from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed from tests.candidate import complete_interview from tests.grader import grade import random import logging from typing import List, Dict, Any, Tuple # Constants INTERVIEW_TYPES = ["ml_design", "math", "ml_theory", "system_design", "sql", "coding"] EDGE_CASE_MODES = ["empty", "gibberish", "repeat"] MIN_AVERAGE_SCORE = 0.7 MIN_INTERVIEW_SCORE = 0.2 MAX_WORKERS = 5 def complete_and_grade_interview(interview_type: str, mode: str = "normal") -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Complete an interview and return the overall score and metadata. Args: interview_type (str): Type of the interview. mode (str): Mode of the interview ("normal", "empty", "gibberish", "repeat"). Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary containing interview metadata and score. Raises: AssertionError: If the overall score is below the minimum score. """ file_path, _ = complete_interview(interview_type, "test", model="gpt-4o-mini", mode=mode) feedback = grade(file_path, model="gpt-4o") score = feedback["overall_score"] assert ( score > MIN_INTERVIEW_SCORE ), f"Score {score} is below minimum {MIN_INTERVIEW_SCORE} for {interview_type} interview in {mode} mode" return {"interview_type": interview_type, "mode": mode, "score": score} def test_simulate_interview() -> None: """ Test the complete interview process for various interview types, including edge cases. Runs interviews concurrently using a thread pool and checks the average score. """ interview_configs: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [(it, "normal") for it in INTERVIEW_TYPES] + [ (random.choice(INTERVIEW_TYPES), mode) for mode in EDGE_CASE_MODES ] valid_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS) as executor: future_to_config = { executor.submit(complete_and_grade_interview, interview_type, mode): (interview_type, mode) for interview_type, mode in interview_configs } for future in as_completed(future_to_config): interview_type, mode = future_to_config[future] try: result = future.result() valid_results.append(result)"Interview completed - Type: {result['interview_type']}, Mode: {result['mode']}, Score: {result['score']}") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Interview failed - Type: {interview_type}, Mode: {mode}, Error: {str(e)}") # Calculate and log average score average_score = sum(result["score"] for result in valid_results) / len(valid_results)"Average score across all interviews: {average_score:.2f}") # Assert on the average score assert average_score > MIN_AVERAGE_SCORE, f"Average score {average_score:.2f} is below minimum {MIN_AVERAGE_SCORE}" # Log summary of results for interview_type in INTERVIEW_TYPES: type_scores = [r["score"] for r in valid_results if r["interview_type"] == interview_type] if type_scores: avg_type_score = sum(type_scores) / len(type_scores)"Average score for {interview_type}: {avg_type_score:.2f}") # Check that we have results for all interview types and edge cases tested_types = {r["interview_type"] for r in valid_results} tested_modes = {r["mode"] for r in valid_results} assert tested_types == set(INTERVIEW_TYPES), f"Not all interview types were tested. Missing: {set(INTERVIEW_TYPES) - tested_types}" assert tested_modes == set( EDGE_CASE_MODES + ["normal"] ), f"Not all modes were tested. Missing: {set(EDGE_CASE_MODES + ['normal']) - tested_modes}"