import json import logging import os import re import time from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import List, Optional import jsonlines from huggingface_hub import CommitOperationAdd # type: ignore[import] from huggingface_hub import Discussion, HfApi, HfFileSystem from tqdm import tqdm from .evaluation import METRICS from .formatting import styled_error, styled_message, styled_warning from .tasks_content import TASKS_PRETTY_REVERSE from .utils import MD_LINK_PATTERN class AlreadyExists(Exception): pass class SubmissionUploader: """Class for adding new files to a dataset on a Hub and opening a PR. Heavily influenced by these amazing spaces: * * * """ def __init__(self, dataset_id: str, private_dataset_id: str): self._api = HfApi(token=os.environ["HF_TOKEN"]) self._fs = HfFileSystem(token=os.environ["HF_TOKEN"]) self._results_dataset_id = dataset_id self._requests_dataset_id = private_dataset_id def _get_previous_pr(self, pr_title: str) -> Optional[Discussion]: """Searches among discussions of the results dataset for a PR with the given title.""" try: discussions = self._api.get_repo_discussions(repo_id=self._results_dataset_id, repo_type="dataset") except Exception: return None for discussion in discussions: if discussion.status == "open" and discussion.is_pull_request and discussion.title == pr_title: return discussion return None def _upload_request( self, task_id: str, model_folder: str, model_name_pretty: str, model_availability: str, model_url: Optional[str], urls: Optional[str], context_size: str, submitted_by: str, contact_information: str, comment: Optional[str], pr_url: str, temp_directory: str, ) -> List[CommitOperationAdd]: """Adds a file with metadata about the current request to the requests dataset.""" request_metadata = { "model_folder": model_folder, "model_name_pretty": model_name_pretty, "model_availability": model_availability, "model_url": model_url, "urls": urls, "context_size": context_size, "submitted_by": submitted_by, "contact_information": contact_information, "comment": comment, "timestamp": time.time(), "pr_url": pr_url, } with open(os.path.join(temp_directory, "request_metadata.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(request_metadata, f) num_requests_already_present = ( len("datasets/{self._requests_dataset_id}/{task_id}/")) if self._fs.isdir(f"datasets/{self._requests_dataset_id}/{task_id}/") else 0 ) commit_operations = [ CommitOperationAdd( path_in_repo=f"{task_id}/{num_requests_already_present}_{model_folder}.json", path_or_fileobj=os.path.join(temp_directory, "request_metadata.json"), ) ] return commit_operations def _upload_predictions( self, task_id: str, model_folder: str, filenames: List[str], ) -> List[CommitOperationAdd]: """Adds all files with current model's predictions to the results dataset.""" commit_operations = [ CommitOperationAdd( path_in_repo=f"{task_id}/predictions/{model_folder}/{os.path.basename(filename)}", path_or_fileobj=filename, ) for filename in filenames ] return commit_operations def _compute_metrics_for_predictions(self, task_id: str, filenames: List[str], temp_directory: str) -> None: """Computes metrics for each submitted file with the current model's predictions.""" metrics_module = METRICS[task_id] assert metrics_module is not None, f"Computing metrics for {task_id} is not supported." metrics_module.reset() open(os.path.join(temp_directory, "metrics.jsonl"), "w").close() # compute the metrics for each submitted file for filename in filenames: with, "r") as reader: for example in tqdm(reader, desc=f"Computing metrics for {os.path.basename(filename)}"): metrics_module.add_batch( predictions=[example["prediction"]], references=[example["reference"]], ) computed_metrics = metrics_module.compute() metrics_module.reset() with, "metrics.jsonl"), "a") as writer: writer.write(computed_metrics) # aggregate the metrics over submitted files with, "metrics.jsonl"), "r") as reader: metrics_results = [line for line in reader] final_metrics_results = { key: sum(entry[key] for entry in metrics_results) / len(metrics_results) for key in metrics_results[0] } with open(os.path.join(temp_directory, "final_metrics.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(final_metrics_results, f) def _upload_results( self, task_id: str, model_folder: str, model_name_pretty: str, model_availability: str, model_url: Optional[str], urls: Optional[str], context_size: str, submitted_by: str, temp_directory: str, ) -> List[CommitOperationAdd]: """Adds files with the current model's metrics values to the results dataset.""" final_results = {} with open(os.path.join(temp_directory, "final_metrics.json"), "r") as f: metrics = json.load(f) final_results.update(metrics) final_results.update( { "model_name": model_name_pretty, "model_availability": model_availability, "model_url": model_url, "urls": urls, "context_size": context_size, "submitted_by": submitted_by, } ) with, "final_results.jsonl"), "w") as writer: writer.write(final_results) return [ CommitOperationAdd( path_in_repo=f"{task_id}/results/{model_folder}.jsonl", path_or_fileobj=os.path.join(temp_directory, "final_results.jsonl"), ) ] def _verify_arguments( self, task_pretty: str, model_folder: str, model_name_pretty: str, model_availability: str, model_url: Optional[str], urls: Optional[str], context_size: str, submitted_by: str, contact_information: str, comment: Optional[str], filenames: Optional[List[str]], ): """Verifies that all necessary arguments are not None (and also runs other sanity checks).""" assert task_pretty and task_pretty in TASKS_PRETTY_REVERSE, "Please, select one of the supported tasks." assert model_folder, "Please, specify non-empty name for a directory with a model's results." assert model_name_pretty, "Please, specify non-empty name for a model." assert model_availability, "Please, specify non-empty information about a model's availability." assert context_size, "Please, specify non-empty information about a model's context size." try: _ = int(context_size) except: raise ValueError("Please, specify a model's context size as an integer (e.g., 16000).") if urls is not None and "," in urls: urls_list = urls.split(",") assert all( re.match(rf"^{MD_LINK_PATTERN}$", url.strip()) for url in urls_list ), 'Please, use the following format for URLs: "[text1](link1), [text2](link2)"' assert submitted_by, "Please, specify non-empty information about a submission's author(s)." assert filenames, "Please, attach at least one file with predictions." assert contact_information, "Please, fill in the field with contact information." def upload_files( self, task_pretty: str, model_folder: str, model_name_pretty: str, model_availability: str, model_url: Optional[str], urls: Optional[str], context_size: str, submitted_by: str, contact_information: str, comment: Optional[str], filenames: Optional[List[str]], force: bool = False, ) -> str: try: self._verify_arguments( task_pretty=task_pretty, model_folder=model_folder, model_name_pretty=model_name_pretty, model_availability=model_availability, model_url=model_url, urls=urls, context_size=context_size, submitted_by=submitted_by, contact_information=contact_information, comment=comment, filenames=filenames, ) pr_title = f"🚀 New submission to {task_pretty} task: {model_name_pretty} with {context_size} context size from {submitted_by}""Start processing {pr_title}") task_id = TASKS_PRETTY_REVERSE[task_pretty]"Checking if this request has already been submitted...") if not force: if self._fs.isdir(f"datasets/{self._results_dataset_id}/{task_id}/predictions/{model_folder}"): return styled_warning( f"{model_folder} is already present in {self._results_dataset_id}, please, select another folder name." ) prev_pr = self._get_previous_pr(pr_title) if prev_pr is not None: url = f"{self._results_dataset_id}/discussions/{prev_pr.num}" return styled_warning( f"{self._results_dataset_id} already has an open PR for this submission: {url}." )"Processing predictions...") predictions_commit_operations = self._upload_predictions( task_id=task_id, model_folder=model_folder, filenames=filenames, ) with TemporaryDirectory() as d:"Computing metrics...") self._compute_metrics_for_predictions(task_id=task_id, filenames=filenames, temp_directory=str(d))"Processing results...") results_commit_operations = self._upload_results( task_id=task_id, model_folder=model_folder, model_name_pretty=model_name_pretty, model_availability=model_availability, model_url=model_url, urls=urls, context_size=context_size, submitted_by=submitted_by, temp_directory=str(d), )"Creating commit to the results dataset...") new_pr = self._api.create_commit( repo_id=self._results_dataset_id, operations=predictions_commit_operations + results_commit_operations, commit_message=pr_title, commit_description=f"""New submission to {task_pretty} task in 🏟️ Long Code Arena benchmark!\n* Model name: {model_name_pretty}\n* Model availability: {model_availability}\n* Context Size: {context_size}\n* Relevant URLs: {urls}\n* Submitted By: {submitted_by}""", create_pr=True, repo_type="dataset", )"Creating commit to the requests dataset...") request_commit_operations = self._upload_request( task_id=task_id, model_folder=model_folder, temp_directory=str(d), model_name_pretty=model_name_pretty, model_availability=model_availability, model_url=model_url, urls=urls, context_size=context_size, submitted_by=submitted_by, contact_information=contact_information, comment=comment, pr_url=new_pr.pr_url, ) self._api.create_commit( repo_id=self._requests_dataset_id, operations=request_commit_operations, commit_message=pr_title, commit_description=f"""New submission to {task_pretty} task in 🏟️ Long Code Arena benchmark!\n* Model name: {model_name_pretty}\n* Model availability: {model_availability}\n* Context Size: {context_size}\n* Relevant URLs: {urls}\n* Submitted By: {submitted_by}\n* PR: {new_pr.pr_url}\n* Contact information: {contact_information}\n* Comment: {comment}""", create_pr=True, repo_type="dataset", ) return styled_message(f"🎉 PR created at {new_pr.pr_url}.") except Exception as e: exception_msg = str(e) if exception_msg and os.environ["PRIVATE_DATASET_ID"] in exception_msg: exception_msg = exception_msg.replace(os.environ["PRIVATE_DATASET_ID"], "{private_dataset}") if exception_msg: return styled_error(exception_msg) return styled_error("An exception occurred. Please, try again.")