import json import logging import sys import time from os import path from typing import Optional import click import steamship from steamship import Steamship, SteamshipError from steamship.base.configuration import Configuration from steamship.cli.deploy import ( PackageDeployer, PluginDeployer, bundle_deployable, update_config_template, ) from steamship.cli.manifest_init_wizard import manifest_init_wizard from steamship.cli.requirements_init_wizard import requirements_init_wizard from steamship.cli.ship_spinner import ship_spinner from import DeployableType, Manifest from import User def cli(): pass def initialize(suppress_message: bool = False): logging.root.setLevel(logging.FATAL) if not suppress_message: click.echo(f"Steamship PYTHON cli version {steamship.__version__}") @click.command() def login(): """Log in to Steamship, creating ~/.steamship.json""" initialize() click.echo("Logging into Steamship.") if sys.argv[1] == "login": if Configuration.default_config_file_has_api_key(): overwrite = click.confirm( text="You already have an API key in your .steamship.json file. Do you want to remove it and login?", default=False, ) if not overwrite: sys.exit(0) Configuration.remove_api_key_from_default_config() # Carry on with login client = Steamship() user = User.current(client) click.secho(f"🚢🚢🚢 Hooray! You're logged in with user handle: {user.handle} 🚢🚢🚢", fg="green") @click.command() def ships(): """Ship some ships""" initialize() click.secho("Here are some ships:", fg="cyan") with ship_spinner(): time.sleep(5) click.secho() @click.command() def deploy(): """Deploy the package or plugin in this directory""" initialize() client = None try: client = Steamship() except SteamshipError as e: click.secho(e.message, fg="red") click.get_current_context().abort() user = User.current(client) if path.exists("steamship.json"): manifest = Manifest.load_manifest() else: manifest = manifest_init_wizard(client) if not path.exists("requirements.txt"): requirements_init_wizard() deployable_type = manifest.type update_config_template(manifest) deployer = None if deployable_type == DeployableType.PACKAGE: deployer = PackageDeployer() elif deployable_type == DeployableType.PLUGIN: deployer = PluginDeployer() else: click.secho("Deployable must be of type package or plugin.", fg="red") click.get_current_context().abort() deployable = deployer.create_or_fetch_deployable(client, user, manifest) click.echo("Bundling content... ", nl=False) bundle_deployable(manifest) click.echo("Done. 📦") _ = deployer.create_version(client, manifest, thing_url = f"{client.config.web_base}{deployable_type}s/{manifest.handle}" click.echo( f"Deployment was successful. View and share your new {deployable_type} here:\n\n{thing_url}\n" ) # Common error conditions: # - Package/plugin handle already taken. [handled; asks user for new] # - Version handle already deployed. [handled; asks user for new] # - Bad parameter configuration. [mitigated by deriving template from Config object] # - Package content fails health check (ex. bad import) [Error caught while checking config object] @click.command() @click.option( "--workspace", "-w", required=True, type=str, help="Workspace handle used for scoping logs request. All requests MUST be scoped by workspace.", ) @click.option( "--offset", "-o", default=0, type=int, help="Starting index from sorted logs to return a chunk. Used for paging. Defaults to 0.", ) @click.option( "--number", "-n", default=50, type=int, help="Number of logs to return in a single batch. Defaults to 50.", ) @click.option( "--package", "-p", type=str, help="Package handle. Used to filter logs returend to a specific package (across all instances).", ) @click.option( "--instance", "-i", type=str, help="Instance handle. Used to filter logs returned to a specific instance of a package.", ) @click.option( "--version", "-v", type=str, help="Version handle. Used to filter logs returned to a specific version of a package.", ) @click.option( "--path", "request_path", type=str, help="Path invoked by a client operation. Used to filter logs returned to a specific invocation path.", ) def logs( workspace: str, offset: int, number: int, package: Optional[str] = None, instance: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, request_path: Optional[str] = None, ): initialize(suppress_message=True) client = None try: client = Steamship(workspace=workspace) except SteamshipError as e: raise click.UsageError(message=e.message) click.echo(json.dumps(client.logs(offset, number, package, instance, version, request_path))) cli.add_command(login) cli.add_command(deploy) cli.add_command(deploy, name="it") cli.add_command(ships) cli.add_command(logs) if __name__ == "__main__": deploy([])