import time import json from preprocessing import FileIO from typing import List, Optional import tiktoken from loguru import logger from prompt_templates import context_block, question_answering_prompt_series import streamlit as st @st.cache_data def load_content_cache(data_path: str): data = FileIO().load_parquet(data_path) content_data = {d['doc_id']: d['content'] for d in data} return content_data @st.cache_data def load_data(data_path: str): with open(data_path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return data def convert_seconds(seconds: int): """ Converts seconds to a string of format Hours:Minutes:Seconds """ return time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(seconds)) def expand_content(ranked_results: List[dict], content_cache: Optional[dict] = None, content_key: str = 'doc_id', create_new_list: bool = False ) -> List[dict]: ''' Updates or creates a list of ranked results with content from a cache. This function iterates over a list of dictionaries representing ranked results. If a cache is provided, it adds or updates the 'content' key in each dictionary with the corresponding content from the cache based on the content_key. Args: - ranked_results (List[dict]): A list of dictionaries, each representing a ranked result. - content_cache (Optional[dict]): A dictionary that maps content_key to content. If None, the content of ranked results will not be updated. - content_key (str): The key used in both the ranked results and content cache to match the ranked results with their corresponding content in the cache. - create_new_list (bool): If True, a new list of dictionaries will be created and returned with the content updated. If False, the ranked_results will be updated in place. Returns: - List[dict]: A new list with updated content if create_new_list is True; otherwise, the original ranked_results list with updated content. Note: - If create_new_list is False, the function will mutate the original ranked_results list. - The function only updates content if the content_key exists in both the ranked result and the content cache. Example: ``` ranked_results = [{'doc_id': '123', 'title': 'Title 1'}, {'doc_id': '456', 'title': 'Title 2'}] content_cache = {'123': 'Content for 123', '456': 'Content for 456'} updated_results = expand_content(ranked_results, content_cache, create_new_list=True) # updated_results is now [{'doc_id': '123', 'title': 'Title 1', 'content': 'Content for 123'}, # {'doc_id': '456', 'title': 'Title 2', 'content': 'Content for 456'}] ``` ''' if create_new_list: expanded_response = [{k:v for k, v in resp.items()} for resp in ranked_results] if content_cache is not None: for resp in expanded_response: if resp[content_key] in content_cache: resp['content'] = content_cache[resp[content_key]] return expanded_response else: for resp in ranked_results: if content_cache and resp[content_key] in content_cache: resp['content'] = content_cache[resp[content_key]] return ranked_results def generate_prompt_series(query: str, results: List[dict]) -> str: """ Generates a prompt for the OpenAI API by joining the context blocks of the top results. Provides context to the LLM by supplying the summary, guest, and retrieved content of each result. You MUST make it easily readable, i.e. add newlines and indentation to create well-separated paragraphs. Args: ----- query : str User query results : List[dict] List of results from the Weaviate client """ context_series = '\n'.join([context_block.format(summary=res['summary'], guest=res['guest'], \ transcript=res['content']) for res in results]).strip() prompt = question_answering_prompt_series.format(question=query, series=context_series) return prompt def validate_token_threshold(ranked_results: List[dict], base_prompt: str, query: str, tokenizer: tiktoken.Encoding, token_threshold: int, verbose: bool = False ) -> List[dict]: """ Validates that prompt is below the set token threshold by adding lengths of: 1. Base prompt 2. User query 3. Context material If threshold is exceeded, context results are reduced incrementally until the combined prompt tokens are below the threshold. This function does not take into account every token passed to the LLM, but it is a good approximation. """ overhead_len = len(tokenizer.encode(base_prompt.format(question=query, series=''))) context_len = _get_batch_length(ranked_results, tokenizer) token_count = overhead_len + context_len if token_count > token_threshold: print('Token count exceeds token count threshold, reducing size of returned results below token threshold') while token_count > token_threshold and len(ranked_results) > 1: num_results = len(ranked_results) # remove the last ranked (most irrelevant) result ranked_results = ranked_results[:num_results-1] # recalculate new token_count token_count = overhead_len + _get_batch_length(ranked_results, tokenizer) if verbose:'Total Final Token Count: {token_count}') return ranked_results def _get_batch_length(ranked_results: List[dict], tokenizer: tiktoken.Encoding) -> int: ''' Convenience function to get the length in tokens of a batch of results ''' contexts = tokenizer.encode_batch([r['content'] for r in ranked_results]) context_len = sum(list(map(len, contexts))) return context_len def search_result(i: int, url: str, title: str, content: str, guest: str, length: str, space: str='   ' ) -> str: ''' HTML to display search results. Args: ----- i: int index of search result url: str url of YouTube video title: str title of episode content: str content chunk of episode ''' return f"""
{i + 1}.{title}

Episode Length: {length} {space}{space} Guest: {guest}
