import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline qa_pipeline = pipeline(task="question-answering",model="Intel/bert-base-uncased-squadv1.1-sparse-80-1x4-block-pruneofa") def greet(name): return "Hello " + name + "!!" def predict(context,question): ''' Sample prediction should return a dictionary of the form: {'score': 0.9376363158226013, 'start': 10, 'end': 15, 'answer': 'seven'} Score is the probability confidence score Start is the starting character where it found the answer End is the ending character where it found the answer Answer is the part of the text it drew its answer from. ''' predictions = qa_pipeline(context=context,question=question) print(f'predictions={predictions}') score = predictions['score'] answer = predictions['answer'] start = predictions['start'] end = predictions['end'] return score,answer,start md = """ Author of Hugging Face Space: Benjamin Consolvo, AI Solutions Engineer Manager at Intel \n Date last updated: 01/05/2023 [b]Introduction[\b]: If you came looking for chatGPT, sorry to disappoint, but this is different. This prediction model is designed to answer a question about a text. It is designed to do reading comprehension. The model does not just answer questions in general -- it only works from the text that you provide. However, accomplishing accurate reading comprehension can be a very valuable task, especially if you are attempting to get quick answers from a large (and maybe boring!) document. The model is based on the Zafrir et al. (2021) paper: [Prune Once for All: Sparse Pre-Trained Language Models]( The training dataset used is the English Wikipedia dataset (2500M words), followed by the SQuADv1.1 dataset containing 89K training examples by Rajpurkar et al. (2016): [100, 000+ questions for machine comprehension of text]( """ # predict() context=gr.Text(lines=10,label="Context") question=gr.Text(label="Question") score=gr.Text(label="Score") start=gr.Text(label="Answer found at character") answer=gr.Text(label="Answer") iface = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[context,question], outputs=[score,start,answer], examples=[], title = "Question & Answer with Sparse BERT using the SQuAD dataset", description = md ) iface.launch()