""" Standard ChatGPT """ import json import logging import uuid from os import environ from os import getenv from os.path import exists from random import choice import requests from OpenAIAuth.OpenAIAuth import OpenAIAuth # Disable all logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) BASE_URL = environ.get("CHATGPT_BASE_URL") or choice( ["https://chatgpt-proxy.fly.dev/", "https://chatgpt-proxy2.fly.dev/"] ) class Error(Exception): """Base class for exceptions in this module.""" source: str message: str code: int class Chatbot: """ Chatbot class for ChatGPT """ def __init__( self, config, conversation_id=None, parent_id=None, ) -> None: self.config = config self.session = requests.Session() if "proxy" in config: if isinstance(config["proxy"], str) is False: raise Exception("Proxy must be a string!") proxies = { "http": config["proxy"], "https": config["proxy"], } self.session.proxies.update(proxies) if "verbose" in config: if type(config["verbose"]) != bool: raise Exception("Verbose must be a boolean!") self.verbose = config["verbose"] else: self.verbose = False self.conversation_id = conversation_id self.parent_id = parent_id self.conversation_mapping = {} self.conversation_id_prev_queue = [] self.parent_id_prev_queue = [] if "email" in config and "password" in config: pass elif "session_token" in config: pass elif "access_token" in config: self.__refresh_headers(config["access_token"]) else: raise Exception("No login details provided!") if "access_token" not in config: self.__login() def __refresh_headers(self, access_token): self.session.headers.clear() self.session.headers.update( { "Accept": "text/event-stream", "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Openai-Assistant-App-Id": "", "Connection": "close", "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "Referer": "https://chat.openai.com/chat", }, ) def __login(self): if ( "email" not in self.config or "password" not in self.config ) and "session_token" not in self.config: raise Exception("No login details provided!") auth = OpenAIAuth( email_address=self.config.get("email"), password=self.config.get("password"), proxy=self.config.get("proxy"), ) if self.config.get("session_token"): auth.session_token = self.config["session_token"] auth.get_access_token() if auth.access_token is None: del self.config["session_token"] self.__login() return else: auth.begin() self.config["session_token"] = auth.session_token auth.get_access_token() self.__refresh_headers(auth.access_token) def ask( self, prompt, conversation_id=None, parent_id=None, # gen_title=True, ): """ Ask a question to the chatbot :param prompt: String :param conversation_id: UUID :param parent_id: UUID :param gen_title: Boolean """ if conversation_id is not None and parent_id is None: self.__map_conversations() if conversation_id is None: conversation_id = self.conversation_id if parent_id is None: parent_id = ( self.parent_id if conversation_id == self.conversation_id else self.conversation_mapping[conversation_id] ) # new_conv = conversation_id is None data = { "action": "next", "messages": [ { "id": str(uuid.uuid4()), "role": "user", "content": {"content_type": "text", "parts": [prompt]}, }, ], "conversation_id": conversation_id, "parent_message_id": parent_id or str(uuid.uuid4()), "model": "text-davinci-002-render-sha", } # new_conv = data["conversation_id"] is None self.conversation_id_prev_queue.append( data["conversation_id"], ) # for rollback self.parent_id_prev_queue.append(data["parent_message_id"]) response = self.session.post( url=BASE_URL + "api/conversation", data=json.dumps(data), timeout=360, stream=True, ) self.__check_response(response) for line in response.iter_lines(): line = str(line)[2:-1] if line == "" or line is None: continue if "data: " in line: line = line[6:] if line == "[DONE]": break # Replace accidentally escaped double quotes line = line.replace('\\"', '"') line = line.replace("\\'", "'") line = line.replace("\\\\", "\\") # Try parse JSON try: line = json.loads(line) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: continue if not self.__check_fields(line): print("Field missing") print(line) continue message = line["message"]["content"]["parts"][0] conversation_id = line["conversation_id"] parent_id = line["message"]["id"] yield { "message": message, "conversation_id": conversation_id, "parent_id": parent_id, } if parent_id is not None: self.parent_id = parent_id if conversation_id is not None: self.conversation_id = conversation_id def __check_fields(self, data: dict) -> bool: try: data["message"]["content"] except TypeError: return False except KeyError: return False return True def __check_response(self, response): if response.status_code != 200: print(response.text) error = Error() error.source = "OpenAI" error.code = response.status_code error.message = response.text raise error def get_conversations(self, offset=0, limit=20): """ Get conversations :param offset: Integer :param limit: Integer """ url = BASE_URL + f"api/conversations?offset={offset}&limit={limit}" response = self.session.get(url) self.__check_response(response) data = json.loads(response.text) return data["items"] def get_msg_history(self, convo_id): """ Get message history :param id: UUID of conversation """ url = BASE_URL + f"api/conversation/{convo_id}" response = self.session.get(url) self.__check_response(response) data = json.loads(response.text) return data # def __gen_title(self, convo_id, message_id): # """ # Generate title for conversation # """ # url = BASE_URL + f"api/conversation/gen_title/{convo_id}" # response = self.session.post( # url, # data=json.dumps( # {"message_id": message_id, "model": "text-davinci-002-render"}, # ), # ) # self.__check_response(response) def change_title(self, convo_id, title): """ Change title of conversation :param id: UUID of conversation :param title: String """ url = BASE_URL + f"api/conversation/{convo_id}" response = self.session.patch(url, data=f'{{"title": "{title}"}}') self.__check_response(response) def delete_conversation(self, convo_id): """ Delete conversation :param id: UUID of conversation """ url = BASE_URL + f"api/conversation/{convo_id}" response = self.session.patch(url, data='{"is_visible": false}') self.__check_response(response) def clear_conversations(self): """ Delete all conversations """ url = BASE_URL + "api/conversations" response = self.session.patch(url, data='{"is_visible": false}') self.__check_response(response) def __map_conversations(self): conversations = self.get_conversations() histories = [self.get_msg_history(x["id"]) for x in conversations] for x, y in zip(conversations, histories): self.conversation_mapping[x["id"]] = y["current_node"] def reset_chat(self) -> None: """ Reset the conversation ID and parent ID. :return: None """ self.conversation_id = None self.parent_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) def rollback_conversation(self, num=1) -> None: """ Rollback the conversation. :param num: The number of messages to rollback :return: None """ for _ in range(num): self.conversation_id = self.conversation_id_prev_queue.pop() self.parent_id = self.parent_id_prev_queue.pop() def get_input(prompt): """ Multiline input function. """ # Display the prompt print(prompt, end="") # Initialize an empty list to store the input lines lines = [] # Read lines of input until the user enters an empty line while True: line = input() if line == "": break lines.append(line) # Join the lines, separated by newlines, and store the result user_input = "\n".join(lines) # Return the input return user_input def configure(): """ Looks for a config file in the following locations: """ config_files = ["config.json"] xdg_config_home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") if xdg_config_home: config_files.append(f"{xdg_config_home}/revChatGPT/config.json") user_home = getenv("HOME") if user_home: config_files.append(f"{user_home}/.config/revChatGPT/config.json") config_file = next((f for f in config_files if exists(f)), None) if config_file: with open(config_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: config = json.load(f) else: print("No config file found.") raise Exception("No config file found.") return config def main(config): """ Main function for the chatGPT program. """ print("Logging in...") chatbot = Chatbot(config) while True: prompt = get_input("\nYou:\n") if prompt.startswith("!"): if prompt == "!help": print( """ !help - Show this message !reset - Forget the current conversation !config - Show the current configuration !rollback x - Rollback the conversation (x being the number of messages to rollback) !exit - Exit this program """, ) continue elif prompt == "!reset": chatbot.reset_chat() print("Chat session successfully reset.") continue elif prompt == "!config": print(json.dumps(chatbot.config, indent=4)) continue elif prompt.startswith("!rollback"): # Default to 1 rollback if no number is specified try: rollback = int(prompt.split(" ")[1]) except IndexError: rollback = 1 chatbot.rollback_conversation(rollback) print(f"Rolled back {rollback} messages.") continue elif prompt.startswith("!setconversation"): try: chatbot.config["conversation"] = prompt.split(" ")[1] print("Conversation has been changed") except IndexError: print("Please include conversation UUID in command") continue elif prompt == "!exit": break print("Chatbot: ") prev_text = "" for data in chatbot.ask( prompt, conversation_id=chatbot.config.get("conversation"), parent_id=chatbot.config.get("parent_id"), ): message = data["message"][len(prev_text) :] print(message, end="", flush=True) prev_text = data["message"] print() # print(message["message"]) if __name__ == "__main__": print( """ ChatGPT - A command-line interface to OpenAI's ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/chat) Repo: github.com/acheong08/ChatGPT """, ) print("Type '!help' to show a full list of commands") print("Press enter twice to submit your question.\n") main(configure())