from stocks import * from functions import * from datetime import datetime import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title("Tech Stocks Trading Assistant") left_column, right_column = st.columns(2) with left_column: all_tickers = { "Apple":"AAPL", "Microsoft":"MSFT", "Nvidia":"NVDA", "Paypal":"PYPL", "Amazon":"AMZN", "Spotify":"SPOT", #"Twitter":"TWTR", "adanipower":"IN:533096", "Uber":"UBER", "Google":"GOOG" } st.subheader("Technical Analysis Methods") option_name = st.selectbox('Choose a stock:', all_tickers.keys()) option_ticker = all_tickers[option_name] execution_timestamp = 'You selected: ', option_name, "(",option_ticker,")" 'Last execution:', execution_timestamp s = Stock_Data() t = s.Ticker(tick=option_ticker) m = Models() with st.spinner('Loading stock data...'): technical_analysis_methods_outputs = { 'Technical Analysis Method': [ 'Bollinger Bands (20 days & 2 stand. deviations)', 'Bollinger Bands (10 days & 1.5 stand. deviations)', 'Bollinger Bands (50 days & 3 stand. deviations)', 'Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)' ], 'Outlook': [ m.bollinger_bands_20d_2std(t), m.bollinger_bands_10d_1point5std(t), m.bollinger_bands_50d_3std(t), m.MACD(t) ], 'Timeframe of Method': [ "Medium-term", "Short-term", "Long-term", "Short-term" ] } df = pd.DataFrame(technical_analysis_methods_outputs) def color_survived(val): color = "" if (val=="Sell" or val=="Downtrend and sell signal" or val=="Downtrend and no signal"): color="#EE3B3B" elif (val=="Buy" or val=="Uptrend and buy signal" or val=="Uptrend and no signal"): color="#3D9140" else: color="#CD950C" return f'background-color: {color}' st.table(df.sort_values(['Timeframe of Method'], ascending=False). reset_index(drop=True).style.applymap(color_survived, subset=['Outlook'])) with right_column: st.subheader("FinBERT-based Sentiment Analysis") with st.spinner("Connecting with"): st.plotly_chart(m.finbert_headlines_sentiment(t)["fig"]) "Current sentiment:", m.finbert_headlines_sentiment(t)["current_sentiment"], "%" st.subheader("LSTM-based 7-day stock price prediction model") with st.spinner("Compiling LSTM model.."): st.plotly_chart(m.LSTM_7_days_price_predictor(t))