from PIL import Image import streamlit as st import booste from session_state import SessionState, get_state # Unfortunately Streamlit sharing does not allow to hide enviroment variables yet. # Do not copy this API key, go to and get your own, it is free! BOOSTE_API_KEY = "3818ba84-3526-4029-9dc8-ef3038697ea2" task_name: str ="Task", options=["Image classification", "Image ranking", "Prompt ranking"]) st.markdown("# CLIP playground") st.markdown("### Try OpenAI's CLIP model in your browser") st.markdown(" "); st.markdown(" ") with st.beta_expander("What is CLIP?"): st.markdown("Nice CLIP explaination") st.markdown(" "); st.markdown(" ") if task_name == "Image classification": session_state = get_state() uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("Upload image", type=[".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"], accept_multiple_files=False) st.markdown("or choose one from") col1, col2, col3 = st.beta_columns(3) with col1: default_image_1 = "" st.image(default_image_1, use_column_width=True) if st.button("Select image 1"): session_state.image = default_image_1 with col2: default_image_2 = "" st.image(default_image_2, use_column_width=True) if st.button("Select image 2"): session_state.image = default_image_2 with col3: default_image_3 = "" st.image(default_image_3, use_column_width=True) if st.button("Select image 3"): session_state.image = default_image_3 raw_classes = st.text_input("Enter the classes to chose from separated by a comma." " (f.x. `banana, sailing boat, honesty, apple`)") if raw_classes: session_state.processed_classes = raw_classes.split(",") input_prompts = ["A picture of a " + class_name for class_name in session_state.processed_classes] col1, col2 = st.beta_columns([2, 1]) with col1: st.markdown("Image to classify") if session_state.image is not None: st.image(session_state.image, use_column_width=True) else: st.warning("Select an image") with col2: st.markdown("Classes to choose from") if session_state.processed_classes is not None: for class_name in session_state.processed_classes: st.write(class_name) else: st.warning("Enter the classes to classify from") # Possible way of customize this if st.button("Predict"): with st.spinner("Predicting..."): clip_response = booste.clip(BOOSTE_API_KEY, prompts=input_prompts, images=[session_state.image], pretty_print=True) st.write(clip_response) session_state.sync()