * 4), input_source.gamepad.buttons[i].value, "float"); } axes_count = Math.min(input_source.gamepad.axes.length, 10); for (let i = 0; i < axes_count; i++) { GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_axes + (i * 4), input_source.gamepad.axes[i], "float"); } } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_has_standard_mapping, has_standard_mapping ? 1 : 0, "i32"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_button_count, button_count, "i32"); GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_axes_count, axes_count, "i32"); let has_hand_data = false; if (input_source.hand && r_hand_joints !== 0 && r_hand_radii !== 0) { const hand_joint_array = new Float32Array(25 * 16); const hand_radii_array = new Float32Array(25); if (frame.fillPoses(input_source.hand.values(), space, hand_joint_array) && frame.fillJointRadii(input_source.hand.values(), hand_radii_array)) { GodotRuntime.heapCopy(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), hand_joint_array, r_hand_joints); GodotRuntime.heapCopy(GROWABLE_HEAP_F32(), hand_radii_array, r_hand_radii); has_hand_data = true; } } GodotRuntime.setHeapValue(r_has_hand_data, has_hand_data ? 1 : 0, "i32"); return true; } function _godot_webxr_update_target_frame_rate(p_frame_rate) { if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) return proxyToMainThread(188, 1, p_frame_rate); if (!GodotWebXR.session || GodotWebXR.session.updateTargetFrameRate === undefined) { return; } GodotWebXR.session.updateTargetFrameRate(p_frame_rate).then(() => { const c_str = GodotRuntime.allocString("display_refresh_rate_changed"); GodotWebXR.onsimpleevent(c_str);; }); } var arraySum = (array, index) => { var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= index; sum += array[i++]) {} return sum; }; var MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = [ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]; var MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]; var addDays = (date, days) => { var newDate = new Date(date.getTime()); while (days > 0) { var leap = isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear()); var currentMonth = newDate.getMonth(); var daysInCurrentMonth = (leap ? MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth]; if (days > daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate()) { days -= (daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate() + 1); newDate.setDate(1); if (currentMonth < 11) { newDate.setMonth(currentMonth + 1); } else { newDate.setMonth(0); newDate.setFullYear(newDate.getFullYear() + 1); } } else { newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + days); return newDate; } } return newDate; }; var writeArrayToMemory = (array, buffer) => { assert(array.length >= 0, "writeArrayToMemory array must have a length (should be an array or typed array)"); GROWABLE_HEAP_I8().set(array, buffer); }; var _strftime = (s, maxsize, format, tm) => { var tm_zone = GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[(((tm) + (40)) >> 2)]; var date = { tm_sec: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[((tm) >> 2)], tm_min: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (4)) >> 2)], tm_hour: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (8)) >> 2)], tm_mday: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (12)) >> 2)], tm_mon: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (16)) >> 2)], tm_year: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (20)) >> 2)], tm_wday: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (24)) >> 2)], tm_yday: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (28)) >> 2)], tm_isdst: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (32)) >> 2)], tm_gmtoff: GROWABLE_HEAP_I32()[(((tm) + (36)) >> 2)], tm_zone: tm_zone ? UTF8ToString(tm_zone) : "" }; var pattern = UTF8ToString(format); var EXPANSION_RULES_1 = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ec": "%c", "%EC": "%C", "%Ex": "%m/%d/%y", "%EX": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ey": "%y", "%EY": "%Y", "%Od": "%d", "%Oe": "%e", "%OH": "%H", "%OI": "%I", "%Om": "%m", "%OM": "%M", "%OS": "%S", "%Ou": "%u", "%OU": "%U", "%OV": "%V", "%Ow": "%w", "%OW": "%W", "%Oy": "%y" }; for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1) { pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule]); } var WEEKDAYS = [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ]; var MONTHS = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; function leadingSomething(value, digits, character) { var str = typeof value == "number" ? value.toString() : (value || ""); while (str.length < digits) { str = character[0] + str; } return str; } function leadingNulls(value, digits) { return leadingSomething(value, digits, "0"); } function compareByDay(date1, date2) { function sgn(value) { return value < 0 ? -1 : (value > 0 ? 1 : 0); } var compare; if ((compare = sgn(date1.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear())) === 0) { if ((compare = sgn(date1.getMonth() - date2.getMonth())) === 0) { compare = sgn(date1.getDate() - date2.getDate()); } } return compare; } function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth) { switch (janFourth.getDay()) { case 0: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29); case 1: return janFourth; case 2: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 3); case 3: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 2); case 4: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 1); case 5: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31); case 6: return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30); } } function getWeekBasedYear(date) { var thisDate = addDays(new Date(date.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday); var janFourthThisYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), 0, 4); var janFourthNextYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4); var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear); var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear); if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear, thisDate) <= 0) { if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, thisDate) <= 0) { return thisDate.getFullYear() + 1; } return thisDate.getFullYear(); } return thisDate.getFullYear() - 1; } var EXPANSION_RULES_2 = { "%a": date => WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday].substring(0, 3), "%A": date => WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday], "%b": date => MONTHS[date.tm_mon].substring(0, 3), "%B": date => MONTHS[date.tm_mon], "%C": date => { var year = date.tm_year + 1900; return leadingNulls((year / 100) | 0, 2); }, "%d": date => leadingNulls(date.tm_mday, 2), "%e": date => leadingSomething(date.tm_mday, 2, " "), "%g": date => getWeekBasedYear(date).toString().substring(2), "%G": getWeekBasedYear, "%H": date => leadingNulls(date.tm_hour, 2), "%I": date => { var twelveHour = date.tm_hour; if (twelveHour == 0) twelveHour = 12; else if (twelveHour > 12) twelveHour -= 12; return leadingNulls(twelveHour, 2); }, "%j": date => leadingNulls(date.tm_mday + arraySum(isLeapYear(date.tm_year + 1900) ? MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, date.tm_mon - 1), 3), "%m": date => leadingNulls(date.tm_mon + 1, 2), "%M": date => leadingNulls(date.tm_min, 2), "%n": () => "\n", "%p": date => { if (date.tm_hour >= 0 && date.tm_hour < 12) { return "AM"; } return "PM"; }, "%S": date => leadingNulls(date.tm_sec, 2), "%t": () => "\t", "%u": date => date.tm_wday || 7, "%U": date => { var days = date.tm_yday + 7 - date.tm_wday; return leadingNulls(Math.floor(days / 7), 2); }, "%V": date => { var val = Math.floor((date.tm_yday + 7 - (date.tm_wday + 6) % 7) / 7); if ((date.tm_wday + 371 - date.tm_yday - 2) % 7 <= 2) { val++; } if (!val) { val = 52; var dec31 = (date.tm_wday + 7 - date.tm_yday - 1) % 7; if (dec31 == 4 || (dec31 == 5 && isLeapYear(date.tm_year % 400 - 1))) { val++; } } else if (val == 53) { var jan1 = (date.tm_wday + 371 - date.tm_yday) % 7; if (jan1 != 4 && (jan1 != 3 || !isLeapYear(date.tm_year))) val = 1; } return leadingNulls(val, 2); }, "%w": date => date.tm_wday, "%W": date => { var days = date.tm_yday + 7 - ((date.tm_wday + 6) % 7); return leadingNulls(Math.floor(days / 7), 2); }, "%y": date => (date.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2), "%Y": date => date.tm_year + 1900, "%z": date => { var off = date.tm_gmtoff; var ahead = off >= 0; off = Math.abs(off) / 60; off = (off / 60) * 100 + (off % 60); return (ahead ? "+" : "-") + String("0000" + off).slice(-4); }, "%Z": date => date.tm_zone, "%%": () => "%" }; pattern = pattern.replace(/%%/g, "\0\0"); for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2) { if (pattern.includes(rule)) { pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date)); } } pattern = pattern.replace(/\0\0/g, "%"); var bytes = intArrayFromString(pattern, false); if (bytes.length > maxsize) { return 0; } writeArrayToMemory(bytes, s); return bytes.length - 1; }; var _strftime_l = (s, maxsize, format, tm, loc) => _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm); var stringToUTF8OnStack = str => { var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1; var ret = stackAlloc(size); stringToUTF8(str, ret, size); return ret; }; var getCFunc = ident => { var func = Module["_" + ident]; assert(func, "Cannot call unknown function " + ident + ", make sure it is exported"); return func; }; /** * @param {string|null=} returnType * @param {Array=} argTypes * @param {Arguments|Array=} args * @param {Object=} opts */ var ccall = (ident, returnType, argTypes, args, opts) => { var toC = { "string": str => { var ret = 0; if (str !== null && str !== undefined && str !== 0) { ret = stringToUTF8OnStack(str); } return ret; }, "array": arr => { var ret = stackAlloc(arr.length); writeArrayToMemory(arr, ret); return ret; } }; function convertReturnValue(ret) { if (returnType === "string") { return UTF8ToString(ret); } if (returnType === "boolean") return Boolean(ret); return ret; } var func = getCFunc(ident); var cArgs = []; var stack = 0; assert(returnType !== "array", 'Return type should not be "array".'); if (args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var converter = toC[argTypes[i]]; if (converter) { if (stack === 0) stack = stackSave(); cArgs[i] = converter(args[i]); } else { cArgs[i] = args[i]; } } } var ret = func.apply(null, cArgs); function onDone(ret) { if (stack !== 0) stackRestore(stack); return convertReturnValue(ret); } ret = onDone(ret); return ret; }; /** * @param {string=} returnType * @param {Array=} argTypes * @param {Object=} opts */ var cwrap = (ident, returnType, argTypes, opts) => function() { return ccall(ident, returnType, argTypes, arguments, opts); }; PThread.init(); var FSNode = /** @constructor */ function(parent, name, mode, rdev) { if (!parent) { parent = this; } this.parent = parent; this.mount = parent.mount; this.mounted = null; = FS.nextInode++; = name; this.mode = mode; this.node_ops = {}; this.stream_ops = {}; this.rdev = rdev; }; var readMode = 292 | /*292*/ 73; /*73*/ var writeMode = 146; /*146*/ Object.defineProperties(FSNode.prototype, { read: { get: /** @this{FSNode} */ function() { return (this.mode & readMode) === readMode; }, set: /** @this{FSNode} */ function(val) { val ? this.mode |= readMode : this.mode &= ~readMode; } }, write: { get: /** @this{FSNode} */ function() { return (this.mode & writeMode) === writeMode; }, set: /** @this{FSNode} */ function(val) { val ? this.mode |= writeMode : this.mode &= ~writeMode; } }, isFolder: { get: /** @this{FSNode} */ function() { return FS.isDir(this.mode); } }, isDevice: { get: /** @this{FSNode} */ function() { return FS.isChrdev(this.mode); } } }); FS.FSNode = FSNode; FS.createPreloadedFile = FS_createPreloadedFile; FS.staticInit(); var GLctx; Module["requestFullscreen"] = Browser.requestFullscreen; Module["requestFullScreen"] = Browser.requestFullScreen; Module["requestAnimationFrame"] = Browser.requestAnimationFrame; Module["setCanvasSize"] = Browser.setCanvasSize; Module["pauseMainLoop"] = Browser.mainLoop.pause; Module["resumeMainLoop"] = Browser.mainLoop.resume; Module["getUserMedia"] = Browser.getUserMedia; Module["createContext"] = Browser.createContext; var preloadedImages = {}; var preloadedAudios = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) tempFixedLengthArray.push(new Array(i)); var miniTempWebGLIntBuffersStorage = new Int32Array(288); for (/**@suppress{duplicate}*/ var i = 0; i < 288; ++i) { miniTempWebGLIntBuffers[i] = miniTempWebGLIntBuffersStorage.subarray(0, i + 1); } var miniTempWebGLFloatBuffersStorage = new Float32Array(288); for (/**@suppress{duplicate}*/ var i = 0; i < 288; ++i) { miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[i] = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffersStorage.subarray(0, i + 1); } Module["request_quit"] = function() { GodotOS.request_quit(); }; Module["onExit"] = GodotOS.cleanup; GodotOS._fs_sync_promise = Promise.resolve(); Module["initConfig"] = GodotConfig.init_config; Module["initFS"] = GodotFS.init; Module["copyToFS"] = GodotFS.copy_to_fs; GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotDisplayCursor.clear(); resolve(); }); GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotEventListeners.clear(); resolve(); }); GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotDisplayVK.clear(); resolve(); }); GodotOS.atexit(function(resolve, reject) { GodotIME.clear(); resolve(); }); GodotJSWrapper.proxies = new Map; var proxiedFunctionTable = [ _proc_exit, exitOnMainThread, pthreadCreateProxied, ___syscall__newselect, ___syscall_accept4, ___syscall_bind, ___syscall_chdir, ___syscall_chmod, ___syscall_connect, ___syscall_faccessat, ___syscall_fchmod, ___syscall_fcntl64, ___syscall_fstat64, ___syscall_ftruncate64, ___syscall_getcwd, ___syscall_getdents64, ___syscall_getsockname, ___syscall_getsockopt, ___syscall_ioctl, ___syscall_listen, ___syscall_lstat64, ___syscall_mkdirat, ___syscall_mknodat, ___syscall_newfstatat, ___syscall_openat, ___syscall_poll, ___syscall_readlinkat, ___syscall_recvfrom, ___syscall_renameat, ___syscall_rmdir, ___syscall_sendto, ___syscall_socket, ___syscall_stat64, ___syscall_statfs64, ___syscall_symlink, ___syscall_unlinkat, __emscripten_runtime_keepalive_clear, _emscripten_force_exit, setCanvasElementSizeMainThread, _emscripten_webgl_destroy_context, _emscripten_webgl_create_context_proxied, _emscripten_webgl_enable_extension, _environ_get, _environ_sizes_get, _fd_close, _fd_fdstat_get, _fd_read, _fd_seek, _fd_write, _getaddrinfo, _godot_audio_has_worklet, _godot_audio_init, _godot_audio_input_start, _godot_audio_input_stop, 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_godot_js_os_fs_is_persistent, _godot_js_os_fs_sync, _godot_js_os_has_feature, _godot_js_os_hw_concurrency_get, _godot_js_os_request_quit_cb, _godot_js_os_shell_open, _godot_js_pwa_cb, _godot_js_pwa_update, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_close, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_connect, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_destroy, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_get_buffered_amount, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_id_get, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_negotiated, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_is_ordered, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_label_get, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_packet_lifetime_get, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_max_retransmits_get, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_ready_state_get, _godot_js_rtc_datachannel_send, _godot_js_rtc_pc_close, _godot_js_rtc_pc_create, _godot_js_rtc_pc_datachannel_create, _godot_js_rtc_pc_destroy, _godot_js_rtc_pc_ice_candidate_add, _godot_js_rtc_pc_local_description_set, _godot_js_rtc_pc_offer_create, _godot_js_rtc_pc_remote_description_set, _godot_js_set_ime_active, _godot_js_set_ime_cb, 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_godot_webxr_get_supported_frame_rates, _godot_webxr_get_transform_for_view, _godot_webxr_get_velocity_texture, _godot_webxr_get_view_count, _godot_webxr_get_visibility_state, _godot_webxr_initialize, _godot_webxr_is_session_supported, _godot_webxr_is_supported, _godot_webxr_uninitialize, _godot_webxr_update_input_source, _godot_webxr_update_target_frame_rate ]; function checkIncomingModuleAPI() { ignoredModuleProp("fetchSettings"); } var wasmImports = { /** @export */ __assert_fail: ___assert_fail, /** @export */ __call_sighandler: ___call_sighandler, /** @export */ __emscripten_init_main_thread_js: ___emscripten_init_main_thread_js, /** @export */ __emscripten_thread_cleanup: ___emscripten_thread_cleanup, /** @export */ __pthread_create_js: ___pthread_create_js, /** @export */ __syscall__newselect: ___syscall__newselect, /** @export */ __syscall_accept4: ___syscall_accept4, /** @export */ __syscall_bind: ___syscall_bind, /** @export */ __syscall_chdir: ___syscall_chdir, /** @export */ __syscall_chmod: ___syscall_chmod, /** @export */ __syscall_connect: ___syscall_connect, /** @export */ __syscall_faccessat: ___syscall_faccessat, /** @export */ __syscall_fchmod: ___syscall_fchmod, /** @export */ __syscall_fcntl64: ___syscall_fcntl64, /** @export */ __syscall_fstat64: ___syscall_fstat64, /** @export */ __syscall_ftruncate64: ___syscall_ftruncate64, /** @export */ __syscall_getcwd: ___syscall_getcwd, /** @export */ __syscall_getdents64: ___syscall_getdents64, /** @export */ __syscall_getsockname: ___syscall_getsockname, /** @export */ __syscall_getsockopt: ___syscall_getsockopt, /** @export */ __syscall_ioctl: ___syscall_ioctl, /** @export */ __syscall_listen: ___syscall_listen, /** @export */ __syscall_lstat64: ___syscall_lstat64, /** @export */ __syscall_mkdirat: ___syscall_mkdirat, /** @export */ __syscall_mknodat: ___syscall_mknodat, /** @export */ __syscall_newfstatat: ___syscall_newfstatat, /** @export */ __syscall_openat: ___syscall_openat, /** @export */ __syscall_poll: ___syscall_poll, /** @export */ __syscall_readlinkat: ___syscall_readlinkat, /** @export */ __syscall_recvfrom: ___syscall_recvfrom, /** @export */ __syscall_renameat: ___syscall_renameat, /** @export */ __syscall_rmdir: ___syscall_rmdir, /** @export */ __syscall_sendto: ___syscall_sendto, /** @export */ __syscall_socket: ___syscall_socket, /** @export */ __syscall_stat64: ___syscall_stat64, /** @export */ __syscall_statfs64: ___syscall_statfs64, /** @export */ __syscall_symlink: ___syscall_symlink, /** @export */ __syscall_unlinkat: ___syscall_unlinkat, /** @export */ _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic: __emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic, /** @export */ _emscripten_notify_mailbox_postmessage: __emscripten_notify_mailbox_postmessage, /** @export */ _emscripten_proxied_gl_context_activated_from_main_browser_thread: __emscripten_proxied_gl_context_activated_from_main_browser_thread, /** @export */ _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js: __emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js, 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invoke_viii, /** @export */ invoke_viiii: invoke_viiii, /** @export */ invoke_viiiiiii: invoke_viiiiiii, /** @export */ invoke_viiij: invoke_viiij, /** @export */ memory: wasmMemory || Module["wasmMemory"], /** @export */ proc_exit: _proc_exit, /** @export */ strftime: _strftime, /** @export */ strftime_l: _strftime_l }; var wasmExports = createWasm(); var ___wasm_call_ctors = createExportWrapper("__wasm_call_ctors"); var _emscripten_webgl_commit_frame = createExportWrapper("emscripten_webgl_commit_frame"); var _free = createExportWrapper("free"); var __Z14godot_web_mainiPPc = Module["__Z14godot_web_mainiPPc"] = createExportWrapper("_Z14godot_web_mainiPPc"); var _main = Module["_main"] = createExportWrapper("__main_argc_argv"); var _malloc = createExportWrapper("malloc"); var _fflush = createExportWrapper("fflush"); var _htonl = createExportWrapper("htonl"); var _htons = createExportWrapper("htons"); var _ntohs = createExportWrapper("ntohs"); var __emwebxr_on_input_event = Module["__emwebxr_on_input_event"] = createExportWrapper("_emwebxr_on_input_event"); var __emwebxr_on_simple_event = Module["__emwebxr_on_simple_event"] = createExportWrapper("_emwebxr_on_simple_event"); var __emscripten_tls_init = Module["__emscripten_tls_init"] = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_tls_init"); var _pthread_self = Module["_pthread_self"] = () => (_pthread_self = Module["_pthread_self"] = wasmExports["pthread_self"])(); var _emscripten_webgl_get_current_context = createExportWrapper("emscripten_webgl_get_current_context"); var __emscripten_run_callback_on_thread = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_run_callback_on_thread"); var ___funcs_on_exit = createExportWrapper("__funcs_on_exit"); var __emscripten_thread_init = Module["__emscripten_thread_init"] = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_thread_init"); var __emscripten_thread_crashed = Module["__emscripten_thread_crashed"] = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_thread_crashed"); var _emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls = createExportWrapper("emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls"); var _emscripten_main_runtime_thread_id = createExportWrapper("emscripten_main_runtime_thread_id"); var _emscripten_stack_get_base = () => (_emscripten_stack_get_base = wasmExports["emscripten_stack_get_base"])(); var _emscripten_stack_get_end = () => (_emscripten_stack_get_end = wasmExports["emscripten_stack_get_end"])(); var __emscripten_run_on_main_thread_js = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_run_on_main_thread_js"); var __emscripten_thread_free_data = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_thread_free_data"); var __emscripten_thread_exit = Module["__emscripten_thread_exit"] = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_thread_exit"); var __emscripten_check_mailbox = createExportWrapper("_emscripten_check_mailbox"); var _setThrew = createExportWrapper("setThrew"); var _emscripten_stack_init = () => (_emscripten_stack_init = wasmExports["emscripten_stack_init"])(); var _emscripten_stack_set_limits = (a0, a1) => (_emscripten_stack_set_limits = wasmExports["emscripten_stack_set_limits"])(a0, a1); var _emscripten_stack_get_free = () => (_emscripten_stack_get_free = wasmExports["emscripten_stack_get_free"])(); var stackSave = createExportWrapper("stackSave"); var stackRestore = createExportWrapper("stackRestore"); var stackAlloc = createExportWrapper("stackAlloc"); var _emscripten_stack_get_current = () => (_emscripten_stack_get_current = wasmExports["emscripten_stack_get_current"])(); var ___cxa_increment_exception_refcount = createExportWrapper("__cxa_increment_exception_refcount"); var ___cxa_is_pointer_type = createExportWrapper("__cxa_is_pointer_type"); function invoke_vii(index, a1, a2) { var sp = stackSave(); try { getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_vi(index, a1) { var sp = stackSave(); try { getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_iiii(index, a1, a2, a3) { var sp = stackSave(); try { return getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_ii(index, a1) { var sp = stackSave(); try { return getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_iiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { var sp = stackSave(); try { return getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_viiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4) { var sp = stackSave(); try { getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3, a4); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_viiij(index, a1, a2, a3, a4) { var sp = stackSave(); try { getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3, a4); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_iii(index, a1, a2) { var sp = stackSave(); try { return getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_iiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4) { var sp = stackSave(); try { return getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3, a4); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_viiiiiii(index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var sp = stackSave(); try { getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } function invoke_viii(index, a1, a2, a3) { var sp = stackSave(); try { getWasmTableEntry(index)(a1, a2, a3); } catch (e) { stackRestore(sp); if (e !== e + 0) throw e; _setThrew(1, 0); } } Module["callMain"] = callMain; Module["wasmMemory"] = wasmMemory; Module["keepRuntimeAlive"] = keepRuntimeAlive; Module["cwrap"] = cwrap; Module["ExitStatus"] = ExitStatus; Module["PThread"] = PThread; var 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"registerUiEventCallback", "registerFocusEventCallback", "fillDeviceOrientationEventData", "registerDeviceOrientationEventCallback", "fillDeviceMotionEventData", "registerDeviceMotionEventCallback", "screenOrientation", "fillOrientationChangeEventData", "registerOrientationChangeEventCallback", "fillFullscreenChangeEventData", "registerFullscreenChangeEventCallback", "JSEvents_requestFullscreen", "JSEvents_resizeCanvasForFullscreen", "registerRestoreOldStyle", "hideEverythingExceptGivenElement", "restoreHiddenElements", "setLetterbox", "softFullscreenResizeWebGLRenderTarget", "doRequestFullscreen", "fillPointerlockChangeEventData", "registerPointerlockChangeEventCallback", "registerPointerlockErrorEventCallback", "requestPointerLock", "fillVisibilityChangeEventData", "registerVisibilityChangeEventCallback", "registerTouchEventCallback", "fillGamepadEventData", "registerGamepadEventCallback", "registerBeforeUnloadEventCallback", "fillBatteryEventData", "battery", "registerBatteryEventCallback", "setCanvasElementSize", "getCanvasSizeCallingThread", "getCanvasSizeMainThread", "getCanvasElementSize", "demangle", "jsStackTrace", "stackTrace", "checkWasiClock", "wasiRightsToMuslOFlags", "wasiOFlagsToMuslOFlags", "createDyncallWrapper", "setImmediateWrapped", "clearImmediateWrapped", "polyfillSetImmediate", "getPromise", "makePromise", "idsToPromises", "makePromiseCallback", "ExceptionInfo", "findMatchingCatch", "Browser_asyncPrepareDataCounter", "FS_unlink", "FS_mkdirTree", "_setNetworkCallback", "emscriptenWebGLGetUniform", "emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib", "__glGetActiveAttribOrUniform", "writeGLArray", "emscripten_webgl_destroy_context_before_on_calling_thread", "registerWebGlEventCallback", "runAndAbortIfError", "SDL_unicode", "SDL_ttfContext", "SDL_audio", "emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed", "ALLOC_NORMAL", "ALLOC_STACK", "allocate", "writeStringToMemory", "writeAsciiToMemory", "setErrNo" ]; missingLibrarySymbols.forEach(missingLibrarySymbol); var unexportedSymbols = [ "run", "addOnPreRun", "addOnInit", "addOnPreMain", "addOnExit", "addOnPostRun", "addRunDependency", "removeRunDependency", "FS_createFolder", "FS_createPath", "FS_createLazyFile", "FS_createLink", "FS_createDevice", "FS_readFile", "out", "err", "abort", "wasmExports", "stackAlloc", "stackSave", "stackRestore", "getTempRet0", "setTempRet0", "GROWABLE_HEAP_I8", "GROWABLE_HEAP_U8", "GROWABLE_HEAP_I16", "GROWABLE_HEAP_U16", "GROWABLE_HEAP_I32", "GROWABLE_HEAP_U32", "GROWABLE_HEAP_F32", "GROWABLE_HEAP_F64", "writeStackCookie", "checkStackCookie", "writeI53ToI64", "readI53FromI64", "readI53FromU64", "MAX_INT53", "MIN_INT53", "bigintToI53Checked", "ptrToString", "zeroMemory", "exitJS", "getHeapMax", "growMemory", "ENV", "MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR", "MONTH_DAYS_LEAP", "MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR_CUMULATIVE", "MONTH_DAYS_LEAP_CUMULATIVE", "isLeapYear", "ydayFromDate", "arraySum", "addDays", "ERRNO_CODES", "ERRNO_MESSAGES", "inetPton4", "inetNtop4", "inetPton6", "inetNtop6", "readSockaddr", "writeSockaddr", "DNS", "Protocols", "Sockets", "initRandomFill", "randomFill", "timers", "warnOnce", "UNWIND_CACHE", "readEmAsmArgsArray", "jstoi_q", "jstoi_s", "getExecutableName", "handleException", "runtimeKeepalivePush", "runtimeKeepalivePop", "callUserCallback", "maybeExit", "asyncLoad", "alignMemory", "mmapAlloc", "wasmTable", "noExitRuntime", "getCFunc", "ccall", "freeTableIndexes", "functionsInTableMap", "setValue", "getValue", "PATH", "PATH_FS", "UTF8Decoder", "UTF8ArrayToString", "UTF8ToString", "stringToUTF8Array", "stringToUTF8", "lengthBytesUTF8", "intArrayFromString", "stringToAscii", "UTF16Decoder", "stringToNewUTF8", "stringToUTF8OnStack", "writeArrayToMemory", "JSEvents", "specialHTMLTargets", "maybeCStringToJsString", "findEventTarget", "findCanvasEventTarget", "currentFullscreenStrategy", "restoreOldWindowedStyle", "setCanvasElementSizeCallingThread", "setCanvasElementSizeMainThread", "getEnvStrings", "doReadv", "doWritev", "safeSetTimeout", "promiseMap", "uncaughtExceptionCount", "exceptionLast", "exceptionCaught", "Browser", "setMainLoop", "wget", "SYSCALLS", "getSocketFromFD", "getSocketAddress", "preloadPlugins", "FS_createPreloadedFile", "FS_modeStringToFlags", "FS_getMode", "FS_stdin_getChar_buffer", "FS_stdin_getChar", "FS", "FS_createDataFile", "MEMFS", "TTY", "PIPEFS", "SOCKFS", "tempFixedLengthArray", "miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers", "miniTempWebGLIntBuffers", "heapObjectForWebGLType", "heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap", "webgl_enable_ANGLE_instanced_arrays", "webgl_enable_OES_vertex_array_object", "webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_buffers", "webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw", "GL", "emscriptenWebGLGet", "computeUnpackAlignedImageSize", "colorChannelsInGlTextureFormat", "emscriptenWebGLGetTexPixelData", "__glGenObject", "webglGetUniformLocation", "webglPrepareUniformLocationsBeforeFirstUse", "webglGetLeftBracePos", "emscripten_webgl_power_preferences", "AL", "GLUT", "EGL", "GLEW", "IDBStore", "SDL", "SDL_gfx", "webgl_enable_WEBGL_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance", "webgl_enable_WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance", "allocateUTF8", "allocateUTF8OnStack", "terminateWorker", "killThread", "cleanupThread", "registerTLSInit", "cancelThread", "spawnThread", "exitOnMainThread", "proxyToMainThread", "proxiedJSCallArgs", "invokeEntryPoint", "checkMailbox", "GodotWebXR", "GodotWebSocket", "GodotRTCDataChannel", "GodotRTCPeerConnection", "GodotAudio", "GodotAudioWorklet", "GodotAudioScript", "GodotDisplayVK", "GodotDisplayCursor", "GodotDisplayScreen", "GodotDisplay", "GodotFetch", "IDHandler", "GodotConfig", "GodotFS", "GodotOS", "GodotEventListeners", "GodotPWA", "GodotRuntime", "GodotIME", "GodotInputGamepads", "GodotInputDragDrop", "GodotInput", "GodotWebGL2", "IDBFS", "GodotJSWrapper" ]; unexportedSymbols.forEach(unexportedRuntimeSymbol); var calledRun; dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() { if (!calledRun) run(); if (!calledRun) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller; }; function callMain(args = []) { assert(runDependencies == 0, 'cannot call main when async dependencies remain! (listen on Module["onRuntimeInitialized"])'); assert(__ATPRERUN__.length == 0, "cannot call main when preRun functions remain to be called"); var entryFunction = _main; args.unshift(thisProgram); var argc = args.length; var argv = stackAlloc((argc + 1) * 4); var argv_ptr = argv; args.forEach(arg => { GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((argv_ptr) >> 2)] = stringToUTF8OnStack(arg); argv_ptr += 4; }); GROWABLE_HEAP_U32()[((argv_ptr) >> 2)] = 0; try { var ret = entryFunction(argc, argv); exitJS(ret, /* implicit = */ true); return ret; } catch (e) { return handleException(e); } } function stackCheckInit() { assert(!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD); _emscripten_stack_init(); writeStackCookie(); } function run(args = arguments_) { if (runDependencies > 0) { return; } if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) stackCheckInit(); if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) { readyPromiseResolve(Module); initRuntime(); startWorker(Module); return; } preRun(); if (runDependencies > 0) { return; } function doRun() { if (calledRun) return; calledRun = true; Module["calledRun"] = true; if (ABORT) return; initRuntime(); preMain(); readyPromiseResolve(Module); if (Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]) Module["onRuntimeInitialized"](); if (shouldRunNow) callMain(args); postRun(); } if (Module["setStatus"]) { Module["setStatus"]("Running..."); setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { Module["setStatus"](""); }, 1); doRun(); }, 1); } else { doRun(); } checkStackCookie(); } if (Module["preInit"]) { if (typeof Module["preInit"] == "function") Module["preInit"] = [ Module["preInit"] ]; while (Module["preInit"].length > 0) { Module["preInit"].pop()(); } } var shouldRunNow = false; if (Module["noInitialRun"]) shouldRunNow = false; run(); return moduleArg.ready } ); })(); if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = Godot; else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) define([], () => Godot); const Features = { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars /** * Check whether WebGL is available. Optionally, specify a particular version of WebGL to check for. * * @param {number=} [majorVersion=1] The major WebGL version to check for. * @returns {boolean} If the given major version of WebGL is available. * @function Engine.isWebGLAvailable */ isWebGLAvailable: function (majorVersion = 1) { try { return !!document.createElement('canvas').getContext(['webgl', 'webgl2'][majorVersion - 1]); } catch (e) { /* Not available */ } return false; }, /** * Check whether the Fetch API available and supports streaming responses. * * @returns {boolean} If the Fetch API is available and supports streaming responses. * @function Engine.isFetchAvailable */ isFetchAvailable: function () { return 'fetch' in window && 'Response' in window && 'body' in window.Response.prototype; }, /** * Check whether the engine is running in a Secure Context. * * @returns {boolean} If the engine is running in a Secure Context. * @function Engine.isSecureContext */ isSecureContext: function () { return window['isSecureContext'] === true; }, /** * Check whether the engine is cross origin isolated. * This value is dependent on Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy and Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers sent by the server. * * @returns {boolean} If the engine is running in a Secure Context. * @function Engine.isSecureContext */ isCrossOriginIsolated: function () { return window['crossOriginIsolated'] === true; }, /** * Check whether SharedBufferArray is available. * * Most browsers require the page to be running in a secure context, and the * the server to provide specific CORS headers for SharedArrayBuffer to be available. * * @returns {boolean} If SharedArrayBuffer is available. * @function Engine.isSharedArrayBufferAvailable */ isSharedArrayBufferAvailable: function () { return 'SharedArrayBuffer' in window; }, /** * Check whether the AudioContext supports AudioWorkletNodes. * * @returns {boolean} If AudioWorkletNode is available. * @function Engine.isAudioWorkletAvailable */ isAudioWorkletAvailable: function () { return 'AudioContext' in window && 'audioWorklet' in AudioContext.prototype; }, /** * Return an array of missing required features (as string). * * @returns {Array} A list of human-readable missing features. * @function Engine.getMissingFeatures * @param {{threads: (boolean|undefined)}} supportedFeatures */ getMissingFeatures: function (supportedFeatures = {}) { const { threads: supportsThreads = true, } = supportedFeatures; const missing = []; if (!Features.isWebGLAvailable(2)) { missing.push('WebGL2 - Check web browser configuration and hardware support'); } if (!Features.isFetchAvailable()) { missing.push('Fetch - Check web browser version'); } if (!Features.isSecureContext()) { missing.push('Secure Context - Check web server configuration (use HTTPS)'); } if (supportsThreads) { if (!Features.isCrossOriginIsolated()) { missing.push('Cross-Origin Isolation - Check that the web server configuration sends the correct headers.'); } if (!Features.isSharedArrayBufferAvailable()) { missing.push('SharedArrayBuffer - Check that the web server configuration sends the correct headers.'); } } // Audio is normally optional since we have a dummy fallback. return missing; }, }; const Preloader = /** @constructor */ function () { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars function getTrackedResponse(response, load_status) { function onloadprogress(reader, controller) { return (result) { if (load_status.done) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (result.value) { controller.enqueue(result.value); load_status.loaded += result.value.length; } if (!result.done) { return onloadprogress(reader, controller); } load_status.done = true; return Promise.resolve(); }); } const reader = response.body.getReader(); return new Response(new ReadableStream({ start: function (controller) { onloadprogress(reader, controller).then(function () { controller.close(); }); }, }), { headers: response.headers }); } function loadFetch(file, tracker, fileSize, raw) { tracker[file] = { total: fileSize || 0, loaded: 0, done: false, }; return fetch(file).then(function (response) { if (!response.ok) { return Promise.reject(new Error(`Failed loading file '${file}'`)); } const tr = getTrackedResponse(response, tracker[file]); if (raw) { return Promise.resolve(tr); } return tr.arrayBuffer(); }); } function retry(func, attempts = 1) { function onerror(err) { if (attempts <= 1) { return Promise.reject(err); } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(function () { retry(func, attempts - 1).then(resolve).catch(reject); }, 1000); }); } return func().catch(onerror); } const DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS_MAX = 4; const loadingFiles = {}; const lastProgress = { loaded: 0, total: 0 }; let progressFunc = null; const animateProgress = function () { let loaded = 0; let total = 0; let totalIsValid = true; let progressIsFinal = true; Object.keys(loadingFiles).forEach(function (file) { const stat = loadingFiles[file]; if (!stat.done) { progressIsFinal = false; } if (!totalIsValid || === 0) { totalIsValid = false; total = 0; } else { total +=; } loaded += stat.loaded; }); if (loaded !== lastProgress.loaded || total !== { lastProgress.loaded = loaded; = total; if (typeof progressFunc === 'function') { progressFunc(loaded, total); } } if (!progressIsFinal) { requestAnimationFrame(animateProgress); } }; this.animateProgress = animateProgress; this.setProgressFunc = function (callback) { progressFunc = callback; }; this.loadPromise = function (file, fileSize, raw = false) { return retry(loadFetch.bind(null, file, loadingFiles, fileSize, raw), DOWNLOAD_ATTEMPTS_MAX); }; this.preloadedFiles = []; this.preload = function (pathOrBuffer, destPath, fileSize) { let buffer = null; if (typeof pathOrBuffer === 'string') { const me = this; return this.loadPromise(pathOrBuffer, fileSize).then(function (buf) { me.preloadedFiles.push({ path: destPath || pathOrBuffer, buffer: buf, }); return Promise.resolve(); }); } else if (pathOrBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = new Uint8Array(pathOrBuffer); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(pathOrBuffer)) { buffer = new Uint8Array(pathOrBuffer.buffer); } if (buffer) { this.preloadedFiles.push({ path: destPath, buffer: pathOrBuffer, }); return Promise.resolve(); } return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid object for preloading')); }; }; /** * An object used to configure the Engine instance based on godot export options, and to override those in custom HTML * templates if needed. * * @header Engine configuration * @summary The Engine configuration object. This is just a typedef, create it like a regular object, e.g.: * * ``const MyConfig = { executable: 'godot', unloadAfterInit: false }`` * * @typedef {Object} EngineConfig */ const EngineConfig = {}; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars /** * @struct * @constructor * @ignore */ const InternalConfig = function (initConfig) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const cfg = /** @lends {InternalConfig.prototype} */ { /** * Whether to unload the engine automatically after the instance is initialized. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @default * @type {boolean} */ unloadAfterInit: true, /** * The HTML DOM Canvas object to use. * * By default, the first canvas element in the document will be used is none is specified. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @default * @type {?HTMLCanvasElement} */ canvas: null, /** * The name of the WASM file without the extension. (Set by Godot Editor export process). * * @memberof EngineConfig * @default * @type {string} */ executable: '', /** * An alternative name for the game pck to load. The executable name is used otherwise. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @default * @type {?string} */ mainPack: null, /** * Specify a language code to select the proper localization for the game. * * The browser locale will be used if none is specified. See complete list of * :ref:`supported locales `. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @type {?string} * @default */ locale: null, /** * The canvas resize policy determines how the canvas should be resized by Godot. * * ``0`` means Godot won't do any resizing. This is useful if you want to control the canvas size from * javascript code in your template. * * ``1`` means Godot will resize the canvas on start, and when changing window size via engine functions. * * ``2`` means Godot will adapt the canvas size to match the whole browser window. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @type {number} * @default */ canvasResizePolicy: 2, /** * The arguments to be passed as command line arguments on startup. * * See :ref:`command line tutorial `. * * **Note**: :js:meth:`startGame ` will always add the ``--main-pack`` argument. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @type {Array} * @default */ args: [], /** * When enabled, the game canvas will automatically grab the focus when the engine starts. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @type {boolean} * @default */ focusCanvas: true, /** * When enabled, this will turn on experimental virtual keyboard support on mobile. * * @memberof EngineConfig * @type {boolean} * @default */ experimentalVK: false, /** * The progressive web app service worker to install. * @memberof EngineConfig * @default * @type {string} */ serviceWorker: '', /** * @ignore * @type {Array.} */ persistentPaths: ['/userfs'], /** * @ignore * @type {boolean} */ persistentDrops: false, /** * @ignore * @type {Array.} */ gdextensionLibs: [], /** * @ignore * @type {Array.} */ fileSizes: [], /** * A callback function for handling Godot's ``OS.execute`` calls. * * This is for example used in the Web Editor template to switch between project manager and editor, and for running the game. * * @callback EngineConfig.onExecute * @param {string} path The path that Godot's wants executed. * @param {Array.} args The arguments of the "command" to execute. */ /** * @ignore * @type {?function(string, Array.)} */ onExecute: null, /** * A callback function for being notified when the Godot instance quits. * * **Note**: This function will not be called if the engine crashes or become unresponsive. * * @callback EngineConfig.onExit * @param {number} status_code The status code returned by Godot on exit. */ /** * @ignore * @type {?function(number)} */ onExit: null, /** * A callback function for displaying download progress. * * The function is called once per frame while downloading files, so the usage of ``requestAnimationFrame()`` * is not necessary. * * If the callback function receives a total amount of bytes as 0, this means that it is impossible to calculate. * Possible reasons include: * * - Files are delivered with server-side chunked compression * - Files are delivered with server-side compression on Chromium * - Not all file downloads have started yet (usually on servers without multi-threading) * * @callback EngineConfig.onProgress * @param {number} current The current amount of downloaded bytes so far. * @param {number} total The total amount of bytes to be downloaded. */ /** * @ignore * @type {?function(number, number)} */ onProgress: null, /** * A callback function for handling the standard output stream. This method should usually only be used in debug pages. * * By default, ``console.log()`` is used. * * @callback EngineConfig.onPrint * @param {...*} [var_args] A variadic number of arguments to be printed. */ /** * @ignore * @type {?function(...*)} */ onPrint: function () { console.log.apply(console, Array.from(arguments)); // eslint-disable-line no-console }, /** * A callback function for handling the standard error stream. This method should usually only be used in debug pages. * * By default, ``console.error()`` is used. * * @callback EngineConfig.onPrintError * @param {...*} [var_args] A variadic number of arguments to be printed as errors. */ /** * @ignore * @type {?function(...*)} */ onPrintError: function (var_args) { console.error.apply(console, Array.from(arguments)); // eslint-disable-line no-console }, }; /** * @ignore * @struct * @constructor * @param {EngineConfig} opts */ function Config(opts) { this.update(opts); } Config.prototype = cfg; /** * @ignore * @param {EngineConfig} opts */ Config.prototype.update = function (opts) { const config = opts || {}; // NOTE: We must explicitly pass the default, accessing it via // the key will fail due to closure compiler renames. function parse(key, def) { if (typeof (config[key]) === 'undefined') { return def; } return config[key]; } // Module config this.unloadAfterInit = parse('unloadAfterInit', this.unloadAfterInit); this.onPrintError = parse('onPrintError', this.onPrintError); this.onPrint = parse('onPrint', this.onPrint); this.onProgress = parse('onProgress', this.onProgress); // Godot config this.canvas = parse('canvas', this.canvas); this.executable = parse('executable', this.executable); this.mainPack = parse('mainPack', this.mainPack); this.locale = parse('locale', this.locale); this.canvasResizePolicy = parse('canvasResizePolicy', this.canvasResizePolicy); this.persistentPaths = parse('persistentPaths', this.persistentPaths); this.persistentDrops = parse('persistentDrops', this.persistentDrops); this.experimentalVK = parse('experimentalVK', this.experimentalVK); this.focusCanvas = parse('focusCanvas', this.focusCanvas); this.serviceWorker = parse('serviceWorker', this.serviceWorker); this.gdextensionLibs = parse('gdextensionLibs', this.gdextensionLibs); this.fileSizes = parse('fileSizes', this.fileSizes); this.args = parse('args', this.args); this.onExecute = parse('onExecute', this.onExecute); this.onExit = parse('onExit', this.onExit); }; /** * @ignore * @param {string} loadPath * @param {Response} response */ Config.prototype.getModuleConfig = function (loadPath, response) { let r = response; return { 'print': this.onPrint, 'printErr': this.onPrintError, 'thisProgram': this.executable, 'noExitRuntime': false, 'dynamicLibraries': [`${loadPath}.side.wasm`], 'instantiateWasm': function (imports, onSuccess) { function done(result) { onSuccess(result['instance'], result['module']); } if (typeof (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) !== 'undefined') { WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(Promise.resolve(r), imports).then(done); } else { r.arrayBuffer().then(function (buffer) { WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, imports).then(done); }); } r = null; return {}; }, 'locateFile': function (path) { if (!path.startsWith('godot.')) { return path; } else if (path.endsWith('.worker.js')) { return `${loadPath}.worker.js`; } else if (path.endsWith('.audio.worklet.js')) { return `${loadPath}.audio.worklet.js`; } else if (path.endsWith('.js')) { return `${loadPath}.js`; } else if (path.endsWith('.side.wasm')) { return `${loadPath}.side.wasm`; } else if (path.endsWith('.wasm')) { return `${loadPath}.wasm`; } return path; }, }; }; /** * @ignore * @param {function()} cleanup */ Config.prototype.getGodotConfig = function (cleanup) { // Try to find a canvas if (!(this.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { const nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas'); if (nodes.length && nodes[0] instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { const first = nodes[0]; this.canvas = /** @type {!HTMLCanvasElement} */ (first); } if (!this.canvas) { throw new Error('No canvas found in page'); } } // Canvas can grab focus on click, or key events won't work. if (this.canvas.tabIndex < 0) { this.canvas.tabIndex = 0; } // Browser locale, or custom one if defined. let locale = this.locale; if (!locale) { locale = navigator.languages ? navigator.languages[0] : navigator.language; locale = locale.split('.')[0]; } locale = locale.replace('-', '_'); const onExit = this.onExit; // Godot configuration. return { 'canvas': this.canvas, 'canvasResizePolicy': this.canvasResizePolicy, 'locale': locale, 'persistentDrops': this.persistentDrops, 'virtualKeyboard': this.experimentalVK, 'focusCanvas': this.focusCanvas, 'onExecute': this.onExecute, 'onExit': function (p_code) { cleanup(); // We always need to call the cleanup callback to free memory. if (typeof (onExit) === 'function') { onExit(p_code); } }, }; }; return new Config(initConfig); }; /** * Projects exported for the Web expose the :js:class:`Engine` class to the JavaScript environment, that allows * fine control over the engine's start-up process. * * This API is built in an asynchronous manner and requires basic understanding * of `Promises `__. * * @module Engine * @header Web export JavaScript reference */ const Engine = (function () { const preloader = new Preloader(); let loadPromise = null; let loadPath = ''; let initPromise = null; /** * @classdesc The ``Engine`` class provides methods for loading and starting exported projects on the Web. For default export * settings, this is already part of the exported HTML page. To understand practical use of the ``Engine`` class, * see :ref:`Custom HTML page for Web export `. * * @description Create a new Engine instance with the given configuration. * * @global * @constructor * @param {EngineConfig} initConfig The initial config for this instance. */ function Engine(initConfig) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow this.config = new InternalConfig(initConfig); this.rtenv = null; } /** * Load the engine from the specified base path. * * @param {string} basePath Base path of the engine to load. * @param {number=} [size=0] The file size if known. * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves once the engine is loaded. * * @function Engine.load */ Engine.load = function (basePath, size) { if (loadPromise == null) { loadPath = basePath; loadPromise = preloader.loadPromise(`${loadPath}.wasm`, size, true); requestAnimationFrame(preloader.animateProgress); } return loadPromise; }; /** * Unload the engine to free memory. * * This method will be called automatically depending on the configuration. See :js:attr:`unloadAfterInit`. * * @function Engine.unload */ Engine.unload = function () { loadPromise = null; }; /** * Safe Engine constructor, creates a new prototype for every new instance to avoid prototype pollution. * @ignore * @constructor */ function SafeEngine(initConfig) { const proto = /** @lends Engine.prototype */ { /** * Initialize the engine instance. Optionally, pass the base path to the engine to load it, * if it hasn't been loaded yet. See :js:meth:`Engine.load`. * * @param {string=} basePath Base path of the engine to load. * @return {Promise} A ``Promise`` that resolves once the engine is loaded and initialized. */ init: function (basePath) { if (initPromise) { return initPromise; } if (loadPromise == null) { if (!basePath) { initPromise = Promise.reject(new Error('A base path must be provided when calling `init` and the engine is not loaded.')); return initPromise; } Engine.load(basePath, this.config.fileSizes[`${basePath}.wasm`]); } const me = this; function doInit(promise) { // Care! Promise chaining is bogus with old emscripten versions. // This caused a regression with the Mono build (which uses an older emscripten version). // Make sure to test that when refactoring. return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { promise.then(function (response) { const cloned = new Response(response.clone().body, { 'headers': [['content-type', 'application/wasm']] }); Godot(me.config.getModuleConfig(loadPath, cloned)).then(function (module) { const paths = me.config.persistentPaths; module['initFS'](paths).then(function (err) { me.rtenv = module; if (me.config.unloadAfterInit) { Engine.unload(); } resolve(); }); }); }); }); } preloader.setProgressFunc(this.config.onProgress); initPromise = doInit(loadPromise); return initPromise; }, /** * Load a file so it is available in the instance's file system once it runs. Must be called **before** starting the * instance. * * If not provided, the ``path`` is derived from the URL of the loaded file. * * @param {string|ArrayBuffer} file The file to preload. * * If a ``string`` the file will be loaded from that path. * * If an ``ArrayBuffer`` or a view on one, the buffer will used as the content of the file. * * @param {string=} path Path by which the file will be accessible. Required, if ``file`` is not a string. * * @returns {Promise} A Promise that resolves once the file is loaded. */ preloadFile: function (file, path) { return preloader.preload(file, path, this.config.fileSizes[file]); }, /** * Start the engine instance using the given override configuration (if any). * :js:meth:`startGame ` can be used in typical cases instead. * * This will initialize the instance if it is not initialized. For manual initialization, see :js:meth:`init `. * The engine must be loaded beforehand. * * Fails if a canvas cannot be found on the page, or not specified in the configuration. * * @param {EngineConfig} override An optional configuration override. * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves once the engine started. */ start: function (override) { this.config.update(override); const me = this; return me.init().then(function () { if (!me.rtenv) { return Promise.reject(new Error('The engine must be initialized before it can be started')); } let config = {}; try { config = me.config.getGodotConfig(function () { me.rtenv = null; }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } // Godot configuration. me.rtenv['initConfig'](config); // Preload GDExtension libraries. const libs = []; if (me.config.gdextensionLibs.length > 0 && !me.rtenv['loadDynamicLibrary']) { return Promise.reject(new Error('GDExtension libraries are not supported by this engine version. ' + 'Enable "Extensions Support" for your export preset and/or build your custom template with "dlink_enabled=yes".')); } me.config.gdextensionLibs.forEach(function (lib) { libs.push(me.rtenv['loadDynamicLibrary'](lib, { 'loadAsync': true })); }); return Promise.all(libs).then(function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { preloader.preloadedFiles.forEach(function (file) { me.rtenv['copyToFS'](file.path, file.buffer); }); preloader.preloadedFiles.length = 0; // Clear memory me.rtenv['callMain'](me.config.args); initPromise = null; me.installServiceWorker(); resolve(); }); }); }); }, /** * Start the game instance using the given configuration override (if any). * * This will initialize the instance if it is not initialized. For manual initialization, see :js:meth:`init `. * * This will load the engine if it is not loaded, and preload the main pck. * * This method expects the initial config (or the override) to have both the :js:attr:`executable` and :js:attr:`mainPack` * properties set (normally done by the editor during export). * * @param {EngineConfig} override An optional configuration override. * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves once the game started. */ startGame: function (override) { this.config.update(override); // Add main-pack argument. const exe = this.config.executable; const pack = this.config.mainPack || `${exe}.pck`; this.config.args = ['--main-pack', pack].concat(this.config.args); // Start and init with execName as loadPath if not inited. const me = this; return Promise.all([ this.init(exe), this.preloadFile(pack, pack), ]).then(function () { return me.start.apply(me); }); }, /** * Create a file at the specified ``path`` with the passed as ``buffer`` in the instance's file system. * * @param {string} path The location where the file will be created. * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer The content of the file. */ copyToFS: function (path, buffer) { if (this.rtenv == null) { throw new Error('Engine must be inited before copying files'); } this.rtenv['copyToFS'](path, buffer); }, /** * Request that the current instance quit. * * This is akin the user pressing the close button in the window manager, and will * have no effect if the engine has crashed, or is stuck in a loop. * */ requestQuit: function () { if (this.rtenv) { this.rtenv['request_quit'](); } }, /** * Install the progressive-web app service worker. * @returns {Promise} The service worker registration promise. */ installServiceWorker: function () { if (this.config.serviceWorker && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) { return navigator.serviceWorker.register(this.config.serviceWorker); } return Promise.resolve(); }, }; Engine.prototype = proto; // Closure compiler exported instance methods. Engine.prototype['init'] = Engine.prototype.init; Engine.prototype['preloadFile'] = Engine.prototype.preloadFile; Engine.prototype['start'] = Engine.prototype.start; Engine.prototype['startGame'] = Engine.prototype.startGame; Engine.prototype['copyToFS'] = Engine.prototype.copyToFS; Engine.prototype['requestQuit'] = Engine.prototype.requestQuit; Engine.prototype['installServiceWorker'] = Engine.prototype.installServiceWorker; // Also expose static methods as instance methods Engine.prototype['load'] = Engine.load; Engine.prototype['unload'] = Engine.unload; return new Engine(initConfig); } // Closure compiler exported static methods. SafeEngine['load'] = Engine.load; SafeEngine['unload'] = Engine.unload; // Feature-detection utilities. SafeEngine['isWebGLAvailable'] = Features.isWebGLAvailable; SafeEngine['isFetchAvailable'] = Features.isFetchAvailable; SafeEngine['isSecureContext'] = Features.isSecureContext; SafeEngine['isCrossOriginIsolated'] = Features.isCrossOriginIsolated; SafeEngine['isSharedArrayBufferAvailable'] = Features.isSharedArrayBufferAvailable; SafeEngine['isAudioWorkletAvailable'] = Features.isAudioWorkletAvailable; SafeEngine['getMissingFeatures'] = Features.getMissingFeatures; return SafeEngine; }()); if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window['Engine'] = Engine; }