# X_URL - the URL for the model endpoint, can be None if using OpenAI API # X_TYPE - the type of the model, can be "OPENAI_API" or "HF_API" # there should be an environment variable with the f"{}_KEY" name and the key as the value to authenticate the API # X_NAME - the name of the model, used only for OpenAI API LLM_URL = None LLM_TYPE = "OPENAI_API" LLM_NAME = "gpt-3.5-turbo" # "gpt-3.5-turbo" - ~3 seconds delay with decent quality # "gpt-4-turbo","gpt-4", etc. 10+ seconds delay but higher quality # For HuggingFace models, the Messages API is used, it if compatible with Open AI API # Don't forget to add "/v1" to the end of the URL for HuggingFace LLM models # https://huggingface.co/docs/text-generation-inference/en/messages_api STT_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/openai/whisper-tiny.en" STT_TYPE = "HF_API" STT_NAME = "whisper-1" # "whisper-1" is the only OpenAI STT model available for OpenAI API # The whisper family with more models is available on HuggingFace: # https://huggingface.co/collections/openai/whisper-release-6501bba2cf999715fd953013 # you can also use any other compatible model from HuggingFace TTS_URL = None TTS_TYPE = "OPENAI_API" TTS_NAME = "tts-1" # OpenAI "tts-1" - very good quality and close to real-time response # OpenAI "tts-1-hd" - slightly better quality with slightly longer response time (no obvious benefits in this case) # I think OS models on HuggingFace have much more artificial voices, but you can try them out