import random import requests import streamlit as st from clip_model import ClipModel from PIL import Image IMAGES_LINKS = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] @st.cache # Cache this so that it doesn't change every time something changes in the page def load_default_dataset(): return [load_image_from_url(url) for url in IMAGES_LINKS] def load_image_from_url(url: str) -> Image.Image: return, stream=True).raw) @st.cache def load_model() -> ClipModel: return ClipModel() def init_state(): if "images" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.images = None if "prompts" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.prompts = None if "predictions" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.predictions = None if "default_text_input" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.default_text_input = None def limit_number_images(): """When moving between tasks sometimes the state of images can have too many samples""" if st.session_state.images is not None and len(st.session_state.images) > 1: st.session_state.images = [st.session_state.images[0]] def limit_number_prompts(): """When moving between tasks sometimes the state of prompts can have too many samples""" if st.session_state.prompts is not None and len(st.session_state.prompts) > 1: st.session_state.prompts = [st.session_state.prompts[0]] def is_valid_prediction_state() -> bool: if st.session_state.images is None or len(st.session_state.images) < 1: st.error("Choose at least one image before predicting") return False if st.session_state.prompts is None or len(st.session_state.prompts) < 1: st.error("Write at least one prompt before predicting") return False return True def preprocess_image(image: Image.Image, max_size: int = 1200) -> Image.Image: """Set up a max size because otherwise the API sometimes breaks""" width_0, height_0 = image.size if max((width_0, height_0)) <= max_size: return image if width_0 > height_0: aspect_ratio = max_size / float(width_0) new_height = int(float(height_0) * float(aspect_ratio)) image = image.resize((max_size, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS) return image else: aspect_ratio = max_size / float(height_0) new_width = int(float(width_0) * float(aspect_ratio)) image = image.resize((max_size, new_width), Image.ANTIALIAS) return image class Sections: @staticmethod def header(): st.markdown('' '', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("# CLIP Playground") st.markdown("### Try OpenAI's CLIP model in your browser") st.markdown(" ") st.markdown(" ") with st.expander("What is CLIP?"): st.markdown("CLIP is a machine learning model that computes similarity between text " "(also called prompts) and images. It has been trained on a dataset with millions of diverse" " image-prompt pairs, which allows it to generalize to unseen examples." "
Check out [OpenAI's blogpost]( for more details", unsafe_allow_html=True) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) col1.image("$web/clip/draft/20210104b/overview-a.svg") col2.image("$web/clip/draft/20210104b/overview-b.svg") with st.expander("What can CLIP do?"): st.markdown("#### Prompt ranking") st.markdown("Given different prompts and an image CLIP will rank the different prompts based on how well they describe the image") st.markdown("#### Image ranking") st.markdown("Given different images and a prompt CLIP will rank the different images based on how well they fit the description") st.markdown("#### Image classification") st.markdown("Similar to prompt ranking, given a set of classes CLIP can classify an image between them. " "Think of [Hotdog/ Not hotdog]( without any training.") st.markdown(" ") st.markdown(" ") @staticmethod def image_uploader(accept_multiple_files: bool): uploaded_images = st.file_uploader("Upload image", type=[".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"], accept_multiple_files=accept_multiple_files) if (not accept_multiple_files and uploaded_images is not None) or (accept_multiple_files and len(uploaded_images) >= 1): images = [] if not accept_multiple_files: uploaded_images = [uploaded_images] for uploaded_image in uploaded_images: pil_image = pil_image = preprocess_image(pil_image) images.append(pil_image) st.session_state.images = images @staticmethod def image_picker(default_text_input: str): col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: default_image_1 = load_image_from_url("") st.image(default_image_1, use_column_width=True) if st.button("Select image 1"): st.session_state.images = [default_image_1] st.session_state.default_text_input = default_text_input with col2: default_image_2 = load_image_from_url("") st.image(default_image_2, use_column_width=True) if st.button("Select image 2"): st.session_state.images = [default_image_2] st.session_state.default_text_input = default_text_input with col3: default_image_3 = load_image_from_url("") st.image(default_image_3, use_column_width=True) if st.button("Select image 3"): st.session_state.images = [default_image_3] st.session_state.default_text_input = default_text_input @staticmethod def dataset_picker(): columns = st.columns(5) st.session_state.dataset = load_default_dataset() image_idx = 0 for col in columns: col.image(st.session_state.dataset[image_idx]) image_idx += 1 col.image(st.session_state.dataset[image_idx]) image_idx += 1 if st.button("Select random dataset"): st.session_state.images = st.session_state.dataset st.session_state.default_text_input = "A sign that says 'SLOW DOWN'" @staticmethod def prompts_input(input_label: str, prompt_prefix: str = ''): raw_text_input = st.text_input(input_label, value=st.session_state.default_text_input if st.session_state.default_text_input is not None else "") st.session_state.is_default_text_input = raw_text_input == st.session_state.default_text_input if raw_text_input: st.session_state.prompts = [prompt_prefix + class_name for class_name in raw_text_input.split(";") if len(class_name) > 1] @staticmethod def single_image_input_preview(): st.markdown("### Preview") col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2]) with col1: st.markdown("Image to classify") if st.session_state.images is not None: st.image(st.session_state.images[0], use_column_width=True) else: st.warning("Select an image") with col2: st.markdown("Labels to choose from") if st.session_state.prompts is not None: for prompt in st.session_state.prompts: st.markdown(f"* {prompt}") if len(st.session_state.prompts) < 2: st.warning("At least two prompts/classes are needed") else: st.warning("Enter the prompts/classes to classify from") @staticmethod def multiple_images_input_preview(): st.markdown("### Preview") st.markdown("Images to classify") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) if st.session_state.images is not None: for idx, image in enumerate(st.session_state.images): if idx < len(st.session_state.images) / 2: col1.image(st.session_state.images[idx], use_column_width=True) else: col2.image(st.session_state.images[idx], use_column_width=True) if len(st.session_state.images) < 2: col2.warning("At least 2 images required") else: col1.warning("Select an image") with col3: st.markdown("Query prompt") if st.session_state.prompts is not None: for prompt in st.session_state.prompts: st.write(prompt) else: st.warning("Enter the prompt to classify") @staticmethod def classification_output(model: ClipModel): # Possible way of customize this if st.button("Predict") and is_valid_prediction_state(): # PREDICT 🚀 with st.spinner("Predicting..."): st.markdown("### Results") if len(st.session_state.images) == 1: scores = model.compute_prompts_probabilities(st.session_state.images[0], st.session_state.prompts) scored_prompts = [(prompt, score) for prompt, score in zip(st.session_state.prompts, scores)] sorted_scored_prompts = sorted(scored_prompts, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for prompt, probability in sorted_scored_prompts: percentage_prob = int(probability * 100) st.markdown( f"### ![prob]({percentage_prob}/?width=200) {prompt}") elif len(st.session_state.prompts) == 1: st.markdown(f"### {st.session_state.prompts[0]}") scores = model.compute_images_probabilities(st.session_state.images, st.session_state.prompts[0]) st.json(scores) scored_images = [(image, score) for image, score in zip(st.session_state.images, scores)] sorted_scored_images = sorted(scored_images, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for image, probability in sorted_scored_images[:5]: col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 3]) col1.image(image, use_column_width=True) percentage_prob = int(probability * 100) col2.markdown(f"### ![prob]({percentage_prob}/?width=200)") else: raise ValueError("Invalid state") # is_default_image = isinstance(state.images[0], str) # is_default_prediction = is_default_image and state.is_default_text_input # if is_default_prediction: # st.markdown("
:information_source: Try writing your own prompts and using your own pictures!", # unsafe_allow_html=True) # elif is_default_image: # st.markdown("
:information_source: You can also use your own pictures!", # unsafe_allow_html=True) # elif state.is_default_text_input: # st.markdown("
:information_source: Try writing your own prompts!" # " It can be whatever you can think of", # unsafe_allow_html=True) Sections.header() col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2]) col1.markdown(" "); col1.markdown(" ") col1.markdown("#### Task selection") task_name: str = col2.selectbox("", options=["Prompt ranking", "Image ranking", "Image classification"]) st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) init_state() model = load_model() if task_name == "Image classification": Sections.image_uploader(accept_multiple_files=False) if st.session_state.images is None: st.markdown("or choose one from") Sections.image_picker(default_text_input="banana; boat; bird") input_label = "Enter the classes to chose from separated by a semi-colon. (f.x. `banana; boat; honesty; apple`)" Sections.prompts_input(input_label, prompt_prefix='A picture of a ') limit_number_images() Sections.single_image_input_preview() Sections.classification_output(model) elif task_name == "Prompt ranking": Sections.image_uploader(accept_multiple_files=False) if st.session_state.images is None: st.markdown("or choose one from") Sections.image_picker(default_text_input="A calm afternoon in the Mediterranean; " "A beautiful creature;" " Something that grows in tropical regions") input_label = "Enter the prompts to choose from separated by a semi-colon. " \ "(f.x. `An image that inspires; A feeling of loneliness; joyful and young; apple`)" Sections.prompts_input(input_label) limit_number_images() Sections.single_image_input_preview() Sections.classification_output(model) elif task_name == "Image ranking": Sections.image_uploader(accept_multiple_files=True) if st.session_state.images is None or len(st.session_state.images) < 2: st.markdown("or use this random dataset") Sections.dataset_picker() Sections.prompts_input("Enter the prompt to query the images by") limit_number_prompts() Sections.multiple_images_input_preview() Sections.classification_output(model) st.markdown("

Made by [@JavierFnts]( | [How was CLIP Playground built?](" "", unsafe_allow_html=True)