import gradio as gr from llm import end_interview, get_problem, send_request languages_list = ["python", "javascript", "html", "css", "typescript", "dockerfile", "shell", "r", "sql"] # limited by gradio for now topics_list = ["Arrays", "Strings", "Linked Lists"] models = ["gpt-3.5-turbo"] with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("Your coding interview practice AI assistant!") with gr.Tab("Coding"): chat_history = gr.State([]) previous_code = gr.State("") client = gr.State(None) with gr.Accordion("Settings") as init_acc: with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("Difficulty") difficulty_select = gr.Dropdown( label="Select difficulty", choices=["Easy", "Medium", "Hard"], value="Medium", container=False ) gr.Markdown("Topic") topic_select = gr.Dropdown( label="Select topic", choices=topics_list, value="Arrays", container=False, allow_custom_value=True ) gr.Markdown("Select LLM model to use") model_select = gr.Dropdown(label="Select model", choices=models, value="gpt-3.5-turbo", container=False) with gr.Column(): requirements = gr.Textbox( label="Requirements", placeholder="Specify requirements: topic, difficulty, language, etc.", lines=5 ) start_btn = gr.Button("Start") # TODO: select LLM model with gr.Accordion("Solution", open=True) as solution_acc: description = gr.Markdown() with gr.Row() as content: with gr.Column(scale=2): language_select = gr.Dropdown( label="Select language", choices=languages_list, value="python", container=False, interactive=True ) code = gr.Code(label="Solution", language=language_select.value, lines=20) message = gr.Textbox(label="Message", lines=1) with gr.Column(scale=1): chat = gr.Chatbot(label="Chat history") end_btn = gr.Button("Finish the interview") with gr.Accordion("Feedback", open=True) as feedback_acc: feedback = gr.Markdown() fn=get_problem, inputs=[requirements, difficulty_select, topic_select, model_select], outputs=[description, chat_history], scroll_to_output=True, ) message.submit( fn=send_request, inputs=[code, previous_code, message, chat_history, chat, model_select], outputs=[chat_history, chat, message, previous_code], ), inputs=[chat_history, model_select], outputs=feedback) demo.launch()