import gradio as gr from load import LoadModel from generate import GenerateMidiText from constants import INSTRUMENT_TRANSFER_CLASSES from decoder import TextDecoder from utils import get_miditok, index_has_substring from playback import get_music from matplotlib import pylab import sys import os import matplotlib from generation_utils import plot_piano_roll matplotlib.use("Agg") sys.modules["pylab"] = pylab model_repo = "JammyMachina/elec-gmusic-familized-model-13-12__17-35-53" n_bar_generated = 8 # model_repo = "JammyMachina/improved_4bars-mdl" # n_bar_generated = 4 model, tokenizer = LoadModel( model_repo, from_huggingface=True, ).load_model_and_tokenizer() miditok = get_miditok() decoder = TextDecoder(miditok) def define_prompt(state, genesis): if len(state) == 0: input_prompt = "PIECE_START " else: input_prompt = genesis.get_whole_piece_from_bar_dict() return input_prompt def generator( label, regenerate, temp, density, instrument, state, piece_by_track, add_bars=False, add_bar_count=1, ): genesis = GenerateMidiText(model, tokenizer, piece_by_track) track = { "label": label, "instrument": instrument, "temperature": temp, "density": density, } inst = next( ( inst for inst in INSTRUMENT_TRANSFER_CLASSES if inst["transfer_to"] == instrument ), {"family_number": "DRUMS"}, )["family_number"] inst_index = -1 # default to last generated if piece_by_track != []: for index, instrum in enumerate(state): if instrum["label"] == track["label"]: inst_index = index # changing if exists # Generate if not add_bars: # Regenerate if regenerate: state.pop(inst_index) genesis.delete_one_track(inst_index) generated_text = ( genesis.get_whole_piece_from_bar_dict() ) # maybe not useful here inst_index = -1 # reset to last generated # NEW TRACK input_prompt = define_prompt(state, genesis) generated_text = genesis.generate_one_new_track( inst, density, temp, input_prompt=input_prompt ) regenerate = True # set generate to true else: # NEW BARS genesis.generate_n_more_bars(add_bar_count) # for all instruments generated_text = genesis.get_whole_piece_from_bar_dict() # save the mix midi and get the mix audio decoder.get_midi(generated_text, "mixed.mid") mixed_inst_midi, mixed_audio = get_music("mixed.mid") # get the instrument text MIDI inst_text = genesis.get_selected_track_as_text(inst_index) # save the instrument midi and get the instrument audio decoder.get_midi(inst_text, f"{instrument}.mid") _, inst_audio = get_music(f"{instrument}.mid") # generate the piano roll piano_roll = plot_piano_roll(mixed_inst_midi) track["text"] = inst_text state.append(track) output_file = "./mixed.mid" return ( inst_text, (44100, inst_audio), piano_roll, state, (44100, mixed_audio), regenerate, genesis.piece_by_track, output_file, ) def generated_text_from_state(state): generated_text_from_state = "PIECE_START " for track in state: generated_text_from_state += track["text"] return generated_text_from_state def instrument_col(default_inst, col_id): inst_label = gr.Variable(col_id) with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=100): track_md = gr.Markdown(f"""## TRACK {col_id+1}""") inst = gr.Dropdown( sorted([inst["transfer_to"] for inst in INSTRUMENT_TRANSFER_CLASSES]) + ["Drums"], value=default_inst, label="Instrument", ) temp = gr.Dropdown( [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1], value=0.7, label="Creativity", ) density = gr.Dropdown([1, 2, 3], value=3, label="Note Density") regenerate = gr.State( value=False ) # initial state should be to generate (not regenerate) # add_bars = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label="Add Bars") # add_bar_count = gr.Dropdown([1, 2, 4, 8], value=1, label="Add Bars") gen_btn = gr.Button("Generate") inst_audio = gr.Audio(label="TRACK Audio", show_label=True) output_txt = gr.Textbox( label="output", lines=10, max_lines=10, show_label=False, visible=False ) fn=generator, inputs=[inst_label, regenerate, temp, density, inst, state, piece_by_track], outputs=[ output_txt, inst_audio, piano_roll, state, mixed_audio, regenerate, piece_by_track, output_file, ], ) with gr.Blocks() as demo: piece_by_track = gr.State([]) state = gr.State([]) title = gr.Markdown( """ # Demo-App of The-Jam-Machine ## A Generative AI trained on text transcription of MIDI music """ ) description = gr.Markdown( """ For each **TRACK**, choose your **instrument** along with **creativity** (temperature) and **note density**. Then, hit the **Generate** Button, and after a few seconds a track should have been generated. Check the **piano roll** and listen to the TRACK! If you don't like the track, hit the generate button to regenerate it. You can then generate more tracks and listen to the **mixed audio**! \n Does it sound nice? Maybe a little robotic and laking some depth... Well, you can download the MIDI file and use it in the DAW of your choice to edit the instruments and add some effects of your choices! """ ) aud_md = gr.Markdown(f""" ## Mixed Audio, Piano Roll and MIDI Download """) with gr.Row(equal_height=True, variant="default"): mixed_audio = gr.Audio(label="Mixed Audio", show_label=False) output_file = gr.File( label="Download", show_label=False, ) with gr.Row(variant="compact"): piano_roll = gr.Plot(label="Piano Roll", show_label=False) with gr.Row(variant="default"): instrument_col("Drums", 0) instrument_col("Synth Bass 1", 1) instrument_col("Synth Lead Square", 2) demo.launch(debug=True, server_name="", share=False) """ TODO: add improvise button TODO: cleanup input output of generator TODO: add a way to add bars """