import gradio as gr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import json import pickle as pck import joblib import pandas as pd import sklearn #reading the data base for market information db = pd.read_csv('database.csv') #loading the feature list with open('features.json') as f: features = json.load(f) #loading our encoder with open(r"columnTransformer.pickle", "rb") as file: encoder = pck.load(file) model = joblib.load("model.joblib") months = {'January': 1.0, 'February': 2.0, 'March': 3.0, 'April': 4.0, 'May': 5.0, 'June': 6.0, 'July': 7.0, 'August': 8.0, 'September': 9.0, 'October': 10.0, 'November': 11.0, 'December': 12.0} def encode(region,division,market,category, commodity, month): encoded = encoder.transform([[months[month], region, division,market,category,commodity]]) return encoded def predict(inp, quantity): pred = model.predict(inp.toarray()) pred = '{:.2f}'.format(abs(pred[0])*quantity) return float(pred) def plot_fig(compared,market): #ploting figure for comarison compared.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1]) mk_name = [ m_name[0] for m_name in compared] prices = [ price[1] for price in compared] colors = ["red" if i == market else "blue" for i in mk_name] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,9)), prices,width=0.5, color=colors) plt.title('Price compared to other markets') #plt.xlabel('Markets') plt.xticks(rotation=45) plt.ylabel('Price (Fcfa)') return fig def compararator(region,division,market,category, commodity, month, quantity): #compare prediction for other marlkets db_cop = db[!= market] samples = db_cop.sample(5) compared = [] #predict for the given input inp = encode(region,division,market,category, commodity, month) pred = predict(inp,quantity) compared.append((market,pred)) #predict for 5 random markets for price comparison for index, sample in samples.iterrows(): inp = encode(sample['region'],sample['division'],sample['market'],category, commodity, month) ypred = predict(inp,quantity) compared.append((sample['market'],ypred)) fig = plot_fig(compared, market) return pred, fig def evaluate(region,division,market,category, commodity, month, quantity): ypred,fig = compararator(region,division,market,category, commodity, month, quantity) out = str(ypred) + "Fcfa for " +str(quantity)+ " (KG/L/P)" st = "Price of " + commodity + " in " + market + " is : " + out return st, fig inputs = [ gr.Dropdown(features['regions'], label="Region"), gr.Dropdown(features['division'], label="Division"), gr.Dropdown(features['market'], label="market"), gr.Dropdown(features['categories'], label="category"), gr.Dropdown(features['commodity'], label="commodity"), gr.Dropdown(list(months.keys()), label="Month"), gr.Slider(1, 100, value=1, step=0.5, label= "quantity (Kilogram / Liters)", interactive=True), ] outputs = ["label", gr.Plot(label="Prices in other markets").style(container=True)] desc= "Machine learning for food price prediction in Various Cameroon markets (Retail Price)" camfreg = gr.Interface( fn=evaluate, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, cache_examples=True, article='KG = kilogram, L = Liter, P = piece', title= 'Camfreg : Cameroon food prices Prediction', description= desc ) if __name__ == "__main__": camfreg.launch()