function addToPlaylist() { // Get information about the song const songTitle = document.querySelector('.title').innerText; const artist = 'Singer Name'; // You can replace this with the actual artist name const audioSource = document.querySelector('#audio source').getAttribute('src'); // Create elements for the new song in the playlist const playlist = document.querySelector('.playlist'); const newSongDiv = document.createElement('div'); newSongDiv.classList.add('song1'); const newSongTitle = document.createElement('h3'); newSongTitle.textContent = songTitle; const newArtist = document.createElement('p'); newArtist.textContent = `Artist: ${artist}`; const newAudio = document.createElement('audio'); newAudio.setAttribute('controls', ''); const audioSourceElem = document.createElement('source'); audioSourceElem.setAttribute('src', audioSource); audioSourceElem.setAttribute('type', 'audio/mpeg'); newAudio.appendChild(audioSourceElem); newSongDiv.appendChild(newSongTitle); newSongDiv.appendChild(newArtist); newSongDiv.appendChild(newAudio); // Add the new song to the playlist playlist.appendChild(newSongDiv); } function validateSignup() { var username = document.forms["signupForm"]["username"].value; var password = document.forms["signupForm"]["password"].value; var email = document.forms["signupForm"]["email"].value; if (username === "" || password === "" || email === "") { alert("Please enter all the required fields"); return false; } var existingUsernames = ['user1', 'user2', 'user3']; if (existingUsernames.includes(username)) { alert("Username already exists. Please choose a different username"); return false; } var existingEmails = ['', '', '']; if (existingEmails.includes(email)) { alert("Email already exists. Please enter a different email address"); return false; } // If all validations pass, you can proceed with submitting the form return true; } function validateLogin() { var username = document.forms["loginForm"]["username"].value; var password = document.forms["loginForm"]["password"].value; if (username === "" || password === "") { alert("Please enter both username and password"); return false; } // Your login validation logic goes here // For example: if (username !== "admin" || password !== "password") { alert("Incorrect username or password"); return false; } return true; } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { const searchBar = document.getElementById('searchBar'); const movieContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.movie'); searchBar.addEventListener('input', function () { const searchText = searchBar.value.toLowerCase().trim(); movieContainers.forEach(function (container) { const title = container.querySelector('.title').textContent.toLowerCase(); const description = container.querySelector('.description').textContent.toLowerCase(); if (title.includes(searchText) || description.includes(searchText)) { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; } }); }); movieContainers.forEach(function (container) { container.addEventListener('click', function () { const audio = this.querySelector('audio'); movieContainers.forEach(function (otherContainer) { const otherAudio = otherContainer.querySelector('audio'); if (otherAudio !== audio && !otherAudio.paused) { otherAudio.pause(); otherAudio.classList.add('d-none'); } }); if (audio.paused) {; } else { audio.pause(); } audio.classList.toggle('d-none'); }); }); });