import regex import pandas as pd from . import nlp class Email: def __init__(self, raw_text): """ Constructor for email :param raw_text: raw text of email """ self.raw_text = raw_text self.list_emails = self.f_split_email_thread() def f_split_email_thread(self): """ Function to split a thread of email into a list of individual email. Two main formats of header are recognized: 1) Multi-lines header similar to De : sads Cadsfdsf [] Envoyé : 30 mars 2015 08:33 À : asdsad, sadsadasd (CA - asdasd) Objet : Re: TR: sadasdasdsad sa dsa 2) Le 2015-03-30 à 08:25, Luc, Archambault (CA - Drummondville) a écrit : Returns: list of dict. Dict contains for each email: (body, header, start, start_header, date, lang) """ pattern = r"(((\n{1}\t*|\n(-{4,}.*-{4,}\s*)|^)(([> *]*(de|from|Exp.diteur|Subject)[\s]*:).*(\n[^A-Z].*)?[\r\n\t\s,]{1,}){1,})(([> *\t]*[\p{L}\p{M}' -]*[\s]*:).*((\n[ ]{3,7}?.*|(\n<.*))*)[\r\n\t\s,]{1,3}?){2,}" \ r"|(\s*((((de|from|Exp.diteur|Subject)[\s]*:).{0,200}?[\r\n\t\s,]{1,}){1})(?!de)(((envoy.|.|to|date).?[\s]*:).*?){1,}(((objet|subject)[\s]*:).*?[!?.><,]){1})" \ r"|((?<=\n)(([ >\t]*)(le|on|el).{0,30}\d{4,}.{0,100}\n*.{0,100}(wrote|.crit|escribió)\s*:))" \ r"|(\b(le|on)\s*((\d{2,4}[- ]){3}|(\d{1,2}.{1,8}\d{4}))[^\n]*?(wrote|.crit)\s*:)" \ r"|$)" results = regex.finditer(pattern, self.raw_text, flags=regex.IGNORECASE) start_of_current_header = 0 end_of_current_header = 0 part_email = 1 if results is not None: list_email = [] for result in results: start_of_next_header = result.start() # if header_group is not None and full_email[0:header_group.start()].lstrip() == "": if start_of_current_header != end_of_current_header: header = self.raw_text[start_of_current_header: end_of_current_header] body = self.raw_text[end_of_current_header:start_of_next_header] start = end_of_current_header start_header = start_of_current_header # Case where no header was found (either last email of thread or regex didn't find it) else: header = "" body = self.raw_text[end_of_current_header:start_of_next_header] start = end_of_current_header start_header = start_of_current_header # we detect language for each email of the thread and default to detected thread language otherwise # We detect only on first 150 characters lang = nlp.f_detect_language(body[:150]) if body.strip() != "" or header != "": list_email.append({"body": body, "header": header, "start": start, "start_header": start_header, "lang": lang, "part": part_email }) part_email += 1 # previous_from_tag = current_from_tag start_of_current_header = result.start() end_of_current_header = result.end() return list_email # Case were mail is not a thread else: return [{"body": self.raw_text, "header": "", "start": 0}] @staticmethod def f_find_person_in_header(header, df_result=pd.DataFrame()): results = [] dict_header = Email.f_split_email_headers(header) for key in ["to", "cc", "from"]: if key in dict_header.keys(): line_header = dict_header[key][0] start_posit = dict_header[key][1] pattern_person = r"(?<=\s|'|^)[\p{L}\p{M}\s,-]{2,}(?=[\s;']|$)" list_results = regex.finditer(pattern_person, line_header, flags=regex.IGNORECASE) for match in list_results: value = if value.strip() != "": start = match.start() end = match.end() results.append(["PER", value, start_posit + start, start_posit + end, 1 ]) df_result = nlp.f_concat_results(df_result, results) return df_result @staticmethod def f_split_email_headers(header): """ SPlit headers in from/to/date, a dictionnary Args: header: Returns: """ matching_header_keywords = {"à": "to", "Destinataire": "to", "de": "from", "envoyé": "date", "sent": "date", "objet": "subject"} dict_results = {} pattern = r"((?<=\s|^)(à|À|a\p{M}|Cc|To|De|From|Envoy.|Date|Sent|Objet|Subject|Destinataire)\s?:)[ ]*((.*?)[ ]*((\n[ ]{3,7}?.*)*))(?=[\p{L}\p{M}]*\s{1,}:| > |\n|$)" list_results = regex.finditer(pattern, header, flags=regex.IGNORECASE) for match in list_results: key_word = key_word_matched = matching_header_keywords.get(key_word) dict_results[key_word_matched if not key_word_matched is None else key_word] = [, match.span(3)[0], match.span(3)[1]] return dict_results