import random import pandas as pd import gradio as gr pbp_data = [] pbp_cols = [ "Hitter Team", "Pitcher Team", "Hitter", "Pitcher", "PA Result", "Game#", "Inning", ] def convert_df(df): return df.to_csv().encode("utf-8") def determine_probs(hitter, pitcher): # if pitcher.throws == key, hit_probs == vlaue # for now if both we default to overall season probs for now hitter_probs_decision = { "Left": hitter.probsl, "Right": hitter.probsr, "Both": hitter.probsl, # default to lefty probs if he's switch, fix later } pitcher_probs_decision = { "Left": pitcher.probsl, "Right": pitcher.probsr, "Both": pitcher.probsl, # default to lefty probs if he is switch, work on this later } hit_probs = [ value for key, value in hitter_probs_decision.items() if key == pitcher.throws ] pit_probs = [ value for key, value in pitcher_probs_decision.items() if key == hitter.bats ] return hit_probs, pit_probs def PA(hitter, pitcher, game_num, inning): # call previous determine probs function for readiblity when calling the PA function hit_probs, pit_probs = determine_probs(hitter, pitcher) outcome_dict = {} possible_outcomes = ["IPO", "SO", "BB", "HBP", "1B", "2B", "3B", "HR"] # because hit probs and pit probs are nested for thing in hit_probs: for probh in thing: for thing2 in pit_probs: for probp in thing2: if probh[0] == probp[0]: if probh[0] and probp[0] in possible_outcomes: outcome_dict[probh[0]] = (probh[1] + probp[1]) / 2 # decide outcome keys = [key for key in outcome_dict.keys() if key in possible_outcomes] probs = [value for key, value in outcome_dict.items() if key in possible_outcomes] outcome = random.choices(keys, probs) outs = 0 if outcome[0] == "IPO": outs += 1 elif outcome[0] == "SO": outs += 1 hitter.PA += 1 pitcher.BF += 1 if outcome[0] not in ["BB", "HBP"]: hitter.AB += 1 # make a dataframe of play by play data pbp_data.append( [,,,, outcome[0], game_num, inning, ] ) return outcome[0], outs def clear_bases(): return [None, None, None] def check_bases_occupied(base_state): return sum([base_state.index(base) + 1 for base in base_state if base != None]) # run through this logic on paper and make sure it is sound... # double check that this does what we want it to... def advance_runners_on_hit( base_state, bases_advanced ): # only really for singles and doubles runs_scored = 0 for runner in base_state: if runner != None: new_index = base_state.index(runner) + bases_advanced if new_index < len(base_state): base_state[new_index] = runner base_state[new_index - 1] = None else: runs_scored += 1 # move the runners up the number of bases_advanced up in the list, return runs_scored, base_state def bb(hitter, pitcher, base_state): runs_scored = 0 sum_bases = check_bases_occupied(base_state) # check for scenarios where a walk or hbp would move runners on if sum_bases == 1: base_state[1] = base_state[0] base_state[0] = hitter elif sum_bases == 6: base_state[2] = base_state[1] base_state[1] = base_state[0] base_state[0] = hitter runs_scored += 1 else: base_state[0] == hitter hitter.BB += 1 pitcher.BB += 1 return runs_scored, base_state def hbp(hitter, pitcher, base_state): runs_scored = 0 sum_bases = check_bases_occupied(base_state) # check for scenarios where a walk or hbp would move runners on if sum_bases == 1: base_state[1] = base_state[0] base_state[0] = hitter elif sum_bases == 6: base_state[2] = base_state[1] base_state[1] = base_state[0] base_state[0] = hitter runs_scored += 1 else: base_state[0] == hitter hitter.HBP += 1 pitcher.HBP += 1 return runs_scored, base_state def IPO(hitter, pitcher, base_state): # eventually would like to make this include double play probability and players advancing on grounders and stuff eventually runs_scored = 0 hitter.IPO += 1 pitcher.IPO += 1 return runs_scored, base_state def K(hitter, pitcher, base_state): runs_scored = 0 hitter.K += 1 pitcher.K += 1 return runs_scored, base_state def single(hitter, pitcher, base_state): runs_scored = 0 # move all runners one base runs, base_state = advance_runners_on_hit(base_state, 1) runs_scored += runs base_state[0] = hitter += 1 += 1 hitter.H += 1 hitter.TB += 1 return runs_scored, base_state def double(hitter, pitcher, base_state): # move all the base runners two spots up (nobody scores from first yet) runs_scored = 0 runs, base_state = advance_runners_on_hit(base_state, 2) base_state[1] = hitter runs_scored += runs hitter.doubles += 1 pitcher.doubles += 1 hitter.H += 1 hitter.TB += 2 return runs_scored, base_state def triple(hitter, pitcher, base_state): runs_scored = 0 runs_scored += len([base for base in base_state if base != None]) base_state[2] = hitter hitter.triples += 1 pitcher.triples += 1 hitter.H += 1 hitter.TB += 3 return runs_scored, base_state def homerun(hitter, pitcher, base_state): runs_scored = 0 sum_bases = len([base for base in base_state if base != None]) base_state = clear_bases() runs_scored += sum_bases + 1 hitter.HR += 1 pitcher.HR += 1 hitter.H += 1 hitter.TB += 4 return runs_scored, base_state # assigning results with coresponding functions we made above outcome_funcs = { "HR": homerun, "3B": triple, "2B": double, "1B": single, "BB": bb, "HBP": hbp, "IPO": IPO, "SO": K, } # come back to bullpen thing later def half_inning( hitting_team_lineup, pitcher, pitching_team_bullpen, current_batsmen_index, game_num, inning_num, ): outs = 0 base_state = [None, None, None] index = current_batsmen_index if index >= len(hitting_team_lineup): index = 0 current_pitcher = pitcher runs_scored_in_half_inning = 0 sequence = [] # incrementing outs wrong i think for now keep at 4 and it should work.......fix later!!! while outs < 3: pa_result, outs_on_play = PA( hitting_team_lineup[index], current_pitcher, game_num, inning_num ) # move bases based on result # determine which function to call func = [func for result, func in outcome_funcs.items() if result == pa_result][ 0 ] # call it runs_scored, base_state = func(hitting_team_lineup[index], pitcher, base_state) hitting_team_lineup[index].RBI += runs_scored hitting_team_lineup[index].team.runs += runs_scored pitcher.ER += runs_scored # increment stuff and check position in lineup runs_scored_in_half_inning += runs_scored sequence.append(pa_result) outs += outs_on_play index += 1 if index >= len(hitting_team_lineup): index = 0 pitcher.IP += 1 return runs_scored_in_half_inning, index, sequence def full_inning( home_team, away_team, home_pitcher, away_pitcher, current_home_batsmen_index, current_away_batsmen_index, game_num, inning_num, ): next_in_lineup_home = [current_home_batsmen_index] next_in_lineup_away = [current_away_batsmen_index] sequence_of_events = [] away_score = 0 home_score = 0 next_in_line_away = next_in_lineup_away[-1] runs_scored_away, next_away_batter_index, result_sequence = half_inning( away_team.lineup, home_pitcher, away_team.bullpen, next_in_line_away, game_num, inning_num, ) next_in_lineup_away.append(next_away_batter_index) away_score += runs_scored_away sequence_of_events.append(result_sequence) next_in_line_home = next_in_lineup_home[-1] runs_scored_home, next_home_batter_index, result_sequence = half_inning( home_team.lineup, away_pitcher, home_team.bullpen, next_in_line_home, game_num, inning_num, ) next_in_lineup_home.append(next_home_batter_index) sequence_of_events.append(result_sequence) home_score += runs_scored_home return ( home_score, away_score, next_home_batter_index, next_away_batter_index, sequence_of_events, ) def game( home_team, away_team, home_pitcher, away_pitcher, start_inning, game_num, current_batsmen_index_home=0, current_batsmen_index_away=0, home_start_score=0, away_start_score=0, ): # for now forcing start inning to be 0 for testing and likley beta version start_inning = 1 home_score = home_start_score away_score = away_start_score next_in_lineup_home = [current_batsmen_index_home] next_in_lineup_away = [current_batsmen_index_away] sequence_of_events = [] innings = start_inning # meaning if the user input to begin simulation in the top of an inning like normal person for _ in range( 9 ): # want to figure out how to cycle through relievers after a certain inning next_home_batter_index = next_in_lineup_home[-1] next_away_batter_index = next_in_lineup_away[-1] ( runs_scored_home, runs_scored_away, next_home_batter_index, next_away_batter_index, result_sequence, ) = full_inning( home_team, away_team, home_pitcher, away_pitcher, current_batsmen_index_home, current_batsmen_index_away, game_num, innings, ) sequence_of_events.append(result_sequence) next_in_lineup_home.append(next_home_batter_index) next_in_lineup_away.append(next_away_batter_index) home_score += runs_scored_home away_score += runs_scored_away innings += 1 # extra innings while home_score == away_score: next_home_batter_index = next_in_lineup_home[-1] next_away_batter_index = next_in_lineup_away[-1] ( runs_scored_home, runs_scored_away, next_home_batter_index, next_away_batter_index, result_sequence, ) = full_inning( home_team, away_team, home_pitcher, away_pitcher, current_batsmen_index_home, current_batsmen_index_away, game_num, innings, ) sequence_of_events.append(result_sequence) next_in_lineup_home.append(next_home_batter_index) next_in_lineup_away.append(next_away_batter_index) home_score += runs_scored_home away_score += runs_scored_away innings += 1 # increment wins and losses if home_score > away_score: home_team.wins += 1 away_team.losses += 1 if innings > 9: home_team.extra_inning_wins += 1 return home_team, next_home_batter_index, next_away_batter_index elif away_score > home_score: away_team.wins += 1 home_team.losses += 1 if innings > 9: away_team.extra_inning_wins += 1 return away_team, next_home_batter_index, next_away_batter_index def simulation( num_simulations, home_team, away_team, start_inning=1, beginnnig_batsmen_index_home=0, beginning_batsmen_index_away=0, home_team_start_score=0, away_team_start_score=0, ): games_played = 1 # ask user about splitting home/away 50/50 or to do one team as home the whole time at some point as well as manual lineups # goals: keep track of records live with st.metrics, make a graph, and downloadable csv file w/ pbp data data = [] home_pitching_index = 0 away_pitching_index = 0 home_batting_next_up = [0] away_batting_next_up = [0] for n in gr.Progress().tqdm(range(num_simulations)): if n < num_simulations // 2: previous_result, home_index_next, away_index_next = game( home_team, away_team, home_team.rotation[home_pitching_index], away_team.rotation[away_pitching_index], start_inning=start_inning, game_num=games_played, current_batsmen_index_away=away_batting_next_up[-1], current_batsmen_index_home=home_batting_next_up[-1], ) home_pitching_index += 1 away_pitching_index += 1 if home_pitching_index >= len(home_team.rotation): home_pitching_index = 0 if away_pitching_index >= len(away_team.rotation): away_pitching_index = 0 if away_index_next >= len(away_team.lineup): away_index_next = 0 if home_index_next >= len(home_team.lineup): home_index_next = 0 away_batting_next_up.append(away_index_next) home_batting_next_up.append(home_index_next) games_played += 1 data.append([home_team.wins, away_team.wins, games_played]) continue previous_result, home_index_next, away_index_next = game( away_team, home_team, away_team.rotation[away_pitching_index], home_team.rotation[home_pitching_index], start_inning=start_inning, current_batsmen_index_away=away_batting_next_up[-1], current_batsmen_index_home=home_batting_next_up[-1], game_num=games_played, ) home_pitching_index += 1 away_pitching_index += 1 if home_pitching_index >= len(home_team.rotation): home_pitching_index = 0 if away_pitching_index >= len(away_team.rotation): away_pitching_index = 0 if away_index_next >= len(away_team.lineup): away_index_next = 0 if home_index_next >= len(home_team.lineup): home_index_next = 0 away_batting_next_up.append(away_index_next) home_batting_next_up.append(home_index_next) games_played += 1 data.append([home_team.wins, away_team.wins, games_played]) df = pd.DataFrame( data, columns=[ f"{[-1]} Wins", f"{[-1]} Wins", "Game#", ], ) df.set_index("Game#", inplace=True) pbp_df = pd.DataFrame(pbp_data, columns=pbp_cols) return pbp_df, df