import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from facility_predict import Preprocess, Facility_Model, obj_Facility_Model, processor def predict_batch_from_csv(input_file, output_file): # Load batch data from CSV batch_data = pd.read_csv(input_file) # Initialize predictions list predictions = [] # Iterate over rows with tqdm for progress tracking for _, row in tqdm(batch_data.iterrows(), total=len(batch_data)): text = row['facility_name'] # Replace 'facility_name' with the actual column name containing the text data if pd.isnull(text): cleaned_text = "" else: cleaned_text = processor.clean_text(text) prepared_data = processor.process_tokenizer(cleaned_text) if cleaned_text == "": prediction = "" # Set prediction as empty string else: prediction = obj_Facility_Model.inference(prepared_data) predictions.append(prediction) # Create DataFrame for predictions output_data = pd.DataFrame({'prediction': predictions}) # Merge with input DataFrame pred_output_df = pd.concat([batch_data.reset_index(drop=True), output_data], axis=1) # Save predictions to CSV pred_output_df.to_csv(output_file, index=False) return "Prediction completed. Results saved to " + output_file # Define the Gradio interface input_csv = gr.inputs.File(label="Input CSV", type="file") output_csv = gr.outputs.File(label="Output CSV") # Define the prediction function for the Gradio interface def predict_interface(input_file): output_file = "./output.csv" predict_batch_from_csv(, output_file) return output_file # Connect the interface with the prediction function iface = gr.Interface(fn=predict_interface, inputs=input_csv, outputs=output_csv, title="CSV Batch Prediction") # Run the interface iface.launch()