# FastSpeech 2 - PyTorch Implementation --- title: Emotion Aware TTS emoji: 🌖 colorFrom: yellow colorTo: gray sdk: gradio sdk_version: 3.28.1 app_file: app.py pinned: false license: mit --- This is a PyTorch implementation of Microsoft's text-to-speech system [**FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech**](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04558v1). This project is based on [xcmyz's implementation](https://github.com/xcmyz/FastSpeech) of FastSpeech. Feel free to use/modify the code. There are several versions of FastSpeech 2. This implementation is more similar to [version 1](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04558v1), which uses F0 values as the pitch features. On the other hand, pitch spectrograms extracted by continuous wavelet transform are used as the pitch features in the [later versions](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04558). ![](./img/model.png) ## Dependencies You can install the Python dependencies with ``` pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Inference You have to download the [pretrained model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_7L2Sxi7m47mfgL-u0l_qEWpqPbTLF1X/view?usp=sharing) and put it in `output/ckpt/EmoV_DB/`. For English multi-speaker Emotional Aware TTS with RoBERTa embeddings,set multi_emotion to True in model.yaml and run ``` !python3 synthesize.py --text "Example text" --bert_embed 1 --speaker_id SPEAKER_ID --restore_step 900000 --mode single -p config/EmoV_DB/preprocess.yaml -m config/EmoV_DB/model.yaml -t config/EmoV_DB/train.yaml ``` For English multi-speaker Emotional Aware TTS with multi-emotions, set multi_emotion to True in model.yaml and run ``` !python3 synthesize.py --text "Example text" --emotion_id EMOTION_ID --speaker_id SPEAKER_ID --restore_step 900000 --mode single -p config/EmoV_DB/preprocess.yaml -m config/EmoV_DB/model.yaml -t config/EmoV_DB/train.yaml ``` The generated utterances will be put in `output/result/`. ## Controllability The pitch/volume/speaking rate of the synthesized utterances can be controlled by specifying the desired pitch/energy/duration ratios. For example, one can increase the speaking rate by 20 % and decrease the volume by 20 % by ``` !python3 synthesize.py --text "Example text" --emotion_id EMOTION_ID --speaker_id SPEAKER_ID --restore_step 900000 --mode single -p config/EmoV_DB/preprocess.yaml -m config/EmoV_DB/model.yaml -t config/EmoV_DB/train.yaml --duration_control 0.8 --energy_control 0.8 ``` # Training ## Datasets The supported datasets are - [EmoV_DB](https://github.com/numediart/EmoV-DB): a multi-speaker Emotional Voices English dataset consists of four speakers, two females and two males. The emotions expressed in the recordings are amusement, anger, sleepiness, and disgust. ## Preprocessing and Training Follow the steps in [Instructions](FS2_setup_EmoV.ipynb) # Implementation Issues - Following [xcmyz's implementation](https://github.com/xcmyz/FastSpeech), I use an additional Tacotron-2-styled Post-Net after the decoder, which is not used in the original FastSpeech 2. - Gradient clipping is used in the training. - In my experience, using phoneme-level pitch and energy prediction instead of frame-level prediction results in much better prosody, and normalizing the pitch and energy features also helps. Please refer to `config/README.md` for more details. Please inform me if you find any mistakes in this repo, or any useful tips to train the FastSpeech 2 model. # References - [FastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.04558), Y. Ren, _et al_. - [Text aware Emotional Text-to-speech with BERT](https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/pdfs/interspeech_2022/mukherjee22_interspeech.pdf) - [xcmyz's FastSpeech implementation](https://github.com/xcmyz/FastSpeech) - [TensorSpeech's FastSpeech 2 implementation](https://github.com/TensorSpeech/TensorflowTTS) - [rishikksh20's FastSpeech 2 implementation](https://github.com/rishikksh20/FastSpeech2) # Citation ``` @INPROCEEDINGS{chien2021investigating, author={Chien, Chung-Ming and Lin, Jheng-Hao and Huang, Chien-yu and Hsu, Po-chun and Lee, Hung-yi}, booktitle={ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, title={Investigating on Incorporating Pretrained and Learnable Speaker Representations for Multi-Speaker Multi-Style Text-to-Speech}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={8588-8592}, doi={10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9413880}} ```