import streamlit as st import os.path import sqlite3 import random import datetime # Custom imports from pages.utils import * def app(): '''delete form_upload to run quiz maker on return to page''' if "form_upload" in st.session_state.keys(): del st.session_state.form_upload DATABASE = db_path('quiz_maker.db') def form_callback(questions): st.session_state.form_submit = True num_correct = 0 session_id = random_session_id() student_id = 'UKWN' uct_iso = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() insert_tups = [] st.title("Feedback") for idx, items in enumerate(questions): answer = st.session_state[idx] correct_str = 'incorrect' correct_int = 0 if check_answer(items[1], answer): correct_str = 'correct' correct_int = 1 num_correct += 1 st.success(f"Question {idx + 1}") else: st.error(f"Question {idx + 1}") st.write(f"{items[3]}") st.write(f"Answer: {items[1]}") st.write(f"Your answer: {answer}") st.write(f"You are {correct_str}.") insert_tup = (student_id, session_id, uct_iso, items[1], items[2], answer, correct_int ) insert_tups.append(insert_tup) c, conn = db_connect(DATABASE) c.executemany("INSERT INTO responses VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", insert_tups) conn.commit() conn.close() score_val = 100 * num_correct / len(questions) st.metric(label="Final Score", value=f"{score_val}%") if "form_submit" not in st.session_state: c, conn = db_connect(DATABASE) st.markdown("# Sentence Completion") st.text_input('Comma seperated tags. (Maximum 3)', key='tags') st.selectbox('How many question do you want?', [5,10,15,20], key='num_q') tag_string = st.session_state.tags num_q = st.session_state.num_q clean_tags = clean_string(tag_string) terms = split_string(clean_tags) subquery = make_subquery(terms) query = make_query(subquery, limit = num_q) if tag_string: questions = [] word_bank = [] for idx, item in enumerate(c.execute(query)): word = item[0] word_bank.append(word) sentence = item[2] questions.append((idx, word, sentence, add_blanks(word, sentence))) conn.close() if len(questions) == 0: st.warning("There are no tags that matched that query.") elif len(questions) < num_q: st.warning(f"There are only {len(questions)} with that tag.") else: st.markdown(f"## QUIZ: {' '.join(terms)}") st.markdown("### Word Bank") random.shuffle(word_bank) st.table(chunker(word_bank, 5)) st.markdown("### Questions") st.write("Complete the sentences with the words from the word bank.") with st.form("sentence_completion"): for q in questions: st.text_input(f'{q[0] + 1}. {q[3]}', key=q[0], placeholder="Type answer here") st.form_submit_button(label="Submit", on_click=form_callback, args=(questions,))