from annotated_text import annotated_text import streamlit as st import openai import os # OpenAI API 설정 (환경 변수에서 읽어옴) openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") # 실제 코드에서 주석 해제 def main(): st.title("Keyword Highlighter") user_text = st.text_area("Please enter your text here:", "") if st.button("Find Keywords"): # # few-shot learning을 이용한 task_description # task_description = """You are a useful helper that generates annotated text for Python's st-annotated-text library. Your job is to identify the topic of the fingerprint and highlight the key words needed to convey meaning. The output should be formatted in the following way: # annotated_text( # "This ", # ("is", ""), # " some ", # ("annotated", ""), # ("text", ""), # " for those of ", # ("you", ""), # " who ", # ("like", ""), # " this sort of ", # ("thing", ""), # ". " # )""" # task_description = """ You are a useful helper that generates annotated text for Python's st-annotated-text library. Your task is to identify the topic of the passage and highlight the key words needed to convey the meaning. You should be able to identify the main points. Also, please mark keywords based on the different paragraphs and headings provided in the text. The output should be formatted in the following way: # annotated_text( # "This ", # ("is", ""), # " some ", # ("annotated", ""), # ("text", ""), # " for those of ", # ("you", ""), # " who ", # ("like", ""), # " this sort of ", # ("thing", ""), # ". " # )""" # 한국어 프롬프트 task_description ="""You are a useful helper that generates annotated text for Python's st-annotated-text library. Your task is to identify the topic of the passage and highlight the key words needed to convey the meaning. You should be able to identify the main points. Also, please mark keywords based on the different paragraphs and headings provided in the text. The output should be formatted in the following way: annotated_text( "This ", ("is", ""), " some ", ("annotated", ""), ("text", ""), " for those of ", ("you", ""), " who ", ("like", ""), " this sort of ", ("thing", ""), ". " )""" # user_prompt = f"Now, please annotate this text: {user_text}" # #출력 괜찮게 나옴1 # task_description = """You are a helpful assistant that generates annotated text for the st-annotated-text library in Python. Your task is to highlight the key terms that are central to the overall topic or theme of the sentence. Your output should be formatted in the following way: # annotated_text( # "This ", # ("is", ""), # " some ", # ("annotated", ""), # ("text", ""), # " for those of ", # ("you", ""), # " who ", # ("like", ""), # " this sort of ", # ("thing", ""), # ". " # )""" # user_prompt = f"Based on the task description, annotate the following text by highlighting key words about the topic: {user_text}" user_prompt = f"First, extract key words for the topic st-annotated-text format.: {user_text}" messages = [{"role": "system", "content": task_description}, {"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}] response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", messages=messages, temperature=0, max_tokens=2500, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0 ) highlighted_text = response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] # 여기서는 간단하게 exec 함수를 이용해 GPT-3.5-turbo가 생성한 코드를 실행합니다. # 실제 프로덕션 환경에서는 보안 이슈를 고려해야 합니다. exec(highlighted_text) if __name__ == "__main__": main()