import jwt import yaml import bcrypt import streamlit as st from datetime import datetime, timedelta import extra_streamlit_components as stx class Hasher: def __init__(self, passwords): """Create a new instance of "Hasher". Parameters ---------- passwords: list The list of plain text passwords to be hashed. Returns ------- list The list of hashed passwords. """ self.passwords = passwords def hash(self, password): """ Parameters ---------- password: str The plain text password to be hashed. Returns ------- str The hashed password. """ return bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode() def generate(self): """ Returns ------- list The list of hashed passwords. """ hashedpw = [] for password in self.passwords: hashedpw.append(self.hash(password)) return hashedpw class Authenticate: def __init__(self, names, usernames, passwords, cookie_name, key, cookie_expiry_days=30): """Create a new instance of "Authenticate". Parameters ---------- names: list The list of names of users. usernames: list The list of usernames in the same order as names. passwords: list The list of hashed passwords in the same order as names. cookie_name: str The name of the JWT cookie stored on the client's browser for passwordless reauthentication. key: str The key to be used for hashing the signature of the JWT cookie. cookie_expiry_days: int The number of days before the cookie expires on the client's browser. Returns ------- str Name of authenticated user. boolean The status of authentication, None: no credentials entered, False: incorrect credentials, True: correct credentials. str Username of authenticated user. """ self.names = names self.usernames = usernames self.passwords = passwords self.cookie_name = cookie_name self.key = key self.cookie_expiry_days = cookie_expiry_days self.cookie_manager = stx.CookieManager() if 'name' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['name'] = None if 'authentication_status' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['authentication_status'] = None if 'username' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['username'] = None if 'logout' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['logout'] = None def token_encode(self): """ Returns ------- str The JWT cookie for passwordless reauthentication. """ return jwt.encode({'name':st.session_state['name'], 'username':st.session_state['username'], 'exp_date':self.exp_date}, self.key, algorithm='HS256') def token_decode(self): """ Returns ------- str The decoded JWT cookie for passwordless reauthentication. """ try: return jwt.decode(self.token, self.key, algorithms=['HS256']) except: return False def exp_date(self): """ Returns ------- str The JWT cookie's expiry timestamp in Unix epoch. """ return (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=self.cookie_expiry_days)).timestamp() def check_pw(self): """ Returns ------- boolean The validation state for the input password by comparing it to the hashed password on disk. """ return bcrypt.checkpw(self.password.encode(), self.passwords[self.index].encode()) def login(self, form_name, location='main'): """Create a new instance of "authenticate". Parameters ---------- form_name: str The rendered name of the login form. location: str The location of the login form i.e. main or sidebar. Returns ------- str Name of authenticated user. boolean The status of authentication, None: no credentials entered, False: incorrect credentials, True: correct credentials. str Username of authenticated user. """ if location not in ['main', 'sidebar']: raise ValueError("Location must be one of 'main' or 'sidebar'") if not st.session_state['authentication_status']: self.token = self.cookie_manager.get(self.cookie_name) if self.token is not None: self.token = self.token_decode() if self.token is not False: if not st.session_state['logout']: if self.token['exp_date'] > datetime.utcnow().timestamp(): st.session_state['name'] = self.token['name'] st.session_state['authentication_status'] = True st.session_state['username'] = self.token['username'] if st.session_state['authentication_status'] != True: if location == 'main': login_form = st.form('Login') elif location == 'sidebar': login_form = st.sidebar.form('Login') login_form.subheader(form_name) self.username = login_form.text_input('Username') st.session_state['username'] = self.username self.password = login_form.text_input('Password', type='password') if login_form.form_submit_button('Login'): self.index = None for i in range(0, len(self.usernames)): if self.usernames[i] == self.username: self.index = i if self.index is not None: try: if self.check_pw(): st.session_state['name'] = self.names[self.index] self.exp_date = self.exp_date() self.token = self.token_encode() self.cookie_manager.set(self.cookie_name, self.token, + timedelta(days=self.cookie_expiry_days)) st.session_state['authentication_status'] = True else: st.session_state['authentication_status'] = False except Exception as e: print(e) else: st.session_state['authentication_status'] = False return st.session_state['name'], st.session_state['authentication_status'], st.session_state['username'] def logout(self, button_name, location='main'): """Creates a logout button. Parameters ---------- button_name: str The rendered name of the logout button. location: str The location of the logout button i.e. main or sidebar. """ if location not in ['main', 'sidebar']: raise ValueError("Location must be one of 'main' or 'sidebar'") if location == 'main': if st.button(button_name): self.cookie_manager.delete(self.cookie_name) st.session_state['logout'] = True st.session_state['name'] = None st.session_state['username'] = None st.session_state['authentication_status'] = None elif location == 'sidebar': if st.sidebar.button(button_name): self.cookie_manager.delete(self.cookie_name) st.session_state['logout'] = True st.session_state['name'] = None st.session_state['username'] = None st.session_state['authentication_status'] = None